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github.com/coderzh/hugo-pacman-theme.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-12-18load gtag analytics file at head.htmlHEADmasterKaitaKoinuma
2021-12-18create new version google analytics tag file and add gtag_ID to config.toml f...KaitaKoinuma
2021-12-18add period to '.Site.Params.GoogleAnalyticsID', between 'Analytics' and 'ID',...KaitaKoinuma
2020-02-07add default paramscoderzh
2019-08-31use mainSections and RegularPagescoderzh
2019-04-15add MathJax optioncoderzh
2019-04-15Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/alants56/hugo-pacman-theme into a...coderzh
2019-02-24remove 3rd party tracking usernamecoderzh
2018-10-13Add detection for loading DisqusBivectorfoil
2018-10-07Feature: add CreativeCommons icon support.Bivectorfoil
2018-07-22Comment area failed to load #20coderzh
2018-07-09add the script to support the MathJaxalants
2018-05-20modify the qrcode-pic(because of the error of jiathis.com)alants
2018-03-30update README.mdcoderzh
2018-03-30support Hugo v0.37.1 #19 #18 #17 #14coderzh
2017-05-07fix wrong count of posts of the first month because of 'Site.Pages' change un...yyBeta
2017-05-07fix 'isset not supported for some params' problem under new version hugoyyBeta
2017-05-07fix 'homepage' and 'about' menu display under new version hugoyyBeta
2017-01-26only archive posts type;homepage show top 10 postscoderzh
2017-01-15fix archive page error under new Hugo versioncoderzh
2016-11-19Rename RSSlink to RSSLinkBjørn Erik Pedersen
2016-10-05add static folder in exampleSitecoderzh
2016-05-08change .Params variable to lowercasecoderzh
2016-04-29Change Author => author for post paramYu Yang
2016-04-27display linkin iconcoderzh
2016-04-14Update index.htmlcoderzh
2016-04-10fix(icon): add linkedin iconYoung Woo
2016-04-08fix base url link error . see pull request #2coderzh
2016-04-08Merge pull request #2 from frostRed/cate_dispcoderzh
2016-04-08fixed categories display in article_catetagsFrost Red Lee
2016-03-26Update README.mdcoderzh
2016-03-26modify readme, disqus defaultcoderzh
2016-03-26add rssuricoderzh
2016-03-26modify config.tomlcoderzh
2016-03-26add screenshot imagescoderzh
2016-03-26Update README.mdcoderzh
2016-03-26Update README.mdcoderzh
2016-03-26add comments, code highlightcoderzh
2016-03-20fix baseURL errorcoderzh
2016-03-20Create README.mdcoderzh
2016-03-20init themecoderzh