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+ONLYOFFICE Community Server uses code from the following 3rd party projects.
+agsXMPP - XMPP client
+License: GPL-2.0 License
+License File: agsXMPP.license
+AjaxMin - The Microsoft Ajax Minifier enables you to improve the performance of your web applications by reducing the size of your Cascading Style Sheet and JavaScript files.
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: AjaxMin.license
+AjaxPro - Ajax.NET Professional (AjaxPro) is one of the first AJAX frameworks available for Microsoft ASP.NET and is working with .NET 1.1 and 2.0. (http://www.ajaxpro.info/)
+License: AS-IS
+License File: AjaxPro.2.license
+AntiXssLibrary - AntiXSS is an encoding library which uses a safe list approach to encoding. It provides Html, XML, Url, Form, LDAP, CSS, JScript and VBScript encoding methods to allow you to avoid Cross Site Scripting attacks. This library is part of the Microsoft SDL tools.
+License: Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
+License File: AntiXssLibrary.license
+antlr.runtime - ANTLR Runtime for .NET
+License: The BSD License (AS-IS)
+License File: antlr.runtime.license
+Antlr3.Runtime - The runtime library for parsers generated by the C# target of ANTLR 3.
+License: The BSD License (AS-IS)
+License File: Antlr3.Runtime.license
+AppLimit.CloudComputing.SharpBox - SharpBox - Store everything
+License: MIT License
+License File: AppLimit.CloudComputing.SharpBox.license
+ARSoft.Tools.Net - This project contains a complete managed .Net DNS and DNSSEC client, a DNS server and SPF and SenderID validation.
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: ARSoft.Tools.Net.license
+Autofac - Autofac is an IoC container for Microsoft .NET. It manages the dependencies between classes so that applications stay easy to change as they grow in size and complexity.
+License: MIT License
+License File: Autofac.license
+AWSSDK - Amazon Web Services SDK for .NET. (http://aws.amazon.com/sdkfornet/)
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: AWSSDK.license
+BaseCampRestAPI - C# API to access the REST based BaseCamp services http://basecamprestapi.codeplex.com
+License: LGPL
+License File: BasecampRestAPI.license
+BouncyCastle - Generation and parsing of key files.
+License: AS-IS
+License File: BouncyCastle.license
+Box.V2 - A client implementation of the Box v2 REST API. API documentation can be found at http://developers.box.com.
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: Box.V2.license
+CommandLineParser - The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tasks. (https://github.com/gsscoder/commandline)
+License: The MIT License (MIT)
+License File: CommandLineParser.license
+CsvHelper - A library for reading and writing CSV files. Extremely fast, flexible, and easy to use. Supports reading and writing of custom class objects.
+License: Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
+License File: CsvHelper.license
+Devart.Data.MySql - Connector/Net is a fully-managed ADO.NET driver for MySQL. (http://www.devart.com/dotconnect/mysql/download.html)
+License: dotConnect for MySQL License Agreement
+License File: Devart.Data.MySql.license
+DocuSign.eSign - The DocuSign NuGet Package makes integrating DocuSign into your apps and websites a super fast and painless process.
+License: The MIT License (MIT)
+License File: DocuSign.eSign.license
+dotless - .NET Port of the ruby Less CSS lib (http://www.dotlesscss.org)
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: dotless.license
+DotNetOpenAuth - DotNetOpenAuth is a well established open source library that bring OpenID, OAuth, and ICard capabilities to the Microsoft .NET Framework. http://www.dotnetopenauth.net/
+License: Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
+License File: DotNetOpenAuth.license
+DotNetZip - The Zip, implementation for .NET. (http://dotnetzip.codeplex.com/)
+License: Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL) ,BSD, Apache, and zlib
+License File: DotNetZip.license
+Dropbox.Api - A .NET SDK for integrating with the Dropbox API v2.
+License: AS-IS
+License File: Dropbox.Api.license
+EcmaScript.NET - This is a custom modified version of the EcmaScript code, mainly created for YUICompressor.NET.
+License: BSD
+License File: EcmaScript.NET.license
+EntityFramework - Entity Framework is Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications.
+License File: EntityFramework5.license, EntityFramework6.license
+Facebook - The Facebook C# SDK helps .Net developers build web, desktop, phone and Windows 8 Metro style applications that integrate with Facebook. http://csharpsdk.org/
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: Facebook.license
+FluentAssertions - A very extensive set of extension methods that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a TDD or BDD-style unit test.
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: FluentAssertions.license
+FredCK.FCKeditorV2 - FCKeditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. In 2009 it was renamed CKEditor. (http://ckeditor.com/what-is-ckeditor)
+License: LGPL v3
+License File: FCKeditor.license
+Google.Apis - The Google APIs Client Library is a runtime client for working with Google services.
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: Google.Apis.license, Google.Apis.Auth.license, Google.Apis.Core.license, Google.Apis.Drive.license
+Google.GData - Google Data API Client Library
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: Google.GData.license
+HtmlAgilityPack - This is an agile HTML parser that builds a read/write DOM and supports plain XPATH or XSLT. (http://htmlagilitypack.codeplex.com/)
+License: Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
+License File: HtmlAgilityPack.license
+Ical.Net - An iCalendar (RFC 5545) control library for .NET. A fork and continuation of the original dday.ical library including bug fixes and many performance enhancements.
+License: The MIT License (MIT)
+License File: Ical.Net.license
+ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib - is a Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library written entirely in C# for the .NET platform
+License: The MIT License (MIT)
+License File: ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.license
+Iesi.Collections - The System.Collections namespace in the .NET Framework provides a number of collection types that are extremely useful for manipulating data in memory.
+License: Unknown
+License File: Iesi.Collections.license
+jQuery - jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. (http://jquery.com/)
+License: The MIT License
+License File: jQuery.license
+Jurassic - Jurassic is an implementation of the ECMAScript language and runtime. (http://jurassic.codeplex.com/)
+License: Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
+License File: Jurassic.license
+JWT - JWT (JSON Web Token) implementation for .NET 3.5+ (Public Domain) Install-Package JWT
+License: AS-IS
+License File: JWT.license
+LiteDB - Embedded .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file
+License: The MIT License
+License File: LiteDB.license
+log4net - log4net is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets. (http://logging.apache.org/log4net/index.html)
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: log4net.license
+LumenWorks.Framework.IO - A Fast CSV Reader http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/9258/A-Fast-CSV-Reader
+License: The MIT License
+License File: LumenWorks.Framework.IO.license
+LumiSoftMailServer - Programm LumiSoft Mail Server is a mailserver. (http://www.lumisoft.ee/)
+License: AS-IS
+License File: LumiSoftMailServer.license
+MailKit - MailKit is an Open Source cross-platform .NET mail-client library that is based on MimeKit and optimized for mobile devices.
+License: The MIT License
+License File: MailKit.license
+MailSystem.NET - MailSystem is a suite of .NET components that provide users with an extensive set of email tools. MailSystem provides full support for SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, NNTP, MIME, S/MIME, OpenPGP, DNS, vCard, vCalendar, Anti-Spam (Bayesian , RBL, DomainKeys), Queueing, Mail Merge and WhoIs (http://mailsystem.codeplex.com/)
+License: LGPL v3
+License File: MailSystem.license
+Microsoft.AspNet.Cors - This package contains the core components to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in ASP.NET.
+License File: Microsoft.AspNet.Cors.license
+Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc - This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET MVC. ASP.NET MVC gives you a powerful, patterns-based way to build dynamic websites that enables a clean separation of concerns and that gives you full control over markup.
+License File: Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.license
+Microsoft.AspNet.Providers.Core - ASP.NET Universal Providers add provider support in ASP.NET 4 for all editions of SQL Server 2005 and later and to SQL Azure.
+License File: Microsoft.AspNet.Providers.Core.license
+Microsoft.AspNet.Razor - This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web Pages. ASP.NET Web Pages and the new Razor syntax provide a fast, terse, clean and lightweight way to combine server code with HTML to create dynamic web content.
+License File: Microsoft.AspNet.Razor.license
+Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR - This package pulls in the server components and JavaScript client required to use SignalR in an ASP.NET application.
+License File: Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.license, Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.license, Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core.license, Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.SystemWeb.license
+Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization - ASP.NET Optimization introduces a way to bundle and optimize CSS and JavaScript files.
+License File: Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization.license
+Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi - This package contains everything you need to host ASP.NET Web API on IIS. ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. ASP.NET Web API is an ideal platform for building RESTful applications on the .NET Framework.
+License File: Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.license, Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client.license, Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core.license, Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors.license, Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OData.license, Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin.license, Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Tracing.license, Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost.license
+Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages - This package contains core runtime assemblies shared between ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web Pages.
+License File: Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages.license
+Microsoft.Bcl - This packages enables projects targeting down-level platforms to use some of the types added in later versions.
+License File: Microsoft.Bcl.license, Microsoft.Bcl.Async.license, Microsoft.Bcl.Build.license
+Microsoft.Contracts - Code Contracts are static library methods used from any .NET program to specify the code’s behavior. Runtime checking and static checking tools are both provided for taking advantage of contracts.
+License: MIT
+License File: Microsoft.Contracts.license
+Microsoft.Data.Edm - Classes to represent, construct, parse, serialize and validate entity data models. Targets .NET 4.0, Silverlight 4.0, or .NET Portable Lib with support for .NET 4.0, SL 5.0, Win Phone 8, Win Phone 8.1, and Win 8. Localized for CHS, CHT, DEU, ESN, FRA, ITA, JPN, KOR and RUS.
+License File: Microsoft.Data.Edm.license
+Microsoft.Data.OData - Classes to serialize, deserialize and validate OData payloads
+License File: Microsoft.Data.OData.license
+Microsoft.Net.Http - This package includes HttpClient for sending requests over HTTP, as well as HttpRequestMessage and HttpResponseMessage for processing HTTP messages.
+License File: Microsoft.Net.Http.license
+Microsoft.Owin - Provides a set of helper types and abstractions for simplifying the creation of OWIN components.
+License File: Microsoft.Owin.license, Microsoft.Owin.Cors.license, Microsoft.Owin.Diagnostics.license, Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener.license, Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb.license, Microsoft.Owin.Hosting.license, Microsoft.Owin.Security.license
+Microsoft.Practices - The Unity Application Block (Unity) is a lightweight extensible dependency injection container with support for constructor, property, and method call injection.
+License: Microsoft Public License (MS-PL)
+License File: Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.license, Microsoft.Practices.Unity.license
+Microsoft.ServiceModel.Web - WCF REST Starter Kit (It's officially deprecated)
+License: unknown
+License File: MMicrosoft.ServiceModel.Web.license
+Microsoft.SharePoint.Client - This easy-to-use, redistributable package of the Microsoft Silverlight and Microsoft .NET managed client object models in Microsoft SharePoint 2013 enables developers to reference the client object model.? The package includes a comprehensive collection of client-side object model (CSOM) DLLs.
+License: unknown
+License File: Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.license
+Microsoft.Threading.Tasks - Provides types that simplify the work of writing concurrent and asynchronous code.
+License File: Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.license, Microsoft.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.license
+Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools - The Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework that you already have by installing VS 2012, but wrapped up in a nice nuget package.
+License: unknown
+License File: Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTestFramework.license, Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTesting.Silverlight.license
+Microsoft.Web.Administration - The Microsoft.Web.Administration namespace contains classes that a developer can use to administer IIS Manager.
+License File: Microsoft.Web.Administration.license
+Microsoft.Web.Iis.Rewrite - Microsoft IIS Rewrite module, msi and dll included
+License: unknown
+License File: Microsoft.Web.Iis.Rewrite.license
+Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure - This package contains the Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure assembly that lets you dynamically register HTTP modules at run time.
+License File: Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.license
+Microsoft.Web.Mvc.FixedDisplayModes - The previous version of this package contained a workaround for a bug affecting mobile view caching in ASP.NET MVC 4. As of ASP.NET MVC 5 this workaround is no longer needed.
+License File: Microsoft.Web.Mvc.FixedDisplayModes.license
+Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks - MSBuild targets for Web and WebApplications that come with Visual Studio
+License: unknown
+License File: Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.license
+Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform - XmlTransform task for MsBuild.
+License: unknown
+License File: Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.license
+Microsoft.WebApplication.Build.Tasks - MSBuild targets for Web and WebApplications that come with Visual Studio
+License: unknown
+License File: Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.license
+MimeKit - MimeKit is an Open Source library for creating and parsing MIME, S/MIME and PGP messages on desktop and mobile platforms. It also supports parsing of Unix mbox files.
+License: MIT
+License File: MimeKit.license
+Mono.Security - Mono.Security containing utilities like Authenticode.
+License: MIT
+License File: Mono.Security.license
+MySql.Data - ADO.Net driver for MySQL
+License: GPL 2
+License File: MySql.Data.license
+Newtonsoft.Json - Newtonsoft.Json is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET
+License: The MIT License (MIT)
+License File: Newtonsoft.Json.license
+NLog - NLog is a logging platform for .NET with rich log routing and management capabilities. It can help you produce and manage high-quality logs for your application regardless of its size or complexity. (http://nlog-project.org/)
+License: AS-IS
+License File: NLog.license
+NodaTime - Noda Time is a date and time API acting as an alternative to the built-in DateTime/DateTimeOffset etc types built into the .NET framework.
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: NodaTime.license
+Novell.Directory.LDAP - LDAP Libraries for C# enables you to write applications that access, manage, and update information stored in Novell eDirectory™ or other LDAP-aware directories.
+License: MIT
+License File: Novell.Directory.LDAP.license
+NUnit - NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages. (http://www.nunit.org/)
+License: AS-IS
+License File: NUnit.license
+NVelocity - NVelocity is a port of the excellent Apache Jakarta Velocity project. (http://www.castleproject.org/others/nvelocity/index.html)
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: NVelocity.license
+Owin - OWIN IAppBuilder startup interface
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: Owin.license
+PhoneNumbers - Library to effectively validate phone numbers.
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: PhoneNumbers.license
+Ploeh.AutoFixture - AutoFixture makes it easier for developers to do Test-Driven Development by automating non-relevant Test Fixture Setup, allowing the Test Developer to focus on the essentials of each test case.
+License: MIT
+License File: Ploeh.AutoFixture.license
+PushSharp - A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS (iPhone/iPad APNS & PassKit), Mac OSX (Mountain Lion+), Android (GCM/C2DM), Windows Phone 7/8, Windows 8, and FirefoxOS (soon) (https://github.com/Redth/PushSharp)
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: PushSharp.license
+RabbitMQ - The RabbitMQ .NET client is the official client library for C# (and, implicitly, other .NET languages)
+License: Apache 2.0 and the Mozilla Public License 1.1
+License File: RabbitMQ.license
+RedisSessionProvider - A configurable SessionStateStoreProvider that persists data to a Redis server
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: RedisSessionProvider.license
+RestSharp - Simple REST and HTTP API Client
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: RestSharp.license
+SharpBox - Store everything http://sharpbox.codeplex.com/
+License: Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
+License File: SharpBox.license
+SharpCompress - SharpCompress is a compression library for .NET/Mono/Silverlight/WP7/WindowsStore that can unrar, decompress 7zip, zip/unzip, tar/untar bzip2/unbzip2 and gzip/ungzip with forward-only reading and file random access APIs. Write support for zip/tar/bzip2/gzip is implemented.
+License: MIT
+License File: SharpCompress.license
+SlowCheetah.Xdt - This package contains extensions for XDT (XML Document Transforms). Included here is an MSBuild task as well as other extensions.
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: SlowCheetah.Xdt.license
+StackExchange.Redis - is a library that extends StackExchange.Redis allowing you a set of functionality needed by common applications.
+License: MIT
+License File: StackExchange.Redis.license, StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.Core.license
+Textile - Textile.NET is, surprisingly, a textile formatter for .NET projects. http://textilenet.codeplex.com/
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+License File: Textile.license
+TweetSharp - TweetSharp v2 is a fast, clean wrapper around the Twitter API. It uses T4 templates to make adding new endpoints easy. (https://github.com/danielcrenna/tweetsharp)
+License: AS-IS
+License File: TweetSharp.license
+Twilio - Twilio REST API helper library
+License: MIT
+License File: Twilio.Api.license, Twilio.Client.license, Twilio.Mvc.license, Twilio.TwiML.license
+Twitterizer2 - http://www.twitterizer.net/tag/twitterizer2/
+License: AS-IS
+License File: Twitterizer2.license
+UAParser - A .net wrapper for the ua-parser library
+License: Apache 2.0 license, MIT, Perl License
+License File: UAParser.license
+Ude - Ude is a C# port of Mozilla Universal Charset Detector. (http://code.google.com/p/ude/)
+License: MPL 1.1, GPL 2.0, LGPL 2.1
+License File: Ude.license
+WebGrease - Web Grease is a suite of tools for optimizing javascript, css files and images.
+License File: WebGrease.license
+YamlDotNet - A .NET library for YAML. YamlDotNet provides low level parsing and emitting of YAML as well as a high level object model similar to XmlDocument.
+License: AS-IS
+License File: YamlDotNet.license
+YUICompressor - http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/
+License: New BSD License
+License File: YUICompressor.license
+jquery.placeholder.js - Placeholder plugin for jQuery (http://www.xiper.net/examples/js-plugins/html5-and-css3/placeholder/js/jquery.placeholder.js)
+License: MIT, BSD, GPL
+jQueryTextChangeEvent - Simple cross browser detection of text changes for input and textarea elements using a jQuery custom event plugin by ZURB. (http://zurb.com/playground/jquery-text-change-custom-event)
+License: MIT
+waitForImages - A jQuery plugin that lets you attach callbacks to useful image loading events. (https://github.com/alexanderdickson/waitForImages)
+License: MIT
+License File: waitForImages.license
+sorttable.js - Make all your tables sortable (http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/)
+License: MIT
+License File: sorttable.license
+LESS - The dynamic stylesheet language. (http://lesscss.org/)
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+head.load.js - The only script in your <HEAD> (http://headjs.com)
+License: MIT
+License File: head.load.license
+jquery.blockUI.js - The jQuery BlockUI Plugin lets you simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser. (http://malsup.com/jquery/block/)
+License: MIT, GPL
+jquery.colorbox.js - A lightweight customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery. (http://www.jacklmoore.com/colorbox/)
+License: MIT
+jquery.cookies.js - Javascript Cookie Library with jQuery bindings and JSON support. (https://code.google.com/p/cookies/)
+License: MIT
+License File: jquery.cookies.license
+jquery.json.js - jQuery JSON plugin (https://github.com/Krinkle/jquery-json)
+License: MIT
+License File: jquery.json.license
+jquery.scrollTo.js - Easy element scrolling using jQuery. (http://flesler.blogspot.com/2007/10/jqueryscrollto.html)
+License: MIT
+License File: jquery.scrollTo.license
+License: MIT, GPL
+jquery.ui.js - jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. Whether you're building highly interactive web applications or you just need to add a date picker to a form control, jQuery UI is the perfect choice. (http://jqueryui.com/)
+License: MIT
+jquery.watermarkinput.js - Watermark Input Plugin. (http://digitalbush.com/projects/watermark-input-plugin/)
+License: MIT
+toastr.js - Simple javascript toast notifications. (https://github.com/CodeSeven/toastr)
+License: MIT
+jquery.mask.js - A jQuery Plugin to make masks on form fields and HTML elements. (https://github.com/igorescobar/jQuery-Mask-Plugin)
+License: MIT
+License File: jquery.mask.license
+jquery.mousewheel.js - A jQuery plugin that adds cross-browser mouse wheel support. (https://github.com/brandonaaron/jquery-mousewheel)
+License: MIT
+License File: jquery.mousewheel.license
+License: MIT
+SWFUpload - SWFUpload is a JavaScript Library that wraps the Flash Player's upload function. It brings your uploads to the next level with Multiple File Selection, Upload Progress and Client-side File Size Checking. (https://code.google.com/p/swfupload/)
+License: MIT
+Modernizr - Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser. (http://modernizr.com/)
+License: MIT
+bootstrap - Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. (http://getbootstrap.com)
+License: MIT
+License File: bootstrap.license
+JavascriptMD5 - A JavaScript implementation of the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message (http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5)
+License: BSD
+License File: JavascriptMD5.license
+iScroll - iScroll Lite Edition based on iScroll v4.0 Beta 4
+License: MIT
+jScrollPane - jScrollPane is a cross-browser jQuery plugin by Kelvin Luck which converts a browser's default scrollbars
+License: GPL 2, MIT
+Jcrop - Jcrop is the quick and easy way to add image cropping functionality to your web application. (http://deepliquid.com/content/Jcrop.html)
+License: MIT
+License File: Jcrop.license
+Flot - Flot is a pure JavaScript plotting library for jQuery, with a focus on simple usage, attractive looks and interactive features. (http://www.flotcharts.org/)
+License: MIT
+License File: Flot.license
+flXHR - This plugin implements cross-domain XmlHttpRequests via an invisible Flash plugin.
+License: MIT
+jquery.cssemoticons.js - jQuery plugin to style emoticons with pure CSS3 properties (no images) (https://github.com/JangoSteve/jQuery-CSSEmoticons)
+License: Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+punycode.js - A robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891, and works on nearly all JavaScript platforms.
+License: MIT
+License File: punycode.license
+jquery.magnific-popup.js - Lightbox and modal dialog plugin. Can display inline HTML, iframes (YouTube video, Vimeo, Google Maps), or an image gallery. Animation effects are added with CSS3 transitions. For jQuery or Zepto.
+License: MIT
+License File: jquery.magnific-popup.license
+jquery.colors.js - jQuery plugin for color manipulation and animation support. (http://github.com/jquery/jquery-color)
+License: jquery.org/license
+License File: jquery.colors.license
+jquery.linkify.js - Find URLs in plain text and return HTML for discovered links. (https://github.com/SoapBox/linkifyjs)
+License: MIT
+License File: jquery.linkify.license
+jquery.notification.js - Webkit Notification API jQuery Wrapper
+License: MIT
+jquery.signalr.js - ASP.NET SignalR JavaScript Library
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+async.js - Async utilities for node and the browser (https://github.com/caolan/async)
+License: MIT
+License File: async.license
+autosize.js - Autosize is a small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height to fit text. (https://github.com/jackmoore/autosize)
+License: MIT
+License File: autosize.license
+clipboard.js - A modern approach to copy text to clipboard (https://zenorocha.github.io/clipboard.js)
+License: MIT
+License File: clipboard.license
+firebase.js - Firebase helps you build better mobile apps and grow your business. (https://firebase.google.com/terms/)
+License: Apache 2.0 license
+ical.js - javascript ICAL
+License: MPL 2.0
+moment-timezone.js - Timezone support for moment.js (github.com/moment/moment-timezone)
+License: MIT
+License File: moment-timezone.license
+rrule.js - JavaScript library for working with recurrence rules for calendar dates. (https://github.com/jakubroztocil/rrule)
+License: BSD
+License File: rrule.license
+setImmediate.js - A cross-browser implementation of the new setImmediate API. (https://github.com/YuzuJS/setImmediate)
+License: MIT
+License File: setImmediate.license \ No newline at end of file