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github.com/it-gro/hugo-theme-w3css-basic.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
authorit-gro <13005925+it-gro@users.noreply.github.com>2021-08-26 17:40:45 +0300
committerit-gro <13005925+it-gro@users.noreply.github.com>2021-08-26 17:40:45 +0300
commit7f37cfba840f2d6c9ac2ec8b73c3c4990f8dd570 (patch)
parent3418bbb6f9670b9f5e18e0ff47dcfb165dd38d06 (diff)
2 files changed, 212 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/exampleSite/content/pages/hugo-theme-w3css-basic/page-shortcodes/index.md b/exampleSite/content/pages/hugo-theme-w3css-basic/page-shortcodes/index.md
index a5ab5a0..e3171aa 100644
--- a/exampleSite/content/pages/hugo-theme-w3css-basic/page-shortcodes/index.md
+++ b/exampleSite/content/pages/hugo-theme-w3css-basic/page-shortcodes/index.md
@@ -527,74 +527,74 @@ code.chroma {
{{< highlight text >}}
- Class | Type
-err | Error
-lntd | LineTableTD
-lntable | LineTable
-hl | LineHighlight
-lnt | LineNumbersTable
-ln | LineNumbers
-k | Keyword
-kc | KeywordConstant
-kd | KeywordDeclaration
-kn | KeywordNamespace
-kp | KeywordPseudo
-kr | KeywordReserved
-kt | KeywordType
-na | NameAttribute
-nb | NameBuiltin
-nc | NameClass
-no | NameConstant
-nd | NameDecorator
-ni | NameEntity
-ne | NameException
-nf | NameFunction
-nl | NameLabel
-nn | NameNamespace
-nt | NameTag
-nv | NameVariable
-s | LiteralString
-sa | LiteralStringAffix
-sb | LiteralStringBacktick
-sc | LiteralStringChar
-dl | LiteralStringDelimiter
-sd | LiteralStringDoc
-s2 | LiteralStringDouble
-se | LiteralStringEscape
-sh | LiteralStringHeredoc
-si | LiteralStringInterpol
-sx | LiteralStringOther
-sr | LiteralStringRegex
-s1 | LiteralStringSingle
-ss | LiteralStringSymbol
-m | LiteralNumber
-mb | LiteralNumberBin
-mf | LiteralNumberFloat
-mh | LiteralNumberHex
-mi | LiteralNumberInteger
-il | LiteralNumberIntegerLong
-mo | LiteralNumberOct
-o | Operator
-ow | OperatorWord
-c | Comment
-ch | CommentHashbang
-cm | CommentMultiline
-c1 | CommentSingle
-cs | CommentSpecial
-cp | CommentPreproc
-cpf | CommentPreprocFile
-gd | GenericDeleted
-ge | GenericEmph
-gr | GenericError
-gh | GenericHeading
-gi | GenericInserted
-go | GenericOutput
-gp | GenericPrompt
-gs | GenericStrong
-gu | GenericSubheading
-gt | GenericTraceback
-w | TextWhitespace
+ | Class | Type |
+ | ------- | ------------------------ |
+ | err | Error |
+ | lntd | LineTableTD |
+ | lntable | LineTable |
+ | hl | LineHighlight |
+ | lnt | LineNumbersTable |
+ | ln | LineNumbers |
+ | k | Keyword |
+ | kc | KeywordConstant |
+ | kd | KeywordDeclaration |
+ | kn | KeywordNamespace |
+ | kp | KeywordPseudo |
+ | kr | KeywordReserved |
+ | kt | KeywordType |
+ | na | NameAttribute |
+ | nb | NameBuiltin |
+ | nc | NameClass |
+ | no | NameConstant |
+ | nd | NameDecorator |
+ | ni | NameEntity |
+ | ne | NameException |
+ | nf | NameFunction |
+ | nl | NameLabel |
+ | nn | NameNamespace |
+ | nt | NameTag |
+ | nv | NameVariable |
+ | s | LiteralString |
+ | sa | LiteralStringAffix |
+ | sb | LiteralStringBacktick |
+ | sc | LiteralStringChar |
+ | dl | LiteralStringDelimiter |
+ | sd | LiteralStringDoc |
+ | s2 | LiteralStringDouble |
+ | se | LiteralStringEscape |
+ | sh | LiteralStringHeredoc |
+ | si | LiteralStringInterpol |
+ | sx | LiteralStringOther |
+ | sr | LiteralStringRegex |
+ | s1 | LiteralStringSingle |
+ | ss | LiteralStringSymbol |
+ | m | LiteralNumber |
+ | mb | LiteralNumberBin |
+ | mf | LiteralNumberFloat |
+ | mh | LiteralNumberHex |
+ | mi | LiteralNumberInteger |
+ | il | LiteralNumberIntegerLong |
+ | mo | LiteralNumberOct |
+ | o | Operator |
+ | ow | OperatorWord |
+ | c | Comment |
+ | ch | CommentHashbang |
+ | cm | CommentMultiline |
+ | c1 | CommentSingle |
+ | cs | CommentSpecial |
+ | cp | CommentPreproc |
+ | cpf | CommentPreprocFile |
+ | gd | GenericDeleted |
+ | ge | GenericEmph |
+ | gr | GenericError |
+ | gh | GenericHeading |
+ | gi | GenericInserted |
+ | go | GenericOutput |
+ | gp | GenericPrompt |
+ | gs | GenericStrong |
+ | gu | GenericSubheading |
+ | gt | GenericTraceback |
+ | w | TextWhitespace |
{{< /highlight >}}
@@ -700,12 +700,12 @@ pre.terminal-out {
#### Parameters
-Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark
-path | 0 | "." | path to resource page |
-match | 1 | ** | glob |
-label | 2 | Attachments | label | piped into i18n
-icon | 3 | fas fa-paperclip | label icon |
+| Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark |
+| -------- | ----------- | ---------------- | --------------------- | --------------- |
+| path | 0 | "." | path to resource page |
+| match | 1 | ** | glob |
+| label | 2 | Attachments | label | piped into i18n |
+| icon | 3 | fas fa-paperclip | label icon |
### res-figure
@@ -744,29 +744,29 @@ resources:
#### Parameters
-Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark
-path | 0 | "." | path to resource page | use . for current page
-match | 1 | * | images | in page resource
-cmd | 2 | Resize | command | Fill, Fit or Resize
-opt | 3 | 300x | options | command options
-cap | 4 | %%N | caption format | see below
+| Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark |
+| -------- | ----------- | ------- | --------------------- | ---------------------- |
+| path | 0 | "." | path to resource page | use . for current page |
+| match | 1 | * | images | in page resource |
+| cmd | 2 | Resize | command | Fill, Fit or Resize |
+| opt | 3 | 300x | options | command options |
+| cap | 4 | %%N | caption format | see below |
#### Caption format
-Code | What
-%%n | newline
-%%f | .Name
-%%F | Filename
-%%B | Basename
-%%T | .Title
-%%N | .Title or Basename
-%%L | license
-%%O | origin
-%%A | attr
-%%I | image info
+| Code | What |
+| ---- | ------------------ |
+| %%n | newline |
+| %%f | .Name |
+| %%F | Filename |
+| %%B | Basename |
+| %%T | .Title |
+| %%N | .Title or Basename |
+| %%L | license |
+| %%O | origin |
+| %%A | attr |
+| %%I | image info |
### res-gallery
@@ -788,43 +788,43 @@ renders as
* only named parameters
-Argument | Default | What | Remark
-path | resources/images | path to resource page | use . for current
-match | \*\*/* | for .Match |
-imgCmd | Resize | |
-imgOpt | 800x | |
-thumbCmd | Fit | create thumb |
-thumbOpt | 120x120 | thumb size |
-capLng | `%%F` | image caption |
-capSrt | `%%N` | thumb caption |
-caption-position | center | | none top center bottom (none => hide for thumbs)
-caption-effect | appear | | none fade appear slide (none => always visible)
-hover-effect | zoom | | none grow shrink slidedown slideup zoom
-hover-transition | | | (empty or) none (none => hard transition)
+| Argument | Default | What | Remark |
+| ---------------- | ---------------- | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
+| path | resources/images | path to resource page | use . for current |
+| match | \*\*/* | for .Match |
+| imgCmd | Resize | |
+| imgOpt | 800x | |
+| thumbCmd | Fit | create thumb |
+| thumbOpt | 120x120 | thumb size |
+| capLng | `%%F` | image caption |
+| capSrt | `%%N` | thumb caption |
+| caption-position | center | | none top center bottom (none => hide for thumbs) |
+| caption-effect | appear | | none fade appear slide (none => always visible) |
+| hover-effect | zoom | | none grow shrink slidedown slideup zoom |
+| hover-transition | | | (empty or) none (none => hard transition) |
#### Page Resources Metadata
-Front Matter Param | What | Remark
-Title | |
-attrBy | attribution names |
-attrLink | attribution link |
-caption | see below |
-captionLong | same as caption | caption for image
-captionShort | | caption for thumb
-imgCmd | |
-imgOpt | |
-license | |
-licenseAbrv | |
-licenseLink | |
-licenseLink | |
-origin | |
-originLink | |
-thumbCmd | |
-thumbOpt | |
+| Front Matter Param | What | Remark |
+| ------------------ | ----------------- | ----------------- |
+| Title | |
+| attrBy | attribution names |
+| attrLink | attribution link |
+| caption | see below |
+| captionLong | same as caption | caption for image |
+| captionShort | | caption for thumb |
+| imgCmd | |
+| imgOpt | |
+| license | |
+| licenseAbrv | |
+| licenseLink | |
+| licenseLink | |
+| origin | |
+| originLink | |
+| thumbCmd | |
+| thumbOpt | |
- src: "**/pixabay.com/*"
@@ -839,19 +839,19 @@ thumbOpt | |
#### Caption format
-Code | What
-%%n | newline
-%%f | .Name
-%%F | Filename
-%%B | Basename
-%%T | .Title
-%%N | .Title or Basename
-%%l | license (using licenseabrv)
-%%L | license
-%%O | origin
-%%A | attr
-%%I | image info
+| Code | What |
+| ---- | --------------------------- |
+| %%n | newline |
+| %%f | .Name |
+| %%F | Filename |
+| %%B | Basename |
+| %%T | .Title |
+| %%N | .Title or Basename |
+| %%l | license (using licenseabrv) |
+| %%L | license |
+| %%O | origin |
+| %%A | attr |
+| %%I | image info |
#### Style
@@ -1059,8 +1059,7 @@ in {{< w3-codespan >}}i18n/en.yaml{{< /w3-codespan >}}
* taken from https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/tree/master/docs/layouts/shortcodes
* added no javascript fallback
-{{< asciicast WJM2LEZQs8VRhNeuZ5NiGPp9I >}}
+{{< asciicast qP965GRB1iB0tFxg6YN7VavIm >}}
## html-tag
@@ -1119,16 +1118,16 @@ World
## classify
{{< highlight nolang >}}
{{</* classify "w3-blue" >}}
-foo | bar
- 24 | 42
+| foo | bar |
+| --- | --- |
+| 24 | 42 |
{{< /classify */>}}
{{< /highlight >}}
{{< classify "w3-blue" >}}
-foo | bar
- 24 | 42
+| foo | bar |
+| --- | --- |
+| 24 | 42 |
{{< /classify >}}
@@ -1174,11 +1173,11 @@ kbd {
## highlightfile
-| Argument | Default | What | Remark |
-| file | | the file | starting in /static |
+| Argument | Default | What | Remark |
+| -------- | :------------ | :-------------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| file | | the file | starting in /static |
| language | python | optional: language | see [list-of-chroma-highlighting-languages](https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#list-of-chroma-highlighting-languages) |
-| opt | linenos=table | optional: options for hugo highlight shortcut | see [highlighting-in-code-fences)](https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#highlighting-in-code-fences) |
+| opt | linenos=table | optional: options for hugo highlight shortcut | see [highlighting-in-code-fences)](https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#highlighting-in-code-fences) |
{{< highlight nolan >}}
@@ -1194,11 +1193,11 @@ renders as
* inspired by https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/blob/master/docs/layouts/shortcodes/readfile.html
* reads a file (or directory) and optionally renders ist using markdownify or highlight
-Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark
-file | 0 | . | a file (or dir) | . or ending in /. => directory
-md | 1 | | markdownify | if "true" => process using markdownify
-hll | 2 | md | highlight lang | see [list-of-chroma-highlighting-languages](https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#list-of-chroma-highlighting-languages)
+| Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark |
+| -------- | ----------- | ------- | :-------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| file | 0 | . | a file (or dir) | . or ending in /. => directory |
+| md | 1 | | markdownify | if "true" => process using markdownify |
+| hll | 2 | md | highlight lang | see [list-of-chroma-highlighting-languages](https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#list-of-chroma-highlighting-languages) |
{{< w3-code >}}
{{</* readfile "content/." */>}}
@@ -1251,14 +1250,14 @@ renders as:
{{< highlight text >}}
-Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark
-search | 0 | | string to search |
-op | 1 | eq | eq|in | (Operator)
-mod | 2 | | i | (Modifier) i:ignore case
-ul | 3 | | | if not empty: create unordered list
-type | 4 | regular | regular|all | regular:$.Site.RegularPages all:$.Site.Pages)
-ofm | 5 | .Title | | (OutputFormat) .Kind .RelPermalink .Title
+| Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark |
+| -------- | ----------- | ------- | ---------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
+| search | 0 | | string to search |
+| op | 1 | eq | eq | in | (Operator) |
+| mod | 2 | | i | (Modifier) i:ignore case |
+| ul | 3 | | | if not empty: create unordered list |
+| type | 4 | regular | regular | all | regular:$.Site.RegularPages all:$.Site.Pages) |
+| ofm | 5 | .Title | | (OutputFormat) .Kind .RelPermalink .Title |
{{< /highlight >}}
@@ -1281,27 +1280,27 @@ See more here: {{< liti "highlight" "in" >}}
Here are more examples using **eq** operator
-Shortcode | Result
-{{</* liti search="Vestibulum" */>}} | {{< liti search="Vestibulum" >}}
-{{</* liti search="Vestibulum" type="regular" op="eq" */>}} | {{< liti search="Vestibulum" type="regular" op="eq" >}}
-{{</* liti search="VeSTIBULUM" type="regular" op="eq" mod="i" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti search="VeSTIBULUM" type="regular" op="eq" mod="i" ul="1" >}}
-{{</* liti search="VeSTIBULUM" mod="i" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti search="VeSTIBULUM" mod="i" ul="1" >}}
-{{</* liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ul="1" >}}
-{{</* liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".Title" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".Title" ul="1" >}}
-{{</* liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".Kind .Title" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".Kind .Title" ul="1" >}}
-{{</* liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".RelPermalink" */>}} | {{< liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".RelPermalink" >}}
+| Shortcode | Result |
+| -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| {{</* liti search="Vestibulum" */>}} | {{< liti search="Vestibulum" >}} |
+| {{</* liti search="Vestibulum" type="regular" op="eq" */>}} | {{< liti search="Vestibulum" type="regular" op="eq" >}} |
+| {{</* liti search="VeSTIBULUM" type="regular" op="eq" mod="i" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti search="VeSTIBULUM" type="regular" op="eq" mod="i" ul="1" >}} |
+| {{</* liti search="VeSTIBULUM" mod="i" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti search="VeSTIBULUM" mod="i" ul="1" >}} |
+| {{</* liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ul="1" >}} |
+| {{</* liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".Title" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".Title" ul="1" >}} |
+| {{</* liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".Kind .Title" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".Kind .Title" ul="1" >}} |
+| {{</* liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".RelPermalink" */>}} | {{< liti search="Phasellus" type="all" ofm=".RelPermalink" >}} |
Here are some examples using **in** operator
-Shortcode | Result
-{{</* liti op="in" search="theme" */>}} | {{< liti op="in" search="theme" >}}
-{{</* liti op="in" search="theme" mod="i" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti op="in" search="theme" mod="i" ul="1" >}}
-{{</* liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" mod="i" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" mod="i" ul="1" >}}
-{{</* liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" ofm=".Kind .Title" mod="i" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" ofm=".Kind .Title" mod="i" ul="1" >}}
-{{</* liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" ofm=".RelPermalink" mod="i" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" ofm=".RelPermalink" mod="i" ul="1" >}}
+| Shortcode | Result |
+| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| {{</* liti op="in" search="theme" */>}} | {{< liti op="in" search="theme" >}} |
+| {{</* liti op="in" search="theme" mod="i" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti op="in" search="theme" mod="i" ul="1" >}} |
+| {{</* liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" mod="i" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" mod="i" ul="1" >}} |
+| {{</* liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" ofm=".Kind .Title" mod="i" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" ofm=".Kind .Title" mod="i" ul="1" >}} |
+| {{</* liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" ofm=".RelPermalink" mod="i" ul="1" */>}} | {{< liti op="in" search="theme" type="all" ofm=".RelPermalink" mod="i" ul="1" >}} |
With positional parameters:
@@ -1332,11 +1331,11 @@ See more here: {{< liti "Vestibulum" "in" "" "ul" >}}
* this will return just one link, the taxonomy/taxonomyterm link with a configurable text
-Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark
-tax | 0 | tags | taxonomy |
-term | 1 | * | taxonomyterm |
-ofm | 2 | .Title | | (OutputFormat) .Kind .RelPermalink .Title
+| Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark |
+| -------- | ----------- | ------- | ------------ | ----------------------------------------- |
+| tax | 0 | tags | taxonomy |
+| term | 1 | * | taxonomyterm |
+| ofm | 2 | .Title | | (OutputFormat) .Kind .RelPermalink .Title |
{{< cscb c >}}
@@ -1367,36 +1366,36 @@ ToDo: See more here: {{</* litt "categories" "Golang" ".RelPermalink" */>}}
* case is ignored (no mod switch as [liti](#liti) has)
-Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark
-tax | 0 | tags | string to search | in the taxonomy
-term | 1 | * | string to search | in the taxonomy term
-title | 2 | * | string to search | in the title
-op | 3 | eq | en|in | (Operator) *eq* or *in* search
-om | 4 | t | t,p | (OutputMode) *t*axonomyterm *p*age
-ofm | 5 | .Title | | (OutputFormat) .Kind .RelPermalink .Title
+| Argument | Position -1 | Default | What | Remark |
+| -------- | ----------- | ------- | ---------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
+| tax | 0 | tags | string to search | in the taxonomy |
+| term | 1 | * | string to search | in the taxonomy term |
+| title | 2 | * | string to search | in the title |
+| op | 3 | eq | en | in | (Operator) *eq* or *in* search |
+| om | 4 | t | t,p | (OutputMode) *t*axonomyterm *p*age |
+| ofm | 5 | .Title | | (OutputFormat) .Kind .RelPermalink .Title |
Using positional parameters:
-Shortcode | Result
-{{</* litx "*" "Nullam" */>}} | {{< litx "*" "Nullam" >}}
-{{</* litx "*" "*" "Null" "in" "p" */>}} | {{< litx "*" "*" "Null" "in" "p" >}}
+| Shortcode | Result |
+| ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- |
+| {{</* litx "*" "Nullam" */>}} | {{< litx "*" "Nullam" >}} |
+| {{</* litx "*" "*" "Null" "in" "p" */>}} | {{< litx "*" "*" "Null" "in" "p" >}} |
Using named parameters:
-Shortcode | Result
-{{</* litx tax="tags" term="go" op="in" */>}} | {{< litx tax="tags" term="go" op="in" >}}
-{{</* litx term="Nullam" */>}} | {{< litx term="Nullam" >}}
-{{</* litx term="Nullam" om="p" */>}} | {{< litx term="Nullam" om="p" >}}
-{{</* litx term="Nullam" om="tp" */>}} | {{< litx term="Nullam" om="tp" >}}
-{{</* litx term="web" */>}} | {{< litx term="web" >}}
-{{</* litx tax="categories" term="web" */>}} | {{< litx tax="categories" term="web" >}}
-{{</* litx tax="*" term="web" om="p" */>}} | {{< litx tax="*" term="web" om="p" >}}
-{{</* litx tax="*" term="web" om="pt" ofm=".RelPermalink" */>}} | {{< litx tax="*" term="web" om="pt" ofm=".RelPermalink" >}}
+| Shortcode | Result |
+| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| {{</* litx tax="tags" term="go" op="in" */>}} | {{< litx tax="tags" term="go" op="in" >}} |
+| {{</* litx term="Nullam" */>}} | {{< litx term="Nullam" >}} |
+| {{</* litx term="Nullam" om="p" */>}} | {{< litx term="Nullam" om="p" >}} |
+| {{</* litx term="Nullam" om="tp" */>}} | {{< litx term="Nullam" om="tp" >}} |
+| {{</* litx term="web" */>}} | {{< litx term="web" >}} |
+| {{</* litx tax="categories" term="web" */>}} | {{< litx tax="categories" term="web" >}} |
+| {{</* litx tax="*" term="web" om="p" */>}} | {{< litx tax="*" term="web" om="p" >}} |
+| {{</* litx tax="*" term="web" om="pt" ofm=".RelPermalink" */>}} | {{< litx tax="*" term="web" om="pt" ofm=".RelPermalink" >}} |
## hc
diff --git a/layouts/shortcodes/asciicast.html b/layouts/shortcodes/asciicast.html
index 5fd2b39..e805ccb 100644
--- a/layouts/shortcodes/asciicast.html
+++ b/layouts/shortcodes/asciicast.html
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
<!-- https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/blob/master/docs/layouts/shortcodes/asciicast.html -->
{{- $id := .Get 0 }}
-<script type="text/javascript" src='https://asciinema.org/a/{{ $id }}.js' id='asciicast-{{ $id }}' data-rows="10" async></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src='https://asciinema.org/a/{{ $id }}.js' id='asciicast-{{ $id }}' data-rows="10"
+ async></script> */}}
+<script type="text/javascript" src='https://asciinema.org/a/{{ $id }}.js' id='asciicast-{{ $id }}' async></script>
- {{- if or $.Site.Params.debug (findRE `\bhtml-comment\b` $.Site.Params.traceFlags) }} {{ `<!-- i18n "JsNeeded" -->` | safeHTML }} {{end}}
+ {{- if or $.Site.Params.debug (findRE `\bhtml-comment\b` $.Site.Params.traceFlags) }} {{ `
+ <!-- i18n "JsNeeded" -->` | safeHTML }} {{end}}
<p>{{ default `no JavaScript` (i18n `JsNeeded`) }} (asciinema)</p>
<a href='https://asciinema.org/a/{{ $id }}'>https://asciinema.org/a/{{ $id }}</a>