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github.com/dataCobra/hugo-vitae.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-11-06Merge pull request #87 from hikhvar/feat/rel-meHEADmainBenedikt B
2022-11-06Add rel=me attributeChristoph Petrausch
2022-04-08Changes in list.html for Issue #77developdataCobra
2022-03-26Update FontAwesome to version 6.1.1dataCobra
2022-02-15Fix Liberapay link in README.mdBenedikt T
2022-02-15Revert "Change text for donations in README.md"dataCobra
2022-02-15Change text for donations in README.mddataCobra
2022-02-15Change information in README.mddataCobra
2022-02-15Create FUNDING.ymlBenedikt T
2022-02-13Correct an entry in i18n/en.yamldataCobra
2022-02-12Merge pull request #80 from nhhollander/mainBenedikt T
2022-02-12Merge pull request #83 from davidkaufmann/mainBenedikt T
2022-02-12Update FontAwesome to version 6.0.0dataCobra
2022-02-12Update KaTeX to version 0.15.2dataCobra
2022-02-12Remove information 'busy with life' from README.mddataCobra
2022-01-20fix 'prefers-color-scheme: dark' overriding light themeDavid Kaufmann
2021-12-07Fix #76 (use safeURL)dataCobra
2021-12-07Fix #81 (Term with hashtag causing 404 error)dataCobra
2021-12-07Add information 'busy with life' to README.mdBenedikt T
2021-10-06Added post labeling partial.Hollander, Nicholas Hackett
2021-09-16Merge pull request #79 from leozqi/mainBenedikt T
2021-09-15Add leozqi to CONTRIBUTORS.mdleozqi
2021-09-15Fix dark mode toggle when no social links are addedleozqi
2021-08-12Fix #74 (code in hyperlink doesn't render)3.0.3dataCobra
2021-07-31Merge pull request #69 from jeffschoner/remove-link-newline3.0.2Benedikt T
2021-07-31Add Jeff Schoner to contributorsJeff Schoner
2021-07-31Remove newline from link render templateJeff Schoner
2021-07-26Fix a typo in the examples/config.tomlBenedikt T
2021-07-26Documentation for the new darkmode option3.0.1dataCobra
2021-07-26Add option to make dark mode defaultdataCobra
2021-07-20Update FEATURES.md3.0Benedikt T
2021-07-20Recreated the images for the themedataCobra
2021-07-20Update FEATURES.mdBenedikt T
2021-07-20Update one line in README.mdBenedikt T
2021-07-20Update README.mdBenedikt T
2021-07-20Release commit for version 3.0dataCobra
2021-07-20Fix hidemeta in list.html and index.htmldataCobra
2021-07-20Remove lines in i18n/en.yaml that are unnecessarydataCobra
2021-07-11Add metadata (readingTime, wordCount, author) #61dataCobra
2021-07-11Add possibility to use custom javascript files #59dataCobra
2021-05-11Fix symbols in link textdataCobra
2021-04-12Add a list of available featuresdataCobra
2021-04-12Add extend_head featuredataCobra
2021-04-12Fix some misbehavior in main.cssdataCobra
2021-04-12Fix + Update for KaTeX renderingdataCobra
2021-04-12Fix article tag position in single.htmldataCobra
2021-04-12Reintegrate the homepage featuredataCobra
2021-04-12Add article tag for SEOdataCobra
2021-04-12Add feature #46 possibility to align imagesdataCobra
2021-04-02Fix social part for responsivnesdataCobra