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github.com/mono/libgit2sharp.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'UpdateLibgit2ToSha.ps1')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/UpdateLibgit2ToSha.ps1 b/UpdateLibgit2ToSha.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a90841e..00000000
--- a/UpdateLibgit2ToSha.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
- Builds a version of libgit2 and copies it to Lib/NativeBinaries.
- Desired libgit2 version. This is run through `git rev-parse`, so branch names are okay too.
- Version of Visual Studio project files to generate. Cmake supports "10" (default), "11" and "12".
-.PARAMETER libgit2Name
- The base name (i.e without the file extension) of the libgit2 DLL to generate. Default is to use git2-$suffix, where $suffix is the first 7 characters of the SHA1 of the corresponding libgi2 commit as the suffix.
- If set, run the libgit2 tests on the desired version.
- If set, build the "Debug" configuration of libgit2, rather than "RelWithDebInfo" (default).
- [string]$sha = 'HEAD',
- [string]$vs = '10',
- [string]$libgit2Name = '',
- [switch]$test,
- [switch]$debug
-Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
-$self = Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
-$libgit2sharpDirectory = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
-$libgit2Directory = Join-Path $libgit2sharpDirectory "libgit2"
-$x86Directory = Join-Path $libgit2sharpDirectory "Lib\NativeBinaries\x86"
-$x64Directory = Join-Path $libgit2sharpDirectory "Lib\NativeBinaries\amd64"
-$build_clar = 'OFF'
-if ($test.IsPresent) { $build_clar = 'ON' }
-$configuration = "RelWithDebInfo"
-if ($debug.IsPresent) { $configuration = "Debug" }
-function Run-Command([scriptblock]$Command, [switch]$Fatal, [switch]$Quiet) {
- $output = ""
- if ($Quiet) {
- $output = & $Command 2>&1
- } else {
- & $Command
- }
- if (!$Fatal) {
- return
- }
- $exitCode = 0
- if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
- $exitCode = $LastExitCode
- } elseif (!$?) {
- $exitCode = 1
- } else {
- return
- }
- $error = "``$Command`` failed"
- if ($output) {
- Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow $output
- $error += ". See output above."
- }
- Throw $error
-function Find-CMake {
- # Look for cmake.exe in $Env:PATH.
- $cmake = @(Get-Command cmake.exe)[0] 2>$null
- if ($cmake) {
- $cmake = $cmake.Definition
- } else {
- # Look for the highest-versioned cmake.exe in its default location.
- $cmake = @(Resolve-Path (Join-Path ${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)} "CMake *\bin\cmake.exe"))
- if ($cmake) {
- $cmake = $cmake[-1].Path
- }
- }
- if (!$cmake) {
- throw "Error: Can't find cmake.exe"
- }
- $cmake
-function Find-Git {
- $git = @(Get-Command git)[0] 2>$null
- if ($git) {
- $git = $git.Definition
- Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray "Using git: $git"
- & $git --version | write-host -ForegroundColor Gray
- return $git
- }
- throw "Error: Can't find git"
-Push-Location $libgit2Directory
-function Ensure-Property($expected, $propertyValue, $propertyName, $path) {
- if ($propertyValue -eq $expected) {
- return
- }
- throw "Error: Invalid '$propertyName' property in generated '$path' (Expected: $expected - Actual: $propertyValue)"
-function Assert-Consistent-Naming($expected, $path) {
- $dll = get-item $path
- Ensure-Property $expected $dll.Name "Name" $dll.Fullname
- Ensure-Property $expected $dll.VersionInfo.InternalName "VersionInfo.InternalName" $dll.Fullname
- Ensure-Property $expected $dll.VersionInfo.OriginalFilename "VersionInfo.OriginalFilename" $dll.Fullname
-& {
- trap {
- Pop-Location
- break
- }
- $cmake = Find-CMake
- $ctest = Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $cmake) "ctest.exe"
- $git = Find-Git
- Write-Output "Fetching..."
- Run-Command -Quiet { & $git fetch }
- Write-Output "Verifying $sha..."
- $sha = & $git rev-parse $sha
- if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
- write-host -foregroundcolor red "Error: invalid SHA. USAGE: $self <SHA>"
- popd
- break
- }
- if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($libgit2Name)) {
- $binaryFilename = $libgit2Name
- } else {
- $binaryFilename = "git2-" + $sha.Substring(0,7)
- }
- Write-Output "Checking out $sha..."
- Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & $git checkout $sha }
- Write-Output "Building 32-bit..."
- Run-Command -Quiet { & remove-item build -recurse -force }
- Run-Command -Quiet { & mkdir build }
- cd build
- Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & $cmake -G "Visual Studio $vs" -D ENABLE_TRACE=ON -D "BUILD_CLAR=$build_clar" -D "LIBGIT2_FILENAME=$binaryFilename" -DSTDCALL=ON .. }
- Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & $cmake --build . --config $configuration }
- if ($test.IsPresent) { Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & $ctest -V . } }
- cd $configuration
- Assert-Consistent-Naming "$binaryFilename.dll" "*.dll"
- Run-Command -Quiet { & rm *.exp }
- Run-Command -Quiet { & rm $x86Directory\* }
- Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & copy -fo * $x86Directory }
- Write-Output "Building 64-bit..."
- cd ..
- Run-Command -Quiet { & mkdir build64 }
- cd build64
- Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & $cmake -G "Visual Studio $vs Win64" -D THREADSAFE=ON -D ENABLE_TRACE=ON -D "BUILD_CLAR=$build_clar" -D "LIBGIT2_FILENAME=$binaryFilename" -DSTDCALL=ON ../.. }
- Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & $cmake --build . --config $configuration }
- if ($test.IsPresent) { Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & $ctest -V . } }
- cd $configuration
- Assert-Consistent-Naming "$binaryFilename.dll" "*.dll"
- Run-Command -Quiet { & rm *.exp }
- Run-Command -Quiet { & rm $x64Directory\* }
- Run-Command -Quiet -Fatal { & copy -fo * $x64Directory }
- pop-location
- $dllNameClass = @"
-namespace LibGit2Sharp.Core
- internal static class NativeDllName
- {
- public const string Name = "$binaryFilename";
- }
- sc -Encoding ASCII (Join-Path $libgit2sharpDirectory "Libgit2sharp\Core\NativeDllName.cs") $dllNameClass
- sc -Encoding ASCII (Join-Path $libgit2sharpDirectory "Libgit2sharp\libgit2_hash.txt") $sha
- $buildProperties = @"
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
- <ItemGroup Condition=" '`$(OS)' == 'Windows_NT' ">
- <None Include="`$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\..\..\lib\net40\NativeBinaries\amd64\$binaryFilename.dll">
- <Link>NativeBinaries\amd64\$binaryFilename.dll</Link>
- <CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory>
- </None>
- <None Include="`$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\..\..\lib\net40\NativeBinaries\amd64\$binaryFilename.pdb">
- <Link>NativeBinaries\amd64\$binaryFilename.pdb</Link>
- <CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory>
- </None>
- <None Include="`$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\..\..\lib\net40\NativeBinaries\x86\$binaryFilename.dll">
- <Link>NativeBinaries\x86\$binaryFilename.dll</Link>
- <CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory>
- </None>
- <None Include="`$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\..\..\lib\net40\NativeBinaries\x86\$binaryFilename.pdb">
- <Link>NativeBinaries\x86\$binaryFilename.pdb</Link>
- <CopyToOutputDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToOutputDirectory>
- </None>
- </ItemGroup>
- sc -Encoding UTF8 (Join-Path $libgit2sharpDirectory "nuget.package\build\LibGit2Sharp.props") $buildProperties
- Write-Output "Done!"