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github.com/SAGGameDeveloper/hugo-minimalist-spa.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-02-14Email updatedHEADmasterSergio Abreu García
2019-02-14Links updatedSergio Abreu García
2018-10-15Example site added to documentation. Fixed navbar heigh bug on vertical layout.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-13Fixed email link. Fixed config issues with theme publishing.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-13Fixed titles bug.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-13Example site added.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-13Fixed navbar min-height bug.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-13Removed placeholder theme-content layouts. Resources and documentation updated.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-13Prerequistes updated, Hugo extended version is unnecesarySergio Abreu García
2018-10-13Resources folder included so the theme can work with Hugo basic versions.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-13Fixed Readme, thumbnail and LICENSE linkSergio Abreu García
2018-10-07Added information about reloading after changing contents.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-07Information about content filenames updated.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-07Fixed bug with element names in router.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-06Deleted theme sample from theme content layout.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-06Readme mergedSergio Abreu García
2018-10-06AvailableIcons.png route updated.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-06Repository images updated.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-06Readme link fixed, theme content updatedSergio Abreu García
2018-10-06Readme mergedSergio Abreu García
2018-10-06Readme updated.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-05Minimum version updatedSergio Abreu García
2018-10-05Preparations for publishing.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-05Background extension changed to .pngSergio Abreu García
2018-10-04Color variable names changed to be more relevant. Main content text styled.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-04Documentation updated and revised.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-03New social media icons, social media margins adjusted.Sergio Abreu García
2018-10-03Colors and sizes adjustedSergio Abreu García
2018-09-30All icons are now svg, new scheme color.Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-30Margin adjusted.Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-30Sizes and responsiveness adjusted.Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-30Added minimum scroll height to allow collapsing the header/navbarSergio Abreu García
2018-09-30Fixed a bug at the bottom of the scrolling.Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-29Fixed scrolling bug.Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-29Collapsing behauviour improved. Navbar collapsin animation. Fixed separator h...Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-27Merge branch 'master' of github.com:SAGGameDeveloper/hugo-minimalist-spaSergio Abreu García
2018-09-27Main scroll collpasing functionality implemented.Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-25Fixed bug with SASS output and relative linksSergio Abreu García
2018-09-25Collapsible menus implemented along with some responsive design improvements.Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-25SASS media query name changed. CSS import now using Hugo's RelPermalink.Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-24Merge branch 'master' of github.com:SAGGameDeveloper/hugo-minimalist-spaSergio Abreu García
2018-09-24CSS import now with relative manual path instead of Hugo's links.Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-24Responsive tag included. Theme author and description is now fixed without us...Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-24Readme theme title now linking gh-pages serverSergio Abreu García
2018-09-24Fixed bug with main-content size that unabled scrolling.Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-24Fixed bug with default routeSergio Abreu García
2018-09-23Fixed overflowing bug in portrait mode.Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-23SASS improved to allow scrolling contents.Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-23Router arquitecture improved. Content id mask added to avoid unwanted anchor ...Sergio Abreu García
2018-09-23Avoided useless function calls on URL change.Sergio Abreu García