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github.com/twbs/ratchet.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-03-21Run `grunt`.HEADmasterXhmikosR
[ci skip]
2016-03-21Bump grunt-contrib-watch.XhmikosR
2016-03-21Update jQuery to v1.12.2.XhmikosR
2016-03-07Merge pull request #823 from Johann-S/fixModalEventXhmikosR
Create new event to avoid warning in Jasmine
2016-03-07Create new event to avoid warning in JasmineJohann-S
2016-03-07Update devDependencies.XhmikosR
2016-03-06Merge pull request #819 from Johann-S/bumpJasmineXhmikosR
Bump Jasmine version
2016-02-23Bump Jasmine versionJohann-S
2016-02-19Bump devDependencies.XhmikosR
The Travis CI change is needed due to grunt-html's requirement of java 8.
2016-02-06Travis CI: remove Rouge gem.XhmikosR
It's the default for Jekyll 3.x.
2016-02-06Bump grunt-jscs.XhmikosR
2016-01-27Merge pull request #774 from Johann-S/unit_testXhmikosR
Add unit test to Ratchet
2016-01-25Run grunt.XhmikosR
[ci skip]
2016-01-25Bump devDependencies.XhmikosR
2016-01-25Travis CI: Bump Jekyll to v3.1.0.XhmikosR
2016-01-02Merge pull request #811 from thomasguittonneau/fixCommXhmikosR
Fix error comment
2015-12-30Fix error commentThomas GUITTONNEAU
2015-12-30Merge pull request #787 from Johann-S/sourceMapXhmikosR
Add source map
2015-12-30Add source mapJohann-S
2015-12-27Add unit testsJohann-S
2015-12-27Indentation tweaks.XhmikosR
[ci skip]
2015-12-27Merge pull request #479 from twbs/grunt-sassXhmikosR
Switch to "grunt-sass"
2015-12-26Run `grunt`.XhmikosR
[ci skip]
2015-12-26Switch to "grunt-sass".XhmikosR
2015-12-26Run grunt.XhmikosR
[ci skip]
2015-12-26Update .csscomb.json from the latest BS v4.XhmikosR
2015-12-26Update devDependencies.XhmikosR
2015-12-26Travis: Test against node.js 4 and 5 and Ruby 2.2.XhmikosR
2015-12-24Merge pull request #790 from cvergne/fix-touchend-preventXhmikosR
Only preventing touchend events for modals (Fix #768 / #779)
2015-12-03Update devDependencies.XhmikosR
2015-10-29Update devDependencies.XhmikosR
2015-10-29Update to Jekyll v3.0.0 and Rouge 1.10.XhmikosR
2015-10-14Docs: Use correct ID in Popover exampleChris Rebert
Fixes #802
2015-08-20Run `grunt`.XhmikosR
2015-08-20Update Travis config.XhmikosR
Test Ruby 2.0 and remove 1.9.3. This should fix the build and shouldn't matter since 1.9.3 is very old.
2015-08-20Update devDependencies.XhmikosR
2015-08-20Merge pull request #798 from jamesrom/patch-1XhmikosR
Fixed typo
2015-08-20Fixed typoJames Romeril
2015-06-25modal: fix touchend event always preventedChristophe VERGNE
2015-06-16Merge pull request #783 from kkirsche/patch-1Chris Rebert
Remove moot `version` property from bower.json
2015-06-09Remove moot `version` property from bower.jsonKevin Kirsche
Per bower/bower.json-spec@a325da3
2015-06-01Update dependencies.XhmikosR
2015-05-14Merge pull request #771 from vsn4ik/upd_gem_paramsXhmikosR
Change deprecated gem params
2015-05-10Remove deprecated gem paramsvsn4ik
2015-05-10Update dependencies.XhmikosR
2015-05-10Update jQuery to v1.11.3.XhmikosR
2015-05-05Run `grunt`.XhmikosR
2015-05-05Update grunt-banner.XhmikosR
2015-04-30Update Travis CI configuration.XhmikosR
* specify `sudo: false` * specify `depth: 10` for git * remove node.js 0.10
2015-04-30Update grunt/ratchicons-data-generator.js to the latest upstream version.XhmikosR