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github.com/windirstat/ntfs.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-01-22Merge pull request #6 from losynix/fix_resident_value_checksHEADmasterColin Finck
2022-01-22Add a test that checks reading the "empty-file" and its zero length.Colin Finck
2022-01-18Length of NtfsAttribute can be 0Louis
2022-01-14Fix docs for now.0.1.0Colin Finck
2022-01-14Set up GitHub Actions for clippy, building, and testing.Colin Finck
2022-01-14Apply suggestions from clippy.Colin Finck
2022-01-13Fix some typos.Colin Finck
2021-12-16Add tags to Cargo.tomlColin Finck
2021-12-16Add a README and ntfs-shell terminalizer animation.Colin Finck
2021-12-15Relicense everything as MIT OR Apache-2.0 to enable a broader usage.Colin Finck
2021-12-15Remove empty `security_descriptor.rs`Colin Finck
2021-12-15Add a fancy logo.Colin Finck
2021-12-15Add the missing documentation and some final polishing.Colin Finck
2021-12-08Fix calculation in `NtfsAttribute::non_resident_value_data_and_position`Colin Finck
2021-12-05Fix `NtfsAttributeListNonResidentAttributeValue::len`.Colin Finck
2021-10-17Update .gitignoreColin Finck
2021-10-17Implement `NtfsAttributes::attach` and its helper struct.Colin Finck
2021-10-15Fix ntfs-shell `get` command for a given $DATA stream.Colin Finck
2021-10-05Fix a corner case in `NtfsIndexEntries::next` after more testing.Colin Finck
2021-10-05Add more size and range checks with proper error handling.Colin Finck
2021-10-03`NtfsValue` -> `NtfsAttributeValue` and `Slice` -> `Resident`.Colin Finck
2021-10-03Make `NtfsFile::name` useful by matching on namespace and parent.Colin Finck
2021-10-03Add ntfs-shell, an example app to demonstrate all features of the crate.Colin Finck
2021-10-03Refactor structured values to work on any type of `NtfsValue`.Colin Finck
2021-10-03Refactor `NtfsAttributeValue` into `NtfsValue` and add `NtfsAttributeListNonR...Colin Finck
2021-09-17Implement the `AttributeList` structured value.Colin Finck
2021-09-17Add some more convenience functions and fix comments.Colin Finck
2021-09-17Remove an `Option` around the return value of `NtfsAttribute::name`.Colin Finck
2021-09-17Fix `Ntfs::file` to support files outside the first MFT data run.Colin Finck
2021-09-16Save code and get better formatters via `derive_more` and `strum_macros`Colin Finck
2021-08-25Add IS_DIRECTORY to NtfsFileAttributeFlags.Colin Finck
2021-08-25Validate signatures before record fixup to catch invalid positions earlyColin Finck
2021-08-19Standardize on "File Record Number" to denote the n-th FILE Record.Colin Finck
2021-08-19Don't revisit a last entry with subnode in `NtfsIndexEntries`Colin Finck
2021-08-09Add tests for the index functions.Colin Finck
2021-08-09Add a few convenience functions to simplify working with the crate.Colin Finck
2021-08-09Skip the empty "last entry" in the `NtfsIndexEntries` iterator.Colin Finck
2021-08-09Fix splitting `NtfsFileReference` into record and sequence numbers.Colin Finck
2021-08-09Fix position calculation in `IndexNodeEntryRanges::next`.Colin Finck
2021-08-07`ntfs_file` -> `file` for consistencyColin Finck
2021-08-07Use `ArrayVec` over heap-allocated `Vec` for some structured values.Colin Finck
2021-08-02Implement finding files by name in a file name index.Colin Finck
2021-07-28Remove `Result` for `NtfsIndexEntries::new`, which never fails.Colin Finck
2021-07-28Make index type system depend on `core::fmt::Debug` to ease debuggingColin Finck
2021-07-28Fix `PartialOrd` implementations for comparing `NtfsString` and `str`Colin Finck
2021-07-26Minor improvements.Colin Finck
2021-07-26Introduce typed indexes to support more than just file name indexes.Colin Finck
2021-07-26NtfsStructuredValueFromData -> NtfsStructuredValueFromSliceColin Finck
2021-07-26Implement `NtfsFileReference` to replace an opaque u64.Colin Finck
2021-07-21Remove "Ntfs" prefix from `NtfsError` members, make it non-exhaustive.Colin Finck