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github.com/xianmin/hugo-theme-jane.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
developstyle: fix some bad styleChen Xianmin5 years
fix-#-urlfix: "#" Special characters in taxonomies page urlChen Xianmin6 years
gh-pagesdeploy: e4f24755a892257c52d7b5351003a4524cfa7f07xianmin18 months
masterfix: support GA4Chen Xianmin18 months
sticky-poststyle: change sticky post icon colorChen Xianmin5 years
use-hugo-pipesrefactor: better inline svgs, embed external *.svg filesChen Xianmin5 years
2.0.0commit b10f58ef1d...Choicky ZHOU6 years
1.3.0commit 8ecc2bc5a0...Chen Xianmin6 years
1.2.0commit f861d0374c...Chen Xianmin6 years
1.1.0commit 13fb120d40...Chen Xianmin6 years
1.0.0commit 04d254b290...Chen Xianmin6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-10-17fix: support GA4HEADmasterChen Xianmin
2022-10-17use default single.htmlChen Xianmin
2022-10-17update configChen Xianmin
2022-10-17fix: overflow-x on mobileChen Xianmin
2022-10-17refactor: post metaChen Xianmin
2022-10-15feat: add .prettierrc for prettier-plugin-go-templateChen Xianmin
2022-09-07fix: build gh-pages action, hugo commandChen Xianmin
2022-09-07feat: add github action deploy gh-pagesChen Xianmin
2022-09-07feat: giscus comment system supportChen Xianmin
2022-09-07refactor: organize comments.htmlChen Xianmin