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github.com/OpenNMT/OpenNMT-tf.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
gh-pagesDeploying to gh-pages from @ 4c24bb7f04b4477c06726657519fd075be7c8ae9 🚀guillaumekln19 months
masterFix error when using guided alignment with mixed precision (#982)Guillaume Klein18 months
r1Merge pull request #556 from guillaumekln/fix-r1-for-tf1.15Guillaume Klein4 years
r2.0Bump versionGuillaume Klein5 years
r2.1Bump versionGuillaume Klein5 years
r2.10Bump version to 2.10.1Guillaume Klein4 years
r2.13Another type fix to make the training summary JSON serializable (#761)Guillaume Klein3 years
r2.9Bump version to 2.9.3Guillaume Klein4 years
v2.29.1commit 4c24bb7f04...Guillaume Klein19 months
v2.29.0commit 5c26fdf836...Guillaume Klein19 months
v2.28.0commit 12d32335d5...Guillaume Klein21 months
v2.27.1commit 36c737d144...Guillaume Klein23 months
v2.27.0commit 64d7445fe7...Guillaume Klein23 months
v2.26.1commit 63c72483fa...Guillaume Klein2 years
v2.26.0commit 579926d9ee...Guillaume Klein2 years
v2.25.0commit 55b16c3c8a...Guillaume Klein2 years
v2.24.0commit 59a4dfdb91...Guillaume Klein2 years
v2.23.0commit 556c444ead...Guillaume Klein2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-11-07Fix error when using guided alignment with mixed precision (#982)HEADmasterGuillaume Klein
2022-10-10Remove recording of the global gradient norm (#978)Guillaume Klein
2022-10-10Add flag to pad each batch to the length bucket boundary (#977)Guillaume Klein
2022-10-03Bump version to 2.29.1v2.29.1Guillaume Klein
2022-09-30Do not consider parameter decay_step_duration as a V1 only parameter (#976)Guillaume Klein
2022-09-29Remove non needed FP32 cast before softmax (#975)Guillaume Klein
2022-09-28Fix count_lines function whe the file is gzipped (#974)Guillaume Klein
2022-09-26Bump version to 2.29.0v2.29.0Guillaume Klein
2022-09-26Remove unnecessary inheritance from object classGuillaume Klein
2022-09-19Add Transformer configurations used in the Scaling NMT paper (#972)Guillaume Klein