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github.com/mono/mono.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'eng/common/generate-graph-files.ps1')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/eng/common/generate-graph-files.ps1 b/eng/common/generate-graph-files.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 0728b1a8b57..00000000000
--- a/eng/common/generate-graph-files.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $barToken, # Token generated at https://maestro-prod.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com/Account/Tokens
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $gitHubPat, # GitHub personal access token from https://github.com/settings/tokens (no auth scopes needed)
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $azdoPat, # Azure Dev Ops tokens from https://dev.azure.com/dnceng/_details/security/tokens (code read scope needed)
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $outputFolder, # Where the graphviz.txt file will be created
- [string] $darcVersion, # darc's version
- [string] $graphvizVersion = '2.38', # GraphViz version
- [switch] $includeToolset # Whether the graph should include toolset dependencies or not. i.e. arcade, optimization. For more about
- # toolset dependencies see https://github.com/dotnet/arcade/blob/master/Documentation/Darc.md#toolset-vs-product-dependencies
-function CheckExitCode ([string]$stage)
- $exitCode = $LASTEXITCODE
- if ($exitCode -ne 0) {
- Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'Arcade' -Message "Something failed in stage: '$stage'. Check for errors above. Exiting now..."
- ExitWithExitCode $exitCode
- }
-try {
- $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
- . $PSScriptRoot\tools.ps1
- Import-Module -Name (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'native\CommonLibrary.psm1')
- Push-Location $PSScriptRoot
- Write-Host 'Installing darc...'
- . .\darc-init.ps1 -darcVersion $darcVersion
- CheckExitCode 'Running darc-init'
- $engCommonBaseDir = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'native\'
- $graphvizInstallDir = CommonLibrary\Get-NativeInstallDirectory
- $nativeToolBaseUri = 'https://netcorenativeassets.blob.core.windows.net/resource-packages/external'
- $installBin = Join-Path $graphvizInstallDir 'bin'
- Write-Host 'Installing dot...'
- .\native\install-tool.ps1 -ToolName graphviz -InstallPath $installBin -BaseUri $nativeToolBaseUri -CommonLibraryDirectory $engCommonBaseDir -Version $graphvizVersion -Verbose
- $darcExe = "$env:USERPROFILE\.dotnet\tools"
- $darcExe = Resolve-Path "$darcExe\darc.exe"
- Create-Directory $outputFolder
- # Generate 3 graph descriptions:
- # 1. Flat with coherency information
- # 2. Graphviz (dot) file
- # 3. Standard dependency graph
- $graphVizFilePath = "$outputFolder\graphviz.txt"
- $graphVizImageFilePath = "$outputFolder\graph.png"
- $normalGraphFilePath = "$outputFolder\graph-full.txt"
- $flatGraphFilePath = "$outputFolder\graph-flat.txt"
- $baseOptions = @( '--github-pat', "$gitHubPat", '--azdev-pat', "$azdoPat", '--password', "$barToken" )
- if ($includeToolset) {
- Write-Host 'Toolsets will be included in the graph...'
- $baseOptions += @( '--include-toolset' )
- }
- Write-Host 'Generating standard dependency graph...'
- & "$darcExe" get-dependency-graph @baseOptions --output-file $normalGraphFilePath
- CheckExitCode 'Generating normal dependency graph'
- Write-Host 'Generating flat dependency graph and graphviz file...'
- & "$darcExe" get-dependency-graph @baseOptions --flat --coherency --graphviz $graphVizFilePath --output-file $flatGraphFilePath
- CheckExitCode 'Generating flat and graphviz dependency graph'
- Write-Host "Generating graph image $graphVizFilePath"
- $dotFilePath = Join-Path $installBin "graphviz\$graphvizVersion\release\bin\dot.exe"
- & "$dotFilePath" -Tpng -o"$graphVizImageFilePath" "$graphVizFilePath"
- CheckExitCode 'Generating graphviz image'
- Write-Host "'$graphVizFilePath', '$flatGraphFilePath', '$normalGraphFilePath' and '$graphVizImageFilePath' created!"
-catch {
- if (!$includeToolset) {
- Write-Host 'This might be a toolset repo which includes only toolset dependencies. ' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
- Write-Host 'Since -includeToolset is not set there is no graph to create. Include -includeToolset and try again...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
- }
- Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace
- Write-PipelineTelemetryError -Category 'Arcade' -Message $_
- ExitWithExitCode 1
-} finally {
- Pop-Location
-} \ No newline at end of file