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Diffstat (limited to 'src/slic3r/GUI/OG_CustomCtrl.cpp')
1 files changed, 745 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/slic3r/GUI/OG_CustomCtrl.cpp b/src/slic3r/GUI/OG_CustomCtrl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07b96755d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/slic3r/GUI/OG_CustomCtrl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
+#include "OG_CustomCtrl.hpp"
+#include "OptionsGroup.hpp"
+#include "Plater.hpp"
+#include "GUI_App.hpp"
+#include "libslic3r/AppConfig.hpp"
+#include <wx/utils.h>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
+#include "libslic3r/Utils.hpp"
+#include "I18N.hpp"
+#include "format.hpp"
+namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI {
+static bool is_point_in_rect(const wxPoint& pt, const wxRect& rect)
+ return rect.GetLeft() <= pt.x && pt.x <= rect.GetRight() &&
+ rect.GetTop() <= pt.y && pt.y <= rect.GetBottom();
+static wxSize get_bitmap_size(const wxBitmap& bmp)
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ return bmp.GetScaledSize();
+ return bmp.GetSize();
+static wxString get_url(const wxString& path_end, bool get_default = false)
+ if (path_end.IsEmpty())
+ return wxEmptyString;
+ wxString language = wxGetApp().app_config->get("translation_language");
+ wxString lang_marker = language.IsEmpty() ? "en" : language.BeforeFirst('_');
+ return wxString("https://help.prusa3d.com/") + lang_marker + "/article/" + path_end;
+OG_CustomCtrl::OG_CustomCtrl( wxWindow* parent,
+ OptionsGroup* og,
+ const wxPoint& pos /* = wxDefaultPosition*/,
+ const wxSize& size/* = wxDefaultSize*/,
+ const wxValidator& val /* = wxDefaultValidator*/,
+ const wxString& name/* = wxEmptyString*/) :
+ wxPanel(parent, wxID_ANY, pos, size, /*wxWANTS_CHARS |*/ wxBORDER_NONE | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL),
+ opt_group(og)
+ if (!wxOSX)
+ SetDoubleBuffered(true);// SetDoubleBuffered exists on Win and Linux/GTK, but is missing on OSX
+ m_font = wxGetApp().normal_font();
+ m_em_unit = em_unit(m_parent);
+ m_v_gap = lround(1.0 * m_em_unit);
+ m_h_gap = lround(0.2 * m_em_unit);
+ m_bmp_mode_sz = get_bitmap_size(create_scaled_bitmap("mode_simple", this, wxOSX ? 10 : 12));
+ m_bmp_blinking_sz = get_bitmap_size(create_scaled_bitmap("search_blink", this));
+ init_ctrl_lines();// from og.lines()
+ this->Bind(wxEVT_PAINT, &OG_CustomCtrl::OnPaint, this);
+ this->Bind(wxEVT_MOTION, &OG_CustomCtrl::OnMotion, this);
+ this->Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &OG_CustomCtrl::OnLeftDown, this);
+ this->Bind(wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, &OG_CustomCtrl::OnLeaveWin, this);
+void OG_CustomCtrl::init_ctrl_lines()
+ const std::vector<Line>& og_lines = opt_group->get_lines();
+ for (const Line& line : og_lines)
+ {
+ if (line.full_width && (
+ // description line
+ line.widget != nullptr ||
+ // description line with widget (button)
+ !line.get_extra_widgets().empty())
+ )
+ continue;
+ const std::vector<Option>& option_set = line.get_options();
+ wxCoord height;
+ // if we have a single option with no label, no sidetext just add it directly to sizer
+ if (option_set.size() == 1 && opt_group->label_width == 0 && option_set.front().opt.full_width &&
+ option_set.front().opt.label.empty() &&
+ option_set.front().opt.sidetext.size() == 0 && option_set.front().side_widget == nullptr &&
+ line.get_extra_widgets().size() == 0)
+ {
+ height = m_bmp_blinking_sz.GetHeight() + m_v_gap;
+ ctrl_lines.emplace_back(CtrlLine(height, this, line, true));
+ }
+ else if (opt_group->label_width != 0 && (!line.label.IsEmpty() || option_set.front().opt.gui_type == "legend") )
+ {
+ wxSize label_sz = GetTextExtent(line.label);
+ height = label_sz.y * (label_sz.GetWidth() > int(opt_group->label_width * m_em_unit) ? 2 : 1) + m_v_gap;
+ ctrl_lines.emplace_back(CtrlLine(height, this, line, false, opt_group->staticbox));
+ }
+ else
+ int i = 0;
+ }
+int OG_CustomCtrl::get_height(const Line& line)
+ for (auto ctrl_line : ctrl_lines)
+ if (&ctrl_line.og_line == &line)
+ return ctrl_line.height;
+ return 0;
+wxPoint OG_CustomCtrl::get_pos(const Line& line, Field* field_in/* = nullptr*/)
+ wxCoord v_pos = 0;
+ wxCoord h_pos = 0;
+ auto correct_line_height = [](int& line_height, wxWindow* win)
+ {
+ int win_height = win->GetSize().GetHeight();
+ if (line_height < win_height)
+ line_height = win_height;
+ };
+ for (CtrlLine& ctrl_line : ctrl_lines) {
+ if (&ctrl_line.og_line == &line)
+ {
+ h_pos = m_bmp_mode_sz.GetWidth() + m_h_gap;
+ if (line.near_label_widget_win) {
+ wxSize near_label_widget_sz = line.near_label_widget_win->GetSize();
+ if (field_in)
+ h_pos += near_label_widget_sz.GetWidth() + m_h_gap;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ wxString label = line.label;
+ if (opt_group->label_width != 0)
+ h_pos += opt_group->label_width * m_em_unit + m_h_gap;
+ int blinking_button_width = m_bmp_blinking_sz.GetWidth() + m_h_gap;
+ if (line.widget) {
+ h_pos += blinking_button_width;
+ for (auto child : line.widget_sizer->GetChildren())
+ if (child->IsWindow())
+ correct_line_height(ctrl_line.height, child->GetWindow());
+ break;
+ }
+ // If we have a single option with no sidetext
+ const std::vector<Option>& option_set = line.get_options();
+ if (option_set.size() == 1 && option_set.front().opt.sidetext.size() == 0 &&
+ option_set.front().opt.label.empty() &&
+ option_set.front().side_widget == nullptr && line.get_extra_widgets().size() == 0)
+ {
+ h_pos += 3 * blinking_button_width;
+ Field* field = opt_group->get_field(option_set.front().opt_id);
+ correct_line_height(ctrl_line.height, field->getWindow());
+ break;
+ }
+ for (auto opt : option_set) {
+ Field* field = opt_group->get_field(opt.opt_id);
+ correct_line_height(ctrl_line.height, field->getWindow());
+ ConfigOptionDef option = opt.opt;
+ // add label if any
+ if (!option.label.empty()) {
+ //! To correct translation by context have to use wxGETTEXT_IN_CONTEXT macro from wxWidget 3.1.1
+ label = (option.label == L_CONTEXT("Top", "Layers") || option.label == L_CONTEXT("Bottom", "Layers")) ?
+ _CTX(option.label, "Layers") : _(option.label);
+ label += ":";
+ wxCoord label_w, label_h;
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ // when we use 2 monitors with different DPIs, GetTextExtent() return value for the primary display
+ // so, use dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent on Windows
+ wxClientDC dc(this);
+ dc.SetFont(m_font);
+ dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(label, &label_w, &label_h);
+ GetTextExtent(label, &label_w, &label_h, 0, 0, &m_font);
+#endif //__WXMSW__
+ h_pos += label_w + 1 + m_h_gap;
+ }
+ h_pos += (opt.opt.gui_type == "legend" ? 1 : 3) * blinking_button_width;
+ if (field == field_in)
+ break;
+ if (opt.opt.gui_type == "legend")
+ h_pos += 2 * blinking_button_width;
+ h_pos += field->getWindow()->GetSize().x;
+ if (option_set.size() == 1 && option_set.front().opt.full_width)
+ break;
+ // add sidetext if any
+ if (!option.sidetext.empty() || opt_group->sidetext_width > 0)
+ h_pos += opt_group->sidetext_width * m_em_unit + m_h_gap;
+ if (opt.opt_id != option_set.back().opt_id) //! istead of (opt != option_set.back())
+ h_pos += lround(0.6 * m_em_unit);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ctrl_line.is_visible)
+ v_pos += ctrl_line.height;
+ }
+ return wxPoint(h_pos, v_pos);
+void OG_CustomCtrl::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent&)
+ // case, when custom controll is destroyed but doesn't deleted from the evet loop
+ if(!this->opt_group->custom_ctrl)
+ return;
+ wxPaintDC dc(this);
+ dc.SetFont(m_font);
+ wxCoord v_pos = 0;
+ for (CtrlLine& line : ctrl_lines) {
+ if (!line.is_visible)
+ continue;
+ line.render(dc, v_pos);
+ v_pos += line.height;
+ }
+void OG_CustomCtrl::OnMotion(wxMouseEvent& event)
+ const wxPoint pos = event.GetLogicalPosition(wxClientDC(this));
+ wxString tooltip;
+ wxString language = wxGetApp().app_config->get("translation_language");
+ bool suppress_hyperlinks = get_app_config()->get("suppress_hyperlinks") == "1";
+ for (CtrlLine& line : ctrl_lines) {
+ line.is_focused = is_point_in_rect(pos, line.rect_label);
+ if (line.is_focused) {
+ if (!suppress_hyperlinks && !line.og_line.label_path.empty())
+ tooltip = get_url(line.og_line.label_path) +"\n\n";
+ tooltip += line.og_line.label_tooltip;
+ break;
+ }
+ for (size_t opt_idx = 0; opt_idx < line.rects_undo_icon.size(); opt_idx++)
+ if (is_point_in_rect(pos, line.rects_undo_icon[opt_idx])) {
+ const std::vector<Option>& option_set = line.og_line.get_options();
+ Field* field = opt_group->get_field(option_set[opt_idx].opt_id);
+ if (field)
+ tooltip = *field->undo_tooltip();
+ break;
+ }
+ for (size_t opt_idx = 0; opt_idx < line.rects_undo_to_sys_icon.size(); opt_idx++)
+ if (is_point_in_rect(pos, line.rects_undo_to_sys_icon[opt_idx])) {
+ const std::vector<Option>& option_set = line.og_line.get_options();
+ Field* field = opt_group->get_field(option_set[opt_idx].opt_id);
+ if (field)
+ tooltip = *field->undo_to_sys_tooltip();
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!tooltip.IsEmpty())
+ break;
+ }
+ // Set tooltips with information for each icon
+ this->SetToolTip(tooltip);
+ Refresh();
+ Update();
+ event.Skip();
+void OG_CustomCtrl::OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event)
+ const wxPoint pos = event.GetLogicalPosition(wxClientDC(this));
+ for (const CtrlLine& line : ctrl_lines) {
+ if (line.launch_browser())
+ return;
+ for (size_t opt_idx = 0; opt_idx < line.rects_undo_icon.size(); opt_idx++)
+ if (is_point_in_rect(pos, line.rects_undo_icon[opt_idx])) {
+ const std::vector<Option>& option_set = line.og_line.get_options();
+ Field* field = opt_group->get_field(option_set[opt_idx].opt_id);
+ if (field)
+ field->on_back_to_initial_value();
+ event.Skip();
+ return;
+ }
+ for (size_t opt_idx = 0; opt_idx < line.rects_undo_to_sys_icon.size(); opt_idx++)
+ if (is_point_in_rect(pos, line.rects_undo_to_sys_icon[opt_idx])) {
+ const std::vector<Option>& option_set = line.og_line.get_options();
+ Field* field = opt_group->get_field(option_set[opt_idx].opt_id);
+ if (field)
+ field->on_back_to_sys_value();
+ event.Skip();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void OG_CustomCtrl::OnLeaveWin(wxMouseEvent& event)
+ for (CtrlLine& line : ctrl_lines)
+ line.is_focused = false;
+ Refresh();
+ Update();
+ event.Skip();
+bool OG_CustomCtrl::update_visibility(ConfigOptionMode mode)
+ wxCoord v_pos = 0;
+ size_t invisible_lines = 0;
+ for (CtrlLine& line : ctrl_lines) {
+ line.update_visibility(mode);
+ if (line.is_visible)
+ v_pos += (wxCoord)line.height;
+ else
+ invisible_lines++;
+ }
+ this->SetMinSize(wxSize(wxDefaultCoord, v_pos));
+ return invisible_lines != ctrl_lines.size();
+void OG_CustomCtrl::correct_window_position(wxWindow* win, const Line& line, Field* field/* = nullptr*/)
+ wxPoint pos = get_pos(line, field);
+ int line_height = get_height(line);
+ pos.y += std::max(0, int(0.5 * (line_height - win->GetSize().y)));
+ win->SetPosition(pos);
+void OG_CustomCtrl::correct_widgets_position(wxSizer* widget, const Line& line, Field* field/* = nullptr*/) {
+ auto children = widget->GetChildren();
+ wxPoint line_pos = get_pos(line, field);
+ int line_height = get_height(line);
+ for (auto child : children)
+ if (child->IsWindow()) {
+ wxPoint pos = line_pos;
+ wxSize sz = child->GetWindow()->GetSize();
+ pos.y += std::max(0, int(0.5 * (line_height - sz.y)));
+ child->GetWindow()->SetPosition(pos);
+ line_pos.x += sz.x + m_h_gap;
+ }
+void OG_CustomCtrl::msw_rescale()
+ m_font = wxGetApp().normal_font();
+ m_em_unit = em_unit(m_parent);
+ m_v_gap = lround(1.0 * m_em_unit);
+ m_h_gap = lround(0.2 * m_em_unit);
+ m_bmp_mode_sz = create_scaled_bitmap("mode_simple", this, wxOSX ? 10 : 12).GetSize();
+ m_bmp_blinking_sz = create_scaled_bitmap("search_blink", this).GetSize();
+ wxCoord v_pos = 0;
+ for (CtrlLine& line : ctrl_lines) {
+ line.msw_rescale();
+ if (line.is_visible)
+ v_pos += (wxCoord)line.height;
+ }
+ this->SetMinSize(wxSize(wxDefaultCoord, v_pos));
+ GetParent()->Layout();
+void OG_CustomCtrl::sys_color_changed()
+ msw_rescale();
+OG_CustomCtrl::CtrlLine::CtrlLine( wxCoord height,
+ OG_CustomCtrl* ctrl,
+ const Line& og_line,
+ bool draw_just_act_buttons /* = false*/,
+ bool draw_mode_bitmap/* = true*/):
+ height(height),
+ ctrl(ctrl),
+ og_line(og_line),
+ draw_just_act_buttons(draw_just_act_buttons),
+ draw_mode_bitmap(draw_mode_bitmap)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < og_line.get_options().size(); i++) {
+ rects_undo_icon.emplace_back(wxRect());
+ rects_undo_to_sys_icon.emplace_back(wxRect());
+ }
+void OG_CustomCtrl::CtrlLine::correct_items_positions()
+ if (draw_just_act_buttons || !is_visible)
+ return;
+ if (og_line.near_label_widget_win)
+ ctrl->correct_window_position(og_line.near_label_widget_win, og_line);
+ if (og_line.widget_sizer)
+ ctrl->correct_widgets_position(og_line.widget_sizer, og_line);
+ if (og_line.extra_widget_sizer)
+ ctrl->correct_widgets_position(og_line.extra_widget_sizer, og_line);
+ const std::vector<Option>& option_set = og_line.get_options();
+ for (auto opt : option_set) {
+ Field* field = ctrl->opt_group->get_field(opt.opt_id);
+ if (!field)
+ continue;
+ if (field->getSizer())
+ ctrl->correct_widgets_position(field->getSizer(), og_line, field);
+ else if (field->getWindow())
+ ctrl->correct_window_position(field->getWindow(), og_line, field);
+ }
+void OG_CustomCtrl::CtrlLine::msw_rescale()
+ // if we have a single option with no label, no sidetext
+ if (draw_just_act_buttons)
+ height = get_bitmap_size(create_scaled_bitmap("empty")).GetHeight();
+ if (ctrl->opt_group->label_width != 0 && !og_line.label.IsEmpty()) {
+ wxSize label_sz = ctrl->GetTextExtent(og_line.label);
+ height = label_sz.y * (label_sz.GetWidth() > int(ctrl->opt_group->label_width * ctrl->m_em_unit) ? 2 : 1) + ctrl->m_v_gap;
+ }
+ correct_items_positions();
+void OG_CustomCtrl::CtrlLine::update_visibility(ConfigOptionMode mode)
+ const std::vector<Option>& option_set = og_line.get_options();
+ const ConfigOptionMode& line_mode = option_set.front().opt.mode;
+ is_visible = line_mode <= mode;
+ if (draw_just_act_buttons)
+ return;
+ if (og_line.near_label_widget_win)
+ og_line.near_label_widget_win->Show(is_visible);
+ if (og_line.widget_sizer)
+ og_line.widget_sizer->ShowItems(is_visible);
+ if (og_line.extra_widget_sizer)
+ og_line.extra_widget_sizer->ShowItems(is_visible);
+ for (auto opt : option_set) {
+ Field* field = ctrl->opt_group->get_field(opt.opt_id);
+ if (!field)
+ continue;
+ if (field->getSizer()) {
+ auto children = field->getSizer()->GetChildren();
+ for (auto child : children)
+ if (child->IsWindow())
+ child->GetWindow()->Show(is_visible);
+ }
+ else if (field->getWindow())
+ field->getWindow()->Show(is_visible);
+ }
+ correct_items_positions();
+void OG_CustomCtrl::CtrlLine::render(wxDC& dc, wxCoord v_pos)
+ Field* field = ctrl->opt_group->get_field(og_line.get_options().front().opt_id);
+ bool suppress_hyperlinks = get_app_config()->get("suppress_hyperlinks") == "1";
+ if (draw_just_act_buttons) {
+ if (field)
+ draw_act_bmps(dc, wxPoint(0, v_pos), field->undo_to_sys_bitmap()->bmp(), field->undo_bitmap()->bmp(), field->blink());
+ return;
+ }
+ wxCoord h_pos = draw_mode_bmp(dc, v_pos);
+ if (og_line.near_label_widget_win)
+ h_pos += og_line.near_label_widget_win->GetSize().x + ctrl->m_h_gap;
+ const std::vector<Option>& option_set = og_line.get_options();
+ wxString label = og_line.label;
+ bool is_url_string = false;
+ if (ctrl->opt_group->label_width != 0 && !label.IsEmpty()) {
+ const wxColour* text_clr = (option_set.size() == 1 && field ? field->label_color() : og_line.full_Label_color);
+ is_url_string = !suppress_hyperlinks && !og_line.label_path.IsEmpty();
+ h_pos = draw_text(dc, wxPoint(h_pos, v_pos), label + ":", text_clr, ctrl->opt_group->label_width * ctrl->m_em_unit, is_url_string);
+ }
+ // If there's a widget, build it and set result to the correct position.
+ if (og_line.widget != nullptr) {
+ draw_blinking_bmp(dc, wxPoint(h_pos, v_pos), og_line.blink);
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we're here, we have more than one option or a single option with sidetext
+ // so we need a horizontal sizer to arrange these things
+ // If we have a single option with no sidetext just add it directly to the grid sizer
+ if (option_set.size() == 1 && option_set.front().opt.sidetext.size() == 0 &&
+ option_set.front().opt.label.empty() &&
+ option_set.front().side_widget == nullptr && og_line.get_extra_widgets().size() == 0)
+ {
+ if (field && field->undo_to_sys_bitmap())
+ h_pos = draw_act_bmps(dc, wxPoint(h_pos, v_pos), field->undo_to_sys_bitmap()->bmp(), field->undo_bitmap()->bmp(), field->blink()) + ctrl->m_h_gap;
+ // update width for full_width fields
+ if (option_set.front().opt.full_width && field->getWindow())
+ field->getWindow()->SetSize(ctrl->GetSize().x - h_pos, -1);
+ return;
+ }
+ size_t bmp_rect_id = 0;
+ for (const Option& opt : option_set) {
+ field = ctrl->opt_group->get_field(opt.opt_id);
+ ConfigOptionDef option = opt.opt;
+ // add label if any
+ if (!option.label.empty()) {
+ //! To correct translation by context have to use wxGETTEXT_IN_CONTEXT macro from wxWidget 3.1.1
+ label = (option.label == L_CONTEXT("Top", "Layers") || option.label == L_CONTEXT("Bottom", "Layers")) ?
+ _CTX(option.label, "Layers") : _(option.label);
+ label += ":";
+ if (is_url_string)
+ is_url_string = false;
+ else if(opt == option_set.front())
+ is_url_string = !suppress_hyperlinks && !og_line.label_path.IsEmpty();
+ h_pos = draw_text(dc, wxPoint(h_pos, v_pos), label, field ? field->label_color() : nullptr, ctrl->opt_group->sublabel_width * ctrl->m_em_unit, is_url_string);
+ }
+ if (field && field->undo_to_sys_bitmap()) {
+ h_pos = draw_act_bmps(dc, wxPoint(h_pos, v_pos), field->undo_to_sys_bitmap()->bmp(), field->undo_bitmap()->bmp(), field->blink(), bmp_rect_id++);
+ if (field->getSizer())
+ {
+ auto children = field->getSizer()->GetChildren();
+ for (auto child : children)
+ if (child->IsWindow())
+ h_pos += child->GetWindow()->GetSize().x + ctrl->m_h_gap;
+ }
+ else if (field->getWindow())
+ h_pos += field->getWindow()->GetSize().x + ctrl->m_h_gap;
+ }
+ // add field
+ if (option_set.size() == 1 && option_set.front().opt.full_width)
+ break;
+ // add sidetext if any
+ if (!option.sidetext.empty() || ctrl->opt_group->sidetext_width > 0)
+ h_pos = draw_text(dc, wxPoint(h_pos, v_pos), _(option.sidetext), nullptr, ctrl->opt_group->sidetext_width * ctrl->m_em_unit);
+ if (opt.opt_id != option_set.back().opt_id) //! istead of (opt != option_set.back())
+ h_pos += lround(0.6 * ctrl->m_em_unit);
+ }
+wxCoord OG_CustomCtrl::CtrlLine::draw_mode_bmp(wxDC& dc, wxCoord v_pos)
+ if (!draw_mode_bitmap)
+ return ctrl->m_h_gap;
+ ConfigOptionMode mode = og_line.get_options()[0].opt.mode;
+ const std::string& bmp_name = mode == ConfigOptionMode::comSimple ? "mode_simple" :
+ mode == ConfigOptionMode::comAdvanced ? "mode_advanced" : "mode_expert";
+ wxBitmap bmp = create_scaled_bitmap(bmp_name, ctrl, wxOSX ? 10 : 12);
+ wxCoord y_draw = v_pos + lround((height - get_bitmap_size(bmp).GetHeight()) / 2);
+ if (og_line.get_options().front().opt.gui_type != "legend")
+ dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, 0, y_draw);
+ return get_bitmap_size(bmp).GetWidth() + ctrl->m_h_gap;
+wxCoord OG_CustomCtrl::CtrlLine::draw_text(wxDC& dc, wxPoint pos, const wxString& text, const wxColour* color, int width, bool is_url/* = false*/)
+ wxString multiline_text;
+ if (width > 0 && dc.GetTextExtent(text).x > width) {
+ multiline_text = text;
+ size_t idx = size_t(-1);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < multiline_text.Len(); i++)
+ {
+ if (multiline_text[i] == ' ')
+ {
+ if (dc.GetTextExtent(multiline_text.SubString(0, i)).x < width)
+ idx = i;
+ else {
+ if (idx != size_t(-1))
+ multiline_text[idx] = '\n';
+ else
+ multiline_text[i] = '\n';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (idx != size_t(-1))
+ multiline_text[idx] = '\n';
+ }
+ if (!text.IsEmpty()) {
+ const wxString& out_text = multiline_text.IsEmpty() ? text : multiline_text;
+ wxCoord text_width, text_height;
+ dc.GetMultiLineTextExtent(out_text, &text_width, &text_height);
+ pos.y = pos.y + lround((height - text_height) / 2);
+ if (width > 0)
+ rect_label = wxRect(pos, wxSize(text_width, text_height));
+ wxColour old_clr = dc.GetTextForeground();
+ wxFont old_font = dc.GetFont();
+ if (is_focused && is_url)
+ // temporary workaround for the OSX because of strange Bold font behavior on BigSerf
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ dc.SetFont(old_font.Underlined());
+ dc.SetFont(old_font.Bold().Underlined());
+ dc.SetTextForeground(color ? *color : wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT));
+ dc.DrawText(out_text, pos);
+ dc.SetTextForeground(old_clr);
+ dc.SetFont(old_font);
+ if (width < 1)
+ width = text_width;
+ }
+ return pos.x + width + ctrl->m_h_gap;
+wxPoint OG_CustomCtrl::CtrlLine::draw_blinking_bmp(wxDC& dc, wxPoint pos, bool is_blinking)
+ wxBitmap bmp_blinking = create_scaled_bitmap(is_blinking ? "search_blink" : "empty", ctrl);
+ wxCoord h_pos = pos.x;
+ wxCoord v_pos = pos.y + lround((height - get_bitmap_size(bmp_blinking).GetHeight()) / 2);
+ dc.DrawBitmap(bmp_blinking, h_pos, v_pos);
+ int bmp_dim = get_bitmap_size(bmp_blinking).GetWidth();
+ h_pos += bmp_dim + ctrl->m_h_gap;
+ return wxPoint(h_pos, v_pos);
+wxCoord OG_CustomCtrl::CtrlLine::draw_act_bmps(wxDC& dc, wxPoint pos, const wxBitmap& bmp_undo_to_sys, const wxBitmap& bmp_undo, bool is_blinking, size_t rect_id)
+ pos = draw_blinking_bmp(dc, pos, is_blinking);
+ wxCoord h_pos = pos.x;
+ wxCoord v_pos = pos.y;
+ dc.DrawBitmap(bmp_undo_to_sys, h_pos, v_pos);
+ int bmp_dim = get_bitmap_size(bmp_undo_to_sys).GetWidth();
+ rects_undo_to_sys_icon[rect_id] = wxRect(h_pos, v_pos, bmp_dim, bmp_dim);
+ h_pos += bmp_dim + ctrl->m_h_gap;
+ dc.DrawBitmap(bmp_undo, h_pos, v_pos);
+ bmp_dim = get_bitmap_size(bmp_undo).GetWidth();
+ rects_undo_icon[rect_id] = wxRect(h_pos, v_pos, bmp_dim, bmp_dim);
+ h_pos += bmp_dim + ctrl->m_h_gap;
+ return h_pos;
+bool OG_CustomCtrl::CtrlLine::launch_browser() const
+ if (!is_focused || og_line.label_path.IsEmpty())
+ return false;
+ bool launch = true;
+ if (get_app_config()->get("suppress_hyperlinks").empty()) {
+ RememberChoiceDialog dialog(nullptr, _L("Should we open this hyperlink in your default browser?"), _L("PrusaSlicer: Open hyperlink"));
+ int answer = dialog.ShowModal();
+ launch = answer == wxID_YES;
+ get_app_config()->set("suppress_hyperlinks", dialog.remember_choice() ? (answer == wxID_NO ? "1" : "0") : "");
+ }
+ if (launch)
+ launch = get_app_config()->get("suppress_hyperlinks") != "1";
+ return launch && wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(get_url(og_line.label_path));
+RememberChoiceDialog::RememberChoiceDialog(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& msg_text, const wxString& caption)
+ : wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, caption, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxICON_INFORMATION)
+ this->SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW));
+ this->SetEscapeId(wxID_CLOSE);
+ wxBoxSizer* topSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ m_remember_choice = new wxCheckBox(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Remember my choice"));
+ m_remember_choice->SetValue(false);
+ m_remember_choice->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, [this](wxCommandEvent& evt)
+ {
+ if (!evt.IsChecked())
+ return;
+ wxString preferences_item = _L("Suppress to open hyperlink in browser");
+ wxString msg =
+ _L("PrusaSlicer will remember your choice.") + "\n\n" +
+ _L("You will not be asked about it again on label hovering.") + "\n\n" +
+ format_wxstr(_L("Visit \"Preferences\" and check \"%1%\"\nto changes your choice."), preferences_item);
+ wxMessageDialog dialog(nullptr, msg, _L("PrusaSlicer: Don't ask me again"), wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxICON_INFORMATION);
+ if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL)
+ m_remember_choice->SetValue(false);
+ });
+ // Add dialog's buttons
+ wxStdDialogButtonSizer* btns = this->CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxYES | wxNO);
+ wxButton* btnYES = static_cast<wxButton*>(this->FindWindowById(wxID_YES, this));
+ wxButton* btnNO = static_cast<wxButton*>(this->FindWindowById(wxID_NO, this));
+ btnYES->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { this->EndModal(wxID_YES); });
+ btnNO->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [this](wxCommandEvent&) { this->EndModal(wxID_NO); });
+ topSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, msg_text), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
+ topSizer->Add(m_remember_choice, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
+ topSizer->Add(btns, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);
+ this->SetSizer(topSizer);
+ topSizer->SetSizeHints(this);
+ this->CenterOnScreen();
+} // GUI
+} // Slic3r