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github.com/undo-ransomware/ransomware_detection.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/webcomponents')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/webcomponents/ransomware-icons.js b/src/webcomponents/ransomware-icons.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d23d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webcomponents/ransomware-icons.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
+http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt The complete set of authors may be found at
+http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt The complete set of contributors may be
+found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt Code distributed by Google as
+part of the polymer project is also subject to an additional IP rights grant
+found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
+import '@polymer/iron-icon/iron-icon.js';
+import '@polymer/iron-iconset-svg/iron-iconset-svg.js';
+import {html} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/html-tag.js';
+const template = html`<iron-iconset-svg name="ransomware" size="24">
+<g id="timelapse"><path d="M16.24 7.76C15.07 6.59 13.54 6 12 6v6l-4.24 4.24c2.34 2.34 6.14 2.34 8.49 0 2.34-2.34 2.34-6.14-.01-8.48zM12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm0 18c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8s3.58-8 8-8 8 3.58 8 8-3.58 8-8 8z"></path></g>
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+<g id="trash" >
+ <path d="M 9.066406 1.101562 L 7.507812 2.199219 L 6.957031 1.667969 C 6.585938 1.316406 6.320312 1.183594 6.167969 1.265625 C 5.347656 1.765625 2.816406 3.734375 2.730469 3.933594 C 2.679688 4.082031 2.800781 4.398438 3 4.667969 L 3.351562 5.148438 L 1.710938 6.449219 C 0.636719 7.316406 0.0664062 7.898438 0.0351562 8.148438 C -0.0351562 8.535156 0.167969 8.851562 1.726562 10.964844 L 2.378906 11.867188 L 2.78125 11.484375 L 3.183594 11.117188 L 3.183594 18.984375 L 4.074219 19.25 C 5.398438 19.648438 7.960938 20 9.554688 20 C 11.09375 20 13.476562 19.667969 14.882812 19.25 L 15.753906 18.984375 L 15.753906 8.332031 L 11.632812 8.300781 L 7.507812 8.25 L 10.878906 5.867188 L 14.261719 3.484375 L 12.957031 1.785156 C 11.261719 -0.417969 11.210938 -0.417969 9.066406 1.101562 Z M 11.800781 2.234375 L 12.570312 3.148438 L 8.179688 6.265625 C 5.75 7.984375 3.535156 9.566406 3.234375 9.800781 L 2.699219 10.199219 L 2.09375 9.351562 C 1.761719 8.898438 1.476562 8.449219 1.476562 8.382812 C 1.457031 8.300781 10.425781 1.683594 10.996094 1.351562 C 11.011719 1.332031 11.363281 1.734375 11.800781 2.234375 Z M 14.414062 13.898438 L 14.414062 18.300781 L 13.542969 18.5 C 11.546875 18.933594 7.003906 18.867188 5.078125 18.382812 L 4.691406 18.300781 L 4.691406 14.285156 C 4.691406 10.398438 4.710938 10.265625 5.0625 9.882812 C 5.414062 9.5 5.429688 9.5 9.921875 9.5 L 14.414062 9.5 Z M 14.414062 13.898438 "/>
+ <path d="M 6.199219 14.25 L 6.199219 17.167969 L 7.375 17.167969 L 7.375 11.332031 L 6.199219 11.332031 Z M 6.199219 14.25 "/>
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+ <path d="M 14.496094 5.382812 C 14.128906 5.515625 13.609375 5.714844 13.339844 5.867188 C 12.871094 6.117188 12.90625 6.117188 14.09375 6.050781 C 15.082031 5.984375 15.519531 6.035156 16.289062 6.316406 C 17.847656 6.917969 19.054688 8.367188 19.359375 10.035156 L 19.476562 10.667969 L 17.597656 10.667969 L 19.121094 12.582031 C 19.960938 13.632812 20.699219 14.5 20.78125 14.5 C 20.867188 14.5 21.601562 13.632812 22.441406 12.582031 L 23.964844 10.667969 L 22.492188 10.667969 L 22.289062 9.867188 C 21.839844 8.035156 20.546875 6.5 18.804688 5.699219 C 17.664062 5.183594 15.585938 5.035156 14.496094 5.382812 Z M 14.496094 5.382812 "/>