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github.com/vickylaixy/hugo-theme-introduction.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterInclude an option to remove the navigation menu (#340)Sergio Merino Hernández20 months
v6.0.0commit 591eb5ab07...Victoria Drake2 years
v5.2.0commit 052a699484...Victoria Drake2 years
v5.1.0commit 84e3340ca0...Victoria Drake2 years
v5.0.0commit 2932037152...Victoria Drake3 years
v4.2.3commit c4994cc895...Victoria Drake4 years
v4.2.2commit 2e1445d651...Victoria Drake4 years
v4.2.1commit 6a241a5c5c...Victoria Drake4 years
v4.1.0commit 2263cdb0fa...Victoria Drake4 years
v4.0commit f57db6fc73...Vicky6 years
v3.4.0commit 997c707d5b...Vicky6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-09-06Include an option to remove the navigation menu (#340)HEADmasterSergio Merino Hernández
2022-09-06Use new Google Analytics template to accommodate both GA4 and GS3 in header (...Linh T. Tô
2022-02-22Update imagev6.0.0Victoria Drake
2022-02-22Introduction v6.0.0 (#329)Victoria Drake
2022-02-21Add author field to blog (#322)Alex Beattie
2022-02-14Use layout identifiers for datesVictoria Drake
2022-02-11Misc TLCv5.2.0Victoria Drake
2022-02-11Merge branch 'showReadingTime' of https://github.com/bugrasan/hugo-theme-intr...Victoria Drake
2022-02-01fixing the default behaviour for showReadingTimebugrasan
2022-01-30patch for 'showReadingTime' config optionbugrasan