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github.com/stevedonovan/Penlight.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
path: root/lua
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authorThijs Schreijer <thijs@thijsschreijer.nl>2022-01-05 21:37:31 +0300
committerThijs Schreijer <thijs@thijsschreijer.nl>2022-01-10 13:59:11 +0300
commit2c4a32dea4c24f185fe5f863867841b8fda3bafb (patch)
treee81ec73bfa5ee2c3bcbf1addd530d2f55f916c89 /lua
parent6031edda456663f6e61fa80b1b56885a818f1202 (diff)
deprecate(text) deprecate the 'pl.text' module
Diffstat (limited to 'lua')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/lua/pl/text.lua b/lua/pl/text.lua
index eaf1cee..fe07754 100644
--- a/lua/pl/text.lua
+++ b/lua/pl/text.lua
@@ -4,320 +4,23 @@
-- libraries, see string.Template). It also provides similar functions to those
-- found in the textwrap module.
+-- IMPORTANT: this module has been deprecated and will be removed in a future
+-- version (2.0). The contents of this module have moved to the `pl.stringx`
+-- module.
-- See @{03-strings.md.String_Templates|the Guide}.
--- Dependencies: `pl.utils`, `pl.types`
+-- Dependencies: `pl.stringx`, `pl.utils`
-- @module pl.text
-local gsub = string.gsub
-local concat, t_remove = table.concat, table.remove
-local utils = require 'pl.utils'
-local bind1,usplit,assert_arg = utils.bind1,utils.split,utils.assert_arg
-local is_callable = require 'pl.types'.is_callable
-local unpack = utils.unpack
-local pack = utils.pack
-local text = {}
-local function makelist(l)
- return setmetatable(l, require('pl.List'))
-local function lstrip(str) return (str:gsub('^%s+','')) end
-local function strip(str) return (lstrip(str):gsub('%s+$','')) end
-local function split(s,delim) return makelist(usplit(s,delim)) end
-local function imap(f,t,...)
- local res = {}
- for i = 1,#t do res[i] = f(t[i],...) end
- return res
-local function _indent (s,sp)
- local sl = split(s,'\n')
- return concat(imap(bind1('..',sp),sl),'\n')..'\n'
---- indent a multiline string.
--- @tparam string s the (multiline) string
--- @tparam integer n the size of the indent
--- @tparam[opt=' '] string ch the character to use when indenting
--- @return indented string
-function text.indent (s,n,ch)
- assert_arg(1,s,'string')
- assert_arg(2,n,'number')
- return _indent(s,string.rep(ch or ' ',n))
---- dedent a multiline string by removing any initial indent.
--- useful when working with [[..]] strings.
--- Empty lines are ignored.
--- @tparam string s the (multiline) string
--- @return a string with initial indent zero.
--- @usage
--- local s = dedent [[
--- One
--- Two
--- Three
--- ]]
--- assert(s == [[
--- One
--- Two
--- Three
--- ]])
-function text.dedent (s)
- assert_arg(1,s,'string')
- local lst = split(s,'\n')
- if #lst>0 then
- local ind_size = math.huge
- for i, line in ipairs(lst) do
- local i1, i2 = lst[i]:find('^%s*[^%s]')
- if i1 and i2 < ind_size then
- ind_size = i2
- end
- end
- for i, line in ipairs(lst) do
- lst[i] = lst[i]:sub(ind_size, -1)
- end
- end
- return concat(lst,'\n')..'\n'
- local buildline = function(words, size, breaklong)
- -- if overflow is set, a word longer than size, will overflow the size
- -- otherwise it will be chopped in line-length pieces
- local line = {}
- if #words[1] > size then
- -- word longer than line
- if not breaklong then
- line[1] = words[1]
- t_remove(words, 1)
- else
- line[1] = words[1]:sub(1, size)
- words[1] = words[1]:sub(size + 1, -1)
- end
- else
- local len = 0
- while words[1] and (len + #words[1] <= size) or
- (len == 0 and #words[1] == size) do
- if words[1] ~= "" then
- line[#line+1] = words[1]
- len = len + #words[1] + 1
- end
- t_remove(words, 1)
- end
- end
- return strip(concat(line, " ")), words
- end
- --- format a paragraph into lines so that they fit into a line width.
- -- It will not break long words by default, so lines can be over the length
- -- to that extent.
- -- @tparam string s the string to format
- -- @tparam[opt=70] integer width the margin width
- -- @tparam[opt=false] boolean breaklong if truthy, words longer than the width given will be forced split.
- -- @return a list of lines (List object), use `fill` to return a string instead of a `List`.
- -- @see pl.List
- -- @see fill
- text.wrap = function(s, width, breaklong)
- s = s:gsub('\n',' ') -- remove line breaks
- s = strip(s) -- remove leading/trailing whitespace
- if s == "" then
- return { "" }
- end
- width = width or 70
- local out = {}
- local words = split(s, "%s")
- while words[1] do
- out[#out+1], words = buildline(words, width, breaklong)
- end
- return makelist(out)
- end
---- format a paragraph so that it fits into a line width.
--- @tparam string s the string to format
--- @tparam[opt=70] integer width the margin width
--- @tparam[opt=false] boolean breaklong if truthy, words longer than the width given will be forced split.
--- @return a string, use `wrap` to return a list of lines instead of a string.
--- @see wrap
-function text.fill (s,width,breaklong)
- return concat(text.wrap(s,width,breaklong),'\n') .. '\n'
-local function _substitute(s,tbl,safe)
- local subst
- if is_callable(tbl) then
- subst = tbl
- else
- function subst(f)
- local s = tbl[f]
- if not s then
- if safe then
- return f
- else
- error("not present in table "..f)
- end
- else
- return s
- end
- end
- end
- local res = gsub(s,'%${([%w_]+)}',subst)
- return (gsub(res,'%$([%w_]+)',subst))
---- Python-style formatting operator.
--- Calling `text.format_operator()` overloads the % operator for strings to give
--- Python/Ruby style formated output.
--- This is extended to also do template-like substitution for map-like data.
--- Note this goes further than the original, and will allow these cases:
--- 1. a single value
--- 2. a list of values
--- 3. a map of var=value pairs
--- 4. a function, as in gsub
--- For the second two cases, it uses $-variable substituion.
--- When called, this function will monkey-patch the global `string` metatable by
--- adding a `__mod` method.
--- See <a href="http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringInterpolation">the lua-users wiki</a>
--- @usage
--- require 'pl.text'.format_operator()
--- local out1 = '%s = %5.3f' % {'PI',math.pi} --> 'PI = 3.142'
--- local out2 = '$name = $value' % {name='dog',value='Pluto'} --> 'dog = Pluto'
-function text.format_operator()
- local format = string.format
- -- a more forgiving version of string.format, which applies
- -- tostring() to any value with a %s format.
- local function formatx (fmt,...)
- local args = pack(...)
- local i = 1
- for p in fmt:gmatch('%%.') do
- if p == '%s' and type(args[i]) ~= 'string' then
- args[i] = tostring(args[i])
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- return format(fmt,unpack(args))
- end
- local function basic_subst(s,t)
- return (s:gsub('%$([%w_]+)',t))
- end
- getmetatable("").__mod = function(a, b)
- if b == nil then
- return a
- elseif type(b) == "table" and getmetatable(b) == nil then
- if #b == 0 then -- assume a map-like table
- return _substitute(a,b,true)
- else
- return formatx(a,unpack(b))
- end
- elseif type(b) == 'function' then
- return basic_subst(a,b)
- else
- return formatx(a,b)
- end
- end
---- @section Template
-local Template = {}
-text.Template = Template
-Template.__index = Template
-setmetatable(Template, {
- __call = function(obj,tmpl)
- return Template.new(tmpl)
- end})
---- Creates a new Template class.
--- This is a shortcut to `Template.new(tmpl)`.
--- @tparam string tmpl the template string
--- @function Template
--- @treturn Template
-function Template.new(tmpl)
- assert_arg(1,tmpl,'string')
- local res = {}
- res.tmpl = tmpl
- setmetatable(res,Template)
- return res
---- substitute values into a template, throwing an error.
--- This will throw an error if no name is found.
--- @tparam table tbl a table of name-value pairs.
--- @return string with place holders substituted
-function Template:substitute(tbl)
- assert_arg(1,tbl,'table')
- return _substitute(self.tmpl,tbl,false)
---- substitute values into a template.
--- This version just passes unknown names through.
--- @tparam table tbl a table of name-value pairs.
--- @return string with place holders substituted
-function Template:safe_substitute(tbl)
- assert_arg(1,tbl,'table')
- return _substitute(self.tmpl,tbl,true)
---- substitute values into a template, preserving indentation. <br>
--- If the value is a multiline string _or_ a template, it will insert
--- the lines at the correct indentation. <br>
--- Furthermore, if a template, then that template will be substituted
--- using the same table.
--- @tparam table tbl a table of name-value pairs.
--- @return string with place holders substituted
-function Template:indent_substitute(tbl)
- assert_arg(1,tbl,'table')
- if not self.strings then
- self.strings = split(self.tmpl,'\n')
- end
- -- the idea is to substitute line by line, grabbing any spaces as
- -- well as the $var. If the value to be substituted contains newlines,
- -- then we split that into lines and adjust the indent before inserting.
- local function subst(line)
- return line:gsub('(%s*)%$([%w_]+)',function(sp,f)
- local subtmpl
- local s = tbl[f]
- if not s then error("not present in table "..f) end
- if getmetatable(s) == Template then
- subtmpl = s
- s = s.tmpl
- else
- s = tostring(s)
- end
- if s:find '\n' then
- s = _indent(s,sp)
- end
- if subtmpl then return _substitute(s,tbl)
- else return s
- end
- end)
- end
- local lines = imap(subst,self.strings)
- return concat(lines,'\n')..'\n'
+local utils = require("pl.utils")
+require("pl.utils").raise_deprecation {
+ source = "Penlight " .. utils._VERSION,
+ message = "the contents of module 'pl.text' has moved into 'pl.stringx'",
+ version_removed = "2.0.0",
+ deprecated_after = "1.11.0",
+ no_trace = true,
-return text
+return require "pl.stringx"