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github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-11-12Replace DllImport with LibraryImport in SMA 1 (#18520)HEADmasterIlya
2022-11-10Replace DllImport with LibraryImport in engine (#18496)Steve Lee
2022-11-10Avoid depending on the pre-generated experimental feature list in private and...Dongbo Wang
2022-11-10Update `release-MsixBundle.yml` to add retries (#18465)Travis Plunk
2022-11-10Bump System.Data.SqlClient from 4.8.4 to 4.8.5 in /src/Microsoft.PowerShell.S...dependabot[bot]
2022-11-10Mark charset test as pending (#18511)Travis Plunk
2022-11-10Bump to use internal .NET 7 GA build (#18508)Travis Plunk
2022-11-10Insert the pre-release nuget feed before building test artifacts (#18507)Travis Plunk
2022-11-10Update security reporting policy to recommend security portal for more stream...Travis Plunk
2022-11-10Update the cgmanifest (#18415)github-actions[bot]
2022-11-10Merged PR 23139: Add test for framework dependent package in release pipeline...Travis Plunk
2022-11-10Update to azCopy 10 (#18509)Travis Plunk
2022-11-09Merged PR 23161: Change log for v7.3.0 (#18505)Travis Plunk
2022-11-09Fix issues with uploading changelog to GitHub release draft (#18504)Travis Plunk
2022-11-09Update `README.md` and `metadata.json` for `v7.3.0` (#18493)Aditya Patwardhan
2022-11-09Skip cloud files marked as "not on disk" during command discovery (#18152)Patrick Meinecke
2022-11-08Replace `msh` in public API comment based documentation with PowerShell equiv...Steve Lee
2022-11-08Fix issue when completing the first command in a script with an empty array e...MartinGC94
2022-11-08Improve type inference of hashtable keys (#17907)MartinGC94
2022-11-08Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers (#18442)dependabot[bot]
2022-11-07Fix `Switch-Process` to copy the current env to the new process (#18452)Steve Lee
2022-11-07Replace `UTF8Encoding(false)` with `Encoding.Default` (#18356)xtqqczze
2022-11-05Fix `Switch-Process` to set termios appropriate for child process (#18467)Steve Lee
2022-11-03Update .gitignore to ignore some test generated files (#18447)Steve Lee
2022-11-03Add missing XML doc elements for methods in `RunspaceFactory` (#18450)Dongbo Wang
2022-11-03Fix typo in InitialSessionState.cs (#18435)Ikko Ashimine
2022-11-03Fix `Switch-Process` error to include the command that is not found (#18443)Steve Lee
2022-11-03Remove remaining unused strings from resx files (#18448)Steve Lee
2022-11-03Add TSAUpload for APIScan (#18446)Travis Plunk
2022-11-03Add authenticode signing for assemblies on linux builds (#18440)Aditya Patwardhan
2022-11-03Update `Out-Printer` to remove all decorating ANSI escape sequences from Powe...Dongbo Wang
2022-11-02Webcmdlets set default charset encoding to UTF8 (#18219)CarloToso
2022-11-02Do not remove `penimc_cor3.dll` from build (#18438)Aditya Patwardhan
2022-11-01Use new LINQ Order() methods instead of OrderBy(static x => x) (#18395)Berkan Diler
2022-10-31Make use of StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries when possible (#18412)Berkan Diler
2022-10-31Replace some `string.Join(string)` calls with `string.Join(char)` (#18411)Berkan Diler
2022-10-29Skip output rendering tests on Windows Server 2012 R2 (#18382)Aditya Patwardhan
2022-10-28Change log for `v7.3.0-rc.1` (#18400)Aditya Patwardhan
2022-10-28Bump `Microsoft.PowerShell.Native` from 7.3.0-rc.1 to 7.3.0 (#18405)dependabot[bot]
2022-10-28Update the cgmanifest (#18408)github-actions[bot]
2022-10-28Remove unused strings from FileSystem and Registry providers (#18403)Steve Lee
2022-10-28Remove some static constants from `Utils.Separators` (#18154)Ilya
2022-10-27Use generic `GetValues<T>`, `GetNames<T>` enum methods (#18391)xtqqczze
2022-10-27Allow two-digit revisions in `vPack` package validation pattern (#18392)Travis Plunk
2022-10-27Remove unused resource strings from `SessionStateStrings` (#18394)Steve Lee
2022-10-27Update `README.json` and `metadata.json` for `v7.3.0-rc.1` (#18393)Aditya Patwardhan
2022-10-26Remove unused resource strings in `System.Management.Automation` (#18388)Steve Lee
2022-10-26Avoid using regex when unnecessary in `ScriptWriter` (#18348)Dongbo Wang
2022-10-26Fix incorrect cmdlet name in the script used by `Restart-Computer` (#18374)Nicklas Bjälemark
2022-10-26Use `Enum.HasFlags` part 1 (#18386)xtqqczze