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github.com/mono/api-doc-tools.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
path: root/mdoc
diff options
authorv-susu1 <v-susu@microsoft.com>2022-04-25 04:28:24 +0300
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2022-04-25 04:28:24 +0300
commit0f12d6b86e208216496d5f9de43c4bb4f1d1e522 (patch)
tree5768735b655035209118676bcd2dd8428b3eab12 /mdoc
parentf6759c164cd0bce9d7996e20749304fb67f140dd (diff)
V susu/ci test (#625)
* Implement task 579673 * update * Update compareXmlFiles.ps1 * Update compareXmlFiles.ps1 * Update compareXmlFiles.ps1 * Update compareXmlFiles.ps1
Diffstat (limited to 'mdoc')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mdoc/compareXmlFiles.ps1 b/mdoc/compareXmlFiles.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9879aba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mdoc/compareXmlFiles.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+param (
+ [string]$paramsJson,
+ [string]$githubTokenBase64,
+ [string]$githubOptionsAccountName,
+ [string]$githubOptionsAccountEmail,
+ [string]$vstsTokenBase64
+function Git-Init([string]$githubAccountName, [string]$githubAccountEmail)
+ & git config --global --unset-all include.path
+ & git config --global --unset-all credential.helper
+ & git config --system --unset-all include.path
+ & git config --system --unset-all credential.helper
+ & git config --global credential.helper store
+ & git config --global user.name $githubAccountName
+ & git config --global user.email $githubAccountEmail
+function Git-Clone([string]$repoUrl, [string]$repoPath, [string] $token, [string]$branch = "main")
+ Write-Host 'git -c http.extraHeader="Authorization: Basic '$token'" clone -b '$branch' '$repoUrl' '$repoPath' --depth 1 --shallow-submodules'
+ & git -c http.extraHeader="Authorization: Basic $token" clone -b $branch $repoUrl $repoPath --depth 1 --shallow-submodules
+ Push-Location $repoPath
+ Write-Host | & git branch
+ Pop-Location
+function Git-Push([string]$rootPath, [string] $token, [string] $commitMessage, [string]$branch = "main")
+ Push-Location $rootPath
+ $result = & git status
+ if($result.Contains("nothing to commit"))
+ {
+ Write-Host "$result"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ & git add --all
+ & git commit -m $commitMessage
+ & git -c http.extraHeader="Authorization: Basic $token" push --set-upstream origin $branch --force-with-lease
+ }
+function Run-Mdoc([string] $mdocPath, [string] $fwPath, [string] $xmlPath)
+ Write-Host "$mdocPath fx-bootstrap $fwPath"
+ & $mdocPath fx-bootstrap $fwPath
+ $dnpath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName((get-command dotnet).Source)
+ $langs=@("VB.NET","F#","C++/CLI")
+ $allArgs = @("update",
+ "-o", "$xmlPath",
+ "-fx", "$fwPath",
+ "-lang", "docid",
+ "-index", "false",
+ "--debug",
+ "--delete",
+ "-L", """C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies"""
+ "-L", """C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft.NET\Primary Interop Assemblies"""
+ "-L", """C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PackageManagement\"""
+ "-L", """$dnpath""");
+ if ($langs) {
+ foreach ($lang in $langs) {
+ $allArgs += "-lang"
+ $allArgs += "$lang"
+ }
+ }
+ Write-Host "& $mdocPath $allArgs"
+ & $mdocPath $allArgs
+# Clone binary repo, xml repo
+# Generate xml file, push and log commit id
+# Again to generate xml file, push and log commit id
+# Compare two commits
+function Run($source_repo,$target_repo)
+ if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($source_repo.url)){
+ Write-Host "source repo url is null or empty!"
+ }
+ if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($source_repo.branch)){
+ Write-Host "source repo branch is null or empty!"
+ }
+ if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($source_repo.folder)){
+ Write-Host "source repo folder is null or empty!"
+ }
+ if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($target_repo.url)){
+ Write-Host "target repo url is null or empty!"
+ }
+ if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($target_repo.branch)){
+ Write-Host "target repo branch is null or empty!"
+ }
+ if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($target_repo.folder)){
+ Write-Host "target repo folder is null or empty!"
+ }
+ $sourceRepoUrl = $source_repo.url
+ $sourceRepoBranch = $source_repo.branch
+ $sourceFolder = $source_repo.folder
+ $sourceRepoPath= $source_repo.repo_root
+ $targetRepoUrl = $target_repo.url
+ $targetRepoBranch = $target_repo.branch
+ $targetfolder = $target_repo.folder
+ $targetRepoPath= $target_repo.repo_root
+ $frameworksPath = Join-Path $sourceRepoPath $sourceFolder
+ $xmlPath = Join-Path $targetRepoPath $targetfolder
+ Write-Host "==================== Clone source repo: $sourceRepoUrl"
+ if($sourceRepoUrl.Contains("github.com/")){
+ Git-Clone $sourceRepoUrl $sourceRepoPath $githubTokenBase64 $sourceRepoBranch
+ }
+ else{
+ Git-Clone $sourceRepoUrl $sourceRepoPath $vstsTokenBase64 $sourceRepoBranch
+ }
+ Write-Host "==================== Clone target repo: $targetRepoUrl"
+ Git-Clone $targetRepoUrl $targetRepoPath $githubTokenBase64 $targetRepoBranch
+ if (Test-Path $xmlPath)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Delete files under path: $xmlPath"
+ Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $xmlPath\*
+ Write-Host "Delete files done."
+ }
+ Write-Host "==================== Run Mdoc(release version) tool to generated xml files."
+ Run-Mdoc $releaseMdocPath $frameworksPath $xmlPath
+ if ($lastexitcode -ne 0)
+ {
+ exit $lastexitcode
+ }
+ Write-Host "==================== First to commit xml files"
+ $message = "CI Update 1 with build number " + $env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER
+ Git-Push $targetRepoPath $githubTokenBase64 $message $targetRepoBranch
+ $commitid1 = & git rev-parse HEAD
+ Write-Host "Commit Id1: $commitid1"
+ Pop-Location
+ if (Test-Path $xmlPath)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Delete files under path: $xmlPath"
+ Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $xmlPath\*
+ Write-Host "Delete files done."
+ }
+ Write-Host "==================== Run Mdoc(pr version) tool to generated xml files."
+ Run-Mdoc $prMdocPath $frameworksPath $xmlPath
+ if ($lastexitcode -ne 0)
+ {
+ exit $lastexitcode
+ }
+ Write-Host "==================== Sencond to commit xml files"
+ $message = "CI Update 2 with build number " + $env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER
+ Git-Push $targetRepoPath $githubTokenBase64 $message $targetRepoBranch
+ $commitid2 = & git rev-parse HEAD
+ Write-Host "Commit Id2: $commitid2"
+ Pop-Location
+ Write-Host "==================== Compare two version xml files."
+ $shortCommitId1 = $commitid1.Substring(0, 7)
+ $shortCommitId2 = $commitid2.Substring(0, 7)
+ if($targetRepoUrl.EndsWith(".git"))
+ {
+ $compareUrl = $targetRepoUrl.Substring(0, $ymlRepoUrl.Length - 4)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $compareUrl = $targetRepoUrl
+ }
+ $compareUrl = $compareUrl + "/compare/"
+ $compareUrl = $compareUrl + "$shortCommitId1...$shortCommitId2/"
+ Write-Host ("##vso[task.setvariable variable=CompareUrl;]$compareUrl")
+ Write-Host "Compare Url: $compareUrl"
+$params = $paramsJson | ConvertFrom-Json
+ Write-Host "githubTokenBase64 is null or empty!"
+ Write-Host "vstsTokenBase64 is null or empty!"
+# Set download Paths
+$repoRoot = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition) | Split-Path | Split-Path
+$prMdocPath = "$repoRoot\bin\Release\mdoc.exe"
+$parentRoot = $repoRoot | Split-Path
+$binPath = Join-Path "$parentRoot\TestCI" "\_bin"
+New-Item $binPath -Type Directory -Force
+# Download nuget tool
+$nugetUrl = "https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe"
+$mdocPackageSource = "https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json"
+$nugetPath = Join-Path $binPath "\nuget.exe"
+Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $nugetUrl -OutFile $nugetPath -Verbose
+# Download mdoc package
+Write-Host "==================== Download Mdoc tool"
+$mdocPackageId = "mdoc"
+ $versionStr = & $nugetPath list $mdocPackageId -Source $mdocPackageSource
+ if($versionStr -is [array])
+ {
+ $lastVersionStr = $versionStr[$versionStr.Count-1]
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $lastVersionStr = $versionStr
+ }
+ Write-Host "$mdocPackageId last version string: $lastVersionStr"
+ $lastVersion = $lastVersionStr.Split(" ")[1]
+ $lastVersion = $params.mdoc_Version
+Write-Host "$nugetPath install $mdocPackageId -Version $lastVersion -Source $mdocPackageSource -OutputDirectory $binPath"
+& $nugetPath install $mdocPackageId -Version $lastVersion -Source $mdocPackageSource -OutputDirectory $binPath
+$releaseMdocPath = Join-Path $binPath "mdoc.$lastVersion"
+dir $releaseMdocPath
+$releaseMdocPath = Join-Path $releaseMdocPath "tools\mdoc.exe"
+Write-Host "Download $mdocPackageId to path: $releasemdocPath"
+# Init git configure
+Git-Init $githubOptionsAccountName $githubOptionsAccountEmail
+# Generate ecma xml files
+$params.source_repo.repo_root = Join-Path "$parentRoot\TestCI" $params.source_repo.repo_root
+$params.target_repo.repo_root = Join-Path "$parentRoot\TestCI" $params.target_repo.repo_root
+Run $params.source_repo $params.target_repo