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github.com/NormandErwan/Blogpaper.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-02-04:bug: fix #12 .wide-width imgs fit small displaysHEADv1.0.4mainErwan Normand
2020-12-20:fire: Remove instagram shortcode in example sitev1.0.3Erwan Normand
2020-12-20:truck: Rename {master => main} branchErwan Normand
2020-12-15Merge pull request #11 from 0xflotus/patch-1Erwan Normand
2020-12-15fix: small error0xflotus
2020-08-09:sparkles: List posts in terms.html #9v1.0.2Erwan Normand
2020-08-09:sparkles: Add terms.html #9Erwan Normand
2020-08-09:art: Add missing space in taxonomies.htmlErwan Normand
2020-01-15:bug: Use markdownify instead of .RenderStringv1.0.1Erwan Normand
2020-01-09:pencil: Improve previews images caption on README.mdErwan Normand
2020-01-06:pencil: Update images/v1.0.0Erwan Normand
2020-01-06:lipstick: Set li's margin to 0 on post footnotesErwan Normand
2020-01-05:lipstick: Style tables, fix #5Erwan Normand
2020-01-05:pencil: Add a link to the hugo tutorial on install on README.mdErwan Normand
2020-01-05:lipstick: Set figcation closer to imgErwan Normand
2020-01-05:bento: Replace first image of style-guide postErwan Normand
2020-01-05:sparkles: Add wide width imagesErwan Normand
2020-01-05:pencil: Document subtitle on README.md, fix #3Erwan Normand
2020-01-05:sparkles: Add subtitle on archetypes #3Erwan Normand
2020-01-05:bento: Add subtitle on pages #3Erwan Normand
2020-01-05:sparkles: Display subtitle bellow page's title #3Erwan Normand
2020-01-05:bug: Fix archetypesErwan Normand
2020-01-05:lipstick: Improve margins between title, subtitle and summaryErwan Normand
2020-01-05:art: Rename .header__summary => .summary__contentErwan Normand
2020-01-05:pencil: Typo in README.mdErwan Normand
2020-01-05:pencil: Move banner example on README.mdErwan Normand
2020-01-05Amend 4abaad ":lipstick: Wrap <pre> text"Erwan Normand
2020-01-05:lipstick: Set better summary to style-guide postErwan Normand
2020-01-05:lipstick: Wrap <pre> textErwan Normand
2020-01-05:lipstick: Improve <pre> styleErwan Normand
2020-01-05:sparkles: Add a complete style guide postErwan Normand
2020-01-05:see_no_evil: Ignore .vscodeErwan Normand
2020-01-04:recycle: Simplify CSS processing on head.htmlErwan Normand
2020-01-04:bug: Generate exampleSite/resources with baseURL set to 'https://example.com'Erwan Normand
2020-01-04Revert ":reycle: Switch from SCSS to CSS"Erwan Normand
2020-01-04:bug: Fix .page_href closing link on banner-figure.htmlErwan Normand
2020-01-04:reycle: Switch from SCSS to CSSErwan Normand
2020-01-04:bug: Add citation of normalize.css on README.mdErwan Normand
2020-01-04:bug: Don't include twice normalize.cssErwan Normand
2020-01-03:art: Simplify nested elements on blogpaper.scssErwan Normand
2020-01-03:sparkles: Header banner on summary.html link to the page, fix #2Erwan Normand
2020-01-03:recycle: Pass a dict to banner.html #2Erwan Normand
2020-01-03:bug: Set .Page.Name to banner's alt, fix #1Erwan Normand
2020-01-03:see_no_evil: Ignore bin folderErwan Normand
2020-01-03:recycle: Simplify SCSS parsing on head.htmlErwan Normand
2020-01-03:bug: Commit SCSS resources for non extended version of HugoErwan Normand
2020-01-02:pencil: Add example site links on README.mdErwan Normand
2020-01-02:bug: Fix baseURL on config.ymlErwan Normand
2020-01-02:pencil: Use verbs on titles on README.mdErwan Normand
2020-01-02:bug: Fix gh-pages jobErwan Normand