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Diffstat (limited to 'src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoSeam.cpp')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoSeam.cpp b/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoSeam.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c3a8ddd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/slic3r/GUI/Gizmos/GLGizmoSeam.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+#include "GLGizmoSeam.hpp"
+#include "libslic3r/Model.hpp"
+//#include "slic3r/GUI/3DScene.hpp"
+#include "slic3r/GUI/GLCanvas3D.hpp"
+#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_App.hpp"
+#include "slic3r/GUI/ImGuiWrapper.hpp"
+#include "slic3r/GUI/Plater.hpp"
+#include <GL/glew.h>
+namespace Slic3r {
+namespace GUI {
+bool GLGizmoSeam::on_init()
+ m_shortcut_key = WXK_CONTROL_P;
+ m_desc["clipping_of_view"] = _L("Clipping of view") + ": ";
+ m_desc["reset_direction"] = _L("Reset direction");
+ m_desc["cursor_size"] = _L("Brush size") + ": ";
+ m_desc["cursor_type"] = _L("Brush shape") + ": ";
+ m_desc["enforce_caption"] = _L("Left mouse button") + ": ";
+ m_desc["enforce"] = _L("Enforce seam");
+ m_desc["block_caption"] = _L("Right mouse button") + ": ";
+ m_desc["block"] = _L("Block seam");
+ m_desc["remove_caption"] = _L("Shift + Left mouse button") + ": ";
+ m_desc["remove"] = _L("Remove selection");
+ m_desc["remove_all"] = _L("Remove all selection");
+ m_desc["circle"] = _L("Circle");
+ m_desc["sphere"] = _L("Sphere");
+ return true;
+std::string GLGizmoSeam::on_get_name() const
+ return (_L("Seam painting") + " [P]").ToUTF8().data();
+void GLGizmoSeam::render_painter_gizmo() const
+ const Selection& selection = m_parent.get_selection();
+ glsafe(::glEnable(GL_BLEND));
+ glsafe(::glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST));
+ render_triangles(selection);
+ m_c->object_clipper()->render_cut();
+ render_cursor();
+ glsafe(::glDisable(GL_BLEND));
+void GLGizmoSeam::on_render_input_window(float x, float y, float bottom_limit)
+ if (! m_c->selection_info()->model_object())
+ return;
+ const float approx_height = m_imgui->scaled(14.0f);
+ y = std::min(y, bottom_limit - approx_height);
+ m_imgui->set_next_window_pos(x, y, ImGuiCond_Always);
+ m_imgui->begin(on_get_name(), ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse);
+ // First calculate width of all the texts that are could possibly be shown. We will decide set the dialog width based on that:
+ const float clipping_slider_left = std::max(m_imgui->calc_text_size(m_desc.at("clipping_of_view")).x,
+ m_imgui->calc_text_size(m_desc.at("reset_direction")).x)
+ + m_imgui->scaled(1.5f);
+ const float cursor_size_slider_left = m_imgui->calc_text_size(m_desc.at("cursor_size")).x + m_imgui->scaled(1.f);
+ const float cursor_type_radio_left = m_imgui->calc_text_size(m_desc.at("cursor_type")).x + m_imgui->scaled(1.f);
+ const float cursor_type_radio_width1 = m_imgui->calc_text_size(m_desc["circle"]).x
+ + m_imgui->scaled(2.5f);
+ const float cursor_type_radio_width2 = m_imgui->calc_text_size(m_desc["sphere"]).x
+ + m_imgui->scaled(2.5f);
+ const float button_width = m_imgui->calc_text_size(m_desc.at("remove_all")).x + m_imgui->scaled(1.f);
+ const float minimal_slider_width = m_imgui->scaled(4.f);
+ float caption_max = 0.f;
+ float total_text_max = 0.;
+ for (const std::string& t : {"enforce", "block", "remove"}) {
+ caption_max = std::max(caption_max, m_imgui->calc_text_size(m_desc.at(t+"_caption")).x);
+ total_text_max = std::max(total_text_max, caption_max + m_imgui->calc_text_size(m_desc.at(t)).x);
+ }
+ caption_max += m_imgui->scaled(1.f);
+ total_text_max += m_imgui->scaled(1.f);
+ float window_width = minimal_slider_width + std::max(cursor_size_slider_left, clipping_slider_left);
+ window_width = std::max(window_width, total_text_max);
+ window_width = std::max(window_width, button_width);
+ window_width = std::max(window_width, cursor_type_radio_left + cursor_type_radio_width1 + cursor_type_radio_width2);
+ auto draw_text_with_caption = [this, &caption_max](const wxString& caption, const wxString& text) {
+ static const ImVec4 ORANGE(1.0f, 0.49f, 0.22f, 1.0f);
+ m_imgui->text_colored(ORANGE, caption);
+ ImGui::SameLine(caption_max);
+ m_imgui->text(text);
+ };
+ for (const std::string& t : {"enforce", "block", "remove"})
+ draw_text_with_caption(m_desc.at(t + "_caption"), m_desc.at(t));
+ m_imgui->text("");
+ if (m_imgui->button(m_desc.at("remove_all"))) {
+ Plater::TakeSnapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), wxString(_L("Reset selection")));
+ ModelObject* mo = m_c->selection_info()->model_object();
+ int idx = -1;
+ for (ModelVolume* mv : mo->volumes) {
+ if (mv->is_model_part()) {
+ ++idx;
+ m_triangle_selectors[idx]->reset();
+ }
+ }
+ update_model_object();
+ m_parent.set_as_dirty();
+ }
+ const float max_tooltip_width = ImGui::GetFontSize() * 20.0f;
+ m_imgui->text(m_desc.at("cursor_size"));
+ ImGui::SameLine(cursor_size_slider_left);
+ ImGui::PushItemWidth(window_width - cursor_size_slider_left);
+ ImGui::SliderFloat(" ", &m_cursor_radius, CursorRadiusMin, CursorRadiusMax, "%.2f");
+ if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) {
+ ImGui::BeginTooltip();
+ ImGui::PushTextWrapPos(max_tooltip_width);
+ ImGui::TextUnformatted(_L("Alt + Mouse wheel").ToUTF8().data());
+ ImGui::PopTextWrapPos();
+ ImGui::EndTooltip();
+ }
+ ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding();
+ m_imgui->text(m_desc.at("cursor_type"));
+ ImGui::SameLine(cursor_type_radio_left + m_imgui->scaled(0.f));
+ ImGui::PushItemWidth(cursor_type_radio_width1);
+ bool sphere_sel = m_cursor_type == TriangleSelector::CursorType::SPHERE;
+ if (m_imgui->radio_button(m_desc["sphere"], sphere_sel))
+ sphere_sel = true;
+ if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) {
+ ImGui::BeginTooltip();
+ ImGui::PushTextWrapPos(max_tooltip_width);
+ ImGui::TextUnformatted(_L("Paints all facets inside, regardless of their orientation.").ToUTF8().data());
+ ImGui::PopTextWrapPos();
+ ImGui::EndTooltip();
+ }
+ ImGui::SameLine(cursor_type_radio_left + cursor_type_radio_width2 + m_imgui->scaled(0.f));
+ ImGui::PushItemWidth(cursor_type_radio_width2);
+ if (m_imgui->radio_button(m_desc["circle"], ! sphere_sel))
+ sphere_sel = false;
+ if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) {
+ ImGui::BeginTooltip();
+ ImGui::PushTextWrapPos(max_tooltip_width);
+ ImGui::TextUnformatted(_L("Ignores facets facing away from the camera.").ToUTF8().data());
+ ImGui::PopTextWrapPos();
+ ImGui::EndTooltip();
+ }
+ m_cursor_type = sphere_sel
+ ? TriangleSelector::CursorType::SPHERE
+ : TriangleSelector::CursorType::CIRCLE;
+ ImGui::Separator();
+ if (m_c->object_clipper()->get_position() == 0.f)
+ m_imgui->text(m_desc.at("clipping_of_view"));
+ else {
+ if (m_imgui->button(m_desc.at("reset_direction"))) {
+ wxGetApp().CallAfter([this](){
+ m_c->object_clipper()->set_position(-1., false);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ ImGui::SameLine(clipping_slider_left);
+ ImGui::PushItemWidth(window_width - clipping_slider_left);
+ float clp_dist = m_c->object_clipper()->get_position();
+ if (ImGui::SliderFloat(" ", &clp_dist, 0.f, 1.f, "%.2f"))
+ m_c->object_clipper()->set_position(clp_dist, true);
+ if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) {
+ ImGui::BeginTooltip();
+ ImGui::PushTextWrapPos(max_tooltip_width);
+ ImGui::TextUnformatted(_L("Ctrl + Mouse wheel").ToUTF8().data());
+ ImGui::PopTextWrapPos();
+ ImGui::EndTooltip();
+ }
+ m_imgui->end();
+void GLGizmoSeam::update_model_object() const
+ bool updated = false;
+ ModelObject* mo = m_c->selection_info()->model_object();
+ int idx = -1;
+ for (ModelVolume* mv : mo->volumes) {
+ if (! mv->is_model_part())
+ continue;
+ ++idx;
+ updated |= mv->seam_facets.set(*m_triangle_selectors[idx].get());
+ }
+ if (updated)
+ m_parent.post_event(SimpleEvent(EVT_GLCANVAS_SCHEDULE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS));
+void GLGizmoSeam::update_from_model_object()
+ wxBusyCursor wait;
+ const ModelObject* mo = m_c->selection_info()->model_object();
+ m_triangle_selectors.clear();
+ int volume_id = -1;
+ for (const ModelVolume* mv : mo->volumes) {
+ if (! mv->is_model_part())
+ continue;
+ ++volume_id;
+ // This mesh does not account for the possible Z up SLA offset.
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh = &mv->mesh();
+ m_triangle_selectors.emplace_back(std::make_unique<TriangleSelectorGUI>(*mesh));
+ m_triangle_selectors.back()->deserialize(mv->seam_facets.get_data());
+ }
+PainterGizmoType GLGizmoSeam::get_painter_type() const
+ return PainterGizmoType::SEAM;
+} // namespace GUI
+} // namespace Slic3r