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github.com/it-gro/hugo-theme-w3css-basic.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'exampleSite/config/.config.w3css-basic-exampleSite.toml')
1 files changed, 971 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/exampleSite/config/.config.w3css-basic-exampleSite.toml b/exampleSite/config/.config.w3css-basic-exampleSite.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06bf26f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exampleSite/config/.config.w3css-basic-exampleSite.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
+# https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/#toml-configuration
+# ##################################################
+# Hugo-defined variables
+baseURL = "https://example.com/hugo-theme-w3css-basic.github.io"
+title = "W3.CSS Basic exampleSite"
+theme = "hugo-theme-w3css-basic"
+languageCode = "en-us"
+#languageCode = "de-ch"
+# Site language. Available translations in the theme's `/i18n` directory.
+defaultContentLanguage = "en"
+# Enable Emoji emoticons support for page content; see emoji-cheat-sheet.com
+enableEmoji = true
+# the length of text to show in a .Summary
+summaryLength = 70
+# Pagination (3,6,9,12, ...)
+paginate = 6
+# Enable comments by entering your Disqus shortname
+disqusShortname = "it-gro-github-io-hugo-theme-w3css-basic-github-io"
+# https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/
+pygmentsUseClassic = false
+pygmentsCodeFences = true
+pygmentsCodeFencesGuessSyntax = true
+# https://help.farbox.com/pygments.html
+# https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma
+# hugo gen chromastyles --style=autumn > syntax.autumn.css
+# ...
+pygmentsUseClasses = true
+# => static/css/syntax/syntax/syntax.*.css
+# copy one of them to
+# static/css/syntax/syntax.css
+# alternative (if shortcodes/csc*.html are not used):
+# set pygmentsUseClassic to false on choose one of the following:
+#pygmentsStyle = "autumn"
+#pygmentsStyle = "borland"
+#pygmentsStyle = "bw"
+#pygmentsStyle = "colorful"
+#pygmentsStyle = "default"
+#pygmentsStyle = "emacs"
+#pygmentsStyle = "friendly"
+#pygmentsStyle = "fruity"
+#pygmentsStyle = "manni"
+#pygmentsStyle = "monokai"
+#pygmentsStyle = "murphy"
+#pygmentsStyle = "native"
+#pygmentsStyle = "pastie"
+#pygmentsStyle = "perldoc"
+#pygmentsStyle = "rrt"
+#pygmentsStyle = "tango"
+#pygmentsStyle = "trac"
+#pygmentsStyle = "vim"
+#pygmentsStyle = "vs"
+# Enable Google Analytics by entering your tracking code
+#googleAnalytics = "UA-113314068-1"
+# RSS Feed
+# Do not build RSS files
+disableRSS = false
+# maximum number of items in the RSS feed
+rssLimit = 10
+home = [ "HTML", "RSS" ]
+section = [ "HTML", "RSS"]
+# https://gohugo.io/content-management/image-processing/
+# Default resample filter used for resizing. Default is Box,
+# a simple and fast averaging filter appropriate for downscaling.
+# See https://github.com/disintegration/imaging
+resampleFilter = "box"
+# Defatult JPEG quality setting. Default is 75.
+quality = 75
+# Anchor used when cropping pictures.
+# Default is "smart" which does Smart Cropping, using https://github.com/muesli/smartcrop
+# Smart Cropping is content aware and tries to find the best crop for each image.
+# Valid values are Smart, Center, TopLeft, Top, TopRight, Left, Right, BottomLeft, Bottom, BottomRight
+anchor = "smart"
+# ##################################################
+# Theme-defined configuration
+# ##################################################
+# hugo sections
+ tag = "tags"
+ category = "categories"
+ blog = "/blog/:year/:month/:day/:filename/"
+ # blog = "/blog/:year/:month/:title/"
+# [mediaTypes]
+# [mediaTypes."application/pdf"]
+# suffix = "pdf"
+# ##################################################
+# Main menu
+# provide translations in i18n/*.yaml
+ weight = 1
+ name = "Home"
+ url = "/index.html"
+ pre = "fas fa-home"
+ weight = 2
+ name = "Contact"
+ url = "/contact"
+ pre = "far fa-address-card"
+ weight = 3
+ name = "Pages"
+ url = "/pages"
+ pre = "fas fa-list"
+# demo submenu
+ weight = 4
+ name = "Theme"
+ pre = "fas fa-info-circle"
+ identifier = "theme"
+ weight = 1
+ name = "About"
+ #url = "/categories/this-theme/"
+ url = "/pages/hugo-theme-w3css-basic/"
+ pre = "fas fa-info fa-fw"
+ parent = "theme"
+ weight = 2
+ name = "Images"
+ url = "/pages/hugo-theme-w3css-basic/images-taken-from/"
+ pre = "far fa-images fa-fw"
+ parent = "theme"
+ weight = 3
+ name = "Showcase"
+ url = "/pages/showcase/"
+ pre = "fas fa-eye fa-fw"
+ parent = "theme"
+# end submenu
+ weight = 5
+ name = "Blog"
+ url = "/blog"
+ pre = "fas fa-rss"
+ weight = 6
+ name = "FAQ"
+ url = "/faq"
+ pre = "far fa-question-circle"
+# right aligned
+ weight = 1
+ name = "GitHub"
+ url = "https://github.com/it-gro/hugo-theme-w3css-basic"
+ pre = "fab fa-github"
+# weight = 2
+# name = "Facebook"
+# url = "http://facebook.com"
+# pre = "fab fa-facebook"
+# weight = 3
+# name = "Twitter"
+# url = "http://twitter.com"
+# pre = "fab fa-twitter"
+ weight = 4
+ name = "Email"
+ url = "#address"
+# url = "mailto:info@example.com"
+ pre = "fas fa-envelope"
+ weight = 5
+ name = "Search"
+ url = "/search"
+ pre = "fas fa-search"
+# development tree
+# [privacy]
+# [privacy.youtube]
+# noCookie = true
+# [privacy.disqus]
+# #skipAgree = true
+# ##################################################
+# theme-defined params
+ # meta data
+ # ##############################
+ # used in layouts/partials/head.meta.html
+ authorName = "anonymous"
+ defaultKeywords = ["foo", "bar"]
+ defaultDescription = "example site created with hugo using theme hugo-theme-w3css-basic"
+ truncateSummaryForMetaDescription = 120
+ # multiple lines in toml
+ # https://github.com/toml-lang/toml#user-content-string
+ # used in layouts/partials/footer.html
+ # uses markdownify
+ aboutUs = '''
+Vel illum **dolore** eu
+ * feugiat nulla
+ * facilisis at vero.
+Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl.
+ '''
+ address = '''
+**nobis eleifend**
+**Soluta nobis eleifend**
+illum dolore eu feugiat
+3612 Steffisburg
+consectetuer adipiscing
+ '''
+ footerContactButton = "contact/index.md"
+ # used in layouts/partials/footer.bottom.html
+ bottomLeft = "Copyright (c) 2018, *lobortis nisl* ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat"
+ bottomRight = 'created with [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) '
+ # colors
+ # ##############################
+ # used in layouts/partials/head.stylesheets.html
+ # https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/w3css_color_themes.asp
+ # https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/w3css_color_generator.asp
+ # Monochromatic Color Schemes
+ # set W3.CSS color theme (choose one)
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/css/w3-theme-custom.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-amber.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-black.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-blue-grey.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-blue.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-brown.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-cyan.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-dark-grey.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-deep-orange.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-deep-purple.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-green.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-grey.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-indigo.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-khaki.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-light-blue.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-light-green.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-lime.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-orange.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-pink.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-purple.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-red.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-teal.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/w3-theme-yellow.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2006-sand-dollar.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2007-chili-pepper.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2008-blue-izis.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2009-mimosa.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2010-turquise.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2011-honeysucle.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2012-tangerine-tango.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2013-emerald.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2014-radiand-orchid.css"
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+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-airy-blue.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-aurora-red.css"
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+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-buttercup.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-duster-cedar.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-fiesta.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-green-flash.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-iced-coffe.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-lilac-grey.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-limpet-shell.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-lush-medow.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-peach-echo.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-potters-clay.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-riverside.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-rose-quarts.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-serenity.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-sharkskin.css"
+ w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-snorkel-blue.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-spicy-mustard.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2016-warm-taupe.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-autumn-maple.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-ballet-slipper.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-butterum.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-flame.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-golden-lime.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-greenery.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-grenadine.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-hazelnut.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-island-paradise.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-kale.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-lapis-blue.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-marina.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-navy-peony.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-neutral-gray.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-niagara.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-pale-dogwood.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-pink-yarrow.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-primrose-yellow.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-shaded-spruce.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2017-tawny-port.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-almond-buff.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-almost-mauve.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-arcadia.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-blooming-dahlia.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-ceylon-yellow.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-cherry-tomato.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-chili-oil.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-coconut-milk.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-crocus-petal.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-emperador.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-harbor-mist.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-limelight.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-lime-punch.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-little-boy-blue.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-martini-olive.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-meadowlark.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-meerkat.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-nebulas-blue.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-pink-lavender.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-quetzal-green.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-quiet-gray.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-red-pear.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-russet-orange.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-sailor-blue.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-sargasso-sea.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-spring-crocus.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-tofu.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-ultra-violet.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-valiant-poppy.css"
+ #w3cssColorTheme = "/vendor/w3css/4/color_of_the_year/w3-theme-color-of-year-2018-warm-sand.css"
+ # used in layouts/partials/*.html
+ # used in layouts/blog/*.html
+ # used in layouts/default/*.html
+ # used in layouts/pages/*.html
+ # {{ default `w3-theme-l3` ($.Site.Param `color404Container`)}}
+ # set the actual color (one of the monochromatic color scheme)
+ #
+ # layouts/partials/header.marquee.html
+ colorHeaderMarquee = "w3-theme-l1"
+ #
+ # layouts/partials/header.nav.html
+ colorHeaderNav = "w3-theme-dark"
+ #
+ # layouts/_default/baseof.html
+ colorBaseofCanvas = "w3-theme-l4"
+ colorBaseofPanel = "w3-theme-l2"
+ #
+ # layouts/partials/front.*.html
+ colorFrontClientsCard = "w3-theme-l2"
+ colorFrontClientsContainer = "w3-theme-l3"
+ colorFrontFeaturesCard = "w3-theme-l3"
+ colorFrontFeaturesContainer = "w3-theme-l4"
+ colorFrontJumbotronsContainer = "w3-theme-l2"
+ colorFrontJumbotronsSection = "w3-theme-l4"
+ colorFrontPhotocardsCard = "w3-theme-l1"
+ colorFrontPhotocardsCardContainer = "w3-theme-l1"
+ colorFrontPhotocardsContainer = "w3-theme-l3"
+ colorFrontRecentPostsCard = "w3-theme-l4"
+ colorFrontRecentPostsCardButton = "w3-theme-l4"
+ colorFrontRecentPostsContainer = "w3-theme-l3"
+ colorFrontRecentPostsTitleCard = "w3-theme-l2"
+ colorFrontSeeMoreButton = "w3-theme-l4"
+ colorFrontSeeMoreContainer = "w3-theme-l4"
+ colorFrontSeeMoreText = "w3-text-white"
+ colorFrontTestimonialsCarouselCard = "w3-theme-l5"
+ colorFrontTestimonialsContainer = "w3-theme-l4"
+ colorFrontTestimonialsTitleCard = "w3-theme-l2"
+ #
+ # layouts/partials/page.nav.cards.html
+ colorPageNavCardsCard = "w3-theme-d3"
+ colorPageNavCardsLink = "w3-theme-l3"
+ colorPageNavCardsContainer = "w3-theme-l3"
+ #
+ # layouts/partials/page.nav.breadcrump.html
+ colorPageNavBreadcrumpBar = "w3-theme-d3"
+ #
+ # layouts/pages/list.html:
+ colorPagesListCard = "w3-theme-l3"
+ colorPagesListCell = "w3-theme-l4"
+ colorPagesListContainer = "w3-theme-l4"
+ #
+ # layouts/blog/list.html
+ colorBlogListCard = "w3-theme-l3"
+ colorBlogListCell = "w3-theme-l4"
+ colorBlogListContainer = "w3-theme-l4"
+ #
+ # layouts/_default/taxonomy.html
+ colorTaxonomyCard = "w3-theme-l3"
+ colorTaxonomyCell = "w3-theme-l4"
+ colorTaxonomyContainer = "w3-theme-l4"
+ #
+ # layouts/partials/main.paginator.bar.html
+ colorPaginatorBar = "w3-theme-l1"
+ #
+ # layouts/_default/taxonomy.html
+ colorTaxonomyBar = "w3-theme-l1"
+ colorTaxonomyPanel = "w3-theme-l2"
+ #
+ #layouts/_default/terms.html:
+ colorTermsPanel = "w3-theme-l2"
+ #
+ # layouts/partials/blog.disqus-button.html
+ colorDisqusButton = "w3-theme-l3"
+ #
+ # layouts/partials/contact.form.html
+ colorContactFormPanel = "w3-theme-d3"
+ #
+ # layouts/partials/contact.map.html
+ colorContactMapCard = "w3-theme-l2"
+ colorContactMapPanel = "w3-theme-l2"
+ #
+ # layouts/partials/search.google.gcse.html
+ colorSearchGoogleGcseContainer = "w3-theme-l3"
+ #
+ # layouts/partials/footer.bottom.html
+ colorFooterBottomCell = "w3-theme-l3"
+ #
+ # layouts/partials/footer.html
+ colorFooterButton = "w3-theme-l4"
+ colorFooterContainer = "w3-theme-d5"
+ #
+ # layouts/404.html
+ color404Container = "w3-theme-l3"
+ #
+ # layouts/partials/main.related.html
+ colorRelatedBar = "w3-theme-l4"
+ # used in layouts/shortcodes/alert.html
+ colorAlertPrimary = "w3-purple"
+ colorAlertSecondary = "w3-aqua"
+ colorAlertSuccess = "w3-light-green"
+ colorAlertInfo = "w3-light-blue"
+ colorAlertWarning = "w3-yellow"
+ colorAlertDanger = "w3-red"
+ colorAlertDark = "w3-dark-grey"
+ colorAlertLight = "w3-grey"
+ # w3-amber
+ # w3-aqua
+ # w3-blue
+ # w3-blue-grey
+ # w3-brown
+ # w3-cyan
+ # w3-dark-grey
+ # w3-deep-orange
+ # w3-deep-purple
+ # w3-green
+ # w3-grey
+ # w3-indigo
+ # w3-khaki
+ # w3-light-blue
+ # w3-light-green
+ # w3-light-grey
+ # w3-lime
+ # w3-orange
+ # w3-pink
+ # w3-purple
+ # w3-red
+ # w3-sand
+ # w3-teal
+ # w3-white
+ # w3-yellow
+ # google stuff
+ # ##############################
+ # used in layouts/partials/head.html
+ # use true for https://themes.gohugo.io/hugo-theme-w3css-basic
+ # if fontsUseGoogleApis=true then choose your fonts in [params.googleApiFonts.family.*] (see below)
+ fontsUseGoogleApis=true
+ # Global Site Tag
+ # https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/
+ # used in layouts/partials/head.google.gtags.html
+ # you need to enter the Tracking-ID above
+ # googleAnalytics = ""
+ #enableGoogleGtag=true
+ enableGoogleGtag=false
+ # Google Maps API key
+ # get our own: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/adding-a-google-map#key
+ # used in layouts/partials/contact.map.html
+ # if empty => fallback to URL (instead of map)
+ # define environment variable (=> key is not stored in github)
+ envGoogleMapsApiKey = "GoogleMapsApiKey"
+ # if environment is not an option => define key here:
+ #googleMapsApiKey = ""
+ #googleMapsZoom = 14
+ googleMapsZoom = 3
+ latitude = 46.946692
+ longitude = 7.444186
+ # Google Custom Search API
+ # https://cse.google.com/cse/
+ # used in layouts/partials/search.google.gcse.html
+ googleCustomSearchCX = '002931815551392744433:tnypjyusk2e'
+ # for google translate check params.menuTopBar.googleTranslate*
+ # teasers
+ # ##############################
+ # https://gohugo.io/functions/truncate/
+ # used in layouts/pages/list.html
+ # layouts/partials/front.recent_posts.html
+ # layouts/partials/main.teaser_in_card.html
+ teaserTruncateSummary = 200
+ # contact form
+ # ##############################
+ # used in partials/contact.form.html
+ # Enable the contact form by entering your Formspree.io email
+ formspree = "formspree.io"
+ email = "info@example.com"
+ contactFormInclEmail = true
+ # disqus (theme)
+ # ##############################
+ # used in partials/blog.disqus-button.html
+ # set to false if you dont want to have a button "show comments", but show the comments right away
+ disqusButtonShow = false
+ # set to true, if you want to show the count of comments within the "show comments" button
+ # fires an async request to disqus.com/count.js
+ disqusButtonShowCount = false
+ # set to true if you dont want a GDPR agreement with the visitor
+ # disqusSkipAgree = true
+ # date format (blog) is created using:
+ # layouts/partials/main.blog.date.html
+ # layouts/partials/main.i18n.date.html
+ # layouts/partials/main.i18n.date.short.html
+ # and i18n/*.yaml
+ # enable output of shortcode hc (html comment)
+ # used in layouts/shortcodes/hc.html
+ enableHC = true
+ # flags used for tracing and html comment output
+ # currently used:
+ # html-comment enable partials html comment output
+ # debug-shortcodes enable all shortcodes debugging output
+ # debug-shortcode-liti enable all shortcode liti debugging output
+ #traceFlags = "html-comment:debug-shortcodes"
+ #traceFlags = "html-comment:debug-shortcode-res-figure"
+ #traceFlags = "html-comment:debug-shortcode-res-debug"
+ #traceFlags = "html-comment:debug-partial-resource-image"
+ traceFlags = "html-comment"
+ # custom css and custom js
+ # this theme comes with the following "empty" files
+ # static/css/custom.css
+ # static/js/custom.bottom.js
+ # static/js/custom.top.js
+ # a project can create these in the project dir in order to overwrite them
+ # https://gohugo.io/themes/customizing/#override-static-files
+ # in addition the following arrays may be files with paths or URLS
+ # custom_css = [ "css/custom_foo.css", "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/minireset.css/0.0.2/minireset.min.css" ]
+ # custom_js_top = [ "js/custom_top_bar.js" ]
+ # custom_js_bottom = [ "js/custom_bottom_foo.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/js-cookie@2/src/js.cookie.min.js" ]
+ # used in layouts/partials/head.stylesheets.html
+ # used in layouts/partials/scripts.bottom.html
+ # used in layouts/partials/scripts.top.html
+ custom_css = [ ]
+ custom_js_top = [ ]
+ custom_js_bottom = [ ]
+ # developer stuff
+ debug = false
+ uglyURLs = false
+ uglyUrl = ".html"
+# ##################################################
+# theme sections
+# more theme defined params
+ # layouts/_default/baseof.html
+ enable = true
+ #icon = "fas fa-anchor"
+ icon = "fas fa-link"
+ # https://gohugo.io/content-management/related/
+ # layouts/partials/main.related.html
+ enable = true
+ limitTo = 5
+ # https://cookieconsent.insites.com/download/
+ # used in layouts/partials/head.cookieconsent.html
+ enable = true
+ popupBackground = "#f33"
+ popupText = "#fff"
+ buttonBackground = "#3f3"
+ buttonText = "#000"
+ #popupBackground = "#fff"
+ #popupText = "#444"
+ #buttonBackground = "#666"
+ #buttonText = "#fff"
+ #static = "true"
+ #position = "bottom"
+ #position = "top"
+ #position = "bottom-left"
+ position = "bottom-right"
+ #position = "top-left"
+ #position = "top-right"
+ #theme = ""
+ theme = "classic"
+ #theme = "edgeless"
+ href = "https://cookiesandyou.com"
+ # you may want to use https://realfavicongenerator.net to generate your files
+ # used in layouts/partials/head.favicon.html
+ # relURL is applied to path
+ enable = true
+ path = "/images/favicons"
+ version = "gH2ZthzW"
+ maskIcon = "#5bbad5"
+ msapplicationTileColor = "#da532c"
+ themeColor = "#ffffff"
+ # used in layouts/partials/header.marquee.html
+ # enable or disable marquee on frontpage
+ enable = true
+ # marquee text is placed in directory as:
+ file = ".marquee.md"
+ # no longer valid:
+ # marquee = '''
+ # '''
+ # used in layouts/partials/header.nav.html
+ # if set => change menu entry on small displays to lowercase maxChars
+ smallDispMenuMaxChars = 4
+ #smallDispMenuMaxChars = 2
+ smallDispMenuCollapse = true
+ #smallDispMenuCollapseIcon = "fas fa-bars"
+ smallDispMenuCollapseIcon = "fas fa-caret-square-down"
+ #smallDispMenuCollapseIcon = "far fa-caret-square-down"
+ #smallDispMenuCollapseIcon = "fab fa-elementor"
+ # used in layouts/partials/header.nav.html
+ # enable or disable menu.topbar with social icons (right aligned)
+ socialEnable = true
+ numOfItemsIfSmallDisplay = 1
+ numOfItemsIfMediumDisplay = 3
+ numOfItemsIfSmallDisplayCollapsed = 6
+ # used in layouts/partials/header.nav.html
+ # layouts/partials/header.nav.google.translate.html
+ googleTranslateEnable = true
+ googleTranslateShowOnHome= false
+ # used in layouts/partials/header.nav.html
+ # layouts/partials/header.nav.theme_color_selector.html
+ # layouts/partials/head.stylesheets.html
+ # layouts/partials/scripts.bottom.html
+ # This may help you to to select a w3cssColorTheme
+ themeColorSelectorEnable = true
+ # used in layouts/partials/front.jumbotrons.carousel.html
+ # enable or disable jumbotrons on frontpage
+ # see some examples in 'exampleSite/data/jumbotron'
+ enable = true
+ #enable = false
+ # used in layouts/partials/front.photocards.html
+ # enable or disable photocards on frontpage
+ # see some examples in 'exampleSite/data/photocards'
+ enable = true
+ #enable = false
+ #limitTo = 3
+ limitTo = 6
+ animate = true
+ resImgCmd = "Resize"
+ resImgCmdOpt = "300x"
+ # used in layouts/partials/front.features.html
+ # enable or disable features on frontpage
+ # see some examples in 'exampleSite/data/features'
+ enable = true
+ #enable = false
+ #limitTo = 3
+ limitTo = 6
+ animate = false
+ # used in layouts/partials/footer.html
+ footerNumOfPosts = 5
+ enableFooter = true
+ # used in layouts/partials/front.recent_posts.html
+ enableFront = true
+ title = "From our Blog"
+ subtitle = '''
+Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada
+fames ac.
+ '''
+ # used in layouts/partials/front.see_more.html
+ # enable or disable see_more on frontpage
+ enable = true
+ #enable = false
+ icon = "far fa-file-code"
+ title = "Do You want to see More?"
+ linkUrl = "/pages"
+ linkText = "consectetuer adipiscing"
+ subtitle = '''
+Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper
+suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
+ '''
+ # used in layouts/partials/front.testimonials.carousel.html
+ # enable or disable testimonials on frontpage
+ # see some examples in 'exampleSite/data/testimonials'
+ enable = true
+ #enable = false
+ title = "Testimonials"
+ subtitle = '''
+Consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut
+labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
+ '''
+ # used in layouts/partials/front.clients.carousel.html
+ # enable or disable clients on frontpage
+ # see some examples in 'exampleSite/data/clients'
+ enable = true
+ #enable = false
+ resImgCmd = "Resize"
+ resImgCmdOpt = "100x"
+ imgMaxWidth = "100px"
+ imgMaxHeight = "100px"
+ title = "Our Clients"
+ subtitle = '''
+Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse
+**molestie consequat**, vel illum dolore.
+ '''
+ # used in layouts/blog/list.html
+ title = "Blog"
+ icon = "fas fa-rss"
+ subtitle = '''
+ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante
+ '''
+ # this section is only relevant if fontsUseGoogleApis=true
+ # https://www.w3.org/Style/Examples/007/fonts.en.html
+ # the predefined generic font names are:
+ # sans-serif = ""
+ # serif = ""
+ # monospace = ""
+ # cursive = ""
+ # fantasy = ""
+ # used in static/vendor/w3css/4/w3.css
+ # code,kbd,pre,samp : monospace
+ # html,body : sans-serif
+ # h1 : serif
+ # h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 : sans-serif
+ # .w3-code,.w3-codespan : Consolas,"courier new"
+ # https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_byfunc.asp
+ # tagsText = [ "html", "body" ]
+ tagsText = [ "html", "body", "abbr", "address", "blockquote", "cite", "dfn", "em", "ins", "mark", "s", "time" ]
+ tagsHeading = [ "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6" ]
+ tagsMono = [ "pre", "code", "kbd", "samp", "data" ]
+ # these parameter sections must exist, the others are optional
+ fallbackText = "html"
+ fallbackHeading = "h1"
+ fallbackMono = "pre"
+ # serif, sans-serif or even cursive
+ #sans-serif = "Oswald"
+ #sans-serif = "Capriola"
+ #sans-serif = "Poppins"
+ #sans-serif = "Ubuntu"
+ sans-serif = "Open Sans"
+ # the html tag time using it's own font. shortcodes html-tag*.html may be useful...
+ cursive = "Creepster"
+ # serif, sans-serif or even cursive
+ #sans-serif = "Days One"
+ serif = "Kurale"
+ # monospace or sans-serif
+ monospace = "Oxygen Mono"
+ #monospace = "Cousine"
+ #monospace = "Ubuntu Mono"
+ # a random list of google api fonts:
+ # sans-serif = "Capriola"
+ # sans-serif = "Days One"
+ # sans-serif = "Open Sans"
+ # sans-serif = "Oswald"
+ # sans-serif = "Oxygen"
+ # sans-serif = "Paytone One"
+ # sans-serif = "Poppins"
+ # sans-serif = "Quantico"
+ # sans-serif = "Raleway"
+ # sans-serif = "Roboto"
+ # sans-serif = "Ubuntu"
+ #
+ # serif = "Gabriela"
+ # serif = "Glegoo"
+ # serif = "Noticia Text"
+ # serif = "Roboto Slab"
+ #
+ # monospace = "Cousine"
+ # monospace = "Nova Mono"
+ # monospace = "Oxygen Mono"
+ # monospace = "Roboto Mono"
+ # monospace = "Space Mono" # problem with />
+ # monospace = "Ubuntu Mono"
+ #
+ # cursive = "Caesar Dressing"
+ # cursive = "Carter One"
+ # cursive = "Courgette"
+ # cursive = "Creepster"
+ # cursive = "Nova Slim"
+ # cursive = "Parisienne"
+ # cursive = "Patrick Hand"
+ # cursive = "Rammetto One"
+ # cursive = "Rochester"
+ # cursive = "Romanesco"
+ # used in layouts/shortcodes/heg-gallery.html
+ # showFileExtension = true
+ # humanizeCaption = false
+ # used in layouts/partials/resource.image.html
+ # used in layouts/shortcodes/res-figure.html
+ # used in layouts/shortcodes/res-gallery.html
+ defaultResPagePath = "resources/images"
+ # used in layouts/shortcodes/res-figure.html
+ defaultResPagePath = "."
+ defaultMatch = "**/*"
+ defaultImgCmd = "Resize"
+ defaultImgCmdOpt = "300x"
+ defaultImgCaption = "%%T"
+ # used in layouts/shortcodes/res-gallery.html
+ defaultResPagePath = "resources/images"
+ defaultMatch = "**/*"
+ defaulImgCmd = "Resize"
+ defaulImgCmdOpt = "800x"
+ defaulThumbCmd = "Fit"
+ defaultThumbCmdOpt = "120x120"
+ defaultCaptionLong = "%%F"
+ defaultCaptionShort = "%%N"
+ #defaulThumbCmd = "Resize"
+ #defaultThumbCmdOpt = "100x100"
+ #defaulThumbCmd = "Fill"
+ #defaultThumbCmdOpt = "120x120"
+ # used in layouts/partials/main.headline.nav-right.html
+ jsHistoryNav = true
+ jsHistoryNavForward = false
+ showNavUp = true
+ # used in layouts/partials/page.nav.breadcrump.html
+ showNavBreadcrump = true
+ navBreadcrumpTitle = true
+ navBreadcrumpHome = false
+ # used in layouts/partials/main.taxonomy.full.bar.html
+ # fullBarMinItemsTag = 2
+ # fullBarMinItemsCategory = 3
+# ##################################################
+# other sections
+ hrefTargetBlank = true
+ # extensions = ["noEmptyLineBeforeBlock"]
+ # extensions = ["hardLineBreak"]
+ # https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/#blackfriday-options
+ # https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/#blackfriday-extensions
+ # https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet
+ # http://commonmark.org/
+ # http://spec.commonmark.org/0.28/