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authorAlexander Köplinger <alex.koeplinger@outlook.com>2021-03-04 16:50:21 +0300
committerAlexander Köplinger <alex.koeplinger@outlook.com>2021-03-04 16:50:21 +0300
commitfaf86629681c02638e5dffe42bcedb8a0b11d6c9 (patch)
parent2d911b06ce64642cf952bb2f2dfcbf292e335690 (diff)
Remove Mono.Debugger.Soft.cs
We no longer track API changes to this assembly.
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 934 deletions
diff --git a/profiles/net_4_x/Mono.Debugger.Soft.cs b/profiles/net_4_x/Mono.Debugger.Soft.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index d025cc2..0000000
--- a/profiles/net_4_x/Mono.Debugger.Soft.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,934 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
-[assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute("Mono Soft Debugger API library")]
-[assembly:System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification=true)]
-namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
- public partial class AbsentInformationException : System.Exception
- {
- public AbsentInformationException() { }
- }
- public partial class AppDomainCreateEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal AppDomainCreateEvent() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.AppDomainMirror Domain { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class AppDomainMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- internal AppDomainMirror() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.AssemblyMirror Corlib { get { throw null; } }
- public string FriendlyName { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ObjectMirror CreateBoxedValue(Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value value) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ArrayMirror CreateByteArray(byte[] bytes) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.StringMirror CreateString(string s) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.AssemblyMirror[] GetAssemblies() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror GetCorrespondingType(System.Type t) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.AssemblyMirror GetEntryAssembly() { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class AppDomainUnloadEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal AppDomainUnloadEvent() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.AppDomainMirror Domain { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class ArrayMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.ObjectMirror, System.Collections.IEnumerable
- {
- internal ArrayMirror() { }
- public int[] lengths;
- public int[] lower_bounds;
- public int rank;
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value this[int index] { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public int Length { get { throw null; } }
- public int Rank { get { throw null; } }
- public int GetLength(int dimension) { throw null; }
- public int GetLowerBound(int dimension) { throw null; }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> GetValues(int index, int length) { throw null; }
- public void SetByteValues(byte[] bytes) { }
- public void SetValues(int index, Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value[] values) { }
- System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class AssemblyLoadEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal AssemblyLoadEvent() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.AssemblyMirror Assembly { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public sealed partial class AssemblyLoadEventRequest : Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventRequest
- {
- internal AssemblyLoadEventRequest() { }
- }
- public partial class AssemblyMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- internal AssemblyMirror() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.AppDomainMirror Domain { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror EntryPoint { get { throw null; } }
- public bool HasDebugInfo { get { throw null; } }
- public bool HasFetchedPdb { get { throw null; } }
- public bool HasPdb { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsDynamic { get { throw null; } }
- public string Location { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ModuleMirror ManifestModule { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition Metadata { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ObjectMirror GetAssemblyObject() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes(Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror attributeType) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition GetMetadata() { throw null; }
- public byte[] GetMetadataBlob() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror GetMethod(uint token) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Reflection.AssemblyName GetName() { throw null; }
- public byte[] GetPdbBlob() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror GetType(string name) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror GetType(string name, bool throwOnError) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror GetType(string name, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror GetType(uint token) { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class AssemblyUnloadEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal AssemblyUnloadEvent() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.AssemblyMirror Assembly { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class BreakpointEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal BreakpointEvent() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror Method { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public sealed partial class BreakpointEventRequest : Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventRequest
- {
- internal BreakpointEventRequest() { }
- public override void Enable() { }
- }
- public partial class CommandException : System.Exception
- {
- internal CommandException() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ErrorCode ErrorCode { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public string ErrorMessage { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public abstract partial class Connection
- {
- protected Connection() { }
- public void ForceDisconnect() { }
- public void StartBuffering() { }
- public void StopBuffering() { }
- protected abstract void TransportClose();
- protected abstract int TransportReceive(byte[] buf, int buf_offset, int len);
- protected abstract int TransportSend(byte[] buf, int buf_offset, int len);
- protected abstract void TransportSetTimeouts(int send_timeout, int receive_timeout);
- protected abstract void TransportShutdown();
- public long[] Type_GetMethodsByNameFlags(long id, string name, int flags, bool ignoreCase) { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class CrashEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal CrashEvent() { }
- public string Dump { get { throw null; } }
- public ulong Hash { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public sealed partial class CustomAttributeDataMirror
- {
- internal CustomAttributeDataMirror() { }
- [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror Constructor { get { throw null; } }
- [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror> ConstructorArguments { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror> NamedArguments { get { throw null; } }
- public override string ToString() { throw null; }
- }
- [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public partial struct CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror
- {
- private object _dummy;
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.FieldInfoMirror Field { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.PropertyInfoMirror Property { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror TypedValue { get { throw null; } }
- }
- [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)]
- public partial struct CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror
- {
- private object _dummy;
- public System.Type ArgumentType { get { throw null; } }
- public object Value { get { throw null; } }
- public override string ToString() { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class EnumMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.StructMirror
- {
- internal EnumMirror() { }
- public string StringValue { get { throw null; } }
- public object Value { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public enum ErrorCode
- {
- NONE = 0,
- }
- public partial class ErrorHandlerEventArgs : System.EventArgs
- {
- public ErrorHandlerEventArgs() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ErrorCode ErrorCode { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public string ErrorMessage { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public abstract partial class Event
- {
- internal Event() { }
- protected Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm;
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventType EventType { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventRequest Request { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror Thread { get { throw null; } }
- public override string ToString() { throw null; }
- }
- public abstract partial class EventRequest
- {
- internal EventRequest() { }
- protected System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.AssemblyMirror> assembly_filter;
- protected int count;
- protected bool enabled;
- protected Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventType etype;
- protected int id;
- protected Mono.Debugger.Soft.SuspendPolicy suspend;
- protected Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread;
- protected Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm;
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.AssemblyMirror> AssemblyFilter { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public int Count { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public bool Enabled { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventType EventType { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror Thread { get { throw null; } set { } }
- protected void CheckDisabled() { }
- protected void CheckMirror(Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm, Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror m) { }
- public void Disable() { }
- public virtual void Enable() { }
- public int GetId() { throw null; }
- protected void SetEnabled(int id) { }
- }
- public partial class EventSet
- {
- internal EventSet() { }
- protected Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm;
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event[] Events { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event this[int index] { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.SuspendPolicy SuspendPolicy { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public enum EventType
- {
- AppDomainCreate = 4,
- AppDomainUnload = 5,
- AssemblyLoad = 8,
- AssemblyUnload = 9,
- Breakpoint = 10,
- Crash = 17,
- Exception = 13,
- KeepAlive = 14,
- MethodEntry = 6,
- MethodExit = 7,
- Step = 11,
- ThreadDeath = 3,
- ThreadStart = 2,
- TypeLoad = 12,
- UserBreak = 15,
- UserLog = 16,
- VMDeath = 1,
- VMDisconnect = 99,
- VMStart = 0,
- }
- public partial class ExceptionEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal ExceptionEvent() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ObjectMirror Exception { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public sealed partial class ExceptionEventRequest : Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventRequest
- {
- internal ExceptionEventRequest() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror ExceptionType { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IncludeSubclasses { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public override void Enable() { }
- }
- public partial class FieldInfoMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- public FieldInfoMirror(Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror parent, long id, string name, Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror type, System.Reflection.FieldAttributes attrs) { }
- public FieldInfoMirror(Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm, long id) { }
- public System.Reflection.FieldAttributes Attributes { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror DeclaringType { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror FieldType { get { throw null; } }
- public int FixedSize { get { throw null; } }
- public string FullName { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsAssembly { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsFamily { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsFamilyAndAssembly { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsFamilyOrAssembly { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsInitOnly { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsLiteral { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsNotSerialized { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsPinvokeImpl { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsPrivate { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsPublic { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsSpecialName { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsStatic { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Cecil.FieldDefinition Metadata { get { throw null; } }
- public string Name { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes(Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror attributeType, bool inherit) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit) { throw null; }
- }
- public partial interface IInvokable
- {
- System.IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options, System.AsyncCallback callback, object state);
- Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value EndInvokeMethod(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult);
- Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeResult EndInvokeMethodWithResult(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult);
- Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value InvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments);
- Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value InvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options);
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> InvokeMethodAsync(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options = Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions.None);
- System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeResult> InvokeMethodAsyncWithResult(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options = Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions.None);
- }
- public partial interface IInvokeAsyncResult : System.IAsyncResult
- {
- void Abort();
- }
- public partial class ILExceptionHandler
- {
- internal ILExceptionHandler() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror CatchType { get { throw null; } }
- public int FilterOffset { get { throw null; } }
- public int HandlerLength { get { throw null; } }
- public int HandlerOffset { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ILExceptionHandlerType HandlerType { get { throw null; } }
- public int TryLength { get { throw null; } }
- public int TryOffset { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public enum ILExceptionHandlerType
- {
- Catch = 0,
- Fault = 4,
- Filter = 1,
- Finally = 2,
- }
- public partial class ILInstruction
- {
- internal ILInstruction() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ILInstruction Next { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public int Offset { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Cecil.Cil.OpCode OpCode { get { throw null; } }
- public object Operand { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ILInstruction Previous { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial interface IMirror
- {
- Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine VirtualMachine { get; }
- }
- public partial class InterfaceMappingMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- internal InterfaceMappingMirror() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror[] InterfaceMethods;
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror InterfaceType;
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror[] TargetMethods;
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror TargetType;
- }
- public partial class InvalidStackFrameException : System.Exception
- {
- public InvalidStackFrameException() { }
- }
- public partial class InvocationException : System.Exception
- {
- public InvocationException(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ObjectMirror exception) { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ObjectMirror Exception { get { throw null; } }
- }
- [System.FlagsAttribute]
- public enum InvokeOptions
- {
- DisableBreakpoints = 1,
- None = 0,
- ReturnOutArgs = 8,
- ReturnOutThis = 4,
- SingleThreaded = 2,
- Virtual = 16,
- }
- public partial class InvokeResult
- {
- public InvokeResult() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value[] OutArgs { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value OutThis { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value Result { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial interface ITargetProcess
- {
- bool HasExited { get; }
- int Id { get; }
- string ProcessName { get; }
- System.IO.StreamReader StandardError { get; }
- System.IO.StreamReader StandardOutput { get; }
- event System.EventHandler Exited;
- void Kill();
- }
- public partial class LaunchOptions
- {
- public LaunchOptions() { }
- public string AgentArgs { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.LaunchOptions.ProcessLauncher CustomProcessLauncher { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.LaunchOptions.TargetProcessLauncher CustomTargetProcessLauncher { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public bool Valgrind { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public delegate System.Diagnostics.Process ProcessLauncher(System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo info);
- public delegate Mono.Debugger.Soft.ITargetProcess TargetProcessLauncher(System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo info);
- }
- public partial class LocalScope : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- internal LocalScope() { }
- public int LiveRangeEnd { get { throw null; } }
- public int LiveRangeStart { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror Method { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class LocalVariable : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- internal LocalVariable() { }
- public int Index { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsArg { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror Method { get { throw null; } }
- public string Name { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror Type { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class Location : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- internal Location() { }
- public int ColumnNumber { get { throw null; } }
- public int EndColumnNumber { get { throw null; } }
- public int EndLineNumber { get { throw null; } }
- public int ILOffset { get { throw null; } }
- public int LineNumber { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror Method { get { throw null; } }
- public string SourceFile { get { throw null; } }
- public byte[] SourceFileHash { get { throw null; } }
- public override string ToString() { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class MethodBodyMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- internal MethodBodyMirror() { }
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<Mono.Debugger.Soft.ILExceptionHandler> ExceptionHandlers { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<Mono.Debugger.Soft.ILInstruction> Instructions { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror Method { get { throw null; } }
- public byte[] GetILAsByteArray() { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class MethodEntryEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal MethodEntryEvent() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror Method { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public sealed partial class MethodEntryEventRequest : Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventRequest
- {
- internal MethodEntryEventRequest() { }
- }
- public partial class MethodExitEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal MethodExitEvent() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror Method { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public sealed partial class MethodExitEventRequest : Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventRequest
- {
- internal MethodExitEventRequest() { }
- }
- public partial class MethodMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- internal MethodMirror() { }
- public System.Reflection.MethodAttributes Attributes { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror DeclaringType { get { throw null; } }
- public string FullName { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList<int> ILOffsets { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsAbstract { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsAssembly { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsConstructor { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsFamily { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsFamilyAndAssembly { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsFamilyOrAssembly { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsFinal { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsGenericMethod { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsGenericMethodDefinition { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsHideBySig { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsPrivate { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsPublic { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsSpecialName { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsStatic { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsVirtual { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList<int> LineNumbers { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Location> Locations { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition Metadata { get { throw null; } }
- public int MetadataToken { get { throw null; } }
- public string Name { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ParameterInfoMirror ReturnParameter { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror ReturnType { get { throw null; } }
- public string SourceFile { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value Evaluate(Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value this_val, Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value[] args) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes(Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror attributeType, bool inherit) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror[] GetGenericArguments() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror GetGenericMethodDefinition() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.LocalVariable GetLocal(string name) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.LocalVariable[] GetLocals() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodBodyMirror GetMethodBody() { throw null; }
- public System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ParameterInfoMirror[] GetParameters() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.LocalScope[] GetScopes() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Location LocationAtILOffset(int il_offset) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror MakeGenericMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror[] args) { throw null; }
- }
- public abstract partial class Mirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.IMirror
- {
- internal Mirror() { }
- protected long id;
- protected Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm;
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine VirtualMachine { get { throw null; } }
- protected void CheckMirror(Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror m) { }
- protected void SetVirtualMachine(Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm) { }
- }
- public partial class ModuleMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- internal ModuleMirror() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.AssemblyMirror Assembly { get { throw null; } }
- public string FullyQualifiedName { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Guid ModuleVersionId { get { throw null; } }
- public string Name { get { throw null; } }
- public string ScopeName { get { throw null; } }
- public string SourceLink { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class ObjectCollectedException : System.Exception
- {
- public ObjectCollectedException() { }
- }
- public partial class ObjectMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value, Mono.Debugger.Soft.IInvokable
- {
- internal ObjectMirror() { }
- public long Address { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.AppDomainMirror Domain { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsCollected { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror Type { get { throw null; } }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options, System.AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw null; }
- [System.ObsoleteAttribute("Use the overload without the 'vm' argument")]
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm, Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options, System.AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw null; }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMultiple(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror[] methods, System.Collections.Generic.IList<System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value>> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options, System.AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value EndInvokeMethod(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeResult EndInvokeMethodWithResult(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; }
- public void EndInvokeMultiple(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value GetValue(Mono.Debugger.Soft.FieldInfoMirror field) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value[] GetValues(System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.FieldInfoMirror> fields) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value InvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value InvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options) { throw null; }
- public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> InvokeMethodAsync(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options = Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions.None) { throw null; }
- public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeResult> InvokeMethodAsyncWithResult(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options = Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions.None) { throw null; }
- public void SetValue(Mono.Debugger.Soft.FieldInfoMirror field, Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value value) { }
- public void SetValues(System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.FieldInfoMirror> fields, Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value[] values) { }
- }
- public partial class ParameterInfoMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- internal ParameterInfoMirror() { }
- public System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes Attributes { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsRetval { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror Method { get { throw null; } }
- public string Name { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror ParameterType { get { throw null; } }
- public int Position { get { throw null; } }
- public override string ToString() { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class PointerValue : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value
- {
- public PointerValue(Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm, Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror type, long addr) { }
- public long Address { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror Type { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value Value { get { throw null; } }
- public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; }
- public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; }
- public override string ToString() { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class PrimitiveValue : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value
- {
- public PrimitiveValue(Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm, object value) { }
- public object Value { get { throw null; } }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options, System.AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value EndInvokeMethod(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeResult EndInvokeMethodWithResult(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; }
- public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; }
- public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value InvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value InvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options) { throw null; }
- public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> InvokeMethodAsync(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options = Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions.None) { throw null; }
- public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeResult> InvokeMethodAsyncWithResult(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options = Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions.None) { throw null; }
- public override string ToString() { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class PropertyInfoMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- public PropertyInfoMirror(Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror parent, long id, string name, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror get_method, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror set_method, System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes attrs) { }
- public System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes Attributes { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror DeclaringType { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsSpecialName { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Cecil.PropertyDefinition Metadata { get { throw null; } }
- public string Name { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror PropertyType { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes(Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror attributeType, bool inherit) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror GetGetMethod() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror GetGetMethod(bool nonPublic) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ParameterInfoMirror[] GetIndexParameters() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror GetSetMethod() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror GetSetMethod(bool nonPublic) { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class StackFrame : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- internal StackFrame() { }
- public int ColumnNumber { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.AppDomainMirror Domain { get { throw null; } }
- public int EndColumnNumber { get { throw null; } }
- public int EndLineNumber { get { throw null; } }
- public string FileName { get { throw null; } }
- public int ILOffset { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsDebuggerInvoke { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsNativeTransition { get { throw null; } }
- public int LineNumber { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Location Location { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror Method { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror Thread { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value GetArgument(int pos) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value GetThis() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value GetValue(Mono.Debugger.Soft.LocalVariable var) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value GetValue(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ParameterInfoMirror param) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value[] GetValues(Mono.Debugger.Soft.LocalVariable[] vars) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.LocalVariable GetVisibleVariableByName(string name) { throw null; }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.LocalVariable> GetVisibleVariables() { throw null; }
- public void SetThis(Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value value) { }
- public void SetValue(Mono.Debugger.Soft.LocalVariable var, Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value value) { }
- public void SetValue(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ParameterInfoMirror param, Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value value) { }
- }
- public enum StepDepth
- {
- Into = 0,
- Out = 2,
- Over = 1,
- }
- public partial class StepEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal StepEvent() { }
- public long Location { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror Method { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public sealed partial class StepEventRequest : Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventRequest
- {
- internal StepEventRequest() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.StepDepth Depth { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.StepFilter Filter { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.StepSize Size { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public new Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror Thread { get { throw null; } }
- public override void Enable() { }
- }
- [System.FlagsAttribute]
- public enum StepFilter
- {
- DebuggerHidden = 2,
- DebuggerNonUserCode = 8,
- DebuggerStepThrough = 4,
- None = 0,
- StaticCtor = 1,
- }
- public enum StepSize
- {
- Line = 1,
- Min = 0,
- }
- public partial class StringMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.ObjectMirror
- {
- internal StringMirror() { }
- public int Length { get { throw null; } }
- public string Value { get { throw null; } }
- public char[] GetChars(int index, int length) { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class StructMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value, Mono.Debugger.Soft.IInvokable
- {
- internal StructMirror() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value[] Fields { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value this[string field] { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror Type { get { throw null; } }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options, System.AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw null; }
- [System.ObsoleteAttribute("Use the overload without the 'vm' argument")]
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm, Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options, System.AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value EndInvokeMethod(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeResult EndInvokeMethodWithResult(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value InvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value InvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options) { throw null; }
- public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> InvokeMethodAsync(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options = Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions.None) { throw null; }
- public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeResult> InvokeMethodAsyncWithResult(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options = Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions.None) { throw null; }
- }
- public enum SuspendPolicy
- {
- All = 2,
- EventThread = 1,
- None = 0,
- }
- public partial class ThreadDeathEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal ThreadDeathEvent() { }
- }
- public partial class ThreadMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.ObjectMirror
- {
- internal ThreadMirror() { }
- public long Id { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsThreadPoolThread { get { throw null; } }
- public string Name { get { throw null; } }
- public static bool NativeTransitions { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public long ThreadId { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Threading.ThreadState ThreadState { get { throw null; } }
- public long TID { get { throw null; } }
- public long ElapsedTime() { throw null; }
- public static void FetchFrames(System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror> threads) { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.StackFrame[] GetFrames() { throw null; }
- public void SetIP(Mono.Debugger.Soft.Location loc) { }
- }
- public partial class ThreadStartEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal ThreadStartEvent() { }
- }
- public partial class TypeLoadEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal TypeLoadEvent() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror Type { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public sealed partial class TypeLoadEventRequest : Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventRequest
- {
- internal TypeLoadEventRequest() { }
- public string[] SourceFileFilter { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public string[] TypeNameFilter { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public override void Enable() { }
- }
- public partial class TypeMirror : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror, Mono.Debugger.Soft.IInvokable
- {
- internal TypeMirror() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.AssemblyMirror Assembly { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Attributes { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror BaseType { get { throw null; } }
- public string CSharpName { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror EnumUnderlyingType { get { throw null; } }
- public string FullName { get { throw null; } }
- public bool HasElementType { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsAbstract { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsAnsiClass { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsArray { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsAutoClass { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsAutoLayout { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsByRef { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsClass { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsCOMObject { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsContextful { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsEnum { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsExplicitLayout { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsGenericType { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsGenericTypeDefinition { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsImport { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsInitialized { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsInterface { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsLayoutSequential { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsMarshalByRef { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsNested { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsNestedAssembly { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsNestedFamANDAssem { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsNestedFamily { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsNestedFamORAssem { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsNestedPrivate { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsNestedPublic { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsNotPublic { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsPointer { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsPrimitive { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsPublic { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsSealed { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsSerializable { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsSpecialName { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsUnicodeClass { get { throw null; } }
- public bool IsValueType { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Cecil.TypeDefinition Metadata { get { throw null; } }
- public int MetadataToken { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ModuleMirror Module { get { throw null; } }
- public string Name { get { throw null; } }
- public string Namespace { get { throw null; } }
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options, System.AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw null; }
- [System.ObsoleteAttribute("Use the overload without the 'vm' argument")]
- public System.IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm, Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options, System.AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value EndInvokeMethod(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeResult EndInvokeMethodWithResult(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; }
- public int GetArrayRank() { throw null; }
- protected virtual System.Reflection.TypeAttributes GetAttributeFlagsImpl() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes(Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror attributeType, bool inherit) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror GetElementType() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.FieldInfoMirror GetField(string name) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.FieldInfoMirror[] GetFields() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror[] GetGenericArguments() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror GetGenericTypeDefinition() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.InterfaceMappingMirror GetInterfaceMap(Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror interfaceType) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror[] GetInterfaces() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror GetMethod(string name) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror[] GetMethods() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror[] GetMethodsByNameFlags(string name, System.Reflection.BindingFlags flags, bool ignoreCase) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror[] GetNestedTypes() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror[] GetNestedTypes(System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindingAttr) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.PropertyInfoMirror[] GetProperties() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.PropertyInfoMirror[] GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags bindingAttr) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.PropertyInfoMirror GetProperty(string name) { throw null; }
- public string[] GetSourceFiles() { throw null; }
- public string[] GetSourceFiles(bool returnFullPaths) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ObjectMirror GetTypeObject() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value GetValue(Mono.Debugger.Soft.FieldInfoMirror field) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value GetValue(Mono.Debugger.Soft.FieldInfoMirror field, Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value[] GetValues(System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.FieldInfoMirror> fields) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value[] GetValues(System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.FieldInfoMirror> fields, Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread) { throw null; }
- public int GetValueSize() { throw null; }
- protected virtual bool HasElementTypeImpl() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value InvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value InvokeMethod(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options) { throw null; }
- public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> InvokeMethodAsync(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options = Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions.None) { throw null; }
- public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeResult> InvokeMethodAsyncWithResult(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options = Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions.None) { throw null; }
- protected virtual bool IsArrayImpl() { throw null; }
- public virtual bool IsAssignableFrom(Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror c) { throw null; }
- protected virtual bool IsByRefImpl() { throw null; }
- protected virtual bool IsCOMObjectImpl() { throw null; }
- protected virtual bool IsContextfulImpl() { throw null; }
- protected virtual bool IsMarshalByRefImpl() { throw null; }
- protected virtual bool IsPointerImpl() { throw null; }
- protected virtual bool IsPrimitiveImpl() { throw null; }
- protected virtual bool IsValueTypeImpl() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value NewInstance() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value NewInstance(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value NewInstance(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread, Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value> arguments, Mono.Debugger.Soft.InvokeOptions options) { throw null; }
- public void SetValue(Mono.Debugger.Soft.FieldInfoMirror field, Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value value) { }
- public void SetValues(System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.FieldInfoMirror> fields, Mono.Debugger.Soft.Value[] values) { }
- }
- public partial class UserBreakEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal UserBreakEvent() { }
- }
- public partial class UserLogEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- internal UserLogEvent() { }
- public string Category { get { throw null; } }
- public int Level { get { throw null; } }
- public string Message { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public abstract partial class Value : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- internal Value() { }
- }
- public partial class VersionInfo
- {
- public VersionInfo() { }
- public int MajorVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public int MinorVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public string VMVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public bool AtLeast(int major, int minor) { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class VirtualMachine : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Mirror
- {
- internal VirtualMachine() { }
- public System.Net.EndPoint EndPoint { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Diagnostics.Process Process { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.AppDomainMirror RootDomain { get { throw null; } }
- public System.IO.StreamReader StandardError { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public System.IO.StreamReader StandardOutput { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ITargetProcess TargetProcess { get { throw null; } }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.VersionInfo Version { get { throw null; } }
- public void ClearAllBreakpoints() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.AssemblyLoadEventRequest CreateAssemblyLoadRequest() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.BreakpointEventRequest CreateBreakpointRequest(Mono.Debugger.Soft.Location loc) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.BreakpointEventRequest CreateBreakpointRequest(Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, long il_offset) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.EnumMirror CreateEnumMirror(Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror type, Mono.Debugger.Soft.PrimitiveValue value) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ExceptionEventRequest CreateExceptionRequest(Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror exc_type) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ExceptionEventRequest CreateExceptionRequest(Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror exc_type, bool caught, bool uncaught) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.ExceptionEventRequest CreateExceptionRequest(Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror exc_type, bool caught, bool uncaught, bool everything_else) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodEntryEventRequest CreateMethodEntryRequest() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodExitEventRequest CreateMethodExitRequest() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.StepEventRequest CreateStepRequest(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror thread) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeLoadEventRequest CreateTypeLoadRequest() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.PrimitiveValue CreateValue(object value) { throw null; }
- public void Detach() { }
- public void Disconnect() { }
- [System.ObsoleteAttribute("This method was poorly named; use the Detach() method instead")]
- public void Dispose() { }
- public void EnableEvents(params Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventType[] events) { }
- public void EnableEvents(Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventType[] events, Mono.Debugger.Soft.SuspendPolicy suspendPolicy) { }
- public void Exit(int exitCode) { }
- public void ForceDisconnect() { }
- [System.ObsoleteAttribute("Use GetNextEventSet () instead")]
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event GetNextEvent() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event GetNextEvent(int timeout) { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventSet GetNextEventSet() { throw null; }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.EventSet GetNextEventSet(int timeoutInMilliseconds) { throw null; }
- [System.ObsoleteAttribute("Use GetNextEventSet () instead")]
- public T GetNextEvent<T>() where T : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event { throw null; }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.ThreadMirror> GetThreads() { throw null; }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror> GetTypes(string name, bool ignoreCase) { throw null; }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList<Mono.Debugger.Soft.TypeMirror> GetTypesForSourceFile(string fname, bool ignoreCase) { throw null; }
- public void Resume() { }
- public Mono.Debugger.Soft.BreakpointEventRequest SetBreakpoint(Mono.Debugger.Soft.MethodMirror method, long il_offset) { throw null; }
- public void SetSocketTimeouts(int send_timeout, int receive_timeout, int keepalive_interval) { }
- public void Suspend() { }
- }
- public partial class VirtualMachineManager
- {
- internal VirtualMachineManager() { }
- public static System.IAsyncResult BeginConnect(System.Net.IPEndPoint dbg_ep, System.AsyncCallback callback) { throw null; }
- public static System.IAsyncResult BeginConnect(System.Net.IPEndPoint dbg_ep, System.Net.IPEndPoint con_ep, System.AsyncCallback callback) { throw null; }
- public static System.IAsyncResult BeginLaunch(System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo info, System.AsyncCallback callback) { throw null; }
- public static System.IAsyncResult BeginLaunch(System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo info, System.AsyncCallback callback, Mono.Debugger.Soft.LaunchOptions options) { throw null; }
- public static System.IAsyncResult BeginListen(System.Net.IPEndPoint dbg_ep, System.AsyncCallback callback) { throw null; }
- public static System.IAsyncResult BeginListen(System.Net.IPEndPoint dbg_ep, System.Net.IPEndPoint con_ep, System.AsyncCallback callback) { throw null; }
- public static System.IAsyncResult BeginListen(System.Net.IPEndPoint dbg_ep, System.Net.IPEndPoint con_ep, System.AsyncCallback callback, out int dbg_port, out int con_port) { throw null; }
- public static void CancelConnection(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine Connect(Mono.Debugger.Soft.Connection transport, System.IO.StreamReader standardOutput, System.IO.StreamReader standardError) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine Connect(System.Net.IPEndPoint endpoint) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine Connect(System.Net.IPEndPoint endpoint, System.Net.IPEndPoint consoleEndpoint) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine ConnectInternal(System.Net.Sockets.Socket dbg_sock, System.Net.Sockets.Socket con_sock, System.Net.IPEndPoint dbg_ep, System.Net.IPEndPoint con_ep) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine EndConnect(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine EndLaunch(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine EndListen(System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine Launch(System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo info) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine Launch(System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo info, Mono.Debugger.Soft.LaunchOptions options) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine Launch(string[] args) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine Launch(string[] args, Mono.Debugger.Soft.LaunchOptions options) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine LaunchInternal(Mono.Debugger.Soft.ITargetProcess p, System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo info, System.Net.Sockets.Socket socket) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine LaunchInternal(System.Diagnostics.Process p, System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo info, System.Net.Sockets.Socket socket) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine Listen(System.Net.IPEndPoint dbg_ep) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine Listen(System.Net.IPEndPoint dbg_ep, System.Net.IPEndPoint con_ep) { throw null; }
- public static Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine ListenInternal(System.Net.Sockets.Socket dbg_sock, System.Net.Sockets.Socket con_sock) { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class VMCrashException : Mono.Debugger.Soft.VMDisconnectedException
- {
- public readonly string Dump;
- public readonly ulong Hash;
- public VMCrashException(string dump, ulong hash) { }
- }
- public partial class VMDeathEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- public VMDeathEvent(Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, int exit_code) { }
- public int ExitCode { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class VMDisconnectedException : System.Exception
- {
- public VMDisconnectedException() { }
- }
- public partial class VMDisconnectEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- public VMDisconnectEvent(Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm, int req_id) { }
- }
- public partial class VMMismatchException : System.Exception
- {
- public VMMismatchException() { }
- }
- public partial class VMNotSuspendedException : System.InvalidOperationException
- {
- public VMNotSuspendedException() { }
- }
- public partial class VMStartEvent : Mono.Debugger.Soft.Event
- {
- public VMStartEvent(Mono.Debugger.Soft.VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long thread_id) { }
- }