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github.com/RainerChiang/simpleness.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
gh-pagesBlog update at Tue Jul 5 19:24:47 CST 2022Rainer Chiang22 months
mainfix the wrong licenselinkRainer Chiang2 years
v0.6-betacommit 61b679b127...Rainer Chiang2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-04-13fix the wrong licenselinkHEADmainRainer Chiang
2022-04-13update the example config.tomlRainer Chiang
2022-04-11delete the visitor counts in the valine blockRainer Chiang
2022-04-11update the cdn link for the leancloud's js sdkRainer Chiang
2022-04-101. Fix the issue that comments cannot be displayed;v0.6-betaRainer Chiang
2021-09-151. Add description of new feature: Table of content;Rainer Chiang
2021-05-27Update README.mdRainer Chiang
2021-05-17Merge pull request #2 from DevotionGeo/patch-1Rainer Chiang
2021-05-16Add Twitter Link.Bangash
2021-05-16update screenshotRainer Chiang