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github.com/mono/corefx.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
authorWes Haggard <Wes.Haggard@microsoft.com>2017-02-24 03:30:33 +0300
committerWes Haggard <Wes.Haggard@microsoft.com>2017-02-24 03:30:33 +0300
commit8633af6015cde1371b099541b9bcad121563caeb (patch)
tree1f1225ea4377f3f058ee943fd88d20b04be3818e /GenerateBuilds.ps1
parent20438c4412712a10ebbd6f54017b78b76fbc8034 (diff)
Remove stale unused ps1 scripts in the root
Diffstat (limited to 'GenerateBuilds.ps1')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 257 deletions
diff --git a/GenerateBuilds.ps1 b/GenerateBuilds.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ea9348af1..0000000000
--- a/GenerateBuilds.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-$header = @"
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<Project ToolsVersion="12.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
- <Import Project="`$([MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove(`$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory), dir.props))\dir.props" />
- <ItemGroup>
-$footer = @"
- </ItemGroup>
- <Import Project="`$([MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove(`$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory), dir.traversal.targets))\dir.traversal.targets" />
-function WriteBuilds($allConfigs, $srcDir, $projName)
- $configs = "";
- # Sort via Target then OS
- $ac = $allConfigs | sort target, os
- foreach($c in $ac)
- {
- if ($c.relpath -eq $null) { continue }
- $config = " <Project Include=`"$($c.relPath)`""
- if ($c.os -ne $null -or $c.target -ne $null)
- {
- $config += ">`r`n";
- if ($c.os -ne $null) { $config += " <OSGroup>$($c.os)</OSGroup>`r`n"; }
- if ($c.target -ne $null) { $config += " <TargetGroup>$($c.target)</TargetGroup>`r`n"; }
- $config += " </Project>`r`n"
- }
- else
- {
- $config += " />`r`n";
- }
- $configs += $config;
- }
- #Write-Host $($srcDir.FullName +"\"+ $projName + ".builds")
- sc $($srcDir.FullName +"\"+ $projName + ".builds") $($header+$configs+$footer)
- #Write-Host $($header+$configs+$footer)
-function GetDefaultConfiguration($projectConfigs, $projName)
- if ($projectConfigs -eq $null -or $projectConfigs.Count -eq 0)
- {
- Write-Host "No configurations in $projName";
- return $null;
- }
- $defaultConfig = $projectConfigs[0];
- if ($defaultConfig.os -ne $null -or $defaultConfig.target -ne $null)
- {
- $windowsConfig = $projectConfigs | ? { $_.os -eq "Windows_NT" }
- if ($windowsConfig.Count -gt 0)
- {
- $defaultConfig = $windowsConfig[0];
- }
- }
- return $defaultConfig;
-function WriteDefaultConfiguration($defaultConfig, $proj, $pf)
- if ($defaultConfig.os -ne $null -or $defaultConfig.target -ne $null)
- {
- $dc = "";
- if ($defaultConfig.os -ne $null)
- {
- if ($defaultConfig.os -eq "Windows_NT")
- {
- $dc += "Windows_";
- }
- else
- {
- $dc += $defaultConfig.os + "_";
- }
- }
- if ($defaultConfig.target -ne $null) { $dc += $defaultConfig.target + "_"; }
- $dc += "Debug";
- $projectConfigProperty = " <Configuration Condition=`"'`$(Configuration)'==''`">$dc</Configuration>";
- $projectLines = $pf[0..1];
- $pfContinue = 2;
- if ($pf[2] -match "Import")
- {
- $projectLines += " <PropertyGroup>";
- $projectLines += $projectConfigProperty;
- $projectLines += " </PropertyGroup>"
- }
- else
- {
- if ($pf[3] -match "Configuration")
- {
- $pf[3] = $projectConfigProperty;
- }
- elseif ($pf[3] -match "Setting default TargetGroup" -and $pf[4] -match "TargetGroup")
- {
- $projectLines += " <PropertyGroup>";
- $projectLines += $projectConfigProperty;
- $projectLines += " </PropertyGroup>"
- $pfContinue = 6;
- }
- else
- {
- Write-Host $($proj.FullName + " doesn't have a Configuration block!");
- s $proj.FullName
- }
- }
- $projectLines += $pf[$pfContinue..$pf.Length];
- sc $proj.FullName $projectLines
- }
-function CleanupProjects($proj, $pf)
- $writeFile = $false;
- $lineCount
- $filtered += $pf | ? {
- $lineCount++;
- if ($lineCount -gt 4 -and $_ -match "<Configuration ") { $writeFile = $true; return $false; }
- if ($_ -match "<Platform ") { $writeFile = $true; return $false; }
- if ($_ -match "<OutputType>Library</OutputType>") { $writeFile = $true; return $false; }
- return $true;
- };
- if ($writeFile)
- {
- sc $proj.FullName $filtered
- }
-function GetConfigurations($projs, $srcDir, $projName)
- $allConfigs = @();
- foreach($proj in $projs)
- {
- $pf = gc $proj;
- $pfcs = @();
- #CleanupProjects $proj $pf
- $pf | ? { $_ -match "'(?<osg>Windows|Linux|OSX|FreeBSD)?_?(?<tg>net\d\d\d?|netcore\d\d|netcore\d\daot|netcoreapp\d\.\d|dnxcore\d\d|dotnet\d\d)?_?Debug\|AnyCPU'" } | % {
- $os = $matches["osg"];
- $target = $matches["tg"];
- $relPath = $proj.FullName.Replace($srcDir.FullName+"\", "");
- #if ($target -match "netcore.+") { $os = "Windows" }
- if ($os -eq "Windows") { $os = "Windows_NT" }
- $ht = new-object System.Object
- $ht | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name os -value $os
- $ht | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name target -value $target
- $ht | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name relPath -value $relPath
- $ht | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name projName -value $projName
- $ht | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name sortKey -value $($os+"-"+$target+"_"+$relPath)
- $pfcs += $ht;
- }
- $defaultConfig = GetDefaultConfiguration $pfcs $proj.FullName
- WriteDefaultConfiguration $defaultConfig $proj $pf
- $allConfigs += $pfcs;
- }
- return $allConfigs | sort target, os;
-$srcDirs = dir .\src\*\src
-$layoutDir = "D:\corefx-packages-backup\packages\Debug\layout\runtimes\win7-x64\lib\netcoreapp2.0"
-foreach($srcDir in $srcDirs)
- $projName = $srcDir.Parent.Name
- $pjOrig = "$srcDir\project.json"
- $pj = "$layoutDir\$projName.deps"
- $plj = "$srcDir\project.lock.json"
- $proj = "$srcDir\$projName.csproj"
- Write-Host "Looking at $pj"
- if (Test-Path $pj)
- {
- $deps = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
- $pjc = gc $pj;
- foreach ($line in $pjc)
- {
- if ($line -match "\`"`(?<dep>.*`)\`": \`"\d")
- {
- $item = $matches["dep"];
- if ($item -eq "Microsoft.TargetingPack.Private.CoreCLR")
- {
- $deps.Add("System.Private.CoreLib") | out-null
- }
- elseif ($item -eq "Microsoft.TargetingPack.NETFramework.v4.6")
- {
- }
- elseif ($item -eq "Microsoft.TargetingPack.NETFramework.v4.6.1")
- {
- }
- elseif ($item -eq "Microsoft.TargetingPack.NETFramework.v4.6.2")
- {
- }
- elseif ($item -eq "Microsoft.TargetingPack.Private.NETNative")
- {
- }
- elseif ($item -eq "Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms")
- {
- }
- else
- {
- $deps.Add($item) | out-null
- }
- }
- }
- $pjOrigC = gc $pjOrig;
- foreach ($line in $pjOrigC)
- {
- if ($line -match "\`"`(?<dep>.*`)\`": \`"\d")
- {
- $item = $matches["dep"];
- if ($item -eq "System.Diagnostics.Contracts")
- {
- $deps.Add($item) | out-null
- }
- elseif ($item -eq "System.Diagnostics.Tools")
- {
- $deps.Add($item) | out-null
- }
- }
- }
- $projc = gc $proj;
- $projc2 = $projc | % { if ($_ -match "None Include=`"project.json`"") { $($deps | % { " <Reference Include=`"$_`" />" }) } else { $_ } }
- $projc2 | sc $proj
- del $pjOrig
- #del $plj
- }