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Strings.cs « Main « Library « Duplicati - github.com/duplicati/duplicati.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
blob: 6208c40fe4e78fff7e1d92786c2b0243b859bc70 (plain)
using System;
using Duplicati.Library.Localization.Short;

namespace Duplicati.Library.Main.Strings
    internal static class Controller
        public static string HashMismatchError(string filename, string recordedhash, string actualhash) { return LC.L(@"Hash mismatch on file ""{0}"", recorded hash: {1}, actual hash {2}", filename, recordedhash, actualhash); }
        public static string DownloadedFileSizeError(string filename, long actualsize, long expectedsize) { return LC.L(@"The file {0} was downloaded and had size {1} but the size was expected to be {2}", filename, actualsize, expectedsize); }
        public static string DeprecatedOptionUsedWarning(string optionname, string message) { return LC.L(@"The option {0} is deprecated: {1}", optionname, message); }
        public static string DuplicateOptionNameWarning(string optionname) { return LC.L(@"The option --{0} exists more than once, please report this to the developers", optionname); }
        public static string NoSourceFoldersError { get { return LC.L(@"No source folders specified for backup"); } }
        public static string SourceIsMissingError(string foldername) { return LC.L(@"Backup aborted since the source path {0} does not exist.  Please verify that the source path exists, or remove the source path from the backup configuration, or set the allow-missing-source option.", foldername); }
        public static string SourceUnauthorizedError(string foldername) { return LC.L(@"Unauthorized to access source folder {0}, aborting backup", foldername); }
        public static string UnsupportedBooleanValue(string optionname, string value) { return LC.L(@"The value ""{1}"" supplied to --{0} does not parse into a valid boolean, this will be treated as if it was set to ""true""", optionname, value); }
        public static string UnsupportedEnumerationValue(string optionname, string value, string[] values) { return LC.L(@"The option --{0} does not support the value ""{1}"", supported values are: {2}", optionname, value, string.Join(", ", values)); }
        public static string UnsupportedFlagsValue(string optionname, string value, string[] values) { return LC.L(@"The option --{0} does not support the value ""{1}"", supported flag values are: {2}", optionname, value, string.Join(", ", values)); }
        public static string UnsupportedIntegerValue(string optionname, string value) { return LC.L(@"The value ""{1}"" supplied to --{0} does not represent a valid integer", optionname, value);  }
        public static string UnsupportedOptionDisabledModuleWarning(string optionname, string modulename) { return LC.L(@"The option --{0} is not supported because the module {1} is not currently loaded", optionname, modulename); }
        public static string UnsupportedOptionWarning(string optionname) { return LC.L(@"The supplied option --{0} is not supported and will be ignored", optionname); }
        public static string UnsupportedPathValue(string optionname, string value) { return LC.L(@"The value ""{1}"" supplied to --{0} does not represent a valid path", optionname, value); }
        public static string UnsupportedSizeValue(string optionname, string value) { return LC.L(@"The value ""{1}"" supplied to --{0} does not represent a valid size", optionname, value); }
        public static string UnsupportedTimeValue(string optionname, string value) { return LC.L(@"The value ""{1}"" supplied to --{0} does not represent a valid time", optionname, value); }
        public static string StartingOperationMessage(OperationMode operationname) { return LC.L(@"The operation {0} has started", operationname); }
        public static string CompletedOperationMessage(OperationMode operationname) { return LC.L(@"The operation {0} has completed", operationname); }
        public static string FailedOperationMessage(OperationMode operationname, string errormessage) { return LC.L(@"The operation {0} has failed with error: {1}", operationname, errormessage); }
        public static string InvalidPathError(string path, string message) { return LC.L(@"Invalid path: ""{0}"" ({1})", path, message); }
        public static string FailedForceLocaleError(string exMsg) { return LC.L(@"Failed to apply 'force-locale' setting. Please try to update .NET-Framework. Exception was: ""{0}"" ", exMsg); }
        public static string SourceVolumeNameInvalidError(string filename) { return LC.L(@"The source {0} uses an invalid volume name, aborting backup", filename); }
        public static string SourceVolumeNameNotFoundError(string filename, Guid volumeGuid) { return LC.L(@"The source {0} is on volume {1}, which could not be found, aborting backup", filename, volumeGuid); }
        public static string NonQualifiedSizeValue(string optionname, string value) { return LC.L(@"The size ""{1}"" supplied to --{0} does not have a multiplier (b, kb, mb, etc). A multiplier is recommended to avoid unexpected changes if the program is updated.", optionname, value); }

    internal static class Options
        public static string AutocleanupLong { get { return LC.L(@"If a backup is interrupted there will likely be partial files present on the backend. Using this flag, Duplicati will automatically remove such files when encountered."); } }
        public static string AutocleanupShort { get { return LC.L(@"A flag indicating that Duplicati should remove unused files"); } }
        public static string PrefixLong { get { return LC.L(@"A string used to prefix the filenames of the remote volumes, can be used to store multiple backups in the same remote folder. The prefix cannot contain a hyphen (-), but can contain all other characters allowed by the remote storage."); } }
        public static string PrefixShort { get { return LC.L(@"Remote filename prefix"); } }
        public static string DisablefiletimecheckLong { get { return LC.L(@"The operating system keeps track of the last time a file was written. Using this information, Duplicati can quickly determine if the file has been modified. If some application deliberately modifies this information, Duplicati won't work correctly unless this flag is set."); } }
        public static string DisablefiletimecheckShort { get { return LC.L(@"Disable checks based on file time"); } }
        public static string RestorepathLong { get { return LC.L(@"By default, files will be restored in the source folders, use this option to restore to another folder"); } }
        public static string RestorepathShort { get { return LC.L(@"Restore to another folder"); } }
        public static string AllowsleepShort { get { return LC.L(@"Toggles system sleep mode"); } }
        public static string AllowsleepLong { get { return LC.L(@"Allow system to enter sleep power modes for inactivity during backup/restore operations (Windows/OSX only)"); } }
        public static string ThrottledownloadLong { get { return LC.L(@"By setting this value you can limit how much bandwidth Duplicati consumes for downloads. Setting this limit can make the backups take longer, but will make Duplicati less intrusive."); } }
        public static string ThrottledownloadShort { get { return LC.L(@"Max number of kilobytes to download pr. second"); } }
        public static string ThrottleuploadLong { get { return LC.L(@"By setting this value you can limit how much bandwidth Duplicati consumes for uploads. Setting this limit can make the backups take longer, but will make Duplicati less intrusive."); } }
        public static string ThrottleuploadShort { get { return LC.L(@"Max number of kilobytes to upload pr. second"); } }
        public static string NoencryptionLong { get { return LC.L(@"If you store the backups on a local disk, and prefer that they are kept unencrypted, you can turn of encryption completely by using this switch."); } }
        public static string NoencryptionShort { get { return LC.L(@"Disable encryption"); } }
        public static string NumberofretriesLong { get { return LC.L(@"If an upload or download fails, Duplicati will retry a number of times before failing. Use this to handle unstable network connections better."); } }
        public static string NumberofretriesShort { get { return LC.L(@"Number of times to retry a failed transmission"); } }
        public static string PassphraseLong { get { return LC.L(@"Supply a passphrase that Duplicati will use to encrypt the backup volumes, making them unreadable without the passphrase. This variable can also be supplied through the environment variable PASSPHRASE."); } }
        public static string PassphraseShort { get { return LC.L(@"Passphrase used to encrypt backups"); } }
        public static string TimeLong { get { return LC.L(@"By default, Duplicati will list and restore files from the most recent backup, use this option to select another item. You may use relative times, like ""-2M"" for a backup from two months ago."); } }
        public static string TimeShort { get { return LC.L(@"The time to list/restore files"); } }
        public static string VersionLong { get { return LC.L(@"By default, Duplicati will list and restore files from the most recent backup, use this option to select another item. You may enter multiple values separated with comma, and ranges using -, e.g. ""0,2-4,7"" ."); } }
        public static string VersionShort { get { return LC.L(@"The version to list/restore files"); } }
        public static string AllversionsLong { get { return LC.L(@"When searching for files, only the most recent backup is searched. Use this option to show all previous versions too."); } }
        public static string AllversionsShort { get { return LC.L(@"Show all versions"); } }
        public static string ListprefixonlyLong { get { return LC.L(@"When searching for files, all matching files are returned. Use this option to return only the largest common prefix path."); } }
        public static string ListprefixonlyShort { get { return LC.L(@"Show largest prefix"); } }
        public static string ListfoldercontentsLong { get { return LC.L(@"When searching for files, all matching files are returned. Use this option to return only the entries found in the folder specified as filter."); } }
        public static string ListfoldercontentsShort { get { return LC.L(@"Show folder contents"); } }
        public static string RetrydelayLong { get { return LC.L(@"After a failed transmission, Duplicati will wait a short period before attempting again. This is useful if the network drops out occasionally during transmissions."); } }
        public static string RetrydelayShort { get { return LC.L(@"Time to wait between retries"); } }
        public static string ControlfilesLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to attach extra files to the newly uploaded filelists."); } }
        public static string ControlfilesShort { get { return LC.L(@"Set control files"); } }
        public static string SkipfilehashchecksLong { get { return LC.L(@"If the hash for the volume does not match, Duplicati will refuse to use the backup. Supply this flag to allow Duplicati to proceed anyway."); } }
        public static string SkipfilehashchecksShort { get { return LC.L(@"Set this flag to skip hash checks"); } }
        public static string SkipfileslargerthanLong { get { return LC.L(@"This option allows you to exclude files that are larger than the given value. Use this to prevent backups becoming extremely large."); } }
        public static string SkipfileslargerthanShort { get { return LC.L(@"Limit the size of files being backed up"); } }
        public static string TempdirShort { get { return LC.L(@"Temporary storage folder"); } }
        public static string TempdirLong { get { return LC.L(@"This option can be used to supply an alternative folder for temporary storage. By default the system default temporary folder is used. Note that also SQLite will put temporary files in this temporary folder."); } }
        public static string ThreadpriorityLong { get { return LC.L(@"Selects another thread priority for the process. Use this to set Duplicati to be more or less CPU intensive."); } }
        public static string ThreadpriorityShort { get { return LC.L(@"Thread priority"); } }
        public static string DblocksizeLong { get { return LC.L(@"This option can change the maximum size of dblock files. Changing the size can be useful if the backend has a limit on the size of each individual file"); } }
        public static string DblocksizeShort { get { return LC.L(@"Limit the size of the volumes"); } }
        public static string DisableStreamingLong { get { return LC.L(@"Enabling this option will disallow usage of the streaming interface, which means that transfer progress bars will not show, and bandwidth throttle settings will be ignored."); } }
        public static string DisableStreamingShort { get { return LC.L(@"Disables use of the streaming transfer method"); } }
        public static string DontreadmanifestsLong { get { return LC.L(@"This option will make sure the contents of the manifest file are not read. This also implies that file hashes are not checked either. Use only for disaster recovery."); } }
        public static string DontreadmanifestsShort { get { return LC.L(@"An option that prevents verifying the manifests"); } }
        public static string CompressionmoduleLong { get { return LC.L(@"Duplicati supports pluggable compression modules. Use this option to select a module to use for compression. This is only applied when creating new volumes, when reading an existing file, the filename is used to select the compression module."); } }
        public static string CompressionmoduleShort { get { return LC.L(@"Select what module to use for compression"); } }
        public static string EncryptionmoduleLong { get { return LC.L(@"Duplicati supports pluggable encryption modules. Use this option to select a module to use for encryption. This is only applied when creating new volumes, when reading an existing file, the filename is used to select the encryption module."); } }
        public static string EncryptionmoduleShort { get { return LC.L(@"Select what module to use for encryption"); } }
        public static string DisablemoduleLong { get { return LC.L(@"Supply one or more module names, separated by commas to unload them"); } }
        public static string DisablemoduleShort { get { return LC.L(@"Disables one or more modules"); } }
        public static string EnablemoduleLong { get { return LC.L(@"Supply one or more module names, separated by commas to load them"); } }
        public static string EnablemoduleShort { get { return LC.L(@"Enables one or more modules"); } }
        public static string SnapshotpolicyLong { get { return LC.L(@"This setting controls the usage of snapshots, which allows Duplicati to backup files that are locked by other programs. If this is set to ""off"", Duplicati will not attempt to create a disk snapshot. Setting this to ""auto"" makes Duplicati attempt to create a snapshot, and fail silently if that was not allowed or supported (note that the OS may still log system warnings). A setting of ""on"" will also make Duplicati attempt to create a snapshot, but will produce a warning message in the log if it fails. Setting it to ""required"" will make Duplicati abort the backup if the snapshot creation fails. On windows this uses the Volume Shadow Copy Services (VSS) and requires administrative privileges. On Linux this uses Logical Volume Management (LVM) and requires root privileges."); } }
        public static string SnapshotpolicyShort { get { return LC.L(@"Controls the use of disk snapshots"); } }
        public static string AsynchronousuploadfolderLong { get { return LC.L(@"The pre-generated volumes will be placed into the temporary folder by default, this option can set a different folder for placing the temporary volumes, despite the name, this also works for synchronous runs"); } }
        public static string AsynchronousuploadfolderShort { get { return LC.L(@"The path where ready volumes are placed until uploaded"); } }
        public static string AsynchronousuploadlimitLong { get { return LC.L(@"When performing asynchronous uploads, Duplicati will create volumes that can be uploaded. To prevent Duplicati from generating too many volumes, this option limits the number of pending uploads. Set to zero to disable the limit"); } }
        public static string AsynchronousuploadlimitShort { get { return LC.L(@"The number of volumes to create ahead of time"); } }
        public static string AsynchronousconcurrentuploadlimitLong { get { return LC.L(@"When performing asynchronous uploads, the maximum number of concurrent uploads allowed. Set to zero to disable the limit."); } }
        public static string AsynchronousconcurrentuploadlimitShort { get { return LC.L(@"The number of concurrent uploads allowed"); } }
        public static string DebugoutputLong { get { return LC.L(@"Activating this option will make some error messages more verbose, which may help you track down a particular issue"); } }
        public static string DebugoutputShort { get { return LC.L(@"Enables debugging output"); } }
        public static string LogfileShort { get { return LC.L(@"Log internal information to a file"); } }
        public static string LogfileLong { get { return LC.L(@"Logs information to the file specified"); } }
        public static string LoglevelLong { get { return LC.L(@"Specifies the amount of log information to write into the file specified by --log-file"); } }
        public static string LoglevelShort { get { return LC.L(@"Log information level"); } }
        public static string LogLevelDeprecated(string option1, string option2) { return LC.L("Use the {0} and {1} options instead", option1, option2); }
        public static string DisableautocreatefolderLong { get { return LC.L(@"If Duplicati detects that the target folder is missing, it will create it automatically. Activate this option to prevent automatic folder creation."); } }
        public static string DisableautocreatefolderShort { get { return LC.L(@"Disables automatic folder creation"); } }
        public static string VssexcludewritersLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to exclude faulty writers from a snapshot. This is equivalent to the -wx flag of the vshadow.exe tool, except that it only accepts writer class GUIDs, and not component names or instance GUIDs. Multiple GUIDs must be separated with a semicolon, and most forms of GUIDs are allowed, including with and without curly braces."); } }
        public static string VssexcludewritersShort { get { return LC.L(@"A semicolon separated list of guids of VSS writers to exclude (Windows only)"); } }
        public static string UsnpolicyLong { get { return LC.L(@"This setting controls the usage of NTFS USN numbers, which allows Duplicati to obtain a list of files and folders much faster. If this is set to ""off"", Duplicati will not attempt to use USN. Setting this to ""auto"" makes Duplicati attempt to use USN, and fail silently if that was not allowed or supported. A setting of ""on"" will also make Duplicati attempt to use USN, but will produce a warning message in the log if it fails. Setting it to ""required"" will make Duplicati abort the backup if the USN usage fails. This feature is only supported on Windows and requires administrative privileges."); } }
        public static string UsnpolicyShort { get { return LC.L(@"Controls the use of NTFS Update Sequence Numbers"); } }
        public static string DisabletimetoleranceLong { get { return LC.L(@"When matching timestamps, Duplicati will adjust the times by a small fraction to ensure that minor time differences do not cause unexpected updates. If the option --{0} is set to keep a week of backups, and the backup is made the same time each week, it is possible that the clock drifts slightly, such that full week has just passed, causing Duplicati to delete the older backup earlier than expected. To avoid this, Duplicati inserts a 1% tolerance (max 1 hour). Use this option to disable the tolerance, and use strict time checking", "--keep-time"); } }
        public static string DisabletimetoleranceShort { get { return LC.L(@"Deactivates tolerance when comparing times"); } }
        public static string ListverifyuploadsShort { get { return LC.L(@"Verify uploads by listing contents"); } }
        public static string SynchronousuploadLong { get { return LC.L(@"Duplicati will upload files while scanning the disk and producing volumes, which usually makes the backup faster. Use this flag to turn the behavior off, so that Duplicati will wait for each volume to complete."); } }
        public static string SynchronousuploadShort { get { return LC.L(@"Upload files synchronously"); } }
        public static string NoconnectionreuseLong { get { return LC.L(@"Duplicati will attempt to perform multiple operations on a single connection, as this avoids repeated login attempts, and thus speeds up the process. This option can be used to ensure that each operation is performed on a seperate connection"); } }
        public static string NoconnectionreuseShort { get { return LC.L(@"Do not re-use connections"); } }
        public static string DebugretryerrorsLong { get { return LC.L(@"When an error occurs, Duplicati will silently retry, and only report the number of retries. Enable this option to have the error messages displayed when a retry is performed."); } }
        public static string DebugretryerrorsShort { get { return LC.L(@"Show error messages when a retry is performed"); } }
        public static string UploadUnchangedBackupsLong { get { return LC.L(@"If no files have changed, Duplicati will not upload a backup set. If the backup data is used to verify that a backup was executed, this option will make Duplicati upload a backupset even if it is empty"); } }
        public static string UploadUnchangedBackupsShort { get { return LC.L(@"Upload empty backup files"); } }
        public static string QuotasizeLong { get { return LC.L(@"This value can be used to set a known upper limit on the amount of space a backend has. If the backend reports the size itself, this value is ignored"); } }
        public static string QuotasizeShort { get { return LC.L(@"A reported maximum storage"); } }
        public static string QuotaWarningThresholdLong { get { return LC.L(@"Sets a threshold for when to warn about the backend quota being nearly exceeded. It is given as a percentage, and a warning is generated if the amount of available quota is less than this percentage of the total backup size. If the backend does not report the quota information, this value will be ignored"); } }
        public static string QuotaWarningThresholdShort { get { return LC.L(@"Threshold for warning about low quota"); } }
        public static string SymlinkpolicyShort { get { return LC.L(@"Symlink handling"); } }
        public static string SymlinkpolicyLong(string store, string ignore, string follow) { return LC.L(@"Use this option to handle symlinks differently. The ""{0}"" option will simply record a symlink with its name and destination, and a restore will recreate the symlink as a link. Use the option ""{1}"" to ignore all symlinks and not store any information about them. The option ""{2}"" will cause the symlinked target to be backed up and restored as a normal file with the symlink name. Early versions of Duplicati did not support this option and bevhaved as if ""{2}"" was specified.", store, ignore, follow); }
        public static string HardlinkpolicyShort { get { return LC.L(@"Hardlink handling"); } }
        public static string HardlinkpolicyLong(string first, string all, string none) { return LC.L(@"Use this option to handle hardlinks (only works on Linux/OSX). The ""{0}"" option will record a hardlink ID for each hardlink to avoid storing hardlinked paths multiple times. The option ""{1}"" will ignore hardlink information, and treat each hardlink as a unique path. The option ""{2}"" will ignore all hardlinks with more than one link.", first, all, none); }
        public static string ExcludefilesattributesShort { get { return LC.L(@"Exclude files by attribute"); } }
        public static string ExcludefilesattributesLong(string[] attributes) { return LC.L(@"Use this option to exclude files with certain attributes. Use a comma separated list of attribute names to specify more than one. Possible values are: {0}", string.Join(", ", attributes)); }
        public static string VssusemappingLong { get { return LC.L(@"Activate this option to map VSS snapshots to a drive (similar to SUBST, using Win32 DefineDosDevice). This will create temporary drives that are then used to access the contents of a snapshot. This workaround can speed up file access on Windows XP."); } }
        public static string VssusemappingShort { get { return LC.L(@"Map snapshots to a drive (Windows only)"); } }
        public static string BackupnameLong { get { return LC.L(@"A display name that is attached to this backup. Can be used to identify the backup when sending mail or running scripts."); } }
        public static string BackupnameShort { get { return LC.L(@"Name of the backup"); } }
        public static string CompressionextensionfileLong(string path) { return LC.L(@"This property can be used to point to a text file where each line contains a file extension that indicates a non-compressible file. Files that have an extension found in the file will not be compressed, but simply stored in the archive. The file format ignores any lines that do not start with a period, and considers a space to indicate the end of the extension. A default file is supplied, that also serves as an example. The default file is placed in {0}.", path); }
        public static string CompressionextensionfileShort { get { return LC.L(@"Manage non-compressible file extensions"); } }
        public static string BlocksizeLong { get { return LC.L(@"The block size determines how files are fragmented. Choosing a large value will cause a larger overhead on file changes, choosing a small value will cause a large overhead on storage of file lists. Note that the value cannot be changed after remote files are created."); } }
        public static string BlocksizeShort { get { return LC.L(@"Block size used in hashing"); } }
        public static string ChangedfilesLong { get { return LC.L(@"This option can be used to limit the scan to only files that are known to have changed. This is usually only activated in combination with a filesystem watcher that keeps track of file changes."); } }
        public static string ChangedfilesShort { get { return LC.L(@"List of files to examine for changes"); } }
        public static string DbpathLong { get { return LC.L(@"Path to the file containing the local cache of the remote file database"); } }
        public static string DbpathShort { get { return LC.L(@"Path to the local state database"); } }
        public static string DeletedfilesLong(string optionname) { return LC.L(@"This option can be used to supply a list of deleted files. This option will be ignored unless the option --{0} is also set.", optionname); }
        public static string DeletedfilesShort { get { return LC.L(@"List of deleted files"); } }
        public static string DisablefilepathcacheLong { get { return LC.L(@"This option can be used to reduce the memory footprint by not keeping paths and modification timestamps in memory"); } }
        public static string DisablefilepathcacheShort { get { return LC.L(@"Reduce memory footprint by disabling in-memory lookups"); } }
        public static string UseblockcacheShort { get { return LC.L(@"This option can be used to increase speed in exchange for extra memory use."); } }
        public static string UseblockcacheLong { get { return LC.L(@"Store an in-memory block cache"); } }
        public static string NobackendverificationLong { get { return LC.L(@"If this flag is set, the local database is not compared to the remote filelist on startup. The intended usage for this option is to work correctly in cases where the filelisting is broken or unavailable."); } }
        public static string NobackendverificationShort { get { return LC.L(@"Do not query backend at startup"); } }
        public static string IndexfilepolicyLong { get { return LC.L(@"The index files are used to limit the need for downloading dblock files when there is no local database present. The more information is recorded in the index files, the faster operations can proceed without the database. The tradeoff is that larger index files take up more remote space and which may never be used."); } }
        public static string IndexfilepolicyShort { get { return LC.L(@"Determines usage of index files"); } }
        public static string ThresholdLong { get { return LC.L(@"As files are changed, some data stored at the remote destination may not be required. This option controls how much wasted space the destination can contain before being reclaimed. This value is a percentage used on each volume and the total storage."); } }
        public static string ThresholdShort { get { return LC.L(@"The maximum wasted space in percent"); } }
        public static string DryrunLong { get { return LC.L(@"This option can be used to experiment with different settings and observe the outcome without changing actual files."); } }
        public static string DryrunShort { get { return LC.L(@"Does not perform any modifications"); } }
        public static string BlockhashalgorithmLong { get { return LC.L(@"This is a very advanced option! This option can be used to select a block hash algorithm with smaller or larger hash size, for performance or storage space reasons."); } }
        public static string BlockhashalgorithmShort { get { return LC.L(@"The hash algorithm used on blocks"); } }
        public static string FilehashalgorithmLong { get { return LC.L(@"This is a very advanced option! This option can be used to select a file hash algorithm with smaller or larger hash size, for performance or storage space reasons."); } }
        public static string FilehashalgorithmShort { get { return LC.L(@"The hash algorithm used on files"); } }
        public static string NoautocompactLong { get { return LC.L(@"If a large number of small files are detected during a backup, or wasted space is found after deleting backups, the remote data will be compacted. Use this option to disable such automatic compacting and only compact when running the compact command."); } }
        public static string NoautocompactShort { get { return LC.L(@"Disable automatic compacting"); } }
        public static string SmallfilesizeLong { get { return LC.L(@"When examining the size of a volume in consideration for compacting, a small tolerance value is used, by default 20 percent of the volume size. This ensures that large volumes which may have a few bytes wasted space are not downloaded and rewritten."); } }
        public static string SmallfilesizeShort { get { return LC.L(@"Volume size threshold"); } }
        public static string SmallfilemaxcountLong { get { return LC.L(@"To avoid filling the remote storage with small files, this value can force grouping small files. The small volumes will always be combined when they can fill an entire volume."); } }
        public static string SmallfilemaxcountShort { get { return LC.L(@"Maximum number of small volumes"); } }
        public static string PatchwithlocalblocksLong { get { return LC.L(@"Enable this option to look into other files on this machine to find existing blocks. This is a fairly slow operation but can limit the size of downloads."); } }
        public static string PatchwithlocalblocksShort { get { return LC.L(@"Use local file data when restoring"); } }
        public static string NolocaldbShort { get { return LC.L(@"Disables the local database"); } }
        public static string NolocaldbLong { get { return LC.L(@"When listing contents or when restoring files, the local database can be skipped. This is usually slower, but can be used to verify the actual contents of the remote store"); } }
        public static string KeepversionsShort { get { return LC.L(@"Keep a number of versions"); } }
        public static string KeepversionsLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to set number of versions to keep, supply -1 to keep all versions"); } }
        public static string KeeptimeShort { get { return LC.L(@"Keep all versions within a timespan"); } }
        public static string KeeptimeLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to set the timespan in which backups are kept."); } }
        public static string RetentionPolicyShort { get { return LC.L(@"Reduce number of versions by deleting old intermediate backups"); } }
        public static string RetentionPolicyLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to reduce the number of versions that are kept with increasing version age by deleting most of the old backups. The expected format is a comma separated list of colon separated time frame and interval pairs. For example the value ""7D:0s,3M:1D,10Y:2M"" means ""For 7 day keep all backups, for 3 months keep one backup every day, for 10 years one backup every 2nd month and delete every backup older than this."". This option also supports using the specifier ""U"" to indicate an unlimited time interval."); } }
        public static string AllowmissingsourceShort { get { return LC.L(@"Ignore missing source elements"); } }
        public static string AllowmissingsourceLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to continue even if some source entries are missing."); } }
        public static string OverwriteShort { get { return LC.L(@"Overwrite files when restoring"); } }
        public static string OverwriteLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to overwrite target files when restoring, if this option is not set the files will be restored with a timestamp and a number appended."); } }
        public static string VerboseShort { get { return LC.L(@"Output more progress information"); } }
        public static string VerboseLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to increase the amount of output generated when running an option. Generally this option will produce a line for each file processed."); } }
        public static string VerboseDeprecated { get { return LC.L(@"Set a log-level for the desired output method instead"); } }
        public static string FullresultShort { get { return LC.L(@"Output full results"); } }
        public static string FullresultLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to increase the amount of output generated as the result of the operation, including all filenames."); } }
        public static string UploadverificationfileShort { get { return LC.L(@"Determine if verification files are uploaded"); } }
        public static string UploadverificationfileLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to upload a verification file after changing the remote storage. The file is not encrypted and contains the size and SHA256 hashes of all the remote files and can be used to verify the integrity of the files."); } }
        public static string BackendtestsamplesShort { get { return LC.L(@"The number of samples to test after a backup"); } }
        public static string BackendtestsamplesLong(string optionname) { return LC.L(@"After a backup is completed, some (dblock, dindex, dlist) files from the remote backend are selected for verification. Use this option to change how many. If the backup-test-percentage option is also provided, the number of samples tested is the maximum implied by the two options. If this value is set to 0 or the option --{0} is set, no remote files are verified", optionname); }
        public static string BackendtestpercentageShort { get { return LC.L(@"The percentage of samples to test after a backup"); } }
        public static string BackendtestpercentageLong { get { return LC.L(@"After a backup is completed, some (dblock, dindex, dlist) files from the remote backend are selected for verification. Use this option to specify the percentage (between 0 and 100) of files to test. If the backup-test-samples option is also provided, the number of samples tested is the maximum implied by the two options. If the no-backend-verification option is provided, no remote files are verified."); } }
        public static string FullremoteverificationShort { get { return LC.L(@"Activates in-depth verification of files"); } }
        public static string FullremoteverificationLong(string optionname) { return LC.L(@"After a backup is completed, some (dblock, dindex, dlist) files from the remote backend are selected for verification. Use this option to turn on full verification, which will decrypt the files and examine the insides of each volume, instead of simply verifying the external hash, If the option --{0} is set, no remote files are verified. This option is automatically set when then verification is performed directly.", optionname); }
        public static string FilereadbuffersizeShort { get { return LC.L(@"Size of the file read buffer"); } }
        public static string FilereadbuffersizeLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this size to control how many bytes are read from a file before processing"); } }
        public static string AllowpassphrasechangeShort { get { return LC.L(@"Allow the passphrase to change"); } }
        public static string AllowpassphrasechangeLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to allow the passphrase to change, note that this option is not permitted for a backup or repair operation"); } }
        public static string ListsetsonlyShort { get { return LC.L(@"List only filesets"); } }
        public static string ListsetsonlyLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to only list filesets and avoid traversing file names and other metadata which slows down the process"); } }

        public static string SkipmetadataShort { get { return LC.L(@"Don't store metadata"); } }
        public static string SkipmetadataLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to disable the storage of metadata, such as file timestamps. Disabling metadata storage will speed up the backup and restore operations, but does not affect file size much."); } }
        public static string RestorepermissionsShort { get { return LC.L(@"Restore file permissions"); } }
        public static string RestorepermissionsLong { get { return LC.L(@"By default permissions are not restored as they might prevent you from accessing your files. Use this option to restore the permissions as well."); } }
        public static string SkiprestoreverificationShort { get { return LC.L(@"Skip restored file check"); } }
        public static string SkiprestoreverificationLong { get { return LC.L(@"After restoring files, the file hash of all restored files are checked to verify that the restore was successful. Use this option to disable the check and avoid waiting for the verification."); } }
        public static string NolocalblocksShort { get { return LC.L(@"Do not use local data"); } }
        public static string NolocalblocksLong { get { return LC.L(@"Duplicati will attempt to use data from source files to minimize the amount of downloaded data. Use this option to skip this optimization and only use remote data."); } }
        public static string FullblockverificationShort { get { return LC.L(@"Check block hashes"); } }
        public static string FullblockverificationLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to increase verification by checking the hash of blocks read from a volume before patching restored files with the data."); } }
        public static string LogretentionShort { get { return LC.L(@"Clean up old log data"); } }
        public static string LogretentionLong { get { return LC.L(@"Set the time after which log data will be purged from the database."); } }
        public static string RepaironlypathsShort { get { return LC.L(@"Repair database with paths"); } }
        public static string RepaironlypathsLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to build a searchable local database which only contains path information. This option is usable for quickly building a database to locate certain content without needing to reconstruct all information. The resulting database can be searched, but cannot be used to restore data with."); } }
        public static string ForcelocaleShort { get { return LC.L(@"Force the locale setting"); } }
        public static string ForcelocaleLong { get { return LC.L(@"By default, your system locale and culture settings will be used. In some cases you may prefer to run with another locale, for example to get messages in another language. This option can be used to set the locale. Supply a blank string to choose the ""Invariant Culture""."); } }
        public static string ForceActualDateShort { get { return LC.L(@"Forces the display of the actual date instead of calendar date"); } }
        public static string ForceActualDateLong { get { return LC.L(@"By default, dates are displayed in the calendar format, meaning ""Today"" or ""Last Thursday"". By setting this option, only the actual dates are displayed, ""Nov 12, 2018, 8:01 AM"" for example."); } }
        public static string DisablepipingShort{ get { return LC.L(@"Handle file communication with backend using threaded pipes"); } }
        public static string DisablepipingLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to disable multithreaded handling of up- and downloads, that can significantly speed up backend operations depending on the hardware you're running on and the transfer rate of your backend."); } }
        public static string ConcurrencymaxthreadsShort{ get { return LC.L(@"Limit number of concurrent threads"); } }
        public static string ConcurrencymaxthreadsLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to set the maximum number of threads used. Setting this value to zero or less will dynamically balance the number of active threads to fit the hardware."); } }
        public static string ConcurrencyblockhashersShort{ get { return LC.L(@"Specify the number of concurrent hashing processes"); } }
        public static string ConcurrencyblockhashersLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to set the number of processes that perform hashing of data."); } }
        public static string ConcurrencycompressorsShort{ get { return LC.L(@"Specify the number of concurrent compression processes"); } }
        public static string ConcurrencycompressorsLong { get { return LC.L(@"Use this option to set the number of processes that perform compression of output data."); } }
        public static string DisablesyntehticfilelistLong { get { return LC.L(@"If Duplicati detects that the previous backup did not complete, it will generate a filelist that is a merge of the last completed backup and the contents that were uploaded in the incomplete backup session."); } }
        public static string DisablesyntheticfilelistShort { get { return LC.L(@"Disables synthetic filelist"); } }
        public static string CheckfiletimeonlyLong { get { return LC.L(@"This flag instructs Duplicati to not look at metadata or filesize when deciding to scan a file for changes. Use this option if you have a large number of files and notice that the scanning takes a long time with unmodified files."); } }
        public static string CheckfiletimeonlyShort { get { return LC.L(@"Checks only file lastmodified"); } }
        public static string DontcompressrestorepathsShort { get { return LC.L(@"Disables path compression on restore"); } }
        public static string DontcompressrestorepathsLong { get { return LC.L(@"When restore a subset of a backup into a new folder, the shortest possible path is used to avoid generating deep paths with empty folders. Use this flag to skip this compression, such that the entire original folder structure is preserved, including upper level empty folders."); } }
        public static string AllowfullremovalShort { get { return LC.L(@"Allow removing all filesets"); } }
        public static string AllowfullremovalLong { get { return LC.L(@"By default, the last fileset cannot be removed. This is a safeguard to make sure that all remote data is not deleted by a configuration mistake. Use this flag to disable that protection, such that all filesets can be deleted."); } }
        public static string AutoVacuumShort { get { return LC.L(@"Allow automatic rebuilding of local database to save space."); } }
        public static string AutoVacuumLong { get { return LC.L(@"Some operations that manipulate the local database leave unused entries behind. These entries are not deleted from a hard drive until a VACUUM operation is run. This operation saves disk space in the long run but needs to temporarily create a copy of all valid entries in the database. Setting this to true will allow Duplicati to perform VACUUM operations at its discretion."); } }
        public static string DisablefilescannerShort { get { return LC.L(@"Disable the read-ahead scanner"); } }
        public static string DisablefilescannerLong { get { return LC.L(@"When this flag is enabled, the scanner that computes the size of source files is disabled, and instead the reported size is read from the database. Using this flag can speed up the backup by reducing disk access, but will give a less accurate progress indicator."); } }
        public static string DisablefilelistconsistencychecksShort { get { return LC.L(@"Disable filelist consistency checks"); } }
        public static string DisablefilelistconsistencychecksLong { get { return LC.L(@"In backups with a large number of filesets, the verification can take up a large part of the backup time. If you disable the checks, make sure you run regular check commands to ensure that everything is working as expected."); } }
        public static string DisableOnBatteryShort { get { return LC.L("Disable the backup when on battery power"); } }
        public static string DisableOnBatteryLong { get { return LC.L("When this flag is enabled, a scheduled backup will not run if the system is detected to be running on battery power (manual or command line backups will still be run).  If the detected power source is mains (i.e., AC) or unknown, then scheduled backups will proceed as normal."); } }

        public static string LogfileloglevelShort { get { return LC.L(@"Log file information level"); } }
        public static string LogfilelogfiltersShort { get { return LC.L(@"Applies filters to the file log data"); } }
        public static string LogfilelogfiltersLong(string delimiter) { return LC.L(@"This option accepts filters that removes or includes messages regardless of their log level. Multiple filters are supported by separating with {0}. Filters are matched against the log tag and assumed to be including, unless they start with '-'. Regular expressions are supported within hard braces. Example: ""+Path*{0}+*Mail*{0}-[.*DNS]"" ", delimiter); }
        public static string ConsoleloglevelShort { get { return LC.L(@"Console information level"); } }
        public static string ConsolelogfiltersShort { get { return LC.L(@"Applies filters to the console log data"); } }
        public static string ConsolelogfiltersLong(string delimiter) { return LogfilelogfiltersLong(delimiter); }

        public static string UsebackgroundiopriorityShort { get { return LC.L("Sets the process to use low IO priority"); } }
        public static string UsebackgroundiopriorityLong { get { return LC.L("This option instructions the operating system to set the current process to use the lowest IO priority level, which can make operations run slower but will interfere less with other operations running at the same time"); } }

        public static string ExcludeemptyfoldersShort { get { return "Excludes empty folders"; } }
        public static string ExcludeemptyfoldersLong { get { return "Use this option to remove all empty folders from a backup."; } }
        public static string IgnorefilenamesShort { get { return LC.L("List of filenames that exclude folders"); } }
        public static string IgnorefilenamesLong { get { return LC.L("Use this option to set a filename, or list of filenames, that indicate exclusion of a folder which contains it. A common use would be to have a file named something like \".nobackup\" and place this file into folders that should not be backed up."); } }
        public static string RestoresymlinkmetadataShort { get { return "Apply metadata to symlinks"; } }
        public static string RestoresymlinkmetadataLong { get { return "If symlink metadata is applied, it will usually mean changing the symlink target, instead of the symlink itself. For this reason, metadata is not applied to symlinks, but this option can be used to override this, such that metadata is applied to symlinks as well."; } }
        public static string UnittestmodeShort { get { return "Activate unittest mode"; } }
        public static string UnittestmodeLong { get { return "When running in unittest mode, no automatic fixes are applied, which assumes that the input data is always in perfect shape. This option is not intended for use in daily backups, but required for testing purposes to reveal potential problems."; } }

        public static string ProfilealldatabasequeriesShort { get { return LC.L("Activates logging of all database queries"); } }
        public static string ProfilealldatabasequeriesLong { get { return LC.L("To improve performance of the backups, frequent database queries are not logged by default. Enable this option to log all database queries, and remember to set either --{0}={2} or --{1}={2} to report the additional log data", "console-log-level", "log-file-log-level", nameof(Logging.LogMessageType.Profiling)); } }
        public static string RebuildmissingdblockfilesShort { get { return "Rebuild dblock files when missing"; } }
        public static string RebuildmissingdblockfilesLong { get { return "If dblock files are missing from the destination, you can attempt to rebuild them using local source data. However, since the local data may have changed, it may not be possible to retrieve all the required data and the process may be slow. Use this option to attempt to rebuild missing dblock files."; } }

        public static string AutoCompactIntervalShort { get { return "Minimum time between auto compactions"; } }
        public static string AutoCompactIntervalLong { get { return "The minimum amount of time that must elapse after the last compaction before another will be automatically triggered at the end of a backup job. Automatic compaction can be a long-running process and may not be desirable to run after every single backup."; } }
        public static string AutoVacuumIntervalShort { get { return "Minimum time between auto vacuums"; } }
        public static string AutoVacuumIntervalLong { get { return "The minimum amount of time that must elapse after the last vacuum before another will be automatically triggered at the end of a backup job. Automatic vacuum can be a long-running process and may not be desirable to run after every single backup."; } }

    internal static class Common
        public static string InvalidCryptoSystem(string algorithm) { return LC.L(@"The cryptolibrary does not support re-usable transforms for the hash algorithm {0}", algorithm); }
        public static string InvalidHashAlgorithm(string algorithm) { return LC.L(@"The cryptolibrary does not support the hash algorithm {0}", algorithm); }
        public static string PassphraseChangeUnsupported { get { return LC.L(@"The passphrase cannot be changed for an existing backup"); } }
        public static string SnapshotFailedError(string message) { return LC.L(@"Failed to create a snapshot: {0}", message); }
