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Diffstat (limited to 'map_embeddings.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 696 deletions
diff --git a/map_embeddings.py b/map_embeddings.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 039749e..0000000
--- a/map_embeddings.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,696 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Mikel Artetxe <artetxem@gmail.com>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import embeddings
-from cupy_utils import *
-import argparse
-import collections
-import numpy as np
-import re
-import sys
-import time
-def dropout(m, p):
- if p <= 0.0:
- return m
- else:
- xp = get_array_module(m)
- mask = xp.random.rand(*m.shape) >= p
- return m*mask
-def topk_mean(m, k, inplace=False): # TODO Assuming that axis is 1
- xp = get_array_module(m)
- n = m.shape[0]
- ans = xp.zeros(n, dtype=m.dtype)
- if k <= 0:
- return ans
- if not inplace:
- m = xp.array(m)
- ind0 = xp.arange(n)
- ind1 = xp.empty(n, dtype=int)
- minimum = m.min()
- for i in range(k):
- m.argmax(axis=1, out=ind1)
- ans += m[ind0, ind1]
- m[ind0, ind1] = minimum
- return ans / k
-def supervised_mapping(src_input,trg_input,src_output,trg_output,init_dictionary,encoding="utf-8",precision="fp32",cuda=False,batch_size=1000,seed=0,unsupervised_vocab=0,src_reweight=0,trg_reweight=0,dim_reduction=0,vocabulary_cutoff=0,direction="union",csls=0,threshold=0.000001,validation=None,stochastic_initial=0.1,stochastic_multiplier=2.0,stochastic_interval=50):
- self_learning=False
- print("SUPERVISED")
- normalize=['unit', 'center', 'unit']
- #parser.set_defaults(init_dictionary=args.supervised, normalize=['unit', 'center', 'unit'], whiten=True, src_reweight=0.5, trg_reweight=0.5, src_dewhiten='src', trg_dewhiten='trg', batch_size=1000)
- normalize=['unit', 'center', 'unit']
- whiten=True
- src_reweight=0.5
- trg_reweight=0.5
- src_dewhiten='src'
- trg_dewhiten='trg'
- batch_size=1000
- cuda=False
- identical=False
- unsupervised=False
- init_identical=False
- init_numerals=False
- init_unsupervised=False
- orthogonal=False
- unconstrained=False
- self_learning=False
- verbose=False
- if precision == 'fp16':
- dtype = 'float16'
- elif precision == 'fp32':
- dtype = 'float32'
- elif precision == 'fp64':
- dtype = 'float64'
- # Read input embeddings
- print("Read input embeddings")
- srcfile = open(src_input, encoding=encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
- trgfile = open(trg_input, encoding=encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
- src_words, x = embeddings.read(srcfile, dtype=dtype)
- trg_words, z = embeddings.read(trgfile, dtype=dtype)
- # NumPy/CuPy management
- if cuda:
- if not supports_cupy():
- print('ERROR: Install CuPy for CUDA support', file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(-1)
- xp = get_cupy()
- x = xp.asarray(x)
- z = xp.asarray(z)
- else:
- xp = np
- xp.random.seed(seed)
- # Build word to index map
- print("Build word to index map")
- src_word2ind = {word: i for i, word in enumerate(src_words)}
- trg_word2ind = {word: i for i, word in enumerate(trg_words)}
- # STEP 0: Normalization
- print("STEP 0: Normalization")
- embeddings.normalize(x, normalize)
- embeddings.normalize(z, normalize)
- # Build the seed dictionary
- print("Build the seed dictionary")
- src_indices = []
- trg_indices = []
- f = open(init_dictionary, encoding=encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
- for line in f:
- src, trg = line.split()
- try:
- src_ind = src_word2ind[src]
- trg_ind = trg_word2ind[trg]
- src_indices.append(src_ind)
- trg_indices.append(trg_ind)
- except KeyError:
- print('WARNING: OOV dictionary entry ({0} - {1})'.format(src, trg), file=sys.stderr)
- # Read validation dictionary
- if validation is not None:
- f = open(validation, encoding=encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
- validation = collections.defaultdict(set)
- oov = set()
- vocab = set()
- for line in f:
- src, trg = line.split()
- try:
- src_ind = src_word2ind[src]
- trg_ind = trg_word2ind[trg]
- validation[src_ind].add(trg_ind)
- vocab.add(src)
- except KeyError:
- oov.add(src)
- oov -= vocab # If one of the translation options is in the vocabulary, then the entry is not an oov
- validation_coverage = len(validation) / (len(validation) + len(oov))
- # Allocate memory
- print("Allocate memory")
- xw = xp.empty_like(x)
- zw = xp.empty_like(z)
- src_size = x.shape[0] if vocabulary_cutoff <= 0 else min(x.shape[0], vocabulary_cutoff)
- trg_size = z.shape[0] if vocabulary_cutoff <= 0 else min(z.shape[0], vocabulary_cutoff)
- simfwd = xp.empty((batch_size, trg_size), dtype=dtype)
- simbwd = xp.empty((batch_size, src_size), dtype=dtype)
- if validation is not None:
- simval = xp.empty((len(validation.keys()), z.shape[0]), dtype=dtype)
- best_sim_forward = xp.full(src_size, -100, dtype=dtype)
- src_indices_forward = xp.arange(src_size)
- trg_indices_forward = xp.zeros(src_size, dtype=int)
- best_sim_backward = xp.full(trg_size, -100, dtype=dtype)
- src_indices_backward = xp.zeros(trg_size, dtype=int)
- trg_indices_backward = xp.arange(trg_size)
- knn_sim_fwd = xp.zeros(src_size, dtype=dtype)
- knn_sim_bwd = xp.zeros(trg_size, dtype=dtype)
- # Training loop
- print("Training loop")
- best_objective = objective = -100.
- it = 1
- last_improvement = 0
- keep_prob = stochastic_initial
- t = time.time()
- end = not self_learning
- while True:
- # Increase the keep probability if we have not improve in stochastic_interval iterations
- if it - last_improvement > stochastic_interval:
- if keep_prob >= 1.0:
- end = True
- keep_prob = min(1.0, stochastic_multiplier*keep_prob)
- last_improvement = it
- # Update the embedding mapping
- if orthogonal or not end: # orthogonal mapping
- u, s, vt = xp.linalg.svd(z[trg_indices].T.dot(x[src_indices]))
- w = vt.T.dot(u.T)
- x.dot(w, out=xw)
- zw[:] = z
- elif unconstrained: # unconstrained mapping
- x_pseudoinv = xp.linalg.inv(x[src_indices].T.dot(x[src_indices])).dot(x[src_indices].T)
- w = x_pseudoinv.dot(z[trg_indices])
- x.dot(w, out=xw)
- zw[:] = z
- else: # advanced mapping
- # TODO xw.dot(wx2, out=xw) and alike not working
- xw[:] = x
- zw[:] = z
- # STEP 1: Whitening
- def whitening_transformation(m):
- u, s, vt = xp.linalg.svd(m, full_matrices=False)
- return vt.T.dot(xp.diag(1/s)).dot(vt)
- if whiten:
- wx1 = whitening_transformation(xw[src_indices])
- wz1 = whitening_transformation(zw[trg_indices])
- xw = xw.dot(wx1)
- zw = zw.dot(wz1)
- # STEP 2: Orthogonal mapping
- wx2, s, wz2_t = xp.linalg.svd(xw[src_indices].T.dot(zw[trg_indices]))
- wz2 = wz2_t.T
- xw = xw.dot(wx2)
- zw = zw.dot(wz2)
- # STEP 3: Re-weighting
- xw *= s**src_reweight
- zw *= s**trg_reweight
- # STEP 4: De-whitening
- if src_dewhiten == 'src':
- xw = xw.dot(wx2.T.dot(xp.linalg.inv(wx1)).dot(wx2))
- elif src_dewhiten == 'trg':
- xw = xw.dot(wz2.T.dot(xp.linalg.inv(wz1)).dot(wz2))
- if trg_dewhiten == 'src':
- zw = zw.dot(wx2.T.dot(xp.linalg.inv(wx1)).dot(wx2))
- elif trg_dewhiten == 'trg':
- zw = zw.dot(wz2.T.dot(xp.linalg.inv(wz1)).dot(wz2))
- # STEP 5: Dimensionality reduction
- if dim_reduction > 0:
- xw = xw[:, :dim_reduction]
- zw = zw[:, :dim_reduction]
- # Self-learning
- if end:
- break
- else:
- # Update the training dictionary
- if direction in ('forward', 'union'):
- if csls_neighborhood > 0:
- for i in range(0, trg_size, simbwd.shape[0]):
- j = min(i + simbwd.shape[0], trg_size)
- zw[i:j].dot(xw[:src_size].T, out=simbwd[:j-i])
- knn_sim_bwd[i:j] = topk_mean(simbwd[:j-i], k=csls_neighborhood, inplace=True)
- for i in range(0, src_size, simfwd.shape[0]):
- j = min(i + simfwd.shape[0], src_size)
- xw[i:j].dot(zw[:trg_size].T, out=simfwd[:j-i])
- simfwd[:j-i].max(axis=1, out=best_sim_forward[i:j])
- simfwd[:j-i] -= knn_sim_bwd/2 # Equivalent to the real CSLS scores for NN
- dropout(simfwd[:j-i], 1 - keep_prob).argmax(axis=1, out=trg_indices_forward[i:j])
- if direction in ('backward', 'union'):
- if csls_neighborhood > 0:
- for i in range(0, src_size, simfwd.shape[0]):
- j = min(i + simfwd.shape[0], src_size)
- xw[i:j].dot(zw[:trg_size].T, out=simfwd[:j-i])
- knn_sim_fwd[i:j] = topk_mean(simfwd[:j-i], k=csls_neighborhood, inplace=True)
- for i in range(0, trg_size, simbwd.shape[0]):
- j = min(i + simbwd.shape[0], trg_size)
- zw[i:j].dot(xw[:src_size].T, out=simbwd[:j-i])
- simbwd[:j-i].max(axis=1, out=best_sim_backward[i:j])
- simbwd[:j-i] -= knn_sim_fwd/2 # Equivalent to the real CSLS scores for NN
- dropout(simbwd[:j-i], 1 - keep_prob).argmax(axis=1, out=src_indices_backward[i:j])
- if direction == 'forward':
- src_indices = src_indices_forward
- trg_indices = trg_indices_forward
- elif direction == 'backward':
- src_indices = src_indices_backward
- trg_indices = trg_indices_backward
- elif direction == 'union':
- src_indices = xp.concatenate((src_indices_forward, src_indices_backward))
- trg_indices = xp.concatenate((trg_indices_forward, trg_indices_backward))
- # Objective function evaluation
- if direction == 'forward':
- objective = xp.mean(best_sim_forward).tolist()
- elif direction == 'backward':
- objective = xp.mean(best_sim_backward).tolist()
- elif direction == 'union':
- objective = (xp.mean(best_sim_forward) + xp.mean(best_sim_backward)).tolist() / 2
- if objective - best_objective >= threshold:
- last_improvement = it
- best_objective = objective
- # Accuracy and similarity evaluation in validation
- if validation is not None:
- src = list(validation.keys())
- xw[src].dot(zw.T, out=simval)
- nn = asnumpy(simval.argmax(axis=1))
- accuracy = np.mean([1 if nn[i] in validation[src[i]] else 0 for i in range(len(src))])
- similarity = np.mean([max([simval[i, j].tolist() for j in validation[src[i]]]) for i in range(len(src))])
- # Logging
- duration = time.time() - t
- if verbose:
- print(file=sys.stderr)
- print('ITERATION {0} ({1:.2f}s)'.format(it, duration), file=sys.stderr)
- print('\t- Objective: {0:9.4f}%'.format(100 * objective), file=sys.stderr)
- print('\t- Drop probability: {0:9.4f}%'.format(100 - 100*keep_prob), file=sys.stderr)
- if validation is not None:
- print('\t- Val. similarity: {0:9.4f}%'.format(100 * similarity), file=sys.stderr)
- print('\t- Val. accuracy: {0:9.4f}%'.format(100 * accuracy), file=sys.stderr)
- print('\t- Val. coverage: {0:9.4f}%'.format(100 * validation_coverage), file=sys.stderr)
- sys.stderr.flush()
- if log is not None:
- val = '{0:.6f}\t{1:.6f}\t{2:.6f}'.format(
- 100 * similarity, 100 * accuracy, 100 * validation_coverage) if validation is not None else ''
- print('{0}\t{1:.6f}\t{2}\t{3:.6f}'.format(it, 100 * objective, val, duration), file=log)
- log.flush()
- t = time.time()
- it += 1
- # Write mapped embeddings
- print("Write mapped embeddings")
- srcfile = open(src_output, mode='w', encoding=encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
- trgfile = open(trg_output, mode='w', encoding=encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
- embeddings.write(src_words, xw, srcfile)
- embeddings.write(trg_words, zw, trgfile)
- srcfile.close()
- trgfile.close()
-def main():
- # Parse command line arguments
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Map word embeddings in two languages into a shared space')
- parser.add_argument('src_input', help='the input source embeddings')
- parser.add_argument('trg_input', help='the input target embeddings')
- parser.add_argument('src_output', help='the output source embeddings')
- parser.add_argument('trg_output', help='the output target embeddings')
- parser.add_argument('--encoding', default='utf-8', help='the character encoding for input/output (defaults to utf-8)')
- parser.add_argument('--precision', choices=['fp16', 'fp32', 'fp64'], default='fp32', help='the floating-point precision (defaults to fp32)')
- parser.add_argument('--cuda', action='store_true', help='use cuda (requires cupy)')
- parser.add_argument('--batch_size', default=10000, type=int, help='batch size (defaults to 10000); does not affect results, larger is usually faster but uses more memory')
- parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=0, help='the random seed (defaults to 0)')
- recommended_group = parser.add_argument_group('recommended settings', 'Recommended settings for different scenarios')
- recommended_type = recommended_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- recommended_type.add_argument('--supervised', metavar='DICTIONARY', help='recommended if you have a large training dictionary')
- recommended_type.add_argument('--semi_supervised', metavar='DICTIONARY', help='recommended if you have a small seed dictionary')
- recommended_type.add_argument('--identical', action='store_true', help='recommended if you have no seed dictionary but can rely on identical words')
- recommended_type.add_argument('--unsupervised', action='store_true', help='recommended if you have no seed dictionary and do not want to rely on identical words')
- recommended_type.add_argument('--acl2018', action='store_true', help='reproduce our ACL 2018 system')
- recommended_type.add_argument('--aaai2018', metavar='DICTIONARY', help='reproduce our AAAI 2018 system')
- recommended_type.add_argument('--acl2017', action='store_true', help='reproduce our ACL 2017 system with numeral initialization')
- recommended_type.add_argument('--acl2017_seed', metavar='DICTIONARY', help='reproduce our ACL 2017 system with a seed dictionary')
- recommended_type.add_argument('--emnlp2016', metavar='DICTIONARY', help='reproduce our EMNLP 2016 system')
- init_group = parser.add_argument_group('advanced initialization arguments', 'Advanced initialization arguments')
- init_type = init_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- init_type.add_argument('-d', '--init_dictionary', default=sys.stdin.fileno(), metavar='DICTIONARY', help='the training dictionary file (defaults to stdin)')
- init_type.add_argument('--init_identical', action='store_true', help='use identical words as the seed dictionary')
- init_type.add_argument('--init_numerals', action='store_true', help='use latin numerals (i.e. words matching [0-9]+) as the seed dictionary')
- init_type.add_argument('--init_unsupervised', action='store_true', help='use unsupervised initialization')
- init_group.add_argument('--unsupervised_vocab', type=int, default=0, help='restrict the vocabulary to the top k entries for unsupervised initialization')
- mapping_group = parser.add_argument_group('advanced mapping arguments', 'Advanced embedding mapping arguments')
- mapping_group.add_argument('--normalize', choices=['unit', 'center', 'unitdim', 'centeremb', 'none'], nargs='*', default=[], help='the normalization actions to perform in order')
- mapping_group.add_argument('--whiten', action='store_true', help='whiten the embeddings')
- mapping_group.add_argument('--src_reweight', type=float, default=0, nargs='?', const=1, help='re-weight the source language embeddings')
- mapping_group.add_argument('--trg_reweight', type=float, default=0, nargs='?', const=1, help='re-weight the target language embeddings')
- mapping_group.add_argument('--src_dewhiten', choices=['src', 'trg'], help='de-whiten the source language embeddings')
- mapping_group.add_argument('--trg_dewhiten', choices=['src', 'trg'], help='de-whiten the target language embeddings')
- mapping_group.add_argument('--dim_reduction', type=int, default=0, help='apply dimensionality reduction')
- mapping_type = mapping_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
- mapping_type.add_argument('-c', '--orthogonal', action='store_true', help='use orthogonal constrained mapping')
- mapping_type.add_argument('-u', '--unconstrained', action='store_true', help='use unconstrained mapping')
- self_learning_group = parser.add_argument_group('advanced self-learning arguments', 'Advanced arguments for self-learning')
- self_learning_group.add_argument('--self_learning', action='store_true', help='enable self-learning')
- self_learning_group.add_argument('--vocabulary_cutoff', type=int, default=0, help='restrict the vocabulary to the top k entries')
- self_learning_group.add_argument('--direction', choices=['forward', 'backward', 'union'], default='union', help='the direction for dictionary induction (defaults to union)')
- self_learning_group.add_argument('--csls', type=int, nargs='?', default=0, const=10, metavar='NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE', dest='csls_neighborhood', help='use CSLS for dictionary induction')
- self_learning_group.add_argument('--threshold', default=0.000001, type=float, help='the convergence threshold (defaults to 0.000001)')
- self_learning_group.add_argument('--validation', default=None, metavar='DICTIONARY', help='a dictionary file for validation at each iteration')
- self_learning_group.add_argument('--stochastic_initial', default=0.1, type=float, help='initial keep probability stochastic dictionary induction (defaults to 0.1)')
- self_learning_group.add_argument('--stochastic_multiplier', default=2.0, type=float, help='stochastic dictionary induction multiplier (defaults to 2.0)')
- self_learning_group.add_argument('--stochastic_interval', default=50, type=int, help='stochastic dictionary induction interval (defaults to 50)')
- self_learning_group.add_argument('--log', help='write to a log file in tsv format at each iteration')
- self_learning_group.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='write log information to stderr at each iteration')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- if args.supervised is not None:
- parser.set_defaults(init_dictionary=args.supervised, normalize=['unit', 'center', 'unit'], whiten=True, src_reweight=0.5, trg_reweight=0.5, src_dewhiten='src', trg_dewhiten='trg', batch_size=1000)
- if args.semi_supervised is not None:
- parser.set_defaults(init_dictionary=args.semi_supervised, normalize=['unit', 'center', 'unit'], whiten=True, src_reweight=0.5, trg_reweight=0.5, src_dewhiten='src', trg_dewhiten='trg', self_learning=True, vocabulary_cutoff=20000, csls_neighborhood=10)
- if args.identical:
- parser.set_defaults(init_identical=True, normalize=['unit', 'center', 'unit'], whiten=True, src_reweight=0.5, trg_reweight=0.5, src_dewhiten='src', trg_dewhiten='trg', self_learning=True, vocabulary_cutoff=20000, csls_neighborhood=10)
- if args.unsupervised or args.acl2018:
- parser.set_defaults(init_unsupervised=True, unsupervised_vocab=4000, normalize=['unit', 'center', 'unit'], whiten=True, src_reweight=0.5, trg_reweight=0.5, src_dewhiten='src', trg_dewhiten='trg', self_learning=True, vocabulary_cutoff=20000, csls_neighborhood=10)
- if args.aaai2018:
- parser.set_defaults(init_dictionary=args.aaai2018, normalize=['unit', 'center'], whiten=True, trg_reweight=1, src_dewhiten='src', trg_dewhiten='trg', batch_size=1000)
- if args.acl2017:
- parser.set_defaults(init_numerals=True, orthogonal=True, normalize=['unit', 'center'], self_learning=True, direction='forward', stochastic_initial=1.0, stochastic_interval=1, batch_size=1000)
- if args.acl2017_seed:
- parser.set_defaults(init_dictionary=args.acl2017_seed, orthogonal=True, normalize=['unit', 'center'], self_learning=True, direction='forward', stochastic_initial=1.0, stochastic_interval=1, batch_size=1000)
- if args.emnlp2016:
- parser.set_defaults(init_dictionary=args.emnlp2016, orthogonal=True, normalize=['unit', 'center'], batch_size=1000)
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # Check command line arguments
- if (args.src_dewhiten is not None or args.trg_dewhiten is not None) and not args.whiten:
- print('ERROR: De-whitening requires whitening first', file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(-1)
- # Choose the right dtype for the desired precision
- if args.precision == 'fp16':
- dtype = 'float16'
- elif args.precision == 'fp32':
- dtype = 'float32'
- elif args.precision == 'fp64':
- dtype = 'float64'
- # Read input embeddings
- srcfile = open(args.src_input, encoding=args.encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
- trgfile = open(args.trg_input, encoding=args.encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
- src_words, x = embeddings.read(srcfile, dtype=dtype)
- trg_words, z = embeddings.read(trgfile, dtype=dtype)
- # NumPy/CuPy management
- if args.cuda:
- if not supports_cupy():
- print('ERROR: Install CuPy for CUDA support', file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(-1)
- xp = get_cupy()
- x = xp.asarray(x)
- z = xp.asarray(z)
- else:
- xp = np
- xp.random.seed(args.seed)
- # Build word to index map
- src_word2ind = {word: i for i, word in enumerate(src_words)}
- trg_word2ind = {word: i for i, word in enumerate(trg_words)}
- # STEP 0: Normalization
- embeddings.normalize(x, args.normalize)
- embeddings.normalize(z, args.normalize)
- # Build the seed dictionary
- src_indices = []
- trg_indices = []
- if args.init_unsupervised:
- sim_size = min(x.shape[0], z.shape[0]) if args.unsupervised_vocab <= 0 else min(x.shape[0], z.shape[0], args.unsupervised_vocab)
- u, s, vt = xp.linalg.svd(x[:sim_size], full_matrices=False)
- xsim = (u*s).dot(u.T)
- u, s, vt = xp.linalg.svd(z[:sim_size], full_matrices=False)
- zsim = (u*s).dot(u.T)
- del u, s, vt
- xsim.sort(axis=1)
- zsim.sort(axis=1)
- embeddings.normalize(xsim, args.normalize)
- embeddings.normalize(zsim, args.normalize)
- sim = xsim.dot(zsim.T)
- if args.csls_neighborhood > 0:
- knn_sim_fwd = topk_mean(sim, k=args.csls_neighborhood)
- knn_sim_bwd = topk_mean(sim.T, k=args.csls_neighborhood)
- sim -= knn_sim_fwd[:, xp.newaxis]/2 + knn_sim_bwd/2
- if args.direction == 'forward':
- src_indices = xp.arange(sim_size)
- trg_indices = sim.argmax(axis=1)
- elif args.direction == 'backward':
- src_indices = sim.argmax(axis=0)
- trg_indices = xp.arange(sim_size)
- elif args.direction == 'union':
- src_indices = xp.concatenate((xp.arange(sim_size), sim.argmax(axis=0)))
- trg_indices = xp.concatenate((sim.argmax(axis=1), xp.arange(sim_size)))
- del xsim, zsim, sim
- elif args.init_numerals:
- numeral_regex = re.compile('^[0-9]+$')
- src_numerals = {word for word in src_words if numeral_regex.match(word) is not None}
- trg_numerals = {word for word in trg_words if numeral_regex.match(word) is not None}
- numerals = src_numerals.intersection(trg_numerals)
- for word in numerals:
- src_indices.append(src_word2ind[word])
- trg_indices.append(trg_word2ind[word])
- elif args.init_identical:
- identical = set(src_words).intersection(set(trg_words))
- for word in identical:
- src_indices.append(src_word2ind[word])
- trg_indices.append(trg_word2ind[word])
- else:
- f = open(args.init_dictionary, encoding=args.encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
- for line in f:
- src, trg = line.split()
- try:
- src_ind = src_word2ind[src]
- trg_ind = trg_word2ind[trg]
- src_indices.append(src_ind)
- trg_indices.append(trg_ind)
- except KeyError:
- print('WARNING: OOV dictionary entry ({0} - {1})'.format(src, trg), file=sys.stderr)
- # Read validation dictionary
- if args.validation is not None:
- f = open(args.validation, encoding=args.encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
- validation = collections.defaultdict(set)
- oov = set()
- vocab = set()
- for line in f:
- src, trg = line.split()
- try:
- src_ind = src_word2ind[src]
- trg_ind = trg_word2ind[trg]
- validation[src_ind].add(trg_ind)
- vocab.add(src)
- except KeyError:
- oov.add(src)
- oov -= vocab # If one of the translation options is in the vocabulary, then the entry is not an oov
- validation_coverage = len(validation) / (len(validation) + len(oov))
- # Create log file
- if args.log:
- log = open(args.log, mode='w', encoding=args.encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
- # Allocate memory
- xw = xp.empty_like(x)
- zw = xp.empty_like(z)
- src_size = x.shape[0] if args.vocabulary_cutoff <= 0 else min(x.shape[0], args.vocabulary_cutoff)
- trg_size = z.shape[0] if args.vocabulary_cutoff <= 0 else min(z.shape[0], args.vocabulary_cutoff)
- simfwd = xp.empty((args.batch_size, trg_size), dtype=dtype)
- simbwd = xp.empty((args.batch_size, src_size), dtype=dtype)
- if args.validation is not None:
- simval = xp.empty((len(validation.keys()), z.shape[0]), dtype=dtype)
- best_sim_forward = xp.full(src_size, -100, dtype=dtype)
- src_indices_forward = xp.arange(src_size)
- trg_indices_forward = xp.zeros(src_size, dtype=int)
- best_sim_backward = xp.full(trg_size, -100, dtype=dtype)
- src_indices_backward = xp.zeros(trg_size, dtype=int)
- trg_indices_backward = xp.arange(trg_size)
- knn_sim_fwd = xp.zeros(src_size, dtype=dtype)
- knn_sim_bwd = xp.zeros(trg_size, dtype=dtype)
- # Training loop
- best_objective = objective = -100.
- it = 1
- last_improvement = 0
- keep_prob = args.stochastic_initial
- t = time.time()
- end = not args.self_learning
- while True:
- # Increase the keep probability if we have not improve in args.stochastic_interval iterations
- if it - last_improvement > args.stochastic_interval:
- if keep_prob >= 1.0:
- end = True
- keep_prob = min(1.0, args.stochastic_multiplier*keep_prob)
- last_improvement = it
- # Update the embedding mapping
- if args.orthogonal or not end: # orthogonal mapping
- u, s, vt = xp.linalg.svd(z[trg_indices].T.dot(x[src_indices]))
- w = vt.T.dot(u.T)
- x.dot(w, out=xw)
- zw[:] = z
- elif args.unconstrained: # unconstrained mapping
- x_pseudoinv = xp.linalg.inv(x[src_indices].T.dot(x[src_indices])).dot(x[src_indices].T)
- w = x_pseudoinv.dot(z[trg_indices])
- x.dot(w, out=xw)
- zw[:] = z
- else: # advanced mapping
- # TODO xw.dot(wx2, out=xw) and alike not working
- xw[:] = x
- zw[:] = z
- # STEP 1: Whitening
- def whitening_transformation(m):
- u, s, vt = xp.linalg.svd(m, full_matrices=False)
- return vt.T.dot(xp.diag(1/s)).dot(vt)
- if args.whiten:
- wx1 = whitening_transformation(xw[src_indices])
- wz1 = whitening_transformation(zw[trg_indices])
- xw = xw.dot(wx1)
- zw = zw.dot(wz1)
- # STEP 2: Orthogonal mapping
- wx2, s, wz2_t = xp.linalg.svd(xw[src_indices].T.dot(zw[trg_indices]))
- wz2 = wz2_t.T
- xw = xw.dot(wx2)
- zw = zw.dot(wz2)
- # STEP 3: Re-weighting
- xw *= s**args.src_reweight
- zw *= s**args.trg_reweight
- # STEP 4: De-whitening
- if args.src_dewhiten == 'src':
- xw = xw.dot(wx2.T.dot(xp.linalg.inv(wx1)).dot(wx2))
- elif args.src_dewhiten == 'trg':
- xw = xw.dot(wz2.T.dot(xp.linalg.inv(wz1)).dot(wz2))
- if args.trg_dewhiten == 'src':
- zw = zw.dot(wx2.T.dot(xp.linalg.inv(wx1)).dot(wx2))
- elif args.trg_dewhiten == 'trg':
- zw = zw.dot(wz2.T.dot(xp.linalg.inv(wz1)).dot(wz2))
- # STEP 5: Dimensionality reduction
- if args.dim_reduction > 0:
- xw = xw[:, :args.dim_reduction]
- zw = zw[:, :args.dim_reduction]
- # Self-learning
- if end:
- break
- else:
- # Update the training dictionary
- if args.direction in ('forward', 'union'):
- if args.csls_neighborhood > 0:
- for i in range(0, trg_size, simbwd.shape[0]):
- j = min(i + simbwd.shape[0], trg_size)
- zw[i:j].dot(xw[:src_size].T, out=simbwd[:j-i])
- knn_sim_bwd[i:j] = topk_mean(simbwd[:j-i], k=args.csls_neighborhood, inplace=True)
- for i in range(0, src_size, simfwd.shape[0]):
- j = min(i + simfwd.shape[0], src_size)
- xw[i:j].dot(zw[:trg_size].T, out=simfwd[:j-i])
- simfwd[:j-i].max(axis=1, out=best_sim_forward[i:j])
- simfwd[:j-i] -= knn_sim_bwd/2 # Equivalent to the real CSLS scores for NN
- dropout(simfwd[:j-i], 1 - keep_prob).argmax(axis=1, out=trg_indices_forward[i:j])
- if args.direction in ('backward', 'union'):
- if args.csls_neighborhood > 0:
- for i in range(0, src_size, simfwd.shape[0]):
- j = min(i + simfwd.shape[0], src_size)
- xw[i:j].dot(zw[:trg_size].T, out=simfwd[:j-i])
- knn_sim_fwd[i:j] = topk_mean(simfwd[:j-i], k=args.csls_neighborhood, inplace=True)
- for i in range(0, trg_size, simbwd.shape[0]):
- j = min(i + simbwd.shape[0], trg_size)
- zw[i:j].dot(xw[:src_size].T, out=simbwd[:j-i])
- simbwd[:j-i].max(axis=1, out=best_sim_backward[i:j])
- simbwd[:j-i] -= knn_sim_fwd/2 # Equivalent to the real CSLS scores for NN
- dropout(simbwd[:j-i], 1 - keep_prob).argmax(axis=1, out=src_indices_backward[i:j])
- if args.direction == 'forward':
- src_indices = src_indices_forward
- trg_indices = trg_indices_forward
- elif args.direction == 'backward':
- src_indices = src_indices_backward
- trg_indices = trg_indices_backward
- elif args.direction == 'union':
- src_indices = xp.concatenate((src_indices_forward, src_indices_backward))
- trg_indices = xp.concatenate((trg_indices_forward, trg_indices_backward))
- # Objective function evaluation
- if args.direction == 'forward':
- objective = xp.mean(best_sim_forward).tolist()
- elif args.direction == 'backward':
- objective = xp.mean(best_sim_backward).tolist()
- elif args.direction == 'union':
- objective = (xp.mean(best_sim_forward) + xp.mean(best_sim_backward)).tolist() / 2
- if objective - best_objective >= args.threshold:
- last_improvement = it
- best_objective = objective
- # Accuracy and similarity evaluation in validation
- if args.validation is not None:
- src = list(validation.keys())
- xw[src].dot(zw.T, out=simval)
- nn = asnumpy(simval.argmax(axis=1))
- accuracy = np.mean([1 if nn[i] in validation[src[i]] else 0 for i in range(len(src))])
- similarity = np.mean([max([simval[i, j].tolist() for j in validation[src[i]]]) for i in range(len(src))])
- # Logging
- duration = time.time() - t
- if args.verbose:
- print(file=sys.stderr)
- print('ITERATION {0} ({1:.2f}s)'.format(it, duration), file=sys.stderr)
- print('\t- Objective: {0:9.4f}%'.format(100 * objective), file=sys.stderr)
- print('\t- Drop probability: {0:9.4f}%'.format(100 - 100*keep_prob), file=sys.stderr)
- if args.validation is not None:
- print('\t- Val. similarity: {0:9.4f}%'.format(100 * similarity), file=sys.stderr)
- print('\t- Val. accuracy: {0:9.4f}%'.format(100 * accuracy), file=sys.stderr)
- print('\t- Val. coverage: {0:9.4f}%'.format(100 * validation_coverage), file=sys.stderr)
- sys.stderr.flush()
- if args.log is not None:
- val = '{0:.6f}\t{1:.6f}\t{2:.6f}'.format(
- 100 * similarity, 100 * accuracy, 100 * validation_coverage) if args.validation is not None else ''
- print('{0}\t{1:.6f}\t{2}\t{3:.6f}'.format(it, 100 * objective, val, duration), file=log)
- log.flush()
- t = time.time()
- it += 1
- # Write mapped embeddings
- srcfile = open(args.src_output, mode='w', encoding=args.encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
- trgfile = open(args.trg_output, mode='w', encoding=args.encoding, errors='surrogateescape')
- embeddings.write(src_words, xw, srcfile)
- embeddings.write(trg_words, zw, trgfile)
- srcfile.close()
- trgfile.close()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()