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github.com/xamarin/NRefactory.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-03-08Add .NET 6.0 target frameworkHEADmasterMatt Ward
2021-12-17Merge pull request #3 from xamarin/net6Sandy Armstrong
2021-12-17Merge pull request #4 from xamarin/dev/sandy/obsoletenet6Sandy Armstrong
2021-12-17Merge pull request #5 from xamarin/dev/sandy/mergemainSandy Armstrong
2021-12-16Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into dev/sandy/mergemainSandy Armstrong
2021-12-16Fix use of obsolete memberSandy Armstrong
2021-08-24Allow building with .NET 6Lluis Sanchez
2021-02-09Merge pull request #2 from jpobst/sdk-styleKirill Osenkov
2021-02-09Update some project files to SDK-style.Jonathan Pobst
2019-02-11Merge pull request #1 from xamarin/cecilPackageReferenceKirill Osenkov
2019-02-02Switch Cecil reference to PackageReference.Kirill Osenkov
2017-11-07Merge pull request #534 from directhex/patch-1Mike Krüger
2017-11-03Added some getters to the unresolved type system.Mike Krüger
2017-10-30Fix case sensitivity error importing Microsoft.CSharp.targetsJo Shields
2017-10-04Merge pull request #533 from DavidKarlas/bumpCecilMike Krüger
2017-10-02bump Mono.Cecil to 0.10.0-beta6David Karlaš
2017-07-01Merge pull request #531 from joewstroman/masterMike Krüger
2017-05-31Use $(SolutionDir) to point to Mono.Cecil reference pathJoseph Stroman
2017-04-25Merge pull request #503 from Therzok/patch-1Mike Krüger
2017-04-25Merge pull request #530 from Therzok/cecil-swapMike Krüger
2017-04-25Bump Cecil to 0.10.0-beta5Marius Ungureanu
2017-04-03Merge pull request #527 from Therzok/cecil-swapMike Krüger
2017-03-14Swap to Cecil from NuGet.Marius Ungureanu
2016-11-26Note: There is currently no maintainer for NRefactory.Daniel Grunwald
2016-11-25Fix TypeGuessing (don't unintentionally create ref locals)Daniel Grunwald
2016-11-25Add 'ref T' AstType syntax node. This allows generating code for C# 7 'ref lo...Daniel Grunwald
2016-11-23CSharpOutputVisitor: use policy.CatchNewLinePlacement and policy.FinallyNewLi...Daniel Grunwald
2016-11-22Mention that cecil should be 0.9.6 (we're not yet compatible with the cecil 0...Daniel Grunwald
2016-11-22CSharpOutputVisitor: respect policy.ElseNewLinePlacementDaniel Grunwald
2016-07-26TypeSystemAstBuilder: Add missing TypeResolveResult-annotation to DelegateDec...Siegfried Pammer
2016-07-26Output space between modifiers and destructor tilde.Daniel Grunwald
2016-07-23InsertParenthesesVisitor: Add parentheses to PrimitiveExpression if its value...Siegfried Pammer
2016-07-09Even in readability mode, don't parenthesize casts of castsDaniel Grunwald
2016-07-05Add support for ConversionResolveResult in GetSymbolSiegfried Pammer
2016-06-26Don't make the compiler evaluate the expected result using compile-time const...Daniel Grunwald
2016-06-26Fix resolving '0 - Enum'Daniel Grunwald
2016-06-22Add TypeSystemAstBuilder.NameLookupMode.Daniel Grunwald
2016-06-19CSharpOutputVisitor: fix '__arglist()'Daniel Grunwald
2016-06-18fix bug in CecilLoader introduced by ShortenInterfaceImplNamesSiegfried Pammer
2016-06-18Add new mode for ILSpy to CecilLoader: explicit interface implementations use...Siegfried Pammer
2016-06-16Fix TypeSystemAstBuilder: Outer type arguments should not be added to nested ...Siegfried Pammer
2016-06-12Fix repeated specialization of non-generic members.Daniel Grunwald
2016-01-04Merge pull request #511 from purenewman/patch-1Siegfried Pammer
2016-01-02Fixed incorrect null checkAlex Newman
2015-12-31Merge pull request #508 from purenewman/patch-1Mike Krüger
2015-12-31Merge pull request #509 from purenewman/patch-2Mike Krüger
2015-12-31Merge pull request #510 from purenewman/patch-3Mike Krüger
2015-12-31Fixed constructor with custom white space textAlex Newman
2015-12-31Fixed incorrect null checkAlex Newman
2015-12-31Fixed incorrect members orderingAlex Newman