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github.com/mono/corefx.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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authorAlex Perovich <alperovi@microsoft.com>2016-09-22 21:49:37 +0300
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2016-09-22 21:49:37 +0300
commit93470c7590b38a509f0bcdd75ec2d7114da5f819 (patch)
treefcc20e3013c311db8ca4bb5924a83aeb8c92f6e2 /src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests
parentf3d245ac4107c6da8c907808de674a7e1fcdd64a (diff)
Port S.Drawing types and converters. (#11731)
* Port S.Drawing types and converters. Fixes #11545 * Update dependencies * Address nits. * Update Dependencies * Address Review feedback
Diffstat (limited to 'src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests')
8 files changed, 440 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/ColorTests.cs b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/ColorTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d194e437ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/ColorTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
+using Xunit;
+namespace System.Drawing.Primitives.Tests
+ public partial class ColorTests
+ {
+ public static IEnumerable<object[]> NamedArgbValues =>
+ new[]
+ {
+ new object[] {"Transparent", 0, 255, 255, 255},
+ new object[] {"AliceBlue", 255, 240, 248, 255},
+ new object[] {"AntiqueWhite", 255, 250, 235, 215},
+ new object[] {"Aqua", 255, 0, 255, 255},
+ new object[] {"Aquamarine", 255, 127, 255, 212},
+ new object[] {"Azure", 255, 240, 255, 255},
+ new object[] {"Beige", 255, 245, 245, 220},
+ new object[] {"Bisque", 255, 255, 228, 196},
+ new object[] {"Black", 255, 0, 0, 0},
+ new object[] {"BlanchedAlmond", 255, 255, 235, 205},
+ new object[] {"Blue", 255, 0, 0, 255},
+ new object[] {"BlueViolet", 255, 138, 43, 226},
+ new object[] {"Brown", 255, 165, 42, 42},
+ new object[] {"BurlyWood", 255, 222, 184, 135},
+ new object[] {"CadetBlue", 255, 95, 158, 160},
+ new object[] {"Chartreuse", 255, 127, 255, 0},
+ new object[] {"Chocolate", 255, 210, 105, 30},
+ new object[] {"Coral", 255, 255, 127, 80},
+ new object[] {"CornflowerBlue", 255, 100, 149, 237},
+ new object[] {"Cornsilk", 255, 255, 248, 220},
+ new object[] {"Crimson", 255, 220, 20, 60},
+ new object[] {"Cyan", 255, 0, 255, 255},
+ new object[] {"DarkBlue", 255, 0, 0, 139},
+ new object[] {"DarkCyan", 255, 0, 139, 139},
+ new object[] {"DarkGoldenrod", 255, 184, 134, 11},
+ new object[] {"DarkGray", 255, 169, 169, 169},
+ new object[] {"DarkGreen", 255, 0, 100, 0},
+ new object[] {"DarkKhaki", 255, 189, 183, 107},
+ new object[] {"DarkMagenta", 255, 139, 0, 139},
+ new object[] {"DarkOliveGreen", 255, 85, 107, 47},
+ new object[] {"DarkOrange", 255, 255, 140, 0},
+ new object[] {"DarkOrchid", 255, 153, 50, 204},
+ new object[] {"DarkRed", 255, 139, 0, 0},
+ new object[] {"DarkSalmon", 255, 233, 150, 122},
+ new object[] {"DarkSeaGreen", 255, 143, 188, 139},
+ new object[] {"DarkSlateBlue", 255, 72, 61, 139},
+ new object[] {"DarkSlateGray", 255, 47, 79, 79},
+ new object[] {"DarkTurquoise", 255, 0, 206, 209},
+ new object[] {"DarkViolet", 255, 148, 0, 211},
+ new object[] {"DeepPink", 255, 255, 20, 147},
+ new object[] {"DeepSkyBlue", 255, 0, 191, 255},
+ new object[] {"DimGray", 255, 105, 105, 105},
+ new object[] {"DodgerBlue", 255, 30, 144, 255},
+ new object[] {"Firebrick", 255, 178, 34, 34},
+ new object[] {"FloralWhite", 255, 255, 250, 240},
+ new object[] {"ForestGreen", 255, 34, 139, 34},
+ new object[] {"Fuchsia", 255, 255, 0, 255},
+ new object[] {"Gainsboro", 255, 220, 220, 220},
+ new object[] {"GhostWhite", 255, 248, 248, 255},
+ new object[] {"Gold", 255, 255, 215, 0},
+ new object[] {"Goldenrod", 255, 218, 165, 32},
+ new object[] {"Gray", 255, 128, 128, 128},
+ new object[] {"Green", 255, 0, 128, 0},
+ new object[] {"GreenYellow", 255, 173, 255, 47},
+ new object[] {"Honeydew", 255, 240, 255, 240},
+ new object[] {"HotPink", 255, 255, 105, 180},
+ new object[] {"IndianRed", 255, 205, 92, 92},
+ new object[] {"Indigo", 255, 75, 0, 130},
+ new object[] {"Ivory", 255, 255, 255, 240},
+ new object[] {"Khaki", 255, 240, 230, 140},
+ new object[] {"Lavender", 255, 230, 230, 250},
+ new object[] {"LavenderBlush", 255, 255, 240, 245},
+ new object[] {"LawnGreen", 255, 124, 252, 0},
+ new object[] {"LemonChiffon", 255, 255, 250, 205},
+ new object[] {"LightBlue", 255, 173, 216, 230},
+ new object[] {"LightCoral", 255, 240, 128, 128},
+ new object[] {"LightCyan", 255, 224, 255, 255},
+ new object[] {"LightGoldenrodYellow", 255, 250, 250, 210},
+ new object[] {"LightGreen", 255, 144, 238, 144},
+ new object[] {"LightGray", 255, 211, 211, 211},
+ new object[] {"LightPink", 255, 255, 182, 193},
+ new object[] {"LightSalmon", 255, 255, 160, 122},
+ new object[] {"LightSeaGreen", 255, 32, 178, 170},
+ new object[] {"LightSkyBlue", 255, 135, 206, 250},
+ new object[] {"LightSlateGray", 255, 119, 136, 153},
+ new object[] {"LightSteelBlue", 255, 176, 196, 222},
+ new object[] {"LightYellow", 255, 255, 255, 224},
+ new object[] {"Lime", 255, 0, 255, 0},
+ new object[] {"LimeGreen", 255, 50, 205, 50},
+ new object[] {"Linen", 255, 250, 240, 230},
+ new object[] {"Magenta", 255, 255, 0, 255},
+ new object[] {"Maroon", 255, 128, 0, 0},
+ new object[] {"MediumAquamarine", 255, 102, 205, 170},
+ new object[] {"MediumBlue", 255, 0, 0, 205},
+ new object[] {"MediumOrchid", 255, 186, 85, 211},
+ new object[] {"MediumPurple", 255, 147, 112, 219},
+ new object[] {"MediumSeaGreen", 255, 60, 179, 113},
+ new object[] {"MediumSlateBlue", 255, 123, 104, 238},
+ new object[] {"MediumSpringGreen", 255, 0, 250, 154},
+ new object[] {"MediumTurquoise", 255, 72, 209, 204},
+ new object[] {"MediumVioletRed", 255, 199, 21, 133},
+ new object[] {"MidnightBlue", 255, 25, 25, 112},
+ new object[] {"MintCream", 255, 245, 255, 250},
+ new object[] {"MistyRose", 255, 255, 228, 225},
+ new object[] {"Moccasin", 255, 255, 228, 181},
+ new object[] {"NavajoWhite", 255, 255, 222, 173},
+ new object[] {"Navy", 255, 0, 0, 128},
+ new object[] {"OldLace", 255, 253, 245, 230},
+ new object[] {"Olive", 255, 128, 128, 0},
+ new object[] {"OliveDrab", 255, 107, 142, 35},
+ new object[] {"Orange", 255, 255, 165, 0},
+ new object[] {"OrangeRed", 255, 255, 69, 0},
+ new object[] {"Orchid", 255, 218, 112, 214},
+ new object[] {"PaleGoldenrod", 255, 238, 232, 170},
+ new object[] {"PaleGreen", 255, 152, 251, 152},
+ new object[] {"PaleTurquoise", 255, 175, 238, 238},
+ new object[] {"PaleVioletRed", 255, 219, 112, 147},
+ new object[] {"PapayaWhip", 255, 255, 239, 213},
+ new object[] {"PeachPuff", 255, 255, 218, 185},
+ new object[] {"Peru", 255, 205, 133, 63},
+ new object[] {"Pink", 255, 255, 192, 203},
+ new object[] {"Plum", 255, 221, 160, 221},
+ new object[] {"PowderBlue", 255, 176, 224, 230},
+ new object[] {"Purple", 255, 128, 0, 128},
+ new object[] {"Red", 255, 255, 0, 0},
+ new object[] {"RosyBrown", 255, 188, 143, 143},
+ new object[] {"RoyalBlue", 255, 65, 105, 225},
+ new object[] {"SaddleBrown", 255, 139, 69, 19},
+ new object[] {"Salmon", 255, 250, 128, 114},
+ new object[] {"SandyBrown", 255, 244, 164, 96},
+ new object[] {"SeaGreen", 255, 46, 139, 87},
+ new object[] {"SeaShell", 255, 255, 245, 238},
+ new object[] {"Sienna", 255, 160, 82, 45},
+ new object[] {"Silver", 255, 192, 192, 192},
+ new object[] {"SkyBlue", 255, 135, 206, 235},
+ new object[] {"SlateBlue", 255, 106, 90, 205},
+ new object[] {"SlateGray", 255, 112, 128, 144},
+ new object[] {"Snow", 255, 255, 250, 250},
+ new object[] {"SpringGreen", 255, 0, 255, 127},
+ new object[] {"SteelBlue", 255, 70, 130, 180},
+ new object[] {"Tan", 255, 210, 180, 140},
+ new object[] {"Teal", 255, 0, 128, 128},
+ new object[] {"Thistle", 255, 216, 191, 216},
+ new object[] {"Tomato", 255, 255, 99, 71},
+ new object[] {"Turquoise", 255, 64, 224, 208},
+ new object[] {"Violet", 255, 238, 130, 238},
+ new object[] {"Wheat", 255, 245, 222, 179},
+ new object[] {"White", 255, 255, 255, 255},
+ new object[] {"WhiteSmoke", 255, 245, 245, 245},
+ new object[] {"Yellow", 255, 255, 255, 0},
+ new object[] {"YellowGreen", 255, 154, 205, 50},
+ };
+ public static IEnumerable<object[]> ColorNames => Enum.GetNames(typeof(KnownColor)).Select(n => new object[] { n });
+ private Color? GetColorByProperty(string name)
+ {
+ return (Color?)typeof(Color).GetProperty(name)?.GetValue(null);
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(NamedArgbValues))]
+ public void ArgbValues(string name, int alpha, int red, int green, int blue)
+ {
+ Color? color = GetColorByProperty(name);
+ if (color.HasValue)
+ {
+ Assert.Equal(alpha, color.Value.A);
+ Assert.Equal(red, color.Value.R);
+ Assert.Equal(green, color.Value.G);
+ Assert.Equal(blue, color.Value.B);
+ }
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void Empty()
+ {
+ Assert.True(Color.Empty.IsEmpty);
+ Assert.False(Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Black).IsEmpty);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void IsKnownColor()
+ {
+ Assert.True(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.AliceBlue).IsKnownColor);
+ Assert.True(Color.FromName("AliceBlue").IsKnownColor);
+ Assert.False(Color.FromArgb(Color.AliceBlue.A, Color.AliceBlue.R, Color.AliceBlue.G, Color.AliceBlue.B).IsKnownColor);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void IsNamedColor()
+ {
+ Assert.True(Color.AliceBlue.IsNamedColor);
+ Assert.True(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.AliceBlue).IsNamedColor);
+ Assert.True(Color.FromName("AliceBlue").IsNamedColor);
+ Assert.False(Color.FromArgb(Color.AliceBlue.A, Color.AliceBlue.R, Color.AliceBlue.G, Color.AliceBlue.B).IsNamedColor);
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void IsSystemColor()
+ {
+ Color c = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.ActiveBorder);
+ Assert.True(c.IsSystemColor);
+ Assert.True(Color.FromName("ActiveBorder").IsSystemColor);
+ Assert.False(Color.FromArgb(c.A, c.R, c.G, c.B).IsSystemColor);
+ Assert.False(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.AliceBlue).IsSystemColor);
+ Assert.False(Color.FromName("AliceBlue").IsSystemColor);
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(ColorNames))]
+ public void KnownNames(string name)
+ {
+ Assert.Equal(name, Color.FromName(name).Name);
+ var colorByProperty = GetColorByProperty(name);
+ if (colorByProperty.HasValue)
+ {
+ Assert.Equal(name, colorByProperty.Value.Name);
+ }
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void Name()
+ {
+ Assert.Equal("1122ccff", Color.FromArgb(0x11, 0x22, 0xcc, 0xff).Name);
+ }
+ public static IEnumerable<object[]> ColorNamePairs => ColorNames.Zip(ColorNames.Skip(1), (l, r) => new[] { l[0], r[0] });
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(ColorNamePairs))]
+ public void GetHashCode(string name1, string name2)
+ {
+ Assert.NotEqual(name1, name2);
+ Color c1 = GetColorByProperty(name1) ?? Color.FromName(name1);
+ Color c2 = GetColorByProperty(name2) ?? Color.FromName(name2);
+ Assert.NotEqual(c2.GetHashCode(), c1.GetHashCode());
+ Assert.Equal(c1.GetHashCode(), Color.FromName(name1).GetHashCode());
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [InlineData(0x11cc8833, 0x11, 0xcc, 0x88, 0x33)]
+ [InlineData(unchecked((int)0xf1cc8833), 0xf1, 0xcc, 0x88, 0x33)]
+ public void ToArgb(int argb, int alpha, int red, int green, int blue)
+ {
+ Assert.Equal(argb, Color.FromArgb(alpha, red, green, blue).ToArgb());
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(ColorNames))]
+ public void ToKnownColor(string name)
+ {
+ var knownColor = (KnownColor)Enum.Parse(typeof(KnownColor), name);
+ var colorByProperty = GetColorByProperty(name);
+ if (colorByProperty.HasValue)
+ {
+ Assert.Equal(knownColor, colorByProperty.Value.ToKnownColor());
+ }
+ Assert.Equal(knownColor, Color.FromName(name).ToKnownColor());
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void ToStringEmpty()
+ {
+ Assert.Equal("Color [Empty]", Color.Empty.ToString());
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(ColorNames))]
+ public void ToStringNamed(string name)
+ {
+ string expected = $"Color [{name}]";
+ Assert.Equal(expected, Color.FromName(name).ToString());
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [InlineData("Color [A=1, R=2, G=3, B=4]", 1, 2, 3, 4)]
+ public void ToStringArgb(string expected, int alpha, int red, int green, int blue)
+ {
+ Assert.Equal(expected, Color.FromArgb(alpha, red, green, blue).ToString());
+ }
+ public static IEnumerable<object[]> InvalidValues =>
+ new[]
+ {
+ new object[] {-1},
+ new object[] {256},
+ };
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(InvalidValues))]
+ public void FromArgb_InvalidAlpha(int alpha)
+ {
+ Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
+ {
+ Color.FromArgb(alpha, Color.Red);
+ });
+ Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
+ {
+ Color.FromArgb(alpha, 0, 0, 0);
+ });
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(InvalidValues))]
+ public void FromArgb_InvalidRed(int red)
+ {
+ Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
+ {
+ Color.FromArgb(red, 0, 0);
+ });
+ Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
+ {
+ Color.FromArgb(0, red, 0, 0);
+ });
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(InvalidValues))]
+ public void FromArgb_InvalidGreen(int green)
+ {
+ Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
+ {
+ Color.FromArgb(0, green, 0);
+ });
+ Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
+ {
+ Color.FromArgb(0, 0, green, 0);
+ });
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(InvalidValues))]
+ public void FromArgb_InvalidBlue(int blue)
+ {
+ Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
+ {
+ Color.FromArgb(0, 0, blue);
+ });
+ Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
+ {
+ Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, blue);
+ });
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void FromName_Invalid()
+ {
+ Color c = Color.FromName("OingoBoingo");
+ Assert.True(c.IsNamedColor);
+ Assert.Equal(0, c.ToArgb());
+ Assert.Equal("OingoBoingo", c.Name);
+ }
+ private void CheckRed(Color color)
+ {
+ Assert.Equal(255, color.A);
+ Assert.Equal(255, color.R);
+ Assert.Equal(0, color.G);
+ Assert.Equal(0, color.B);
+ Assert.Equal("Red", color.Name);
+ Assert.False(color.IsEmpty, "IsEmpty");
+ Assert.True(color.IsKnownColor, "IsKnownColor");
+ Assert.True(color.IsNamedColor, "IsNamedColor");
+ Assert.False(color.IsSystemColor, "IsSystemColor");
+ }
+ [Fact]
+ public void SerializationRoundTrip()
+ {
+ Color c = Color.Red;
+ CheckRed(c);
+ BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
+ MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
+ bf.Serialize(ms, c);
+ ms.Position = 0;
+ Color color = (Color)bf.Deserialize(ms);
+ CheckRed(color);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/PointFTests.cs b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/PointFTests.cs
index a70d62d054..68467b8b74 100644
--- a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/PointFTests.cs
+++ b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/PointFTests.cs
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ namespace System.Drawing.PrimitivesTests
[InlineData(float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, int.MaxValue, int.MinValue)]
[InlineData(float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, int.MinValue, int.MaxValue)]
- [InlineData(0,0,0,0)]
+ [InlineData(0, 0, 0, 0)]
public void ArithmeticTestWithSize(float x, float y, int x1, int y1)
PointF p = new PointF(x, y);
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace System.Drawing.PrimitivesTests
[InlineData(float.MinValue, float.MaxValue)]
[InlineData(float.MinValue, float.MinValue)]
[InlineData(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue)]
- [InlineData(0,0)]
+ [InlineData(0, 0)]
public void EqualityTest(float x, float y)
PointF pLeft = new PointF(x, y);
diff --git a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/PointTests.cs b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/PointTests.cs
index 14c7f4af14..4f656183dd 100644
--- a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/PointTests.cs
+++ b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/PointTests.cs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace System.Drawing.PrimitivesTests
Point p1 = new Point(x);
Point p2 = new Point((short)(x & 0xFFFF), (short)((x >> 16) & 0xFFFF));
Assert.Equal(p1, p2);
diff --git a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/RectangleFTests.cs b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/RectangleFTests.cs
index 3ec277cda5..eff09fd59d 100644
--- a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/RectangleFTests.cs
+++ b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/RectangleFTests.cs
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ namespace System.Drawing.PrimitivesTest
Assert.False(rect1 == rect2);
public static void EqualityTest_NotRectangleF()
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ namespace System.Drawing.PrimitivesTest
[InlineData(0, 0, 0, 0)]
- [InlineData(float.MaxValue/2, float.MinValue/2, float.MinValue/2, float.MaxValue/2)]
+ [InlineData(float.MaxValue / 2, float.MinValue / 2, float.MinValue / 2, float.MaxValue / 2)]
[InlineData(0, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, 0)]
public void InflateTest(float x, float y, float width, float height)
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ namespace System.Drawing.PrimitivesTest
- [InlineData(float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue/2, float.MinValue/2)]
+ [InlineData(float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue / 2, float.MinValue / 2)]
[InlineData(0, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, 0)]
public void IntersectTest(float x, float y, float width, float height)
diff --git a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/RectangleTests.cs b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/RectangleTests.cs
index 11eecf5ec7..bb3b984f4c 100644
--- a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/RectangleTests.cs
+++ b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/RectangleTests.cs
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ namespace System.Drawing.PrimitivesTest
public void EqualityTest(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
- Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(width/2, height/2, x, y);
+ Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(width / 2, height / 2, x, y);
Assert.True(rect1 != rect2);
Assert.False(rect1 == rect2);
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ namespace System.Drawing.PrimitivesTest
[InlineData(0, int.MinValue, int.MaxValue, 0)]
public void ContainsTest(int x, int y, int width, int height)
- Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(2*x-width, 2*y-height, width, height);
+ Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(2 * x - width, 2 * y - height, width, height);
Point p = new Point(x, y);
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(x, y, width / 2, height / 2);
diff --git a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/System.Drawing.Primitives.Tests.builds b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/System.Drawing.Primitives.Tests.builds
index 14fea7bf30..ead6e41ba3 100644
--- a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/System.Drawing.Primitives.Tests.builds
+++ b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/System.Drawing.Primitives.Tests.builds
@@ -7,7 +7,15 @@
+ <Project Include="System.Drawing.Primitives.Tests.csproj">
+ <TargetGroup>netstandard1.7</TargetGroup>
+ <TestTFMs>netcoreapp1.1</TestTFMs>
+ </Project>
+ <Project Include="System.Drawing.Primitives.Tests.csproj">
+ <TargetGroup>netstandard1.7</TargetGroup>
+ <TestTFMs>net463</TestTFMs>
+ <OSGroup>Windows_NT</OSGroup>
+ </Project>
<Import Project="$([MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove($(MSBuildThisFileDirectory), dir.traversal.targets))\dir.traversal.targets" />
diff --git a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/System.Drawing.Primitives.Tests.csproj b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/System.Drawing.Primitives.Tests.csproj
index b197347922..71814ea8e5 100644
--- a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/System.Drawing.Primitives.Tests.csproj
+++ b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/System.Drawing.Primitives.Tests.csproj
@@ -1,21 +1,24 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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+<Project ToolsVersion="14.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
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- <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
- <Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>
- <NugetTargetMoniker>.NETStandard,Version=v1.3</NugetTargetMoniker>
<!-- Default configurations to help VS understand the configurations -->
- <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
+ <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'netstandard1.7_Debug|AnyCPU' ">
- <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
+ <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'netstandard1.7_Release|AnyCPU' ">
+ <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'net463_Debug|AnyCPU' ">
+ </PropertyGroup>
+ <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'net463_Release|AnyCPU' ">
+ </PropertyGroup>
<None Include="project.json" />
@@ -33,5 +36,8 @@
<Compile Include="SizeFTests.cs" />
<Compile Include="SizeTests.cs" />
+ <ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetGroup)' == 'netstandard1.7'">
+ <Compile Include="ColorTests.cs" />
+ </ItemGroup>
<Import Project="$([MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove($(MSBuildThisFileDirectory), dir.targets))\dir.targets" />
diff --git a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/project.json b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/project.json
index e938efdb64..9557e39eab 100644
--- a/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/project.json
+++ b/src/System.Drawing.Primitives/tests/project.json
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
"dependencies": {
"Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms": "1.0.2-beta-24520-06",
"System.Globalization": "4.3.0-beta-24520-06",
+ "System.IO": "4.3.0-beta-24520-06",
"System.Linq.Expressions": "4.3.0-beta-24520-06",
"System.ObjectModel": "4.3.0-beta-24520-06",
+ "System.Reflection.TypeExtensions": "4.3.0-beta-24520-06",
"System.Runtime": "4.3.0-beta-24520-06",
"System.Text.RegularExpressions": "4.3.0-beta-24520-06",
"test-runtime": {
@@ -14,7 +16,12 @@
"Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools.TestSuite": "1.0.0-prerelease-00807-03"
"frameworks": {
- "netstandard1.3": {}
+ "netstandard1.3": {},
+ "netstandard1.7": {
+ "dependencies": {
+ "System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters": "4.3.0-beta-24520-06"
+ }
+ }
"supports": {
"coreFx.Test.netcore50": {},
@@ -22,6 +29,22 @@
"coreFx.Test.net46": {},
"coreFx.Test.net461": {},
"coreFx.Test.net462": {},
- "coreFx.Test.net463": {}
+ "coreFx.Test.net463": {},
+ "coreFx.Test.netcoreapp1.1-ns17": {
+ "netstandard1.7": [
+ "win7-x86",
+ "win7-x64",
+ "win10-arm64",
+ "osx.10.10-x64",
+ "centos.7-x64",
+ "debian.8-x64",
+ "rhel.7-x64",
+ "ubuntu.14.04-x64",
+ "ubuntu.16.04-x64",
+ "fedora.23-x64",
+ "linux-x64",
+ "opensuse.13.2-x64"
+ ]
+ }