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github.com/twbs/rewire.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-10-16Fix typo in READMEEmil Goldsmith Olesen
2018-04-10Merge branch 'master' into pr/origin/127Johannes Ewald
2018-04-10Fix wrong badge link in READMEJohannes Ewald
2017-11-11Update READMEJohannes Ewald
2017-11-08Remove options from readmejeroenvalcke
2017-10-20Update READMEJeroen Valcke
2016-03-16Add note on imported globals in READMEJohannes Ewald
2016-03-16Update and improve READMEJohannes Ewald
2016-03-16Merge pull request #86 from vkarpov15/patch-1Johannes Ewald
2016-03-16Merge pull request #84 from trodrigues/patch-1Johannes Ewald
2016-01-28add note about const to readmeBen Verble
2016-01-18remove misused term from READMEValeri Karpov
2015-11-20Add a note about babel-plugin-rewireTiago Rodrigues
2015-04-28Add section about limitationsJohannes Ewald
2015-03-19Clearify caveat about dot notationJohannes Ewald
2015-03-19Fix minor grammar issueJohannes Ewald
2015-02-25Add downloadRank to npm badgeJohannes Ewald
2015-02-23Add note on special globalsJohannes Ewald
2015-01-17Add note on illegal global variable namesJohannes Ewald
2014-07-10Update READMEJohannes Ewald
2014-07-08Add line-breaks to caveatsJohannes Ewald
2014-07-08Adjust READMEJohannes Ewald
2014-06-23Add gittip donate buttonJohannes Ewald
2014-05-20Updated coverage badge to svgJohannes Ewald
2014-05-20Added istanbul for test coverageJohannes Ewald
2013-10-01- updated note on browserifyjhnns
2013-10-01- re-added note on CoffeeScript #8 (since require.extensions seems to stay - ...jhnns
2013-06-08- removed note on CoffeeScript #8Johannes
2013-03-20- switched dependency badge to https://Johannes
2013-03-13- Added deprecation warning for client-side bundlersJohannes Ewald
2013-03-12Include link to rewire-webpack in readmeTobias Koppers
2013-02-23- version bump to 1.1.0v1.1.0Johannes Ewald
2013-02-05Merge pull request #9 from nisaacson/davidJohannes
2013-02-05Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'Johannes Ewald
2013-02-05Added note on webpack 0.9Johannes Ewald
2013-02-04Added David dependency tracking badge to README.mdNoah Isaacson
2013-02-04Added David dependency tracking badge to README.mdNoah Isaacson
2012-12-17fixed typo in one of the examples in README.mdTamas Fitos
2012-12-12Update README.mdJohannes
2012-12-12Improved examplesJohannes
2012-09-15- Fixed crash when a global module has been used in the browserv1.0.1Johannes
2012-09-12Added note on line number offsetsJohannes
2012-08-20- Improved client-side bundling chapterJohannes
2012-08-20- All tests runningJohannes
2012-07-03updated readmev0.3.1Johannes
2012-07-03updated commentsJohannes
2012-06-30Added warningJohannes
2012-06-26Update masterJohannes
2012-06-26Updated to node 0.8.0Johannes
2012-06-26Changed hint for rewire.reset()Johannes