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github.com/chipsenkbeil/grid-side.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterUpdated version and tags of themeChip Senkbeil7 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2017-06-26Updated version and tags of themeHEADmasterChip Senkbeil
2017-06-26Replaced .Now with now functionChip Senkbeil
2016-11-17Rename RSSlink to RSSLink (#35)Bjørn Erik Pedersen
2016-10-30Remove mention of sidecomment (not used)Chip Senkbeil
2016-10-22Fixed url vulnerability (#32)Chip Senkbeil
2016-09-24Update youtube.html (#30)alrayyes
2016-08-09Updated Font Awesome to latest v4.6.3 (#29)inspiritana
2016-07-05Make img responsive (#25)Mimmo Cosenza
2016-06-26Add playlist and loop parameters (#24)Mimmo Cosenza
2015-10-03Updated main menu to use base url for menu linksChip Senkbeil