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github.com/twbs/rewire.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-06-11Update dependenciesupdate-dependenciesRens Baardman
2018-04-104.0.0v4.0.0Johannes Ewald
2018-04-10Merge branch 'master' into pr/origin/127Johannes Ewald
2018-04-09Replace babel with a regex-based transformationJohannes Ewald
2018-01-24Add support for object spread/rest operator.Marko Žarković
2018-01-16use 'coffeescript' packageOded Niv
2017-11-203.0.2v3.0.2Johannes Ewald
2017-11-15v3.0.1v3.0.1Johannes Ewald
2017-11-11v3.0.0v3.0.0Johannes Ewald
2017-11-11Update mochaJohannes Ewald
2017-11-11Refactor codeJohannes Ewald
2017-10-19Add optional babel const to let parser.Jeroen Valcke
2016-07-012.5.2v2.5.2Johannes Ewald
2015-12-01v2.5.1v2.5.1Johannes Ewald
2015-11-16v2.5.0v2.5.0Johannes Ewald
2015-11-07v2.4.0v2.4.0Johannes Ewald
2015-06-10v2.3.4v2.3.4Johannes Ewald
2015-06-10Merge pull request #60 from stevemao/patch-1Johannes Ewald
2015-05-29add two more keywordsSteve Mao
2015-05-23Add license attributePeter deHaan
2015-04-28v2.3.3v2.3.3Johannes Ewald
2015-04-28v2.3.2v2.3.2Johannes Ewald
2015-02-23v2.3.1v2.3.1Johannes Ewald
2015-02-17v2.3.0v2.3.0Johannes Ewald
2015-02-10v2.2.0Johannes Ewald
2015-02-05v2.1.5v2.1.5Johannes Ewald
2015-02-05Use mocha to check for global leaksJohannes Ewald
2015-01-17v2.1.4v2.1.4Johannes Ewald
2015-01-17Update devDependenciesJohannes Ewald
2014-11-04v2.1.3v2.1.3Johannes Ewald
2014-10-29v2.1.2v2.1.2Johannes Ewald
2014-10-28v2.1.1v2.1.1Johannes Ewald
2014-07-11v2.1.0v2.1.0Johannes Ewald
2014-05-202.0.1Johannes Ewald
2014-05-20Updated description and added script for test coverage with istanbulJohannes Ewald
2013-10-01- version bump 2.0.0jhnns
2013-04-16- removed IDE stuff from npm packagejhnns
2013-03-13- Added deprecation warning for client-side bundlersJohannes Ewald
2013-03-02- version bumpv1.1.1Johannes Ewald
2013-02-23- version bump to 1.1.0v1.1.0Johannes Ewald
2013-02-23- added Coffee-Script to devDependencies (fixes Travis crash)Johannes Ewald
2013-02-12- Improved client-side rewire() with webpackJohannes Ewald
2012-09-25- Fixed error with client-side bundlers when a module was ending with a commentv1.0.3Johannes
2012-09-18- Improved strict mode detectionJohannes
2012-09-15- Fixed crash when a global module has been used in the browserv1.0.1Johannes
2012-08-20- All tests runningJohannes
2012-08-18- Introduced webpack bundler for rewire (work in progress, some tests are not...Johannes
2012-07-10- fixed parsing error when trying to set a function as mockv0.3.2Johannes
2012-07-02- changed browserify version to 1.13.5Johannes
2012-06-23added commentsJohannes