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github.com/nextcloud/spreed.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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authorNextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>2020-06-12 05:59:29 +0300
committerNextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>2020-06-12 05:59:29 +0300
commit25f7e93305324efaabf3d05110d3b060341a70f4 (patch)
treeca1942fd1c7829e4148e8b1f368accd53ccde221 /l10n/zh_TW.js
parent04966edf2d451e3695361d6b60f1e9161eaf4d5c (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n/zh_TW.js')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n/zh_TW.js b/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 22adcd880..e8f1904c9 100644
--- a/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -4,6 +4,216 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Talk" : "交談",
"Guest" : "訪客",
"You started a call" : "您打了一通電話",
+ "Open settings" : "開啟設定",
+ "Andorra" : "安道爾",
+ "Afghanistan" : "阿富汗",
+ "Antigua and Barbuda" : "安提瓜和巴布達",
+ "Anguilla" : "安圭拉",
+ "Albania" : "阿爾巴尼亞",
+ "Armenia" : "亞美尼亞",
+ "Angola" : "安哥拉",
+ "Antarctica" : "南極地區",
+ "Argentina" : "阿根廷",
+ "American Samoa" : "美屬薩摩亞",
+ "Austria" : "奧地利",
+ "Australia" : "澳大利亞",
+ "Aruba" : "阿路巴",
+ "Azerbaijan" : "亞塞拜然",
+ "Bosnia and Herzegovina" : "波希尼亞及赫塞哥維那",
+ "Barbados" : "巴貝多",
+ "Bangladesh" : "孟加拉",
+ "Belgium" : "比利時",
+ "Burkina Faso" : "有吉納法索",
+ "Bulgaria" : "保加利亞",
+ "Bahrain" : "巴林",
+ "Burundi" : "蒲隆地",
+ "Benin" : "貝南",
+ "Bermuda" : "百慕達",
+ "Brunei Darussalam" : "汶萊",
+ "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" : "荷蘭加勒比區",
+ "Brazil" : "巴西",
+ "Bahamas" : "巴哈馬",
+ "Bhutan" : "不丹",
+ "Bouvet Island" : "布威島",
+ "Botswana" : "波札那",
+ "Belarus" : "白俄羅斯",
+ "Belize" : "貝里斯",
+ "Canada" : "加拿大",
+ "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" : "科科斯(基林)群島",
+ "Central African Republic" : "中非共和國",
+ "Congo" : "剛果",
+ "Switzerland" : "瑞士",
+ "Cook Islands" : "科克群島",
+ "Chile" : "智利",
+ "Cameroon" : "喀麥隆",
+ "China" : "中國大陸",
+ "Colombia" : "哥倫比亞",
+ "Costa Rica" : "哥斯大黎加",
+ "Cuba" : "古巴",
+ "Cabo Verde" : "維德角共和國",
+ "Christmas Island" : "聖誕島領地",
+ "Cyprus" : "塞浦路斯",
+ "Czechia" : "捷克",
+ "Germany" : "德國",
+ "Djibouti" : "吉布提",
+ "Denmark" : "丹麥",
+ "Dominica" : "多米尼克",
+ "Dominican Republic" : "多明尼加",
+ "Algeria" : "阿爾及利亞",
+ "Ecuador" : "厄瓜多爾",
+ "Estonia" : "愛沙尼亞",
+ "Egypt" : "埃及",
+ "Eritrea" : "厄利垂亞",
+ "Spain" : "西班牙",
+ "Ethiopia" : "衣索匹亞",
+ "Finland" : "芬蘭",
+ "Fiji" : "斐濟",
+ "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" : "福克蘭群島",
+ "Faroe Islands" : "法羅群島",
+ "France" : "法國",
+ "Gabon" : "加彭",
+ "Grenada" : "格瑞那達",
+ "Georgia" : "喬治亞",
+ "French Guiana" : "法屬圭亞那",
+ "Guernsey" : "根西",
+ "Ghana" : "迦納",
+ "Gibraltar" : "直布羅陀",
+ "Greenland" : "格陵蘭",
+ "Gambia" : "岡比亞",
+ "Guinea" : "幾內亞",
+ "Guadeloupe" : "瓜德羅普",
+ "Equatorial Guinea" : "幾內亞",
+ "Greece" : "希臘",
+ "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" : "南喬治亞與南桑威奇",
+ "Guatemala" : "瓜地馬拉",
+ "Guam" : "關島",
+ "Guinea-Bissau" : "幾內亞比索",
+ "Guyana" : "蓋亞那",
+ "Hong Kong" : "香港",
+ "Heard Island and McDonald Islands" : "赫德島和麥克唐納群島",
+ "Honduras" : "宏都拉斯",
+ "Croatia" : "克羅埃西亞",
+ "Haiti" : "海地",
+ "Hungary" : "匈牙利",
+ "Indonesia" : "印尼",
+ "Ireland" : "愛爾蘭",
+ "Israel" : "以色列",
+ "Isle of Man" : "曼島",
+ "India" : "印度",
+ "British Indian Ocean Territory" : "英屬印度洋屬地",
+ "Iraq" : "伊拉克",
+ "Iceland" : "冰島",
+ "Italy" : "義大利",
+ "Jersey" : "澤西",
+ "Jamaica" : "牙買加",
+ "Jordan" : "約旦",
+ "Japan" : "日本",
+ "Kenya" : "肯亞",
+ "Kyrgyzstan" : "吉爾吉斯斯坦",
+ "Cambodia" : "柬埔寨",
+ "Kiribati" : "基里巴斯共和國",
+ "Comoros" : "科摩羅",
+ "Saint Kitts and Nevis" : "聖克里斯多福及尼維斯",
+ "Kuwait" : "科威特",
+ "Cayman Islands" : "開曼群島",
+ "Kazakhstan" : "哈薩克",
+ "Lao People's Democratic Republic" : "寮國",
+ "Lebanon" : "黎巴嫩",
+ "Saint Lucia" : "聖露西亞",
+ "Liechtenstein" : "列支敦士登",
+ "Sri Lanka" : "斯里蘭卡",
+ "Liberia" : "賴比瑞亞",
+ "Lesotho" : "賴索托",
+ "Lithuania" : "立陶宛",
+ "Luxembourg" : "盧森堡",
+ "Latvia" : "拉脫維亞",
+ "Libya" : "利比亞",
+ "Morocco" : "摩洛哥",
+ "Monaco" : "摩納哥",
+ "Montenegro" : "蒙特內哥羅",
+ "Saint Martin (French part)" : "聖馬丁島(法國)",
+ "Madagascar" : "馬達加斯加",
+ "Marshall Islands" : "馬紹爾群島",
+ "Mali" : "馬利",
+ "Myanmar" : "緬甸",
+ "Mongolia" : "蒙古",
+ "Macao" : "澳門",
+ "Northern Mariana Islands" : "北馬里亞納群島",
+ "Martinique" : "馬丁尼克",
+ "Mauritania" : "茅利塔尼亞",
+ "Montserrat" : "蒙哲臘",
+ "Malta" : "馬爾他",
+ "Mauritius" : "模里西斯",
+ "Maldives" : "馬爾地夫",
+ "Malawi" : "馬拉威",
+ "Mexico" : "墨西哥",
+ "Malaysia" : "馬來西亞",
+ "Mozambique" : "莫三鼻克",
+ "Namibia" : "納米比亞",
+ "New Caledonia" : "新喀里多尼亞",
+ "Niger" : "尼日",
+ "Norfolk Island" : "諾福克島",
+ "Nigeria" : "奈及利亞",
+ "Nicaragua" : "尼加拉瓜",
+ "Netherlands" : "荷蘭",
+ "Norway" : "挪威",
+ "Nepal" : "尼泊爾",
+ "Nauru" : "諾魯",
+ "Niue" : "紐埃",
+ "New Zealand" : "紐西蘭",
+ "Oman" : "阿曼",
+ "Panama" : "巴拿馬",
+ "Peru" : "秘魯",
+ "French Polynesia" : "法屬玻里尼西亞",
+ "Papua New Guinea" : "巴布亞紐幾內亞",
+ "Philippines" : "菲律賓",
+ "Pakistan" : "巴基斯坦",
+ "Poland" : "波蘭",
+ "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" : "聖皮耶與密克隆群島",
+ "Pitcairn" : "皮特肯群島",
+ "Puerto Rico" : "波多黎各",
+ "Palestine, State of" : "巴勒斯坦領土",
+ "Portugal" : "葡萄牙",
+ "Palau" : "帕勞",
+ "Paraguay" : "巴拉圭",
+ "Qatar" : "卡達",
+ "Romania" : "羅馬尼亞",
+ "Serbia" : "塞爾維亞",
+ "Russian Federation" : "俄羅斯",
+ "Rwanda" : "盧安達",
+ "Saudi Arabia" : "沙烏地阿拉伯",
+ "Solomon Islands" : " 索羅門群島",
+ "Seychelles" : "塞席爾",
+ "Sudan" : "蘇丹",
+ "Sweden" : "瑞典",
+ "Singapore" : "新加坡",
+ "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha" : "聖赫勒拿,亞森欣與垂斯坦昆哈",
+ "Slovenia" : "斯洛維尼亞",
+ "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" : "斯瓦巴和揚馬延",
+ "Slovakia" : "斯洛伐克",
+ "Sierra Leone" : "獅子山共和國",
+ "San Marino" : "聖馬力諾",
+ "Senegal" : "塞內加爾",
+ "Somalia" : "索馬利亞",
+ "Suriname" : "蘇利南",
+ "South Sudan" : "南蘇丹",
+ "Sao Tome and Principe" : "聖多美及普林西比",
+ "El Salvador" : "薩爾瓦多",
+ "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)" : "荷屬聖馬丁",
+ "Syrian Arab Republic" : "敘利亞",
+ "Chad" : "查德",
+ "French Southern Territories" : "法屬南部和南極領地",
+ "Togo" : "多哥",
+ "Thailand" : "泰國",
+ "Tajikistan" : "塔吉克斯坦",
+ "Timor-Leste" : "東帝汶",
+ "Taiwan, Province of China" : "台灣,中華民國",
+ "Tanzania, United Republic of" : "坦尚尼亞",
+ "Holy See" : "聖座",
+ "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" : "聖文森及格瑞那丁",
+ "Samoa" : "薩摩亞",
+ "Mayotte" : "馬約特",
+ "South Africa" : "南非",
"Invalid date, date format must be YYYY-MM-DD" : "無效的日期,需為 YYYY-MM-DD 格式",
"Leave call" : "離開通話",
"Limit to groups" : "限制給特定群組",
@@ -20,7 +230,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Name" : "名稱",
"General settings" : "一般設定",
"Off" : "關閉",
+ "Language" : "語言",
+ "Country" : "國家",
+ "Status" : "狀態",
+ "Created at" : "建立於",
+ "Pending" : "擱置中",
"Error" : "錯誤",
+ "Blocked" : "已封鎖",
+ "Active" : "啟動",
+ "Expired" : "已過期",
"Validate SSL certificate" : "驗證 SSL憑證",
"Saved" : "儲存",
"UDP and TCP" : "UDP 和 TCP",