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github.com/twbs/rewire.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-06-11Add Firefox compatibility to stack trace teststack-trace-test-firefoxRens Baardman
2018-04-24Fix const regexJohannes Ewald
2018-04-10Drop official node v4 supportJohannes Ewald
2018-04-10Maintain column width when transforming constsJohannes Ewald
2018-04-09Replace babel with a regex-based transformationJohannes Ewald
2018-01-24Add support for object spread/rest operator.Marko Žarković
2017-11-15Remove Class tests because travis node 4.x tests fails (does not support clas...jeroenvalcke
2017-11-15Make sure rewire is not using a .babelrc filejeroenvalcke
2017-11-15Add line endjeroenvalcke
2017-11-15Add class testsjeroenvalcke
2017-11-11Update .travis.ymlJohannes Ewald
2017-11-11Refactor codeJohannes Ewald
2017-10-20Update READMEJeroen Valcke
2017-10-20Add test to check if __filename and __dirname is correctJeroen Valcke
2017-10-20Added __set__ testsJeroen Valcke
2017-10-19Add optional babel const to let parser.Jeroen Valcke
2015-11-30Should not blow up on modules that export primitivesEli White
2015-11-16Move testLib into dedicated folder inside root folderJohannes Ewald