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github.com/clementfarabet/lua---nnx.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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authorClement Farabet <clement.farabet@gmail.com>2011-07-08 09:06:56 +0400
committerClement Farabet <clement.farabet@gmail.com>2011-07-08 09:06:56 +0400
commitf2cd86ebd312900c8de87616114169eedab5721a (patch)
treede65ac42f81f5107954b5c9fa1eab65b38269e1f /SpatialFovea.lua
parent6bee453e142c08123ed6034ec0e987f5f44a0adb (diff)
Imported spatialFovea from xlearn
Diffstat (limited to 'SpatialFovea.lua')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SpatialFovea.lua b/SpatialFovea.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53612c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SpatialFovea.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+local SpatialFovea, parent = torch.class('nn.SpatialFovea', 'nn.Module')
+local help_desc =
+[[From a given image, generates a pyramid of scales, and process each scale
+with the given list of preprocessors and processors.
+The result of each module/scale is then
+upsampled to produce a homogenous list of 3D feature maps (4D tensor).
+The pipeline is the following:
+input -> pyramid{ratios} -> preProcessors -> padding -> processors -> [alignment] -> output
+There are two operating modes: focused [training], and global [inference].
+In inference mode,
+the entire input is processed, and and alignment step is performed at the end of
+the pipeline, to be fed directly to a SpatialLinear module.
+In sampling mode, the fovea is first focused on a particular (x,y) point, and no
+alignment is performed at the end, as all scales should produce a 1x1 result.
+To focus the fovea, simply call fovea:focus(x,y,winSize) before doing a forward.
+A call to fovea:focus(nil) makes it unfocus (go back to global mode). ]]
+function SpatialFovea:__init(...)
+ parent.__init(self)
+ -- check args
+ xlua.unpack_class(
+ self,
+ {...},
+ 'nn.SpatialFovea',
+ help_desc,
+ {arg='nInputPlane', type='number', help='number of input planes', req=true},
+ {arg='ratios', type='table', help='list of downsampling ratios', req=true},
+ {arg='processors', type='table', help='list of processors (each processor sees a single scale)', req=true},
+ {arg='preProcessors', type='table', help='list of preprocessors (applied before padding)'},
+ {arg='fov', type='number', help='field of view (== processors\' receptive field)', default=1},
+ {arg='sub', type='number', help='global subsampling (== processors\' subsampling ratio)', default=1},
+ {arg='bilinear', type='number', help='bilinear interpolation', default=false}
+ )
+ -- internal modules:
+ self.downsamplers = {}
+ self.padders = {}
+ self.upsamplers = {}
+ self.preProcessors = self.preProcessors or {}
+ -- temporary results:
+ self.pyramid = {}
+ self.preProcessed = {}
+ self.padded = {}
+ self.narrowed = {}
+ self.processed = {}
+ self.upsampled = {}
+ self.gradUpsampled = {}
+ self.gradProcessed = {}
+ self.gradNarrowed = {}
+ self.gradPadded = {}
+ self.gradPreProcessed = {}
+ self.gradPyramid = {}
+ -- inferred params
+ self.padding = self.fov - self.sub
+ -- check processors
+ if #self.processors ~= #self.ratios then
+ xlua.error('the number of processors provided should == the number of ratiios (scales): '
+ .. #self.ratios, 'nn.SpatialFovea')
+ end
+ -- reset
+ self:reset()
+function SpatialFovea:focus(x,y,fov)
+ self.x = x
+ self.y = y
+ self.fov = fov or self.fov
+ if self.x and self.y and self.fov then
+ self.focused = true
+ else
+ self.focused = false
+ end
+function SpatialFovea:configure(width,height)
+ -- init modules
+ for idx = 1,#self.ratios do
+ -- down/up ratio
+ local r = self.ratios[idx]
+ -- downsamplers
+ if self.bilinear then
+ self.downsamplers[idx] = nn.SpatialReSampling(1/r,1/r)
+ else
+ self.downsamplers[idx] = nn.SpatialSubSampling(self.nInputPlane, r, r, r, r)
+ self.downsamplers[idx].weight:fill(1/(r^2))
+ self.downsamplers[idx].bias:zero()
+ end
+ -- padders
+ if self.padding == 0 then
+ self.padders[idx] = nn.Identity()
+ else
+ local padl = math.floor(self.padding / 2)
+ local padr = math.floor(self.padding / 2)
+ self.padders[idx] = nn.SpatialPadding(padl, padr, padl, padr)
+ end
+ -- upsamplers
+ if self.bilinear then
+ self.upsamplers[idx] = nn.SpatialReSampling(r, r)
+ else
+ self.upsamplers[idx] = nn.SpatialUpSampling(r, r)
+ end
+ end
+function SpatialFovea:forward(input)
+ -- input must be 3D
+ if input:nDimension() ~= 3 then
+ xerror('input must be 3d','nn.SpatialFovea')
+ end
+ local width = input:size(3)
+ local height = input:size(2)
+ local nmaps = input:size(1)
+ local nscales = #self.ratios
+ if input:size(1) ~= self.nInputPlane then
+ xerror('input must have ' .. self.nInputPlane .. ' input planes' ,'nn.SpatialFovea')
+ end
+ self:configure(width,height)
+ -- (1) generate pyramid
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ self.pyramid[idx] = self.downsamplers[idx]:forward(input)
+ end
+ -- (2) preprocess
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ if self.preProcessors[idx] then
+ self.preProcessed[idx] = self.preProcessors[idx]:forward(self.pyramid[idx])
+ else
+ self.preProcessed[idx] = self.pyramid[idx]
+ end
+ end
+ -- (3) pad inputs
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ self.padded[idx] = self.padders[idx]:forward(self.preProcessed[idx])
+ end
+ -- (4) is fovea focused ?
+ if self.focused then
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ local fov = self.fov
+ local ox = math.floor(math.floor((self.x-1) / self.ratios[idx]) / self.sub) * self.sub + 1
+ local oy = math.floor(math.floor((self.y-1) / self.ratios[idx]) / self.sub) * self.sub + 1
+ self.narrowed[idx] = self.padded[idx]:narrow(3,ox,fov):narrow(2,oy,fov)
+ end
+ else
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ self.narrowed[idx] = self.padded[idx]
+ end
+ end
+ -- (5) apply processors to pyramid
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ self.processed[idx] = self.processors[idx]:forward(self.narrowed[idx])
+ end
+ -- (6) upscale, only if fovea is not focused
+ if self.focused then
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ self.upsampled[idx] = self.processed[idx]
+ end
+ else
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ self.upsampled[idx] = self.upsamplers[idx]:forward(self.processed[idx])
+ end
+ end
+ -- (7) concatenate all maps into a single 3D volume
+ local currentslice = 1
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ currentslice = currentslice + self.processed[idx]:size(1)
+ end
+ self.output:resize(currentslice-1, self.upsampled[1]:size(2), self.upsampled[1]:size(3))
+ currentslice = 1
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ local omap = self.output:narrow(1, currentslice, self.upsampled[idx]:size(1))
+ omap:copy( self.upsampled[idx] )
+ currentslice = currentslice + self.upsampled[idx]:size(1)
+ end
+ return self.output
+function SpatialFovea:backward(input, gradOutput)
+ -- nb of scales
+ local nscales = #self.ratios
+ -- (7) extract different scales
+ local currentslice = 1
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ self.gradUpsampled[idx] = gradOutput:narrow(1, currentslice, self.processed[idx]:size(1))
+ currentslice = currentslice + self.upsampled[idx]:size(1)
+ end
+ -- (6) bprop through upsamplers
+ if self.focused then
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ self.gradProcessed[idx] = self.gradUpsampled[idx]
+ end
+ else
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ self.gradProcessed[idx] = self.upsamplers[idx]:backward(self.processed[idx], self.gradUpsampled[idx])
+ end
+ end
+ -- (5) bprop through processors
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ self.gradNarrowed[idx] = self.processors[idx]:backward(self.narrowed[idx], self.gradProcessed[idx])
+ end
+ -- (4) is fovea focused ?
+ if self.focused then
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ self.gradPadded[idx] = self.gradPadded[idx] or torch.Tensor()
+ self.gradPadded[idx]:resizeAs(self.padded[idx]):zero()
+ local fov = self.fov
+ local ox = math.floor(math.floor((self.x-1) / self.ratios[idx]) / self.sub) * self.sub + 1
+ local oy = math.floor(math.floor((self.y-1) / self.ratios[idx]) / self.sub) * self.sub + 1
+ self.gradPadded[idx]:narrow(3,ox,fov):narrow(2,oy,fov):copy(self.gradNarrowed[idx])
+ end
+ else
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ self.gradPadded[idx] = self.gradNarrowed[idx]
+ end
+ end
+ -- (3) bprop through padders
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ self.gradPreProcessed[idx] = self.padders[idx]:backward(self.preProcessed[idx], self.gradPadded[idx])
+ end
+ -- (2) bprop through preProcessors
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ if self.preProcessors[idx] then
+ self.gradPyramid[idx] = self.preProcessors[idx]:backward(self.pyramid[idx], self.gradPreProcessed[idx])
+ else
+ self.gradPyramid[idx] = self.gradPreProcessed[idx]
+ end
+ end
+ -- (1) bprop through pyramid
+ self.gradInput:resizeAs(self.gradPyramid[1]):zero()
+ for idx = 1,nscales do
+ self.gradInput:add( self.downsamplers[idx]:backward(input, self.gradPyramid[idx]) )
+ end
+ return self.gradInput
+function SpatialFovea:reset(stdv)
+ for idx = 1,#self.processors do
+ self.processors[idx]:reset(stdv)
+ end
+function SpatialFovea:zeroGradParameters(momentum)
+ for idx = 1,#self.processors do
+ self.processors[idx]:zeroGradParameters(momentum)
+ end
+function SpatialFovea:updateParameters(learningRate)
+ for idx = 1,#self.processors do
+ self.processors[idx]:updateParameters(learningRate)
+ end
+function SpatialFovea:decayParameters(decay)
+ for idx = 1,#self.processors do
+ self.processors[idx]:decayParameters(decay)
+ end
+function SpatialFovea:write(file)
+ parent.write(self, file)
+ file:writeInt(self.nInputPlane)
+ file:writeInt(self.padding)
+ file:writeInt(self.fov)
+ file:writeInt(self.sub)
+ file:writeBool(self.bilinear)
+ file:writeObject(self.ratios)
+ file:writeObject(self.downsamplers)
+ file:writeObject(self.padders)
+ file:writeObject(self.upsamplers)
+ file:writeObject(self.processors)
+ file:writeObject(self.preProcessors)
+ file:writeObject(self.pyramid)
+ file:writeObject(self.preProcessed)
+ file:writeObject(self.padded)
+ file:writeObject(self.narrowed)
+ file:writeObject(self.processed)
+ file:writeObject(self.upsampled)
+function SpatialFovea:read(file)
+ parent.read(self, file)
+ self.nInputPlane = file:readInt()
+ self.padding = file:readInt()
+ self.fov = file:readInt()
+ self.sub = file:readInt()
+ self.bilinear = file:readBool()
+ self.ratios = file:readObject()
+ self.downsamplers = file:readObject()
+ self.padders = file:readObject()
+ self.upsamplers = file:readObject()
+ self.processors = file:readObject()
+ self.preProcessors = file:readObject()
+ self.pyramid = file:readObject()
+ self.preProcessed = file:readObject()
+ self.padded = file:readObject()
+ self.narrowed = file:readObject()
+ self.processed = file:readObject()
+ self.upsampled = file:readObject()
+ self.gradUpsampled = {}
+ self.gradProcessed = {}
+ self.gradNarrowed = {}
+ self.gradPadded = {}
+ self.gradPreProcessed = {}
+ self.gradPyramid = {}