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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Graphics/camera.h')
1 files changed, 463 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Graphics/camera.h b/Source/Graphics/camera.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1abb2e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Graphics/camera.h
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+// Name: camera.cpp
+// Developer: Wolfire Games LLC
+// Author: David Rosen
+// Description: The camera class holds the position, and rotation of the
+// camera, and the view settings
+// License: Read below
+// Copyright 2022 Wolfire Games LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#pragma once
+#include <Graphics/graphics.h>
+#include <Math/vec4.h>
+#include <opengl.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <emmintrin.h>
+class CameraObject;
+/// The Camera class handles the view orientation in 3D space.
+class Camera
+ vec3 facing; ///< Vector for which direction the camera is pointing
+ vec3 flat_facing; ///< Facing on the XZ plane
+ float target_horz_fov; ///< The field of view, in degrees.
+ float near_plane; ///< Distance to the near plane
+ float far_plane; ///< Distance to the far plane
+ float chase_distance; ///< How far the chase camera is from the player.
+ float old_chase_distance;
+ float interp_chase_distance;
+ vec3 velocity;
+ vec3 up; ///< Up vector (combined with facing, gives complete orientation)
+ vec3 pos; ///< Current position
+ vec3 old_pos; ///< Previous timestep position
+ public: // Made this public temporarily to fix VR problem TODO: do this more cleanly
+ vec3 interp_pos; ///< Interpolated position (for smooth rendering)
+ private:
+ float y_rotation; ///< Rotation on the y axis (left and right)
+ float x_rotation; ///< Rotation on the x axis (up and down)
+ float z_rotation; ///< Rotation on the z axis (roll clockwise and ccw)
+ float old_y_rotation; ///< Previous timestep y_rotation
+ float old_x_rotation; ///< Previous timestep x_rotation
+ float old_z_rotation; ///< Previous timestep z_rotation
+ mat4 cameraViewMatrix; ///< Matrix to transform world to view
+ mat4 inverseCameraViewMatrix; ///< Matrix to transform view to world
+ mat4 lightProjectionMatrix; ///< Ortographic projection matrix for shadows
+ mat4 lightViewMatrix; ///< View matrix from light pov for shadows
+ vec3 mouseray; ///< Vector in the direction that the mouse is pointing
+ GLdouble modelview_matrix[16]; ///< Camera modelview matrix
+ GLdouble projection_matrix[16]; ///< Camera projection matrix
+ GLint viewport[4]; ///< Viewport dimensions (in pixels)
+ int interp_steps;
+ int interp_progress;
+ float GetInterpWeight() const;
+ bool auto_camera;
+ int flags_;
+ /// Initializes the camera member variables to default
+ void reset();
+ vec3 tint;
+ vec3 vignette_tint;
+ mat4 prev_view_mat;
+ // Depth of field filter settings
+ float near_blur_amount;
+ float far_blur_amount;
+ float near_sharp_dist;
+ float far_sharp_dist;
+ float near_blur_transition_size;
+ float far_blur_transition_size;
+ float frustumPlanes[6][4]; ///< Frustum plane parameters (ax+by+cz+d)
+ struct SIMDPlane { // TODO: Comment out if SIMD not supported?
+ __m128 normal_x; // same value pre-replicated 4 times for each of these
+ __m128 normal_y;
+ __m128 normal_z;
+ __m128 d;
+ };
+ SIMDPlane simdFrustumPlanes[6];
+ mat4 biasMatrix; ///< Bias matrix for shadow projection
+ bool flexible_fov;
+ enum CameraFlags {
+ kEditorCamera = 1 << 0,
+ kPreviewCamera = 1 << 1
+ };
+ vec3 GetCenterVel() const;
+ const vec3& GetFacing() const; ///< Accessor for facing
+ const vec3& GetFlatFacing() const; ///< Accessor for flat_facing
+ void SetFlatFacing(const vec3 &v); ///< Mutator for flat_facing
+ void FixDiscontinuity();
+ /// The default Camera constructer initializes the biasMatrix and calls reset()
+ Camera();
+ CameraObject* m_camera_object; ///<CameraObject exposed for global access (fix)
+ /**
+ * Sets the CameraObject so that it can be accessed globally.
+ * @param camera_object A pointer to the CameraObject.
+ */
+ inline void SetCameraObject(CameraObject* camera_object) {
+ reset();
+ m_camera_object = camera_object;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Get the CameraObject that is controlling the camera.
+ */
+ CameraObject* getCameraObject() {
+ return m_camera_object;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set how far the camera is behind the player.
+ * @param chase_distance The new chase distance.
+ */
+ void SetDistance(const float chase_distance);
+ /**
+ * Set the Y-axis (left and right) rotation of the camera.
+ * @param y_rotation The new Y-axis rotation in degrees.
+ */
+ void SetYRotation(const float y_rotation);
+ /**
+ * Set the X-axis (up and down) rotation of the camera.
+ * @param x_rotation The new X-axis rotation in degrees.
+ */
+ void SetXRotation(const float x_rotation);
+ /**
+ * Set the Z-axis (roll) rotation of the camera.
+ * @param z_rotation The new Z-axis rotation in degrees.
+ */
+ void SetZRotation(const float z_rotation);
+ void SetInterpSteps(int num_steps);
+ void IncrementProgress();
+ /**
+ * Set the position of the camera.
+ * @param pos The new position.
+ */
+ void SetPos(const vec3 &pos);
+ void ASSetPos(vec3 pos);
+ /**
+ * Set the field of view of the camera.
+ * @param fov The new FOV in degrees.
+ */
+ void SetFOV(const float fov);
+ /**
+ * Set the x and y rotation of the camera to look at a point.
+ * @param point The point to look at.
+ */
+ void LookAt(const vec3 &point);
+ // Lots of accessors
+ float GetYRotation() const;
+ float GetXRotation() const;
+ float GetZRotation() const;
+ vec3 GetPos() const;
+ vec3 ASGetPos() const;
+ const vec3& GetMouseRay() const;
+ vec3 ASGetMouseRay() const;
+ const vec3& GetUpVector() const;
+ vec3 ASGetUpVector() const;
+ const float& GetNearPlane() const;
+ const float& GetFarPlane() const;
+ const float& GetFOV() const;
+ const vec3& GetVelocity() const;
+ void SetVelocity(const vec3 &vel);
+ void SetAutoCamera( bool val );
+ bool GetAutoCamera( );
+ /**
+ * Get the Camera->World transformation matrix.
+ * @return The 4x4 transform matrix.
+ */
+ const mat4& getInverseCameraMatrix() const;
+ /**
+ * Get the World->Camera transformation matrix.
+ * @return The 4x4 transform matrix.
+ */
+ const mat4& getCameraMatrix() const;
+ /**
+ * Convert a point from world coordinates to camera coordinates.
+ * @param absolute The point in world space to convert.
+ * @return The point in camera space.
+ */
+ vec3 getRelative(const vec3 &absolute);
+ /**
+ * Convert a point from world coordinates to screen coordinates.
+ * @param point The point in world space to convert.
+ * @return The point in screen space.
+ */
+ vec3 worldToScreen(const vec3 point) const;
+ /**
+ * Set up an orthographic projection for use with shadow rendering.
+ * @param direction The direction that the light is coming from.
+ * The projection will face the opposite direction.
+ * @param center Where the projection will start.
+ * @param scale The dimensions of the projection square.
+ */
+ void applyShadowViewpoint(vec3 direction, vec3 center, float scale, mat4 *proj_matrix = NULL, mat4 *view_matrix = NULL, float far_back = 1000.0f);
+ /**
+ * Apply the camera view to the OpenGL matrices.
+ */
+ void applyViewpoint();
+ /**
+ * Gets a vector that points through a specific pixel on the screen.
+ * @param x X-coordinate in pixels
+ * @param y Y-coordinate in pixels
+ * @return The 3D vector that would go through that pixel.
+ */
+ vec3 GetRayThroughPixel(int x, int y);
+ /**
+ * Get the coordinates of a pixel (un)projected into world space.
+ * @param x X-coordinate in pixels
+ * @param y Y-coordinate in pixels
+ * @return The 3D coordinates of the (un)projected pixel.
+ */
+ vec3 UnProjectPixel(int x, int y);
+ /**
+ * Get the coordinates of a world space point projected on the screen.
+ * @param point The world space point to project
+ * @return The coordinates of the pixel.
+ */
+ vec3 ProjectPoint(const vec3 &point);
+ vec3 ProjectPoint(float x, float y, float z);
+ /**
+ * Calculate facing vectors based on rotation values.
+ */
+ void CalcFacing();
+ /**
+ * Calculate up vector based on facing vector and global up (0,1,0).
+ */
+ void calcUp();
+ /**
+ * Calculate frustum plane parameters based on modelview and
+ * projection matrices.
+ */
+ void calcFrustumPlanes( const mat4 &p, const mat4 &mv );
+ /**
+ * Check if a sphere is within the view frustum.
+ * @param where The center of the sphere.
+ * @param radius The radius of the sphere.
+ * @return Returns 2 if the sphere is entirely in the frustum, 1 if partially, 0 if not at all
+ */
+ int checkSphereInFrustum(vec3 where, float radius) const;
+ /**
+ * Check if an array of spheres are within the view frustum.
+ * @param count The number of spheres to check.
+ * @param where_x The center of the sphere (x).
+ * @param where_y The center of the sphere (y).
+ * @param where_z The center of the sphere (z).
+ * @param radius The radius of the spheres (same across all the spheres).
+ * @param radius The view distance to cull against before checking against frustum planes.
+ * @param is_visible_result The result of the visibility checks will be written here, not bit-packed.
+ */
+ void checkSpheresInFrustum(int count, float* where_x, float* where_y, float* where_z, float radius, float cull_distance_squared, uint32_t* is_visible_result) const;
+ /**
+ * Check if an axis-aligned box is within the view frustum.
+ * @param start The minimum corner of the box.
+ * @param end The maximum corner of the box.
+ * @return Returns 2 if fully in, 1 if partly in, 0 if out of frustum.
+ */
+ int checkBoxInFrustum(vec3 start, vec3 end) const;
+ /**
+ * Camera uses the Singleton pattern, this returns a pointer to the static Camera.
+ * @return Returns a pointer to the static Camera.
+ */
+ void PushState();
+ void PopState();
+ mat4 GetPerspectiveMatrix() const;
+ void ASSetVelocity(vec3 vel);
+ void UpdateShake();
+ float GetChaseDistance() const;
+ void SetFacing(const vec3 &_facing);
+ void SetUp(const vec3 &_up);
+ void ASSetUp( vec3 _up );
+ void ASSetFacing( vec3 _facing );
+ void ASLookAt(vec3 new_val);
+ mat4 GetViewMatrix();
+ mat4 GetProjMatrix();
+ void DrawSafeZone();
+ int GetFlags();
+ void SetFlags(int val);
+ //void PrintDifferences( const Camera& cam );
+ void SetMatrices(const mat4& view, const mat4& proj);
+class ActiveCameras {
+ //Cameras used logically to represent a remote virtual player, but isn't used for rendering.
+ std::vector<Camera> virtual_cameras;
+ std::vector<int> free_virtual_cameras;
+ std::list<Camera> cameras;
+ std::vector<Camera*> camera_ptrs;
+ Camera* active;
+ int active_id;
+ void mSet(int which) {
+ if(which >= (int)cameras.size()){
+ cameras.resize(which+1);
+ camera_ptrs.resize(cameras.size());
+ int counter = 0;
+ for(std::list<Camera>::iterator iter = cameras.begin();
+ iter != cameras.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ camera_ptrs[counter++] = &(*iter);
+ }
+ }
+ active = camera_ptrs[which];
+ active_id = which;
+ }
+ std::vector<Camera>& GetVirtualCameras() {
+ return virtual_cameras;
+ }
+ int CreateVirtualCameraInstance() {
+ int virtual_camera_index = 0;
+ if(free_virtual_cameras.size() > 0) {
+ virtual_camera_index = *free_virtual_cameras.rbegin();
+ free_virtual_cameras.resize(free_virtual_cameras.size() - 1);
+ } else {
+ virtual_cameras.resize(virtual_cameras.size() + 1);
+ virtual_camera_index = (int) virtual_cameras.size() - 1;
+ }
+ return virtual_camera_index + 255;
+ }
+ void FreeVirtualCameraInstance(int index) {
+ int virtual_camera_index = index - 255;
+ if(virtual_camera_index >= 0) {
+ free_virtual_cameras.push_back(virtual_camera_index);
+ }
+ }
+ static ActiveCameras* Instance() {
+ static ActiveCameras instance;
+ return &instance;
+ }
+ static Camera* Get() {
+ return Instance()->active;
+ }
+ static Camera* GetCamera(int camera_id) {
+ if (camera_id >= 255) {
+ int virtual_camera_index = camera_id - 255;
+ if (virtual_camera_index >= 0 && virtual_camera_index < Instance()->virtual_cameras.size()) {
+ return &Instance()->virtual_cameras[virtual_camera_index];
+ } else {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ } else {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if(NumCameras() <= camera_id) {
+ LOGW << "Trying to get camera with id " << camera_id << ", but only " << NumCameras() << " are available" << std::endl;
+ return Instance()->camera_ptrs[camera_id];
+ }
+ if (camera_id >= 0 && camera_id < Instance()->camera_ptrs.size()) {
+ return Instance()->camera_ptrs[camera_id];
+ } else {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static int NumCameras() {
+ return (int) Instance()->cameras.size();
+ }
+ void UpdatePrevViewMats() {
+ for(std::list<Camera>::iterator iter = cameras.begin();
+ iter != cameras.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ Camera* camera = &(*iter);
+ camera->prev_view_mat = camera->GetViewMatrix();
+ }
+ for(std::vector<Camera>::iterator iter = virtual_cameras.begin();
+ iter != virtual_cameras.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ Camera* camera = &(*iter);
+ camera->prev_view_mat = camera->GetViewMatrix();
+ }
+ }
+ static int GetID() {
+ return Instance()->active_id;
+ }
+ static void Set(int which) {
+ Instance()->mSet(which);
+ }
+ void Dispose() {
+ virtual_cameras.clear();
+ cameras.clear();
+ camera_ptrs.clear();
+ active = NULL;
+ }