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AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-11-09Added install instructions aligned to Hugo Quickstart Guide (#14)HEADmasterStephen Taylor
2022-08-08Update RelURL for latest Hugo syntax (#22)Mollee Jain
2022-07-04支持定制「最近更新」的文本 (#21)Xiangyun Huang
2022-02-19Allow the use of a thumbnail that's a part of a page bundle (#19)Samuel W. Flint
2022-02-17cdn.bootcss.com doesn't seem to be stableYihui Xie
2021-11-18don't use Hugo's syntax highlightingYihui Xie
2021-10-02增加对 Google 版思源宋体(Noto Serif CJK SC)支持 (#18)楚新元
2020-10-12set unsafe = true for goldmarkYihui Xie
2020-10-12.toml -> .yamlYihui Xie
2020-10-10don't ignore the *_files/ foldersYihui Xie
2020-10-08yihui.name -> yihui.orgYihui Xie
2020-10-08ignore more types of filesYihui Xie
2019-08-16use .RegularPages on home page: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoThemes/issues...Yihui Xie
2019-08-16use .RelPermalink instead of .URLYihui Xie
2018-10-01use the rstudio mathjax cdnYihui Xie
2018-07-22fix #6: use / in the file pathYihui Xie
2017-08-22do not truncate summary if it is user-providedYihui Xie
2017-08-22truncate title in case of two or three columns; expand title on hoverYihui Xie
2017-08-22no longer provide the use_description optionYihui Xie
2017-08-22use description as the summary if it is providedYihui Xie
2017-08-09do not mention new_post()Yihui Xie
2017-07-20support multiple authors for a single post https://github.com/cosname/cosx.or...Yihui Xie
2017-07-19remove an extra space after Tags:Yihui Xie
2017-07-18move Candara to the backYihui Xie
2017-07-17ISO8601 date format, swap author and date in the list, and add a slash after ...Yihui Xie
2017-07-16add class attributes to certain elements (#2)Yixuan Qiu
2017-07-16do not show page number if total pages is 0Yihui Xie
2017-07-16an ugly hack to make categories/tags names customizableYihui Xie
2017-07-16put 404 in <main>Yihui Xie
2017-07-15use p instead of div to show tags (to gain some spacing above/below)Yihui Xie
2017-07-15use Andale Mono for inline <code>, and Monaco for <pre><code>Yihui Xie
2017-07-15wrong place for the meta.html templateYihui Xie
2017-07-15add a partial template meta.html so that we can add more information to the a...Yihui Xie
2017-07-15rename template prev-next.htmlYihui Xie
2017-07-14simplify post navigation cssYihui Xie
2017-07-14factor out post navigation templateYihui Xie
2017-07-14factor out the author info templateYihui Xie
2017-07-13factor out banner to make it more customizableYihui Xie
2017-07-13the latest version of js/math-code.js no longer requires inline math to be in...Yihui Xie
2017-07-13Merge pull request #1 from Lchiffon/masterYihui Xie
2017-07-12Update footer.htmlDawei Lang
2017-07-12add a top borderYihui Xie
2017-07-12slight improvement of the post nav links (width/alignment)Yihui Xie
2017-07-12when page width is smaller than 350 + 15 x 2, change flex-basis (no long use ...Yihui Xie
2017-07-12.categories a color should not have been overriddenYihui Xie
2017-07-12remove NSimSunYihui Xie
2017-07-12support a placeholder when a post does not have any categoriesYihui Xie
2017-07-12fit img to the .thumbnail divYihui Xie
2017-07-12a few more tagsYihui Xie
2017-07-12extend readmeYihui Xie