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github.com/OpenNMT/OpenNMT.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
future-learningadd reverse sequence options for future-lmJean A. Senellart6 years
gh-pagesDeployed b16f73f with MkDocs version: 0.17.1Guillaume Klein6 years
label-smoothingtypoJean A. Senellart6 years
masterUpdating the intel-mkl URL. (#578)Artur Gontijo4 years
r0.5Update changelogGuillaume Klein7 years
r0.6Bump versionGuillaume Klein7 years
r0.7Bump versionGuillaume Klein7 years
r0.8Bump versionGuillaume Klein7 years
r0.9Update versionGuillaume Klein6 years
thin_decfix FC integrationJean A. Senellart6 years
v0.10.1commit 27251daa51...Guillaume Klein6 years
v0.10.0commit b16f73fbf8...Guillaume Klein6 years
v0.9.7commit a70a29e04e...Guillaume Klein6 years
v0.9.6commit 34e260b01a...Guillaume Klein6 years
v0.9.5commit 35a2a0b69b...Guillaume Klein6 years
v0.9.4commit 7d26779e97...Guillaume Klein6 years
v0.9.3commit e6bb410752...Guillaume Klein6 years
v0.9.2commit 4ffa94a909...Guillaume Klein6 years
v0.9.1commit 2e0f4e1556...Guillaume Klein6 years
v0.9.0commit f3a93430aa...Guillaume Klein6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-02-19Updating the intel-mkl URL. (#578)HEADmasterArtur Gontijo
2019-07-03Remove obsolete linksGuillaume Klein
2018-12-20Dockerfile sentencepiece fix (#564)Artur Gontijo
2018-11-26Update README.mdGuillaume Klein
2018-07-18Update versionv0.10.1Guillaume Klein
2018-07-18Fix condition to detect LM trainingGuillaume Klein
2018-07-18Update versionv0.10.0Guillaume Klein
2018-07-10Fix memory preallocation for monotextGuillaume Klein
2018-06-14Fix learn_bpe.lua for Lua 5.2Guillaume Klein
2018-05-25Fully ignore placeholders when learning BPE (#545)Guillaume Klein