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github.com/Softorage/HugoTheme-VibrantShadows.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
gh-pagesPages built as per v0.1.1SanmayJoshi3 years
masterFollowing changes including some breaking changes:Sanmay Joshi20 months
v0.1.3commit ef5c4cb5a4...Sanmay Joshi20 months
v0.1.2commit 263ae3da81...Sanmay Joshi20 months
v0.1.1commit bd0e838670...SanmayJoshi3 years
v0.1.0commit 9449b796d6...SanmayJoshi4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-08-21Following changes including some breaking changes:HEADv0.1.3masterSanmay Joshi
2022-08-21Docs improved with regard to 'postMeta'Sanmay Joshi
2022-08-19Following changes:Sanmay Joshi
2022-08-19Following changes:Sanmay Joshi
2022-08-19Minor fixes in README.mdSanmay Joshi
2022-08-19Added following files for SEO:Sanmay Joshi
2022-08-19Updated README.md docs: 'Vibrant Shadow's custom parameters' -> 'position' ->...Sanmay Joshi
2022-08-19Following changes:Sanmay Joshi
2022-08-18Remove the unnecessary commented linesSanmay Joshi
2022-08-18Following changes:Sanmay Joshi