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github.com/dldx/hpstr-hugo-theme.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-06-23Added option to hide reading time on posts with frontmatter - "reading_time: ...HEADmasterDurand D'souza
2018-06-22Added default data folderDurand D'souza
2017-12-17Update README.mdDurand D'souza
2017-09-30Modified CSS to add padding for code blocks back. Also modified syntax highli...Durand D'souza
2017-07-28Merge pull request #8 from Miterion/menu-fixDurand D'souza
2017-07-23Fixed jumping navigationmenuHeiko Carrasco
2016-11-22Merge pull request #3 from bep/rssDurand D'souza
2016-11-17Rename RSSlink to RSSLinkBjørn Erik Pedersen
2016-10-23Added screenshot thumbnail and removed read-more template.Durand D'souza
2016-10-23Renamed sass directory.Durand D'souza
2016-10-23Added link to original themeDurand D'souza
2016-10-23Removed base url from example configDurand D'souza
2016-10-23Updated READMEDurand D'souza
2016-10-23Added screenshot to readmeDurand D'souza
2016-10-23Added theme screenshotDurand D'souza
2016-10-23Updated README with more infoDurand D'souza
2016-10-23Added sample GruntfileDurand D'souza
2016-10-20Fixed bug which referred to wrong js fileDurand D'souza
2016-10-20Modified the og and twitter description to work on non-post pages.Durand D'souza
2016-10-20Made all urls relative, except for those that have to be absoluteDurand D'souza
2016-10-20Removed facebook author metadataDurand D'souza
2016-10-20Updated twitter and facebook cardsDurand D'souza
2016-10-18Cleaned up tags list a little.Durand D'souza
2016-10-18Added tags listDurand D'souza
2016-10-18In list view, filter out posts of type "page" - eg. the about pageDurand D'souza
2016-10-18Fixed absURLs in places where specifying an external image messed upDurand D'souza
2016-10-18Removed ipfs references from branch mergeDurand D'souza
2016-10-18Merge branch 'ipfs' to modify /images/ urlDurand D'souza
2016-10-17Corrected background image.Durand D'souza
2016-10-05Removed /images/ from content frontmatterDurand D'souza
2016-10-05Remove /images/ from image urls so that any folder can be used.Durand D'souza
2016-10-05Added 404.html and basic support for ipfs.Durand D'souza
2016-09-21Fixed disqusipfsDurand D'souza
2016-09-21Fixed a few thingsDurand D'souza
2016-09-21Removed read-time-index.htmlDurand D'souza
2016-09-21Can now turn off commentsDurand D'souza
2016-09-21Added support for non-article pagesDurand D'souza
2016-09-21Added example dataDurand D'souza
2016-09-21Added example contentDurand D'souza
2016-09-20Added example siteDurand D'souza
2016-09-20Updated theme detailsDurand D'souza
2016-09-20Updated LicenceDurand D'souza
2016-09-20Updated gitignoreDurand D'souza
2016-09-20Converted hpstr jekyll theme to a Hugo themeDurand D'souza
2016-09-15Merge branch 'release/1.7.6'1.7.6Michael Rose
2016-09-15Improve indented code block stylingdevelopMichael Rose
2016-08-30Merge branch 'hotfix/1.7.5'1.7.5Michael Rose
2016-08-30Merge branch 'hotfix/1.7.5' into developMichael Rose
2016-08-30Disable publishing future dated postsMichael Rose
2016-07-19Merge branch 'hotfix/1.7.4' into developMichael Rose