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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Main/scenegraph.h')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Main/scenegraph.h b/Source/Main/scenegraph.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a5bf178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Main/scenegraph.h
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+// Name: scenegraph.h
+// Developer: Wolfire Games LLC
+// Description:
+// License: Read below
+// Copyright 2022 Wolfire Games LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#pragma once
+#include <Graphics/drawbatch.h>
+#include <Graphics/texturepack.h>
+#include <Graphics/lightprobecollection.hpp>
+#include <Graphics/dynamiclightcollection.hpp>
+#include <Graphics/flares.h>
+#include <Graphics/navmeshrenderer.h>
+#include <Editors/entity_type.h>
+#include <Editors/object_sanity_state.h>
+#include <Math/vec4.h>
+#include <Objects/object_msg.h>
+#include <Asset/Asset/material.h>
+#include <Internal/collisiondetection.h>
+#include <Scripting/scriptparams.h>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+class Sound;
+class Object;
+class TerrainObject;
+class DecalObject;
+class Hotspot;
+class Group;
+struct SphereCollision;
+class BulletWorld;
+class NavMesh;
+class ParticleSystem;
+class MapEditor;
+class Level;
+class Sky;
+class Textures;
+class EnvObject;
+class LightVolumeObject;
+class MovementObject;
+struct SceneLight {
+ vec3 pos;
+ vec3 color;
+ float intensity;
+struct ShadowCacheObjectLightBounds {
+ float min_bounds[2];
+ float max_bounds[2];
+ bool is_calculated;
+ bool is_ignored;
+class SceneGraph {
+ public:
+ enum SceneDrawType { kStaticOnly, kStaticAndDynamic };
+ SceneLight primary_light;
+ MapEditor* map_editor;
+ Level* level;
+ Sky* sky;
+ Flares flares;
+ ParticleSystem *particle_system;
+ TerrainObject* terrain_object_;
+ LightProbeCollection light_probe_collection;
+ DynamicLightCollection dynamic_light_collection;
+ std::vector<mat4> ref_cap_matrix;
+ std::vector<mat4> ref_cap_matrix_inverse;
+ TextureRef cubemaps;
+ std::vector<TextureRef> sub_cubemaps;
+ bool cubemaps_need_refresh;
+ bool reflection_data_loaded;
+ float fog_amount;
+ float haze_mult; // derived from fog_amount
+ unsigned infreq_update_index;
+ Path level_path_;
+ bool level_has_been_previously_saved_;
+ std::string level_name_;
+ std::string level_visible_name_;
+ std::string level_visible_description_;
+ // Objects that must be updated every timestep
+ static const int kMaxUpdateObjects = 1024;
+ Object* update_objects_[kMaxUpdateObjects];
+ int num_update_objects;
+ typedef std::vector<Object*> object_list;
+ object_list objects_;
+ object_list collide_objects_;
+ object_list visible_objects_; // Objects that have a Draw() function
+ std::vector<EnvObject*> visible_static_meshes_;
+ std::vector<ShadowCacheObjectLightBounds> visible_static_meshes_shadow_cache_bounds_;
+ std::vector<uint16_t> visible_static_mesh_indices_; // Will be used to keep both arrays in sorted order. Should never be more than 65536 visible static meshes
+ std::vector<TerrainObject*> terrain_objects_;
+ std::vector<ShadowCacheObjectLightBounds> terrain_objects_shadow_cache_bounds_;
+ object_list decal_objects_;
+ object_list movement_objects_;
+ object_list item_objects_;
+ object_list hotspots_;
+ object_list navmesh_hints_;
+ object_list navmesh_connections_;
+ object_list path_points_;
+ std::vector<LightVolumeObject*> light_volume_objects_;
+ std::vector<int> object_ids_to_delete;
+ bool hotspots_modified_;
+ static const size_t destruction_sanity_size = 256;
+ size_t destruction_sanity_insert_position;
+ Object* destruction_sanity[destruction_sanity_size];
+ static const size_t destruction_memory_size = 128;
+ static const size_t destruction_memory_string_size = 128;
+ size_t destruction_memory_insert_position;
+ int destruction_memory_ids[destruction_memory_size];
+ char destruction_memory_strings[destruction_memory_size*destruction_memory_string_size];
+ static const unsigned int kMaxWarnings = 64;
+ ObjectSanityState sanity_list[kMaxWarnings];
+ uint32_t partial_object_loop_counter;
+ // Maximum total number of static and dynamic decals
+ // This could be raised as high as 65535, after that refactoring is required to replace 16-bit uints
+ static const unsigned int kMaxDecals = 20000;
+ // Maximum number of decals added at run time
+ // When count exceeds this older ones are removed
+ static const unsigned int kMaxDynamicDecals = 1000;
+ // Maximum number of decals that can be added via editor
+ static const unsigned int kMaxStaticDecals = kMaxDecals - kMaxDynamicDecals;
+ typedef std::deque<DecalObject*> decal_deque;
+ decal_deque dynamic_decals;
+ BulletWorld *bullet_world_;
+ BulletWorld *abstract_bullet_world_;
+ BulletWorld *plant_bullet_world_;
+ SceneGraph();
+ ~SceneGraph();
+ void UpdatePhysicsTransforms();
+ bool addObject(Object* new_object);
+ bool AddDynamicDecal(DecalObject *decal);
+ Collision lineCheck(const vec3 &start, const vec3 &end);
+ Collision lineCheckCollidable(const vec3 &start, const vec3 &end, Object* notHit = NULL);
+ void LineCheckAll(const vec3 &start, const vec3 &end, std::vector<Collision> *collisions);
+ void Update(float timestep, float curr_game_time);
+ void Draw(SceneGraph::SceneDrawType scene_draw_type);
+ Object* GetLastSelected();
+ void ReturnSelected(std::vector<Object*>* selected);
+ void UnselectAll();
+ Object* GetObjectFromID(int object_id);
+ bool DoesObjectWithIdExist(int object_id);
+ std::vector<Object*> GetObjectsOfType(enum EntityType type);
+ void UnlinkObject(Object *o);
+ void LinkObject(Object* new_object);
+ void CreateNavMesh();
+ void SaveNavMesh();
+ bool LoadNavMesh();
+ void AddSceneToNavmesh();
+ NavMesh* GetNavMesh();
+ const MaterialEvent *GetMaterialEvent( const std::string &the_event, const vec3 &event_pos );
+ const MaterialEvent *GetMaterialEvent( const std::string &the_event, const vec3 &event_pos, const std::string &mod );
+ const MaterialEvent *GetMaterialEvent( const std::string &the_event, const vec3 &event_pos, Object* excluded_object );
+ const MaterialEvent *GetMaterialEvent( const std::string &the_event, const vec3 &event_pos, const std::string &mod, Object* excluded_object );
+ Object* GetClosestObject(const vec3 &pos, Object* excluded_object = NULL, vec3 *hit_pos = NULL, int *hit_tri = NULL);
+ const MaterialDecal *GetMaterialDecal( const std::string &type, const vec3 &pos );
+ const MaterialParticle *GetMaterialParticle( const std::string &type, const vec3 &pos );
+ float GetMaterialHardness( const vec3 &pos, Object* excluded_object = NULL );
+ float GetMaterialFriction( const vec3 &pos, Object* excluded_object = NULL );
+ float GetMaterialSharpPenetration( const vec3 &pos, Object* excluded_object = NULL );
+ vec3 GetColorAtPoint( const vec3 &pos );
+ void AssignID(Object* obj);
+ void QueueLevelReset();
+ void GetSweptSphereCollisionCharacters( const vec3 &pos, const vec3 &pos2, float radius, SphereCollision &as_col );
+ int CheckRayCollisionCharacters( const vec3 &start, const vec3 &end, vec3 *point, vec3 *normal, int *bone );
+ void GetPlayerCharacterIDs(int* num_avatars, int avatar_ids[], int max_avatars);
+ void GetNPCCharacterIDs(int* num_avatars, int avatar_ids[], int max_avatars);
+ void GetCharacterIDs(int* num_avatars, int avatar_ids[], int max_avatars);
+ void SendMessageToAllObjects( OBJECT_MSG::Type type );
+ void SendScriptMessageToAllObjects( std::string& msg );
+ std::vector<MovementObject*> GetControlledMovementObjects();
+ std::vector<MovementObject*> GetControllableMovementObjects();
+ bool VerifySanity();
+ enum DepthType {
+ kDepthShadow,
+ kDepthAllShadowCascades,
+ kDepthPrePass
+ };
+ void DrawDepthMap(const mat4& proj_view_matrix, const vec4* cull_planes, int num_cull_planes, DepthType depth_type, SceneDrawType scene_draw_type);
+ int GetAndReserveID();
+ int LinkUpdateObject( Object* obj );
+ void UnlinkUpdateObject( Object* obj, int entry );
+ void Dispose();
+ void SetNavMeshVisible( bool v );
+ void SetCollisionNavMeshVisible( bool v );
+ bool IsNavMeshVisible();
+ bool IsCollisionNavMeshVisible();
+ void PrepareLightsAndDecals(vec2 active_screen_start, vec2 active_screen_end, vec2 screen_dims);
+ void BindDecals(int the_shader);
+ void BindLights(int the_shader);
+ static void ApplyScriptParams(SceneGraph* scenegraph, const ScriptParamMap& spm);
+ void PrintCurrentObjects();
+ int CountObjectsWithName(const char* name);
+ bool IsObjectSane(Object* obj);
+ const char* GetDestroyedObjectInfo(int object_id);
+ void DumpState();
+ enum PreloadType {
+ kUnknown = (1<<0),
+ kDrawDepthOnly = (1<<1),
+ kDrawAllShadowCascades = (1<<2),
+ kDrawDepthNoAA = (1<<3),
+ kFullDraw = (1<<4),
+ kWireframe = (1<<5),
+ kDecal = (1<<6),
+ kPreloadTypeAll = (1<<7) - 1,
+ kOptionalNone = (1<<7),
+ kOptionalGeometry = (1<<8),
+ kOptionalTessellation = (1<<9)
+ };
+ void GetParticleShaderNames(std::map<std::string, int>& preload_shaders);
+ void PreloadForDrawType(std::map<std::string, int>& preload_shaders, PreloadType type);
+ void PreloadShaders();
+ bool visible_objects_need_sort;
+ bool queued_level_reset_;
+ typedef std::vector<Object*> IDMap;
+ IDMap object_from_id_map_;
+ NavMesh *nav_mesh_;
+ NavMeshRenderer nav_mesh_renderer_;
+ // this buffer contains decal and light data
+ std::vector<float> decal_tbo;
+ TextureRef decal_data_texture;
+ // this buffer contains
+ // 1. grid lookup (should be in a separate 3D texture)
+ // 2. decal cluster contents (decal indices)
+ // 2. light cluster contents (light indices)
+ std::vector<uint32_t> decal_cluster_buffer;
+ TextureRef decal_cluster_texture;
+ // int is a bitmask of Object::DrawType
+ std::map<std::string, int> preload_shaders;
+struct ClusterData {
+ uint32_t next;
+ uint16_t item;
+ ClusterData()
+ : next(0)
+ , item(0)
+ {
+ }
+ // in pixels
+ // This value is hardcoded in shaders, so has to be modified there as well.
+ unsigned int cluster_size;
+ unsigned int num_z_clusters;
+ // 3D texture of cluster pointers
+ std::vector<uint32_t> cluster_list_heads;
+ // 1D texture of cluster pointers
+ std::vector<ClusterData> cluster_list_contents;
+ // number of decals in the cluster, size = number of clusters
+ std::vector<uint16_t> cluster_decal_counts;
+ std::vector<uint32_t> decal_grid_lookup;
+ std::vector<unsigned int> cluster_decals;
+ // number of lights in each cluster, size = number of clusters
+ std::vector<unsigned int> cluster_light_counts;
+ std::vector<uint32_t> light_grid_lookup;
+ std::vector<unsigned int> cluster_lights;
+ void LoadReflectionCaptureCubemaps();
+ void UnloadReflectionCaptureCubemaps();
+vec3 ColorFromString(const char* str);