# msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: phpMyAdmin 5.3.0-dev\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translators@phpmyadmin.net\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-14 00:20+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-04 19:16+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Domen \n" "Language-Team: Slovenian \n" "Language: sl\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n" "%100==4 ? 2 : 3;\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 4.14-dev\n" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Advisor.php:240 #, php-format msgid "Error when evaluating: %s" msgstr "Napaka med vrednotenjem: %s" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Advisor.php:267 #, php-format msgid "Failed evaluating precondition for rule '%s'." msgstr "Ovrednotenje predpogojev za pravilo '%s' je spodletelo." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Advisor.php:287 #, php-format msgid "Failed calculating value for rule '%s'." msgstr "Izračun vrednosti za pravilo '%s' je spodletel." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Advisor.php:306 #, php-format msgid "Failed running test for rule '%s'." msgstr "Zagon preizkusa za pravilo '%s' je spodletel." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Advisor.php:334 #, php-format msgid "Failed formatting string for rule '%s'." msgstr "Oblikovanje niza za pravilo '%s' je spodletelo." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Advisor.php:419 msgid "per second" msgstr "na sekundo" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Advisor.php:422 msgid "per minute" msgstr "na minuto" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Advisor.php:425 msgid "per hour" msgstr "na uro" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Advisor.php:428 msgid "per day" msgstr "na dan" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:34 msgid "Uptime below one day" msgstr "Neprekinjeno delovanje krajše od enega dneva" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:37 msgid "Uptime is less than 1 day, performance tuning may not be accurate." msgstr "" "Neprekinjeno delovanje je krajše od enega dneva; nastavitev zmogljivosti " "morda ni točna." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:39 msgid "" "To have more accurate averages it is recommended to let the server run for " "longer than a day before running this analyzer" msgstr "" "Za natančnejša povprečja je priporočljivo, da pred zagonom analitike pustite " "strežnik delovati dlje kot en dan" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:42 #, php-format msgid "The uptime is only %s" msgstr "Neprekinjeno delovanje je samo %s" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:47 msgid "Questions below 1,000" msgstr "Vprašanja pod 1.000" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:51 msgid "" "Fewer than 1,000 questions have been run against this server. The " "recommendations may not be accurate." msgstr "" "Na tem strežniku je bilo zagnanih manj kot 1.000 vprašanj. Priporočila morda " "niso točna." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:55 msgid "" "Let the server run for a longer time until it has executed a greater amount " "of queries." msgstr "" "Pustite strežniku delovati daljši čas, dokler ne izvede večje število " "poizvedb." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:57 #, php-format msgid "Current amount of Questions: %s" msgstr "Trenutno število vprašanj: %s" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:62 msgid "Percentage of slow queries" msgstr "Odstotek počasnih poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:66 msgid "" "There is a lot of slow queries compared to the overall amount of Queries." msgstr "V primerjavi s skupnim številom poizvedb je počasnih poizvedb veliko." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:68 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:81 msgid "" "You might want to increase {long_query_time} or optimize the queries listed " "in the slow query log" msgstr "" "Morda boste želeli povečati {long_query_time} ali optimizirati poizvedbe, " "navedene v dnevniku počasnih poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:70 #, php-format msgid "The slow query rate should be below 5%%, your value is %s%%." msgstr "" "Delež počasnih poizvedb bi moral biti pod 5 %%; vaša vrednost je %s %%." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:75 msgid "Slow query rate" msgstr "Delež počasnih poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:79 msgid "" "There is a high percentage of slow queries compared to the server uptime." msgstr "" "Odstotek počasnih poizvedb je v primerjavi z neprekinjemin delovanjem " "strežnika visok." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:84 #, php-format msgid "" "You have a slow query rate of %s per hour, you should have less than 1%% per " "hour." msgstr "" "Vaš delež počasnih poizvedb je %s na uro; moral bi biti manj od 1 %% na uro." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:90 msgid "Long query time" msgstr "Čas dolgih poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:94 msgid "" "{long_query_time} is set to 10 seconds or more, thus only slow queries that " "take above 10 seconds are logged." msgstr "" "{long_query_time} je nastavljen na 10 sekund ali več, zato so zabeležene " "samo počasne poizvedbe, ki trajajo več kot 10 sekund." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:98 msgid "" "It is suggested to set {long_query_time} to a lower value, depending on your " "environment. Usually a value of 1-5 seconds is suggested." msgstr "" "Predlagamo, da nastavite {long_query_time} na nižjo vrednost, odvisno od " "vašega okolja. Po navadi se priporoča vrednost 1–5 sekund." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:101 #, php-format msgid "long_query_time is currently set to %ds." msgstr "long_query_time je trenutno nastavljen na %d s." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:106 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:119 msgid "Slow query logging" msgstr "Beleženje počasnih poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:110 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:123 msgid "The slow query log is disabled." msgstr "Dnevnik počasnih poizvedb je onemogočen." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:112 msgid "" "Enable slow query logging by setting {log_slow_queries} to 'ON'. This will " "help troubleshooting badly performing queries." msgstr "" "Omogočite beleženje počasnih poizvedb tako, da nastavite {log_slow_queries} " "na 'ON'. To bo pomagalo pri odpravljanju težav s slabo delujočimi " "poizvedbami." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:115 msgid "log_slow_queries is set to 'OFF'" msgstr "log_slow_queries je nastavljen na 'OFF'" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:125 msgid "" "Enable slow query logging by setting {slow_query_log} to 'ON'. This will " "help troubleshooting badly performing queries." msgstr "" "Omogočite beleženje počasnih poizvedb tako, da nastavite {slow_query_log} na " "'ON'. To bo pomagalo pri odpravljanju težav s slabo delujočimi poizvedbami." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:128 msgid "slow_query_log is set to 'OFF'" msgstr "slow_query_log je nastavljen na 'OFF'" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:133 msgid "Release Series" msgstr "Serije izdaj" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:136 msgid "The MySQL server version less than 5.1." msgstr "Strežnik MySQL različice nižje od 5.1." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:138 msgid "" "You should upgrade, as MySQL 5.1 has improved performance, and MySQL 5.5 " "even more so." msgstr "" "Morali bi posodobiti, saj ima MySQL 5.1 izboljšano učinkovitost, MySQL 5.5 " "pa še bolj." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:140 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:154 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:165 #, php-format msgid "Current version: %s" msgstr "Trenutna različica: %s" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:145 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:159 msgid "Minor Version" msgstr "Manjša različica" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:149 msgid "Version less than 5.1.30 (the first GA release of 5.1)." msgstr "Različica nižja od 5.1.30 (prvi izid GA 5.1)." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:151 msgid "" "You should upgrade, as recent versions of MySQL 5.1 have improved " "performance and MySQL 5.5 even more so." msgstr "" "Morali bi posodobiti, saj imajo najnovejše različice MySQL 5.1 izboljšano " "učinkovitost, MySQL 5.5 pa še bolj." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:163 msgid "Version less than 5.5.8 (the first GA release of 5.5)." msgstr "Različica nižja od 5.5.8 (prvi izid GA 5.5)." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:164 msgid "You should upgrade, to a stable version of MySQL 5.5." msgstr "Morali bi nadgraditi, na ustaljeno različico MySQL 5.5." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:170 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:183 msgid "Distribution" msgstr "Distribucija" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:173 msgid "Version is compiled from source, not a MySQL official binary." msgstr "Različica je prevedena iz izvorne kode, in ni uradna izdaja MySQL." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:175 msgid "" "If you did not compile from source, you may be using a package modified by a " "distribution. The MySQL manual only is accurate for official MySQL binaries, " "not any package distributions (such as RedHat, Debian/Ubuntu etc)." msgstr "" "Če niste prevedli iz izvorne kode, morda uporabljate paket, spremenjen z " "distribucijo. Priročnik MySQL je točen samo za uradne izdaje MySQL, ne za " "katere koli paketne distribucije (kot so RedHat, Debian/Ubuntu itn.)." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:179 msgid "'source' found in version_comment" msgstr "Našli smo 'source' v version_comment" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:186 msgid "The MySQL manual only is accurate for official MySQL binaries." msgstr "Priročnik MySQL je točen samo za uradne izdaje MySQL." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:188 msgid "" "Percona documentation is at https://www.percona.com/software/documentation/" msgstr "" "Dokumentacija Percona se nahaja na https://www.percona.com/software/documentation/" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:191 msgid "'percona' found in version_comment" msgstr "Našli smo 'percona' v version_comment" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:195 msgid "MySQL Architecture" msgstr "Arhitektura MySQL" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:199 msgid "MySQL is not compiled as a 64-bit package." msgstr "MySQL ni preveden kot 64-bitni paket." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:201 msgid "" "Your memory capacity is above 3 GiB (assuming the Server is on localhost), " "so MySQL might not be able to access all of your memory. You might want to " "consider installing the 64-bit version of MySQL." msgstr "" "Zmogljivost vašega pomnilnika je nad 3 GiB (predpostavljeno, da strežnik " "teče na localhost), zato MySQL morda ne bo zmožen dostopati do celotnega " "vašega pomnilnika. Morda boste želeli razmisliti o namestitvi 64-bitne " "različice MySQL." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:205 #, php-format msgid "Available memory on this host: %s" msgstr "Razpoložljiv pomnilnik na tem gostitelju: %s" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:211 msgid "Query caching method" msgstr "Način predpomnjenja poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:215 msgid "Suboptimal caching method." msgstr "Podoptimalni način predpomnjenja." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:217 msgid "" "You are using the MySQL Query cache with a fairly high traffic database. It " "might be worth considering to use memcached instead of the MySQL Query " "cache, especially if you have multiple replicas." msgstr "" "Uporabljate predpomnjenje poizvedb MySQL s precej prometno zbirko podatkov. " "Morda bi bilo koristno razmisliti o uporabi memcached namesto predpomnjenja " "poizvedb MySQL, še posebej, če imate več podrejencev." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:223 #, php-format msgid "" "The query cache is enabled and the server receives %d queries per second. " "This rule fires if there is more than 100 queries per second." msgstr "" "Predpomnjenje poizvedb je omogočeno in strežnik prejema %d poizvedb na " "sekundo. To pravilo se sproži, če je več kot 100 poizvedb na sekundo." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:231 msgid "Percentage of sorts that cause temporary tables" msgstr "Odstotek razvrščanj, ki so povzročila začasne tabele" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:235 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:250 msgid "Too many sorts are causing temporary tables." msgstr "Preveč razvrščanj povzroča začasne tabele." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:237 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:252 msgid "" "Consider increasing {sort_buffer_size} and/or {read_rnd_buffer_size}, " "depending on your system memory limits." msgstr "" "Razmislite o povečanju {sort_buffer_size} in/ali {read_rnd_buffer_size}, " "odvisno od omejitev vašega sistemskega pomnilnika." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:241 #, php-format msgid "" "%s%% of all sorts cause temporary tables, this value should be lower than " "10%%." msgstr "" "%s %% vseh razvrščanj povzroča začasne tabele; vrednost bi morala biti nižja " "od 10 %%." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:247 msgid "Rate of sorts that cause temporary tables" msgstr "Delež razvrščanj, ki povzroča začasne tabele" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:255 #, php-format msgid "" "Temporary tables average: %s, this value should be less than 1 per hour." msgstr "" "Povprečje začasnih tabel: %s; vrednost bi morala biti manj kot 1 na uro." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:260 msgid "Sort rows" msgstr "Razvrščanje vrstic" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:263 msgid "There are lots of rows being sorted." msgstr "Veliko vrstic je razvrščanih." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:265 msgid "" "While there is nothing wrong with a high amount of row sorting, you might " "want to make sure that the queries which require a lot of sorting use " "indexed columns in the ORDER BY clause, as this will result in much faster " "sorting." msgstr "" "Čeprav ni nič narobe z veliko količino razvrščanja vrstic, se boste morda " "želeli prepričati, da poizvedbe, ki zahtevajo veliko razvrščanja, " "uporabljajo v stavku ORDER BY indeksirana polja, saj bo to vodilo v veliko " "hitrejše razvrščanje." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:269 #, php-format msgid "Sorted rows average: %s" msgstr "Povprečje razvrščenih vrstic: %s" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:275 msgid "Rate of joins without indexes" msgstr "Delež stikov brez indeksov" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:278 msgid "There are too many joins without indexes." msgstr "Obstaja preveč stikov brez indeksov." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:280 msgid "" "This means that joins are doing full table scans. Adding indexes for the " "columns being used in the join conditions will greatly speed up table joins." msgstr "" "To pomeni, da stiki izvajajo polne preglede tabel. Dodajanje indeksov za " "stolpce, ki se uporabljajo v pogojih stikov, bo zelo pohitrilo stike tabel." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:283 #, php-format msgid "Table joins average: %s, this value should be less than 1 per hour" msgstr "Povprečje stikov tabel: %s; vrednost bi morala biti manj kot 1 na uro" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:288 msgid "Rate of reading first index entry" msgstr "Delež branja prvega vnosa indeksa" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:291 msgid "The rate of reading the first index entry is high." msgstr "Delež branja prvega vnosa indeksa je visok." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:293 msgid "" "This usually indicates frequent full index scans. Full index scans are " "faster than table scans but require lots of CPU cycles in big tables, if " "those tables that have or had high volumes of UPDATEs and DELETEs, running " "'OPTIMIZE TABLE' might reduce the amount of and/or speed up full index " "scans. Other than that full index scans can only be reduced by rewriting " "queries." msgstr "" "To po navadi nakazuje na pogoste polne preglede indeksov. Polni pregledi " "indeksov so hitrejši od pregledov tabel, vendar v velikih tabelah zahtevajo " "veliko pomnilniških ciklov. Če imajo ali so imele te tabele velike količine " "poizvedb UPDATE in DELETE, bo zagon 'OPTIMIZE TABLE' morda zmanjšal količino " "in/ali pohitril polne preglede indeksov. Drugače pa je polne preglede " "indeksov mogoče zmanjšati samo s preoblikovanjem poizvedb." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:299 #, php-format msgid "Index scans average: %s, this value should be less than 1 per hour" msgstr "" "Povprečje pregledovanja indeksov: %s; vrednost bi morala biti manj kot 1 na " "uro" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:304 msgid "Rate of reading fixed position" msgstr "Delež branja stalnega položaja" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:307 msgid "The rate of reading data from a fixed position is high." msgstr "Delež branja podatkov s stalnega položaja je visok." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:309 msgid "" "This indicates that many queries need to sort results and/or do a full table " "scan, including join queries that do not use indexes. Add indexes where " "applicable." msgstr "" "To kaže, da mora veliko poizvedb rezultate razvrstiti in/ali izvesti poln " "pregled tabele, vključno s poizvedbami stikov, ki ne uporabljajo indeksov. " "Dodajte indekse, kjer je to primerno." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:313 #, php-format msgid "" "Rate of reading fixed position average: %s, this value should be less than 1 " "per hour" msgstr "" "Delež povprečja branja stalnega položaja: %s; vrednost bi morala biti manj " "kot 1 na uro" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:319 msgid "Rate of reading next table row" msgstr "Delež branja naslednje vrstice v tabeli" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:322 msgid "The rate of reading the next table row is high." msgstr "Delež branja naslednje vrstice v tabeli je visok." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:324 msgid "" "This indicates that many queries are doing full table scans. Add indexes " "where applicable." msgstr "" "To kaže, da mora veliko poizvedb izvesti polne preglede tabele. Dodajte " "indekse, kjer je to primerno." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:326 #, php-format msgid "" "Rate of reading next table row: %s, this value should be less than 1 per hour" msgstr "" "Delež branja naslednje vrstice v tabeli: %s; vrednost bi morala biti manj " "kot 1 na uro" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:332 msgid "Different tmp_table_size and max_heap_table_size" msgstr "Različna tmp_table_size in max_heap_table_size" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:335 msgid "{tmp_table_size} and {max_heap_table_size} are not the same." msgstr "{tmp_table_size} in {max_heap_table_size} nista enaki." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:337 msgid "" "If you have deliberately changed one of either: The server uses the lower " "value of either to determine the maximum size of in-memory tables. So if you " "wish to increase the in-memory table limit you will have to increase the " "other value as well." msgstr "" "Če ste namenoma spremenili eno ali drugo: strežnik uporablja nižjo vrednost " "ene ali druge, da določi največjo velikost tabel v pomnilniku. Torej, če " "želite povečati omejitev tabel v pomnilniku, boste morali povečati tudi " "drugo vrednost." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:341 #, php-format msgid "Current values are tmp_table_size: %s, max_heap_table_size: %s" msgstr "Trenutni vrednosti sta tmp_table_size: %s, max_heap_table_size: %s" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:347 msgid "Percentage of temp tables on disk" msgstr "Odstotek začasnih tabel na disku" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:351 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:372 msgid "" "Many temporary tables are being written to disk instead of being kept in " "memory." msgstr "" "Veliko začasnih tabel je zapisanih na disk, namesto shranjenih v pomnilniku." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:353 msgid "" "Increasing {max_heap_table_size} and {tmp_table_size} might help. However " "some temporary tables are always being written to disk, independent of the " "value of these variables. To eliminate these you will have to rewrite your " "queries to avoid those conditions (Within a temporary table: Presence of a " "BLOB or TEXT column or presence of a column bigger than 512 bytes) as " "mentioned in the beginning of an Article by the Pythian Group" msgstr "" "Povečanje {max_heap_table_size} in {tmp_table_size} bo morda pomagalo. Kljub " "temu so nekatere začasne tabele vedno zapisane na disk, neodvisno od " "vrednosti teh spremenljivk. Da se tega znebite, boste morali preoblikovati " "vaše poizvedbe in se tako izogniti tem pogojem (znotraj začasne tabele: " "prisotnost stolpca BLOB ali TEXT ali prisotnost stolpca, večjega od 512 " "bajtov), kot je omenjeno na začetku članka skupine Pythian" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:362 #, php-format msgid "" "%s%% of all temporary tables are being written to disk, this value should be " "below 25%%" msgstr "" "%s %% vseh začasnih tabel je zapisanih na disk; vrednost bi morala biti pod " "25 %%" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:368 msgid "Temp disk rate" msgstr "Delež začasnih tabel na disku" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:374 msgid "" "Increasing {max_heap_table_size} and {tmp_table_size} might help. However " "some temporary tables are always being written to disk, independent of the " "value of these variables. To eliminate these you will have to rewrite your " "queries to avoid those conditions (Within a temporary table: Presence of a " "BLOB or TEXT column or presence of a column bigger than 512 bytes) as " "mentioned in the MySQL Documentation" msgstr "" "Povečanje {max_heap_table_size} in {tmp_table_size} bo morda pomagalo. Kljub " "temu so nekatere začasne tabele vedno zapisane na disk, neodvisno od " "vrednosti teh spremenljivk. Da se tega znebite, boste morali preoblikovati " "vaše poizvedbe in se tako izogniti tem pogojem (znotraj začasne tabele: " "prisotnost stolpca BLOB ali TEXT ali prisotnost stolpca, večjega od 512 " "bajtov), kot je omenjeno v dokumentaciji MySQL" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:383 #, php-format msgid "" "Rate of temporary tables being written to disk: %s, this value should be " "less than 1 per hour" msgstr "" "Delež začasnih tabel, pisanih na disk: %s; vrednost bi morala biti manj kot " "1 na uro" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:390 msgid "MyISAM key buffer size" msgstr "Velikost medpomnilnika ključev MyISAM" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:393 msgid "Key buffer is not initialized. No MyISAM indexes will be cached." msgstr "" "Medpomnilnika ključev ni inicializiran. Indeksi MyISAM ne bodo predpomnjeni." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:395 msgid "" "Set {key_buffer_size} depending on the size of your MyISAM indexes. 64M is a " "good start." msgstr "" "Nastavite {key_buffer_size} glede na velikost vaših indeksov MyISAM. 64M je " "dober začetek." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:397 msgid "key_buffer_size is 0" msgstr "key_buffer_size je 0" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:402 #, no-php-format msgid "Max % MyISAM key buffer ever used" msgstr "Največji % medpomnilnika ključev MyISAM kadar koli uporabljen" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:407 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:424 #, no-php-format msgid "MyISAM key buffer (index cache) % used is low." msgstr "" "% uporabljenega medpomnilnika ključev MyISAM (predpomnilnika indeksov) je " "nizek." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:409 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:426 msgid "" "You may need to decrease the size of {key_buffer_size}, re-examine your " "tables to see if indexes have been removed, or examine queries and " "expectations about what indexes are being used." msgstr "" "Morda boste morali zmanjšati velikost {key_buffer_size}, ponovno preveriti " "vaše tabele in pogledati, ali so bili indeksi odstranjeni, ali preveriti " "poizvedbe in pričakovanja o tem, kateri indeksi se uporabljajo." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:413 #, php-format msgid "" "max %% MyISAM key buffer ever used: %s%%, this value should be above 95%%" msgstr "" "največji %% kadar koli uporabljenega medpomnilnika ključev MyISAM: %s %%; " "vrednost bi morala biti nad 95 %%" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:418 msgid "Percentage of MyISAM key buffer used" msgstr "Odstotek uporabljenega medpomnilnika ključev MyISAM" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:430 #, php-format msgid "%% MyISAM key buffer used: %s%%, this value should be above 95%%" msgstr "" "%% uporabljenega medpomnilnika ključev MyISAM: %s %%; vrednost bi morala " "biti nad 95 %%" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:435 msgid "Percentage of index reads from memory" msgstr "Odstotek branj indeksov iz pomnilnika" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:440 #, no-php-format msgid "The % of indexes that use the MyISAM key buffer is low." msgstr "% indeksov, ki uporabljajo medpomnilnik ključev MyISAM, je nizek." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:441 msgid "You may need to increase {key_buffer_size}." msgstr "Morda boste morali povečati {key_buffer_size}." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:442 #, php-format msgid "Index reads from memory: %s%%, this value should be above 95%%" msgstr "Branj indeksov iz pomnilnika: %s %%; vrednost bi morala biti nad 95 %%" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:448 msgid "Rate of table open" msgstr "Delež odpiranj tabel" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:451 msgid "The rate of opening tables is high." msgstr "Delež odpiranj tabel je visok." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:453 msgid "" "Opening tables requires disk I/O which is costly. Increasing " "{table_open_cache} might avoid this." msgstr "" "Odpiranje tabel zahteva branje/pisanje na disk, kar je potrošno. Povečanje " "{table_open_cache} se bo temu morda izognilo." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:455 #, php-format msgid "Opened table rate: %s, this value should be less than 10 per hour" msgstr "Delež odprtih tabel: %s; vrednost bi morala biti manj kot 10 na uro" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:460 msgid "Percentage of used open files limit" msgstr "Odstotek omejitve uporabljenih odprtih datotek" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:464 msgid "" "The number of open files is approaching the max number of open files. You " "may get a \"Too many open files\" error." msgstr "" "Število odprtih datotek se približuje največjemu številu odprtih datotek. " "Morda boste prejeli napako \"Preveč odprtih datotek\"." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:468 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:481 msgid "" "Consider increasing {open_files_limit}, and check the error log when " "restarting after changing {open_files_limit}." msgstr "" "Razmislite o povečanju {open_files_limit} in preverite dnevnik napak po " "ponovnem zagonu, ko spremenite {open_files_limit}." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:471 #, php-format msgid "" "The number of opened files is at %s%% of the limit. It should be below 85%%" msgstr "Število odprtih datotek je na %s %% omejitve. Moralo bi biti pod 85 %%" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:476 msgid "Rate of open files" msgstr "Delež odprtih datotek" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:479 msgid "The rate of opening files is high." msgstr "Delež odprtih datotek je visok." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:484 #, php-format msgid "Opened files rate: %s, this value should be less than 5 per hour" msgstr "Delež odprtih datotek: %s; vrednost bi morala biti pod 5 na uro" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:490 #, no-php-format msgid "Immediate table locks %" msgstr "% takojšnjih zaklepov tabel" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:494 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:504 msgid "Too many table locks were not granted immediately." msgstr "Preveč zaklepov tabel ni bilo dodeljenih nenudoma." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:495 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:505 msgid "Optimize queries and/or use InnoDB to reduce lock wait." msgstr "" "Optimizirajte poizvedbe ali uporabite InnoDB, da zmanjšate čakanje zaradi " "zaklepa." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:496 #, php-format msgid "Immediate table locks: %s%%, this value should be above 95%%" msgstr "Takojšnji zaklepi tabel: %s %%; vrednost bi morala biti nad 95 %%" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:501 msgid "Table lock wait rate" msgstr "Delež čakanja na zaklep tabel" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:506 #, php-format msgid "Table lock wait rate: %s, this value should be less than 1 per hour" msgstr "" "Delež čakanja na zaklep tabel: %s; vrednost bi morala biti manj kot 1 na uro" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:511 msgid "Thread cache" msgstr "Predpomnilnik niti" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:514 msgid "" "Thread cache is disabled, resulting in more overhead from new connections to " "MySQL." msgstr "" "Predpomnilnik niti je onemogočen, kar povzroča večjo porabo sredstev pri " "novih povezavah z MySQL." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:515 msgid "Enable the thread cache by setting {thread_cache_size} > 0." msgstr "" "Omogočite predpomnilnik niti tako, da nastavite {thread_cache_size} na večje " "od 0." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:516 msgid "The thread cache is set to 0" msgstr "Predpomnilnik niti je nastavljen na 0" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:521 #, no-php-format msgid "Thread cache hit rate %" msgstr "% deleža zadetkov predpomnilnika niti" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:525 msgid "Thread cache is not efficient." msgstr "Predpomnjenje niti ni učinkovito." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:526 msgid "Increase {thread_cache_size}." msgstr "Povečajte {thread_cache_size}." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:527 #, php-format msgid "Thread cache hitrate: %s%%, this value should be above 80%%" msgstr "" "Delež zadetkov predpomnilnika niti: %s %%; vrednost bi morala biti nad 80 %%" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:532 msgid "Threads that are slow to launch" msgstr "Niti, ki se zaganjajo počasi" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:536 msgid "There are too many threads that are slow to launch." msgstr "Obstaja preveč niti, ki se zaganjajo počasi." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:538 msgid "" "This generally happens in case of general system overload as it is pretty " "simple operations. You might want to monitor your system load carefully." msgstr "" "To se po navadi zgodi v primeru splošne preobremenjenosti sistema, saj gre " "za precej preproste operacije. Morda boste želeli pazljivo spremljati " "obremenitev vašega sistema." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:541 #, php-format msgid "%s thread(s) took longer than %s seconds to start, it should be 0" msgstr "%s nit(i) je za zagon potrebovalo več kot %s sekund; moralo bi biti 0" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:546 msgid "Slow launch time" msgstr "Čas počasnega zagona" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:549 msgid "Slow_launch_time is above 2s." msgstr "Slow_launch_time je nad 2 s." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:551 msgid "" "Set {slow_launch_time} to 1s or 2s to correctly count threads that are slow " "to launch." msgstr "" "Nastavite {slow_launch_time} na 1 s ali 2 s za pravilno preštevanje niti, ki " "se zaganjajo počasi." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:553 #, php-format msgid "slow_launch_time is set to %s" msgstr "slow_launch_time je nastavljen na %s" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:559 msgid "Percentage of used connections" msgstr "Odstotek uporabljenih povezav" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:563 msgid "" "The maximum amount of used connections is getting close to the value of " "{max_connections}." msgstr "" "Največje število uporabljenih povezav se bliža vrednosti {max_connections}." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:566 msgid "" "Increase {max_connections}, or decrease {wait_timeout} so that connections " "that do not close database handlers properly get killed sooner. Make sure " "the code closes database handlers properly." msgstr "" "Povečajte {max_connections} ali zmanjšajte {wait_timeout}, da bodo povezave, " "ki ne zaprejo upravljavca zbirk podatkov pravilno, prekinjene hitreje. " "Prepričajte se, da koda pravilno zapira upravljavce zbirk podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:570 #, php-format msgid "" "Max_used_connections is at %s%% of max_connections, it should be below 80%%" msgstr "" "Max_used_connections je na %s %% max_connections; moralo bi biti pod 80 %%" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:575 msgid "Percentage of aborted connections" msgstr "Odstotek prekinjenih povezav" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:578 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:592 msgid "Too many connections are aborted." msgstr "Prekinjenih je preveč povezav." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:580 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:594 msgid "" "Connections are usually aborted when they cannot be authorized. This article might help you track down the source." msgstr "" "Povezave so po navadi prekinjene, ko jih ni mogoče odobriti. Ta članek vam bo morda pomagal izslediti vir." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:584 #, php-format msgid "%s%% of all connections are aborted. This value should be below 1%%" msgstr "%s %% vseh povezav je prekinjenih. Vrednost bi morala biti pod 1 %%" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:589 msgid "Rate of aborted connections" msgstr "Delež prekinjenih povezav" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:598 #, php-format msgid "" "Aborted connections rate is at %s, this value should be less than 1 per hour" msgstr "" "Delež prekinjenih povezav je %s; vrednost bi morala biti manj kot 1 na uro" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:603 msgid "Percentage of aborted clients" msgstr "Odstotek prekinjenih odjemalcev" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:606 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:620 msgid "Too many clients are aborted." msgstr "Preveč odjemalcev je prekinjenih." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:608 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:622 msgid "" "Clients are usually aborted when they did not close their connection to " "MySQL properly. This can be due to network issues or code not closing a " "database handler properly. Check your network and code." msgstr "" "Odjemalci so ponavadi prekinjeni, ker niso pravilno zaprli svoje povezave z " "MySQL. To je lahko zaradi omrežnih težav ali pa koda ne zapira pravilno " "upravljavca zbirk podatkov. Preverite svoje omrežje in kodo." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:612 #, php-format msgid "%s%% of all clients are aborted. This value should be below 2%%" msgstr "%s %% vseh odjemalcev je prekinjenih. Vrednost bi morala biti pod 2 %%" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:617 msgid "Rate of aborted clients" msgstr "Delež prekinjenih objemalcev" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:626 #, php-format msgid "Aborted client rate is at %s, this value should be less than 1 per hour" msgstr "" "Delež prekinjenih objemalcev je %s; vrednost bi morala biti manj kot 1 na uro" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:632 msgid "Is InnoDB disabled?" msgstr "Je InnoDB onemogočen?" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:636 msgid "You do not have InnoDB enabled." msgstr "Nimate omogočenega InnoDB." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:637 msgid "InnoDB is usually the better choice for table engines." msgstr "InnoDB je po navadi boljša izbira za pogone tabel." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:638 msgid "have_innodb is set to 'value'" msgstr "have_innodb je nastavljeno na 'value'" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:642 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:669 msgid "InnoDB log size" msgstr "Velikost dnevnika InnoDB" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:647 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:677 msgid "" "The InnoDB log file size is not an appropriate size, in relation to the " "InnoDB buffer pool." msgstr "" "Velikost dnevnika InnoDB v primerjavi z zalogo medpomnilnika InnoDB ni " "primerne velikosti." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:650 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:680 #, no-php-format msgid "" "Especially on a system with a lot of writes to InnoDB tables you should set " "{innodb_log_file_size} to 25% of {innodb_buffer_pool_size}. However the " "bigger this value, the longer the recovery time will be when database " "crashes, so this value should not be set much higher than 256 MiB. Please " "note however that you cannot simply change the value of this variable. You " "need to shutdown the server, remove the InnoDB log files, set the new value " "in my.cnf, start the server, then check the error logs if everything went " "fine. See also this blog entry" msgstr "" "Še posebej na sistemu z veliko pisanji v tabele InnoDB bi morali nastaviti " "{innodb_log_file_size} na 25 % {innodb_buffer_pool_size}. Kakor koli, večja " "je vrednost, daljši bo čas obnovitve po zrušitvi zbirke podatkov, zato " "vrednosti ne nastavite na več kot 256 MiB. Kljub temu pomnite, da vrednosti " "te spremenljivke ne morete preprosto spremeniti. Zaustaviti morate strežnik, " "odstraniti dnevniške datoteke InnoDB, nastaviti novo vrednost v my.cnf, " "zagnati strežnik in nato preveriti dnevnike napak, če je vse potekalo v " "redu. Oglejte si tudi to objavo na blogu" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:662 #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:692 #, php-format msgid "" "Your InnoDB log size is at %s%% in relation to the InnoDB buffer pool size, " "it should not be below 20%%" msgstr "" "Velikost vašega dnevnika InnoDB je v primerjavi z velikostjo zaloge " "medpomnilnika InnoDB %s-%%; ne bi smela biti pod 20 %%" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:699 msgid "Max InnoDB log size" msgstr "Največja velikost dnevnika InnoDB" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:704 msgid "The InnoDB log file size is inadequately large." msgstr "Velikost datoteke dnevnika InnoDB je nezadostne velikosti." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:706 #, no-php-format msgid "" "It is usually sufficient to set {innodb_log_file_size} to 25% of the size of " "{innodb_buffer_pool_size}. A very big {innodb_log_file_size} slows down the " "recovery time after a database crash considerably. See also this Article. You need to shutdown the server, " "remove the InnoDB log files, set the new value in my.cnf, start the server, " "then check the error logs if everything went fine. See also this blog entry" msgstr "" "Po navadi zadostuje, da nastavite {innodb_log_file_size} na 25 % velikosti " "{innodb_buffer_pool_size}. Zelo velika {innodb_log_file_size} občutno poveča " "obnovitveni čas po zrušitvi zbirke podatkov. Oglejte si tudi ta članek. Zaustaviti morate strežnik, " "odstraniti dnevniške datoteke InnoDB, nastaviti novo vrednost v my.cnf, " "zagnati strežnik in nato preveriti dnevnike napak, če je vse potekalo v " "redu. Oglejte si tudi to objavo na blogu" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:717 #, php-format msgid "Your absolute InnoDB log size is %s MiB" msgstr "Absolutna velikost vašega dnevnika InnoDB je %s MiB" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:722 msgid "InnoDB buffer pool size" msgstr "Velikost zaloge medpomnilnika InnoDB" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:726 msgid "Your InnoDB buffer pool is fairly small." msgstr "Zaloga vašega medpomnilnika InnoDB je precej majhna." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:728 #, no-php-format msgid "" "The InnoDB buffer pool has a profound impact on performance for InnoDB " "tables. Assign all your remaining memory to this buffer. For database " "servers that use solely InnoDB as storage engine and have no other services " "(e.g. a web server) running, you may set this as high as 80% of your " "available memory. If that is not the case, you need to carefully assess the " "memory consumption of your other services and non-InnoDB-Tables and set this " "variable accordingly. If it is set too high, your system will start " "swapping, which decreases performance significantly. See also this article" msgstr "" "Zaloga medpomnilnika InnoDB ima močan vpliv na učinkovitost tabel InnoDB. " "Dodelite ves vaš preostali pomnilnik temu medpomnilniku. Za vse strežnike " "zbirk podatkov, ki kot skladiščni pogon uporabljajo samo InnoDB in ne " "poganjajo drugih storitev (npr. spletnega strežnika), lahko nastavite to na " "do 80 % vašega pomnilnika, ki je na voljo. Če ni težava v tem, boste morali " "pazljivo določiti porabo pomnilnika drugim storitvam in tabelam ne-InnoDB " "ter ustrezno nastaviti to spremenljivko. Če je nastavljena previsoko, bo vaš " "sistem začel z izmenjevanjem, kar bo občutno zmanjšalo učinkovitost. Oglejte " "si tudi ta članek" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:738 #, php-format msgid "" "You are currently using %s%% of your memory for the InnoDB buffer pool. This " "rule fires if you are assigning less than 60%%, however this might be " "perfectly adequate for your system if you don't have much InnoDB tables or " "other services running on the same machine." msgstr "" "Trenutno uporabljate %s %% vašega pomnilnika za zalogo medpomnilnika InnoDB. " "To pravilo se sproži, ko določite manj kot 60 %%; kljub temu je morda to " "popolnoma primerno za vaš sistem, če nimate veliko tabel InnoDB ali na isti " "napravi tečejo druge storitve." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:748 msgid "MyISAM concurrent inserts" msgstr "Sočasna vstavljanja MyISAM" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:751 msgid "Enable {concurrent_insert} by setting it to 1" msgstr "Omogočite {concurrent_insert} z nastavitvijo na 1" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:753 msgid "" "Setting {concurrent_insert} to 1 reduces contention between readers and " "writers for a given table. See also MySQL Documentation" msgstr "" "Nastavljanje {concurrent_insert} na 1 zmanjša spore med bralci in " "zapisovalci za dano tabelo. Oglejte si tudi dokumentacijo MySQL" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:757 msgid "concurrent_insert is set to 0" msgstr "concurrent_insert je nastavljeno na 0" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:772 msgid "Query cache disabled" msgstr "Predpomnjenje poizvedb je onemogočeno" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:775 msgid "The query cache is not enabled." msgstr "Predpomnjenje poizvedb ni omogočeno." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:777 msgid "" "The query cache is known to greatly improve performance if configured " "correctly. Enable it by setting {query_cache_size} to a 2 digit MiB value " "and setting {query_cache_type} to 'ON'. Note: If you are using " "memcached, ignore this recommendation." msgstr "" "Predpomnjenje poizvedb lahko izredno izboljša zmogljivost, če je " "konfigurirano pravilno. Omogočite ga tako, da nastavite {query_cache_size} " "na dvomestno vrednost MiB in nastavite {query_cache_type} na 'ON'. " "Pomnite: Če uporabljate memcached, to priporočilo prezrite." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:781 msgid "query_cache_size is set to 0 or query_cache_type is set to 'OFF'" msgstr "" "query_cache_size je nastavljen na 0 ali pa je query_cache_type nastavljen na " "'OFF'" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:786 #, no-php-format msgid "Query cache efficiency (%)" msgstr "Učinkovitost predpomnjenja poizvedb (%)" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:790 msgid "Query cache not running efficiently, it has a low hit rate." msgstr "" "Predpomnjenje poizvedb ne teče učinkovito, saj ima nizek delež zadetkov." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:791 msgid "Consider increasing {query_cache_limit}." msgstr "Razmislite o povečanju {query_cache_limit}." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:792 #, php-format msgid "The current query cache hit rate of %s%% is below 20%%" msgstr "Trenutni delež zadetkov predpomnilnika poizvedb %s %% je pod 20 %%" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:797 msgid "Query Cache usage" msgstr "Uporaba predpomnilnika poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:802 #, no-php-format msgid "Less than 80% of the query cache is being utilized." msgstr "Izkoriščanega je manj kot 80 % predpomnilnika poizvedb." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:804 msgid "" "This might be caused by {query_cache_limit} being too low. Flushing the " "query cache might help as well." msgstr "" "To morda povzroča prenizek {query_cache_limit}. Izplaknitev predpomnilnika " "poizvedb bo morda prav tako pomagala." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:808 #, php-format msgid "" "The current ratio of free query cache memory to total query cache size is %s" "%%. It should be above 80%%" msgstr "" "Trenutni delež prostega pomnilnika predpomnilnika poizvedb je v primerjavi s " "skupnim pomnilnikom predpomnilnima poizvedb %s %%. Moral bi biti nad 80 %%" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:815 msgid "Query cache fragmentation" msgstr "Razdrobljenost predpomnilnika poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:819 msgid "The query cache is considerably fragmented." msgstr "Predpomnilnik poizvedb je precej razdrobljen." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:821 msgid "" "Severe fragmentation is likely to (further) increase Qcache_lowmem_prunes. " "This might be caused by many Query cache low memory prunes due to " "{query_cache_size} being too small. For a immediate but short lived fix you " "can flush the query cache (might lock the query cache for a long time). " "Carefully adjusting {query_cache_min_res_unit} to a lower value might help " "too, e.g. you can set it to the average size of your queries in the cache " "using this formula: (query_cache_size - qcache_free_memory) / " "qcache_queries_in_cache" msgstr "" "Močna razdrobljenost bo verjetno (nadalje) povečala Qcache_lowmem_prunes. To " "je lahko povzročilo mnogo oklestitev predpomnilnika poizvedb ob majhnem " "pomnilniku, zaradi premajhne {query_cache_size}. Za takojšnjo, ampak ne " "dolgo trajajočo rešitev, lahko odplaknete predpomnilnik poizvedb (kar lahko " "zaklene predpomnilnik poizvedb za dalj časa). Tudi pazljivo prilagajanje " "{query_cache_min_res_unit} na nižjo vrednost lahko pomaga; npr. nastavite jo " "lahko na povprečno velikost vaših poizvedb v pomnilniku z uporabo formule: " "(query_cache_size - qcache_free_memory) / qcache_queries_in_cache" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:829 #, php-format msgid "" "The cache is currently fragmented by %s%% , with 100%% fragmentation meaning " "that the query cache is an alternating pattern of free and used blocks. This " "value should be below 20%%." msgstr "" "Predpomnilnik je trenutno %s-%% razdrobljen, pri čemer 100-%% razdrobljenost " "pomeni, da je predpomnilnik poizvedb izmeničen vzorec prostih in " "uporabljenih blokov. Vrednost bi morala biti pod 20 %%." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:836 msgid "Query cache low memory prunes" msgstr "Oklestitve predpomnilnika poizvedb ob majhnem pomnilniku" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:840 msgid "" "Cached queries are removed due to low query cache memory from the query " "cache." msgstr "" "Predpomnjene poizvedbe so odstranjene zaradi nizkega pomnilnika " "predpomnilnika poizvedb." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:842 msgid "" "You might want to increase {query_cache_size}, however keep in mind that the " "overhead of maintaining the cache is likely to increase with its size, so do " "this in small increments and monitor the results." msgstr "" "Morda boste želeli povečati {query_cache_size}, vendar pomnite, da se bo " "uporaba sredstev za vzdrževanje predpomnilnika verjetno povečala z njegovo " "velikostjo, zato to storite v majhnih korakih in spremljajte rezultate." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:847 #, php-format msgid "" "The ratio of removed queries to inserted queries is %s%%. The lower this " "value is, the better (This rules firing limit: 0.1%%)" msgstr "" "Razmerje med odstranjenimi in vstavljenimi poizvedbami je %s %%. Nižja je " "vrednost, boljše je. (Meja sprožitve tega pravila: 0,1 %%.)" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:854 msgid "Query cache max size" msgstr "Največja velikost predpomnilnika poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:859 msgid "" "The query cache size is above 128 MiB. Big query caches may cause " "significant overhead that is required to maintain the cache." msgstr "" "Velikost predpomnilnika poizvedb je nad 128 MiB. Veliki predpomnilniki " "poizvedb lahko povzročijo precejšnje povečanje sredstev, potrebnih za " "vzdrževanje pomnilnika." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:863 msgid "" "Depending on your environment, it might be performance increasing to reduce " "this value." msgstr "" "Odvisno od vašega sistema bo zmanjšanje te vrednost morda povečalo " "zmogljivost." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:865 #, php-format msgid "Current query cache size: %s" msgstr "Trenutna velikost predpomnilnika poizvedb: %s" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:870 msgid "Query cache min result size" msgstr "Velikost najmanjšega rezultata predpomnilnika poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:874 msgid "" "The max size of the result set in the query cache is the default of 1 MiB." msgstr "" "Privzeta največja velikost množice podatkov v predpomnilniku poizvedb je 1 " "MiB." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:876 msgid "" "Changing {query_cache_limit} (usually by increasing) may increase " "efficiency. This variable determines the maximum size a query result may " "have to be inserted into the query cache. If there are many query results " "above 1 MiB that are well cacheable (many reads, little writes) then " "increasing {query_cache_limit} will increase efficiency. Whereas in the case " "of many query results being above 1 MiB that are not very well cacheable " "(often invalidated due to table updates) increasing {query_cache_limit} " "might reduce efficiency." msgstr "" "Spreminjanje {query_cache_limit} (po navadi povečanje) lahko poveča " "učinkovitost. Spremenljivka določa največjo velikost rezultata poizvedbe, ki " "je lahko vstavljen v predpomnilnik poizvedb. Če je mnogo rezultatov " "poizvedb, ki so dobro predpomnljive (veliko branja, malo pisanja), nad 1 " "MiB, bo povečanje {query_cache_limit} povečalo učinkovitost.Medtem ko pa bo " "v primeru mnogih rezultatov poizvedb nad 1 MiB, ki niso dobro predpomnljive " "(pogosto neveljavne zaradi posodobitev tabel), povečanje {query_cache_limit} " "lahko zmanjšalo učinkovitost." #: libraries/classes/Advisory/Rules.php:883 msgid "query_cache_limit is set to 1 MiB" msgstr "query_cache_limit je nastavljen na 1 MiB" #: libraries/classes/BrowseForeigners.php:198 msgid "Search:" msgstr "Iskanje:" #: libraries/classes/BrowseForeigners.php:204 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:328 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/PrivilegesController.php:341 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:255 libraries/classes/Tracking.php:325 #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:479 #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:42 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1102 #: templates/database/events/editor_form.twig:115 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:19 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:75 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:185 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:225 #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:176 #: templates/database/routines/execute_form.twig:55 #: templates/database/search/main.twig:74 #: templates/database/triggers/editor_form.twig:69 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:265 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:211 templates/header_location.twig:18 #: templates/modals/add_index.twig:10 templates/modals/change_password.twig:10 #: templates/modals/create_view.twig:10 #: templates/modals/enum_set_editor.twig:10 #: templates/modals/index_dialog_modal.twig:10 #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:46 #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:108 #: templates/server/binlog/index.twig:34 #: templates/server/privileges/change_password.twig:78 #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:106 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:104 #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:154 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:159 #: templates/server/replication/change_primary.twig:33 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:81 #: templates/server/replication/primary_configuration.twig:30 #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:16 #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:88 #: templates/server/user_groups/edit_user_groups.twig:21 #: templates/sql/query.twig:147 templates/sql/query.twig:198 #: templates/table/find_replace/index.twig:62 #: templates/table/index_form.twig:243 #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:37 #: templates/table/insert/get_head_and_foot_of_insert_row_table.twig:15 #: templates/table/normalization/normalization.twig:24 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:38 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:86 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:241 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:328 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:505 #: templates/table/operations/view.twig:20 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:172 templates/table/search/index.twig:196 #: templates/table/start_and_number_of_rows_fieldset.twig:15 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:343 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:437 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:555 #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:152 templates/view_create.twig:116 msgid "Go" msgstr "Izvedi" #: libraries/classes/BrowseForeigners.php:219 #: libraries/classes/BrowseForeigners.php:223 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:73 templates/indexes.twig:16 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:458 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes.twig:5 msgid "Keyname" msgstr "Ime ključa" #: libraries/classes/BrowseForeigners.php:220 #: libraries/classes/BrowseForeigners.php:222 #: templates/server/engines/index.twig:14 #: templates/server/plugins/index.twig:27 #: templates/server/status/variables/index.twig:77 msgid "Description" msgstr "Opis" #: libraries/classes/BrowseForeigners.php:319 #: libraries/classes/Language.php:204 libraries/classes/Pdf.php:81 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:494 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:528 #: templates/list_navigator.twig:4 msgid "Page number:" msgstr "Številka strani:" #: libraries/classes/BrowseForeigners.php:333 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:565 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:99 #: templates/server/privileges/initials_row.twig:17 #: templates/table/browse_foreigners/show_all.twig:4 msgid "Show all" msgstr "Pokaži vse" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:170 #: libraries/classes/Charsets.php:176 libraries/classes/Charsets.php:177 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Neznano" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:203 #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:501 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "German (phone book order)" msgstr "Nemško (razvrščanje kot v telefonskem imeniku)" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:207 #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:498 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "German (dictionary order)" msgstr "Nemško (razvrščanje kot v slovarju)" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:216 #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:576 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Spanish (traditional)" msgstr "Špansko (tradicionalno)" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:220 #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:569 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Spanish (modern)" msgstr "Špansko (sodobno)" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:298 msgctxt "Collation variant" msgid "case-insensitive" msgstr "ne razlikuje velikih in malih črk" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:301 msgctxt "Collation variant" msgid "case-sensitive" msgstr "razlikuje velike in male črke" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:304 msgctxt "Collation variant" msgid "accent-insensitive" msgstr "ne razlikuje med naglasnimi znamenji" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:307 msgctxt "Collation variant" msgid "accent-sensitive" msgstr "razlikuje med naglasnimi znamenji" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:310 msgctxt "Collation variant" msgid "kana-sensitive" msgstr "razlikuje med znamenji kana" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:314 msgctxt "Collation variant" msgid "multi-level" msgstr "večstopenjsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:317 msgctxt "Collation variant" msgid "binary" msgstr "dvojiško" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:320 msgctxt "Collation variant" msgid "no-pad" msgstr "brez zapolnjevanja" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:339 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Binary" msgstr "Dvojiško" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:351 #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:600 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Unicode" msgstr "Unikod" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:361 #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:547 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "West European" msgstr "Zahodnoevropsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:368 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Central European" msgstr "Srednjeevropsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:373 #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:554 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Russian" msgstr "Rusko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:378 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Simplified Chinese" msgstr "Poenostavljeno kitajsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:381 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Traditional Chinese" msgstr "Tradicionalno kitajsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:384 #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:469 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Chinese" msgstr "Kitajsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:392 #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:518 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Japanese" msgstr "Japonsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:397 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Baltic" msgstr "Baltsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:402 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Armenian" msgstr "Armensko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:405 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Cyrillic" msgstr "Cirilica" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:408 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Arabic" msgstr "Arabsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:411 #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:533 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Korean" msgstr "Korejsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:414 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Hebrew" msgstr "Hebrejsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:417 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Georgian" msgstr "Gruzijsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:420 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Greek" msgstr "Grško" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:423 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Czech-Slovak" msgstr "Češkoslovaško" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:426 #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:592 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Ukrainian" msgstr "Ukrajinsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:429 #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:588 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Turkish" msgstr "Turško" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:432 #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:580 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Swedish" msgstr "Švedsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:435 #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:584 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Thai" msgstr "Tajsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:438 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Neznano" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:463 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Bulgarian" msgstr "Bolgarsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:475 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Croatian" msgstr "Hrvaško" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:479 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Czech" msgstr "Češko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:483 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Danish" msgstr "Dansko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:487 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "English" msgstr "Angleško" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:491 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Esperanto" msgstr "Esperanto" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:495 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Estonian" msgstr "Estonsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:510 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Hungarian" msgstr "Madžarsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:514 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Icelandic" msgstr "Islandsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:521 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Classical Latin" msgstr "Klasično latinsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:525 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Latvian" msgstr "Latvijsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:529 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Lithuanian" msgstr "Litvansko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:537 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Burmese" msgstr "Burmensko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:540 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Persian" msgstr "Perzijsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:544 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Polish" msgstr "Poljsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:551 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Romanian" msgstr "Romunsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:558 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Sinhalese" msgstr "Singalsko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:562 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Slovak" msgstr "Slovaško" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:566 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Slovenian" msgstr "Slovensko" #: libraries/classes/Charsets/Collation.php:596 msgctxt "Collation" msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnamsko" #: libraries/classes/Common.php:270 #, php-format msgid "You should upgrade to %s %s or later." msgstr "%s bi morali nadgraditi na različico %s ali novejšo." #: libraries/classes/Common.php:302 msgid "Error: Token mismatch" msgstr "Napaka: Neujemanje žetonov" #: libraries/classes/Common.php:513 msgid "" "Failed to set session cookie. Maybe you are using HTTP instead of HTTPS to " "access phpMyAdmin." msgstr "" "Nastavljanje piškotka seje je spodletelo. Morda uporabljate HTTP namesto " "HTTPS za dostop do phpMyAdmina." #: libraries/classes/Common.php:569 msgid "" "You have enabled mbstring.func_overload in your PHP configuration. This " "option is incompatible with phpMyAdmin and might cause some data to be " "corrupted!" msgstr "" "V vaši konfiguraciji PHP ste omogočili mbstring.func_overload. Možnost ni " "združljiva s phpMyAdminom in lahko pokvari nekatere podatke!" #: libraries/classes/Common.php:586 msgid "" "The ini_get and/or ini_set functions are disabled in php.ini. phpMyAdmin " "requires these functions!" msgstr "" "Funkciji ini_get in/ali ini_set sta onemogočeni v php.ini. phpMyAdmin " "potrebuje ti funkciji!" #: libraries/classes/Common.php:597 msgid "GLOBALS overwrite attempt" msgstr "poskus prepisa GLOBALS" #: libraries/classes/Common.php:607 msgid "possible exploit" msgstr "možno izkoriščanje" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:69 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:70 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:71 msgid "Users cannot set a higher value" msgstr "Uporabniki ne morejo določiti višje vrednosti" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:89 msgid "" "If enabled, user can enter any MySQL server in login form for cookie auth." msgstr "" "Če je omogočeno, lahko uporabnik vstopi v katerikoli strežnik MySQL v " "prijavnem obrazcu z overovitvijo piškotkov." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:92 msgid "" "Restricts the MySQL servers the user can enter when a login to an arbitrary " "MySQL server is enabled by matching the IP or hostname of the MySQL server " "to the given regular expression." msgstr "" "Omeji strežnike MySQL, na katere lahko uporabnik vstopi, ko je prijava na " "določen strežnik MySQL omogočena z ujemanjem IP-naslova ali gostiteljevega " "imena strežnika MySQL z danim regularnim izrazom." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:97 msgid "" "Enabling this allows a page located on a different domain to call phpMyAdmin " "inside a frame, and is a potential [strong]security hole[/strong] allowing " "cross-frame scripting (XSS) attacks." msgstr "" "Omogočitev tega dovoljuje strani, ki se nahaja na drugačni domeni, " "vključitev phpMyAdmina v okvirju, kar predstavlja morebitno " "[strong]varnostno luknjo[/strong], saj dovoljuje skriptne napade z okvirji " "(XSS)." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:102 msgid "" "Secret passphrase used for encrypting cookies in [kbd]cookie[/kbd] " "authentication." msgstr "" "Skrivno geslo, ki se uporabi pri šifriranju piškotkov v overovitvi " "[kbd]cookie[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:104 msgid "Enable bzip2 compression for import operations." msgstr "Omogoči stiskanje bzip2 za posege uvoza." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:105 msgid "Enter the URL for your reCAPTCHA v2 compatible API." msgstr "Vnesite URL za vaš API, združljiv z reCAPTCHA v2." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:106 msgid "" "Enter the Content-Security-Policy snippet for your reCAPTCHA v2 compatible " "API." msgstr "" "Vnesite podatke Content-Security-Policy za vaš API, združljiv z reCAPTCHA v2." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:107 msgid "Enter the request parameter used by your reCAPTCHA v2 compatible API." msgstr "Vnesite parameter zahteve za vaš API, združljiv z reCAPTCHA v2." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:108 msgid "Enter the response parameter used by your reCAPTCHA v2 compatible API." msgstr "Vnesite parameter odgovora za vaš API, združljiv z reCAPTCHA v2." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:109 msgid "Enter your public key for the reCAPTCHA service on your domain." msgstr "Vnesite vaš javni ključ storitve reCAPTCHA na vaši domeni." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:110 msgid "Enter your private key for your domain reCAPTCHA service." msgstr "Vnesite vaš zasebni ključ storitve reCAPTCHA vaše domene." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:111 msgid "Enter your siteverify URL for your reCAPTCHA service." msgstr "" "Vnesite vaš URL za preverjanje strani (siteverify) vaše storitve reCAPTCHA." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:113 msgid "" "Defines which type of editing controls should be used for CHAR and VARCHAR " "columns; [kbd]input[/kbd] - allows limiting of input length, [kbd]textarea[/" "kbd] - allows newlines in columns." msgstr "" "Določa, katera vrsta urejevalnih kontrolnikov naj se uporablja za stolpce " "CHAR in VARCHAR; [kbd]input[/kbd] – omogoča omejevanje dolžine vnosa, " "[kbd]textarea[/kbd] – omogoča nove vrstice v stolpcu." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:118 msgid "" "Use user-friendly editor for editing SQL queries (CodeMirror) with syntax " "highlighting and line numbers." msgstr "" "Uporabi uporabniku prijazen urejevalnik za urejanje poizvedb SQL " "(CodeMirror) z obarvanjem skladnje in številkami vrstic." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:123 msgid "" "Find any errors in the query before executing it. Requires CodeMirror to be " "enabled." msgstr "" "Pred izvedbo poizvedbe najdi napake v njej. CodeMirror mora biti omogočen." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:126 msgid "" "Defines the minimum size for input fields generated for CHAR and VARCHAR " "columns." msgstr "" "Določa najmanjšo velikost vnosnih polj, ustvarjenih za stolpce CHAR in " "VARCHAR." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:129 msgid "" "Defines the maximum size for input fields generated for CHAR and VARCHAR " "columns." msgstr "" "Določa največjo velikost vnosnih polj, ustvarjenih za stolpce CHAR in " "VARCHAR." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:132 msgid "" "Compress gzip exports on the fly without the need for much memory; if you " "encounter problems with created gzip files disable this feature." msgstr "" "Stisne izvoze gzip med izvajanjem, brez večje porabe spomina; če naletite na " "težave z ustvarjenimi datotekami gzip, to funkcijo onemogočite." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:136 msgid "" "Whether a warning (\"Are your really sure…\") should be displayed when " "you're about to lose data." msgstr "" "Ali se naj prikaže opozorilo (\"Ali res želite ...\"), ko boste izgubili " "podatke." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:139 msgid "Autocomplete of the table and column names in the SQL queries." msgstr "Samodokončanje imen tabel in stolpcev v poizvedbah SQL." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:142 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:146 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:150 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:154 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:158 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:162 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:166 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:170 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:174 msgid "" "Values for options list for default transformations. These will be " "overwritten if transformation is filled in at table structure page." msgstr "" "Vrednosti za seznam možnosti privzetih pretvorb. Te bodo prepisane, če je " "pretvorba izpolnjena na strani strukture tabele." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:178 msgid "" "Disable the table maintenance mass operations, like optimizing or repairing " "the selected tables of a database." msgstr "" "Onemogoči množične operacije vzdrževanja tabel, kot je optimiranje ali " "popravljanje izbranih tabel zbirke podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:182 msgid "" "Set the number of seconds a script is allowed to run ([kbd]0[/kbd] for no " "limit)." msgstr "" "Nastavi število sekund, ko se skript lahko izvaja ([kbd]0[/kbd] za " "neomejeno)." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:184 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:728 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:345 msgid "Exclude definition of current user" msgstr "Izključi opredelitev trenutnega uporabnika" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:186 msgid "" "Sort order for items in a foreign-key dropdown box; [kbd]content[/kbd] is " "the referenced data, [kbd]id[/kbd] is the key value." msgstr "" "Vrstni red za predmete na spustnem seznamu tujih ključev; [kbd]content[/kbd] " "je sklicevan podatek, [kbd]id[/kbd] je vrednost ključa." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:190 msgid "" "Specify browser's title bar text. Refer to [doc@faq6-27]documentation[/doc] " "for magic strings that can be used to get special values." msgstr "" "Določite besedilo naslovne vrstice brskalnika. Oglejte si " "[doc@faq6-27]dokumentacijo[/doc] za čarobne nize, ki jih lahko uporabite za " "pridobitev posebnih vrednosti." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:195 msgid "" "Please note that phpMyAdmin is just a user interface and its features do not " "limit MySQL." msgstr "" "Pomnite, da je phpMyAdmin samo uporabniški vmesnik in njegove lastnosti ne " "omejujejo MySQL." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:198 msgid "" "Advanced server configuration, do not change these options unless you know " "what they are for." msgstr "" "Napredne nastavitve strežnika; ne spreminjajte teh možnosti, če ne veste " "čemu služijo." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:201 msgid "" "Configure phpMyAdmin configuration storage to gain access to additional " "features, see [doc@linked-tables]phpMyAdmin configuration storage[/doc] in " "documentation." msgstr "" "Konfigurira zbirko podatkov phpMyAdmin za pridobitev dostopa do dodatnih " "funkcij, glej [doc@linked-tables]hrambo konfiguracije phpMyAdmin[/doc] v " "dokumentaciji." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:206 msgid "" "Tracking of changes made in database. Requires the phpMyAdmin configuration " "storage." msgstr "" "Sledenje spremembam narejenih v zbirki podatkov. Potrebuje hrambo " "konfiguracije phpMyAdmin." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:209 msgid "Customize browse mode." msgstr "Prilagodite način brskanja." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:210 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:211 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:218 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:224 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:225 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:230 msgid "Customize default options." msgstr "Prilagodite privzete možnosti." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:212 msgid "Settings for phpMyAdmin developers." msgstr "Nastavitve za razvijalce phpMyAdmin." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:213 msgid "Customize edit mode." msgstr "Prilagodite način urejanja." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:214 msgid "Customize default export options." msgstr "Prilagodite privzete možnosti izvoza." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:215 msgid "Set some commonly used options." msgstr "Nastavi nekatere pogosto uporabljane možnosti." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:216 msgid "Customize default common import options." msgstr "Prilagodite pogoste privzete možnosti uvoza." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:217 msgid "Set import and export directories and compression options." msgstr "Nastavi mape za uvoz in izvoz ter možnosti stiskanja." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:219 msgid "Databases display options." msgstr "Možnosti prikaza zbirk podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:220 msgid "Customize appearance of the navigation panel." msgstr "Prilagodite prikaz navigacijske plošče." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:221 msgid "Customize the navigation tree." msgstr "Prilagodi navigacijsko drevo." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:222 msgid "Servers display options." msgstr "Možnosti prikaza strežnikov." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:223 msgid "Tables display options." msgstr "Možnosti prikaza tabel." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:226 msgid "Settings that didn't fit anywhere else." msgstr "Nastavitve, ki se ne uvrščajo nikamor drugam." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:227 msgid "Authentication settings." msgstr "Nastavitve overovitve." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:228 msgid "Enter server connection parameters." msgstr "Vnesite parametre povezave s strežnikom." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:229 msgid "Customize links shown in SQL Query boxes." msgstr "Prilagodi povezave prikazane v poljih poizvedbe SQL." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:231 msgid "SQL queries settings." msgstr "Nastavitve poizvedb SQL." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:232 msgid "Customize startup page." msgstr "Prilagodi začetno stran." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:233 msgid "" "Choose which details to show in the database structure (list of tables)." msgstr "" "Izberite podrobnosti, ki jih želite prikazati v zgradbi zbirke podatkov " "(seznam tabel)." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:234 msgid "Settings for the table structure (list of columns)." msgstr "Nastavitve zgradbe tabele (seznam stolpcev)." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:235 msgid "Choose how you want tabs to work." msgstr "Določite, kako želite, da delujejo zavihki." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:236 msgid "Customize text input fields." msgstr "Prilagodi polja za vnos besedila." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:237 msgid "Customize default options" msgstr "Prilagodite privzete možnosti" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:238 msgid "Disable some of the warnings shown by phpMyAdmin." msgstr "Onemogoči nekatera opozorila, ki jih prikazuje phpMyAdmin." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:240 msgid "Enable gzip compression for import and export operations." msgstr "Omogoči stiskanje gzip za posege uvoza in izvoza." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:242 msgid "" "If enabled, phpMyAdmin continues computing multiple-statement queries even " "if one of the queries failed." msgstr "" "Če je omogočeno, phpMyAdmin nadaljuje z izvajanjem poizvedb z več izjavami, " "četudi ena od poizvedb spodleti." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:246 msgid "" "Allow interrupt of import in case script detects it is close to time limit. " "This might be a good way to import large files, however it can break " "transactions." msgstr "" "Dovoli prekinitev uvoza v primeru, ko skript zazna, da je blizu časovne " "omejitve. To je morda dober način za uvoz velikih datotek, čeprav lahko " "prekine transakcije." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:251 msgid "" "Default format; be aware that this list depends on location (database, " "table) and only SQL is always available." msgstr "" "Privzeta oblika; pomnite, da je seznam odvisen od položaja (zbirka podatkov, " "tabela) in vedno je na voljo samo SQL." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:254 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:255 msgid "Update data when duplicate keys found on import" msgstr "Ko pri uvozu obstajajo podvojeni ključi, posodobi podatke" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:256 msgid "Number of queries to skip from start." msgstr "Število poizvedb, ki jih naj preskočim od začetka." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:258 msgid "" "If TRUE, logout deletes cookies for all servers; when set to FALSE, logout " "only occurs for the current server. Setting this to FALSE makes it easy to " "forget to log out from other servers when connected to multiple servers." msgstr "" "Če je TRUE, odjava izbriše piškotke za vse strežnike; če je nastavljeno na " "FALSE, se odjava izvrši samo za trenutni strežnik. Nastavitev FALSE lahko " "hitro povzroči pozabljanje odjavljanja iz ostalih strežnikov, ko ste " "povezani na več strežnikov." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:263 msgid "" "Define whether the previous login should be recalled or not in [kbd]cookie[/" "kbd] authentication mode." msgstr "" "Določi, ali se naj prejšnji prijavni podatki v načinu overovitve " "[kbd]cookie[/kbd] prikličejo ali ne." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:267 msgid "" "Defines how long (in seconds) a login cookie should be stored in browser. " "The default of 0 means that it will be kept for the existing session only, " "and will be deleted as soon as you close the browser window. This is " "recommended for non-trusted environments." msgstr "" "Določa, kako dolgo (v sekundah) naj bo prijavni piškotek shranjen v " "brskalniku. Privzeta vrednost 0 pomeni, da bo shranjen samo za obstoječo " "sejo in bo izbrisan takoj, ko zaprete okno brskalnika. To je priporočeno za " "okolja, ki jim ne zaupate." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:273 msgid "Maximum number of characters used when a SQL query is displayed." msgstr "Največje število znakov pri prikazu poizvedbe SQL." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:276 msgid "" "The number of items that can be displayed on each page on the first level of " "the navigation tree." msgstr "" "Število predmetov, ki se lahko prikažejo na posamezni strani na prvi stopnji " "navigacijskega drevesa." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:279 msgid "" "The number of items that can be displayed on each page of the navigation " "tree." msgstr "" "Število predmetov, ki se lahko prikažejo na posamezni strani navigacijskega " "drevesa." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:282 msgid "" "Number of rows displayed when browsing a result set. If the result set " "contains more rows, \"Previous\" and \"Next\" links will be shown." msgstr "" "Število prikazanih vrstic med brskanjem po množici rezultatov. Če množica " "rezultatov vsebuje več vrstic, se prikažeta povezavi »Prejšnja« " "in »Naslednja«." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:287 msgid "" "The number of bytes a script is allowed to allocate, e.g. [kbd]32M[/kbd] " "([kbd]-1[/kbd] for no limit and [kbd]0[/kbd] for no change)." msgstr "" "Število bajtov, ki jih skript lahko dodeli, npr. [kbd]32M[/kbd] ([kbd]-1[/" "kbd] za neomejeno in [kbd]0[/kbd], da ostane enako)." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:291 msgid "In the navigation panel, replaces the database tree with a selector" msgstr "Na navigacijski plošči zamenja drevo zbirke podatkov z izbirnikom" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:294 msgid "Link with main panel by highlighting the current database or table." msgstr "" "Poveži z glavno ploščo tako, da označiš trenutno zbirko podatkov ali tabelo." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:297 msgid "" "Open the linked page in the main window ([code]main[/code]) or in a new one " "([code]new[/code])." msgstr "" "Odpre povezano stran v glavnem ([code]main[/code]) ali v novem oknu " "([code]new[/code])." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:300 msgid "" "Defines the minimum number of items (tables, views, routines and events) to " "display a filter box." msgstr "" "Najmanjše število predmetov (tabel, pogledov, rutin in dogodkov), potrebnih " "za prikaz filtrirnega polja." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:303 msgid "" "Group items in the navigation tree (determined by the separator defined in " "the Databases and Tables tabs above)." msgstr "" "Združi predmete v navigacijskem drevesu (določeno z ločilom, navedenim v " "zavihkih Zbirke podatkov in Tabele spodaj)." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:307 msgid "" "Whether to offer the possibility of tree expansion in the navigation panel." msgstr "Ali naj bo ponujena možnost razširitve drevesa na navigacijski plošči." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:310 msgid "Whether to show procedures under database in the navigation tree" msgstr "" "Ali naj bodo pod zbirko podatkov v navigacijskem drevesu prikazane procedure" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:313 msgid "Whether to expand single database in the navigation tree automatically." msgstr "" "Ali naj samsko zbirko podatkov samodejno razširimo v navigacijskem drevesu." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:315 msgid "Set to 0 to collapse navigation panel." msgstr "Nastavite na 0, da skrijete navigacijsko ploščo." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:316 msgid "Show logo in navigation panel." msgstr "Prikaži logotip na navigacijski plošči." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:317 msgid "URL where logo in the navigation panel will point to." msgstr "URL, kamor bo kazal logotip na navigacijski plošči." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:318 msgid "Display server choice at the top of the navigation panel." msgstr "Prikaži izbrani strežnik na vrhu navigacijske plošče." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:319 msgid "String that separates databases into different tree levels." msgstr "Niz, ki loči zbirke podatkov v drugi nivo drevesa." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:320 msgid "String that separates tables into different tree levels." msgstr "Niz, ki loči tabele v različne stopnje drevesa." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:321 msgid "Highlight server under the mouse cursor." msgstr "Poudari strežnik pod miškinim kazalcem." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:322 msgid "Whether to show tables under database in the navigation tree" msgstr "" "Ali naj bodo pod zbirko podatkov v navigacijskem drevesu prikazane tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:323 msgid "Whether to show views under database in the navigation tree" msgstr "" "Ali naj bodo pod zbirko podatkov v navigacijskem drevesu prikazani pogledi" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:324 msgid "Whether to show functions under database in the navigation tree" msgstr "" "Ali naj bodo pod zbirko podatkov v navigacijskem drevesu prikazane funkcije" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:325 msgid "Whether to show events under database in the navigation tree" msgstr "" "Ali naj bodo pod zbirko podatkov v navigacijskem drevesu prikazani dogodki" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:327 msgid "" "[kbd]SMART[/kbd] - i.e. descending order for columns of type TIME, DATE, " "DATETIME and TIMESTAMP, ascending order otherwise." msgstr "" "[kbd]SMART[/kbd] – tj. padajoči vrstni red za stolpce vrste TIME, DATE, " "DATETIME in TIMESTAMP, v naprotnem primeru naraščajoči vrstni red." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:331 msgid "" "Disable the default warning that is displayed on the database details " "Structure page if any of the required tables for the phpMyAdmin " "configuration storage could not be found." msgstr "" "Onemogoči privzeto opozorilo, ki se prikaže na strani o podrobnostih zbirke " "podatkov Struktura, če katera od tabel, potrebnih za hrambo konfiguracije " "phpMyAdmin, ni bila najdena." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:336 msgid "" "Disable the default warning that is displayed on the Structure page if " "column names in a table are reserved MySQL words." msgstr "" "Onemogoči privzeto opozorilo, ki se prikaže na strani Struktura, če so imena " "stolpcev v tabeli rezervirane besede MySQL." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:340 msgid "" "Enable if you want DB-based query history (requires phpMyAdmin configuration " "storage). If disabled, this utilizes JS-routines to display query history " "(lost by window close)." msgstr "" "Omogočite, če želite zgodovino poizvedb temelječo na zbirki podatkov " "(potrebuje hrambo konfiguracije phpMyAdmin). Če je onemogočeno, se za prikaz " "zgodovine poizvedb uporabi rutina JavaScript (ki se izgubi ob zaprtju okna)." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:345 msgid "" "Sets the effective timezone; possibly different than the one from your " "database server" msgstr "" "Določi časovni pas v uporabi; lahko se razlikuje od časovnega pasu na " "strežniku zbirke podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:348 msgid "" "Leave blank for no [doc@bookmarks@]bookmark[/doc] support, suggested: " "[kbd]pma__bookmark[/kbd]" msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite podpore [doc@bookmarks@]zaznamkov[/doc]; " "predlagano: [kbd]pma__bookmark[/kbd]" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:351 msgid "" "Leave blank for no column comments/media types, suggested: " "[kbd]pma__column_info[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite pripomb/vrst predstavnosti stolpcev; " "predlagano: [kbd]pma__column_info[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:354 msgid "" "A special MySQL user configured with limited permissions, more information " "available on [doc@linked-tables]documentation[/doc]." msgstr "" "Posebni uporabnik MySQL, konfiguriran z omejenimi dovoljenji; več informacij " "je na voljo na [doc@linked-tables]wikiji[/doc]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:358 msgid "" "An alternate host to hold the configuration storage; leave blank to use the " "already defined host." msgstr "" "Nadomestni gostitelj, ki ima shrambo konfiguracije; pustite prazno, če " "želite uporabiti že opredeljen gostitelj." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:361 msgid "" "An alternate port to connect to the host that holds the configuration " "storage; leave blank to use the default port, or the already defined port, " "if the controlhost equals host." msgstr "" "Nadomestna vrata za povezavo do gostitelja, ki ima shrambo konfiguracije; " "pustite prazno, če želite uporabiti privzeta vrata ali že nastavljena vrata " "v primeru, ko je nadzorni gostitelj enak gostitelju." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:366 msgid "" "More information on [a@https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/" "issues/8970]phpMyAdmin issue tracker[/a] and [a@https://bugs.mysql." "com/19588]MySQL Bugs[/a]" msgstr "" "Več informacij na [a@https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/" "issues/8970]sledilniku težav phpMyAdmin[/a] in [a@https://bugs.mysql." "com/19588]hroščih MySQL[/a]" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:370 msgid "" "Leave blank for no SQL query history support, suggested: [kbd]pma__history[/" "kbd]." msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite podpore zgodovine poizvedb SQL; predlagano: " "[kbd]pma__history[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:373 msgid "" "Limits number of table preferences which are stored in database, the oldest " "records are automatically removed." msgstr "" "Omeji število nastavitev tabel, ki so shranjene v zbirki podatkov; " "najstarejši zapisi bodo samodejno odstranjeni." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:377 msgid "" "Leave blank for no QBE saved searches support, suggested: " "[kbd]pma__savedsearches[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite podpore shranjenih iskanj QBE; predlagano: " "[kbd]pma__savedsearches[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:380 msgid "" "Leave blank for no export template support, suggested: " "[kbd]pma__export_templates[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite podpore izvoza predlog; predlagano: " "[kbd]pma__export_templates[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:383 msgid "" "Leave blank for no central columns support, suggested: " "[kbd]pma__central_columns[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite podpore osrednjih stolpcev; predlagano: " "[kbd]pma__central_columns[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:386 msgid "" "You can use MySQL wildcard characters (% and _), escape them if you want to " "use their literal instances, i.e. use [kbd]'my\\_db'[/kbd] and not " "[kbd]'my_db'[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Uporabite lahko nadomestne znake MySQL (% in _); ubežite jih, če jih želite " "uporabiti dobesedno, npr. uporabite [kbd]'my\\_db'[/kbd] in ne [kbd]'my_db'[/" "kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:391 msgid "" "Leave blank for no PDF schema support, suggested: [kbd]pma__pdf_pages[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite podpore sheme PDF; predlagano: " "[kbd]pma__pdf_pages[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:394 msgid "" "Database used for relations, bookmarks, and PDF features. See [doc@linked-" "tables]pmadb[/doc] for complete information. Leave blank for no support. " "Suggested: [kbd]phpmyadmin[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Zbirka podatkov uporabljena za relacije, zaznamke in funkcije PDF. Oglejte " "si [doc@linked-tables]pmadb[/doc] za vse informacije. Pustite prazno, če ne " "želite podpore. Predlagano: [kbd]phpmyadmin[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:399 msgid "" "Leave blank for no \"persistent\" recently used tables across sessions, " "suggested: [kbd]pma__recent[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite »vztrajnih« nedavno uporabljenih tabel skozi " "seje; predlagano: [kbd]pma__recent[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:403 msgid "" "Leave blank for no \"persistent\" favorite tables across sessions, " "suggested: [kbd]pma__favorite[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite »vztrajnih« priljubljenih tabel skozi seje; " "predlagano: [kbd]pma__favorite[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:407 msgid "" "Leave blank for no [doc@relations@]relation-links[/doc] support, suggested: " "[kbd]pma__relation[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite podpore [doc@relations@]relacijskih povezav[/" "doc]; priporočeno: [kbd]pma__relation[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:412 msgid "" "See [doc@authentication-modes]authentication types[/doc] for an example." msgstr "Oglejte si [doc@authentication-modes]vrste overovitev[/doc] za primer." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:415 msgid "" "Leave blank for no PDF schema support, suggested: [kbd]pma__table_coords[/" "kbd]." msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite podpore sheme PDF; predlagano: " "[kbd]pma__table_coords[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:418 msgid "" "Table to describe the display columns, leave blank for no support; " "suggested: [kbd]pma__table_info[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Tabela za opisovanje prikaznih stolpcev; pustite prazno, če ne želite " "podpore; predlagano: [kbd]pma__table_info[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:422 msgid "" "Leave blank for no \"persistent\" tables' UI preferences across sessions, " "suggested: [kbd]pma__table_uiprefs[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite »vztrajnih« nastavitev uporabniškega vmesnika " "tabel skozi seje; predlagano: [kbd]pma__table_uiprefs[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:426 msgid "" "Whether a DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to " "the log when creating a database." msgstr "" "Ali naj se stavek DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS doda kot prva vrstica v dnevnik " "pri ustvarjanju zbirke podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:430 msgid "" "Whether a DROP TABLE IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to the " "log when creating a table." msgstr "" "Ali naj se stavek DROP TABLE IF EXISTS doda kot prva vrstica v dnevnik pri " "ustvarjanju tabele." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:434 msgid "" "Whether a DROP VIEW IF EXISTS statement will be added as first line to the " "log when creating a view." msgstr "" "Ali naj se stavek DROP VIEW IF EXISTS doda kot prva vrstica v dnevnik pri " "ustvarjanju pogleda." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:438 msgid "Defines the list of statements the auto-creation uses for new versions." msgstr "" "Določi seznam stavkov, ki jih samodejno ustvarjanje uporabi za nove " "različice." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:441 msgid "" "Leave blank for no SQL query tracking support, suggested: " "[kbd]pma__tracking[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite podpore sledenja poizvedb SQL; predlagano: " "[kbd]pma__tracking[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:444 msgid "" "Whether the tracking mechanism creates versions for tables and views " "automatically." msgstr "" "Ali naj mehanizem sledenja ustvari različice tabel in pogledov samodejno." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:447 msgid "" "Leave blank for no user preferences storage in database, suggested: " "[kbd]pma__userconfig[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite hranjenja uporabnikovih nastavitev v zbirki " "podatkov; predlagano: [kbd]pma__userconfig[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:450 msgid "" "Both this table and the user groups table are required to enable the " "configurable menus feature; leaving either one of them blank will disable " "this feature, suggested: [kbd]pma__users[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Tako ta tabela kot tabela uporabniških skupin sta zahtevani za omogočitev " "funkcionalnosti nastavljivih menijev; če eno od njiju pustite prazno, boste " "onemogočiti funkcionalnost; predlagano: [kbd]pma__users[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:455 msgid "" "Both this table and the users table are required to enable the configurable " "menus feature; leaving either one of them blank will disable this feature, " "suggested: [kbd]pma__usergroups[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Tako ta tabela kot tabela uporabnikov sta zahtevani za omogočitev " "funkcionalnosti nastavljivih menijev; če eno od njiju pustite prazno, boste " "onemogočiti funkcionalnost; predlagano: [kbd]pma__usergroups[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:460 msgid "" "Leave blank to disable the feature to hide and show navigation items, " "suggested: [kbd]pma__navigationhiding[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Pustite prazno, če ne želite zmožnosti skrivanja in prikazovanja " "navigacijskih predmetov; predlagano: [kbd]pma__navigationhiding[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:464 msgid "" "A user-friendly description of this server. Leave blank to display the " "hostname instead." msgstr "" "Uporabniku prijazen opis tega strežnika. Pustite prazno, če se naj namesto " "tega prikaže ime gostitelja." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:466 msgid "Leave blank if not used." msgstr "Pustite prazno, če se ne uporablja." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:467 msgid "Leave blank for defaults." msgstr "Pustite prazno za privzeto." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:468 msgid "HTTP Basic Auth Realm name to display when doing HTTP Auth." msgstr "Ime področja HTTP Basic Auth, ki se prikaže med HTTP Auth." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:469 msgid "Authentication method to use." msgstr "Način overovitve za uporabo." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:470 msgid "Compress connection to MySQL server." msgstr "Stisni povezavo s strežnikom MySQL." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:471 msgid "Hide databases matching regular expression (PCRE)." msgstr "Skrije zbirke podatkov, ki se ujemajo z običajnim izrazom (PCRE)." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:472 msgid "Hostname where MySQL server is running." msgstr "Ime gostitelja, kjer teče strežnik MySQL." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:473 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:477 msgid "Leave empty if not using config auth." msgstr "Pustite prazno, če ne uporabljate overovitve config." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:474 msgid "Port on which MySQL server is listening, leave empty for default." msgstr "" "Vrata, na katera naj bo strežnik MySQL priključen; pustite prazno za " "privzeto." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:475 msgid "Socket on which MySQL server is listening, leave empty for default." msgstr "" "Vtičnica na katero je povezan strežnik MySQL; pustite prazno za privzeto." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:476 msgid "Enable SSL for connection to MySQL server." msgstr "Omogoči SSL za povezavo s strežnikom MySQL." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:479 msgid "" "Please note that enabling this has no effect with [kbd]config[/kbd] " "authentication mode because the password is hard coded in the configuration " "file; this does not limit the ability to execute the same command directly." msgstr "" "Pomnite, da omogočanje tega nima učinka z načinom overovitve [kbd]config[/" "kbd], saj je geslo vgrajeno v konfiguracijsko datoteko; to ne omejuje " "možnosti izvedbe enakega ukaza neposredno." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:484 msgid "Show or hide a column displaying the Creation timestamp for all tables." msgstr "" "Prikaži ali skrij stolpec, ki prikazuje časovni žig nastanka vseh tabel." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:487 msgid "" "Show or hide a column displaying the Last update timestamp for all tables." msgstr "" "Prikaži ali skrij stolpec, ki prikazuje časovni žig zadnje spremembe vseh " "tabel." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:490 msgid "" "Show or hide a column displaying the Last check timestamp for all tables." msgstr "" "Prikaži ali skrij stolpec, ki prikazuje časovni žig zadnjega preverjanja " "vseh tabel." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:493 msgid "" "Defines whether or not type fields should be initially displayed in edit/" "insert mode." msgstr "" "Določa ali naj bodo v načinu urejanja/vstavljanja prikazane vrste polj." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:496 msgid "" "Shows link to [a@https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.phpinfo.php]phpinfo()" "[/a] output." msgstr "" "Prikaže povezavo do podatkov [a@https://www.php.net/manual/en/function." "phpinfo.php]phpinfo()[/a]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:498 msgid "Whether a user should be displayed a \"show all (rows)\" button." msgstr "Ali se naj uporabniku prikaže gumb \"prikaži vse (vrstice)\"." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:499 msgid "Show or hide a column displaying the comments for all tables." msgstr "Prikaži ali skrij stolpec, ki prikazuje pripombe vseh tabel." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:500 msgid "Show or hide a column displaying the charset for all tables." msgstr "Prikaži ali skrij stolpec, ki prikazuje kodne nabore vseh tabel." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:501 msgid "Display the function fields in edit/insert mode." msgstr "Prikaže polja funkcij v načinu urejanja/vstavljanja." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:502 msgid "Whether to show hint or not." msgstr "Naj prikažem namig ali ne." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:503 msgid "" "Defines whether SQL queries generated by phpMyAdmin should be displayed." msgstr "" "Določi, ali se naj poizvedbe SQL, ki jih ustvari phpMyAdmin, prikažejo." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:504 msgid "Allow to display database and table statistics (e.g. space usage)." msgstr "" "Dovoli prikaz statistike zbirke podatkov in tabele (npr. poraba prostora)." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:506 msgid "" "Mark used tables and make it possible to show databases with locked tables." msgstr "" "Označi uporabljene tabele in omogoči prikaz zbirk podatkov z zaklenjenimi " "tabelami." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:509 msgid "" "Disable the default warning that is displayed on the main page if Suhosin is " "detected." msgstr "" "Onemogoči privzeto opozorlo, ki se prikaže na glavni strani, če je zaznan " "Suhosin." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:512 msgid "" "Disable the default warning that is displayed on the main page if the value " "of the PHP setting session.gc_maxlifetime is less than the value of " "`LoginCookieValidity`." msgstr "" "Onemogoči privzeto opozorilo, ki se prikaže na glavni strani, če je vrednost " "nastavitve PHP session.gc_maxlifetime manjša kot vrednost " "`LoginCookieValidity`." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:517 msgid "" "Textarea size (columns) in edit mode, this value will be emphasized for SQL " "query textareas (*2)." msgstr "" "Velikost besedilnega polja (stolpci) v načinu urejanja; vrednost bo povečana " "za polja poizvedb SQL (*2)." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:520 msgid "" "Textarea size (rows) in edit mode, this value will be emphasized for SQL " "query textareas (*2)." msgstr "" "Velikost besedilnega polja (vrstice) v načinu urejanja; vrednost bo povečana " "za polja poizvedb SQL (*2)." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:523 msgid "" "Input proxies as [kbd]IP: trusted HTTP header[/kbd]. The following example " "specifies that phpMyAdmin should trust a HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (X-Forwarded-" "For) header coming from the proxy[br][kbd] " "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Vnesite proxyje kot [kbd]IP: zaupana glava HTTP[/kbd]. Sledeči primer " "navaja, da naj phpMyAdmin zaupa glavi HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (X-Forwarded-For) " "prihajajoči iz proxyja[br][kbd] HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:529 msgid "" "When disabled, users cannot set any of the options below, regardless of the " "checkbox on the right." msgstr "" "Ko je onemogočeno, uporabniki ne morejo nastaviti katere koli od spodnjih " "možnosti, ne glede na potrditveno polje na desni." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:532 msgid "" "The URL of the proxy to be used when retrieving the information about the " "latest version of phpMyAdmin, or when submitting error reports. You need " "this if the server where phpMyAdmin is installed does not have direct access " "to the Internet. The format is: \"hostname:portnumber\"." msgstr "" "URL proxyja za pridobivanje informacij o najnovejši različici phpMyAdmin ali " "za pošiljanje poročil o napakah. To potrebujete, če strežnik, na katerem je " "nameščen phpMyAdmin, nima neposredne povezave z internetom. Oblika je: " "»imegostitelja:številkavrat«." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:538 msgid "" "The username for authenticating with the proxy. By default, no " "authentication is performed. If a username is supplied, Basic Authentication " "will be performed. No other types of authentication are currently supported." msgstr "" "Uporabniško ime za overitev s proxyjem. Privzeto se overitev ne izvede. Če " "navedete uporabniško ime, se bo izvedla overitev Basic Authentication. Druge " "vrste overitve trenutno niso podprte." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:544 msgid "" "Queries are executed by pressing Enter (instead of Ctrl+Enter). New lines " "will be inserted with Shift+Enter." msgstr "" "Poizvedbe izvede pritisk na Enter (namesto Ctrl+Enter). Nove vrstice lahko " "vstavite s Shift+Enter." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:548 msgid "" "Enable Zero Configuration mode which lets you set up phpMyAdmin " "configuration storage tables automatically." msgstr "" "Omogoči način ničelne konfiguracije, ki omogoča, da phpMyAdmin samodejno " "nastavi hrambene tabele konfiguracije." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:551 msgid "Highlight selected rows." msgstr "Poudari izbrane vrstice." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:552 msgid "Highlight row pointed by the mouse cursor." msgstr "Poudari vrstico, na katero kaže kazalec miške." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:553 msgid "Number of columns for CHAR/VARCHAR textareas." msgstr "Število stolpcev besedilnih polj CHAR/VARCHAR." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:554 msgid "Number of rows for CHAR/VARCHAR textareas." msgstr "Število vrstic besedilnih polj CHAR/VARCHAR." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:555 msgid "" "Log SQL queries and their execution time, to be displayed in the console" msgstr "Zabeleži poizvedbe SQL in njihove čase izvajanj za prikaz v konzoli" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:556 msgid "Tab that is displayed when entering a database." msgstr "Zavihek, ki se prikaže ob odprtju zbirke podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:557 msgid "Tab that is displayed when entering a server." msgstr "Zavihek, ki se prikaže ob odprtju strežnika." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:558 msgid "Tab that is displayed when entering a table." msgstr "Zavihek, ki se prikaže ob odprtju tabele." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:559 msgid "Whether the table structure actions should be hidden." msgstr "Ali naj bodo dejanja strukture tabele skrita." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:560 msgid "Whether column comments should be shown in table structure view" msgstr "Ali naj bodo pripombe stolpcev prikazane v pogledu zgradbe tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:561 msgid "Show server listing as a list instead of a drop down." msgstr "Prikaži naštete strežnike kot seznam namesto spustnega menija." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:562 msgid "A dropdown will be used if fewer items are present." msgstr "Uporabljen bo spustni seznam, če je prisotnih manj elementov." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:563 msgid "Default value for foreign key checks checkbox for some queries." msgstr "" "Polje za privzeto vrednost za preverjanja tujih ključev pri nekaterih " "poizvedbah." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:564 msgid "Uncheck the checkbox to disable drag and drop import" msgstr "" "Odstranite kljukico potrditvenega polja, da onemogočite uvoz s povleci-in-" "spusti" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:565 msgid "How many rows can be inserted at one time." msgstr "Koliko vrstic je lahko vstavljenih naenkrat." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:566 msgid "" "Maximum number of characters shown in any non-numeric column on browse view." msgstr "" "Največje število znakov prikazanih v katerem koli neštevilčnem stolpcu v " "načinu brskanja." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:567 msgid "Define how long (in seconds) a login cookie is valid." msgstr "Določa, kako dolgo (v sekundah) je prijavni piškotek veljaven." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:568 msgid "Double size of textarea for LONGTEXT columns." msgstr "Dvojna velikost besedilnega polja za stolpce LONGTEXT." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:569 msgid "Maximum number of databases displayed in database list." msgstr "Največje število zbirk podatkov, prikazanih na seznamu zbirk podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:570 msgid "Maximum number of tables displayed in table list." msgstr "Največje število tabel, prikazanih na seznamu tabel." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:571 msgid "Maximum number of recently used tables; set 0 to disable." msgstr "" "Največje število nedavno uporabljenih tabel; določite 0 za onemogočitev." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:572 msgid "Maximum number of favorite tables; set 0 to disable." msgstr "Največje število priljubljenih tabel; določite 0 za onemogočitev." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:573 msgid "These are Edit, Copy and Delete links." msgstr "To so povezave Uredi, Kopiraj in Izbriši." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:574 msgid "Whether to show row links even in the absence of a unique key." msgstr "Ali naj bodo povezave vrstic prikazane tudi ko ni unikatnega ključa." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:575 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:858 msgid "Disable shortcut keys" msgstr "Onemogoči bližnjične tipke" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:576 msgid "Use natural order for sorting table and database names." msgstr "" "Uporabi naravni vrstni red za razvrščanje tabel in imen zbirk podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:577 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:580 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:581 msgid "Use only icons, only text or both." msgstr "Uporabi samo ikone, samo besedilo ali oboje." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:578 msgid "Use GZip output buffering for increased speed in HTTP transfers." msgstr "Uporabi izhod medpomnjenja GZip za povečano hitrost v prenosih HTTP." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:579 msgid "Use persistent connections to MySQL databases." msgstr "Uporabi vztrajne povezave z zbirkami podatkov MySQL." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:582 msgid "Disallow BLOB and BINARY columns from editing." msgstr "Prepreči urejanje stolpcev BLOB in BINARY." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:583 msgid "How many queries are kept in history." msgstr "Koliko poizvedb je hranjenih v zgodovini." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:584 msgid "Select which functions will be used for character set conversion." msgstr "Določi, katere funkcije bodo uporabljene za pretvorbo nabora znakov." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:585 msgid "When browsing tables, the sorting of each table is remembered." msgstr "Med brskanjem po tabelah se razvrščanje vsake tabele ohrani." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:586 msgid "Default sort order for tables with a primary key." msgstr "Privzeto razvrščanje za tabele s primarnim ključem." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:587 msgid "" "Repeat the headers every X cells, [kbd]0[/kbd] deactivates this feature." msgstr "Ponovi glave vsakih X celic, [kbd]0[/kbd] dezaktivira to funkcijo." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:588 msgid "For display Options" msgstr "Za prikaz Možnosti" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:589 msgid "Directory where exports can be saved on server." msgstr "Mapa, kamor se lahko na strežnik shranijo izvozi." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:590 msgid "" "Defines whether the query box should stay on-screen after its submission." msgstr "Določa, ali naj polje s poizvedbo ostane na zaslonu po njeni izvedbi." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:591 msgid "Title of browser window when a database is selected." msgstr "Naslov okna brskalnika, ko je izbrana zbirka podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:592 msgid "Title of browser window when nothing is selected." msgstr "Naslov okna brskalnika, ko je ni izbrano nič." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:593 msgid "Title of browser window when a server is selected." msgstr "Naslov okna brskalnika, ko je izbran strežnik." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:594 msgid "Title of browser window when a table is selected." msgstr "Naslov okna brskalnika, ko je izbrana tabela." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:595 msgid "Directory on server where you can upload files for import." msgstr "Mapa na strežniku, kamor lahko naložite datoteke za uvoz." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:596 msgid "Allow for searching inside the entire database." msgstr "Dovoli iskanje po celotni zbirki podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:597 msgid "Enables check for latest version on main phpMyAdmin page." msgstr "Omogoča preverjanje najnovejše različice na glavni strani phpMyAdmin." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:598 msgid "The password for authenticating with the proxy." msgstr "Geslo za overitev s proxyjem." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:599 msgid "Enable ZIP compression for import and export operations." msgstr "Omogoči stiskanje ZIP za posege uvoza in izvoza." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:600 msgid "Choose the default action when sending error reports." msgstr "Izberite privzeto dejanje za pošiljanje poročil o napakah." #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:617 msgid "Allow login to any MySQL server" msgstr "Dovoli prijavo v katerikoli strežnik MySQL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:618 msgid "Restrict login to MySQL server" msgstr "Omeji prijavo na strežnik MySQL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:619 msgid "Allow third party framing" msgstr "Dovoli uokvirjanje tretjim osebam" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:620 msgid "Show \"Drop database\" link to normal users" msgstr "" "Pokaži povezavo »Zavrzi zbirko podatkov« normalnim uporabnikom" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:621 msgid "Blowfish secret" msgstr "Skrivno geslo (blowfish)" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:622 msgid "Row marker" msgstr "Označevalnik vrstic" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:623 msgid "Highlight pointer" msgstr "Poudari kazalec" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:624 msgid "Bzip2" msgstr "Bzip2" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:625 msgid "CHAR columns editing" msgstr "Urejanje stolpcev CHAR" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:626 msgid "Enable CodeMirror" msgstr "Omogoči CodeMirror" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:627 msgid "Enable linter" msgstr "Omogoči linter" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:628 msgid "Minimum size for input field" msgstr "Najmanjša velikost vnosnega polja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:629 msgid "Maximum size for input field" msgstr "Največja velikost vnosnega polja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:630 msgid "CHAR textarea columns" msgstr "Stolpcev polja CHAR" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:631 msgid "CHAR textarea rows" msgstr "Vrstic polja CHAR" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:632 msgid "Check config file permissions" msgstr "Preveri dovoljenja konfiguracijske datoteke" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:633 msgid "Compress on the fly" msgstr "Stisni med izvajanjem" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:634 msgid "Confirm DROP queries" msgstr "Potrjevanje poizvedb DROP" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:635 #: templates/console/display.twig:23 templates/console/display.twig:76 msgid "Debug SQL" msgstr "Odkrivaj napake SQL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:636 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaDia.php:66 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaPdf.php:76 msgid "Paper size" msgstr "Velikost papirja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:637 msgid "Default database tab" msgstr "Privzet zavihek zbirke podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:638 msgid "Default server tab" msgstr "Privzet zavihek strežnika" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:639 msgid "Default table tab" msgstr "Privzet zavihek tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:640 msgid "Enable autocomplete for table and column names" msgstr "Omogoči samodokončanje imen tabel in stolpec" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:641 msgid "Show column comments" msgstr "Prikaži pripombe stolpcev" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:642 msgid "Hide table structure actions" msgstr "Skrij dejanja strukture tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:643 msgid "Default transformations for Hex" msgstr "Privzete pretvorbe za Hex" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:644 msgid "Default transformations for Substring" msgstr "Privzete pretvorbe za Substring" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:645 msgid "Default transformations for Bool2Text" msgstr "Privzete pretvorbe za Bool2Text" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:646 msgid "Default transformations for External" msgstr "Privzete pretvorbe za External" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:647 msgid "Default transformations for PreApPend" msgstr "Privzete pretvorbe za PreApPend" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:648 msgid "Default transformations for DateFormat" msgstr "Privzete pretvorbe za DateFormat" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:649 msgid "Default transformations for Inline" msgstr "Privzete pretvorbe za Inline" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:650 msgid "Default transformations for TextImageLink" msgstr "Privzete pretvorbe za TextImageLink" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:651 msgid "Default transformations for TextLink" msgstr "Privzete pretvorbe za TextLink" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:652 msgid "Display servers as a list" msgstr "Prikaži strežnike kot seznam" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:653 msgid "Disable multi table maintenance" msgstr "Onemogoči množično vzdrževanje tabel" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:654 msgid "Maximum execution time" msgstr "Najdaljši čas izvajanja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:655 msgid "Use [code]LOCK TABLES[/code] statement" msgstr "Uporabi ukaz [code]LOCK TABLES[/code]" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:656 msgid "Save as file" msgstr "Shrani kot datoteko" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:657 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:792 msgid "Character set of the file" msgstr "Nabor znakov datoteke" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:658 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:674 templates/import.twig:165 #: templates/import.twig:167 templates/sql/query.twig:40 #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:84 msgid "Format" msgstr "Oblika" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:659 msgid "Compression" msgstr "Stiskanje" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:660 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:667 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:675 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:679 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:692 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:694 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:741 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportCsv.php:87 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportExcel.php:61 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:84 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOds.php:69 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:127 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:78 msgid "Put columns names in the first row" msgstr "Postavi imena stolpcev v prvo vrstico" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:661 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:794 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:800 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:683 msgid "Columns enclosed with" msgstr "Stolpci so obdani z" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:662 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:795 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:801 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:694 msgid "Columns escaped with" msgstr "Stolpci so izognjeni z" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:663 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:669 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:676 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:685 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:693 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:697 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:742 msgid "Replace NULL with" msgstr "Zamenjaj NULL z" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:664 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:670 msgid "Remove CRLF characters within columns" msgstr "Odstrani znake CRLF znotraj stolpcev" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:665 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:798 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:805 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:668 msgid "Columns terminated with" msgstr "Stolpci so zaključeni z" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:666 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:793 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:701 msgid "Lines terminated with" msgstr "Vrstice so zaključene z" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:668 msgid "Excel edition" msgstr "Izdaja za Excel" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:671 msgid "Database name template" msgstr "Predloga imena zbirke podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:672 msgid "Server name template" msgstr "Predloga imena strežnika" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:673 msgid "Table name template" msgstr "Predloga imena tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:677 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:690 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:699 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:737 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:743 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:55 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:88 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportMediawiki.php:55 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportMediawiki.php:61 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:69 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportPdf.php:86 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:237 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:54 msgid "Dump table" msgstr "Odloži tabelo" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:678 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:79 msgid "Include table caption" msgstr "Vključi ime tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:680 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:695 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:731 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:384 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:531 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:488 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:386 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/Helpers/Pdf.php:543 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:683 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:706 #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:54 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:29 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:28 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Pripombe" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:681 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:687 msgid "Table caption" msgstr "Ime tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:682 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:688 msgid "Continued table caption" msgstr "Nadaljevanje imena tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:683 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:689 msgid "Label key" msgstr "Označi ključ" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:684 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:696 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:734 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:391 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:495 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:391 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/Helpers/Pdf.php:551 #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:71 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:31 msgid "Media type" msgstr "Vrsta predstavnosti" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:686 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:698 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:736 msgid "Relationships" msgstr "Razmerja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:691 msgid "Export method" msgstr "Način izvoza" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:700 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:703 msgid "Save on server" msgstr "Shrani na strežnik" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:701 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:704 templates/export.twig:182 #: templates/export.twig:377 msgid "Overwrite existing file(s)" msgstr "Prepiši obstoječo(e) datoteko(e)" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:702 msgid "Export as separate files" msgstr "Izvozi v ločenih datotekah" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:705 msgid "Remember filename template" msgstr "Zapomni si predlogo imena datoteke" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:706 msgid "Remove DEFINER clause from definitions" msgstr "Iz opredelitev odstrani stavek DEFINER" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:707 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:160 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:72 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:300 msgid "Add AUTO_INCREMENT value" msgstr "Dodaj vrednost AUTO_INCREMENT" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:708 msgid "Enclose table and column names with backquotes" msgstr "Obdaj imena tabel in stolpcev z enojnimi poševnimi narekovaji" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:709 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:811 msgid "SQL compatibility mode" msgstr "Združljivostni način SQL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:710 msgid "Creation/Update/Check dates" msgstr "Datumi za ustvarjeno/posodobljeno/preverjeno" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:711 msgid "Use delayed inserts" msgstr "Uporabi zakasnjeno vstavljanje" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:712 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:183 msgid "Disable foreign key checks" msgstr "Onemogoči preverjanja tujih ključev" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:713 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:197 msgid "Export views as tables" msgstr "Izvozi poglede kot tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:714 msgid "Export related metadata from phpMyAdmin configuration storage" msgstr "Izvozi sorodne metapodatke iz hrambe konfiguracije phpMyAdmin" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:715 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:716 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:718 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:721 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:722 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:723 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:735 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:155 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:295 #, php-format msgid "Add %s" msgstr "Dodaj %s" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:724 msgid "Use hexadecimal for BINARY & BLOB" msgstr "Uporabi šestnajstiško za BINARY in BLOB" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:726 msgid "" "Add IF NOT EXISTS (less efficient as indexes will be generated during table " "creation)" msgstr "" "Dodaj IF NOT EXISTS (manj učinkovito, saj bodo indeksi ustvarjeni med " "ustvarjanjem tabele)" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:729 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:351 #, php-format msgid "%s view" msgstr "%s pogled" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:730 msgid "Use ignore inserts" msgstr "Uporabi možnost prezri vstavke" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:732 msgid "Syntax to use when inserting data" msgstr "Skladnja ob vstavljanju podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:733 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:488 msgid "Maximal length of created query" msgstr "Največja dolžina ustvarjene poizvedbe" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:738 msgid "Export type" msgstr "Vrsta izvoza" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:739 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:169 msgid "Enclose export in a transaction" msgstr "Vključi izvoz v transakcijo" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:740 msgid "Export time in UTC" msgstr "Izvozi čas v UTC" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:744 msgid "Foreign key dropdown order" msgstr "Vrstni red spustnega seznama tujih ključev" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:745 msgid "Foreign key limit" msgstr "Omejitev tujih ključev" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:746 msgid "Foreign key checks" msgstr "Preverjanja tujih ključev" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:747 msgid "First day of calendar" msgstr "Prvi dan koledarja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:748 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:759 libraries/classes/Menu.php:473 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1864 libraries/config.values.php:155 #: templates/navigation/tree/database_select.twig:10 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:3 templates/server/export/index.twig:7 #: templates/server/export/index.twig:14 #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:20 msgid "Databases" msgstr "Zbirke podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:749 msgid "Browse mode" msgstr "Način brskanja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:751 #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:82 #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ImportForm.php:35 msgid "CSV" msgstr "CSV" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:752 msgid "Developer" msgstr "Razvijalec" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:753 msgid "Edit mode" msgstr "Način urejanja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:754 msgid "Export defaults" msgstr "Privzete možnosti izvoza" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:755 msgid "General" msgstr "Splošno" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:756 msgid "Import defaults" msgstr "Privzete možnosti uvoza" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:757 msgid "Import / export" msgstr "Uvoz / izvoz" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:758 msgid "LaTeX" msgstr "LaTeX" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:760 #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/NaviForm.php:68 #: templates/preferences/header.twig:30 msgid "Navigation panel" msgstr "Navigacijska plošča" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:761 msgid "Navigation tree" msgstr "Navigacijsko drevo" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:762 #: templates/server/select/index.twig:9 templates/setup/home/index.twig:34 msgid "Servers" msgstr "Strežniki" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:763 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/DatabasesController.php:310 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeTableContainer.php:25 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeTableContainer.php:26 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:115 #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:159 #: templates/database/export/index.twig:22 #: templates/database/structure/show_create.twig:6 msgid "Tables" msgstr "Tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:764 #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/MainForm.php:90 #: templates/preferences/header.twig:36 msgid "Main panel" msgstr "Glavna plošča" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:765 msgid "Microsoft Office" msgstr "Microsoft Office" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:767 msgid "Other core settings" msgstr "Druge nastavitve" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:768 msgid "Page titles" msgstr "Naslovi strani" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:769 msgid "Security" msgstr "Varnost" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:770 msgid "Basic settings" msgstr "Osnovne nastavitve" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:771 msgid "Authentication" msgstr "Overovitev" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:772 msgid "Server configuration" msgstr "Konfiguracija strežnika" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:773 msgid "Configuration storage" msgstr "Hramba konfiguracije" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:774 msgid "Changes tracking" msgstr "Sledenje spremembam" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:775 libraries/classes/Menu.php:253 #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:357 libraries/classes/Menu.php:478 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeTable.php:306 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1425 libraries/classes/Util.php:1865 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1880 libraries/classes/Util.php:1897 #: libraries/config.values.php:62 libraries/config.values.php:76 #: libraries/config.values.php:167 libraries/config.values.php:177 msgid "SQL" msgstr "SQL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:776 msgid "SQL Query box" msgstr "Polje poizvedbe SQL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:777 #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/SqlForm.php:48 #: templates/preferences/header.twig:24 msgid "SQL queries" msgstr "Poizvedbe SQL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:778 msgid "Startup" msgstr "Zagon" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:779 msgid "Database structure" msgstr "Zgradba zbirke podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:780 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportPdf.php:258 #: templates/table/page_with_secondary_tabs.twig:5 msgid "Table structure" msgstr "Zgradba tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:781 msgid "Tabs" msgstr "Zavihki" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:782 msgid "Display relational schema" msgstr "Prikaži relacijsko shemo" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:783 msgid "Text fields" msgstr "Besedilna polja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:784 msgid "Texy! text" msgstr "Besedilo Texy!" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:785 msgid "Warnings" msgstr "Opozorila" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:786 #: templates/console/display.twig:6 msgid "Console" msgstr "Konzola" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:787 msgid "GZip" msgstr "GZip" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:788 msgid "Extra parameters for iconv" msgstr "Dodatni parametri za iconv" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:789 msgid "Ignore multiple statement errors" msgstr "Prezri napake več stavkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:790 msgid "Enable drag and drop import" msgstr "Omogoči uvoz s povleci-in-spusti" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:791 msgid "Partial import: allow interrupt" msgstr "Delni uvoz: dovoli prekinitev" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:796 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:802 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:141 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportLdi.php:68 msgid "Do not abort on INSERT error" msgstr "Ne prekini ob napaki INSERT" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:797 #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:804 msgid "Add ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" msgstr "Dodaj ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:799 msgid "Format of imported file" msgstr "Oblika uvožene datoteke" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:803 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportLdi.php:74 msgid "Use LOCAL keyword" msgstr "Uporabi ključno besedo LOCAL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:806 msgid "Column names in first row" msgstr "Imena stolpcev v prvi vrstici" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:807 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportOds.php:74 msgid "Do not import empty rows" msgstr "Ne uvozi praznih vrstic" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:808 msgid "Import currencies ($5.00 to 5.00)" msgstr "Uvozi denarne enote ($5.00 v 5.00)" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:809 msgid "Import percentages as proper decimals (12.00% to .12)" msgstr "Uvozi odstotke kot ustrezne decimalne vrednosti (12.00% v .12)" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:810 msgid "Partial import: skip queries" msgstr "Delni uvoz: preskoči poizvedbe" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:812 msgid "Do not use AUTO_INCREMENT for zero values" msgstr "Ne uporabi AUTO_INCREMENT za ničelne vrednosti" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:813 msgid "Read as multibytes" msgstr "Preberi kot večbajtno" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:814 msgid "Initial state for sliders" msgstr "Začetno stanje drsnikov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:815 msgid "Number of inserted rows" msgstr "Število vstavljenih vrstic" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:816 msgid "Limit column characters" msgstr "Omejitev znakov stolpca" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:817 msgid "Delete all cookies on logout" msgstr "Izbriši vse piškotke ob odjavi" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:818 msgid "Recall user name" msgstr "Prikliči uporabniško ime" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:819 msgid "Login cookie store" msgstr "Shranjevanje prijavnih piškotkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:820 msgid "Login cookie validity" msgstr "Veljavnost prijavnega piškotka" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:821 msgid "Bigger textarea for LONGTEXT" msgstr "Večje besedilno polje za LONGTEXT" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:822 msgid "Maximum displayed SQL length" msgstr "Največja dolžina prikazanega SQL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:823 msgid "Maximum databases" msgstr "Največ zbirk podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:824 msgid "Maximum items on first level" msgstr "Največ predmetov na prvi stopnji" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:825 msgid "Maximum items in branch" msgstr "Največ predmetov v veji" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:826 msgid "Maximum number of rows to display" msgstr "Največje število vrstic za prikaz" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:827 msgid "Maximum tables" msgstr "Največ tabel" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:828 msgid "Memory limit" msgstr "Omejitev spomina" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:829 msgid "Show databases navigation as tree" msgstr "Prikaži navigacijo po zbirkah podatkov kot drevo" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:830 msgid "Navigation panel width" msgstr "Širina navigacijske plošče" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:831 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:597 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/NavigationTree.php:1352 msgid "Link with main panel" msgstr "Poveži z glavno ploščo" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:832 msgid "Display logo" msgstr "Prikaži logotip" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:833 msgid "Logo link URL" msgstr "URL-povezava logotipa" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:834 msgid "Logo link target" msgstr "Cilj povezave logotipa" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:835 msgid "Display servers selection" msgstr "Prikaži izbiro strežnikov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:836 msgid "Target for quick access icon" msgstr "Cilj ikone za hitri dostop" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:837 msgid "Target for second quick access icon" msgstr "Cilj druge ikone za hitri dostop" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:838 msgid "Minimum number of items to display the filter box" msgstr "Najmanjše število predmetov, potrebnih za prikaz filtrirnega polja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:840 msgid "Minimum number of databases to display the database filter box" msgstr "" "Najmanjše število zbirk podatkov, potrebnih za prikaz polja za filtriranje " "zbirk podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:842 msgid "Group items in the tree" msgstr "Združi predmete v drevesu" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:843 msgid "Database tree separator" msgstr "Ločilo drevesa zbirke podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:844 msgid "Table tree separator" msgstr "Ločilo drevesa tabel" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:845 msgid "Maximum table tree depth" msgstr "Največja globina drevesa tabel" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:846 msgid "Enable highlighting" msgstr "Omogoči poudarjanje" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:847 msgid "Enable navigation tree expansion" msgstr "Omogoči razširitev navigacijskega drevesa" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:848 msgid "Show tables in tree" msgstr "V drevesu prikaži tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:849 msgid "Show views in tree" msgstr "V drevesu prikaži poglede" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:850 msgid "Show functions in tree" msgstr "V drevesu prikaži funkcije" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:851 msgid "Show procedures in tree" msgstr "V drevesu prikaži procedure" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:852 msgid "Show events in tree" msgstr "V drevesu prikaži dogodke" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:853 msgid "Expand single database" msgstr "Razširi samsko zbirko podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:854 msgid "Recently used tables" msgstr "Nedavno uporabljene tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:855 #: libraries/classes/RecentFavoriteTable.php:245 msgid "Favorite tables" msgstr "Priljubljene tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:856 msgid "Where to show the table row links" msgstr "Kje naj prikažem povezave vrstic tabel" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:857 msgid "Show row links anyway" msgstr "Prikaži povezave vrstic v vsakem primeru" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:859 msgid "Natural order" msgstr "Naravni vrstni red" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:860 msgid "Table navigation bar" msgstr "Navigacijska vrstica tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:861 msgid "GZip output buffering" msgstr "Izhod medpomnjenja GZip" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:862 msgid "Default sorting order" msgstr "Privzet vrstni red" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:863 msgid "Persistent connections" msgstr "Vztrajne povezave" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:864 msgid "Missing phpMyAdmin configuration storage tables" msgstr "Manjkajoče tabele hrambe konfiguracije phpMyAdmin" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:865 msgid "MySQL reserved word warning" msgstr "Opozorilo rezerviranih besed MySQL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:866 msgid "How to display the menu tabs" msgstr "Kako prikazati zavihke menija" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:867 msgid "How to display various action links" msgstr "Kako prikazati različne povezave dejanj" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:868 msgid "Protect binary columns" msgstr "Zaščiti dvojiške stolpce" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:869 msgid "Permanent query history" msgstr "Trajna zgodovina poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:870 msgid "Query history length" msgstr "Dolžina zgodovine poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:871 msgid "Recoding engine" msgstr "Snemalni pogon" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:872 msgid "Remember table's sorting" msgstr "Ohrani razvrščanje tabel" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:873 msgid "Primary key default sort order" msgstr "Privzeto razvrščanje primarnega ključa" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:874 msgid "Repeat headers" msgstr "Ponovi glave" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:875 msgid "Grid editing: trigger action" msgstr "Urejanje mreže: sproži dejanje" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:876 msgid "Relational display" msgstr "Relacijski prikaz" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:877 msgid "Grid editing: save all edited cells at once" msgstr "Urejanje mreže: naenkrat shrani vse urejene celice" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:878 msgid "Save directory" msgstr "Mapa za shranjevanje" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:879 msgid "Host authorization order" msgstr "Zaporedje overovitve gostitelja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:880 msgid "Host authorization rules" msgstr "Pravila overovitve gostitelja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:881 msgid "Allow logins without a password" msgstr "Dovoli prijave brez gesla" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:882 msgid "Allow root login" msgstr "Dovoli prijavo root" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:883 msgid "Session timezone" msgstr "Časovni pas seje" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:884 msgid "HTTP Realm" msgstr "Področje HTTP" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:885 #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:50 msgid "Authentication type" msgstr "Vrsta overovitve" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:886 msgid "Bookmark table" msgstr "Tabela zaznamkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:887 msgid "Column information table" msgstr "Tabela informacij stolpcev" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:888 msgid "Compress connection" msgstr "Stisni povezavo" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:889 msgid "Control user password" msgstr "Geslo krmilnega uporabnika" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:890 msgid "Control user" msgstr "Krmilni uporabnik" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:891 msgid "Control host" msgstr "Krmilni gostitelj" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:892 msgid "Control port" msgstr "Krmilna vrata" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:893 msgid "Disable use of INFORMATION_SCHEMA" msgstr "Onemogoči uporabo INFORMATION_SCHEMA" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:894 msgid "Hide databases" msgstr "Skrij zbirke podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:895 msgid "SQL query history table" msgstr "Tabela zgodovine poizvedb SQL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:896 msgid "Server hostname" msgstr "Ime gostitelja strežnika" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:897 msgid "Logout URL" msgstr "Odjavni URL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:898 msgid "Maximal number of table preferences to store" msgstr "Največje število shranjenih nastavitev tabel" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:899 msgid "QBE saved searches table" msgstr "Tabela shranjenih iskanj QBE" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:900 msgid "Export templates table" msgstr "Izvozi tabelo s predlogami" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:901 msgid "Central columns table" msgstr "Tabela osrednjih stolpcev" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:902 msgid "Show only listed databases" msgstr "Prikaži samo navedene zbirke podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:903 msgid "Password for config auth" msgstr "Geslo za overovitev config" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:904 msgid "PDF schema: pages table" msgstr "PDF-shema: tabele strani" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:905 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:122 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:24 msgid "Database name" msgstr "Ime zbirke podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:906 msgid "Server port" msgstr "Vrata strežnika" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:907 msgid "Recently used table" msgstr "Nedavno uporabljena tabela" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:908 msgid "Favorites table" msgstr "Tabela priljubljenih" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:909 msgid "Relation table" msgstr "Relacijska tabela" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:910 msgid "Signon session name" msgstr "Ime seje signon" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:911 msgid "Signon URL" msgstr "URL signon" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:912 msgid "Server socket" msgstr "Vtičnica strežnika" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:913 msgid "Use SSL" msgstr "Uporabi SSL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:914 msgid "Designer and PDF schema: table coordinates" msgstr "Shema PDF in Designer: koordinate tabel" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:915 msgid "Display columns table" msgstr "Tabela prikaznih stolpcev" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:916 msgid "UI preferences table" msgstr "Tabela nastavitev uporabniškega vmesnika" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:917 msgid "Add DROP DATABASE" msgstr "Dodaj DROP DATABASE" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:918 #: templates/database/structure/copy_form.twig:34 msgid "Add DROP TABLE" msgstr "Dodaj DROP TABLE" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:919 msgid "Add DROP VIEW" msgstr "Dodaj DROP VIEW" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:920 msgid "Statements to track" msgstr "Izjave za sledenje" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:921 msgid "SQL query tracking table" msgstr "Tabela sledenja poizvedb SQL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:922 msgid "Automatically create versions" msgstr "Samodejno ustvari različice" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:923 msgid "User preferences storage table" msgstr "Tabela za hranjenje uporabnikovih nastavitev" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:924 msgid "Users table" msgstr "Tabela uporabnikov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:925 msgid "User groups table" msgstr "Tabela uporabniških skupin" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:926 msgid "Hidden navigation items table" msgstr "Skriti predmeti navigacijskega drevesa" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:927 msgid "User for config auth" msgstr "Uporabnik za overovitev config" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:928 msgid "Verbose name of this server" msgstr "Razširjeno ime tega strežnika" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:929 msgid "Allow to display all the rows" msgstr "Dovoli prikaz vseh vrstic" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:930 msgid "Show password change form" msgstr "Pokaži obrazec za spremembo gesla" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:931 msgid "Show create database form" msgstr "Pokaži obrazec za ustvarjanje zbirke podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:932 msgid "Show table comments" msgstr "Prikaži pripombe tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:933 msgid "Show creation timestamp" msgstr "Prikaži časovni žig nastanka" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:934 msgid "Show last update timestamp" msgstr "Prikaži časovni žig zadnje spremembe" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:935 msgid "Show last check timestamp" msgstr "Prikaži časovni žig zadnjega preverjanja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:936 msgid "Show table charset" msgstr "Prikaži kodni nabor tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:937 msgid "Show field types" msgstr "Pokaži vrste polj" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:938 msgid "Show function fields" msgstr "Prikaži polja funkcij" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:939 msgid "Show hint" msgstr "Prikaži namig" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:940 msgid "Show phpinfo() link" msgstr "Prikaži povezavo phpinfo()" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:941 msgid "Show detailed MySQL server information" msgstr "Prikaži podrobne informacije o strežniku MySQL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:942 msgid "Show SQL queries" msgstr "Pokaži poizvedbe SQL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:943 templates/sql/query.twig:127 msgid "Retain query box" msgstr "Ohrani polje poizvedbe" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:944 msgid "Show statistics" msgstr "Pokaži statistiko" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:945 msgid "Skip locked tables" msgstr "Preskoči zaklenjene tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:946 #: libraries/classes/ConfigStorage/UserGroups.php:120 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:392 #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:2756 #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:656 #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:905 #: templates/console/bookmark_content.twig:10 templates/console/display.twig:41 #: templates/console/display.twig:199 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:265 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:376 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:377 #: templates/database/events/index.twig:74 #: templates/database/events/index.twig:77 #: templates/database/events/row.twig:23 templates/database/events/row.twig:26 #: templates/database/routines/row.twig:24 #: templates/database/routines/row.twig:27 #: templates/database/structure/structure_table_row.twig:66 #: templates/database/triggers/row.twig:28 #: templates/database/triggers/row.twig:31 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:302 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:303 templates/indexes.twig:34 #: templates/server/variables/index.twig:41 #: templates/server/variables/index.twig:44 templates/setup/home/index.twig:63 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:480 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Uredi" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:947 #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:624 msgid "Explain SQL" msgstr "Razloži stavek SQL" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:948 #: libraries/classes/Export.php:1289 libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:704 #: templates/console/display.twig:121 #: templates/server/status/processes/index.twig:19 #: templates/server/status/variables/index.twig:42 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Osveži" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:949 #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:688 msgid "Create PHP code" msgstr "Ustvari kodo PHP" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:950 msgid "Suhosin warning" msgstr "Opozorilo Suhosin" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:951 msgid "Login cookie validity warning" msgstr "Opozorilo o veljavnost prijavnega piškotka" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:952 msgid "Textarea columns" msgstr "Stolpcev besedilnega polja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:953 msgid "Textarea rows" msgstr "Vrstic besedilnega polja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:954 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:140 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:185 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:124 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1817 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1819 #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Processes.php:122 #: templates/console/bookmark_content.twig:12 templates/console/display.twig:48 #: templates/console/display.twig:206 templates/server/databases/index.twig:106 #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:17 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:258 #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:22 #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:71 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:56 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:62 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:257 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:263 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:36 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:126 #: templates/table/relation/foreign_key_row.twig:91 msgid "Database" msgstr "Zbirka podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:955 msgid "Default title" msgstr "Privzeti naslov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:956 #: templates/server/status/base.twig:6 msgid "Server" msgstr "Strežnik" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:957 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:464 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1823 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1825 #: templates/database/structure/show_create.twig:10 #: templates/database/structure/table_header.twig:8 #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:13 #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:153 #: templates/database/triggers/editor_form.twig:27 #: templates/database/triggers/list.twig:45 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:6 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:260 #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:37 #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:82 #: templates/table/maintenance/checksum.twig:12 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:65 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:266 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:37 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:133 #: templates/table/relation/foreign_key_row.twig:102 msgid "Table" msgstr "Tabela" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:958 msgid "List of trusted proxies for IP allow/deny" msgstr "Seznam zaupanja vrednih proxyjev za sprejetje/zavrnitev IP" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:959 msgid "Upload directory" msgstr "Mapa za nalaganje" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:960 msgid "Use database search" msgstr "Uporabi iskanje po zbirki podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:961 msgid "Enable the Developer tab in settings" msgstr "Omogoči zavihek Razvijalec v nastavitvah" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:962 #: libraries/classes/Setup/Index.php:128 libraries/classes/Setup/Index.php:151 #: libraries/classes/Setup/Index.php:163 libraries/classes/Setup/Index.php:176 #: libraries/classes/Setup/Index.php:185 libraries/classes/Setup/Index.php:193 msgid "Version check" msgstr "Preverjanje različice" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:963 msgid "Proxy URL" msgstr "URL proxyja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:964 msgid "Proxy username" msgstr "Uporabniško ime proxyja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:965 msgid "Proxy password" msgstr "Geslo proxyja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:966 msgid "ZIP" msgstr "ZIP" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:967 msgid "URL for reCAPTCHA v2 API" msgstr "URL za API reCAPTCHA v2" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:968 msgid "Content-Security-Policy snippet for reCAPTCHA v2 API" msgstr "Podatki Content-Security-Policy za API reCAPTCHA v2" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:969 msgid "Request parameter for reCAPTCHA v2 API" msgstr "Parameter zahteve za API reCAPTCHA v2" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:970 msgid "Response parameter for reCAPTCHA v2 API" msgstr "Parameter odgovora za reCAPTCHA v2" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:971 msgid "Public key for reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Javni ključ za reCAPTCHA" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:972 msgid "Private key for reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Zasebni ključ za reCAPTCHA" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:973 msgid "URL for reCAPTCHA siteverify" msgstr "URL za preverjanje strani (siteverify) reCAPTCHA" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:974 msgid "Send error reports" msgstr "Pošlji poročila o napakah" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:975 msgid "Enter executes queries in console" msgstr "Enter izvede poizvedbe v konzoli" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:976 msgid "Enable Zero Configuration mode" msgstr "Omogoči način ničelne konfiguracije" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:977 #: templates/console/display.twig:177 msgid "Show query history at start" msgstr "Na začetku prikaži zgodovino" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:978 #: templates/console/display.twig:173 msgid "Always expand query messages" msgstr "Vedno razširi sporočila poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:979 #: templates/console/display.twig:181 msgid "Show current browsing query" msgstr "Prikaži trenutno poizvedbo brskanja" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:980 msgid "Execute queries on Enter and insert new line with Shift+Enter" msgstr "Izvedi poizvedbe z enter in vstavi novo vrstico s shift + enter" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:981 #: templates/console/display.twig:189 msgid "Switch to dark theme" msgstr "Preklopi na temno temo" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:982 msgid "Console height" msgstr "Višina konzole" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:983 msgid "Console mode" msgstr "Konzolni način" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:984 #: templates/console/display.twig:91 msgid "Group queries" msgstr "Združi poizvedbe" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:985 #: templates/sql/profiling_chart.twig:9 msgid "Order" msgstr "Vrstni red" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:986 msgid "Order by" msgstr "Razvrsti po" #: libraries/classes/Config/Descriptions.php:987 msgid "Server connection collation" msgstr "Razvrščanje znakov povezave strežnika" #: libraries/classes/Config/FormDisplay.php:605 #, php-format msgid "Missing data for %s" msgstr "Manjkajoči podatki za %s" #: libraries/classes/Config/FormDisplay.php:646 #: libraries/classes/Config/Validator.php:590 #: templates/config/form_display/display.twig:67 msgid "Incorrect value!" msgstr "Napačna vrednost!" #: libraries/classes/Config/FormDisplay.php:797 #: libraries/classes/Config/FormDisplay.php:806 msgid "unavailable" msgstr "ni na voljo" #: libraries/classes/Config/FormDisplay.php:799 #: libraries/classes/Config/FormDisplay.php:808 #, php-format msgid "\"%s\" requires %s extension" msgstr "\"%s\" potrebuje razširitev %s" #: libraries/classes/Config/FormDisplay.php:839 #, php-format msgid "Compressed import will not work due to missing function %s." msgstr "Stisnjeni uvoz ne bo deloval, saj manjka funkcija %s." #: libraries/classes/Config/FormDisplay.php:848 #, php-format msgid "Compressed export will not work due to missing function %s." msgstr "Stisnjeni izvoz ne bo deloval, saj manjka funkcija %s." #: libraries/classes/Config/FormDisplay.php:867 #, php-format msgid "maximum %s" msgstr "največ %s" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/Setup/ServersForm.php:39 msgid "Config authentication" msgstr "Overitev s konfiguracijo" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/Setup/ServersForm.php:43 msgid "HTTP authentication" msgstr "Overitev s HTTP" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/Setup/ServersForm.php:46 msgid "Signon authentication" msgstr "Overitev s signon" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:25 msgid "Quick" msgstr "Hitro" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:29 msgid "Custom" msgstr "Po meri" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:55 #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:100 #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:128 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:700 #: libraries/classes/Import.php:1256 libraries/classes/Menu.php:245 #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:352 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeColumn.php:42 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeDatabase.php:50 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeTable.php:297 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1424 libraries/classes/Util.php:1879 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1896 libraries/config.values.php:60 #: libraries/config.values.php:74 libraries/config.values.php:165 #: libraries/config.values.php:175 #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:4 #: templates/database/central_columns/edit.twig:3 #: templates/database/export/index.twig:23 #: templates/database/structure/structure_table_row.twig:48 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:357 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns.twig:1 msgid "Structure" msgstr "Struktura" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:71 #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:108 #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:133 #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:139 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/DatabasesController.php:320 #: templates/database/export/index.twig:24 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:280 #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:17 msgid "Data" msgstr "Podatki" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:91 msgid "CSV for MS Excel" msgstr "CSV za MS Excel" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:116 msgid "Microsoft Word 2000" msgstr "Microsoft Word 2000" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:122 #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ImportForm.php:52 msgid "OpenDocument Spreadsheet" msgstr "Preglednica OpenDocument" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:126 msgid "OpenDocument Text" msgstr "Besedilo OpenDocument" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ExportForm.php:153 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:377 #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:275 libraries/classes/Menu.php:377 #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:505 libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1511 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1868 libraries/classes/Util.php:1883 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1900 templates/database/events/index.twig:16 #: templates/database/events/index.twig:17 #: templates/database/events/index.twig:86 #: templates/database/events/row.twig:36 #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:91 #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:116 #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:117 #: templates/database/routines/index.twig:16 #: templates/database/routines/index.twig:17 #: templates/database/routines/row.twig:64 #: templates/database/routines/row.twig:67 #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:12 #: templates/database/triggers/list.twig:16 #: templates/database/triggers/list.twig:17 #: templates/database/triggers/row.twig:41 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:315 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:316 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:348 templates/export.twig:3 #: templates/export.twig:499 templates/preferences/header.twig:42 #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:68 #: templates/server/privileges/new_user_ajax.twig:63 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:95 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:125 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:126 #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:81 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:95 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:120 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:121 msgid "Export" msgstr "Izvozi" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/FeaturesForm.php:90 #: templates/preferences/header.twig:18 msgid "Features" msgstr "Lastnosti" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ImportForm.php:43 msgid "CSV using LOAD DATA" msgstr "CSV z uporabo LOAD DATA" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/ImportForm.php:67 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:314 #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:284 libraries/classes/Menu.php:387 #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:510 libraries/classes/Util.php:1869 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1884 libraries/classes/Util.php:1901 #: templates/import.twig:3 templates/import.twig:199 #: templates/preferences/header.twig:48 #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:11 #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:78 msgid "Import" msgstr "Uvozi" #: libraries/classes/Config/Forms/User/MainForm.php:37 msgid "Default transformations" msgstr "Privzete pretvorbe" #: libraries/classes/Config/PageSettings.php:133 msgid "Cannot save settings, submitted configuration form contains errors!" msgstr "" "Ne morem shraniti nastavitev, saj poslani obrazec za konfiguracijo vsebuje " "napake!" #: libraries/classes/Config.php:642 #, php-format msgid "Existing configuration file (%s) is not readable." msgstr "Obstoječa konfiguracijska datoteka (%s) ni berljiva." #: libraries/classes/Config.php:680 msgid "Wrong permissions on configuration file, should not be world writable!" msgstr "" "Napačna dovoljenja konfiguracijske datoteke; ne sme biti vsem zapisljiva!" #: libraries/classes/Config.php:695 msgid "Failed to read configuration file!" msgstr "Ne morem prebrati konfiguracijske datoteke!" #: libraries/classes/Config.php:697 msgid "" "This usually means there is a syntax error in it, please check any errors " "shown below." msgstr "" "To po navadi pomeni, da ima skladenjsko napako; prosimo, preverite vse " "spodaj prikazane napake." #: libraries/classes/Config.php:1222 #, php-format msgid "Invalid server index: %s" msgstr "Neveljaven indeks strežnika: %s" #: libraries/classes/Config.php:1235 #, php-format msgid "Server %d" msgstr "Strežnik %d" #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:67 #, php-format msgid "" "This %soption%s should be disabled as it allows attackers to bruteforce " "login to any MySQL server. If you feel this is necessary, use %srestrict " "login to MySQL server%s or %strusted proxies list%s. However, IP-based " "protection with trusted proxies list may not be reliable if your IP belongs " "to an ISP where thousands of users, including you, are connected to." msgstr "" "Ta %smožnost%s naj bo onemogočena, saj omogoča napadalcem, da se z načinom " "bruteforce prijavijo v kateri koli strežnik MySQL. Če menite, da je to " "potrebno, uporabite %somejeno prjavo v strežnik MySQL%s ali %sseznam " "zaupanih proxyjev%s. Kakorkoli, zaščita s seznamom zaupanih proxyjev, " "temelječa na IP, ni zanesljiva, če vaš IP pripada ISP-ju, na katerega je " "povezanih tisoče uporabnikov, vključno z vami." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:92 msgid "" "This value should be double checked to ensure that this directory is neither " "world accessible nor readable or writable by other users on your server." msgstr "" "Vrednost ponovno preverite, da se prepričate, da mapa ni dostopna ne svetu " "in ne na voljo za branje ali pisanje drugim uporabnikom na vašem strežniku." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:162 msgid "You should use SSL connections if your database server supports it." msgstr "Uporabite povezave SSL, če jih vaš strežnik zbirke podatkov podpira." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:169 #, php-format msgid "" "If you feel this is necessary, use additional protection settings - %1$shost " "authentication%2$s settings and %3$strusted proxies list%4$s. However, IP-" "based protection may not be reliable if your IP belongs to an ISP where " "thousands of users, including you, are connected to." msgstr "" "Če menite, da je to potrebno, uporabite dodatne nastavitve zaščite – " "nastavitve %1$soverovitve gostitelja%2$s in %3$sseznam zaupanih proxyjev" "%4$s. Kakor koli, zaščita, temelječa na IP, ni zanesljiva, če vaš IP pripada " "ISP-ju, na katerega je povezanih tisoče uporabnikov, vključno z vami." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:195 #, php-format msgid "" "You set the [kbd]config[/kbd] authentication type and included username and " "password for auto-login, which is not a desirable option for live hosts. " "Anyone who knows or guesses your phpMyAdmin URL can directly access your " "phpMyAdmin panel. Set %1$sauthentication type%2$s to [kbd]cookie[/kbd] or " "[kbd]http[/kbd]." msgstr "" "Nastavili ste vrsto overovitve [kbd]config[/kbd] in vključili uporabniško " "ime in geslo za samodejno prijavo, kar ni zaželena možnost za gostitelje " "aktivnih strani. Vsakdo, ki ve ali ugane vaš URL phpMyAdmina, lahko " "neposredno dostopa do vaše plošče phpMyAdmin. Nastavite %1$svrsto overovitve" "%2$s na [kbd]cookie[/kbd] ali [kbd]http[/kbd]." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:224 msgid "You allow for connecting to the server without a password." msgstr "Dovoljujete povezavo s strežnikom brez gesla." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:304 #, php-format msgid "" "%sZip decompression%s requires functions (%s) which are unavailable on this " "system." msgstr "" "%sRazširjanje Zip%s zahteva funkcije (%s), ki na tem sistemu niso na voljo." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:325 #, php-format msgid "" "%sZip compression%s requires functions (%s) which are unavailable on this " "system." msgstr "" "%sStiskanje Zip%s zahteva funkcije (%s), ki na tem sistemu niso na voljo." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:359 msgid "" "You didn't have blowfish secret set and have enabled [kbd]cookie[/kbd] " "authentication, so a key was automatically generated for you. It is used to " "encrypt cookies; you don't need to remember it." msgstr "" "Ker niste določili skrivnega gesla (blowfish) in imate omogočeno overovitev " "[kbd]cookie[/kbd], je bil ključ za vas samodejno ustvarjen. Uporablja se pri " "šifriranju piškotkov; ne rabite si ga zapomniti." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:373 msgid "Key is too short, it should have at least 32 characters." msgstr "Ključ je prekratek, ima naj vsaj 32 znakov." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:383 msgid "Key should contain letters, numbers [em]and[/em] special characters." msgstr "Ključ naj vsebuje črke, številke [em]in[/em] posebne znake." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:416 #, php-format msgid "" "%1$sLogin cookie validity%2$s greater than %3$ssession.gc_maxlifetime%4$s " "may cause random session invalidation (currently session.gc_maxlifetime is " "%5$d)." msgstr "" "%1$sVeljavnost prijavnega piškotka%2$s večja od %3$ssession.gc_maxlifetime" "%4$s lahko povzroči naključno razvrednotenje seje (session.gc_maxlifetime je " "trenutno %5$d)." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:438 #, php-format msgid "" "%sLogin cookie validity%s should be set to 1800 seconds (30 minutes) at " "most. Values larger than 1800 may pose a security risk such as impersonation." msgstr "" "%sVeljavnost prijavnega piškotka%s naj bo nastavljena na največ 1800 sekund " "(30 minut). Vrednosti večje od 1800 lahko predstavljajo varnostno tveganje, " "kot je pretvarjanje za drugo osebo." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:464 #, php-format msgid "" "If using [kbd]cookie[/kbd] authentication and %sLogin cookie store%s is not " "0, %sLogin cookie validity%s must be set to a value less or equal to it." msgstr "" "Če uporabljate overovitev [kbd]cookie[/kbd] in %sShranjevanje prijavnih " "piškotkov%s ni 0, mora biti %sVeljavnost prijavnega piškotka%s določena na " "manjšo ali enako vrednost." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:503 #, php-format msgid "" "%1$sBzip2 compression and decompression%2$s requires functions (%3$s) which " "are unavailable on this system." msgstr "" "%1$sStiskanje in razširjanje Bzip2%2$s potrebuje funkcije (%3$s), ki na tem " "sistemu niso na voljo." #: libraries/classes/Config/ServerConfigChecks.php:534 #, php-format msgid "" "%1$sGZip compression and decompression%2$s requires functions (%3$s) which " "are unavailable on this system." msgstr "" "%1$sStiskanje in razširjanje GZip%2$s zahteva funkcije (%3$s), ki na tem " "sistemu niso na voljo." #: libraries/classes/ConfigStorage/Relation.php:1362 msgid "no description" msgstr "brez opisa" #: libraries/classes/ConfigStorage/Relation.php:1564 #, php-format msgid "" "You do not have necessary privileges to create a database named '%s'. You " "may go to 'Operations' tab of any database to set up the phpMyAdmin " "configuration storage there." msgstr "" "Nimate zadostnih dovoljenj za ustvarjanje zbirke podatkov '%s'. Greste lahko " "na zavihek 'Dejanja' v vsaki od zbirk podatkov in nastavite hrambo " "konfiguracije phpMyAdmin." #: libraries/classes/ConfigStorage/UserGroups.php:110 msgid "View users" msgstr "Poglej uporabnike" #: libraries/classes/ConfigStorage/UserGroups.php:239 msgid "Server-level tabs" msgstr "Zavihki stopenj strežnika" #: libraries/classes/ConfigStorage/UserGroups.php:244 msgid "Database-level tabs" msgstr "Zavihki stopenj zbirke podatkov" #: libraries/classes/ConfigStorage/UserGroups.php:249 msgid "Table-level tabs" msgstr "Zavihki stopenj tabele" #: libraries/classes/Config/Validator.php:243 msgid "Could not connect to the database server!" msgstr "Ne morem se povezati s strežnikom zbirke podatkov!" #: libraries/classes/Config/Validator.php:279 msgid "Invalid authentication type!" msgstr "Neveljavna vrsta overovitve!" #: libraries/classes/Config/Validator.php:284 msgid "Empty username while using [kbd]config[/kbd] authentication method!" msgstr "" "Počisti uporabniško ime pri uporabi overitvenega načina [kbd]config[/kbd]!" #: libraries/classes/Config/Validator.php:290 msgid "" "Empty signon session name while using [kbd]signon[/kbd] authentication " "method!" msgstr "" "Počisti ime seje signon pri uporabi overitvenega načina [kbd]signon[/kbd]!" #: libraries/classes/Config/Validator.php:297 msgid "Empty signon URL while using [kbd]signon[/kbd] authentication method!" msgstr "Počisti URL signon pri uporabi overitvenega načina [kbd]signon[/kbd]!" #: libraries/classes/Config/Validator.php:351 msgid "" "Empty phpMyAdmin control user while using phpMyAdmin configuration storage!" msgstr "" "Počisti krmilnega uporabnika phpMyAdmin pri uporabi shrambe konfiguracije " "phpMyAdmin!" #: libraries/classes/Config/Validator.php:358 msgid "" "Empty phpMyAdmin control user password while using phpMyAdmin configuration " "storage!" msgstr "" "Počisti geslo krmilnega uporabnika phpMyAdmin pri uporabi shrambe " "konfiguracije phpMyAdmin!" #: libraries/classes/Config/Validator.php:449 msgid "Incorrect value:" msgstr "Nepravilna vrednost:" #: libraries/classes/Config/Validator.php:460 #, php-format msgid "Incorrect IP address: %s" msgstr "Nepravilni IP-naslov: %s" #: libraries/classes/Config/Validator.php:523 #: templates/config/form_display/display.twig:66 msgid "Not a valid port number!" msgstr "Neveljavna številka vrat!" #: libraries/classes/Config/Validator.php:545 #: templates/config/form_display/display.twig:64 msgid "Not a positive number!" msgstr "Ni pozitivno število!" #: libraries/classes/Config/Validator.php:567 #: templates/config/form_display/display.twig:65 msgid "Not a non-negative number!" msgstr "Ni nenegativno število!" #: libraries/classes/Config/Validator.php:608 #: templates/config/form_display/display.twig:68 #, php-format msgid "Value must be less than or equal to %s!" msgstr "Vrednost mora biti enaka ali nižja od %s!" #: libraries/classes/Console.php:88 #, php-format msgid "Showing %1$d bookmark (both private and shared)" msgid_plural "Showing %1$d bookmarks (both private and shared)" msgstr[0] "Prikazovanje %1$d zaznamka (tako zasebnih kot deljenih)" msgstr[1] "Prikazovanje %1$d zaznamkov (tako zasebnih kot deljenih)" msgstr[2] "Prikazovanje %1$d zaznamkov (tako zasebnih kot deljenih)" msgstr[3] "Prikazovanje %1$d zaznamkov (tako zasebnih kot deljenih)" #: libraries/classes/Console.php:95 msgid "No bookmarks" msgstr "Ni zaznamkov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/AbstractController.php:77 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:347 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Databases/DestroyController.php:72 #: libraries/classes/DbTableExists.php:46 msgid "No databases selected." msgstr "Ni izbranih zbirk podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/AbstractController.php:135 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/SchemaExportController.php:30 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/UserGroupsFormController.php:47 msgid "Missing parameter:" msgstr "Manjkajoč parameter:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/ChangeLogController.php:41 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/LicenseController.php:38 #, php-format msgid "" "The %s file is not available on this system, please visit %s for more " "information." msgstr "" "Datoteka %s ni na voljo na tem sistemu; prosimo, da za več informacij " "obiščete %s." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/CentralColumnsController.php:147 #, php-format msgid "Showing rows %1$s - %2$s." msgstr "Prikazujem vrstice %1$s–%2$s." #. l10n: The user tries to save a page with an existing name in Designer #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/DesignerController.php:114 #, php-format msgid "" "There already exists a page named \"%s\" please rename it to something else." msgstr "Stran z imenom »%s« že obstaja; prosimo, preimenujte jo." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/ExportController.php:90 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/TrackingController.php:139 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Export/ExportController.php:345 #: libraries/classes/Database/Qbe.php:322 #: templates/database/structure/index.twig:25 #: templates/navigation/tree/path.twig:9 msgid "No tables found in database." msgstr "V zbirki podatkov ni mogoče najti tabel." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/ExportController.php:152 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/ExportController.php:76 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/ExportController.php:112 msgid "Could not load export plugins, please check your installation!" msgstr "" "Ne morem naložiti vtičnikov za izvoz, prosimo, preverite vašo namestitev!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/ImportController.php:81 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/ImportController.php:609 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/ImportController.php:60 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/ImportController.php:71 msgid "Could not load import plugins, please check your installation!" msgstr "" "Ne morem naložiti vtičnikov za uvoz, prosimo, preverite vašo namestitev!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Operations/CollationController.php:48 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/OperationsController.php:283 msgid "No collation provided." msgstr "Pravilo za razvrščanje znakov ni podano." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/OperationsController.php:107 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/CreateController.php:70 msgid "The database name is empty!" msgstr "Ime zbirke podatkov je prazno!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/OperationsController.php:116 msgid "Cannot copy database to the same name. Change the name and try again." msgstr "" "Zbirke podatkov ne moremo kopirati na isto ime. Spremenite ime in poskusite " "znova." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/OperationsController.php:201 #, php-format msgid "Database %1$s has been renamed to %2$s." msgstr "Zbirko podatkov %1$s smo preimenovali v %2$s." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/OperationsController.php:211 #, php-format msgid "Database %1$s has been copied to %2$s." msgstr "Zbirko podatkov %1$s smo skopirali v %2$s." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/OperationsController.php:320 #, php-format msgid "" "The phpMyAdmin configuration storage has been deactivated. %sFind out why%s." msgstr "Hrambo konfiguracije phpMyAdmin smo onemogočili. %sUgotovite, zakaj%s." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/PrivilegesController.php:68 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/PrivilegesController.php:153 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/UserGroupsController.php:54 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/PrivilegesController.php:66 msgid "No Privileges" msgstr "Brez privilegijev" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/PrivilegesController.php:77 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/PrivilegesController.php:162 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/PrivilegesController.php:75 msgid "You do not have the privileges to administrate the users!" msgstr "Nimate pravic za upravljanje z uporabniki!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/SearchController.php:56 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationConfig.php:87 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationConfig.php:100 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationHttp.php:81 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/AuthenticationPlugin.php:180 msgid "Access denied!" msgstr "Dostop zavrnjen!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/AddPrefixController.php:20 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/CentralColumns/AddController.php:45 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/CentralColumns/MakeConsistentController.php:45 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/CentralColumns/RemoveController.php:45 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/ChangePrefixFormController.php:21 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/CopyFormController.php:22 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/DropFormController.php:36 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/EmptyFormController.php:23 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/ShowCreateController.php:33 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Export/TablesController.php:30 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:348 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/AnalyzeController.php:53 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/CheckController.php:53 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/ChecksumController.php:53 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/OptimizeController.php:53 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/RepairController.php:53 msgid "No table selected." msgstr "Izbrana ni nobena tabela." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/CentralColumns/AddController.php:53 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/CentralColumns/MakeConsistentController.php:53 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/CentralColumns/RemoveController.php:53 msgid "Success!" msgstr "Uspešno!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/StructureController.php:367 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:451 #: templates/table/operations/view.twig:32 #, php-format msgid "View %s has been dropped." msgstr "Zavrgli smo pogled %s." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/StructureController.php:368 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:451 #, php-format msgid "Table %s has been dropped." msgstr "Tabelo %s smo zavrgli." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/StructureController.php:415 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:410 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:428 #, php-format msgid "Table %s has been emptied." msgstr "Izpraznili smo tabelo %s." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/StructureController.php:578 #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:3761 #, php-format msgid "" "This view has at least this number of rows. Please refer to %sdocumentation" "%s." msgstr "Pogled ima vsaj toliko vrstic. Prosimo, oglejte si %sdokumentacijo%s." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/StructureController.php:767 msgid "unknown" msgstr "neznano" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/DropTableController.php:56 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/EmptyTableController.php:72 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:492 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/DeleteRowsController.php:59 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/DropColumnController.php:57 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/PrimaryController.php:59 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/PrimaryController.php:83 #: libraries/classes/IndexColumn.php:164 libraries/classes/Index.php:523 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:627 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:600 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:777 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:613 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:752 #: templates/config/form_display/input.twig:42 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:356 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:47 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:91 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1117 #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:69 #: templates/database/structure/drop_form.twig:19 #: templates/database/structure/empty_form.twig:19 templates/indexes.twig:65 #: templates/preferences/autoload.twig:11 #: templates/preferences/manage/error.twig:18 #: templates/server/privileges/new_user_ajax.twig:20 #: templates/server/privileges/new_user_ajax.twig:34 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:38 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:41 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:43 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:53 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:65 #: templates/table/delete/confirm.twig:28 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:73 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:80 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:515 #: templates/table/structure/drop_confirm.twig:19 #: templates/table/structure/primary.twig:19 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns.twig:33 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes.twig:23 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes.twig:24 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Da" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/DropTableController.php:57 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/EmptyTableController.php:73 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/DropColumnController.php:74 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/OperationsController.php:343 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/ReplaceController.php:340 #: libraries/classes/Core.php:715 templates/preview_sql.twig:3 msgid "No change" msgstr "Brez sprememb" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/Structure/FavoriteTableController.php:108 msgid "Favorite List is full!" msgstr "Seznam Priljubljenih je poln!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/TrackingController.php:92 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/TrackingController.php:112 msgid "Tracking data deleted successfully." msgstr "Podatke sledenja smo uspešno izbrisali." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/TrackingController.php:99 #, php-format msgid "" "Version %1$s was created for selected tables, tracking is active for them." msgstr "" "Različica %1$s je ustvarjena za izbrane tabele, sledenje zanje je aktivirano." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/TrackingController.php:129 msgid "No tables selected." msgstr "Ni izbranih tabel." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Database/TrackingController.php:164 msgid "Database Log" msgstr "Dnevnik zbirke podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/ErrorReportController.php:104 msgid "" "An error has been detected and an error report has been automatically " "submitted based on your settings." msgstr "" "Zaznali smo napako in na podlagi vaših nastavitev samodejno poslali poročilo." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/ErrorReportController.php:108 msgid "Thank you for submitting this report." msgstr "Hvala, da ste poslali poročilo." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/ErrorReportController.php:112 msgid "" "An error has been detected and an error report has been generated but failed " "to be sent." msgstr "" "Zaznali smo napako in na podlagi vaših nastavitev ustvarili poročilo, vendar " "ga nismo uspeli poslati." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/ErrorReportController.php:115 msgid "If you experience any problems please submit a bug report manually." msgstr "" "Če naletite na kakršne koli težave, prosimo, da ročno pošljete poročilo o " "hrošču." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/ErrorReportController.php:118 msgid "You may want to refresh the page." msgstr "Morda boste želeli osvežiti stran." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Export/ExportController.php:136 #: libraries/classes/Export.php:1276 msgid "Bad type!" msgstr "Slaba vrsta!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Export/ExportController.php:228 msgid "Bad parameters!" msgstr "Slabi parametri!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/HomeController.php:103 msgid "" "You were logged out from one server, to logout completely from phpMyAdmin, " "you need to logout from all servers." msgstr "" "Odjavili ste se z enega strežnika; da se popolnoma odjavite iz phpMyAdmina, " "se morate odjaviti z vseh strežnikov." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/HomeController.php:198 #, php-format msgid "" "The phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not completely configured, some " "extended features have been deactivated. %sFind out why%s. " msgstr "" "Hramba konfiguracije phpMyAdmin ni konfigurirana v celoti, zato smo nekatere " "razširjene zmožnosti onemogočili. %sUgotovite, zakaj%s. " #: libraries/classes/Controllers/HomeController.php:204 msgid "" "Or alternately go to 'Operations' tab of any database to set it up there." msgstr "" "Ali pa pojdite na zavihek »Dejanja« katere koli zbirke podatkov, da to " "nastavite tam." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/HomeController.php:269 msgid "" "Your PHP parameter [a@https://www.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration." "php#ini.session.gc-maxlifetime@_blank]session.gc_maxlifetime[/a] is lower " "than cookie validity configured in phpMyAdmin, because of this, your login " "might expire sooner than configured in phpMyAdmin." msgstr "" "Vaš parameter PHP [a@https://www.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration." "php#ini.session.gc-maxlifetime@_blank]session.gc_maxlifetime[/a] je nižji od " "veljavnosti piškotkov, določene v phpMyAdminu. Zaradi tega se bo vaša " "prijava morda iztekla prej, kot je določeno v phpMyAdminu." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/HomeController.php:289 msgid "" "Login cookie store is lower than cookie validity configured in phpMyAdmin, " "because of this, your login will expire sooner than configured in phpMyAdmin." msgstr "" "Čas shranjevanja prijavnih piškotkov je krajši od veljavnosti piškotkov, " "določene v phpMyAdminu. Zaradi tega se bo vaša prijava iztekla prej, kot je " "določeno v phpMyAdminu." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/HomeController.php:308 msgid "" "Your server is running with default values for the controluser and password " "(controlpass) and is open to intrusion; you really should fix this security " "weakness by changing the password for controluser 'pma'." msgstr "" "Vaš strežnik je pognan s privzetimi vrednostmi za controluserja in geslom " "(controlpass), zato je odprt za vdore. Močno priporočamo, da odpravite to " "varnostno pomanjkljivost s spremembo gesla za controluserja 'pma'." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/HomeController.php:324 msgid "The configuration file now needs a secret passphrase (blowfish_secret)." msgstr "" "Konfiguracijski datoteki morate sedaj določiti skrivno geslo " "(blowfish_secret)." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/HomeController.php:332 #, php-format msgid "" "The secret passphrase in configuration (blowfish_secret) is not the correct " "length. It should be %d bytes long." msgstr "" "Skrivno geslo v konfiguraciji (blowfish_secret) ni pravilne dolžine. Dolgo " "mora biti %d bajtov." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/HomeController.php:349 msgid "" "Directory [code]config[/code], which is used by the setup script, still " "exists in your phpMyAdmin directory. It is strongly recommended to remove it " "once phpMyAdmin has been configured. Otherwise the security of your server " "may be compromised by unauthorized people downloading your configuration." msgstr "" "Mapa [code]config[/code], ki jo uporablja namestitveni program, še vedno " "obstaja v vaši mapi phpMyAdmin. Močno priporočamo, da jo odstranite, ko je " "phpMyAdmin enkrat že konfiguriran. V nasprotnem primeru bo varnost vašega " "strežnika morda ogrožena, saj bodo nepooblaščene osebe lahko prenesle vašo " "konfiguracijo." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/HomeController.php:370 #, php-format msgid "" "Server running with Suhosin. Please refer to %sdocumentation%s for possible " "issues." msgstr "" "Strežnik, ki teče z Suhosin. Prosimo, nanašajte se na %sdokumentacijo%s za " "morebitna vprašanja." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/HomeController.php:384 #, php-format msgid "" "The $cfg['TempDir'] (%s) is not accessible. phpMyAdmin is not able to cache " "templates and will be slow because of this." msgstr "" "$cfg['TempDir'] (%s) ni dostopen. phpMyAdmin ne more predpomniti predlog in " "bo zaradi tega počasen." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/HomeController.php:441 msgid "" "The mbstring PHP extension was not found and you seem to be using a " "multibyte charset. Without the mbstring extension phpMyAdmin is unable to " "split strings correctly and it may result in unexpected results." msgstr "" "Razširitev PHP mbstring ni bila najdena in kaže, da uporabljate večbajtni " "nabor znakov. Brez razširitve mbstring phpMyAdmin ni sposoben pravilno " "razcepiti nizov, kar lahko vodi v nepričakovane rezultate." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/HomeController.php:459 msgid "" "The curl extension was not found and allow_url_fopen is disabled. Due to " "this some features such as error reporting or version check are disabled." msgstr "" "Razširitve curl nismo našli in allow_url_fopen je onemogočen. Zaradi tega " "smo nekatere zmožnosti, kot je poročanje o napakah in preverjanje različice, " "onemogočili." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/ImportController.php:135 msgid "Incomplete params" msgstr "Nepopolni parametri" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/ImportController.php:149 msgid "Succeeded" msgstr "Uspelo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/ImportController.php:153 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:579 msgid "Failed" msgstr "Spodletelo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/ImportController.php:254 #, php-format msgid "" "You probably tried to upload a file that is too large. Please refer to " "%sdocumentation%s for a workaround for this limit." msgstr "" "Najverjetneje ste poskušali naložiti preveliko datoteko. Prosimo, da si v " "%sdokumentaciji%s ogledate načine, kako obiti omejitev." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/ImportController.php:412 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/ImportController.php:649 msgid "Showing bookmark" msgstr "Prikazovanje zaznamka" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/ImportController.php:438 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/ImportController.php:645 msgid "The bookmark has been deleted." msgstr "Zaznamek je odstranjen." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/ImportController.php:555 msgid "" "No data was received to import. Either no file name was submitted, or the " "file size exceeded the maximum size permitted by your PHP configuration. See " "[doc@faq1-16]FAQ 1.16[/doc]." msgstr "" "Za uvoz ni bilo prejetih podatkov. Ali ime datoteke ni bilo določeno ali pa " "je velikost datoteke presegala največjo velikost, dovoljeno v konfiguraciji " "PHP. Glej [doc@faq1-16]FAQ 1.16[/doc]." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/ImportController.php:657 #, php-format msgid "Import has been successfully finished, %d query executed." msgid_plural "Import has been successfully finished, %d queries executed." msgstr[0] "Uvažanje je uspešno zaključeno, izvedli smo %d poizvedbo." msgstr[1] "Uvažanje je uspešno zaključeno, izvedli smo %d poizvedbi." msgstr[2] "Uvažanje je uspešno zaključeno, izvedli smo %d poizvedbe." msgstr[3] "Uvažanje je uspešno zaključeno, izvedli smo %d poizvedb." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/ImportController.php:689 #, php-format msgid "" "Script timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please %sresubmit the " "same file%s and import will resume." msgstr "" "Časovna omejitev skripta je potekla; če želite končati uvoz, prosimo, " "%sponovno pošljite isto datoteko%s in uvoz se bo nadaljeval." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/ImportController.php:699 msgid "" "However on last run no data has been parsed, this usually means phpMyAdmin " "won't be able to finish this import unless you increase php time limits." msgstr "" "Kakor koli, ob zadnjem zagonu ni bilo razčlenjenih nič podatkov, kar po " "navadi pomeni, da phpMyAdmin ne bo mogel dokončati tega uvoza, razen če " "povečate vaše časovne omejitve PHP." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/ImportController.php:767 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Sql/SqlController.php:173 msgid "\"DROP DATABASE\" statements are disabled." msgstr "Poizvedbe \"DROP DATABASE\" so izključene." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/SimulateDmlController.php:39 msgid "Only single-table UPDATE and DELETE queries can be simulated." msgstr "Simulirate lahko samo poizvedbe UPDATE in DELETE na eni tabeli." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Import/StatusController.php:70 msgid "Could not load the progress of the import." msgstr "Ne morem naložiti napredka uvoza." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:44 #, php-format msgid "Do you really want to execute \"%s\"?" msgstr "Ali res želite izvesti \"%s\"?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:45 msgid "You are about to DESTROY a complete database!" msgstr "S tem dejanjem boste UNIČILI celotno zbirko podatkov!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:47 msgid "Cannot rename database to the same name. Change the name and try again" msgstr "" "Zbirke podatkov ne moremo preimenovati na isto ime. Spremenite ime in " "poskusite znova" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:49 msgid "You are about to DESTROY a complete table!" msgstr "S tem dejanjem boste UNIČILI celotno tabelo!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:50 msgid "You are about to TRUNCATE a complete table!" msgstr "S tem dejanjem boste IZPRAZNILI celotno tabelo!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:51 msgid "You are about to DELETE all the rows of the table!" msgstr "S tem dejanjem boste IZBRISALI vse vrstice tabele!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:52 msgid "Delete tracking data for this table?" msgstr "Izbrišemo podatke sledenja te tabele?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:53 msgid "Delete tracking data for these tables?" msgstr "Izbrišemo podatke sledenja teh tabel?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:54 msgid "Delete tracking data for this version?" msgstr "Izbrišemo podatke sledenja te različice?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:55 msgid "Delete tracking data for these versions?" msgstr "Izbrišemo podatke sledenja teh različic?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:56 msgid "Delete entry from tracking report?" msgstr "Izbrišemo vnos iz poročila o sledenju?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:57 msgid "Deleting tracking data" msgstr "Brisanje podatkov sledenja" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:58 msgid "Dropping Primary Key/Index" msgstr "Brisanje primarnega ključa/indeksa" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:59 msgid "Dropping Foreign key." msgstr "Zavrgel bom tuji ključ." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:60 msgid "This operation could take a long time. Proceed anyway?" msgstr "Operacija lahko traja dolgo časa. Vseeno nadaljujem?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:61 #, php-format msgid "Do you really want to delete user group \"%s\"?" msgstr "Ali res želite izbrisati uporabniško skupino »%s«?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:62 #, php-format msgid "Do you really want to delete the search \"%s\"?" msgstr "Ali res želite izbrisati iskanje »%s«?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:63 msgid "You have unsaved changes; are you sure you want to leave this page?" msgstr "" "Imate neshranjene spremembe; ste prepričani, da želite zapustiti stran?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:65 msgid "" "You are trying to reduce the number of rows, but have already entered data " "in those rows which will be lost. Do you wish to continue?" msgstr "" "Poskušate zmanjšati število vrstic, ampak vanje ste že vnesli podatke, ki " "bodo izgubljeni. Ali želite nadaljevati?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:68 msgid "Do you really want to revoke the selected user(s) ?" msgstr "Ali res želite izbrisati izbrane uporabnike?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:69 msgid "Do you really want to delete this central column?" msgstr "Ali res želite izbrisati ta osrednji stolpec?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:70 msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected items?" msgstr "Ali res želite izbrisati izbrane vnose?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:72 msgid "" "Do you really want to DROP the selected partition(s)? This will also DELETE " "the data related to the selected partition(s)!" msgstr "" "Ali res želite IZBRISATI izbrane razdelke? To bo tudi IZBRISALO podatke, " "povezane z izbranimi razdelki!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:75 msgid "Do you really want to TRUNCATE the selected partition(s)?" msgstr "Ali res želite IZPRAZNITI izbrane razdelke?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:76 msgid "Do you really want to remove partitioning?" msgstr "Ali res želite odstraniti razdelitev?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:77 msgid "Do you really want to reset the replica (RESET REPLICA)?" msgstr "Ali res želite ponastaviti podrejenec (RESET REPLICA)?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:79 msgid "" "This operation will attempt to convert your data to the new collation. In " "rare cases, especially where a character doesn't exist in the new collation, " "this process could cause the data to appear incorrectly under the new " "collation; in this case we suggest you revert to the original collation and " "refer to the tips at " msgstr "" "Poseg bo poskušal pretvoriti vaše podatke v nova pravila za razvrščanje " "znakov. V redkih izjemah, še posebej, ko znak v novi razvrstitvi ne obstaja, " "lahko poseg povzroči, da se podatki v novi razvrstitvi ne prikažejo " "pravilno; v tem primeru vam predlagamo, da podatke povrnete v izvorno " "razvrščanje in si ogledate namige na " #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:85 msgid "Garbled Data" msgstr "Popačeni podatki" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:87 msgid "Are you sure you wish to change the collation and convert the data?" msgstr "" "Ste prepričani, da želite spremeniti pravilo za razvrščanje znakov in " "pretvoriti podatke?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:90 msgid "" "Through this operation, MySQL attempts to map the data values between " "collations. If the character sets are incompatible, there may be data loss " "and this lost data may NOT be recoverable simply by changing back the " "column collation(s). To convert existing data, it is suggested to use the " "column(s) editing feature (the \"Change\" Link) on the table structure page. " "" msgstr "" "S posegom bo MySQL poskušal preslikati vrednosti podatkov med pravili za " "razvrščanje znakov. Če nabora znakov nista skladna, lahko pride do izgube " "podatkov in te izgube NI mogoče preprosto povrniti s preklopom na " "stara pravila za razvrščanje znakov. Da pretvorite obstoječe podatke, " "predlagamo, da uporabite funkcionalnost urejanja stolpcev (povezava " "»Spremeni«) na strani strukture tabele." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:98 msgid "" "Are you sure you wish to change all the column collations and convert the " "data?" msgstr "" "Ste prepričani, da želite spremeniti vsa pravila za razvrščanje znakov v " "stolpcih in pretvoriti podatke?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:101 #: templates/export.twig:324 msgid "Save & close" msgstr "Shrani in zapri" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:102 #: templates/config/form_display/display.twig:47 #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:114 #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:122 #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:36 msgid "Reset" msgstr "Ponastavi" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:103 msgid "Reset all" msgstr "Ponastavi vse" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:106 msgid "Missing value in the form!" msgstr "V obrazcu manjka vrednost!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:107 msgid "Select at least one of the options!" msgstr "Izberite vsaj eno možnost!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:108 msgid "Please enter a valid number!" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite veljavno število!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:109 msgid "Please enter a valid length!" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite veljavno dolžino!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:110 msgid "Add index" msgstr "Dodaj indeks" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:111 msgid "Edit index" msgstr "Uredi indeks" #. l10n: Rename a table Index #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:113 msgid "Rename index" msgstr "Preimenuj indeks" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:114 #: templates/table/index_form.twig:237 #, php-format msgid "Add %s column(s) to index" msgstr "Dodaj %s stolpec(-cev) k indeksu" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:115 msgid "Create single-column index" msgstr "Ustvari enostolpični indeks" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:116 msgid "Create composite index" msgstr "Ustvari sestavljen indeks" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:117 msgid "Composite with:" msgstr "Ustvari z:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:118 msgid "Please select column(s) for the index." msgstr "Prosimo, izberite stolpce za indeks." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:121 #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:156 #: templates/modals/index_dialog_modal.twig:11 #: templates/modals/index_dialog_modal.twig:21 #: templates/table/index_form.twig:244 #: templates/table/index_rename_form.twig:28 #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:35 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:174 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:344 msgid "Preview SQL" msgstr "Predogled SQL" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:124 #: templates/sql/query.twig:218 msgid "Simulate query" msgstr "Simuliraj poizvedbo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:125 msgid "Matched rows:" msgstr "Ujemajoče vrstice:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:126 #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:877 templates/export.twig:67 msgid "SQL query:" msgstr "Poizvedba SQL:" #. l10n: Default label for the y-Axis of Charts #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:130 msgid "Y values" msgstr "Vrednosti y" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:133 msgid "Please enter the SQL query first." msgstr "Prosimo, najprej vnesite poizvedbo SQL." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:136 msgid "The host name is empty!" msgstr "Ime gostitelja je prazno!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:137 msgid "The user name is empty!" msgstr "Uporabniško ime je prazno!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:138 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:943 #: libraries/classes/UserPassword.php:42 msgid "The password is empty!" msgstr "Geslo je prazno!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:139 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:941 #: libraries/classes/UserPassword.php:46 msgid "The passwords aren't the same!" msgstr "Gesli se ne ujemata!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:140 msgid "Removing Selected Users" msgstr "Odstranjevanje izbranih uporabnikov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:141 #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:235 libraries/classes/Tracking.php:639 #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:175 #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:180 #: templates/error/report_modal.twig:14 templates/export_modal.twig:6 #: templates/export_modal.twig:10 templates/export.twig:82 #: templates/export.twig:92 templates/export.twig:194 #: templates/home/index.twig:296 templates/home/index.twig:304 #: templates/modals/add_index.twig:6 templates/modals/build_query.twig:6 #: templates/modals/build_query.twig:16 templates/modals/change_password.twig:6 #: templates/modals/create_view.twig:6 templates/modals/create_view.twig:11 #: templates/modals/enum_set_editor.twig:6 #: templates/modals/enum_set_editor.twig:11 #: templates/modals/function_confirm.twig:6 #: templates/modals/function_confirm.twig:11 #: templates/modals/index_dialog_modal.twig:6 #: templates/modals/index_dialog_modal.twig:12 #: templates/modals/index_dialog_modal.twig:22 #: templates/modals/page_settings.twig:6 #: templates/modals/preview_sql_confirmation.twig:6 #: templates/modals/preview_sql_confirmation.twig:15 #: templates/modals/preview_sql_modal.twig:6 #: templates/modals/preview_sql_modal.twig:10 #: templates/modals/unhide_nav_item.twig:6 #: templates/modals/unhide_nav_item.twig:10 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:169 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:177 #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:20 #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:45 #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:129 #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:218 #: templates/server/user_groups/user_groups.twig:51 #: templates/server/user_groups/user_groups.twig:55 #: templates/sql/query.twig:219 templates/sql/query.twig:224 #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:47 #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:52 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:184 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:189 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:182 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:329 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:345 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:356 #: templates/table/zoom_search/result_form.twig:27 #: templates/table/zoom_search/result_form.twig:80 #: templates/table/zoom_search/result_form.twig:97 msgid "Close" msgstr "Zapri" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:142 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:105 msgctxt "Lock the account." msgid "Lock" msgstr "Zakleni" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:143 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:102 msgctxt "Unlock the account." msgid "Unlock" msgstr "Odkleni" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:144 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:100 msgid "Lock this account." msgstr "Zakleni račun." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:145 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:100 msgid "Unlock this account." msgstr "Odkleni račun." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:148 msgid "Template was created." msgstr "Predlogo smo ustvarili." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:149 msgid "Template was loaded." msgstr "Predlogo smo naložili." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:150 msgid "Template was updated." msgstr "Predlogo smo posodobili." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:151 msgid "Template was deleted." msgstr "Predlogo smo izbrisali." #. l10n: Other, small valued, queries #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:154 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/QueriesController.php:94 #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:163 msgid "Other" msgstr "Drugo" #. l10n: Thousands separator #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:156 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:539 libraries/classes/Util.php:571 msgid "," msgstr "." #. l10n: Decimal separator #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:158 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:537 libraries/classes/Util.php:569 msgid "." msgstr "," #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:160 msgid "Connections / Processes" msgstr "Povezave / Procesi" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:163 msgid "Local monitor configuration incompatible!" msgstr "Konfiguracija lokalnega nadziranja ni združljiva!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:165 msgid "" "The chart arrangement configuration in your browsers local storage is not " "compatible anymore to the newer version of the monitor dialog. It is very " "likely that your current configuration will not work anymore. Please reset " "your configuration to default in the Settings menu." msgstr "" "Konfiguracija razvrstitve grafikonov v lokalni shrambi brskalnika ni več " "združljiva z novejšo različico pogovornega okna nadziranja. Zelo verjetno " "je, da vaša trenutna konfiguracija ne bo več delovala. Prosimo, ponastavite " "svojo konfiguracijo na privzeto v meniju Nastavitve." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:171 msgid "Query cache efficiency" msgstr "Učinkovitost predpomnilnika poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:172 msgid "Query cache usage" msgstr "Uporaba predpomnilnika poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:173 msgid "Query cache used" msgstr "Uporabljenega predpomnilnika poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:175 msgid "System CPU usage" msgstr "Uporaba sistemskega CPU" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:176 msgid "System memory" msgstr "Sistemski pomnilnik" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:177 msgid "System swap" msgstr "Sistemska izmenjava" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:179 msgid "Average load" msgstr "Povprečna obremenitev" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:180 msgid "Total memory" msgstr "Skupni pomnilnik" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:181 msgid "Cached memory" msgstr "Predpomnjen pomnilnik" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:182 msgid "Buffered memory" msgstr "Medpomnjen pomnilnik" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:183 msgid "Free memory" msgstr "Prost pomnilnik" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:184 msgid "Used memory" msgstr "Uporabljen pomnilnik" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:186 msgid "Total swap" msgstr "Skupna izmenjava" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:187 msgid "Cached swap" msgstr "Predpomnjena izmenjava" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:188 msgid "Used swap" msgstr "Uporabljena izmenjava" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:189 msgid "Free swap" msgstr "Prosta izmenjava" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:191 msgid "Bytes sent" msgstr "Poslanih bajtov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:192 msgid "Bytes received" msgstr "Prejetih bajtov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:193 #: templates/server/status/status/index.twig:36 msgid "Connections" msgstr "Povezave" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:194 #: templates/server/status/base.twig:11 #: templates/server/status/processes/list.twig:5 msgid "Processes" msgstr "Procesi" #. l10n: shortcuts for Byte #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:197 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:447 msgid "B" msgstr "B" #. l10n: shortcuts for Kilobyte #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:198 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:449 #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:186 msgid "KiB" msgstr "KiB" #. l10n: shortcuts for Megabyte #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:199 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:451 #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:187 msgid "MiB" msgstr "MiB" #. l10n: shortcuts for Gigabyte #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:200 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:453 msgid "GiB" msgstr "GiB" #. l10n: shortcuts for Terabyte #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:201 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:455 msgid "TiB" msgstr "TiB" #. l10n: shortcuts for Petabyte #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:202 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:457 msgid "PiB" msgstr "PiB" #. l10n: shortcuts for Exabyte #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:203 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:459 msgid "EiB" msgstr "EiB" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:204 #, php-format msgid "%d table(s)" msgstr "%d tabel(a)" #. l10n: Questions is the name of a MySQL Status variable #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:207 msgid "Questions" msgstr "Vprašanja" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:208 #: templates/server/status/status/index.twig:14 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Promet" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:209 #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:515 libraries/classes/Util.php:1870 #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:12 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Nastavitve" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:210 #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:217 msgid "Add chart to grid" msgstr "Dodaj grafikon na mrežo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:211 msgid "Please add at least one variable to the series!" msgstr "Prosimo, da v serijo dodate vsaj eno spremenljivko!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:212 #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:1065 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:2197 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaPdf.php:99 #: libraries/config.values.php:111 #: templates/columns_definitions/column_attributes.twig:208 #: templates/columns_definitions/column_attributes.twig:229 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:305 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:588 templates/export.twig:433 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:31 #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:211 #: templates/server/status/processes/list.twig:72 #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:62 #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:122 msgid "None" msgstr "Brez" #. l10n: SQL Query on modal to show exported query #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:214 msgid "SQL Query" msgstr "Poizvedba SQL" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:215 msgid "Resume monitor" msgstr "Nadaljuj nadziranje" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:216 msgid "Pause monitor" msgstr "Postoj nadziranje" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:217 #: templates/server/status/processes/index.twig:57 msgid "Start auto refresh" msgstr "Začni s samodejnim osveževanjem" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:218 msgid "Stop auto refresh" msgstr "Ustavi samodejno osveževanje" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:220 msgid "general_log and slow_query_log are enabled." msgstr "general_log in slow_query_log sta omogočena." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:221 msgid "general_log is enabled." msgstr "general_log je omogočen." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:222 msgid "slow_query_log is enabled." msgstr "slow_query_log je omogočen." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:223 msgid "slow_query_log and general_log are disabled." msgstr "slow_query_log in general_log sta onemogočena." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:224 msgid "log_output is not set to TABLE." msgstr "log_output ni nastavljen na TABLE." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:225 msgid "log_output is set to TABLE." msgstr "log_output je nastavljen na TABLE." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:227 #, php-format msgid "" "slow_query_log is enabled, but the server logs only queries that take longer " "than %d seconds. It is advisable to set this long_query_time 0-2 seconds, " "depending on your system." msgstr "" "slow_query_log je omogočen, vendar strežnik zabeleži samo poizvedbe, ki " "trajajo več kot %d sekund. Priporočljivo je, da nastavite long_query_time na " "0–2 sekundi, odvisno od vašega sistema." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:231 #, php-format msgid "long_query_time is set to %d second(s)." msgstr "long_query_time je nastavljen na %d sekund(o)." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:233 msgid "" "Following settings will be applied globally and reset to default on server " "restart:" msgstr "" "Naslednje nastavitve bodo uveljavljene globalno in bodo ponastavljene na " "privzeto vrednost ob ponovnem zagonu strežnika:" #. l10n: %s is FILE or TABLE #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:236 #, php-format msgid "Set log_output to %s" msgstr "Nastavi log_output na %s" #. l10n: Enable in this context means setting a status variable to ON #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:238 #, php-format msgid "Enable %s" msgstr "Omogoči %s" #. l10n: Disable in this context means setting a status variable to OFF #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:240 #, php-format msgid "Disable %s" msgstr "Onemogoči %s" #. l10n: %d seconds #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:242 #, php-format msgid "Set long_query_time to %d seconds." msgstr "Nastavi long_query_time na %d sekund." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:244 msgid "" "You can't change these variables. Please log in as root or contact your " "database administrator." msgstr "" "Teh spremenljivk ne morete spremeniti. Prosimo, prijavite se kot root ali " "stopite v stik z upravljavcem vaše zbirke podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:246 msgid "Change settings" msgstr "Spremeni nastavitve" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:247 msgid "Current settings" msgstr "Trenutne nastavitve" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:249 msgid "Chart title" msgstr "Naslov grafikona" #. l10n: As in differential values #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:251 msgid "Differential" msgstr "Razlika" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:252 #, php-format msgid "Divided by %s" msgstr "Deljeno z %s" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:253 msgid "Unit" msgstr "Enota" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:255 msgid "From slow log" msgstr "Iz počasnega dnevnika" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:256 msgid "From general log" msgstr "Iz splošnega dnevnika" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:257 msgid "The database name is not known for this query in the server's logs." msgstr "Ime zbirke podatkov ni znano za to poizvedbo v dnevnikih strežnika." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:258 msgid "Analysing logs" msgstr "Analiziranje dnevnikov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:259 msgid "Analysing & loading logs. This may take a while." msgstr "Analiziranje in nalaganje dnevnikov. To lahko traja nekaj časa." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:260 msgid "Cancel request" msgstr "Prekliči zahtevo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:262 msgid "" "This column shows the amount of identical queries that are grouped together. " "However only the SQL query itself has been used as a grouping criteria, so " "the other attributes of queries, such as start time, may differ." msgstr "" "Stolpec prikazuje število identičnih poizvedb, ki so zbrane skupaj. Kot " "zbirni pogoj je bila uporabljena le sama poizvedba SQL, zato se lahko drugi " "atributi poizvedb, npr. začetni čas, razlikujejo." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:267 msgid "" "Since grouping of INSERTs queries has been selected, INSERT queries into the " "same table are also being grouped together, disregarding of the inserted " "data." msgstr "" "Ker je izbrano zbiranje poizvedb INSERT, so poizvedbe INSERT iste tabele " "prav tako zbrane skupaj, ne glede na vstavljene podatke." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:271 msgid "Log data loaded. Queries executed in this time span:" msgstr "" "Podatki dnevnika so naloženi. Poizvedbe, izvedene v tem časovnem razponu:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:273 msgid "Jump to Log table" msgstr "Pojdi v dnevniško tabelo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:274 msgid "No data found" msgstr "Našli nismo nobenih podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:275 msgid "Log analysed, but no data found in this time span." msgstr "" "Dnevnik smo analizirali, vendar v tem časovnem razponu nismo našli podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:277 msgid "Analyzing…" msgstr "Analiziranje…" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:278 msgid "Explain output" msgstr "Razloži izhod" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:279 #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:483 #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Processes.php:134 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1866 libraries/config.values.php:157 #: templates/database/events/editor_form.twig:25 #: templates/database/events/index.twig:44 #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:17 #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:31 msgid "Status" msgstr "Stanje" #. l10n: A specific point in the day, as shown on a clock. #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:280 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:801 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:470 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:593 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:451 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/Helpers/Pdf.php:358 #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Processes.php:130 #: templates/database/triggers/list.twig:47 #: templates/sql/profiling_chart.twig:17 msgid "Time" msgstr "Čas" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:281 msgid "Total time:" msgstr "Skupni čas:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:282 msgid "Profiling results" msgstr "Profiliranje rezultatov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:283 msgctxt "Display format" msgid "Table" msgstr "Tabela" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:284 msgid "Chart" msgstr "Grafikon" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:286 #: templates/export.twig:210 msgctxt "Alias" msgid "Database" msgstr "Zbirka podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:287 #: templates/export.twig:224 msgctxt "Alias" msgid "Table" msgstr "Tabela" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:288 #: templates/export.twig:237 msgctxt "Alias" msgid "Column" msgstr "Stolpec" #. l10n: A collection of available filters #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:291 msgid "Log table filter options" msgstr "Možnosti filtra dnevnikov tabel" #. l10n: Filter as in "Start Filtering" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:293 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtriranje" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:294 msgid "Filter queries by word/regexp:" msgstr "Filtriraj poizvedbe po besedi/regexp:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:295 msgid "Group queries, ignoring variable data in WHERE clauses" msgstr "Združi poizvedbe, neupoštevajoč spremenljive podatke v stavkih WHERE" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:296 msgid "Sum of grouped rows:" msgstr "Seštevek združenih vrstic:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:297 #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:138 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:250 msgid "Total:" msgstr "Skupaj:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:299 msgid "Loading logs" msgstr "Dnevniki nalaganja" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:300 msgid "Monitor refresh failed" msgstr "Osvežitev nadziranja je spodletela" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:302 msgid "" "While requesting new chart data the server returned an invalid response. " "This is most likely because your session expired. Reloading the page and " "reentering your credentials should help." msgstr "" "Med zahtevo podatkov novega grafikona je strežnik vrnil neveljavni odziv. To " "se je najverjetneje zgodilo, ker je vaša seja potekla. Ponovno nalaganje " "strani in ponovni vnos poveril bi morala pomagati." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:306 msgid "Reload page" msgstr "Ponovno naloži stran" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:308 msgid "Affected rows:" msgstr "Spremenjene vrstice:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:310 msgid "Failed parsing config file. It doesn't seem to be valid JSON code." msgstr "" "Razčlenjevalne konfiguracijske datoteke je spodletelo. Kot kaže, ni veljavna " "koda JSON." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:312 msgid "" "Failed building chart grid with imported config. Resetting to default config…" msgstr "" "Gradnja grafikona z uvoženo konfiguracijo je spodletela. Ponastavljanje na " "privzeto konfiguracijo…" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:315 msgid "Import monitor configuration" msgstr "Uvozi konfiguracijo nadziranja" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:316 msgid "Please select the file you want to import." msgstr "Prosimo, izberite datoteko, ki jo želite uvoziti." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:317 msgid "Please enter a valid table name." msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite veljavno ime tabele." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:318 msgid "Please enter a valid database name." msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite veljavno ime zbirke podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:319 msgid "No files available on server for import!" msgstr "Na strežniku ni na voljo nobena datoteka za uvoz!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:321 msgid "Analyse query" msgstr "Analiziraj poizvedbo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:324 msgid "Formatting SQL…" msgstr "Oblikovanje SQL …" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:325 msgid "No parameters found!" msgstr "Nismo našli nobenih parametrov!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:329 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:269 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:339 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:390 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:668 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:734 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:873 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:958 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1063 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1098 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1103 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1113 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1119 #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:48 #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:52 #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:66 #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:72 #: templates/error/report_modal.twig:6 templates/error/report_modal.twig:11 #: templates/modals/add_index.twig:11 templates/modals/change_password.twig:11 #: templates/modals/page_settings.twig:11 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:316 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:320 #: templates/server/variables/index.twig:15 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:197 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Prekliči" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:332 #: templates/header.twig:45 templates/modals/page_settings.twig:5 msgid "Page-related settings" msgstr "Nastavitve, povezane s stranjo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:333 #: templates/config/form_display/display.twig:46 #: templates/modals/page_settings.twig:10 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Uveljavi" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:336 #: templates/home/index.twig:300 templates/modals/index_dialog_modal.twig:26 #: templates/navigation/main.twig:58 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:173 #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:95 msgid "Loading…" msgstr "Nalaganje…" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:337 msgid "Request aborted!!" msgstr "Zahteva je prekinjena!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:338 msgid "Processing request" msgstr "Obdelovanje zahteve" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:339 msgid "Request failed!!" msgstr "Zahteva je spodletela!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:340 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Sql/EnumValuesController.php:50 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Sql/SetValuesController.php:53 msgid "Error in processing request" msgstr "Napaka v obdelovanju zahteve" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:341 #, php-format msgid "Error code: %s" msgstr "Koda napake: %s" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:342 #, php-format msgid "Error text: %s" msgstr "Besedilo napake: %s" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:344 msgid "" "It seems that the connection to server has been lost. Please check your " "network connectivity and server status." msgstr "" "Videti je, da smo izgubili povezavo s strežnikom. Prosimo, preverite vašo " "povezljivost in stanje strežnika." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:349 msgid "No accounts selected." msgstr "Ni izbranih računov." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:350 msgid "Dropping column" msgstr "Brisanje stolpca" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:351 msgid "Adding primary key" msgstr "Dodajanje primarnega ključa" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:352 #: templates/console/display.twig:150 templates/database/designer/main.twig:337 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:666 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:730 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:869 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:954 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1061 #: templates/modals/preview_sql_confirmation.twig:14 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:361 msgid "OK" msgstr "V redu" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:353 msgid "Click to dismiss this notification" msgstr "Kliknite, da prezrete obvestilo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:356 msgid "Renaming databases" msgstr "Preimenovanje zbirk podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:357 msgid "Copying database" msgstr "Kopiranje zbirke podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:358 msgid "Changing charset" msgstr "Spreminjanje nabora znakov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:359 #: libraries/classes/IndexColumn.php:161 libraries/classes/Index.php:496 #: libraries/classes/Index.php:524 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:626 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:600 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:776 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:613 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:751 #: templates/config/form_display/input.twig:42 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:356 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:47 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:91 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1118 #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:69 #: templates/database/structure/drop_form.twig:20 #: templates/database/structure/empty_form.twig:20 templates/indexes.twig:65 #: templates/preferences/autoload.twig:12 #: templates/preferences/manage/error.twig:19 #: templates/server/privileges/new_user_ajax.twig:22 #: templates/server/privileges/new_user_ajax.twig:34 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:38 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:41 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:43 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:55 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:65 #: templates/table/delete/confirm.twig:29 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:73 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:80 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:515 #: templates/table/structure/drop_confirm.twig:20 #: templates/table/structure/primary.twig:20 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns.twig:33 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes.twig:23 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes.twig:24 msgid "No" msgstr "Ne" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:362 #: templates/database/structure/drop_form.twig:16 #: templates/database/structure/empty_form.twig:16 templates/import.twig:159 #: templates/sql/query.twig:142 templates/table/delete/confirm.twig:25 msgid "Enable foreign key checks" msgstr "Omogoči preverjanja tujih ključev" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:365 msgid "Failed to get real row count." msgstr "Pridobivanje pravega števila vrstic je spodletelo." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:368 msgid "Searching" msgstr "Iskanje" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:369 msgid "Hide search results" msgstr "Skrij rezultate iskanja" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:370 msgid "Show search results" msgstr "Prikaži rezultate iskanja" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:371 msgid "Browsing" msgstr "Brskanje" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:372 msgid "Deleting" msgstr "Brisanje" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:373 #, php-format msgid "Delete the matches for the %s table?" msgstr "Izbrišemo zadetke v tabeli %s?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:376 msgid "The definition of a stored function must contain a RETURN statement!" msgstr "Opredelitev shranjene funkcije mora vsebovati izjavo RETURN!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:378 msgid "No routine is exportable. Required privileges may be lacking." msgstr "" "Izvoziti ne moremo nobene rutine. Morda manjkajo zahtevani privilegiji." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:381 #, php-format msgid "Values for column %s" msgstr "Vrednosti stolpca %s" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:382 msgid "Values for a new column" msgstr "Vrednosti novega stolpca" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:383 msgid "Enter each value in a separate field." msgstr "Vnesite vsako vrednost v svoje polje." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:384 #, php-format msgid "Add %d value(s)" msgstr "Dodaj %d vrednost(i)" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:387 msgid "" "Note: If the file contains multiple tables, they will be combined into one." msgstr "Opomba: Če datoteka vsebuje več tabel, bodo združene v eno." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:390 msgid "Hide query box" msgstr "Skrij polje poizvedbe" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:391 msgid "Show query box" msgstr "Prikaži polje poizvedbe" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:393 #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:2824 #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:258 #: templates/console/bookmark_content.twig:11 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:268 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:380 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:381 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:388 #: templates/database/qbe/ins_del_and_or_cell.twig:18 #: templates/database/search/results.twig:43 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:310 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:311 templates/export.twig:54 #: templates/server/user_groups/user_groups.twig:37 #: templates/server/user_groups/user_groups.twig:56 #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:68 templates/sql/query.twig:186 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Izbriši" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:394 #, php-format msgid "%d is not valid row number." msgstr "%d ni veljavna številka vrstice." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:395 #: templates/sql/relational_column_dropdown.twig:3 #: templates/table/insert/column_row.twig:48 #: templates/table/search/input_box.twig:21 msgid "Browse foreign values" msgstr "Prebrskaj tuje vrednosti" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:396 msgid "No previously auto-saved query is available. Loading default query." msgstr "" "Na voljo ni nobena predhodno samodejno shranjena poizvedba. Nalagam privzeto " "poizvedbo." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:398 msgid "" "You have a previously saved query. Click Get auto-saved query to load the " "query." msgstr "" "Imate predhodno shranjeno poizvedbo. Kliknite Dobi samodejno shranjeno " "poizvedbo, da jo naložite." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:400 #, php-format msgid "Variable %d:" msgstr "Spremenljivka %d:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:403 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:1005 msgid "Pick" msgstr "Izberite" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:404 msgid "Column selector" msgstr "Izbirnik stolpcev" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:405 msgid "Search this list" msgstr "Iskanje po seznamu" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:407 #, php-format msgid "" "No columns in the central list. Make sure the Central columns list for " "database %s has columns that are not present in the current table." msgstr "" "V osrednjem seznamu ni stolpcev. Prepričajte se, da ima seznam osrednjih " "stolpcev za zbirko podatkov %s stolpce, ki niso prisotni v trenutni tabeli." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:410 msgid "See more" msgstr "Poglej več" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:413 msgid "Add primary key" msgstr "Dodaj primarni ključ" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:414 msgid "Primary key added." msgstr "Dodali smo primarni ključ." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:415 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:282 msgid "Taking you to next step…" msgstr "Prestavili vas bomo na naslednji korak …" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:416 #, php-format msgid "The first step of normalization is complete for table '%s'." msgstr "Prvi korak normalizacije je končan za tabelo '%s'." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:417 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:540 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:602 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:699 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:775 msgid "End of step" msgstr "Konec koraka" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:418 msgid "Second step of normalization (2NF)" msgstr "Druga stopnja normalizacije (2NF)" #. l10n: Display text for calendar close link #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:419 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:809 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:375 msgid "Done" msgstr "Končano" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:420 msgid "Confirm partial dependencies" msgstr "Potrdi delne odvisnosti" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:421 msgid "Selected partial dependencies are as follows:" msgstr "Izbrane so naslednje delne odvisnosti:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:423 msgid "" "Note: a, b -> d,f implies values of columns a and b combined together can " "determine values of column d and column f." msgstr "" "Opomba: a, b -> d,f pomeni, da lahko z združitvijo vrednosti stolpcev a in b " "določimo vrednost stolpca d in stolpca f." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:426 msgid "No partial dependencies selected!" msgstr "Ni izbranih delnih odvisnosti!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:427 #: libraries/classes/Export.php:1329 libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:977 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/ExportRelationSchema.php:288 #: templates/import_status.twig:2 templates/user_password.twig:2 msgid "Back" msgstr "Nazaj" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:428 msgid "Show me the possible partial dependencies based on data in the table" msgstr "Pokaži mi možne delne odvisnosti glede na podatke v tabeli" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:429 msgid "Hide partial dependencies list" msgstr "Skrij seznam delnih odvisnosti" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:431 msgid "" "Sit tight! It may take few seconds depending on data size and column count " "of the table." msgstr "" "Prosimo, počakajte. To lahko traja nekaj sekund, odvisno od velikosti " "podatkov in števila stolpcev v tabeli." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:433 msgid "Step" msgstr "Korak" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:434 msgid "The following actions will be performed:" msgstr "Izvedli bomo naslednja dejanja:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:435 #, php-format msgid "DROP columns %s from the table %s" msgstr "ZAVRZI stolpce %s v tabeli %s" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:436 msgid "Create the following table" msgstr "Ustvari naslednjo tabelo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:439 msgid "Third step of normalization (3NF)" msgstr "Tretja stopnja normalizacije (3NF)" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:440 msgid "Confirm transitive dependencies" msgstr "Potrdi prehodne odvisnosti" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:441 msgid "Selected dependencies are as follows:" msgstr "Izbrane so naslednje odvisnosti:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:442 msgid "No dependencies selected!" msgstr "Ni izbranih odvisnosti!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:445 #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:159 #: templates/database/central_columns/edit.twig:22 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:119 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:272 #: templates/server/variables/index.twig:12 #: templates/table/gis_visualization/gis_visualization.twig:40 #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:7 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:175 #: templates/table/structure/partition_definition_form.twig:13 #: templates/table/zoom_search/result_form.twig:79 msgid "Save" msgstr "Shrani" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:448 msgid "Hide search criteria" msgstr "Skrij iskalne pogoje" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:449 msgid "Show search criteria" msgstr "Prikaži iskalne pogoje" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:450 msgid "Column maximum:" msgstr "Maksimum stolpcev:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:451 msgid "Column minimum:" msgstr "Minimum stolpcev:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:454 msgid "Hide find and replace criteria" msgstr "Skrij pogoje za iskanje in zamenjavo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:455 msgid "Show find and replace criteria" msgstr "Prikaži pogoje za iskanje in zamenjavo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:459 msgid "Each point represents a data row." msgstr "Vsaka točka predstavlja podatkovno vrstico." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:461 msgid "Hovering over a point will show its label." msgstr "Prehod z miško čez točko bo pokazalo njeno oznako." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:463 msgid "To zoom in, select a section of the plot with the mouse." msgstr "Za povečanje izberite z miško del izrisa." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:465 msgid "Click reset zoom button to come back to original state." msgstr "Kliknite gumb za ponastavitev povečave za vrnitev na prvotno stanje." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:467 msgid "Click a data point to view and possibly edit the data row." msgstr "" "Kliknite podatkovno točko za ogled in morebitno urejanje podatkovne vrstice." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:469 msgid "The plot can be resized by dragging it along the bottom right corner." msgstr "Izris lahko povečate tako, da ga vlečete ob spodnjem desnem kotu." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:472 msgid "Select two columns" msgstr "Izberite dva stolpca" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:474 msgid "Select two different columns" msgstr "Izberite dva različna stolpca" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:476 msgid "Data point content" msgstr "Vsebina kazalca podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:479 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:627 #: libraries/classes/ErrorHandler.php:445 libraries/classes/InsertEdit.php:1974 #: templates/table/index_form.twig:167 templates/table/index_form.twig:203 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Prezri" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:480 #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:2760 #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:76 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:306 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:307 msgid "Copy" msgstr "Kopiraj" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:481 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:74 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:94 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:135 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:187 msgid "X" msgstr "X" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:482 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:76 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:96 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:137 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:189 msgid "Y" msgstr "Y" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:483 msgid "Point" msgstr "Točka" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:484 #, php-format msgid "Point %d" msgstr "Točka %d" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:485 msgid "Linestring" msgstr "Daljica" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:486 msgid "Polygon" msgstr "Večkotnik" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:487 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:249 msgid "Geometry" msgstr "Geometrija" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:488 msgid "Inner ring" msgstr "Notranji obroč" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:489 msgid "Outer ring" msgstr "Zunanji obroč" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:490 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:99 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:140 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:192 msgid "Add a point" msgstr "Dodaj točko" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:491 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:144 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:195 msgid "Add an inner ring" msgstr "Dodaj notranji obroč" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:493 msgid "Do you want to copy encryption key?" msgstr "Ali želite kopirati šifrirni ključ?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:494 msgid "Encryption key" msgstr "Šifrirni ključ" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:497 msgid "" "The HEX function will treat the integer as a string while calculating the " "hexadecimal value" msgstr "" "Funkcija HEX bo celo število pri izračunu šestnajstiške vrednosti " "obravnavala kot znakovni niz" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:502 msgid "" "MySQL accepts additional values not selectable by the slider; key in those " "values directly if desired" msgstr "" "MySQL sprejme dodatne vrednosti, ki jih ni mogoče izbrati z drsnikom; če " "želite, lahko te vrednosti vnesete neposredno" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:508 msgid "" "MySQL accepts additional values not selectable by the datepicker; key in " "those values directly if desired" msgstr "" "MySQL sprejme dodatne vrednosti, ki jih ni mogoče izbrati z izbirnikom " "datuma; če želite, lahko te vrednosti vnesete neposredno" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:514 msgid "" "Indicates that you have made changes to this page; you will be prompted for " "confirmation before abandoning changes" msgstr "" "Označuje, da ste na strani naredili spremembe; pred opustitvijo sprememb vas " "bomo pozvali" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:519 msgid "Select referenced key" msgstr "Izberite referenčni ključ" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:520 msgid "Select Foreign Key" msgstr "Izberite tuji ključ" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:521 msgid "Please select the primary key or a unique key!" msgstr "Prosimo, izberite primarni ključ ali unikatni ključ!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:522 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:98 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:101 msgid "Choose column to display" msgstr "Izberite stolpec za prikaz" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:524 msgid "" "You haven't saved the changes in the layout. They will be lost if you don't " "save them. Do you want to continue?" msgstr "" "Niste shranili sprememb ureditve. Če jih ne shranite, bodo izgubljena. " "Želite nadaljevati?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:527 msgid "value/subQuery is empty" msgstr "vrednost/podpoizvedba je prazna" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:528 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:40 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:43 msgid "Add tables from other databases" msgstr "Dodaj tabele iz drugih zbirk podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:529 msgid "Page name" msgstr "Ime strani" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:530 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:63 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:66 msgid "Save page" msgstr "Shrani stran" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:531 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:70 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:73 msgid "Save page as" msgstr "Shrani stran kot" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:532 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:56 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:59 msgid "Open page" msgstr "Odpri stran" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:533 msgid "Delete page" msgstr "Izbriši stran" #. l10n: When the user opens a page saved in the Designer #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:535 msgid "Some tables saved in this page might have been renamed or deleted." msgstr "" "Nekatere tabele na tej strani so morda bile preimenovane ali izbrisane." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:536 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:10 msgid "Untitled" msgstr "Neimenovano" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:537 msgid "Please select a page to continue" msgstr "Prosimo, izberite stran za nadaljevanje" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:538 msgid "Please enter a valid page name" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite veljavno ime strani" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:539 msgid "Do you want to save the changes to the current page?" msgstr "Želite shraniti spremembe na trenutni strani?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:540 msgid "Successfully deleted the page" msgstr "Stran ste uspešno izbrisali" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:541 msgid "Export relational schema" msgstr "Izvozi relacijsko shemo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:542 msgid "Modifications have been saved" msgstr "Spremembe so shranjene" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:545 #, php-format msgid "%d object(s) created." msgstr "Ustvarili smo %d objekt(ov)." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:546 msgid "Column name" msgstr "Ime stolpca" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:547 #: templates/modals/build_query.twig:17 templates/sql/query.twig:178 msgid "Submit" msgstr "Pošlji" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:550 msgid "Press escape to cancel editing.
- Shift+Enter for a newline." msgstr "" "Za prekinitev urejanja pritisnite ubežnico (escape).
- Shift+Enter za " "novo vrstico." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:552 msgid "" "You have edited some data and they have not been saved. Are you sure you " "want to leave this page before saving the data?" msgstr "" "Uredili ste nekatere podatke, vendar jih niste shranili. Ste prepričani, da " "želite zapustiti stran, preden shranite podatke?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:555 msgid "Drag to reorder." msgstr "Povlecite za preureditev." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:556 msgid "Click to sort results by this column." msgstr "Kliknite, da razvrstite rezultate po tem stolpcu." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:558 msgid "" "Shift+Click to add this column to ORDER BY clause or to toggle ASC/DESC." "
- Ctrl+Click or Alt+Click (Mac: Shift+Option+Click) to remove column " "from ORDER BY clause" msgstr "" "Shift+klik, da dodate stolpec v stavek ORDER BY ali da preklopite ASC/DESC." "
- Ctrl+klik ali Alt+klik (Mac: Shift+možnost+klik), da stolpec " "odstranite iz stavka ORDER BY" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:562 msgid "Click to mark/unmark." msgstr "Kliknite za označitev/opustitev." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:563 msgid "Double-click to copy column name." msgstr "Dvakrat kliknite za kopiranje imena stolpca." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:564 msgid "Click the drop-down arrow
to toggle column's visibility." msgstr "Za preklop vidnosti stolpcev
kliknite spustno puščico." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:567 msgid "" "This table does not contain a unique column. Features related to the grid " "edit, checkbox, Edit, Copy and Delete links may not work after saving." msgstr "" "Tabela ne vsebuje unikatnega stolpca. Zmožnosti, povezane z urejanjem mreže, " "potrditvenimi polji, povezavami Uredi, Kopiraj in Izbriši, po shranjevanju " "morda ne bodo delovale." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:570 msgid "Please enter a valid hexadecimal string. Valid characters are 0-9, A-F." msgstr "" "Prosimo, vnesite veljaven šestnajstiški niz. Veljavni znaki so 0–9, A–F." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:572 msgid "" "Do you really want to see all of the rows? For a big table this could crash " "the browser." msgstr "" "Si res želite ogledati vse vrstice? V primeru velikih tabel lahko to zruši " "brskalnik." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:574 msgid "Original length" msgstr "Izvirna dolžina" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:577 msgid "cancel" msgstr "prekliči" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:578 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/StatusController.php:192 msgid "Aborted" msgstr "Prekinjeno" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:580 msgid "Success" msgstr "Uspešno" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:581 msgid "Import status" msgstr "Stanje uvoza" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:582 #: templates/navigation/main.twig:84 msgid "Drop files here" msgstr "Spustite datoteke tukaj" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:583 msgid "Select database first" msgstr "Najprej izberite zbirko podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:585 msgid "Go to link:" msgstr "Pojdi na povezavo:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:588 msgid "Generate password" msgstr "Ustvari geslo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:589 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:73 msgid "Generate" msgstr "Ustvari" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:592 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:130 msgid "More" msgstr "Več" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:595 msgid "Show panel" msgstr "Pokaži ploščo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:596 msgid "Hide panel" msgstr "Skrij ploščo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:598 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/NavigationTree.php:1355 msgid "Unlink from main panel" msgstr "Ne poveži z glavno ploščo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:602 #: libraries/classes/Setup/Index.php:177 #, php-format msgid "" "A newer version of phpMyAdmin is available and you should consider " "upgrading. The newest version is %s, released on %s." msgstr "" "Na voljo je novejša različica phpMyAdmina, zato razmislite o posodobitvi. " "Najnovejša različica je %s, izdana %s." #. l10n: Latest available phpMyAdmin version #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:606 msgid ", latest stable version:" msgstr ", zadnja ustaljena različica:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:607 msgid "up to date" msgstr "posodobljeno" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:610 msgid "" "A fatal JavaScript error has occurred. Would you like to send an error " "report?" msgstr "" "Prišlo je do usodne napake v JavaScriptu. Želite poslati poročilo o napaki?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:611 msgid "Change report settings" msgstr "Spremeni nastavitve poročila" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:612 msgid "Show report details" msgstr "Pokaži podrobnosti poročila" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:613 msgid "" "Your export is incomplete, due to a low execution time limit at the PHP " "level!" msgstr "" "Vaš izvoz ni popoln zaradi nizke časovne omejitve izvršitve na stopnji PHP-" "ja!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:616 #, php-format msgid "" "Warning: a form on this page has more than %d fields. On submission, some of " "the fields might be ignored, due to PHP's max_input_vars configuration." msgstr "" "Opozorilo: obrazec na strani vsebuje več kot %d polj. Od potrditvi bodo " "nekatera polja morda prezrta zaradi PHP-jeve nastavitve max_input_vars." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:622 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:635 msgid "Some errors have been detected on the server!" msgstr "Na strežniku smo zaznali nekatere napake!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:624 msgid "Please look at the bottom of this window." msgstr "Prosimo, poglejte na dno okna." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:630 #: libraries/classes/ErrorHandler.php:450 msgid "Ignore All" msgstr "Prezri vse" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:637 msgid "" "As per your settings, they are being submitted currently, please be patient." msgstr "" "V skladu z vašimi nastavitvami jih trenutno pošiljamo; prosimo, bodite " "potrpežljivi." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:641 msgid "Column name successfully copied to clipboard!" msgstr "Ime stolpca smo uspešno skopirali v odložišče!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:642 msgid "Column name copying to clipboard failed!" msgstr "Kopiranje imena stolpca v odložišče je spodletelo!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:643 msgid "Successfully copied!" msgstr "Uspešno kopirano!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:644 msgid "Copying failed!" msgstr "Kopiranje je spodletelo!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:647 msgid "Execute this query again?" msgstr "Ponovno izvedem poizvedbo?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:648 msgid "Do you really want to delete this bookmark?" msgstr "Ali res želite izbrisati zaznamek?" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:649 msgid "Some error occurred while getting SQL debug info." msgstr "" "Med pridobivanjem informacij za odpravljanje napak SQL je prišlo do napake." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:650 #, php-format msgid "%s queries executed %s times in %s seconds." msgstr "%s poizvedb izvedenih %s-krat v %s sekundah." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:651 #, php-format msgid "%s argument(s) passed" msgstr "podanih %s argumentov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:652 msgid "Show arguments" msgstr "Prikaži argumente" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:653 msgid "Hide arguments" msgstr "Skrij argumente" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:654 msgid "Time taken:" msgstr "Porabljen čas:" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:656 msgid "" "There was a problem accessing your browser storage, some features may not " "work properly for you. It is likely that the browser doesn't support storage " "or the quota limit has been reached. In Firefox, corrupted storage can also " "cause such a problem, clearing your \"Offline Website Data\" might help. In " "Safari, such problem is commonly caused by \"Private Mode Browsing\"." msgstr "" "Pri dostopanju do shrambe vašega brskalnika je prišlo do napake, zato " "nekatere zmožnosti morda ne bodo delovale pravilno. Najverjetneje brskalnik " "ne podpira shrambe ali pa je bila dosežena omejitev kvote. V Firefoxu lahko " "tako težavo povzroči tudi pokvarjena shramba, pri čemer lahko pomaga " "čiščenje vaših \"Podatkov pri delu brez povezave\". V Safariju je za težavo " "pogosto krivo \"Brskanje v zasebnem načinu\"." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:663 msgid "Copy tables to" msgstr "Kopiraj tabele v" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:664 msgid "Add table prefix" msgstr "Dodaj predpono tabele" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:665 msgid "Replace table with prefix" msgstr "Zamenjaj tabelo s predpono" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:666 #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:28 msgid "Copy table with prefix" msgstr "Kopiraj tabelo s predpono" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:669 msgid "Extremely weak" msgstr "Izredno šibko" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:670 msgid "Very weak" msgstr "Zelo šibko" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:671 msgid "Weak" msgstr "Šibko" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:672 msgid "Good" msgstr "Dobro" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:673 msgid "Strong" msgstr "Močno" #. l10n: error code 5 (from U2F API) #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:677 msgctxt "U2F error" msgid "Timed out waiting for security key activation." msgstr "Čas za čakanje na aktivacijo varnostnega ključa je potekel." #. l10n: error code 2 (from U2F API) #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:679 msgctxt "U2F error" msgid "Invalid request sent to security key." msgstr "Varnostnemu ključu je bila poslana neveljavna zahteva." #. l10n: unknown error code (from U2F API) #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:681 msgctxt "U2F error" msgid "Unknown security key error." msgstr "Neznana napaka varnostnega ključa." #. l10n: error code 3 (from U2F API) #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:683 msgctxt "U2F error" msgid "Client does not support security key." msgstr "Klient ne podpira varnostnega ključa." #. l10n: error code 4 (from U2F API) on register #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:685 msgctxt "U2F error" msgid "Failed security key activation." msgstr "Aktivacija varnostnega ključa je spodletela." #. l10n: error code 4 (from U2F API) on authanticate #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:687 msgctxt "U2F error" msgid "Invalid security key." msgstr "Neveljaven varnostni ključ." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:691 msgid "" "You can not open, save or delete your page layout, as IndexedDB is not " "working in your browser and your phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not " "configured for this." msgstr "" "Ne morete odpreti, shraniti ali izbrisati postavitve strani, saj IndexedDB v " "vašem brskalniku ne deluje in vaša hramba konfiguracije phpMyAdmin ni " "konfigurirana za to." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:696 #, php-format msgctxt "" "The table already exists in the designer and can not be added once more." msgid "Table %s already exists!" msgstr "Tabela %s že obstaja!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:698 #: libraries/classes/InsertEdit.php:348 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeDatabaseChild.php:53 msgid "Hide" msgstr "Skrij" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:699 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/ChangeController.php:216 #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:49 #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:19 #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:33 msgid "Show" msgstr "Pokaži" #. l10n: Month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:704 msgid "January" msgstr "januar" #. l10n: Month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:706 msgid "February" msgstr "februar" #. l10n: Month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:708 msgid "March" msgstr "marec" #. l10n: Month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:710 msgid "April" msgstr "april" #. l10n: Month name #. l10n: Short month name for May #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:712 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:736 msgid "May" msgstr "maj" #. l10n: Month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:714 msgid "June" msgstr "junij" #. l10n: Month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:716 msgid "July" msgstr "julij" #. l10n: Month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:718 msgid "August" msgstr "avgust" #. l10n: Month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:720 msgid "September" msgstr "september" #. l10n: Month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:722 msgid "October" msgstr "oktober" #. l10n: Month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:724 msgid "November" msgstr "november" #. l10n: Month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:726 msgid "December" msgstr "december" #. l10n: Short month name for January #. l10n: Short month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:728 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:655 msgid "Jan" msgstr "jan" #. l10n: Short month name for February #. l10n: Short month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:730 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:657 msgid "Feb" msgstr "feb" #. l10n: Short month name for March #. l10n: Short month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:732 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:659 msgid "Mar" msgstr "mar" #. l10n: Short month name for April #. l10n: Short month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:734 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:661 msgid "Apr" msgstr "apr" #. l10n: Short month name for June #. l10n: Short month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:738 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:665 msgid "Jun" msgstr "jun" #. l10n: Short month name for July #. l10n: Short month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:740 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:667 msgid "Jul" msgstr "jul" #. l10n: Short month name for August #. l10n: Short month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:742 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:669 msgid "Aug" msgstr "avg" #. l10n: Short month name for September #. l10n: Short month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:744 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:671 msgid "Sep" msgstr "sep" #. l10n: Short month name for October #. l10n: Short month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:746 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:673 msgid "Oct" msgstr "okt" #. l10n: Short month name for November #. l10n: Short month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:748 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:675 msgid "Nov" msgstr "nov" #. l10n: Short month name for December #. l10n: Short month name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:750 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:677 msgid "Dec" msgstr "dec" #. l10n: Week day name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:752 #: libraries/config.values.php:197 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "nedelja" #. l10n: Week day name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:754 #: libraries/config.values.php:191 msgid "Monday" msgstr "ponedeljek" #. l10n: Week day name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:756 #: libraries/config.values.php:192 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "torek" #. l10n: Week day name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:758 #: libraries/config.values.php:193 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "sreda" #. l10n: Week day name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:760 #: libraries/config.values.php:194 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "četrtek" #. l10n: Week day name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:762 #: libraries/config.values.php:195 msgid "Friday" msgstr "petek" #. l10n: Week day name #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:764 #: libraries/config.values.php:196 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "sobota" #. l10n: Short week day name for Sunday #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:766 msgid "Sun" msgstr "ned" #. l10n: Short week day name for Monday #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:768 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:683 msgid "Mon" msgstr "pon" #. l10n: Short week day name for Tuesday #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:770 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:685 msgid "Tue" msgstr "tor" #. l10n: Short week day name for Wednesday #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:772 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:687 msgid "Wed" msgstr "sre" #. l10n: Short week day name for Thursday #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:774 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:689 msgid "Thu" msgstr "čet" #. l10n: Short week day name for Friday #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:776 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:691 msgid "Fri" msgstr "pet" #. l10n: Short week day name for Saturday #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:778 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:693 msgid "Sat" msgstr "sob" #. l10n: Minimal week day name for Sunday #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:780 msgid "Su" msgstr "ne" #. l10n: Minimal week day name for Monday #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:782 msgid "Mo" msgstr "po" #. l10n: Minimal week day name for Tuesday #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:784 msgid "Tu" msgstr "to" #. l10n: Minimal week day name for Wednesday #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:786 msgid "We" msgstr "sr" #. l10n: Minimal week day name for Thursday #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:788 msgid "Th" msgstr "če" #. l10n: Minimal week day name for Friday #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:790 msgid "Fr" msgstr "pe" #. l10n: Minimal week day name for Saturday #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:792 msgid "Sa" msgstr "so" #. l10n: Column header for week of the year in calendar #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:794 msgid "Wk" msgstr "ted." #. l10n: The month-year order in a calendar. Do not translate! Use either "calendar-month-year" or "calendar-year-month". #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:797 msgid "calendar-month-year" msgstr "calendar-month-year" #. l10n: Year suffix for calendar, "none" is empty. #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:799 msgid "none" msgstr "brez" #. l10n: Period of time. #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:803 msgid "Hour" msgstr "Ura" #. l10n: Period of time. #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:805 msgid "Minute" msgstr "Minuta" #. l10n: Period of time. #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:807 msgid "Second" msgstr "Sekunda" #. l10n: Previous month. Display text for previous month link in calendar #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:811 msgid "Prev" msgstr "Prej" #. l10n: Next month. Display text for next month link in calendar #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:813 msgid "Next" msgstr "Naslednji" #. l10n: Display text for current month link in calendar #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:815 msgid "Today" msgstr "Danes" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:818 msgid "This field is required" msgstr "Polje je obvezno" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:819 msgid "Please fix this field" msgstr "Prosimo, popravite to polje" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:820 msgid "Please enter a valid email address" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite veljaven e-pošni naslov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:821 msgid "Please enter a valid URL" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite veljaven URL" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:822 msgid "Please enter a valid date" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite veljaven datum" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:823 msgid "Please enter a valid date ( ISO )" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite veljaven datum (ISO)" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:824 msgid "Please enter a valid number" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite veljavno število" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:825 msgid "Please enter a valid credit card number" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite veljavno številko kreditne kartice" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:826 msgid "Please enter only digits" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite samo številke" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:827 msgid "Please enter the same value again" msgstr "Prosimo, ponovno vnesite isto vrednost" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:828 msgid "Please enter no more than {0} characters" msgstr "Prosimo, ne vnesete več kot {0} znakov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:829 msgid "Please enter at least {0} characters" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite vsaj {0} znakov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:830 msgid "Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite vrednost, dolgo od {0} do {1} znakov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:831 msgid "Please enter a value between {0} and {1}" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite vrednost med {0} in {1}" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:832 msgid "Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite vrednost, manjšo ali enako {0}" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:833 msgid "Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite vrednost, večjo ali enako {0}" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:834 msgid "Please enter a valid date or time" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite veljaven datum ali čas" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:835 msgid "Please enter a valid HEX input" msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite veljaven heksadecimalen vnos" #. l10n: To validate the usage of a MD5 function on the column #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:837 msgid "This column can not contain a 32 chars value" msgstr "Stolpec ni zmožen vsebovati vrednost dolgo 32 znakov" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/JavaScriptMessagesController.php:840 msgid "" "These functions are meant to return a binary result; to avoid inconsistent " "results you should store it in a BINARY, VARBINARY, or BLOB column." msgstr "" "Funkciji vrneta dvojiški rezultat; da se izognete neskladjem, ga shranite v " "stolpec BINARY, VARBINARY ali BLOB." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/NavigationController.php:47 msgid "Fatal error: The navigation can only be accessed via AJAX" msgstr "Usodna napaka: Do navigacije lahko dostopate samo z Ajaxom" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Normalization/GetColumnsController.php:29 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:245 msgid "Select one…" msgstr "Izberite enega …" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Normalization/GetColumnsController.php:30 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:246 msgid "No such column" msgstr "Ni takšnega stolpca" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Normalization/GetColumnsController.php:35 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:250 libraries/classes/Types.php:798 msgctxt "string types" msgid "String" msgstr "Niz" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Preferences/ManageController.php:105 msgid "phpMyAdmin configuration snippet" msgstr "Izsek konfiguracije phpMyAdmin" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Preferences/ManageController.php:106 msgid "Paste it to your config.inc.php" msgstr "Prilepite ga v svoj config.inc.php" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Preferences/ManageController.php:152 msgid "Could not import configuration" msgstr "Ne morem uvoziti konfiguracije" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Preferences/TwoFactorController.php:51 msgid "Two-factor authentication has been removed." msgstr "Odstranili smo dvostopenjsko overovitev." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Preferences/TwoFactorController.php:62 msgid "Two-factor authentication has been configured." msgstr "Nastavili smo dvostopenjsko overovitev." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/DatabasesController.php:315 #: libraries/classes/Import.php:149 #: templates/database/structure/table_header.twig:26 #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:29 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:230 #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:119 msgid "Rows" msgstr "Vrstic" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/DatabasesController.php:325 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeIndexContainer.php:25 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeIndexContainer.php:26 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:68 templates/indexes.twig:3 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:444 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes.twig:1 msgid "Indexes" msgstr "Indeksi" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/DatabasesController.php:330 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/StatusController.php:146 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/StatusController.php:198 #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:45 msgid "Total" msgstr "Skupaj" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/DatabasesController.php:335 #: templates/database/structure/table_header.twig:38 #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:32 msgid "Overhead" msgstr "Presežek" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Databases/CreateController.php:86 #, php-format msgid "Database %1$s has been created." msgstr "Zbirka podatkov %1$s je ustvarjena." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Databases/DestroyController.php:97 #, php-format msgid "%1$d database has been dropped successfully." msgid_plural "%1$d databases have been dropped successfully." msgstr[0] "Uspešno smo zavrgli %1$d zbirko podatkov." msgstr[1] "Uspešno smo zavrgli %1$d zbirki podatkov." msgstr[2] "Uspešno smo zavrgli %1$d zbirke podatkov." msgstr[3] "Uspešno smo zavrgli %1$d zbirk podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Privileges/AccountLockController.php:47 #, php-format msgid "The account %s@%s has been successfully locked." msgstr "Račun %s@%s smo uspešno zaklenili." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Privileges/AccountUnlockController.php:47 #, php-format msgid "The account %s@%s has been successfully unlocked." msgstr "Račun %s@%s smo uspešno odklenili." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/PrivilegesController.php:177 msgid "" "Username and hostname didn't change. If you only want to change the " "password, 'Change password' tab should be used." msgstr "" "Uporabniškega imena in gostitelja niste spremenili. Če želite spremeniti " "samo geslo, uporabite zavihek »Spremeni geslo«." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/Processes/KillController.php:42 #, php-format msgid "Thread %s was successfully killed." msgstr "Nit %s je bila prekinjena." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/Processes/KillController.php:48 #, php-format msgid "" "phpMyAdmin was unable to kill thread %s. It probably has already been closed." msgstr "phpMyAdmin ni uspel prekiniti niti %s. Verjetno je že prekinjena." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/StatusController.php:136 msgid "Received" msgstr "Prejeto" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/StatusController.php:141 msgid "Sent" msgstr "Poslano" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/StatusController.php:180 msgid "Max. concurrent connections" msgstr "Največ sočasnih povezav" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/StatusController.php:186 msgid "Failed attempts" msgstr "Neuspeli poizkusi" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:239 msgid "" "The number of connections that were aborted because the client died without " "closing the connection properly." msgstr "" "Število prekinjenih povezav zaradi izgube odjemalca, ki ni primerno prekinil " "povezave." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:242 msgid "The number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server." msgstr "Število spodletelih poskusov povezave s strežnikom MySQL." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:244 msgid "" "The number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cache but that " "exceeded the value of binlog_cache_size and used a temporary file to store " "statements from the transaction." msgstr "" "Število transakcij, ki so uporabile začasni predpomnilnik dvojiškega " "dnevnika, vendar je ta presegel vrednost binlog_cache_size, zato so bile za " "shranitev izjav iz transakcije uporabljene začasne datoteke." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:248 msgid "The number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cache." msgstr "" "Število transakcij, ki so uporabile začasni predpomnilnik dvojiškega " "dnevnika." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:249 msgid "" "The number of connection attempts (successful or not) to the MySQL server." msgstr "Število poskusov povezave (uspešnih ali ne) na strežnik MySQL." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:251 msgid "" "The number of temporary tables on disk created automatically by the server " "while executing statements. If Created_tmp_disk_tables is big, you may want " "to increase the tmp_table_size value to cause temporary tables to be memory-" "based instead of disk-based." msgstr "" "Število začasnih tabel na disku, ki jih je strežnik samodejno ustvaril med " "izvajanjem izjav. Če je Created_tmp_disk_tables velika, boste morda želeli " "povečati vrednost tmp_table_size, zaradi česar bodo začasne tabele temeljile " "na pomnilniku namesto na disku." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:257 msgid "How many temporary files mysqld has created." msgstr "Koliko začasnih datotek je ustvaril mysqld." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:259 msgid "" "The number of in-memory temporary tables created automatically by the server " "while executing statements." msgstr "" "Število začasnih tabel v-pomnilniku, ki jih je strežnik samodejno ustvaril " "med izvajanjem stavkov." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:263 msgid "" "The number of rows written with INSERT DELAYED for which some error occurred " "(probably duplicate key)." msgstr "" "Število vrstic zapisanih z INSERT DELAYED, pri katerih je prišlo do neke " "napake (najverjetneje podvojen ključ)." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:267 msgid "" "The number of INSERT DELAYED handler threads in use. Every different table " "on which one uses INSERT DELAYED gets its own thread." msgstr "" "Število upravljalnih niti INSERT DELAYED v uporabi. Vsaka različna tabela, " "na kateri se uporabi INSERT DELAYED, dobi svojo lastno nit." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:271 msgid "The number of INSERT DELAYED rows written." msgstr "Število zapisanih vrstic INSERT DELAYED." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:272 msgid "The number of executed FLUSH statements." msgstr "Število izvedenih izjav FLUSH." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:273 msgid "The number of internal COMMIT statements." msgstr "Število notranjih izjav COMMIT." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:274 msgid "The number of times a row was deleted from a table." msgstr "Število izbrisov vrstice iz tabele." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:276 msgid "" "The MySQL server can ask the NDB Cluster storage engine if it knows about a " "table with a given name. This is called discovery. Handler_discover " "indicates the number of time tables have been discovered." msgstr "" "Strežnik MySQL lahko vpraša skladiščni pogon NDB Cluster, če ve za tabelo z " "navedenim imenom. Temu se reče odkritje. Handler_discover kaže kolikokrat so " "bile tabele odkrite." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:282 msgid "" "The number of times the first entry was read from an index. If this is high, " "it suggests that the server is doing a lot of full index scans; for example, " "SELECT col1 FROM foo, assuming that col1 is indexed." msgstr "" "Kolikokrat je bil prvi vnos prebran iz indeksa. Če je vrednost visoka, kaže, " "da strežnik izvaja mnogo pregledov indeksa; na primer: SELECT col1 FROM foo, " "pri čemer se predpostavlja, da je col1 indeksiran." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:288 msgid "" "The number of requests to read a row based on a key. If this is high, it is " "a good indication that your queries and tables are properly indexed." msgstr "" "Število zahtev za branje vrstice, temelječih na ključu. Če je vrednost " "visoka, je to dober znak, da so vaše poizvedbe in tabele primerno " "indeksirane." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:293 msgid "" "The number of requests to read the next row in key order. This is " "incremented if you are querying an index column with a range constraint or " "if you are doing an index scan." msgstr "" "Število zahtev za branje naslednje vrstice v zaporedju ključa. To je " "povečano, če poizvedujete po indeksnem stolpcu z omejitvijo obsega ali če " "pregledujete indeks." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:298 msgid "" "The number of requests to read the previous row in key order. This read " "method is mainly used to optimize ORDER BY … DESC." msgstr "" "Število poizvedb za branje prejšnje vrstice v zaporedju ključa. Postopek " "branja se uporablja predvsem za optimizacijo ORDER BY … DESC." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:302 msgid "" "The number of requests to read a row based on a fixed position. This is high " "if you are doing a lot of queries that require sorting of the result. You " "probably have a lot of queries that require MySQL to scan whole tables or " "you have joins that don't use keys properly." msgstr "" "Število zahtev za branje vrstice temelječih na ustaljenem položaju. To je " "visoko, če izvajate veliko poizvedb, ki potrebujejo razvrščanje rezultata. " "Najverjetneje imate veliko poizvedb, ki od MySQL zahtevajo pregled celotnih " "tabel, ali stike, ki ne uporabljajo ključev pravilno." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:309 msgid "" "The number of requests to read the next row in the data file. This is high " "if you are doing a lot of table scans. Generally this suggests that your " "tables are not properly indexed or that your queries are not written to take " "advantage of the indexes you have." msgstr "" "Število zahtev za branje naslednje vrstice v podatkovni datoteki. To je " "visoko, če izvajate veliko pregledov tabel. Na splošno to kaže, da vaše " "tabele niso primerno indeksirane ali da vaše poizvedbe ne izkoristijo " "prednosti indeksov, ki jih imate." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:315 msgid "The number of internal ROLLBACK statements." msgstr "Število notranjih izjav ROLLBACK." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:316 msgid "The number of requests to update a row in a table." msgstr "Število zahtev za posodobitev vrstice v tabeli." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:317 msgid "The number of requests to insert a row in a table." msgstr "Število zahtev za vstavitev vrstice v tabelo." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:318 msgid "The number of pages containing data (dirty or clean)." msgstr "Število strani, ki vsebujejo podatke (umazane ali čiste)." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:319 msgid "The number of pages currently dirty." msgstr "Število trenutno umazanih strani." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:321 msgid "The number of buffer pool pages that have been requested to be flushed." msgstr "" "Število strani zaloge medpomnilnika, za katere je bila zaprošena izplaknitev." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:323 msgid "The number of free pages." msgstr "Število prostih strani." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:325 msgid "" "The number of latched pages in InnoDB buffer pool. These are pages currently " "being read or written or that can't be flushed or removed for some other " "reason." msgstr "" "Število zapahnjenih strani v zalogi medpomnilnika InnoDB. Te strani so " "trenutno v postopku branja ali pisanja ali pa zaradi nekega drugega razloga " "ne morejo biti izplaknjene ali odstranjene." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:330 msgid "" "The number of pages busy because they have been allocated for administrative " "overhead such as row locks or the adaptive hash index. This value can also " "be calculated as Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total - " "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free - Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data." msgstr "" "Število zasedenih strani, ker so bile dodeljene upravljalni skupni uporabi, " "kot je zaklepanje vrstic ali prilagodljiv zgoščevalni indeks. Vrednost se " "lahko izračuna tudi kot Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total - " "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free - Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:336 msgid "Total size of buffer pool, in pages." msgstr "Skupna velikost zaloge medpomnilnika, v straneh." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:338 msgid "" "The number of \"random\" read-aheads InnoDB initiated. This happens when a " "query is to scan a large portion of a table but in random order." msgstr "" "Število začetih \"naključnih\" vnaprejšnjih branj InnoDB. To se zgodi, ko " "poizvedba zahteva pregled večjega dela tabele, vendar v naključnem redu." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:343 msgid "" "The number of sequential read-aheads InnoDB initiated. This happens when " "InnoDB does a sequential full table scan." msgstr "" "Število začetih zaporednih vnaprejšnjih branj InnoDB. To se zgodi, ko InnoDB " "izvaja zaporedno pregledovanje celotne tabele." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:346 msgid "The number of logical read requests InnoDB has done." msgstr "Število logičnih bralnih zahtev, ki jih je izvedel InnoDB." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:348 msgid "" "The number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from buffer pool " "and had to do a single-page read." msgstr "" "Število logičnih bralnih zahtev, katerih InnoDB ni mogel izpolniti iz zaloge " "medpomnilnika in je moral izvesti enostransko branje." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:352 msgid "" "Normally, writes to the InnoDB buffer pool happen in the background. " "However, if it's necessary to read or create a page and no clean pages are " "available, it's necessary to wait for pages to be flushed first. This " "counter counts instances of these waits. If the buffer pool size was set " "properly, this value should be small." msgstr "" "Po navadi pisanje v zalogo medpomnilnika InnoDB poteka v ozadju. Če pa je " "potrebno brati ali ustvariti stran in ni na voljo nobene čiste strani, je " "potrebno počakati, da se strani najprej izplaknejo. Števec šteje primere teh " "čakanj. Če je bila velikost zaloge medpomnilnika primerno nastavljena, bi " "morala biti vrednost majhna." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:359 msgid "The number writes done to the InnoDB buffer pool." msgstr "Število zapisov storjenih v zalogi medpomnilnika InnoDB." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:360 msgid "The number of fsync() operations so far." msgstr "Število dozdajšnjih posegov fsync()." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:361 msgid "The current number of pending fsync() operations." msgstr "Trenutno število čakajočih posegov fsync()." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:362 msgid "The current number of pending reads." msgstr "Trenutno število čakajočih branj." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:363 msgid "The current number of pending writes." msgstr "Trenutno število čakajočih pisanj." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:364 msgid "The amount of data read so far, in bytes." msgstr "Količina do zdaj prebranih podatkov, v bajtih." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:365 msgid "The total number of data reads." msgstr "Skupno število branj podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:366 msgid "The total number of data writes." msgstr "Skupno število zapisovanj podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:367 msgid "The amount of data written so far, in bytes." msgstr "Količina do zdaj zapisanih podatkov, v bajtih." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:369 msgid "The number of pages that have been written for doublewrite operations." msgstr "" "Število strani, ki so bile zapisane za posege dvojnega pisanja (doublewrite)." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:371 msgid "The number of doublewrite operations that have been performed." msgstr "Število posegov dvojnega pisanja (doublewrite), ki so bili izvedeni." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:373 msgid "" "The number of waits we had because log buffer was too small and we had to " "wait for it to be flushed before continuing." msgstr "" "Število čakanj, ki smo jih imeli, ker je bil medpomnilnik dnevnika premajhen " "in je bilo potrebno počakati, da se pred nadaljevanjem izplakne." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:376 msgid "The number of log write requests." msgstr "Število zahtev pisanja v dnevnik." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:377 msgid "The number of physical writes to the log file." msgstr "Število fizičnih pisanj v dnevniško datoteko." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:378 msgid "The number of fsync() writes done to the log file." msgstr "Število pisanj fsync() storjenih v dnevniško datoteko." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:379 msgid "The number of pending log file fsyncs." msgstr "Število čakajoče dnevniške datoteke fsyncs." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:380 msgid "Pending log file writes." msgstr "Čakajoča pisanja v dnevniško datoteko." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:381 msgid "The number of bytes written to the log file." msgstr "Število bajtov zapisanih v dnevniško datoteko." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:382 msgid "The number of pages created." msgstr "Število ustvarjenih strani." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:384 msgid "" "The compiled-in InnoDB page size (default 16KB). Many values are counted in " "pages; the page size allows them to be easily converted to bytes." msgstr "" "Vgrajena velikost strani InnoDB (privzeto 16 KB). Veliko vrednosti je štetih " "v straneh; velikost strani omogoča preprosto pretvorbo v bajte." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:388 msgid "The number of pages read." msgstr "Število prebranih strani." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:389 msgid "The number of pages written." msgstr "Število zapisanih strani." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:390 msgid "The number of row locks currently being waited for." msgstr "Število zaklepov vrstic, na katere se trenutno čaka." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:391 msgid "The average time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds." msgstr "Povprečni čas zagotovitve zaklepa vrstice, v milisekundah." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:392 msgid "The total time spent in acquiring row locks, in milliseconds." msgstr "Skupni čas zagotavljanja zaklepov vrstic, v milisekundah." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:393 msgid "The maximum time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds." msgstr "Najdaljši čas zagotavljanja zaklepa vrstice, v milisekundah." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:394 msgid "The number of times a row lock had to be waited for." msgstr "Število čakanj na zaklepe vrstic." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:395 msgid "The number of rows deleted from InnoDB tables." msgstr "Število vrstic izbrisanih iz tabel InnoDB." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:396 msgid "The number of rows inserted in InnoDB tables." msgstr "Število vrstic vstavljenih v tabele InnoDB." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:397 msgid "The number of rows read from InnoDB tables." msgstr "Število vrstic prebranih iz tabel InnoDB." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:398 msgid "The number of rows updated in InnoDB tables." msgstr "Število vrstic posodobljenih v tabelah InnoDB." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:400 msgid "" "The number of key blocks in the key cache that have changed but haven't yet " "been flushed to disk. It used to be known as Not_flushed_key_blocks." msgstr "" "Število blokov ključev v predpommnilniku ključev, ki so se spremenili, " "vendar niso bili izplaknjeni na disk. Včasih je bilo znano kot " "Not_flushed_key_blocks." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:405 msgid "" "The number of unused blocks in the key cache. You can use this value to " "determine how much of the key cache is in use." msgstr "" "Število neuporabljenih blokov v predpomnilniku ključev. To vrednost lahko " "uporabite, da ugotovite, koliko predpomnilnika ključev je v uporabi." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:409 msgid "" "The number of used blocks in the key cache. This value is a high-water mark " "that indicates the maximum number of blocks that have ever been in use at " "one time." msgstr "" "Število uporabljenih blokov v predpomnilniku ključev. To je najvišja " "dosežena vrednost, ki kaže največje število blokov, ki so bili kadar koli " "naenkrat v uporabi." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:413 msgid "Percentage of used key cache (calculated value)" msgstr "Odstotek uporabljenega predpomnilnika ključev (izračunana vrednost)" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:414 msgid "The number of requests to read a key block from the cache." msgstr "Število zahtev za branje bloka ključev iz predpomnilnika." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:416 msgid "" "The number of physical reads of a key block from disk. If Key_reads is big, " "then your key_buffer_size value is probably too small. The cache miss rate " "can be calculated as Key_reads/Key_read_requests." msgstr "" "Število fizičnih branj bloka ključev z diska. Če je Key_reads velik, potem " "je vaša vrednost key_buffer_size najverjetneje premajhna. Razmerje " "pogrešitev predpomnilnika se lahko izračuna kot Key_reads/Key_read_requests." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:422 msgid "" "Key cache miss calculated as rate of physical reads compared to read " "requests (calculated value)" msgstr "" "Napačno izračunan predpomnilnik ključev kot delež fizičnih branj v " "primerjavi z zahtevami za branje (izračunana vrednost)" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:424 msgid "The number of requests to write a key block to the cache." msgstr "Število zahtev za pisanje bloka ključev v predpomnilnik." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:425 msgid "The number of physical writes of a key block to disk." msgstr "Število fizičnih pisanj bloka ključev na disk." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:426 msgid "" "Percentage of physical writes compared to write requests (calculated value)" msgstr "" "Odstotek fizičnih zapisov v primerjavi z zahtevami za zapis (izračunana " "vrednost)" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:428 msgid "" "The total cost of the last compiled query as computed by the query " "optimizer. Useful for comparing the cost of different query plans for the " "same query. The default value of 0 means that no query has been compiled yet." msgstr "" "Skupni izdatek zadnje prevedene poizvedbe, kot ga je izračunal optimizator " "poizvedb. Uporabno za primerjanje izdatkov različnih načrtov poizvedb za " "enake poizvedbe. Privzeta vrednost 0 pomeni, da še ni bila prevedena nobena " "poizvedba." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:434 msgid "" "The maximum number of connections that have been in use simultaneously since " "the server started." msgstr "Največje število sočasno uporabljenih povezav od zagona strežnika." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:436 msgid "The number of rows waiting to be written in INSERT DELAYED queues." msgstr "Število vrstic, ki čakajo na zapis v vrsti INSERT DELAYED." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:438 msgid "" "The number of tables that have been opened. If opened tables is big, your " "table_open_cache value is probably too small." msgstr "" "Število odprtih tabel. Če je vrednost velika, je vaša vrednost " "table_open_cache najverjetneje premajhna." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:441 msgid "The number of files that are open." msgstr "Število odprtih datotek." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:442 msgid "The number of streams that are open (used mainly for logging)." msgstr "Število odprtih tokov (uporabljenih v glavnem za beleženje)." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:443 msgid "The number of tables that are open." msgstr "Število odprtih tabel." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:445 msgid "" "The number of free memory blocks in query cache. High numbers can indicate " "fragmentation issues, which may be solved by issuing a FLUSH QUERY CACHE " "statement." msgstr "" "Število prostih pomnilniških blokov v predpomnilniku poizvedb. Visoko " "število lahko kaže na težave z razdrobljenostjo, kar lahko odpravite z " "izvedbo stavka FLUSH QUERY CACHE." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:449 msgid "The amount of free memory for query cache." msgstr "Količina prostega spomina za predpomnilnik poizvedb." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:450 msgid "The number of cache hits." msgstr "Število zadetkov predpomnilnika." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:451 msgid "The number of queries added to the cache." msgstr "Število poizvedb dodanih v predpomnilnik." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:453 msgid "" "The number of queries that have been removed from the cache to free up " "memory for caching new queries. This information can help you tune the query " "cache size. The query cache uses a least recently used (LRU) strategy to " "decide which queries to remove from the cache." msgstr "" "Število poizvedb, ki so bile izbrisane iz predpomnilnika, da se sprosti " "spomin za predpomnenje novih poizvedb. Informacija lahko pomaga pri " "uravnavanju velikosti predpomnilnika poizvedb. Predpomnilnik poizvedb " "uporablja strategijo nedavno najmanj uporabljanih (LRU), da odloči, katere " "poizvedbe naj odstrani iz predpomnilnika." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:460 msgid "" "The number of non-cached queries (not cachable, or not cached due to the " "query_cache_type setting)." msgstr "" "Število nepredpomnjenih poizvedb (ne predpomnljive ali ne predpomnjene " "zaradi nastavitve query_cache_type)." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:462 msgid "The number of queries registered in the cache." msgstr "Število zabeleženih poizvedb v predpomnilniku." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:463 msgid "The total number of blocks in the query cache." msgstr "Skupno število blokov v predpomnilniku poizvedb." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:464 msgid "The status of failsafe replication (not yet implemented)." msgstr "Stanje podvajanja odpovedne varnosti (ni še vključeno)." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:466 msgid "" "The number of joins that do not use indexes. If this value is not 0, you " "should carefully check the indexes of your tables." msgstr "" "Število stikov, ki ne uporabljajo indeksov. Če vrednost ni 0, skrbno " "preverite indekse vaših tabel." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:469 msgid "The number of joins that used a range search on a reference table." msgstr "Število stikov, ki so uporabili iskanje območja na referenčni tabeli." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:471 msgid "" "The number of joins without keys that check for key usage after each row. " "(If this is not 0, you should carefully check the indexes of your tables.)" msgstr "" "Število stikov brez ključev, ki preverjajo uporabo ključev po vsaki vrstici. " "(Če to ni 0, previdno preverite indekse vaših tabel.)" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:476 msgid "" "The number of joins that used ranges on the first table. (It's normally not " "critical even if this is big.)" msgstr "" "Število stikov, ki so uporabili območja na prvi tabeli. (Po navadi ni " "kritično, četudi je veliko.)" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:479 msgid "The number of joins that did a full scan of the first table." msgstr "Število stikov, ki so izvedli celotni pregled na prvi tabeli." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:480 msgid "" "The number of temporary tables currently open by the replica SQL thread." msgstr "" "Število začasnih tabel, ki so trenutno odprte s strani niti SQL podrejencev." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:482 msgid "" "Total (since startup) number of times the replication replica SQL thread has " "retried transactions." msgstr "" "Skupno (od zagona) število ponovnih poskusov transakcij podvojevalne niti " "SQL podrejenca." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:484 msgid "This is ON if this server is a replica that is connected to a primary." msgstr "To je ON, če je strežnik podrejenec, povezan z glavnim strežnikom." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:486 msgid "" "The number of threads that have taken more than slow_launch_time seconds to " "create." msgstr "" "Število niti, ki so za svoje ustvarjanje porabile več kot slow_launch_time " "sekund." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:488 msgid "" "The number of queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds." msgstr "Število poizvedb, ki so porabile več kot long_query_time sekund." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:490 msgid "" "The number of merge passes the sort algorithm has had to do. If this value " "is large, you should consider increasing the value of the sort_buffer_size " "system variable." msgstr "" "Število prehodov spajanja, ki jih je moral opraviti algoritem razvrščanja. " "Če je vrednost velika, razmislite o povečanju sistemske spremenljivke " "sort_buffer_size." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:494 msgid "The number of sorts that were done with ranges." msgstr "Število razvrščanj, ki so bila storjena z razponi." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:495 msgid "The number of sorted rows." msgstr "Število razvrščenih vrstic." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:496 msgid "The number of sorts that were done by scanning the table." msgstr "Število razvrščanj, ki so bila storjena s pregledovanjem tabele." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:497 msgid "The number of times that a table lock was acquired immediately." msgstr "Kolikokrat je bil zaklep tabele pridobljen takoj." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:499 msgid "" "The number of times that a table lock could not be acquired immediately and " "a wait was needed. If this is high, and you have performance problems, you " "should first optimize your queries, and then either split your table or " "tables or use replication." msgstr "" "Kolikokrat zaklepa tabele ni bilo mogoče pridobiti takoj in je bilo potrebno " "počakati. Če je to visoko in imate težave z zmogljivostjo, najprej " "optimizirajte vaše poizvedbe, nato pa ali razdelite vašo tabelo oz. tabele " "ali uporabite podvojevanje." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:505 msgid "" "The number of threads in the thread cache. The cache hit rate can be " "calculated as Threads_created/Connections. If this value is red you should " "raise your thread_cache_size." msgstr "" "Število niti v predpomnilniku niti. Delež zadetkov predpomnilnika se lahko " "izračuna kot Threads_created/Connections. Če je vrednost obarvana rdeče, " "povečajte svoj thread_cache_size." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:509 msgid "The number of currently open connections." msgstr "Število trenutno odprtih povezav." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:511 msgid "" "The number of threads created to handle connections. If Threads_created is " "big, you may want to increase the thread_cache_size value. (Normally this " "doesn't give a notable performance improvement if you have a good thread " "implementation.)" msgstr "" "Število niti ustvarjenih za ravnanje s povezavami. Če je Threads_created " "velik, boste morda želeli povečati vrednost thread_cache_size. (Po navadi to " "ne izboljša zmogljivosti v veliki meri, če imate dobro izvedbo niti.)" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:517 msgid "Thread cache hit rate (calculated value)" msgstr "Delež zadetkov predpomnilnika niti (izračunana vrednost)" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Status/VariablesController.php:518 msgid "The number of threads that are not sleeping." msgstr "Število niti, ki ne spijo." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/UserGroupsFormController.php:61 msgid "User groups management is not enabled." msgstr "Upravljanje uporabniških skupin ni omogočeno." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Server/Variables/SetVariableController.php:93 msgid "Setting variable failed" msgstr "Nastavljanje spremenljivke je spodletelo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Setup/FormController.php:32 msgid "Incorrect form specified!" msgstr "Določena je neveljavna oblika!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Setup/HomeController.php:42 msgid "" "You are not using a secure connection; all data (including potentially " "sensitive information, like passwords) is transferred unencrypted!" msgstr "" "Ne uporabljate varne povezave; vsi podatki (vključno z morebitnimi " "občutljivimi informacijami, kot so gesla) se prenašajo nešifrirani!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Setup/HomeController.php:47 msgid "" "If your server is also configured to accept HTTPS requests follow this link " "to use a secure connection." msgstr "" "Če je vaš strežnik nastavljen za sprejemanje zahtev HTTPS, sledite tej " "povezavi za uporabo varne povezave." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Setup/HomeController.php:51 msgid "Insecure connection" msgstr "Nezavarovana povezava" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Sql/SqlController.php:246 #: libraries/classes/Sql.php:1139 #, php-format msgid "Bookmark %s has been created." msgstr "Ustvarili smo zaznamek %s." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Sql/SqlController.php:253 msgid "Bookmark not created!" msgstr "Zaznamka nismo ustvarili!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/AddFieldController.php:161 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/PartitioningController.php:274 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/SaveController.php:222 #: libraries/classes/Table/Indexes.php:86 #, php-format msgid "Table %1$s has been altered successfully." msgstr "Tabelo %1$s smo uspešno spremenili." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/ChangeRowsController.php:37 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/DeleteConfirmController.php:28 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/ExportRowsController.php:38 msgid "No row selected." msgstr "Ni izbranih vrstic." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/ChartController.php:60 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/GisVisualizationController.php:70 msgid "No SQL query was set to fetch data." msgstr "Za pridobivanje podatkov ni bil določen noben SQL." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/ChartController.php:145 msgid "No numeric columns present in the table to plot." msgstr "" "V tabeli ni številskih stolpcev, ki bi jih bilo mogoče narisati na graf." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/ChartController.php:208 msgid "No data to display" msgstr "Ni podatkov za prikaz" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/CreateController.php:82 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/GetFieldController.php:49 #, php-format msgid "'%s' database does not exist." msgstr "Zbirka podatkov '%s' ne obstaja." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/CreateController.php:92 #, php-format msgid "Table %s already exists!" msgstr "Tabela %s že obstaja!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/DeleteRowsController.php:80 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/FindReplaceController.php:179 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/AnalyzeController.php:82 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/CheckController.php:82 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/ChecksumController.php:82 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/OptimizeController.php:82 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/RepairController.php:82 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/AnalyzeController.php:54 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/CheckController.php:54 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/DropController.php:55 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/OptimizeController.php:54 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/RebuildController.php:55 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/RepairController.php:54 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/TruncateController.php:55 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/RelationController.php:299 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/View/OperationsController.php:90 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1226 #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:3470 libraries/classes/Message.php:172 #: templates/sql/query.twig:7 msgid "Your SQL query has been executed successfully." msgstr "Poizvedbo SQL smo uspešno izvedli." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/DropColumnConfirmationController.php:32 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/DropColumnController.php:51 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/AddIndexController.php:46 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/BrowseController.php:35 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/CentralColumnsAddController.php:44 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/CentralColumnsRemoveController.php:44 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/ChangeController.php:50 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/FulltextController.php:46 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/PrimaryController.php:51 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/SpatialController.php:46 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/UniqueController.php:46 msgid "No column selected." msgstr "Ni izbranih stolpcev." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/DropColumnController.php:80 #, php-format msgid "%1$d column has been dropped successfully." msgid_plural "%1$d columns have been dropped successfully." msgstr[0] "Uspešno smo zavrgli %1$d stolpec." msgstr[1] "Uspešno smo zavrgli %1$d stolpca." msgstr[2] "Uspešno smo zavrgli %1$d stolpce." msgstr[3] "Uspešno smo zavrgli %1$d stolpcev." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/GetFieldController.php:57 msgid "Invalid table name" msgstr "Neveljavno ime tabele" #. l10n: In case a SQL query did not pass a security check #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/GetFieldController.php:66 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Transformation/WrapperController.php:78 msgid "There is an issue with your request." msgstr "Prišlo je do težave z vašo zahtevo." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/GetFieldController.php:80 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1245 #: libraries/classes/Import.php:154 libraries/classes/InsertEdit.php:241 #: libraries/classes/Sql.php:954 msgid "MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows)." msgstr "MySQL je vrnil kot rezultat prazno množico (npr. nič vrstic)." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/AnalyzeController.php:74 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/CheckController.php:74 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/ChecksumController.php:74 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/OptimizeController.php:74 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Maintenance/RepairController.php:74 msgid "Maintenance operations on multiple tables are disabled." msgstr "Vzdrževalni posegi na več tabelah so onemogočeni." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/OperationsController.php:130 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/OperationsController.php:323 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/StructureController.php:108 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeView.php:28 #: templates/database/structure/show_create.twig:32 #: templates/database/structure/structure_table_row.twig:122 #: templates/database/structure/structure_table_row.twig:186 msgid "View" msgstr "Pogled" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/AnalyzeController.php:41 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/CheckController.php:41 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/DropController.php:41 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/OptimizeController.php:41 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/RebuildController.php:41 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/RepairController.php:41 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/TruncateController.php:41 msgid "The partition name must be a non-empty string." msgstr "Particija tabele mora biti neprazen niz." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/DropController.php:61 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/RebuildController.php:61 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Partition/TruncateController.php:61 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/View/OperationsController.php:93 #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:853 libraries/classes/Import.php:138 #: libraries/classes/InsertEdit.php:737 libraries/classes/Message.php:192 #: templates/error/generic.twig:37 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:355 msgid "Error" msgstr "Napaka" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/RelationController.php:240 msgid "Display column was successfully updated." msgstr "Prikazni stolpec smo uspešno posodobili." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/RelationController.php:333 msgid "Internal relationships were successfully updated." msgstr "Notranja razmerja smo uspešno posodobili." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/ReplaceController.php:229 #, php-format msgid "Row: %1$s, Column: %2$s, Error: %3$s" msgstr "Vrstica: %1$s, Stolpec: %2$s, Napaka: %3$s" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/ChangeController.php:82 #, php-format msgid "Failed to get description of column %s!" msgstr "Pridobivanje opisa stolpca %s je spodletelo!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/StructureController.php:238 #: templates/columns_definitions/column_attributes.twig:107 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:41 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:137 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:145 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:295 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns.twig:25 msgid "Primary" msgstr "Primarni" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/StructureController.php:242 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeIndex.php:28 #: templates/columns_definitions/column_attributes.twig:115 #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:46 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:167 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:175 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:301 #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:24 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns.twig:27 msgid "Index" msgstr "Indeks" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/MoveColumnsController.php:171 msgid "The columns have been moved successfully." msgstr "Stolpce smo uspešno premaknili." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/PartitioningController.php:266 #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/SaveController.php:272 #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:774 msgid "Query error" msgstr "Napaka poizvedbe" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/ReservedWordCheckController.php:49 #, php-format msgid "The name '%s' is a MySQL reserved keyword." msgid_plural "The names '%s' are MySQL reserved keywords." msgstr[0] "Ime '%s' je rezervirana beseda MySQL." msgstr[1] "Imeni '%s' sta rezervirani besedi MySQL." msgstr[2] "Imena '%s' so rezervirane besede MySQL." msgstr[3] "Imena '%s' so rezervirane besede MySQL." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/Structure/SaveController.php:217 #, php-format msgid "" "Table %1$s has been altered successfully. Privileges have been adjusted." msgstr "Tabelo %1$s smo uspešno spremenili. Privilegije smo prilagodili." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/TrackingController.php:78 #, php-format msgid "Tracking of %s is activated." msgstr "Sledenje %s je aktivirano." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/TrackingController.php:154 msgid "Tracking versions deleted successfully." msgstr "Uspešno smo izbrisali različice sledenja." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/TrackingController.php:159 msgid "No versions selected." msgstr "Ni izbranih različic." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/Table/TrackingController.php:192 msgid "SQL statements executed." msgstr "Stavki SQL so izvedeni." #: libraries/classes/Controllers/UserPasswordController.php:59 msgid "You don't have sufficient privileges to be here right now!" msgstr "Nimate dovolj pravic, da bi bili sedaj tukaj!" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/UserPasswordController.php:93 #: templates/home/index.twig:46 templates/modals/change_password.twig:5 msgid "Change password" msgstr "Spremeni geslo" #: libraries/classes/Controllers/View/CreateController.php:96 msgid "View name can not be empty!" msgstr "Ime pogleda ne more biti prazno!" #: libraries/classes/Core.php:202 libraries/classes/ZipExtension.php:62 #, php-format msgid "The %s extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration." msgstr "Manjka razširitev %s. Prosimo, preverite vašo konfiguracijo PHP." #: libraries/classes/Database/CentralColumns.php:293 #: libraries/classes/Database/CentralColumns.php:399 #: libraries/classes/Database/CentralColumns.php:611 msgid "" "The configuration storage is not ready for the central list of columns " "feature." msgstr "" "Shramba konfiguracije ni pripravljena na funkcionalnost osrednjega seznama " "stolpcev." #: libraries/classes/Database/CentralColumns.php:351 #, php-format msgid "Could not add %1$s as they already exist in central list!" msgstr "Ne morem dodati %1$s, saj že obstaja na osrednjem seznamu!" #: libraries/classes/Database/CentralColumns.php:367 msgid "Could not add columns!" msgstr "Ne morem dodati stolpcev!" #: libraries/classes/Database/CentralColumns.php:451 #, php-format msgid "" "Couldn't remove Column(s) %1$s as they don't exist in central columns list!" msgstr "" "Ne morem odstraniti stolpcev %1$s, saj ne obstajajo na osrednjem seznamu " "stolpcev!" #: libraries/classes/Database/CentralColumns.php:464 msgid "Could not remove columns!" msgstr "Ne morem odstraniti stolpcev!" #: libraries/classes/Database/CentralColumns.php:625 msgid "YES" msgstr "DA" #: libraries/classes/Database/CentralColumns.php:625 msgid "NO" msgstr "NE" #: libraries/classes/Database/Designer/Common.php:528 msgctxt "" "phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not configured for \"Display Features\" " "on designer when user tries to set a display field." msgid "" "phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not configured for \"Display Features\"." msgstr "" "Shramba konfiguracije phpMyAdmin ni konfigurirana za \"Lastnosti prikaza\"." #: libraries/classes/Database/Designer/Common.php:573 msgid "Error: relationship already exists." msgstr "Napaka: razmerje že obstaja." #: libraries/classes/Database/Designer/Common.php:625 msgid "FOREIGN KEY relationship has been added." msgstr "Dodali smo razmerje FOREIGN KEY." #: libraries/classes/Database/Designer/Common.php:633 msgid "Error: FOREIGN KEY relationship could not be added!" msgstr "Napaka: Razmerja FOREIGN KEY nismo mogli dodati!" #: libraries/classes/Database/Designer/Common.php:640 msgid "Error: Missing index on column(s)." msgstr "Napaka: Na stolpcih manjka indeks." #: libraries/classes/Database/Designer/Common.php:648 #: libraries/classes/Database/Designer/Common.php:727 msgid "Error: Relational features are disabled!" msgstr "Napaka: Funkcionalnosti razmerij so onemogočene!" #: libraries/classes/Database/Designer/Common.php:672 msgid "Internal relationship has been added." msgstr "Dodali smo notranje razmerje." #: libraries/classes/Database/Designer/Common.php:680 msgid "Error: Internal relationship could not be added!" msgstr "Napaka: Notranjega razmerja nismo mogli dodati!" #: libraries/classes/Database/Designer/Common.php:718 msgid "FOREIGN KEY relationship has been removed." msgstr "Odstranili smo razmerje FOREIGN KEY." #: libraries/classes/Database/Designer/Common.php:749 msgid "Error: Internal relationship could not be removed!" msgstr "Napaka: Notranjega razmerja nismo mogli odstraniti!" #: libraries/classes/Database/Designer/Common.php:755 msgid "Internal relationship has been removed." msgstr "Odstranili smo notranje razmerje." #: libraries/classes/Database/Designer.php:136 msgid "Could not load schema plugins, please check your installation!" msgstr "Ne morem naložiti vtičnikov sheme, prosimo, preverite vašo namestitev!" #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:105 #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:114 #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:140 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:224 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:249 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:351 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1252 #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:116 #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:125 #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:152 #, php-format msgid "The following query has failed: \"%s\"" msgstr "Naslednja poizvedba je spodletela: \"%s\"" #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:109 #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:118 #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:144 #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:502 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:228 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:253 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:355 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1256 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1536 #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:120 #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:129 #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:156 #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:438 #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:921 msgid "MySQL said: " msgstr "MySQL je vrnil: " #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:127 #, php-format msgid "Event %1$s has been modified." msgstr "Dogodek %1$s je bil spremenjen." #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:147 #, php-format msgid "Event %1$s has been created." msgstr "Dogodek %1$s je ustvarjen." #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:161 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:269 #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:173 msgid "One or more errors have occurred while processing your request:" msgstr "Med obdelovanjem vaše zahteve je prišlo do ene ali več napak:" #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:240 msgid "Add event" msgstr "Dodaj dogodek" #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:244 msgid "Edit event" msgstr "Uredi dogodek" #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:401 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:988 #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:382 msgid "The definer must be in the \"username@hostname\" format!" msgstr "Opredeljevalec mora biti oblike \"uporabniškoime@imegostitelja\"!" #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:409 msgid "You must provide an event name!" msgstr "Navesti morate ime dogodka!" #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:423 msgid "You must provide a valid interval value for the event." msgstr "Navesti morateveljavno vrednost intervala dogodka." #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:443 msgid "You must provide a valid execution time for the event." msgstr "Navesti morate veljavni čas izvedbe dogodka." #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:447 msgid "You must provide a valid type for the event." msgstr "Navesti morate veljavno vrsto dogodka." #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:473 msgid "You must provide an event definition." msgstr "Navesti morate opredelitev dogodka." #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:499 msgid "Sorry, we failed to restore the dropped event." msgstr "Oprostite, zavrženega dogodka nam ni uspelo obnoviti." #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:500 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1534 #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:436 msgid "The backed up query was:" msgstr "Varnostno kopirana poizvedba je bila:" #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:531 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:150 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1145 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1312 #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:467 msgid "Error in processing request:" msgstr "Napaka v obdelovanju zahteve:" #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:533 #, php-format msgid "No event with name %1$s found in database %2$s." msgstr "Dogodka imenovanega %1$s ni mogoče najti v zbirki podatkov %2$s." #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:563 #, php-format msgid "Export of event %s" msgstr "Izvoz dogodka %s" #: libraries/classes/Database/Events.php:584 #, php-format msgid "" "Error in processing request: No event with name %1$s found in database %2$s." msgstr "" "Napaka v obdelavi zahteve: Dogodka imenovanega %1$s ni mogoče najti v zbirki " "podatkov %2$s." #: libraries/classes/DatabaseInterface.php:1131 #, php-format msgid "" "Unable to use timezone \"%1$s\" for server %2$d. Please check your " "configuration setting for [em]$cfg['Servers'][%3$d]['SessionTimeZone'][/em]. " "phpMyAdmin is currently using the default time zone of the database server." msgstr "" "Ne morem uporabiti čaovnega pasu \"%1$s\" na strežniku %2$d. Prosimo, " "preverite svojo nastavitev konfiguracije za [em]$cfg['Servers'][%3$d]" "['SessionTimeZone'][/em]. phpMyAdmin trenutno uporalja privzeti časovni pas " "strežnika zbirke podatkov." #: libraries/classes/DatabaseInterface.php:1176 msgid "Failed to set configured collation connection!" msgstr "Ne morem nastaviti povezave konfiguriranega razvrščanja znakov!" #: libraries/classes/DatabaseInterface.php:1865 msgid "Missing connection parameters!" msgstr "Manjkajo parametri povezave!" #: libraries/classes/DatabaseInterface.php:1890 msgid "Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed." msgstr "" "Povezava za controluserja, kot je določena v vaši konfiguraciji, je " "spodletela." #: libraries/classes/DatabaseInterface.php:2304 #, php-format msgid "See %sour documentation%s for more information." msgstr "Za več informacij si oglejte %snašo dokumentacijo%s." #: libraries/classes/Database/Qbe.php:756 #: templates/database/qbe/ins_del_and_or_cell.twig:21 msgid "Or:" msgstr "Ali:" #: libraries/classes/Database/Qbe.php:760 #: templates/database/qbe/ins_del_and_or_cell.twig:9 msgid "And:" msgstr "In:" #: libraries/classes/Database/Qbe.php:766 msgid "Ins" msgstr "Vstavi" #: libraries/classes/Database/Qbe.php:769 msgid "Del" msgstr "Briši" #: libraries/classes/Database/Qbe.php:1674 msgid "Saved bookmarked search:" msgstr "Shranjeno označeno iskanje:" #: libraries/classes/Database/Qbe.php:1676 msgid "New bookmark" msgstr "Nov zaznamek" #: libraries/classes/Database/Qbe.php:1703 msgid "Create bookmark" msgstr "Ustvari zaznamek" #: libraries/classes/Database/Qbe.php:1706 msgid "Update bookmark" msgstr "Posodobi zaznamek" #: libraries/classes/Database/Qbe.php:1708 msgid "Delete bookmark" msgstr "Izbriši zaznamek" #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:117 msgid "Add routine" msgstr "Dodaj rutino" #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:121 msgid "Edit routine" msgstr "Uredi rutino" #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:153 #, php-format msgid "" "No routine with name %1$s found in database %2$s. You might be lacking the " "necessary privileges to edit this routine." msgstr "" "V zbirki podatkov %2$s nismo našli nobene rutine z imenom %1$s. Morda nimate " "zahtevanih privilegijev za urejanje rutine." #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:205 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:996 #, php-format msgid "Invalid routine type: \"%s\"" msgstr "Neveljavna vrsta rutine: \"%s\"" #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:256 #, php-format msgid "Routine %1$s has been created." msgstr "Rutino %1$s smo ustvarili." #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:416 #, php-format msgid "Routine %1$s has been modified. Privileges have been adjusted." msgstr "Rutino %1$s smo spremenili. Privilegije smo prilagodili." #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:421 #, php-format msgid "Routine %1$s has been modified." msgstr "Rutino %1$s smo spremenili." #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:829 msgid "You must provide a name and a type for each routine parameter." msgstr "Navesti morate ime in vrsto vsakega parametra rutine." #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:847 #, php-format msgid "Invalid direction \"%s\" given for parameter." msgstr "Neveljavna smer \"%s\" podana za parameter." #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:867 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:934 msgid "" "You must provide length/values for routine parameters of type ENUM, SET, " "VARCHAR and VARBINARY." msgstr "" "Navesti morate dolžine/vrednosti za parametre rutine vrste ENUM, SET, " "VARCHAR in VARBINARY." #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:916 msgid "You must provide a valid return type for the routine." msgstr "Navesti morate veljavno vrsto vrnjene vrednosti dogodka." #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1004 msgid "You must provide a routine name!" msgstr "Navesti morate ime rutine!" #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1069 msgid "You must provide a routine definition." msgstr "Navesti morate opredelitev rutine." #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1147 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1314 #, php-format msgid "No routine with name %1$s found in database %2$s." msgstr "Rutine imenovane %1$s ni mogoče najti v zbirki podatkov %2$s." #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1186 #, php-format msgid "Execution results of routine %s" msgstr "Rezultati izvedbe rutine %s" #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1234 #, php-format msgid "%d row affected by the last statement inside the procedure." msgid_plural "%d rows affected by the last statement inside the procedure." msgstr[0] "Zadnja izjava znotraj procedure je spremenila %d vrstico." msgstr[1] "Zadnja izjava znotraj procedure je spremenila %d vrstici." msgstr[2] "Zadnja izjava znotraj procedure je spremenila %d vrstice." msgstr[3] "Zadnja izjava znotraj procedure je spremenila %d vrstic." #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1297 #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1304 msgid "Execute routine" msgstr "Izvedi rutino" #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1533 msgid "Sorry, we failed to restore the dropped routine." msgstr "Oprostite, zavržene rutine nam ni uspelo obnoviti." #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1561 #, php-format msgid "Export of routine %s" msgstr "Izvoz rutine %s" #: libraries/classes/Database/Routines.php:1583 #, php-format msgid "" "Error in processing request: No routine with name %1$s found in database " "%2$s. You might be lacking the necessary privileges to view/export this " "routine." msgstr "" "Napaka v obdelavi zahteve: V zbirki podatkov %2$s nismo našli nobene rutine " "z imenom %1$s. Morda nimate zahtevanih privilegijev za ogled/izvoz rutine." #: libraries/classes/Database/Search.php:103 #: templates/database/search/main.twig:19 msgid "at least one of the words" msgstr "katerokoli besedo" #: libraries/classes/Database/Search.php:104 #: templates/database/search/main.twig:23 msgid "all of the words" msgstr "vse besede" #: libraries/classes/Database/Search.php:105 #: templates/database/search/main.twig:27 msgid "the exact phrase as substring" msgstr "točno določeno frazo kot podniz" #: libraries/classes/Database/Search.php:106 #: templates/database/search/main.twig:31 msgid "the exact phrase as whole field" msgstr "točno določeno frazo kot celotno polje" #: libraries/classes/Database/Search.php:107 #: templates/database/search/main.twig:35 msgid "as regular expression" msgstr "kot običajni izraz (regular expression)" #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:139 #, php-format msgid "Trigger %1$s has been modified." msgstr "Sprožilec %1$s je bil spremenjen." #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:159 #, php-format msgid "Trigger %1$s has been created." msgstr "Sprožilec %1$s je ustvarjen." #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:258 msgid "Add trigger" msgstr "Dodaj sprožilec" #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:262 msgid "Edit trigger" msgstr "Uredi sprožilec" #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:390 msgid "You must provide a trigger name!" msgstr "Navesti morate ime sprožilca!" #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:396 msgid "You must provide a valid timing for the trigger!" msgstr "Navesti morate veljavni časovni izbor sprožilca!" #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:402 msgid "You must provide a valid event for the trigger!" msgstr "Navesti morate veljavni dogodek sprožilca!" #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:409 msgid "You must provide a valid table name!" msgstr "Navesti morate veljavno ime tabele!" #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:416 msgid "You must provide a trigger definition." msgstr "Navesti morate opredelitev sprožilca." #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:435 msgid "Sorry, we failed to restore the dropped trigger." msgstr "Oprostite, zavrženega sprožilca nam ni uspelo obnoviti." #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:469 #, php-format msgid "No trigger with name %1$s found in database %2$s." msgstr "Sprožilca imenovanega %1$s ni mogoče najti v zbirki podatkov %2$s." #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:501 #: templates/database/triggers/export.twig:2 #, php-format msgid "Export of trigger %s" msgstr "Izvoz sprožilca %s" #: libraries/classes/Database/Triggers.php:519 #, php-format msgid "" "Error in processing request: No trigger with name %1$s found in database " "%2$s." msgstr "" "Napaka v obdelavi zahteve: Sprožilca imenovanega %1$s ni mogoče najti v " "zbirki podatkov %2$s." #: libraries/classes/Dbal/DbiMysqli.php:143 msgid "SSL connection enforced by server, automatically enabling it." msgstr "Povezavo SSL je vsilil strežnik; samodejno sem jo omogočil." #: libraries/classes/Dbal/DbiMysqli.php:155 #, php-format msgid "" "Error 1045: Access denied for user. Additional error information may be " "available, but is being hidden by the %s configuration directive." msgstr "" "Napaka 1045: Uporabnik nima dostopa. Dodatne informacije so morda na voljo, " "vendar so skrite zaradi konfiguracijske direktive %s." #: libraries/classes/Dbal/InvalidDatabaseName.php:14 msgid "The database name must be a non-empty string." msgstr "Ime zbirke podatkov mora biti neprazen niz." #: libraries/classes/Dbal/InvalidDatabaseName.php:22 #, php-format msgid "The database name cannot be longer than %d characters." msgstr "Ime zbirke podatkov ne more biti daljše od %d znakov." #: libraries/classes/Dbal/InvalidDatabaseName.php:27 msgid "The database name cannot end with a space character." msgstr "Ime zbirke podatkov se ne more končati s presledkom." #: libraries/classes/Dbal/InvalidTableName.php:14 msgid "The table name must be a non-empty string." msgstr "Ime tabele mora biti neprazen niz." #: libraries/classes/Dbal/InvalidTableName.php:22 #, php-format msgid "The table name cannot be longer than %d characters." msgstr "Ime tabele ne more biti daljše od %d znakov." #: libraries/classes/Dbal/InvalidTableName.php:27 msgid "The table name cannot end with a space character." msgstr "Ime tabele se ne more končati s presledkom." #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:1263 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:204 msgid "Partial texts" msgstr "Delna besedila" #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:1267 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:208 msgid "Full texts" msgstr "Polna besedila" #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:1608 #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:1634 libraries/classes/Util.php:2487 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:2510 libraries/config.values.php:113 #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:69 #: templates/database/qbe/sort_select_cell.twig:7 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:111 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:128 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:147 #: templates/server/status/processes/list.twig:12 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:31 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:163 msgid "Descending" msgstr "Padajoče" #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:1616 #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:1626 libraries/classes/Util.php:2479 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:2502 libraries/config.values.php:112 #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:68 #: templates/database/qbe/sort_select_cell.twig:5 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:109 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:126 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:145 #: templates/server/status/processes/list.twig:14 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:27 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:159 msgid "Ascending" msgstr "Naraščajoče" #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:2800 #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:2815 msgid "The row has been deleted." msgstr "Vrstica je izbrisana." #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:2847 #: templates/server/status/processes/list.twig:44 msgid "Kill" msgstr "Prekini proces" #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:3403 msgid "May be approximate. See [doc@faq3-11]FAQ 3.11[/doc]." msgstr "Morda je približno. Glej [doc@faq3-11]FAQ 3.11[/doc]." #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:3770 #, php-format msgid "Showing rows %1s - %2s" msgstr "Prikazujem vrstice %1s–%2s" #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:3784 #, php-format msgid "%1$d total, %2$d in query" msgstr "skupno %1$d, %2$d v poizvedbi" #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:3789 #, php-format msgid "%d total" msgstr "skupaj %d" #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:3802 libraries/classes/Sql.php:960 #, php-format msgid "Query took %01.4f seconds." msgstr "Poizvedba je potrebovala %01.4f sekunde." #: libraries/classes/Display/Results.php:4129 msgid "Link not found!" msgstr "Povezave ni mogoče najti!" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Bdb.php:28 msgid "Version information" msgstr "Podatki o različici" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:31 msgid "Data home directory" msgstr "Domača mapa podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:32 msgid "The common part of the directory path for all InnoDB data files." msgstr "Pogosti del poti mape za vse podatkovne datoteke InnoDB." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:35 msgid "Data files" msgstr "Podatkovne datoteke" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:38 msgid "Autoextend increment" msgstr "Povečevanje pri samorazširitvi" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:40 msgid "" "The increment size for extending the size of an autoextending tablespace " "when it becomes full." msgstr "" "Velikost povečevanja pri razširjanju velikosti samorazširitvenega prostora v " "tabeli, ko ta postane poln." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:45 msgid "Buffer pool size" msgstr "Velikost zaloge medpomnilnika" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:46 msgid "" "The size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its " "tables." msgstr "" "Velikost spominskega medpomnilnika, ki ga InnoDB uporablja za predpomnjenje " "podatkov in indeksov svojih tabel." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:107 msgid "Buffer Pool" msgstr "Zaloga medpomnilnika" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:108 #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:233 msgid "InnoDB Status" msgstr "Stanje InnoDB" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:133 msgid "Buffer Pool Usage" msgstr "Uporaba zaloge medpomnilnika" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:140 msgid "pages" msgstr "strani" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:148 msgid "Free pages" msgstr "Proste strani" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:154 msgid "Dirty pages" msgstr "Umazane strani" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:160 msgid "Pages containing data" msgstr "Strani, ki vsebujejo podatke" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:166 msgid "Pages to be flushed" msgstr "Strani za izplakniti" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:172 msgid "Busy pages" msgstr "Zasedene strani" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:181 msgid "Latched pages" msgstr "Zapahnjene strani" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:192 msgid "Buffer Pool Activity" msgstr "Dejavnost zaloge medpomnilnika" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:196 msgid "Read requests" msgstr "Zahtev branja" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:202 msgid "Write requests" msgstr "Zahtev pisanja" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:208 msgid "Read misses" msgstr "Zgrešena branja" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:214 msgid "Write waits" msgstr "Čakajoča pisanja" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:220 msgid "Read misses in %" msgstr "Zgrešena branja v %" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Innodb.php:235 msgid "Write waits in %" msgstr "Čakajoča pisanja v %" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Myisam.php:28 msgid "Data pointer size" msgstr "Velikost kazalca podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Myisam.php:30 msgid "" "The default pointer size in bytes, to be used by CREATE TABLE for MyISAM " "tables when no MAX_ROWS option is specified." msgstr "" "Privzeta velikost kazalca v bajtih, ki se naj uporablja s CREATE TABLE za " "tabele MyISAM, ko možnost MAX_ROWS ni določena." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Myisam.php:36 msgid "Automatic recovery mode" msgstr "Način samodejne obnovitve" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Myisam.php:38 msgid "" "The mode for automatic recovery of crashed MyISAM tables, as set via the --" "myisam-recover server startup option." msgstr "" "Način za samodejno obnovitev sesutih tabel MyISAM, ko je določen preko " "zagonske možnosti strežnika --myisam-recover." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Myisam.php:43 msgid "Maximum size for temporary sort files" msgstr "Največja velikost začasnih razvrstitvenih datotek" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Myisam.php:45 msgid "" "The maximum size of the temporary file MySQL is allowed to use while re-" "creating a MyISAM index (during REPAIR TABLE, ALTER TABLE, or LOAD DATA " "INFILE)." msgstr "" "Največja velikost začasnih datotek, ki jih lahko MySQL uporablja, ko ponovno " "ustvarja indeks MyISAM (med REPAIR TABLE, ALTER TABLE ali LOAD DATA INFILE)." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Myisam.php:52 msgid "Maximum size for temporary files on index creation" msgstr "Največja velikost začasnih datotek ob ustvarjanju indeksa" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Myisam.php:54 msgid "" "If the temporary file used for fast MyISAM index creation would be larger " "than using the key cache by the amount specified here, prefer the key cache " "method." msgstr "" "Če bi bila začasna datoteka, uporabljena za hitro ustvarjanje indeksa " "MyISAM, večja kot uporabljena vrednost predpomnilnika ključev določena " "tukaj, raje izberite način predpomnilnika ključev." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Myisam.php:61 msgid "Repair threads" msgstr "Niti popravljanja" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Myisam.php:63 msgid "" "If this value is greater than 1, MyISAM table indexes are created in " "parallel (each index in its own thread) during the repair by sorting process." msgstr "" "Če je vrednost večja od 1, so indeksi tabel MyISAM med popravljanjem zaradi " "postopka razvrščanja ustvarjeni vzporedno (vsak indeks v svoji niti)." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Myisam.php:70 msgid "Sort buffer size" msgstr "Velikost medpomnilnika razvrščanja" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Myisam.php:72 msgid "" "The buffer that is allocated when sorting MyISAM indexes during a REPAIR " "TABLE or when creating indexes with CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLE." msgstr "" "Medpomnilnik, ki je dodeljen razvrščanju indeksov MyISAM med REPAIR TABLE " "ali ustvarjanju indeksov s CREATE INDEX ali ALTER TABLE." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:33 msgid "Index cache size" msgstr "Velikost predpomnilnika indeksov" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:35 msgid "" "This is the amount of memory allocated to the index cache. Default value is " "32MB. The memory allocated here is used only for caching index pages." msgstr "" "Količina pomnilnika uporabljena za predpomnjenje indeksov. Privzeta vrednost " "je 32 MB. Tukaj dodeljen pomnilnik se uporablja samo za predpomnjenje strani " "indeksov." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:42 msgid "Record cache size" msgstr "Velikost predpomnilnika zapisov" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:44 msgid "" "This is the amount of memory allocated to the record cache used to cache " "table data. The default value is 32MB. This memory is used to cache changes " "to the handle data (.xtd) and row pointer (.xtr) files." msgstr "" "Količina dodeljenega spomina zapisljivemu predpomnilniku, uporabljenemu za " "predpomnjenje podatkov tabele. Privzeta vrednost je 32 MB. Ta spomin se " "uporablja za predpomnjenje sprememb datotek oprimkov podatkov (.xtd) in " "kazalcev vrstic (.xtr)." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:52 msgid "Log cache size" msgstr "Velikost predpomnilnika dnevnika" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:54 msgid "" "The amount of memory allocated to the transaction log cache used to cache on " "transaction log data. The default is 16MB." msgstr "" "Količina spomina dodeljenega predpomnilniku dnevnika transakcij, ki se " "uporablja za predpomnjenje ob podatkih dnevnika transakcij. Privzeto je 16 " "MB." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:61 msgid "Log file threshold" msgstr "Prag dnevniške datoteke" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:63 msgid "" "The size of a transaction log before rollover, and a new log is created. The " "default value is 16MB." msgstr "" "Velikost dnevnika transakcij pred prehodom in ustvarjanjem novega dnevnika. " "Privzeta vrednost je 16 MB." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:69 msgid "Transaction buffer size" msgstr "Velikost medpomnilnika transakcij" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:71 msgid "" "The size of the global transaction log buffer (the engine allocates 2 " "buffers of this size). The default is 1MB." msgstr "" "Velikost globalnega medpomnilnika dnevnika transakcij (pogon dodeli dva " "medpomnilnika te velikosti). Privzeto je 1 MB." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:78 msgid "Checkpoint frequency" msgstr "Pogostnost nadzornih točk" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:80 msgid "" "The amount of data written to the transaction log before a checkpoint is " "performed. The default value is 24MB." msgstr "" "Količina podatkov, zapisanih v dnevnik transakcij, preden se izvede nadzorna " "točka. Privzeta vrednost je 24 MB." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:87 msgid "Data log threshold" msgstr "Prag podatkovnega dnevnika" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:89 msgid "" "The maximum size of a data log file. The default value is 64MB. PBXT can " "create a maximum of 32000 data logs, which are used by all tables. So the " "value of this variable can be increased to increase the total amount of data " "that can be stored in the database." msgstr "" "Največja velikost podatkovnega dnevnika. Privzeta vrednost je 64 MB. PBXT " "lahko ustvari največ 32000 podatkovnih dnevnikov, katere uporabljajo vse " "tabele. Tako se lahko ta vrednost poveča za povečanje skupne količine " "podatkov, ki so lahko shranjeni v zbirki podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:98 msgid "Garbage threshold" msgstr "Prag smeti" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:100 msgid "" "The percentage of garbage in a data log file before it is compacted. This is " "a value between 1 and 99. The default is 50." msgstr "" "Odstotek smeti v dnevniški datoteki, preden je stisnjena. Vrednost je med 1 " "in 99. Privzeto je 50." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:107 msgid "Log buffer size" msgstr "Velikost medpomnilnika dnevnikov" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:109 msgid "" "The size of the buffer used when writing a data log. The default is 256MB. " "The engine allocates one buffer per thread, but only if the thread is " "required to write a data log." msgstr "" "Velikost medpomnilnika, uporabljenega med pisanjem podatkovnega dnevnika. " "Privzeto je 256 MB. Pogon vsaki niti dodeli en medpomnilnik, vendar samo v " "primeru, če mora nit zapisovati v podatkovni dnevnik." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:117 msgid "Data file grow size" msgstr "Velikost rasti podatkovnih datotek" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:118 msgid "The grow size of the handle data (.xtd) files." msgstr "Velikost rasti datotek za ravnanje s podatki (.xtd)." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:122 msgid "Row file grow size" msgstr "Velikost rasti datotek vrstic" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:123 msgid "The grow size of the row pointer (.xtr) files." msgstr "Velikost rasti datotek kazalca vrstic (.xtr)." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:127 msgid "Log file count" msgstr "Število dnevniških datotek" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:129 msgid "" "This is the number of transaction log files (pbxt/system/xlog*.xt) the " "system will maintain. If the number of logs exceeds this value then old logs " "will be deleted, otherwise they are renamed and given the next highest " "number." msgstr "" "Število datotek transakcijskih dnevnikov (pbxt/system/xlog*.xt), ki jih " "vzdržuje sistem. Če število dnevnikov presega to vrednost, bodo stari " "dnevniki izbrani, v naprotnem primeru pa bodo preimenovani in dodeljena jim " "bo naslednja najvišja številka." #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:169 #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:784 #: libraries/classes/Html/MySQLDocumentation.php:50 #: libraries/classes/Sanitize.php:203 #: templates/config/form_display/input.twig:10 templates/home/index.twig:244 #: templates/server/variables/index.twig:17 templates/setup/home/index.twig:113 #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:131 msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentacija" #: libraries/classes/Engines/Pbxt.php:185 #, php-format msgid "" "Documentation and further information about PBXT can be found on the " "%sPrimeBase XT Home Page%s." msgstr "" "Dokumentacijo in nadaljnje informacije o PBXT lahko najdete na %sDomači " "strani PrimeBase XT%s." #: libraries/classes/ErrorHandler.php:105 msgid "Too many error messages, some are not displayed." msgstr "Preveč sporočil o napakah; nekatera zato niso prikazana." #: libraries/classes/ErrorHandler.php:434 msgid "Report" msgstr "Poročaj" #: libraries/classes/ErrorHandler.php:439 templates/error/report_form.twig:25 msgid "Automatically send report next time" msgstr "Naslednjič poročilo pošlji samodejno" #: libraries/classes/Export.php:160 libraries/classes/Export.php:196 #: libraries/classes/Export.php:472 #, php-format msgid "Insufficient space to save the file %s." msgstr "Ni dovolj prostora za shranjevanje datoteke %s." #: libraries/classes/Export.php:421 #, php-format msgid "" "File %s already exists on server, change filename or check overwrite option." msgstr "" "Datoteka %s že obstaja na strežniku, spremenite ime novi ali prepišite " "obstoječo datoteko." #: libraries/classes/Export.php:428 libraries/classes/Export.php:438 #, php-format msgid "The web server does not have permission to save the file %s." msgstr "Spletni strežnik nima dovoljenja za shranjevanje datoteke %s." #: libraries/classes/Export.php:478 #, php-format msgid "Dump has been saved to file %s." msgstr "Dump je shranjen v datoteko %s." #. l10n: A query written by the user is a "raw query" that could be using no tables or databases in particular #: libraries/classes/Export.php:921 msgid "Exporting a raw query is not supported for this export method." msgstr "Izvoz surove poizvedbe ni podprt pri tej metodi izvoza." #: libraries/classes/File.php:231 msgid "File was not an uploaded file." msgstr "Datoteka ni naložen datoteka." #: libraries/classes/File.php:266 msgid "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini." msgstr "Naložena datotek presega napotek upload_max_filesize v php.ini." #: libraries/classes/File.php:271 msgid "" "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in " "the HTML form." msgstr "" "Naložena datotek presega napotek MAX_FILE_SIZE, ki je bil določen v obrazcu " "HTML." #: libraries/classes/File.php:276 msgid "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded." msgstr "Naložena datoteka je bila naložena samo delno." #: libraries/classes/File.php:280 msgid "Missing a temporary folder." msgstr "Manjka začasna mapa." #: libraries/classes/File.php:283 msgid "Failed to write file to disk." msgstr "Pisanje datoteke na disk je spodletelo." #: libraries/classes/File.php:286 msgid "File upload stopped by extension." msgstr "Nalaganje datoteke je ustavila razširitev." #: libraries/classes/File.php:289 msgid "Unknown error in file upload." msgstr "Neznana napaka pri nalaganju datoteke." #: libraries/classes/File.php:422 msgid "File is a symbolic link" msgstr "Datoteka je simbolna povezava" #: libraries/classes/File.php:429 libraries/classes/File.php:520 msgid "File could not be read!" msgstr "Ne morem prebrati datoteke!" #: libraries/classes/File.php:465 msgid "Error moving the uploaded file, see [doc@faq1-11]FAQ 1.11[/doc]." msgstr "" "Napaka pri premikanju naložene datoteke, glej [doc@faq1-11]FAQ 1.11[/doc]." #: libraries/classes/File.php:485 msgid "Error while moving uploaded file." msgstr "Napaka pri premikanju naložene datoteke." #: libraries/classes/File.php:494 msgid "Cannot read uploaded file." msgstr "Ne morem prebrati naložene datoteke." #: libraries/classes/File.php:571 #, php-format msgid "" "You attempted to load file with unsupported compression (%s). Either support " "for it is not implemented or disabled by your configuration." msgstr "" "Poskušali ste naložiti datoteko z nepodprtim stiskanjem (%s). Bodisi podpora " "za njega ni vključena ali pa je onemogočena z vašo konfiguracijo." #: libraries/classes/FlashMessages.php:24 msgid "Session not found." msgstr "Seje nismo našli." #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:146 #, php-format msgid "Jump to database “%s”." msgstr "Preskoči na zbirko podatkov \"%s\"." #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:172 #, php-format msgid "The %s functionality is affected by a known bug, see %s" msgstr "Na funkcionalnost %s vpliva znan hrošč, glej %s" #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:240 msgid "SSL is not being used" msgstr "SSL ni v uporabi" #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:245 msgid "SSL is used with disabled verification" msgstr "SSL je v uporabi z onemogočenim preverjanjem" #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:247 msgid "SSL is used without certification authority" msgstr "SSL je v uporabi brez overitelja potrdil" #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:250 msgid "SSL is used" msgstr "SSL je v uporabi" #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:353 msgid "The PHP function password_hash() with default options." msgstr "Funkcija PHP password_hash() s privzetimi možnostmi." #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:354 msgid "password_hash() PHP function" msgstr "Funkcija PHP password_hash()" #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:632 msgid "Skip Explain SQL" msgstr "Preskoči razlago stavka SQL" #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:641 #, php-format msgid "Analyze Explain at %s" msgstr "Analiziraj explain pri %s" #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:670 msgid "Without PHP code" msgstr "Brez kode PHP" #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:678 #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:175 #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:115 msgid "Submit query" msgstr "Izvedi poizvedbo" #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:725 templates/console/display.twig:43 #: templates/console/display.twig:201 templates/sql/profiling_chart.twig:2 msgid "Profiling" msgstr "Profiliranje" #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:738 msgctxt "Inline edit query" msgid "Edit inline" msgstr "Uredi v vrstici" #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:860 msgid "Static analysis:" msgstr "Statična analiza:" #: libraries/classes/Html/Generator.php:863 #, php-format msgid "%d errors were found during analysis." msgstr "Med analizo smo našli %d napak." #: libraries/classes/Import.php:276 libraries/classes/Sql.php:968 msgid "[ROLLBACK occurred.]" msgstr "[Zgodil se je ROLLBACK.]" #: libraries/classes/Import.php:1215 msgid "" "The following structures have either been created or altered. Here you can:" msgstr "" "Naslednje strukture so bile ali ustvarjene ali spremenjene: Tukaj lahko:" #: libraries/classes/Import.php:1217 msgid "View a structure's contents by clicking on its name." msgstr "Oglejte si vsebine strukture s klikom na njeno ime." #: libraries/classes/Import.php:1218 msgid "" "Change any of its settings by clicking the corresponding \"Options\" link." msgstr "" "Spremenite katero koli njeno nastavitev s klikom na pripadajočo povezavo " "\"Možnosti\"." #: libraries/classes/Import.php:1219 msgid "Edit structure by following the \"Structure\" link." msgstr "Uredite strukturo s sledenjem povezavi \"Struktura\"." #: libraries/classes/Import.php:1223 libraries/classes/Import.php:1257 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportCodegen.php:66 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportCsv.php:45 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportExcel.php:39 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:45 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportJson.php:71 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:67 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportMediawiki.php:45 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOds.php:52 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:59 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportPdf.php:65 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportPhparray.php:44 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:115 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:44 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:76 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportYaml.php:43 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:70 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportLdi.php:51 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportMediawiki.php:59 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportOds.php:53 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportShp.php:70 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportSql.php:43 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportXml.php:51 #: templates/console/display.twig:15 templates/console/display.twig:163 #: templates/database/designer/database_tables.twig:114 #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:53 #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:97 msgid "Options" msgstr "Možnosti" #: libraries/classes/Import.php:1226 #, php-format msgid "Go to database: %s" msgstr "Pojdi v zbirko podatkov: %s" #: libraries/classes/Import.php:1232 libraries/classes/Import.php:1275 #, php-format msgid "Edit settings for %s" msgstr "Uredi nastavitve za %s" #: libraries/classes/Import.php:1260 #, php-format msgid "Go to table: %s" msgstr "Pojdi na tabelo: %s" #: libraries/classes/Import.php:1268 #, php-format msgid "Structure of %s" msgstr "Struktura %s" #: libraries/classes/Import.php:1286 #, php-format msgid "Go to view: %s" msgstr "Pojdi na pogled: %s" #: libraries/classes/Import.php:1312 msgid "" "Only INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and REPLACE SQL queries containing transactional " "engine tables can be rolled back." msgstr "" "Razveljavite lahko samo SQL-poizvedbe INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE in REPLACE, ki " "vsebujejo tabele transakcijskega pogona." #: libraries/classes/Index.php:618 #, php-format msgid "" "The indexes %1$s and %2$s seem to be equal and one of them could possibly be " "removed." msgstr "" "Kaže, da sta indeksa %1$s in %2$s enaka, zato se enega od njiju morda lahko " "odstrani." #: libraries/classes/InsertEdit.php:364 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeFunction.php:28 #: templates/database/routines/execute_form.twig:18 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:36 #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:34 msgid "Function" msgstr "Funkcija" #: libraries/classes/InsertEdit.php:367 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:275 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:368 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:523 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:370 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:472 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:288 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:378 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/Helpers/Pdf.php:522 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:666 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:700 #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:12 #: templates/database/central_columns/edit.twig:9 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:20 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:224 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:23 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:74 #: templates/database/events/index.twig:45 #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:19 #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:26 #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:51 #: templates/database/routines/execute_form.twig:16 #: templates/database/routines/index.twig:50 #: templates/database/structure/table_header.twig:30 templates/indexes.twig:17 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:21 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:39 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:22 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:459 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns.twig:7 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes.twig:6 #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:37 msgid "Type" msgstr "Vrsta" #: libraries/classes/InsertEdit.php:738 templates/import.twig:60 #: templates/import.twig:85 msgid "The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached." msgstr "Imenik, ki ste ga določili za nalaganje, ni dosegljiv." #: libraries/classes/InsertEdit.php:746 #: templates/database/qbe/ins_del_and_or_cell.twig:24 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:33 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:60 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:87 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:114 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:129 msgid "Or" msgstr "Ali" #: libraries/classes/InsertEdit.php:747 msgid "web server upload directory:" msgstr "imenik za nalaganje datotek:" #: libraries/classes/InsertEdit.php:1332 libraries/classes/Sql.php:951 msgid "Showing SQL query" msgstr "Prikazovanje poizvedbe SQL" #: libraries/classes/InsertEdit.php:1356 libraries/classes/Sql.php:931 #, php-format msgid "Inserted row id: %1$d" msgstr "Id vstavljene vrstice: %1$d" #: libraries/classes/LanguageManager.php:979 msgid "Ignoring unsupported language code." msgstr "Preskočili smo nepodprto kodo jezika." #: libraries/classes/Linter.php:108 msgid "" "Linting is disabled for this query because it exceeds the maximum length." msgstr "Linting je za to poizvedbo onemogočen, ker presega največjo dolžino." #: libraries/classes/Linter.php:162 #, php-format msgid "%1$s (near %2$s)" msgstr "%1$s (blizu %2$s)" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:238 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeTable.php:309 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1428 libraries/classes/Util.php:1895 #: libraries/config.values.php:68 libraries/config.values.php:82 #: libraries/config.values.php:183 templates/database/search/results.twig:34 #: templates/database/structure/structure_table_row.twig:43 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:282 msgid "Browse" msgstr "Prebrskaj" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:257 libraries/classes/Menu.php:361 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeTable.php:300 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1426 libraries/classes/Util.php:1881 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1898 libraries/config.values.php:64 #: libraries/config.values.php:78 libraries/config.values.php:169 #: libraries/config.values.php:179 templates/database/routines/index.twig:27 #: templates/database/routines/index.twig:28 #: templates/database/structure/structure_table_row.twig:53 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:76 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:77 msgid "Search" msgstr "Iskanje" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:268 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeTable.php:303 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1427 libraries/classes/Util.php:1899 #: libraries/config.values.php:66 libraries/config.values.php:80 #: libraries/config.values.php:181 #: templates/database/qbe/ins_del_and_or_cell.twig:6 #: templates/database/structure/structure_table_row.twig:59 #: templates/sql/query.twig:75 msgid "Insert" msgstr "Vstavi" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:291 libraries/classes/Menu.php:399 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:2846 libraries/classes/Util.php:1886 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1902 libraries/config.values.php:161 #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:20 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:16 #: templates/server/sub_page_header.twig:2 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:22 msgid "Privileges" msgstr "Privilegiji" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:302 libraries/classes/Menu.php:312 #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:392 libraries/classes/Util.php:1429 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1885 libraries/classes/Util.php:1903 #: libraries/config.values.php:171 templates/table/operations/view.twig:8 msgid "Operations" msgstr "Operacije" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:318 libraries/classes/Menu.php:425 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1890 libraries/classes/Util.php:1904 msgid "Tracking" msgstr "Sledenje" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:325 libraries/classes/Menu.php:418 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeTriggerContainer.php:25 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeTriggerContainer.php:26 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:552 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:697 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportPdf.php:261 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:2072 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:535 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:120 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1889 libraries/classes/Util.php:1905 #: templates/database/triggers/list.twig:3 msgid "Triggers" msgstr "Sprožilci" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:366 libraries/classes/Menu.php:374 #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:382 msgid "Database seems to be empty!" msgstr "Zbirka podatkov se zdi prazna!" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:369 libraries/classes/Util.php:1882 msgid "Query" msgstr "Poizvedba" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:405 libraries/classes/Util.php:1887 #: templates/database/routines/index.twig:3 msgid "Routines" msgstr "Rutina" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:411 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeEventContainer.php:25 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeEventContainer.php:26 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1004 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:100 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1888 templates/database/events/index.twig:3 msgid "Events" msgstr "Dogodki" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:432 libraries/classes/Util.php:1891 msgid "Designer" msgstr "Oblikovalnik" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:439 libraries/classes/Util.php:1892 #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:32 msgid "Central columns" msgstr "Osrednji stolpci" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:496 msgid "User accounts" msgstr "Uporabniški računi" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:530 libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:152 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1871 templates/server/binlog/index.twig:3 msgid "Binary log" msgstr "Dvojiški dnevnik" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:537 libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:157 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1872 #: templates/database/structure/body_for_table_summary.twig:11 #: templates/database/structure/table_header.twig:10 #: templates/server/replication/index.twig:5 msgid "Replication" msgstr "Podvojevanje" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:543 libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:229 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1873 libraries/config.values.php:159 #: templates/server/engines/show.twig:18 templates/server/engines/show.twig:21 #: templates/sql/query.twig:191 msgid "Variables" msgstr "Spremenljivke" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:548 libraries/classes/Util.php:1874 msgid "Charsets" msgstr "Nabori znakov" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:553 libraries/classes/Util.php:1876 msgid "Engines" msgstr "Pogoni" #: libraries/classes/Menu.php:558 libraries/classes/Util.php:1875 #: templates/server/plugins/index.twig:4 msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Vtičniki" #: libraries/classes/Message.php:252 #, php-format msgid "%1$d row affected." msgid_plural "%1$d rows affected." msgstr[0] "Spremenili smo %1$d vrstico." msgstr[1] "Spremenili smo %1$d vrstici." msgstr[2] "Spremenili smo %1$d vrstice." msgstr[3] "Spremenili smo %1$d vrstic." #: libraries/classes/Message.php:273 #, php-format msgid "%1$d row deleted." msgid_plural "%1$d rows deleted." msgstr[0] "Izbrisali smo %1$d vrstico." msgstr[1] "Izbrisali smo %1$d vrstici." msgstr[2] "Izbrisali smo %1$d vrstice." msgstr[3] "Izbrisali smo %1$d vrstic." #: libraries/classes/Message.php:294 #, php-format msgid "%1$d row inserted." msgid_plural "%1$d rows inserted." msgstr[0] "Vstavili smo %1$d vrstico." msgstr[1] "Vstavili smo %1$d vrstici." msgstr[2] "Vstavili smo %1$d vrstice." msgstr[3] "Vstavili smo %1$d vrstic." #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Navigation.php:229 msgid "Groups:" msgstr "Skupine:" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Navigation.php:230 msgid "Events:" msgstr "Dogodki:" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Navigation.php:231 msgid "Functions:" msgstr "Funkcije:" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Navigation.php:232 msgid "Procedures:" msgstr "Procedure:" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Navigation.php:233 #: templates/database/export/index.twig:14 msgid "Tables:" msgstr "Tabele:" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Navigation.php:234 msgid "Views:" msgstr "Pogledi:" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/NavigationTree.php:758 msgid "" "There are large item groups in navigation panel which may affect the " "performance. Consider disabling item grouping in the navigation panel." msgstr "" "Na navigacijski plošči so velike skupine vnosov, ki lahko vplivajo na " "zmogljivost. Razmislite o onemogočitvi združevanja vnosov na navigacijski " "plošči." #: libraries/classes/Navigation/NavigationTree.php:832 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Skupine" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/NavigationTree.php:945 #, php-format msgid "%s result found" msgid_plural "%s results found" msgstr[0] "najden %s rezultat" msgstr[1] "najdena %s rezultata" msgstr[2] "najdeni %s rezultati" msgstr[3] "najdenih %s rezultatov" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/NavigationTree.php:1346 msgid "Collapse all" msgstr "Skrči vse" #. l10n: The word "Node" must not be translated here #: libraries/classes/Navigation/NodeFactory.php:43 #, php-format msgid "Invalid class name \"%1$s\", using default of \"Node\"" msgstr "Neveljavno ime razreda \"%1$s\"; uporabljam privzeto \"Node\"" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/NodeFactory.php:73 #, php-format msgid "Could not load class \"%1$s\"" msgstr "Ne morem naložiti razreda \"%1$s\"" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeColumnContainer.php:25 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeColumnContainer.php:26 #: templates/sql/query.twig:62 msgid "Columns" msgstr "Stolpci" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeColumnContainer.php:33 msgctxt "Create new column" msgid "New" msgstr "Nov" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeColumn.php:32 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:272 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:365 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:522 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:367 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:469 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:287 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:377 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/Helpers/Pdf.php:520 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:665 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:699 #: templates/columns_definitions/column_name.twig:16 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:22 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:77 templates/indexes.twig:20 #: templates/table/index_form.twig:141 #: templates/table/insert/get_head_and_foot_of_insert_row_table.twig:5 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:13 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:18 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:23 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:38 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:71 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:140 #: templates/table/relation/foreign_key_row.twig:114 #: templates/table/relation/foreign_key_row.twig:124 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:38 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:462 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns.twig:6 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes.twig:9 #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:36 #: templates/table/zoom_search/result_form.twig:35 msgid "Column" msgstr "Stolpec" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeDatabaseContainer.php:36 msgctxt "Create new database" msgid "New" msgstr "Novo" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeDatabase.php:42 msgid "Database operations" msgstr "Posegi zbirke podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeDatabase.php:646 msgid "Show hidden items" msgstr "Prikaži skrite predmete" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeEventContainer.php:33 msgctxt "Create new event" msgid "New" msgstr "Nov" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeEvent.php:28 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:471 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:596 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:452 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/Helpers/Pdf.php:360 #: templates/database/triggers/editor_form.twig:47 #: templates/database/triggers/list.twig:48 msgid "Event" msgstr "Dogodek" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeFunctionContainer.php:25 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeFunctionContainer.php:26 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:634 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:105 msgid "Functions" msgstr "Funkcije" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeFunctionContainer.php:33 msgctxt "Create new function" msgid "New" msgstr "Nova" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeIndexContainer.php:33 msgctxt "Create new index" msgid "New" msgstr "Nov" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/Node.php:622 msgid "Expand/Collapse" msgstr "Razširi/Skrči" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeProcedureContainer.php:25 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeProcedureContainer.php:26 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:623 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:110 msgid "Procedures" msgstr "Procedure" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeProcedureContainer.php:33 msgctxt "Create new procedure" msgid "New" msgstr "Nova" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeProcedure.php:28 msgid "Procedure" msgstr "Procedura" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeTableContainer.php:34 msgctxt "Create new table" msgid "New" msgstr "Nova" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeTriggerContainer.php:33 msgctxt "Create new trigger" msgid "New" msgstr "Nov" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeTrigger.php:28 msgid "Trigger" msgstr "Sprožilec" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeViewContainer.php:25 #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeViewContainer.php:26 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:125 #: templates/database/structure/show_create.twig:28 msgid "Views" msgstr "Pogledi" #: libraries/classes/Navigation/Nodes/NodeViewContainer.php:34 msgctxt "Create new view" msgid "New" msgstr "Nov" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:223 msgid "Make all columns atomic" msgstr "Naredi vse stolpce atomske" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:225 #: templates/table/normalization/normalization.twig:11 msgid "First step of normalization (1NF)" msgstr "Prvi korak normalizacije (1NF)" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:228 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:278 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:324 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:361 msgid "Step 1." msgstr "Korak 1." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:230 msgid "" "Do you have any column which can be split into more than one column? For " "example: address can be split into street, city, country and zip." msgstr "" "Imate kakšen stolpec, ki ga je možno razbiti v več kot en stolpcev? Na " "primer: naslov lahko razbijete na ulico, mesto, državo in poštno številko." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:236 msgid "Show me the central list of columns that are not already in this table" msgstr "Prikaži mi osrednji seznam stolpcev, ki še niso v tej tabeli" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:238 msgid "" "Select a column which can be split into more than one (on select of 'no such " "column', it'll move to next step)." msgstr "" "Izberite stolpec, ki ga je možno razbiti v več kot enega (z izbiro »ni " "takšnega stolpca« se boste pomaknili na naslednji korak)." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:253 msgid "split into " msgstr "razbij v " #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:275 msgid "Have a primary key" msgstr "Obstoj primarnega ključa" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:281 msgid "Primary key already exists." msgstr "Primarni ključ že obstaja." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:286 msgid "" "There is no primary key; please add one.
Hint: A primary key is a column " "(or combination of columns) that uniquely identify all rows." msgstr "" "Ni primarnega ključa; prosimo, dodajte ga.
Namig: Primarni ključ je " "stolpec (ali kombinacija stolpcev), ki enolično identificira vse vrstice." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:294 msgid "Add a primary key on existing column(s)" msgstr "Dodaj primarni ključ na obstoječih stolpcih" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:298 msgid "" "If it's not possible to make existing column combinations as primary key" msgstr "Obstoječe kombinacije stolpcev ni mogoče uporabiti kot primarni ključ" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:300 msgid "+ Add a new primary key column" msgstr "+ Dodaj nov stolpec primarnega ključa" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:323 msgid "Remove redundant columns" msgstr "Odstrani odvečne stolpce" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:326 msgid "" "Do you have a group of columns which on combining gives an existing column? " "For example, if you have first_name, last_name and full_name then combining " "first_name and last_name gives full_name which is redundant." msgstr "" "Imate skupino stolpcev, ki ob združitvi daje obstoječ stolpec? Na primer, če " "imate ime, priimek in polno_ime, potem združitev stolpcev ime in priimek da " "polno_ime, ki je odvečen." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:332 msgid "" "Check the columns which are redundant and click on remove. If no redundant " "column, click on 'No redundant column'" msgstr "" "Označite stolpce, ki so odvečni, in kliknite Odstrani. Če ni odvečnih " "stolpcev, kliknite »Ni odvečnih stolpcev«" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:337 msgid "Remove selected" msgstr "Odstrani izbrane" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:338 msgid "No redundant column" msgstr "Ni odvečnih stolpcev" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:360 msgid "Move repeating groups" msgstr "Premakni ponavljajoče se skupine" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:363 msgid "" "Do you have a group of two or more columns that are closely related and are " "all repeating the same attribute? For example, a table that holds data on " "books might have columns such as book_id, author1, author2, author3 and so " "on which form a repeating group. In this case a new table (book_id, author) " "should be created." msgstr "" "Imate skupino dveh ali več stolpcev, ki so sorodni in vsi ponavljajo enako " "lastnost? Na primer, tabela, ki vsebuje podatke o knjigah, morda vsebuje " "stolpce id_knjige, avtor1, avtor2, avtor3 in tako naprej, ki tvorijo " "ponavljajočo skupino. V takem primeru je bolje ustvariti novo tabelo " "(id_knjige, avtor)." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:371 msgid "" "Check the columns which form a repeating group. If no such group, click on " "'No repeating group'" msgstr "" "Označite stolpce, ki tvorijo ponavljajočo skupino. Če ni take skupine, " "kliknite na »Ni ponavljajoče skupine«" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:376 msgid "No repeating group" msgstr "Ni ponavljajoče skupine" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:404 msgid "Step 2." msgstr "Korak 2." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:404 msgid "Find partial dependencies" msgstr "Najdi delne odvisnosti" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:425 #, php-format msgid "" "No partial dependencies possible as no non-primary column exists since " "primary key ( %1$s ) is composed of all the columns in the table." msgstr "" "Delne odvisnosti niso možne, saj ni nobenega neprimarnega stolpca; primarni " "ključ (%1$s) je namreč sestavljen iz vseh stolpcev v tabeli." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:431 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:473 msgid "Table is already in second normal form." msgstr "Tabela je že v drugi normalni obliki." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:436 #, php-format msgid "" "The primary key ( %1$s ) consists of more than one column so we need to find " "the partial dependencies." msgstr "" "Primarni ključ (%1$s) sestavlja več kot en stolpec, zato moramo najti delne " "odvisnosti." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:440 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:870 msgid "" "Please answer the following question(s) carefully to obtain a correct " "normalization." msgstr "" "Prosimo, pozorno odgovorite na naslednja vprašanja, da dosežete pravilno " "normalizacijo." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:442 msgid "+ Show me the possible partial dependencies based on data in the table" msgstr "+ Pokaži mi možne delne odvisnosti glede na podatke v tabeli" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:445 msgid "" "For each column below, please select the minimal set of columns among " "given set whose values combined together are sufficient to determine the " "value of the column." msgstr "" "Za vsak stolpec spodaj izberite najmanjši nabor stolpcev iz dane " "množice, katerih vrednosti, če jih združimo, zadostujejo, da lahko določimo " "vrednost stolpca." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:458 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:912 #, php-format msgid "'%1$s' depends on:" msgstr "'%1$s' je odvisno od:" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:469 #, php-format msgid "" "No partial dependencies possible as the primary key ( %1$s ) has just one " "column." msgstr "" "Delne odvisnosti niso možne, saj ima primarni ključ (%1$s) samo en stolpec." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:497 #, php-format msgid "" "In order to put the original table '%1$s' into Second normal form we need to " "create the following tables:" msgstr "" "Da pretvorimo izvirno tabelo '%1$s' v drugo normalno obliko, moramo " "ustvariti naslednje tabele:" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:535 #, php-format msgid "The second step of normalization is complete for table '%1$s'." msgstr "Drugi korak normalizacije je končan za tabelo '%1$s'." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:591 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:764 #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:842 msgid "Error in processing!" msgstr "Napaka v obdelovanju!" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:638 #, php-format msgid "" "In order to put the original table '%1$s' into Third normal form we need to " "create the following tables:" msgstr "" "Da pretvorimo izvirno tabelo '%1$s' v tretjo normalno obliko, moramo " "ustvariti naslednje tabele:" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:695 msgid "The third step of normalization is complete." msgstr "Tretji korak normalizacije je končan." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:815 #, php-format msgid "Selected repeating group has been moved to the table '%s'" msgstr "Izbrano ponavljajočo skupino smo prestavili v tabelo '%s'" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:868 msgid "Step 3." msgstr "Korak 3." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:868 msgid "Find transitive dependencies" msgstr "Najdi prehodne odvisnosti" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:872 msgid "" "For each column below, please select the minimal set of columns among " "given set whose values combined together are sufficient to determine the " "value of the column.
Note: A column may have no transitive dependency, in " "that case you don't have to select any." msgstr "" "Za vsak stolpec spodaj izberite najmanjši nabor stolpcev iz dane " "množice, katerih vrednosti, če jih združimo, zadostujejo, da lahko določimo " "vrednost stolpca.
Opomba: Stolpec ne rabi imeti prehodnih odvisnosti; v " "tem primeru ne rabite izbrati nobenega." #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:926 msgid "" "No Transitive dependencies possible as the table doesn't have any non " "primary key columns" msgstr "" "Prehodne odvisnosti niso možne, saj tabela nima nobenega stolpca z " "neprimarnim ključem" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:929 msgid "Table is already in Third normal form!" msgstr "Tabela je že v tretji normalni obliki!" #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:1001 msgid "" "This list is based on a subset of the table's data and is not necessarily " "accurate. " msgstr "Seznam temelji na podmnožici podatkov iz tabele in ni nujno točen. " #: libraries/classes/Normalization.php:1016 msgid "No partial dependencies found!" msgstr "Našli nismo nobene delne odvisnosti!" #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:553 #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:85 msgid "Analyze" msgstr "Analiziraj" #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:554 #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:95 msgid "Check" msgstr "Označi" #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:555 #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:105 msgid "Optimize" msgstr "Optimiraj" #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:556 #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:115 msgid "Rebuild" msgstr "Ponovno sestavi" #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:557 #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:125 msgid "Repair" msgstr "Popravi" #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:558 #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:135 msgid "Truncate" msgstr "Izprazni" #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:570 templates/database/events/index.twig:19 #: templates/database/events/index.twig:20 #: templates/database/events/index.twig:96 #: templates/database/events/index.twig:102 #: templates/database/events/row.twig:47 templates/database/events/row.twig:53 #: templates/database/routines/index.twig:19 #: templates/database/routines/index.twig:20 #: templates/database/routines/parameter_row.twig:51 #: templates/database/routines/row.twig:77 #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:16 #: templates/database/structure/structure_table_row.twig:87 #: templates/database/triggers/list.twig:19 #: templates/database/triggers/list.twig:20 #: templates/database/triggers/row.twig:52 #: templates/database/triggers/row.twig:58 templates/indexes.twig:58 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:67 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:68 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:321 #: templates/table/relation/foreign_key_row.twig:25 #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:146 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:120 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:290 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:508 msgid "Drop" msgstr "Zavrzi" #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:572 msgid "Coalesce" msgstr "Združi (coalesce)" #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:926 msgid "Can't move table to same one!" msgstr "Tabele ne morete premakniti same vase!" #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:928 msgid "Can't copy table to same one!" msgstr "Tabele ne morete kopirati same vase!" #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:952 #, php-format msgid "Table %s has been moved to %s. Privileges have been adjusted." msgstr "Tabelo %s smo premaknili na %s. Privilegije smo prilagodili." #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:958 #, php-format msgid "Table %s has been copied to %s. Privileges have been adjusted." msgstr "Tabelo %s smo skopirali na %s. Privilegije smo prilagodili." #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:965 #, php-format msgid "Table %s has been moved to %s." msgstr "Tabelo %s smo premaknili na %s." #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:969 #, php-format msgid "Table %s has been copied to %s." msgstr "Tabelo %s smo skopirali na %s." #: libraries/classes/Operations.php:993 msgid "The table name is empty!" msgstr "Ime tabele je prazno!" #: libraries/classes/Pdf.php:136 msgid "Error while creating PDF:" msgstr "Napaka med ustvarjanjem PDF:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationConfig.php:79 msgid "Cannot connect: invalid settings." msgstr "Ne morem se povezati: neveljavne nastavitve." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationConfig.php:92 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationHttp.php:86 #: templates/login/header.twig:10 #, php-format msgid "Welcome to %s" msgstr "Dobrodošli v %s" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationConfig.php:106 #, php-format msgid "" "You probably did not create a configuration file. You might want to use the " "%1$ssetup script%2$s to create one." msgstr "" "Najverjetneje niste ustvarili konfiguracijske datoteke. Morda želite " "uporabiti %1$snastavitveni skript%2$s, da jo ustvarite." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationConfig.php:127 msgid "" "phpMyAdmin tried to connect to the MySQL server, and the server rejected the " "connection. You should check the host, username and password in your " "configuration and make sure that they correspond to the information given by " "the administrator of the MySQL server." msgstr "" "phpMyAdmin se je poskušal povezati na strežnik MySQL, ki je zavrnil " "povezavo. Preverite, ali gostitelj, uporabniško ime in geslo v datoteki " "config.inc.php ustrezajo podatkom administratorja strežnika MySQL." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationConfig.php:148 msgid "Retry to connect" msgstr "Poskusi se ponovno povezati" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationCookie.php:134 msgid "Your session has expired. Please log in again." msgstr "Vaša seja je potekla. Prosimo, prijavite se znova." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationCookie.php:252 msgid "Missing reCAPTCHA verification, maybe it has been blocked by adblock?" msgstr "Manjka preverjanje reCAPTCHA; morda ga je blokiral adblock?" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationCookie.php:288 msgid "Failed to connect to the reCAPTCHA service!" msgstr "Ne morem se povezati s strežnikom storitve reCAPTCHA!" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationCookie.php:290 msgid "Entered captcha is wrong, try again!" msgstr "Vnesena captcha je napačna; poskusite znova!" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationCookie.php:302 msgid "" "Your password is too long. To prevent denial-of-service attacks, phpMyAdmin " "restricts passwords to less than 1000 characters." msgstr "" "Vaše geslo je predolgo. Za preprečitev napadov ohromitve storitve phpMyAdmin " "omejuje gesla na manj kot 1000 znakov." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationCookie.php:321 msgid "You are not allowed to log in to this MySQL server!" msgstr "Nimate dovoljenja za prijavo na ta strežnik MySQL!" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationHttp.php:91 msgid "Wrong username/password. Access denied." msgstr "Napačno uporabniško ime/geslo. Dostop zavrnjen." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Auth/AuthenticationSignon.php:149 msgid "Can not find signon authentication script:" msgstr "Ne morem najti overitvenega skripta signon:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/AuthenticationPlugin.php:176 msgid "" "Login without a password is forbidden by configuration (see AllowNoPassword)" msgstr "" "Prijava brez gesla je prepovedana s konfiguracijo (glej AllowNoPassword)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/AuthenticationPlugin.php:185 #, php-format msgid "" "You have been automatically logged out due to inactivity of %s seconds. Once " "you log in again, you should be able to resume the work where you left off." msgstr "" "Samodejno smo vas odjavili zaradi nedejavnosti v zadnjih %s sekundah. Ko se " "ponovno prijavite, boste lahko nadaljevali z delom tam, kjer ste ostali." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/AuthenticationPlugin.php:198 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/AuthenticationPlugin.php:201 msgid "Cannot log in to the MySQL server" msgstr "Ne morem se prijaviti v strežnik MySQL" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/AuthenticationPlugin.php:342 msgid "You have enabled two factor authentication, please confirm your login." msgstr "" "Omogočili ste dvostopenjsko overovitev; prosimo, potrdite svojo prijavo." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportCodegen.php:80 #: templates/export.twig:119 msgid "Format:" msgstr "Oblika:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportCsv.php:57 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/AbstractImportCsv.php:36 msgid "Columns separated with:" msgstr "Stolpci so ločeni z:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportCsv.php:62 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/AbstractImportCsv.php:42 msgid "Columns enclosed with:" msgstr "Stolpci so obdani z:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportCsv.php:67 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/AbstractImportCsv.php:49 msgid "Columns escaped with:" msgstr "Stolpci so izognjeni z:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportCsv.php:72 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/AbstractImportCsv.php:56 msgid "Lines terminated with:" msgstr "Vrstice so zaključene z:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportCsv.php:77 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportExcel.php:51 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:79 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:187 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOds.php:64 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:132 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:83 msgid "Replace NULL with:" msgstr "Zamenjaj NULL z:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportCsv.php:82 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportExcel.php:56 msgid "Remove carriage return/line feed characters within columns" msgstr "" "Odstrani znake prehoda na začetek vrstice/pomika v novo vrsto znotraj " "stolpcev" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportExcel.php:66 msgid "Excel edition:" msgstr "Različica Excel:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:61 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:94 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportMediawiki.php:66 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:75 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportPdf.php:91 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:242 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:60 #: libraries/config.values.php:254 libraries/config.values.php:318 #: libraries/config.values.php:334 libraries/config.values.php:342 #: libraries/config.values.php:347 msgid "structure" msgstr "struktura" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:62 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:95 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportMediawiki.php:67 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:76 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportPdf.php:92 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:243 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:61 #: libraries/config.values.php:255 libraries/config.values.php:319 #: libraries/config.values.php:335 libraries/config.values.php:343 #: libraries/config.values.php:348 msgid "data" msgstr "podatki" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:63 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:96 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportMediawiki.php:68 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:77 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportPdf.php:93 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:244 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:62 #: libraries/config.values.php:256 libraries/config.values.php:320 #: libraries/config.values.php:336 libraries/config.values.php:344 #: libraries/config.values.php:349 msgid "structure and data" msgstr "struktura in podatki" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:73 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:158 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:121 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:72 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:133 msgid "Data dump options" msgstr "Možnosti odlaganja podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:193 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:249 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:2322 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:177 msgid "Dumping data for table" msgstr "Odloži podatke za tabelo" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:278 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:371 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:524 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:373 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:475 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:289 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:379 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/Helpers/Pdf.php:524 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:668 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:702 #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:30 #: templates/database/central_columns/edit.twig:14 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:40 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:244 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:24 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:80 templates/indexes.twig:23 #: templates/table/insert/get_head_and_foot_of_insert_row_table.twig:8 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:25 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:465 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns.twig:9 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes.twig:12 #: templates/table/zoom_search/result_form.twig:36 msgid "Null" msgstr "Null" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:281 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:374 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:525 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:376 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:478 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:290 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:380 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/Helpers/Pdf.php:526 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:669 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:703 #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:20 #: templates/database/central_columns/edit.twig:11 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:28 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:232 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:25 #: templates/database/structure/body_for_table_summary.twig:52 #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:9 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:26 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns.twig:10 msgid "Default" msgstr "Privzeto" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:378 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:527 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:482 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:382 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/Helpers/Pdf.php:535 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:671 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:705 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:27 msgid "Links to" msgstr "Povezave z" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:469 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:590 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:450 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/Helpers/Pdf.php:356 #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:9 #: templates/database/central_columns/edit.twig:8 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:16 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:220 #: templates/database/events/index.twig:43 #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:50 #: templates/database/routines/execute_form.twig:15 #: templates/database/routines/index.twig:49 #: templates/database/triggers/list.twig:43 templates/setup/home/index.twig:49 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:21 msgid "Name" msgstr "Ime" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:472 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:599 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:453 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/Helpers/Pdf.php:362 #: templates/database/events/editor_form.twig:82 #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:109 #: templates/database/triggers/editor_form.twig:57 msgid "Definition" msgstr "Opredelitev" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:542 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:675 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:2058 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:515 msgid "Table structure for table" msgstr "Struktura tabele" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:560 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:707 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:2109 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:541 msgid "Structure for view" msgstr "Struktura pogleda" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportHtmlword.php:566 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:727 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:2141 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:557 msgid "Stand-in structure for view" msgstr "Nadomestna struktura pogleda" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportJson.php:86 msgid "Output pretty-printed JSON (Use human-readable formatting)" msgstr "Izpiši lepo oblikovan JSON (Uporabi človeku berljivo oblikovanje)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportJson.php:92 msgid "Output unicode characters unescaped" msgstr "Izhodni znaki unikod brez ubežnega znaka" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:49 msgid "Content of table @TABLE@" msgstr "Vsebina tabele @TABLE@" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:50 msgid "(continued)" msgstr "(nadaljevanje)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:51 msgid "Structure of table @TABLE@" msgstr "Struktura tabele @TABLE@" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:107 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:88 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:257 msgid "Object creation options" msgstr "Možnosti ustvarjanja objektov" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:113 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:169 msgid "Table caption:" msgstr "Napis tabele:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:119 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:175 msgid "Table caption (continued):" msgstr "Napis tabele (nadaljevanje):" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:125 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:181 msgid "Label key:" msgstr "Označi ključ:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:133 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:96 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:151 msgid "Display foreign key relationships" msgstr "Prikaži razmerja tujih ključev" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:140 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:103 msgid "Display comments" msgstr "Prikaži pripombe" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:146 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:109 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:159 msgid "Display media types" msgstr "Prikaži vrste predstavnosti" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:164 msgid "Put columns names in the first row:" msgstr "Postavi imena stolpcev v prvo vrstico:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:210 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:754 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:231 #: templates/server/replication/change_primary.twig:22 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:29 msgid "Host:" msgstr "Gostitelj:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:216 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:761 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:237 msgid "Generation Time:" msgstr "Čas nastanka:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:218 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:765 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:239 #: templates/home/index.twig:173 msgid "Server version:" msgstr "Različica strežnika:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:219 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:767 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:240 msgid "PHP Version:" msgstr "Različica PHP:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:247 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:939 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:389 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/Helpers/Pdf.php:200 #: templates/database/structure/copy_form.twig:5 #: templates/menu/breadcrumbs.twig:16 msgid "Database:" msgstr "Zbirka podatkov:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:315 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:2197 msgid "Data:" msgstr "Podatki:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportLatex.php:500 msgid "Structure:" msgstr "Struktura:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportMediawiki.php:77 msgid "Export table names" msgstr "Izvozi imena tabel" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportMediawiki.php:84 msgid "Export table headers" msgstr "Izvozi glave tabel" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportOdt.php:250 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportTexytext.php:178 msgid "Dumping data for query result" msgstr "Odloži podatke za rezultat poizvedbe" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportPdf.php:77 msgid "Report title:" msgstr "Naslov poročila:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportPdf.php:192 msgid "Dumping data" msgstr "Odloži podatke" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportPdf.php:210 msgid "Query result data" msgstr "Podatki rezultata poizvedbe" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportPdf.php:264 msgid "View structure" msgstr "Struktura pogleda" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportPdf.php:267 msgid "Stand in" msgstr "Nadomestek" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:130 msgid "" "Display comments (includes info such as export timestamp, PHP version, " "and server version)" msgstr "" "Pokaži pripombe (vsebuje informacije, kot je časovni žig izvoza, " "različica PHP in različica strežnika)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:137 msgid "Additional custom header comment (\\n splits lines):" msgstr "Dodatna prilagojena pripomba v glavi (\\n prelomi vrstice):" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:143 msgid "" "Include a timestamp of when databases were created, last updated, and last " "checked" msgstr "" "Vključi časovni žig ustvarjanja, zadnje posodobitve in zadnjega preverjanja " "zbirk podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:204 msgid "Export metadata" msgstr "Izvozi metapodatke" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:219 msgid "" "Database system or older MySQL server to maximize output compatibility with:" msgstr "" "Sistem zbirk podatkov ali starejši strežnik MySQL, s katerim naj bo izhod " "kar se da združljiv:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:265 msgid "Add statements:" msgstr "Dodaj izjave:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:273 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:282 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:299 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:308 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:332 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:360 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:369 #, php-format msgid "Add %s statement" msgstr "Dodaj izjavo %s" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:315 msgid "(less efficient as indexes will be generated during table creation)" msgstr "(manj učinkovito, saj bodo indeksi ustvarjeni med ustvarjanjem tabele)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:322 #, php-format msgid "%s value" msgstr "Vrednost %s" #. l10n: Allow simplifying exported view syntax to only "CREATE VIEW" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:339 msgid "Use simple view export" msgstr "Uporabi poenostavljen izvoz pogleda" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:378 msgid "" "Enclose table and column names with backquotes (Protects column and table " "names formed with special characters or keywords)" msgstr "" "Obdaj imena tabel in stolpcev z narekovaji (Zaščiti imena stolpcev in " "tabel, tvorjenih s posebnimi znaki ali ključnimi besedami)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:393 msgid "Data creation options" msgstr "Možnosti ustvarjanja podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:398 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:2279 msgid "Truncate table before insert" msgstr "Izprazni tabelo pred vstavljanjem" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:405 msgid "Instead of INSERT statements, use:" msgstr "Namesto izjav INSERT uporabi:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:411 msgid "INSERT DELAYED statements" msgstr "Izjave INSERT DELAYED" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:423 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:457 msgid "INSERT IGNORE statements" msgstr "Izjave INSERT IGNORE" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:437 msgid "Function to use when dumping data:" msgstr "Funkcija, ki se naj uporabi pri odlaganju podatkov:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:452 msgid "Syntax to use when inserting data:" msgstr "Skladnja za vstavljanje podatkov:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:462 msgid "" "include column names in every INSERT statement
  " "    Example: INSERT INTO tbl_name (col_A,col_B,col_C) VALUES " "(1,2,3)" msgstr "" "vključi imena stolpcev v vsaki izjavi INSERT
    " "  Primer: INSERT INTO ime_tabele (stolp_A,stolp_B,stolp_C) VALUES " "(1,2,3)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:467 msgid "" "insert multiple rows in every INSERT statement
  " "    Example: INSERT INTO tbl_name VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), " "(7,8,9)" msgstr "" "vključi več vrstic v vsaki izjavi INSERT
    " "  Primer: INSERT INTO ime_tabele VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), " "(7,8,9)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:472 msgid "" "both of the above
      Example: INSERT INTO " "tbl_name (col_A,col_B,col_C) VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)" msgstr "" "oboje zgoraj
      Primer: INSERT INTO ime_tabele " "(sto_A,sto_B,col_C) VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:477 msgid "" "neither of the above
      Example: INSERT INTO " "tbl_name VALUES (1,2,3)" msgstr "" "nič od zgoraj
      Primer: INSERT INTO ime_tabele " "VALUES (1,2,3)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:496 msgid "" "Dump binary columns in hexadecimal notation (for example, \"abc\" becomes " "0x616263)" msgstr "" "Odloži dvojiške stolpce v šestnajstiškem zapisu (na primer: \"abc\" " "postane 0x616263)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:505 msgid "" "Dump TIMESTAMP columns in UTC (enables TIMESTAMP columns to be dumped and " "reloaded between servers in different time zones)" msgstr "" "Odloži stolpce TIMESTAMP v UTC (omogoči stolpcem TIMESTAMP odlaganje in " "ponovno nalaganje med strežniki v različnih časovnih pasovih)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:582 msgid "It appears your database uses routines;" msgstr "Kot kaže, vaša zbirka podatkov uporablja rutine;" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:585 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1595 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:2097 msgid "alias export may not work reliably in all cases." msgstr "izvoz z vzdevkom v vseh primerih morda ne bo deloval zanesljivo." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1056 msgid "Metadata" msgstr "Metapodatki" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1122 #, php-format msgid "Metadata for table %s" msgstr "Metapodatki tabele %s" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1129 #, php-format msgid "Metadata for database %s" msgstr "Metapodatki zbirke podatkov %s" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1436 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:629 msgid "Creation:" msgstr "Ustvarjeno:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1446 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:640 msgid "Last update:" msgstr "Zadnjič posodobljeno:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1456 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:651 msgid "Last check:" msgstr "Zadnjič pregledano:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1507 #, php-format msgid "Error reading structure for table %s:" msgstr "Napaka pri branju strukture tabele %s:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1592 msgid "It appears your database uses views;" msgstr "Kot kaže, vaša zbirka podatkov uporablja poglede;" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1759 msgid "Constraints for dumped tables" msgstr "Omejitve tabel za povzetek stanja" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1760 msgid "Constraints for table" msgstr "Omejitve za tabelo" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1787 msgid "Indexes for dumped tables" msgstr "Indeksi zavrženih tabel" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1788 msgid "Indexes for table" msgstr "Indeksi tabele" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1824 msgid "AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables" msgstr "AUTO_INCREMENT zavrženih tabel" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1825 msgid "AUTO_INCREMENT for table" msgstr "AUTO_INCREMENT tabele" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1900 msgid "MEDIA TYPES FOR TABLE" msgstr "VRSTE PREDSTAVNOSTI ZA TABELO" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:1925 msgid "RELATIONSHIPS FOR TABLE" msgstr "RAZMERJA ZA TABELO" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:2094 msgid "It appears your table uses triggers;" msgstr "Kot kaže, vaša tabela uporablja sprožilce;" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:2124 #, php-format msgid "Structure for view %s exported as a table" msgstr "Struktura pogleda %s, izvoženega kot tabela" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:2144 msgid "(See below for the actual view)" msgstr "(Oglejte si spodaj za resnični pogled)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportSql.php:2212 #, php-format msgid "Error reading data for table %s:" msgstr "Napaka pri branju podatkov tabele %s:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:94 msgid "Object creation options (all are recommended)" msgstr "Možnosti ustvarjanja objektov (vse so priporočljive)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/ExportXml.php:138 msgid "Export contents" msgstr "Izvozi vsebine" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/Helpers/Pdf.php:201 #: templates/menu/breadcrumbs.twig:29 msgid "Table:" msgstr "Tabela:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Export/Helpers/Pdf.php:202 msgid "Purpose:" msgstr "Namen:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/AbstractImportCsv.php:30 msgid "" "Update data when duplicate keys found on import (add ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE)" msgstr "" "Ko pri uvozu obstajajo podvojeni ključi, posodobi podatke (dodaj ON " "DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:83 msgid "Name of the new table (optional):" msgstr "Ime nove tabele (izbirno):" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:92 msgid "Name of the new database (optional):" msgstr "Ime nove zbirke podatkov (izbirno):" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:101 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:119 msgid "Import these many number of rows (optional):" msgstr "Uvozi toliko vrstic (izbirno):" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:109 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportOds.php:66 msgid "" "The first line of the file contains the table column names (if this is " "unchecked, the first line will become part of the data)" msgstr "" "Prva vrstica v datoteki vsebuje imena stolpcev tabele (če to ni označeno, " "bo prva vrstica postala del podatkov)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:126 msgid "" "If the data in each row of the file is not in the same order as in the " "database, list the corresponding column names here. Column names must be " "separated by commas and not enclosed in quotations." msgstr "" "Če podatki v vsaki vrstici datoteke niso v enakem vrstnem redu kot v zbirki " "podatkov, tukaj navedite ustrezna imena stolpcev. Imena stolpcev morajo biti " "ločena z vejicami in ne smejo biti obdana z narekovaji." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:134 msgid "Column names:" msgstr "Imena stolpcev:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:286 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:645 #, php-format msgid "Invalid format of CSV input on line %d." msgstr "Neveljavna oblika vnosa CSV v vrstici %d." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:504 #, php-format msgid "Invalid column count in CSV input on line %d." msgstr "Neveljavno število stolpcev v vnosu CSV v vrstici %d." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:666 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:681 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:692 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:699 #, php-format msgid "Invalid parameter for CSV import: %s" msgstr "Neveljavni parameter za uvoz CSV: %s" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportCsv.php:831 #, php-format msgid "" "Invalid column (%s) specified! Ensure that columns names are spelled " "correctly, separated by commas, and not enclosed in quotes." msgstr "" "Naveden je neveljavni stolpec (%s)! Prepričajte se, da so imena stolpcev " "pravilno črkovana, ločena z vejicami in ne obdana z narekovaji." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportLdi.php:62 msgid "Column names: " msgstr "Imena stolpcev: " #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportLdi.php:116 msgid "This plugin does not support compressed imports!" msgstr "Vtičnik ne podpira stisnjenih uvozov!" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportMediawiki.php:56 msgid "MediaWiki Table" msgstr "Tabela MediaWiki" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportMediawiki.php:279 #, php-format msgid "Invalid format of mediawiki input on line:
%s." msgstr "Neveljavna oblika vnosa mediawiki v vrstici:
%s." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportOds.php:80 msgid "Import percentages as proper decimals (ex. 12.00% to .12)" msgstr "" "Uvozi odstotke kot ustrezne decimalne vrednosti (npr. 12.00% v .12)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportOds.php:86 msgid "Import currencies (ex. $5.00 to 5.00)" msgstr "Uvozi denarne enote (npr. $5.00 v 5.00)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportOds.php:156 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportXml.php:114 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportXml.php:177 msgid "" "The XML file specified was either malformed or incomplete. Please correct " "the issue and try again." msgstr "" "Določena datoteka XML je ali skažena ali nepopolna. Prosimo, odpravite " "težave in poskusite znova." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportOds.php:166 msgid "Could not parse OpenDocument Spreadsheet!" msgstr "Ne morem razčleniti preglednice OpenDocument!" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportShp.php:68 msgid "ESRI Shape File" msgstr "Datoteka oblik ESRI" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportShp.php:103 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportShp.php:169 #, php-format msgid "There was an error importing the ESRI shape file: \"%s\"." msgstr "Med uvažanjem datoteke oblik ESRI je prišlo do napake: \"%s\"." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportShp.php:199 #, php-format msgid "MySQL Spatial Extension does not support ESRI type \"%s\"." msgstr "Prostorska razširitev MySQL ne podpira ESRI vrste \"%s\"." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportShp.php:248 msgid "The imported file does not contain any data!" msgstr "Uvožena datoteka ne vsebuje nobenih podatkov!" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportSql.php:62 msgid "SQL compatibility mode:" msgstr "Združljivostni način SQL:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportSql.php:74 msgid "Do not use AUTO_INCREMENT for zero values" msgstr "Ne uporabi AUTO_INCREMENT za ničelne vrednosti" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Import/ImportXml.php:48 msgid "XML" msgstr "XML" #: libraries/classes/Plugins.php:614 msgid "This format has no options" msgstr "Oblika nima nobenih možnosti" #: libraries/classes/Plugins.php:631 msgid "Invalid authentication method set in configuration:" msgstr "Neveljaven način overitve določen v konfiguracijski datoteki:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Dia/TableStatsDia.php:68 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Eps/TableStatsEps.php:87 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/TableStatsPdf.php:90 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Svg/TableStatsSvg.php:87 #, php-format msgid "The %s table doesn't exist!" msgstr "Tabela %s ne obstaja!" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Eps/EpsRelationSchema.php:62 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Svg/SvgRelationSchema.php:78 #, php-format msgid "Schema of the %s database - Page %s" msgstr "Shema zbirke podatkov %s - Stran %s" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/ExportRelationSchema.php:274 msgid "SCHEMA ERROR: " msgstr "NAPAKA SHEME: " #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/Pdf.php:268 msgid "PDF export page" msgstr "Stran za izvoz PDF" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:135 #, php-format msgid "Schema of the %s database" msgstr "Shema zbirke podatkov %s" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:163 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:539 msgid "Relational schema" msgstr "Relacijska shema" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:484 msgid "Table of contents" msgstr "Vsebina" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:618 #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:71 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:16 #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:6 msgid "Table comments:" msgstr "Pripombe tabele:" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:667 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:701 #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:27 #: templates/database/central_columns/edit.twig:13 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:24 msgid "Attributes" msgstr "Atributi" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:670 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/Pdf/PdfRelationSchema.php:704 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:30 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns.twig:11 msgid "Extra" msgstr "Dodatno" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/SchemaPlugin.php:74 msgid "Show color" msgstr "Pokaži barvo" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/SchemaPlugin.php:76 msgid "Only show keys" msgstr "Prikaži samo ključe" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaDia.php:54 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaEps.php:62 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaPdf.php:64 msgid "Orientation" msgstr "Usmerjenost" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaDia.php:58 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaEps.php:66 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaPdf.php:68 msgid "Landscape" msgstr "Ležeče" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaDia.php:59 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaEps.php:67 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaPdf.php:69 msgid "Portrait" msgstr "Pokončno" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaEps.php:56 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaPdf.php:58 #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaSvg.php:55 msgid "Same width for all tables" msgstr "Enaka širina za vse tabele" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaPdf.php:83 msgid "Show grid" msgstr "Pokaži mrežo" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaPdf.php:89 #: templates/database/structure/index.twig:21 msgid "Data dictionary" msgstr "Slovar podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaPdf.php:95 msgid "Order of the tables" msgstr "Vrstni red tabel" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaPdf.php:100 msgid "Name (Ascending)" msgstr "Ime (Naraščajoče)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Schema/SchemaPdf.php:101 msgid "Name (Descending)" msgstr "Ime (Padajoče)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/Bool2TextTransformationsPlugin.php:26 msgid "" "Converts Boolean values to text (default 'T' and 'F'). First option is for " "TRUE, second for FALSE. Nonzero=true." msgstr "" "Pretvori Boolove vrednosti v besedilo (privzeto 'T' in 'F'). Prva možnost je " "za TRUE, druga za FALSE. Neničelno = true." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/DateFormatTransformationsPlugin.php:37 msgid "" "Displays a TIME, TIMESTAMP, DATETIME or numeric unix timestamp column as " "formatted date. The first option is the offset (in hours) which will be " "added to the timestamp (Default: 0). Use second option to specify a " "different date/time format string. Third option determines whether you want " "to see local date or UTC one (use \"local\" or \"utc\" strings) for that. " "According to that, date format has different value - for \"local\" see the " "documentation for PHP's strftime() function and for \"utc\" it is done using " "gmdate() function." msgstr "" "Prikaže stolpec TIME, TIMESTAMP, DATETIME ali številski časovni žig unix kot " "oblikovan datum. Prva možnost je odmik (v urah), ki bo dodan časovnemu žigu " "(privzeto: 0). Uporabite drugo možnost za določitev različnega niza oblike " "datuma/časa. Tretja možnost določa, ali želite videti lokalni datum ali UTC " "(uporabite niza \"local\" ali \"utc\"). V skladu s tem ima oblika datuma " "različne vrednosti – za \"local\" si oglejte dokumentacijo za PHP-jevo " "funkcijo strftime() in za \"utc\" se uporablja funkcija gmdate()." #. l10n: See https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/DateFormatTransformationsPlugin.php:70 #: libraries/classes/Util.php:698 msgid "%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p" msgstr "%d. %B %Y ob %H.%M" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/DownloadTransformationsPlugin.php:29 msgid "" "Displays a link to download the binary data of the column. You can use the " "first option to specify the filename, or use the second option as the name " "of a column which contains the filename. If you use the second option, you " "need to set the first option to the empty string." msgstr "" "Prikaže povezavo za prenos dvojiških podatkov stolpca. Uporabite lahko prvo " "možnost za določitev imena datoteke ali uporabite drugo možnost kot ime " "stolpca, ki vsebuje ime datoteke. Če uporabite drugo možnost, mora biti prva " "možnost prazna." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/ExternalTransformationsPlugin.php:40 msgid "" "LINUX ONLY: Launches an external application and feeds it the column data " "via standard input. Returns the standard output of the application. The " "default is Tidy, to pretty-print HTML code. For security reasons, you have " "to manually edit the file libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/" "ExternalTransformationsPlugin.php and list the tools you want to make " "available. The first option is then the number of the program you want to " "use. The second option should be blank for historical reasons. The third " "option, if set to 1, will convert the output using htmlspecialchars() " "(Default 1). The fourth option, if set to 1, will prevent wrapping and " "ensure that the output appears all on one line (Default 1)." msgstr "" "SAMO ZA LINUX: Zažene zunanjo aplikacijo in poda podatke stopcev prek " "standardnega vhoda. Vrne standardni izhod aplikacije. Privzeto je Tidy, za " "lep izpis kode HTML. Zaradi varnostnih razlogov morate ročno urediti " "datoteko libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/" "ExternalTransformationsPlugin.php in navesti orodja, ki jih želite " "omogočiti. Prva možnost je številka programa, ki ga želite uporabiti. Druga " "možnost naj bo prazna, iz zgodovinskih razlogov. Če tretji parameter " "nastavite na 1, bo s pomočjo htmlspecialchars() pretvoril izhod (Privzeto " "1). Če nastavite četrti parameter na 1, bo preprečil prelamljanje in " "zagotovil, da se celotni izhod prikaže v eni vrstici (Privzeto 1)." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/ExternalTransformationsPlugin.php:120 #, php-format msgid "" "You are using the external transformation command line options field, which " "has been deprecated for security reasons. Add all command line options " "directly to the definition in %s." msgstr "" "Uporabljate polje za možnosti ukazne vrstice za zunanji ukaz za pretvorbo, " "ki je iz varnostih razlogov opuščen. Dodajte vse možnosti ukazne vrstice v " "opredelitev v %s." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/FormattedTransformationsPlugin.php:27 msgid "" "Displays the contents of the column as-is, without running it through " "htmlspecialchars(). That is, the column is assumed to contain valid HTML." msgstr "" "Prikaže vsebino stolpca takšno, kot je, brez obdelave s htmlspecialchars(). " "Zatorej se za polje predvideva, da vsebuje veljaven HTML." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/HexTransformationsPlugin.php:29 msgid "" "Displays hexadecimal representation of data. Optional first parameter " "specifies how often space will be added (defaults to 2 nibbles)." msgstr "" "Prikaže šestnajstiško predstavljene podatke. Izbirni prvi parameter določa " "pogostost dodajanja presledkov (privzeto na 2 polzloga)." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/ImageLinkTransformationsPlugin.php:27 msgid "Displays a link to download this image." msgstr "Pokaže povezavo za prenos slike." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/ImageUploadTransformationsPlugin.php:29 msgid "" "Image upload functionality which also displays a thumbnail. The options are " "the width and height of the thumbnail in pixels. Defaults to 100 X 100." msgstr "" "Funkcionalnost nalaganja slike, ki tudi prikaže sličico. Možnosti so širina " "in višina sličice v slikovnih pikah. Privzeto je 100 x 100." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/ImageUploadTransformationsPlugin.php:89 msgid "Image preview here" msgstr "Tukaj je predogled slike" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/InlineTransformationsPlugin.php:29 msgid "" "Displays a clickable thumbnail. The options are the maximum width and height " "in pixels. The original aspect ratio is preserved." msgstr "" "Prikaže sličico, na katero lahko kliknete. Možnosti sta največja širina in " "višina v slikovnih pikah. Prvotna razmerja se obdržijo." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/LongToIPv4TransformationsPlugin.php:28 msgid "" "Converts an (IPv4) Internet network address stored as a BIGINT into a string " "in Internet standard dotted format." msgstr "" "Pretvori internetni omrežni naslov (IPv4), shranjen kot BIGINT, v niz " "standardne internetne oblike s pikami." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/PreApPendTransformationsPlugin.php:27 msgid "" "Prepends and/or Appends text to a string. First option is text to be " "prepended, second is appended (enclosed in single quotes, default empty " "string)." msgstr "" "Pripne besedilo na začetek in/ali konec niza. Prva možnost je pripenjanje " "besedila na začetek, druga pa na konec (obdano v enojne narekovaje; privzet " "je prazen niz)." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/RegexValidationTransformationsPlugin.php:30 msgid "" "Validates the string using regular expression and performs insert only if " "string matches it. The first option is the Regular Expression." msgstr "" "Preveri niz z uporabo regularnega izraza in izvede vstavljanje samo, če se " "niz ujema z izrazom. Prvi parameter je regularni izraz." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/RegexValidationTransformationsPlugin.php:52 #, php-format msgid "Validation failed for the input string %s." msgstr "Preverjanje je spodletelo za vneseni niz %s." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/SQLTransformationsPlugin.php:26 msgid "Formats text as SQL query with syntax highlighting." msgstr "Oblikuje besedilo kot poizvedbo SQL z označevanjem skladnje." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/SubstringTransformationsPlugin.php:29 msgid "" "Displays a part of a string. The first option is the number of characters to " "skip from the beginning of the string (Default 0). The second option is the " "number of characters to return (Default: until end of string). The third " "option is the string to append and/or prepend when truncation occurs " "(Default: \"…\")." msgstr "" "Vrne le del niza. Prva možnost je odmik, ki določa, kje se bo začelo " "prikazano besedilo (Privzeto: 0). Druga možnost je odmik, ki pove, koliko " "besedila bo prikazanega. Če ni določen, bo izpisano vse preostalo besedilo. " "Tretja možnost pa določa, kateri znaki bodo pripeti vrnjenemu podnizu " "(Privzeto: \"…\")." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/TextFileUploadTransformationsPlugin.php:27 msgid "" "File upload functionality for TEXT columns. It does not have a textarea for " "input." msgstr "" "Funkcionalnost nalaganja datoteke za stolpce TEXT. Nima besedilnega polja " "(textarea) za vnos." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/TextImageLinkTransformationsPlugin.php:29 msgid "" "Displays an image and a link; the column contains the filename. The first " "option is a URL prefix like \"https://www.example.com/\". The second and " "third options are the width and the height in pixels." msgstr "" "Prikaže sliko in povezavo; stolpec vsebuje ime datoteke. Prva možnost je " "predpona URL, kot je \"https://www.example.com/\". Druga in tretja možnost " "sta širina in višina v slikovnih pikah." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Abs/TextLinkTransformationsPlugin.php:28 msgid "" "Displays a link; the column contains the filename. The first option is a URL " "prefix like \"https://www.example.com/\". The second option is a title for " "the link." msgstr "" "Prikaže povezavo; stolpec vsebuje ime datoteke. Prva možnost je predpona " "URL, kot je \"https://www.example.com/\". Druga možnost je ime povezave." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Input/Text_Plain_Iptobinary.php:30 msgid "Converts an Internet network address in (IPv4/IPv6) format to binary" msgstr "" "Pretvori internetni omrežni naslov iz oblike (IPv4/IPv6) v dvojiško obliko" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Input/Text_Plain_Iptolong.php:27 msgid "" "Converts an Internet network address in (IPv4/IPv6) format into a long " "integer." msgstr "" "Pretvori internetni omrežni naslov iz oblike (IPv4/IPv6) v celo število " "(oblike long)." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Input/Text_Plain_JsonEditor.php:24 msgid "Syntax highlighted CodeMirror editor for JSON." msgstr "Urejevalnik CodeMirror za JSON z označeno skladnjo." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Input/Text_Plain_SqlEditor.php:24 msgid "Syntax highlighted CodeMirror editor for SQL." msgstr "Urejevalnik CodeMirror za SQL z označeno skladnjo." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Input/Text_Plain_XmlEditor.php:24 msgid "Syntax highlighted CodeMirror editor for XML (and HTML)." msgstr "Urejevalnik CodeMirror za XML (in HTML) z označeno skladnjo." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Output/Text_Plain_Binarytoip.php:27 msgid "" "Converts an Internet network address stored as a binary string into a string " "in Internet standard (IPv4/IPv6) format." msgstr "" "Pretvori internetni omrežni naslov, shranjen kot dvojiški niz, v niz v " "standardni internetni obliki (IPv4/IPv6)." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Output/Text_Plain_Json.php:42 msgid "Formats text as JSON with syntax highlighting." msgstr "Oblikuje besedilo kot JSON z označevanjem skladnje." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/Transformations/Output/Text_Plain_Xml.php:42 msgid "Formats text as XML with syntax highlighting." msgstr "Oblikuje besedilo kot XML z označevanjem skladnje." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/TwoFactor/Application.php:135 msgid "Authentication Application (2FA)" msgstr "Aplikacija za overovitev (2FA)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/TwoFactor/Application.php:146 msgid "" "Provides authentication using HOTP and TOTP applications such as FreeOTP, " "Google Authenticator or Authy." msgstr "" "Nudi overovitev z aplikacijami HOTP in TOTP, kot so FreeOTP, Google " "Authenticator ali Authy." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/TwoFactor/Key.php:204 msgid "Hardware Security Key (FIDO U2F)" msgstr "Varnostni ključ strojne opreme (FIDO U2F)" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/TwoFactor/Key.php:214 msgid "" "Provides authentication using hardware security tokens supporting FIDO U2F, " "such as a Yubikey." msgstr "" "Nudi overovitev z žetoni varnosti strojne opreme, ki podpirajo FIDO U2F, kot " "je npr. Yubikey." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/TwoFactorPlugin.php:73 #, php-format msgid "Two-factor authentication failed: %s" msgstr "Dvostopenjska overovitev je spodletela: %s" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/TwoFactorPlugin.php:78 msgid "Two-factor authentication failed." msgstr "Dvostopenjska overovitev je spodletela." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/TwoFactorPlugin.php:128 msgid "No Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "Brez dvostopenjske overovitve" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/TwoFactorPlugin.php:138 msgid "Login using password only." msgstr "Prijava samo z geslom." #: libraries/classes/Plugins/TwoFactor/Simple.php:49 msgid "Simple two-factor authentication" msgstr "Preprosta dvostopenjska overovitev" #: libraries/classes/Plugins/TwoFactor/Simple.php:59 msgid "For testing purposes only!" msgstr "Samo za namene preizkušanja!" #: libraries/classes/Query/Utilities.php:96 msgid "" "The server is not responding (or the local server's socket is not correctly " "configured)." msgstr "" "Strežnik se ne odziva (ali pa lokalna vtičnica strežnika ni pravilno " "konfigurirana)." #: libraries/classes/Query/Utilities.php:99 msgid "The server is not responding." msgstr "Strežnik se ne odziva." #: libraries/classes/Query/Utilities.php:103 msgid "Logout and try as another user." msgstr "Odjavite se in poskusite kot drug uporabnik." #: libraries/classes/Query/Utilities.php:108 msgid "Please check privileges of directory containing database." msgstr "Prosimo, preverite pravice mape, v kateri se nahaja zbirka podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Query/Utilities.php:117 msgid "Details…" msgstr "Podrobnosti …" #: libraries/classes/RecentFavoriteTable.php:153 msgid "Could not save recent table!" msgstr "Ne morem shraniti nedavne tabele!" #: libraries/classes/RecentFavoriteTable.php:157 msgid "Could not save favorite table!" msgstr "Ne morem shraniti priljubljene tabele!" #: libraries/classes/RecentFavoriteTable.php:241 msgid "Recent tables" msgstr "Nedavne tabele" #: libraries/classes/RecentFavoriteTable.php:243 msgid "Recent" msgstr "Nedavno" #: libraries/classes/RecentFavoriteTable.php:247 msgid "Favorites" msgstr "Priljubljene" #: libraries/classes/ReplicationGui.php:428 msgid "" "Connection to server is disabled, please enable $cfg['AllowArbitraryServer'] " "in phpMyAdmin configuration." msgstr "" "Povezava s strežnikom je onemogočena; prosimo, omogočite " "$cfg['AllowArbitraryServer'] v konfiguraciji phpMyAdmin." #: libraries/classes/ReplicationGui.php:439 msgid "Replication started successfully." msgstr "Podvojevanje se je uspešno začelo." #: libraries/classes/ReplicationGui.php:440 msgid "Error starting replication." msgstr "Napaka pri zagonu podvojevanja." #: libraries/classes/ReplicationGui.php:443 msgid "Replication stopped successfully." msgstr "Podvojevanje je uspešno ustavljeno." #: libraries/classes/ReplicationGui.php:444 msgid "Error stopping replication." msgstr "Napaka pri ustavljanju podvojevanja." #: libraries/classes/ReplicationGui.php:447 msgid "Replication resetting successfully." msgstr "Ponastavljanje podvojevanja je bilo uspešno." #: libraries/classes/ReplicationGui.php:448 msgid "Error resetting replication." msgstr "Napaka pri ponastavljanju podvojevanja." #: libraries/classes/ReplicationGui.php:451 msgid "Success." msgstr "Uspešno." #: libraries/classes/ReplicationGui.php:452 msgid "Error." msgstr "Napaka." #: libraries/classes/ReplicationGui.php:495 msgid "Unknown error" msgstr "Neznana napaka" #: libraries/classes/ReplicationGui.php:508 #, php-format msgid "Unable to connect to primary %s." msgstr "Ne morem se povezati z glavnim strežnikom %s." #: libraries/classes/ReplicationGui.php:518 msgid "" "Unable to read primary log position. Possible privilege problem on primary." msgstr "" "Ne morem prebrati položaja dnevnika glavnega strežnika. Možne težave s " "privilegiji na glavnem strežniku." #: libraries/classes/ReplicationGui.php:536 msgid "Unable to change primary!" msgstr "Ne morem spremeniti glavnega strežnika!" #: libraries/classes/ReplicationGui.php:540 #, php-format msgid "Primary server changed successfully to %s." msgstr "Glavni strežnik smo uspešno spremenili v %s." #: libraries/classes/Routing.php:101 #, php-format msgid "" "The routing cache could not be written, you need to adjust permissions on " "the folder/file \"%s\"" msgstr "" "Nismo mogli zapisati usmerjevalnega predpomnilnika; nastaviti je treba " "dovoljenja mape/datoteke \"%s\"" #: libraries/classes/Routing.php:135 #, php-format msgid "Error 404! The page %s was not found." msgstr "Napaka 404! Strani %s nismo našli." #: libraries/classes/Routing.php:146 msgid "Error 405! Request method not allowed." msgstr "Napaka 405! Metoda zahteve ni dovoljena." #: libraries/classes/SavedSearches.php:237 msgid "Please provide a name for this bookmarked search." msgstr "Prosimo, da za označeno iskanje podate ime." #: libraries/classes/SavedSearches.php:253 msgid "Missing information to save the bookmarked search." msgstr "Za shranitev zabeleženega iskanja manjkajo podatki." #: libraries/classes/SavedSearches.php:274 #: libraries/classes/SavedSearches.php:308 msgid "An entry with this name already exists." msgstr "Vnos s tem imenom že obstaja." #: libraries/classes/SavedSearches.php:334 msgid "Missing information to delete the search." msgstr "Za izbris iskanja manjkajo podatki." #: libraries/classes/SavedSearches.php:359 msgid "Missing information to load the search." msgstr "Za naložitev iskanja manjkajo podatki." #: libraries/classes/SavedSearches.php:379 msgid "Error while loading the search." msgstr "Napaka pri nalaganju iskanja." #: libraries/classes/Server/Plugins.php:66 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:792 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:3724 msgid "Native MySQL authentication" msgstr "Domorodna overitev MySQL" #: libraries/classes/Server/Plugins.php:71 msgid "SHA256 password authentication" msgstr "Overitev z geslom SHA256" #: libraries/classes/Server/Plugins.php:76 msgid "Caching sha2 authentication" msgstr "Overitev sha2 s predpomnjenjem" #: libraries/classes/Server/Plugins.php:81 msgid "Unix Socket based authentication" msgstr "Overitev na podlagi unixove vtičnice" #: libraries/classes/Server/Plugins.php:86 msgid "Old MySQL-4.0 authentication" msgstr "Stara overitev MySQL 4.0" #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges/AccountLocking.php:30 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges/AccountLocking.php:51 msgid "Account locking is not supported." msgstr "Zaklepanje računov ni podprto." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:262 msgid "No privileges." msgstr "Brez privilegijev." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:270 msgid "Includes all privileges except GRANT." msgstr "Vsebuje vse privilegije razen GRANT." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:292 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:359 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:125 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:128 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:326 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:329 msgid "Allows deleting data." msgstr "Omogoča brisanje podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:297 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:137 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:140 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:367 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:375 msgid "Allows creating new tables." msgstr "Omogoča ustvarjanje novih tabel." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:302 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:149 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:152 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:415 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:423 msgid "Allows dropping tables." msgstr "Omogoča brisanje tabel." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:307 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:399 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:174 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:177 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:399 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:402 msgid "Allows creating and dropping indexes." msgstr "Omogoča ustvarjanje in brisanje indeksov." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:312 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:404 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:186 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:189 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:386 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:389 msgid "Allows altering the structure of existing tables." msgstr "Omogoča spreminjanje strukture obstoječih tabel." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:317 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:443 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:459 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:198 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:201 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:500 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:503 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:515 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:518 msgid "Allows creating new views." msgstr "Omogoča ustvarjanje novih pogledov." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:322 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:464 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:470 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:210 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:213 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:447 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:450 msgid "Allows performing SHOW CREATE VIEW queries." msgstr "Omogoča izvajanje poizvedb SHOW CREATE VIEW." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:327 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:453 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:222 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:225 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:543 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:546 msgid "Allows creating and dropping triggers." msgstr "Omogoča ustvarjanje in brisanje sprožilcev." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:344 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:16 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:287 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:290 msgid "Allows reading data." msgstr "Omogoča branje podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:349 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:43 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:300 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:303 msgid "Allows inserting and replacing data." msgstr "Omogoča vstavljanje in zamenjavo podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:354 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:70 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:313 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:316 msgid "Allows changing data." msgstr "Omogoča spreminjanje podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:364 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:365 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:373 msgid "Allows creating new databases and tables." msgstr "Omogoča ustvarjanje novih zbirk podatkov in tabel." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:369 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:413 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:421 msgid "Allows dropping databases and tables." msgstr "Omogoča brisanje zbirk podatkov in tabel." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:374 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:610 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:613 msgid "Allows reloading server settings and flushing the server's caches." msgstr "" "Omogoča osveževanje strežnikovih nastavitev in praznjenje strežnikovih " "predpomnilnikov." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:379 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:623 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:626 msgid "Allows shutting down the server." msgstr "Omogoča ugašanje strežnika." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:384 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:597 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:600 msgid "Allows viewing processes of all users." msgstr "Omogoča ogled procesov vseh uporabnikov." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:389 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:340 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:343 msgid "Allows importing data from and exporting data into files." msgstr "Omogoča uvažanje in izvažanje podatkov v datoteke." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:394 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:97 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:677 msgid "Has no effect in this MySQL version." msgstr "V tej različici MySQL nima pomena." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:409 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:636 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:639 msgid "Gives access to the complete list of databases." msgstr "Omogoča dostop do popolnega spiska zbirk podatkov." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:415 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:583 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:587 msgid "" "Allows connecting, even if maximum number of connections is reached; " "required for most administrative operations like setting global variables or " "killing threads of other users." msgstr "" "Omogoča priklaplanje tudi če je že doseženo največje dovoljeno število " "priklopov; potrebno za večino administrativnih nalog kot sta postavljanje " "globalnih spremenljivk in ukinjanje procesov drugih uporabnikov." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:423 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:434 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:437 msgid "Allows creating temporary tables." msgstr "Omogoča ustvarjanje začasnih tabel." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:428 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:664 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:667 msgid "Allows locking tables for the current thread." msgstr "Omogoča zaklepanje tabel za trenutno nit." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:433 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:705 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:708 msgid "Needed for the replication replicas." msgstr "Potrebno za podrejene strežnike pri replikaciji." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:438 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:692 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:695 msgid "Allows the user to ask where the replicas / primaries are." msgstr "" "Da uporabniku pravico poizvedovati kje so njegovi podrejeni/glavni strežniki." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:448 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:530 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:533 msgid "Allows to set up events for the event scheduler." msgstr "Omogoča določanje dogodkov za načrtovalnik dogodkov." #. l10n: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/grant/#table-privileges "Remove historical rows from a table using the DELETE HISTORY statement" #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:477 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:486 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:235 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:239 msgid "Allows deleting historical rows." msgstr "Omogoča brisanje zgodovinskih vrstic." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:491 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:460 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:463 msgid "Allows creating stored routines." msgstr "Omogoča ustvarjanje shranjenih rutin." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:496 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:473 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:476 msgid "Allows altering and dropping stored routines." msgstr "Omogoča ustvarjanje in brisanje shranjenih rutin." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:501 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:718 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:721 msgid "Allows creating, dropping and renaming user accounts." msgstr "Omogoča ustvarjanje, brisanje in preimenovanje uporabniških računov." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:506 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:486 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:489 msgid "Allows executing stored routines." msgstr "Omogoča izvajanje shranjenih rutin." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1076 #, php-format msgid "The password for %s was changed successfully." msgstr "Geslo za %s je uspešno spremenjeno." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1124 #, php-format msgid "You have revoked the privileges for %s." msgstr "Odvzeli ste privilegije za %s." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1441 #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:124 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:127 msgid "Not enough privilege to view users." msgstr "Nimate zadostnih privilegijev za ogled uporabnikov." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1503 #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:80 #: templates/server/privileges/new_user_ajax.twig:45 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:75 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:84 msgid "Edit privileges" msgstr "Uredi privilegije" #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1507 msgid "Revoke" msgstr "Odvzemi" #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1818 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:265 msgid "Database-specific privileges" msgstr "Privilegiji, tipični za zbirko podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1824 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:19 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:7 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:267 msgid "Table-specific privileges" msgstr "Privilegiji tipični za tabelo" #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1829 #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1831 #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:29 #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:46 #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:59 msgid "Routine" msgstr "Rutina" #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:1830 #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:47 msgid "Routine-specific privileges" msgstr "Privilegiji, vezani na rutino" #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:2174 msgid "No users selected for deleting!" msgstr "Ni izbranih uporabnikov za brisanje!" #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:2177 msgid "Reloading the privileges" msgstr "Osvežujem privilegije" #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:2202 msgid "The selected users have been deleted successfully." msgstr "Uspešno smo izbrisali izbrane uporabnike." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:2279 #, php-format msgid "You have updated the privileges for %s." msgstr "Posodobili ste privilegije za %s." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:2366 #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:102 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:106 msgid "No user found." msgstr "Najden ni bil noben uporabnik." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:2453 #, php-format msgid "Deleting %s" msgstr "Brišemo %s" #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:2484 msgid "The privileges were reloaded successfully." msgstr "Uspešno smo osvežili privilegije." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:2588 #, php-format msgid "The user %s already exists!" msgstr "Uporabnik %s že obstaja!" #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:2863 #, php-format msgid "Privileges for %s" msgstr "Privilegiji %s" #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:2872 #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Processes.php:114 #: templates/server/user_groups/user_listings.twig:9 msgid "User" msgstr "Uporabnik" #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:2982 msgid "" "A user account allowing any user from localhost to connect is present. This " "will prevent other users from connecting if the host part of their account " "allows a connection from any (%) host." msgstr "" "Prisoten je uporabniški račun, ki dovoljuje povezavo vsakemu uporabniku na " "lokalnem gostitelju. To prepreči povezovanje ostalih uporabnikov, če " "gostiteljski del njihovega računa dovoljuje povezavo s katerega koli (%) " "gostitelja." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:3016 #, php-format msgid "" "Note: phpMyAdmin gets the users’ privileges directly from MySQL’s privilege " "tables. The content of these tables may differ from the privileges the " "server uses, if they have been changed manually. In this case, you should " "%sreload the privileges%s before you continue." msgstr "" "Obvestilo: phpMyAdmin dobi podatke o uporabnikovih privilegijih iz tabel " "privilegijev MySQL. Vsebina teh tabel se lahko razlikuje od privilegijev, ki " "jih uporablja strežnik, če so bile tabele ročno spremenjene. V tem primeru " "morate pred nadaljevanjem %sosvežiti privilegije%s." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:3032 msgid "" "Note: phpMyAdmin gets the users’ privileges directly from MySQL’s privilege " "tables. The content of these tables may differ from the privileges the " "server uses, if they have been changed manually. In this case, the " "privileges have to be reloaded but currently, you don't have the RELOAD " "privilege." msgstr "" "Obvestilo: phpMyAdmin dobi podatke o uporabnikovih privilegijih iz tabel " "privilegijev MySQL. Vsebina teh tabel se lahko razlikuje od privilegijev, ki " "jih uporablja strežnik, če so bile tabele ročno spremenjene. V tem primeru " "morate pred nadaljevanjem osvežiti privilegije, vendar trenuno nimate " "privilegija RELOAD." #: libraries/classes/Server/Privileges.php:3346 msgid "You have added a new user." msgstr "Dodali ste novega uporabnika." #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:146 #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Processes.php:147 #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:109 templates/sql/query.twig:20 msgid "SQL query" msgstr "Poizvedba SQL" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:149 msgid "Handler" msgstr "Upravljavec" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:150 msgid "Query cache" msgstr "Predpomnilnik poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:151 msgid "Threads" msgstr "Niti" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:153 msgid "Temporary data" msgstr "Začasni podatki" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:154 msgid "Delayed inserts" msgstr "Zakasnjena vstavljanja" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:155 msgid "Key cache" msgstr "Predpomnilnik ključev" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:156 msgid "Joins" msgstr "Stiki" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:158 msgid "Sorting" msgstr "Razvrščanje" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:160 msgid "Transaction coordinator" msgstr "Koordinator transakcij" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:161 #: templates/server/binlog/index.twig:27 msgid "Files" msgstr "Datoteke" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:180 msgid "Flush (close) all tables" msgstr "Izplakni (zapri) vse tabele" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:184 msgid "Show open tables" msgstr "Pokaži odprte tabele" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:193 msgid "Show replica hosts" msgstr "Prikaži gostitelje podrejencev" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:200 #: templates/server/replication/primary_replication.twig:9 msgid "Show primary status" msgstr "Pokaži stanje glavnega strežnika" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:207 msgid "Show replica status" msgstr "Prikaži stanje podrejencev" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Data.php:215 msgid "Flush query cache" msgstr "Izplakni predpomnilnik poizvedb" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Processes.php:110 msgid "ID" msgstr "ID" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Processes.php:118 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:32 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:43 #: templates/server/replication/primary_replication.twig:25 msgid "Host" msgstr "Gostitelj" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Processes.php:126 msgid "Command" msgstr "Ukaz" #: libraries/classes/Server/Status/Processes.php:141 msgid "Progress" msgstr "Napredek" #: libraries/classes/Setup/Index.php:130 msgid "" "Reading of version failed. Maybe you're offline or the upgrade server does " "not respond." msgstr "" "Branje različice je spodletelo. Morda niste povezani v internet ali pa se " "posodobitveni strežnik ne odziva." #: libraries/classes/Setup/Index.php:152 msgid "Got invalid version string from server" msgstr "Od strežnika smo dobili neveljavno besedilo različice" #: libraries/classes/Setup/Index.php:164 msgid "Unparsable version string" msgstr "Nerazčlenljivo besedilo različice" #: libraries/classes/Setup/Index.php:186 #, php-format msgid "" "You are using Git version, run [kbd]git pull[/kbd] :-)[br]The latest stable " "version is %s, released on %s." msgstr "" "Uporabljate nadležno različico, zaženite [kbd]tecnoba odstrani[/kbd] :-)" "[br]Najnovejša stabilna različica je %s, izdana %s." #: libraries/classes/Setup/Index.php:194 msgid "No newer stable version is available" msgstr "Na voljo ni novejše stabilne različice" #: libraries/classes/Sql.php:488 #, php-format msgid "Using bookmark \"%s\" as default browse query." msgstr "Uporaba zaznamka \"%s\" kot privzeto poizvedbo med brskanjem." #: libraries/classes/Sql.php:948 msgid "Showing as PHP code" msgstr "Prikazovanje kot koda PHP" #: libraries/classes/Sql.php:1320 #, php-format msgid "" "Current selection does not contain a unique column. Grid edit, checkbox, " "Edit, Copy and Delete features are not available. %s" msgstr "" "Trenutna izbira ne vsebuje unikatnega stolpca. Možnosti urejanja mreže, " "potrditvena polja, Uredi, Kopiraj in Izbriši niso na voljo. %s" #: libraries/classes/Sql.php:1334 #, php-format msgid "" "Current selection does not contain a unique column. Grid edit, Edit, Copy " "and Delete features may result in undesired behavior. %s" msgstr "" "Trenutna izbira ne vsebuje unikatnega stolpca. Možnosti urejanja mreže, " "Uredi, Kopiraj in Izbriši se lahko obnašajo nepredvidljivo. %s" #: libraries/classes/SqlQueryForm.php:150 #, php-format msgid "Run SQL query/queries on server “%s”" msgstr "Izvedi poizvedbo/poizvedbe SQL na strežniku \"%s\"" #: libraries/classes/SqlQueryForm.php:166 #, php-format msgid "Run SQL query/queries on database %s" msgstr "Izvedi poizvedbo/poizvedbe SQL na zbirki podatkov %s" #: libraries/classes/SqlQueryForm.php:181 #, php-format msgid "Run SQL query/queries on table %s" msgstr "Izvedi poizvedbo/poizvedbe SQL na tabeli %s" #: libraries/classes/StorageEngine.php:367 msgid "" "There is no detailed status information available for this storage engine." msgstr "" "Za skladiščni pogon ni na voljo nobenih podrobnejših informacij o stanju." #: libraries/classes/StorageEngine.php:467 #: templates/database/structure/body_for_table_summary.twig:46 #, php-format msgid "%s is the default storage engine on this MySQL server." msgstr "%s je privzet skladiščni pogon na tem strežniku MySQL." #: libraries/classes/StorageEngine.php:470 #, php-format msgid "%s is available on this MySQL server." msgstr "%s je na voljo na tem strežniku MySQL." #: libraries/classes/StorageEngine.php:473 #, php-format msgid "%s has been disabled for this MySQL server." msgstr "%s je onemogočeno za ta strežnik MySQL." #: libraries/classes/StorageEngine.php:477 #, php-format msgid "This MySQL server does not support the %s storage engine." msgstr "Ta strežnik MySQL ne podpira skladiščnega pogona %s." #: libraries/classes/Table/Indexes.php:59 libraries/classes/Table.php:2103 msgid "The name of the primary key must be \"PRIMARY\"!" msgstr "Ime primarnega ključa mora biti \"PRIMARY\"!" #: libraries/classes/Table/Maintenance.php:122 #, php-format msgid "Problems with indexes of table `%s`" msgstr "Težave z indeksi tabele `%s`" #: libraries/classes/Table.php:348 msgid "Unknown table status:" msgstr "Neznano stanje tabele:" #: libraries/classes/Table.php:1001 #, php-format msgid "Source database `%s` was not found!" msgstr "Izvorne zbirke podatkov `%s` nismo našli!" #: libraries/classes/Table.php:1010 #, php-format msgid "Target database `%s` was not found!" msgstr "Ciljne zbirke podatkov `%s` nismo našli!" #: libraries/classes/Table.php:1475 msgid "Invalid database:" msgstr "Neveljavna zbirka podatkov:" #: libraries/classes/Table.php:1493 msgid "Invalid table name:" msgstr "Neveljavno ime tabele:" #: libraries/classes/Table.php:1533 #, php-format msgid "Failed to rename table %1$s to %2$s!" msgstr "Preimenovanje tabele %1$s v %2$s je spodletelo!" #: libraries/classes/Table.php:1550 #, php-format msgid "Table %1$s has been renamed to %2$s." msgstr "Tabelo %1$s smo preimenovali v %2$s." #: libraries/classes/Table.php:1795 msgid "Could not save table UI preferences!" msgstr "Ne morem shraniti nastavitev uporabniškega vmesnika tabel!" #: libraries/classes/Table.php:1821 #, php-format msgid "" "Failed to cleanup table UI preferences (see $cfg['Servers'][$i]" "['MaxTableUiprefs'] %s)" msgstr "" "Čiščenje nastavitev uporabniškega vmesnika tabel je spodletelo (glej " "$cfg['Servers'][$i]['MaxTableUiprefs'] %s)" #: libraries/classes/Table.php:1956 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot save UI property \"%s\". The changes made will not be persistent " "after you refresh this page. Please check if the table structure has been " "changed." msgstr "" "Ne morem straniti lastnosti uporabniškega vmesnika \"%s\". Narejene " "spremembe po osvežitvi te strani ne bodo stalne. Prosimo, preverite, ali je " "bila struktura tabele spremenjena." #: libraries/classes/Table.php:2115 msgid "Can't rename index to PRIMARY!" msgstr "Indeksa ni mogoče preimenovati v PRIMARY!" #: libraries/classes/Table.php:2141 msgid "No index parts defined!" msgstr "Ni definiranega dela indeksa!" #: libraries/classes/Table.php:2437 #, php-format msgid "Error creating foreign key on %1$s (check data types)" msgstr "" "Napaka pri ustvarjanju tujega ključa na %1$s (preverite vrste podatkov)" #: libraries/classes/Template.php:133 #, php-format msgid "Error while working with template cache: %s" msgstr "Napaka med delom s predpomnilnikom predlog: %s" #: libraries/classes/ThemeManager.php:83 #, php-format msgid "Default theme %s not found!" msgstr "Privzete teme %s nismo našli!" #: libraries/classes/ThemeManager.php:142 #, php-format msgid "Theme %s not found!" msgstr "Tema %s ni bila najdena!" #: libraries/classes/Theme.php:168 #, php-format msgid "No valid image path for theme %s found!" msgstr "Za temo %s ni bila najdena veljavna pot slik!" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:234 #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:115 #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:73 msgid "Tracking report" msgstr "Poročilo sledenja" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:238 msgid "Tracking statements" msgstr "Sledenje stavkom" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:253 msgid "Delete tracking data row from report" msgstr "Izbriši vrstico podatkov sledenja iz poročila" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:265 msgid "No data" msgstr "Brez podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:310 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:131 #: templates/database/structure/copy_form.twig:19 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:275 msgid "Structure only" msgstr "Samo struktura" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:313 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:143 #: templates/database/structure/copy_form.twig:29 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:287 msgid "Data only" msgstr "Samo podatki" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:316 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:137 #: templates/database/structure/copy_form.twig:24 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:281 msgid "Structure and data" msgstr "Struktura in podatki" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:381 libraries/classes/Tracking.php:449 #, php-format msgid "Show %1$s with dates from %2$s to %3$s by user %4$s %5$s" msgstr "Prikaži %1$s z datumi od %2$s do %3$s uporabnika %4$s %5$s" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:470 msgid "SQL dump (file download)" msgstr "Odložen SQL (prenos datoteke)" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:472 msgid "SQL dump" msgstr "Odložen SQL" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:475 msgid "This option will replace your table and contained data." msgstr "Ta možnost bo zamenjala vašo tabelo in vsebovane podatke." #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:477 msgid "SQL execution" msgstr "Izvršitev SQL" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:481 #, php-format msgid "Export as %s" msgstr "Izvozi kot %s" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:519 msgid "Data manipulation statement" msgstr "Stavek upravljanja s podatki" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:555 msgid "Data definition statement" msgstr "Stavek opredeljevanja podatkov" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:638 #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:126 #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:80 msgid "Structure snapshot" msgstr "Posnetek strukture" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:656 #, php-format msgid "Version %s snapshot (SQL code)" msgstr "Različica posnetka %s (koda SQL)" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:726 msgid "Tracking data definition successfully deleted" msgstr "Opredelitev sledenja podatkom je uspešno izbrisana" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:738 msgid "Tracking data manipulation successfully deleted" msgstr "Stavek upravljanja s podatki je uspešno izbrisan" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:795 msgid "" "You can execute the dump by creating and using a temporary database. Please " "ensure that you have the privileges to do so." msgstr "" "Odložene podatke lahko izvedete z ustvarjanjem in uporabo začasne zbirke " "podatkov. Prosimo, prepričajte se, da imate privilegije za ta dejanja." #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:799 msgid "Comment out these two lines if you do not need them." msgstr "Če teh dveh vrstic ne potrebujete, ju dajte v komentar." #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:810 msgid "SQL statements exported. Please copy the dump or execute it." msgstr "" "Stavki SQL so bili izvoženi. Prosimo, skopirajte odložene podatke ali jih " "izvršite." #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:843 #, php-format msgid "Tracking report for table `%s`" msgstr "Poročilo sledenja za tabelo `%s`" #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:875 #, php-format msgid "Tracking for %1$s was activated at version %2$s." msgstr "Sledenje %1$s je bilo aktivirano pri različici %2$s." #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:878 #, php-format msgid "Tracking for %1$s was deactivated at version %2$s." msgstr "Sledenje %1$s je bilo deaktivirano pri različici %2$s." #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:977 #, php-format msgid "Version %1$s of %2$s was deleted." msgstr "Različico %1$s tabele %2$s smo izbrisali." #: libraries/classes/Tracking.php:1008 #, php-format msgid "Version %1$s was created, tracking for %2$s is active." msgstr "Različica %1$s je ustvarjena, sledenje %2$s je aktivirano." #: libraries/classes/Types.php:207 msgid "" "A 1-byte integer, signed range is -128 to 127, unsigned range is 0 to 255" msgstr "" "1-bitno celo število; predznačen razpon je -128 do 127, nepredznačen razpon " "pa 0 do 255" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:210 msgid "" "A 2-byte integer, signed range is -32,768 to 32,767, unsigned range is 0 to " "65,535" msgstr "" "2-bitno celo število; predznačen razpon je -32.768 do 32.767, nepredznačen " "razpon pa 0 do 65.535" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:214 msgid "" "A 3-byte integer, signed range is -8,388,608 to 8,388,607, unsigned range is " "0 to 16,777,215" msgstr "" "3-bitno celo število; predznačen razpon je -8.388.608 do 8.388.607, " "nepredznačen razpon pa 0 do 16.777.215" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:219 msgid "" "A 4-byte integer, signed range is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647, unsigned " "range is 0 to 4,294,967,295" msgstr "" "4-bitno celo število; predznačeni razpon je od -2.147.483.648 do " "2.147.483.647, nepredznačeni razpon pa od 0 do 4.294.967.295" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:226 msgid "" "An 8-byte integer, signed range is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to " "9,223,372,036,854,775,807, unsigned range is 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615" msgstr "" "8-bitno celo število; predznačen razpon je -9.223.372.036.854.775.808 do " "9.223.372.036.854.775.807, nepredznačen razpon pa 0 do " "18.446.744.073.709.551.615" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:233 msgid "" "A fixed-point number (M, D) - the maximum number of digits (M) is 65 " "(default 10), the maximum number of decimals (D) is 30 (default 0)" msgstr "" "Število s fiksno vejico (M, D) – največje število števk (M) je 65 (privzeto " "10), največje število decimalnih mest (D) je 30 (privzeto 0)" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:240 msgid "" "A small floating-point number, allowable values are -3.402823466E+38 to " "-1.175494351E-38, 0, and 1.175494351E-38 to 3.402823466E+38" msgstr "" "Majhno število z decimalno vejico; dovoljene so vrednosti od -3,402823466E" "+38 do -1,175494351E-38, 0 in od 1,175494351E-38 do 3,402823466E+38" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:247 msgid "" "A double-precision floating-point number, allowable values are " "-1.7976931348623157E+308 to -2.2250738585072014E-308, 0, and " "2.2250738585072014E-308 to 1.7976931348623157E+308" msgstr "" "Število z decimalno vejico z natančnostjo double; dovoljene so vrednosti od " "-1,7976931348623157E+308 do -2,2250738585072014E-308, 0 in od " "2,2250738585072014E-308 do 1,7976931348623157E+308" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:253 msgid "" "Synonym for DOUBLE (exception: in REAL_AS_FLOAT SQL mode it is a synonym for " "FLOAT)" msgstr "" "Sopomenka za DOUBLE (izjema: v načinu SQL REAL_AS_FLOAT je sopomenka za " "FLOAT)" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:256 msgid "" "A bit-field type (M), storing M of bits per value (default is 1, maximum is " "64)" msgstr "" "Bitna vrsta polja (M), ki shrani M bitov na vrednost (privzeto je 1, največ " "je 64)" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:260 msgid "" "A synonym for TINYINT(1), a value of zero is considered false, nonzero " "values are considered true" msgstr "" "Sopomenka za TINYINT(1); ničelna vrednost se obravnava kot ni res, neničelne " "vrednosti se obravnavajo kot res" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:264 msgid "An alias for BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE" msgstr "Vzdevek za BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:268 #, php-format msgid "A date, supported range is %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "Datum; podprt je razpon od %1$s do %2$s" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:275 #, php-format msgid "A date and time combination, supported range is %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "Kombinacija datuma in časa; podprt je razpon od %1$s do %2$s" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:282 msgid "" "A timestamp, range is 1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC to 2038-01-09 03:14:07 UTC, " "stored as the number of seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)" msgstr "" "Časovni žig; razpon je od 1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC do 2038-01-09 03:14:07 " "UTC, shranjeno kot število sekund od dobe (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:289 #, php-format msgid "A time, range is %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "Čas; razpon je od %1$s do %2$s" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:296 msgid "" "A year in four-digit (4, default) or two-digit (2) format, the allowable " "values are 70 (1970) to 69 (2069) or 1901 to 2155 and 0000" msgstr "" "Leto v obliki s štirimi (4, privzeto) ali dvema (2) števkama; dovoljene so " "vrednosti od 70 (1970) do 69 (2069) ali od 1901 do 2155 in 0000" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:303 msgid "" "A fixed-length (0-255, default 1) string that is always right-padded with " "spaces to the specified length when stored" msgstr "" "Niz stalne dolžine (0–255, privzeto 1), ki je ob shranjevanju vedno z desne " "zapolnjen s presledki do določene dolžine" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:310 #, php-format msgid "" "A variable-length (%s) string, the effective maximum length is subject to " "the maximum row size" msgstr "" "Niz spremenljive dolžine (%s); učinkujoča največja dolžina je odvisna od " "največje dolžine stolpca" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:317 msgid "" "A TEXT column with a maximum length of 255 (2^8 - 1) characters, stored with " "a one-byte prefix indicating the length of the value in bytes" msgstr "" "Stolpec TEXT, dolg največ 255 (2^8 - 1) znakov, shranjen z enobajtno " "predpono, ki nakazuje dolžino vrednosti v bajtih" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:324 msgid "" "A TEXT column with a maximum length of 65,535 (2^16 - 1) characters, stored " "with a two-byte prefix indicating the length of the value in bytes" msgstr "" "Stolpec TEXT, dolg največ 65.535 (2^16 - 1) znakov, shranjen z dvobajtno " "predpono, ki nakazuje dolžino vrednosti v bajtih" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:331 msgid "" "A TEXT column with a maximum length of 16,777,215 (2^24 - 1) characters, " "stored with a three-byte prefix indicating the length of the value in bytes" msgstr "" "Stolpec TEXT, dolg največ 16.777.215 (2^24 - 1) znakov, shranjen s tribajtno " "predpono, ki nakazuje dolžino vrednosti v bajtih" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:338 msgid "" "A TEXT column with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 or 4GiB (2^32 - 1) " "characters, stored with a four-byte prefix indicating the length of the " "value in bytes" msgstr "" "Stolpec TEXT, dolg največ 4.294.967.295 ali 4 GiB (2^32 - 1) znakov, " "shranjen s štiribajtno predpono, ki nakazuje dolžino vrednosti v bajtih" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:345 msgid "" "Similar to the CHAR type, but stores binary byte strings rather than non-" "binary character strings" msgstr "" "Podobno vrsti CHAR, vendar shranjuje dvojiške nize bajtov namesto " "nedvojiških nizov znakov" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:350 msgid "" "Similar to the VARCHAR type, but stores binary byte strings rather than non-" "binary character strings" msgstr "" "Podobno vrsti VARCHAR, vendar shranjuje dvojiške nize bajtov namesto " "nedvojiških nizov znakov" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:356 msgid "" "A BLOB column with a maximum length of 255 (2^8 - 1) bytes, stored with a " "one-byte prefix indicating the length of the value" msgstr "" "Stolpec BLOB, dolg največ 255 (2^8 - 1) znakov, shranjen z enobajtno " "predpono, ki nakazuje dolžino vrednosti v bajtih" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:362 msgid "" "A BLOB column with a maximum length of 16,777,215 (2^24 - 1) bytes, stored " "with a three-byte prefix indicating the length of the value" msgstr "" "Stolpec BLOB, dolg največ 16.777.215 (2^24 - 1) znakov, shranjen s tribajtno " "predpono, ki nakazuje dolžino vrednosti v bajtih" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:369 msgid "" "A BLOB column with a maximum length of 65,535 (2^16 - 1) bytes, stored with " "a two-byte prefix indicating the length of the value" msgstr "" "Stolpec BLOB, dolg največ 65.535 (2^16 - 1) znakov, shranjen z dvobajtno " "predpono, ki nakazuje dolžino vrednosti v bajtih" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:375 msgid "" "A BLOB column with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 or 4GiB (2^32 - 1) " "bytes, stored with a four-byte prefix indicating the length of the value" msgstr "" "Stolpec BLOB, dolg največ 4.294.967.295 ali 4 GiB (2^32 - 1) znakov, " "shranjen s štiribajtno predpono, ki nakazuje dolžino vrednosti v bajtih" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:382 msgid "" "An enumeration, chosen from the list of up to 65,535 values or the special " "'' error value" msgstr "" "Naštevanje, izbrano s seznama do 65.535 vrednosti ali posebne vrednosti " "napake ''" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:386 msgid "A single value chosen from a set of up to 64 members" msgstr "Ena vrednost, izbrana iz množice z največ 64 člani" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:389 msgid "A type that can store a geometry of any type" msgstr "Vrsta, ki lahko shrani katero koli geometrijsko vrsto" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:392 msgid "A point in 2-dimensional space" msgstr "Točka v dvodimenzionalnem prostoru" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:395 msgid "A curve with linear interpolation between points" msgstr "Krivulja z linearno interpolacijo med točkami" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:398 msgid "A polygon" msgstr "Večkotnik" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:401 msgid "A collection of points" msgstr "Zbirka točk" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:404 msgid "A collection of curves with linear interpolation between points" msgstr "Zbirka krivulj z linearno interpolacijo med točkami" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:407 msgid "A collection of polygons" msgstr "Zbirka večkotnikov" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:410 msgid "A collection of geometry objects of any type" msgstr "Zbirka geometrijskih objektov katere koli vrste" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:413 msgid "" "Stores and enables efficient access to data in JSON (JavaScript Object " "Notation) documents" msgstr "" "Shrani in omogoča učinkovit dostop do podatkov v dokumentih JSON (JavaScript " "Object Notation)" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:416 msgid "" "Intended for storage of IPv6 addresses, as well as IPv4 addresses assuming " "conventional mapping of IPv4 addresses into IPv6 addresses" msgstr "" "Namenjeno shranjevanju naslovov IPv6, kakor tudi naslovov IPv4, " "predpostavljajoč običajno preslikavo naslovov IPv4 v naslove IPv6" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:746 msgctxt "numeric types" msgid "Numeric" msgstr "Numerično" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:764 msgctxt "date and time types" msgid "Date and time" msgstr "Datum in čas" #: libraries/classes/Types.php:800 msgctxt "spatial types" msgid "Spatial" msgstr "Prostorsko" #: libraries/classes/UrlRedirector.php:55 msgid "Taking you to the target site." msgstr "Prestavili vas bomo na naslednjo ciljno stran." #: libraries/classes/UserPassword.php:38 msgid "The profile has been updated." msgstr "Profil je posodobljen." #: libraries/classes/UserPassword.php:50 msgid "Password is too long!" msgstr "Geslo je predolgo!" #: libraries/classes/UserPreferences.php:179 msgid "Could not save configuration" msgstr "Ne morem shraniti konfiguracije" #: libraries/classes/UserPreferences.php:193 msgid "The phpMyAdmin configuration storage database could not be accessed." msgstr "" "Do zbirke podatkov za hrambo konfiguracije phpMyAdmin ni možno dostopati." #: libraries/classes/Util.php:128 #, php-format msgid "Max: %s%s" msgstr "Največja velikost: %s %s" #. l10n: Short month name #: libraries/classes/Util.php:663 msgctxt "Short month name" msgid "May" msgstr "maj" #. l10n: Short week day name for Sunday #: libraries/classes/Util.php:681 msgctxt "Short week day name for Sunday" msgid "Sun" msgstr "ned" #: libraries/classes/Util.php:719 msgctxt "AM/PM indication in time" msgid "PM" msgstr "PM" #: libraries/classes/Util.php:721 msgctxt "AM/PM indication in time" msgid "AM" msgstr "AM" #: libraries/classes/Util.php:792 #, php-format msgid "%s days, %s hours, %s minutes and %s seconds" msgstr "%s dni, %s ur, %s minut in %s sekund" #: libraries/classes/Util.php:1867 msgid "Users" msgstr "Uporabniki" #: libraries/classes/Util.php:2471 #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:67 msgid "Sort" msgstr "Razvrsti" #: libraries/classes/ZipExtension.php:73 libraries/classes/ZipExtension.php:119 msgid "Error in ZIP archive:" msgstr "Napaka v arhivu ZIP:" #: libraries/classes/ZipExtension.php:83 msgid "No files found inside ZIP archive!" msgstr "V arhivu ZIP ni bilo najdenih datotek!" #: libraries/config.values.php:88 libraries/config.values.php:126 #: libraries/config.values.php:138 msgid "Icons" msgstr "Ikone" #: libraries/config.values.php:89 libraries/config.values.php:127 #: libraries/config.values.php:139 #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:118 msgid "Text" msgstr "Besedilo" #: libraries/config.values.php:90 libraries/config.values.php:108 #: libraries/config.values.php:128 libraries/config.values.php:140 msgid "Both" msgstr "Oboje" #: libraries/config.values.php:105 msgid "Nowhere" msgstr "Nikjer" #: libraries/config.values.php:106 msgid "Left" msgstr "Levo" #: libraries/config.values.php:107 msgid "Right" msgstr "Desno" #: libraries/config.values.php:143 msgid "Click" msgstr "Klik" #: libraries/config.values.php:144 msgid "Double click" msgstr "Dvojni klik" #: libraries/config.values.php:145 libraries/config.values.php:188 #: templates/config/form_display/input.twig:16 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:15 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:66 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:91 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:129 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:154 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:164 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:199 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:224 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:249 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:274 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:299 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:324 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:349 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:387 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:412 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:437 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:462 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:487 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:512 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Onemogočeno" #: libraries/config.values.php:148 msgid "key" msgstr "ključ" #: libraries/config.values.php:149 msgid "display column" msgstr "prikazni stolpec" #: libraries/config.values.php:153 msgid "Welcome" msgstr "Dobrodošli" #: libraries/config.values.php:186 msgid "Open" msgstr "Odprto" #: libraries/config.values.php:187 msgid "Closed" msgstr "Zaprto" #: libraries/config.values.php:200 msgid "Ask before sending error reports" msgstr "Vprašaj pred pošiljanjem poročil o napakah" #: libraries/config.values.php:201 msgid "Always send error reports" msgstr "Vedno pošlji poročila o napakah" #: libraries/config.values.php:202 msgid "Never send error reports" msgstr "Nikoli ne pošlji poročil o napakah" #: libraries/config.values.php:205 msgid "Server default" msgstr "Privzeto na strežniku" #: libraries/config.values.php:206 msgid "Enable" msgstr "Omogoči" #: libraries/config.values.php:207 msgid "Disable" msgstr "Onemogoči" #: libraries/config.values.php:259 msgid "Quick - display only the minimal options to configure" msgstr "Hitro - prikaži kar najmanj možnosti za konfiguriranje" #: libraries/config.values.php:260 msgid "Custom - display all possible options to configure" msgstr "Po meri - prikaži vse možnosti za konfiguriranje" #: libraries/config.values.php:261 msgid "Custom - like above, but without the quick/custom choice" msgstr "Po meri - kot zgoraj, vendar brez izbire hitro/po meri" #: libraries/config.values.php:328 msgid "complete inserts" msgstr "popolne poizvedbe insert" #: libraries/config.values.php:329 msgid "extended inserts" msgstr "razširjene poizvedbe insert" #: libraries/config.values.php:330 msgid "both of the above" msgstr "oboje zgoraj" #: libraries/config.values.php:331 msgid "neither of the above" msgstr "nič od zgoraj" #: setup/index.php:29 msgid "Configuration already exists, setup is disabled!" msgstr "Konfigracija že obstaja, namestitev je onemogočena!" #: setup/validate.php:31 msgid "Wrong data" msgstr "Napačni podatki" #: setup/validate.php:38 #, php-format msgid "Wrong data or no validation for %s" msgstr "Napačni podatki ali pa ni preverjanja za %s" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_attributes.twig:31 #: templates/database/central_columns/edit_table_row.twig:23 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:71 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:298 msgid "Edit ENUM/SET values" msgstr "Uredi vrednosti ENUM/SET" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_attributes.twig:38 #: templates/database/central_columns/edit_table_row.twig:30 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:76 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:309 msgctxt "for default" msgid "None" msgstr "Brez" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_attributes.twig:41 #: templates/database/central_columns/edit_table_row.twig:33 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:77 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:312 msgid "As defined:" msgstr "Kot določeno:" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_attributes.twig:97 msgid "" "You don't have sufficient privileges to perform this operation; Please refer " "to the documentation for more details" msgstr "" "Nimate zadostnih pravic za izvedbo posega; prosimo, oglejte si dokumentacijo " "za več podrobnosti" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_attributes.twig:111 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:75 templates/indexes.twig:18 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:152 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:160 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:298 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:460 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes.twig:7 msgid "Unique" msgstr "Edinstven" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_attributes.twig:119 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:219 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:222 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:307 msgid "Fulltext" msgstr "Polno besedilo" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_attributes.twig:123 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:192 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:200 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:304 msgid "Spatial" msgstr "Prostorsko" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_attributes.twig:156 #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:27 msgid "Expression" msgstr "Izraz" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_attributes.twig:177 msgid "first" msgstr "prvi" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_attributes.twig:182 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:433 #, php-format msgid "after %s" msgstr "po %s" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:22 #: templates/database/create_table.twig:6 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:30 msgid "Table name" msgstr "Ime tabele" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:31 #: templates/console/display.twig:124 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:196 templates/export.twig:285 #: templates/export.twig:301 templates/export.twig:317 msgid "Add" msgstr "Dodaj" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:39 msgid "column(s)" msgstr "stolpec(-ce)" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:73 msgid "Collation:" msgstr "Pravilo za razvrščanje znakov:" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:76 msgid "Storage Engine:" msgstr "Pogon skladiščenja:" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:81 msgid "Connection:" msgstr "Povezava:" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:112 #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:137 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:133 msgid "Storage engine" msgstr "Pogon skladiščenja" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:135 msgid "PARTITION definition:" msgstr "Opredelitev PARTITION:" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:153 msgctxt "Online transaction part of the SQL DDL for InnoDB" msgid "Online transaction" msgstr "Sprotna transakcija" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:165 msgid "" "The column width of integer types is ignored in your MySQL version unless " "defining a TINYINT(1) column" msgstr "" "Širina stolpca celoštevilskih tipov v vaši različici MySQL ni upoštevana, " "razen pri definiranju stolpca TINYINT(1)" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_definitions_form.twig:174 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1097 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1112 templates/export_modal.twig:5 #: templates/export.twig:81 templates/modals/add_index.twig:5 #: templates/modals/build_query.twig:5 #: templates/modals/index_dialog_modal.twig:5 #: templates/modals/preview_sql_confirmation.twig:5 #: templates/modals/preview_sql_modal.twig:5 #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:46 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:183 #: templates/table/zoom_search/result_form.twig:26 #: templates/table/zoom_search/result_form.twig:96 msgid "Loading" msgstr "Nalaganje" #: templates/columns_definitions/column_name.twig:4 #, php-format msgid "Referenced by %s." msgstr "Nanj se sklicuje %s." #: templates/columns_definitions/column_name.twig:12 msgid "Is a foreign key." msgstr "Je tuji ključ." #: templates/columns_definitions/column_name.twig:39 msgid "Pick from Central Columns" msgstr "Izberite iz osrednjih stolpcev" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:17 msgid "Partition by:" msgstr "Razdeli po:" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:32 #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:60 msgid "Expression or column list" msgstr "Izraz ali seznam stolpcev" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:37 msgid "Partitions:" msgstr "Particije:" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:45 msgid "Subpartition by:" msgstr "Podrazdeli po:" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:65 msgid "Subpartitions:" msgstr "Podparticije:" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:76 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:480 #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:25 msgid "Partition" msgstr "Particija" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:78 msgid "Values" msgstr "Vrednosti" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:82 msgid "Subpartition" msgstr "Podparticija" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:84 msgid "Engine" msgstr "Pogon" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:85 #: templates/config/form_display/input.twig:53 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:81 #: templates/database/events/editor_form.twig:102 #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:163 #: templates/database/structure/table_header.twig:46 templates/indexes.twig:24 #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:32 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:466 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns.twig:12 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes.twig:13 msgid "Comment" msgstr "Pripomba" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:86 msgid "Data directory" msgstr "Mapa podatkov" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:87 msgid "Index directory" msgstr "Mapa imenika" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:88 msgid "Max rows" msgstr "Največ vrstic" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:89 msgid "Min rows" msgstr "Najmanj vrstic" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:90 msgid "Table space" msgstr "Prostor tabel" #: templates/columns_definitions/partitions.twig:91 msgid "Node group" msgstr "Skupina vozlišča" #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:16 #: templates/database/central_columns/edit.twig:10 #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:52 msgid "Length/Values" msgstr "Dolžina/Vrednosti" #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:17 msgid "" "If column type is \"enum\" or \"set\", please enter the values using this " "format: 'a','b','c'…
If you ever need to put a backslash (\"\\\") or a " "single quote (\"'\") amongst those values, precede it with a backslash (for " "example '\\\\xyz' or 'a\\'b')." msgstr "" "Če je stolpec vrste \"enum\" ali \"set\", navedite vrednosti v obliki: " "'a','b','c' …
Če želite med vrednostmi uporabiti poševnico (\"\\\") ali " "enojni narekovaj (\"'\"), pred tem znakom vnesite poševnico (npr. '\\\\xyz' " "ali 'a\\'b')." #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:21 msgid "" "For default values, please enter just a single value, without backslash " "escaping or quotes, using this format: a" msgstr "" "Za privzete vrednosti vnesite samo vrednosti, brez poševnice nazaj ali " "narekovaja, npr.: a" #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:24 #: templates/database/central_columns/edit.twig:12 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:32 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:236 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:79 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:194 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:198 #: templates/database/structure/table_header.twig:31 #: templates/home/index.twig:64 templates/indexes.twig:22 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:29 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:30 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:123 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:151 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:40 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:23 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:464 #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:108 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns.twig:8 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes.twig:11 #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:38 msgid "Collation" msgstr "Pravilo za razvrščanje znakov" #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:36 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:68 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:173 #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:124 #: templates/database/structure/copy_form.twig:50 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:79 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:115 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:315 msgid "Adjust privileges" msgstr "Prilagodi privilegije" #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:59 msgid "Virtuality" msgstr "Navideznost" #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:65 msgid "Move column" msgstr "Premakni stolpec" #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:75 #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:86 msgid "List of available transformations and their options" msgstr "Seznam razpoložljivih pretvorb in njihovih možnosti" #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:77 #: templates/transformation_overview.twig:18 msgid "Browser display transformation" msgstr "Pretvorba brskalnikovega prikaza" #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:81 msgid "Browser display transformation options" msgstr "Možnosti pretvorbe brskalnikovega prikaza" #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:82 #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:93 msgid "" "Please enter the values for transformation options using this format: 'a', " "100, b,'c'…
If you ever need to put a backslash (\"\\\") or a single " "quote (\"'\") amongst those values, precede it with a backslash (for example " "'\\\\xyz' or 'a\\'b')." msgstr "" "Vrednosti za možnosti pretvorbe vnesite v naslednji obliki: 'a', 100, b,'c'…" "
Če želite med vrednosti vnesti poševnico nazaj (\"\\\") ali enojni " "narekovaj (\"'\"), morate pred znak postaviti (še eno) poševnico nazaj (npr. " "'\\\\xyz' ali 'a\\'b')." #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:88 #: templates/transformation_overview.twig:37 msgid "Input transformation" msgstr "Pretvorbe vnosa" #: templates/columns_definitions/table_fields_definitions.twig:92 msgid "Input transformation options" msgstr "Možnosti pretvorbe vnosa" #: templates/config/form_display/input.twig:15 msgid "This setting is disabled, it will not be applied to your configuration." msgstr "" "Nastavitev je onemogočena, zato ne bo uporabljena pri vaši konfiguraciji." #: templates/config/form_display/input.twig:57 #: templates/config/form_display/input.twig:58 #, php-format msgid "Set value: %s" msgstr "Določi vrednost: %s" #: templates/config/form_display/input.twig:63 #: templates/config/form_display/input.twig:64 msgid "Restore default value" msgstr "Povrni privzeto vrednost" #: templates/config/form_display/input.twig:79 #: templates/config/form_display/input.twig:80 msgid "Allow users to customize this value" msgstr "Dovoli uporabnikom prilagajati to vrednost" #: templates/console/bookmark_content.twig:7 templates/console/display.twig:38 #: templates/console/display.twig:104 templates/console/display.twig:196 msgid "Collapse" msgstr "Skrči" #: templates/console/bookmark_content.twig:8 templates/console/display.twig:39 #: templates/console/display.twig:105 templates/console/display.twig:197 msgid "Expand" msgstr "Razširi" #: templates/console/bookmark_content.twig:9 templates/console/display.twig:40 #: templates/console/display.twig:198 msgid "Requery" msgstr "Ponovna poizvedba" #: templates/console/display.twig:5 msgid "SQL Query Console" msgstr "Konzola poizvedb SQL" #: templates/console/display.twig:9 templates/setup/home/index.twig:166 #: templates/sql/query.twig:38 msgid "Clear" msgstr "Počisti" #: templates/console/display.twig:12 msgid "History" msgstr "Zgodovina" #: templates/console/display.twig:19 templates/console/display.twig:118 msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "Zaznamki" #: templates/console/display.twig:31 msgid "Press Ctrl+Enter to execute query" msgstr "Pritisnite ctrl+enter, da izvedete poizvedbo" #: templates/console/display.twig:32 msgid "Press Enter to execute query" msgstr "Pritisnite enter, da izvedete poizvedbo" #: templates/console/display.twig:42 templates/console/display.twig:200 msgid "Explain" msgstr "Razloži" #: templates/console/display.twig:45 templates/console/display.twig:203 msgid "Bookmark" msgstr "Zaznamek" #: templates/console/display.twig:47 templates/console/display.twig:205 msgid "Query failed" msgstr "Poizvedba je spodletela" #: templates/console/display.twig:49 templates/console/display.twig:207 msgid "Queried time" msgstr "Čas poizvedbe" #: templates/console/display.twig:49 msgid "During current session" msgstr "Med trenutno sejo" #: templates/console/display.twig:67 msgid "ascending" msgstr "naraščajoče" #: templates/console/display.twig:70 msgid "descending" msgstr "padajoče" #: templates/console/display.twig:73 msgid "Order:" msgstr "Vrstni red:" #: templates/console/display.twig:79 templates/console/display.twig:108 #: templates/table/find_replace/replace_preview.twig:16 msgid "Count" msgstr "Štetje" #: templates/console/display.twig:82 msgid "Execution order" msgstr "Vrstni red izvajanja" #: templates/console/display.twig:85 templates/console/display.twig:109 msgid "Time taken" msgstr "Porabljen čas" #: templates/console/display.twig:88 templates/table/search/index.twig:146 msgid "Order by:" msgstr "Razvrsti po:" #: templates/console/display.twig:94 msgid "Ungroup queries" msgstr "Razdruži poizvedbe" #: templates/console/display.twig:106 msgid "Show trace" msgstr "Pokaži sled" #: templates/console/display.twig:107 msgid "Hide trace" msgstr "Skrij sled" #: templates/console/display.twig:135 msgid "Add bookmark" msgstr "Dodaj zaznamek" #: templates/console/display.twig:142 msgid "Label" msgstr "Oznaka" #: templates/console/display.twig:145 msgid "Target database" msgstr "Ciljna zbirka podatkov" #: templates/console/display.twig:148 msgid "Share this bookmark" msgstr "Deli zaznamek" #: templates/console/display.twig:166 msgid "Set default" msgstr "Nastavi privzeto" #: templates/console/display.twig:185 msgid "" "Execute queries on Enter and insert new line with Shift+Enter. To make this " "permanent, view settings." msgstr "" "Izvedi poizvedbe z Enter in vstavi novo vrstico s shift + enter. Da to " "ohranite za vedno, si oglejte nastavitve." #: templates/create_tracking_version.twig:10 #, php-format msgid "Create version %1$s of %2$s" msgstr "Ustvari različico %1$s tabele %2$s" #: templates/create_tracking_version.twig:15 #, php-format msgid "Create version %1$s" msgstr "Ustvari različico %1$s" #: templates/create_tracking_version.twig:21 msgid "Track these data definition statements:" msgstr "Sledi tem stavkom opredeljevanja podatkov:" #: templates/create_tracking_version.twig:60 msgid "Track these data manipulation statements:" msgstr "Sledi tem stavkom upravljanja s podatki:" #: templates/create_tracking_version.twig:77 msgid "Create version" msgstr "Ustvari različico" #: templates/database/central_columns/edit.twig:15 msgctxt "Auto Increment" msgid "A_I" msgstr "A_I" #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:4 msgid "Add new column" msgstr "Dodaj nov stolpec" #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:24 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:228 msgid "Length/Value" msgstr "Dolžina/Vrednost" #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:36 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:240 msgid "Attribute" msgstr "Atribut" #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:44 #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:248 msgid "A_I" msgstr "A_I" #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:129 msgid "The central list of columns for the current database is empty" msgstr "Osrednji seznam stolpcev je za trenutno zbirko podatkov prazen" #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:166 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:137 msgid "Filter rows" msgstr "Filtriraj vrstice" #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:167 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:139 msgid "Search this table" msgstr "Išči po tabeli" #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:178 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:418 msgid "Add column" msgstr "Dodaj stolpec" #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:187 msgid "Select a table" msgstr "Izberite tabelo" #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:194 msgid "Select a column." msgstr "Izberite stolpec." #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:213 msgid "Click to sort." msgstr "Kliknite za razvrščanje." #: templates/database/central_columns/main.twig:218 #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:22 #: templates/database/structure/table_header.twig:22 #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:18 #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:154 templates/indexes.twig:15 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:163 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:23 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:22 #: templates/server/user_groups/user_groups.twig:21 #: templates/server/variables/index.twig:30 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:24 #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:34 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:34 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:457 #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:32 #: templates/table/tracking/report_table.twig:8 msgid "Action" msgstr "Dejanje" #: templates/database/create_table.twig:3 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:27 msgid "Create new table" msgstr "Ustvari novo tabelo" #: templates/database/create_table.twig:10 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:34 msgid "Number of columns" msgstr "Število stolpcev" #: templates/database/create_table.twig:14 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:39 templates/export.twig:27 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:46 msgid "Create" msgstr "Ustvari" #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:4 msgid "Database comment:" msgstr "Pripomba zbirke podatkov:" #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:8 #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:124 #: templates/database/structure/index.twig:19 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:334 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:376 msgid "Print" msgstr "Natisni" #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:76 templates/indexes.twig:19 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:461 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes.twig:8 msgid "Packed" msgstr "Stisnjen" #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:78 templates/indexes.twig:21 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:463 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_indexes.twig:10 msgid "Cardinality" msgstr "Kardinalnost" #: templates/database/data_dictionary/index.twig:117 templates/indexes.twig:92 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:542 msgid "No index defined!" msgstr "Ni definiranega indeksa!" #: templates/database/designer/database_tables.twig:31 #: templates/database/export/index.twig:28 #: templates/database/search/main.twig:43 templates/server/export/index.twig:10 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:29 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:56 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:83 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:110 #: templates/server/replication/database_multibox.twig:7 msgid "Select all" msgstr "Izberi vse" #: templates/database/designer/database_tables.twig:37 msgid "Show/hide columns" msgstr "Pokaži/skrij stolpce" #: templates/database/designer/database_tables.twig:46 msgid "See table structure" msgstr "Ogled zgradbe tabele" #: templates/database/designer/database_tables.twig:91 #, php-format msgid "Select \"%s\"" msgstr "Izberi \"%s\"" #: templates/database/designer/database_tables.twig:109 #, php-format msgid "Add an option for column \"%s\"." msgstr "Dodaj možnost za stolpec \"%s\"." #: templates/database/designer/edit_delete_pages.twig:6 msgid "Page to open" msgstr "Stran za odprtje" #: templates/database/designer/edit_delete_pages.twig:6 msgid "Page to delete" msgstr "Stran za izbris" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:19 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:25 msgid "Show/Hide tables list" msgstr "Prikaži/Skrij seznam tabel" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:29 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:35 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:36 msgid "View in fullscreen" msgstr "Ogled na celotnem zaslonu" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:34 msgid "Exit fullscreen" msgstr "Izhod iz celozaslonskega načina" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:48 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:52 msgid "New page" msgstr "Nova stran" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:77 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:80 msgid "Delete pages" msgstr "Izbriši strani" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:84 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:87 #: templates/database/structure/show_create.twig:11 msgid "Create table" msgstr "Ustvari tabelo" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:91 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:94 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:271 msgid "Create relationship" msgstr "Ustvari razmerje" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:105 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:108 msgid "Reload" msgstr "Osveži" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:112 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:115 msgid "Help" msgstr "Pomoč" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:120 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:123 msgid "Angular links" msgstr "Oglate povezave" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:120 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:123 msgid "Direct links" msgstr "Neposredne povezave" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:127 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:129 msgid "Snap to grid" msgstr "Pripni na mrežo" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:133 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:139 msgid "Small/Big All" msgstr "Skrči/razširi vse" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:143 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:146 msgid "Toggle small/big" msgstr "Preklopi majhno/veliko" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:150 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:153 msgid "Toggle relationship lines" msgstr "Preklopi črte razmerij" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:158 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:161 msgid "Export schema" msgstr "Izvozi shemo" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:169 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:172 msgid "Build Query" msgstr "Zgradi poizvedbo" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:177 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:181 msgid "Move Menu" msgstr "Premakni meni" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:185 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:190 msgid "Pin text" msgstr "Pripni besedilo" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:202 msgid "Hide/Show all" msgstr "Skrij/Pokaži vse" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:212 msgid "Hide/Show tables with no relationship" msgstr "Skrij/Pokaži tabele brez razmerij" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:223 msgid "Number of tables:" msgstr "Število tabel:" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:381 msgid "Delete relationship" msgstr "Izbriši razmerje" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:445 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:610 msgid "Relationship operator" msgstr "Operator razmerja" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:474 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:639 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:845 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1038 msgid "Except" msgstr "Razen" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:484 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:649 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:855 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1048 #: templates/database/routines/execute_form.twig:20 #: templates/server/replication/status_table.twig:17 #: templates/server/status/variables/index.twig:76 #: templates/server/variables/index.twig:32 #: templates/table/insert/get_head_and_foot_of_insert_row_table.twig:9 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:42 #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:40 #: templates/table/zoom_search/result_form.twig:37 msgid "Value" msgstr "Vrednost" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:486 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:651 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:857 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1050 msgid "subquery" msgstr "podpoizvedba" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:495 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:711 msgid "Rename to" msgstr "Preimenuj v" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:501 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:719 msgid "New name" msgstr "Novo ime" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:510 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:916 msgid "Aggregate" msgstr "Agregat" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:516 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:580 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:785 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:816 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:924 #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1009 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:41 #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:39 msgid "Operator" msgstr "Operator" #: templates/database/designer/main.twig:1090 msgid "Active options" msgstr "Dejavne možnosti" #: templates/database/designer/page_save_as.twig:19 msgid "Save to selected page" msgstr "Shrani na izbrano stran" #: templates/database/designer/page_save_as.twig:23 msgid "Create a page and save to it" msgstr "Ustvari stran in shrani nanjo" #: templates/database/designer/page_save_as.twig:29 msgid "New page name" msgstr "Ime nove strani" #: templates/database/designer/page_selector.twig:2 msgid "Select page" msgstr "Izberi stran" #: templates/database/designer/schema_export.twig:4 msgid "Select Export Relational Type" msgstr "Izberite relacijsko vrsto izvoza" #: templates/database/events/editor_form.twig:10 #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:11 #: templates/database/triggers/editor_form.twig:14 templates/view_create.twig:8 msgid "Details" msgstr "Podrobnosti" #: templates/database/events/editor_form.twig:19 msgid "Event name" msgstr "Ime dogodka" #: templates/database/events/editor_form.twig:35 #: templates/server/binlog/index.twig:86 msgid "Event type" msgstr "Vrsta dogodka" #: templates/database/events/editor_form.twig:48 #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:38 #, php-format msgid "Change to %s" msgstr "Spremeni v %s" #: templates/database/events/editor_form.twig:53 msgid "Execute at" msgstr "Izvedi ob" #: templates/database/events/editor_form.twig:59 msgid "Execute every" msgstr "Izvedi vsakih" #: templates/database/events/editor_form.twig:70 msgctxt "Start of recurring event" msgid "Start" msgstr "Začetek" #: templates/database/events/editor_form.twig:76 msgctxt "End of recurring event" msgid "End" msgstr "Konec" #: templates/database/events/editor_form.twig:90 msgid "On completion preserve" msgstr "Ob dokončanju ohrani" #: templates/database/events/editor_form.twig:96 #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:138 #: templates/database/triggers/editor_form.twig:61 #: templates/view_create.twig:45 msgid "Definer" msgstr "Opredeljevalec" #: templates/database/events/index.twig:13 #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:113 #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:114 #: templates/database/routines/index.twig:13 #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:3 #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:4 #: templates/database/triggers/list.twig:13 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:298 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:299 templates/select_all.twig:4 #: templates/select_all.twig:5 templates/server/databases/index.twig:64 #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:58 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:269 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:270 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:279 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:356 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:560 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:121 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:122 #: templates/server/user_groups/edit_user_groups.twig:11 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:117 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:118 msgid "Check all" msgstr "Označi vse" #: templates/database/events/index.twig:27 msgid "Create new event" msgstr "Ustvari nov dogodek" #: templates/database/events/index.twig:36 msgid "There are no events to display." msgstr "Ni dogodkov za prikaz." #: templates/database/events/index.twig:112 msgid "Event scheduler status" msgstr "Stanje razporejevalnika dogodkov" #: templates/database/events/index.twig:117 #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:47 msgid "Click to toggle" msgstr "Kliknite za preklop" #: templates/database/events/index.twig:130 msgid "ON" msgstr "VKL" #: templates/database/events/index.twig:141 msgid "OFF" msgstr "IZKL" #: templates/database/export/index.twig:61 msgid "" "@SERVER@ will become the server name and @DATABASE@ will become the database " "name." msgstr "" "@SERVER@ bo postalo ime strežnika in @DATABASE@ bo postalo ime zbirke " "podatkov." #. l10n: A query that the user has written freely #: templates/database/export/index.twig:5 templates/table/export/index.twig:5 msgid "Exporting a raw query" msgstr "Izvažanje surove poizvedbe" #: templates/database/export/index.twig:7 #, php-format msgid "Exporting tables from \"%s\" database" msgstr "Izvažanje tabel iz zbirke podatkov \"%s\"" #: templates/database/export/index.twig:30 msgid "Export the structure of all tables." msgstr "Izvozi strukture vseh tabel." #: templates/database/export/index.twig:33 msgid "Export the data of all tables." msgstr "Izvozi podatke vseh tabel." #: templates/database/import/index.twig:3 #, php-format msgid "Importing into the database \"%s\"" msgstr "Uvažanje v zbirko podatkov \"%s\"" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:4 #: templates/database/qbe/index.twig:4 msgid "Multi-table query" msgstr "Večtabelna poizvedba" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:10 #: templates/database/qbe/index.twig:10 msgid "Query by example" msgstr "Poizvedba s primerom" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:17 msgid "Query window" msgstr "Okno za poizvedbe" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:38 #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:128 msgid "select table" msgstr "izberite tabelo" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:45 #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:136 msgid "select column" msgstr "izberite stolpec" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:51 msgid "Table alias" msgstr "Vzdevek tabele" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:52 msgid "Column alias" msgstr "Vzdevek stolpca" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:55 msgid "Use this column in criteria" msgstr "Uporabite ta stolpec v pogoju" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:59 msgid "criteria" msgstr "pogoji" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:73 msgid "Add as" msgstr "Dodaj kot" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:119 msgid "Another column" msgstr "Še en stolpec" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:146 msgid "Enter criteria as free text" msgstr "Vnesite pogoj kot prosto beseilo" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:153 msgid "Remove this column" msgstr "Odstrani stolpec" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:159 #: templates/table/relation/foreign_key_row.twig:85 msgid "+ Add column" msgstr "+ Dodaj stolpec" #: templates/database/multi_table_query/form.twig:174 #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:80 #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:96 msgid "Update query" msgstr "Posodobi poizvedbo" #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:9 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:13 msgid "Database comment" msgstr "Pripomba zbirke podatkov" #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:54 msgid "Rename database to" msgstr "Preimenuj zbirko podatkov v" #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:58 templates/export.twig:282 msgid "New database name" msgstr "Ime nove zbirke podatkov" #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:66 #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:171 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:77 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:113 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:313 msgid "" "You don't have sufficient privileges to perform this operation; Please refer " "to the documentation for more details." msgstr "" "Nimate zadostnih pravic za izvedbo posega; prosimo, oglejte si dokumentacijo " "za več podrobnosti." #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:83 msgid "Remove database" msgstr "Odstrani zbirko podatkov" #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:89 #, php-format msgid "Database %s has been dropped." msgstr "Zbirka podatkov %s je zavržena." #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:94 msgid "Drop the database (DROP)" msgstr "Zavrzi zbirko podatkov (DROP)" #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:118 msgid "Copy database to" msgstr "Kopiraj zbirko podatkov v" #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:150 msgid "CREATE DATABASE before copying" msgstr "CREATE DATABASE pred kopiranjem" #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:165 #: templates/database/structure/copy_form.twig:44 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:306 msgid "Add constraints" msgstr "Dodaj omejitve" #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:180 msgid "Switch to copied database" msgstr "Preklopi na kopirano zbirko podatkov" #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:216 msgid "Change all tables collations" msgstr "Spremeni vsa pravila za razvrščanje znakov v tabelah" #: templates/database/operations/index.twig:220 msgid "Change all tables columns collations" msgstr "Spremeni vsa pravila za razvrščanje znakov v stolpcih tabele" #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:9 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:8 #, php-format msgid "Users having access to \"%s\"" msgstr "Uporabniški dostop do \"%s\"" #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:17 #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:7 #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:12 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:8 #: templates/server/replication/change_primary.twig:15 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:19 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:24 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:19 msgid "User name" msgstr "Uporabniško ime" #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:18 #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:26 #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:38 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:9 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:20 msgid "Host name" msgstr "Ime gostitelja" #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:21 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:17 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:18 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:23 msgid "Grant" msgstr "Dovoli" #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:36 #: templates/server/privileges/new_user_ajax.twig:9 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:36 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:38 msgid "Any" msgstr "Katerikoli" #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:47 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:49 msgid "global" msgstr "globalno" #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:50 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:52 msgid "database-specific" msgstr "glede na zbirko podatkov" #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:52 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:54 msgid "wildcard" msgstr "nadomestni znak" #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:55 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:59 msgid "routine" msgstr "rutina" #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:112 #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:115 #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:2 #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:9 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:297 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:300 templates/select_all.twig:2 #: templates/select_all.twig:6 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:120 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:123 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:116 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:119 msgid "With selected:" msgstr "Z označenim:" #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:131 #: templates/server/privileges/add_user_fieldset.twig:4 #: templates/server/privileges/user_overview.twig:22 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:137 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:134 msgctxt "Create new user" msgid "New" msgstr "Nov" #: templates/database/privileges/index.twig:136 #: templates/server/privileges/add_user_fieldset.twig:6 #: templates/server/privileges/add_user.twig:4 #: templates/server/privileges/user_overview.twig:24 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:140 #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:140 msgid "Add user account" msgstr "Dodaj uporabniški račun" #: templates/database/qbe/index.twig:16 #, php-format msgid "Switch to %svisual builder%s" msgstr "Preklopi na %svidni graditelj%s" #: templates/database/qbe/index.twig:20 msgid "You have to choose at least one column to display!" msgstr "Za prikaz morate izbrati morate vsaj en stolpec!" #: templates/database/qbe/ins_del_and_or_cell.twig:5 msgid "Ins:" msgstr "Vstavljeno:" #: templates/database/qbe/ins_del_and_or_cell.twig:12 msgid "And" msgstr "In" #: templates/database/qbe/ins_del_and_or_cell.twig:17 msgid "Del:" msgstr "Izbrisano:" #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:12 #: templates/table/find_replace/index.twig:41 msgid "Column:" msgstr "Stolpec:" #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:17 msgid "Alias:" msgstr "Vzdevek:" #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:22 msgid "Show:" msgstr "Pokaži:" #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:27 msgid "Sort:" msgstr "Razvrsti:" #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:32 msgid "Sort order:" msgstr "Vrstni red razvrščanja:" #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:37 msgid "Criteria:" msgstr "Merila:" #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:44 msgid "Modify:" msgstr "Spremeni:" #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:54 msgid "Add/Delete criteria rows:" msgstr "Dodaj/Odstrani vrstice meril:" #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:67 msgid "Add/Delete columns:" msgstr "Dodaj/Odstrani stolpce:" #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:86 #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:88 msgid "Use tables" msgstr "Uporabi tabele" #: templates/database/qbe/selection_form.twig:107 #, php-format msgid "SQL query on database %s:" msgstr "Poizvedba SQL na zbirki podatkov %s:" #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:20 msgid "Routine name" msgstr "Ime rutine" #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:43 msgid "Parameters" msgstr "Parametri" #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:49 msgid "Direction" msgstr "Smer" #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:66 msgid "Add parameter" msgstr "Dodaj parameter" #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:67 msgid "Remove last parameter" msgstr "Odstrani zadnji parameter" #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:71 msgid "Return type" msgstr "Vrnjena vrsta" #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:79 msgid "Return length/values" msgstr "Vrnjena dolžina/vrednosti" #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:86 msgid "Return options" msgstr "Vrnjene možnosti" #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:90 #: templates/database/routines/parameter_row.twig:31 #: templates/database/structure/table_header.twig:42 msgid "Charset" msgstr "Nabor znakov" #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:115 msgid "Is deterministic" msgstr "Je deterministično" #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:131 msgid "" "You do not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation; Please " "refer to the documentation for more details." msgstr "" "Nimate zadostnih pravic za izvedbo posega; prosimo, oglejte si dokumentacijo " "za več podrobnosti." #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:144 msgid "Security type" msgstr "Vrsta varnosti" #: templates/database/routines/editor_form.twig:153 msgid "SQL data access" msgstr "Dostop do podatkov SQL" #: templates/database/routines/execute_form.twig:7 #: templates/database/routines/execute_form.twig:12 msgid "Routine parameters" msgstr "Parametri rutine" #: templates/database/routines/index.twig:33 msgid "Create new routine" msgstr "Ustvari novo rutino" #: templates/database/routines/index.twig:42 msgid "There are no routines to display." msgstr "Ni rutin za prikaz." #: templates/database/routines/index.twig:51 msgid "Returns" msgstr "Vrnjeno" #: templates/database/routines/parameter_row.twig:24 #: templates/modals/enum_set_editor.twig:5 msgid "ENUM/SET editor" msgstr "Urejevalnik ENUM/SET" #: templates/database/routines/row.twig:38 #: templates/database/routines/row.twig:48 #: templates/database/routines/row.twig:52 msgid "Execute" msgstr "Izvedi" #: templates/database/search/main.twig:5 msgid "Search in database" msgstr "Išči v zbirki podatkov" #: templates/database/search/main.twig:8 msgid "Words or values to search for (wildcard: \"%\"):" msgstr "Išči besede ali vrednosti (nadomestni znak: \"%\"):" #: templates/database/search/main.twig:15 #: templates/table/find_replace/index.twig:31 msgid "Find:" msgstr "Najdi:" #: templates/database/search/main.twig:19 #: templates/database/search/main.twig:23 msgid "Words are separated by a space character (\" \")." msgstr "Besede so ločene s presledkom (\" \")." #: templates/database/search/main.twig:40 msgid "Inside tables:" msgstr "Znotraj tabel:" #: templates/database/search/main.twig:46 templates/server/export/index.twig:11 #: templates/server/replication/database_multibox.twig:8 msgid "Unselect all" msgstr "Odznači vse" #: templates/database/search/main.twig:67 msgid "Inside column:" msgstr "V stolpcu:" #: templates/database/search/results.twig:12 #, php-format msgid "%1$s match in %2$s" msgid_plural "%1$s matches in %2$s" msgstr[0] "%1$s zadetek v %2$s" msgstr[1] "%1$s zadetka v %2$s" msgstr[2] "%1$s zadetki v %2$s" msgstr[3] "%1$s zadetkov v %2$s" #: templates/database/search/results.twig:56 msgid "Total: %count% match" msgid_plural "Total: %count% matches" msgstr[0] "Skupaj: %s zadetek" msgstr[1] "Skupaj: %s zadetka" msgstr[2] "Skupaj: %s zadetki" msgstr[3] "Skupaj: %s zadetkov" #: templates/database/structure/add_prefix.twig:7 #: templates/database/structure/add_prefix.twig:9 msgid "Add prefix" msgstr "Dodaj predpono" #: templates/database/structure/body_for_table_summary.twig:6 #, php-format msgid "%s table" msgid_plural "%s tables" msgstr[0] "%s tabela" msgstr[1] "%s tabeli" msgstr[2] "%s tabele" msgstr[3] "%s tabel" #: templates/database/structure/body_for_table_summary.twig:17 msgid "Sum" msgstr "Vsota" #: templates/database/structure/change_prefix_form.twig:7 msgid "From" msgstr "Iz" #: templates/database/structure/change_prefix_form.twig:13 msgid "To" msgstr "V" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:6 msgid "Check tables having overhead" msgstr "Označi prekoračene tabele" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:10 msgid "Copy table" msgstr "Kopiraj tabelo" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:11 msgid "Show create" msgstr "Pokaži create" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:14 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:403 #: templates/table/operations/view.twig:26 msgid "Delete data or table" msgstr "Izbriši podatke ali tabelo" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:15 #: templates/database/structure/structure_table_row.twig:74 msgid "Empty" msgstr "Izprazni" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:18 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:334 msgid "Table maintenance" msgstr "Vzdrževanje tabele" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:19 #: templates/table/maintenance/analyze.twig:3 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:339 msgid "Analyze table" msgstr "Analiziraj tabelo" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:20 #: templates/table/maintenance/check.twig:3 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:348 msgid "Check table" msgstr "Preveri tabelo" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:21 #: templates/table/maintenance/checksum.twig:3 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:356 msgid "Checksum table" msgstr "Tabela kontrolnih vsot" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:22 #: templates/table/maintenance/optimize.twig:3 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:384 #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:68 msgid "Optimize table" msgstr "Optimiraj tabelo" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:23 #: templates/table/maintenance/repair.twig:3 #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:393 msgid "Repair table" msgstr "Popravi tabelo" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:25 msgid "Prefix" msgstr "Predpona" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:26 msgid "Add prefix to table" msgstr "Dodaj predpono tabeli" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:27 msgid "Replace table prefix" msgstr "Zamenjaj predpono tabele" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:33 msgid "Add columns to central list" msgstr "Dodaj stolpce na osrednji seznam" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:34 msgid "Remove columns from central list" msgstr "Odstrani stolpce z osrednjega seznama" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:35 msgid "Make consistent with central list" msgstr "Naredi enotno z osrednjim seznamom" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:53 #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:73 msgid "Continue" msgstr "Nadaljuj" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:65 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Ste prepričani?" #: templates/database/structure/check_all_tables.twig:69 msgid "" "This action may change some of the columns definition.[br]Are you sure you " "want to continue?" msgstr "" "Dejanje bo morda spremenilo nekatere opredelitve stolpcev.[br]Ste " "prepričani, da želite nadaljevati?" #: templates/database/structure/copy_form.twig:14 msgid "Options:" msgstr "Možnosti:" #: templates/database/structure/copy_form.twig:39 msgid "Add AUTO INCREMENT value" msgstr "Dodaj vrednost AUTO INCREMENT" #: templates/database/structure/drop_form.twig:6 #: templates/database/structure/empty_form.twig:6 #: templates/table/delete/confirm.twig:12 #: templates/table/structure/drop_confirm.twig:7 #: templates/table/structure/primary.twig:3 msgid "Do you really want to execute the following query?" msgstr "Ali res želite izvesti naslednjo poizvedbo?" #: templates/database/structure/favorite_anchor.twig:4 #: templates/recent_favorite_table_favorite.twig:6 msgid "Remove from Favorites" msgstr "Odstrani iz Priljubljenih" #: templates/database/structure/favorite_anchor.twig:4 msgid "Add to Favorites" msgstr "Dodaj med Priljubljene" #: templates/database/structure/show_create.twig:2 msgid "Showing create queries" msgstr "Pokaži poizvedbe create" #: templates/database/structure/show_create.twig:33 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:373 templates/modals/create_view.twig:5 #: templates/sql/no_results_returned.twig:13 templates/view_create.twig:11 msgid "Create view" msgstr "Ustvari pogled" #: templates/database/structure/structure_table_row.twig:17 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:219 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:231 msgid "Not replicated" msgstr "Ni podvojeno" #: templates/database/structure/structure_table_row.twig:18 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:215 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:227 msgid "Replicated" msgstr "Podvojeno" #: templates/database/structure/structure_table_row.twig:223 msgid "in use" msgstr "v uporabi" #: templates/database/structure/table_header.twig:27 msgid "" "May be approximate. Click on the number to get the exact count. See " "[doc@faq3-11]FAQ 3.11[/doc]." msgstr "" "Morda je približno. Kliknite na število, da pridobite točno število. Glej " "[doc@faq3-11]FAQ 3.11[/doc]." #: templates/database/structure/table_header.twig:36 #: templates/table/index_form.twig:144 msgid "Size" msgstr "Velikost" #: templates/database/structure/table_header.twig:51 #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:154 msgid "Creation" msgstr "Ustvarjeno" #: templates/database/structure/table_header.twig:56 #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:161 msgid "Last update" msgstr "Zadnjič posodobljeno" #: templates/database/structure/table_header.twig:61 #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:168 msgid "Last check" msgstr "Zadnjič pregledano" #: templates/database/structure/tracking_icon.twig:3 msgid "Tracking is active." msgstr "Sledenje je aktivno." #: templates/database/structure/tracking_icon.twig:5 msgid "Tracking is not active." msgstr "Sledenje ni aktivno." #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:4 msgid "Tracked tables" msgstr "Sledene tabele" #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:14 msgid "Last version" msgstr "Zadnja različica" #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:15 #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:29 msgid "Created" msgstr "Ustvarjeno" #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:16 #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:30 msgid "Updated" msgstr "Posodobljeno" #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:61 #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:10 templates/table/tracking/main.twig:53 msgid "active" msgstr "aktivno" #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:73 #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:12 templates/table/tracking/main.twig:56 msgid "not active" msgstr "ni aktivno" #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:93 #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:138 #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:139 msgid "Delete tracking" msgstr "Izbriši sledenje" #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:104 msgid "Versions" msgstr "Različice" #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:145 msgid "Untracked tables" msgstr "Nesledene tabele" #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:176 #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:188 #: templates/database/tracking/tables.twig:189 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:396 msgid "Track table" msgstr "Sledi tabeli" #: templates/database/triggers/editor_form.twig:23 msgid "Trigger name" msgstr "Ime sprožilca" #: templates/database/triggers/editor_form.twig:37 msgctxt "Trigger action time" msgid "Time" msgstr "Čas" #: templates/database/triggers/list.twig:27 msgid "Create new trigger" msgstr "Ustvari nov sprožilec" #: templates/database/triggers/list.twig:36 msgid "There are no triggers to display." msgstr "Ni sprožilcev za prikaz." #: templates/display/results/checkbox_and_links.twig:16 #: templates/display/results/checkbox_and_links.twig:78 msgid "You can also edit most values by clicking directly on them." msgstr "Večino vrednosti lahko urejate neposredno s klikom nanje." #: templates/display/results/checkbox_and_links.twig:18 #: templates/display/results/checkbox_and_links.twig:80 msgid "You can also edit most values by double-clicking directly on them." msgstr "Večino vrednosti lahko urejate neposredno z dvojnim klikom nanje." #: templates/display/results/table.twig:18 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:21 templates/list_navigator.twig:8 #: templates/list_navigator.twig:13 msgctxt "First page" msgid "Begin" msgstr "Začetek" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:35 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:38 templates/list_navigator.twig:16 #: templates/list_navigator.twig:21 templates/server/binlog/index.twig:47 #: templates/server/binlog/index.twig:52 msgctxt "Previous page" msgid "Previous" msgstr "Prejšnja" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:55 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:59 templates/list_navigator.twig:33 #: templates/list_navigator.twig:35 templates/server/binlog/index.twig:72 #: templates/server/binlog/index.twig:77 msgctxt "Next page" msgid "Next" msgstr "Naslednja" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:76 #: templates/display/results/table.twig:80 templates/list_navigator.twig:42 #: templates/list_navigator.twig:44 msgctxt "Last page" msgid "End" msgstr "Konec" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:107 msgid "Save edited data" msgstr "Shrani urejene podatke" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:113 msgid "Restore column order" msgstr "Obnovi vrstni red stolpcev" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:124 templates/export.twig:149 #: templates/table/start_and_number_of_rows_fieldset.twig:9 msgid "Number of rows:" msgstr "Število vrstic:" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:127 msgid "All" msgstr "Vse" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:145 msgid "Sort by key:" msgstr "Uredi po ključu:" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:194 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:102 msgid "Extra options" msgstr "Dodatne možnosti" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:216 msgid "Relational key" msgstr "Relacijski ključ" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:220 msgid "Display column for relationships" msgstr "Prikaži stolpec za razmerja" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:228 msgid "Show binary contents" msgstr "Prikaži dvojiške vsebine" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:232 msgid "Show BLOB contents" msgstr "Prikaži vsebine BLOB" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:242 msgid "Hide browser transformation" msgstr "Skrij pretvorbo z brskalnikom" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:254 msgid "Well Known Text" msgstr "Dobro poznano besedilo" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:258 msgid "Well Known Binary" msgstr "Dobro poznana dvojiška datoteka" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:330 #: templates/sql/no_results_returned.twig:9 msgid "Query results operations" msgstr "Dejanja rezultatov poizvedbe" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:336 msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "Kopiraj v odložišče" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:355 #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:2 msgid "Display chart" msgstr "Prikaži grafikon" #: templates/display/results/table.twig:363 msgid "Visualize GIS data" msgstr "Predstavi podatke GIS" #: templates/encoding/kanji_encoding_form.twig:6 msgctxt "None encoding conversion" msgid "None" msgstr "Nobeno" #: templates/encoding/kanji_encoding_form.twig:17 msgid "Convert to Kana" msgstr "Pretvori v kano" #: templates/error/report_form.twig:3 msgid "" "This report automatically includes data about the error and information " "about relevant configuration settings. It will be sent to the phpMyAdmin " "team for debugging the error." msgstr "" "Poročilo samodejno vključuje podatke o napaki in informacije o bistvenih " "konfiguracijskih nastavitvah. Poslali ga bomo skupini phpMyAdmin za " "odpravljanje napak." #: templates/error/report_form.twig:11 msgid "" "Can you tell us the steps leading to this error? It decisively helps in " "debugging:" msgstr "" "Nam lahko zaupate korake, ki so vodili v to napako? To lahko bistveno pomaga " "pri odpravljanju težave:" #: templates/error/report_form.twig:18 msgid "You may examine the data in the error report:" msgstr "Pregledate lahko podatke v poročilo o napaki:" #: templates/error/report_modal.twig:5 msgid "Submit error report" msgstr "Oddaj poročilo o napaki" #: templates/error/report_modal.twig:12 msgid "Send error report" msgstr "Pošlji poročilo o napaki" #: templates/export/template_options.twig:1 templates/export.twig:42 msgid "Select a template" msgstr "Izberite predlogo" #: templates/export.twig:14 msgid "Export templates:" msgstr "Izvozite predloge:" #: templates/export.twig:18 msgid "New template:" msgstr "Nova predloga:" #: templates/export.twig:21 templates/export.twig:24 msgid "Template name" msgstr "Ime predloge" #: templates/export.twig:35 msgid "Existing templates:" msgstr "Obstoječe predloge:" #: templates/export.twig:38 msgid "Template:" msgstr "Predloga:" #: templates/export.twig:51 msgid "Update" msgstr "Posodobi" #: templates/export.twig:72 msgid "Show SQL query" msgstr "Pokaži poizvedbo SQL" #: templates/export.twig:104 msgid "Export method:" msgstr "Način izvoza:" #: templates/export.twig:108 msgid "Quick - display only the minimal options" msgstr "Hitro - prikaži kar najmanj možnosti" #: templates/export.twig:112 msgid "Custom - display all possible options" msgstr "Po meri - pokaži vse možnosti" #: templates/export.twig:121 msgid "File format to export" msgstr "Datotečna oblika izvoza" #: templates/export.twig:137 msgid "Rows:" msgstr "Vrstice:" #: templates/export.twig:141 msgid "Dump all rows" msgstr "Odloži vse vrstice" #: templates/export.twig:145 msgid "Dump some row(s)" msgstr "Odloži nekaj vrstic" #: templates/export.twig:160 msgid "Row to begin at:" msgstr "Začetna vrstica:" #: templates/export.twig:170 templates/export.twig:332 msgid "Output:" msgstr "Izhod:" #: templates/export.twig:175 templates/export.twig:370 #, php-format msgid "Save on server in the directory %s" msgstr "Shrani na strežnik v imenik %s" #: templates/export.twig:193 templates/export.twig:337 msgid "Rename exported databases/tables/columns" msgstr "Preimenuj izvožene zbirke podatov/tabele/stolpce" #: templates/export.twig:201 msgid "Defined aliases" msgstr "Opredeljeni vzdevki" #: templates/export.twig:216 templates/export.twig:230 #: templates/export.twig:243 templates/export.twig:260 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Odstrani" #: templates/export.twig:269 msgid "Define new aliases" msgstr "Določite nov vzdevek" #: templates/export.twig:274 msgid "Select database:" msgstr "Izberite zbirko podatkov:" #: templates/export.twig:290 msgid "Select table:" msgstr "Izberite tabelo:" #: templates/export.twig:298 msgid "New table name" msgstr "Ime nove tabele" #: templates/export.twig:306 msgid "Select column:" msgstr "Izberite stolpec:" #: templates/export.twig:314 msgid "New column name" msgstr "Novo ime stolpca" #: templates/export.twig:347 #, php-format msgid "Use %s statement" msgstr "Uporabi izjavo %s" #: templates/export.twig:356 msgid "View output as text" msgstr "Ogled izhoda kot besedilo" #: templates/export.twig:360 msgid "Save output to a file" msgstr "Shrani izhod v datoteko" #: templates/export.twig:387 msgid "File name template:" msgstr "Predloga imena datoteke:" #: templates/export.twig:388 #, php-format msgid "" "This value is interpreted using the 'strftime' function, so you can use time " "formatting strings. Additionally the following transformations will happen: " "%s Other text will be kept as is. See the FAQ 6.27 for details." msgstr "" "Vrednost je prevedena z uporabo funkcije 'strftime', tako da lahko " "uporabljate nize za zapis časa. Dodatno bo prišlo še do naslednjih pretvorb: " "%s Ostalo besedilo ne bo spremenjeno. Za podrobnosti si oglejte PZV 6.27." #: templates/export.twig:398 msgid "Use this for future exports" msgstr "Uporabi to za prihodnje izvoze" #: templates/export.twig:409 templates/import.twig:103 msgid "Character set of the file:" msgstr "Nabor znakov datoteke:" #: templates/export.twig:429 msgid "Compression:" msgstr "Stiskanje:" #: templates/export.twig:437 msgid "zipped" msgstr "zipano" #: templates/export.twig:443 msgid "gzipped" msgstr "gzipano" #: templates/export.twig:461 msgid "Export databases as separate files" msgstr "Izvozi zbirke podatkov v ločenih datotekah" #: templates/export.twig:463 msgid "Export tables as separate files" msgstr "Izvozi tabele v ločenih datotekah" #: templates/export.twig:474 msgid "Skip tables larger than:" msgstr "Preskoči tabele, večje od:" #: templates/export.twig:476 msgid "The size is measured in MiB." msgstr "Velikost je merjena v MiB." #: templates/export.twig:482 templates/import.twig:182 msgid "Format-specific options:" msgstr "Možnosti odvisne od oblike:" #: templates/export.twig:491 templates/import.twig:191 msgid "Encoding Conversion:" msgstr "Pretvorba kodiranja:" #: templates/filter.twig:2 templates/server/status/processes/index.twig:6 #: templates/server/status/variables/index.twig:7 msgid "Filters" msgstr "Filtri" #: templates/filter.twig:4 templates/server/status/variables/index.twig:12 msgid "Containing the word:" msgstr "Vsebuje besedo:" #: templates/footer.twig:10 templates/footer.twig:12 templates/footer.twig:14 msgid "Open new phpMyAdmin window" msgstr "Odpri novo okno phpMyAdmin" #: templates/footer.twig:29 templates/home/index.twig:18 #: templates/login/form.twig:5 msgid "phpMyAdmin Demo Server" msgstr "Preizkusni strežnik phpMyAdmin" #: templates/footer.twig:37 #, php-format msgid "Currently running Git revision %1$s from the %2$s branch." msgstr "Trenutno poganjamo redakcijo Git %1$s z veje %2$s." #: templates/footer.twig:39 msgid "Git information missing!" msgstr "Manjkajo podatki o različici Git!" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:4 #, php-format msgid "Value for the column \"%s\"" msgstr "Vrednost za stolpec \"%s\"" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:22 #: templates/table/gis_visualization/gis_visualization.twig:34 msgid "Use OpenStreetMaps as Base Layer" msgstr "Uporabi OpenStreetMaps kot osnovni sloj" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:38 msgctxt "Spatial Reference System Identifier" msgid "SRID:" msgstr "SRID:" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:53 #, php-format msgid "Geometry %d:" msgstr "Geometrija %d:" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:73 msgid "Point:" msgstr "Točka:" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:93 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:134 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:186 #, php-format msgid "Point %d:" msgstr "Točka %d:" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:113 #, php-format msgid "Linestring %d:" msgstr "Daljica %d:" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:115 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:170 msgid "Outer ring:" msgstr "Zunanji obroč:" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:117 #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:172 #, php-format msgid "Inner ring %d:" msgstr "Notranji obroč %d:" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:144 msgid "Add a linestring" msgstr "Dodaj daljico" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:157 #, php-format msgid "Polygon %d:" msgstr "Večkotnik %d:" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:199 msgid "Add a polygon" msgstr "Dodaj večkotnik" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:205 msgid "Add geometry" msgstr "Dodaj geometrijo" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:214 msgid "Output" msgstr "Izhod" #: templates/gis_data_editor_form.twig:216 msgid "" "Choose \"GeomFromText\" from the \"Function\" column and paste the string " "below into the \"Value\" field." msgstr "" "Izberite \"GeomFromText\" v stolpcu \"Funkcija\" in prilepite niz v spodnje " "polje \"Vrednost\"." #: templates/header.twig:36 templates/login/header.twig:13 msgid "Javascript must be enabled past this point!" msgstr "Po tej točki mora biti JavaScript omogočen!" #: templates/header.twig:47 msgid "Click on the bar to scroll to top of page" msgstr "Kliknite na prečko, da se vrnete na vrh strani" #: templates/home/git_info.twig:2 msgid "Git revision:" msgstr "Redakcija Git:" #: templates/home/git_info.twig:13 msgid "no branch" msgstr "ni veje" #: templates/home/git_info.twig:15 templates/home/git_info.twig:22 #, php-format msgid "from %s branch" msgstr "z veje %s" #: templates/home/git_info.twig:25 #, php-format msgid "committed on %s by %s" msgstr "potrjeno dne %s s strani %s" #: templates/home/git_info.twig:32 #, php-format msgid "authored on %s by %s" msgstr "spremenjeno dne %s s strani %s" #: templates/home/index.twig:22 templates/login/form.twig:8 #, php-format msgid "" "You are using the demo server. You can do anything here, but please do not " "change root, debian-sys-maint and pma users. More information is available " "at %s." msgstr "" "Uporabljate preizkusni strežnik. Tukaj lahko počnete kar koli, vendar " "prosimo, da ne spremenite uporabnikov root, debian-sys-maint in pma. Več " "informacij lahko najdete na %s." #: templates/home/index.twig:32 msgid "General settings" msgstr "Splošne nastavitve" #: templates/home/index.twig:57 msgid "Server connection collation:" msgstr "Razvrščanje znakov povezave strežnika:" #: templates/home/index.twig:83 templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:56 msgid "More settings" msgstr "Več nastavitev" #: templates/home/index.twig:93 msgid "Appearance settings" msgstr "Nastavitve prikaza" #: templates/home/index.twig:103 templates/home/index.twig:104 #: templates/login/form.twig:23 templates/login/form.twig:24 #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:8 templates/setup/home/index.twig:9 msgid "Language" msgstr "Jezik" #: templates/home/index.twig:131 msgid "Theme" msgstr "Motiv" #: templates/home/index.twig:142 msgctxt "View all themes" msgid "View all" msgstr "Pokaži vse" #: templates/home/index.twig:157 msgid "Database server" msgstr "Strežnik zbirke podatkov" #: templates/home/index.twig:161 templates/login/form.twig:65 #: templates/menu/breadcrumbs.twig:7 msgid "Server:" msgstr "Strežnik:" #: templates/home/index.twig:165 msgid "Server type:" msgstr "Vrsta strežnika:" #: templates/home/index.twig:169 msgid "Server connection:" msgstr "Povezava strežnika:" #: templates/home/index.twig:177 msgid "Protocol version:" msgstr "Različica protokola:" #: templates/home/index.twig:181 msgid "User:" msgstr "Uporabnik:" #: templates/home/index.twig:185 msgid "Server charset:" msgstr "Nabor znakov strežnika:" #: templates/home/index.twig:197 msgid "Web server" msgstr "Spletni strežnik" #: templates/home/index.twig:207 msgid "Database client version:" msgstr "Različica odjemalca zbirk podatkov:" #: templates/home/index.twig:211 msgid "PHP extension:" msgstr "Razširitev PHP:" #: templates/home/index.twig:218 msgid "PHP version:" msgstr "Različica PHP:" #: templates/home/index.twig:225 msgid "Show PHP information" msgstr "Pokaži podatke o PHP" #: templates/home/index.twig:239 msgid "Version information:" msgstr "Podatki o različici:" #: templates/home/index.twig:249 msgid "Official Homepage" msgstr "Uradna domača stran phpMyAdmin" #: templates/home/index.twig:254 msgid "Contribute" msgstr "Prispevaj" #: templates/home/index.twig:259 msgid "Get support" msgstr "Prosi za podporo" #: templates/home/index.twig:264 msgid "List of changes" msgstr "Seznam sprememb" #: templates/home/index.twig:269 templates/server/plugins/index.twig:30 msgid "License" msgstr "Dovoljenje" #: templates/home/index.twig:280 templates/setup/error.twig:2 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Opozorilo" #: templates/home/index.twig:282 msgid "Notice" msgstr "Obvestilo" #: templates/home/index.twig:295 msgid "phpMyAdmin Themes" msgstr "Motivi phpMyAdmina" #: templates/home/index.twig:306 msgid "Get more themes!" msgstr "Pridobi več preoblek!" #: templates/home/themes.twig:8 #, php-format msgid "Screenshot of the %s theme." msgstr "Zaslonski posnetek motiva %s." #. l10n: Choose the theme button in the themes list modal #: templates/home/themes.twig:14 msgid "Take it" msgstr "Uporabi" #: templates/import/javascript.twig:12 msgid "" "The file being uploaded is probably larger than the maximum allowed size or " "this is a known bug in webkit based (Safari, Google Chrome, Arora etc.) " "browsers." msgstr "" "Naložena datoteka je najverjetneje večja od največje dovoljene velikosti ali " "pa gre za znan hrošč v brskalnikih, ki temeljijo na webkitu (Safari, Google " "Chrome, Arora itn.)." #: templates/import/javascript.twig:13 #, php-format msgid "%s of %s" msgstr "%s od %s" #: templates/import/javascript.twig:14 #, php-format msgid "%s/sec." msgstr "%s/sek." #: templates/import/javascript.twig:15 msgid "About %MIN min. %SEC sec. remaining." msgstr "Preostane približno %MIN min. in %SEC sek." #: templates/import/javascript.twig:16 msgid "About %SEC sec. remaining." msgstr "Preostane približno %SEC sek." #: templates/import/javascript.twig:17 msgid "The file is being processed, please be patient." msgstr "Datoteka je v obdelavi, prosim, počakajte." #: templates/import/javascript.twig:29 msgid "Uploading your import file…" msgstr "Nalaganje datoteke za uvoz …" #: templates/import/javascript.twig:152 msgid "" "Please be patient, the file is being uploaded. Details about the upload are " "not available." msgstr "" "Prosim, bodite potrpežljivi, datoteka se nalaga. Podrobnosti o nalaganju " "niso na voljo." #: templates/import.twig:26 msgid "File to import:" msgstr "Datoteka za uvoz:" #: templates/import.twig:31 #, php-format msgid "File may be compressed (%s) or uncompressed." msgstr "Datoteka je lahko stisnjena (%s) ali nestisnjena." #: templates/import.twig:32 msgid "" "A compressed file's name must end in .[format].[compression]. Example: .sql.zip" msgstr "" "Ime stisnjene datoteke se mora končati z .[oblika].[stiskanje]. Primer: .sql.zip" #: templates/import.twig:40 msgid "Upload a file" msgstr "Naloži datoteko" #: templates/import.twig:43 msgid "Select file to import" msgstr "Izberite datoteko za uvoz" #: templates/import.twig:50 templates/import.twig:77 #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:22 msgid "Browse your computer:" msgstr "Prebrskajte svoj računalnik:" #: templates/import.twig:55 templates/import.twig:82 msgid "You may also drag and drop a file on any page." msgstr "Lahko tudi povlečete in spustite datoteko na katero koli stran." #: templates/import.twig:62 templates/import.twig:88 #, php-format msgid "Select from the web server upload directory [strong]%s[/strong]:" msgstr "" "Izberite iz mape za nalaganje na spletnem strežniku [strong]%s[/strong]:" #: templates/import.twig:69 templates/import.twig:96 msgid "There are no files to import!" msgstr "Nobene datoteke ni za uvoziti!" #: templates/import.twig:100 msgid "File uploads are not allowed on this server." msgstr "Nalaganje datotek na tem strežniku ni dovoljeno." #: templates/import.twig:126 msgid "Partial import:" msgstr "Delni uvoz:" #: templates/import.twig:131 #, php-format msgid "" "Previous import timed out, after resubmitting will continue from position %d." msgstr "" "Čas prejšnjega uvoza se je iztekel, po ponovni potrditvi se bo nadaljeval od " "položaja %d." #: templates/import.twig:138 msgid "" "Allow the interruption of an import in case the script detects it is close " "to the PHP timeout limit." msgstr "" "Dovoli prekinitev uvoza v primeru, ko skript zazna, da je blizu časovne " "omejitve PHP." #: templates/import.twig:140 msgid "" "This might be a good way to import large files, however it can break " "transactions." msgstr "" "To je morda dober način za uvoz velikih datotek, čeprav lahko prekine " "transakcije." #: templates/import.twig:144 msgid "Skip this number of queries (for SQL) starting from the first one:" msgstr "Preskoči toliko poizvedb (za SQL), začenši s prvo:" #: templates/import.twig:154 msgid "Other options" msgstr "Druge možnosti" #: templates/indexes.twig:39 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:489 msgid "Rename" msgstr "Preimenuj" #: templates/indexes.twig:45 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:495 msgid "The primary key has been dropped." msgstr "Zavrgli smo primarni ključ." #: templates/indexes.twig:50 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:500 #, php-format msgid "Index %s has been dropped." msgstr "Zavrgli smo indeks %s." #: templates/login/form.twig:58 templates/login/form.twig:117 #: templates/login/form.twig:121 templates/login/form.twig:124 msgid "Log in" msgstr "Prijava" #: templates/login/form.twig:64 templates/login/form.twig:69 msgid "You can enter hostname/IP address and port separated by space." msgstr "Vnesete lahko ime gostitelja/IP-naslov in vrata ločena s presledkom." #: templates/login/form.twig:76 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Uporabniško ime:" #: templates/login/form.twig:85 #: templates/server/privileges/change_password.twig:21 #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:44 #: templates/server/replication/change_primary.twig:18 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:49 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Geslo:" #: templates/login/form.twig:95 msgid "Server choice:" msgstr "Izbira strežnika:" #: templates/login/header.twig:17 msgid "" "There is a mismatch between HTTPS indicated on the server and client. This " "can lead to a non working phpMyAdmin or a security risk. Please fix your " "server configuration to indicate HTTPS properly." msgstr "" "Obstaja neskladje med HTTPS, nakazanem na strežniku in na klientu. To lahko " "vodi v nedelujoč phpMyAdmin ali varnostno tveganje. Prosimo, popravite " "nastavitev vašega strežnika, da pravilno nakaže HTTPS." #: templates/login/twofactor/application_configure.twig:3 msgid "" "Please scan following QR code into the two-factor authentication app on your " "device and enter authentication code it generates." msgstr "" "Prosimo, poskenirajte QR-kodo v aplikacijo za dvostopenjsko overovitev na " "vaši napravi in vnesite overovitveno kodo, ki jo ustvari." #: templates/login/twofactor/application_configure.twig:13 msgid "Secret/key:" msgstr "Skrivnost/ključ:" #: templates/login/twofactor/application_configure.twig:16 #: templates/login/twofactor/application.twig:2 msgid "Authentication code:" msgstr "Overovitvena koda:" #: templates/login/twofactor/application.twig:5 msgid "" "Open the two-factor authentication app on your device to view your " "authentication code and verify your identity." msgstr "" "Odprite aplikacijo za dvostopenjsko overovitev na svoji napravi, da si " "ogledate overovitveno kodo in preverite svojo istovetnost." #: templates/login/twofactor/invalid.twig:2 msgid "" "The configured two factor authentication is not available, please install " "missing dependencies." msgstr "" "Nastavljena dvostopenjska overovitev ni na voljo; prosimo, namestite " "manjkajoče odvisnosti." #: templates/login/twofactor/key_configure.twig:3 msgid "" "Please connect your FIDO U2F device into your computer's USB port. Then " "confirm registration on the device." msgstr "" "Prosimo, povežite svojo napravo FIDO U2F v USB-vrata vašega računalnika. " "Nato potrdite registracijo na napravi." #: templates/login/twofactor/key-https-warning.twig:3 msgid "" "You are not using https to access phpMyAdmin, therefore FIDO U2F device will " "most likely refuse to authenticate you." msgstr "" "Za dostopanje do phpMyAdmina ne uporabljate https, zato vas naprava FIDO U2F " "najverjetneje ne bo želela overiti." #: templates/login/twofactor/key.twig:3 msgid "" "Please connect your FIDO U2F device into your computer's USB port. Then " "confirm login on the device." msgstr "" "Prosimo, povežite svojo napravo FIDO U2F v USB-vrata vašega računalnika. " "Nato potrdite prijavo na napravi." #: templates/login/twofactor.twig:10 msgid "Verify" msgstr "Preveri" #: templates/menu/breadcrumbs.twig:27 msgid "View:" msgstr "Pogled:" #: templates/modals/function_confirm.twig:5 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:315 msgid "Confirm" msgstr "Potrdi" #: templates/modals/function_confirm.twig:10 msgid "Ok" msgstr "V redu" #: templates/modals/index_dialog_modal.twig:30 msgid "Go back" msgstr "Pojdi nazaj" #: templates/modals/unhide_nav_item.twig:5 msgid "Show hidden navigation tree items." msgstr "Prikaži skrite predmete v navigacijskem drevesu." #: templates/navigation/item_unhide_dialog.twig:20 msgid "Unhide" msgstr "Razkrij" #: templates/navigation/main.twig:25 templates/navigation/main.twig:26 msgid "Home" msgstr "Domov" #: templates/navigation/main.twig:30 templates/navigation/main.twig:31 msgid "Empty session data" msgstr "Izprazni podatke seje" #: templates/navigation/main.twig:30 templates/navigation/main.twig:31 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Odjava" #: templates/navigation/main.twig:35 templates/navigation/main.twig:36 msgid "phpMyAdmin documentation" msgstr "Dokumentacija phpMyAdmin" #: templates/navigation/main.twig:39 templates/navigation/main.twig:40 msgid "MariaDB Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentacija MariaDB" #: templates/navigation/main.twig:39 templates/navigation/main.twig:40 msgid "MySQL Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentacija MySQL" #: templates/navigation/main.twig:43 templates/navigation/main.twig:44 msgid "Navigation panel settings" msgstr "Nastavitve navigacijske plošče" #: templates/navigation/main.twig:47 templates/navigation/main.twig:48 msgid "Reload navigation panel" msgstr "Osveži navigacijsko ploščo" #: templates/navigation/main.twig:67 msgid "An error has occurred while loading the navigation display" msgstr "Med nalaganjem navigacijskega prikaza je prišlo do napake" #: templates/navigation/main.twig:88 msgid "SQL upload" msgstr "Nalaganje SQL" #: templates/navigation/tree/fast_filter.twig:11 #: templates/navigation/tree/fast_filter.twig:12 msgid "Type to filter these, Enter to search all" msgstr "Vtipkajte za filtriranje teh, pritisnite enter za iskanje vseh" #: templates/navigation/tree/fast_filter.twig:16 msgid "Clear fast filter" msgstr "Počisti hitri filter" #: templates/preferences/autoload.twig:7 msgid "" "Your browser has phpMyAdmin configuration for this domain. Would you like to " "import it for current session?" msgstr "" "Vaš brskalnik ima konfiguracijo phpMyAdmin za to domeno. Ali jo želite " "uvoziti za trenutno sejo?" #: templates/preferences/autoload.twig:13 msgid "Delete settings" msgstr "Izbriši nastavitve" #: templates/preferences/forms/main.twig:4 msgid "Cannot save settings, submitted form contains errors!" msgstr "Ne morem shraniti nastavitev, saj poslani obrazec vsebuje napake!" #: templates/preferences/header.twig:6 msgid "Manage your settings" msgstr "Upravljajte svoje nastavitve" #: templates/preferences/header.twig:12 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "Dvostopenjska overovitev" #: templates/preferences/header.twig:55 #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:72 msgid "Configuration has been saved." msgstr "Konfiguracijo smo shranili." #: templates/preferences/header.twig:60 #, php-format msgid "" "Your preferences will be saved for current session only. Storing them " "permanently requires %sphpMyAdmin configuration storage%s." msgstr "" "Vaše nastavitve bodo shranjene samo za trenutno sejo. Njihova trajna hramba " "zahteva %shrambo konfiguracije phpMyAdmin%s." #: templates/preferences/manage/error.twig:1 msgid "Configuration contains incorrect data for some fields." msgstr "Konfiguracija vsebuje nepravilne podatke za nekatera polja." #: templates/preferences/manage/error.twig:16 msgid "Do you want to import remaining settings?" msgstr "Ali želite uvoziti preostale nastavitve?" #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:3 #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:33 msgid "Saved on: @DATE@" msgstr "Shranjeno: @DATE@" #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:20 msgid "Import from file" msgstr "Uvozi iz datoteke" #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:27 msgid "Import from browser's storage" msgstr "Uvozi iz hrambe brskalnika" #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:30 msgid "Settings will be imported from your browser's local storage." msgstr "Nastavitve bodo uvožene iz brskalnikove lokalne hrambe." #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:36 msgid "You have no saved settings!" msgstr "Nimate shranjenih nastavitev!" #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:40 #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:104 msgid "This feature is not supported by your web browser" msgstr "Te funkcije vaš spletni brskalnik ne podpira" #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:44 msgid "Merge with current configuration" msgstr "Združi s trenutno konfiguracijo" #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:59 #, php-format msgid "" "You can set more settings by modifying config.inc.php, eg. by using %sSetup " "script%s." msgstr "" "Več nastavitev lahko nastavite s spreminjanjem config.inc.php, npr. z " "uporabo %sNastavitvenega skripta%s." #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:81 msgid "Save as JSON file" msgstr "Shrani kot datoteko JSON" #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:85 msgid "Save as PHP file" msgstr "Shrani kot datoteko PHP" #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:90 msgid "Save to browser's storage" msgstr "Shrani v hrambo brskalnika" #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:96 msgid "Settings will be saved in your browser's local storage." msgstr "Nastavitve bodo shranjene v lokalno hrambo vašega brskalnika." #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:99 msgid "Existing settings will be overwritten!" msgstr "Obstoječe nastavitve bodo prepisane!" #: templates/preferences/manage/main.twig:120 msgid "You can reset all your settings and restore them to default values." msgstr "" "Ponastavite lahko vse svoje nastavitve in jih obnovite na njihove privzete " "vrednosti." #: templates/preferences/two_factor/configure.twig:5 #: templates/preferences/two_factor/main.twig:57 #: templates/preferences/two_factor/main.twig:70 msgid "Configure two-factor authentication" msgstr "Nastavi dvostopenjsko overovitev" #: templates/preferences/two_factor/configure.twig:12 msgid "Enable two-factor authentication" msgstr "Omogoči dvostopenjsko overovitev" #: templates/preferences/two_factor/confirm.twig:5 msgid "Confirm disabling two-factor authentication" msgstr "Potrdi onemogočitev dvostopenjske overovitve" #: templates/preferences/two_factor/confirm.twig:9 msgid "" "By disabling two factor authentication you will be again able to login using " "password only." msgstr "" "Če onemogočite dvostopenjsko overovitev, se boste ponovno lahko prijavili " "samo z geslom." #: templates/preferences/two_factor/confirm.twig:13 #: templates/preferences/two_factor/main.twig:46 msgid "Disable two-factor authentication" msgstr "Onemogoči dvostopenjsko overovitev" #: templates/preferences/two_factor/main.twig:5 msgid "Two-factor authentication status" msgstr "Stanje dvostopenjske overovitve" #: templates/preferences/two_factor/main.twig:11 msgid "" "Two-factor authentication is not available, please install optional " "dependencies to enable authentication backends." msgstr "" "Dvostopenjska overovitev ni na voljo; prosimo, namestite izbirne odvisnosti, " "da omogočite overovitveno zaledje." #: templates/preferences/two_factor/main.twig:12 msgid "Following composer packages are missing:" msgstr "Manjkajo naslednji paketi composerja:" #: templates/preferences/two_factor/main.twig:20 msgid "Two-factor authentication is available and configured for this account." msgstr "Dvostopenjska overovitev je na voljo in nastavljena za ta račun." #: templates/preferences/two_factor/main.twig:22 msgid "" "Two-factor authentication is available, but not configured for this account." msgstr "" "Dvostopenjska overovitev je na voljo, ampak ni nastavljena za ta račun." #: templates/preferences/two_factor/main.twig:26 msgid "" "Two-factor authentication is not available, enable phpMyAdmin configuration " "storage to use it." msgstr "" "Dvostopenjska overovitev ni na voljo; za njeno uporabo omogočite hrambo " "konfiguracije phpMyAdmin." #: templates/preferences/two_factor/main.twig:41 msgid "You have enabled two factor authentication." msgstr "Omogočili ste dvostopenjsko overovitev." #: templates/recent_favorite_table_no_tables.twig:3 msgid "There are no recent tables." msgstr "Ni nobenih nedavnih tabel." #: templates/recent_favorite_table_no_tables.twig:5 msgid "There are no favorite tables." msgstr "Ni nobenih priljubljenih tabel." #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:3 msgid "phpMyAdmin configuration storage" msgstr "Shramba konfiguracije phpMyAdmin" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:9 msgid "Configuration of pmadb…" msgstr "Konfiguracija pmadb …" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:10 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:56 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:81 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:106 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:119 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:144 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:189 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:214 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:239 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:264 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:289 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:314 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:339 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:364 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:377 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:402 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:427 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:452 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:477 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:502 msgid "not OK" msgstr "ni v redu" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:14 msgid "General relation features" msgstr "Splošne lastnosti relacij" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:20 #, php-format msgid "" "%sCreate%s a database named '%s' and setup the phpMyAdmin configuration " "storage there." msgstr "" "%sUstvari%s zbirko podatkov '%s' in vanjo namesti hrambo konfiguracije " "phpMyAdmin." #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:24 #, php-format msgid "" "%sCreate%s the phpMyAdmin configuration storage in the current database." msgstr "" "%sCreate%s tabele hrambe konfiguracije phpMyAdmin in trenutni zbirki " "podatkov." #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:31 #, php-format msgid "%sCreate%s missing phpMyAdmin configuration storage tables." msgstr "%sUstvari%s manjkajoče tabele hrambe konfiguracije phpMyAdmin." #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:42 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:54 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:79 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:104 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:117 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:142 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:187 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:212 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:237 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:262 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:287 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:312 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:337 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:362 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:375 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:400 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:425 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:450 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:475 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:500 msgctxt "Correctly working" msgid "OK" msgstr "V redu" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:62 msgid "General relation features:" msgstr "Splošne lastnosti relacij:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:64 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:89 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:127 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:152 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:162 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:197 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:222 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:247 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:272 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:297 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:322 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:347 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:385 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:410 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:435 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:460 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:485 #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:510 msgid "Enabled" msgstr "Omogočeno" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:87 msgid "Display features:" msgstr "Lastnosti prikaza:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:125 msgid "Designer and creation of PDFs:" msgstr "Designer in ustvarjanje datotek PDF:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:150 msgid "Displaying column comments:" msgstr "Prikazovanje pripomb stolpcev:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:160 msgid "Browser transformation:" msgstr "Pretvorba z brskalnikom:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:172 msgid "Please see the documentation on how to update your column_info table." msgstr "Navodila za posodobitev tabele column_info najdete v dokumentaciji." #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:195 msgid "Bookmarked SQL query:" msgstr "Označena poizvedba SQL:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:220 msgid "SQL history:" msgstr "Zgodovina SQL:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:245 msgid "Persistent recently used tables:" msgstr "Vztrajno nedavno uporabljene tabele:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:270 msgid "Persistent favorite tables:" msgstr "Vztrajne priljubljene tabele:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:295 msgid "Persistent tables' UI preferences:" msgstr "Vztrajne nastavitve uporabniškega vmesnika tabel:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:320 msgid "Tracking:" msgstr "Sledenje:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:345 msgid "User preferences:" msgstr "Uporabniške nastavitve:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:383 msgid "Configurable menus:" msgstr "Nastavljivi meniji:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:408 msgid "Hide/show navigation items:" msgstr "Skrij/prikaži navigacijske predmete:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:433 msgid "Saving Query-By-Example searches:" msgstr "Shranjevanje iskanj \"query by example\":" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:458 msgid "Managing central list of columns:" msgstr "Upravljanje osrednjega seznama stolpcev:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:483 msgid "Remembering designer settings:" msgstr "Pomnjenje nastavitev Designerja:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:508 msgid "Saving export templates:" msgstr "Shranjevanje predlog izvoza:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:519 msgid "Quick steps to set up advanced features:" msgstr "Hitri koraki za namestitev naprednih funkcij:" #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:523 #, php-format msgid "Create the needed tables with the %screate_tables.sql." msgstr "Ustvarite potrebne tabele z %screate_tables.sql." #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:527 msgid "Create a pma user and give access to these tables." msgstr "Ustvarite uporabnika pma in mu dodelite dostop do teh tabel." #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:531 msgid "" "Enable advanced features in configuration file (config.inc.php), for example by starting from config.sample.inc.php." msgstr "" "Omogočite napredne funkcije v konfiguracijski datoteki (config.inc." "php); začnite na primer s config.sample.inc.php." #: templates/relation/check_relations.twig:535 msgid "Re-login to phpMyAdmin to load the updated configuration file." msgstr "" "Ponovno se prijavite v phpMyAdmin, da naložite posodobljeno konfiguracijsko " "datoteko." #: templates/server/binlog/index.twig:10 msgid "Select binary log to view" msgstr "Izberite dvojiški dnevnik za pregled" #: templates/server/binlog/index.twig:59 templates/server/binlog/index.twig:60 #: templates/server/status/processes/list.twig:20 msgid "Truncate shown queries" msgstr "Skrči prikazane poizvedbe" #: templates/server/binlog/index.twig:63 templates/server/binlog/index.twig:64 #: templates/server/status/processes/list.twig:26 msgid "Show full queries" msgstr "Pokaži celotne poizvedbe" #: templates/server/binlog/index.twig:84 msgid "Log name" msgstr "Ime dnevnika" #: templates/server/binlog/index.twig:85 msgid "Position" msgstr "Položaj" #: templates/server/binlog/index.twig:87 #: templates/server/replication/primary_replication.twig:24 msgid "Server ID" msgstr "ID strežnika" #: templates/server/binlog/index.twig:88 msgid "Original position" msgstr "Izvirni položaj" #: templates/server/binlog/index.twig:89 #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:2 msgid "Information" msgstr "Podatki" #: templates/server/collations/index.twig:4 msgid "Character sets and collations" msgstr "Nabori znakov in pravila za razvrščanje znakov" #: templates/server/collations/index.twig:23 msgctxt "The collation is the default one" msgid "default" msgstr "privzeto" #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:3 msgid "Databases statistics" msgstr "Statistika zbirk podatkov" #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:9 msgid "Create database" msgstr "Ustvari zbirko podatkov" #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:50 msgid "No privileges to create databases" msgstr "Nimate privilegijev za ustvarjanje zbirk podatkov" #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:156 #: templates/server/replication/index.twig:18 #: templates/server/replication/primary_replication.twig:3 msgid "Primary replication" msgstr "Podvojevanje glavnega strežnika" #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:160 #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:2 msgid "Replica replication" msgstr "Podvojevanje podrejencev" #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:181 #, php-format msgid "Jump to database '%s'" msgstr "Pojdi v zbirko podatkov '%s'" #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:239 #, php-format msgid "Check privileges for database \"%s\"." msgstr "Preveri privilegije za zbirko podatkov \"%s\"." #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:240 msgid "Check privileges" msgstr "Preveri privilegije" #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:295 msgid "" "Note: Enabling the database statistics here might cause heavy traffic " "between the web server and the MySQL server." msgstr "" "Obvestilo: Omogočitev statistike zbirke podatkov lahko povzroči močno " "povečan promet med spletnim in podatkovnim strežnikom." #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:297 #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:298 msgid "Enable statistics" msgstr "Omogoči statistiko" #: templates/server/databases/index.twig:305 msgid "No databases" msgstr "Brez zbirk podatkov" #: templates/server/engines/index.twig:5 templates/server/engines/show.twig:3 msgid "Storage engines" msgstr "Pogoni skladiščenja" #: templates/server/engines/index.twig:13 msgid "Storage Engine" msgstr "Pogon skladiščenja" #: templates/server/engines/show.twig:45 msgid "Unknown storage engine." msgstr "Neznan pogon skladiščenja." #: templates/server/export/index.twig:26 msgid "@SERVER@ will become the server name." msgstr "@SERVER@ bo postalo ime strežnika." #: templates/server/export/index.twig:3 msgid "Exporting databases from the current server" msgstr "Izvažanje zbirk podatkov iz trenutnega strežnika" #: templates/server/import/index.twig:3 msgid "Importing into the current server" msgstr "Uvažanje v trenutni strežnik" #: templates/server/plugins/index.twig:26 msgid "Plugin" msgstr "Vtičnik" #: templates/server/plugins/index.twig:28 templates/table/tracking/main.twig:28 msgid "Version" msgstr "Različica" #: templates/server/plugins/index.twig:29 msgid "Author" msgstr "Avtor" #: templates/server/plugins/index.twig:41 msgid "inactive" msgstr "neaktivno" #: templates/server/plugins/index.twig:43 msgid "disabled" msgstr "onemogočeno" #: templates/server/plugins/index.twig:45 msgid "deleting" msgstr "brisanje" #: templates/server/plugins/index.twig:47 msgid "deleted" msgstr "izbrisano" #: templates/server/privileges/add_user.twig:13 msgid "Database for user account" msgstr "Zbirka podatkov za uporabniški račun" #: templates/server/privileges/add_user.twig:16 msgid "Create database with same name and grant all privileges." msgstr "Ustvari zbirko podatkov z enakim imenom in dodeli vse privilegije." #: templates/server/privileges/add_user.twig:20 msgid "Grant all privileges on wildcard name (username\\_%)." msgstr "" "Dodeli vse privilegije na imenu z nadomestnim znakom (uporabniskoime\\_%)." #: templates/server/privileges/add_user.twig:25 #, php-format msgid "Grant all privileges on database %s." msgstr "Dodeli vse privilegije za zbirko podatkov %s." #: templates/server/privileges/add_user.twig:38 msgid "Create user" msgstr "Ustvari uporabnika" #: templates/server/privileges/change_password.twig:15 msgid "No Password" msgstr "Brez gesla" #: templates/server/privileges/change_password.twig:25 msgid "Enter:" msgstr "Vnesite:" #: templates/server/privileges/change_password.twig:31 #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:61 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:62 msgid "Re-type:" msgstr "Ponovno vnesi:" #: templates/server/privileges/change_password.twig:37 #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:55 msgctxt "Password strength" msgid "Strength:" msgstr "Moč:" #: templates/server/privileges/change_password.twig:47 msgid "Password Hashing:" msgstr "Šifriranje gesel:" #: templates/server/privileges/change_password.twig:65 msgid "" "This method requires using an 'SSL connection' or an 'unencrypted " "connection that encrypts the password using RSA'; while connecting to " "the server." msgstr "" "Ta metoda zahteva 'povezavo SSL' ali 'nešifrirano povezavo, ki " "šifrira gesla z uporabo RSA' pri povezovanju na strežnik." #: templates/server/privileges/choose_user_group.twig:5 msgid "User group:" msgstr "Uporabniška skupina:" #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:4 #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:4 msgid "Edit privileges:" msgstr "Uredi privilegije:" #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:5 #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:5 msgid "User account" msgstr "Uporabniški račun" #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:34 #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:53 msgid "" "Note: You are attempting to edit privileges of the user with which you are " "currently logged in." msgstr "" "Opozorilo: Poskušate urediti privilegije uporabnika, s katerim ste trenutno " "prijavljeni." #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:52 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:11 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:274 msgid "Note: MySQL privilege names are expressed in English." msgstr "Opomba: Imena privilegijev MySQL so zapisana v angleščini." #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:65 #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:69 msgid "" "Allows user to give to other users or remove from other users privileges " "that user possess on this routine." msgstr "" "Dovoli uporabniku dodeljevanje ali odvzemanje privilegijev drugim " "uporabnikom, ki jih ima ta uporabnik na rutini." #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:78 #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:81 msgid "Allows altering and dropping this routine." msgstr "Omogoča ustvarjanje in brisanje rutine." #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:90 #: templates/server/privileges/edit_routine_privileges.twig:93 msgid "Allows executing this routine." msgstr "Omogoča izvajanje rutine." #: templates/server/privileges/initials_row.twig:1 msgid "Pagination of user accounts" msgstr "Paginacija uporabniških računov" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:2 #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:106 msgid "Login Information" msgstr "Podatki o prijavi" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:5 #: templates/server/replication/change_primary.twig:14 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:16 msgid "User name:" msgstr "Uporabniško ime:" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:8 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:20 msgid "Any user" msgstr "Katerikoli uporabnik" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:9 #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:34 #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:51 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:76 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:91 msgid "Use text field" msgstr "Uporabi besedilno polje" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:17 msgid "" "An account already exists with the same username but possibly a different " "hostname." msgstr "" "Račun z enakim uporabniškim imenom že obstaja, vendar ima morda drugačnega " "gostitelja." #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:23 msgid "Host name:" msgstr "Ime gostitelja:" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:28 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:34 msgid "Any host" msgstr "Katerikoli gostitelj" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:29 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:35 msgid "Local" msgstr "Lokalno" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:31 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:37 msgid "This host" msgstr "Ta strežnik" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:33 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:39 msgid "Use host table" msgstr "Uporabi tabelo gostiteljev" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:40 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:44 msgid "" "When Host table is used, this field is ignored and values stored in Host " "table are used instead." msgstr "" "Ko je uporabljena tabela Host, je to polje prezrto in so namesto njega " "uporabljene vrednosti shranjene v tabeli Host." #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:46 #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:54 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:10 #: templates/server/replication/change_primary.twig:19 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:52 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:57 msgid "Password" msgstr "Geslo" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:48 msgid "Do not change the password" msgstr "Ne spreminjaj gesla" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:50 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:53 msgid "No password" msgstr "Brez gesla" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:63 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:65 msgid "Re-type" msgstr "Ponovno vnesi" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:69 msgid "Authentication plugin" msgstr "Vtičnik za overovitev" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:71 msgid "Password hashing method" msgstr "Metoda šifriranja gesel" #: templates/server/privileges/login_information_fields.twig:84 msgid "" "This method requires using an 'SSL connection' or an " "'unencrypted connection that encrypts the password using RSA'; " "while connecting to the server." msgstr "" "Ta metoda zahteva 'povezavo SSL' ali 'nešifrirano povezavo, ki " "šifrira gesla z uporabo RSA' pri povezovanju na strežnik." #: templates/server/privileges/new_user_ajax.twig:52 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:83 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:168 msgid "Edit user group" msgstr "Uredi uporabniško skupino" #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:21 msgid "Column-specific privileges" msgstr "Privilegiji tipični za stolpec" #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:55 msgid "Add privileges on the following database(s):" msgstr "Dodaj privilegije na naslednje zbirke podatkov:" #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:68 msgid "Wildcards % and _ should be escaped with a \\ to use them literally." msgstr "" "Pred nadomestna znaka % in _ je potrebno postaviti \\, če ju želite " "uporabiti dobesedno." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:72 msgid "Add privileges on the following table:" msgstr "Dodaj privilegije na naslednji tabeli:" #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_summary.twig:87 msgid "Add privileges on the following routine:" msgstr "Dodaj privilegije na naslednji rutini:" #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:36 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:37 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:63 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:64 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:90 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:91 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:117 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:118 msgctxt "None privileges" msgid "None" msgstr "Brez" #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:161 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:165 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:649 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:653 msgid "" "Allows user to give to other users or remove from other users the privileges " "that user possess yourself." msgstr "" "Dovoli uporabniku dodeljevanje ali odvzemanje privilegijev drugim " "uporabnikom, ki jih ima ta uporabnik." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:256 msgid "Global" msgstr "Globalno" #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:263 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:12 msgid "Global privileges" msgstr "Globalni privilegiji" #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:561 msgid "Administration" msgstr "Administracija" #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:570 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:573 msgid "" "Allows adding users and privileges without reloading the privilege tables." msgstr "" "Omogoča dodajanje uporabnikov in privilegijev brez osveževanja privilegijev." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:681 msgid "Allows creating foreign key relations." msgstr "Omogoča ustvarjanje razmerij tujih ključev." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:681 msgid "Not used on MariaDB." msgstr "Se ne uporablja na MariaDB." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:681 msgid "Not used for this MySQL version." msgstr "Se ne uporablja v tej različici MySQL." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:735 msgid "Resource limits" msgstr "Omejitve virov" #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:738 msgid "Note: Setting these options to 0 (zero) removes the limit." msgstr "" "Obvestilo: Če postavite vrednost na 0 (nič), boste odstranili omejitev." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:744 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:751 msgid "Limits the number of queries the user may send to the server per hour." msgstr "" "Omeji število poizved, ki jih uporabnik lahko pošlje strežniku v eni uri." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:757 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:764 msgid "" "Limits the number of commands that change any table or database the user may " "execute per hour." msgstr "" "Omeji število ukazov za spremembo tabel ali zbirke podatkov, ki jih " "uporabnik lahko izvrši v eni uri." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:770 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:777 msgid "Limits the number of new connections the user may open per hour." msgstr "Omeji število povezav, ki jih uporabnik lahko odpre v eni uri." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:783 #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:790 msgid "Limits the number of simultaneous connections the user may have." msgstr "Omeji število sočasnih povezav, ki jih lahko ima uporabnik." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:803 msgid "Does not require SSL-encrypted connections." msgstr "Ne zahteva povezave, šifrirane s SSL." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:812 msgid "Requires SSL-encrypted connections." msgstr "Zahteva povezave, šifrirane s SSL." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:821 msgid "Requires a valid X509 certificate." msgstr "Zahteva veljaven certifikat X509." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:842 msgid "Requires that a specific cipher method be used for a connection." msgstr "Zahteva, da se za povezavo uporablja določena šifrirna metoda." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:851 msgid "Requires that a valid X509 certificate issued by this CA be presented." msgstr "" "Zahteva prisotnost veljavnega certifikata X509, ki ga je izdal ta overitelj " "(CA)." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:860 msgid "Requires that a valid X509 certificate with this subject be presented." msgstr "Zahteva prisotnost veljavnega certifikata X509 s to zadevo." #: templates/server/privileges/privileges_table.twig:878 msgid "Update user privileges" msgstr "Posodobi privilegije uporabnika" #: templates/server/privileges/subnav.twig:5 #: templates/server/privileges/user_overview.twig:5 msgid "User accounts overview" msgstr "Pregled uporabniških računov" #: templates/server/privileges/subnav.twig:11 #: templates/server/user_groups/user_groups.twig:1 #: templates/server/user_groups/user_groups.twig:9 msgid "User groups" msgstr "Uporabniške skupine" #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:57 #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:57 msgid "The selected user was not found in the privilege table." msgstr "Izbranega uporabnika v tabelah privilegijev nismo našli." #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:107 msgid "Change login information / Copy user account" msgstr "Spremeni prijavne informacije / Kopiraj uporabniški račun" #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:115 msgid "Create a new user account with the same privileges and …" msgstr "Ustvari nov uporabniški račun z enakimi pravicami in …" #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:123 msgid "… keep the old one." msgstr "… obdrži starega." #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:130 msgid "… delete the old one from the user tables." msgstr "… izbriši starega s seznama uporabnikov." #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:137 msgid "" "… revoke all active privileges from the old one and delete it afterwards." msgstr "… prekliči vse aktivne pravice starega uporabnika ter jih izbriši." #: templates/server/privileges/user_properties.twig:144 msgid "" "… delete the old one from the user tables and reload the privileges " "afterwards." msgstr "" "… izbriši starega uporabnika s seznama uporabnikov ter ponovno naloži " "njegove pravice." #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:16 msgid "User group" msgstr "Uporabniška skupina" #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:147 msgid "Remove selected user accounts" msgstr "Izbriši izbrane uporabniške račune" #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:149 msgid "Revoke all active privileges from the users and delete them afterwards." msgstr "Odvzemi uporabnikom aktivne privilegije in jih potem izbriši." #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:153 msgid "Drop the databases that have the same names as the users." msgstr "Izbriši zbirke podatkov, ki imajo enako ime kot uporabniki." #: templates/server/privileges/users_overview.twig:178 msgid "Save changes" msgstr "Shrani spremembe" #: templates/server/replication/change_primary.twig:5 msgid "Replica configuration" msgstr "Konfiguracija podrejencev" #: templates/server/replication/change_primary.twig:6 #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:97 msgid "Change or reconfigure primary server" msgstr "Spremeni ali ponovno konfiguriraj glavni strežnik" #: templates/server/replication/change_primary.twig:9 msgid "" "Make sure you have a unique server-id in your configuration file (my.cnf). " "If not, please add the following line into [mysqld] section:" msgstr "" "Prepričajte se, da imate v vaši konfiguracijski datoteki (my.cnf) edinstven " "id strežnika. Če nimate, prosimo dodajte naslednjo vrstico v razdelek " "[mysqld]:" #: templates/server/replication/change_primary.twig:26 msgid "Port:" msgstr "Vrata:" #: templates/server/replication/index.twig:21 #, php-format msgid "" "This server is not configured as primary in a replication process. Would you " "like to %sconfigure%s it?" msgstr "" "Strežnik ni konfiguriran kot glavni strežnik v postopku podvojevanja. Ga " "želite %skonfigurirati%s?" #: templates/server/replication/index.twig:43 msgid "No privileges" msgstr "Brez privilegijev" #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:6 #: templates/server/replication/primary_replication.twig:44 msgid "Add replica replication user" msgstr "Dodaj uporabnika podvojevanja podrejencev" #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:21 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:40 #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:54 msgid "Use text field:" msgstr "Uporabi besedilno polje:" #: templates/server/replication/primary_add_replica_user.twig:70 msgid "Generate password:" msgstr "Ustvari geslo:" #: templates/server/replication/primary_configuration.twig:2 msgid "Primary configuration" msgstr "Konfiguracija glavnega strežnika" #: templates/server/replication/primary_configuration.twig:4 msgid "" "This server is not configured as a primary server in a replication process. " "You can choose from either replicating all databases and ignoring some of " "them (useful if you want to replicate a majority of the databases) or you " "can choose to ignore all databases by default and allow only certain " "databases to be replicated. Please select the mode:" msgstr "" "Strežnik ni konfiguriran kot glavni strežnik v postopku podvojevanja. " "Izbirate lahko med ali podvojevanjem vseh zbirk podatkov in prezrtjem " "nekaterih (uporabno, če želite podvojiti večino zbirk podatkov) ali " "prezrtjem vseh zbirk podatkov po privzetem in podvojitvijo samo določenih " "zbirk podatkov. Prosimo, izberite način:" #: templates/server/replication/primary_configuration.twig:9 msgid "Replicate all databases; Ignore:" msgstr "Podvoji vse zbirke podatkov; prezri:" #: templates/server/replication/primary_configuration.twig:10 msgid "Ignore all databases; Replicate:" msgstr "Prezri vse zbirke podatkov; podvoji:" #: templates/server/replication/primary_configuration.twig:12 msgid "Please select databases:" msgstr "Prosimo, izberite zbirke podatkov:" #: templates/server/replication/primary_configuration.twig:15 msgid "" "Now, add the following lines at the end of [mysqld] section in your my.cnf " "and please restart the MySQL server afterwards." msgstr "" "Sedaj dodajte naslednje vrstice na konec razdelka [mysqld] v vašem my.cnf in " "nato, prosimo, ponovno zaženite strežnik MySQL." #: templates/server/replication/primary_configuration.twig:21 msgid "" "Once you restarted MySQL server, please click on Go button. Afterwards, you " "should see a message informing you, that this server is " "configured as primary." msgstr "" "Ko enkrat ponovno zaženete strežnik MySQL, prosimo, kliknite na gumb Pojdi. " "Nato bi morali videti sporočilo, ki vam sporoča, da strežnik je konfiguriran kot glavni strežnik." #: templates/server/replication/primary_replication.twig:5 msgid "This server is configured as primary in a replication process." msgstr "Strežnik je konfiguriran kot glavni strežnik v postopku podvojevanja." #: templates/server/replication/primary_replication.twig:16 msgid "Show connected replicas" msgstr "Pokaži povezane podrejence" #: templates/server/replication/primary_replication.twig:38 msgid "" "Only replicas started with the --report-host=host_name option are visible in " "this list." msgstr "" "Samo podrejenci, ki so bili zagnani z možnostjo --report-host=host_name, so " "vidni na tem seznamu." #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:5 msgid "Primary connection:" msgstr "Povezava glavnega strežnika:" #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:25 msgid "Replica SQL Thread not running!" msgstr "Podrejenčeva nit SQL ni zagnana!" #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:28 msgid "Replica IO Thread not running!" msgstr "Podrejenčeva nit IO ni zagnana!" #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:31 msgid "" "Server is configured as replica in a replication process. Would you like to:" msgstr "" "Strežnik je konfiguriran kot podrejenec v postopku podvojevanja. Ali želite:" #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:34 msgid "See replica status table" msgstr "Oglej si tabelo stanj podrejencev" #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:38 msgid "Control replica:" msgstr "Upravljaj podrejenca:" #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:48 msgid "Reset replica" msgstr "Ponastavi podrejenca" #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:54 msgid "Start SQL Thread only" msgstr "Zaženi samo nit SQL" #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:56 msgid "Stop SQL Thread only" msgstr "Ustavi samo nit SQL" #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:63 msgid "Start IO Thread only" msgstr "Zaženi samo nit IO" #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:65 msgid "Stop IO Thread only" msgstr "Ustavi samo nit IO" #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:74 msgid "Error management:" msgstr "Upravljanje napak:" #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:77 msgid "Skipping errors might lead into unsynchronized primary and replica!" msgstr "" "Preskakovanje napak lahko vodi v nesinhroniziran glavni strežnik in " "podrejenec!" #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:81 msgid "Skip current error" msgstr "Preskoči trenutno napako" #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:87 #, php-format msgid "Skip next %s errors." msgstr "Preskoči naslednjih %s napak." #: templates/server/replication/replica_configuration.twig:107 #, php-format msgid "" "This server is not configured as replica in a replication process. Would you " "like to %sconfigure%s it?" msgstr "" "Strežnik ni konfiguriran kot podrejenec v postopku podvojevanja. Ga želite " "%skonfigurirati%s?" #: templates/server/replication/status_table.twig:6 msgid "Primary status" msgstr "Stanje glavnega strežnika" #: templates/server/replication/status_table.twig:8 msgid "Replica status" msgstr "Stanje podrejenca" #: templates/server/replication/status_table.twig:16 #: templates/server/status/variables/index.twig:75 #: templates/server/variables/index.twig:31 msgid "Variable" msgstr "Spremenljivka" #: templates/server/select/index.twig:7 templates/server/select/index.twig:19 msgid "Current server:" msgstr "Trenutni strežnik:" #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:6 #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:19 msgid "Advisor system" msgstr "Svetovalni sistem" #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:9 msgid "Not enough privilege to view the advisor." msgstr "Nimate zadostnih privilegijev za ogled svetovalca." #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:12 msgid "Instructions" msgstr "Navodila" #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:24 msgid "" "The Advisor system can provide recommendations on server variables by " "analyzing the server status variables." msgstr "" "Svetovalni sistem lahko nudi priporočila o strežniških spremenljivkah tako, " "da analizira spremenljivke stanja strežnika." #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:29 msgid "" "Do note however that this system provides recommendations based on simple " "calculations and by rule of thumb which may not necessarily apply to your " "system." msgstr "" "Kakor koli, pomnite, da sistem nudi priporočila, ki temeljijo na preprostih " "računih in splošnih smernicah, ki morda ne ustrezajo vašemu sistemu." #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:34 msgid "" "Prior to changing any of the configuration, be sure to know what you are " "changing (by reading the documentation) and how to undo the change. Wrong " "tuning can have a very negative effect on performance." msgstr "" "Preden spremenite katerikoli del konfiguracije, se prepričajte, da veste, " "kaj spreminjate (tako, da preberete dokumentacijo) in kako lahko spremembo " "razveljavite. Napačno nastavljanje ima lahko na zmogljivost zelo negativen " "učinek." #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:39 msgid "" "The best way to tune your system would be to change only one setting at a " "time, observe or benchmark your database, and undo the change if there was " "no clearly measurable improvement." msgstr "" "Najboljši način nastavljanja vašega sistema je spreminjanje samo ene " "nastavitve naenkrat, opazovanje ali primerjalno preizkušanje vaše zbirke " "podatkov in razveljavitev spremembe, če ni jasno izmerljivega izboljšanja." #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:53 msgid "Errors occurred while executing rule expressions:" msgstr "Med izvajanjem izrazov pravil je prišlo do napak:" #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:63 msgid "Possible performance issues" msgstr "Morebitni spori zmogljivosti" #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:76 msgid "Issue:" msgstr "Težava:" #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:79 msgid "Recommendation:" msgstr "Priporočilo:" #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:82 msgid "Justification:" msgstr "Utemeljitev:" #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:85 msgid "Used variable / formula:" msgstr "Uporabljena spremenljivka/formula:" #: templates/server/status/advisor/index.twig:88 msgid "Test:" msgstr "Preizkus:" #: templates/server/status/base.twig:16 msgid "Query statistics" msgstr "Statistika poizvedb" #: templates/server/status/base.twig:21 msgid "All status variables" msgstr "Vse spremenljivke stanja" #: templates/server/status/base.twig:26 msgid "Monitor" msgstr "Nadziranje" #: templates/server/status/base.twig:31 msgid "Advisor" msgstr "Svetovalec" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:8 msgid "Start Monitor" msgstr "Začni nadziranje" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:16 msgid "Instructions/Setup" msgstr "Navodila/Namestitev" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:20 msgid "Done dragging (rearranging) charts" msgstr "Premikanje (preurejanje) grafikonov je končano" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:27 msgid "Add chart" msgstr "Dodaj grafikon" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:31 msgid "Enable charts dragging" msgstr "Omogoči premikanje grafikonov" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:36 #: templates/server/status/processes/index.twig:33 msgid "Refresh rate" msgstr "Hitrost osveževanja" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:43 #: templates/server/status/processes/index.twig:40 #, php-format msgid "%d second" msgstr "%d sekunda" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:45 #: templates/server/status/processes/index.twig:42 #, php-format msgid "%d seconds" msgstr "%d sekund" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:49 #: templates/server/status/processes/index.twig:46 #, php-format msgid "%d minute" msgstr "%d minuta" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:51 #: templates/server/status/processes/index.twig:48 #, php-format msgid "%d minutes" msgstr "%d minut" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:61 msgid "Chart columns" msgstr "Stolpci grafikona" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:74 msgid "Chart arrangement" msgstr "Razvrstitev grafikonov" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:75 msgid "" "The arrangement of the charts is stored to the browsers local storage. You " "may want to export it if you have a complicated set up." msgstr "" "Razvrstitev grafikonov je shranjena v lokalni shrambi brskalnika. Če imate " "zapleteno nastavitev, jo boste morda želeli izvoziti." #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:84 msgid "Reset to default" msgstr "Povrni na privzeto" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:89 msgid "Monitor Instructions" msgstr "Navodila nadziranja" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:91 msgid "" "The phpMyAdmin Monitor can assist you in optimizing the server configuration " "and track down time intensive queries. For the latter you will need to set " "log_output to 'TABLE' and have either the slow_query_log or general_log " "enabled. Note however, that the general_log produces a lot of data and " "increases server load by up to 15%." msgstr "" "Nadziranje phpMyAdmin vam lahko pomaga pri optimizaciji konfiguracije " "strežnika in izsleditvi časovno zahtevnih poizvedb. Za slednje morate " "nastaviti log_output na 'TABLE' in imeti omogočen ali slow_query_log ali " "general_log. Vendar pomnite, da general_log ustvari ogromno podatkov in " "poveča obremenitev strežnika do 15 %." #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:101 msgid "Using the monitor:" msgstr "Uporaba monitorja:" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:103 msgid "" "Your browser will refresh all displayed charts in a regular interval. You " "may add charts and change the refresh rate under 'Settings', or remove any " "chart using the cog icon on each respective chart." msgstr "" "Vaš brskalnik bo osveževal vse prikazane grafikone v rednih razmikih. Pod " "'Nastavitve' lahko dodate grafikone in spremenite pogostost osveževanja ali " "pa odstranite katerikoli grafikon s klikom na ikono zobnika ob ustreznem " "grafikonu." #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:108 msgid "" "To display queries from the logs, select the relevant time span on any chart " "by holding down the left mouse button and panning over the chart. Once " "confirmed, this will load a table of grouped queries, there you may click on " "any occurring SELECT statements to further analyze them." msgstr "" "Za prikaz poizvedb iz dnevnikov izberite ustrezno časovno obdobje na katerem " "koli grafikonu tako, da pridržite levi miškin gumb in kazalec povlečete čez " "grafikon. Ko potrdite, bo to naložilo tabelo združenih poizvedb, kjer lahko " "kliknete na katere koli ponavljajoče stavke SELECT in jih naprej analizirate." #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:114 msgid "Please note:" msgstr "Prosimo, pomnite:" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:117 msgid "" "Enabling the general_log may increase the server load by 5-15%. Also be " "aware that generating statistics from the logs is a load intensive task, so " "it is advisable to select only a small time span and to disable the " "general_log and empty its table once monitoring is not required any more." msgstr "" "Omogočitev general_log lahko poveča obremenitev strežnika za 5–15 %. " "Zavedajte se tudi, da je ustvarjanje statistik iz dnevnikov zelo " "obremenjujoče opravilo, zato je priporočljivo, da izberete samo majhen " "časovni razpon ter onemogočite general_log in počistite njene tabele, ko " "nadziranja ne potrebujete več." #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:128 #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:134 msgid "Chart Title" msgstr "Naslov grafikona" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:138 msgid "Preset chart" msgstr "Prednastavljeni grafikon" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:144 msgid "Status variable(s)" msgstr "Spremenljivke stanja" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:149 msgid "Select series:" msgstr "Izberite serije:" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:152 msgid "Commonly monitored" msgstr "Pogosto nadzirano" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:170 msgid "or type variable name:" msgstr "ali vnesite ime spremenljivke:" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:177 msgid "Display as differential value" msgstr "Prikaži kot vrednost razlike" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:182 msgid "Apply a divisor" msgstr "Uporabi delitelja" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:193 msgid "Append unit to data values" msgstr "Pripni enoto k vrednostim podatkov" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:201 msgid "Add this series" msgstr "Dodaj serijo" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:204 msgid "Clear series" msgstr "Počisti serije" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:208 msgid "Series in chart:" msgstr "Serije v grafikonu:" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:224 msgid "Log statistics" msgstr "Statistika dnevnikov" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:226 msgid "Selected time range:" msgstr "Izbrano časovno območje:" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:234 msgid "Only retrieve SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE and DELETE Statements" msgstr "Pridobi samo stavke SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE in DELETE" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:240 msgid "Remove variable data in INSERT statements for better grouping" msgstr "Odstrani spremenljive podatke v stavkih INSERT za boljše združevanje" #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:244 msgid "Choose from which log you want the statistics to be generated from." msgstr "Izberite dnevnike, iz katerih želite ustvariti statistiko." #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:247 msgid "Results are grouped by query text." msgstr "Rezultati so združeni po besedilu poizvedbe." #: templates/server/status/monitor/index.twig:251 msgid "Query analyzer" msgstr "Analitik poizvedb" #: templates/server/status/processes/index.twig:14 msgid "Show only active" msgstr "Prikaži samo aktivne" #: templates/server/status/processes/index.twig:28 msgid "" "Note: Enabling the auto refresh here might cause heavy traffic between the " "web server and the MySQL server." msgstr "" "Obvestilo: Omogočitev samodejnega osveževanja lahko povzroči močno povečan " "promet med spletnim in MySQL-strežnikom." #. l10n: Questions is the name of a MySQL Status variable #: templates/server/status/queries/index.twig:8 msgid "Questions since startup:" msgstr "Vprašanj od zagona:" #: templates/server/status/queries/index.twig:20 msgid "per hour:" msgstr "na uro:" #: templates/server/status/queries/index.twig:21 msgid "per minute:" msgstr "na minuto:" #: templates/server/status/queries/index.twig:23 msgid "per second:" msgstr "na sekundo:" #: templates/server/status/queries/index.twig:37 msgid "Statements" msgstr "Izjave" #. l10n: # = Amount of queries #: templates/server/status/queries/index.twig:38 msgid "#" msgstr "Št." #: templates/server/status/queries/index.twig:39 #: templates/server/status/status/index.twig:18 #: templates/server/status/status/index.twig:38 msgid "ø per hour" msgstr "povp. na uro" #: templates/server/status/queries/index.twig:59 msgid "Not enough privilege to view query statistics." msgstr "Nimate zadostnih privilegijev za ogled statistike poizvedb." #: templates/server/status/status/index.twig:6 #, php-format msgid "Network traffic since startup: %s" msgstr "Promet omrežja od zagona: %s" #: templates/server/status/status/index.twig:7 #, php-format msgid "This MySQL server has been running for %1$s. It started up on %2$s." msgstr "Strežnik MySQL deluje že %1$s. Zagnal se je %2$s." #: templates/server/status/status/index.twig:15 msgid "" "On a busy server, the byte counters may overrun, so those statistics as " "reported by the MySQL server may be incorrect." msgstr "" "Na zaposlenem strežniku lahko števci bajtov naštejejo preveč, zato je ta " "statistika, kot jo poroča strežnik MySQL, morda napačna." #: templates/server/status/status/index.twig:59 msgid "" "This MySQL server works as primary and replica in " "replication process." msgstr "" "Strežnik MySQL deluje kot glavni strežnik in podrejenec v " "postopku podvojevanja." #: templates/server/status/status/index.twig:61 msgid "" "This MySQL server works as primary in replication process." msgstr "" "Strežnik MySQL deluje kot glavni strežnik v postopku podvojevanja." #: templates/server/status/status/index.twig:63 msgid "" "This MySQL server works as replica in replication process." msgstr "" "Strežnik MySQL deluje kot podrejenec v postopku podvojevanja." #: templates/server/status/status/index.twig:69 msgid "Replication status" msgstr "Stanje podvojevanja" #: templates/server/status/status/index.twig:75 msgid "Not enough privilege to view server status." msgstr "Nimate zadostnih privilegijev za ogled stanja strežnika." #: templates/server/status/variables/index.twig:20 msgid "Show only alert values" msgstr "Prikaži samo opozorilne vrednosti" #: templates/server/status/variables/index.twig:25 #: templates/server/status/variables/index.twig:27 msgid "Filter by category…" msgstr "Filtriraj po kategoriji …" #: templates/server/status/variables/index.twig:37 msgid "Show unformatted values" msgstr "Prikaži neoblikovane vrednosti" #: templates/server/status/variables/index.twig:50 msgid "Related links:" msgstr "Sorodne povezave:" #: templates/server/status/variables/index.twig:139 msgid "Not enough privilege to view status variables." msgstr "Nimate zadostnih privilegijev za ogled spremenljivk stanja." #: templates/server/user_groups/edit_user_groups.twig:2 #: templates/server/user_groups/user_groups.twig:64 msgid "Add user group" msgstr "Dodaj uporabniško skupino" #: templates/server/user_groups/edit_user_groups.twig:4 #, php-format msgid "Edit user group: '%s'" msgstr "Uredi uporabniško skupino: '%s'" #: templates/server/user_groups/edit_user_groups.twig:9 msgid "User group menu assignments" msgstr "Dodelitve menija uporabniških skupin" #: templates/server/user_groups/edit_user_groups.twig:14 msgid "Group name:" msgstr "Ime skupine:" #: templates/server/user_groups/user_groups.twig:12 msgid "Server level tabs" msgstr "Zavihki stopenj strežnika" #: templates/server/user_groups/user_groups.twig:15 msgid "Database level tabs" msgstr "Zavihki stopenj zbirke podatkov" #: templates/server/user_groups/user_groups.twig:18 msgid "Table level tabs" msgstr "Zavihki stopenj tabele" #: templates/server/user_groups/user_groups.twig:50 msgid "Delete user group" msgstr "Izbriši uporabniško skupino" #: templates/server/user_groups/user_listings.twig:1 #, php-format msgid "Users of '%s' user group" msgstr "Uporabniki uporabniške skupine '%s'" #: templates/server/user_groups/user_listings.twig:3 msgid "No users were found belonging to this user group." msgstr "Našli nismo nobenega uporabnika, ki pripada tej uporabniški skupini." #: templates/server/variables/index.twig:5 msgid "Server variables and settings" msgstr "Spremenljivke in nastavitve strežnika" #: templates/server/variables/index.twig:43 msgid "This is a read-only variable and can not be edited" msgstr "Spremenljivka je samo za branje in je ni mogoče urejati" #: templates/server/variables/index.twig:69 msgid "Session value" msgstr "Vrednost seje" #: templates/server/variables/index.twig:80 #, php-format msgid "Not enough privilege to view server variables and settings. %s" msgstr "" "Nimate zadostnih privilegijev za ogled strežniških spremenljivk in " "nastavitev. %s" #: templates/setup/base.twig:29 templates/setup/home/index.twig:20 msgid "Overview" msgstr "Pregled" #: templates/setup/config/index.twig:4 templates/setup/home/index.twig:98 msgid "Configuration file" msgstr "Konfiguracijska datoteka" #: templates/setup/config/index.twig:16 msgid "Generated configuration file" msgstr "Ustvarjena konfiguracijska datoteka" #: templates/setup/config/index.twig:22 templates/setup/home/index.twig:165 msgid "Download" msgstr "Prenesi" #: templates/setup/error.twig:3 msgid "Submitted form contains errors" msgstr "Poslan obrazec vsebuje napake" #: templates/setup/error.twig:6 msgid "Try to revert erroneous fields to their default values" msgstr "Poskusi povrniti zmotna polja na njihove privzete vrednosti" #: templates/setup/error.twig:14 msgid "Ignore errors" msgstr "Prezri napake" #: templates/setup/error.twig:18 msgid "Show form" msgstr "Pokaži obrazec" #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:23 msgid "Show hidden messages" msgstr "Prikaži skrita sporočila" #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:79 msgid "There are no configured servers" msgstr "Ni konfiguriranih strežnikov" #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:88 msgid "New server" msgstr "Nov strežnik" #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:110 msgid "Default language" msgstr "Privzeti jezik" #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:128 msgid "Default server" msgstr "Privzeti strežnik" #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:139 msgid "let the user choose" msgstr "naj uporabnik izbere" #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:146 msgid "- none -" msgstr "- noben -" #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:153 msgid "End of line" msgstr "Konec vrstice" #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:164 msgid "Display" msgstr "Prikaži" #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:175 msgid "phpMyAdmin homepage" msgstr "Domača stran phpMyAdmin" #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:176 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Daruj" #: templates/setup/home/index.twig:177 msgid "Check for latest version" msgstr "Preveri za najnovejšo različico" #: templates/setup/servers/index.twig:6 msgid "Edit server" msgstr "Uredi strežnik" #: templates/setup/servers/index.twig:11 msgid "Add a new server" msgstr "Dodaj nov strežnik" #: templates/setup/servers/index.twig:17 msgid "Something went wrong." msgstr "Prišlo je do napake." #: templates/sql/bookmark.twig:11 msgid "Bookmark this SQL query" msgstr "Označi to poizvedbo SQL" #: templates/sql/bookmark.twig:14 msgid "Bookmark label:" msgstr "Oznaka zaznamka:" #: templates/sql/bookmark.twig:20 templates/sql/query.twig:93 msgid "Let every user access this bookmark" msgstr "Dovoli dostop do zaznamka vsem uporabnikom" #: templates/sql/bookmark.twig:24 msgid "Create new bookmark" msgstr "Ustvari nov zaznamek" #: templates/sql/profiling_chart.twig:4 msgid "Detailed profile" msgstr "Podrobni profil" #: templates/sql/profiling_chart.twig:13 templates/sql/profiling_chart.twig:43 msgid "State" msgstr "Stanje" #: templates/sql/profiling_chart.twig:38 msgid "Summary by state" msgstr "Povzetek po stanju" #: templates/sql/profiling_chart.twig:47 msgid "Total Time" msgstr "Skupni čas" #: templates/sql/profiling_chart.twig:51 msgid "% Time" msgstr "% časa" #: templates/sql/profiling_chart.twig:55 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Klicev" #: templates/sql/profiling_chart.twig:59 msgid "ø Time" msgstr "ø časa" #: templates/sql/query.twig:44 msgid "Get auto-saved query" msgstr "Dobi samodejno shranjeno poizvedbo" #. l10n: Bind parameters in the SQL query using :parameterName format #: templates/sql/query.twig:51 msgid "Bind parameters" msgstr "Poveži parametre" #: templates/sql/query.twig:84 msgid "Bookmark this SQL query:" msgstr "Označi to poizvedbo SQL:" #: templates/sql/query.twig:100 msgid "Replace existing bookmark of same name" msgstr "Zamenjaj obstoječ zaznamek z istim imenom" #: templates/sql/query.twig:110 templates/sql/query.twig:111 msgid "Delimiter" msgstr "Ločilo" #: templates/sql/query.twig:119 msgid "Show this query here again" msgstr "Ponovno pokaži poizvedbo v tem oknu" #: templates/sql/query.twig:134 msgid "Rollback when finished" msgstr "Ob koncu razveljavi" #: templates/sql/query.twig:156 msgid "Bookmarked SQL query" msgstr "Označena poizvedba SQL" #: templates/sql/query.twig:160 msgid "Bookmark:" msgstr "Zaznamek:" #: templates/sql/query.twig:169 msgid "shared" msgstr "deljenih" #: templates/sql/query.twig:182 msgid "View only" msgstr "Samo pogled" #: templates/table/browse_foreigners/column_element.twig:4 msgid "Use this value" msgstr "Uporabi to vrednost" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:10 msgid "Chart type" msgstr "Vrsta grafikona" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:13 msgctxt "Chart type" msgid "Bar" msgstr "Vrstica" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:17 msgctxt "Chart type" msgid "Column" msgstr "Stolpec" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:21 msgctxt "Chart type" msgid "Line" msgstr "Črta" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:25 msgctxt "Chart type" msgid "Spline" msgstr "Zglajen" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:29 msgctxt "Chart type" msgid "Area" msgstr "Ploščinski" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:33 msgctxt "Chart type" msgid "Pie" msgstr "Torta" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:37 msgctxt "Chart type" msgid "Timeline" msgstr "Časovnica" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:41 msgctxt "Chart type" msgid "Scatter" msgstr "Raztreseni" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:47 msgid "Stacked" msgstr "Zloženi" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:51 msgid "Chart title:" msgstr "Naslov grafikona:" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:57 msgid "X-Axis:" msgstr "Os x:" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:73 msgid "Series:" msgstr "Serije:" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:101 msgid "X-Axis label:" msgstr "Oznaka osi x:" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:102 msgid "X Values" msgstr "Vrednosti x" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:106 msgid "Y-Axis label:" msgstr "Oznaka osi y:" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:107 msgid "Y Values" msgstr "Vrednosti y" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:112 msgid "Series names are in a column" msgstr "Imena zaporedij so v stolpcu" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:116 msgid "Series column:" msgstr "Stolpec z zaporedjem:" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:126 msgid "Value Column:" msgstr "Stolpec z vrednostjo:" #: templates/table/chart/tbl_chart.twig:147 msgid "Save chart as image" msgstr "Shrani grafikon kot sliko" #: templates/table/export/index.twig:12 msgid "" "@SERVER@ will become the server name, @DATABASE@ will become the database " "name and @TABLE@ will become the table name." msgstr "" "@SERVER@ bo postalo ime strežnika, @DATABASE@ bo postalo ime zbirke podatkov " "in @TABLE@ bo postalo ime tabele." #: templates/table/export/index.twig:7 #, php-format msgid "Exporting rows from \"%s\" table" msgstr "Izvažanje vrstic iz tabele \"%s\"" #: templates/table/find_replace/index.twig:4 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:4 templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:4 msgid "Table search" msgstr "Iskanje po tabeli" #: templates/table/find_replace/index.twig:10 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:10 #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:10 msgid "Zoom search" msgstr "Iskanje s povečevanjem" #: templates/table/find_replace/index.twig:16 #: templates/table/find_replace/index.twig:27 #: templates/table/search/index.twig:16 #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:16 msgid "Find and replace" msgstr "Najdi in zamenjaj" #: templates/table/find_replace/index.twig:36 msgid "Replace with:" msgstr "Zamenjaj z:" #: templates/table/find_replace/index.twig:57 msgid "Use regular expression" msgstr "Uporabi regularni izraz" #: templates/table/find_replace/replace_preview.twig:10 msgid "Find and replace - preview" msgstr "Najdi in zamenjaj - predogled" #: templates/table/find_replace/replace_preview.twig:17 msgid "Original string" msgstr "Izvirni niz" #: templates/table/find_replace/replace_preview.twig:18 msgid "Replaced string" msgstr "Zamenjani nizi" #: templates/table/find_replace/replace_preview.twig:36 msgid "Replace" msgstr "Zamenjaj" #: templates/table/gis_visualization/gis_visualization.twig:2 msgid "Display GIS Visualization" msgstr "Prikaži predstavitev GIS" #: templates/table/gis_visualization/gis_visualization.twig:10 msgid "Label column" msgstr "Stolpec oznak" #: templates/table/gis_visualization/gis_visualization.twig:12 msgid "-- None --" msgstr "-- Noben --" #: templates/table/gis_visualization/gis_visualization.twig:21 msgid "Spatial column" msgstr "Prostorski stolpec" #: templates/table/import/index.twig:3 #, php-format msgid "Importing into the table \"%s\"" msgstr "Uvažanje v tabelo \"%s\"" #: templates/table/index_form.twig:18 templates/table/index_rename_form.twig:11 msgid "Index name:" msgstr "Ime indeksa:" #: templates/table/index_form.twig:19 templates/table/index_rename_form.twig:12 msgid "" "\"PRIMARY\" must be the name of and only of a primary key!" msgstr "\"PRIMARY\" mora biti ime samo primarnega ključa!" #: templates/table/index_form.twig:37 msgid "Index choice:" msgstr "Izbira indeksa:" #: templates/table/index_form.twig:57 msgid "Advanced options" msgstr "Napredne možnosti" #: templates/table/index_form.twig:67 msgid "Key block size:" msgstr "Velikost bloka ključa:" #: templates/table/index_form.twig:84 msgid "Index type:" msgstr "Vrsta indeksa:" #: templates/table/index_form.twig:101 msgid "Parser:" msgstr "Razčlenjevalnik:" #: templates/table/index_form.twig:117 msgid "Comment:" msgstr "Pripomba:" #: templates/table/index_form.twig:162 templates/table/index_form.twig:199 msgid "Drag to reorder" msgstr "Povlecite za preureditev" #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:9 msgid "Insert as new row" msgstr "Vstavi kot novo vrstico" #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:10 msgid "Insert as new row and ignore errors" msgstr "Vstavi kot novo vrstico in presliši napake" #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:11 msgid "Show insert query" msgstr "Prikaži poizvedbo insert" #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:15 msgid "and then" msgstr "in potem" #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:19 msgid "Go back to previous page" msgstr "Pojdi nazaj na prejšnjo stran" #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:20 msgid "Insert another new row" msgstr "Vstavi še eno novo vrstico" #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:22 msgid "Go back to this page" msgstr "Pojdi nazaj na stran" #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:24 msgid "Edit next row" msgstr "Uredi naslednjo vrstico" #: templates/table/insert/actions_panel.twig:32 msgid "" "Use TAB key to move from value to value, or CTRL+arrows to move anywhere." msgstr "" "Uporabite tipko TAB za premik od vrednosti do vrednosti ali CTRL+puščice za " "premik kamor koli." #: templates/table/insert/column_row.twig:15 msgid "Binary" msgstr "Dvojiško" #: templates/table/insert/column_row.twig:30 msgid "Use the NULL value for this column." msgstr "Za ta stolpec uporabi vrednost NULL." #: templates/table/insert/column_row.twig:65 msgid "Because of its length,
this column might not be editable." msgstr "Zaradi njegove dolžine
stolpca morda ne bo mogoče urejati." #: templates/table/insert/column_row.twig:93 msgid "Binary - do not edit" msgstr "Dvojiško - ne urejaj" #: templates/table/insert/column_row.twig:122 #: templates/table/search/input_box.twig:31 msgid "Edit/Insert" msgstr "Uredi/Vstavi" #: templates/table/insert/continue_insertion_form.twig:18 #, php-format msgid "Continue insertion with %s rows" msgstr "Nadaljuj vstavljanje z %s vrsticami" #: templates/table/maintenance/checksum.twig:13 msgid "Checksum" msgstr "Kontrolna vsota" #: templates/table/normalization/normalization.twig:5 msgid "Improve table structure (Normalization):" msgstr "Izboljšaj strukturo tabele (normalizacija):" #: templates/table/normalization/normalization.twig:7 msgid "Select up to what step you want to normalize" msgstr "Označite, do katere stopnje želite normalizirati" #: templates/table/normalization/normalization.twig:15 msgid "Second step of normalization (1NF+2NF)" msgstr "Druga stopnja normalizacije (1NF+2NF)" #: templates/table/normalization/normalization.twig:19 msgid "Third step of normalization (1NF+2NF+3NF)" msgstr "Tretja stopnja normalizacije (1NF+2NF+3NF)" #: templates/table/normalization/normalization.twig:23 msgid "" "Hint: Please follow the procedure carefully in order to obtain correct " "normalization" msgstr "" "Namig: Prosimo, pozorno sledite postopku, da dosežete pravilno normalizacijo" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:9 msgid "Alter table order by" msgstr "Spremeni vrstni red prikaza tabele za" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:20 msgctxt "Alter table order by a single field." msgid "(singly)" msgstr "(posamezno)" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:50 msgid "Move table to (database.table)" msgstr "Premakni tabelo v (zbirka_podatkov.tabela)" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:101 msgid "Table options" msgstr "Možnosti tabele" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:105 msgid "Rename table to" msgstr "Preimenuj tabelo v" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:123 msgid "Table comments" msgstr "Pripomba tabele" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:170 msgid "Change all column collations" msgstr "Spremeni vsa pravila za razvrščanje znakov v stolpcih" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:251 msgid "Copy table to (database.table)" msgstr "Kopiraj tabelo v (zbirka_podatkov.tabela)" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:322 msgid "Switch to copied table" msgstr "Preklopi na kopirano tabelo" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:364 msgid "Defragment table" msgstr "Defragmentiraj tabelo" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:372 #, php-format msgid "Table %s has been flushed." msgstr "Osvežili smo tabelo %s." #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:376 msgid "Flush the table (FLUSH)" msgstr "Počisti tabelo (FLUSH)" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:413 msgid "Empty the table (TRUNCATE)" msgstr "Izprazni tabelo (TRUNCATE)" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:431 msgid "Empty the table (DELETE FROM)" msgstr "Izprazni tabelo (DELETE FROM)" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:452 msgid "Delete the table (DROP)" msgstr "Izbriši tabelo (DROP)" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:474 msgid "Partition maintenance" msgstr "Vzdrževanje particij" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:500 #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:202 msgid "Remove partitioning" msgstr "Odstrani particioniranje" #: templates/table/operations/index.twig:513 msgid "Check referential integrity" msgstr "Preveri referenčno integriteto" #: templates/table/operations/view.twig:12 msgid "Rename view to" msgstr "Preimenuj pogled v" #: templates/table/operations/view.twig:37 msgid "Delete the view (DROP)" msgstr "Izbriši pogled (DROP)" #: templates/table/page_with_secondary_tabs.twig:11 msgid "Relation view" msgstr "Pogled relacij" #: templates/table/partition/analyze.twig:2 msgid "Analyze partition" msgstr "Analiziraj particijo" #: templates/table/partition/check.twig:2 msgid "Check partition" msgstr "Preveri particijo" #: templates/table/partition/drop.twig:2 msgid "Drop partition" msgstr "Zavrzi particijo" #: templates/table/partition/optimize.twig:2 msgid "Optimize partition" msgstr "Optimiziraj particijo" #: templates/table/partition/rebuild.twig:2 msgid "Rebuild partition" msgstr "Ponovno zgradi particijo" #: templates/table/partition/repair.twig:2 msgid "Repair partition" msgstr "Popravi particijo" #: templates/table/partition/truncate.twig:2 msgid "Truncate partition" msgstr "Izprazni particijo" #: templates/table/privileges/index.twig:57 msgid "table-specific" msgstr "glede na tabelo" #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:9 msgid "Foreign key constraints" msgstr "Omejitve tujih ključev" #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:14 msgid "Actions" msgstr "Dejanja" #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:15 msgid "Constraint properties" msgstr "Lastnosti omejitev" #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:19 msgid "" "Creating a foreign key over a non-indexed column would automatically create " "an index on it. Alternatively, you can define an index below, before " "creating the foreign key." msgstr "" "Ustvarjanje tujega ključa na neindeksiranem stolpcu bo samodejno ustvarilo " "indeks na njem. Lahko pa pred ustvarjanjem tujega ključa opredelite indeks " "spodaj." #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:24 msgid "" "Only columns with index will be displayed. You can define an index below." msgstr "" "Prikazani bodo samo stolpci z indeksom. Spodaj lahko opredelite indeks." #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:28 msgid "Foreign key constraint" msgstr "Omejitev tujih ključev" #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:44 msgid "+ Add constraint" msgstr "+ Dodaj omejitev" #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:57 #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:65 msgid "Internal relationships" msgstr "Notranja razmerja" #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:73 msgid "Internal relation" msgstr "Notranja relacija" #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:75 msgid "" "An internal relation is not necessary when a corresponding FOREIGN KEY " "relation exists." msgstr "Notranja relacija ni nujna, ko obstaja ustrezna relacija FOREIGN KEY." #: templates/table/relation/common_form.twig:158 msgid "Choose column to display:" msgstr "Izberite stolpec za prikaz:" #: templates/table/relation/foreign_key_row.twig:15 #, php-format msgid "Foreign key constraint %s has been dropped" msgstr "Zavrgli smo omejitev tujega ključa %s" #: templates/table/relation/foreign_key_row.twig:33 msgid "Constraint name" msgstr "Ime omejitve" #: templates/table/search/index.twig:27 msgid "Do a \"query by example\" (wildcard: \"%\")" msgstr "Izvedi \"query by example\" (nadomestni znak: \"%\")" #: templates/table/search/index.twig:111 msgid "Select columns (at least one):" msgstr "Izberite stolpce (vsaj enega):" #: templates/table/search/index.twig:130 msgid "Add search conditions (body of the \"where\" clause):" msgstr "Dodajte iskalne pogoje (telo stavka \"where\"):" #: templates/table/search/index.twig:138 msgid "Number of rows per page" msgstr "Število vrstic na stran" #: templates/table/search/index.twig:144 msgid "Display order:" msgstr "Vrstni red prikaza:" #: templates/table/search/index.twig:181 msgid "Range search" msgstr "Iskanje v območju" #: templates/table/search/index.twig:187 msgid "Minimum value:" msgstr "Minimalna vrednost:" #: templates/table/search/index.twig:190 msgid "Maximum value:" msgstr "Maksimalna vrednost:" #: templates/table/start_and_number_of_rows_fieldset.twig:3 msgid "Start row:" msgstr "Začetna vrstica:" #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:3 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:580 msgid "Partitions" msgstr "Particije" #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:9 msgid "No partitioning defined!" msgstr "Opredeljena ni nobena razdelitev!" #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:12 msgid "Partitioned by:" msgstr "Razdeljen po:" #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:17 msgid "Sub partitioned by:" msgstr "Podrazdeljen po:" #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:30 msgid "Data length" msgstr "Dolžina podatkov" #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:31 msgid "Index length" msgstr "Dolžina indeksa" #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:195 msgid "Partition table" msgstr "Tabela razdelitve" #: templates/table/structure/display_partitions.twig:208 #: templates/table/structure/partition_definition_form.twig:3 msgid "Edit partitioning" msgstr "Uredi razdelitev" #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:70 msgid "Media type:" msgstr "Vrsta predstavnosti:" #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:91 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns.twig:47 msgctxt "None for default" msgid "None" msgstr "Brez" #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:108 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:287 msgid "Change" msgstr "Spremeni" #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:116 #, php-format msgid "Column %s has been dropped." msgstr "Zavrgli smo stolpec %s." #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:142 #, php-format msgid "A primary key has been added on %s." msgstr "Na %s smo dodali primarni ključ." #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:157 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:172 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:197 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:216 #, php-format msgid "An index has been added on %s." msgstr "Na %s smo dodali indeks." #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:238 msgid "Distinct values" msgstr "Različne vrednosti" #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:249 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:315 msgid "Remove from central columns" msgstr "Odstrani iz osrednjih stolpcev" #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:257 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:312 msgid "Add to central columns" msgstr "Dodaj med osrednje stolpce" #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:328 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:332 #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:400 msgid "Move columns" msgstr "Premakni stolpce" #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:333 msgid "Move the columns by dragging them up and down." msgstr "Prestavite stolpce z vlečenjem gor ali dol." #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:372 #: templates/view_create.twig:13 msgid "Edit view" msgstr "Urejevalni pogled" #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:386 msgid "Propose table structure" msgstr "Predlagaj strukturo tabele" #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:403 msgid "Normalize" msgstr "Normaliziraj" #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:409 msgid "Track view" msgstr "Sledi pogledu" #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:423 #, php-format msgid "Add %s column(s)" msgstr "Dodaj %s stolpec(-cev)" #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:428 msgid "at beginning of table" msgstr "na začetku tabele" #: templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig:552 #, php-format msgid "Create an index on %s columns" msgstr "Ustvari indeks na %s stolpcih" #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:14 msgid "Space usage" msgstr "Poraba prostora" #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:37 msgid "Effective" msgstr "Učinkovito" #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:80 msgid "Row statistics" msgstr "Statistika vrstic" #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:86 msgid "static" msgstr "statično" #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:88 msgid "dynamic" msgstr "dinamično" #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:99 msgid "partitioned" msgstr "po particijah" #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:128 msgid "Row length" msgstr "Dolžina vrstice" #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:140 msgid "Row size" msgstr "Velikost vrstice" #: templates/table/structure/display_table_stats.twig:147 msgid "Next autoindex" msgstr "Naslednji samodejni indeks" #: templates/table/structure/drop_confirm.twig:2 msgid "Dropping columns from the table" msgstr "Odstranjevanje stolpcev v tabeli" #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:64 templates/table/tracking/main.twig:91 #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:92 msgid "Delete version" msgstr "Izbriši različico" #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:100 #, php-format msgid "Activate tracking for %s" msgstr "Aktiviraj sledenje %s" #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:102 msgid "Activate now" msgstr "Aktiviraj zdaj" #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:104 #, php-format msgid "Deactivate tracking for %s" msgstr "Dezaktiviraj sledenje za %s" #: templates/table/tracking/main.twig:106 msgid "Deactivate now" msgstr "Dezaktiviraj zdaj" #: templates/table/tracking/report_table.twig:4 #: templates/table/tracking/structure_snapshot_columns.twig:5 msgctxt "Number" msgid "#" msgstr "Št." #: templates/table/tracking/report_table.twig:5 msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #: templates/table/tracking/report_table.twig:6 msgid "Username" msgstr "Uporabniško ime" #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:27 msgid "Do a \"query by example\" (wildcard: \"%\") for two different columns" msgstr "" "Izvedi \"query by example\" (nadomestni znak: \"%\") za dva različna stolpca" #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:54 msgid "Additional search criteria" msgstr "Dodatni iskalni pogoji" #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:116 msgid "Use this column to label each point" msgstr "Uporabite ta stolpec za označevanje vsake točke" #: templates/table/zoom_search/index.twig:141 msgid "Maximum rows to plot" msgstr "Največje število vrstic za izris" #: templates/table/zoom_search/result_form.twig:7 msgid "Browse/Edit the points" msgstr "Prebrskaj/Uredi točke" #: templates/table/zoom_search/result_form.twig:14 msgid "How to use" msgstr "Kako uporabljati" #: templates/table/zoom_search/result_form.twig:17 msgid "Reset zoom" msgstr "Ponastavi povečavo" #. l10n: Show or hide the menu using the hamburger style button #: templates/top_menu.twig:4 msgid "Toggle navigation" msgstr "Preklopi navigacijo" #. l10n: Current page #: templates/top_menu.twig:14 msgid "(current)" msgstr "(trenutno)" #: templates/transformation_overview.twig:1 msgid "Available media types" msgstr "Razpoložljive vrste predstavnosti" #: templates/transformation_overview.twig:13 msgid "Available browser display transformations" msgstr "Razpoložljive pretvorbe brskalnikovega prikaza" #: templates/transformation_overview.twig:19 #: templates/transformation_overview.twig:38 msgctxt "for media type transformation" msgid "Description" msgstr "Opis" #: templates/transformation_overview.twig:32 msgid "Available input transformations" msgstr "Razpoložljive pretvorbe vnosa" #: templates/view_create.twig:65 msgid "VIEW name" msgstr "Ime VIEW" #: templates/view_create.twig:79 msgid "Column names" msgstr "Imena stolpcev" #~ msgid "User has been added." #~ msgstr "Uporabnik je dodan." #~ msgid "Label:" #~ msgstr "Oznaka:" #~ msgid "Configuration saved." #~ msgstr "Konfiguracijo smo shranili." #~ msgid "" #~ "Configuration saved to file config/config.inc.php in phpMyAdmin top level " #~ "directory, copy it to top level one and delete directory config to use it." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Konfiguracijo smo shranili v datoteko config/config.inc.php v vrhnji mapi " #~ "phpMyAdmin; skopirajte jo v vrhnjo mapo in izbrišite mapo config, če jo " #~ "želite uporabiti." #~ msgid "Configuration not saved!" #~ msgstr "Konfiguracije nismo shranili!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Please create web server writable folder [em]config[/em] in phpMyAdmin " #~ "top level directory as described in [doc@setup_script]documentation[/" #~ "doc]. Otherwise you will be only able to download or display it." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Prosimo, da na spletnem strežniku ustvarite zapisljivo mapo [em]config[/" #~ "em] v najvišjem nivoju mape phpMyAdmina, kot opisuje " #~ "[doc@setup_script]dokumentacija[/doc]. V nasprotnem primeru jo boste " #~ "lahko samo prenesli ali jo prikazali." #~ msgid "Error: FOREIGN KEY relationship could not be removed!" #~ msgstr "Napaka: Razmerja FOREIGN KEY nismo mogli odstraniti!" #~ msgid "Do you really want to RESET SLAVE?" #~ msgstr "Ali res želite RESET SLAVE?" #~ msgid "Master configuration" #~ msgstr "Konfiguracija glavnega strežnika" #~ msgid "Master connection:" #~ msgstr "Glavna povezava:" #~ msgid "Reset slave" #~ msgstr "Ponovno zaženi podrejenca" #~ msgid "Master status" #~ msgstr "Stanje glavnega strežnika" #~ msgid "Slave status" #~ msgstr "Stanje podrejenca" #~ msgid "SQL history" #~ msgstr "Zgodovina SQL" #~ msgid "" #~ "Scroll down to fill in the options for the selected format and ignore the " #~ "options for other formats." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pomaknite se dol, da vnesete možnosti za izbrane oblike in ignorirate " #~ "možnosti za ostale oblike." #~ msgid "Browse your computer" #~ msgstr "Prebrskajte svoj računalnik" #~ msgid "Databases:" #~ msgstr "Zbirke podatkov:" #~ msgid "Print view" #~ msgstr "Pogled za tiskanje" #~ msgid "Could not load default configuration from: %1$s" #~ msgstr "Ne morem naložiti privzete konfiguracije iz: %1$s" #~ msgid "Theme:" #~ msgstr "Motiv:" #~ msgid "Copy column name." #~ msgstr "Kopiraj ime stolpca." #~ msgid "Right-click the column name to copy it to your clipboard." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Z desnim miškinim gumbom kliknite na ime stolpca, da ga skopirate v " #~ "odložišče." #~ msgid "" #~ "The requested page was not found in the history, it may have expired." #~ msgstr "Izbrane strani nismo našli v zgodovini; morda je potekla." #~ msgid "No preview available." #~ msgstr "Predogled ni na voljo." #~ msgid "Private key for reCaptcha" #~ msgstr "Zasebni ključ za reCaptcha" #~ msgid "Theme path not found for theme %s!" #~ msgstr "Pot teme ni bila najdena za temo %s!" #~ msgctxt "Create new routine" #~ msgid "New" #~ msgstr "Novo" #~ msgid "" #~ "Error in reading file: The file '%s' does not exist or is not readable!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Napaka pri branju datoteke: Datoteka '%s' ne obstaja ali pa ni berljiva!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Invalid rule declaration on line %1$s, expected line %2$s of previous " #~ "rule." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Neveljavna označba v vrstici %1$s; pričakovali smo vrstico %2$s " #~ "prejšnjega pravila." #~ msgid "Invalid rule declaration on line %s." #~ msgstr "Neveljavna označba pravila v vrstici %s." #~ msgid "Unexpected characters on line %s." #~ msgstr "Nepričakovani znaki v vrstici %s." #~ msgid "Unexpected character on line %1$s. Expected tab, but found \"%2$s\"." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nepričakovan znak v vrstici %1$s. Pričakovali smo tabulator, vendar našli " #~ "»%2$s«." #~ msgid "Rules file is not well formed, the following errors were found:" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Datoteka s pravili ni ustrezno oblikovana; našli smo naslednje napake:" #~ msgid "View dump (schema) of database" #~ msgstr "Preglej povzetek stanja zbirke podatkov" #~ msgid "View dump (schema) of databases" #~ msgstr "Pokaži povzetek stanja zbirk podatkov" #~ msgid "View dump (schema) of table" #~ msgstr "Preglej povzetek stanja tabele" #~ msgid "Other text will be kept as is. See the FAQ 6.27 for details." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Preostalo besedilo bomo ohranili takšno, kot je. Oglejte si FAQ 6.27 za " #~ "podrobnosti." #~ msgid ", @TABLE@ will become the table name" #~ msgstr ", @TABLE@ bo postalo ime tabele" #~ msgid "" #~ "You are using PHP's deprecated 'mysql' extension, which is not capable of " #~ "handling multi queries. [strong]The execution of some stored routines may " #~ "fail![/strong] Please use the improved 'mysqli' extension to avoid any " #~ "problems." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Uporabljate nepriporočljivo razširitev PHP 'mysql', ki ni zmožna " #~ "upravljati z več poizvedbami. [strong]Izvedba nekaterih shranjenih rutin " #~ "lahko spodleti![/strong] Prosimo, uporabljajte izboljšano razširitev " #~ "'mysqli' v izogib morebitnim težavam." #~ msgid "No activity within %s seconds; please log in again." #~ msgstr "Brez aktivnosti v zadnjih %s sekundah; prosimo, prijavite se znova." #~ msgid "You do not have the necessary privileges to create a routine." #~ msgstr "Nimate zadostnih pravic za ustvarjanje rutine." #~ msgid "trigger" #~ msgstr "sprožilec" #~ msgid "You do not have the necessary privileges to create a trigger." #~ msgstr "Nimate zadostnih pravic za ustvarjanje sprožilca." #~ msgid "event" #~ msgstr "dogodek" #~ msgid "You do not have the necessary privileges to create an event." #~ msgstr "Nimate zadostnih pravic za ustvarjanje dogodka." #~ msgid "Update Query" #~ msgstr "Osveži poizvedbo" #~ msgid "Submit Query" #~ msgstr "Izvedi poizvedbo" #~ msgid "Rule details" #~ msgstr "Podrobnosti pravila" #~ msgid "Partition %s" #~ msgstr "Particija %s" #~ msgctxt "Next month" #~ msgid "Next" #~ msgstr "Nasl" #~ msgid "“%s”" #~ msgstr "\"%s\"" #~ msgctxt "Short week day name" #~ msgid "Sun" #~ msgstr "ned" #~ msgid "This Host" #~ msgstr "Ta strežnik" #~ msgid "Use Host Table" #~ msgstr "Uporabi tabelo gostiteljev" #, fuzzy #~ msgctxt "for media (MIME) type transformation" #~ msgid "Description" #~ msgstr "Opis" #~ msgid "MIME" #~ msgstr "MIME" #~ msgctxt "for MIME transformation" #~ msgid "Description" #~ msgstr "Opis" #~ msgid "Full start" #~ msgstr "Polni začetek" #~ msgid "Full stop" #~ msgstr "Polni konec" #~ msgid "Show hidden messages (#MSG_COUNT)" #~ msgstr "Prikaži skrita sporočila (#MSG_COUNT)" #~ msgid "Wrong GET file attribute value" #~ msgstr "Napačna vrednost atributa datoteke GET" #~ msgid "%count% second" #~ msgid_plural "%count% seconds" #~ msgstr[0] "%count% sekunda" #~ msgstr[1] "%count% sekundi" #~ msgstr[2] "%count% sekunde" #~ msgstr[3] "%count% sekund" #~ msgid "%count% minute" #~ msgid_plural "%count% minutes" #~ msgstr[0] "%count% minuta" #~ msgstr[1] "%count% minuti" #~ msgstr[2] "%count% minute" #~ msgstr[3] "%count% minut" #~ msgid "Truncate Shown Queries" #~ msgstr "Skrči prikazane poizvedbe" #~ msgid "Show Full Queries" #~ msgstr "Pokaži celotne poizvedbe" #~ msgid "%count% database" #~ msgid_plural "%count% databases" #~ msgstr[0] "%count% zbirka podatkov" #~ msgstr[1] "%count% zbirki podatkov" #~ msgstr[2] "%count% zbirke podatkov" #~ msgstr[3] "%count% zbirk podatkov" #~ msgid "No Two-Factor" #~ msgstr "Nobeno dvostopenjsko" #~ msgid "" #~ "The gd PHP extension was not found. The QRcode can not be displayed " #~ "without the gd PHP extension." #~ msgstr "" #~ "PHP-razširitve gd nismo našli. QRcode ne moremo prikazati brez PHP-" #~ "razširitve gd." #~ msgid "" #~ "Please enter following secret/key into the two-factor authentication app " #~ "on your device and enter authentication code it generates." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Prosimo, vnesite spodnjo skrivnost/ključ v aplikacijo za dvostopenjsko " #~ "overovitev na vaši napravi in vnesite overovitveno kodo, ki jo ustvari." #~ msgid "OTP url:" #~ msgstr "URL OTP:" #~ msgid "" #~ "You have disabled ini_get and/or ini_set in php.ini. This option is " #~ "incompatible with phpMyAdmin!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "V php.ini ste onemogočili ini_get in/ali ini_set. Ta možnost ni " #~ "združljiva s phpMyAdminom!" #~ msgid "No auto-saved query" #~ msgstr "Ni nobene samodejno shranjene poizvedbe" #~ msgid "Font size" #~ msgstr "Velikost pisave" #~ msgid "" #~ "You are using the mysql extension which is deprecated in phpMyAdmin. " #~ "Please consider installing the mysqli extension." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Uporabljate razširitev mysql, ki je v phpMyAdmin zastarela. Prosimo, " #~ "razmislite o namestitvi razširitve mysqli." #~ msgid "Search results for \"%s\" %s:" #~ msgstr "Rezultati iskanja \"%s\" %s:" #~ msgctxt "Text context" #~ msgid "Text" #~ msgstr "Besedilo" #~ msgid "Customize export options" #~ msgstr "Prilagodi možnosti izvoza" #~ msgid "Customize import defaults" #~ msgstr "Prilagodi privzete možnosti uvoza" #~ msgid "Customize navigation panel" #~ msgstr "Prilagodi navigacijsko ploščo" #~ msgid "Customize main panel" #~ msgstr "Prilagodi glavno ploščo" #~ msgid "" #~ "Incorrect formset, check $formsets array in setup/frames/form.inc.php!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Neveljaven formset; preverite polje $formsets v setup/frames/form.inc.php!" #~ msgid "Unknonwn" #~ msgstr "Neznano" #~ msgid "Please enter correct captcha!" #~ msgstr "Prosimo, vnesite pravilno captcho!" #~ msgid "Global value" #~ msgstr "Skupna vrednost" #~ msgctxt "Collation variant" #~ msgid "weight=2" #~ msgstr "teža=2" #~ msgctxt "Collation variant" #~ msgid "level=2" #~ msgstr "stopnja=2" #~ msgid "Old column name" #~ msgstr "Staro ime stolpca" #~ msgid "You have to add at least one column." #~ msgstr "Dodati morate vsaj en stolpec." #~ msgid "PHP threw following error: %s" #~ msgstr "PHP je vrnil naslednjo napako: %s" #~ msgid "German" #~ msgstr "Nemško" #~ msgid "dictionary" #~ msgstr "slovar" #~ msgid "phone book" #~ msgstr "telefonski imenik" #~ msgid "Traditional Spanish" #~ msgstr "Tradicionalno špansko" #~ msgid "binary collation" #~ msgstr "dvojiško pravilo za razvrščanje znakov" #~ msgid "case-insensitive collation" #~ msgstr "na velikost črk neobčutljivo pravilo za razvrščanje znakov" #~ msgid "case-sensitive collation" #~ msgstr "na velikost črk občutljivo pravilo za razvrščanje znakov" #~ msgid "all words" #~ msgstr "vse besede" #~ msgid "Improve table structure" #~ msgstr "Izboljšaj strukturo tabele" #~ msgid "" #~ "Your PHP MySQL library version %s differs from your MySQL server version " #~ "%s. This may cause unpredictable behavior." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vaša PHP-knjižnica MySQL različice %s se razlikuje od vašega strežnika " #~ "MySQL različice %s. To lahko povzroči nepredvidljivo vedenje." #~ msgid "Invalid hostname for server %1$s. Please review your configuration." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Neveljavno ime gostitelja za strežnik %1$s. Prosim, preglejte svojo " #~ "konfiguracijo." #~ msgid "" #~ "Disable the default warning that is displayed if a difference between the " #~ "MySQL library and server is detected." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Onemogoči privzeto opozorilo, ki se prikaže, če zaznam razliko med " #~ "knjižnico in strežnikom MySQL." #~ msgid "Server/library difference warning" #~ msgstr "Opozorilo razlike med strežnikom in knjižnico" #~ msgid "How to connect to server, keep [kbd]tcp[/kbd] if unsure." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Način povezave s strežnikom; pustite [kbd]tcp[/kbd], če niste prepričani." #~ msgid "Connection type" #~ msgstr "Vrsta povezave" #~ msgid "OpenSSL error when manipulating with cookies:" #~ msgstr "Napaka OpenSSL pri ravnanju s piškotki:" #~ msgid "Cannot load or save configuration" #~ msgstr "Ne morem naložiti ali shraniti konfiguracije" #~ msgid "Load" #~ msgstr "Naloži" #~ msgid "Column parser" #~ msgstr "Razčlenjevalnik stolpcev" #~ msgid "Not implemented yet." #~ msgstr "Ni še implementirano." #~ msgid "" #~ "A new statement was found, but no delimiter between it and the previous " #~ "one." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Naleteli smo na nov stavek, vendar med njim in prejšnjim stavkom ni " #~ "ločilnega znaka." #~ msgid "Unrecognized alter operation." #~ msgstr "Neprepoznan poseg spremembe." #~ msgid "%1$d values were expected, but found %2$d." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo %1$d vrednosti, vendar smo jih našli %2$d." #~ msgid "An opening bracket followed by a set of values was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo začetni oklepaj, ki mu sledi množica vrednosti." #~ msgid "An opening bracket was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo začetni oklepaj." #~ msgid "Unexpected keyword." #~ msgstr "Nepričakovana ključna beseda." #~ msgid "Unexpected end of CASE expression" #~ msgstr "Nepričakovan konec izraza CASE" #~ msgid "" #~ "A symbol name was expected! A reserved keyword can not be used as a " #~ "column name without backquotes." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pričakovali smo ime simbola! Rezervirane besede ne morete uporabiti kot " #~ "ime stolpca brez ustreznih narekovajev." #~ msgid "A symbol name was expected!" #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo ime znaka!" #~ msgid "A comma or a closing bracket was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo vejico ali zaklepaj." #~ msgid "A closing bracket was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo zaklepaj." #~ msgid "Unrecognized data type." #~ msgstr "Neprepoznana vrsta podatkov." #~ msgid "An alias was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo vzdevek." #~ msgid "An alias was previously found." #~ msgstr "Vzdevek smo našli že prej." #~ msgid "Unexpected dot." #~ msgstr "Nepričakovana pika." #~ msgid "An expression was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo izraz." #~ msgid "An offset was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo odmik." #~ msgid "This option conflicts with \"%1$s\"." #~ msgstr "Izbira je v sporu z \"%1$s\"." #~ msgid "Value/Expression for the option %1$s was expected" #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo vrednost/izraz za možnost %1$s" #~ msgid "The old name of the table was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo staro ime tabele." #~ msgid "Keyword \"TO\" was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo ključno besedo \"TO\"." #~ msgid "The new name of the table was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo novo ime tabele." #~ msgid "A rename operation was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo poseg preimenovanja." #~ msgid "Unexpected character." #~ msgstr "Nepričakovan znak." #~ msgid "Expected whitespace(s) before delimiter." #~ msgstr "Pred ločitvenim znakom smo pričakoval prazne znake." #~ msgid "Expected delimiter." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo ločitveni znak." #~ msgid "Ending quote %1$s was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo končni narekovaj %1$s." #~ msgid "Variable name was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo ime spremenljivke." #~ msgid "Unexpected beginning of statement." #~ msgstr "Nepričakovan začetek stavka." #~ msgid "Unrecognized statement type." #~ msgstr "Neprepoznana vrsta stavka." #~ msgid "No transaction was previously started." #~ msgstr "Začeli niste nobene transakcije." #~ msgid "Unexpected token." #~ msgstr "Nepričakovan žeton." #~ msgid "This type of clause was previously parsed." #~ msgstr "To vrsto stavka smo prej razčlenili." #~ msgid "Unrecognized keyword." #~ msgstr "Nepričakovana ključna beseda." #~ msgid "Unexpected ordering of clauses." #~ msgstr "Nepričakovan vrstni red stavkov." #~ msgid "The name of the entity was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo ime entitete." #~ msgid "A table name was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo ime tabele." #~ msgid "At least one column definition was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo vsaj eno opredelitev stolpca." #~ msgid "A \"RETURNS\" keyword was expected." #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo ključno besedo \"RETURNS\"." #~ msgid "This type of clause is not valid in Multi-table queries." #~ msgstr "Ta vrsta stavka ni veljavna v večtabelnih poizvedbah." #~ msgid "error #1" #~ msgstr "napaka #1" #~ msgid "%2$s #%1$d" #~ msgstr "%2$s št. %1$d" #~ msgid "strict error" #~ msgstr "stroga napaka" #~ msgid "Native MySQL Authentication" #~ msgstr "Domorodna overitev MySQL" #~ msgid "Try to connect without password." #~ msgstr "Poskusi se povezati brez gesla." #~ msgid "Connect without password" #~ msgstr "Poveži se brez gesla" #~ msgid "" #~ "You tried to import an invalid file or the imported file contains invalid " #~ "data!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Poskušali ste uvoziti neveljavno datoteko ali pa uvožena datoteka vsebuje " #~ "neveljavne podatke!" #~ msgid "Geometry type '%s' is not supported by MySQL." #~ msgstr "Vrsto geometrije '%s' MySQL ne podpira." #~ msgid "Wiki" #~ msgstr "Wiki" #~ msgid "" #~ "Enable [a@https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_(file_format)]ZIP[/a] " #~ "compression for import and export operations." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Omogoči stiskanje [a@https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_(file_format)]ZIP[/" #~ "a] za posege uvoza in izvoza." #~ msgid "Related Links" #~ msgstr "Sorodne povezave" #~ msgid "The PrimeBase XT Blog by Paul McCullagh" #~ msgstr "Blog PrimeBase XT avtorja Paula McCullagha" #~ msgid "" #~ "Uploaded file cannot be moved, because the server has open_basedir " #~ "enabled without access to the %s directory (for temporary files)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Naložene datoteke ne morem premakniti, ker ima strežnik omogočen " #~ "open_basedir brez dostopa do mape %s (za začasne datoteke)." #~ msgid "Count:" #~ msgstr "Štetje:" #~ msgid "numeric key detected" #~ msgstr "zaznana številska tipka" #~ msgid "" #~ "The path for the config file for [a@https://swekey.com]SweKey hardware " #~ "authentication[/a] (not located in your document root; suggested: /etc/" #~ "swekey.conf)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pot konfiguracijske datoteke za [a@https://swekey.com]strojno overovitev " #~ "SweKey[/a] (se ne nahaja v korenski mapi dokumentov; predlagano: /etc/" #~ "swekey.conf)." #~ msgid "SweKey config file" #~ msgstr "Konfiguracijska datoteka SweKey" #~ msgid "File %s does not contain any key id" #~ msgstr "Datoteka %s ne vsebuje nobenega identifikacijskega ključa" #~ msgid "No valid authentication key plugged" #~ msgstr "Vstavljen ni noben overitveni ključ" #~ msgid "Authenticating…" #~ msgstr "Potrjevanje…" #~ msgid "Please explain the steps that lead to the error:" #~ msgstr "Prosimo, obrazložite korake, ki so vodili do napake:" #~ msgid "Total %d bookmark" #~ msgid_plural "Total %d bookmarks" #~ msgstr[0] "Skupno %d zaznamek" #~ msgstr[1] "Skupno %d zaznamka" #~ msgstr[2] "Skupno %d zaznamki" #~ msgstr[3] "Skupno %d zaznamkov" #~ msgid "private" #~ msgstr "zasebnih" #~ msgid "%1$s, %2$s and %3$s bookmarks included" #~ msgstr "%1$s, %2$s and %3$s vključenih zaznamkov" #~ msgid "A comma or a closing bracket was expected" #~ msgstr "Pričakovali smo vejico ali zaklepaj" #~ msgid "" #~ "The [code]$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'][/code] directive MUST be set in your " #~ "configuration file!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ukaz [code]$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'][/code] MORA biti določen v " #~ "konfiguracijski datoteki!" #~ msgid "This %soption%s should be enabled if your web server supports it." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ta %smožnost%s naj bo omogočena, če jo vaš spletni strežnik podpira." #~ msgid "Force secured connection while using phpMyAdmin." #~ msgstr "Vsili varno povezavo med uporabo phpMyAdmin." #~ msgid "Force SSL connection" #~ msgstr "Vsili povezavo SSL" #~ msgid "" #~ "Your web browser does not support local storage of settings or the quota " #~ "limit has been reached, some features may not work properly for you. In " #~ "Safari, such problem is commonly caused by \"Private Mode Browsing\"." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vaš spletni brskalnik ne podpira lokalne hrambe nastavitev ali pa je " #~ "dosežena omejitev prostora. Nekatere funkcionalnosti za vas morda ne bodo " #~ "delovale pravilno. V Safariju to težavo pogosto povroči brskanje v " #~ "zasebnem načinu (Private Mode Browsing)." #~ msgid "Replace table prefix:" #~ msgstr "Zamenjaj predpono tabele:" #~ msgid "Copy table with prefix:" #~ msgstr "Kopiraj tabelo s predpono:" #~ msgid "It appears your database uses procedures;" #~ msgstr "Kot kaže, vaša zbirka podatkov uporablja procedure;" #~ msgid "A 4-byte integer, range is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647" #~ msgstr "4-bitno celo število; razpon je od -2.147.483.648 do 2.147.483.647" #~ msgid "" #~ "An 8-byte integer, range is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to " #~ "9,223,372,036,854,775,807" #~ msgstr "" #~ "8-bitno celo število; razpon je od -9.223.372.036.854.775.808 do " #~ "9.223.372.036.854.775.807" #~ msgid "A system's default double-precision floating-point number" #~ msgstr "Sistemsko privzeto število z decimalno vejico z natančnostjo double" #~ msgid "True or false" #~ msgstr "Res ali ni res" #~ msgid "An alias for BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE" #~ msgstr "Vzdevek za BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE" #~ msgid "Stores a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Shrani vsesplošno edinstven označevalnik (Universally Unique Identifier, " #~ "UUID)" #~ msgid "" #~ "A timestamp, range is '0001-01-01 00:00:00' UTC to '9999-12-31 23:59:59' " #~ "UTC; TIMESTAMP(6) can store microseconds" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Časovni žig; razpon je od '0001-01-01 00:00:00' UTC do '9999-12-31 " #~ "23:59:59' UTC; TIMESTAMP(6) lahko shrani mikrosekunde" #~ msgid "" #~ "A variable-length (0-65,535) string, uses binary collation for all " #~ "comparisons" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Niz spremenljive dolžine (0–65.535); uporablja dvojiško zbirko za vse " #~ "primerjave" #~ msgid "An enumeration, chosen from the list of defined values" #~ msgstr "Naštevanje, izbrano s seznama določenih vrednosti" #~ msgid "possible deep recursion attack" #~ msgstr "možen napad globoke rekurzije" #~ msgid "" #~ "You are connected as 'root' with no password, which corresponds to the " #~ "default MySQL privileged account. Your MySQL server is running with this " #~ "default, is open to intrusion, and you really should fix this security " #~ "hole by setting a password for user 'root'." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Povezani ste kot uporabnik 'root' brez gesla, kar odgovarja privzetemu " #~ "privilegiranemu računu MySQL. Strežnik MySQL teče s privzetimi " #~ "nastavitvami, zato je izpostavljen vdorom. Čimprej odpravite to varnostno " #~ "luknjo tako, da uporabniku 'root' nastavite geslo." #~ msgid "Create database:" #~ msgstr "Ustvari zbirko podatkov:" #~ msgid "To filter all databases on server, press Enter after a search term" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Za filtriranje vseh zbirk podatkov na strežniku po vnosu iskalnega pojma " #~ "pritisnite enter" #~ msgid "To filter all %s in database, press Enter after a search term" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Za filtriranje vseh %s v zbirki podatkov po vnosu iskalnega pojma " #~ "pritisnite enter" #~ msgid "tables" #~ msgstr "tabel" #~ msgid "views" #~ msgstr "pogledov" #~ msgid "procedures" #~ msgstr "procedur" #~ msgid "events" #~ msgstr "dogodkov" #~ msgid "functions" #~ msgstr "funkcij" #~ msgid "Filter databases by name or regex" #~ msgstr "Filtriraj zbirke podatkov po imenu ali regularnem izrazu" #~ msgid "Filter by name or regex" #~ msgstr "Filtriraj po imenu ali regularnem izrazu" #~ msgid "Unexpected closing bracket." #~ msgstr "Nepričakovan zakepaj." #~ msgid "Username and hostname didn't change." #~ msgstr "Uporabniško ime in ime gostitelja ni spremenjeno." #~ msgid "Taking you to %s." #~ msgstr "Prestavili vas bomo na %s." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "MySQL Native Authentication" #~ msgstr "Overovitev" #~ msgid "MySQL native password" #~ msgstr "Domače geslo MySQL" #~ msgid "SHA256 password" #~ msgstr "Geslo SHA256" #~ msgid "MySQL 4.0 compatible" #~ msgstr "Združljivo z MySQL 4.0" #~ msgid "Could not include class \"%1$s\", file \"%2$s\" not found" #~ msgstr "Ne morem vključiti razreda \"%1$s\"; datoteke \"%2$s\" nisem našel" #~ msgid "" #~ "Cannot convert file's character set without character set conversion " #~ "library!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ne morem pretvoriti nabora znakov datoteke brez knjižnice za pretvorbo " #~ "nabora znakov!" #~ msgid "Could not initialize Drizzle connection library!" #~ msgstr "Ne morem inicializirati knjižnice za povezavo Drizzle!" #~ msgid "Can't seek in an unbuffered result set" #~ msgstr "Ne morem iskati v nemedpomnjeni množici rezultatov" #~ msgid "Can't count rows in an unbuffered result set" #~ msgstr "Ne morem prešteti vrstic v nemedpomnjeni množici rezultatov" #~ msgid "Modules" #~ msgstr "Moduli" #~ msgid "Module" #~ msgstr "Modul" #~ msgid "Library" #~ msgstr "Knjižnica" #~ msgid "Require SSL" #~ msgstr "Zahteva SSL" #~ msgid "" #~ "Drizzle documentation is at https://www.drizzle.org/content/documentation/" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dokumentacija Drizzle se nahaja na https://www.drizzle.org/content/documentation/" #~ msgid "Version string (%s) matches Drizzle versioning scheme" #~ msgstr "Niz različice (%s) se ujema s shemo različic Drizzle" #~ msgid "Toggle" #~ msgstr "Preklopi" #~ msgid "Add Index" #~ msgstr "Dodaj indeks" #~ msgid "Error in Processing Request" #~ msgstr "Napaka v obdelovanju zahteve" #~ msgid "Adding Primary Key" #~ msgstr "Dodajanje primarnega ključa" #~ msgid "Outer Ring" #~ msgstr "Zunanji obroč" #~ msgid "Change Password" #~ msgstr "Spremeni geslo" #~ msgid "Send Error Report" #~ msgstr "Pošlji poročilo o napaki" #~ msgid "Select All" #~ msgstr "Izberi vse" #~ msgid "Database export options" #~ msgstr "Možnosti izvoza zbirke podatkov" #~ msgid "Database(s):" #~ msgstr "Zbirke podatkov:" #~ msgid "Table(s):" #~ msgstr "Tabele:" #~ msgid "Format-Specific Options:" #~ msgstr "Možnosti odvisne od oblike:" #~ msgid "Generate Password:" #~ msgstr "Ustvari geslo:" #~ msgid "Current Server:" #~ msgstr "Trenutni strežnik:" #~ msgid "Edit Privileges" #~ msgstr "Uredi privilegije" #~ msgid "CREATE TABLE options:" #~ msgstr "Možnosti CREATE TABLE:" #~ msgid "Relational display column" #~ msgstr "Relacijski prikazni stolpec" #~ msgid "Add unique index" #~ msgstr "Dodaj izvirno vrednost" #~ msgid "Add SPATIAL index" #~ msgstr "Dodaj indeks SPATIAL" #~ msgid "Add FULLTEXT index" #~ msgstr "Dodaj indeks FULLTEXT" #~ msgid "Begin" #~ msgstr "Začetek" #~ msgid "" #~ "There seems to be an error in your SQL query. The MySQL server error " #~ "output below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the " #~ "problem." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Kaže, da je v poizvedbi SQL prišlo do napake. Če je strežnik MySQL " #~ "izpisal napako, vam lahko to pomaga pri odkrivanju težav." #~ msgid "" #~ "There is a chance that you may have found a bug in the SQL parser. Please " #~ "examine your query closely, and check that the quotes are correct and not " #~ "mis-matched. Other possible failure causes may be that you are uploading " #~ "a file with binary outside of a quoted text area. You can also try your " #~ "query on the MySQL command line interface. The MySQL server error output " #~ "below, if there is any, may also help you in diagnosing the problem. If " #~ "you still have problems or if the parser fails where the command line " #~ "interface succeeds, please reduce your SQL query input to the single " #~ "query that causes problems, and submit a bug report with the data chunk " #~ "in the CUT section below:" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Obstaja možnost, da ste v razčlenjevalniku SQL naleteli na hrošča. " #~ "Temeljito preglejte poizvedbo in preverite, če so narekovaji pravilni in " #~ "če se ujemajo. Možno je tudi, da prenašate dvojiško datoteko, ki je izven " #~ "področja besedila citata. Poizvedbo lahko preizkusite tudi na vmesniku " #~ "ukazne vrstice MySQL. Če je strežnik MySQL izpisal napako, vam le-ta " #~ "lahko pomaga pri ugotavljanju težav. Če se bodo težave nadaljevale, ali " #~ "če razčlenjevalniku ne uspe tam, kjer vmesniku ukazne vrstice uspe, potem " #~ "zmanjšajte vnešeno poizvedbo SQL na tisto poizvedbo, ki povzroča težave " #~ "in pošljite poročilo o napaki skupaj s podatki iz spodnjega odseka IZREZA:" #~ msgid "BEGIN CUT" #~ msgstr "ZAČETEK IZREZA" #~ msgid "END CUT" #~ msgstr "KONEC IZREZA" #~ msgid "BEGIN RAW" #~ msgstr "ZAČETEK NAVADNO" #~ msgid "END RAW" #~ msgstr "KONEC NAVADNO" #~ msgid "Unclosed quote" #~ msgstr "Odprt citat" #~ msgid "Automatically appended backtick to the end of query!" #~ msgstr "Samodejno sem dodal levo črtico na konec poizvedbe!" #~ msgid "Invalid Identifer" #~ msgstr "Neveljavni identifikator" #~ msgid "Unknown Punctuation String" #~ msgstr "Neznan niz ločil" #~ msgid "Add user" #~ msgstr "Dodaj uporabnika" #~ msgid "Export Method:" #~ msgstr "Način izvoza:" #~ msgid "No data found for GIS visualization." #~ msgstr "Za predstavitev GIS ni najdenih podatkov." #~ msgid "Shift + Click on function name to apply to all rows." #~ msgstr "Shift + klik na ime funkcije, da jo uveljavite na vseh vrsticah." #~ msgid "Print view (with full texts)" #~ msgstr "Pogled za tiskanje (s polnimi besedili)" #~ msgid "Uncheck All" #~ msgstr "Počisti vse" #~ msgid "SQL result" #~ msgstr "Rezultat SQL" #~ msgid "Generated by:" #~ msgstr "Ustvaril:" #~ msgid "Row Statistics:" #~ msgstr "Statistika vrstic:" #~ msgid "Space usage:" #~ msgstr "Poraba prostora:" #~ msgid "Showing tables:" #~ msgstr "Prikazovanje tabel:" #~ msgid "(Enabled)" #~ msgstr "(Omogočeno)" #~ msgid "(Disabled)" #~ msgstr "(Onemogočeno)" #~ msgid "Temporarily disable foreign key checks while importing" #~ msgstr "Začasno onemogoči preverjanja tujih ključev med uvozom" #~ msgid "Disable foreign key check" #~ msgstr "Onemogoči preverjanje tujih ključev" #~ msgid "Realign Privileges" #~ msgstr "Ponovna poravnava privilegijev" #~ msgid "Replace table data with file" #~ msgstr "Podatke v tabeli zamenjaj z datoteko" #~ msgid "Percona documentation is at https://www.percona.com/docs/wiki/" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dokumentacija Percona se nahaja na https://www.percona.com/docs/wiki/" #~ msgid "Drizzle documentation is at https://docs.drizzle.org/" #~ msgstr "Dokumentacija Drizzle se nahaja na https://docs.drizzle.org/" #~ msgid "Customize query window options" #~ msgstr "Prilagodite možnosti okna poizvedb" #~ msgid "(Generates a report containing the data of a single table)" #~ msgstr "(Ustvari poročilo, ki vsebuje podatke ene tabele)" #~ msgid "Please select a database." #~ msgstr "Prosimo, izberite zbirko podatkov." #~ msgid "auto_increment" #~ msgstr "auto_increment" #~ msgid "on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" #~ msgstr "ob posodobitvi CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" #~ msgid "Save position" #~ msgstr "Shrani položaj" #~ msgid "Save positions as" #~ msgstr "Shrani položaj kot" #~ msgid "Unknown language: %1$s." #~ msgstr "Neznani jezik: %1$s." #~ msgid "Disable database expansion" #~ msgstr "Onemogoči razširitev zbirke podatkov" #~ msgid "Delete tracking data for this table" #~ msgstr "Izbriši podatke sledenja te tabele" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Table Structure" #~ msgstr "Zgradba tabele" #~ msgid "Show data row(s)." #~ msgstr "Prikaži podatkovno vrstico(-e)." #~ msgid "Show/Hide left menu" #~ msgstr "Pokaži/Skrij levi meni" #~ msgctxt "Inline edit query" #~ msgid "Inline" #~ msgstr "V vrstici" #~ msgid "after" #~ msgstr "po" #~ msgid "Mode:" #~ msgstr "Način:" #~ msgid "horizontal" #~ msgstr "vodoravnem" #~ msgid "horizontal (rotated headers)" #~ msgstr "vodoravno (zasukani naslovi)" #~ msgid "vertical" #~ msgstr "navpičnem" #~ msgid "Default display direction" #~ msgstr "Privzeta smer prikaza" #~ msgid "" #~ "Defines whether or not type display direction option is shown when " #~ "browsing a table." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Določa ali naj bo med brskanjem po tabelah prikazana možnost vrste smeri " #~ "prikaza." #~ msgid "Show display direction" #~ msgstr "Prikaži smer prikaza" #~ msgid "Please configure the coordinates for table %s" #~ msgstr "Prosimo, konfigurirajte koordinate za tabelo %s" #~ msgid "At End of Table" #~ msgstr "Na koncu tabele" #~ msgid "After %s" #~ msgstr "Po %s" #~ msgid "Display errors" #~ msgstr "Prikaži napake" #~ msgid "Redraw" #~ msgstr "Ponovno nariši" #~ msgid "This page does not contain any tables!" #~ msgstr "Stran ne vsebuje nobenih tabel!" #~ msgid "Dia export page" #~ msgstr "Stran za izvoz Dia" #~ msgid "EPS export page" #~ msgstr "Stran za izvoz EPS" #~ msgid "SVG export page" #~ msgstr "Stran za izvoz SVG" #~ msgid "Relation deleted" #~ msgstr "Relacija je izbrisana" #~ msgid "Error saving coordinates for Designer." #~ msgstr "Napaka pri shranjevanju koordinat Oblikovalnika." #~ msgid "Edit SQL queries in popup window." #~ msgstr "Uredi poizvedbe SQL v pojavnem oknu." #~ msgid "Edit in window" #~ msgstr "Uredi v oknu" #~ msgid "Tab displayed when opening a new query window." #~ msgstr "Zavihek, ki se prikaže ob odprtju novega okna za poizvedbe." #~ msgid "Default query window tab" #~ msgstr "Privzet zavihek okna za poizvedbe" #~ msgid "Query window height (in pixels)." #~ msgstr "Višina okna poizvedb (v slikovnih pikah)." #~ msgid "Query window height" #~ msgstr "Višina okna poizvedb" #~ msgid "Query window width (in pixels)." #~ msgstr "Širina okna poizvedb (v slikovnih pikah)." #~ msgid "Query window width" #~ msgstr "Širina okna poizvedb" #~ msgid "Show dimension of tables" #~ msgstr "Pokaži dimenzije tabel" #~ msgid "Do not overwrite this query from outside the window" #~ msgstr "Ne prepiši te poizvedbe od zunaj" #~ msgid "Import files" #~ msgstr "Uvozi datoteke" #~ msgid "File doesn't exist" #~ msgstr "Datoteka ne obstaja" #~ msgid "Plugin is disabled" #~ msgstr "Vtičnik je onemogočen" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Unlink with main panel" #~ msgstr "Prilagodi glavno ploščo" #~ msgid "Second/Third step of normalization" #~ msgstr "Druga/tretja stopnja normalizacije" #~ msgid "No index defined! Create one below" #~ msgstr "Ni definiranega indeksa! Ustvarite ga spodaj" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "eps export page" #~ msgstr "Vrsta izvoza" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "pdf export page" #~ msgstr "Neveljavna vrsta izvoza" #~ msgid "" #~ "Unfortunately your Database server does not support logging to table, " #~ "which is a requirement for analyzing the database logs with phpMyAdmin. " #~ "Logging to table is supported by MySQL 5.1.6 and onwards. You may still " #~ "use the server charting features however." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Žal vaš strežnik zbirk podatkov ne podpira beleženja v tabelo, ki je " #~ "zahtevano za analiziranje dnevnikov zbirk podatov s phpMyAdmin. Beleženje " #~ "v tabelo podpira MySQL 5.1.6 in novejši. Kljub temu lahko še vedno " #~ "uporabljate strežniške zmožnosti izrisa grafikonov." #~ msgid "Click to sort" #~ msgstr "Kliknite za razvrščanje" #~ msgid "Reedit" #~ msgstr "Ponovno urejanje" #~ msgid "" #~ "Central list of columns configuration Storage is not completely " #~ "configured!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hramba konfiguracije osrednjega seznama stolpcev ni popolno konfigurirana!" #~ msgid "Total " #~ msgstr "Skupaj " #~ msgid " bookmarks, " #~ msgstr " zaznamkov, " #~ msgid "Select one ..." #~ msgstr "Izberite enega ..." #~ msgid "Add unique/primary index" #~ msgstr "Dodaj izvirni/primarni indeks" #~ msgid "Unique column(s) added." #~ msgstr "Ustvaril sem izvirne stolpce." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Have unique columns" #~ msgstr "Premakni stolpce" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Unique column(s) already exist" #~ msgstr "Uporabnik %s že obstaja!" #~ msgid "Hold shift and click to remove column from ORDER BY clause." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Držite dvigalko (shift) in kliknite, da odstranite stolpec iz stavka " #~ "ORDER BY." #~ msgid "Edit or export relational schema" #~ msgstr "Uredi ali izvozi relacijsko shemo" #~ msgid "Create a page" #~ msgstr "Ustvari novo stran" #~ msgid "Automatic layout based on" #~ msgstr "Samodejna postavitev temelječa na" #~ msgid "FOREIGN KEY" #~ msgstr "FOREIGN KEY" #~ msgid "Please choose a page to edit" #~ msgstr "Izberite stran za urejanje" #~ msgid "Select Tables" #~ msgstr "Izberi tabele" #~ msgid "" #~ "The current page has references to tables that no longer exist. Would you " #~ "like to delete those references?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Trenutna stran vsebuje sklice na tabele, ki ne obstajajo več. Ali želite " #~ "izbrisati te sklice?" #~ msgid "Toggle scratchboard" #~ msgstr "Preklopi odložišče (scratchboard)" #~ msgid "%s table not found or not set in %s" #~ msgstr "Tabele %s ni mogoče najti ali pa ni v %s" #~ msgid "" #~ "Disable the default warning that is displayed if mcrypt is missing for " #~ "[kbd]cookie[/kbd] authentication." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Onemogoči privzeto opozorilo, ki se prikaže, če mcrypt manjka za overitev " #~ "[kbd]cookie[/kbd]." #~ msgid "mcrypt warning" #~ msgstr "Opozorilo mcrypt" #~ msgid "Designer table" #~ msgstr "Tabela Oblikovalnika" #~ msgid "Import/Export coordinates for relational schema" #~ msgstr "Uvozi/Izvozi koordinate za relacijsko shemo" #~ msgid "Page has been created." #~ msgstr "Ustvaril sem stran." #~ msgid "Page creation has failed!" #~ msgstr "Ustvarjanje strani je spodletelo!" #~ msgid "Page:" #~ msgstr "Stran:" #~ msgid "Import from selected page." #~ msgstr "Uvozi z izbrane strani." #~ msgid "Export/Import to scale:" #~ msgstr "Izvozi/Uvozi v razmerju:" #~ msgid "recommended" #~ msgstr "priporočeno" #~ msgid "" #~ "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page? Press OK to " #~ "continue or Cancel to stay on the current page." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ste prepričani, da želite zapustiti stran? Pritisnite V redu za " #~ "nadaljevanje ali Prekliči, da ostanete na trenutni strani." #~ msgid "Failed to use Blowfish from mcrypt!" #~ msgstr "Uporaba Blowfish iz mcrypt je spodletela!" #~ msgid "Unfortunately the submission failed." #~ msgstr "Žal, vendar pošiljanje ni uspelo." #~ msgid "Show binary contents as HEX" #~ msgstr "Prikaži dvojiške vsebine kot HEX" #~ msgid "" #~ "The target browser window could not be updated. Maybe you have closed the " #~ "parent window, or your browser's security settings are configured to " #~ "block cross-window updates." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ciljnega okna ni bilo mogoče osvežiti. Morda ste zaprli nadrejeno okno " #~ "ali pa vaš brskalnik blokira osveževanje varnostnih parametrov med okni." #~ msgid "Show binary contents as HEX by default." #~ msgstr "Privzeto prikaži dvojiške vsebine kot HEX." #~ msgid "Failed to connect to SQL validator!" #~ msgstr "Ne morem se povezati s preverjalnikom SQL!" #~ msgid "Skip Validate SQL" #~ msgstr "Preskoči preverjanje pravilnosti SQL stavka" #~ msgid "Validate SQL" #~ msgstr "Preveri pravilnost stavka SQL" #~ msgid "SQL Validator is disabled" #~ msgstr "Preverjalnik SQL je onemogočen" #~ msgid "SQL Validator" #~ msgstr "Preverjalnik SQL" #~ msgid "" #~ "If you wish to use the SQL Validator service, you should be aware that " #~ "[strong]all SQL statements are stored anonymously for statistical " #~ "purposes[/strong].[br][em][a@https://sqlvalidator.mimer.com/]Mimer SQL " #~ "Validator[/a], Copyright 2002 Upright Database Technology. All rights " #~ "reserved.[/em]" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Če želite uporabljati storitev Preverjalnika SQL, se zavedajte, da " #~ "[strong]so vse izjave SQL brezimno shranjene v statistične namene[/" #~ "strong].[br][em][a@https://sqlvalidator.mimer.com/]Mimer SQL Validator[/" #~ "a], Copyright 2002 Upright Database Technology. Vse pravice pridržane.[/" #~ "em]" #~ msgid "Requires SQL Validator to be enabled." #~ msgstr "Potrebuje omogočen Preverjalnik SQL." #~ msgid "" #~ "[strong]Warning:[/strong] requires PHP SOAP extension or PEAR SOAP to be " #~ "installed." #~ msgstr "" #~ "[strong]Opozorilo:[/strong] potrebuje nameščeno razširitev PHP SOAP ali " #~ "PEAR SOAP." #~ msgid "" #~ "If you have a custom username, specify it here (defaults to " #~ "[kbd]anonymous[/kbd])." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Če imate uporabniško ime po meri, ga določite tukaj (privzeto " #~ "[kbd]anonymous[/kbd])." #~ msgid "Validated SQL" #~ msgstr "Preverjen SQL" #~ msgid "" #~ "The SQL validator could not be initialized. Please check if you have " #~ "installed the necessary PHP extensions as described in the %sdocumentation" #~ "%s." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ne morem inicializirati preverjevalnika SQL. Prosimo, preverite, če so " #~ "nameščene vse razširitve PHP, kot je navedeno v %sdokumenaciji%s." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Error: Relation could not be added." #~ msgstr "Napaka: Razmerje ni dodano." #~ msgid "" #~ "One or more errors have occurred while processing your request:" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Med obdelovanjem vaše zahteve je prišlo do ene ali več napak:" #~ msgid "" #~ "After saving or loading a bookmarked search, you can rename it and save " #~ "the new criteria." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Po shranjevanju ali nalaganju zabeleženega iskanja lahko preimenujete ali " #~ "shranite nove kriterije." #~ msgid "" #~ "Leave blank to disable configurable menus feature, suggested: " #~ "[kbd]pma__users[/kbd]." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pustite prazno, da onemogočite zmožnost nastavljivih menijev; predlagano: " #~ "[kbd]pma__users[/kbd]." #~ msgid "" #~ "Leave blank to disable configurable menus feature, suggested: " #~ "[kbd]pma__usergroups[/kbd]." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pustite prazno, da onemogočite zmožnost nastavljivih menijev; predlagano: " #~ "[kbd]pma__usergroups[/kbd]." #~ msgid "ENUM or SET data too long?" #~ msgstr "Podatki ENUM ali SET predolgi?" #~ msgid "Get more editing space" #~ msgstr "Pridobi več prostora za urejanje" #~ msgid "Could not connect to Drizzle server" #~ msgstr "Ne morem se povezati s strežnikom Drizzle" #~ msgid "Could not connect to MySQL server" #~ msgstr "Ne morem se povezati s strežnikom MySQL" #~ msgid "Query took %01.4f sec" #~ msgstr "Poizvedba je potrebovala %01.4f s" #~ msgid "Edit title and labels" #~ msgstr "Uredi naslov in oznake" #~ msgid "Edit chart" #~ msgstr "Uredi grafikon" #~ msgid "Series" #~ msgstr "Serije" #~ msgid "Reload Database" #~ msgstr "Ponovno nalaganje zbirke podatkov" #~ msgid "Table must have at least one column" #~ msgstr "Tabele morajo imeti vsaj en stolpec" #~ msgid "Insert Table" #~ msgstr "Vstavi tabelo" #~ msgid "Hide indexes" #~ msgstr "Skrij indekse" #~ msgid "Show indexes" #~ msgstr "Pokaži indekse" #~ msgid "Add columns" #~ msgstr "Dodaj stolpce" #~ msgid "Skip next" #~ msgstr "Preskoči naslednjo" #~ msgid "bzipped" #~ msgstr "bzipano" #~ msgid "Selected export type has to be saved in file!" #~ msgstr "Izbrana vrsta izvoza mora biti shranjena v datoteko!" #~ msgid "Number of rows to skip, starting from the first row:" #~ msgstr "Število vrstic, ki jih naj preskočim od prve vrstice:" #~ msgid "What PHP extension to use; you should use mysqli if supported" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Katera razširitev PHP naj se uporablja; uporabite mysqli, če je podprt" #~ msgid "PHP extension to use" #~ msgstr "Razširitev PHP za uporabo" #~ msgid "You should use mysqli for performance reasons." #~ msgstr "Zaradi zmogljivostnih razlogov uporabljajte mysqli." #~ msgid "" #~ "Appends text to a string. The only option is the text to be appended " #~ "(enclosed in single quotes, default empty string)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pripone besedilo nizu. Edina možnost je pripenjanje besedila (obdanega v " #~ "enojne narekovaje; privzet je prazen niz)." #~ msgid "" #~ "For a list of available transformation options and their MIME type " #~ "transformations, click on %stransformation descriptions%s" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Za seznam razpoložljivih možnosti pretvorbe in vrst MIME kliknite na " #~ "%sopise transformacij%s" #~ msgid "" #~ "Uncheck this to prevent the sending of error reports for javascript errors" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Počistite to polje, če ne želite pošiljati poročil o napakah v JavaScriptu" #~ msgid "Enable javascript error reporting" #~ msgstr "Omogoči poročanje o napakah v JavaScriptu" #~ msgid "SQL command to fetch available databases" #~ msgstr "Ukaz SQL za pridobitev razpoložljivih zbirk podatkov" #~ msgid "SHOW DATABASES command" #~ msgstr "Ukaz SHOW DATABASES" #~ msgid "" #~ "An error has been detected, however, you seem to be running on a git " #~ "version of phpMyAdmin." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zaznali smo napako, vendar se zdi, da poganjate phpMyAdmin različice git." #~ msgid "" #~ "Automatic report submission cannot be used. Please submit a manual error " #~ "report on the bug tracker." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Samodejnega pošiljanja poročil ne morete uporabiti. Prosimo, oddajte " #~ "ročno poročilo o napaki na sledilnik hroščev." #~ msgid "" #~ "An error has been detected, however, the JavaScript line count file does " #~ "not seem to exist in this phpMyAdmin installation." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zaznali smo napako, vendar se zdi, da datoteka s številom vrstic " #~ "JavaScripta ne obstaja v tej namestitvi phpMyAdmina." #~ msgid "Version check proxy url" #~ msgstr "URL proxyja za preverjanje različice" #~ msgid "Version check proxy username" #~ msgstr "Uporabniško ime proxyja za preverjanje različice" #~ msgid "Version check proxy password" #~ msgstr "Geslo proxyja za preverjanje različice" #~ msgid "Display table comments in tooltips" #~ msgstr "Prikaži pripombe tabel v zaslonskih namigih" #~ msgid "Table %1$s has been created." #~ msgstr "Tabela %1$s je ustvarjena." #~ msgid "This is not a number!" #~ msgstr "To ni število!" #~ msgid "Inline edit of this query" #~ msgstr "Urejanje te poizvedbe v vrstici" #~ msgid "" #~ "Neither URL wrapper nor CURL is available. Version check is not possible." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Na voljo ni ne vmesnik URL ne CURL. Preverjanje različice ni mogoče." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Find" #~ msgstr "Najdi:" #~ msgid "Display all tables with the same width" #~ msgstr "Prikaži vse tabele enake širine" #~ msgid "Headers every %s rows" #~ msgstr "Glave vsakih %s vrstic" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Enable reCaptcha" #~ msgstr "Iskanje po tabeli" #~ msgid "Cookies must be enabled past this point." #~ msgstr "Če želite še naprej uporabljati program, morate omogočiti piškotke." #~ msgid "Rearrange/edit charts" #~ msgstr "Preuredi/uredi grafikone" #~ msgid "Open Document" #~ msgstr "Open Document" #~ msgid "Count tables when showing database list" #~ msgstr "Preštej tabele med prikazovanjem seznama zbirk podatkov" #~ msgid "Count tables" #~ msgstr "Preštej tabele" #~ msgid "" #~ "For further information about replication status on the server, please " #~ "visit the replication section." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Za več informacij o stanju podvojevanja na tem strežniku, prosimo " #~ "obiščite razdelek o podvojevanju." #~ msgid "Table seems to be empty!" #~ msgstr "Tabela je prazna!" #~ msgid "Live traffic chart" #~ msgstr "Grafikon prometa v živo" #~ msgid "Live conn./process chart" #~ msgstr "Grafikon povezav/procesov v živo" #~ msgid "Live query chart" #~ msgstr "Grafikon poizvedb v živo" #~ msgid "Number of rows" #~ msgstr "Število vrstic" #~ msgid "Columns enclosed by" #~ msgstr "Stolpci so obdani z" #~ msgid "Columns escaped by" #~ msgstr "Stolpci so izognjeni z" #~ msgid "Replace NULL by" #~ msgstr "Zamenjaj NULL z" #~ msgid "Lines terminated by" #~ msgstr "Vrstice so zaključene z" #~ msgid "ltr" #~ msgstr "ltr" #~ msgid "Software" #~ msgstr "Programska oprema" #~ msgid "Software version" #~ msgstr "Različica programske opreme" #~ msgid "Width" #~ msgstr "Širina" #~ msgid "Save to file" #~ msgstr "Shrani kot datoteko" #~ msgid "Total count" #~ msgstr "Skupno število" #~ msgid "" #~ "A BLOB column with a maximum length of 65,535 (2^16 - 1) bytes, stored " #~ "with a four-byte prefix indicating the length of the value" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Stolpec BLOB, dolg največ 65.535 (2^16 - 1) znakov, shranjen s " #~ "štiribajtno predpono, ki nakazuje dolžino vrednosti v bajtih" #~ msgid "Improves efficiency of screen refresh" #~ msgstr "Izboljša učinkovitost osvežitve okna" #~ msgid "Enable Ajax" #~ msgstr "Omogoči Ajax" #~ msgid "KiB sent since last refresh" #~ msgstr "KiB poslanih od zadnje osvežitve" #~ msgid "KiB received since last refresh" #~ msgstr "KiB prejetih od zadnje osvežitve" #~ msgid "Server traffic (in KiB)" #~ msgstr "Promet strežnika (v KiB)" #~ msgid "Connections since last refresh" #~ msgstr "Povezav od zadnje osvežitve" #~ msgid "Questions since last refresh" #~ msgstr "Vprašanja od zadnje osvežitve" #~ msgid "Questions (executed statements by the server)" #~ msgstr "Vprašanja (izvedene poizvedbe strežnika)" #~ msgid "Runtime Information" #~ msgstr "Podatki o izvajanju" #~ msgid "Number of data points: " #~ msgstr "Število podatkovnih točk: " #~ msgid "Refresh rate: " #~ msgstr "Hitrost osveževanja: " #~ msgid "Run analyzer" #~ msgstr "Zaženi analitik" #~ msgid "Show more actions" #~ msgstr "Prikaži več dejanj" #~ msgid "Add to index  %s column(s)" #~ msgstr "Dodaj indeksu  %s stolpec(ce)" #~ msgid "Synchronize" #~ msgstr "Sinhroniziraj" #~ msgid "Source database" #~ msgstr "Izvorna zbirka podatkov" #~ msgid "Difference" #~ msgstr "Razlika" #~ msgid "Click to select" #~ msgstr "Kliknite za označitev" #~ msgid "Synchronize databases with master" #~ msgstr "Sinhroniziraj zbirke podatkov z glavnim strežnikom" #~ msgid "Could not connect to the source" #~ msgstr "Ne morem se povezati z virom" #~ msgid "Structure Synchronization" #~ msgstr "Sinhronizacija strukture" #~ msgid "Data Synchronization" #~ msgstr "Sinhronizacija podatkov" #~ msgid "not present" #~ msgstr "ni prisotno" #~ msgid "Structure Difference" #~ msgstr "Razlika zgradbe" #~ msgid "Data Difference" #~ msgstr "Razlika podatkov" #~ msgid "Apply index(s)" #~ msgstr "Uveljavi indeks(e)" #~ msgid "Update row(s)" #~ msgstr "Posodobi vrstico(-e)" #~ msgid "Insert row(s)" #~ msgstr "Vstavi vrstico(-e)" #~ msgid "Would you like to delete all the previous rows from target tables?" #~ msgstr "Ali želite izbrisati vse prejšnje vrstice iz ciljnih tabel?" #~ msgid "Apply Selected Changes" #~ msgstr "Uporabi izbrane spremembe" #~ msgid "Synchronize Databases" #~ msgstr "Sinhroniziraj zbirke podatkov" #~ msgid "Target database has been synchronized with source database." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ciljna zbirka podatkov je bila sinhronizirana z izvorno zbirko podatkov" #~ msgid "Enter manually" #~ msgstr "Vnesite ročno" #~ msgid "Current connection" #~ msgstr "Trenutna povezava" #~ msgid "Socket" #~ msgstr "Vtičnica" #~ msgid "" #~ "Target database will be completely synchronized with source database. " #~ "Source database will remain unchanged." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ciljna zbirka podatkov bo popolnoma sinhronizirana z izvorno zbirko " #~ "podatkov. Izvorna zbirka podatkov bo ostala nespremenjena." #, fuzzy #~ msgctxt "Crate new trigger" #~ msgid "New" #~ msgstr "Novo" #~ msgid "phpMyAdmin is more friendly with a frames-capable browser." #~ msgstr "phpMyAdmin je prijaznejši z brskalnikom, ki podpira okvirje." #~ msgid "Show database listing as a list instead of a drop down." #~ msgstr "Prikaži naštete zbirke podatkov kot seznam namesto spustnega menija" #~ msgid "Display databases in a tree" #~ msgstr "Prikaži zbirke podatkov v drevesu" #~ msgid "Disable this if you want to see all databases at once" #~ msgstr "Onemogočite to, če želite videti vse zbirke podatkov naenkrat" #~ msgid "Use light version" #~ msgstr "Uporabi lahko različico" #~ msgid "" #~ "Maximum number of databases displayed in left frame and database list" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Največje število zbirk podatkov, prikazanih v levem okvirju in na seznamu " #~ "zbirk podatkov" #~ msgid "" #~ "If tooltips are enabled and a database comment is set, this will flip the " #~ "comment and the real name" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Če so zaslonski namigi omogočeni in ima zbirka podatkov določeno " #~ "pripombo, bo to zamenjalo pripombo in pravo ime" #~ msgid "Display database comment instead of its name" #~ msgstr "Prikaži pripombo zbirke podatkov namesto njenega imena" #~ msgid "" #~ "When setting this to [kbd]nested[/kbd], the alias of the table name is " #~ "only used to split/nest the tables according to the " #~ "$cfg['LeftFrameTableSeparator'] directive, so only the folder is called " #~ "like the alias, the table name itself stays unchanged" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ko je nastavljeno na [kbd]nested[/kbd], je pridevek imena tabele " #~ "uporabljen samo za razdružitev/združitev tabel v skladu z določilom " #~ "$cfg['LeftFrameTableSeparator'], zato je samo mapa imenovana kot " #~ "pridevek, sama imena tabel pa ostanejo nespremenjena" #~ msgid "Display table comment instead of its name" #~ msgstr "Prikaži pripombo tabele namesto njenega imena" #~ msgctxt "short form" #~ msgid "Create table" #~ msgstr "Ustvari tabelo" #~ msgctxt "MySQL 5.5 documentation language" #~ msgid "en" #~ msgstr "en" #~ msgctxt "MySQL 5.1 documentation language" #~ msgid "en" #~ msgstr "en" #~ msgctxt "MySQL 5.0 documentation language" #~ msgid "en" #~ msgstr "en" #~ msgctxt "PHP documentation language" #~ msgid "en" #~ msgstr "en" #~ msgid "Do you really want to execute following query?" #~ msgstr "Ali res želite izvesti naslednjo poizvedbo?" #~ msgid "DocSQL" #~ msgstr "DocSQL" #~ msgid "Privileges for all users" #~ msgstr "Privilegiji vseh uporabnikov" #~ msgid "PDF" #~ msgstr "PDF" #~ msgid "PHP array" #~ msgstr "PHP-polje" #~ msgid "" #~ "No description is available for this transformation.
Please ask the " #~ "author what %s does." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Za to pretvorbo ni na voljo opisa.
Za funkcije %s se pozanimajte pri " #~ "avtorju." #~ msgid "" #~ "MIME types printed in italics do not have a separate transformation " #~ "function" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vrste MIME, ki so napisane ležeče, nimajo lastne pretvorbene funkcije" #~ msgid "Usage" #~ msgstr "Uporaba" #~ msgid "Use mousewheel to zoom in or out of the plot." #~ msgstr "Uporabite miškin kolešček za povečevanje ali pomanjševanje izrisa." #~ msgid "Click and drag the mouse to navigate the plot." #~ msgstr "Kliknite in povlecite miško za premikanje po izrisu." #~ msgid "Strings are converted into integer for plotting" #~ msgstr "Nizi so pri izrisovanju pretvorjeni v cela števila" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "String" #~ msgstr "Daljica" #~ msgid "Remove \"./config\" directory before using phpMyAdmin!" #~ msgstr "Pred uporabo phpMyAdmina odstranite mapo \"./config\"!" #~ msgid "A time, range is \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\"" #~ msgstr "Čas; razpon je od »%1$s« do »%2$s«" #~ msgid "Show help button instead of Documentation text" #~ msgstr "Prikaži gumb za pomoč namesto besedila dokumentacije" #~ msgid "Show help button" #~ msgstr "Prikaži gumb za pomoč" #~ msgid "The remaining columns" #~ msgstr "Preostali stolpci" #~ msgid "" #~ "Show affected rows of each statement on multiple-statement queries. See " #~ "libraries/import.lib.php for defaults on how many queries a statement may " #~ "contain." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Prikaže spremenjene vrstice vsakega stavka v večstavčni poizvedbi. " #~ "Oglejte si libraries/import.lib.php za privzete podatke o tem, koliko " #~ "poizvedb lahko stavek vsebuje." #~ msgid "Verbose multiple statements" #~ msgstr "Zgosti večkratne stavke" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Dates only." #~ msgstr "Samo podatki" #~ msgid "" #~ "Suggest a database name on the \"Create Database\" form (if possible) or " #~ "keep the text field empty" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Predlagaj ime zbirke podatkov v obrazcu \"Ustvari zbirko podatkov\" (če " #~ "je le mogoče) ali pusti besedilno polje prazno" #~ msgid "Suggest new database name" #~ msgstr "Predlagaj novo ime zbirke podatkov" #~ msgid "Show icons for warning, error and information messages" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Prikaži ikone za opozorilna sporočila, sporočila o napakah in informacijah" #~ msgid "Iconic errors" #~ msgstr "Napake z ikonami" #~ msgid "Use less graphically intense tabs" #~ msgstr "Uporabi grafično manj zahtevne zavihke" #~ msgid "Light tabs" #~ msgstr "Lahki zavihki" #~ msgid "Use icons on main page" #~ msgstr "Uporabi ikone na glavni strani" #~ msgid "" #~ "Disable if you know that your pma_* tables are up to date. This prevents " #~ "compatibility checks and thereby increases performance" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Onemogočite, če veste, da so vaše tabele pma_* ažurirane. To prepreči " #~ "preverjanja združljivosti in tako poveča zmogljivost" #~ msgid "Verbose check" #~ msgstr "Preverjanje razširitve" #~ msgid "of" #~ msgstr "od" #~ msgid "" #~ "Javascript support is missing or disabled in your browser, some " #~ "phpMyAdmin functionality will be missing. For example navigation frame " #~ "will not refresh automatically." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Podpora JavaScriptu manjka ali je onemogočena v vašem brskalniku, zato " #~ "bodo nekatere funkcije phpMyAdmina manjkale. Na primer navigacijski okvir " #~ "se ne bo osveževal samodejno." #~ msgid "Add a value" #~ msgstr "Dodaj vrednost" #~ msgid "Copy and paste the joined values into the \"Length/Values\" field" #~ msgstr "Kopiraj in prilepi združene vrednosti v polje \"Dolžina/Vrednosti\"" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Tracking for %1$s, version %2$s is deactivated." #~ msgstr "Sledenje %s.%s, različice %s je dezaktivirano." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Tracking for %1$s, version %2$s is activated." #~ msgstr "Sledenje %s.%s, različice %s je aktivirano." #, fuzzy #~ msgctxt "Correctly setup" #~ msgid "OK" #~ msgstr "V redu" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "All users" #~ msgstr "Dodaj uporabnika" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "All hosts" #~ msgstr "Kateri koli gostitelj" #~ msgid "No blob streaming server configured!" #~ msgstr "Strežnik za pretakanje blob ni konfiguriran!" #~ msgid "Failed to open remote URL" #~ msgstr "Oddaljenega URL ni bilo mogoče doseči" #~ msgid "You are about to DISABLE a BLOB Repository!" #~ msgstr "ONEMOGOČILI boste shrambo BLOB!" #~ msgid "" #~ "Are you sure you want to disable all BLOB references for database %s?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ali ste prepričani, da želite onemogočiti vse sklice BLOB za zbirko " #~ "podatkov %s?" #~ msgid "Unknown error while uploading." #~ msgstr "Neznana napaka pri nalaganju." #~ msgid "PBMS error" #~ msgstr "Napaka PBMS" #~ msgid "PBMS connection failed:" #~ msgstr "Povezava s PBMS je spodletela:" #~ msgid "PBMS get BLOB info failed:" #~ msgstr "Pridobivanje informacij BLOB PBMS je spodletelo:" #~ msgid "PBMS get BLOB Content-Type failed" #~ msgstr "Pridobivanje Content-Type BLOB PBMS je spodletelo" #~ msgid "View image" #~ msgstr "Ogled slike" #~ msgid "Play audio" #~ msgstr "Predvajaj avdio" #~ msgid "View video" #~ msgstr "Ogled videa" #~ msgid "Could not open file: %s" #~ msgstr "Ne morem odpreti datoteke: %s" #~ msgid "Garbage Threshold" #~ msgstr "Prag smeti" #~ msgid "" #~ "The percentage of garbage in a repository file before it is compacted." #~ msgstr "Odstotek smeti v shrambni datoteki, preden je ta stisnjena." #~ msgid "" #~ "The port for the PBMS stream-based communications. Setting this value to " #~ "0 will disable HTTP communication with the daemon." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Vrata za pretočna sporazumevanja s PBMS. Nastavitev te vrednosti na 0 bo " #~ "onemogočilo sporazumevanje HTTP s procesom." #~ msgid "Repository Threshold" #~ msgstr "Prag shrambe" #~ msgid "" #~ "The maximum size of a BLOB repository file. You may use Kb, MB or GB to " #~ "indicate the unit of the value. A value in bytes is assumed when no unit " #~ "is specified." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Največja velikost shrambne datoteke BLOB. Lahko uporabite Kb, MB ali GB " #~ "za določitev enote vrednosti. Ko enota ni navedena, se predpostavi " #~ "vrednost v bajtih." #~ msgid "Temp Blob Timeout" #~ msgstr "Časovna omejitev začasnega Blob" #~ msgid "" #~ "The timeout, in seconds, for temporary BLOBs. Uploaded BLOB data is " #~ "removed after this time, unless they are referenced by a record in the " #~ "database." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Časovna omejitev, v sekundah, za začasne BLOB-e. Naloženi podatki BLOB so " #~ "odstranjeni po tem času, razen če se na njih sklicuje zapis v zbirki " #~ "podatkov." #~ msgid "Temp Log Threshold" #~ msgstr "Prag začasnega dnevnika" #~ msgid "" #~ "The maximum size of a temporary BLOB log file. You may use Kb, MB or GB " #~ "to indicate the unit of the value. A value in bytes is assumed when no " #~ "unit is specified." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Največja velikost dnevniške datoteke začasnega BLOB. Lahko uporabite Kb, " #~ "MB ali GB za določitev enote vrednosti. Ko enota ni navedena, se " #~ "predpostavi vrednost v bajtih." #~ msgid "Max Keep Alive" #~ msgstr "Najdaljše vzdrževanje povezave" #~ msgid "" #~ "The timeout for inactive connection with the keep-alive flag set. After " #~ "this time the connection will be closed. The time-out is in milliseconds " #~ "(1/1000)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Časovna omejitev za nedejavne povezave z določeno zastavico keep-alive. " #~ "Po tem času bo povezava prekinjena. Časovna omejitev je v milisekundah " #~ "(1/1000)." #~ msgid "" #~ "A \":\" delimited list of metadata headers to be used to initialize the " #~ "pbms_metadata_header table when a database is created." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Seznam glav metapodatkov, ločenih z \":\", ki bo uporabljen za pripravo " #~ "tabele pbms_metadata_header, ko je ustvarjena zbirka podatkov." #~ msgid "" #~ "Documentation and further information about PBMS can be found on %sThe " #~ "PrimeBase Media Streaming home page%s." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dokumentacijo in nadaljnje informacije o PBMS lahko najdete na %sDomači " #~ "strani PrimeBase Media Streaming%s." #~ msgid "The PrimeBase Media Streaming Blog by Barry Leslie" #~ msgstr "Blog PrimeBase Media Streaming avtorja Barryja Leslieja" #~ msgid "PrimeBase XT Home Page" #~ msgstr "Domača stran PrimeBase XT" #~ msgid "The PrimeBase Media Streaming (PBMS) home page" #~ msgstr "Domača stran PrimeBase Media Streaming (PBMS)" #~ msgctxt "Create none database for user" #~ msgid "None" #~ msgstr "Nobena" #~ msgid "Remove BLOB Repository Reference" #~ msgstr "Odstrani sklic shrambe BLOB" #~ msgid "Upload to BLOB repository" #~ msgstr "Naloži v shrambo BLOB" #~ msgid "" #~ "This configuration make sure that we only keep N (N = MaxTableUiprefs) " #~ "newest record in \"table_uiprefs\" and automatically delete older records" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ta konfiguracija zagotavlja, da v \"table_uiprefs\" hranimo samo N (N = " #~ "MaxTableUiprefs) najnovejših zapisov in da samodejno brišemo starejše " #~ "zapise" #~ msgid "Maximum number of records saved in \"table_uiprefs\" table" #~ msgstr "Največje število zapisov, shranjenih v tabeli \"table_uiprefs\"" #~ msgid "Click to unselect" #~ msgstr "Kliknite za odznačitev" #~ msgid "Modify an index" #~ msgstr "Spremeni indeks" #~ msgid "Column count has to be larger than zero." #~ msgstr "Število stolpcev mora biti večje od nič." #~ msgid "Too many connections are aborted" #~ msgstr "Preveč povezav je prekinjenih" #~ msgid "+ Restart insertion and add a new value" #~ msgstr "+ Ponovno začni vstavljanje in dodaj novo vrednost" #~ msgid "Create Table" #~ msgstr "Ustvari tabelo" #~ msgid "(or the local Drizzle server's socket is not correctly configured)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "(ali pa lokalna vtičnica strežnika Drizzle ni pravilno konfigurirana)" #~ msgid "" #~ "[kbd]horizontal[/kbd], [kbd]vertical[/kbd] or a number that indicates " #~ "maximum number for which vertical model is used" #~ msgstr "" #~ "[kbd]vodoravno[/kbd], [kbd]navpično[/kbd] ali število, ki določa največje " #~ "število za katero bo uporabljena navpična postavitev" #~ msgid "Display direction for altering/creating columns" #~ msgstr "Smer prikaza za spreminjanje/ustvarjanje stolpcev" #~ msgid "Create table on database %s" #~ msgstr "Ustvari novo tabelo v podatkovni zbirki %s" #~ msgid "Data Label" #~ msgstr "Podatkovna oznaka" #~ msgid "Location of the text file" #~ msgstr "Mesto datoteke z besedilom" #~ msgid "MySQL charset" #~ msgstr "Kodna tabela MySQL" #~ msgid "MySQL client version" #~ msgstr "Različica odjemalca MySQL" #~ msgid "Drag and select an area in the plot to zoom into it." #~ msgstr "Povlecite in izberite območje na izrisu, ki ga želite povečati." #~ msgid "" #~ "The display column is shown in pink. To set/unset a column as the display " #~ "column, click the \"Choose column to display\" icon, then click on the " #~ "appropriate column name." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Prikazni stolpec je obarvan pink. Da določite/odstranite stolpec kot " #~ "prikazni stolpec, kliknite ikono \"Izberite stolpec za prikaz\", nato pa " #~ "kliknite na ustrezno ime stolpca." #~ msgid "memcached usage" #~ msgstr "Poraba prostora" #~ msgid "% open files" #~ msgstr "Pokaži odprte tabele" #~ msgid "% connections used" #~ msgstr "Povezave" #~ msgid "% aborted connections" #~ msgstr "Stisni povezavo" #~ msgid "CPU Usage" #~ msgstr "Uporaba CPU" #~ msgid "Memory Usage" #~ msgstr "Uporaba pomnilnika" #~ msgid "Swap Usage" #~ msgstr "Uporaba izmenjevanja" #~ msgid "Excel 97-2003 XLS Workbook" #~ msgstr "Excelov delovni zvezek 97-2003 XLS" #~ msgid "Excel 2007 XLSX Workbook" #~ msgstr "Excelov delovni zvezek 2007 XLSX" #~ msgctxt "PDF" #~ msgid "page" #~ msgstr "strani" #~ msgid "Inline Edit" #~ msgstr "Urejanje v vrstici" #~ msgid "Previous" #~ msgstr "Prejšnji" #~ msgid "" #~ "No themes support; please check your configuration and/or your themes in " #~ "directory %s." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Podprta ni nobena tema; prosimo, preverite vašo konfiguracijo in/ali " #~ "dodajte teme v mapo %s." #~ msgid "Switch to" #~ msgstr "Preklopi na" #~ msgid "settings" #~ msgstr "nastavitve" #~ msgid "Refresh rate:" #~ msgstr "Hitrost osveževanja:" #~ msgid "Clear monitor config" #~ msgstr "Počisti konfiguracijo nadziranja" #~ msgid "Group together INSERTs into same table" #~ msgstr "Združi INSERT-e skupaj v eno tabelo" #~ msgid "Server traffic" #~ msgstr "Promet strežnika" #~ msgid "Issued queries since last refresh" #~ msgstr "Izdane poizvedbe od zadnje osvežitve" #~ msgid "Value too long in the form!" #~ msgstr "Vrednost je predolga v obrazcu!" #~ msgid "Export of event \"%s\"" #~ msgstr "Izvoz dogodka \"%s\"" #~ msgid "The event scheduler is disabled" #~ msgstr "Razporejevalnik dogodkov je onemogočen" #~ msgid "Turn it on" #~ msgstr "Vklopi ga" #~ msgid "Turn it off" #~ msgstr "Izklopi ga" #~ msgid "Export of trigger \"%s\"" #~ msgstr "Izvoz sprožilca \"%s\"" #~ msgid "No trigger with name %s found" #~ msgstr "Najti ni mogoče nobenega sprožilca z imenom %s" #~ msgid "row(s) starting from row #" #~ msgstr "vrstic naprej od vrstice #" #~ msgid "in %s mode and repeat headers after %s cells" #~ msgstr "v %s načinu in ponovi glavo po %s celicah" #~ msgid "" #~ "phpMyAdmin was unable to read your configuration file!
This might " #~ "happen if PHP finds a parse error in it or PHP cannot find the file.
Please call the configuration file directly using the link below and " #~ "read the PHP error message(s) that you receive. In most cases a quote or " #~ "a semicolon is missing somewhere.
If you receive a blank page, " #~ "everything is fine." #~ msgstr "" #~ "phpMyAdmin ni mogel prebrati konfiguracijske datoteke!
To se lahko " #~ "zgodi, če PHP pri prevajanju konfiguracijske datoteke najde napako ali pa " #~ "ne najde datoteke.
Prosimo, odprite konfiguracijsko datoteko s " #~ "povezavo, ki je navedena spodaj in preberite dobljeno sporočilo PHP-ja o " #~ "napaki. V večini primerov gre za manjkajoči narekovaj ali podpičje.
Če dobite prazno stran, je vse v redu." #~ msgid "Dropping Event" #~ msgstr "Brisanje dogodka" #~ msgid "Dropping Procedure" #~ msgstr "Brisanje procedure" #~ msgid "Theme / Style" #~ msgstr "Tema / Slog" #~ msgid "seconds" #~ msgstr "sekund" #~ msgid "Query execution time comparison (in microseconds)" #~ msgstr "Primerjava trajanj izvajanja poizvedb (v mikrosekundah)" #~ msgid "GD extension is needed for charts." #~ msgstr "Za grafikone je potrebna razširitev GD." #~ msgid "JSON encoder is needed for chart tooltips." #~ msgstr "Za zaslonske namige grafikonov je potreben kodirnik JSON." #~ msgid "The number of free memory blocks in query cache." #~ msgstr "Število prostih spominskih blokov v predpomnilniku poizvedb." #~ msgctxt "$strShowStatusReset" #~ msgid "Reset" #~ msgstr "Ponastavi" #~ msgctxt "for Show status" #~ msgid "Reset" #~ msgstr "Ponastavi" #~ msgid "" #~ "Server traffic: These tables show the network traffic statistics " #~ "of this MySQL server since its startup." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Promet na strežniku: V teh tabelah je prikazana statistika " #~ "obremenitve omrežja za ta strežnik MySQL, odkar je bil zagnan." #~ msgid "" #~ "Query statistics: Since its startup, %s queries have been sent to " #~ "the server." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Statistika poizvedbe: Od zagona je bilo strežniku poslanih %s " #~ "poizvedb." #~ msgid "Note: Generating the query chart can take a long time." #~ msgstr "Opomba: Ustvarjanje grafa poizvedbe lahko traja dolgo časa." #~ msgid "" #~ "The result of this query can't be used for a chart. See [doc@faq6-29]FAQ " #~ "6.29[/doc]" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Rezultata te poizvedbe ni mogoče uporabiti za grafikon. Oglejte si " #~ "[doc@faq6-29]FAQ 6.29[/doc]" #~ msgid "Title" #~ msgstr "Naslov" #~ msgid "Area margins" #~ msgstr "Robovi področja" #~ msgid "Legend margins" #~ msgstr "Robovi legende" #~ msgid "Radar" #~ msgstr "Polarni" #~ msgid "Multi" #~ msgstr "Več skupaj" #~ msgid "Continuous image" #~ msgstr "Neprekinjena slika" #~ msgid "" #~ "For compatibility reasons the chart image is segmented by default, select " #~ "this to draw the whole chart in one image." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Zaradi združljivostnih razlogov so slike grafikonov po privzetem " #~ "razčlenjene; izberite to, če želite celotni grafikon narisati kot eno " #~ "sliko." #~ msgid "" #~ "When drawing a radar chart all values are normalized to a range [0..10]." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pri risanju polarnega grafikona so vse vrednosti normalizirane v območju " #~ "[0..10]." #~ msgid "" #~ "Note that not every result table can be put to the chart. See FAQ 6.29" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Pomnite, da vseh tabel rezultatov ni mogoče uporabiti v grafikonu. " #~ "Oglejte si FAQ 6.29" #~ msgid "Add a New User" #~ msgstr "Dodaj novega uporabnika" #~ msgid "Show table row links on left side" #~ msgstr "Prikaži povezave do vrstic tabele na levi strani" #~ msgid "Show table row links on right side" #~ msgstr "Prikaži povezave do vrstic tabele na desni strani" #~ msgid "Background color" #~ msgstr "Barva ozadja" #~ msgid "Choose…" #~ msgstr "Izberite …"