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authorContinuous Integration <ci@zabbix.com>2022-01-24 12:08:57 +0300
committerContinuous Integration <ci@zabbix.com>2022-01-24 12:08:57 +0300
commit36316153026995806f210321d244b220188c63f3 (patch)
parent667ea90d0391179c2da2f8d9c3fa20d7c92efa09 (diff)
.......... [ZBXNEXT-826] automatic deployment of official Zabbix templates and media types5.0.20rc1
2 files changed, 10638 insertions, 10097 deletions
diff --git a/create/src/data.tmpl b/create/src/data.tmpl
index b68a18b1096..fdf8449d283 100644
--- a/create/src/data.tmpl
+++ b/create/src/data.tmpl
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ ROW |15 |4 |Redmine | | |
ROW |16 |4 |Telegram | | | | | | | |0 |25 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 |3 |10s |1 |var Telegram = {&eol; token: null,&eol; to: null,&eol; message: null,&eol; proxy: null,&eol; parse_mode: null,&eol;&eol; escapeMarkup: function (str, mode) {&eol; switch (mode) {&eol; case 'markdown':&eol; return str.replace(/([_*\[`])/g, '\\$&');&eol;&eol; case 'markdownv2':&eol; return str.replace(/([_*\[\]()~`>#+\-=&pipe;{}.!])/g, '\\$&');&eol;&eol; default:&eol; return str;&eol; }&eol; },&eol;&eol; sendMessage: function () {&eol; var params = {&eol; chat_id: Telegram.to,&eol; text: Telegram.message,&eol; disable_web_page_preview: true,&eol; disable_notification: false&eol; },&eol; data,&eol; response,&eol; request = new CurlHttpRequest(),&eol; url = 'https://api.telegram.org/bot' + Telegram.token + '/sendMessage';&eol;&eol; if (Telegram.parse_mode !== null) {&eol; params['parse_mode'] = Telegram.parse_mode;&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (Telegram.proxy) {&eol; request.SetProxy(Telegram.proxy);&eol; }&eol;&eol; request.AddHeader('Content-Type: application/json');&eol; data = JSON.stringify(params);&eol;&eol; // Remove replace() function if you want to see the exposed token in the log file.&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[Telegram Webhook] URL: ' + url.replace(Telegram.token, '<TOKEN>'));&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[Telegram Webhook] params: ' + data);&eol; response = request.Post(url, data);&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[Telegram Webhook] HTTP code: ' + request.Status());&eol;&eol; try {&eol; response = JSON.parse(response);&eol; }&eol; catch (error) {&eol; response = null;&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (request.Status() !== 200 &pipe;&pipe; typeof response.ok !== 'boolean' &pipe;&pipe; response.ok !== true) {&eol; if (typeof response.description === 'string') {&eol; throw response.description;&eol; }&eol; else {&eol; throw 'Unknown error. Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol; }&eol; }&eol;};&eol;&eol;try {&eol; var params = JSON.parse(value);&eol;&eol; if (typeof params.Token === 'undefined') {&eol; throw 'Incorrect value is given for parameter "Token": parameter is missing';&eol; }&eol;&eol; Telegram.token = params.Token;&eol;&eol; if (params.HTTPProxy) {&eol; Telegram.proxy = params.HTTPProxy;&eol; } &eol;&eol; params.ParseMode = params.ParseMode.toLowerCase();&eol;&eol; if (['markdown', 'html', 'markdownv2'].indexOf(params.ParseMode) !== -1) {&eol; Telegram.parse_mode = params.ParseMode;&eol; }&eol;&eol; Telegram.to = params.To;&eol; Telegram.message = params.Subject + '\n' + params.Message;&eol;&eol; if (['markdown', 'markdownv2'].indexOf(params.ParseMode) !== -1) {&eol; Telegram.message = Telegram.escapeMarkup(Telegram.message, params.ParseMode);&eol; }&eol;&eol; Telegram.sendMessage();&eol;&eol; return 'OK';&eol;}&eol;catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[Telegram Webhook] notification failed: ' + error);&eol; throw 'Sending failed: ' + error + '.';&eol;}|10s |0 |0 | | |https://git.zabbix.com/projects/ZBX/repos/zabbix/browse/templates/media/telegram&eol;&eol;1. Register bot: send "/newbot" to @BotFather and follow instructions&eol;2. Copy and paste the obtained token into the "Token" field above&eol;3. If you want to send personal notifications, you need to get chat id of the user you want to send messages to:&eol; 3.1. Send "/getid" to "@myidbot" in Telegram messenger&eol; 3.2. Copy returned chat id and save it in the "Telegram Webhook" media for the user&eol; 3.3. Ask the user to send "/start" to your bot (Telegram bot won't send anything to the user without it)&eol;4. If you want to send group notifications, you need to get group id of the group you want to send messages to:&eol; 4.1. Add "@myidbot" to your group&eol; 4.2. Send "/getgroupid@myidbot" in your group&eol; 4.3. Copy returned group id save it in the "Telegram Webhook" media for the user you created for group notifications&eol; 4.4. Send "/start@your_bot_name_here" in your group (Telegram bot won't send anything to the group without it)|
ROW |17 |4 |Zendesk | | | | | | | |0 |25 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 |3 |10s |1 |var Zendesk = {&eol; params: {},&eol;&eol; setParams: function (params) {&eol; if (typeof params !== 'object') {&eol; return;&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zendesk.params = params;&eol; if (typeof Zendesk.params.url === 'string') {&eol; if (!Zendesk.params.url.endsWith('/')) {&eol; Zendesk.params.url += '/';&eol; }&eol; Zendesk.params.url += 'api/v2/';&eol; }&eol; },&eol;&eol; addCustomFields: function (data, fields) {&eol; if (typeof fields === 'object' && Object.keys(fields).length) {&eol; var schema = Zendesk.getSchema(),&eol; arr = [],&eol; i,&eol; n;&eol;&eol; if (schema) {&eol; Object.keys(fields)&eol; .forEach(function(field) {&eol; for (i = 0, n = schema.ticket_fields.length; i < n; i++) {&eol; if (schema.ticket_fields[i].id == field&eol; && ['text', 'integer', 'date'].indexOf(schema.ticket_fields[i].type) !== -1){&eol;&eol; switch (schema.ticket_fields[i].type) {&eol; case 'integer':&eol; fields[field] = parseInt(fields[field]);&eol; break;&eol; case 'date':&eol; if (fields[field].match(/^\d{4}[.-]\d{2}[.-]\d{2}$/) !== null) {&eol; fields[field] = fields[field].replace(/\./g, '-');&eol; }&eol; else {&eol; fields[field] = '';&eol; }&eol; break;&eol; }&eol;&eol; arr.push({id: field, value: fields[field]});&eol; break;&eol; }&eol; }&eol; });&eol;&eol; if (arr.length) {&eol; data.ticket['custom_fields'] = arr;&eol; }&eol; }&eol; else {&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[Zendesk Webhook] Failed to retrieve field schema.');&eol; }&eol; }&eol;&eol; return data;&eol; },&eol;&eol; request: function (method, query, data) {&eol; ['url', 'token', 'type'].forEach(function (field) {&eol; if (typeof Zendesk.params !== 'object' &pipe;&pipe; typeof Zendesk.params[field] === 'undefined') {&eol; throw 'Required Zendesk param is not set: ' + field + '\n' + Zendesk.params[field];&eol; }&eol; });&eol;&eol; var response,&eol; url = Zendesk.params.url + query,&eol; request = new CurlHttpRequest();&eol;&eol; if (typeof Zendesk.HTTPProxy === 'string' && Zendesk.HTTPProxy.trim() !== '') {&eol; request.SetProxy(Zendesk.HTTPProxy);&eol; }&eol;&eol; request.AddHeader('Content-Type: application/json');&eol; request.AddHeader('Authorization: Basic ' + btoa(Zendesk.params.token));&eol;&eol; if (typeof data !== 'undefined') {&eol; data = JSON.stringify(data);&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[Zendesk Webhook] Sending request: ' + url + ((typeof data === 'string') ? (' ' + data) : ''));&eol;&eol; switch (method) {&eol; case 'get':&eol; response = request.Get(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; case 'post':&eol; response = request.Post(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; case 'put':&eol; response = request.Put(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; default:&eol; throw 'Unsupported HTTP request method: ' + method;&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[Zendesk Webhook] Received response with status code ' + request.Status() + '. ' + response);&eol;&eol; if (response !== null) {&eol; try {&eol; response = JSON.parse(response);&eol; }&eol; catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[Zendesk Webhook] Failed to parse response received from Zendesk.');&eol; }&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (request.Status() < 200 &pipe;&pipe; request.Status() >= 300) {&eol; var message = 'Request failed with status code ' + request.Status();&eol;&eol; if (response !== null && typeof response.error !== 'undefined'&eol; && Object.keys(response.error).length > 0) {&eol; message += ': ' + JSON.stringify(response.error);&eol; }&eol; else if (response !== null && typeof response.description !== 'undefined'&eol; && Object.keys(response.description).length > 0) {&eol; message += ': ' + JSON.stringify(response.description);&eol; }&eol; else {&eol; message += '. ' + response;&eol; }&eol; throw message + '. Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; return {&eol; status: request.Status(),&eol; response: response&eol; };&eol; },&eol;&eol; getSchema: function() {&eol; var result = Zendesk.request('get', 'ticket_fields.json');&eol;&eol; return result.response;&eol; },&eol;&eol; createIssue: function(data, fields) {&eol; var result = Zendesk.request('post', 'tickets.json', Zendesk.addCustomFields(data, fields));&eol;&eol; if (typeof result.response !== 'object' &pipe;&pipe; typeof result.response.ticket.id === 'undefined'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; result.status != 201) {&eol; throw 'Cannot create Zendesk issue. Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; return result.response.ticket.id;&eol; },&eol;&eol; updateIssue: function(data, fields) {&eol; Zendesk.request('put', 'tickets/' + Zendesk.params.issue_key + '.json', Zendesk.addCustomFields(data, fields));&eol; }&eol;};&eol;&eol;try {&eol; var params = JSON.parse(value),&eol; fields = {},&eol; zendesk = {},&eol; update = {},&eol; data = {},&eol; result = {tags: {}},&eol; required_params = [&eol; 'alert_subject',&eol; 'alert_message',&eol; 'event_id',&eol; 'event_source',&eol; 'event_value',&eol; 'event_update_status'&eol; ],&eol; severities = [&eol; {name: 'not_classified', color: '#97AAB3'},&eol; {name: 'information', color: '#7499FF'},&eol; {name: 'warning', color: '#FFC859'},&eol; {name: 'average', color: '#FFA059'},&eol; {name: 'high', color: '#E97659'},&eol; {name: 'disaster', color: '#E45959'},&eol; {name: 'resolved', color: '#009900'},&eol; {name: 'default', color: '#000000'}&eol; ],&eol; priority;&eol;&eol; Object.keys(params)&eol; .forEach(function (key) {&eol; if (key.startsWith('zendesk_')) {&eol; zendesk[key.substring(8)] = params[key];&eol; }&eol; else if (key.startsWith('customfield_')) {&eol; fields[key.substring(12)] = params[key];&eol; }&eol; else if (key.startsWith('event_update_')) {&eol; update[key.substring(13)] = params[key];&eol; }&eol; else if (required_params.indexOf(key) !== -1 && params[key].trim() === '') {&eol; throw 'Parameter ' + key + ' cannot be empty.';&eol; }&eol; });&eol;&eol; // Possible values: question, incident, problems, task&eol; if (['question', 'incident', 'problem', 'task'].indexOf(params.zendesk_type) === -1) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "zendesk_type" parameter given: ' + params.zendesk_type +&eol; '\nMust be one of question, incident, problem, task.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; // Possible values: 0 - Trigger, 1 - Discovery, 2 - Autoregistration, 3 - Internal.&eol; if ([0, 1, 2, 3].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_source)) === -1) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_source" parameter given: ' + params.event_source + '\nMust be 0-3.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; // Check {EVENT.VALUE} for trigger-based and internal events.&eol; // Possible values: 1 for problem, 0 for recovering&eol; if (params.event_value !== '0' && params.event_value !== '1'&eol; && (params.event_source === '0' &pipe;&pipe; params.event_source === '3')) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_value" parameter given: ' + params.event_value + '\nMust be 0 or 1.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; // Check {EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS} only for trigger-based events.&eol; // Possible values: 0 - Webhook was called because of problem/recovery event, 1 - Update operation.&eol; if (params.event_source === '0' && params.event_update_status !== '0' && params.event_update_status !== '1') {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_update_status" parameter given: ' + params.event_update_status + '\nMust be 0 or 1.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (params.event_source !== '0' && params.event_value === '0') {&eol; throw 'Recovery operations are supported only for trigger-based actions.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; // Zendesk_issue_key must be a positive integer if an update action is being performed.&eol; if (params.event_source === '0' && ((params.event_value === '1' && params.event_update_status === '1')&eol; &pipe;&pipe; (params.event_value === '0' && (params.event_update_status === '0' &pipe;&pipe; params.event_update_status === '1')))&eol; && (isNaN(parseInt(params.zendesk_issue_key)) &pipe;&pipe; parseInt(params.zendesk_issue_key) < 1 )) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "zendesk_issue_key" parameter given: ' + params.zendesk_issue_key +&eol; '\nMust be positive integer.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_nseverity)) === -1) {&eol; params.event_nseverity = '7';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (params.event_value === '0') {&eol; params.event_nseverity = '6';&eol; }&eol;&eol; priority = params['severity_' + severities[params.event_nseverity].name] &pipe;&pipe; severities[7].name;&eol;&eol; Zendesk.setParams(zendesk);&eol; Zendesk.HTTPProxy = params.HTTPProxy;&eol;&eol; // Create issue for non trigger-based events.&eol; if (params.event_source !== '0' && params.event_value !== '0') {&eol; data = {&eol; ticket: {&eol; external_id: params.event_id,&eol; type: Zendesk.params.type,&eol; status: 'new',&eol; subject: params.alert_subject,&eol; comment: {&eol; body: params.alert_message,&eol; public: 'false'&eol; },&eol; priority: priority,&eol; tags: params.event_tags&eol; }&eol; };&eol;&eol; Zendesk.createIssue(data, fields);&eol; }&eol; // Create issue for trigger-based events.&eol; else if (params.event_value === '1' && update.status === '0') {&eol; data = {&eol; ticket: {&eol; external_id: params.event_id,&eol; type: Zendesk.params.type,&eol; status: 'new',&eol; subject: params.alert_subject,&eol; comment: {&eol; body: params.zbxurl + (params.zbxurl.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/') + 'tr_events.php?triggerid=' +&eol; params.trigger_id + '&eventid=' + params.event_id + '\n' + params.alert_message,&eol; public: 'false'&eol; },&eol; priority: priority,&eol; tags: params.event_tags&eol; }&eol; };&eol; var key = Zendesk.createIssue(data, fields);&eol;&eol; result.tags.__zbx_zdk_issuekey = key;&eol; result.tags.__zbx_zdk_issuelink = params.zendesk_url +&eol; (params.zendesk_url.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/') + 'agent/tickets/' + key;&eol; }&eol; // Update created issue for trigger-based event.&eol; else {&eol; data = {&eol; ticket: {&eol; type: Zendesk.params.type,&eol; subject: params.alert_subject,&eol; comment: {&eol; body: params.alert_message,&eol; public: 'false'&eol; }&eol; }&eol; };&eol;&eol; Zendesk.updateIssue(data, fields);&eol; }&eol;&eol; return JSON.stringify(result);&eol;}&eol;catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(3, '[Zendesk Webhook] ERROR: ' + error);&eol; throw 'Sending failed: ' + error;&eol;}|30s |1 |1 |{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_zdk_issuelink} |Zendesk: {EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_zdk_issuekey} | |
ROW |18 |4 |ServiceNow | | | | | | | |0 |25 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 |3 |10s |1 |var ServiceNow = {&eol; params: {},&eol;&eol; setParams: function (params) {&eol; if (typeof params !== 'object') {&eol; return;&eol; }&eol;&eol; ServiceNow.params = params;&eol; if (typeof ServiceNow.params.url === 'string') {&eol; if (!ServiceNow.params.url.endsWith('/')) {&eol; ServiceNow.params.url += '/';&eol; }&eol;&eol; ServiceNow.params.url += 'api/now/table/incident';&eol; }&eol; },&eol;&eol; setProxy: function (HTTPProxy) {&eol; ServiceNow.HTTPProxy = HTTPProxy;&eol; },&eol;&eol; setFields: function (data, fields) {&eol; if (typeof fields === 'object' && Object.keys(fields).length) {&eol; Object.keys(fields)&eol; .forEach(function(field) {&eol; data[field] = (fields[field].match(/^\d{4}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}$/) !== null)&eol; ? fields[field].replace(/\./g, '-')&eol; : fields[field];&eol; });&eol; }&eol; },&eol;&eol; request: function (method, data) {&eol; ['url', 'user', 'password'].forEach(function (field) {&eol; if (typeof ServiceNow.params !== 'object' &pipe;&pipe; typeof ServiceNow.params[field] === 'undefined'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; ServiceNow.params[field] === '' ) {&eol; throw 'Required ServiceNow param is not set: "' + field + '".';&eol; }&eol; });&eol;&eol; var response,&eol; url = ServiceNow.params.url,&eol; request = new CurlHttpRequest();&eol;&eol; request.AddHeader('Content-Type: application/json');&eol; request.AddHeader('Authorization: Basic ' + btoa(ServiceNow.params.user + ':' + ServiceNow.params.password));&eol;&eol; if (typeof ServiceNow.HTTPProxy !== 'undefined' && ServiceNow.HTTPProxy !== '') {&eol; request.SetProxy(ServiceNow.HTTPProxy);&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (typeof data !== 'undefined') {&eol; data = JSON.stringify(data);&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ ServiceNow Webhook ] Sending request: ' + url + ((typeof data === 'string')&eol; ? ('\n' + data)&eol; : ''));&eol;&eol; switch (method) {&eol; case 'get':&eol; response = request.Get(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; case 'post':&eol; response = request.Post(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; case 'put':&eol; response = request.Put(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; default:&eol; throw 'Unsupported HTTP request method: ' + method;&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ ServiceNow Webhook ] Received response with status code ' +&eol; request.Status() + '\n' + response);&eol;&eol; if (response !== null) {&eol; try {&eol; response = JSON.parse(response);&eol; }&eol; catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ ServiceNow Webhook ] Failed to parse response received from ServiceNow');&eol; response = null;&eol; }&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (request.Status() < 200 &pipe;&pipe; request.Status() >= 300) {&eol; var message = 'Request failed with status code ' + request.Status();&eol;&eol; if (response !== null && typeof response.error.message !== 'undefined'&eol; && Object.keys(response.error).length > 0) {&eol; message += ': ' + JSON.stringify(response.error.message);&eol; }&eol;&eol; throw message + ' Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol; else if (typeof response.result !== 'object' &pipe;&pipe; typeof response.result.sys_id === 'undefined') {&eol; throw 'Cannot create ServiceNow incident. Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; return response.result;&eol; }&eol;};&eol;&eol;try {&eol; var params = JSON.parse(value),&eol; fields = {},&eol; servicenow = {},&eol; data = {},&eol; result = {tags: {}},&eol; required_params = [&eol; 'alert_subject', 'alert_message', 'event_source', 'event_value',&eol; 'event_update_status', 'event_recovery_value', 'event_nseverity'&eol; ],&eol; severities = [&eol; {name: 'not_classified', color: '#97AAB3'},&eol; {name: 'information', color: '#7499FF'},&eol; {name: 'warning', color: '#FFC859'},&eol; {name: 'average', color: '#FFA059'},&eol; {name: 'high', color: '#E97659'},&eol; {name: 'disaster', color: '#E45959'},&eol; {name: 'resolved', color: '#009900'},&eol; {name: 'default', color: '#000000'}&eol; ],&eol; method = 'post',&eol; process_tags = true;&eol;&eol; Object.keys(params)&eol; .forEach(function (key) {&eol; if (key.startsWith('servicenow_')) {&eol; servicenow[key.substring(11)] = params[key];&eol; }&eol; else if (key.startsWith('u_')) {&eol; fields[key] = params[key];&eol; }&eol; else if (required_params.indexOf(key) !== -1 && params[key] === '') {&eol; throw 'Parameter "' + key + '" can\'t be empty.';&eol; }&eol; });&eol;&eol; if ([0, 1, 2, 3].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_source)) === -1) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_source" parameter given: ' + params.event_source + '\nMust be 0-3.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_nseverity)) === -1) {&eol; params.event_nseverity = '7';&eol; }&eol;&eol; // Check {EVENT.VALUE} for trigger-based and internal events.&eol; if (params.event_value !== '0' && params.event_value !== '1'&eol; && (params.event_source === '0' &pipe;&pipe; params.event_source === '3')) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_value" parameter given: ' + params.event_value + '\nMust be 0 or 1.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; // Check {EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS} only for trigger-based events.&eol; if (params.event_update_status !== '0' && params.event_update_status !== '1' && params.event_source === '0') {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_update_status" parameter given: ' + params.event_update_status + '\nMust be 0 or 1.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (params.event_source !== '0' && params.event_recovery_value === '0') {&eol; throw 'Recovery operations are supported only for trigger-based actions.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; data.short_description = params.alert_subject;&eol; data.description = params.alert_message;&eol; data.comments = params.alert_message;&eol;&eol; if (typeof params['urgency_for_' + severities[params.event_nseverity].name] !== 'undefined') {&eol; data.urgency = params['urgency_for_' + severities[params.event_nseverity].name];&eol; }&eol;&eol; ServiceNow.setParams(servicenow);&eol; ServiceNow.setProxy(params.HTTPProxy);&eol; ServiceNow.setFields(data, fields);&eol;&eol; if (params.event_source === '0' && (params.event_value === '0' &pipe;&pipe; params.event_update_status === '1')) {&eol; process_tags = false;&eol; method = 'put';&eol; delete data.description;&eol; delete data.urgency;&eol; ServiceNow.params.url += '/' + params.servicenow_sys_id;&eol; }&eol;&eol; var response = ServiceNow.request(method, data);&eol;&eol; if (process_tags) {&eol; result.tags.__zbx_servicenow_sys_id = response.sys_id;&eol; result.tags.__zbx_servicenow_link = params.servicenow_url +&eol; (params.servicenow_url.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/') + 'incident.do?sys_id=' + response.sys_id;&eol; result.tags.__zbx_servicenow_number = response.number;&eol; }&eol;&eol; return JSON.stringify(result);&eol;}&eol;catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(3, '[ ServiceNow Webhook ] ERROR: ' + error);&eol; throw 'Sending failed: ' + error;&eol;}|30s |1 |1 |{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_servicenow_link} |ServiceNow: {EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_servicenow_number} | |
-ROW |19 |4 |Zammad | | | | | | | |0 |25 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 |3 |10s |1 |var Zammad = {&eol; params: {},&eol;&eol; setParams: function (params) {&eol; if (typeof params !== 'object') {&eol; return;&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zammad.params = params;&eol; if (typeof Zammad.params.url === 'string') {&eol; if (!Zammad.params.url.endsWith('/')) {&eol; Zammad.params.url += '/';&eol; }&eol; }&eol; },&eol;&eol; request: function (method, query, data) {&eol; ['url', 'access_token'].forEach(function (field) {&eol; if (typeof Zammad.params !== 'object' &pipe;&pipe; typeof Zammad.params[field] === 'undefined'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; Zammad.params[field] === '' ) {&eol; throw 'Required param is not set: "' + field + '".';&eol; }&eol; });&eol;&eol; var response,&eol; url = Zammad.params.url + query,&eol; request = new CurlHttpRequest();&eol;&eol; if (typeof Zammad.HTTPProxy === 'string' && Zammad.HTTPProxy.trim() !== '') {&eol; request.SetProxy(Zammad.HTTPProxy);&eol; }&eol;&eol; request.AddHeader('Content-Type: application/json');&eol; request.AddHeader('Authorization: Token token=' + Zammad.params.access_token);&eol;&eol; if (typeof data !== 'undefined') {&eol; data = JSON.stringify(data);&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Zammad Webhook ] Sending request: ' +&eol; url + ((typeof data === 'string') ? (' ' + data) : ''));&eol;&eol; switch (method) {&eol; case 'get':&eol; response = request.Get(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; case 'post':&eol; response = request.Post(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; case 'put':&eol; response = request.Put(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; default:&eol; throw 'Unsupported HTTP request method: ' + method;&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Zammad Webhook ] Received response with status code ' + request.Status() + ': ' + response);&eol;&eol; if (response !== null) {&eol; try {&eol; response = JSON.parse(response);&eol; }&eol; catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Zammad Webhook ] Failed to parse response received from Zammad');&eol; response = null;&eol; }&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (request.Status() < 200 &pipe;&pipe; request.Status() >= 300) {&eol; var message = 'Request failed with status code ' + request.Status();&eol;&eol; if (response !== null && typeof response.errors !== 'undefined'&eol; && Object.keys(response.errors).length > 0) {&eol; message += ': ' + JSON.stringify(response.errors);&eol; }&eol; else if (response !== null && typeof response.errorMessages !== 'undefined'&eol; && Object.keys(response.errorMessages).length > 0) {&eol; message += ': ' + JSON.stringify(response.errorMessages);&eol; }&eol;&eol; throw message + ' Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; return {&eol; status: request.Status(),&eol; response: response&eol; };&eol; },&eol;&eol; setTicketTags: function(tags, ticket_id) {&eol; try {&eol; var tags_json = JSON.parse(tags),&eol; result;&eol;&eol; for (var i in tags_json) {&eol; result = Zammad.request('get',&eol; '/api/v1/tags/add?object=Ticket&o_id=' + ticket_id +&eol; '&item=' + tags_json[i].tag);&eol;&eol; if (typeof result.response !== 'object'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; result.status != 200) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Zammad Webhook ] Cannot add ticket tag:' + tags_json[i].tag);&eol; }&eol; }&eol; }&eol; catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Zammad Webhook ] Failed to add ticket tags:' + error);&eol; }&eol;&eol; return;&eol; },&eol;&eol; createTicket: function(subject, message, priority) {&eol; var data = {&eol; title: subject,&eol; group: 'Users',&eol; article: {&eol; subject: subject,&eol; body: message,&eol; type: 'note',&eol; internal: false&eol; },&eol; customer: Zammad.params.customer&eol; },&eol; result;&eol;&eol; if (priority) {&eol; data.priority_id = priority;&eol; }&eol;&eol; result = Zammad.request('post', 'api/v1/tickets', data);&eol;&eol; if (typeof result.response !== 'object'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; typeof result.response.id === 'undefined'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; result.status != 201) {&eol; throw 'Cannot create Zammad ticket. Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; return result.response.id;&eol; },&eol;&eol; updateTicket: function(subject, message) {&eol; var data = {&eol; ticket_id: Zammad.params.ticket_id,&eol; subject: subject,&eol; body: message &pipe;&pipe; '',&eol; type: 'note',&eol; internal: false&eol; };&eol;&eol; result = Zammad.request('post', 'api/v1/ticket_articles', data);&eol;&eol; if (typeof result.response !== 'object'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; typeof result.response.id === 'undefined'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; result.status != 201) {&eol; throw 'Cannot update Zammad ticket. Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol; }&eol;};&eol;&eol;try {&eol; var params = JSON.parse(value),&eol; params_zammad = {},&eol; params_update = {},&eol; result = {tags: {}},&eol; required_params = [&eol; 'alert_subject', 'customer',&eol; 'event_source', 'event_value',&eol; 'event_update_status'&eol; ],&eol; severities = [&eol; {name: 'not_classified', color: '#97AAB3'},&eol; {name: 'information', color: '#7499FF'},&eol; {name: 'warning', color: '#FFC859'},&eol; {name: 'average', color: '#FFA059'},&eol; {name: 'high', color: '#E97659'},&eol; {name: 'disaster', color: '#E45959'},&eol; {name: 'resolved', color: '#009900'},&eol; {name: null, color: '#000000'}&eol; ],&eol; priority;&eol;&eol; Object.keys(params)&eol; .forEach(function (key) {&eol; if (key.startsWith('zammad_')) {&eol; params_zammad[key.substring(7)] = params[key].trim();&eol; }&eol; else if (key.startsWith('event_update_')) {&eol; params_update[key.substring(13)] = params[key];&eol; }&eol; else if (required_params.indexOf(key) !== -1 && params[key].trim() === '') {&eol; throw 'Parameter "' + key + '" cannot be empty.';&eol; }&eol; });&eol;&eol; if ([0, 1, 2, 3].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_source)) === -1) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_source" parameter given: ' + params.event_source + '\nMust be 0-3.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; // Check {EVENT.VALUE} for trigger-based and internal events.&eol; if (params.event_value !== '0' && params.event_value !== '1'&eol; && (params.event_source === '0' &pipe;&pipe; params.event_source === '3')) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_value" parameter given: ' + params.event_value + '\nMust be 0 or 1.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; // Check {EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS} only for trigger-based events.&eol; if (params.event_source === '0' && params.event_update_status !== '0' && params.event_update_status !== '1') {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_update_status" parameter given: ' + params.event_update_status + '\nMust be 0 or 1.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (params.event_source !== '0' && params.event_value === '0') {&eol; throw 'Recovery operations are supported only for trigger-based actions.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (params.event_source === '0'&eol; && ((params.event_value === '1' && params.event_update_status === '1')&eol; &pipe;&pipe; (params.event_value === '0'&eol; && (params.event_update_status === '0' &pipe;&pipe; params.event_update_status === '1')))&eol; && (isNaN(parseInt(params.zammad_ticket_id)) &pipe;&pipe; parseInt(params.zammad_ticket_id) < 1 )) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "zammad_ticket_id" parameter given: ' + params.zammad_ticket_id +&eol; '\nMust be positive integer.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_nseverity)) === -1) {&eol; params.event_nseverity = '7';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (params.event_value === '0') {&eol; params.event_nseverity = '6';&eol; }&eol;&eol; priority = params['severity_' + severities[params.event_nseverity].name];&eol; priority = priority && priority.trim() &pipe;&pipe; severities[7].name;&eol;&eol; Zammad.setParams(params_zammad);&eol; Zammad.HTTPProxy = params.HTTPProxy;&eol;&eol; // Create ticket for non trigger-based events.&eol; if (params.event_source !== '0'&eol; && params.event_value !== '0') {&eol; Zammad.createTicket(params.alert_subject, params.alert_message, priority, params.event_tags);&eol; }&eol; // Create ticket for trigger-based events.&eol; else if (params.event_value === '1' && params_update.status === '0') {&eol; var ticket_id = Zammad.createTicket(params.alert_subject,&eol; params.alert_subject + '\n' + params.alert_message + '\n' +&eol; params.zabbix_url + (params.zabbix_url.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/') +&eol; 'tr_events.php?triggerid=' + params.trigger_id + '&eventid=' + params.event_id + '\n',&eol; priority);&eol;&eol; result.tags.__zbx_zammad_ticket_id = ticket_id;&eol; result.tags.__zbx_zammad_ticketlink = params.zammad_url +&eol; (params.zammad_url.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/') + '#ticket/zoom/' + ticket_id;&eol;&eol; if (Zammad.params.enable_tags.toLowerCase() === 'true') {&eol; Zammad.setTicketTags(params.event_tags, ticket_id);&eol; }&eol; }&eol; // Update created ticket for trigger-based event.&eol; else {&eol; Zammad.updateTicket(params.alert_subject, params.alert_message);&eol; }&eol;&eol; return JSON.stringify(result);&eol;}&eol;catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(3, '[ Zammad Webhook ] ERROR: ' + error);&eol; throw 'Sending failed: ' + error;&eol;}|30s |1 |1 |{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_zammad_ticketlink} |Zammad: ticket #{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_zammad_ticket_id} | |
+ROW |19 |4 |Zammad | | | | | | | |0 |25 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 |3 |10s |1 |var Zammad = {&eol; params: {},&eol;&eol; setParams: function (params) {&eol; if (typeof params !== 'object') {&eol; return;&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zammad.params = params;&eol; if (typeof Zammad.params.url === 'string') {&eol; if (!Zammad.params.url.endsWith('/')) {&eol; Zammad.params.url += '/';&eol; }&eol; }&eol; },&eol;&eol; request: function (method, query, data) {&eol; ['url', 'access_token'].forEach(function (field) {&eol; if (typeof Zammad.params !== 'object' &pipe;&pipe; typeof Zammad.params[field] === 'undefined'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; Zammad.params[field] === '' ) {&eol; throw 'Required param is not set: "' + field + '".';&eol; }&eol; });&eol;&eol; var response,&eol; url = Zammad.params.url + query,&eol; request = new CurlHttpRequest();&eol;&eol; if (typeof Zammad.HTTPProxy === 'string' && Zammad.HTTPProxy.trim() !== '') {&eol; request.SetProxy(Zammad.HTTPProxy);&eol; }&eol;&eol; request.AddHeader('Content-Type: application/json');&eol; request.AddHeader('Authorization: Token token=' + Zammad.params.access_token);&eol;&eol; if (typeof data !== 'undefined') {&eol; data = JSON.stringify(data);&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Zammad Webhook ] Sending request: ' +&eol; url + ((typeof data === 'string') ? (' ' + data) : ''));&eol;&eol; switch (method) {&eol; case 'get':&eol; response = request.Get(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; case 'post':&eol; response = request.Post(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; case 'put':&eol; response = request.Put(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; default:&eol; throw 'Unsupported HTTP request method: ' + method;&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Zammad Webhook ] Received response with status code ' + request.Status() + ': ' + response);&eol;&eol; if (response !== null) {&eol; try {&eol; response = JSON.parse(response);&eol; }&eol; catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Zammad Webhook ] Failed to parse response received from Zammad');&eol; response = null;&eol; }&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (request.Status() < 200 &pipe;&pipe; request.Status() >= 300) {&eol; var message = 'Request failed with status code ' + request.Status();&eol;&eol; if (response !== null && typeof response.errors !== 'undefined'&eol; && Object.keys(response.errors).length > 0) {&eol; message += ': ' + JSON.stringify(response.errors);&eol; }&eol; else if (response !== null && typeof response.errorMessages !== 'undefined'&eol; && Object.keys(response.errorMessages).length > 0) {&eol; message += ': ' + JSON.stringify(response.errorMessages);&eol; }&eol;&eol; throw message + ' Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; return {&eol; status: request.Status(),&eol; response: response&eol; };&eol; },&eol;&eol; setTicketTags: function (tags, ticket_id) {&eol; var data = {&eol; item: '',&eol; object: 'Ticket',&eol; o_id: ticket_id&eol; };&eol;&eol;&bsn; try {&eol; var tags_json = JSON.parse(tags),&eol; result;&eol;&eol; for (var i in tags_json) {&eol;&eol; if (tags_json[i].value) {&eol; data.item = tags_json[i].tag + ": " + tags_json[i].value;&eol; } else {&eol; data.item = tags_json[i].tag;&eol; }&eol; result = Zammad.request('post', 'api/v1/tags/add', data);&eol;&eol; if (typeof result.response !== 'object' &pipe;&pipe; result.status != 200) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Zammad Webhook ] Cannot add ticket tag:' + tags_json[i].tag);&eol; }&eol; }&eol; }&eol; catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Zammad Webhook ] Failed to add ticket tags:' + error);&eol; }&eol;&eol; return;&eol; },&eol;&eol; createTicket: function(subject, message, priority) {&eol; var data = {&eol; title: subject,&eol; group: 'Users',&eol; article: {&eol; subject: subject,&eol; body: message,&eol; type: 'note',&eol; internal: false&eol; },&eol; customer: Zammad.params.customer&eol; },&eol; result;&eol;&eol; if (priority) {&eol; data.priority_id = priority;&eol; }&eol;&eol; result = Zammad.request('post', 'api/v1/tickets', data);&eol;&eol; if (typeof result.response !== 'object'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; typeof result.response.id === 'undefined'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; result.status != 201) {&eol; throw 'Cannot create Zammad ticket. Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; return result.response.id;&eol; },&eol;&eol; updateTicket: function(subject, message) {&eol; var data = {&eol; ticket_id: Zammad.params.ticket_id,&eol; subject: subject,&eol; body: message &pipe;&pipe; '',&eol; type: 'note',&eol; internal: false&eol; };&eol;&eol; result = Zammad.request('post', 'api/v1/ticket_articles', data);&eol;&eol; if (typeof result.response !== 'object'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; typeof result.response.id === 'undefined'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; result.status != 201) {&eol; throw 'Cannot update Zammad ticket. Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol; }&eol;};&eol;&eol;try {&eol; var params = JSON.parse(value),&eol; params_zammad = {},&eol; params_update = {},&eol; result = {tags: {}},&eol; required_params = [&eol; 'alert_subject', 'customer',&eol; 'event_source', 'event_value',&eol; 'event_update_status'&eol; ],&eol; severities = [&eol; {name: 'not_classified', color: '#97AAB3'},&eol; {name: 'information', color: '#7499FF'},&eol; {name: 'warning', color: '#FFC859'},&eol; {name: 'average', color: '#FFA059'},&eol; {name: 'high', color: '#E97659'},&eol; {name: 'disaster', color: '#E45959'},&eol; {name: 'resolved', color: '#009900'},&eol; {name: null, color: '#000000'}&eol; ],&eol; priority;&eol;&eol; Object.keys(params)&eol; .forEach(function (key) {&eol; if (key.startsWith('zammad_')) {&eol; params_zammad[key.substring(7)] = params[key].trim();&eol; }&eol; else if (key.startsWith('event_update_')) {&eol; params_update[key.substring(13)] = params[key];&eol; }&eol; else if (required_params.indexOf(key) !== -1 && params[key].trim() === '') {&eol; throw 'Parameter "' + key + '" cannot be empty.';&eol; }&eol; });&eol;&eol; if ([0, 1, 2, 3].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_source)) === -1) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_source" parameter given: ' + params.event_source + '\nMust be 0-3.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; // Check {EVENT.VALUE} for trigger-based and internal events.&eol; if (params.event_value !== '0' && params.event_value !== '1'&eol; && (params.event_source === '0' &pipe;&pipe; params.event_source === '3')) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_value" parameter given: ' + params.event_value + '\nMust be 0 or 1.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; // Check {EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS} only for trigger-based events.&eol; if (params.event_source === '0' && params.event_update_status !== '0' && params.event_update_status !== '1') {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_update_status" parameter given: ' + params.event_update_status + '\nMust be 0 or 1.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (params.event_source !== '0' && params.event_value === '0') {&eol; throw 'Recovery operations are supported only for trigger-based actions.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (params.event_source === '0'&eol; && ((params.event_value === '1' && params.event_update_status === '1')&eol; &pipe;&pipe; (params.event_value === '0'&eol; && (params.event_update_status === '0' &pipe;&pipe; params.event_update_status === '1')))&eol; && (isNaN(parseInt(params.zammad_ticket_id)) &pipe;&pipe; parseInt(params.zammad_ticket_id) < 1 )) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "zammad_ticket_id" parameter given: ' + params.zammad_ticket_id +&eol; '\nMust be positive integer.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_nseverity)) === -1) {&eol; params.event_nseverity = '7';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (params.event_value === '0') {&eol; params.event_nseverity = '6';&eol; }&eol;&eol; priority = params['severity_' + severities[params.event_nseverity].name];&eol; priority = priority && priority.trim() &pipe;&pipe; severities[7].name;&eol;&eol; Zammad.setParams(params_zammad);&eol; Zammad.HTTPProxy = params.HTTPProxy;&eol;&eol; // Create ticket for non trigger-based events.&eol; if (params.event_source !== '0'&eol; && params.event_value !== '0') {&eol; Zammad.createTicket(params.alert_subject, params.alert_message, priority, params.event_tags);&eol; }&eol; // Create ticket for trigger-based events.&eol; else if (params.event_value === '1' && params_update.status === '0') {&eol; var ticket_id = Zammad.createTicket(params.alert_subject,&eol; params.alert_subject + '\n' + params.alert_message + '\n' +&eol; params.zabbix_url + (params.zabbix_url.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/') +&eol; 'tr_events.php?triggerid=' + params.trigger_id + '&eventid=' + params.event_id + '\n',&eol; priority);&eol;&eol; result.tags.__zbx_zammad_ticket_id = ticket_id;&eol; result.tags.__zbx_zammad_ticketlink = params.zammad_url +&eol; (params.zammad_url.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/') + '#ticket/zoom/' + ticket_id;&eol;&eol; if (Zammad.params.enable_tags.toLowerCase() === 'true') {&eol; Zammad.setTicketTags(params.event_tags, ticket_id);&eol; }&eol; }&eol; // Update created ticket for trigger-based event.&eol; else {&eol; Zammad.updateTicket(params.alert_subject, params.alert_message);&eol; }&eol;&eol; return JSON.stringify(result);&eol;}&eol;catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(3, '[ Zammad Webhook ] ERROR: ' + error);&eol; throw 'Sending failed: ' + error;&eol;}|30s |1 |1 |{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_zammad_ticketlink} |Zammad: ticket #{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_zammad_ticket_id} | |
ROW |20 |4 |Jira ServiceDesk | | | | | | | |0 |25 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 |3 |10s |1 |var Jira = {&eol; params: {},&eol; schema: {},&eol;&eol; setParams: function (params) {&eol; if (typeof params !== 'object') {&eol; return;&eol; }&eol;&eol; Jira.params = params;&eol; if (typeof Jira.params.url === 'string') {&eol; if (!Jira.params.url.endsWith('/')) {&eol; Jira.params.url += '/';&eol; }&eol;&eol; Jira.params.url += 'rest/servicedeskapi/';&eol; }&eol; },&eol;&eol; setProxy: function (HTTPProxy) {&eol; Jira.HTTPProxy = HTTPProxy;&eol; },&eol;&eol; setTags: function(event_tags_json) {&eol; if (!Jira.schema) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Jira Service Desk Webhook ] Cannot add labels because failed to retrieve field schema.');&eol;&eol; return;&eol; }&eol;&eol; var block = Jira.schema.requestTypeFields.filter(function(object) {&eol; return object.fieldId == 'labels';&eol; });&eol;&eol; if (block[0] && typeof event_tags_json !== 'undefined' && event_tags_json !== ''&eol; && event_tags_json !== '{EVENT.TAGSJSON}') {&eol; try {&eol; var tags = JSON.parse(event_tags_json),&eol; label;&eol;&eol; Jira.labels = [];&eol;&eol; tags.forEach(function (tag) {&eol; if (typeof tag.tag !== 'undefined' && typeof tag.value !== 'undefined' ) {&eol; label = (tag.tag + (tag.value ? (':' + tag.value) : '')).replace(/\s/g, '_');&eol; if (label.length < 255) {&eol; Jira.labels.push(label);&eol; }&eol; }&eol; });&eol; }&eol; catch (error) {&eol; // Code is not missing here.&eol; }&eol; }&eol; },&eol;&eol; addCustomFields: function (data, fields) {&eol; if (typeof fields === 'object' && Object.keys(fields).length) {&eol; if (Jira.schema) {&eol; Object.keys(fields)&eol; .forEach(function(field) {&eol; data.requestFieldValues[field] = fields[field];&eol;&eol; var block = Jira.schema.requestTypeFields.filter(function(object) {&eol; return object.fieldId == field;&eol; });&eol;&eol; if (typeof block[0] === 'object' && typeof block[0].jiraSchema === 'object'&eol; && (block[0].jiraSchema.type === 'number' &pipe;&pipe; block[0].jiraSchema.type === 'datetime')) {&eol; switch (block[0].jiraSchema.type) {&eol; case 'number':&eol; data.requestFieldValues[field] = parseInt(fields[field]);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; case 'datetime':&eol; if (fields[field].match(/\d+[.-]\d+[.-]\d+T\d+:\d+:\d+/) !== null) {&eol; data.requestFieldValues[field] = fields[field].replace(/\./g, '-');&eol; }&eol; else {&eol; delete data.requestFieldValues[field];&eol; }&eol; break;&eol; }&eol; }&eol; });&eol; }&eol; else {&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Jira Service Desk Webhook ] Cannot add custom fields' +&eol; 'because failed to retrieve field schema.');&eol; }&eol; }&eol;&eol; return data;&eol; },&eol;&eol; request: function (method, query, data) {&eol; ['url', 'user', 'password', 'servicedesk_id', 'request_type_id'].forEach(function (field) {&eol; if (typeof Jira.params !== 'object' &pipe;&pipe; typeof Jira.params[field] === 'undefined'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; Jira.params[field] === '' ) {&eol; throw 'Required Jira param is not set: "' + field + '".';&eol; }&eol; });&eol;&eol; var response,&eol; url = Jira.params.url + query,&eol; request = new CurlHttpRequest();&eol;&eol; request.AddHeader('Content-Type: application/json');&eol; request.AddHeader('Authorization: Basic ' + btoa(Jira.params.user + ':' + Jira.params.password));&eol; request.AddHeader('X-ExperimentalApi: opt-in');&eol;&eol; if (typeof Jira.HTTPProxy !== 'undefined' && Jira.HTTPProxy !== '') {&eol; request.SetProxy(Jira.HTTPProxy);&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (typeof data !== 'undefined') {&eol; data = JSON.stringify(data);&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Jira Service Desk Webhook ] Sending request: ' + url +&eol; ((typeof data === 'string') ? ('\n' + data) : ''));&eol;&eol; switch (method) {&eol; case 'get':&eol; response = request.Get(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; case 'post':&eol; response = request.Post(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; case 'put':&eol; response = request.Put(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; default:&eol; throw 'Unsupported HTTP request method: ' + method;&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Jira Service Desk Webhook ] Received response with status code ' +&eol; request.Status() + '\n' + response);&eol;&eol; if (response !== null) {&eol; try {&eol; response = JSON.parse(response);&eol; }&eol; catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ Jira Service Desk Webhook ] Failed to parse response received from Jira');&eol; response = null;&eol; }&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (request.Status() < 200 &pipe;&pipe; request.Status() >= 300) {&eol; var message = 'Request failed with status code ' + request.Status();&eol;&eol; if (response !== null && typeof response.errors !== 'undefined'&eol; && Object.keys(response.errors).length > 0) {&eol; message += ': ' + JSON.stringify(response.errors);&eol; }&eol; else if (response !== null && typeof response.errorMessage !== 'undefined'&eol; && Object.keys(response.errorMessage).length > 0) {&eol; message += ': ' + JSON.stringify(response.errorMessage);&eol; }&eol;&eol; throw message + ' Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; return {&eol; status: request.Status(),&eol; response: response&eol; };&eol; },&eol;&eol; getSchema: function() {&eol; var result = Jira.request('get', 'servicedesk/' + Jira.params.servicedesk_id + '/requesttype/' +&eol; Jira.params.request_type_id + '/field');&eol;&eol; if (typeof Jira.schema !== 'object' && typeof Jira.schema.requestTypeFields !== 'object') {&eol; Jira.schema = null;&eol; }&eol; else {&eol; Jira.schema = result.response;&eol; }&eol; },&eol;&eol; createRequest: function(summary, description, fields) {&eol; var data = {&eol; serviceDeskId: Jira.params.servicedesk_id,&eol; requestTypeId: Jira.params.request_type_id,&eol; requestFieldValues: {&eol; summary: summary,&eol; description: description&eol; }&eol; };&eol;&eol; if (Jira.labels && Jira.labels.length > 0) {&eol; data.requestFieldValues.labels = Jira.labels;&eol; }&eol; var result = Jira.request('post', 'request', Jira.addCustomFields(data, fields));&eol;&eol; if (typeof result.response !== 'object' &pipe;&pipe; typeof result.response.issueKey === 'undefined') {&eol; throw 'Cannot create Jira request. Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; return result.response.issueKey;&eol; }&eol;};&eol;&eol;try {&eol; var params = JSON.parse(value),&eol; fields = {},&eol; jira = {},&eol; comment = {public: true},&eol; result = {tags: {}},&eol; required_params = [&eol; 'alert_subject', 'alert_message', 'event_source', 'event_value',&eol; 'event_update_status', 'event_recovery_value'&eol; ];&eol;&eol; Object.keys(params)&eol; .forEach(function (key) {&eol; if (key.startsWith('jira_')) {&eol; jira[key.substring(5)] = params[key];&eol; }&eol; else if (key.startsWith('customfield_')) {&eol; fields[key] = params[key];&eol; }&eol; else if (required_params.indexOf(key) !== -1 && params[key] === '') {&eol; throw 'Parameter "' + key + '" cannot be empty.';&eol; }&eol; });&eol;&eol; if ([0, 1, 2, 3].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_source)) === -1) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_source" parameter given: ' + params.event_source + '\nMust be 0-3.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; // Check {EVENT.VALUE} for trigger-based and internal events.&eol; if (params.event_value !== '0' && params.event_value !== '1'&eol; && (params.event_source === '0' &pipe;&pipe; params.event_source === '3')) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_value" parameter given: ' + params.event_value + '\nMust be 0 or 1.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; // Check {EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS} only for trigger-based events.&eol; if (params.event_update_status !== '0' && params.event_update_status !== '1' && params.event_source === '0') {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_update_status" parameter given: ' + params.event_update_status + '\nMust be 0 or 1.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (params.event_source !== '0' && params.event_recovery_value === '0') {&eol; throw 'Recovery operations are supported only for trigger-based actions.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; Jira.setParams(jira);&eol; Jira.setProxy(params.HTTPProxy);&eol; Jira.getSchema();&eol; Jira.setTags(params.event_tags_json);&eol;&eol; // Create request for non trigger-based events.&eol; if (params.event_source !== '0' && params.event_recovery_value !== '0') {&eol; Jira.createRequest(params.alert_subject, params.alert_message);&eol; }&eol; // Create request for trigger-based events.&eol; else if (params.event_value === '1' && params.event_update_status === '0'&eol; && jira.request_key === '{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_jira_requestkey}') {&eol; var key = Jira.createRequest(params.alert_subject, params.alert_message, fields);&eol;&eol; result.tags.__zbx_jira_requestkey = key;&eol; result.tags.__zbx_jira_requestlink = params.jira_url +&eol; (params.jira_url.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/') + 'browse/' + key;&eol; }&eol; // Comment created request for trigger-based event.&eol; else {&eol; if (jira.request_key === '{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_jira_requestkey}' &pipe;&pipe; jira.request_key.trim() === '') {&eol; throw 'Incorrect Request key given: ' + jira.request_key;&eol; }&eol; comment.body = params.alert_message;&eol; Jira.request('post', 'request/' + Jira.params.request_key + '/comment', comment);&eol; }&eol;&eol; return JSON.stringify(result);&eol;}&eol;catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(3, '[ Jira Service Desk Webhook ] ERROR: ' + error);&eol; throw 'Sending failed: ' + error;&eol;}|30s |1 |1 |{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_jira_requestlink} |Jira ServiceDesk: {EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_jira_requestkey} | |
ROW |21 |4 |OTRS | | | | | | | |0 |25 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 |3 |10s |1 |var OTRS = {&eol; params: {},&eol; entrypoint: 'nph-genericinterface.pl/Webservice/ZabbixTicketConnector/Ticket',&eol;&eol; setParams: function (params) {&eol; if (typeof params !== 'object') {&eol; return;&eol; }&eol;&eol; OTRS.params = params;&eol; if (typeof OTRS.params.url === 'string') {&eol; if (!OTRS.params.url.endsWith('/')) {&eol; OTRS.params.url += '/';&eol; }&eol; }&eol; },&eol;&eol; addDynamicFields: function (data, fields) {&eol; if (typeof fields === 'object' && Object.keys(fields).length) {&eol; data.DynamicField = [];&eol;&eol; Object.keys(fields)&eol; .forEach(function(field) {&eol; if (field !== undefined) {&eol; if (fields[field].match(/^\d{4}[.-]\d{2}[.-]\d{2}$/)) {&eol; fields[field] = fields[field].replace(/\./g, '-');&eol; }&eol;&eol; data.DynamicField.push({Name: field, Value: fields[field]});&eol; }&eol; });&eol; }&eol;&eol; return data;&eol; },&eol;&eol; request: function (method, query, data) {&eol; ['url', 'auth_user', 'auth_password', 'queue',&eol; 'customer', 'ticket_state', 'default_priority_id', 'time_unit'].forEach(function (field) {&eol; if (typeof OTRS.params !== 'object' &pipe;&pipe; typeof OTRS.params[field] === 'undefined'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; OTRS.params[field] === '' ) {&eol; throw 'Required param is not set: "' + field + '".';&eol; }&eol; });&eol;&eol; var response,&eol; request = new CurlHttpRequest(),&eol; url = OTRS.params.url + query +&eol; '?UserLogin=' + encodeURIComponent(OTRS.params.auth_user) +&eol; '&Password=' + encodeURIComponent(OTRS.params.auth_password);&eol;&eol; if (typeof OTRS.HTTPProxy !== 'undefined' && OTRS.HTTPProxy.trim() !== '') {&eol; request.SetProxy(OTRS.HTTPProxy);&eol; }&eol;&eol; request.AddHeader('Content-Type: application/json');&eol;&eol; if (typeof data !== 'undefined') {&eol; data = JSON.stringify(data);&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ OTRS Webhook ] Sending request: ' +&eol; url + ((typeof data === 'string') ? (' ' + data) : ''));&eol;&eol; switch (method) {&eol; case 'get':&eol; response = request.Get(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; case 'post':&eol; response = request.Post(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; case 'put':&eol; response = request.Put(url, data);&eol; break;&eol;&eol; default:&eol; throw 'Unsupported HTTP request method: ' + method;&eol; }&eol;&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ OTRS Webhook ] Received response with status code ' + request.Status() + ': ' + response);&eol;&eol; if (request.Status() < 200 &pipe;&pipe; request.Status() >= 300) {&eol; var message = 'Request failed with status code ' + request.Status();&eol;&eol; message += ': ' + response;&eol; throw message + ' Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (response !== null) {&eol; try {&eol; response = JSON.parse(response);&eol; }&eol; catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[ OTRS Webhook ] Failed to parse response received from OTRS');&eol; response = null;&eol; }&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (typeof response.Error !== 'undefined'&eol; && Object.keys(response.Error).length > 0) {&eol; message = 'Request failed: ' + JSON.stringify(response.Error);&eol; }&eol;&eol;&eol; return {&eol; status: request.Status(),&eol; response: response&eol; };&eol; },&eol;&eol; createTicket: function(subject, message, priority, fields) {&eol; var result,&eol; data = {&eol; Ticket: {&eol; Title: subject,&eol; Queue: OTRS.params.queue,&eol; State: OTRS.params.ticket_state,&eol; PriorityID: priority &pipe;&pipe; OTRS.params.default_priority_id,&eol; CustomerUser: OTRS.params.customer&eol; },&eol; Article: {&eol; Subject: subject,&eol; Body: message,&eol; TimeUnit: OTRS.params.time_unit,&eol; ContentType: 'text/plain; charset=utf8'&eol; }&eol; };&eol;&eol; result = OTRS.request('post', OTRS.entrypoint, OTRS.addDynamicFields(data, fields));&eol;&eol; if (typeof result.response !== 'object'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; typeof result.response.TicketID === 'undefined'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; result.status != 200) {&eol; throw 'Cannot create OTRS ticket. Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; return result.response.TicketID;&eol; },&eol;&eol; updateTicket: function(subject, message) {&eol; var result,&eol; data = {&eol; Article: {&eol; Subject: subject,&eol; Body: message &pipe;&pipe; '',&eol; TimeUnit: OTRS.params.time_unit,&eol; ContentType: 'text/plain; charset=utf8'&eol; }&eol; };&eol;&eol; result = OTRS.request('put', OTRS.entrypoint + '/' + encodeURIComponent(OTRS.params.ticket_id), data);&eol;&eol; if (typeof result.response !== 'object'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; typeof result.response.TicketID === 'undefined'&eol; &pipe;&pipe; result.status != 200) {&eol; throw 'Cannot update OTRS ticket. Check debug log for more information.';&eol; }&eol; }&eol;};&eol;&eol;try {&eol; var params = JSON.parse(value),&eol; params_otrs = {},&eol; params_fields = {},&eol; params_update = {},&eol; result = {tags: {}},&eol; required_params = [&eol; 'alert_subject', 'event_source',&eol; 'event_value', 'event_update_status'&eol; ],&eol; severities = [&eol; {name: 'not_classified', color: '#97AAB3'},&eol; {name: 'information', color: '#7499FF'},&eol; {name: 'warning', color: '#FFC859'},&eol; {name: 'average', color: '#FFA059'},&eol; {name: 'high', color: '#E97659'},&eol; {name: 'disaster', color: '#E45959'},&eol; {name: 'resolved', color: '#009900'},&eol; {name: null, color: '#000000'}&eol; ],&eol; priority;&eol;&eol; Object.keys(params)&eol; .forEach(function (key) {&eol; if (key.startsWith('otrs_')) {&eol; params_otrs[key.substring(5)] = params[key];&eol; }&eol; else if (key.startsWith('dynamicfield_')) {&eol; params_fields[key.substring(13)] = params[key];&eol; }&eol; else if (key.startsWith('event_update_')) {&eol; params_update[key.substring(13)] = params[key];&eol; }&eol; else if (required_params.indexOf(key) !== -1 && params[key].trim() === '') {&eol; throw 'Parameter "' + key + '" cannot be empty.';&eol; }&eol; });&eol;&eol; if ([0, 1, 2, 3].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_source)) === -1) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_source" parameter given: ' + params.event_source + '\nMust be 0-3.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; // Check {EVENT.VALUE} for trigger-based and internal events.&eol; if (params.event_value !== '0' && params.event_value !== '1'&eol; && (params.event_source === '0' &pipe;&pipe; params.event_source === '3')) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_value" parameter given: ' + params.event_value + '\nMust be 0 or 1.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; // Check {EVENT.UPDATE.STATUS} only for trigger-based events.&eol; if (params.event_source === '0' && params.event_update_status !== '0' && params.event_update_status !== '1') {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "event_update_status" parameter given: ' + params.event_update_status + '\nMust be 0 or 1.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (params.event_source !== '0' && params.event_value === '0') {&eol; throw 'Recovery operations are supported only for trigger-based actions.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (params.event_source === '0'&eol; && ((params.event_value === '1' && params.event_update_status === '1')&eol; &pipe;&pipe; (params.event_value === '0'&eol; && (params.event_update_status === '0' &pipe;&pipe; params.event_update_status === '1')))&eol; && (isNaN(parseInt(params.otrs_ticket_id)) &pipe;&pipe; parseInt(params.otrs_ticket_id) < 1 )) {&eol; throw 'Incorrect "otrs_ticket_id" parameter given: ' + params.otrs_ticket_id +&eol; '\nMust be positive integer.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].indexOf(parseInt(params.event_nseverity)) === -1) {&eol; params.event_nseverity = '7';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (params.event_value === '0') {&eol; params.event_nseverity = '6';&eol; }&eol;&eol; priority = params['severity_' + severities[params.event_nseverity].name];&eol; priority = priority && priority.trim() &pipe;&pipe; severities[7].name;&eol;&eol; OTRS.setParams(params_otrs);&eol; OTRS.HTTPProxy = params.HTTPProxy;&eol;&eol; // Create ticket for non trigger-based events.&eol; if (params.event_source !== '0'&eol; && params.event_value !== '0') {&eol; OTRS.createTicket(params.alert_subject, params.alert_message, priority);&eol; }&eol; // Create ticket for trigger-based events.&eol; else if (params.event_value === '1' && params_update.status === '0') {&eol; var ticket_id = OTRS.createTicket(params.alert_subject,&eol; params.alert_subject + '\n' + params.alert_message + '\n' +&eol; params.zabbix_url + (params.zabbix_url.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/') +&eol; 'tr_events.php?triggerid=' + params.trigger_id + '&eventid=' + params.event_id + '\n',&eol; priority,&eol; params_fields);&eol;&eol; result.tags.__zbx_otrs_ticket_id = ticket_id;&eol; result.tags.__zbx_otrs_ticketlink = params.otrs_url +&eol; (params.otrs_url.endsWith('/') ? '' : '/') + 'index.pl?Action=AgentTicketZoom;TicketID=' + ticket_id;&eol; }&eol; // Update created ticket for trigger-based event.&eol; else {&eol; OTRS.updateTicket(params.alert_subject, params.alert_message);&eol; }&eol;&eol; return JSON.stringify(result);&eol;}&eol;catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(3, '[ OTRS Webhook ] ERROR: ' + error);&eol; throw 'Sending failed: ' + error;&eol;}|30s |1 |1 |{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_otrs_ticketlink} |OTRS: ticket #{EVENT.TAGS.__zbx_otrs_ticket_id} | |
ROW |22 |4 |iLert | | | | | | | |0 |25 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |1 |3 |10s |1 |try {&eol; var result = { tags: {} },&eol; params = JSON.parse(value),&eol; req = new CurlHttpRequest(),&eol; resp = '';&eol;&eol; if (typeof params.HTTPProxy === 'string' && params.HTTPProxy.trim() !== '') {&eol; req.SetProxy(params.HTTPProxy);&eol; }&eol; var alertSourceKey = params['.ILERT.ALERT.SOURCE.KEY'];&eol; if (!alertSourceKey &pipe;&pipe; (typeof alertSourceKey === 'string' && alertSourceKey.trim() === '')) {&eol; throw 'incorrect value for variable "ILERT.ALERT.SOURCE.KEY". The value must be a non-empty string.';&eol; }&eol; delete params['.ILERT.ALERT.SOURCE.KEY'];&eol; &eol; var ilertApiBaseURL = "https://api.ilert.com";&eol; var reqURL = encodeURI(ilertApiBaseURL + "/api/v1/events/zabbix-mt/" + alertSourceKey)&eol;&eol; var incidentKey = "zabbix-" + params['EVENT.ID'];&eol; var incidentViewURL = ilertApiBaseURL + "/api/v1/incidents/resolve-ik/" + alertSourceKey + "/" + incidentKey;&eol;&eol; req.AddHeader('Accept: application/json');&eol; req.AddHeader('Content-Type: application/json');&eol;&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[iLert Webhook] Sending request:' + JSON.stringify(params));&eol; resp = req.Post(reqURL, JSON.stringify(params));&eol; Zabbix.Log(4, '[iLert Webhook] Receiving response:' + resp);&eol;&eol; try {&eol; resp = JSON.parse(resp);&eol; }&eol; catch (error) {&eol; throw 'incorrect response. iLert returned a non-JSON object.';&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (req.Status() == 200) {&eol; result.tags.__ilert_incident_url = incidentViewURL;&eol; return JSON.stringify(result);&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (req.Status() == 400 && typeof resp === 'object' && typeof resp.code === 'string') {&eol; if (resp.code === 'NO_OPEN_INCIDENT_WITH_KEY') {&eol; return JSON.stringify(result);&eol; }&eol; if (resp.code === 'INCIDENT_ALREADY_ACCEPTED') {&eol; result.tags.__ilert_incident_url = incidentViewURL;&eol; return JSON.stringify(result);&eol; }&eol; }&eol;&eol; if (typeof resp === 'object' && typeof resp.message === 'string') {&eol; throw resp.message;&eol; }&eol; else {&eol; throw 'Unknown error.';&eol; }&eol;}&eol;catch (error) {&eol; Zabbix.Log(3, '[iLert Webhook] Notification failed : ' + error);&eol; throw 'iLert notification failed : ' + error;&eol;}|30s |1 |1 |{EVENT.TAGS.__ilert_incident_url} |iLert incident |Please refer to https://docs.ilert.com/integrations/zabbix/native &eol; &eol;Set global macro {$ZABBIX.URL} with your Zabbix server URL.&eol;Add a dedicated user with the media type "iLert". You can also rewrite the incident summary via ".ILERT.INCIDENT.SUMMARY" parameter or leave it empty to use the standard pattern. |
diff --git a/create/src/templates.tmpl b/create/src/templates.tmpl
index 6d6bb65436a..b8029bcd229 100644
--- a/create/src/templates.tmpl
+++ b/create/src/templates.tmpl
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
TABLE |hosts
FIELDS|hostid|proxy_hostid|host |status|ipmi_authtype|ipmi_privilege|ipmi_username|ipmi_password|name |flags|templateid|description |tls_connect|tls_accept|tls_issuer|tls_subject|tls_psk_identity|tls_psk|proxy_address|auto_compress|discover|
ROW |10001 |NULL |Template OS Linux by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template OS Linux by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Official Linux template. Requires agent of Zabbix 3.0.14, 3.4.5 and 4.0.0 or newer.&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Network discovery. Zabbix agent as of 4.2 doesn't support items such as net.if.status, net.if.speed.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/387225-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-for-linux&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10047 |NULL |Template App Zabbix Server |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Zabbix Server |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10048 |NULL |Template App Zabbix Proxy |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Zabbix Proxy |0 |NULL | |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10050 |NULL |Template Module Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Use this template for agents reachable from Zabbix server/proxy (passive mode).&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.34 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10047 |NULL |Template App Zabbix Server |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Zabbix Server |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10048 |NULL |Template App Zabbix Proxy |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Zabbix Proxy |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10050 |NULL |Template Module Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Use this template for agents reachable from Zabbix server/proxy (passive mode).&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10074 |NULL |Template OS OpenBSD |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template OS OpenBSD |0 |NULL | |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10075 |NULL |Template OS FreeBSD |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template OS FreeBSD |0 |NULL | |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10076 |NULL |Template OS AIX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template OS AIX |0 |NULL | |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
@@ -42,25 +42,25 @@ ROW |10100 |NULL |Template App POP Service
ROW |10101 |NULL |Template App SMTP Service |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App SMTP Service |0 |NULL | |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10102 |NULL |Template App SSH Service |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App SSH Service |0 |NULL | |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10103 |NULL |Template App Telnet Service |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Telnet Service |0 |NULL | |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10169 |NULL |Template App Generic Java JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Generic Java JMX |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10169 |NULL |Template App Generic Java JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Generic Java JMX |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10170 |NULL |Template DB MySQL |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB MySQL |0 |NULL |Requirements for template operation:&eol;1.Install Zabbix agent and MySQL client.&eol;2.Copy Template_DB_MySQL.conf into folder with Zabbix agent configuration (/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/ by default). Don't forget restart zabbix-agent. &eol;3.Create MySQL user for monitoring. For example:&eol;CREATE USER 'zbx_monitor'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';&eol;GRANT USAGE,REPLICATION CLIENT,PROCESS,SHOW DATABASES,SHOW VIEW ON *.* TO 'zbx_monitor'@'%';&eol;For more information read the MYSQL documentation https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/grant.html , please. &eol;4.Create .my.cnf in home directory of Zabbix agent for Linux (/var/lib/zabbix by default ) or my.cnf in c:\ for Windows. For example:&eol;[client]&eol;user=zbx_monitor&eol;password=<password> |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10171 |NULL |Template Server Intel SR1530 IPMI |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server Intel SR1530 IPMI |0 |NULL | |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10172 |NULL |Template Server Intel SR1630 IPMI |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server Intel SR1630 IPMI |0 |NULL | |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10173 |NULL |Template VM VMware |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template VM VMware |0 |NULL |You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10174 |NULL |Template VM VMware Guest |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template VM VMware Guest |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10175 |NULL |Template VM VMware Hypervisor |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template VM VMware Hypervisor |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10183 |NULL |Template Module EtherLike-MIB SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module EtherLike-MIB SNMP |0 |NULL |Template EtherLike-MIB (duplex control only)&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;EtherLike-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10185 |NULL |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB SNMP |0 |NULL |HOST-RESOURCES-MIB: CPU, memory and storage(vfs.fs.file) linked together.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10186 |NULL |Template Module ICMP Ping |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module ICMP Ping |0 |NULL |Template Module ICMP Ping&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.34 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10188 |NULL |Template Module Interfaces Simple SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Interfaces Simple SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Module Interfaces Simple (no ifXTable). This is the exact copy of Template Module Interfaces template with the exception that metrics from ifXTable are replaced with ifTable counters where possible. Use this template with devices where IF-MIB::ifXtable is not available. If supported by the host - use Template Module Interfaces template instead.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: 32bit counters are used in this template (since there is no ifXtable available). If busy interfaces return incorrect bits sent/received - set update interval to 1m or less.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10190 |NULL |Template Module Interfaces SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Interfaces SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Module Interfaces&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10192 |NULL |Template Module Interfaces Windows SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Interfaces Windows SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Interfaces Windows&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: 32bit counters are used in this template (since 64bit are not supported by Windows OS). If busy interfaces return incorrect bits sent/received - set update interval to 1m or less.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10173 |NULL |Template VM VMware |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template VM VMware |0 |NULL |You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10174 |NULL |Template VM VMware Guest |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template VM VMware Guest |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10175 |NULL |Template VM VMware Hypervisor |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template VM VMware Hypervisor |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10183 |NULL |Template Module EtherLike-MIB SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module EtherLike-MIB SNMP |0 |NULL |Template EtherLike-MIB (duplex control only)&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;EtherLike-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10185 |NULL |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB SNMP |0 |NULL |HOST-RESOURCES-MIB: CPU, memory and storage(vfs.fs.file) linked together.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10186 |NULL |Template Module ICMP Ping |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module ICMP Ping |0 |NULL |Template Module ICMP Ping&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10188 |NULL |Template Module Interfaces Simple SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Interfaces Simple SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Module Interfaces Simple (no ifXTable). This is the exact copy of Template Module Interfaces template with the exception that metrics from ifXTable are replaced with ifTable counters where possible. Use this template with devices where IF-MIB::ifXtable is not available. If supported by the host - use Template Module Interfaces template instead.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: 32bit counters are used in this template (since there is no ifXtable available). If busy interfaces return incorrect bits sent/received - set update interval to 1m or less.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10190 |NULL |Template Module Interfaces SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Interfaces SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Module Interfaces&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10192 |NULL |Template Module Interfaces Windows SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Interfaces Windows SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Interfaces Windows&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: 32bit counters are used in this template (since 64bit are not supported by Windows OS). If busy interfaces return incorrect bits sent/received - set update interval to 1m or less.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10204 |NULL |Template Module Generic SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Generic SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Module Generic&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10207 |NULL |Template Net Alcatel Timetra TiMOS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Alcatel Timetra TiMOS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Alcatel Timetra TiMOS&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB&eol;TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10208 |NULL |Template Net Brocade FC SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Brocade FC SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Brocade FC&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;SW-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: no IF-MIB::ifAlias is available&eol; Version: v6.3.1c, v7.0.0c, v7.4.1c&eol; Device: all&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10209 |NULL |Template Module Brocade_Foundry Performance SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Brocade_Foundry Performance SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Module Brocade_Foundry Performance&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10210 |NULL |Template Net Brocade_Foundry Nonstackable SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Brocade_Foundry Nonstackable SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Brocade_Foundry Nonstackable&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10211 |NULL |Template Net Brocade_Foundry Stackable SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Brocade_Foundry Stackable SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Brocade_Foundry Stackable&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB&eol;FOUNDRY-SN-STACKING-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Correct fan(returns fan status as 'other(1)' and temperature (returns 0) for the non-master Switches are not available in SNMP&eol; Version: Version 08.0.40b and above&eol; Device: ICX 7750 in stack&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10207 |NULL |Template Net Alcatel Timetra TiMOS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Alcatel Timetra TiMOS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Alcatel Timetra TiMOS&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB&eol;TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10208 |NULL |Template Net Brocade FC SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Brocade FC SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Brocade FC&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;SW-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: no IF-MIB::ifAlias is available&eol; Version: v6.3.1c, v7.0.0c, v7.4.1c&eol; Device: all&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10209 |NULL |Template Module Brocade_Foundry Performance SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Brocade_Foundry Performance SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Module Brocade_Foundry Performance&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10210 |NULL |Template Net Brocade_Foundry Nonstackable SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Brocade_Foundry Nonstackable SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Brocade_Foundry Nonstackable&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10211 |NULL |Template Net Brocade_Foundry Stackable SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Brocade_Foundry Stackable SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Brocade_Foundry Stackable&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB&eol;FOUNDRY-SN-STACKING-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Correct fan(returns fan status as 'other(1)' and temperature (returns 0) for the non-master Switches are not available in SNMP&eol; Version: Version 08.0.40b and above&eol; Device: ICX 7750 in stack&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10212 |NULL |Template Module Cisco CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Cisco CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10213 |NULL |Template Module Cisco CISCO-PROCESS-MIB SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Cisco CISCO-PROCESS-MIB SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10215 |NULL |Template Module Cisco OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Cisco OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;OLD-CISCO-CPU-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
@@ -68,39 +68,39 @@ ROW |10216 |NULL |Template Module Cisco Inventory SNMP
ROW |10217 |NULL |Template Module Cisco CISCO-ENVMON-MIB SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Cisco CISCO-ENVMON-MIB SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10218 |NULL |Template Net Cisco IOS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Cisco IOS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco IOS Software releases 12.2(3.5) or later&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: no if(in&pipe;out)(Errors&pipe;Discards) are available for vlan ifType&eol; Version: IOS for example: 12.1(22)EA11, 15.4(3)M2&eol; Device: C2911, C7600&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10220 |NULL |Template Net Cisco IOS prior to 12.0_3_T SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Cisco IOS prior to 12.0_3_T SNMP |0 |NULL |Cisco IOS Software releases prior to 12.0(3)T&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10221 |NULL |Template Net Dell Force S-Series SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Dell Force S-Series SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Dell Force S-Series&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;F10-S-SERIES-CHASSIS-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10222 |NULL |Template Net D-Link DES 7200 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net D-Link DES 7200 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template D-Link DES 7200&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;MY-PROCESS-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;MY-MEMORY-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;MY-SYSTEM-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10223 |NULL |Template Net D-Link DES_DGS Switch SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net D-Link DES_DGS Switch SNMP |0 |NULL |Template D-Link DES_DGS Switch&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;DLINK-AGENT-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;EQUIPMENT-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: D-Link reports missing PSU as fail(4)&eol; Version: Firmware: 1.73R008,hardware revision: B1&eol; Device: DGS-3420-26SC Gigabit Ethernet Switch&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10224 |NULL |Template Net Extreme EXOS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Extreme EXOS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Extreme EXOS&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;EXTREME-SOFTWARE-MONITOR-MIB&eol;EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10226 |NULL |Template Net Network Generic Device SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Network Generic Device SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Network Generic Device&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10227 |NULL |Template Net HP Comware HH3C SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net HP Comware HH3C SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net HP Comware (HH3C)&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;HH3C-ENTITY-EXT-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: No temperature sensors. All entities of them return 0 for HH3C-ENTITY-EXT-MIB::hh3cEntityExtTemperature&eol; Version: 1910-48 Switch Software Version 5.20.99, Release 1116 Copyright(c)2010-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP&eol; Device: HP 1910-48&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10229 |NULL |Template Net Huawei VRP SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Huawei VRP SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Huawei VRP&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10230 |NULL |Template Net Intel_Qlogic Infiniband SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Intel_Qlogic Infiniband SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Intel_Qlogic Infiniband&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ICS-CHASSIS-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10231 |NULL |Template Net Juniper SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Juniper SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Juniper&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;JUNIPER-ALARM-MIB&eol;JUNIPER-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10221 |NULL |Template Net Dell Force S-Series SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Dell Force S-Series SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Dell Force S-Series&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;F10-S-SERIES-CHASSIS-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10222 |NULL |Template Net D-Link DES 7200 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net D-Link DES 7200 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template D-Link DES 7200&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;MY-PROCESS-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;MY-MEMORY-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;MY-SYSTEM-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10223 |NULL |Template Net D-Link DES_DGS Switch SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net D-Link DES_DGS Switch SNMP |0 |NULL |Template D-Link DES_DGS Switch&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;DLINK-AGENT-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;EQUIPMENT-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: D-Link reports missing PSU as fail(4)&eol; Version: Firmware: 1.73R008,hardware revision: B1&eol; Device: DGS-3420-26SC Gigabit Ethernet Switch&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10224 |NULL |Template Net Extreme EXOS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Extreme EXOS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Extreme EXOS&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;EXTREME-SOFTWARE-MONITOR-MIB&eol;EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10226 |NULL |Template Net Network Generic Device SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Network Generic Device SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Network Generic Device&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10227 |NULL |Template Net HP Comware HH3C SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net HP Comware HH3C SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net HP Comware (HH3C)&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;HH3C-ENTITY-EXT-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: No temperature sensors. All entities of them return 0 for HH3C-ENTITY-EXT-MIB::hh3cEntityExtTemperature&eol; Version: 1910-48 Switch Software Version 5.20.99, Release 1116 Copyright(c)2010-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP&eol; Device: HP 1910-48&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10229 |NULL |Template Net Huawei VRP SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Huawei VRP SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Huawei VRP&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10230 |NULL |Template Net Intel_Qlogic Infiniband SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Intel_Qlogic Infiniband SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Intel_Qlogic Infiniband&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ICS-CHASSIS-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10231 |NULL |Template Net Juniper SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Juniper SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Juniper&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;JUNIPER-ALARM-MIB&eol;JUNIPER-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10233 |NULL |Template Net Mikrotik SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Mikrotik SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Mikrotik&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;HOST-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;MIKROTIK-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Doesn't have ifHighSpeed filled. fixed in more recent versions&eol; Version: RouterOS 6.28 or lower&eol;&eol; Description: Doesn't have any temperature sensors&eol; Version: RouterOS 6.38.5&eol; Device: Mikrotik 941-2nD, Mikrotik 951G-2HnD&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10234 |NULL |Template Net Netgear Fastpath SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Netgear Fastpath SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Netgear Fastpath&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;FASTPATH-SWITCHING-MIB&eol;FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10235 |NULL |Template Net QTech QSW SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net QTech QSW SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net QTech QSW&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;QTECH-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10236 |NULL |Template Net TP-LINK SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net TP-LINK SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net TP-LINK&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;TPLINK-SYSINFO-MIB&eol;TPLINK-SYSMONITOR-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Default sysLocation, sysName and sysContact is not filled with proper data. Real hostname and location can be found only in private branch (TPLINK-SYSINFO-MIB). Please check whether this problem exists in the latest firmware: https://www.tp-link.com/en/support/download/t2600g-28ts/#Firmware&eol; Version: 2.0.0 Build 20170628 Rel.55184 (Beta)&eol; Device: T2600G-28TS 2.0&eol;&eol; Description: The Serial number of the product (tpSysInfoSerialNum) is missing in HW versions prior to V2_170323&eol; Version: Prior to version V2_170323&eol; Device: T2600G-28TS 2.0&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10237 |NULL |Template Net Ubiquiti AirOS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Ubiquiti AirOS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Ubiquiti AirOS&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IEEE802dot11-MIB&eol;FROGFOOT-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: UBNT unifi reports speed: like IF-MIB::ifSpeed.1 = Gauge32: 4294967295 for all interfaces&eol; Version: Firmware: BZ.ar7240.v3.7.51.6230.170322.1513&eol; Device: UBNT UAP-LR&eol;&eol; Description: UBNT AirMax(NanoStation, NanoBridge etc) reports ifSpeed: as 0 for VLAN and wireless(ath0) interfaces&eol; Version: Firmware: XW.ar934x.v5.6-beta4.22359.140521.1836&eol; Device: NanoStation M5&eol;&eol; Description: UBNT AirMax(NanoStation, NanoBridge etc) reports always return ifType: as ethernet(6) even for wifi,vlans and other types&eol; Version: Firmware: XW.ar934x.v5.6-beta4.22359.140521.1836&eol; Device: NanoStation M5&eol;&eol; Description: ifXTable is not provided in IF-MIB. So Interfaces Simple Template is used instead&eol; Version: all above&eol; Device: NanoStation, UAP-LR&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10234 |NULL |Template Net Netgear Fastpath SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Netgear Fastpath SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Netgear Fastpath&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;FASTPATH-SWITCHING-MIB&eol;FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10235 |NULL |Template Net QTech QSW SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net QTech QSW SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net QTech QSW&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;QTECH-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10236 |NULL |Template Net TP-LINK SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net TP-LINK SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net TP-LINK&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;TPLINK-SYSINFO-MIB&eol;TPLINK-SYSMONITOR-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Default sysLocation, sysName and sysContact is not filled with proper data. Real hostname and location can be found only in private branch (TPLINK-SYSINFO-MIB). Please check whether this problem exists in the latest firmware: https://www.tp-link.com/en/support/download/t2600g-28ts/#Firmware&eol; Version: 2.0.0 Build 20170628 Rel.55184 (Beta)&eol; Device: T2600G-28TS 2.0&eol;&eol; Description: The Serial number of the product (tpSysInfoSerialNum) is missing in HW versions prior to V2_170323&eol; Version: Prior to version V2_170323&eol; Device: T2600G-28TS 2.0&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10237 |NULL |Template Net Ubiquiti AirOS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Ubiquiti AirOS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Ubiquiti AirOS&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IEEE802dot11-MIB&eol;FROGFOOT-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: UBNT unifi reports speed: like IF-MIB::ifSpeed.1 = Gauge32: 4294967295 for all interfaces&eol; Version: Firmware: BZ.ar7240.v3.7.51.6230.170322.1513&eol; Device: UBNT UAP-LR&eol;&eol; Description: UBNT AirMax(NanoStation, NanoBridge etc) reports ifSpeed: as 0 for VLAN and wireless(ath0) interfaces&eol; Version: Firmware: XW.ar934x.v5.6-beta4.22359.140521.1836&eol; Device: NanoStation M5&eol;&eol; Description: UBNT AirMax(NanoStation, NanoBridge etc) reports always return ifType: as ethernet(6) even for wifi,vlans and other types&eol; Version: Firmware: XW.ar934x.v5.6-beta4.22359.140521.1836&eol; Device: NanoStation M5&eol;&eol; Description: ifXTable is not provided in IF-MIB. So Interfaces Simple Template is used instead&eol; Version: all above&eol; Device: NanoStation, UAP-LR&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10248 |NULL |Template OS Linux SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template OS Linux SNMP |0 |NULL |Template OS Linux&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/387225-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-for-linux&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10249 |NULL |Template OS Windows SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template OS Windows SNMP |0 |NULL |Official Windows SNMP template. Requires Zabbix server 4.0.14, 4.2.8, 4.4.0 or newer (JSONPath function avg() used with types autoconversion).&eol;&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Doesn't support In/Out 64 bit counters even though IfxTable is present:&eol;Currently, Windows gets it’s interface status from MIB-2. Since these 64bit SNMP counters (ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets, etc.) are defined as an extension to IF-MIB, Microsoft has not implemented it.&eol;https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/07b62ff0-94f6-40ca-a99d-d129c1b33d70/windows-2008-r2-snmp-64bit-counters-support?forum=winservergen&eol;&eol; Version: Win2008, Win2012R2.&eol;&eol; Description: Doesn't support ifXTable at all&eol; Version: WindowsXP&eol;&eol; Description: EtherLike MIB is not supported&eol; Version: *&eol; Device: *&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10250 |NULL |Template Net HP Enterprise Switch SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net HP Enterprise Switch SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net HP Enterprise Switch&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;SEMI-MIB&eol;NETSWITCH-MIB&eol;HP-ICF-CHASSIS&eol;ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;STATISTICS-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10249 |NULL |Template OS Windows SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template OS Windows SNMP |0 |NULL |Official Windows SNMP template. Requires Zabbix server 4.0.14, 4.2.8, 4.4.0 or newer (JSONPath function avg() used with types autoconversion).&eol;&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Doesn't support In/Out 64 bit counters even though IfxTable is present:&eol;Currently, Windows gets it's interface status from MIB-2. Since these 64bit SNMP counters (ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets, etc.) are defined as an extension to IF-MIB, Microsoft has not implemented it.&eol;https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/07b62ff0-94f6-40ca-a99d-d129c1b33d70/windows-2008-r2-snmp-64bit-counters-support?forum=winservergen&eol;&eol; Version: Win2008, Win2012R2.&eol;&eol; Description: Doesn't support ifXTable at all&eol; Version: WindowsXP&eol;&eol; Description: EtherLike MIB is not supported&eol; Version: *&eol; Device: *&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10250 |NULL |Template Net HP Enterprise Switch SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net HP Enterprise Switch SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net HP Enterprise Switch&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;SEMI-MIB&eol;NETSWITCH-MIB&eol;HP-ICF-CHASSIS&eol;ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;STATISTICS-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10251 |NULL |Template Net Mellanox SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Mellanox SNMP |0 |NULL |The updated template for monitoring the Mellanox network switches over SNMP agent. All items collected in one template without any linked templates.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;HOST-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB&eol;ENTITY-STATE-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10252 |NULL |Template Module Cisco CISCO-PROCESS-MIB IOS versions 12.0_3_T-12.2_3.5 SNMP|3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Cisco CISCO-PROCESS-MIB IOS versions 12.0_3_T-12.2_3.5 SNMP|0 |NULL |Template Module Cisco CISCO-PROCESS-MIB IOS versions 12.0_3_T-12.2_3.5&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10253 |NULL |Template Net Cisco IOS versions 12.0_3_T-12.2_3.5 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Cisco IOS versions 12.0_3_T-12.2_3.5 SNMP |0 |NULL |Cisco IOS Software releases later to 12.0(3)T and prior to 12.2(3.5)&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10254 |NULL |Template Net Arista SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Arista SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Arista&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB&eol;ENTITY-STATE-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10255 |NULL |Template Server Dell iDRAC SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server Dell iDRAC SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Server iDRAC&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10256 |NULL |Template Server HP iLO SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server HP iLO SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Server HP iLO&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;CPQIDA-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10258 |NULL |Template Server IBM IMM SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server IBM IMM SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Server IBM IMM&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IMM-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Some IMMs (IMM1) do not return disks&eol; Version: IMM1&eol; Device: IBM x3250M3&eol;&eol; Description: Some IMMs (IMM1) do not return fan status: fanHealthStatus&eol; Version: IMM1&eol; Device: IBM x3250M3&eol;&eol; Description: IMM1 servers (M2, M3 generations) sysObjectID is NET-SNMP-MIB::netSnmpAgentOIDs.10&eol; Version: IMM1&eol; Device: IMM1 servers (M2,M3 generations)&eol;&eol; Description: IMM1 servers (M2, M3 generations) only Ambient temperature sensor available&eol; Version: IMM1&eol; Device: IMM1 servers (M2,M3 generations)&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10259 |NULL |Template Server Supermicro Aten SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server Supermicro Aten SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Server Supermicro Aten&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ATEN-IPMI-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10260 |NULL |Template App Apache Tomcat JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Apache Tomcat JMX |0 |NULL |The template to monitor Apache Tomcat by Zabbix that work without any external scripts.&eol;The metrics are collected by JMX.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/411862-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-tomcat&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10261 |NULL |Template App Remote Zabbix server |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Remote Zabbix server |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10262 |NULL |Template App Remote Zabbix proxy |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Remote Zabbix proxy |0 |NULL | |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10254 |NULL |Template Net Arista SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Arista SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Arista&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB&eol;ENTITY-STATE-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10255 |NULL |Template Server Dell iDRAC SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server Dell iDRAC SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Server iDRAC&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10256 |NULL |Template Server HP iLO SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server HP iLO SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Server HP iLO&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;CPQIDA-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10258 |NULL |Template Server IBM IMM SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server IBM IMM SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Server IBM IMM&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IMM-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Some IMMs (IMM1) do not return disks&eol; Version: IMM1&eol; Device: IBM x3250M3&eol;&eol; Description: Some IMMs (IMM1) do not return fan status: fanHealthStatus&eol; Version: IMM1&eol; Device: IBM x3250M3&eol;&eol; Description: IMM1 servers (M2, M3 generations) sysObjectID is NET-SNMP-MIB::netSnmpAgentOIDs.10&eol; Version: IMM1&eol; Device: IMM1 servers (M2,M3 generations)&eol;&eol; Description: IMM1 servers (M2, M3 generations) only Ambient temperature sensor available&eol; Version: IMM1&eol; Device: IMM1 servers (M2,M3 generations)&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10259 |NULL |Template Server Supermicro Aten SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server Supermicro Aten SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Server Supermicro Aten&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ATEN-IPMI-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10260 |NULL |Template App Apache Tomcat JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Apache Tomcat JMX |0 |NULL |The template to monitor Apache Tomcat by Zabbix that work without any external scripts.&eol;The metrics are collected by JMX.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/411862-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-tomcat&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10261 |NULL |Template App Remote Zabbix server |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Remote Zabbix server |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10262 |NULL |Template App Remote Zabbix proxy |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Remote Zabbix proxy |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10263 |NULL |Template DB PostgreSQL |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB PostgreSQL |0 |NULL |You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384190-%C2%A0discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-db-postgresql&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10264 |NULL |Template App Apache by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Apache by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Get metrics from mod_status module using HTTP agent.&eol;https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_status.html&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384764-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-apache&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10265 |NULL |Template App Apache by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Apache by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get metrics from mod_status module using HTTP agent.&eol;https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_status.html&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384764-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-apache&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10266 |NULL |Template App Nginx by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Nginx by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Get metrics from stub status module using Zabbix agent running on Linux&eol;https://nginx.ru/en/docs/http/ngx_http_stub_status_module.html&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384765-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-nginx&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.37 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10267 |NULL |Template App Nginx by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Nginx by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get metrics from stub status module using HTTP agent&eol;https://nginx.ru/en/docs/http/ngx_http_stub_status_module.html.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384765-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-nginx&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.37 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10264 |NULL |Template App Apache by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Apache by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Get metrics from mod_status module using HTTP agent.&eol;https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_status.html&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384764-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-apache&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10265 |NULL |Template App Apache by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Apache by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get metrics from mod_status module using HTTP agent.&eol;https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_status.html&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384764-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-apache&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10266 |NULL |Template App Nginx by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Nginx by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Get metrics from stub status module using Zabbix agent running on Linux&eol;https://nginx.ru/en/docs/http/ngx_http_stub_status_module.html&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384765-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-nginx&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10267 |NULL |Template App Nginx by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Nginx by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get metrics from stub status module using HTTP agent&eol;https://nginx.ru/en/docs/http/ngx_http_stub_status_module.html.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384765-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-nginx&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10268 |NULL |Template Module Linux memory SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Linux memory SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Please note that memory utilization is a rough estimate, since memory available is calculated as free+buffers+cached, which is not 100% accurate, but the best we can get using SNMP.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10269 |NULL |Template Module Linux block devices SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Linux block devices SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;UCD-DISKIO-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10270 |NULL |Template Module Linux CPU SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Linux CPU SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;HOST-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ ROW |10288 |NULL |Template Module Windows filesystems by Zabbix agent
ROW |10289 |NULL |Template Module Windows physical disks by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Windows physical disks by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10290 |NULL |Template Module Windows generic by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Windows generic by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10291 |NULL |Template Module Windows network by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Windows network by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10292 |NULL |Template Module Zabbix agent active |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Zabbix agent active |0 |NULL |Use this template instead of 'Template Module Zabbix agent' for agents running in active mode only.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.34 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10292 |NULL |Template Module Zabbix agent active |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Zabbix agent active |0 |NULL |Use this template instead of 'Template Module Zabbix agent' for agents running in active mode only.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10293 |NULL |Template Module Windows CPU by Zabbix agent active |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Windows CPU by Zabbix agent active |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10294 |NULL |Template Module Windows memory by Zabbix agent active |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Windows memory by Zabbix agent active |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10295 |NULL |Template Module Windows filesystems by Zabbix agent active |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Windows filesystems by Zabbix agent active |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
@@ -137,70 +137,70 @@ ROW |10300 |NULL |Template App RabbitMQ cluster by Zabbix agent
ROW |10301 |NULL |Template App RabbitMQ node by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App RabbitMQ node by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Get node metrics from RabbitMQ management plugin provided an HTTP-based API using Zabbix agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/387226-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-rabbitmq&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.34 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10302 |NULL |Template App RabbitMQ cluster by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App RabbitMQ cluster by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get cluster metrics from RabbitMQ management plugin provided an HTTP-based API using HTTP agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/387226-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-rabbitmq&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.34 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10303 |NULL |Template App RabbitMQ node by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App RabbitMQ node by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get node metrics from RabbitMQ management plugin provided an HTTP-based API using HTTP agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/387226-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-rabbitmq&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.34 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10304 |NULL |Template Server Cisco UCS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server Cisco UCS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Server Cisco UCS&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB&eol;CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-PROCESSOR-MIB&eol;CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-EQUIPMENT-MIB&eol;CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-STORAGE-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10305 |NULL |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB CPU SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB CPU SNMP |0 |NULL |Requires Zabbix server 4.0.14, 4.2.8, 4.4.0 or newer (JSONPath function avg() used with types autoconversion).&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;HOST-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10306 |NULL |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB memory SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB memory SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;HOST-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10307 |NULL |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB storage SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB storage SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;HOST-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10304 |NULL |Template Server Cisco UCS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server Cisco UCS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Server Cisco UCS&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB&eol;CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-PROCESSOR-MIB&eol;CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-EQUIPMENT-MIB&eol;CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-STORAGE-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10305 |NULL |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB CPU SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB CPU SNMP |0 |NULL |Requires Zabbix server 4.0.14, 4.2.8, 4.4.0 or newer (JSONPath function avg() used with types autoconversion).&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;HOST-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10306 |NULL |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB memory SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB memory SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;HOST-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10307 |NULL |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB storage SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module HOST-RESOURCES-MIB storage SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;HOST-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10308 |NULL |Template App HAProxy by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App HAProxy by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Get metrics from status page using Zabbix agent&eol;https://www.haproxy.com/blog/exploring-the-haproxy-stats-page/.&eol;Example configuration of HAProxy:&eol; frontend stats&eol; bind *:8404&eol; stats enable&eol; stats uri /stats&eol; stats refresh 10s&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/393527-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-haproxy&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10309 |NULL |Template App HAProxy by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App HAProxy by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get metrics from status page using HTTP agent&eol;https://www.haproxy.com/blog/exploring-the-haproxy-stats-page/.&eol;Example configuration of HAProxy:&eol; frontend stats&eol; bind *:8404&eol; stats enable&eol; stats uri /stats&eol; stats refresh 10s&eol; #stats auth Username:Password # Authentication credentials&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/393527-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-haproxy&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10310 |NULL |Template DB Redis |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB Redis |0 |NULL |Get Redis metrics from plugin for the New Zabbix Agent (zabbix-agent2).&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/389050-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-redis&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.33 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10310 |NULL |Template DB Redis |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB Redis |0 |NULL |Get Redis metrics from plugin for the New Zabbix Agent (zabbix-agent2).&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/389050-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-redis&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10314 |NULL |Template Module Windows services by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Windows services by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Template Services OS Windows&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10315 |NULL |Template Module Windows services by Zabbix agent active |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module Windows services by Zabbix agent active |0 |NULL |Template Services OS Windows&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10316 |NULL |Template DB MySQL by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB MySQL by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Requirements for template operation:&eol;1.Install Zabbix agent and MySQL client.&eol;2.Copy template_db_mysql.conf into folder with Zabbix agent configuration (/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/ by default). Don't forget to restart zabbix-agent. &eol;3.Create MySQL user for monitoring. For example:&eol;CREATE USER 'zbx_monitor'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';&eol;GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT,PROCESS,SHOW DATABASES,SHOW VIEW ON *.* TO 'zbx_monitor'@'%';&eol;For more information read the MySQL documentation https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/grant.html , please. &eol;4.Create .my.cnf in home directory of Zabbix agent for Linux (/var/lib/zabbix by default ) or my.cnf in c:\ for Windows. For example:&eol;[client]&eol;user='zbx_monitor'&eol;password='<password>'&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384189-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-db-mysql&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10317 |NULL |Template DB MySQL by ODBC |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB MySQL by ODBC |0 |NULL |Requirements for template operation:&eol;1. Create MySQL user for monitoring. For example:&eol;CREATE USER 'zbx_monitor'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';&eol;GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT,PROCESS,SHOW DATABASES,SHOW VIEW ON *.* TO 'zbx_monitor'@'%';&eol;For more information read the MYSQL documentation https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/grant.html , please. &eol;2. Set the user name and password in host macros ({$MYSQL.USER} and {$MYSQL.PASSWORD}).&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384189-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-db-mysql&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10318 |NULL |Template App Docker |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Docker |0 |NULL |Get Docker engine metrics from plugin for the New Zabbix Agent (zabbix-agent2).&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum &eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10319 |NULL |Template App Memcached |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Memcached |0 |NULL |Get Memcached metrics from plugin for the New Zabbix Agent (zabbix-agent2).&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/398623-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-memcached&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.35 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10320 |NULL |Template DB MySQL by Zabbix agent 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB MySQL by Zabbix agent 2 |0 |NULL |Requirements for template operation:&eol;1. Create MySQL user for monitoring. For example:&eol;CREATE USER 'zbx_monitor'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';&eol;GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT,PROCESS,SHOW DATABASES,SHOW VIEW ON *.* TO 'zbx_monitor'@'%';&eol;For more information please read the MySQL documentation https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/grant.html.&eol;2. Set in the {$MYSQL.DSN} macro the data source name of the MySQL instance either session name from Zabbix agent 2 configuration file or URI.&eol;Examples: MySQL1, tcp://localhost:3306, tcp://, unix:/var/run/mysql.sock&eol;For more information about MySQL Unix socket file please read the MySQL documentation https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/problems-with-mysql-sock.html.&eol;3. If you had set URI in the {$MYSQL.DSN}, please define the user name and password in host macros ({$MYSQL.USER} and {$MYSQL.PASSWORD}).&eol;Leave macros {$MYSQL.USER} and {$MYSQL.PASSWORD} empty if you use a session name. Set the user name and password in the Plugins.Mysql.<...> section of your Zabbix agent 2 configuration file.&eol;For more information about configuring the Zabbix MySQL plugin please read the documentation https://git.zabbix.com/projects/ZBX/repos/zabbix/browse/src/go/plugins/mysql/README.md.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384189-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-db-mysql&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38|1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10321 |NULL |Template Server Chassis by IPMI |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server Chassis by IPMI |0 |NULL |Template for monitoring servers with BMC over IPMI that work without any external scripts. &eol;All metrics are collected at once, thanks to Zabbix's bulk data collection. The template is available starting from Zabbix version 5.0. &eol;It collects metrics by polling BMC remotely using an IPMI agent.&eol;&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: If the BMC has a sensor with an empty threshold value, we get the LLD error "Cannot create trigger...".&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/398023-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-ipmi&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.37 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10322 |NULL |Template App Elasticsearch Cluster by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Elasticsearch Cluster by HTTP |0 |NULL |The template to monitor Elasticsearch by Zabbix that work without any external scripts.&eol;It works with both standalone and cluster instances.&eol;The metrics are collected in one pass remotely using an HTTP agent. &eol;They are getting values from REST API _cluster/health, _cluster/stats, _nodes/stats requests.&eol;You can set {$ELASTICSEARCH.USERNAME} and {$ELASTICSEARCH.PASSWORD} macros in the template for using on the host level.&eol;If you use an atypical location ES API, don't forget to change the macros {$ELASTICSEARCH.SCHEME},{$ELASTICSEARCH.PORT}.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/399473-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-for-elasticsearch&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10323 |NULL |Template DB ClickHouse by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB ClickHouse by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get node metrics from ClickHouse HTTP interface using HTTP agent.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.35 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10324 |NULL |Template App Etcd by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Etcd by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get Etcd metrics by HTTP agent.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.36 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10325 |NULL |Template App IIS by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App IIS by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Get metrics from IIS using Zabbix agent running on Windows&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/401862-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-internet-information-services&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.35 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10326 |NULL |Template App IIS by Zabbix agent active |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App IIS by Zabbix agent active |0 |NULL |Get metrics from IIS using Zabbix agent running on Windows&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/401862-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-internet-information-services&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.35 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10316 |NULL |Template DB MySQL by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB MySQL by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Requirements for template operation:&eol;1.Install Zabbix agent and MySQL client.&eol;2.Copy template_db_mysql.conf into folder with Zabbix agent configuration (/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/ by default). Don't forget to restart zabbix-agent. &eol;3.Create MySQL user for monitoring. For example:&eol;CREATE USER 'zbx_monitor'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';&eol;GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT,PROCESS,SHOW DATABASES,SHOW VIEW ON *.* TO 'zbx_monitor'@'%';&eol;For more information read the MySQL documentation https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/grant.html , please. &eol;4.Create .my.cnf in home directory of Zabbix agent for Linux (/var/lib/zabbix by default ) or my.cnf in c:\ for Windows. For example:&eol;[client]&eol;user='zbx_monitor'&eol;password='<password>'&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384189-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-db-mysql&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10317 |NULL |Template DB MySQL by ODBC |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB MySQL by ODBC |0 |NULL |Requirements for template operation:&eol;1. Create MySQL user for monitoring. For example:&eol;CREATE USER 'zbx_monitor'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';&eol;GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT,PROCESS,SHOW DATABASES,SHOW VIEW ON *.* TO 'zbx_monitor'@'%';&eol;For more information read the MYSQL documentation https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/grant.html , please. &eol;2. Set the user name and password in host macros ({$MYSQL.USER} and {$MYSQL.PASSWORD}).&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384189-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-db-mysql&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10318 |NULL |Template App Docker |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Docker |0 |NULL |Get Docker engine metrics from plugin for the New Zabbix Agent (zabbix-agent2).&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum &eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10319 |NULL |Template App Memcached |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Memcached |0 |NULL |Get Memcached metrics from plugin for the New Zabbix Agent (zabbix-agent2).&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/398623-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-memcached&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10320 |NULL |Template DB MySQL by Zabbix agent 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB MySQL by Zabbix agent 2 |0 |NULL |Requirements for template operation:&eol;1. Create MySQL user for monitoring. For example:&eol;CREATE USER 'zbx_monitor'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';&eol;GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT,PROCESS,SHOW DATABASES,SHOW VIEW ON *.* TO 'zbx_monitor'@'%';&eol;For more information please read the MySQL documentation https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/grant.html.&eol;2. Set in the {$MYSQL.DSN} macro the data source name of the MySQL instance either session name from Zabbix agent 2 configuration file or URI.&eol;Examples: MySQL1, tcp://localhost:3306, tcp://, unix:/var/run/mysql.sock&eol;For more information about MySQL Unix socket file please read the MySQL documentation https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/problems-with-mysql-sock.html.&eol;3. If you had set URI in the {$MYSQL.DSN}, please define the user name and password in host macros ({$MYSQL.USER} and {$MYSQL.PASSWORD}).&eol;Leave macros {$MYSQL.USER} and {$MYSQL.PASSWORD} empty if you use a session name. Set the user name and password in the Plugins.Mysql.<...> section of your Zabbix agent 2 configuration file.&eol;For more information about configuring the Zabbix MySQL plugin please read the documentation https://git.zabbix.com/projects/ZBX/repos/zabbix/browse/src/go/plugins/mysql/README.md.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384189-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-db-mysql&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39|1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10321 |NULL |Template Server Chassis by IPMI |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server Chassis by IPMI |0 |NULL |Template for monitoring servers with BMC over IPMI that work without any external scripts. &eol;All metrics are collected at once, thanks to Zabbix's bulk data collection. The template is available starting from Zabbix version 5.0. &eol;It collects metrics by polling BMC remotely using an IPMI agent.&eol;&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: If the BMC has a sensor with an empty threshold value, we get the LLD error "Cannot create trigger...".&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/398023-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-ipmi&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10322 |NULL |Template App Elasticsearch Cluster by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Elasticsearch Cluster by HTTP |0 |NULL |The template to monitor Elasticsearch by Zabbix that work without any external scripts.&eol;It works with both standalone and cluster instances.&eol;The metrics are collected in one pass remotely using an HTTP agent. &eol;They are getting values from REST API _cluster/health, _cluster/stats, _nodes/stats requests.&eol;You can set {$ELASTICSEARCH.USERNAME} and {$ELASTICSEARCH.PASSWORD} macros in the template for using on the host level.&eol;If you use an atypical location ES API, don't forget to change the macros {$ELASTICSEARCH.SCHEME},{$ELASTICSEARCH.PORT}.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/399473-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-for-elasticsearch&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10323 |NULL |Template DB ClickHouse by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB ClickHouse by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get node metrics from ClickHouse HTTP interface using HTTP agent.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10324 |NULL |Template App Etcd by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Etcd by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get Etcd metrics by HTTP agent.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10325 |NULL |Template App IIS by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App IIS by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Get metrics from IIS using Zabbix agent running on Windows.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/401862-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-internet-information-services&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10326 |NULL |Template App IIS by Zabbix agent active |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App IIS by Zabbix agent active |0 |NULL |Get metrics from IIS using Zabbix agent running on Windows.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/401862-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-internet-information-services&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10327 |NULL |Template DB MSSQL by ODBC |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB MSSQL by ODBC |0 |NULL |1. Create an MSSQL user for monitoring.&eol; View Server State and View Any Definition permissions should be granted to the user.&eol; Grant this user read permissions to the sysjobschedules, sysjobhistory, sysjobs tables. &eol; For more information, see MSSQL documentation.&eol;2. Set the user name and password in host macros ({$MSSQL.USER} and {$MSSQL.PASSWORD}).&eol; Do not forget to install Microsoft ODBC driver on Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy.&eol; See Microsoft documentation for instructions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/odbc/linux-mac/installing-the-microsoft-odbc-driver-for-sql-server?view=sql-server-ver15.&eol; Note! Credentials in the odbc.ini do not work for MSSQL.&eol;3. For named instance set the value of {$MSSQL.INSTANCE} macro as MSSQL$instance name.&eol;The "Service's TCP port state" item uses {HOST.CONN} and {$MSSQL.PORT} macros to check the availability of the MSSQL instance.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39|1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10328 |NULL |Template DB PostgreSQL Agent 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB PostgreSQL Agent 2 |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10330 |NULL |Template VM VMware macros |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template VM VMware macros |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10330 |NULL |Template VM VMware macros |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template VM VMware macros |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10331 |NULL |{#HV.UUID} |0 |-1 |2 | | |{#HV.NAME} |2 |NULL | |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10332 |NULL |{#VM.UUID} |0 |-1 |2 | | |{#VM.NAME} |2 |NULL | |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10333 |NULL |Template DB Oracle by Zabbix Agent 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB Oracle by Zabbix Agent 2 |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10334 |NULL |Template App Ceph by Zabbix Agent2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Ceph by Zabbix Agent2 |0 |NULL |You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/410059-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-ceph&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10335 |NULL |Template App PHP-FPM by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App PHP-FPM by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Get PHP-FPM metrics using Zabbix agent running on Linux.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10336 |NULL |Template App PHP-FPM by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App PHP-FPM by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get PHP-FPM metrics using the Zabbix HTTP agent.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10337 |NULL |Template App Squid SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Squid SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for monitoring Squid caching proxy via SNMP&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/409339-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-squid&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10339 |NULL |Template App Hadoop by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Hadoop by HTTP |0 |NULL |The template gets the Hadoop metrics from cluster's hosts (ResourceManager, NodeManagers, NameNode, DataNodes) by HTTP agent. You should define the IP address (or FQDN) and Web-UI port for the ResourceManager in {$HADOOP.RESOURCEMANAGER.HOST} and {$HADOOP.RESOURCEMANAGER.PORT} macros and for the NameNode in {$HADOOP.NAMENODE.HOST} and {$HADOOP.NAMENODE.PORT} macros respectively. Macros can be set in the template or overridden at the host level.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/413459-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-hadoop&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10340 |NULL |Template APP Apache Kafka by JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template APP Apache Kafka by JMX |0 |NULL |Official JMX Template for Apache Kafka.&eol; The metrics are collected by JMX.&eol; You can set {$KAFKA.USER} and {$KAFKA.PASSWORD} macros in the template for using on the host level.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10341 |NULL |Template App Zookeeper by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Zookeeper by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get Apache Zookeeper metrics by HTTP agent.&eol; This template works with standalone and cluster instances. Metrics are collected from each Zookeper node by requests to AdminServer. &eol; Don't forget to change macros {$ZOOKEEPER.COMMAND_URL}, {$ZOOKEEPER.PORT}, {$ZOOKEEPER.SCHEME}.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10342 |NULL |Template DB Apache Cassandra by JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB Apache Cassandra by JMX |0 |NULL |The template to monitor Apache Cassandra by Zabbix that work without any external scripts.&eol;It works with both standalone and cluster instances.&eol;The metrics are collected by JMX.&eol;You can set {$CASSANDRA.USER} and {$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} macros in the template for using on the host level.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/410057-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-apache-cassandra&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10343 |NULL |Template Net Morningstar ProStar MPPT SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Morningstar ProStar MPPT SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;PROSTAR-MPPT&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10344 |NULL |Template Net Morningstar ProStar PWM SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Morningstar ProStar PWM SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;PROSTAR-PWM&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10345 |NULL |Template Net Morningstar SunSaver MPPT SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Morningstar SunSaver MPPT SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;SUNSAVER-MPPT&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10346 |NULL |Template Net Morningstar SureSine SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Morningstar SureSine SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;SURESINE&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10347 |NULL |Template Net Morningstar TriStar MPPT 600V SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Morningstar TriStar MPPT 600V SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;TRISTAR-MPPT&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10348 |NULL |Template Net Morningstar TriStar MPPT SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Morningstar TriStar MPPT SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;TRISTAR-MPPT&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10349 |NULL |Template Net Morningstar TriStar PWM SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Morningstar TriStar PWM SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;TRISTAR&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10350 |NULL |Template App Apache ActiveMQ by JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Apache ActiveMQ by JMX |0 |NULL |The template to monitor Apache ActiveMQ by Zabbix that work without any external scripts.&eol;The metrics are collected by JMX.&eol;You can set macro values and add macros with context for specific brokers or destinations following macro description.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/411049-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-amq&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10351 |NULL |Template App Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |The template to monitor Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 by Zabbix that works without any external scripts.&eol;The metrics are collected by Zabbix agent.&eol;Recommended to use it with "OS Windows by Zabbix agent" template.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/415007-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-microsoft-exchange&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10352 |NULL |Template App Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 by Zabbix agent active |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 by Zabbix agent active |0 |NULL |The template to monitor Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 by Zabbix that works without any external scripts.&eol;The metrics are collected by Zabbix agent active.&eol;Recommended to use it with "OS Windows by Zabbix agent active" template.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/415007-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-microsoft-exchange&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10353 |NULL |Template SAN NetApp FAS3220 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template SAN NetApp FAS3220 SNMP |0 |NULL |The template to monitor SAN NetApp FAS3220 cluster by Zabbix SNMP agent.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;NETAPP-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/416694-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-netapp-fas3220&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10354 |NULL |Template DB Ignite by JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB Ignite by JMX |0 |NULL |The template to monitor Apache Ignite by Zabbix that work without any external scripts.&eol; It works with both standalone and cluster instances.&eol; The metrics are discoverable and collected by JMX. &eol; Current JMX tree hierarchy contains classloader by default. Add the following jvm option `-DIGNITE_MBEAN_APPEND_CLASS_LOADER_ID=false`to will exclude one level with Classloader name.&eol; You can set {$IGNITE.USER} and {$IGNITE.PASSWORD} macros in the template for using on the host level.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10333 |NULL |Template DB Oracle by Zabbix Agent 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB Oracle by Zabbix Agent 2 |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10334 |NULL |Template App Ceph by Zabbix Agent2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Ceph by Zabbix Agent2 |0 |NULL |You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/410059-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-ceph&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10335 |NULL |Template App PHP-FPM by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App PHP-FPM by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Get PHP-FPM metrics using Zabbix agent running on Linux.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10336 |NULL |Template App PHP-FPM by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App PHP-FPM by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get PHP-FPM metrics using the Zabbix HTTP agent.&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10337 |NULL |Template App Squid SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Squid SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for monitoring Squid caching proxy via SNMP&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/409339-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-squid&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10339 |NULL |Template App Hadoop by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Hadoop by HTTP |0 |NULL |The template gets the Hadoop metrics from cluster's hosts (ResourceManager, NodeManagers, NameNode, DataNodes) by HTTP agent. You should define the IP address (or FQDN) and Web-UI port for the ResourceManager in {$HADOOP.RESOURCEMANAGER.HOST} and {$HADOOP.RESOURCEMANAGER.PORT} macros and for the NameNode in {$HADOOP.NAMENODE.HOST} and {$HADOOP.NAMENODE.PORT} macros respectively. Macros can be set in the template or overridden at the host level.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/413459-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-hadoop&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10340 |NULL |Template APP Apache Kafka by JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template APP Apache Kafka by JMX |0 |NULL |Official JMX Template for Apache Kafka.&eol; The metrics are collected by JMX.&eol; You can set {$KAFKA.USER} and {$KAFKA.PASSWORD} macros in the template for using on the host level.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10341 |NULL |Template App Zookeeper by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Zookeeper by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get Apache Zookeeper metrics by HTTP agent.&eol; This template works with standalone and cluster instances. Metrics are collected from each Zookeper node by requests to AdminServer. &eol; Don't forget to change macros {$ZOOKEEPER.COMMAND_URL}, {$ZOOKEEPER.PORT}, {$ZOOKEEPER.SCHEME}.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10342 |NULL |Template DB Apache Cassandra by JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB Apache Cassandra by JMX |0 |NULL |The template to monitor Apache Cassandra by Zabbix that work without any external scripts.&eol;It works with both standalone and cluster instances.&eol;The metrics are collected by JMX.&eol;You can set {$CASSANDRA.USER} and {$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} macros in the template for using on the host level.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/410057-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-apache-cassandra&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10343 |NULL |Template Net Morningstar ProStar MPPT SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Morningstar ProStar MPPT SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;PROSTAR-MPPT&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10344 |NULL |Template Net Morningstar ProStar PWM SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Morningstar ProStar PWM SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;PROSTAR-PWM&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10345 |NULL |Template Net Morningstar SunSaver MPPT SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Morningstar SunSaver MPPT SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;SUNSAVER-MPPT&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10346 |NULL |Template Net Morningstar SureSine SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Morningstar SureSine SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;SURESINE&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10347 |NULL |Template Net Morningstar TriStar MPPT 600V SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Morningstar TriStar MPPT 600V SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;TRISTAR-MPPT&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10348 |NULL |Template Net Morningstar TriStar MPPT SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Morningstar TriStar MPPT SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;TRISTAR-MPPT&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10349 |NULL |Template Net Morningstar TriStar PWM SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Morningstar TriStar PWM SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;TRISTAR&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10350 |NULL |Template App Apache ActiveMQ by JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Apache ActiveMQ by JMX |0 |NULL |The template to monitor Apache ActiveMQ by Zabbix that work without any external scripts.&eol;The metrics are collected by JMX.&eol;You can set macro values and add macros with context for specific brokers or destinations following macro description.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/411049-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-amq&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10351 |NULL |Template App Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |The template to monitor Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 by Zabbix that works without any external scripts.&eol;The metrics are collected by Zabbix agent.&eol;Recommended to use it with "OS Windows by Zabbix agent" template.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/415007-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-microsoft-exchange&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10352 |NULL |Template App Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 by Zabbix agent active |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 by Zabbix agent active |0 |NULL |The template to monitor Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 by Zabbix that works without any external scripts.&eol;The metrics are collected by Zabbix agent active.&eol;Recommended to use it with "OS Windows by Zabbix agent active" template.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/415007-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-microsoft-exchange&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10353 |NULL |Template SAN NetApp FAS3220 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template SAN NetApp FAS3220 SNMP |0 |NULL |The template to monitor SAN NetApp FAS3220 cluster by Zabbix SNMP agent.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/416694-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-netapp-fas3220&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10354 |NULL |Template DB Ignite by JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB Ignite by JMX |0 |NULL |The template to monitor Apache Ignite by Zabbix that work without any external scripts.&eol; It works with both standalone and cluster instances.&eol; The metrics are discoverable and collected by JMX. &eol; Current JMX tree hierarchy contains classloader by default. Add the following jvm option `-DIGNITE_MBEAN_APPEND_CLASS_LOADER_ID=false`to will exclude one level with Classloader name.&eol; You can set {$IGNITE.USER} and {$IGNITE.PASSWORD} macros in the template for using on the host level.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10355 |NULL |Template Module SMART by Zabbix agent 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module SMART by Zabbix agent 2 |0 |NULL |The template for monitoring S.M.A.R.T. attributes of physical disk that works without any external scripts. It collects metrics by Zabbix agent 2 version 5.0 and later with Smartmontools version 7.1 and later. Disk discovery LLD rule finds all HDD, SSD, NVMe disks with S.M.A.R.T. enabled. Attribute discovery LLD rule finds all Vendor Specific Attributes for each disk. If you want to skip some attributes, please set regular expressions with disk names in {$SMART.DISK.NAME.MATCHES} and with attribute IDs in {$SMART.ATTRIBUTE.ID.MATCHES} macros on the host level.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/415662-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-smart-disk-monitoring&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10356 |NULL |Template Module SMART by Zabbix agent active 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module SMART by Zabbix agent active 2 |0 |NULL |The template for monitoring S.M.A.R.T. attributes of physical disk that works without any external scripts. It collects metrics by Zabbix agent 2 version 5.0 and later with Smartmontools version 7.1 and later. Disk discovery LLD rule finds all HDD, SSD, NVMe disks with S.M.A.R.T. enabled. Attribute discovery LLD rule finds all Vendor Specific Attributes for each disk. If you want to skip some attributes, please set regular expressions with disk names in {$SMART.DISK.NAME.MATCHES} and with attribute IDs in {$SMART.ATTRIBUTE.ID.MATCHES} macros on the host level.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/415662-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-smart-disk-monitoring&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10357 |NULL |Template SAN Huawei OceanStor 5300 V5 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template SAN Huawei OceanStor 5300 V5 SNMP |0 |NULL |The template to monitor SAN Huawei OceanStor 5300 V5 by Zabbix SNMP agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/418855-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-huawei-oceanstor&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10358 |NULL |RabbitMQ cluster by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |RabbitMQ cluster by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Get cluster metrics from RabbitMQ management plugin provided an HTTP-based API using Zabbix agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/387226-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-rabbitmq&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10359 |NULL |RabbitMQ node by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |RabbitMQ node by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Get node metrics from RabbitMQ management plugin provided an HTTP-based API using Zabbix agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/387226-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-rabbitmq&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10360 |NULL |RabbitMQ cluster by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |RabbitMQ cluster by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get cluster metrics from RabbitMQ management plugin provided an HTTP-based API using HTTP agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/387226-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-rabbitmq&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10361 |NULL |RabbitMQ node by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |RabbitMQ node by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get node metrics from RabbitMQ management plugin provided an HTTP-based API using HTTP agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/387226-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-rabbitmq&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10362 |NULL |Template DB MongoDB node by Zabbix Agent 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB MongoDB node by Zabbix Agent 2 |0 |NULL |Get MongoDB metrics from plugin for the zabbix-agent2.&eol; 1. Setup and configure zabbix-agent2 compiled with the MongoDB monitoring plugin.&eol; 2. Set the {$MONGODB.CONNSTRING} such as <protocol(host:port)> or named session.&eol; 3. Set the user name and password in host macros ({$MONGODB.USER}, {$MONGODB.PASSWORD}) if you want to override parameters from the Zabbix agent configuration file.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/420659-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-db-mongodb&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10363 |NULL |Template DB MongoDB cluster by Zabbix Agent 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB MongoDB cluster by Zabbix Agent 2 |0 |NULL |Get MongoDB metrics from plugin for the zabbix-agent2.&eol; 1. Setup and configure zabbix-agent2 compiled with the MongoDB monitoring plugin.&eol; 2. Set the {$MONGODB.CONNSTRING} such as <protocol(host:port)> or named session.&eol; 3. Set the user name and password in host macros ({$MONGODB.USER}, {$MONGODB.PASSWORD}) if you want to override parameters from the Zabbix agent configuration file.&eol;&eol; All sharded Mongodb nodes (mongod) will be discovered with attached template "MongoDB node".&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/420659-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-db-mongodb&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10356 |NULL |Template Module SMART by Zabbix agent active 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Module SMART by Zabbix agent active 2 |0 |NULL |The template for monitoring S.M.A.R.T. attributes of physical disk that works without any external scripts. It collects metrics by Zabbix agent active 2 version 5.0 and later with Smartmontools version 7.1 and later. Disk discovery LLD rule finds all HDD, SSD, NVMe disks with S.M.A.R.T. enabled. Attribute discovery LLD rule finds all Vendor Specific Attributes for each disk. If you want to skip some attributes, please set regular expressions with disk names in {$SMART.DISK.NAME.MATCHES} and with attribute IDs in {$SMART.ATTRIBUTE.ID.MATCHES} macros on the host level.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/415662-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-smart-disk-monitoring&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10357 |NULL |Template SAN Huawei OceanStor 5300 V5 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template SAN Huawei OceanStor 5300 V5 SNMP |0 |NULL |The template to monitor SAN Huawei OceanStor 5300 V5 by Zabbix SNMP agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/418855-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-huawei-oceanstor&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10358 |NULL |RabbitMQ cluster by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |RabbitMQ cluster by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Get cluster metrics from RabbitMQ management plugin provided an HTTP-based API using Zabbix agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/387226-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-rabbitmq&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10359 |NULL |RabbitMQ node by Zabbix agent |3 |-1 |2 | | |RabbitMQ node by Zabbix agent |0 |NULL |Get node metrics from RabbitMQ management plugin provided an HTTP-based API using Zabbix agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/387226-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-rabbitmq&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10360 |NULL |RabbitMQ cluster by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |RabbitMQ cluster by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get cluster metrics from RabbitMQ management plugin provided an HTTP-based API using HTTP agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/387226-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-rabbitmq&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10361 |NULL |RabbitMQ node by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |RabbitMQ node by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get node metrics from RabbitMQ management plugin provided an HTTP-based API using HTTP agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/387226-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-rabbitmq&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10362 |NULL |Template DB MongoDB node by Zabbix Agent 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB MongoDB node by Zabbix Agent 2 |0 |NULL |Get MongoDB metrics from plugin for the zabbix-agent2.&eol; 1. Setup and configure zabbix-agent2 compiled with the MongoDB monitoring plugin.&eol; 2. Set the {$MONGODB.CONNSTRING} such as <protocol(host:port)> or named session.&eol; 3. Set the user name and password in host macros ({$MONGODB.USER}, {$MONGODB.PASSWORD}) if you want to override parameters from the Zabbix agent configuration file.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/420659-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-db-mongodb&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10363 |NULL |Template DB MongoDB cluster by Zabbix Agent 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB MongoDB cluster by Zabbix Agent 2 |0 |NULL |Get MongoDB metrics from plugin for the zabbix-agent2.&eol; 1. Setup and configure zabbix-agent2 compiled with the MongoDB monitoring plugin.&eol; 2. Set the {$MONGODB.CONNSTRING} such as <protocol(host:port)> or named session.&eol; 3. Set the user name and password in host macros ({$MONGODB.USER}, {$MONGODB.PASSWORD}) if you want to override parameters from the Zabbix agent configuration file.&eol;&eol; All sharded Mongodb nodes (mongod) will be discovered with attached template "MongoDB node".&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/420659-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-db-mongodb&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10364 |NULL |{#HOSTNAME} |0 |-1 |2 | | |{#HOSTNAME} |2 |NULL | |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10365 |NULL |{#HOSTNAME} |0 |-1 |2 | | |{#HOSTNAME} |2 |NULL | |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10366 |NULL |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24FS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24FS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24FS&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;EtherLike-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10367 |NULL |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24PS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24PS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24PS&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;EtherLike-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10368 |NULL |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24TS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24TS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24TS&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;EtherLike-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10369 |NULL |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-48PS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-48PS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-48PS&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;EtherLike-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10370 |NULL |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-48TS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-48TS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-48TS&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;EtherLike-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10366 |NULL |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24FS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24FS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24FS&eol; &eol; MIBs used:&eol; CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol; IF-MIB&eol; EtherLike-MIB&eol; SNMPv2-MIB&eol; CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol; CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol; ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/418396-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-cisco&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10367 |NULL |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24PS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24PS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24PS&eol; &eol; MIBs used:&eol; CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol; IF-MIB&eol; EtherLike-MIB&eol; SNMPv2-MIB&eol; CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol; CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol; ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/418396-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-cisco&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10368 |NULL |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24TS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24TS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24TS&eol; &eol; MIBs used:&eol; CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol; IF-MIB&eol; EtherLike-MIB&eol; SNMPv2-MIB&eol; CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol; CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol; ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/418396-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-cisco&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10369 |NULL |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-48PS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-48PS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-48PS&eol; &eol; MIBs used:&eol; CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol; IF-MIB&eol; EtherLike-MIB&eol; SNMPv2-MIB&eol; CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol; CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol; ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/418396-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-cisco&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10370 |NULL |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-48TS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-48TS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-48TS&eol; &eol; MIBs used:&eol; CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol; IF-MIB&eol; EtherLike-MIB&eol; SNMPv2-MIB&eol; CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol; CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol; ENTITY-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/418396-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-cisco&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10371 |NULL |Template Power APC UPS SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Power APC UPS SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Power APC UPS&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;PowerNet-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/420730-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-apc-ups&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10372 |NULL |Template SAN NetApp AFF A700 by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template SAN NetApp AFF A700 by HTTP |0 |NULL |The template to monitor SAN NetApp AFF A700 cluster by Zabbix HTTP agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10372 |NULL |Template SAN NetApp AFF A700 by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template SAN NetApp AFF A700 by HTTP |0 |NULL |The template to monitor SAN NetApp AFF A700 cluster by Zabbix HTTP agent.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10373 |NULL |Template Power APC UPS Galaxy 3500 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Power APC UPS Galaxy 3500 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Power APC UPS Galaxy 3500&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;PowerNet-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/420730-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-apc-ups&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10374 |NULL |Template Power APC Smart-UPS 2200 RM SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Power APC Smart-UPS 2200 RM SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Power APC Smart-UPS 2200 RM&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;PowerNet-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/420730-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-apc-ups&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10375 |NULL |Template Power APC Smart-UPS 3000 XLM SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Power APC Smart-UPS 3000 XLM SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Power APC Smart-UPS 3000 XLM&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;PowerNet-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/420730-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-apc-ups&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ ROW |10379 |NULL |Template Power APC Smart-UPS SRT 8000 SNMP
ROW |10380 |NULL |Template Power APC UPS Symmetra LX SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Power APC UPS Symmetra LX SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Power APC UPS Symmetra LX&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;PowerNet-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/420730-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-apc-ups&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10381 |NULL |Template Power APC UPS Symmetra RM SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Power APC UPS Symmetra RM SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Power APC UPS Symmetra RM&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;PowerNet-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/420730-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-apc-ups&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10382 |NULL |Template Power APC UPS Symmetra RX SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Power APC UPS Symmetra RX SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Power APC UPS Symmetra RX&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;PowerNet-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/420730-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-apc-ups&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10383 |NULL |Template APP WildFly Domain by JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template APP WildFly Domain by JMX |0 |NULL |Official JMX Template for WildFly.&eol;The metrics are collected by JMX. This template works with Domain Controller.&eol;You can set {$WILDFLY.USER} and {$WILDFLY.PASSWORD} macros in the template for using on the host level.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10384 |NULL |Template APP WildFly Server by JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template APP WildFly Server by JMX |0 |NULL |Official JMX Template for WildFly.&eol;The metrics are collected by JMX. This template works with standalone and domain instances.&eol;You can set {$WILDFLY.USER} and {$WILDFLY.PASSWORD} macros in the template for using on the host level.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10383 |NULL |Template APP WildFly Domain by JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template APP WildFly Domain by JMX |0 |NULL |Official JMX Template for WildFly.&eol;The metrics are collected by JMX. This template works with Domain Controller.&eol;You can set {$WILDFLY.USER} and {$WILDFLY.PASSWORD} macros in the template for using on the host level.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10384 |NULL |Template APP WildFly Server by JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template APP WildFly Server by JMX |0 |NULL |Official JMX Template for WildFly.&eol;The metrics are collected by JMX. This template works with standalone and domain instances.&eol;You can set {$WILDFLY.USER} and {$WILDFLY.PASSWORD} macros in the template for using on the host level.&eol;&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10385 |NULL |Template ZYXEL AAM1212-51 IES-612 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template ZYXEL AAM1212-51 IES-612 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-IESCOMMON-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10386 |NULL |Template ZYXEL ES3500-8PD SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template ZYXEL ES3500-8PD SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL ES3500-8PD&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol; ZYXEL-ES3500-8PD-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-ES3500-8PD-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL ES3500-8PD&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10387 |NULL |Template ZYXEL GS-4012F SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template ZYXEL GS-4012F SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL GS-4012F&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL GS-4012F&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
@@ -227,37 +227,38 @@ ROW |10395 |NULL |Template ZYXEL MGS-3712F SNMP
ROW |10396 |NULL |Template ZYXEL MES3500-24S SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template ZYXEL MES3500-24S SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MES3500-24S&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-HW-MONITOR-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-PORT-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-ES-COMMON&eol;ZYXEL-TRANSCEIVER-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MGS3520-28&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10397 |NULL |Template ZYXEL MGS3520-28x SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template ZYXEL MGS3520-28x SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MGS3520-28x&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-HW-MONITOR-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-PORT-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-ES-COMMON&eol;ZYXEL-TRANSCEIVER-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MGS3520-28&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10398 |NULL |Template ZYXEL XGS-4728F SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template ZYXEL XGS-4728F SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL XGS-4728F&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-XGS4728F-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol; ZYXEL-XGS4728F-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL XGS-4728F&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10399 |NULL |Template App Nginx Plus by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Nginx Plus by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get Nginx Plus metrics by HTTP agent.&eol;Metrics are collected by requests to Nginx Plus API.&eol;Don't forget to change macros {$NGINX.API.ENDPOINT}.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10399 |NULL |Template App Nginx Plus by HTTP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Nginx Plus by HTTP |0 |NULL |Get Nginx Plus metrics by HTTP agent.&eol;Metrics are collected by requests to Nginx Plus API.&eol;Don't forget to change macros {$NGINX.API.ENDPOINT}.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10400 |NULL |Template Server Cisco UCS Manager SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server Cisco UCS Manager SNMP |0 |NULL |This is a template for Cisco UCS Manager monitoring via Zabbix SNMP Agent that works without any external scripts.&eol;&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-COMPUTE-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-PROCESSOR-MIB&eol;CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-EQUIPMENT-MIB&eol;CISCO-UNIFIED-COMPUTING-STORAGE-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/418396-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-cisco&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10402 |NULL |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R720 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R720 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for DELL PowerEdge R720 servers with iDRAC version 7 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/426752-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-dell-templates&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10404 |NULL |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R740 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R740 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for DELL PowerEdge R740 servers with iDRAC version 7 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/426752-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-dell-templates&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10406 |NULL |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R820 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R820 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for DELL PowerEdge R820 servers with iDRAC version 7 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/426752-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-dell-templates&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10408 |NULL |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R840 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R840 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for DELL PowerEdge R840 servers with iDRAC version 7 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/426752-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-dell-templates&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10409 |NULL |Template Server HPE ProLiant BL460 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server HPE ProLiant BL460 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for HPE ProLiant BL460 servers with HP iLO version 4 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;CPQNIC-MIB&eol;CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;CPQIDA-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10410 |NULL |Template Server HPE ProLiant BL920 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server HPE ProLiant BL920 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for HPE ProLiant BL920 servers with HP iLO version 4 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;CPQNIC-MIB&eol;CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;CPQIDA-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10411 |NULL |Template Server HPE ProLiant DL360 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server HPE ProLiant DL360 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for HPE ProLiant DL360 servers with HP iLO version 4 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;CPQNIC-MIB&eol;CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;CPQIDA-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10412 |NULL |Template Server HPE ProLiant DL380 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server HPE ProLiant DL380 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for HPE ProLiant DL380 servers with HP iLO version 4 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;CPQNIC-MIB&eol;CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;CPQIDA-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10413 |NULL |Template APP Systemd by Zabbix agent 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template APP Systemd by Zabbix agent 2 |0 |NULL |Get systemd units metrics from plugin for the zabbix-agent2.&eol; 1. Setup and configure zabbix-agent2 compiled with the Systemd monitoring plugin.&eol; 2. Set filters with macros if you want to override default filter parameters.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10414 |NULL |Template DB GridGain by JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB GridGain by JMX |0 |NULL |The template to monitor GridGain In-Memory Computing Platform by Zabbix that work without any external scripts.&eol; It works with both standalone and cluster instances.&eol; The metrics are discoverable and collected by JMX. &eol; Current JMX tree hierarchy contains classloader by default. Add the following jvm option `-DIGNITE_MBEAN_APPEND_CLASS_LOADER_ID=false`to will exclude one level with Classloader name.&eol; You can set {$GRIDGAIN.USER} and {$GRIDGAIN.PASSWORD} macros in the template for using on the host level.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10415 |NULL |Template F5 Big-IP SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template F5 Big-IP SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB&eol;F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10402 |NULL |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R720 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R720 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for DELL PowerEdge R720 servers with iDRAC version 7 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/426752-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-dell-templates&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10404 |NULL |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R740 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R740 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for DELL PowerEdge R740 servers with iDRAC version 7 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/426752-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-dell-templates&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10406 |NULL |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R820 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R820 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for DELL PowerEdge R820 servers with iDRAC version 7 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/426752-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-dell-templates&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10408 |NULL |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R840 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server DELL PowerEdge R840 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for DELL PowerEdge R840 servers with iDRAC version 7 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/426752-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-dell-templates&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10409 |NULL |Template Server HPE ProLiant BL460 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server HPE ProLiant BL460 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for HPE ProLiant BL460 servers with HP iLO version 4 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;CPQNIC-MIB&eol;CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;CPQIDA-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10410 |NULL |Template Server HPE ProLiant BL920 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server HPE ProLiant BL920 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for HPE ProLiant BL920 servers with HP iLO version 4 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;CPQNIC-MIB&eol;CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;CPQIDA-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10411 |NULL |Template Server HPE ProLiant DL360 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server HPE ProLiant DL360 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for HPE ProLiant DL360 servers with HP iLO version 4 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;CPQNIC-MIB&eol;CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;CPQIDA-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10412 |NULL |Template Server HPE ProLiant DL380 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Server HPE ProLiant DL380 SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for HPE ProLiant DL380 servers with HP iLO version 4 and later.&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;CPQNIC-MIB&eol;CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;CPQIDA-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10413 |NULL |Template APP Systemd by Zabbix agent 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template APP Systemd by Zabbix agent 2 |0 |NULL |Get systemd units metrics from plugin for the zabbix-agent2.&eol; 1. Setup and configure zabbix-agent2 compiled with the Systemd monitoring plugin.&eol; 2. Set filters with macros if you want to override default filter parameters.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10414 |NULL |Template DB GridGain by JMX |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB GridGain by JMX |0 |NULL |The template to monitor GridGain In-Memory Computing Platform by Zabbix that work without any external scripts.&eol; It works with both standalone and cluster instances.&eol; The metrics are discoverable and collected by JMX. &eol; Current JMX tree hierarchy contains classloader by default. Add the following jvm option `-DIGNITE_MBEAN_APPEND_CLASS_LOADER_ID=false`to will exclude one level with Classloader name.&eol; You can set {$GRIDGAIN.USER} and {$GRIDGAIN.PASSWORD} macros in the template for using on the host level.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10415 |NULL |Template F5 Big-IP SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template F5 Big-IP SNMP |0 |NULL |MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB&eol;F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10416 |NULL |Template App Website certificate by Zabbix agent 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App Website certificate by Zabbix agent 2 |0 |NULL |The template to monitor TLS/SSL certificate on the website by Zabbix agent 2 that works without any external scripts.&eol;Zabbix agent 2 with the WebCertificate plugin requests certificate using the web.certificate.get key and returns JSON with certificate attributes.&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/428309-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-tls-ssl-certificates-monitoring&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10417 |NULL |Template Net Cisco ASAv SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Cisco ASAv SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Cisco ASAv&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CISCO-PORT-MIB&eol;CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol; CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/418396-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-cisco&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10418 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL AAM1212-51 IES-612 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL AAM1212-51 IES-612 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-IESCOMMON-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10419 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL ES3500-8PD SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL ES3500-8PD SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL ES3500-8PD&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol; ZYXEL-ES3500-8PD-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-ES3500-8PD-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL ES3500-8PD&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10420 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL GS-4012F SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL GS-4012F SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL GS-4012F&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL GS-4012F&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10421 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL IES-500x SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL IES-500x SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL IES-500x&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-IES5000-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL IES-500x&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10422 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL IES-6000 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL IES-6000 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL IES-6000&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-IES5000-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL IES-6000&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10423 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL IES1248-51 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL IES1248-51 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL IES1248-51&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-IESCOMMON-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL IES1248-51&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10424 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL MES-3528 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL MES-3528 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MES-3528&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol; ZYXEL-MES3528-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-MES3528-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MES-3528&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10425 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL MES3500-10 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL MES3500-10 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MES3500-10&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-MES3500-10-MIB&eol; ZYXEL-MES3500-10-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MES3500-10&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10426 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL MES3500-24 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL MES3500-24 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MES3500-24&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol; ZYXEL-MES3500-24-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-MES3500-24-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MES3500-24&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10427 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL MGS-3712 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL MGS-3712 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MGS-3712&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ZYXEL-MGS3712F-MIB&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MGS-3712&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10428 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL MGS-3712F SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL MGS-3712F SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MGS-3712F&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ZYXEL-MGS3712F-MIB&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MGS-3712F&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10429 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL MES3500-24S SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL MES3500-24S SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MES3500-24S&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-HW-MONITOR-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-PORT-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-ES-COMMON&eol;ZYXEL-TRANSCEIVER-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MGS3520-28&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10430 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL MGS3520-28x SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL MGS3520-28x SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MGS3520-28x&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-HW-MONITOR-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-PORT-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-ES-COMMON&eol;ZYXEL-TRANSCEIVER-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MGS3520-28&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
-ROW |10431 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL XGS-4728F SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL XGS-4728F SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL XGS-4728F&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-XGS4728F-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol; ZYXEL-XGS4728F-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL XGS-4728F&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.38 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10417 |NULL |Template Net Cisco ASAv SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net Cisco ASAv SNMP |0 |NULL |Template Net Cisco ASAv&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;CISCO-PORT-MIB&eol;CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;ENTITY-MIB&eol; CISCO-REMOTE-ACCESS-MONITOR-MIB&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/418396-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-cisco&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10418 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL AAM1212-51 IES-612 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL AAM1212-51 IES-612 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-IESCOMMON-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10419 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL ES3500-8PD SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL ES3500-8PD SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL ES3500-8PD&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol; ZYXEL-ES3500-8PD-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-ES3500-8PD-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL ES3500-8PD&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10420 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL GS-4012F SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL GS-4012F SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL GS-4012F&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL GS-4012F&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10421 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL IES-500x SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL IES-500x SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL IES-500x&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-IES5000-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL IES-500x&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10422 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL IES-6000 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL IES-6000 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL IES-6000&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-IES5000-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL IES-6000&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10423 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL IES1248-51 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL IES1248-51 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL IES1248-51&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-IESCOMMON-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL IES1248-51&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10424 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL MES-3528 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL MES-3528 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MES-3528&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol; ZYXEL-MES3528-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-MES3528-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MES-3528&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10425 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL MES3500-10 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL MES3500-10 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MES3500-10&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-MES3500-10-MIB&eol; ZYXEL-MES3500-10-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MES3500-10&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10426 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL MES3500-24 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL MES3500-24 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MES3500-24&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol; ZYXEL-MES3500-24-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-MES3500-24-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MES3500-24&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10427 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL MGS-3712 SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL MGS-3712 SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MGS-3712&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ZYXEL-MGS3712F-MIB&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MGS-3712&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10428 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL MGS-3712F SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL MGS-3712F SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MGS-3712F&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;ZYXEL-MGS3712F-MIB&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MGS-3712F&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10429 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL MES3500-24S SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL MES3500-24S SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MES3500-24S&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-HW-MONITOR-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-PORT-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-ES-COMMON&eol;ZYXEL-TRANSCEIVER-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MGS3520-28&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10430 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL MGS3520-28x SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL MGS3520-28x SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL MGS3520-28x&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-HW-MONITOR-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-PORT-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-ES-COMMON&eol;ZYXEL-TRANSCEIVER-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL MGS3520-28&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10431 |NULL |Template Net ZYXEL XGS-4728F SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template Net ZYXEL XGS-4728F SNMP |0 |NULL |ZYXEL XGS-4728F&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;RFC1213-MIB&eol;ZYXEL-XGS4728F-MIB&eol;IF-MIB&eol; ZYXEL-XGS4728F-MIB&eol;&eol;Known Issues:&eol;&eol; Description: Incorrect handling of SNMP bulk requests. Disable the use of bulk requests in the SNMP interface settings.&eol; Version: all versions firmware&eol; Device: ZYXEL XGS-4728F&eol;&eol;You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/422668-discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-templates-for-zyxel&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10432 |NULL |Template DB PostgreSQL by user parameters |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB PostgreSQL by user parameters |0 |NULL |You can discuss this template or leave feedback on our forum https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384190-%C2%A0discussion-thread-for-official-zabbix-template-db-postgresql&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
ROW |10433 |NULL |Template DB PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent 2 |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template DB PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent 2 |0 |NULL |Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
+ROW |10434 |NULL |Template App PFSense SNMP |3 |-1 |2 | | |Template App PFSense SNMP |0 |NULL |Template for monitoring pfSense by SNMP&eol;Setup:&eol; 1. Enable SNMP daemon at Services in pfSense web interface https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/services/snmp.html&eol; 2. Setup firewall rule to get access from Zabbix proxy or Zabbix server by SNMP https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/firewall/index.html#managing-firewall-rules&eol; 3. Link template to the host&eol; &eol;&eol;&eol;MIBs used:&eol;BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;HOST-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;SNMPv2-MIB&eol;UCD-DISKIO-MIB&eol;UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;&eol;Template tooling version used: 0.39 |1 |1 | | | | | |1 |0 |
TABLE |group_prototype
FIELDS|group_prototypeid|hostid|name |groupid|templateid|
@@ -268,10 +269,10 @@ ROW |5 |10332 |{#DATACENTER.NAME} (vm) |NULL |NU
ROW |6 |10332 |{#HV.NAME} |NULL |NULL |
ROW |24 |10364 |MongoDB sharded cluster/{#REPLICASET}|NULL |NULL |
ROW |26 |10365 |MongoDB sharded cluster/{#ID} |NULL |NULL |
-ROW |72 |10331 | |12 |NULL |
-ROW |73 |10332 | |12 |NULL |
-ROW |74 |10364 | |13 |NULL |
-ROW |75 |10365 | |13 |NULL |
+ROW |76 |10331 | |12 |NULL |
+ROW |77 |10332 | |12 |NULL |
+ROW |78 |10364 | |13 |NULL |
+ROW |79 |10365 | |13 |NULL |
TABLE |screens
FIELDS|screenid|name |hsize|vsize|templateid|userid|private|
@@ -400,339 +401,339 @@ ROW |9003 |61 |20 |1212 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1
ROW |9004 |61 |20 |1210 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
ROW |9005 |61 |20 |1213 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
ROW |9006 |61 |20 |1211 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9519 |25 |0 |1174 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9520 |25 |0 |1176 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9521 |25 |20 |1172 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9522 |25 |20 |1173 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9523 |25 |0 |1175 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9524 |26 |0 |838 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9525 |26 |0 |839 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9526 |26 |20 |836 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9527 |26 |20 |837 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9528 |26 |0 |840 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9529 |59 |0 |1125 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9530 |59 |0 |1129 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9531 |59 |0 |1128 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9532 |59 |0 |1126 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9533 |59 |0 |1127 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9534 |48 |20 |1710 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9535 |48 |20 |1711 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9536 |48 |20 |1709 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9537 |49 |20 |1714 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9538 |49 |20 |1712 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9539 |49 |20 |1715 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9540 |49 |20 |1713 |500 |100 |0 |3 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9541 |50 |20 |1718 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9542 |50 |20 |1717 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9543 |50 |20 |1716 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9544 |51 |20 |1720 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9545 |51 |20 |1721 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9546 |51 |20 |1719 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9547 |52 |20 |1724 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9548 |52 |20 |1722 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9549 |52 |20 |1725 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9550 |52 |20 |1723 |500 |100 |0 |3 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9551 |53 |20 |1728 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9552 |53 |20 |1727 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9553 |53 |20 |1726 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9554 |27 |0 |841 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9555 |27 |0 |843 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9556 |27 |0 |842 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9557 |28 |0 |845 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9558 |28 |0 |847 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9559 |28 |0 |846 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9560 |62 |0 |1419 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9561 |62 |0 |1414 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9562 |62 |0 |1421 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9563 |62 |0 |1423 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9564 |62 |0 |1420 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9565 |63 |0 |1422 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9566 |63 |0 |1425 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9567 |63 |0 |1415 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9568 |63 |0 |1418 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9569 |63 |0 |1416 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9570 |63 |0 |1424 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9571 |64 |0 |1432 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9572 |64 |0 |1428 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9573 |64 |0 |1434 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9574 |64 |0 |1436 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9575 |64 |0 |1433 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9576 |65 |0 |1435 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9577 |65 |0 |1438 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9578 |65 |0 |1429 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9579 |65 |0 |1431 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9580 |65 |0 |1430 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9581 |65 |0 |1437 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9582 |4 |0 |1545 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9583 |4 |0 |1539 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9584 |4 |0 |1541 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9585 |4 |0 |1537 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9586 |4 |0 |1535 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9587 |4 |0 |1543 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9588 |79 |0 |1527 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9589 |79 |0 |1531 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9590 |79 |0 |1529 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9591 |79 |0 |1525 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9592 |21 |0 |1557 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9593 |21 |0 |1554 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9594 |21 |0 |1555 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9595 |21 |0 |1553 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9596 |21 |0 |1552 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9597 |21 |0 |1556 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9598 |80 |0 |1548 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9599 |80 |0 |1550 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9600 |80 |0 |1549 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9601 |80 |0 |1547 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9602 |22 |0 |806 |500 |212 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9603 |22 |0 |804 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9604 |22 |0 |805 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9605 |22 |0 |803 |500 |128 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9606 |17 |0 |532 |500 |212 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9607 |17 |0 |530 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9608 |17 |0 |531 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9609 |17 |0 |529 |500 |128 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9610 |5 |0 |469 |500 |148 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9611 |5 |0 |471 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9612 |5 |0 |498 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9613 |5 |0 |540 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9614 |7 |0 |463 |500 |120 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9615 |7 |0 |462 |500 |106 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9616 |7 |0 |541 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9617 |7 |0 |464 |500 |300 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9618 |6 |0 |475 |500 |114 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9619 |6 |0 |474 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9620 |6 |0 |542 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9621 |18 |0 |487 |750 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9622 |18 |0 |543 |750 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9623 |9 |0 |457 |500 |120 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9624 |9 |0 |456 |500 |106 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9625 |9 |0 |544 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9626 |9 |0 |458 |500 |300 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9627 |9 |1 |22838 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9628 |9 |1 |22837 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9629 |10 |0 |481 |500 |114 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9630 |10 |0 |480 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9631 |10 |0 |545 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9632 |10 |0 |482 |500 |300 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9633 |10 |1 |22998 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9634 |10 |1 |22997 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9635 |57 |0 |1112 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9636 |57 |0 |1113 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9637 |57 |0 |1110 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9638 |57 |0 |1109 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9639 |57 |0 |1111 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9640 |57 |0 |1114 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9641 |60 |0 |1139 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9642 |60 |0 |1140 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9643 |60 |0 |1137 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9644 |60 |0 |1136 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9645 |60 |0 |1138 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9646 |60 |0 |1141 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9647 |58 |0 |1118 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9648 |58 |0 |1119 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9649 |58 |0 |1116 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9650 |58 |0 |1115 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9651 |58 |0 |1117 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9652 |58 |0 |1120 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9653 |84 |20 |1852 |500 |200 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9654 |84 |20 |1847 |500 |200 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9655 |84 |20 |1845 |500 |200 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9656 |84 |20 |1851 |500 |200 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9657 |84 |20 |1848 |500 |200 |0 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9658 |84 |20 |1846 |500 |200 |1 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9659 |84 |20 |1849 |500 |200 |0 |3 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9660 |84 |20 |1850 |500 |200 |1 |3 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9661 |85 |0 |1855 |500 |200 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9662 |85 |0 |1858 |500 |200 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9663 |85 |0 |1856 |500 |200 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9664 |85 |0 |1859 |500 |200 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9665 |85 |0 |1857 |500 |200 |0 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9666 |85 |0 |1860 |500 |200 |1 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9667 |85 |0 |1853 |500 |200 |0 |3 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9668 |85 |0 |1854 |500 |200 |1 |3 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9669 |86 |20 |1863 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9670 |86 |20 |1861 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9671 |86 |20 |1864 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9672 |86 |20 |1862 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9673 |54 |0 |1091 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9674 |54 |0 |1095 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9675 |54 |0 |1092 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9676 |54 |0 |1094 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9677 |54 |0 |1099 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9678 |54 |0 |1100 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9679 |54 |0 |1101 |500 |100 |0 |3 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9680 |54 |0 |1102 |500 |100 |1 |3 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9681 |54 |20 |1090 |500 |100 |0 |4 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9682 |55 |0 |1093 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9683 |55 |0 |1098 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9684 |55 |0 |1096 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9685 |55 |0 |1097 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9686 |47 |0 |1071 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9687 |47 |20 |1061 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9688 |47 |20 |1066 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9689 |45 |20 |741 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9690 |43 |20 |745 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9691 |46 |20 |766 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9692 |66 |20 |1476 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9693 |67 |0 |1479 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9694 |67 |20 |1478 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9695 |67 |20 |1477 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9696 |3 |0 |903 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9697 |3 |0 |909 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9698 |3 |0 |918 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9699 |3 |0 |921 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9700 |3 |20 |888 |500 |100 |0 |2 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9701 |3 |20 |1218 |500 |100 |0 |3 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9702 |3 |20 |1215 |500 |100 |0 |4 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9703 |3 |20 |1221 |500 |100 |0 |5 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9704 |3 |20 |900 |500 |100 |0 |6 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9705 |30 |20 |899 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9706 |31 |20 |934 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9707 |32 |0 |937 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9708 |32 |0 |941 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9709 |32 |0 |947 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9710 |32 |0 |949 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9711 |32 |20 |927 |500 |100 |0 |2 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9712 |32 |20 |1226 |500 |100 |0 |3 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9713 |32 |20 |1224 |500 |100 |0 |4 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9714 |32 |20 |1228 |500 |100 |0 |5 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9715 |32 |20 |935 |500 |100 |0 |6 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9716 |33 |0 |957 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9717 |33 |0 |959 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9718 |33 |0 |962 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9719 |33 |0 |963 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9720 |33 |20 |953 |500 |100 |0 |2 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9721 |33 |20 |954 |500 |100 |0 |3 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9722 |33 |20 |955 |500 |100 |0 |4 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9723 |33 |20 |956 |500 |100 |0 |5 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9724 |33 |20 |952 |500 |100 |0 |6 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9725 |34 |20 |952 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9726 |29 |0 |881 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9727 |29 |20 |869 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9728 |29 |0 |877 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9729 |29 |0 |879 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9730 |29 |20 |873 |500 |100 |0 |2 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9731 |29 |20 |867 |500 |100 |0 |3 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9732 |29 |19 |29033 |500 |100 |0 |4 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9733 |29 |20 |865 |500 |100 |0 |5 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
-ROW |9734 |19 |0 |977 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9735 |19 |1 |29485 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9736 |19 |0 |979 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9737 |19 |0 |981 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9738 |19 |20 |965 |500 |100 |0 |2 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9739 |19 |20 |1230 |500 |100 |0 |3 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9740 |19 |20 |1232 |500 |100 |0 |4 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9741 |19 |20 |1840 |500 |100 |0 |5 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9742 |82 |20 |1839 |750 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9743 |37 |0 |995 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9744 |37 |1 |29592 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9745 |37 |0 |997 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9746 |37 |0 |999 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9747 |37 |20 |983 |500 |100 |0 |2 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9748 |37 |20 |1234 |500 |100 |0 |3 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9749 |37 |20 |1236 |500 |100 |0 |4 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9750 |37 |20 |1842 |500 |100 |0 |5 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9751 |83 |20 |1841 |750 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9752 |69 |3 |33570 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9753 |69 |3 |33585 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9754 |69 |3 |33580 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9755 |69 |3 |33591 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9756 |69 |3 |33592 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9757 |69 |3 |33594 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9758 |69 |0 |1489 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9759 |69 |0 |1491 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9760 |69 |0 |1490 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9761 |70 |3 |33621 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9762 |70 |3 |33636 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9763 |70 |3 |33631 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9764 |70 |3 |33642 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9765 |70 |3 |33643 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9766 |70 |3 |33645 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9767 |70 |0 |1492 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9768 |70 |0 |1494 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9769 |70 |0 |1493 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9770 |71 |3 |33672 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9771 |71 |3 |33687 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9772 |71 |3 |33682 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9773 |71 |3 |33693 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9774 |71 |3 |33694 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9775 |71 |3 |33696 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9776 |71 |0 |1495 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9777 |71 |0 |1497 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9778 |71 |0 |1496 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9779 |72 |3 |33723 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9780 |72 |3 |33738 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9781 |72 |3 |33733 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9782 |72 |3 |33744 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9783 |72 |3 |33745 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9784 |72 |3 |33747 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9785 |72 |0 |1498 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9786 |72 |0 |1500 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9787 |72 |0 |1499 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9788 |73 |3 |33774 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9789 |73 |3 |33789 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9790 |73 |3 |33784 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9791 |73 |3 |33795 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9792 |73 |3 |33796 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9793 |73 |3 |33798 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9794 |73 |0 |1501 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9795 |73 |0 |1503 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9796 |73 |0 |1502 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9797 |74 |3 |33825 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9798 |74 |3 |33840 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9799 |74 |3 |33835 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9800 |74 |3 |33846 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9801 |74 |3 |33847 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9802 |74 |3 |33849 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9803 |74 |0 |1504 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9804 |74 |0 |1506 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9805 |74 |0 |1505 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9806 |75 |3 |33876 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9807 |75 |3 |33891 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9808 |75 |3 |33886 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9809 |75 |3 |33897 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9810 |75 |3 |33898 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9811 |75 |3 |33900 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9812 |75 |0 |1507 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9813 |75 |0 |1509 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9814 |75 |0 |1508 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9815 |68 |3 |33434 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9816 |68 |3 |33449 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9817 |68 |3 |33444 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9818 |68 |3 |33455 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9819 |68 |3 |33456 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9820 |68 |3 |33458 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9821 |68 |0 |1510 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9822 |68 |0 |1482 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9823 |68 |0 |1481 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9824 |76 |3 |33932 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9825 |76 |3 |33947 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9826 |76 |3 |33942 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9827 |76 |3 |33953 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9828 |76 |3 |33954 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9829 |76 |3 |33956 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9830 |76 |0 |1511 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9831 |76 |0 |1513 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9832 |76 |0 |1512 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9833 |77 |3 |33983 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9834 |77 |3 |33998 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9835 |77 |3 |33993 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9836 |77 |3 |34004 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9837 |77 |3 |34005 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9838 |77 |3 |34007 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9839 |77 |0 |1514 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9840 |77 |0 |1516 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9841 |77 |0 |1515 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9842 |78 |3 |34034 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9843 |78 |3 |34049 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9844 |78 |3 |34044 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9845 |78 |3 |34055 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9846 |78 |3 |34056 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9847 |78 |3 |34058 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9848 |78 |0 |1517 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9849 |78 |0 |1519 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9850 |78 |0 |1518 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
-ROW |9851 |81 |20 |1676 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9852 |25 |0 |1174 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9853 |25 |0 |1176 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9854 |25 |20 |1172 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9855 |25 |20 |1173 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9856 |25 |0 |1175 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9857 |26 |0 |838 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9858 |26 |0 |839 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9859 |26 |20 |836 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9860 |26 |20 |837 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9861 |26 |0 |840 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9862 |59 |0 |1125 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9863 |59 |0 |1129 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9864 |59 |0 |1128 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9865 |59 |0 |1126 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9866 |59 |0 |1127 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9867 |48 |20 |1710 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9868 |48 |20 |1711 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9869 |48 |20 |1709 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9870 |49 |20 |1714 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9871 |49 |20 |1712 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9872 |49 |20 |1715 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9873 |49 |20 |1713 |500 |100 |0 |3 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9874 |50 |20 |1718 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9875 |50 |20 |1717 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9876 |50 |20 |1716 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9877 |51 |20 |1720 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9878 |51 |20 |1721 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9879 |51 |20 |1719 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9880 |52 |20 |1724 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9881 |52 |20 |1722 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9882 |52 |20 |1725 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9883 |52 |20 |1723 |500 |100 |0 |3 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9884 |53 |20 |1728 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9885 |53 |20 |1727 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9886 |53 |20 |1726 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9887 |27 |0 |841 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9888 |27 |0 |843 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9889 |27 |0 |842 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9890 |28 |0 |845 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9891 |28 |0 |847 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9892 |28 |0 |846 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9893 |62 |0 |1419 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9894 |62 |0 |1414 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9895 |62 |0 |1421 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9896 |62 |0 |1423 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9897 |62 |0 |1420 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9898 |63 |0 |1422 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9899 |63 |0 |1425 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9900 |63 |0 |1415 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9901 |63 |0 |1418 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9902 |63 |0 |1416 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9903 |63 |0 |1424 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9904 |64 |0 |1432 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9905 |64 |0 |1428 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9906 |64 |0 |1434 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9907 |64 |0 |1436 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9908 |64 |0 |1433 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9909 |65 |0 |1435 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9910 |65 |0 |1438 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9911 |65 |0 |1429 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9912 |65 |0 |1431 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9913 |65 |0 |1430 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9914 |65 |0 |1437 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9915 |17 |0 |1885 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9916 |17 |0 |1882 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9917 |17 |0 |1883 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9918 |17 |0 |1881 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9919 |22 |0 |1890 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9920 |22 |0 |1887 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9921 |22 |0 |1888 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9922 |22 |0 |1886 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9923 |4 |0 |1545 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9924 |4 |0 |1539 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9925 |4 |0 |1541 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9926 |4 |0 |1537 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9927 |4 |0 |1535 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9928 |4 |0 |1543 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9929 |79 |0 |1527 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9930 |79 |0 |1531 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9931 |79 |0 |1529 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9932 |79 |0 |1525 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9933 |21 |0 |1557 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9934 |21 |0 |1554 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9935 |21 |0 |1555 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9936 |21 |0 |1553 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9937 |21 |0 |1552 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9938 |21 |0 |1556 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9939 |80 |0 |1548 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9940 |80 |0 |1550 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9941 |80 |0 |1549 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9942 |80 |0 |1547 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9943 |5 |0 |469 |500 |148 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9944 |5 |0 |471 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9945 |5 |0 |498 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9946 |5 |0 |540 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9947 |7 |0 |463 |500 |120 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9948 |7 |0 |462 |500 |106 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9949 |7 |0 |541 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9950 |7 |0 |464 |500 |300 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9951 |6 |0 |475 |500 |114 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9952 |6 |0 |474 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9953 |6 |0 |542 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9954 |18 |0 |487 |750 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9955 |18 |0 |543 |750 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9956 |9 |0 |457 |500 |120 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9957 |9 |0 |456 |500 |106 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9958 |9 |0 |544 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9959 |9 |0 |458 |500 |300 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9960 |9 |1 |22838 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9961 |9 |1 |22837 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9962 |10 |0 |481 |500 |114 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9963 |10 |0 |480 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9964 |10 |0 |545 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9965 |10 |0 |482 |500 |300 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9966 |10 |1 |22998 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9967 |10 |1 |22997 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9968 |57 |0 |1112 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9969 |57 |0 |1113 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9970 |57 |0 |1110 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9971 |57 |0 |1109 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9972 |57 |0 |1111 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9973 |57 |0 |1114 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9974 |60 |0 |1139 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9975 |60 |0 |1140 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9976 |60 |0 |1137 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9977 |60 |0 |1136 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9978 |60 |0 |1138 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9979 |60 |0 |1141 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9980 |58 |0 |1118 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9981 |58 |0 |1119 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9982 |58 |0 |1116 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9983 |58 |0 |1115 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9984 |58 |0 |1117 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9985 |58 |0 |1120 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9986 |84 |20 |1900 |500 |200 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9987 |84 |20 |1895 |500 |200 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9988 |84 |20 |1893 |500 |200 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9989 |84 |20 |1899 |500 |200 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9990 |84 |20 |1896 |500 |200 |0 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9991 |84 |20 |1894 |500 |200 |1 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9992 |84 |20 |1897 |500 |200 |0 |3 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9993 |84 |20 |1898 |500 |200 |1 |3 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9994 |85 |0 |1903 |500 |200 |0 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9995 |85 |0 |1906 |500 |200 |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9996 |85 |0 |1904 |500 |200 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9997 |85 |0 |1907 |500 |200 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9998 |85 |0 |1905 |500 |200 |0 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |9999 |85 |0 |1908 |500 |200 |1 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10000 |85 |0 |1901 |500 |200 |0 |3 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10001 |85 |0 |1902 |500 |200 |1 |3 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10002 |86 |20 |1863 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10003 |86 |20 |1861 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10004 |86 |20 |1864 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10005 |86 |20 |1862 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10006 |54 |0 |1091 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10007 |54 |0 |1095 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10008 |54 |0 |1092 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10009 |54 |0 |1094 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10010 |54 |0 |1099 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10011 |54 |0 |1100 |500 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10012 |54 |0 |1101 |500 |100 |0 |3 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10013 |54 |0 |1102 |500 |100 |1 |3 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10014 |54 |20 |1090 |500 |100 |0 |4 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10015 |55 |0 |1093 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10016 |55 |0 |1098 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10017 |55 |0 |1096 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10018 |55 |0 |1097 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10019 |47 |0 |1071 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10020 |47 |20 |1061 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10021 |47 |20 |1066 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10022 |45 |20 |741 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10023 |43 |20 |745 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10024 |46 |20 |766 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10025 |66 |20 |1476 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10026 |67 |0 |1479 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10027 |67 |20 |1478 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10028 |67 |20 |1477 |500 |100 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10029 |3 |0 |903 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10030 |3 |0 |909 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10031 |3 |0 |918 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10032 |3 |0 |921 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10033 |3 |20 |888 |500 |100 |0 |2 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10034 |3 |20 |1218 |500 |100 |0 |3 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10035 |3 |20 |1215 |500 |100 |0 |4 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10036 |3 |20 |1221 |500 |100 |0 |5 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10037 |3 |20 |900 |500 |100 |0 |6 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10038 |30 |20 |899 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10039 |31 |20 |934 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10040 |32 |0 |937 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10041 |32 |0 |941 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10042 |32 |0 |947 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10043 |32 |0 |949 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10044 |32 |20 |927 |500 |100 |0 |2 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10045 |32 |20 |1226 |500 |100 |0 |3 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10046 |32 |20 |1224 |500 |100 |0 |4 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10047 |32 |20 |1228 |500 |100 |0 |5 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10048 |32 |20 |935 |500 |100 |0 |6 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10049 |33 |0 |957 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10050 |33 |0 |959 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10051 |33 |0 |962 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10052 |33 |0 |963 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10053 |33 |20 |953 |500 |100 |0 |2 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10054 |33 |20 |954 |500 |100 |0 |3 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10055 |33 |20 |955 |500 |100 |0 |4 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10056 |33 |20 |956 |500 |100 |0 |5 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10057 |33 |20 |952 |500 |100 |0 |6 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10058 |34 |20 |952 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10059 |29 |0 |881 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10060 |29 |20 |869 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10061 |29 |0 |877 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10062 |29 |0 |879 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10063 |29 |20 |873 |500 |100 |0 |2 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10064 |29 |20 |867 |500 |100 |0 |3 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10065 |29 |19 |29033 |500 |100 |0 |4 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10066 |29 |20 |865 |500 |100 |0 |5 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |2 |
+ROW |10067 |19 |0 |977 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10068 |19 |1 |29485 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10069 |19 |0 |979 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10070 |19 |0 |981 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10071 |19 |20 |965 |500 |100 |0 |2 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10072 |19 |20 |1230 |500 |100 |0 |3 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10073 |19 |20 |1232 |500 |100 |0 |4 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10074 |19 |20 |1840 |500 |100 |0 |5 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10075 |82 |20 |1839 |750 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10076 |37 |0 |995 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10077 |37 |1 |29592 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10078 |37 |0 |997 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10079 |37 |0 |999 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10080 |37 |20 |983 |500 |100 |0 |2 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10081 |37 |20 |1234 |500 |100 |0 |3 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10082 |37 |20 |1236 |500 |100 |0 |4 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10083 |37 |20 |1842 |500 |100 |0 |5 |2 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10084 |83 |20 |1841 |750 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10085 |69 |3 |33570 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10086 |69 |3 |33585 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10087 |69 |3 |33580 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10088 |69 |3 |33591 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10089 |69 |3 |33592 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10090 |69 |3 |33594 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10091 |69 |0 |1489 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10092 |69 |0 |1491 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10093 |69 |0 |1490 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10094 |70 |3 |33621 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10095 |70 |3 |33636 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10096 |70 |3 |33631 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10097 |70 |3 |33642 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10098 |70 |3 |33643 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10099 |70 |3 |33645 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10100 |70 |0 |1492 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10101 |70 |0 |1494 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10102 |70 |0 |1493 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10103 |71 |3 |33672 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10104 |71 |3 |33687 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10105 |71 |3 |33682 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10106 |71 |3 |33693 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10107 |71 |3 |33694 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10108 |71 |3 |33696 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10109 |71 |0 |1495 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10110 |71 |0 |1497 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10111 |71 |0 |1496 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10112 |72 |3 |33723 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10113 |72 |3 |33738 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10114 |72 |3 |33733 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10115 |72 |3 |33744 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10116 |72 |3 |33745 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10117 |72 |3 |33747 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10118 |72 |0 |1498 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10119 |72 |0 |1500 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10120 |72 |0 |1499 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10121 |73 |3 |33774 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10122 |73 |3 |33789 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10123 |73 |3 |33784 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10124 |73 |3 |33795 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10125 |73 |3 |33796 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10126 |73 |3 |33798 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10127 |73 |0 |1501 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10128 |73 |0 |1503 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10129 |73 |0 |1502 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10130 |74 |3 |33825 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10131 |74 |3 |33840 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10132 |74 |3 |33835 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10133 |74 |3 |33846 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10134 |74 |3 |33847 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10135 |74 |3 |33849 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10136 |74 |0 |1504 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10137 |74 |0 |1506 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10138 |74 |0 |1505 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10139 |75 |3 |33876 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10140 |75 |3 |33891 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10141 |75 |3 |33886 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10142 |75 |3 |33897 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10143 |75 |3 |33898 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10144 |75 |3 |33900 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10145 |75 |0 |1507 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10146 |75 |0 |1509 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10147 |75 |0 |1508 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10148 |68 |3 |33434 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10149 |68 |3 |33449 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10150 |68 |3 |33444 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10151 |68 |3 |33455 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10152 |68 |3 |33456 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10153 |68 |3 |33458 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10154 |68 |0 |1510 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10155 |68 |0 |1482 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10156 |68 |0 |1481 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10157 |76 |3 |33932 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10158 |76 |3 |33947 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10159 |76 |3 |33942 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10160 |76 |3 |33953 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10161 |76 |3 |33954 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10162 |76 |3 |33956 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10163 |76 |0 |1511 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10164 |76 |0 |1513 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10165 |76 |0 |1512 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10166 |77 |3 |33983 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10167 |77 |3 |33998 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10168 |77 |3 |33993 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10169 |77 |3 |34004 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10170 |77 |3 |34005 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10171 |77 |3 |34007 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10172 |77 |0 |1514 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10173 |77 |0 |1516 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10174 |77 |0 |1515 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10175 |78 |3 |34034 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10176 |78 |3 |34049 |500 |100 |1 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10177 |78 |3 |34044 |500 |100 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10178 |78 |3 |34055 |500 |100 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10179 |78 |3 |34056 |500 |100 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10180 |78 |3 |34058 |500 |100 |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10181 |78 |0 |1517 |300 |300 |0 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10182 |78 |0 |1519 |400 |100 |1 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10183 |78 |0 |1518 |400 |100 |2 |2 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
+ROW |10184 |81 |20 |1676 |500 |100 |0 |0 |1 |1 |25 |0 |0 |0 | |0 |0 | |3 |
TABLE |applications
FIELDS|applicationid|hostid|name |flags|
@@ -1738,6 +1739,16 @@ ROW |1856 |10432 |PostgreSQL |0 |
ROW |1857 |10432 |Zabbix raw items |0 |
ROW |1858 |10433 |PostgreSQL |0 |
ROW |1859 |10433 |Zabbix raw items |0 |
+ROW |1860 |10434 |CPU |0 |
+ROW |1861 |10434 |General |0 |
+ROW |1862 |10434 |Memory |0 |
+ROW |1863 |10434 |Network interfaces |0 |
+ROW |1864 |10434 |pfSense |0 |
+ROW |1865 |10434 |Status |0 |
+ROW |1866 |10434 |Storage |0 |
+ROW |1867 |10262 |Zabbix raw items |0 |
+ROW |1868 |10417 |Network interfaces |0 |
+ROW |1869 |10417 |Remote access session |0 |
TABLE |interface
FIELDS|interfaceid|hostid|main|type|useip|ip |dns |port |
@@ -2000,6 +2011,8 @@ ROW |252 |SNMP ltmVsStatusAvailState
ROW |253 |SNMP sysCmFailoverStatusId |
ROW |254 |SNMP sysCmSyncStatusId |
ROW |255 |ifOperStatus |
+ROW |256 |Services status |
+ROW |257 |SNMPv2-TC::TruthValue |
TABLE |items
FIELDS|itemid|type|snmp_oid |hostid|name |key_ |delay |history|trends|status|value_type|trapper_hosts|units |formula |logtimefmt |templateid|valuemapid|params |ipmi_sensor |authtype|username |password |publickey|privatekey|flags|interfaceid|description |inventory_link|lifetime|evaltype|jmx_endpoint |master_itemid|timeout |url |query_fields |posts|status_codes|follow_redirects|post_type|headers |retrieve_mode|request_method|output_format|verify_peer|verify_host|allow_traps|discover|
@@ -2009,12 +2022,12 @@ ROW |10063 |5 |
ROW |10064 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: Number of processed numeric (unsigned) values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,uint] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of processed numeric (unsigned) values. |0 |0 |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |10065 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: Number of processed text values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,text] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of processed text values. |0 |0 |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |10066 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: Number of processed not supported values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,not supported] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of times item processing resulted in item becoming unsupported or keeping that state. |0 |0 |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |10067 |5 | |10048 |Number of processed numeric (float) values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,float] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |10068 |5 | |10048 |Number of processed character values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,str] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |10069 |5 | |10048 |Number of processed log values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,log] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |10070 |5 | |10048 |Number of processed numeric (unsigned) values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,uint] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |10071 |5 | |10048 |Number of processed text values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,text] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |10072 |5 | |10048 |Number of processed not supported values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,not supported] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |10067 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Number of processed numeric (float) values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,float] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of processed float values. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |10068 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Number of processed character values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,str] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of processed character/string values. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |10069 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Number of processed log values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,log] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of processed log values. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |10070 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Number of processed numeric (unsigned) values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,uint] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of processed numeric (unsigned) values. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |10071 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Number of processed text values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,text] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of processed text values. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |10072 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Number of processed not supported values per second |zabbix[wcache,values,not supported] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of times item processing resulted in item becoming unsupported or keeping that state. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |22183 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: History write cache, % used |zabbix[wcache,history,pused] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache. Percentage of used history buffer.&eol;History cache is used to store item values. A high number indicates performance problems on the database side. |0 |0 |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |22185 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: Trend write cache, % used |zabbix[wcache,trend,pused] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache. Percentage of used trend buffer.&eol;Trend cache stores aggregate for the current hour for all items that receive data. |0 |0 |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |22187 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: Number of processed values per second |zabbix[wcache,values] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Total number of values processed by Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy, except unsupported items. |0 |0 |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -2241,27 +2254,27 @@ ROW |23171 |5 |
ROW |23251 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: Queue |zabbix[queue] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of monitored items in the queue which are delayed at least by 6 seconds |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |23318 |0 | |10050 |Host name of Zabbix agent running |agent.hostname |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |23329 |0 | |10074 |Network interface discovery |net.if.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of network interfaces as defined in global regular expression "Network interfaces for discovery". |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23340 |5 | |10048 |Number of processed values per second |zabbix[wcache,values] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23341 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix history index cache, % used |zabbix[wcache,index,pused] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23342 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix history write cache, % used |zabbix[wcache,history,pused] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23343 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of self-monitoring internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,self-monitoring,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23344 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of snmp trapper data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,snmp trapper,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23345 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of trapper data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,trapper,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23346 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of unreachable poller data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,unreachable poller,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23347 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of configuration syncer internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,configuration syncer,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23348 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of poller data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,poller,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 |localhost |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23349 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of java poller data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,java poller,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23350 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of history syncer internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,history syncer,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23351 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of heartbeat sender internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,heartbeat sender,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23352 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of discoverer data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,discoverer,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 |localhost |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23353 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of housekeeper internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,housekeeper,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23354 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of http poller data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,http poller,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23355 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of ipmi poller data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,ipmi poller,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23356 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of icmp pinger data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,icmp pinger,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23357 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix configuration cache, % used |zabbix[rcache,buffer,pused] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23358 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix queue |zabbix[queue] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23359 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix queue over 10 minutes |zabbix[queue,10m] |10m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |23360 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of data sender internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,data sender,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23340 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Number of processed values per second |zabbix[wcache,values] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Total number of values processed by Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy, except unsupported items. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23341 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: History index cache, % used |zabbix[wcache,index,pused] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache. Percentage of used history index buffer.&eol;History index cache is used to index values stored in history cache. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23342 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: History write cache, % used |zabbix[wcache,history,pused] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache. Percentage of used history buffer.&eol;History cache is used to store item values. A high number indicates performance problems on the database side. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23343 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of self-monitoring internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,self-monitoring,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time self-monitoring processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23344 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of snmp trapper data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,snmp trapper,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time snmp trapper processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23345 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of trapper data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,trapper,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time trapper processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23346 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of unreachable poller data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,unreachable poller,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time unreachable poller processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23347 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of configuration syncer internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,configuration syncer,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time configuration syncer processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23348 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of poller data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,poller,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time poller processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23349 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of java poller data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,java poller,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time java poller processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23350 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of history syncer internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,history syncer,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time history syncer processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23351 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of heartbeat sender internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,heartbeat sender,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time heartbeat sender processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23352 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of discoverer data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,discoverer,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time discoverer processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23353 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of housekeeper internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,housekeeper,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time housekeeper processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23354 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of http poller data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,http poller,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time http poller processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23355 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of ipmi poller data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,ipmi poller,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time ipmi poller processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23356 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of icmp pinger data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,icmp pinger,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time icmp pinger processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23357 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Configuration cache, % used |zabbix[rcache,buffer,pused] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Availability statistics of Zabbix configuration cache. Percentage of used buffer. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23358 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Queue |zabbix[queue] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of monitored items in the queue which are delayed at least by 6 seconds. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23359 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Queue over 10 minutes |zabbix[queue,10m] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of monitored items in the queue which are delayed at least by 10 minutes. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |23360 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of data sender internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,data sender,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time data sender processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |23540 |0 | |10075 |Network interface discovery |net.if.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of network interfaces as defined in global regular expression "Network interfaces for discovery". |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |23634 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: VMware cache, % used |zabbix[vmware,buffer,pused] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Availability statistics of Zabbix vmware cache. Percentage of used buffer |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |23644 |3 | |10093 |FTP service is running |net.tcp.service[ftp] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |1 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -2278,8 +2291,8 @@ ROW |23654 |3 |
ROW |23661 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: Value cache operating mode |zabbix[vcache,cache,mode] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |15 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Value cache operating mode |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |23663 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: Utilization of task manager internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,task manager,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time task manager processes have been busy in the last minute |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |25366 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: Utilization of ipmi manager internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,ipmi manager,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time ipmi manager processes have been busy in the last minute |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |25368 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of ipmi manager internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,ipmi manager,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |25369 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of task manager internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,task manager,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |25368 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of ipmi manager internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,ipmi manager,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time ipmi manager processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |25369 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of task manager internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,task manager,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time task manager processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |25370 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: Utilization of alert manager internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,alert manager,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time alert manager processes have been busy in the last minute |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |25665 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: Utilization of preprocessing manager internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,preprocessing manager,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time preprocessing manager processes have been busy in the last minute |0 |0 |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |25666 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: Utilization of preprocessing worker internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,preprocessing worker,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time preprocessing worker processes have been busy in the last minute |0 |0 |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -2565,8 +2578,8 @@ ROW |28206 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |28244 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10252 |CPU Discovery |cpu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |If your IOS device has several CPUs, you must use CISCO-PROCESS-MIB and its object cpmCPUTotal5minRev from the table called cpmCPUTotalTable ,&eol;indexed with cpmCPUTotalIndex .&eol;This table allows CISCO-PROCESS-MIB to keep CPU statistics for different physical entities in the router,&eol;like different CPU chips, group of CPUs, or CPUs in different modules/cards.&eol;In case of a single CPU, cpmCPUTotalTable has only one entry. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28246 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10252 |{#SNMPVALUE}: CPU utilization |system.cpu.util[cpmCPUTotal5min.{#SNMPINDEX}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;The overall CPU busy percentage in the last 5 minute&eol;period. This object deprecates the avgBusy5 object from&eol;the OLD-CISCO-SYSTEM-MIB. This object is deprecated&eol;by cpmCPUTotal5minRev which has the changed range&eol;of value (0..100)&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15215-collect-cpu-util-snmp.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28248 |5 | |10047 |Zabbix server: Preprocessing queue |zabbix[preprocessing_queue] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Count of values enqueued in the preprocessing queue. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28250 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of vmware data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,vmware collector,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28251 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix vmware cache, % used |zabbix[vmware,buffer,pused] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |28250 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of vmware data collector processes, in % |zabbix[process,vmware collector,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time vmware collector processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |28251 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: VMware cache, % used |zabbix[vmware,buffer,pused] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Availability statistics of Zabbix vmware cache. Percentage of used buffer. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28305 |20 |discovery[{#SENSOR_TYPE},,{#SENSOR_INFO},,{#SENSOR_PRECISION},,{#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN},,{#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT},,{#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN},,{#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT},]|10254 |Get sensors |sensors.get |1h |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Gets sensors with type, description, and thresholds. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28308 |20 |discovery[{#ENT_CLASS},,{#ENT_NAME},] |10254 |Entity discovery |entity.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28309 |20 |discovery[{#ENT_CLASS},,{#ENT_NAME},] |10254 |PSU discovery |psu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -2613,8 +2626,8 @@ ROW |28374 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |28375 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10255 |{#CNTLR_NAME}: Disk array controller model |system.hw.diskarray.model[controllerName.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1d |90d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2&eol;The controller's name as represented in Storage Management. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28376 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10255 |Battery {#BATTERY_NUM}: Disk array cache controller battery status |system.hw.diskarray.cache.battery.status[batteryState.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |1w |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |64 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2&eol;Current state of battery.&eol;Possible values:&eol;1: The current state could not be determined.&eol;2: The battery is operating normally.&eol;3: The battery has failed and needs to be replaced.&eol;4: The battery temperature is high or charge level is depleting.&eol;5: The battery is missing or not detected.&eol;6: The battery is undergoing the re-charge phase.&eol;7: The battery voltage or charge level is below the threshold. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28388 |20 | |10256 |System: Temperature status |sensor.temp.status[cpqHeThermalCondition.0] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;This value specifies the overall condition of the system's thermal environment.&eol;This value will be one of the following:&eol;other(1) Temperature could not be determined.&eol;ok(2) The temperature sensor is within normal operating range.&eol;degraded(3) The temperature sensor is outside of normal operating range.&eol;failed(4) The temperature sensor detects a condition that could permanently damage the system. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28390 |20 | |10256 |Hardware model name |system.hw.model |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The machine product name.The name of the machine used in this system. |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28391 |20 | |10256 |Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The serial number of the physical system unit. The string will be empty if the system does not report the serial number function. |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |28390 |20 | |10256 |Hardware model name |system.hw.model |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The machine product name.The name of the machine used in this system. |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |28391 |20 | |10256 |Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The serial number of the physical system unit. The string will be empty if the system does not report the serial number function. |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28392 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},,{#SENSOR_LOCALE},] |10256 |Temperature Discovery |tempDescr.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Scanning table of Temperature Sensor Entries: CPQHLTH-MIB::cpqHeTemperatureTable |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28393 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},,{#SENSOR_LOCALE},] |10256 |Temperature Discovery Ambient |tempDescr.discovery.ambient |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Scanning table of Temperature Sensor Entries: CPQHLTH-MIB::cpqHeTemperatureTable with ambient(11) and 0.1 index filter |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28394 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},,{#SENSOR_LOCALE},] |10256 |Temperature Discovery CPU |tempDescr.discovery.cpu |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Scanning table of Temperature Sensor Entries: CPQHLTH-MIB::cpqHeTemperatureTable with cpu(6) filter |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -2643,7 +2656,7 @@ ROW |28417 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |28418 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10256 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk S.M.A.R.T. status |system.hw.physicaldisk.smart_status[cpqDaPhyDrvSmartStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |70 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive S.M.A.R.T Status.The following values are defined:&eol;other(1) The agent is unable to determine if the status of S.M.A.R.T predictive failure monitoring for this drive.&eol;ok(2) Indicates the drive is functioning properly.&eol;replaceDrive(3) Indicates that the drive has a S.M.A.R.T predictive failure error and should be replaced. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28419 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10256 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk serial number |system.hw.physicaldisk.serialnumber[cpqDaPhyDrvSerialNum.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Serial Number.&eol;This is the serial number assigned to the physical drive.&eol;This value is based upon the serial number as returned by the SCSI inquiry command&eol;but may have been modified due to space limitations. This can be used for identification purposes. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28420 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10256 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk model name |system.hw.physicaldisk.model[cpqDaPhyDrvModel.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Model.This is a text description of the physical drive.&eol;The text that appears depends upon who manufactured the drive and the drive type.&eol;If a drive fails, note the model to identify the type of drive necessary for replacement.&eol;If a model number is not present, you may not have properly initialized the drive array to which the physical drive is attached for monitoring. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28421 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10256 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk media type |system.hw.physicaldisk.media_type[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |73 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Drive Array Physical Drive Media Type.The following values are defined:&eol;other(1) The instrument agent is unable to determine the physical drive’s media type.&eol;rotatingPlatters(2) The physical drive media is composed of rotating platters.&eol;solidState(3) The physical drive media is composed of solid state electronics. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |28421 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10256 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk media type |system.hw.physicaldisk.media_type[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |73 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Drive Array Physical Drive Media Type.The following values are defined:&eol;other(1) The instrument agent is unable to determine the physical drive's media type.&eol;rotatingPlatters(2) The physical drive media is composed of rotating platters.&eol;solidState(3) The physical drive media is composed of solid state electronics. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28422 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10256 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Disk size |system.hw.physicaldisk.size[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Size in MB.&eol;This is the size of the physical drive in megabytes.&eol;This value is calculated using the value 1,048,576 (2^20) as a megabyte.&eol;Drive manufacturers sometimes use the number 1,000,000 as a megabyte when giving drive capacities so this value may differ&eol;from the advertised size of a drive. This field is only applicable for controllers which support SCSI drives,&eol;and therefore is not supported by the IDA or IDA-2 controllers. The field will contain 0xFFFFFFFF if the drive capacity cannot be calculated&eol;or if the controller does not support SCSI drives. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28423 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10256 |Disk {#SNMPINDEX}({#DISK_NAME}): Status |system.hw.virtualdisk.status[cpqDaLogDrvStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |75 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Logical Drive Status. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28424 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10256 |Disk {#SNMPINDEX}({#DISK_NAME}): Layout type |system.hw.virtualdisk.layout[cpqDaLogDrvFaultTol.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |74 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Logical Drive Fault Tolerance.&eol;This shows the fault tolerance mode of the logical drive. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -2676,12 +2689,9 @@ ROW |28537 |5 |
ROW |28539 |5 | |10261 |Remote Zabbix server: Zabbix stats |zabbix[stats,{$ADDRESS},{$PORT}] |1m |0d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Zabbix server statistics master item. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28540 |5 | |10261 |Remote Zabbix server: Zabbix stats queue |zabbix[stats,{$ADDRESS},{$PORT},queue] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of monitored items in the queue which are delayed at least by 6 seconds |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28541 |5 | |10261 |Remote Zabbix server: Zabbix stats queue over 10m |zabbix[stats,{$ADDRESS},{$PORT},queue,10m] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of monitored items in the queue which are delayed at least by 10 minutes |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28585 |5 | |10262 |Zabbix stats |zabbix[stats,{$ADDRESS},{$PORT}] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Zabbix proxy statistics master item. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28586 |5 | |10262 |Zabbix stats queue |zabbix[stats,{$ADDRESS},{$PORT},queue] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28587 |5 | |10262 |Zabbix stats queue over $5 |zabbix[stats,{$ADDRESS},{$PORT},queue,10m] |10m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28617 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix preprocessing queue |zabbix[preprocessing_queue] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Count of values enqueued in the preprocessing queue. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28618 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of preprocessing manager internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,preprocessing manager,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28619 |5 | |10048 |Utilization of preprocessing worker internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,preprocessing worker,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |28617 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Preprocessing queue |zabbix[preprocessing_queue] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Count of values enqueued in the preprocessing queue. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |28618 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of preprocessing manager internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,preprocessing manager,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time preprocessing manager processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |28619 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of preprocessing worker internal processes, in % |zabbix[process,preprocessing worker,avg,busy] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time preprocessing worker processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28671 |0 | |10263 |PostgreSQL: Get connections sum |pgsql.connections.sum["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Collect all metrics from pg_stat_activity&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/monitoring-stats.html#PG-STAT-ACTIVITY-VIEW |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28672 |0 | |10263 |PostgreSQL: Get locks |pgsql.locks["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Collect all metrics from pg_locks per database&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/explicit-locking.html#LOCKING-TABLES |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28673 |0 | |10263 |Status: Ping time |pgsql.ping.time["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -3283,7 +3293,7 @@ ROW |31513 |16 |
ROW |31514 |16 | |10169 |MemoryPool: Tenured Gen maximum size |jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Tenured Gen","Usage.max"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Maximum amount of memory that can be used for memory management. This amount of memory is not guaranteed to be available if it is greater than the amount of committed memory. The Java virtual machine may fail to allocate memory even if the amount of used memory does not exceed this maximum size. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31515 |16 | |10169 |MemoryPool: Tenured Gen used |jmx["java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=Tenured Gen","Usage.used"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Current memory usage |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31516 |16 | |10169 |OperatingSystem: File descriptors maximum count |jmx["java.lang:type=OperatingSystem","MaxFileDescriptorCount"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |This is the number of file descriptors we can have opened in the same process, as determined by the operating system. You can never have more file descriptors than this number. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |31517 |16 | |10169 |OperatingSystem: File descriptors opened |jmx["java.lang:type=OperatingSystem","OpenFileDescriptorCount"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |This is the number of opened file descriptors at the moment, if this reaches the MaxFileDescriptorCount, the application will throw an IOException: Too many open files. This could mean you’re are opening file descriptors and never closing them. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |31517 |16 | |10169 |OperatingSystem: File descriptors opened |jmx["java.lang:type=OperatingSystem","OpenFileDescriptorCount"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |This is the number of opened file descriptors at the moment, if this reaches the MaxFileDescriptorCount, the application will throw an IOException: Too many open files. This could mean you're are opening file descriptors and never closing them. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31518 |16 | |10169 |OperatingSystem: Process CPU Load |jmx["java.lang:type=OperatingSystem","ProcessCpuLoad"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |ProcessCpuLoad represents the CPU load in this process. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31519 |16 | |10169 |Runtime: JVM uptime |jmx["java.lang:type=Runtime","Uptime"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31520 |16 | |10169 |Runtime: JVM name |jmx["java.lang:type=Runtime","VmName"] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -3400,7 +3410,7 @@ ROW |31630 |0 |
ROW |31631 |0 | |10333 |Oracle: Get FRA stats |oracle.fra.stats["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Get FRA statistics. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31632 |0 | |10333 |Oracle: Number of processes |oracle.proc.stats["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31633 |0 | |10333 |Oracle: Get SGA stats |oracle.sga.stats["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Get SGA statistics. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |31634 |0 | |10333 |Oracle: Get PDB info |oracle.pdb.info["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Get info about PDB databases on instansce. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |31634 |0 | |10333 |Oracle: Get PDB info |oracle.pdb.info["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Get info about PDB databases on instance. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31635 |0 | |10333 |Oracle: Get ASM stats |oracle.diskgroups.stats["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Get ASM disk groups stats. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31636 |0 | |10333 |Oracle: Get system metrics |oracle.sys.metrics["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |0;m0-59 |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The item gets system metric values. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31637 |0 | |10333 |Oracle: Get instance state |oracle.instance.info["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The item gets state of the current instance. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -3410,7 +3420,7 @@ ROW |31640 |0 |
ROW |31641 |0 | |10333 |Oracle: User's expire password |oracle.user.info["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |days | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The number of days before zabbix account password expired. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31642 |0 | |10333 |Oracle: Get archive log info |oracle.archive.info["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |5m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31643 |0 | |10333 |Oracle: Get sessions stats |oracle.sessions.stats["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}","{$ORACLE.SESSION.LOCK.MAX.TIME}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Get sessions statistics. {$ORACLE.SESSION.LOCK.MAX.TIME} -- maximum seconds in the current wait condition for counting long time locked sessions. Default: 600 seconds. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |31644 |0 | |10333 |Oracle: Get CDB and No-CDB info |oracle.cdb.info["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Get info about CDB and No-CDB databases on instansce. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |31644 |0 | |10333 |Oracle: Get CDB and No-CDB info |oracle.cdb.info["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Get info about CDB and No-CDB databases on instance. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31645 |0 | |10333 |Oracle: Get tablespaces stats |oracle.ts.stats["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Get tablespaces stats. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31706 |0 | |10333 |Archive log discovery |oracle.archive.discovery["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Log archive destinations. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31707 |0 | |10333 |Database discovery |oracle.db.discovery["{$ORACLE.CONNSTRING}","{$ORACLE.USER}","{$ORACLE.PASSWORD}","{$ORACLE.SERVICE}"] |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Scanning databases in DBMS. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -3523,7 +3533,7 @@ ROW |32072 |16 |
ROW |32073 |16 | |10340 |Kafka: Fetch-Consumer request total time, mean |jmx["kafka.network:type=RequestMetrics,name=TotalTimeMs,request=UpdateMetadata","Mean"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |ms | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$KAFKA.USER} |{$KAFKA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Average time for a request to update metadata. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32074 |16 | |10340 |Kafka: Network processor average idle percent |jmx["kafka.network:type=SocketServer,name=NetworkProcessorAvgIdlePercent","Value"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$KAFKA.USER} |{$KAFKA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |The average percentage of time that the network processors are idle. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32075 |16 | |10340 |Kafka: Uptime |jmx["kafka.server:type=app-info","start-time-ms"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$KAFKA.USER} |{$KAFKA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Service uptime in seconds. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32076 |16 | |10340 |Kafka: Version |jmx["kafka.server:type=app-info","version"] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$KAFKA.USER} |{$KAFKA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Current version of brocker. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32076 |16 | |10340 |Kafka: Version |jmx["kafka.server:type=app-info","version"] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$KAFKA.USER} |{$KAFKA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Current version of broker. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32077 |16 | |10340 |Kafka: Bytes in per second |jmx["kafka.server:type=BrokerTopicMetrics,name=BytesInPerSec","Count"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |Bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$KAFKA.USER} |{$KAFKA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |The rate at which data sent from producers is consumed by the broker. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32078 |16 | |10340 |Kafka: Bytes out per second |jmx["kafka.server:type=BrokerTopicMetrics,name=BytesOutPerSec","Count"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |Bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$KAFKA.USER} |{$KAFKA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |The rate at which data is fetched and read from the broker by consumers. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32079 |16 | |10340 |Kafka: Bytes rejected per second |jmx["kafka.server:type=BrokerTopicMetrics,name=BytesRejectedPerSec","Count"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$KAFKA.USER} |{$KAFKA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |The rate at which bytes rejected per second by the broker. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -3621,9 +3631,9 @@ ROW |32216 |16 |
ROW |32217 |16 | |10342 |Thread pool MigrationStage: Currently blocked task |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools,path=internal,scope=MigrationStage,name=CurrentlyBlockedTasks","Count"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of tasks that are currently blocked due to queue saturation but on retry will become unblocked.&eol;MigrationStage: Runs schema migrations. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32218 |16 | |10342 |Thread pool MigrationStage: Pending tasks |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools,path=internal,scope=MigrationStage,name=PendingTasks","Value"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of queued tasks queued up on this pool.&eol;MigrationStage: Runs schema migrations. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32219 |16 | |10342 |Thread pool MigrationStage: Total blocked tasks |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools,path=internal,scope=MigrationStage,name=TotalBlockedTasks","Count"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of tasks that were blocked due to queue saturation.&eol;MigrationStage: Runs schema migrations. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32220 |16 | |10342 |Thread pool MiscStage: Currently blocked task |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools,path=internal,scope=MiscStage,name=CurrentlyBlockedTasks","Count"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of tasks that are currently blocked due to queue saturation but on retry will become unblocked.&eol;MiscStage: Misceleneous tasks run here. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32221 |16 | |10342 |Thread pool MiscStage: Pending tasks |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools,path=internal,scope=MiscStage,name=PendingTasks","Value"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of queued tasks queued up on this pool.&eol;MiscStage: Misceleneous tasks run here. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32222 |16 | |10342 |Thread pool MiscStage: Total blocked tasks |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools,path=internal,scope=MiscStage,name=TotalBlockedTasks","Count"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of tasks that were blocked due to queue saturation.&eol;MiscStage: Misceleneous tasks run here. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32220 |16 | |10342 |Thread pool MiscStage: Currently blocked task |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools,path=internal,scope=MiscStage,name=CurrentlyBlockedTasks","Count"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of tasks that are currently blocked due to queue saturation but on retry will become unblocked.&eol;MiscStage: Miscellaneous tasks run here. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32221 |16 | |10342 |Thread pool MiscStage: Pending tasks |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools,path=internal,scope=MiscStage,name=PendingTasks","Value"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of queued tasks queued up on this pool.&eol;MiscStage: Miscellaneous tasks run here. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32222 |16 | |10342 |Thread pool MiscStage: Total blocked tasks |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools,path=internal,scope=MiscStage,name=TotalBlockedTasks","Count"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of tasks that were blocked due to queue saturation.&eol;MiscStage: Miscellaneous tasks run here. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32223 |16 | |10342 |Thread pool SecondaryIndexManagement: Pending tasks |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools,path=internal,scope=SecondaryIndexManagement,name=PendingTasks","Value"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of queued tasks queued up on this pool.&eol;SecondaryIndexManagement: Performs updates to secondary indexes. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32224 |16 | |10342 |Storage: Hints |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Storage,name=TotalHints","Count"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of hint messages written to this node since [re]start. Includes one entry for each host to be hinted per hint. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32225 |16 | |10342 |Thread pool SecondaryIndexManagement: Total blocked tasks |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=ThreadPools,path=internal,scope=SecondaryIndexManagement,name=TotalBlockedTasks","Count"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of tasks that were blocked due to queue saturation.&eol;SecondaryIndexManagement: Performs updates to secondary indexes. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -3645,7 +3655,7 @@ ROW |32240 |16 |
ROW |32241 |16 | |10342 |Version |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.db:type=StorageService","ReleaseVersion"] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32242 |16 | |10342 |KeyCache: requests per second |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Cache,scope=KeyCache,name=Requests","Count"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |rps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Rate of cache requests. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32243 |16 | |10342 |Compaction: Number of completed tasks |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:name=CompletedTasks,type=Compaction","Value"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of completed compactions since server [re]start. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32244 |16 | |10342 |Commitlog: Pending tasks |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:name=PendingTasks,type=CommitLog","Value"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of commit log messages written but yet to be fsync’d. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32244 |16 | |10342 |Commitlog: Pending tasks |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:name=PendingTasks,type=CommitLog","Value"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Number of commit log messages written but yet to be fsync'd. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32245 |16 | |10342 |Latency: Read median |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:name=ReadLatency,type=Table","50thPercentile"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |ms | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Latency read from disk in milliseconds - median. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32246 |16 | |10342 |Latency: Read 75 percentile |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:name=ReadLatency,type=Table","75thPercentile"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |ms | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Latency read from disk in milliseconds - p75. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32247 |16 | |10342 |Latency: Read 95 percentile |jmx["org.apache.cassandra.metrics:name=ReadLatency,type=Table","95thPercentile"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |ms | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$CASSANDRA.USER} |{$CASSANDRA.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |Latency read from disk in milliseconds - p95. |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -3976,7 +3986,7 @@ ROW |32655 |16 |
ROW |32656 |16 | |10354 |Local node metrics |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:group=Kernal,name=ClusterLocalNodeMetricsMXBeanImpl,*"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$IGNITE.USER} |{$IGNITE.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32657 |16 | |10354 |Cluster metrics |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:group=Kernal,name=ClusterMetricsMXBeanImpl,*"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$IGNITE.USER} |{$IGNITE.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32658 |16 | |10354 |Ignite kernal metrics |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:group=Kernal,name=IgniteKernal,*"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$IGNITE.USER} |{$IGNITE.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32659 |16 | |10354 |TCP Ccmmunication SPI metrics |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:group=SPIs,name=TcpCommunicationSpi,*"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$IGNITE.USER} |{$IGNITE.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32659 |16 | |10354 |TCP Communication SPI metrics |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:group=SPIs,name=TcpCommunicationSpi,*"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$IGNITE.USER} |{$IGNITE.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32660 |16 | |10354 |TCP discovery SPI |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:group=SPIs,name=TcpDiscoverySpi,*"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$IGNITE.USER} |{$IGNITE.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32661 |16 | |10354 |Transaction metrics |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:group=TransactionMetrics,name=TransactionMetricsMxBeanImpl,*"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$IGNITE.USER} |{$IGNITE.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32662 |16 | |10354 |Cache metrics |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:name=\"org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheLocalMetricsMXBeanImpl\",*"] |10m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$IGNITE.USER} |{$IGNITE.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |1 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -4127,13 +4137,13 @@ ROW |32836 |0 |
ROW |32837 |0 | |10359 |RabbitMQ: CPU utilization |proc.cpu.util["{$RABBITMQ.PROCESS_NAME}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Process CPU utilization percentage. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32838 |0 | |10359 |RabbitMQ: Memory usage (rss) |proc.mem["{$RABBITMQ.PROCESS_NAME}",,,,rss] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Resident set size memory used by process in bytes. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32839 |0 | |10359 |RabbitMQ: Memory usage (vsize) |proc.mem["{$RABBITMQ.PROCESS_NAME}",,,,vsize] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Virtual memory size used by process in bytes. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32884 |0 | |10358 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: alarms in effect in the cluster{#SINGLETON} |web.page.get["http://{$RABBITMQ.API.USER}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD}@{$RABBITMQ.API.CLUSTER_HOST}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/alarms{#SINGLETON}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |0 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Responds a 200 OK if there are no alarms in effect in the cluster, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s |{$RABBITMQ.API.SCHEME}://{HOST.CONN}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/alarms | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32884 |0 | |10358 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: alarms in effect in the cluster{#SINGLETON} |web.page.get["http://{$RABBITMQ.API.USER}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD}@{$RABBITMQ.API.CLUSTER_HOST}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/alarms{#SINGLETON}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Responds a 200 OK if there are no alarms in effect in the cluster, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s |{$RABBITMQ.API.SCHEME}://{HOST.CONN}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/alarms | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32885 |0 | |10359 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck{#SINGLETON} |web.page.get["http://{$RABBITMQ.API.USER}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD}@{$RABBITMQ.API.HOST}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/healthchecks/node{#SINGLETON}"] |1m |7h |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Runs basic healthchecks in the current node. Checks that the rabbit application is running, channels and queues can be listed successfully, and that no alarms are in effect. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32886 |0 | |10359 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: expiration date on the certificates{#SINGLETON} |web.page.get["http://{$RABBITMQ.API.USER}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD}@{$RABBITMQ.API.HOST}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/certificate-expiration/1/months{#SINGLETON}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |0 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Checks the expiration date on the certificates for every listener configured to use TLS. Responds a 200 OK if all certificates are valid (have not expired), otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32887 |0 | |10359 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: local alarms in effect on the this node{#SINGLETON} |web.page.get["http://{$RABBITMQ.API.USER}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD}@{$RABBITMQ.API.HOST}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/local-alarms{#SINGLETON}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |0 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Responds a 200 OK if there are no local alarms in effect on the target node, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32888 |0 | |10359 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: classic mirrored queues without synchronised mirrors online{#SINGLETON} |web.page.get["http://{$RABBITMQ.API.USER}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD}@{$RABBITMQ.API.HOST}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/node-is-mirror-sync-critical{#SINGLETON}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |0 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Checks if there are classic mirrored queues without synchronised mirrors online (queues that would potentially lose data if the target node is shut down). Responds a 200 OK if there are no such classic mirrored queues, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32889 |0 | |10359 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: queues with minimum online quorum{#SINGLETON} |web.page.get["http://{$RABBITMQ.API.USER}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD}@{$RABBITMQ.API.HOST}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/node-is-quorum-critical{#SINGLETON}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |0 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Checks if there are quorum queues with minimum online quorum (queues that would lose their quorum and availability if the target node is shut down). Responds a 200 OK if there are no such quorum queues, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32890 |0 | |10359 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: virtual hosts on the this node{#SINGLETON} |web.page.get["http://{$RABBITMQ.API.USER}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD}@{$RABBITMQ.API.HOST}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/virtual-hosts{#SINGLETON}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |0 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Responds a 200 OK if all virtual hosts and running on the target node, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32886 |0 | |10359 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: expiration date on the certificates{#SINGLETON} |web.page.get["http://{$RABBITMQ.API.USER}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD}@{$RABBITMQ.API.HOST}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/certificate-expiration/1/months{#SINGLETON}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Checks the expiration date on the certificates for every listener configured to use TLS. Responds a 200 OK if all certificates are valid (have not expired), otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32887 |0 | |10359 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: local alarms in effect on the this node{#SINGLETON} |web.page.get["http://{$RABBITMQ.API.USER}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD}@{$RABBITMQ.API.HOST}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/local-alarms{#SINGLETON}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Responds a 200 OK if there are no local alarms in effect on the target node, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32888 |0 | |10359 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: classic mirrored queues without synchronized mirrors online{#SINGLETON} |web.page.get["http://{$RABBITMQ.API.USER}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD}@{$RABBITMQ.API.HOST}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/node-is-mirror-sync-critical{#SINGLETON}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Checks if there are classic mirrored queues without synchronized mirrors online (queues that would potentially lose data if the target node is shut down). Responds a 200 OK if there are no such classic mirrored queues, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32889 |0 | |10359 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: queues with minimum online quorum{#SINGLETON} |web.page.get["http://{$RABBITMQ.API.USER}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD}@{$RABBITMQ.API.HOST}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/node-is-quorum-critical{#SINGLETON}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Checks if there are quorum queues with minimum online quorum (queues that would lose their quorum and availability if the target node is shut down). Responds a 200 OK if there are no such quorum queues, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32890 |0 | |10359 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: virtual hosts on the this node{#SINGLETON} |web.page.get["http://{$RABBITMQ.API.USER}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD}@{$RABBITMQ.API.HOST}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/virtual-hosts{#SINGLETON}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Responds a 200 OK if all virtual hosts and running on the target node, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32925 |19 | |10360 |RabbitMQ: Get exchanges |rabbitmq.get_exchanges |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |The HTTP API endpoint that returns exchanges metrics |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s |{$RABBITMQ.API.SCHEME}://{HOST.CONN}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/exchanges | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32926 |19 | |10360 |RabbitMQ: Get overview |rabbitmq.get_overview |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |0 |NULL |The HTTP API endpoint that returns cluster-wide metrics |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s |{$RABBITMQ.API.SCHEME}://{HOST.CONN}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/overview | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32927 |3 | |10361 |RabbitMQ: Service response time |net.tcp.service.perf[http,"{HOST.CONN}","{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -4145,10 +4155,10 @@ ROW |32976 |19 |
ROW |32977 |19 | |10361 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck{#SINGLETON} |rabbitmq.healthcheck[{#SINGLETON}] |1m |7h |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Runs basic healthchecks in the current node. Checks that the rabbit application is running, channels and queues can be listed successfully, and that no alarms are in effect. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s |{$RABBITMQ.API.SCHEME}://{HOST.CONN}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/healthchecks/node | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32978 |19 | |10361 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: expiration date on the certificates{#SINGLETON} |rabbitmq.healthcheck.certificate_expiration[{#SINGLETON}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Checks the expiration date on the certificates for every listener configured to use TLS. Responds a 200 OK if all certificates are valid (have not expired), otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s |{$RABBITMQ.API.SCHEME}://{HOST.CONN}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/certificate-expiration/1/months | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32979 |19 | |10361 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: local alarms in effect on the this node{#SINGLETON} |rabbitmq.healthcheck.local_alarms[{#SINGLETON}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Responds a 200 OK if there are no local alarms in effect on the target node, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s |{$RABBITMQ.API.SCHEME}://{HOST.CONN}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/local-alarms | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32980 |19 | |10361 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: classic mirrored queues without synchronised mirrors online{#SINGLETON} |rabbitmq.healthcheck.mirror_sync[{#SINGLETON}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Checks if there are classic mirrored queues without synchronised mirrors online (queues that would potentially lose data if the target node is shut down). Responds a 200 OK if there are no such classic mirrored queues, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s |{$RABBITMQ.API.SCHEME}://{HOST.CONN}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/node-is-mirror-sync-critical | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32980 |19 | |10361 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: classic mirrored queues without synchronized mirrors online{#SINGLETON} |rabbitmq.healthcheck.mirror_sync[{#SINGLETON}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Checks if there are classic mirrored queues without synchronized mirrors online (queues that would potentially lose data if the target node is shut down). Responds a 200 OK if there are no such classic mirrored queues, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s |{$RABBITMQ.API.SCHEME}://{HOST.CONN}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/node-is-mirror-sync-critical | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32981 |19 | |10361 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: queues with minimum online quorum{#SINGLETON} |rabbitmq.healthcheck.quorum[{#SINGLETON}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Checks if there are quorum queues with minimum online quorum (queues that would lose their quorum and availability if the target node is shut down). Responds a 200 OK if there are no such quorum queues, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s |{$RABBITMQ.API.SCHEME}://{HOST.CONN}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/node-is-quorum-critical | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32982 |19 | |10361 |RabbitMQ: Healthcheck: virtual hosts on the this node{#SINGLETON} |rabbitmq.healthcheck.virtual_hosts[{#SINGLETON}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |82 | | |1 |{$RABBITMQ.API.USER} |{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Responds a 200 OK if all virtual hosts and running on the target node, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s |{$RABBITMQ.API.SCHEME}://{HOST.CONN}:{$RABBITMQ.API.PORT}/api/health/checks/virtual-hosts | | |200,503,404 |1 |0 | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33017 |0 | |10362 |MongoDB: Get server status |mongodb.server.status["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Returns a database’s state. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33017 |0 | |10362 |MongoDB: Get server status |mongodb.server.status["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Returns a database's state. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33018 |0 | |10362 |MongoDB: Get Replica Set status |mongodb.rs.status["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Returns the replica set status from the point of view of the member where the method is run. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33019 |0 | |10362 |MongoDB: Ping |mongodb.ping["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"] |30s |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |1 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Test if a connection is alive or not. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33020 |0 | |10362 |MongoDB: Get oplog stats |mongodb.oplog.stats["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Returns status of the replica set, using data polled from the oplog. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -4156,7 +4166,7 @@ ROW |33021 |0 |
ROW |33061 |0 | |10362 |Collection discovery |mongodb.collections.discovery["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Collect collections metrics.&eol;Note, depending on the number of DBs and collections this discovery operation may be expensive. Use filters with macros {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.DB.MATCHES}, {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.DB.NOT_MATCHES}, {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.COLLECTION.MATCHES}, {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.COLLECTION.NOT_MATCHES}. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33062 |0 | |10362 |Database discovery |mongodb.db.discovery["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Collect database metrics.&eol;Note, depending on the number of DBs this discovery operation may be expensive. Use filters with macros {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.DB.MATCHES}, {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.DB.NOT_MATCHES}. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33065 |0 | |10362 |MongoDB {#DBNAME}.{#COLLECTION}: Get collection stats {#DBNAME}.{#COLLECTION} |mongodb.collection.stats["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}","{#DBNAME}","{#COLLECTION}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Returns a variety of storage statistics for a given collection. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33066 |0 | |10362 |MongoDB {#DBNAME}: Get db stats {#DBNAME} |mongodb.db.stats["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}","{#DBNAME}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Returns statistics reflecting the database system’s state. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33066 |0 | |10362 |MongoDB {#DBNAME}: Get db stats {#DBNAME} |mongodb.db.stats["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}","{#DBNAME}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Returns statistics reflecting the database system's state. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33139 |0 | |10363 |MongoDB cluster: Jumbo chunks |mongodb.jumbo_chunks.count["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of 'jumbo' chunks in the mongo cluster. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33140 |0 | |10363 |MongoDB cluster: Get server status |mongodb.server.status["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The mongos statistic |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33141 |0 | |10363 |MongoDB cluster: Ping |mongodb.ping["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"] |30s |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |1 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Test if a connection is alive or not. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -4166,213 +4176,213 @@ ROW |33174 |0 |
ROW |33175 |0 | |10363 |Database discovery |mongodb.db.discovery["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Collect database metrics.&eol;Note, depending on the number of DBs this discovery operation may be expensive. Use filters with macros {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.DB.MATCHES}, {$MONGODB.LLD.FILTER.DB.NOT_MATCHES}. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33176 |0 | |10363 |Shards discovery |mongodb.sh.discovery["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery shared cluster hosts. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33177 |0 | |10363 |MongoDB {#DBNAME}.{#COLLECTION}: Get collection stats {#DBNAME}.{#COLLECTION} |mongodb.collection.stats["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}","{#DBNAME}","{#COLLECTION}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Returns a variety of storage statistics for a given collection. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33178 |0 | |10363 |MongoDB {#DBNAME}: Get db stats {#DBNAME} |mongodb.db.stats["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}","{#DBNAME}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Returns statistics reflecting the database system’s state. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33178 |0 | |10363 |MongoDB {#DBNAME}: Get db stats {#DBNAME} |mongodb.db.stats["{$MONGODB.CONNSTRING}","{$MONGODB.USER}","{$MONGODB.PASSWORD}","{#DBNAME}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Returns statistics reflecting the database system's state. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33194 |11 | |10327 |MSSQL AG '{#GROUP_NAME}' Non-Local DB '*{#REPLICA_NAME}*{#DBNAME}': Get non-local DB states |db.odbc.get["{#GROUP_NAME}*{#REPLICA_NAME}*{#DBNAME}_non-local_db.states","{$MSSQL.DSN}"] |1m |0h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL |SELECT drs.log_send_queue_size as log_send_queue_size,&bsn;drs.redo_queue_size as redo_queue_size,&bsn;ag.name as group_name,&bsn;arcs.replica_server_name as replica_name,&bsn;db_name(drs.database_id) as dbname&bsn;FROM sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states drs &bsn;JOIN sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_cluster_states arcs ON arcs.replica_id = drs.replica_id &bsn;JOIN sys.availability_groups ag ON ag.group_id = arcs.group_id &bsn;JOIN sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states ars ON ars.replica_id = arcs.replica_id | |0 |{$MSSQL.USER} |{$MSSQL.PASSWORD} | | |2 |NULL |Getting the states of the non-local availability database. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33197 |3 | |10366 |ICMP ping |icmpping |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |1 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33198 |3 | |10366 |ICMP loss |icmppingloss |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33199 |3 | |10366 |ICMP response time |icmppingsec |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33200 |17 | |10366 |SNMP traps (fallback) |snmptrap.fallback |1m |7d |0 |0 |2 | | | |hh:mm:sszyyyy/MM/dd|NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Item is used to collect all SNMP traps unmatched by other snmptrap items |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33201 |20 | |10366 |System contact details |system.contact |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33202 |20 | |10366 |System description |system.descr |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;A textual description of the entity. This value should&bsn;include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and&bsn;networking software. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33201 |20 | |10366 |System contact details |system.contact |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33202 |20 | |10366 |System description |system.descr |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;A textual description of the entity. This value should&eol;include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and&eol;networking software. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33203 |20 | |10366 |Hardware model name |system.hw.model |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33204 |20 | |10366 |Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33205 |20 | |10366 |System location |system.location |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33206 |20 | |10366 |System name |system.name |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33207 |20 | |10366 |System object ID |system.objectid |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33205 |20 | |10366 |System location |system.location |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33206 |20 | |10366 |System name |system.name |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33207 |20 | |10366 |System object ID |system.objectid |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33208 |20 | |10366 |Operating system |system.sw.os |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB |5 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33209 |20 | |10366 |Uptime |system.uptime |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33209 |20 | |10366 |Uptime |system.uptime |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33210 |5 | |10366 |SNMP agent availability |zabbix[host,snmp,available] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |22 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33211 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10366 |CPU discovery |cpu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |If your IOS device has several CPUs, you must use CISCO-PROCESS-MIB and its object cpmCPUTotal5minRev from the table called cpmCPUTotalTable ,&bsn;indexed with cpmCPUTotalIndex .&bsn;This table allows CISCO-PROCESS-MIB to keep CPU statistics for different physical entities in the router,&bsn;like different CPU chips, group of CPUs, or CPUs in different modules/cards.&bsn;In case of a single CPU, cpmCPUTotalTable has only one entry. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33211 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10366 |CPU discovery |cpu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |If your IOS device has several CPUs, you must use CISCO-PROCESS-MIB and its object cpmCPUTotal5minRev from the table called cpmCPUTotalTable ,&eol;indexed with cpmCPUTotalIndex .&eol;This table allows CISCO-PROCESS-MIB to keep CPU statistics for different physical entities in the router,&eol;like different CPU chips, group of CPUs, or CPUs in different modules/cards.&eol;In case of a single CPU, cpmCPUTotalTable has only one entry. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33212 |20 |discovery[{#ENT_CLASS},,{#ENT_NAME},,{#ENT_SN},] |10366 |Entity Serial Numbers discovery |entity_sn.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33213 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10366 |FAN discovery |fan.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |The table of fan status maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33214 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10366 |Memory discovery |memory.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoMemoryPoolTable, a table of memory pool monitoring entries.&bsn;http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33214 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10366 |Memory discovery |memory.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoMemoryPoolTable, a table of memory pool monitoring entries.&eol;http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33215 |20 |discovery[{#IFOPERSTATUS},,{#IFADMINSTATUS},,{#IFALIAS},,{#IFNAME},,{#IFDESCR},,{#IFTYPE},] |10366 |Network interfaces discovery |net.if.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovering interfaces from IF-MIB. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33216 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},,{#IFOPERSTATUS},,{#IFALIAS},,{#IFNAME},,{#IFDESCR},] |10366 |EtherLike discovery |net.if.duplex.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovering interfaces from IF-MIB and EtherLike-MIB. Interfaces with up(1) Operational Status are discovered. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33217 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10366 |PSU discovery |psu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |The table of power supply status maintained by the environmental monitor card. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33218 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10366 |Temperature discovery |temperature.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoEnvMonTemperatureTable (ciscoEnvMonTemperatureDescr), a table of ambient temperature status&bsn;maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33219 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |#{#SNMPINDEX}: CPU utilization |system.cpu.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&bsn;Object name: cpmCPUTotal5minRev&bsn;The cpmCPUTotal5minRev MIB object provides a more accurate view of the performance of the router over time than the MIB objects cpmCPUTotal1minRev and cpmCPUTotal5secRev . These MIB objects are not accurate because they look at CPU at one minute and five second intervals, respectively. These MIBs enable you to monitor the trends and plan the capacity of your network. The recommended baseline rising threshold for cpmCPUTotal5minRev is 90 percent. Depending on the platform, some routers that run at 90 percent, for example, 2500s, can exhibit performance degradation versus a high-end router, for example, the 7500 series, which can operate fine.&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15215-collect-cpu-util-snmp.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33220 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |{#ENT_NAME}: Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB&bsn;Object name: entPhysicalSerialNum |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33221 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan status |sensor.fan.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonFanState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33222 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Free memory |vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolFree&bsn;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. Note that the sum of ciscoMemoryPoolUsed and ciscoMemoryPoolFree is the total amount of memory in the pool&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33223 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Used memory |vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolUsed&bsn;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use by applications on the managed device.&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33218 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10366 |Temperature discovery |temperature.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoEnvMonTemperatureTable (ciscoEnvMonTemperatureDescr), a table of ambient temperature status&eol;maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33219 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |#{#SNMPINDEX}: CPU utilization |system.cpu.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;Object name: cpmCPUTotal5minRev&eol;The cpmCPUTotal5minRev MIB object provides a more accurate view of the performance of the router over time than the MIB objects cpmCPUTotal1minRev and cpmCPUTotal5secRev . These MIB objects are not accurate because they look at CPU at one minute and five second intervals, respectively. These MIBs enable you to monitor the trends and plan the capacity of your network. The recommended baseline rising threshold for cpmCPUTotal5minRev is 90 percent. Depending on the platform, some routers that run at 90 percent, for example, 2500s, can exhibit performance degradation versus a high-end router, for example, the 7500 series, which can operate fine.&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15215-collect-cpu-util-snmp.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33220 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |{#ENT_NAME}: Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB&eol;Object name: entPhysicalSerialNum |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33221 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan status |sensor.fan.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonFanState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33222 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Free memory |vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolFree&eol;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. Note that the sum of ciscoMemoryPoolUsed and ciscoMemoryPoolFree is the total amount of memory in the pool&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33223 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Used memory |vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolUsed&eol;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use by applications on the managed device.&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33224 |15 | |10366 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Memory utilization |vm.memory.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL |last("vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}]")/(last("vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}]")+last("vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}]"))*100 | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Memory utilization in % |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33225 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets discarded |net.if.in.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&bsn;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&bsn;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&bsn;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&bsn;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33226 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets with errors |net.if.in.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33227 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits received |net.if.in[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33228 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets discarded |net.if.out.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&bsn;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&bsn;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&bsn;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&bsn;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33229 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets with errors |net.if.out.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33230 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits sent |net.if.out[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33231 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Speed |net.if.speed[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of `n-500,000' to`n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33232 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Operational status |net.if.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |20 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The current operational state of the interface.&bsn;- The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packet scan be passed&bsn;- If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2)&bsn;- If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1) then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic&bsn;- It should change todormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)&bsn;- It should remain in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state&bsn;- It should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the interface has missing(typically, hardware) components. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33233 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Interface type |net.if.type[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |21 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The type of interface.&bsn;Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned NumbersAuthority (IANA),&bsn;through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33234 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Duplex status |net.if.duplex[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |19 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: EtherLike-MIB&bsn;Object name: dot3StatsDuplexStatus&bsn;The current mode of operation of the MAC&bsn;entity. 'unknown' indicates that the current&bsn;duplex mode could not be determined.&bsn;&bsn;Management control of the duplex mode is&bsn;accomplished through the MAU MIB. When&bsn;an interface does not support autonegotiation,&bsn;or when autonegotiation is not enabled, the&bsn;duplex mode is controlled using&bsn;ifMauDefaultType. When autonegotiation is&bsn;supported and enabled, duplex mode is controlled&bsn;using ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits. In either&bsn;case, the currently operating duplex mode is&bsn;reflected both in this object and in ifMauType.&bsn;&bsn;Note that this object provides redundant&bsn;information with ifMauType. Normally, redundant&bsn;objects are discouraged. However, in this&bsn;instance, it allows a management application to&bsn;determine the duplex status of an interface&bsn;without having to know every possible value of&bsn;ifMauType. This was felt to be sufficiently&bsn;valuable to justify the redundancy.&bsn;Reference: [IEEE 802.3 Std.],,aDuplexStatus.|0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33235 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply status |sensor.psu.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonSupplyState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33236 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature status |sensor.temp.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState&bsn;The current state of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33237 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature |sensor.temp.value[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |°C | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureValue&bsn;The current measurement of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33225 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets discarded |net.if.in.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&eol;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&eol;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&eol;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&eol;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33226 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets with errors |net.if.in.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33227 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits received |net.if.in[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33228 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets discarded |net.if.out.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&eol;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&eol;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&eol;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&eol;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33229 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets with errors |net.if.out.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33230 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits sent |net.if.out[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33231 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Speed |net.if.speed[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of `n-500,000' to`n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33232 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Operational status |net.if.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |20 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The current operational state of the interface.&eol;- The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packet scan be passed&eol;- If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2)&eol;- If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1) then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic&eol;- It should change todormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)&eol;- It should remain in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state&eol;- It should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the interface has missing(typically, hardware) components. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33233 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Interface type |net.if.type[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |21 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The type of interface.&eol;Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned NumbersAuthority (IANA),&eol;through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33234 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Duplex status |net.if.duplex[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |19 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: EtherLike-MIB&eol;Object name: dot3StatsDuplexStatus&eol;The current mode of operation of the MAC&eol;entity. 'unknown' indicates that the current&eol;duplex mode could not be determined.&eol;&eol;Management control of the duplex mode is&eol;accomplished through the MAU MIB. When&eol;an interface does not support autonegotiation,&eol;or when autonegotiation is not enabled, the&eol;duplex mode is controlled using&eol;ifMauDefaultType. When autonegotiation is&eol;supported and enabled, duplex mode is controlled&eol;using ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits. In either&eol;case, the currently operating duplex mode is&eol;reflected both in this object and in ifMauType.&eol;&eol;Note that this object provides redundant&eol;information with ifMauType. Normally, redundant&eol;objects are discouraged. However, in this&eol;instance, it allows a management application to&eol;determine the duplex status of an interface&eol;without having to know every possible value of&eol;ifMauType. This was felt to be sufficiently&eol;valuable to justify the redundancy.&eol;Reference: [IEEE 802.3 Std.],,aDuplexStatus.|0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33235 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply status |sensor.psu.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonSupplyState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33236 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature status |sensor.temp.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState&eol;The current state of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33237 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10366 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature |sensor.temp.value[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |°C | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureValue&eol;The current measurement of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33238 |3 | |10367 |ICMP ping |icmpping |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |1 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33239 |3 | |10367 |ICMP loss |icmppingloss |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33240 |3 | |10367 |ICMP response time |icmppingsec |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33241 |17 | |10367 |SNMP traps (fallback) |snmptrap.fallback |1m |7d |0 |0 |2 | | | |hh:mm:sszyyyy/MM/dd|NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Item is used to collect all SNMP traps unmatched by other snmptrap items |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33242 |20 | |10367 |System contact details |system.contact |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33243 |20 | |10367 |System description |system.descr |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;A textual description of the entity. This value should&bsn;include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and&bsn;networking software. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33242 |20 | |10367 |System contact details |system.contact |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33243 |20 | |10367 |System description |system.descr |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;A textual description of the entity. This value should&eol;include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and&eol;networking software. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33244 |20 | |10367 |Hardware model name |system.hw.model |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33245 |20 | |10367 |Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33246 |20 | |10367 |System location |system.location |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33247 |20 | |10367 |System name |system.name |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33248 |20 | |10367 |System object ID |system.objectid |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33246 |20 | |10367 |System location |system.location |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33247 |20 | |10367 |System name |system.name |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33248 |20 | |10367 |System object ID |system.objectid |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33249 |20 | |10367 |Operating system |system.sw.os |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB |5 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33250 |20 | |10367 |Uptime |system.uptime |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33250 |20 | |10367 |Uptime |system.uptime |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33251 |5 | |10367 |SNMP agent availability |zabbix[host,snmp,available] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |22 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33252 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10367 |CPU discovery |cpu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |If your IOS device has several CPUs, you must use CISCO-PROCESS-MIB and its object cpmCPUTotal5minRev from the table called cpmCPUTotalTable ,&bsn;indexed with cpmCPUTotalIndex .&bsn;This table allows CISCO-PROCESS-MIB to keep CPU statistics for different physical entities in the router,&bsn;like different CPU chips, group of CPUs, or CPUs in different modules/cards.&bsn;In case of a single CPU, cpmCPUTotalTable has only one entry. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33252 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10367 |CPU discovery |cpu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |If your IOS device has several CPUs, you must use CISCO-PROCESS-MIB and its object cpmCPUTotal5minRev from the table called cpmCPUTotalTable ,&eol;indexed with cpmCPUTotalIndex .&eol;This table allows CISCO-PROCESS-MIB to keep CPU statistics for different physical entities in the router,&eol;like different CPU chips, group of CPUs, or CPUs in different modules/cards.&eol;In case of a single CPU, cpmCPUTotalTable has only one entry. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33253 |20 |discovery[{#ENT_CLASS},,{#ENT_NAME},,{#ENT_SN},] |10367 |Entity Serial Numbers discovery |entity_sn.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33254 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10367 |FAN discovery |fan.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |The table of fan status maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33255 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10367 |Memory discovery |memory.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoMemoryPoolTable, a table of memory pool monitoring entries.&bsn;http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33255 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10367 |Memory discovery |memory.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoMemoryPoolTable, a table of memory pool monitoring entries.&eol;http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33256 |20 |discovery[{#IFOPERSTATUS},,{#IFADMINSTATUS},,{#IFALIAS},,{#IFNAME},,{#IFDESCR},,{#IFTYPE},] |10367 |Network interfaces discovery |net.if.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovering interfaces from IF-MIB. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33257 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},,{#IFOPERSTATUS},,{#IFALIAS},,{#IFNAME},,{#IFDESCR},] |10367 |EtherLike discovery |net.if.duplex.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovering interfaces from IF-MIB and EtherLike-MIB. Interfaces with up(1) Operational Status are discovered. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33258 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10367 |PSU discovery |psu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |The table of power supply status maintained by the environmental monitor card. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33259 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10367 |Temperature discovery |temperature.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoEnvMonTemperatureTable (ciscoEnvMonTemperatureDescr), a table of ambient temperature status&bsn;maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33260 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |#{#SNMPINDEX}: CPU utilization |system.cpu.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&bsn;Object name: cpmCPUTotal5minRev&bsn;The cpmCPUTotal5minRev MIB object provides a more accurate view of the performance of the router over time than the MIB objects cpmCPUTotal1minRev and cpmCPUTotal5secRev . These MIB objects are not accurate because they look at CPU at one minute and five second intervals, respectively. These MIBs enable you to monitor the trends and plan the capacity of your network. The recommended baseline rising threshold for cpmCPUTotal5minRev is 90 percent. Depending on the platform, some routers that run at 90 percent, for example, 2500s, can exhibit performance degradation versus a high-end router, for example, the 7500 series, which can operate fine.&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15215-collect-cpu-util-snmp.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33261 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |{#ENT_NAME}: Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB&bsn;Object name: entPhysicalSerialNum |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33262 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan status |sensor.fan.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonFanState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33263 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Free memory |vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolFree&bsn;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. Note that the sum of ciscoMemoryPoolUsed and ciscoMemoryPoolFree is the total amount of memory in the pool&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33264 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Used memory |vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolUsed&bsn;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use by applications on the managed device.&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33259 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10367 |Temperature discovery |temperature.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoEnvMonTemperatureTable (ciscoEnvMonTemperatureDescr), a table of ambient temperature status&eol;maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33260 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |#{#SNMPINDEX}: CPU utilization |system.cpu.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;Object name: cpmCPUTotal5minRev&eol;The cpmCPUTotal5minRev MIB object provides a more accurate view of the performance of the router over time than the MIB objects cpmCPUTotal1minRev and cpmCPUTotal5secRev . These MIB objects are not accurate because they look at CPU at one minute and five second intervals, respectively. These MIBs enable you to monitor the trends and plan the capacity of your network. The recommended baseline rising threshold for cpmCPUTotal5minRev is 90 percent. Depending on the platform, some routers that run at 90 percent, for example, 2500s, can exhibit performance degradation versus a high-end router, for example, the 7500 series, which can operate fine.&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15215-collect-cpu-util-snmp.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33261 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |{#ENT_NAME}: Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB&eol;Object name: entPhysicalSerialNum |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33262 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan status |sensor.fan.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonFanState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33263 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Free memory |vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolFree&eol;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. Note that the sum of ciscoMemoryPoolUsed and ciscoMemoryPoolFree is the total amount of memory in the pool&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33264 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Used memory |vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolUsed&eol;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use by applications on the managed device.&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33265 |15 | |10367 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Memory utilization |vm.memory.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL |last("vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}]")/(last("vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}]")+last("vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}]"))*100 | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Memory utilization in % |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33266 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets discarded |net.if.in.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&bsn;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&bsn;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&bsn;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&bsn;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33267 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets with errors |net.if.in.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33268 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits received |net.if.in[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33269 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets discarded |net.if.out.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&bsn;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&bsn;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&bsn;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&bsn;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33270 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets with errors |net.if.out.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33271 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits sent |net.if.out[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33272 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Speed |net.if.speed[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of `n-500,000' to`n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33273 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Operational status |net.if.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |20 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The current operational state of the interface.&bsn;- The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packet scan be passed&bsn;- If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2)&bsn;- If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1) then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic&bsn;- It should change todormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)&bsn;- It should remain in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state&bsn;- It should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the interface has missing(typically, hardware) components. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33274 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Interface type |net.if.type[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |21 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The type of interface.&bsn;Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned NumbersAuthority (IANA),&bsn;through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33275 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Duplex status |net.if.duplex[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |19 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: EtherLike-MIB&bsn;Object name: dot3StatsDuplexStatus&bsn;The current mode of operation of the MAC&bsn;entity. 'unknown' indicates that the current&bsn;duplex mode could not be determined.&bsn;&bsn;Management control of the duplex mode is&bsn;accomplished through the MAU MIB. When&bsn;an interface does not support autonegotiation,&bsn;or when autonegotiation is not enabled, the&bsn;duplex mode is controlled using&bsn;ifMauDefaultType. When autonegotiation is&bsn;supported and enabled, duplex mode is controlled&bsn;using ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits. In either&bsn;case, the currently operating duplex mode is&bsn;reflected both in this object and in ifMauType.&bsn;&bsn;Note that this object provides redundant&bsn;information with ifMauType. Normally, redundant&bsn;objects are discouraged. However, in this&bsn;instance, it allows a management application to&bsn;determine the duplex status of an interface&bsn;without having to know every possible value of&bsn;ifMauType. This was felt to be sufficiently&bsn;valuable to justify the redundancy.&bsn;Reference: [IEEE 802.3 Std.],,aDuplexStatus.|0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33276 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply status |sensor.psu.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonSupplyState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33277 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature status |sensor.temp.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState&bsn;The current state of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33278 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature |sensor.temp.value[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |°C | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureValue&bsn;The current measurement of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33266 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets discarded |net.if.in.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&eol;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&eol;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&eol;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&eol;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33267 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets with errors |net.if.in.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33268 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits received |net.if.in[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33269 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets discarded |net.if.out.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&eol;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&eol;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&eol;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&eol;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33270 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets with errors |net.if.out.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33271 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits sent |net.if.out[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33272 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Speed |net.if.speed[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of `n-500,000' to`n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33273 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Operational status |net.if.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |20 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The current operational state of the interface.&eol;- The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packet scan be passed&eol;- If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2)&eol;- If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1) then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic&eol;- It should change todormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)&eol;- It should remain in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state&eol;- It should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the interface has missing(typically, hardware) components. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33274 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Interface type |net.if.type[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |21 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The type of interface.&eol;Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned NumbersAuthority (IANA),&eol;through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33275 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Duplex status |net.if.duplex[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |19 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: EtherLike-MIB&eol;Object name: dot3StatsDuplexStatus&eol;The current mode of operation of the MAC&eol;entity. 'unknown' indicates that the current&eol;duplex mode could not be determined.&eol;&eol;Management control of the duplex mode is&eol;accomplished through the MAU MIB. When&eol;an interface does not support autonegotiation,&eol;or when autonegotiation is not enabled, the&eol;duplex mode is controlled using&eol;ifMauDefaultType. When autonegotiation is&eol;supported and enabled, duplex mode is controlled&eol;using ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits. In either&eol;case, the currently operating duplex mode is&eol;reflected both in this object and in ifMauType.&eol;&eol;Note that this object provides redundant&eol;information with ifMauType. Normally, redundant&eol;objects are discouraged. However, in this&eol;instance, it allows a management application to&eol;determine the duplex status of an interface&eol;without having to know every possible value of&eol;ifMauType. This was felt to be sufficiently&eol;valuable to justify the redundancy.&eol;Reference: [IEEE 802.3 Std.],,aDuplexStatus.|0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33276 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply status |sensor.psu.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonSupplyState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33277 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature status |sensor.temp.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState&eol;The current state of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33278 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10367 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature |sensor.temp.value[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |°C | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureValue&eol;The current measurement of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33279 |3 | |10368 |ICMP ping |icmpping |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |1 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33280 |3 | |10368 |ICMP loss |icmppingloss |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33281 |3 | |10368 |ICMP response time |icmppingsec |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33282 |17 | |10368 |SNMP traps (fallback) |snmptrap.fallback |1m |7d |0 |0 |2 | | | |hh:mm:sszyyyy/MM/dd|NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Item is used to collect all SNMP traps unmatched by other snmptrap items |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33283 |20 | |10368 |System contact details |system.contact |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33284 |20 | |10368 |System description |system.descr |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;A textual description of the entity. This value should&bsn;include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and&bsn;networking software. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33283 |20 | |10368 |System contact details |system.contact |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33284 |20 | |10368 |System description |system.descr |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;A textual description of the entity. This value should&eol;include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and&eol;networking software. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33285 |20 | |10368 |Hardware model name |system.hw.model |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33286 |20 | |10368 |Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33287 |20 | |10368 |System location |system.location |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33288 |20 | |10368 |System name |system.name |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33289 |20 | |10368 |System object ID |system.objectid |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33287 |20 | |10368 |System location |system.location |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33288 |20 | |10368 |System name |system.name |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33289 |20 | |10368 |System object ID |system.objectid |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33290 |20 | |10368 |Operating system |system.sw.os |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB |5 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33291 |20 | |10368 |Uptime |system.uptime |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33291 |20 | |10368 |Uptime |system.uptime |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33292 |5 | |10368 |SNMP agent availability |zabbix[host,snmp,available] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |22 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33293 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10368 |CPU discovery |cpu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |If your IOS device has several CPUs, you must use CISCO-PROCESS-MIB and its object cpmCPUTotal5minRev from the table called cpmCPUTotalTable ,&bsn;indexed with cpmCPUTotalIndex .&bsn;This table allows CISCO-PROCESS-MIB to keep CPU statistics for different physical entities in the router,&bsn;like different CPU chips, group of CPUs, or CPUs in different modules/cards.&bsn;In case of a single CPU, cpmCPUTotalTable has only one entry. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33293 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10368 |CPU discovery |cpu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |If your IOS device has several CPUs, you must use CISCO-PROCESS-MIB and its object cpmCPUTotal5minRev from the table called cpmCPUTotalTable ,&eol;indexed with cpmCPUTotalIndex .&eol;This table allows CISCO-PROCESS-MIB to keep CPU statistics for different physical entities in the router,&eol;like different CPU chips, group of CPUs, or CPUs in different modules/cards.&eol;In case of a single CPU, cpmCPUTotalTable has only one entry. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33294 |20 |discovery[{#ENT_CLASS},,{#ENT_NAME},,{#ENT_SN},] |10368 |Entity Serial Numbers discovery |entity_sn.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33295 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10368 |FAN discovery |fan.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |The table of fan status maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33296 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10368 |Memory discovery |memory.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoMemoryPoolTable, a table of memory pool monitoring entries.&bsn;http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33296 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10368 |Memory discovery |memory.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoMemoryPoolTable, a table of memory pool monitoring entries.&eol;http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33297 |20 |discovery[{#IFOPERSTATUS},,{#IFADMINSTATUS},,{#IFALIAS},,{#IFNAME},,{#IFDESCR},,{#IFTYPE},] |10368 |Network interfaces discovery |net.if.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovering interfaces from IF-MIB. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33298 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},,{#IFOPERSTATUS},,{#IFALIAS},,{#IFNAME},,{#IFDESCR},] |10368 |EtherLike discovery |net.if.duplex.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovering interfaces from IF-MIB and EtherLike-MIB. Interfaces with up(1) Operational Status are discovered. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33299 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10368 |PSU discovery |psu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |The table of power supply status maintained by the environmental monitor card. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33300 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10368 |Temperature discovery |temperature.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoEnvMonTemperatureTable (ciscoEnvMonTemperatureDescr), a table of ambient temperature status&bsn;maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33301 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |#{#SNMPINDEX}: CPU utilization |system.cpu.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&bsn;Object name: cpmCPUTotal5minRev&bsn;The cpmCPUTotal5minRev MIB object provides a more accurate view of the performance of the router over time than the MIB objects cpmCPUTotal1minRev and cpmCPUTotal5secRev . These MIB objects are not accurate because they look at CPU at one minute and five second intervals, respectively. These MIBs enable you to monitor the trends and plan the capacity of your network. The recommended baseline rising threshold for cpmCPUTotal5minRev is 90 percent. Depending on the platform, some routers that run at 90 percent, for example, 2500s, can exhibit performance degradation versus a high-end router, for example, the 7500 series, which can operate fine.&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15215-collect-cpu-util-snmp.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33302 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |{#ENT_NAME}: Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB&bsn;Object name: entPhysicalSerialNum |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33303 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan status |sensor.fan.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonFanState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33304 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Free memory |vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolFree&bsn;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. Note that the sum of ciscoMemoryPoolUsed and ciscoMemoryPoolFree is the total amount of memory in the pool&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33305 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Used memory |vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolUsed&bsn;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use by applications on the managed device.&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33300 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10368 |Temperature discovery |temperature.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoEnvMonTemperatureTable (ciscoEnvMonTemperatureDescr), a table of ambient temperature status&eol;maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33301 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |#{#SNMPINDEX}: CPU utilization |system.cpu.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;Object name: cpmCPUTotal5minRev&eol;The cpmCPUTotal5minRev MIB object provides a more accurate view of the performance of the router over time than the MIB objects cpmCPUTotal1minRev and cpmCPUTotal5secRev . These MIB objects are not accurate because they look at CPU at one minute and five second intervals, respectively. These MIBs enable you to monitor the trends and plan the capacity of your network. The recommended baseline rising threshold for cpmCPUTotal5minRev is 90 percent. Depending on the platform, some routers that run at 90 percent, for example, 2500s, can exhibit performance degradation versus a high-end router, for example, the 7500 series, which can operate fine.&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15215-collect-cpu-util-snmp.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33302 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |{#ENT_NAME}: Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB&eol;Object name: entPhysicalSerialNum |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33303 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan status |sensor.fan.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonFanState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33304 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Free memory |vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolFree&eol;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. Note that the sum of ciscoMemoryPoolUsed and ciscoMemoryPoolFree is the total amount of memory in the pool&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33305 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Used memory |vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolUsed&eol;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use by applications on the managed device.&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33306 |15 | |10368 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Memory utilization |vm.memory.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL |last("vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}]")/(last("vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}]")+last("vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}]"))*100 | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Memory utilization in % |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33307 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets discarded |net.if.in.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&bsn;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&bsn;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&bsn;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&bsn;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33308 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets with errors |net.if.in.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33309 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits received |net.if.in[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33310 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets discarded |net.if.out.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&bsn;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&bsn;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&bsn;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&bsn;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33311 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets with errors |net.if.out.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33312 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits sent |net.if.out[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33313 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Speed |net.if.speed[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of `n-500,000' to`n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33314 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Operational status |net.if.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |20 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The current operational state of the interface.&bsn;- The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packet scan be passed&bsn;- If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2)&bsn;- If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1) then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic&bsn;- It should change todormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)&bsn;- It should remain in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state&bsn;- It should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the interface has missing(typically, hardware) components. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33315 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Interface type |net.if.type[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |21 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The type of interface.&bsn;Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned NumbersAuthority (IANA),&bsn;through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33316 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Duplex status |net.if.duplex[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |19 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: EtherLike-MIB&bsn;Object name: dot3StatsDuplexStatus&bsn;The current mode of operation of the MAC&bsn;entity. 'unknown' indicates that the current&bsn;duplex mode could not be determined.&bsn;&bsn;Management control of the duplex mode is&bsn;accomplished through the MAU MIB. When&bsn;an interface does not support autonegotiation,&bsn;or when autonegotiation is not enabled, the&bsn;duplex mode is controlled using&bsn;ifMauDefaultType. When autonegotiation is&bsn;supported and enabled, duplex mode is controlled&bsn;using ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits. In either&bsn;case, the currently operating duplex mode is&bsn;reflected both in this object and in ifMauType.&bsn;&bsn;Note that this object provides redundant&bsn;information with ifMauType. Normally, redundant&bsn;objects are discouraged. However, in this&bsn;instance, it allows a management application to&bsn;determine the duplex status of an interface&bsn;without having to know every possible value of&bsn;ifMauType. This was felt to be sufficiently&bsn;valuable to justify the redundancy.&bsn;Reference: [IEEE 802.3 Std.],,aDuplexStatus.|0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33317 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply status |sensor.psu.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonSupplyState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33318 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature status |sensor.temp.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState&bsn;The current state of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33319 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature |sensor.temp.value[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |°C | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureValue&bsn;The current measurement of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33307 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets discarded |net.if.in.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&eol;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&eol;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&eol;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&eol;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33308 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets with errors |net.if.in.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33309 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits received |net.if.in[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33310 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets discarded |net.if.out.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&eol;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&eol;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&eol;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&eol;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33311 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets with errors |net.if.out.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33312 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits sent |net.if.out[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33313 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Speed |net.if.speed[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of `n-500,000' to`n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33314 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Operational status |net.if.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |20 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The current operational state of the interface.&eol;- The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packet scan be passed&eol;- If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2)&eol;- If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1) then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic&eol;- It should change todormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)&eol;- It should remain in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state&eol;- It should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the interface has missing(typically, hardware) components. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33315 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Interface type |net.if.type[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |21 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The type of interface.&eol;Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned NumbersAuthority (IANA),&eol;through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33316 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Duplex status |net.if.duplex[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |19 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: EtherLike-MIB&eol;Object name: dot3StatsDuplexStatus&eol;The current mode of operation of the MAC&eol;entity. 'unknown' indicates that the current&eol;duplex mode could not be determined.&eol;&eol;Management control of the duplex mode is&eol;accomplished through the MAU MIB. When&eol;an interface does not support autonegotiation,&eol;or when autonegotiation is not enabled, the&eol;duplex mode is controlled using&eol;ifMauDefaultType. When autonegotiation is&eol;supported and enabled, duplex mode is controlled&eol;using ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits. In either&eol;case, the currently operating duplex mode is&eol;reflected both in this object and in ifMauType.&eol;&eol;Note that this object provides redundant&eol;information with ifMauType. Normally, redundant&eol;objects are discouraged. However, in this&eol;instance, it allows a management application to&eol;determine the duplex status of an interface&eol;without having to know every possible value of&eol;ifMauType. This was felt to be sufficiently&eol;valuable to justify the redundancy.&eol;Reference: [IEEE 802.3 Std.],,aDuplexStatus.|0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33317 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply status |sensor.psu.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonSupplyState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33318 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature status |sensor.temp.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState&eol;The current state of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33319 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10368 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature |sensor.temp.value[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |°C | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureValue&eol;The current measurement of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33320 |3 | |10369 |ICMP ping |icmpping |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |1 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33321 |3 | |10369 |ICMP loss |icmppingloss |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33322 |3 | |10369 |ICMP response time |icmppingsec |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33323 |17 | |10369 |SNMP traps (fallback) |snmptrap.fallback |1m |7d |0 |0 |2 | | | |hh:mm:sszyyyy/MM/dd|NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Item is used to collect all SNMP traps unmatched by other snmptrap items |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33324 |20 | |10369 |System contact details |system.contact |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33325 |20 | |10369 |System description |system.descr |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;A textual description of the entity. This value should&bsn;include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and&bsn;networking software. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33324 |20 | |10369 |System contact details |system.contact |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33325 |20 | |10369 |System description |system.descr |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;A textual description of the entity. This value should&eol;include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and&eol;networking software. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33326 |20 | |10369 |Hardware model name |system.hw.model |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33327 |20 | |10369 |Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33328 |20 | |10369 |System location |system.location |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33329 |20 | |10369 |System name |system.name |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33330 |20 | |10369 |System object ID |system.objectid |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33328 |20 | |10369 |System location |system.location |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33329 |20 | |10369 |System name |system.name |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33330 |20 | |10369 |System object ID |system.objectid |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33331 |20 | |10369 |Operating system |system.sw.os |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB |5 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33332 |20 | |10369 |Uptime |system.uptime |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33332 |20 | |10369 |Uptime |system.uptime |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33333 |5 | |10369 |SNMP agent availability |zabbix[host,snmp,available] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |22 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33334 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10369 |CPU discovery |cpu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |If your IOS device has several CPUs, you must use CISCO-PROCESS-MIB and its object cpmCPUTotal5minRev from the table called cpmCPUTotalTable ,&bsn;indexed with cpmCPUTotalIndex .&bsn;This table allows CISCO-PROCESS-MIB to keep CPU statistics for different physical entities in the router,&bsn;like different CPU chips, group of CPUs, or CPUs in different modules/cards.&bsn;In case of a single CPU, cpmCPUTotalTable has only one entry. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33334 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10369 |CPU discovery |cpu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |If your IOS device has several CPUs, you must use CISCO-PROCESS-MIB and its object cpmCPUTotal5minRev from the table called cpmCPUTotalTable ,&eol;indexed with cpmCPUTotalIndex .&eol;This table allows CISCO-PROCESS-MIB to keep CPU statistics for different physical entities in the router,&eol;like different CPU chips, group of CPUs, or CPUs in different modules/cards.&eol;In case of a single CPU, cpmCPUTotalTable has only one entry. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33335 |20 |discovery[{#ENT_CLASS},,{#ENT_NAME},,{#ENT_SN},] |10369 |Entity Serial Numbers discovery |entity_sn.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33336 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10369 |FAN discovery |fan.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |The table of fan status maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33337 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10369 |Memory discovery |memory.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoMemoryPoolTable, a table of memory pool monitoring entries.&bsn;http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33337 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10369 |Memory discovery |memory.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoMemoryPoolTable, a table of memory pool monitoring entries.&eol;http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33338 |20 |discovery[{#IFOPERSTATUS},,{#IFADMINSTATUS},,{#IFALIAS},,{#IFNAME},,{#IFDESCR},,{#IFTYPE},] |10369 |Network interfaces discovery |net.if.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovering interfaces from IF-MIB. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33339 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},,{#IFOPERSTATUS},,{#IFALIAS},,{#IFNAME},,{#IFDESCR},] |10369 |EtherLike discovery |net.if.duplex.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovering interfaces from IF-MIB and EtherLike-MIB. Interfaces with up(1) Operational Status are discovered. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33340 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10369 |PSU discovery |psu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |The table of power supply status maintained by the environmental monitor card. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33341 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10369 |Temperature discovery |temperature.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoEnvMonTemperatureTable (ciscoEnvMonTemperatureDescr), a table of ambient temperature status&bsn;maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33342 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |#{#SNMPINDEX}: CPU utilization |system.cpu.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&bsn;Object name: cpmCPUTotal5minRev&bsn;The cpmCPUTotal5minRev MIB object provides a more accurate view of the performance of the router over time than the MIB objects cpmCPUTotal1minRev and cpmCPUTotal5secRev . These MIB objects are not accurate because they look at CPU at one minute and five second intervals, respectively. These MIBs enable you to monitor the trends and plan the capacity of your network. The recommended baseline rising threshold for cpmCPUTotal5minRev is 90 percent. Depending on the platform, some routers that run at 90 percent, for example, 2500s, can exhibit performance degradation versus a high-end router, for example, the 7500 series, which can operate fine.&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15215-collect-cpu-util-snmp.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33343 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |{#ENT_NAME}: Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB&bsn;Object name: entPhysicalSerialNum |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33344 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan status |sensor.fan.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonFanState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33345 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Free memory |vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolFree&bsn;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. Note that the sum of ciscoMemoryPoolUsed and ciscoMemoryPoolFree is the total amount of memory in the pool&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33346 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Used memory |vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolUsed&bsn;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use by applications on the managed device.&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33341 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10369 |Temperature discovery |temperature.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoEnvMonTemperatureTable (ciscoEnvMonTemperatureDescr), a table of ambient temperature status&eol;maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33342 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |#{#SNMPINDEX}: CPU utilization |system.cpu.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;Object name: cpmCPUTotal5minRev&eol;The cpmCPUTotal5minRev MIB object provides a more accurate view of the performance of the router over time than the MIB objects cpmCPUTotal1minRev and cpmCPUTotal5secRev . These MIB objects are not accurate because they look at CPU at one minute and five second intervals, respectively. These MIBs enable you to monitor the trends and plan the capacity of your network. The recommended baseline rising threshold for cpmCPUTotal5minRev is 90 percent. Depending on the platform, some routers that run at 90 percent, for example, 2500s, can exhibit performance degradation versus a high-end router, for example, the 7500 series, which can operate fine.&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15215-collect-cpu-util-snmp.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33343 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |{#ENT_NAME}: Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB&eol;Object name: entPhysicalSerialNum |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33344 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan status |sensor.fan.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonFanState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33345 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Free memory |vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolFree&eol;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. Note that the sum of ciscoMemoryPoolUsed and ciscoMemoryPoolFree is the total amount of memory in the pool&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33346 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Used memory |vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolUsed&eol;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use by applications on the managed device.&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33347 |15 | |10369 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Memory utilization |vm.memory.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL |last("vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}]")/(last("vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}]")+last("vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}]"))*100 | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Memory utilization in % |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33348 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets discarded |net.if.in.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&bsn;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&bsn;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&bsn;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&bsn;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33349 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets with errors |net.if.in.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33350 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits received |net.if.in[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33351 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets discarded |net.if.out.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&bsn;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&bsn;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&bsn;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&bsn;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33352 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets with errors |net.if.out.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33353 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits sent |net.if.out[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33354 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Speed |net.if.speed[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of `n-500,000' to`n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33355 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Operational status |net.if.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |20 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The current operational state of the interface.&bsn;- The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packet scan be passed&bsn;- If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2)&bsn;- If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1) then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic&bsn;- It should change todormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)&bsn;- It should remain in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state&bsn;- It should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the interface has missing(typically, hardware) components. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33356 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Interface type |net.if.type[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |21 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The type of interface.&bsn;Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned NumbersAuthority (IANA),&bsn;through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33357 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Duplex status |net.if.duplex[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |19 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: EtherLike-MIB&bsn;Object name: dot3StatsDuplexStatus&bsn;The current mode of operation of the MAC&bsn;entity. 'unknown' indicates that the current&bsn;duplex mode could not be determined.&bsn;&bsn;Management control of the duplex mode is&bsn;accomplished through the MAU MIB. When&bsn;an interface does not support autonegotiation,&bsn;or when autonegotiation is not enabled, the&bsn;duplex mode is controlled using&bsn;ifMauDefaultType. When autonegotiation is&bsn;supported and enabled, duplex mode is controlled&bsn;using ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits. In either&bsn;case, the currently operating duplex mode is&bsn;reflected both in this object and in ifMauType.&bsn;&bsn;Note that this object provides redundant&bsn;information with ifMauType. Normally, redundant&bsn;objects are discouraged. However, in this&bsn;instance, it allows a management application to&bsn;determine the duplex status of an interface&bsn;without having to know every possible value of&bsn;ifMauType. This was felt to be sufficiently&bsn;valuable to justify the redundancy.&bsn;Reference: [IEEE 802.3 Std.],,aDuplexStatus.|0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33358 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply status |sensor.psu.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonSupplyState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33359 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature status |sensor.temp.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState&bsn;The current state of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33360 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature |sensor.temp.value[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |°C | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureValue&bsn;The current measurement of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33348 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets discarded |net.if.in.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&eol;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&eol;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&eol;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&eol;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33349 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets with errors |net.if.in.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33350 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits received |net.if.in[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33351 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets discarded |net.if.out.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&eol;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&eol;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&eol;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&eol;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33352 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets with errors |net.if.out.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33353 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits sent |net.if.out[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33354 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Speed |net.if.speed[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of `n-500,000' to`n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33355 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Operational status |net.if.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |20 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The current operational state of the interface.&eol;- The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packet scan be passed&eol;- If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2)&eol;- If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1) then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic&eol;- It should change todormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)&eol;- It should remain in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state&eol;- It should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the interface has missing(typically, hardware) components. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33356 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Interface type |net.if.type[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |21 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The type of interface.&eol;Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned NumbersAuthority (IANA),&eol;through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33357 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Duplex status |net.if.duplex[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |19 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: EtherLike-MIB&eol;Object name: dot3StatsDuplexStatus&eol;The current mode of operation of the MAC&eol;entity. 'unknown' indicates that the current&eol;duplex mode could not be determined.&eol;&eol;Management control of the duplex mode is&eol;accomplished through the MAU MIB. When&eol;an interface does not support autonegotiation,&eol;or when autonegotiation is not enabled, the&eol;duplex mode is controlled using&eol;ifMauDefaultType. When autonegotiation is&eol;supported and enabled, duplex mode is controlled&eol;using ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits. In either&eol;case, the currently operating duplex mode is&eol;reflected both in this object and in ifMauType.&eol;&eol;Note that this object provides redundant&eol;information with ifMauType. Normally, redundant&eol;objects are discouraged. However, in this&eol;instance, it allows a management application to&eol;determine the duplex status of an interface&eol;without having to know every possible value of&eol;ifMauType. This was felt to be sufficiently&eol;valuable to justify the redundancy.&eol;Reference: [IEEE 802.3 Std.],,aDuplexStatus.|0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33358 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply status |sensor.psu.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonSupplyState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33359 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature status |sensor.temp.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState&eol;The current state of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33360 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10369 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature |sensor.temp.value[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |°C | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureValue&eol;The current measurement of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33361 |3 | |10370 |ICMP ping |icmpping |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |1 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33362 |3 | |10370 |ICMP loss |icmppingloss |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33363 |3 | |10370 |ICMP response time |icmppingsec |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33364 |17 | |10370 |SNMP traps (fallback) |snmptrap.fallback |1m |7d |0 |0 |2 | | | |hh:mm:sszyyyy/MM/dd|NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Item is used to collect all SNMP traps unmatched by other snmptrap items |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33365 |20 | |10370 |System contact details |system.contact |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33366 |20 | |10370 |System description |system.descr |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;A textual description of the entity. This value should&bsn;include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and&bsn;networking software. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33365 |20 | |10370 |System contact details |system.contact |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33366 |20 | |10370 |System description |system.descr |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;A textual description of the entity. This value should&eol;include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and&eol;networking software. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33367 |20 | |10370 |Hardware model name |system.hw.model |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33368 |20 | |10370 |Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33369 |20 | |10370 |System location |system.location |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33370 |20 | |10370 |System name |system.name |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33371 |20 | |10370 |System object ID |system.objectid |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33369 |20 | |10370 |System location |system.location |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33370 |20 | |10370 |System name |system.name |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33371 |20 | |10370 |System object ID |system.objectid |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33372 |20 | |10370 |Operating system |system.sw.os |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB |5 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33373 |20 | |10370 |Uptime |system.uptime |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&bsn;The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33373 |20 | |10370 |Uptime |system.uptime |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33374 |5 | |10370 |SNMP agent availability |zabbix[host,snmp,available] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |22 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33375 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10370 |CPU discovery |cpu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |If your IOS device has several CPUs, you must use CISCO-PROCESS-MIB and its object cpmCPUTotal5minRev from the table called cpmCPUTotalTable ,&bsn;indexed with cpmCPUTotalIndex .&bsn;This table allows CISCO-PROCESS-MIB to keep CPU statistics for different physical entities in the router,&bsn;like different CPU chips, group of CPUs, or CPUs in different modules/cards.&bsn;In case of a single CPU, cpmCPUTotalTable has only one entry. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33375 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10370 |CPU discovery |cpu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |If your IOS device has several CPUs, you must use CISCO-PROCESS-MIB and its object cpmCPUTotal5minRev from the table called cpmCPUTotalTable ,&eol;indexed with cpmCPUTotalIndex .&eol;This table allows CISCO-PROCESS-MIB to keep CPU statistics for different physical entities in the router,&eol;like different CPU chips, group of CPUs, or CPUs in different modules/cards.&eol;In case of a single CPU, cpmCPUTotalTable has only one entry. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33376 |20 |discovery[{#ENT_CLASS},,{#ENT_NAME},,{#ENT_SN},] |10370 |Entity Serial Numbers discovery |entity_sn.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33377 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10370 |FAN discovery |fan.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |The table of fan status maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33378 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10370 |Memory discovery |memory.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoMemoryPoolTable, a table of memory pool monitoring entries.&bsn;http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33378 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10370 |Memory discovery |memory.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoMemoryPoolTable, a table of memory pool monitoring entries.&eol;http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33379 |20 |discovery[{#IFOPERSTATUS},,{#IFADMINSTATUS},,{#IFALIAS},,{#IFNAME},,{#IFDESCR},,{#IFTYPE},] |10370 |Network interfaces discovery |net.if.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovering interfaces from IF-MIB. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33380 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},,{#IFOPERSTATUS},,{#IFALIAS},,{#IFNAME},,{#IFDESCR},] |10370 |EtherLike discovery |net.if.duplex.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovering interfaces from IF-MIB and EtherLike-MIB. Interfaces with up(1) Operational Status are discovered. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33381 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10370 |PSU discovery |psu.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |The table of power supply status maintained by the environmental monitor card. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33382 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10370 |Temperature discovery |temperature.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoEnvMonTemperatureTable (ciscoEnvMonTemperatureDescr), a table of ambient temperature status&bsn;maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33383 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |#{#SNMPINDEX}: CPU utilization |system.cpu.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&bsn;Object name: cpmCPUTotal5minRev&bsn;The cpmCPUTotal5minRev MIB object provides a more accurate view of the performance of the router over time than the MIB objects cpmCPUTotal1minRev and cpmCPUTotal5secRev . These MIB objects are not accurate because they look at CPU at one minute and five second intervals, respectively. These MIBs enable you to monitor the trends and plan the capacity of your network. The recommended baseline rising threshold for cpmCPUTotal5minRev is 90 percent. Depending on the platform, some routers that run at 90 percent, for example, 2500s, can exhibit performance degradation versus a high-end router, for example, the 7500 series, which can operate fine.&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15215-collect-cpu-util-snmp.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33384 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |{#ENT_NAME}: Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB&bsn;Object name: entPhysicalSerialNum |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33385 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan status |sensor.fan.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonFanState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33386 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Free memory |vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolFree&bsn;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. Note that the sum of ciscoMemoryPoolUsed and ciscoMemoryPoolFree is the total amount of memory in the pool&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33387 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Used memory |vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolUsed&bsn;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use by applications on the managed device.&bsn;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33382 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10370 |Temperature discovery |temperature.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovery of ciscoEnvMonTemperatureTable (ciscoEnvMonTemperatureDescr), a table of ambient temperature status&eol;maintained by the environmental monitor. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33383 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |#{#SNMPINDEX}: CPU utilization |system.cpu.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-PROCESS-MIB&eol;Object name: cpmCPUTotal5minRev&eol;The cpmCPUTotal5minRev MIB object provides a more accurate view of the performance of the router over time than the MIB objects cpmCPUTotal1minRev and cpmCPUTotal5secRev . These MIB objects are not accurate because they look at CPU at one minute and five second intervals, respectively. These MIBs enable you to monitor the trends and plan the capacity of your network. The recommended baseline rising threshold for cpmCPUTotal5minRev is 90 percent. Depending on the platform, some routers that run at 90 percent, for example, 2500s, can exhibit performance degradation versus a high-end router, for example, the 7500 series, which can operate fine.&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15215-collect-cpu-util-snmp.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33384 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |{#ENT_NAME}: Hardware serial number |system.hw.serialnumber[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ENTITY-MIB&eol;Object name: entPhysicalSerialNum |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33385 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan status |sensor.fan.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonFanState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33386 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Free memory |vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolFree&eol;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently unused on the managed device. Note that the sum of ciscoMemoryPoolUsed and ciscoMemoryPoolFree is the total amount of memory in the pool&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33387 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Used memory |vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoMemoryPoolUsed&eol;Indicates the number of bytes from the memory pool that are currently in use by applications on the managed device.&eol;Reference: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/simple-network-management-protocol-snmp/15216-contiguous-memory.html |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33388 |15 | |10370 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Memory utilization |vm.memory.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL |last("vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}]")/(last("vm.memory.free[{#SNMPINDEX}]")+last("vm.memory.used[{#SNMPINDEX}]"))*100 | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Memory utilization in % |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33389 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets discarded |net.if.in.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&bsn;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&bsn;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&bsn;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&bsn;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33390 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets with errors |net.if.in.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33391 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits received |net.if.in[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33392 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets discarded |net.if.out.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&bsn;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&bsn;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&bsn;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&bsn;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33393 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets with errors |net.if.out.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33394 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits sent |net.if.out[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33395 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Speed |net.if.speed[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of `n-500,000' to`n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33396 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Operational status |net.if.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |20 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The current operational state of the interface.&bsn;- The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packet scan be passed&bsn;- If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2)&bsn;- If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1) then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic&bsn;- It should change todormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)&bsn;- It should remain in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state&bsn;- It should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the interface has missing(typically, hardware) components. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33397 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Interface type |net.if.type[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |21 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&bsn;The type of interface.&bsn;Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned NumbersAuthority (IANA),&bsn;through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33398 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Duplex status |net.if.duplex[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |19 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: EtherLike-MIB&bsn;Object name: dot3StatsDuplexStatus&bsn;The current mode of operation of the MAC&bsn;entity. 'unknown' indicates that the current&bsn;duplex mode could not be determined.&bsn;&bsn;Management control of the duplex mode is&bsn;accomplished through the MAU MIB. When&bsn;an interface does not support autonegotiation,&bsn;or when autonegotiation is not enabled, the&bsn;duplex mode is controlled using&bsn;ifMauDefaultType. When autonegotiation is&bsn;supported and enabled, duplex mode is controlled&bsn;using ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits. In either&bsn;case, the currently operating duplex mode is&bsn;reflected both in this object and in ifMauType.&bsn;&bsn;Note that this object provides redundant&bsn;information with ifMauType. Normally, redundant&bsn;objects are discouraged. However, in this&bsn;instance, it allows a management application to&bsn;determine the duplex status of an interface&bsn;without having to know every possible value of&bsn;ifMauType. This was felt to be sufficiently&bsn;valuable to justify the redundancy.&bsn;Reference: [IEEE 802.3 Std.],,aDuplexStatus.|0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33399 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply status |sensor.psu.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonSupplyState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33400 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature status |sensor.temp.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState&bsn;The current state of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33401 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature |sensor.temp.value[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |°C | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&bsn;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureValue&bsn;The current measurement of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33389 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets discarded |net.if.in.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&eol;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&eol;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&eol;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&eol;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33390 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets with errors |net.if.in.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33391 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits received |net.if.in[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33392 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets discarded |net.if.out.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&eol;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&eol;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&eol;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&eol;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33393 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Outbound packets with errors |net.if.out.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33394 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits sent |net.if.out[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33395 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Speed |net.if.speed[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of `n-500,000' to`n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33396 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Operational status |net.if.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |20 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The current operational state of the interface.&eol;- The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packet scan be passed&eol;- If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2)&eol;- If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1) then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic&eol;- It should change todormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)&eol;- It should remain in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state&eol;- It should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the interface has missing(typically, hardware) components. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33397 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Interface type |net.if.type[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |21 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The type of interface.&eol;Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned NumbersAuthority (IANA),&eol;through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33398 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Duplex status |net.if.duplex[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |19 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: EtherLike-MIB&eol;Object name: dot3StatsDuplexStatus&eol;The current mode of operation of the MAC&eol;entity. 'unknown' indicates that the current&eol;duplex mode could not be determined.&eol;&eol;Management control of the duplex mode is&eol;accomplished through the MAU MIB. When&eol;an interface does not support autonegotiation,&eol;or when autonegotiation is not enabled, the&eol;duplex mode is controlled using&eol;ifMauDefaultType. When autonegotiation is&eol;supported and enabled, duplex mode is controlled&eol;using ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits. In either&eol;case, the currently operating duplex mode is&eol;reflected both in this object and in ifMauType.&eol;&eol;Note that this object provides redundant&eol;information with ifMauType. Normally, redundant&eol;objects are discouraged. However, in this&eol;instance, it allows a management application to&eol;determine the duplex status of an interface&eol;without having to know every possible value of&eol;ifMauType. This was felt to be sufficiently&eol;valuable to justify the redundancy.&eol;Reference: [IEEE 802.3 Std.],,aDuplexStatus.|0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33399 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply status |sensor.psu.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonSupplyState |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33400 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature status |sensor.temp.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |28 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState&eol;The current state of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33401 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10370 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature |sensor.temp.value[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |°C | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CISCO-ENVMON-MIB&eol;Object name: ciscoEnvMonTemperatureValue&eol;The current measurement of the test point being instrumented. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33402 |3 | |10251 |ICMP ping |icmpping |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |1 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33403 |3 | |10251 |ICMP loss |icmppingloss |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33404 |3 | |10251 |ICMP response time |icmppingsec |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -5894,10 +5904,10 @@ ROW |35325 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |35326 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10408 |Dell R840: {#DISK_NAME} Write policy |dell.server.hw.virtualdisk.writepolicy[virtualDiskWritePolicy.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1h |2w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |67 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IDRAC-MIB-SMIv2&eol;The write policy used by the controller for write operations on this virtual disk.&eol;Possible values:&eol;1: Write Through.&eol;2: Write Back.&eol;3: Force Write Back. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35327 |20 | |10409 |System contact details |hp.server.contact[sysContact] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35328 |20 | |10409 |System description |hp.server.descr[sysDescr] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;A textual description of the entity. This value should&eol;include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and&eol;networking software. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35329 |20 | |10409 |Hardware model name |hp.server.hw.model[cpqSiProductName] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The machine product name. The name of the machine used in this system. |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35330 |20 | |10409 |Hardware serial number |hp.server.hw.serialnumber[cpqSiSysSerialNum] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The serial number of the physical system unit. The string will be empty if the system does not report the serial number function. |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35331 |20 | |10409 |System location |hp.server.location[sysLocation] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35332 |20 | |10409 |System name |hp.server.name[sysName] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35329 |20 | |10409 |Hardware model name |hp.server.hw.model[cpqSiProductName] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The machine product name. The name of the machine used in this system. |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35330 |20 | |10409 |Hardware serial number |hp.server.hw.serialnumber[cpqSiSysSerialNum] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The serial number of the physical system unit. The string will be empty if the system does not report the serial number function. |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35331 |20 | |10409 |System location |hp.server.location[sysLocation] |15m |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35332 |20 | |10409 |System name |hp.server.name[sysName] |15m |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35333 |20 | |10409 |System object ID |hp.server.objectid[sysObjectID] |15m |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35334 |20 | |10409 |System temperature status |hp.server.sensor.temp.status[cpqHeThermalCondition] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;This value specifies the overall condition of the system's thermal environment.&eol;This value will be one of the following:&eol;other(1) Temperature could not be determined.&eol;ok(2) The temperature sensor is within normal operating range.&eol;degraded(3) The temperature sensor is outside of normal operating range.&eol;failed(4) The temperature sensor detects a condition that could permanently damage the system. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35335 |20 | |10409 |Overall system health status |hp.server.status[cpqHeMibCondition] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;The overall condition. This object represents the overall status of the server information represented by this MIB. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -5924,7 +5934,7 @@ ROW |35355 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |35356 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10409 |{#CNTLR_LOCATION}: Disk array controller status |hp.server.hw.diskarray.status[cpqDaCntlrCondition.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;This value represents the overall condition of this controller,&eol;and any associated logical drives, physical drives, and array accelerators. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35357 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10409 |Fan {#SNMPINDEX}: Fan status |hp.server.sensor.fan.status[cpqHeFltTolFanCondition.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;The condition of the fan.&eol;This value will be one of the following:&eol;other(1) Fan status detection is not supported by this system or driver.&eol;ok(2) The fan is operating properly.&eol;degraded(2) A redundant fan is not operating properly.&eol;failed(4) A non-redundant fan is not operating properly. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35358 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10409 |{#ADAPTER_NAME} port {#ADAPTER_INDEX}: Status |hp.server.net.if.status[cpqNicIfPhysAdapterStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |236 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQNIC-MIB&eol;The physical adapter status. The following values are valid:&eol;unknown(1)&eol; The instrument agent was not able to determine the status of the adapter. The instrument agent may need to be upgraded.&eol;ok(2)&eol; The physical adapter is operating properly.&eol;generalFailure(3)&eol; The physical adapter has failed.&eol;linkFailure(4)&eol; The physical adapter has lost link. Check the cable connections to this adapter. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35359 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10409 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk media type |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.media_type[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |73 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Drive Array Physical Drive Media Type. The following values are defined:&eol;other(1) The instrument agent is unable to determine the physical drive’s media type.&eol;rotatingPlatters(2) The physical drive media is composed of rotating platters.&eol;solidState(3) The physical drive media is composed of solid state electronics. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35359 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10409 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk media type |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.media_type[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |73 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Drive Array Physical Drive Media Type. The following values are defined:&eol;other(1) The instrument agent is unable to determine the physical drive's media type.&eol;rotatingPlatters(2) The physical drive media is composed of rotating platters.&eol;solidState(3) The physical drive media is composed of solid state electronics. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35360 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10409 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk model name |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.model[cpqDaPhyDrvModel.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Model. This is a text description of the physical drive.&eol;The text that appears depends upon who manufactured the drive and the drive type.&eol;If a drive fails, note the model to identify the type of drive necessary for replacement.&eol;If a model number is not present, you may not have properly initialized the drive array to which the physical drive is attached for monitoring. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35361 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10409 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk serial number |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.serialnumber[cpqDaPhyDrvSerialNum.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Serial Number.&eol;This is the serial number assigned to the physical drive.&eol;This value is based upon the serial number as returned by the SCSI inquiry command&eol;but may have been modified due to space limitations. This can be used for identification purposes. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35362 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10409 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Disk size |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.size[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Size in MB.&eol;This is the size of the physical drive in megabytes.&eol;This value is calculated using the value 1,048,576 (2^20) as a megabyte.&eol;Drive manufacturers sometimes use the number 1,000,000 as a megabyte when giving drive capacities so this value may differ&eol;from the advertised size of a drive. This field is only applicable for controllers which support SCSI drives,&eol;and therefore is not supported by the IDA or IDA-2 controllers. The field will contain 0xFFFFFFFF if the drive capacity cannot be calculated&eol;or if the controller does not support SCSI drives. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -5951,10 +5961,10 @@ ROW |35382 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |35383 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10409 |Disk {#SNMPINDEX}({#DISK_NAME}): Status |hp.server.hw.virtualdisk.status[cpqDaLogDrvStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |75 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Logical Drive Status. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35384 |20 | |10410 |System contact details |hp.server.contact[sysContact] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35385 |20 | |10410 |System description |hp.server.descr[sysDescr] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;A textual description of the entity. This value should&eol;include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and&eol;networking software. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35386 |20 | |10410 |Hardware model name |hp.server.hw.model[cpqSiProductName] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The machine product name. The name of the machine used in this system. |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35387 |20 | |10410 |Hardware serial number |hp.server.hw.serialnumber[cpqSiSysSerialNum] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The serial number of the physical system unit. The string will be empty if the system does not report the serial number function. |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35388 |20 | |10410 |System location |hp.server.location[sysLocation] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35389 |20 | |10410 |System name |hp.server.name[sysName] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35386 |20 | |10410 |Hardware model name |hp.server.hw.model[cpqSiProductName] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The machine product name. The name of the machine used in this system. |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35387 |20 | |10410 |Hardware serial number |hp.server.hw.serialnumber[cpqSiSysSerialNum] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The serial number of the physical system unit. The string will be empty if the system does not report the serial number function. |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35388 |20 | |10410 |System location |hp.server.location[sysLocation] |15m |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35389 |20 | |10410 |System name |hp.server.name[sysName] |15m |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35390 |20 | |10410 |System object ID |hp.server.objectid[sysObjectID] |15m |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35391 |20 | |10410 |System temperature status |hp.server.sensor.temp.status[cpqHeThermalCondition] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;This value specifies the overall condition of the system's thermal environment.&eol;This value will be one of the following:&eol;other(1) Temperature could not be determined.&eol;ok(2) The temperature sensor is within normal operating range.&eol;degraded(3) The temperature sensor is outside of normal operating range.&eol;failed(4) The temperature sensor detects a condition that could permanently damage the system. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35392 |20 | |10410 |Overall system health status |hp.server.status[cpqHeMibCondition] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;The overall condition. This object represents the overall status of the server information represented by this MIB. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -5981,7 +5991,7 @@ ROW |35412 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |35413 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10410 |{#CNTLR_LOCATION}: Disk array controller status |hp.server.hw.diskarray.status[cpqDaCntlrCondition.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;This value represents the overall condition of this controller,&eol;and any associated logical drives, physical drives, and array accelerators. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35414 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10410 |Fan {#SNMPINDEX}: Fan status |hp.server.sensor.fan.status[cpqHeFltTolFanCondition.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;The condition of the fan.&eol;This value will be one of the following:&eol;other(1) Fan status detection is not supported by this system or driver.&eol;ok(2) The fan is operating properly.&eol;degraded(2) A redundant fan is not operating properly.&eol;failed(4) A non-redundant fan is not operating properly. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35415 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10410 |{#ADAPTER_NAME} port {#ADAPTER_INDEX}: Status |hp.server.net.if.status[cpqNicIfPhysAdapterStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |236 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQNIC-MIB&eol;The physical adapter status. The following values are valid:&eol;unknown(1)&eol; The instrument agent was not able to determine the status of the adapter. The instrument agent may need to be upgraded.&eol;ok(2)&eol; The physical adapter is operating properly.&eol;generalFailure(3)&eol; The physical adapter has failed.&eol;linkFailure(4)&eol; The physical adapter has lost link. Check the cable connections to this adapter. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35416 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10410 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk media type |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.media_type[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |73 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Drive Array Physical Drive Media Type. The following values are defined:&eol;other(1) The instrument agent is unable to determine the physical drive’s media type.&eol;rotatingPlatters(2) The physical drive media is composed of rotating platters.&eol;solidState(3) The physical drive media is composed of solid state electronics. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35416 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10410 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk media type |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.media_type[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |73 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Drive Array Physical Drive Media Type. The following values are defined:&eol;other(1) The instrument agent is unable to determine the physical drive's media type.&eol;rotatingPlatters(2) The physical drive media is composed of rotating platters.&eol;solidState(3) The physical drive media is composed of solid state electronics. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35417 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10410 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk model name |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.model[cpqDaPhyDrvModel.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Model. This is a text description of the physical drive.&eol;The text that appears depends upon who manufactured the drive and the drive type.&eol;If a drive fails, note the model to identify the type of drive necessary for replacement.&eol;If a model number is not present, you may not have properly initialized the drive array to which the physical drive is attached for monitoring. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35418 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10410 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk serial number |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.serialnumber[cpqDaPhyDrvSerialNum.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Serial Number.&eol;This is the serial number assigned to the physical drive.&eol;This value is based upon the serial number as returned by the SCSI inquiry command&eol;but may have been modified due to space limitations. This can be used for identification purposes. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35419 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10410 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Disk size |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.size[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Size in MB.&eol;This is the size of the physical drive in megabytes.&eol;This value is calculated using the value 1,048,576 (2^20) as a megabyte.&eol;Drive manufacturers sometimes use the number 1,000,000 as a megabyte when giving drive capacities so this value may differ&eol;from the advertised size of a drive. This field is only applicable for controllers which support SCSI drives,&eol;and therefore is not supported by the IDA or IDA-2 controllers. The field will contain 0xFFFFFFFF if the drive capacity cannot be calculated&eol;or if the controller does not support SCSI drives. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -6008,10 +6018,10 @@ ROW |35439 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |35440 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10410 |Disk {#SNMPINDEX}({#DISK_NAME}): Status |hp.server.hw.virtualdisk.status[cpqDaLogDrvStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |75 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Logical Drive Status. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35441 |20 | |10411 |System contact details |hp.server.contact[sysContact] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35442 |20 | |10411 |System description |hp.server.descr[sysDescr] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;A textual description of the entity. This value should&eol;include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and&eol;networking software. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35443 |20 | |10411 |Hardware model name |hp.server.hw.model[cpqSiProductName] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The machine product name. The name of the machine used in this system. |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35444 |20 | |10411 |Hardware serial number |hp.server.hw.serialnumber[cpqSiSysSerialNum] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The serial number of the physical system unit. The string will be empty if the system does not report the serial number function. |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35445 |20 | |10411 |System location |hp.server.location[sysLocation] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35446 |20 | |10411 |System name |hp.server.name[sysName] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35443 |20 | |10411 |Hardware model name |hp.server.hw.model[cpqSiProductName] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The machine product name. The name of the machine used in this system. |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35444 |20 | |10411 |Hardware serial number |hp.server.hw.serialnumber[cpqSiSysSerialNum] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The serial number of the physical system unit. The string will be empty if the system does not report the serial number function. |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35445 |20 | |10411 |System location |hp.server.location[sysLocation] |15m |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35446 |20 | |10411 |System name |hp.server.name[sysName] |15m |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35447 |20 | |10411 |System object ID |hp.server.objectid[sysObjectID] |15m |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35448 |20 | |10411 |System temperature status |hp.server.sensor.temp.status[cpqHeThermalCondition] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;This value specifies the overall condition of the system's thermal environment.&eol;This value will be one of the following:&eol;other(1) Temperature could not be determined.&eol;ok(2) The temperature sensor is within normal operating range.&eol;degraded(3) The temperature sensor is outside of normal operating range.&eol;failed(4) The temperature sensor detects a condition that could permanently damage the system. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35449 |20 | |10411 |Overall system health status |hp.server.status[cpqHeMibCondition] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;The overall condition. This object represents the overall status of the server information represented by this MIB. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -6038,7 +6048,7 @@ ROW |35469 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |35470 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10411 |{#CNTLR_LOCATION}: Disk array controller status |hp.server.hw.diskarray.status[cpqDaCntlrCondition.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;This value represents the overall condition of this controller,&eol;and any associated logical drives, physical drives, and array accelerators. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35471 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10411 |Fan {#SNMPINDEX}: Fan status |hp.server.sensor.fan.status[cpqHeFltTolFanCondition.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;The condition of the fan.&eol;This value will be one of the following:&eol;other(1) Fan status detection is not supported by this system or driver.&eol;ok(2) The fan is operating properly.&eol;degraded(2) A redundant fan is not operating properly.&eol;failed(4) A non-redundant fan is not operating properly. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35472 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10411 |{#ADAPTER_NAME} port {#ADAPTER_INDEX}: Status |hp.server.net.if.status[cpqNicIfPhysAdapterStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |236 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQNIC-MIB&eol;The physical adapter status. The following values are valid:&eol;unknown(1)&eol; The instrument agent was not able to determine the status of the adapter. The instrument agent may need to be upgraded.&eol;ok(2)&eol; The physical adapter is operating properly.&eol;generalFailure(3)&eol; The physical adapter has failed.&eol;linkFailure(4)&eol; The physical adapter has lost link. Check the cable connections to this adapter. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35473 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10411 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk media type |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.media_type[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |73 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Drive Array Physical Drive Media Type. The following values are defined:&eol;other(1) The instrument agent is unable to determine the physical drive’s media type.&eol;rotatingPlatters(2) The physical drive media is composed of rotating platters.&eol;solidState(3) The physical drive media is composed of solid state electronics. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35473 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10411 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk media type |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.media_type[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |73 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Drive Array Physical Drive Media Type. The following values are defined:&eol;other(1) The instrument agent is unable to determine the physical drive's media type.&eol;rotatingPlatters(2) The physical drive media is composed of rotating platters.&eol;solidState(3) The physical drive media is composed of solid state electronics. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35474 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10411 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk model name |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.model[cpqDaPhyDrvModel.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Model. This is a text description of the physical drive.&eol;The text that appears depends upon who manufactured the drive and the drive type.&eol;If a drive fails, note the model to identify the type of drive necessary for replacement.&eol;If a model number is not present, you may not have properly initialized the drive array to which the physical drive is attached for monitoring. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35475 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10411 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk serial number |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.serialnumber[cpqDaPhyDrvSerialNum.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Serial Number.&eol;This is the serial number assigned to the physical drive.&eol;This value is based upon the serial number as returned by the SCSI inquiry command&eol;but may have been modified due to space limitations. This can be used for identification purposes. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35476 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10411 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Disk size |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.size[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Size in MB.&eol;This is the size of the physical drive in megabytes.&eol;This value is calculated using the value 1,048,576 (2^20) as a megabyte.&eol;Drive manufacturers sometimes use the number 1,000,000 as a megabyte when giving drive capacities so this value may differ&eol;from the advertised size of a drive. This field is only applicable for controllers which support SCSI drives,&eol;and therefore is not supported by the IDA or IDA-2 controllers. The field will contain 0xFFFFFFFF if the drive capacity cannot be calculated&eol;or if the controller does not support SCSI drives. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -6065,10 +6075,10 @@ ROW |35496 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |35497 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10411 |Disk {#SNMPINDEX}({#DISK_NAME}): Status |hp.server.hw.virtualdisk.status[cpqDaLogDrvStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |75 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Logical Drive Status. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35498 |20 | |10412 |System contact details |hp.server.contact[sysContact] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35499 |20 | |10412 |System description |hp.server.descr[sysDescr] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;A textual description of the entity. This value should&eol;include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and&eol;networking software. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35500 |20 | |10412 |Hardware model name |hp.server.hw.model[cpqSiProductName] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The machine product name. The name of the machine used in this system. |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35501 |20 | |10412 |Hardware serial number |hp.server.hw.serialnumber[cpqSiSysSerialNum] |1h |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The serial number of the physical system unit. The string will be empty if the system does not report the serial number function. |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35502 |20 | |10412 |System location |hp.server.location[sysLocation] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35503 |20 | |10412 |System name |hp.server.name[sysName] |1h |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35500 |20 | |10412 |Hardware model name |hp.server.hw.model[cpqSiProductName] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The machine product name. The name of the machine used in this system. |29 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35501 |20 | |10412 |Hardware serial number |hp.server.hw.serialnumber[cpqSiSysSerialNum] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQSINFO-MIB&eol;The serial number of the physical system unit. The string will be empty if the system does not report the serial number function. |8 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35502 |20 | |10412 |System location |hp.server.location[sysLocation] |15m |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35503 |20 | |10412 |System name |hp.server.name[sysName] |15m |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35504 |20 | |10412 |System object ID |hp.server.objectid[sysObjectID] |15m |2w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35505 |20 | |10412 |System temperature status |hp.server.sensor.temp.status[cpqHeThermalCondition] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;This value specifies the overall condition of the system's thermal environment.&eol;This value will be one of the following:&eol;other(1) Temperature could not be determined.&eol;ok(2) The temperature sensor is within normal operating range.&eol;degraded(3) The temperature sensor is outside of normal operating range.&eol;failed(4) The temperature sensor detects a condition that could permanently damage the system. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35506 |20 | |10412 |Overall system health status |hp.server.status[cpqHeMibCondition] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;The overall condition. This object represents the overall status of the server information represented by this MIB. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -6095,7 +6105,7 @@ ROW |35526 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |35527 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10412 |{#CNTLR_LOCATION}: Disk array controller status |hp.server.hw.diskarray.status[cpqDaCntlrCondition.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;This value represents the overall condition of this controller,&eol;and any associated logical drives, physical drives, and array accelerators. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35528 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10412 |Fan {#SNMPINDEX}: Fan status |hp.server.sensor.fan.status[cpqHeFltTolFanCondition.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |54 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQHLTH-MIB&eol;The condition of the fan.&eol;This value will be one of the following:&eol;other(1) Fan status detection is not supported by this system or driver.&eol;ok(2) The fan is operating properly.&eol;degraded(2) A redundant fan is not operating properly.&eol;failed(4) A non-redundant fan is not operating properly. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35529 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10412 |{#ADAPTER_NAME} port {#ADAPTER_INDEX}: Status |hp.server.net.if.status[cpqNicIfPhysAdapterStatus.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |236 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQNIC-MIB&eol;The physical adapter status. The following values are valid:&eol;unknown(1)&eol; The instrument agent was not able to determine the status of the adapter. The instrument agent may need to be upgraded.&eol;ok(2)&eol; The physical adapter is operating properly.&eol;generalFailure(3)&eol; The physical adapter has failed.&eol;linkFailure(4)&eol; The physical adapter has lost link. Check the cable connections to this adapter. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35530 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10412 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk media type |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.media_type[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |73 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Drive Array Physical Drive Media Type. The following values are defined:&eol;other(1) The instrument agent is unable to determine the physical drive’s media type.&eol;rotatingPlatters(2) The physical drive media is composed of rotating platters.&eol;solidState(3) The physical drive media is composed of solid state electronics. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35530 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10412 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk media type |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.media_type[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |73 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Drive Array Physical Drive Media Type. The following values are defined:&eol;other(1) The instrument agent is unable to determine the physical drive's media type.&eol;rotatingPlatters(2) The physical drive media is composed of rotating platters.&eol;solidState(3) The physical drive media is composed of solid state electronics. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35531 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10412 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk model name |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.model[cpqDaPhyDrvModel.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Model. This is a text description of the physical drive.&eol;The text that appears depends upon who manufactured the drive and the drive type.&eol;If a drive fails, note the model to identify the type of drive necessary for replacement.&eol;If a model number is not present, you may not have properly initialized the drive array to which the physical drive is attached for monitoring. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35532 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10412 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Physical disk serial number |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.serialnumber[cpqDaPhyDrvSerialNum.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Serial Number.&eol;This is the serial number assigned to the physical drive.&eol;This value is based upon the serial number as returned by the SCSI inquiry command&eol;but may have been modified due to space limitations. This can be used for identification purposes. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35533 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10412 |{#DISK_LOCATION}: Disk size |hp.server.hw.physicaldisk.size[cpqDaPhyDrvMediaType.{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: CPQIDA-MIB&eol;Physical Drive Size in MB.&eol;This is the size of the physical drive in megabytes.&eol;This value is calculated using the value 1,048,576 (2^20) as a megabyte.&eol;Drive manufacturers sometimes use the number 1,000,000 as a megabyte when giving drive capacities so this value may differ&eol;from the advertised size of a drive. This field is only applicable for controllers which support SCSI drives,&eol;and therefore is not supported by the IDA or IDA-2 controllers. The field will contain 0xFFFFFFFF if the drive capacity cannot be calculated&eol;or if the controller does not support SCSI drives. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -6130,7 +6140,7 @@ ROW |35570 |16 |
ROW |35571 |16 | |10414 |Local node metrics |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:group=Kernal,name=ClusterLocalNodeMetricsMXBeanImpl,*"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$GRIDGAIN.USER} |{$GRIDGAIN.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35572 |16 | |10414 |Cluster metrics |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:group=Kernal,name=ClusterMetricsMXBeanImpl,*"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$GRIDGAIN.USER} |{$GRIDGAIN.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35573 |16 | |10414 |GridGain kernal metrics |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:group=Kernal,name=IgniteKernal,*"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$GRIDGAIN.USER} |{$GRIDGAIN.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35574 |16 | |10414 |TCP Ccmmunication SPI metrics |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:group=SPIs,name=TcpCommunicationSpi,*"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$GRIDGAIN.USER} |{$GRIDGAIN.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35574 |16 | |10414 |TCP Communication SPI metrics |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:group=SPIs,name=TcpCommunicationSpi,*"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$GRIDGAIN.USER} |{$GRIDGAIN.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35575 |16 | |10414 |TCP discovery SPI |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:group=SPIs,name=TcpDiscoverySpi,*"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$GRIDGAIN.USER} |{$GRIDGAIN.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35576 |16 | |10414 |Transaction metrics |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:group=TransactionMetrics,name=TransactionMetricsMxBeanImpl,*"] |30m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$GRIDGAIN.USER} |{$GRIDGAIN.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35577 |16 | |10414 |Cache metrics |jmx.discovery[beans,"org.apache:name=\"org.apache.gridgain.internal.processors.cache.CacheLocalMetricsMXBeanImpl\",*"] |10m |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 |{$GRIDGAIN.USER} |{$GRIDGAIN.PASSWORD} | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |1 |service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{HOST.CONN}:{HOST.PORT}/jmxrmi |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -6300,7 +6310,7 @@ ROW |35741 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |35742 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10415 |F5 BIG-IP: Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Outgoing multicast packet, rate |bigip.net.out.multicast.rate[{#IF.NAME}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB&eol;The rate of multicast packets transmitted out of the specified interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35743 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10415 |F5 BIG-IP: Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Outgoing packet, rate |bigip.net.out.pkts.rate[{#IF.NAME}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB&eol;The rate of packets transmitted out of the specified interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35744 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10415 |F5 BIG-IP: Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Outgoing QnQ packet, rate |bigip.net.out.qq.rate[{#IF.NAME}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB&eol;The rate of double tagged packets transmitted out of the specified interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35745 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10415 |F5 BIG-IP: Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Pause state |bigip.net.pause[{#IF.NAME}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |242 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB&eol;The pause state of the specified interface.&eol;none - no pause;&eol;txrx - pause all data flow;&eol;tx - pause out going data flow;&eol;rx - pause in coming data flow. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35745 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10415 |F5 BIG-IP: Interface [{#IF.NAME}]: Pause state |bigip.net.pause[{#IF.NAME}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |242 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: F5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIB&eol;The pause state of the specified interface.&eol;none - no pause;&eol;txrx - pause all data flow;&eol;tx - pause outgoing data flow;&eol;rx - pause incoming data flow. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35746 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10415 |F5 BIG-IP: Node [{#NODE.NAME}]: Current connections |bigip.node.net.conn[{#NODE.NAME}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB&eol;The current connections from server-side to the specified node address. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35747 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10415 |F5 BIG-IP: Node [{#NODE.NAME}]: Incoming traffic, rate |bigip.node.net.in.bytes.rate[{#NODE.NAME}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |Bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB&eol;The rate of bytes received by the specified node address from server-side. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35748 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10415 |F5 BIG-IP: Node [{#NODE.NAME}]: Incoming packet, rate |bigip.node.net.in.pkts.rate[{#NODE.NAME}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB&eol;The rate of packets received by the specified node address from server-side. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -6396,9 +6406,9 @@ ROW |35965 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |35966 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10418 |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUC attenuation |zyxel.aam1212.net.adsl.atuc.atn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured difference in the total power transmitted by&eol;the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atuc fields show data acquired from the ATUC (ADSL Termination Unit – Central), in this case ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35967 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10418 |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUC output power |zyxel.aam1212.net.adsl.atuc.outpwr[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atuc fields show data acquired from the ATUC (ADSL Termination Unit – Central), in this case ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35968 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10418 |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUC noise margin |zyxel.aam1212.net.adsl.atuc.snrmgn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its&eol;received signal in tenth dB. &eol;The Info Atuc fields show data acquired from the ATUC (ADSL Termination Unit – Central), in this case ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35969 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10418 |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUR attenuation |zyxel.aam1212.net.adsl.atur.atn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured difference in the total power transmitted by&eol;the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber’s ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35970 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10418 |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUR output power |zyxel.aam1212.net.adsl.atur.outpwr[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber’s ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |35971 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10418 |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUR noise margin |zyxel.aam1212.net.adsl.atur.snrmgn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its&eol;received signal in tenth dB. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber’s ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35969 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10418 |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUR attenuation |zyxel.aam1212.net.adsl.atur.atn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured difference in the total power transmitted by&eol;the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber's ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35970 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10418 |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUR output power |zyxel.aam1212.net.adsl.atur.outpwr[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber's ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |35971 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10418 |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUR noise margin |zyxel.aam1212.net.adsl.atur.snrmgn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its&eol;received signal in tenth dB. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber's ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35972 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10418 |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: Incoming traffic |zyxel.aam1212.net.adsl.in.traffic[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of octets received on the interface,&eol;including framing characters. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35973 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10418 |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: Interface name |zyxel.aam1212.net.adsl.name[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;A textual string containing information about the interface |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |35974 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10418 |ZYXEL AAM1212-51 / IES-612: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: Operational status |zyxel.aam1212.net.adsl.operstatus[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |167 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The current operational state of the interface.&eol;The testing(3) state indicates that no operational&eol;packets can be passed. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -6520,9 +6530,9 @@ ROW |36089 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |36090 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10421 |ZYXEL IES-500x: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUC attenuation |zyxel.ies500x.net.adsl.atuc.atn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured difference in the total power transmitted by&eol;the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atuc fields show data acquired from the ATUC (ADSL Termination Unit – Central), in this case ZYXEL IES-500x, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36091 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10421 |ZYXEL IES-500x: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: Incoming broadcast packages |zyxel.ies500x.net.adsl.in.broadcastpkts[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |packets/s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a&eol;higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast&eol;address at this sub-layer. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36092 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10421 |ZYXEL IES-500x: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: Interface description |zyxel.ies500x.net.adsl.descr[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;A textual string containing information about the interface |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36093 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10421 |ZYXEL IES-500x: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUR noise margin |zyxel.ies500x.net.adsl.atur.snrmgn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its&eol;received signal in tenth dB. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber’s ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36094 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10421 |ZYXEL IES-500x: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUR output power |zyxel.ies500x.net.adsl.atur.outpwr[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber’s ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36095 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10421 |ZYXEL IES-500x: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUR attenuation |zyxel.ies500x.net.adsl.atur.atn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured difference in the total power transmitted by&eol;the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber’s ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36093 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10421 |ZYXEL IES-500x: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUR noise margin |zyxel.ies500x.net.adsl.atur.snrmgn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its&eol;received signal in tenth dB. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber's ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36094 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10421 |ZYXEL IES-500x: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUR output power |zyxel.ies500x.net.adsl.atur.outpwr[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber's ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36095 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10421 |ZYXEL IES-500x: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUR attenuation |zyxel.ies500x.net.adsl.atur.atn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured difference in the total power transmitted by&eol;the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber's ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36096 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10421 |ZYXEL IES-500x: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUC noise margin |zyxel.ies500x.net.adsl.atuc.snrmgn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its&eol;received signal in tenth dB. &eol;The Info Atuc fields show data acquired from the ATUC (ADSL Termination Unit – Central), in this case ZYXEL IES-500x, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36097 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10421 |ZYXEL IES-500x: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUC output power |zyxel.ies500x.net.adsl.atuc.outpwr[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atuc fields show data acquired from the ATUC (ADSL Termination Unit – Central), in this case ZYXEL IES-500x, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36098 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10421 |ZYXEL IES-500x: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: Outgoing unicast packages |zyxel.ies500x.net.adsl.out.ucastpkts[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |packets/s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of packets that higher-level protocols&eol;requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a&eol;multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including&eol;those that were discarded or not sent. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -6587,9 +6597,9 @@ ROW |36156 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |36157 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10422 |ZYXEL IES-6000: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUC attenuation |zyxel.ies6000.net.adsl.atuc.atn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured difference in the total power transmitted by&eol;the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atuc fields show data acquired from the ATUC (ADSL Termination Unit – Central), in this case ZYXEL IES-6000, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36158 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10422 |ZYXEL IES-6000: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: Incoming broadcast packages |zyxel.ies6000.net.adsl.in.broadcastpkts[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |packets/s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a&eol;higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast&eol;address at this sub-layer. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36159 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10422 |ZYXEL IES-6000: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: Interface description |zyxel.ies6000.net.adsl.descr[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;A textual string containing information about the interface |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36160 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10422 |ZYXEL IES-6000: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUR noise margin |zyxel.ies6000.net.adsl.atur.snrmgn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its&eol;received signal in tenth dB. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber’s ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36161 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10422 |ZYXEL IES-6000: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUR output power |zyxel.ies6000.net.adsl.atur.outpwr[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber’s ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36162 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10422 |ZYXEL IES-6000: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUR attenuation |zyxel.ies6000.net.adsl.atur.atn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured difference in the total power transmitted by&eol;the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber’s ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36160 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10422 |ZYXEL IES-6000: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUR noise margin |zyxel.ies6000.net.adsl.atur.snrmgn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its&eol;received signal in tenth dB. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber's ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36161 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10422 |ZYXEL IES-6000: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUR output power |zyxel.ies6000.net.adsl.atur.outpwr[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber's ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36162 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10422 |ZYXEL IES-6000: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUR attenuation |zyxel.ies6000.net.adsl.atur.atn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured difference in the total power transmitted by&eol;the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber's ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36163 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10422 |ZYXEL IES-6000: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUC noise margin |zyxel.ies6000.net.adsl.atuc.snrmgn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its&eol;received signal in tenth dB. &eol;The Info Atuc fields show data acquired from the ATUC (ADSL Termination Unit – Central), in this case ZYXEL IES-6000, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36164 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10422 |ZYXEL IES-6000: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: ATUC output power |zyxel.ies6000.net.adsl.atuc.outpwr[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atuc fields show data acquired from the ATUC (ADSL Termination Unit – Central), in this case ZYXEL IES-6000, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36165 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10422 |ZYXEL IES-6000: Slot {#ZYXEL.SLOT.ID} Port {#ZYXEL.PORTID}: Outgoing unicast packages |zyxel.ies6000.net.adsl.out.ucastpkts[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |packets/s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of packets that higher-level protocols&eol;requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a&eol;multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including&eol;those that were discarded or not sent. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -6642,9 +6652,9 @@ ROW |36211 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |36212 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10423 |ZYXEL IES1248-51: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUC attenuation |zyxel.ies1248.net.adsl.atuc.atn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured difference in the total power transmitted by&eol;the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atuc fields show data acquired from the ATUC (ADSL Termination Unit – Central), in this case ZYXEL IES1248-51, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36213 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10423 |ZYXEL IES1248-51: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUC output power |zyxel.ies1248.net.adsl.atuc.outpwr[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atuc fields show data acquired from the ATUC (ADSL Termination Unit – Central), in this case ZYXEL IES1248-51, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36214 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10423 |ZYXEL IES1248-51: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUC noise margin |zyxel.ies1248.net.adsl.atuc.snrmgn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its&eol;received signal in tenth dB. &eol;The Info Atuc fields show data acquired from the ATUC (ADSL Termination Unit – Central), in this case ZYXEL IES1248-51, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36215 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10423 |ZYXEL IES1248-51: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUR attenuation |zyxel.ies1248.net.adsl.atur.atn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured difference in the total power transmitted by&eol;the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber’s ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36216 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10423 |ZYXEL IES1248-51: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUR output power |zyxel.ies1248.net.adsl.atur.outpwr[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber’s ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36217 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10423 |ZYXEL IES1248-51: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUR noise margin |zyxel.ies1248.net.adsl.atur.snrmgn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its&eol;received signal in tenth dB. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber’s ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36215 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10423 |ZYXEL IES1248-51: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUR attenuation |zyxel.ies1248.net.adsl.atur.atn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured difference in the total power transmitted by&eol;the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber's ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36216 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10423 |ZYXEL IES1248-51: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUR output power |zyxel.ies1248.net.adsl.atur.outpwr[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber's ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36217 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10423 |ZYXEL IES1248-51: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: ATUR noise margin |zyxel.ies1248.net.adsl.atur.snrmgn[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |dB | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: ADSL-LINE-MIB&eol;Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its&eol;received signal in tenth dB. &eol;The Info Atur fields show data acquired from the ATUR (ADSL Termination Unit – Remote), in this case the subscriber's ADSL modem or router, during negotiation/provisioning message interchanges. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36218 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10423 |ZYXEL IES1248-51: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: Incoming traffic |zyxel.ies1248.net.adsl.in.traffic[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of octets received on the interface,&eol;including framing characters. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36219 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10423 |ZYXEL IES1248-51: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: Interface name |zyxel.ies1248.net.adsl.name[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;A textual string containing information about the interface |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36220 |20 |.{#SNMPINDEX} |10423 |ZYXEL IES1248-51: Port {#SNMPINDEX}: Operational status |zyxel.ies1248.net.adsl.operstatus[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |194 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The current operational state of the interface.&eol;The testing(3) state indicates that no operational&eol;packets can be passed. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -7026,27 +7036,6 @@ ROW |36628 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX}
ROW |36629 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10415 |F5 BIG-IP: Pool [{#POOL.NAME}]: Status enabled |bigip.pool.enabled[{#POOL.NAME}] |5m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |251 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB&eol;The activity status of the specified pool, as specified by the user.&eol;none(0),&eol;enabled(1),&eol;disabled(2),&eol;disabledbyparent(3) |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36630 |0 | |10289 |{#DEVNAME}: Disk utilization by idle time |perf_counter_en["\PhysicalDisk({#DEVNAME})\% Idle Time",60] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |This item is the percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive was busy servicing read or writes requests based on idle time |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36632 |7 | |10296 |{#DEVNAME}: Disk utilization by idle time |perf_counter_en["\PhysicalDisk({#DEVNAME})\% Idle Time",60] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |This item is the percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive was busy servicing read or writes requests based on idle time |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36634 |0 | |10432 |PostgreSQL: Get connections sum |pgsql.connections.sum["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Collect all metrics from pg_stat_activity&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/monitoring-stats.html#PG-STAT-ACTIVITY-VIEW |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36635 |0 | |10432 |PostgreSQL: Get locks |pgsql.locks["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Collect all metrics from pg_locks per database&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/explicit-locking.html#LOCKING-TABLES |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36636 |0 | |10432 |Status: Ping time |pgsql.ping.time["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36637 |0 | |10432 |Status: Ping |pgsql.ping["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |1 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36638 |0 | |10432 |PostgreSQL: Get queries |pgsql.queries["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}","{$PG.QUERY_ETIME.MAX.WARN}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Collect all metrics by query execution time |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36639 |0 | |10432 |Replication: standby count |pgsql.replication.count["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of standby servers |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36640 |0 | |10432 |Replication: lag in seconds |pgsql.replication.lag.sec["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Replication lag with Master in seconds |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36641 |0 | |10432 |Replication: recovery role |pgsql.replication.recovery_role["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |76 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Replication role: 1 — recovery is still in progress (standby mode), 0 — master mode. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36642 |0 | |10432 |Replication: status |pgsql.replication.status["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |77 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Replication status: 0 — streaming is down, 1 — streaming is up, 2 — master mode |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36643 |0 | |10432 |Status: Config hash |pgsql.config.hash["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |15m |7d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |PostgreSQL configuration hash |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36644 |0 | |10432 |Status: Cache hit ratio % |pgsql.cache.hit["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Cache hit ratio |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36645 |0 | |10432 |PostgreSQL: Get bgwriter |pgsql.bgwriter["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics about the background writer process's activity |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36646 |0 | |10432 |PostgreSQL: Get transactions |pgsql.transactions["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Collect metrics by transaction execution time |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36647 |0 | |10432 |Status: Uptime |pgsql.uptime["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36648 |0 | |10432 |Status: Version |pgsql.version["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |15m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |PostgreSQL version |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36649 |0 | |10432 |PostgreSQL: Get WAL |pgsql.wal.stat["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |5m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Master item to collect WAL metrics |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36650 |0 | |10432 |PostgreSQL: Get dbstat |pgsql.dbstat["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Collect all metrics from pg_stat_database per database&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/monitoring-stats.html#PG-STAT-DATABASE-VIEW |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36674 |0 | |10432 |Database discovery |pgsql.discovery.db["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}"] |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36675 |0 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Database size |pgsql.db.size["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.DB}","{#DBNAME}"] |15m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Database size |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36676 |0 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Get frozen XID |pgsql.frozenxid["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{#DBNAME}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36677 |0 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Get scans |pgsql.scans["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{#DBNAME}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of scans done for table/index in the database |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36705 |15 | |10433 |PostgreSQL: Cache hit |pgsql.cache.hit["{$PG.URI}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL |last("pgsql.dbstat.sum.blks_hit.rate") * 100 / (last("pgsql.dbstat.sum.blks_hit.rate") + last("pgsql.dbstat.sum.blks_read.rate")) | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36706 |0 | |10433 |Replication: Standby count |pgsql.replication.count["{$PG.URI}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of standby servers |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36707 |0 | |10433 |PostgreSQL: Get connections |pgsql.connections["{$PG.URI}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}"] |1m |0 |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Collect all metrics from pg_stat_activity&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/monitoring-stats.html#PG-STAT-ACTIVITY-VIEW |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -7071,6 +7060,119 @@ ROW |36769 |0 |
ROW |36770 |0 | |10433 |DB {#DBNAME}: Database age |pgsql.db.age["{$PG.URI}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{#DBNAME}"] |10m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Database age |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36771 |0 | |10433 |DB {#DBNAME}: Database size |pgsql.db.size["{$PG.URI}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{#DBNAME}"] |5m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Database size |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36772 |0 | |10433 |DB {#DBNAME}: Get bloating tables |pgsql.db.bloating_tables["{$PG.URI}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{#DBNAME}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of bloating tables |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36802 |3 | |10434 |PFSense: ICMP ping |icmpping |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |1 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Host accessibility by ICMP.&eol;0 - ICMP ping fails.&eol;1 - ICMP ping successful. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36803 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Free swap space |system.swap.free |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;The amount of swap space currently unused or available. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36804 |20 |["index","", "Load-5"] |10434 |PFSense: Load average (5m avg) |system.cpu.load.avg5 |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;The 5 minutes load averages. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36805 |20 |discovery[{#SNMPVALUE},] |10434 |PFSense: Number of CPUs |system.cpu.num |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;Count the number of CPU cores by counting number of cores discovered in hrProcessorTable using LLD |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36806 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Context switches per second |system.cpu.switches |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;Number of context switches |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36807 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: System description |system.descr |15m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;System description of the host. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36808 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: System location |system.location |15m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The physical location of this node. If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. |24 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36809 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: System name |system.name |15m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;System host name. |3 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36810 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: System object ID |system.objectid |15m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The vendor authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining what kind of box is being managed. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36811 |15 | |10434 |PFSense: Free swap space in % |system.swap.pfree |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL |last("system.swap.free")/last("system.swap.total")*100 | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The free space of swap volume/file in percent. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36812 |20 |["index","", "Load-1"] |10434 |PFSense: Load average (1m avg) |system.cpu.load.avg1 |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;The 1 minute load averages. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36813 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Total swap space |system.swap.total |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;The total amount of swap space configured for this host. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36814 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Uptime |system.uptime |30s |7d |0d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;System uptime in 'N days, hh:mm:ss' format. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36815 |15 | |10434 |PFSense: Available memory |vm.memory.available |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL |last("vm.memory.free")+last("vm.memory.buffers")+last("vm.memory.cached") | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Please note that memory utilization is a rough estimate, since memory available is calculated as free+buffers+cached, which is not 100% accurate, but the best we can get using SNMP. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36816 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Memory (buffers) |vm.memory.buffers |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;The total amount of real or virtual memory currently allocated for use as memory buffers. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36817 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Memory (cached) |vm.memory.cached |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;The total amount of real or virtual memory currently allocated for use as cached memory. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36818 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Free memory |vm.memory.free |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;The amount of real/physical memory currently unused or available. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36819 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Total memory |vm.memory.total |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;Total memory in Bytes |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36820 |15 | |10434 |PFSense: Memory utilization |vm.memory.util |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL |(last("vm.memory.total")-(last("vm.memory.free")+last("vm.memory.buffers")+last("vm.memory.cached")))/last("vm.memory.total")*100 | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Please note that memory utilization is a rough estimate, since memory available is calculated as free+buffers+cached, which is not 100% accurate, but the best we can get using SNMP. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36821 |20 |["index","", "Load-15"] |10434 |PFSense: Load average (15m avg) |system.cpu.load.avg15 |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;The 15 minutes load averages. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36822 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Interrupts per second |system.cpu.intr |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;Number of interrupts processed |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36823 |3 | |10434 |PFSense: ICMP loss |icmppingloss |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Percentage of lost packets. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36824 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Normalized packets |pfsense.packets.normalize |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;True if the packet was logged with the specified packet filter reason code. The known codes are: match, bad-offset, fragment, short, normalize, and memory |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36825 |3 | |10434 |PFSense: ICMP response time |icmppingsec |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |ICMP ping response time (in seconds). |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36826 |20 |.["index",".","dhcpd"] |10434 |PFSense: DHCP server status |pfsense.dhcpd.status |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |256 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;The status of DHCP server process. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36827 |20 |.["index",".","unbound"] |10434 |PFSense: DNS server status |pfsense.dns.status |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |256 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;The status of DNS server process. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36828 |20 |.["index",".","nginx"] |10434 |PFSense: State of nginx process |pfsense.nginx.status |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |256 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB&eol;The status of nginx process. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36829 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Packets with bad offset |pfsense.packets.bad.offset |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;True if the packet was logged with the specified packet filter reason code. The known codes are: match, bad-offset, fragment, short, normalize, and memory |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36830 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Fragmented packets |pfsense.packets.fragment |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;True if the packet was logged with the specified packet filter reason code. The known codes are: match, bad-offset, fragment, short, normalize, and memory |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36831 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Packets matched a filter rule |pfsense.packets.match |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;True if the packet was logged with the specified packet filter reason code. The known codes are: match, bad-offset, fragment, short, normalize, and memory |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36832 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Packets dropped due to memory limitation |pfsense.packets.mem.drop |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;True if the packet was logged with the specified packet filter reason code. The known codes are: match, bad-offset, fragment, short, normalize, and memory |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36833 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Short packets |pfsense.packets.short |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;True if the packet was logged with the specified packet filter reason code. The known codes are: match, bad-offset, fragment, short, normalize, and memory |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36834 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: System contact details |system.contact |15m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: SNMPv2-MIB&eol;The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact information is known, the value is the zero-length string. |23 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36835 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Packet filter running status |pfsense.pf.status |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |257 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;True if packet filter is currently enabled |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36836 |20 |. |10434 |PFSense: Firewall rules count |pfsense.rules.count |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;The number of labeled filter rules on this system. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36837 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Source tracking table current |pfsense.source.tracking.table.count |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;Number of entries in the source tracking table. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36838 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: Source tracking table limit |pfsense.source.tracking.table.limit |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;Maximum number of 'sticky-address' or 'source-track' rules in the ruleset. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36839 |15 | |10434 |PFSense: Source tracking table utilization in % |pfsense.source.tracking.table.pused |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL |last("pfsense.source.tracking.table.count") * 100 / last("pfsense.source.tracking.table.limit") | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Utilization of source tracking table in %. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36840 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: States table current |pfsense.state.table.count |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;Number of entries in the state table. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36841 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: States table limit |pfsense.state.table.limit |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |MIB: BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;Maximum number of 'keep state' rules in the ruleset. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36842 |15 | |10434 |PFSense: States table utilization in % |pfsense.state.table.pused |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL |last("pfsense.state.table.count") * 100 / last("pfsense.state.table.limit") | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Utilization of state table in %. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36843 |5 | |10434 |PFSense: SNMP agent availability |zabbix[host,snmp,available] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |22 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Availability of SNMP checks on the host. The value of this item corresponds to availability icons in the host list.&eol;Possible value:&eol;0 - not available&eol;1 - available&eol;2 - unknown |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36845 |20 |discovery[{#IFOPERSTATUS},,{#IFADMINSTATUS},,{#IFALIAS},,{#IFNAME},,{#IFDESCR},,{#IFTYPE},] |10434 |Network interfaces discovery |net.if.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Discovering interfaces from IF-MIB. |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36846 |20 |discovery[{#DEVNAME},] |10434 |Block devices discovery |vfs.dev.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |Block devices are discovered from UCD-DISKIO-MIB::diskIOTable (http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/docs/mibs/ucdDiskIOMIB.html#diskIOTable) |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36847 |20 |discovery[{#FSNAME},.,{#FSTYPE},.] |10434 |Mounted filesystem discovery |vfs.fs.discovery |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrFS discovery with filter |0 |30d |1 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36848 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: CPU idle time |system.cpu.idle[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;The time the CPU has spent doing nothing. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36849 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: CPU interrupt time |system.cpu.interrupt[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;The amount of time the CPU has been servicing hardware interrupts. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36850 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: CPU iowait time |system.cpu.iowait[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;Amount of time the CPU has been waiting for I/O to complete. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36851 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: CPU nice time |system.cpu.nice[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;The time the CPU has spent running users' processes that have been niced. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36852 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: CPU system time |system.cpu.system[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;The time the CPU has spent running the kernel and its processes. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36853 |20 | |10434 |PFSense: CPU user time |system.cpu.user[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;The time the CPU has spent running users' processes that are not niced. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36854 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Inbound IPv4 traffic blocked |net.if.in.block.v4.bps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;IPv4 bits per second blocked coming in on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36855 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Outbound IPv6 packets blocked |net.if.out.block.v6.pps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;The number of IPv6 packets blocked going out on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36856 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Operational status |net.if.status[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |20 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The current operational state of the interface.&eol;- The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packet scan be passed&eol;- If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2)&eol;- If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1) then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and receive network traffic&eol;- It should change todormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection)&eol;- It should remain in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state&eol;- It should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the interface has missing(typically, hardware) components. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36857 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Speed |net.if.speed[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of `n-500,000' to`n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36858 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Rules references count |net.if.rules.refs[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;The number of rules referencing this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36859 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Bits sent |net.if.out[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36860 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Outbound IPv6 packets passed |net.if.out.pass.v6.pps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;The number of IPv6 packets passed going out on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36861 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Outbound IPv6 traffic passed |net.if.out.pass.v6.bps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;IPv6 bits per second passed going out on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36862 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Outbound IPv4 packets passed |net.if.out.pass.v4.pps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;The number of IPv4 packets passed going out on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36863 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Outbound IPv4 traffic passed |net.if.out.pass.v4.bps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;IPv4 bits per second passed going out on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36864 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Outbound packets with errors |net.if.out.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36865 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Outbound packets discarded |net.if.out.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&eol;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&eol;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&eol;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&eol;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36866 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Outbound IPv6 traffic blocked |net.if.out.block.v6.bps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;IPv6 bits per second blocked going out on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36867 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Inbound IPv4 packets blocked |net.if.in.block.v4.pps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;The number of IPv4 packets blocked coming in on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36868 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Outbound IPv4 packets blocked |net.if.out.block.v4.pps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;The number of IPv4 packets blocked going out on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36869 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Outbound IPv4 traffic blocked |net.if.out.block.v4.bps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;IPv4 bits per second blocked going out on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36870 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Bits received |net.if.in[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36871 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Inbound IPv6 packets passed |net.if.in.pass.v6.pps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;The number of IPv6 packets passed coming in on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36872 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Inbound IPv6 traffic passed |net.if.in.pass.v6.bps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;IPv6 bits per second passed coming in on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36873 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Inbound IPv4 packets passed |net.if.in.pass.v4.pps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;The number of IPv4 packets passed coming in on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36874 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Inbound IPv4 traffic passed |net.if.in.pass.v4.bps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;IPv4 bits per second passed coming in on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36875 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Inbound packets with errors |net.if.in.errors[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36876 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Inbound packets discarded |net.if.in.discards[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded&eol;even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.&eol;One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.&eol;Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,&eol;and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36877 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Inbound IPv6 packets blocked |net.if.in.block.v6.pps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |pps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;The number of IPv6 packets blocked coming in on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36878 |20 |.["index",".","{#IFDESCR}"] |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Inbound IPv6 traffic blocked |net.if.in.block.v6.bps[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |BEGEMOT-PF-MIB&eol;IPv6 bits per second blocked coming in on this interface. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36879 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10434 |PFSense: Interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})]: Interface type |net.if.type[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |21 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: IF-MIB&eol;The type of interface.&eol;Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned NumbersAuthority (IANA),&eol;through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36880 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10434 |PFSense: [{#DEVNAME}]: Disk read rate |vfs.dev.read.rate[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |!r/s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: UCD-DISKIO-MIB&eol;The number of read accesses from this device since boot. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36881 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10434 |PFSense: [{#DEVNAME}]: Disk utilization |vfs.dev.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: UCD-DISKIO-MIB&eol;The 1 minute average load of disk (%) |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36882 |20 |{#SNMPINDEX} |10434 |PFSense: [{#DEVNAME}]: Disk write rate |vfs.dev.write.rate[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |!w/s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: UCD-DISKIO-MIB&eol;The number of write accesses from this device since boot. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36883 |20 |["index","","{#FSNAME}"] |10434 |PFSense: [{#FSNAME}]: Free inodes in % |vfs.fs.inode.pfree[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;If having problems collecting this item make sure access to UCD-SNMP-MIB is allowed. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36884 |20 |["index","","{#FSNAME}"] |10434 |PFSense: [{#FSNAME}]: Space utilization |vfs.fs.pused[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;If having problems collecting this item make sure access to UCD-SNMP-MIB is allowed. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36885 |20 |["index","","{#FSNAME}"] |10434 |PFSense: [{#FSNAME}]: Total space |vfs.fs.total[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;If having problems collecting this item make sure access to UCD-SNMP-MIB is allowed. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36886 |20 |["index","","{#FSNAME}"] |10434 |PFSense: [{#FSNAME}]: Used space |vfs.fs.used[{#SNMPINDEX}] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB&eol;If having problems collecting this item make sure access to UCD-SNMP-MIB is allowed. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36888 |3 | |10175 |VMware: Hypervisor ping |icmpping[] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |1 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Checks if the hypervisor is running and accepting ICMP pings. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36889 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Required performance |zabbix[requiredperformance] |1m |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Required performance of Zabbix proxy, in new values per second expected. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36890 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Uptime |zabbix[uptime] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Uptime of Zabbix proxy process in seconds. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36891 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Version |zabbix[version] |1m |1w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Version of Zabbix proxy. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36892 |5 | |10048 |Zabbix proxy: Values waiting to be sent |zabbix[proxy_history] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of values in the proxy history table waiting to be sent to the server. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36893 |5 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Zabbix stats |zabbix[stats,{$ZABBIX.PROXY.ADDRESS},{$ZABBIX.PROXY.PORT}] |1m |0d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Zabbix server statistics master item. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36894 |5 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Zabbix stats queue |zabbix[stats,{$ZABBIX.PROXY.ADDRESS},{$ZABBIX.PROXY.PORT},queue] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of monitored items in the queue which are delayed at least by 6 seconds. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36895 |5 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Zabbix stats queue over 10m |zabbix[stats,{$ZABBIX.PROXY.ADDRESS},{$ZABBIX.PROXY.PORT},queue,10m] |1m |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of monitored items in the queue which are delayed at least by 10 minutes. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36934 |0 | |10432 |PostgreSQL: Get connections sum |pgsql.connections.sum["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Collect all metrics from pg_stat_activity&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/monitoring-stats.html#PG-STAT-ACTIVITY-VIEW |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36935 |0 | |10432 |PostgreSQL: Get locks |pgsql.locks["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Collect all metrics from pg_locks per database&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/explicit-locking.html#LOCKING-TABLES |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36936 |0 | |10432 |Status: Ping time |pgsql.ping.time["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36937 |0 | |10432 |Status: Ping |pgsql.ping["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |1 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36938 |0 | |10432 |PostgreSQL: Get queries |pgsql.queries["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}","{$PG.QUERY_ETIME.MAX.WARN}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Collect all metrics by query execution time |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36939 |0 | |10432 |Replication: standby count |pgsql.replication.count["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of standby servers |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36940 |0 | |10432 |Replication: lag in seconds |pgsql.replication.lag.sec["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Replication lag with Master in seconds |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36941 |0 | |10432 |Replication: recovery role |pgsql.replication.recovery_role["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |76 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Replication role: 1 — recovery is still in progress (standby mode), 0 — master mode. |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36942 |0 | |10432 |Replication: status |pgsql.replication.status["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |77 | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Replication status: 0 — streaming is down, 1 — streaming is up, 2 — master mode |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36943 |0 | |10432 |Status: Config hash |pgsql.config.hash["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |15m |7d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |PostgreSQL configuration hash |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36944 |0 | |10432 |Status: Cache hit ratio % |pgsql.cache.hit["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Cache hit ratio |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36945 |0 | |10432 |PostgreSQL: Get bgwriter |pgsql.bgwriter["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics about the background writer process's activity |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36946 |0 | |10432 |PostgreSQL: Get transactions |pgsql.transactions["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Collect metrics by transaction execution time |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36947 |0 | |10432 |Status: Uptime |pgsql.uptime["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36948 |0 | |10432 |Status: Version |pgsql.version["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |15m |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |PostgreSQL version |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36949 |0 | |10432 |PostgreSQL: Get WAL |pgsql.wal.stat["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |5m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Master item to collect WAL metrics |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36950 |0 | |10432 |PostgreSQL: Get dbstat |pgsql.dbstat["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Collect all metrics from pg_stat_database per database&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/monitoring-stats.html#PG-STAT-DATABASE-VIEW |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36974 |0 | |10432 |Database discovery |pgsql.discovery.db["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}"] |1h |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36975 |0 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Database size |pgsql.db.size["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{$PG.DB}","{#DBNAME}"] |15m |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Database size |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36976 |0 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Get frozen XID |pgsql.frozenxid["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{#DBNAME}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36977 |0 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Get scans |pgsql.scans["{$PG.HOST}","{$PG.PORT}","{$PG.USER}","{$PG.PASSWORD}","{#DBNAME}"] |1m |1h |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of scans done for table/index in the database |0 |30d |0 | |NULL |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
TABLE |items
FIELDS|itemid|type|snmp_oid|hostid|name |key_ |delay|history|trends|status|value_type|trapper_hosts|units |formula|logtimefmt|templateid|valuemapid|params|ipmi_sensor|authtype|username|password|publickey|privatekey|flags|interfaceid|description |inventory_link|lifetime|evaltype|jmx_endpoint|master_itemid|timeout|url |query_fields|posts|status_codes|follow_redirects|post_type|headers|retrieve_mode|request_method|output_format|verify_peer|verify_host|allow_traps|discover|
@@ -7119,35 +7221,6 @@ ROW |28581 |18 | |10261 |Remote Zabbix server: Utilization of trapper
ROW |28582 |18 | |10261 |Remote Zabbix server: Utilization of LLD manager internal processes, in % |process.lld_manager.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time lld manager processes have been busy in the last minute |0 |30d |0 | |28539 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28583 |18 | |10261 |Remote Zabbix server: Utilization of LLD worker internal processes, in % |process.lld_worker.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time lld worker processes have been busy in the last minute |0 |30d |0 | |28539 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28584 |18 | |10261 |Remote Zabbix server: LLD queue |lld_queue |0 |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Count of values enqueued in the low-level discovery processing queue. |0 |30d |0 | |28539 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28588 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of vmware data collector processes, in % |process.vmware_collector.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28589 |18 | |10262 |Number of processed numeric (unsigned) values per second |wcache.values.uint |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28590 |18 | |10262 |Number of processed text values per second |wcache.values.text |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28591 |18 | |10262 |Number of processed character values per second |wcache.values.str |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28592 |18 | |10262 |Number of processed not supported values per second |wcache.values.not_supported |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28593 |18 | |10262 |Number of processed log values per second |wcache.values.log |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28594 |18 | |10262 |Number of processed numeric (float) values per second |wcache.values.float |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28595 |18 | |10262 |Number of processed values per second |wcache.values |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28596 |18 | |10262 |History index cache, % used |wcache.index.pused |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28597 |18 | |10262 |History write cache, % used |wcache.history.pused |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28598 |18 | |10262 |VMware cache, % used |vmware.buffer.pused |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28599 |18 | |10262 |Configuration cache, % used |rcache.buffer.pused |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28600 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of configuration syncer internal processes, in % |process.configuration_syncer.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28601 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of data sender internal processes, in % |process.data_sender.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28602 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of trapper data collector processes, in % |process.trapper.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28603 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of task manager internal processes, in % |process.task_manager.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28604 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of snmp trapper data collector processes, in % |process.snmp_trapper.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28605 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of self-monitoring internal processes, in % |process.self-monitoring.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28606 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of poller data collector processes, in % |process.poller.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28607 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of java poller data collector processes, in % |process.java_poller.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28608 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of ipmi poller data collector processes, in % |process.ipmi_poller.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28609 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of ipmi manager internal processes, in % |process.ipmi_manager.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28610 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of icmp pinger data collector processes, in % |process.icmp_pinger.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28611 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of http poller data collector processes, in % |process.http_poller.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28612 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of housekeeper internal processes, in % |process.housekeeper.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28613 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of history syncer internal processes, in % |process.history_syncer.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28614 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of heartbeat sender internal processes, in % |process.heartbeat_sender.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28615 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of discoverer data collector processes, in % |process.discoverer.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |28616 |18 | |10262 |Utilization of unreachable poller data collector processes, in % |process.unreachable_poller.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28688 |18 | |10263 |Transactions: Max idle transaction time |pgsql.transactions.idle |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Current max idle transaction time |0 |30d |0 | |28683 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28689 |18 | |10263 |Transactions: Max active transaction time |pgsql.transactions.active |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Current max active transaction time |0 |30d |0 | |28683 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |28690 |18 | |10263 |Transactions: Max prepared transaction time |pgsql.transactions.prepared |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Current max prepared transaction time |0 |30d |0 | |28683 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -7758,7 +7831,7 @@ ROW |30607 |18 | |10318 |Container {#NAME}: Throttled periods
ROW |30608 |18 | |10318 |Container {#NAME}: Networks packets sent per second |docker.networks.tx_packets["{#NAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |30573 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30609 |18 | |10318 |Image {#NAME}: Created |docker.image.created["{#ID}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |unixtime| | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |30531 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30610 |18 | |10318 |Image {#NAME}: Size |docker.image.size["{#ID}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |30531 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |30613 |18 | |10319 |Memcached: Commands: FLUSH per second |memcached.commands.flush.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The flush_all command invalidates all items in the database. This operation incurs a performance penalty and shouldn’t take place in production, so check your debug scripts. |0 |30d |0 | |30612 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |30613 |18 | |10319 |Memcached: Commands: FLUSH per second |memcached.commands.flush.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The flush_all command invalidates all items in the database. This operation incurs a performance penalty and shouldn't take place in production, so check your debug scripts. |0 |30d |0 | |30612 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30614 |18 | |10319 |Memcached: Bytes used |memcached.stats.bytes |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Current number of bytes used to store items. |0 |30d |0 | |30612 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30615 |18 | |10319 |Memcached: Uptime |memcached.uptime |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of seconds since Memcached server start |0 |30d |0 | |30612 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30616 |18 | |10319 |Memcached: New items per second |memcached.stats.total_items.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of new items stored per second. |0 |30d |0 | |30612 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -7889,12 +7962,9 @@ ROW |30836 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: ZooKeeper wait time
ROW |30837 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: Replication lag across all tables |clickhouse.replicas.max.absolute.delay |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Maximum replica queue delay relative to current time |0 |30d |0 | |30824 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30838 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: Total number read-only Replicas |clickhouse.replicas.readonly.total |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |"Number of Replicated tables that are currently in readonly state &eol;due to re-initialization after ZooKeeper session loss &eol;or due to startup without ZooKeeper configured." |0 |30d |0 | |30826 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30839 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: Revision |clickhouse.revision |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Revision of the server. |0 |30d |0 | |30826 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |30840 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: ZooKeeper exceptions per second |clickhouse.zookeper.exeptions.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Count of ZooKeeper exceptions that does not belong to user/hardware exceptions. |0 |30d |0 | |30825 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30841 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: New SELECT queries per second |clickhouse.select_query.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of SELECT queries to be interpreted and potentially executed. Does not include queries that failed to parse or were rejected due to AST size limits, quota limits or limits on the number of simultaneously running queries. May include internal queries initiated by ClickHouse itself. Does not count subqueries. |0 |30d |0 | |30825 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |30842 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: ZooKeeper user exceptions per second |clickhouse.zookeper.user_exeptions.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Count of ZooKeeper exceptions caused by no znodes, bad version, node exists, node empty and no children for ephemeral. |0 |30d |0 | |30825 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30843 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: ZooKeeper sessions |clickhouse.zookeper.session |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of sessions (connections) to ZooKeeper. Should be no more than one. |0 |30d |0 | |30826 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30844 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: ZooKeeper requests |clickhouse.zookeper.request |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of requests to ZooKeeper in progress. |0 |30d |0 | |30826 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |30845 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: ZooKeeper hardware exceptions per second |clickhouse.zookeper.hw_exeptions.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Count of ZooKeeper exceptions caused by session moved/expired, connection loss, marshalling error, operation timed out and invalid zhandle state. |0 |30d |0 | |30825 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30846 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: Uptime |clickhouse.uptime |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of seconds since ClickHouse server start |0 |30d |0 | |30824 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30847 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: Current running queries |clickhouse.query.current |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of executing queries |0 |30d |0 | |30826 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30848 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: Current distribute connections |clickhouse.connections.distribute |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of connections to remote servers sending data that was INSERTed into Distributed tables. |0 |30d |0 | |30826 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -7930,9 +8000,9 @@ ROW |30877 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: Dictionary {#NAME}: Bytes allocat
ROW |30878 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: Dictionary {#NAME}: Element count |clickhouse.dictionary.element_count["{#NAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of items stored in the dictionary. |0 |30d |0 | |30830 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30879 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: Dictionary {#NAME}: Load factor |clickhouse.dictionary.load_factor["{#NAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The percentage filled in the dictionary (for a hashed dictionary, the percentage filled in the hash table). |0 |30d |0 | |30830 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30880 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE}: Active replicas |clickhouse.replica.active_replicas["{#DB}.{#TABLE}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of replicas of this table that have a session in ZooKeeper (i.e., the number of functioning replicas). (Have a non-zero value only where there is an active session with ZooKeeper). |0 |30d |0 | |30823 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |30881 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE}: Replica future parts |clickhouse.replica.future_parts["{#DB}.{#TABLE}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of data parts that will appear as the result of INSERTs or merges that haven’t been done yet. |0 |30d |0 | |30823 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |30881 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE}: Replica future parts |clickhouse.replica.future_parts["{#DB}.{#TABLE}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of data parts that will appear as the result of INSERTs or merges that haven't been done yet. |0 |30d |0 | |30823 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30882 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE}: Replica queue inserts size |clickhouse.replica.inserts_in_queue["{#DB}.{#TABLE}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of inserts of blocks of data that need to be made. |0 |30d |0 | |30823 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |30883 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE}: Replica readonly |clickhouse.replica.is_readonly["{#DB}.{#TABLE}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |95 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Whether the replica is in read-only mode.&eol;This mode is turned on if the config doesn’t have sections with ZooKeeper, if an unknown error occurred when reinitializing sessions in ZooKeeper, and during session reinitialization in ZooKeeper. |0 |30d |0 | |30823 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |30883 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE}: Replica readonly |clickhouse.replica.is_readonly["{#DB}.{#TABLE}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |95 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Whether the replica is in read-only mode.&eol;This mode is turned on if the config doesn't have sections with ZooKeeper, if an unknown error occurred when reinitializing sessions in ZooKeeper, and during session reinitialization in ZooKeeper. |0 |30d |0 | |30823 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30884 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE}: Replica session expired |clickhouse.replica.is_session_expired["{#DB}.{#TABLE}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |95 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |True if the ZooKeeper session expired |0 |30d |0 | |30823 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30885 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE}: Replica lag |clickhouse.replica.lag["{#DB}.{#TABLE}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Difference between log_max_index and log_pointer |0 |30d |0 | |30823 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30886 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE}: Replica log max index |clickhouse.replica.log_max_index["{#DB}.{#TABLE}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Maximum entry number in the log of general activity. (Have a non-zero value only where there is an active session with ZooKeeper). |0 |30d |0 | |30823 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -8012,7 +8082,6 @@ ROW |30964 |18 | |10324 |Etcd: Etcd peer {#ETCD.PEER}: Bytes received
ROW |30965 |18 | |10324 |Etcd: Etcd peer {#ETCD.PEER}: Bytes sent |etcd.bytes.sent.rate[{#ETCD.PEER}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |Bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The number of bytes sent to peer with ID {#ETCD.PEER} |0 |30d |0 | |30925 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30966 |18 | |10324 |Etcd: Etcd peer {#ETCD.PEER}: Receive failures failures |etcd.received.fail.rate[{#ETCD.PEER}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |rps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The number of receive failures from the peer with ID {#ETCD.PEER} |0 |30d |0 | |30925 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |30967 |18 | |10324 |Etcd: Etcd peer {#ETCD.PEER}: Send failures |etcd.sent.fail.rate[{#ETCD.PEER}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |rps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The number of send failures from peer with ID {#ETCD.PEER} |0 |30d |0 | |30925 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |31052 |18 | |10262 |Version |version |0 |1w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Version of Zabbix proxy. |0 |30d |0 | |28585 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31053 |18 | |10261 |Remote Zabbix server: Version |version |0 |1w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Version of Zabbix server. |0 |30d |0 | |28539 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31059 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Average latch wait time base |mssql.average_latch_wait_time_base |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |For internal use only. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31060 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Table lock escalations per second |mssql.table_lock_escalations.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of times locks on a table were escalated to the TABLE or HoBT granularity. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -8045,7 +8114,7 @@ ROW |31086 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Work files created per second
ROW |31087 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Work tables created per second |mssql.worktables_created_sec.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of work tables created per second. For example, work tables can be used to store temporary results for query spool, lob variables, XML variables, and cursors. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31088 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Worktables from cache ratio |mssql.worktables_from_cache_ratio |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Percentage of work tables created where the initial two pages of the work table were not allocated but were immediately available from the work table cache. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31089 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Memory grants outstanding |mssql.memory_grants_outstanding |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Specifies the total number of processes that have successfully acquired a workspace memory grant. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |31090 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Logouts per second |mssql.logouts_sec.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of logout operations started per second. Any value over 2 may indicate insufcient connection pooling. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |31090 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Logouts per second |mssql.logouts_sec.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of logout operations started per second. Any value over 2 may indicate insufficient connection pooling. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31091 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Average latch wait time raw |mssql.average_latch_wait_time_raw |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |ms | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average latch wait time (in milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31092 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Forwarded records per second |mssql.forwarded_records_sec.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of records per second fetched through forwarded record pointers. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31093 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Total average wait time base |mssql.average_wait_time_base |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |For internal use only. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -8062,7 +8131,7 @@ ROW |31103 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Database pages
ROW |31104 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Total errors per second |mssql.errors_sec.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of errors per second. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31105 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Failed auto-params per second |mssql.failed_autoparams_sec.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of failed auto-parameterization attempts per second. This number should be small. Note that auto-parameterizations are also known as simple parameterizations in the newer versions of SQL Server. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31106 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Free list stalls per second |mssql.free_list_stalls_sec.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |rps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Indicates the number of requests per second that had to wait for a free page. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |31107 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Logins per second |mssql.logins_sec.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of logins started per second. This does not include pooled connections. Any value over 2 may indicate insufcient connection pooling. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |31107 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Logins per second |mssql.logins_sec.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of logins started per second. This does not include pooled connections. Any value over 2 may indicate insufficient connection pooling. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31108 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Full scans per second |mssql.full_scans_sec.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of unrestricted full scans per second. These can be either base-table or full-index scans. Values greater than 1 or 2 indicate that there are table / Index page scans. If that is combined with high CPU, this counter requires further investigation, otherwise, if the full scans are on small tables, it can be ignored. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31109 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Granted Workspace Memory |mssql.granted_workspace_memory |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Specifies the total amount of memory currently granted to executing processes, such as hash, sort, bulk copy, and index creation operations. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31110 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL: Index searches per second |mssql.index_searches_sec.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of index searches per second. These are used to start a range scan, reposition a range scan, revalidate a scan point, fetch a single index record, and search down the index to locate where to insert a new row. |0 |30d |0 | |31055 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -8209,7 +8278,7 @@ ROW |31349 |18 | |10294 |Free swap space in %
ROW |31646 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Active user sessions |oracle.session_active_user |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The number of active user sessions. |0 |30d |0 | |31643 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31647 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Rows per sort |oracle.rows_per_sort |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The average number of rows per sort for all types of sorts performed. |0 |30d |0 | |31636 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31648 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Active background sessions |oracle.session_active_background |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The number of active background sessions. |0 |30d |0 | |31643 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |31649 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Sessions concurrency |oracle.session_concurrency_rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The percentage of concurrency. Concurrency is a DB behaviour when different transactions request to change the same resource - in case of modifying data transactions sequentially block temporarily the right to change data, the rest of the transactions are waiting for access. In the case when access for resource is locked for a long time, then the concurrency grows (like the transaction queue) and this often has an extremely negative impact on performance. A high contention value does not indicate the root cause of the problem, but is a signal to search for it. |0 |30d |0 | |31643 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |31649 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Sessions concurrency |oracle.session_concurrency_rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The percentage of concurrency. Concurrency is a DB behavior when different transactions request to change the same resource - in case of modifying data transactions sequentially block temporarily the right to change data, the rest of the transactions are waiting for access. In the case when access for resource is locked for a long time, then the concurrency grows (like the transaction queue) and this often has an extremely negative impact on performance. A high contention value does not indicate the root cause of the problem, but is a signal to search for it. |0 |30d |0 | |31643 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31650 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Session count |oracle.session_count |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Session count. |0 |30d |0 | |31643 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31651 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Inactive user sessions |oracle.session_inactive_user |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The number of inactive user sessions. |0 |30d |0 | |31643 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31652 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: SQL service response time |oracle.service_response_time |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |SQL service response time in seconds. |0 |30d |0 | |31636 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -8217,7 +8286,7 @@ ROW |31653 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Sessions limit
ROW |31654 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Sessions lock rate |oracle.session_lock_rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The percentage of locked sessions. Locks are mechanisms that prevent destructive interaction between transactions accessing the same resource—either user objects such as tables and rows or system objects not visible to users, such as shared data structures in memory and data dictionary rows. |0 |30d |0 | |31643 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31655 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Processes limit |oracle.processes_limit |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Max user processes. |0 |30d |0 | |31638 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31656 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Active parallel sessions |oracle.active_parallel_sessions |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The number of active parallel sessions. |0 |30d |0 | |31636 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |31657 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Sessions locked over {$ORACLE.SESSION.LOCK.MAX.TIME}s |oracle.session_long_time_locked |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Count of the prolongely locked sessions. (You can change maximum session lock duration in seconds for query by {$ORACLE.SESSION.LOCK.MAX.TIME} macro. Default 600 sec) |0 |30d |0 | |31643 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |31657 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Sessions locked over {$ORACLE.SESSION.LOCK.MAX.TIME}s |oracle.session_long_time_locked |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Count of the prolongedly locked sessions. (You can change maximum session lock duration in seconds for query by {$ORACLE.SESSION.LOCK.MAX.TIME} macro. Default 600 sec) |0 |30d |0 | |31643 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31658 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: SGA, buffer cache |oracle.sga_buffer_cache |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The size of the cache of standard blocks. |0 |30d |0 | |31633 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31659 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: SGA, fixed |oracle.sga_fixed |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |The fixed SGA is an internal housekeeping area. |0 |30d |0 | |31633 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31660 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: SGA, java pool |oracle.sga_java_pool |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Memory is allocated from the java pool. |0 |30d |0 | |31633 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -8268,7 +8337,7 @@ ROW |31704 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Physical reads per second
ROW |31705 |18 | |10333 |Oracle: Version |oracle.version |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Oracle Server version. |0 |30d |0 | |31637 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31711 |18 | |10333 |Archivelog '{#DEST_NAME}': Error |oracle.archivelog_error["{#DEST_NAME}"] |0 |7d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Displays the error text |0 |30d |0 | |31642 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31712 |18 | |10333 |Archivelog '{#DEST_NAME}': Last sequence |oracle.archivelog_log_sequence["{#DEST_NAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Identifies the sequence number of the last archived redo log to be archived |0 |30d |0 | |31642 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |31713 |18 | |10333 |Archivelog '{#DEST_NAME}': Status |oracle.archivelog_log_status["{#DEST_NAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |118 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Identifies the current status of the destination: 1 - 'Valid', 2 - 'Dederred',3 - 'Error', 0 - 'Unknown' |0 |30d |0 | |31642 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |31713 |18 | |10333 |Archivelog '{#DEST_NAME}': Status |oracle.archivelog_log_status["{#DEST_NAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |118 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Identifies the current status of the destination: 1 - 'Valid', 2 - 'Deferred',3 - 'Error', 0 - 'Unknown' |0 |30d |0 | |31642 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31714 |18 | |10333 |Oracle Database '{#DBNAME}': Force logging |oracle.db_force_logging["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |119 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Indicates whether the database is under force logging mode (YES) or not (NO) |0 |30d |0 | |31644 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31715 |18 | |10333 |Oracle Database '{#DBNAME}': Log mode |oracle.db_log_mode["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |120 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Archive log mode, 0 - 'NOARCHIVELOG', 1 - 'ARCHIVELOG', 2 - 'MANUAL' |0 |30d |0 | |31644 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |31716 |18 | |10333 |Oracle Database '{#DBNAME}': Open status |oracle.db_open_mode["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |112 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |1 - 'MOUNTED', 2 - 'READ WRITE', 3 - 'READ ONLY', 4 - 'READ ONLY WITH APPLY' (A physical standby database is open in real-time query mode) |0 |30d |0 | |31644 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -8531,7 +8600,7 @@ ROW |32745 |18 | |10355 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Critical warning
ROW |32746 |18 | |10355 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Power on hours |smart.disk.hours[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Count of hours in power-on state. The raw value of this attribute shows total count of hours (or minutes, or seconds, depending on manufacturer) in power-on state. "By default, the total expected lifetime of a hard disk in perfect condition is defined as 5 years (running every day and night on all days). This is equal to 1825 days in 24/7 mode or 43800 hours." On some pre-2005 drives, this raw value may advance erratically and/or "wrap around" (reset to zero periodically). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T.#Known_ATA_S.M.A.R.T._attributes |0 |30d |0 | |32741 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32747 |18 | |10355 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Media errors |smart.disk.media_errors[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Contains the number of occurrences where the controller detected an unrecovered data integrity error. Errors such as uncorrectable ECC, CRC checksum failure, or LBA tag mismatch are included in this field. |0 |30d |0 | |32741 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32748 |18 | |10355 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Device model |smart.disk.model[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |32741 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32749 |18 | |10355 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Percentage used |smart.disk.percentage_used[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Contains a vendor specific estimate of the percentage of NVM subsystem life used based on the actual usage and the manufacturer’s prediction of NVM life. A value of 100 indicates that the estimated endurance of the NVM in the NVM subsystem has been consumed, but may not indicate an NVM subsystem failure. The value is allowed to exceed 100. Percentages greater than 254 shall be represented as 255. This value shall be updated once per power-on hour (when the controller is not in a sleep state). |0 |30d |0 | |32741 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32749 |18 | |10355 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Percentage used |smart.disk.percentage_used[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Contains a vendor specific estimate of the percentage of NVM subsystem life used based on the actual usage and the manufacturer's prediction of NVM life. A value of 100 indicates that the estimated endurance of the NVM in the NVM subsystem has been consumed, but may not indicate an NVM subsystem failure. The value is allowed to exceed 100. Percentages greater than 254 shall be represented as 255. This value shall be updated once per power-on hour (when the controller is not in a sleep state). |0 |30d |0 | |32741 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32750 |18 | |10355 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Serial number |smart.disk.sn[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |32741 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32751 |18 | |10355 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Temperature |smart.disk.temperature[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |°C | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Current drive temperature. |0 |30d |0 | |32741 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32752 |18 | |10355 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Self-test passed |smart.disk.test[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The disk is passed the SMART self-test or not. |0 |30d |0 | |32741 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -8540,7 +8609,7 @@ ROW |32757 |18 | |10356 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Critical warning
ROW |32758 |18 | |10356 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Power on hours |smart.disk.hours[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Count of hours in power-on state. The raw value of this attribute shows total count of hours (or minutes, or seconds, depending on manufacturer) in power-on state. "By default, the total expected lifetime of a hard disk in perfect condition is defined as 5 years (running every day and night on all days). This is equal to 1825 days in 24/7 mode or 43800 hours." On some pre-2005 drives, this raw value may advance erratically and/or "wrap around" (reset to zero periodically). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T.#Known_ATA_S.M.A.R.T._attributes |0 |30d |0 | |32753 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32759 |18 | |10356 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Media errors |smart.disk.media_errors[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Contains the number of occurrences where the controller detected an unrecovered data integrity error. Errors such as uncorrectable ECC, CRC checksum failure, or LBA tag mismatch are included in this field. |0 |30d |0 | |32753 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32760 |18 | |10356 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Device model |smart.disk.model[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |32753 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |32761 |18 | |10356 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Percentage used |smart.disk.percentage_used[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Contains a vendor specific estimate of the percentage of NVM subsystem life used based on the actual usage and the manufacturer’s prediction of NVM life. A value of 100 indicates that the estimated endurance of the NVM in the NVM subsystem has been consumed, but may not indicate an NVM subsystem failure. The value is allowed to exceed 100. Percentages greater than 254 shall be represented as 255. This value shall be updated once per power-on hour (when the controller is not in a sleep state). |0 |30d |0 | |32753 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |32761 |18 | |10356 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Percentage used |smart.disk.percentage_used[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Contains a vendor specific estimate of the percentage of NVM subsystem life used based on the actual usage and the manufacturer's prediction of NVM life. A value of 100 indicates that the estimated endurance of the NVM in the NVM subsystem has been consumed, but may not indicate an NVM subsystem failure. The value is allowed to exceed 100. Percentages greater than 254 shall be represented as 255. This value shall be updated once per power-on hour (when the controller is not in a sleep state). |0 |30d |0 | |32753 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32762 |18 | |10356 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Serial number |smart.disk.sn[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |32753 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32763 |18 | |10356 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Temperature |smart.disk.temperature[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |°C | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Current drive temperature. |0 |30d |0 | |32753 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |32764 |18 | |10356 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Self-test passed |smart.disk.test[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The disk is passed the SMART self-test or not. |0 |30d |0 | |32753 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -8778,7 +8847,7 @@ ROW |33100 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB {#DBNAME}: Size, storage
ROW |33101 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: Apply batches, ms/s |mongodb.rs.apply.batches.ms.rate[{#RS_NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |ms/s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Fraction of time (ms/s) the mongod has spent applying operations from the oplog. |0 |30d |0 | |33017 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33102 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: Network readers created, rate |mongodb.rs.network.readers.rate[{#RS_NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of oplog query processes created per second. |0 |30d |0 | |33017 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33103 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: Number of unhealthy replicas |mongodb.rs.unhealthy_count[{#RS_NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The number of replicated nodes with member health value = 0. |0 |30d |0 | |33018 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |
-ROW |33104 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: Number of replicas |mongodb.rs.total_nodes[{#RS_NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The number of replucated nodes in current ReplicaSet. |0 |30d |0 | |33018 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |
+ROW |33104 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: Number of replicas |mongodb.rs.total_nodes[{#RS_NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The number of replicated nodes in current ReplicaSet. |0 |30d |0 | |33018 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |
ROW |33105 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: Node state |mongodb.rs.state[{#RS_NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |154 | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |An integer between 0 and 10 that represents the replica state of the current member. |0 |30d |0 | |33018 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33106 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: Preload indexes, rate |mongodb.rs.preload.indexes.rate[{#RS_NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of index entries loaded by members before updating documents as part of the pre-fetch stage of replication. |0 |30d |0 | |33017 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33107 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: Preload indexes, ms/s |mongodb.rs.preload.indexes.ms.rate[{#RS_NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |ms/s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Fraction of time (ms/s) spent loading documents as part of the pre-fetch stage of replication. |0 |30d |0 | |33017 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -8806,7 +8875,7 @@ ROW |33128 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: WiredTiger concurrent transactions:
ROW |33129 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: WiredTiger cache: unmodified pages evicted |mongodb.wired_tiger.cache.unmodified_pages_evicted[{#SINGLETON}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of pages, that were not modified, evicted from the cache. |0 |30d |0 | |33017 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33130 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: WiredTiger cache: in-memory page splits |mongodb.wired_tiger.cache.splits[{#SINGLETON}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |In-memory page splits. |0 |30d |0 | |33017 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33131 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: WiredTiger cache: max page size at eviction |mongodb.wired_tiger.cache.max_page_size_eviction[{#SINGLETON}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Maximum page size at eviction. |0 |30d |0 | |33017 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33132 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: WiredTiger cache: pages written from cache |mongodb.wired_tiger.cache.pages_written[{#SINGLETON}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of pages writtent from the cache. |0 |30d |0 | |33017 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33132 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: WiredTiger cache: pages written from cache |mongodb.wired_tiger.cache.pages_written[{#SINGLETON}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of pages written from the cache. |0 |30d |0 | |33017 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33133 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: WiredTiger cache: pages read into cache |mongodb.wired_tiger.cache.pages_read[{#SINGLETON}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of pages read into the cache. |0 |30d |0 | |33017 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33134 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: WiredTiger cache: pages held in cache |mongodb.wired_tiger.cache.pages_in_cache[{#SINGLETON}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of pages currently held in the cache. |0 |30d |0 | |33017 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33135 |18 | |10362 |MongoDB: WiredTiger cache: pages evicted by application threads, rate |mongodb.wired_tiger.cache.pages_evicted_threads.rate[{#SINGLETON}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of page evicted by application threads per second. |0 |30d |0 | |33017 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -8891,7 +8960,7 @@ ROW |33533 |18 | |10372 |{#NODENAME}: Software version
ROW |33534 |18 | |10372 |{#NODENAME}: Controller over temperature |netapp.nodes.controller.over_temperature[{#NODENAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Specifies whether the hardware is currently operating outside of its recommended temperature range. The hardware shuts down if the temperature exceeds critical thresholds. Possible values: over, normal |0 |30d |0 | |33484 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33535 |18 | |10372 |{#NODENAME}: Location |netapp.nodes.location[{#NODENAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The location of the node. |0 |30d |0 | |33484 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33536 |18 | |10372 |{#NODENAME}: Membership |netapp.nodes.membership[{#NODENAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Possible values:&eol; available - If a node is available, this means it is detected on the internal cluster network and can be added to the cluster. Nodes that have a membership of “available” are not returned when a GET request is called when the cluster exists. A query on the “membership” property for available must be provided to scan for nodes on the cluster network. Nodes that have a membership of “available” are returned automatically before a cluster is created.&eol; joining - Joining nodes are in the process of being added to the cluster. The node may be progressing through the steps to become a member or might have failed. The job to add the node or create the cluster provides details on the current progress of the node.&eol; member - Nodes that are members have successfully joined the cluster. |0 |30d |0 | |33484 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33537 |18 | |10372 |{#NODENAME}: State |netapp.nodes.state[{#NODENAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |State of the node:&eol;up - Node is up and operational.&eol;booting - Node is booting up.&eol;down - Node has stopped or is dumping core.&eol;taken_over - Node has been taken over by its HA partner and is not yet waiting for giveback.&eol;waiting_for_giveback - Node has been taken over by its HA partner and is waiting for the HA partner to giveback disks.&eol;degraded - Node has one or more critical services offline.&eol;unknown - Node or its HA partner cannot be contacted and there is no information on the node’s state. |0 |30d |0 | |33484 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33537 |18 | |10372 |{#NODENAME}: State |netapp.nodes.state[{#NODENAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |State of the node:&eol;up - Node is up and operational.&eol;booting - Node is booting up.&eol;down - Node has stopped or is dumping core.&eol;taken_over - Node has been taken over by its HA partner and is not yet waiting for giveback.&eol;waiting_for_giveback - Node has been taken over by its HA partner and is waiting for the HA partner to giveback disks.&eol;degraded - Node has one or more critical services offline.&eol;unknown - Node or its HA partner cannot be contacted and there is no information on the node's state. |0 |30d |0 | |33484 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33538 |18 | |10372 |{#NODENAME}: Uptime |netapp.nodes.uptime[{#NODENAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The total time, in seconds, that the node has been up. |0 |30d |0 | |33484 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33539 |18 | |10372 |{#ETHPORTNAME}: State |netapp.port.eth.state[{#NODENAME},{#ETHPORTNAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The operational state of the port. Possible values: up, down. |0 |30d |0 | |33483 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33540 |18 | |10372 |{#FCPORTNAME}: Description |netapp.port.fc.description[{#NODENAME},{#FCPORTNAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |A description of the FC port. |0 |30d |0 | |33482 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -8917,10 +8986,10 @@ ROW |33559 |18 | |10372 |{#VOLUMENAME}: Volume IOPS raw, write
ROW |33560 |18 | |10372 |{#VOLUMENAME}: Volume IOPS raw, total |netapp.volume.statistics.iops_raw.total[{#VOLUMENAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |!iops | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The number of I/O operations observed at the storage object. Performance metric aggregated over all types of I/O operations. |0 |30d |0 | |33492 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33561 |18 | |10372 |{#VOLUMENAME}: Volume IOPS raw, read |netapp.volume.statistics.iops_raw.read[{#VOLUMENAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |!iops | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The number of I/O operations observed at the storage object. Performance metric for read I/O operations. |0 |30d |0 | |33492 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33562 |18 | |10372 |{#VOLUMENAME}: Volume IOPS raw, other |netapp.volume.statistics.iops_raw.other[{#VOLUMENAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |!iops | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The number of I/O operations observed at the storage object. Performance metric for other I/O operations. Other I/O operations can be metadata operations, such as directory lookups and so on. |0 |30d |0 | |33492 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33563 |18 | |10372 |{#VOLUMENAME}: State |netapp.volume.state[{#VOLUMENAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Volume state. A volume can only be brought online if it is offline. Taking a volume offline removes its junction path. The ‘mixed’ state applies to FlexGroup volumes only and cannot be specified as a target state. An ‘error’ state implies that the volume is not in a state to serve data. |0 |30d |0 | |33492 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33563 |18 | |10372 |{#VOLUMENAME}: State |netapp.volume.state[{#VOLUMENAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Volume state. A volume can only be brought online if it is offline. Taking a volume offline removes its junction path. The 'mixed' state applies to FlexGroup volumes only and cannot be specified as a target state. An 'error' state implies that the volume is not in a state to serve data. |0 |30d |0 | |33492 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33564 |18 | |10372 |{#VOLUMENAME}: Used size |netapp.volume.space_used[{#VOLUMENAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The virtual space used (includes volume reserves) before storage efficiency, in bytes. |0 |30d |0 | |33492 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33565 |18 | |10372 |{#VOLUMENAME}: Space size |netapp.volume.space_size[{#VOLUMENAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total provisioned size. The default size is equal to the minimum size of 20MB, in bytes. |0 |30d |0 | |33492 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |33566 |18 | |10372 |{#VOLUMENAME}: Type |netapp.volume.type[{#VOLUMENAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Type of the volume.&eol;rw ‐ read-write volume.&eol;dp ‐ data-protection volume.&eol;ls ‐ load-sharing dp volume. |0 |30d |0 | |33492 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |33566 |18 | |10372 |{#VOLUMENAME}: Type |netapp.volume.type[{#VOLUMENAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Type of the volume.&eol;rw - read-write volume.&eol;dp - data-protection volume.&eol;ls - load-sharing dp volume. |0 |30d |0 | |33492 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |33567 |18 | |10363 |MongoDB cluster: Configserver heartbeat |mongodb.config_server_heartbeat |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Difference between the latest optime of the CSRS primary that the mongos has seen and cluster time. |0 |30d |0 | |33140 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |34176 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL DB '{#DBNAME}': Last diff backup duration |mssql.backup.diff.duration["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Duration of the last differential backup. |0 |30d |0 | |34174 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |34177 |18 | |10327 |MSSQL DB '{#DBNAME}': Last diff backup (time ago) |mssql.backup.diff["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The amount of time since the last differential backup. |0 |30d |0 | |34174 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -8996,7 +9065,7 @@ ROW |34904 |18 | |10399 |Nginx: HTTP upstream [{#UPSTREAM}] peer [{#PE
ROW |34905 |18 | |10399 |Nginx: HTTP upstream [{#UPSTREAM}] peer [{#PEER}]: Unavail |nginx.http.upstream.peer.unavail.rate[{#UPSTREAM},{#PEER}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |How many times the server became unavailable for client requests (state “unavail”) due to the number of unsuccessful attempts reaching the max_fails threshold. |0 |30d |0 | |34842 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |34906 |18 | |10399 |Nginx: HTTP upstream [{#NAME}]: Keepalive |nginx.http.upstreams.keepalive[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The current number of idle keepalive connections. |0 |30d |0 | |34842 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |34907 |18 | |10399 |Nginx: HTTP upstream [{#NAME}]: Zombies |nginx.http.upstreams.zombies[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The current number of servers removed from the group but still processing active client requests. |0 |30d |0 | |34842 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |34908 |18 | |10399 |Nginx: HTTP upstream [{#NAME}]: Zone |nginx.http.upstreams.zone[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The name of the shared memory zone that keeps the group’s configuration and run-time state. |0 |30d |0 | |34842 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |34908 |18 | |10399 |Nginx: HTTP upstream [{#NAME}]: Zone |nginx.http.upstreams.zone[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The name of the shared memory zone that keeps the group's configuration and run-time state. |0 |30d |0 | |34842 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |34909 |18 | |10399 |Nginx: Resolver [{#NAME}]: Requests addr, rate |nginx.resolvers.requests.addr.rate[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The total number of requests to resolve addresses to names per second. |0 |30d |0 | |34839 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |34910 |18 | |10399 |Nginx: Resolver [{#NAME}]: Requests name, rate |nginx.resolvers.requests.name.rate[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The total number of requests to resolve names to addresses per second. |0 |30d |0 | |34839 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |34911 |18 | |10399 |Nginx: Resolver [{#NAME}]: Requests srv, rate |nginx.resolvers.requests.srv.rate[{#NAME}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |The total number of requests to resolve SRV records per second. |0 |30d |0 | |34839 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -9177,56 +9246,6 @@ ROW |36619 |18 | |10298 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Interface ty
ROW |36623 |18 | |10355 |SMART [{#NAME}]: ID {#ID} {#ATTRNAME} raw value |smart.disk.attr.raw[{#NAME},{#ID}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |32741 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36624 |18 | |10356 |SMART [{#NAME}]: ID {#ID} {#ATTRNAME} raw value |smart.disk.attr.raw[{#NAME},{#ID}] |0 |7d |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |32753 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36625 |18 | |10318 |Container {#NAME}: CPU percent usage |docker.container_stats.cpu_pct_usage["{#NAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |30573 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36651 |18 | |10432 |Transactions: Max idle transaction time |pgsql.transactions.idle |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Current max idle transaction time |0 |30d |0 | |36646 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36652 |18 | |10432 |Transactions: Max active transaction time |pgsql.transactions.active |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Current max active transaction time |0 |30d |0 | |36646 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36653 |18 | |10432 |Transactions: Max prepared transaction time |pgsql.transactions.prepared |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Current max prepared transaction time |0 |30d |0 | |36646 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36654 |18 | |10432 |Transactions: Max waiting transaction time |pgsql.transactions.waiting |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Current max waiting transaction time |0 |30d |0 | |36646 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36655 |18 | |10432 |WAL: Segments count |pgsql.wal.count |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of WAL segments |0 |30d |0 | |36649 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36656 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Buffers allocated per second |pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_alloc.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |Bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of buffers allocated |0 |30d |0 | |36645 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36657 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Buffers backend fsync per second |pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_backend_fsync.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of times a backend had to execute its own fsync call (normally the background writer handles those even when the backend does its own write) |0 |30d |0 | |36645 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36658 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Scheduled checkpoints per second |pgsql.bgwriter.checkpoints_timed.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of scheduled checkpoints that have been performed |0 |30d |0 | |36645 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36659 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Buffers written directly by a backend per second |pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_backend.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |Bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of buffers written directly by a backend |0 |30d |0 | |36645 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36660 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Buffers written during checkpoints per second |pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_checkpoint.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |Bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of buffers written during checkpoints |0 |30d |0 | |36645 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36661 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Buffers written by the background writer per second |pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_clean.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |Bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of buffers written by the background writer |0 |30d |0 | |36645 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36662 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Checkpoint sync time |pgsql.bgwriter.checkpoint_sync_time |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are synchronized to disk |0 |30d |0 | |36645 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36663 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Checkpoint write time |pgsql.bgwriter.checkpoint_write_time |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are written to disk, in milliseconds |0 |30d |0 | |36645 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36664 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Requested checkpoints per second |pgsql.bgwriter.checkpoints_req.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of requested checkpoints that have been performed |0 |30d |0 | |36645 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36665 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Max written per second |pgsql.bgwriter.maxwritten_clean.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of times the background writer stopped a cleaning scan because it had written too many buffers |0 |30d |0 | |36645 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36666 |18 | |10432 |Connections sum: Waiting |pgsql.connections.sum.waiting |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of waiting connections&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/monitoring-stats.html#WAIT-EVENT-TABLE |0 |30d |0 | |36634 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36667 |18 | |10432 |Connections sum: Active |pgsql.connections.sum.active |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of connections executing a query |0 |30d |0 | |36634 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36668 |18 | |10432 |Connections sum: Idle |pgsql.connections.sum.idle |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of connections waiting for a new client command |0 |30d |0 | |36634 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36669 |18 | |10432 |Connections sum: Idle in transaction |pgsql.connections.sum.idle_in_transaction |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of connections in a transaction state, but not executing a query |0 |30d |0 | |36634 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36670 |18 | |10432 |Connections sum: Prepared |pgsql.connections.sum.prepared |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of prepared transactions&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-prepare-transaction.html |0 |30d |0 | |36634 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36671 |18 | |10432 |Connections sum: Total |pgsql.connections.sum.total |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of connections |0 |30d |0 | |36634 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36672 |18 | |10432 |Connections sum: Total % |pgsql.connections.sum.total_pct |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of connections in percentage |0 |30d |0 | |36634 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36673 |18 | |10432 |WAL: Bytes written |pgsql.wal.write |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |WAL write in bytes |0 |30d |0 | |36649 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36678 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Detected conflicts per second |pgsql.dbstat.conflicts.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of queries canceled due to conflicts with recovery in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36650 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36679 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Locks total |pgsql.locks.total["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of locks in the database |0 |30d |0 | |36635 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36680 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Sequential scans per second |pgsql.scans.seq.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of sequential scans in the database |0 |30d |0 | |36677 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36681 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Index scans per second |pgsql.scans.idx.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of index scans in the database |0 |30d |0 | |36677 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36682 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries sum transaction time |pgsql.queries.tx.time_sum["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Sum transaction query time |0 |30d |0 | |36638 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36683 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries max transaction time |pgsql.queries.tx.time_max["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Max transaction query time |0 |30d |0 | |36638 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36684 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries slow transaction count |pgsql.queries.tx.slow_count["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Slow transaction query count |0 |30d |0 | |36638 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36685 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries sum query time |pgsql.queries.query.time_sum["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Sum query time |0 |30d |0 | |36638 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36686 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries max query time |pgsql.queries.query.time_max["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Max query time |0 |30d |0 | |36638 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36687 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries slow query count |pgsql.queries.query.slow_count["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Slow query count |0 |30d |0 | |36638 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36688 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries sum maintenance time |pgsql.queries.mro.time_sum["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Sum maintenance query time |0 |30d |0 | |36638 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36689 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries max maintenance time |pgsql.queries.mro.time_max["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Max maintenance query time |0 |30d |0 | |36638 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36690 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries slow maintenance count |pgsql.queries.mro.slow_count["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Slow maintenance query count |0 |30d |0 | |36638 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36691 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Disk blocks read per second |pgsql.dbstat.blks_read.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of disk blocks read in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36650 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36692 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Detected deadlocks per second |pgsql.dbstat.deadlocks.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of detected deadlocks in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36650 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36693 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Blocks hit per second |pgsql.dbstat.blks_hit.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache, so that a read was not necessary |0 |30d |0 | |36650 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36694 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Frozen XID before avtovacuum % |pgsql.frozenxid.prc_before_av["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |reventing Transaction ID Wraparound Failures&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/routine-vacuuming.html#VACUUM-FOR-WRAPAROUND |0 |30d |0 | |36676 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36695 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Rollbacks per second |pgsql.dbstat.xact_rollback.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of transactions in this database that have been rolled back |0 |30d |0 | |36650 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36696 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Commits per second |pgsql.dbstat.xact_commit.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of transactions in this database that have been committed |0 |30d |0 | |36650 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36697 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Tuples updated per second |pgsql.dbstat.tup_updated.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of rows updated by queries in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36650 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36698 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Tuples returned per second |pgsql.dbstat.tup_returned.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of rows updated by queries in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36650 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36699 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Tuples inserted per second |pgsql.dbstat.tup_inserted.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of rows inserted by queries in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36650 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36700 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Tuples fetched per second |pgsql.dbstat.tup_fetched.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of rows fetched by queries in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36650 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36701 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Tuples deleted per second |pgsql.dbstat.tup_deleted.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of rows deleted by queries in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36650 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36702 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Temp_files created per second |pgsql.dbstat.temp_files.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of temporary files created by queries in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36650 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36703 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Temp_bytes written per second |pgsql.dbstat.temp_bytes.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36650 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
-ROW |36704 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Frozen XID before stop % |pgsql.frozenxid.prc_before_stop["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Preventing Transaction ID Wraparound Failures&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/routine-vacuuming.html#VACUUM-FOR-WRAPAROUND |0 |30d |0 | |36676 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36724 |18 | |10433 |Dbstat: Rows fetched |pgsql.dbstat.sum.tup_fetched.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of rows fetched by queries |0 |30d |0 | |36709 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36725 |18 | |10433 |Dbstat: Number temp bytes |pgsql.dbstat.sum.temp_files.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of temporary files created by queries |0 |30d |0 | |36709 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36726 |18 | |10433 |Dbstat: Number temp bytes |pgsql.dbstat.sum.temp_bytes.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |b | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries |0 |30d |0 | |36709 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
@@ -9300,6 +9319,96 @@ ROW |36798 |18 | |10433 |DB {#DBNAME}: Num of total locks
ROW |36799 |18 | |10433 |Application {#APPLICATION_NAME}: Replication flush lag |pgsql.replication.process.flush_lag["{#APPLICATION_NAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |36717 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36800 |18 | |10433 |Application {#APPLICATION_NAME}: Replication replay lag |pgsql.replication.process.replay_lag["{#APPLICATION_NAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |36717 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
ROW |36801 |18 | |10433 |Application {#APPLICATION_NAME}: Replication write lag |pgsql.replication.process.write_lag["{#APPLICATION_NAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL | |0 |30d |0 | |36717 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36844 |18 | |10434 |CPU discovery |cpu.discovery |0 |90d |0 |0 |4 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |1 |NULL |This discovery will create set of per core CPU metrics from UCD-SNMP-MIB, using {#CPU.COUNT} in preprocessing. That's the only reason why LLD is used. |0 |30d |0 | |36805 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36887 |18 | |10434 |PFSense: CPU utilization |system.cpu.util[{#SNMPINDEX}] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |CPU utilization in % |0 |30d |0 | |36848 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36896 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: History index cache, % used |wcache.index.pused |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache. Percentage of used history index buffer.&eol;History index cache is used to index values stored in history cache. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36897 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Required performance |requiredperformance |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Required performance of Zabbix proxy, in new values per second expected. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36898 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Uptime |uptime |0 |1w |365d |0 |3 | |uptime | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Uptime of Zabbix proxy process in seconds. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36899 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Version |version |0 |1w |0 |0 |1 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Version of Zabbix proxy. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36900 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: VMware cache, % used |vmware.buffer.pused |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Availability statistics of Zabbix vmware cache. Percentage of used buffer. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36901 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: History write cache, % used |wcache.history.pused |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache. Percentage of used history buffer.&eol;History cache is used to store item values. A high number indicates performance problems on the database side. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36902 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Number of processed numeric (float) values per second |wcache.values.float |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of processed float values. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36903 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Number of processed values per second |wcache.values |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Total number of values processed by Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy, except unsupported items. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36904 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of vmware data collector processes, in % |process.vmware_collector.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time vmware collector processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36905 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Number of processed log values per second |wcache.values.log |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of processed log values. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36906 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Number of processed not supported values per second |wcache.values.not_supported |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of times item processing resulted in item becoming unsupported or keeping that state. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36907 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Number of processed character values per second |wcache.values.str |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of processed character/string values. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36908 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Number of processed text values per second |wcache.values.text |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of processed text values. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36909 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Number of processed numeric (unsigned) values per second |wcache.values.uint |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Statistics and availability of Zabbix write cache.&eol;Number of processed numeric (unsigned) values. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36910 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Configuration cache, % used |rcache.buffer.pused |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Availability statistics of Zabbix configuration cache. Percentage of used buffer. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36911 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Preprocessing queue |preprocessing_queue |0 |1w |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Count of values enqueued in the preprocessing queue. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36912 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of configuration syncer internal processes, in % |process.configuration_syncer.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time configuration syncer processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36913 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of ipmi manager internal processes, in % |process.ipmi_manager.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time ipmi manager processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36914 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of data sender internal processes, in % |process.data_sender.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time data sender processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36915 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of discoverer data collector processes, in % |process.discoverer.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time discoverer processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36916 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of heartbeat sender internal processes, in % |process.heartbeat_sender.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time heartbeat sender processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36917 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of history syncer internal processes, in % |process.history_syncer.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time history syncer processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36918 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of housekeeper internal processes, in % |process.housekeeper.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time housekeeper processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36919 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of http poller data collector processes, in % |process.http_poller.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time http poller processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36920 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of icmp pinger data collector processes, in % |process.icmp_pinger.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time icmp pinger processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36921 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of ipmi poller data collector processes, in % |process.ipmi_poller.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time ipmi poller processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36922 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of trapper data collector processes, in % |process.trapper.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time trapper processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36923 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of java poller data collector processes, in % |process.java_poller.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time java poller processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36924 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of poller data collector processes, in % |process.poller.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time poller processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36925 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of preprocessing manager internal processes, in % |process.preprocessing_manager.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time preprocessing manager processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36926 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of preprocessing worker internal processes, in % |process.preprocessing_worker.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time preprocessing worker processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36927 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of self-monitoring internal processes, in % |process.self-monitoring.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time self-monitoring processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36928 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of snmp trapper data collector processes, in % |process.snmp_trapper.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time snmp trapper processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36929 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of task manager internal processes, in % |process.task_manager.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time task manager processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36930 |18 | |10262 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of unreachable poller data collector processes, in % |process.unreachable_poller.avg.busy |0 |1w |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Average percentage of time unreachable poller processes have been busy in the last minute. |0 |30d |0 | |36893 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36931 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: ZooKeeper exceptions per second |clickhouse.zookeper.exceptions.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Count of ZooKeeper exceptions that does not belong to user/hardware exceptions. |0 |30d |0 | |30825 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36932 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: ZooKeeper hardware exceptions per second |clickhouse.zookeper.hw_exceptions.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Count of ZooKeeper exceptions caused by session moved/expired, connection loss, marshalling error, operation timed out and invalid zhandle state. |0 |30d |0 | |30825 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36933 |18 | |10323 |ClickHouse: ZooKeeper user exceptions per second |clickhouse.zookeper.user_exceptions.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Count of ZooKeeper exceptions caused by no znodes, bad version, node exists, node empty and no children for ephemeral. |0 |30d |0 | |30825 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36951 |18 | |10432 |Transactions: Max idle transaction time |pgsql.transactions.idle |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Current max idle transaction time |0 |30d |0 | |36946 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36952 |18 | |10432 |Transactions: Max active transaction time |pgsql.transactions.active |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Current max active transaction time |0 |30d |0 | |36946 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36953 |18 | |10432 |Transactions: Max prepared transaction time |pgsql.transactions.prepared |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Current max prepared transaction time |0 |30d |0 | |36946 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36954 |18 | |10432 |Transactions: Max waiting transaction time |pgsql.transactions.waiting |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Current max waiting transaction time |0 |30d |0 | |36946 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36955 |18 | |10432 |WAL: Segments count |pgsql.wal.count |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of WAL segments |0 |30d |0 | |36949 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36956 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Buffers allocated per second |pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_alloc.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |Bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of buffers allocated |0 |30d |0 | |36945 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36957 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Buffers backend fsync per second |pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_backend_fsync.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of times a backend had to execute its own fsync call (normally the background writer handles those even when the backend does its own write) |0 |30d |0 | |36945 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36958 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Scheduled checkpoints per second |pgsql.bgwriter.checkpoints_timed.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of scheduled checkpoints that have been performed |0 |30d |0 | |36945 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36959 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Buffers written directly by a backend per second |pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_backend.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |Bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of buffers written directly by a backend |0 |30d |0 | |36945 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36960 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Buffers written during checkpoints per second |pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_checkpoint.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |Bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of buffers written during checkpoints |0 |30d |0 | |36945 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36961 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Buffers written by the background writer per second |pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_clean.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |Bps | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of buffers written by the background writer |0 |30d |0 | |36945 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36962 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Checkpoint sync time |pgsql.bgwriter.checkpoint_sync_time |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are synchronized to disk |0 |30d |0 | |36945 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36963 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Checkpoint write time |pgsql.bgwriter.checkpoint_write_time |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are written to disk, in milliseconds |0 |30d |0 | |36945 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36964 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Requested checkpoints per second |pgsql.bgwriter.checkpoints_req.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of requested checkpoints that have been performed |0 |30d |0 | |36945 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36965 |18 | |10432 |Bgwriter: Max written per second |pgsql.bgwriter.maxwritten_clean.rate |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Number of times the background writer stopped a cleaning scan because it had written too many buffers |0 |30d |0 | |36945 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36966 |18 | |10432 |Connections sum: Waiting |pgsql.connections.sum.waiting |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of waiting connections&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/monitoring-stats.html#WAIT-EVENT-TABLE |0 |30d |0 | |36934 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36967 |18 | |10432 |Connections sum: Active |pgsql.connections.sum.active |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of connections executing a query |0 |30d |0 | |36934 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36968 |18 | |10432 |Connections sum: Idle |pgsql.connections.sum.idle |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of connections waiting for a new client command |0 |30d |0 | |36934 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36969 |18 | |10432 |Connections sum: Idle in transaction |pgsql.connections.sum.idle_in_transaction |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of connections in a transaction state, but not executing a query |0 |30d |0 | |36934 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36970 |18 | |10432 |Connections sum: Prepared |pgsql.connections.sum.prepared |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of prepared transactions&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-prepare-transaction.html |0 |30d |0 | |36934 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36971 |18 | |10432 |Connections sum: Total |pgsql.connections.sum.total |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of connections |0 |30d |0 | |36934 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36972 |18 | |10432 |Connections sum: Total % |pgsql.connections.sum.total_pct |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |Total number of connections in percentage |0 |30d |0 | |36934 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36973 |18 | |10432 |WAL: Bytes written |pgsql.wal.write |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |0 |NULL |WAL write in bytes |0 |30d |0 | |36949 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36978 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Detected conflicts per second |pgsql.dbstat.conflicts.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of queries canceled due to conflicts with recovery in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36950 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36979 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Locks total |pgsql.locks.total["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of locks in the database |0 |30d |0 | |36935 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36980 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Sequential scans per second |pgsql.scans.seq.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of sequential scans in the database |0 |30d |0 | |36977 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36981 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Index scans per second |pgsql.scans.idx.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of index scans in the database |0 |30d |0 | |36977 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36982 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries sum transaction time |pgsql.queries.tx.time_sum["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Sum transaction query time |0 |30d |0 | |36938 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36983 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries max transaction time |pgsql.queries.tx.time_max["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Max transaction query time |0 |30d |0 | |36938 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36984 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries slow transaction count |pgsql.queries.tx.slow_count["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Slow transaction query count |0 |30d |0 | |36938 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36985 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries sum query time |pgsql.queries.query.time_sum["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Sum query time |0 |30d |0 | |36938 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36986 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries max query time |pgsql.queries.query.time_max["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Max query time |0 |30d |0 | |36938 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36987 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries slow query count |pgsql.queries.query.slow_count["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Slow query count |0 |30d |0 | |36938 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36988 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries sum maintenance time |pgsql.queries.mro.time_sum["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Sum maintenance query time |0 |30d |0 | |36938 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36989 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries max maintenance time |pgsql.queries.mro.time_max["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |s | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Max maintenance query time |0 |30d |0 | |36938 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36990 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries slow maintenance count |pgsql.queries.mro.slow_count["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Slow maintenance query count |0 |30d |0 | |36938 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36991 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Disk blocks read per second |pgsql.dbstat.blks_read.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of disk blocks read in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36950 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36992 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Detected deadlocks per second |pgsql.dbstat.deadlocks.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of detected deadlocks in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36950 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36993 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Blocks hit per second |pgsql.dbstat.blks_hit.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache, so that a read was not necessary |0 |30d |0 | |36950 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36994 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Frozen XID before avtovacuum % |pgsql.frozenxid.prc_before_av["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |reventing Transaction ID Wraparound Failures&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/routine-vacuuming.html#VACUUM-FOR-WRAPAROUND |0 |30d |0 | |36976 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36995 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Rollbacks per second |pgsql.dbstat.xact_rollback.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of transactions in this database that have been rolled back |0 |30d |0 | |36950 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36996 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Commits per second |pgsql.dbstat.xact_commit.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Number of transactions in this database that have been committed |0 |30d |0 | |36950 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36997 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Tuples updated per second |pgsql.dbstat.tup_updated.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of rows updated by queries in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36950 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36998 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Tuples returned per second |pgsql.dbstat.tup_returned.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of rows updated by queries in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36950 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |36999 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Tuples inserted per second |pgsql.dbstat.tup_inserted.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of rows inserted by queries in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36950 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |37000 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Tuples fetched per second |pgsql.dbstat.tup_fetched.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of rows fetched by queries in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36950 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |37001 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Tuples deleted per second |pgsql.dbstat.tup_deleted.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of rows deleted by queries in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36950 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |37002 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Temp_files created per second |pgsql.dbstat.temp_files.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | | | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total number of temporary files created by queries in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36950 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |37003 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Temp_bytes written per second |pgsql.dbstat.temp_bytes.rate["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |3 | |B | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database |0 |30d |0 | |36950 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
+ROW |37004 |18 | |10432 |DB {#DBNAME}: Frozen XID before stop % |pgsql.frozenxid.prc_before_stop["{#DBNAME}"] |0 |7d |365d |0 |0 | |% | | |NULL |NULL | | |0 | | | | |2 |NULL |Preventing Transaction ID Wraparound Failures&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/routine-vacuuming.html#VACUUM-FOR-WRAPAROUND |0 |30d |0 | |36976 |3s | | | |200 |1 |0 | |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |
TABLE |items
FIELDS|itemid|type|snmp_oid|hostid|name |key_ |delay|history|trends|status|value_type|trapper_hosts|units|formula|logtimefmt|templateid|valuemapid|params|ipmi_sensor|authtype|username|password|publickey|privatekey|flags|interfaceid|description |inventory_link|lifetime|evaltype|jmx_endpoint|master_itemid|timeout|url |query_fields|posts|status_codes|follow_redirects|post_type|headers|retrieve_mode|request_method|output_format|verify_peer|verify_host|allow_traps|discover|
@@ -10492,25 +10601,6 @@ ROW |13416 |{12803}>0
ROW |13418 |{12805}>0 |Host information was changed on {HOST.NAME} | |0 |1 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |13419 |{12806}<0 |{HOST.NAME} has just been restarted | |0 |1 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |13420 |{12807}>0 |/etc/passwd has been changed on {HOST.NAME} | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13517 |{12946}>75 |More than 75% used in the configuration cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing CacheSize in the zabbix_proxy.conf configuration file |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13518 |{12947}>75 |More than 75% used in the history cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing HistoryCacheSize in the zabbix_proxy.conf configuration file |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13519 |{12948}>75 |More than 75% used in the history index cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing HistoryIndexCacheSize in the zabbix_proxy.conf configuration file |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13520 |{12949}>100 |More than 100 items having missing data for more than 10 minutes | |0 |2 |zabbix[queue,10m] item is collecting data about how many items are missing data for more than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13521 |{13206}>75 |Zabbix configuration syncer processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13206}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13522 |{13208}>75 |Zabbix discoverer processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13208}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13523 |{13210}>75 |Zabbix history syncer processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13210}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13524 |{13211}>75 |Zabbix housekeeper processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13211}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13525 |{13212}>75 |Zabbix http poller processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13212}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13526 |{13213}>75 |Zabbix icmp pinger processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13213}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13527 |{13214}>75 |Zabbix ipmi poller processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13214}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13528 |{13215}>75 |Zabbix java poller processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13215}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13529 |{13216}>75 |Zabbix poller processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13216}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13530 |{13217}>75 |Zabbix self-monitoring processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13217}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13531 |{13218}>75 |Zabbix snmp trapper processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13218}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13532 |{13219}>75 |Zabbix trapper processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13219}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13533 |{13220}>75 |Zabbix unreachable poller processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13220}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13534 |{13207}>75 |Zabbix data sender processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13207}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13535 |{13209}>75 |Zabbix heartbeat sender processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13209}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |13544 |{12994}=0 |FTP service is down on {HOST.NAME} | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |13545 |{12995}=0 |HTTP service is down on {HOST.NAME} | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |13546 |{12996}=0 |HTTPS service is down on {HOST.NAME} | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -10521,8 +10611,6 @@ ROW |13550 |{13156}=0
ROW |13551 |{13152}=0 |POP service is down on {HOST.NAME} | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |13552 |{13157}=0 |SMTP service is down on {HOST.NAME} | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |13553 |{13158}=0 |SSH service is down on {HOST.NAME} | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13564 |{13224}>75 |Zabbix ipmi manager processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13224}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |13565 |{13225}>75 |Zabbix task manager processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{13225}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |14251 |{14378}=0 |Unavailable by ICMP ping | |0 |4 |Last three attempts returned timeout. Please check device connectivity. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |14252 |{14379}>{$ICMP_LOSS_WARN} and {14379}<100 |High ICMP ping loss | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Loss: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |14253 |{14380}>{$ICMP_RESPONSE_TIME_WARN} |High ICMP ping response time | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
@@ -10640,8 +10728,6 @@ ROW |15395 |{16928}=1
ROW |15398 |{16935}=1 |#{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the fan unit |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |15399 |{16936}=1 |#{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |15493 |{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and ({17243}=2 and {17244}=1) |Interface {#IFDESCR}: Link down | |0 |3 |This trigger expression works as follows:&eol;1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.&eol;2. {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 - user can redefine Context macro to value - 0. That marks this interface as not important. No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down.&eol;3. {TEMPLATE_NAME:METRIC.diff()}=1) - trigger fires only if operational status was up(1) sometime before. (So, do not fire 'ethernal off' interfaces.)&eol;&eol;WARNING: if closed manually - won't fire again on next poll, because of .diff. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{17243}<>2 |0 | |1 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
-ROW |15640 |{17657}>75 |More than 75% used in the vmware cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing VMwareCacheSize in the zabbix_proxy.conf configuration file |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15641 |{17658}>75 |Zabbix vmware collector processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{17658}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |15671 |{17692}<0 and {17693}>0&eol;and (&eol;{17694}=6 or&eol;{17694}=7 or&eol;{17694}=11 or&eol;{17694}=62 or&eol;{17694}=69 or&eol;{17694}=117&eol;)&eol;and&eol;({17695}<>2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before | |0 |1 |This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({17692}>0 and {17696}>0) or&eol;({17695}=2) |0 | |1 |Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |15695 |{17812}<0 and {17813}>0&eol;and (&eol;{17814}=6 or&eol;{17814}=7 or&eol;{17814}=11 or&eol;{17814}=62 or&eol;{17814}=69 or&eol;{17814}=117&eol;)&eol;and&eol;({17815}<>2) |Interface {#IFDESCR}: Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before | |0 |1 |This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({17812}>0 and {17816}>0) or&eol;({17815}=2) |0 | |1 |Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |15698 |{17827}<0 and {17828}>0&eol;and (&eol;{17829}=6 or&eol;{17829}=7 or&eol;{17829}=11 or&eol;{17829}=62 or&eol;{17829}=69 or&eol;{17829}=117&eol;)&eol;and&eol;({17830}<>2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before | |0 |1 |This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({17827}>0 and {17831}>0) or&eol;({17830}=2) |0 | |1 |Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
@@ -10708,31 +10794,6 @@ ROW |15839 |{18056}=1
ROW |15845 |{18062}>{$TEMP_WARN:""} |{#SENSOR_DESCR}: Temperature is above warning threshold: >{$TEMP_WARN:""} | |0 |2 |This trigger uses temperature sensor values as well as temperature sensor status if available |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{18063}<{$TEMP_WARN:""}-3 |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |15846 |{18064}>{$TEMP_CRIT:""} |{#SENSOR_DESCR}: Temperature is above critical threshold: >{$TEMP_CRIT:""} | |0 |4 |This trigger uses temperature sensor values as well as temperature sensor status if available |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{18065}<{$TEMP_CRIT:""}-3 |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |15847 |{18066}<{$TEMP_CRIT_LOW:""} |{#SENSOR_DESCR}: Temperature is too low: <{$TEMP_CRIT_LOW:""} | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{18067}>{$TEMP_CRIT_LOW:""}+3 |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
-ROW |15890 |{18113}>75 |More than 75% used in the configuration cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing CacheSize in the zabbix_proxy.conf configuration file |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15891 |{18114}>75 |More than 75% used in the history cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing HistoryCacheSize in the zabbix_proxy.conf configuration file |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15892 |{18115}>75 |More than 75% used in the history index cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing HistoryIndexCacheSize in the zabbix_proxy.conf configuration file |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15893 |{18116}>75 |More than 75% used in the vmware cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing VMwareCacheSize in the zabbix_proxy.conf configuration file |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15894 |{18117}>100 |More than 100 items having missing data for more than 10 minutes | |0 |2 |zabbix[stats,{$IP},{$PORT},queue,10m] item is collecting data about how many items are missing data for more than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15895 |{18118}>75 |Zabbix configuration syncer processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18118}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15896 |{18119}>75 |Zabbix data sender processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18119}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15897 |{18120}>75 |Zabbix discoverer processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18120}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15898 |{18121}>75 |Zabbix heartbeat sender processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18121}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15899 |{18122}>75 |Zabbix history syncer processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18122}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15900 |{18123}>75 |Zabbix housekeeper processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18123}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15901 |{18124}>75 |Zabbix http poller processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18124}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15902 |{18125}>75 |Zabbix icmp pinger processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18125}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15903 |{18126}>75 |Zabbix ipmi manager processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18126}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15904 |{18127}>75 |Zabbix ipmi poller processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18127}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15905 |{18128}>75 |Zabbix java poller processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18128}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15906 |{18129}>75 |Zabbix poller processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18129}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15907 |{18130}>75 |Zabbix self-monitoring processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18130}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15908 |{18131}>75 |Zabbix snmp trapper processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18131}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15909 |{18132}>75 |Zabbix task manager processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18132}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15910 |{18133}>75 |Zabbix trapper processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18133}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15911 |{18134}>75 |Zabbix unreachable poller processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18134}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15912 |{18135}>75 |Zabbix vmware collector processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18135}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15913 |{18136}>75 |Zabbix preprocessing manager processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18136}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |15914 |{18137}>75 |Zabbix preprocessing worker processes more than 75% busy | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{18137}<65 |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |15926 |{18150} < {$PG.CACHE_HITRATIO.MIN.WARN} |PostgreSQL: Cache hit ratio too low (under {$PG.CACHE_HITRATIO.MIN.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |15927 |{18151}=1 and {18152}>0 |PostgreSQL: Configuration has changed | |0 |1 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |15928 |{18153} = 1 |PostgreSQL: Failed to get items (no data for 30m) | |0 |2 |Zabbix has not received data for items for the last 30 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -10960,7 +11021,7 @@ ROW |16662 |{19475}=1 and {19476}>0
ROW |16678 |{19492}=0 or&eol; {19493}=1 |Nginx: Failed to fetch stub status page (or no data for 30m) | |0 |2 |Zabbix has not received data for items for the last 30 minutes. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16679 |{19494}=0 or&eol; {19495}=1 |Nginx: Failed to fetch stub status page (or no data for 30m) | |0 |2 |Zabbix has not received data for items for the last 30 minutes. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16681 |{19497}/{19498}*100>{$REDIS.CLIENTS.PRC.MAX.WARN} |Redis: Total number of connected clients is too high (over {$REDIS.CLIENTS.PRC.MAX.WARN}% in 5m) | |0 |2 |When the number of clients reaches the value of the "maxclients" parameter, new connections will be rejected.&eol;&eol;https://redis.io/topics/clients#maximum-number-of-clients |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |16682 |{19499}=1 and {19500}>0 |Redis: Configuration has changed | |0 |1 |Redis configuration has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |2 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |16682 |{19499}=1 and {19500}>0 |Redis: Configuration has changed | |0 |1 |Redis configuration has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16683 |{19501}=1 |Redis: Failed to fetch info data (or no data for 30m) | |0 |2 |Zabbix has not received data for items for the last 30 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16684 |{19502}>{$REDIS.MEM.FRAG_RATIO.MAX.WARN} |Redis: Memory fragmentation ratio is too high (over {$REDIS.MEM.FRAG_RATIO.MAX.WARN} in 15m) | |0 |2 |This ratio is an indication of memory mapping efficiency:&eol; — Value over 1.0 indicate that memory fragmentation is very likely. Consider restarting the Redis server so the operating system can recover fragmented memory, especially with a ratio over 1.5.&eol; — Value under 1.0 indicate that Redis likely has insufficient memory available. Consider optimizing memory usage or adding more RAM.&eol;&eol;Note: If your peak memory usage is much higher than your current memory usage, the memory fragmentation ratio may be unreliable.&eol;&eol;https://redis.io/topics/memory-optimization |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16685 |{19503}=0 |Redis: Last AOF write operation failed | |0 |2 |Detailed information about persistence: https://redis.io/topics/persistence |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -10968,7 +11029,7 @@ ROW |16686 |{19504}=0
ROW |16687 |{19505}=0 |Redis: Service is down | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16688 |{19506}=1 |Redis: Number of slaves has changed | |0 |1 |Redis number of slaves has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |2 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16689 |{19507}=1 and {19508}>0 |Redis: Replication role has changed (new role: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |2 |Redis replication role has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |2 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
-ROW |16690 |{19509}=1 and {19510}>0 |Redis: Version has changed (new version: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 |Redis version has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |2 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |16690 |{19509}=1 and {19510}>0 |Redis: Version has changed (new version: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 |Redis version has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16691 |{19511}<10m |Redis: has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |1 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16692 |{19512}>{$REDIS.SLOWLOG.COUNT.MAX.WARN} |Redis: Too many entries in the slowlog (over {$REDIS.SLOWLOG.COUNT.MAX.WARN} per second in 5m) | |0 |1 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16693 |{19513}>0 |Redis: Connections are rejected | |0 |4 |The number of connections has reached the value of "maxclients".&eol;&eol;https://redis.io/topics/clients |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -11040,11 +11101,11 @@ ROW |16783 |{19633}<10m
ROW |16784 |{19634}>{$ELASTICSEARCH.RESPONSE_TIME.MAX.WARN} |ES: Service response time is too high (over {$ELASTICSEARCH.RESPONSE_TIME.MAX.WARN} for 5m) | |0 |2 |The performance of the TCP service is very low. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16785 |{19635}=0 |ES: Service is down | |0 |3 |The service is unavailable or does not accept TCP connections. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16786 |{19636}>{$ELASTICSEARCH.FLUSH_LATENCY.MAX.WARN} |ES {#ES.NODE}: Flush latency is too high (over {$ELASTICSEARCH.FLUSH_LATENCY.MAX.WARN}ms for 5m) | |0 |2 |If you see this metric increasing steadily, it may indicate a problem with slow disks; this problem may escalate &eol;and eventually prevent you from being able to add new information to your index. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |16787 |{19637}>{$ELASTICSEARCH.INDEXING_LATENCY.MAX.WARN} |ES {#ES.NODE}: Indexing latency is too high (over {$ELASTICSEARCH.INDEXING_LATENCY.MAX.WARN}ms for 5m) | |0 |2 |If the latency is increasing, it may indicate that you are indexing too many documents at the same time (Elasticsearch’s documentation &eol;recommends starting with a bulk indexing size of 5 to 15 megabytes and increasing slowly from there). |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |16787 |{19637}>{$ELASTICSEARCH.INDEXING_LATENCY.MAX.WARN} |ES {#ES.NODE}: Indexing latency is too high (over {$ELASTICSEARCH.INDEXING_LATENCY.MAX.WARN}ms for 5m) | |0 |2 |If the latency is increasing, it may indicate that you are indexing too many documents at the same time (Elasticsearch's documentation &eol;recommends starting with a bulk indexing size of 5 to 15 megabytes and increasing slowly from there). |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16788 |{19638}>{$ELASTICSEARCH.FETCH_LATENCY.MAX.WARN} |ES {#ES.NODE}: Fetch latency is too high (over {$ELASTICSEARCH.FETCH_LATENCY.MAX.WARN}ms for 5m) | |0 |2 |The fetch phase should typically take much less time than the query phase. If you notice this metric consistently increasing, &eol;this could indicate a problem with slow disks, enriching of documents (highlighting the relevant text in search results, etc.), &eol;or requesting too many results. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16789 |{19639}>{$ELASTICSEARCH.QUERY_LATENCY.MAX.WARN} |ES {#ES.NODE}: Query latency is too high (over {$ELASTICSEARCH.QUERY_LATENCY.MAX.WARN}ms for 5m) | |0 |2 |If latency exceeds a threshold, look for potential resource bottlenecks, or investigate whether you need to optimize your queries. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |16790 |{19640}>{$ELASTICSEARCH.HEAP_USED.MAX.WARN} |ES {#ES.NODE}: Percent of JVM heap in use is high (over {$ELASTICSEARCH.HEAP_USED.MAX.WARN}% for 1h) | |0 |2 |This indicates that the rate of garbage collection isn’t keeping up with the rate of garbage creation. &eol;To address this problem, you can either increase your heap size (as long as it remains below the recommended &eol;guidelines stated above), or scale out the cluster by adding more nodes. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |16791 |{19641}>{$ELASTICSEARCH.HEAP_USED.MAX.CRIT} |ES {#ES.NODE}: Percent of JVM heap in use is critical (over {$ELASTICSEARCH.HEAP_USED.MAX.CRIT}% for 1h) | |0 |4 |This indicates that the rate of garbage collection isn’t keeping up with the rate of garbage creation. &eol;To address this problem, you can either increase your heap size (as long as it remains below the recommended &eol;guidelines stated above), or scale out the cluster by adding more nodes. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |16790 |{19640}>{$ELASTICSEARCH.HEAP_USED.MAX.WARN} |ES {#ES.NODE}: Percent of JVM heap in use is high (over {$ELASTICSEARCH.HEAP_USED.MAX.WARN}% for 1h) | |0 |2 |This indicates that the rate of garbage collection isn't keeping up with the rate of garbage creation. &eol;To address this problem, you can either increase your heap size (as long as it remains below the recommended &eol;guidelines stated above), or scale out the cluster by adding more nodes. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |16791 |{19641}>{$ELASTICSEARCH.HEAP_USED.MAX.CRIT} |ES {#ES.NODE}: Percent of JVM heap in use is critical (over {$ELASTICSEARCH.HEAP_USED.MAX.CRIT}% for 1h) | |0 |4 |This indicates that the rate of garbage collection isn't keeping up with the rate of garbage creation. &eol;To address this problem, you can either increase your heap size (as long as it remains below the recommended &eol;guidelines stated above), or scale out the cluster by adding more nodes. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16792 |{19642}<10m |ES {#ES.NODE}: Node {#ES.NODE} has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |1 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16793 |{19643}>0 |ES {#ES.NODE}: Refresh thread pool executor has the rejected tasks (for 5m) | |0 |2 |The number of tasks rejected by the refresh thread pool executor is over 0 for 5m. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16794 |{19644}>0 |ES {#ES.NODE}: Search thread pool executor has the rejected tasks (for 5m) | |0 |2 |The number of tasks rejected by the search thread pool executor is over 0 for 5m. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -11063,8 +11124,8 @@ ROW |16833 |{19684}=1
ROW |16834 |{19685}=1 and {19686}>0 |ClickHouse: Version has changed (new version: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 |ClickHouse version has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16835 |{19687}>1 |ClickHouse: Too many ZooKeeper sessions opened | |0 |2 |"Number of sessions (connections) to ZooKeeper. &eol;Should be no more than one, because using more than one connection to ZooKeeper may lead to bugs due to lack of linearizability (stale reads) that ZooKeeper consistency model allows." |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16836 |{19688} < {19689} |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE}: Number of active replicas less than number of total replicas | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |16837 |{19690}=1 |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE} Replica is readonly | |0 |2 |This mode is turned on if the config doesn’t have sections with ZooKeeper, if an unknown error occurred when reinitializing sessions in ZooKeeper, and during session reinitialization in ZooKeeper. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |16838 |{19691}=1 |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE} Replica session is expired | |0 |2 |This mode is turned on if the config doesn’t have sections with ZooKeeper, if an unknown error occurred when reinitializing sessions in ZooKeeper, and during session reinitialization in ZooKeeper. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |16837 |{19690}=1 |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE} Replica is readonly | |0 |2 |This mode is turned on if the config doesn't have sections with ZooKeeper, if an unknown error occurred when reinitializing sessions in ZooKeeper, and during session reinitialization in ZooKeeper. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |16838 |{19691}=1 |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE} Replica session is expired | |0 |2 |This mode is turned on if the config doesn't have sections with ZooKeeper, if an unknown error occurred when reinitializing sessions in ZooKeeper, and during session reinitialization in ZooKeeper. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16839 |{19692} > {$CLICKHOUSE.LOG_POSITION.DIFF.MAX.WARN} |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE}: Difference between log_max_index and log_pointer is too high (More than {$CLICKHOUSE.LOG_POSITION.DIFF.MAX.WARN} for 5m) | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16840 |{19693}>{$CLICKHOUSE.QUEUE.SIZE.MAX.WARN:"{#TABLE}"} |ClickHouse: {#DB}.{#TABLE}: Too many operations in queue (over {$CLICKHOUSE.QUEUE.SIZE.MAX.WARN} for 5m) | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16841 |{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and ({19694}=2 and {19695}=1) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down | |0 |3 |This trigger expression works as follows:&eol;1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.&eol;2. {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 - user can redefine Context macro to value - 0. That marks this interface as not important. No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down.&eol;3. {TEMPLATE_NAME:METRIC.diff()}=1) - trigger fires only if operational status was up(1) sometime before. (So, do not fire 'ethernal off' interfaces.)&eol;&eol;WARNING: if closed manually - won't fire again on next poll, because of .diff. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{19694}<>2 or {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=0 |0 | |1 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
@@ -11075,11 +11136,11 @@ ROW |16883 |{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and ({19786}=2 and {19787}=1)
ROW |16886 |{19792}<10m |Apache: has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |1 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16887 |{19793}=1 and {19794}>0 |Apache: Version has changed (new version: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 |Apache version has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16888 |{19795}=1 |Apache: Failed to fetch status page (or no data for 30m) | |0 |2 |Zabbix has not received data for items for the last 30 minutes. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
-ROW |16889 |{19796}/{19797}*100>{$ETCD.OPEN.FDS.MAX.WARN} |Etcd: Current number of open files is too high (over {$ETCD.OPEN.FDS.MAX.WARN}% for 5m) | |0 |2 |"Heavy file descriptor usage (i.e., near the process’s file descriptor limit) indicates a potential file descriptor exhaustion issue. &eol;If the file descriptors are exhausted, etcd may panic because it cannot create new WAL files." |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |16889 |{19796}/{19797}*100>{$ETCD.OPEN.FDS.MAX.WARN} |Etcd: Current number of open files is too high (over {$ETCD.OPEN.FDS.MAX.WARN}% for 5m) | |0 |2 |"Heavy file descriptor usage (i.e., near the process's file descriptor limit) indicates a potential file descriptor exhaustion issue. &eol;If the file descriptors are exhausted, etcd may panic because it cannot create new WAL files." |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16890 |{19798}=1 and {19799}>0 |Etcd: Cluster version has changed (new version: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 |Etcd version has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16891 |{19800}=0 |Etcd: Member has no leader | |0 |3 |"If a member does not have a leader, it is totally unavailable." |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16892 |{19801}=0 |Etcd: Node healthcheck failed | |0 |3 |https://etcd.io/docs/v3.4.0/op-guide/monitoring/#health-check |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
-ROW |16893 |{19802}>{$ETCD.HTTP.FAIL.MAX.WARN} |Etcd: Too many HTTP requests failures (over {$ETCD.HTTP.FAIL.MAX.WARN} for 5m)' | |0 |2 |"Too many reqvests failed on etcd instance with 5xx HTTP code" |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |16893 |{19802}>{$ETCD.HTTP.FAIL.MAX.WARN} |Etcd: Too many HTTP requests failures (over {$ETCD.HTTP.FAIL.MAX.WARN} for 5m)' | |0 |2 |"Too many requests failed on etcd instance with 5xx HTTP code" |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16894 |{19803}=1 |Etcd: Failed to fetch info data (or no data for 30m) | |0 |2 |Zabbix has not received data for items for the last 30 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16895 |{19804}>{$ETCD.LEADER.CHANGES.MAX.WARN} |Etcd: Instance has seen too many leader changes (over {$ETCD.LEADER.CHANGES.MAX.WARN} for 15m)' | |0 |2 |Rapid leadership changes impact the performance of etcd significantly. It also signals that the leader is unstable, perhaps due to network connectivity issues or excessive load hitting the etcd cluster. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16896 |{19805}>{$ETCD.PROPOSAL.FAIL.MAX.WARN} |Etcd: Too many proposal failures (over {$ETCD.PROPOSAL.FAIL.MAX.WARN} for 5m)' | |0 |2 |"Normally related to two issues: temporary failures related to a leader election or &eol;longer downtime caused by a loss of quorum in the cluster." |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -11104,10 +11165,7 @@ ROW |16914 |{19824}<>3 and {$IIS.APPPOOL.MONITORED:"{#APPPOOL}"}=1
ROW |16915 |{19825}<10m |IIS: {#APPPOOL} has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |1 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16916 |{19826}=1 and {$IIS.APPPOOL.MONITORED:"{#APPPOOL}"}=1 |IIS: Application pool {#APPPOOL} has been recycled | |0 |1 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16917 |{19827}>{$IIS.QUEUE.MAX.WARN} |IIS: Request queue of {#APPPOOL} is too large (over {$IIS.QUEUE.MAX.WARN}) | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |16918 |{19828}=1 and {19829}>0 |Zabbix version has changed (new version: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 |Zabbix proxy version has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |16920 |{19832}=0 or {19833} = 0 |ClickHouse: Service is down | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
-ROW |16921 |{19834}=0 |ClickHouse: Port {$CLICKHOUSE.PORT} is unavaliable | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
-ROW |16925 |{19841} * 100 > 10 * {19842} |MSSQL: Too frequently pointers using | |0 |2 |Rows with varchar columns can experience expansion when varchar values are updated with a longer string. In the case where the row cannot fit in the existing page, the row migrates and access to the row will traverse a pointer. This only happens on heaps (tables without clustered indexes). Evaluate clustered index for heap tables. In cases where clustered indexes cannot be used, drop non-clustered indexes, build a clustered index to reorg pages and rows, drop the clustered index, then recreate non-clustered indexes. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16927 |{19845}>{$MSSQL.AVERAGE_WAIT_TIME.MAX} |MSSQL: Total average wait time for locks is high (over {$MSSQL.AVERAGE_WAIT_TIME.MAX}ms for 5m) | |0 |2 |An average wait time longer than 500ms may indicate excessive blocking. This value should generally correlate to 'Lock Waits/sec' and move up or down with it accordingly. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16928 |{19846}<{$MSSQL.BUFFER_CACHE_RATIO.MIN.CRIT} |MSSQL: Percentage of the buffer cache efficiency is low (below {$MSSQL.BUFFER_CACHE_RATIO.MIN.CRIT}% for 5m) | |0 |4 |Too low buffer cache hit ratio. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16929 |{19847}<{$MSSQL.BUFFER_CACHE_RATIO.MIN.WARN} |MSSQL: Percentage of the buffer cache efficiency is low (below {$MSSQL.BUFFER_CACHE_RATIO.MIN.WARN}% for 5m) | |0 |2 |Low buffer cache hit ratio. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -11122,7 +11180,7 @@ ROW |16937 |{19855}>{$MSSQL.PAGE_READS.MAX}
ROW |16938 |{19856}>{$MSSQL.PAGE_WRITES.MAX} |MSSQL: Number of physical database page writes per second is high (over {$MSSQL.PAGE_WRITES.MAX} for 5m) | |0 |2 |The physical database page writes are issued too frequently. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16940 |{19858}=1 |MSSQL: Failed to fetch info data (or no data for 30m) | |0 |1 |Zabbix has not received data for items for the last 30 minutes. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16941 |{19859}=1 and {19860}>0 |MSSQL: Version has changed (new version value received: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 |MSSQL version has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
-ROW |16944 |{19863}<{$MSSQL.WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_RATIO.MIN.CRIT} |MSSQL: Percentage of work tables available from the work table cache is low (below {$MSSQL.WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_RATIO.MIN.CRIT}% for 5m) | |0 |4 |A value less than 90% may indicate insufcient memory, since execution plans are being dropped, or on 32-bit systems, may indicate the need for an upgrade to a 64-bit system |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |16944 |{19863}<{$MSSQL.WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_RATIO.MIN.CRIT} |MSSQL: Percentage of work tables available from the work table cache is low (below {$MSSQL.WORKTABLES_FROM_CACHE_RATIO.MIN.CRIT}% for 5m) | |0 |4 |A value less than 90% may indicate insufficient memory, since execution plans are being dropped, or on 32-bit systems, may indicate the need for an upgrade to a 64-bit system |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16946 |{19865}=0 |MSSQL AG '{#GROUP_NAME}': Primary replica recovery health in progress | |0 |2 |The primary replica is in the synchronization process. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16947 |{19866}=0 |MSSQL AG '{#GROUP_NAME}': Secondary replica recovery health in progress | |0 |2 |The secondary replica is in the synchronization process. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |16948 |{19867}=0 |MSSQL AG '{#GROUP_NAME}': All replicas unhealthy | |0 |5 |None of the availability replicas have a healthy synchronization. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -11185,12 +11243,11 @@ ROW |17076 |{20080}=1
ROW |17077 |{20081}>{$JMX.CPU.LOAD.MAX} |OperatingSystem: Process CPU Load more than {$JMX.CPU.LOAD.MAX}% for {$JMX.CPU.LOAD.TIME} | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17078 |{20082}=1 |Runtime: JVM is not reachable | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |17079 |{20083}<>1 |Runtime: {HOST.NAME} runs suboptimal VM type | |0 |1 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
-ROW |17080 |{20084}<10m |VMware: {HOST.HOST} has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |2 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |17080 |{20084}<10m |VMware: {HOST.HOST} has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |2 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |17081 |{20085}=3 |VMware: The {HOST.HOST} health is Red | |0 |4 |One or more components in the appliance might be in an unusable status and the appliance might become unresponsive soon. Security patches might be available. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17082 |{20086}=2 |VMware: The {HOST.HOST} health is Yellow | |0 |3 |One or more components in the appliance might become overloaded soon. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17083 |{20087}=3 |VMware: The {HOST.HOST} health is Red | |0 |4 |One or more components in the appliance might be in an unusable status and the appliance might become unresponsive soon. Security patches might be available. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17084 |{20088}=2 |VMware: The {HOST.HOST} health is Yellow | |0 |3 |One or more components in the appliance might become overloaded soon. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |17085 |{20089}<10m |VMware: {HOST.HOST} has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |2 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |17089 |{20096}<20M |Lack of available memory on server {HOST.NAME} | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17090 |{20097}<20 |Free disk space is less than 20% on volume {#FSNAME} | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17091 |{20098}<20 |Free inodes is less than 20% on volume {#FSNAME} | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -11252,8 +11309,8 @@ ROW |17146 |{20153}<378
ROW |17147 |{20154}<324 |System Fan 3 Critical [{ITEM.VALUE}] | |0 |5 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17148 |{20155}<378 |System Fan 3 Non-Critical [{ITEM.VALUE}] | |0 |4 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17149 |{20156} > {$MSSQL.PERCENT_READAHEAD.MAX} / 100 * {20157} |MSSQL: Too many physical reads occurring | |0 |2 |If this value makes up even a sizeable minority of the total Page Reads/sec (say, greater than 20% of the total page reads), you may have too many physical reads occurring. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |17150 |{20158} > {$MSSQL.PERCENT_COMPILATIONS.MAX} |MSSQL: Percent of adhoc queries running is over {$MSSQL.PERCENT_COMPILATIONS.MAX}% for 15m | |0 |2 |The lower this value is the better. High values often indicate excessive adhoc querying and should be as low as possible. If excessive adhoc querying is happening, try rewriting the queries as procedures or invoke the queries using sp_executeSQL. When rewriting isn’t possible, consider using a plan guide or setting the database to parameterization forced mode. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |17151 |{20159} > {$MSSQL.PERCENT_RECOMPILATIONS.MAX} |MSSQL: Percent of times statement recompiles is over {$MSSQL.PERCENT_RECOMPILATIONS.MAX}% for 15m | |0 |2 |This number should be at or near zero, since recompiles can cause deadlocks and exclusive compile locks. This counter’s value should follow in proportion to “Batch Requests/sec” and “SQL Compilations/sec”. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |17150 |{20158} > {$MSSQL.PERCENT_COMPILATIONS.MAX} |MSSQL: Percent of adhoc queries running is over {$MSSQL.PERCENT_COMPILATIONS.MAX}% for 15m | |0 |2 |The lower this value is the better. High values often indicate excessive adhoc querying and should be as low as possible. If excessive adhoc querying is happening, try rewriting the queries as procedures or invoke the queries using sp_executeSQL. When rewriting isn't possible, consider using a plan guide or setting the database to parameterization forced mode. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |17151 |{20159} > {$MSSQL.PERCENT_RECOMPILATIONS.MAX} |MSSQL: Percent of times statement recompiles is over {$MSSQL.PERCENT_RECOMPILATIONS.MAX}% for 15m | |0 |2 |This number should be at or near zero, since recompiles can cause deadlocks and exclusive compile locks. This counter's value should follow in proportion to “Batch Requests/sec” and “SQL Compilations/sec”. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17153 |{20161}=0 |MSSQL: Service is unavailable | |0 |5 |The TCP port of the MS SQL Server service is currently unavailable. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17154 |{20162} * 100 / {20163} > {$ORACLE.PROCESSES.MAX.WARN} |Oracle: Too many active processes (over {$ORACLE.PROCESSES.MAX.WARN}% for 5 min) | |0 |2 |Active processes are using more than {$ORACLE.PROCESSES.MAX.WARN}% of the available number of processes. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17155 |{20164} * 100 / {20165} > {$ORACLE.SESSIONS.MAX.WARN} |Oracle: Too many active sessions (over {$ORACLE.SESSIONS.MAX.WARN}% for 5 min) | |0 |2 |Active sessions are using more than {$ORACLE.SESSIONS.MAX.WARN}% of the available sessions. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -11279,7 +11336,6 @@ ROW |17175 |{20191}>{$ORACLE.ASM.USED.PCT.MAX.WARN}
ROW |17176 |{20192}>{$ORACLE.ASM.USED.PCT.MAX.HIGH} |ASM '{#DG_NAME}': Disk group usage is too high (over {$ORACLE.ASM.USED.PCT.MAX.HIGH}% for 5m) | |0 |4 |Usage percent of ASM disk group is over {$ORACLE.ASM.USED.PCT.MAX.WARN} |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17177 |{20193}=1 |Oracle Database '{#DBNAME}': Open status in mount mode | |0 |2 |The Oracle DB has a MOUNTED state. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17178 |{20194}=1 |Oracle Database '{#DBNAME}': Open status has changed (new value received: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 |Oracle DB open status has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
-ROW |17179 |{20195}=2 |Oracle TBS '{#TABLESPACE}': Tablespase is OFFLINE | |0 |2 |The tablespase is in the offline state. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17180 |{20196}=1 |Oracle TBS '{#TABLESPACE}': Tablespace status has changed (new value received: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 |Oracle tablespace status has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |17194 |{20216}>{$TEMP_WARN:""}&eol;or&eol;{20217}={$TEMP_WARN_STATUS} |{#SENSOR_INFO}: Temperature is above warning threshold: >{$TEMP_WARN:""} | |0 |2 |This trigger uses temperature sensor values as well as temperature sensor status if available |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{20218}<{$TEMP_WARN:""}-3 |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |17195 |{20219}>{$TEMP_CRIT:"{#SNMPVALUE}"}&eol;or&eol;{20220}={$TEMP_CRIT_STATUS}&eol;or&eol;{20220}={$TEMP_DISASTER_STATUS} |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature is above critical threshold: >{$TEMP_CRIT:"{#SNMPVALUE}"} | |0 |4 |This trigger uses temperature sensor values as well as temperature sensor status if available |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{20221}<{$TEMP_CRIT:"{#SNMPVALUE}"}-3 |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
@@ -11786,9 +11842,7 @@ ROW |17745 |{20857}=0
ROW |17746 |{20858} > {$IGNITE.THREAD.QUEUE.MAX.WARN:"{#JMXNAME}"} |Thread pool [{#JMXNAME}]: Too many messages in queue (over {$IGNITE.THREAD.QUEUE.MAX.WARN:"{#JMXNAME}"} for 5 min) | |0 |3 |Number of messages in queue more than {$IGNITE.THREAD.QUEUE.MAX.WARN:"{#JMXNAME}"}. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17747 |{20859}/{20860}*100>{$IGNITE.CHECKPOINT.PUSED.MAX.HIGH} |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Checkpoint buffer utilization is too high (over {$IGNITE.CHECKPOINT.PUSED.MAX.HIGH} in 5m) | |0 |4 |Checkpoint buffer utilization is high. Threads will be throttled to avoid buffer overflow. It can be caused by high disk utilization. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17748 |{20861}/{20862}*100>{$IGNITE.CHECKPOINT.PUSED.MAX.WARN} |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Checkpoint buffer utilization is too high (over {$IGNITE.CHECKPOINT.PUSED.MAX.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |2 |Checkpoint buffer utilization is high. Threads will be throttled to avoid buffer overflow. It can be caused by high disk utilization. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |17749 |{20863}/{20864}*100>{$IGNITE.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.HIGH} |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Data region utilisation is too high (over {$IGNITE.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.HIGH} in 5m) | |0 |4 |Data region utilization is high. Increase data region size or delete any data. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |17750 |{20865}/{20866}*100>{$IGNITE.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.WARN} |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Data region utilisation is too high (over {$IGNITE.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |2 |Data region utilization is high. Increase data region size or delete any data. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |17751 |{20867}>0 |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Node started to evict pages | |0 |1 |You store more data then region can accommodate. Data started to move to disk it can make requests work slower. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |17751 |{20867}>0 |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Node started to evict pages | |0 |1 |You store more data than region can accommodate. Data started to move to disk it can make requests work slower. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |17752 |{20868}>0 |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Pages replace rate more than 0 | |0 |2 |There is more data than DataRegionMaxSize. Cluster started to replace pages in memory. Page replacement can slow down operations. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17753 |{20869} > {$IGNITE.PME.DURATION.MAX.WARN} |Ignite [{#JMXIGNITEINSTANCENAME}]: PME duration is too long (over {$IGNITE.PME.DURATION.MAX.WARN} for 5 min) | |0 |2 |PME duration is over {$IGNITE.PME.DURATION.MAX.WARN}ms. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17754 |{20870} > {$IGNITE.PME.DURATION.MAX.HIGH} |Ignite [{#JMXIGNITEINSTANCENAME}]: PME duration is too long (over {$IGNITE.PME.DURATION.MAX.HIGH} for 5 min) | |0 |4 |PME duration is over {$IGNITE.PME.DURATION.MAX.HIGH}ms. Looks like PME is hung. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -11831,12 +11885,6 @@ ROW |17790 |{20916} = 3
ROW |17791 |{20917} = 4 |System-{#SNMPINDEX}: The temperature sensor detects a condition that could permanently damage the system. | |0 |4 |The system will automatically shutdown if the failed(4) condition results, so it is unlikely that this value will ever be returned by the agent. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17792 |{20918}>={20919} |Cache group [{#JMXNAME}]: One or more backups are unavailable | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17793 |{20920}>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX} |{#MEMNAME}: High memory utilization (>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}% for 5m) | |0 |3 |The system is running out of free memory. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |17798 |({20925}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20926} or&eol;{20927}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20926}) and&eol;{20926}>0 |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{20925}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20926} and&eol;{20927}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20926}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17799 |{20928}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {20929}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{20930}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {20931}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17806 |({20953}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20954} or&eol;{20955}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20954}) and&eol;{20954}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{20953}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20954} and&eol;{20955}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20954}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17807 |{20956}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {20957}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{20958}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {20959}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17850 |({21107}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21108} or&eol;{21109}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21108}) and&eol;{21108}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21107}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21108} and&eol;{21109}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21108}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17851 |{21110}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21111}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21112}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21113}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
ROW |17854 |{21121} <= {#THRESH} |SMART [{#NAME}]: Attribute {#ID} {#ATTRNAME} is failed | |0 |2 |The value should be greater than THRESH. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17855 |{21122}>90 |SMART [{#NAME}]: NVMe disk percentage using is over 90% of estimated endurance | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17856 |{21123}=1 and {21124}>0 |SMART [{#NAME}]: Disk has been replaced (new serial number received) | |0 |1 |Device serial number has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
@@ -11947,8 +11995,6 @@ ROW |18007 |{21345}=1
ROW |18008 |{21346}=1 and {21347}>0 |MongoDB: Version has changed (new version: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 |MongoDB version has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18009 |{21348}>0 and {21349}>0 |MongoDB: There are unhealthy replicas in ReplicaSet | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |18010 |{21350}>{$MONGODB.REPL.LAG.MAX.WARN} |MongoDB: Replication lag with primary is too high (over {$MONGODB.REPL.LAG.MAX.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |18012 |{21352}<{$MONGODB.WIRED_TIGER.TICKETS.AVAILABLE.MIN.WARN} |MongoDB: Available WiredTiger read tickets less then {$MONGODB.WIRED_TIGER.TICKETS.AVAILABLE.MIN.WARN} | |0 |2 |"Too few available read tickets.&eol;When the number of available read tickets remaining reaches zero, new read requests will be queued until a new read ticket is available." |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |18013 |{21353}<{$MONGODB.WIRED_TIGER.TICKETS.AVAILABLE.MIN.WARN} |MongoDB: Available WiredTiger write tickets less then {$MONGODB.WIRED_TIGER.TICKETS.AVAILABLE.MIN.WARN} | |0 |2 |"Too few available write tickets.&eol;When the number of available write tickets remaining reaches zero, new write requests will be queued until a new write ticket is available." |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |18014 |{21354}<{$MONGODB.CONNS.AVAILABLE.MIN.WARN} |MongoDB cluster: Available connections less then {$MONGODB.CONNS.AVAILABLE.MIN.WARN} | |0 |2 |"Too few available connections.&eol;Consider this value in combination with the value of connections current to understand the connection load on the database" |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |18015 |{21355}>{$MONGODB.CURSOR.OPEN.MAX.WARN} |MongoDB cluster: Too many cursors opened by MongoDB for clients (over {$MONGODB.CURSOR.OPEN.MAX.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |18016 |{21356}>{$MONGODB.CURSOR.TIMEOUT.MAX.WARN} |MongoDB cluster: Too many cursors are timing out (over {$MONGODB.CURSOR.TIMEOUT.MAX.WARN} per second in 5m) | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -11967,18 +12013,14 @@ ROW |18028 |{21375}=1 and {21376}>0
ROW |18029 |{21377}<10m |{HOST.NAME} has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |2 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18030 |{21378}=0 |No SNMP data collection | |0 |2 |SNMP is not available for polling. Please check device connectivity and SNMP settings. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18031 |{21379}>{$CPU.UTIL.CRIT} |#{#SNMPINDEX}: High CPU utilization (over {$CPU.UTIL.CRIT}% for 5m) | |0 |2 |CPU utilization is too high. The system might be slow to respond. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current utilization: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
-ROW |18032 |{21380}=1 and {21381}>0 |{#ENT_NAME}: Device has been replaced (new serial number received) | |0 |1 |Device serial number has changed. Ack to close |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |18032 |{21380}=1 and {21381}>0 |{#ENT_NAME}: Device has been replaced (new serial number received) | |0 |1 |Device serial number has changed. Ack to close |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18033 |{21382}=3 or {21382}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the fan unit |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18034 |{21383}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan is in warning state | |0 |2 |Please check the fan unit |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18035 |{21384}>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX} |{#SNMPVALUE}: High memory utilization ( >{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}% for 5m) | |0 |3 |The system is running out of free memory. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |18036 |{21385}<0 and {21386}>0&bsn;and (&bsn;{21387}=6 or&bsn;{21387}=7 or&bsn;{21387}=11 or&bsn;{21387}=62 or&bsn;{21387}=69 or&bsn;{21387}=117&bsn;)&bsn;and&bsn;({21388}<>2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before | |0 |1 |This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({21385}>0 and {21389}>0) or&bsn;({21388}=2) |0 | |0 |Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
-ROW |18037 |({21390}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21391}) and&bsn;{21391}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High inbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21390}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21391} |0 | |0 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |18038 |({21392}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21393}) and&bsn;{21393}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High outbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21392}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21393} |0 | |0 |Out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
ROW |18039 |{21394}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High input error rate ( > {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21395}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |0 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18040 |{21396}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High output error rate ( > {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21397}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |0 |errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |18041 |{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and ({21398}=2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down | |0 |3 |This trigger expression works as follows:&bsn;1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.&bsn;2. {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 - user can redefine Context macro to value - 0. That marks this interface as not important. No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |18041 |{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and ({21398}=2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down | |0 |3 |This trigger expression works as follows:&eol;1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.&eol;2. {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 - user can redefine Context macro to value - 0. That marks this interface as not important. No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18042 |{21399}=2 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): In half-duplex mode | |0 |2 |Please check autonegotiation settings and cabling |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |18043 |{21400}=3 or {21401}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18044 |{21402}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in warning state | |0 |2 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18045 |{21403}=3 or {21403}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature is in critical state | |0 |4 |This trigger uses temperature sensor state |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18046 |{21404}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature is in warning state | |0 |2 |This trigger uses temperature sensor state |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
@@ -11994,18 +12036,14 @@ ROW |18055 |{21418}=1 and {21419}>0
ROW |18056 |{21420}<10m |{HOST.NAME} has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |2 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18057 |{21421}=0 |No SNMP data collection | |0 |2 |SNMP is not available for polling. Please check device connectivity and SNMP settings. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18058 |{21422}>{$CPU.UTIL.CRIT} |#{#SNMPINDEX}: High CPU utilization (over {$CPU.UTIL.CRIT}% for 5m) | |0 |2 |CPU utilization is too high. The system might be slow to respond. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current utilization: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
-ROW |18059 |{21423}=1 and {21424}>0 |{#ENT_NAME}: Device has been replaced (new serial number received) | |0 |1 |Device serial number has changed. Ack to close |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |18059 |{21423}=1 and {21424}>0 |{#ENT_NAME}: Device has been replaced (new serial number received) | |0 |1 |Device serial number has changed. Ack to close |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18060 |{21425}=3 or {21425}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the fan unit |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18061 |{21426}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan is in warning state | |0 |2 |Please check the fan unit |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18062 |{21427}>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX} |{#SNMPVALUE}: High memory utilization ( >{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}% for 5m) | |0 |3 |The system is running out of free memory. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |18063 |{21428}<0 and {21429}>0&bsn;and (&bsn;{21430}=6 or&bsn;{21430}=7 or&bsn;{21430}=11 or&bsn;{21430}=62 or&bsn;{21430}=69 or&bsn;{21430}=117&bsn;)&bsn;and&bsn;({21431}<>2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before | |0 |1 |This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({21428}>0 and {21432}>0) or&bsn;({21431}=2) |0 | |0 |Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
-ROW |18064 |({21433}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21434}) and&bsn;{21434}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High inbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21433}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21434} |0 | |0 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |18065 |({21435}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21436}) and&bsn;{21436}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High outbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21435}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21436} |0 | |0 |Out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
ROW |18066 |{21437}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High input error rate ( > {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21438}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |0 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18067 |{21439}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High output error rate ( > {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21440}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |0 |errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |18068 |{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and ({21441}=2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down | |0 |3 |This trigger expression works as follows:&bsn;1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.&bsn;2. {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 - user can redefine Context macro to value - 0. That marks this interface as not important. No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |18068 |{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and ({21441}=2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down | |0 |3 |This trigger expression works as follows:&eol;1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.&eol;2. {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 - user can redefine Context macro to value - 0. That marks this interface as not important. No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18069 |{21442}=2 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): In half-duplex mode | |0 |2 |Please check autonegotiation settings and cabling |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |18070 |{21443}=3 or {21444}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18071 |{21445}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in warning state | |0 |2 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18072 |{21446}=3 or {21446}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature is in critical state | |0 |4 |This trigger uses temperature sensor state |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18073 |{21447}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature is in warning state | |0 |2 |This trigger uses temperature sensor state |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
@@ -12021,18 +12059,14 @@ ROW |18082 |{21461}=1 and {21462}>0
ROW |18083 |{21463}<10m |{HOST.NAME} has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |2 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18084 |{21464}=0 |No SNMP data collection | |0 |2 |SNMP is not available for polling. Please check device connectivity and SNMP settings. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18085 |{21465}>{$CPU.UTIL.CRIT} |#{#SNMPINDEX}: High CPU utilization (over {$CPU.UTIL.CRIT}% for 5m) | |0 |2 |CPU utilization is too high. The system might be slow to respond. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current utilization: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
-ROW |18086 |{21466}=1 and {21467}>0 |{#ENT_NAME}: Device has been replaced (new serial number received) | |0 |1 |Device serial number has changed. Ack to close |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |18086 |{21466}=1 and {21467}>0 |{#ENT_NAME}: Device has been replaced (new serial number received) | |0 |1 |Device serial number has changed. Ack to close |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18087 |{21468}=3 or {21468}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the fan unit |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18088 |{21469}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan is in warning state | |0 |2 |Please check the fan unit |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18089 |{21470}>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX} |{#SNMPVALUE}: High memory utilization ( >{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}% for 5m) | |0 |3 |The system is running out of free memory. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |18090 |{21471}<0 and {21472}>0&bsn;and (&bsn;{21473}=6 or&bsn;{21473}=7 or&bsn;{21473}=11 or&bsn;{21473}=62 or&bsn;{21473}=69 or&bsn;{21473}=117&bsn;)&bsn;and&bsn;({21474}<>2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before | |0 |1 |This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({21471}>0 and {21475}>0) or&bsn;({21474}=2) |0 | |0 |Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
-ROW |18091 |({21476}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21477}) and&bsn;{21477}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High inbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21476}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21477} |0 | |0 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |18092 |({21478}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21479}) and&bsn;{21479}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High outbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21478}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21479} |0 | |0 |Out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
ROW |18093 |{21480}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High input error rate ( > {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21481}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |0 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18094 |{21482}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High output error rate ( > {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21483}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |0 |errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |18095 |{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and ({21484}=2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down | |0 |3 |This trigger expression works as follows:&bsn;1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.&bsn;2. {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 - user can redefine Context macro to value - 0. That marks this interface as not important. No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |18095 |{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and ({21484}=2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down | |0 |3 |This trigger expression works as follows:&eol;1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.&eol;2. {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 - user can redefine Context macro to value - 0. That marks this interface as not important. No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18096 |{21485}=2 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): In half-duplex mode | |0 |2 |Please check autonegotiation settings and cabling |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |18097 |{21486}=3 or {21487}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18098 |{21488}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in warning state | |0 |2 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18099 |{21489}=3 or {21489}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature is in critical state | |0 |4 |This trigger uses temperature sensor state |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18100 |{21490}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature is in warning state | |0 |2 |This trigger uses temperature sensor state |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
@@ -12048,18 +12082,14 @@ ROW |18109 |{21504}=1 and {21505}>0
ROW |18110 |{21506}<10m |{HOST.NAME} has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |2 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18111 |{21507}=0 |No SNMP data collection | |0 |2 |SNMP is not available for polling. Please check device connectivity and SNMP settings. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18112 |{21508}>{$CPU.UTIL.CRIT} |#{#SNMPINDEX}: High CPU utilization (over {$CPU.UTIL.CRIT}% for 5m) | |0 |2 |CPU utilization is too high. The system might be slow to respond. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current utilization: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
-ROW |18113 |{21509}=1 and {21510}>0 |{#ENT_NAME}: Device has been replaced (new serial number received) | |0 |1 |Device serial number has changed. Ack to close |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |18113 |{21509}=1 and {21510}>0 |{#ENT_NAME}: Device has been replaced (new serial number received) | |0 |1 |Device serial number has changed. Ack to close |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18114 |{21511}=3 or {21511}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the fan unit |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18115 |{21512}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan is in warning state | |0 |2 |Please check the fan unit |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18116 |{21513}>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX} |{#SNMPVALUE}: High memory utilization ( >{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}% for 5m) | |0 |3 |The system is running out of free memory. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |18117 |{21514}<0 and {21515}>0&bsn;and (&bsn;{21516}=6 or&bsn;{21516}=7 or&bsn;{21516}=11 or&bsn;{21516}=62 or&bsn;{21516}=69 or&bsn;{21516}=117&bsn;)&bsn;and&bsn;({21517}<>2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before | |0 |1 |This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({21514}>0 and {21518}>0) or&bsn;({21517}=2) |0 | |0 |Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
-ROW |18118 |({21519}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21520}) and&bsn;{21520}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High inbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21519}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21520} |0 | |0 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |18119 |({21521}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21522}) and&bsn;{21522}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High outbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21521}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21522} |0 | |0 |Out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
ROW |18120 |{21523}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High input error rate ( > {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21524}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |0 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18121 |{21525}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High output error rate ( > {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21526}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |0 |errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |18122 |{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and ({21527}=2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down | |0 |3 |This trigger expression works as follows:&bsn;1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.&bsn;2. {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 - user can redefine Context macro to value - 0. That marks this interface as not important. No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |18122 |{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and ({21527}=2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down | |0 |3 |This trigger expression works as follows:&eol;1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.&eol;2. {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 - user can redefine Context macro to value - 0. That marks this interface as not important. No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18123 |{21528}=2 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): In half-duplex mode | |0 |2 |Please check autonegotiation settings and cabling |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |18124 |{21529}=3 or {21530}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18125 |{21531}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in warning state | |0 |2 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18126 |{21532}=3 or {21532}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature is in critical state | |0 |4 |This trigger uses temperature sensor state |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18127 |{21533}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature is in warning state | |0 |2 |This trigger uses temperature sensor state |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
@@ -12075,18 +12105,14 @@ ROW |18136 |{21547}=1 and {21548}>0
ROW |18137 |{21549}<10m |{HOST.NAME} has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |2 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18138 |{21550}=0 |No SNMP data collection | |0 |2 |SNMP is not available for polling. Please check device connectivity and SNMP settings. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18139 |{21551}>{$CPU.UTIL.CRIT} |#{#SNMPINDEX}: High CPU utilization (over {$CPU.UTIL.CRIT}% for 5m) | |0 |2 |CPU utilization is too high. The system might be slow to respond. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current utilization: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
-ROW |18140 |{21552}=1 and {21553}>0 |{#ENT_NAME}: Device has been replaced (new serial number received) | |0 |1 |Device serial number has changed. Ack to close |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |18140 |{21552}=1 and {21553}>0 |{#ENT_NAME}: Device has been replaced (new serial number received) | |0 |1 |Device serial number has changed. Ack to close |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18141 |{21554}=3 or {21554}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the fan unit |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18142 |{21555}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Fan is in warning state | |0 |2 |Please check the fan unit |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18143 |{21556}>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX} |{#SNMPVALUE}: High memory utilization ( >{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}% for 5m) | |0 |3 |The system is running out of free memory. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |18144 |{21557}<0 and {21558}>0&bsn;and (&bsn;{21559}=6 or&bsn;{21559}=7 or&bsn;{21559}=11 or&bsn;{21559}=62 or&bsn;{21559}=69 or&bsn;{21559}=117&bsn;)&bsn;and&bsn;({21560}<>2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before | |0 |1 |This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({21557}>0 and {21561}>0) or&bsn;({21560}=2) |0 | |0 |Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
-ROW |18145 |({21562}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21563}) and&bsn;{21563}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High inbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21562}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21563} |0 | |0 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |18146 |({21564}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21565}) and&bsn;{21565}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High outbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21564}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21565} |0 | |0 |Out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
ROW |18147 |{21566}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High input error rate ( > {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21567}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |0 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18148 |{21568}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High output error rate ( > {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{21569}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |0 |errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |18149 |{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and ({21570}=2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down | |0 |3 |This trigger expression works as follows:&bsn;1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.&bsn;2. {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 - user can redefine Context macro to value - 0. That marks this interface as not important. No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |18149 |{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and ({21570}=2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Link down | |0 |3 |This trigger expression works as follows:&eol;1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.&eol;2. {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 - user can redefine Context macro to value - 0. That marks this interface as not important. No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18150 |{21571}=2 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): In half-duplex mode | |0 |2 |Please check autonegotiation settings and cabling |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |18151 |{21572}=3 or {21573}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18152 |{21574}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in warning state | |0 |2 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18153 |{21575}=3 or {21575}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature is in critical state | |0 |4 |This trigger uses temperature sensor state |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |18154 |{21576}=2 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Temperature is in warning state | |0 |2 |This trigger uses temperature sensor state |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
@@ -12147,14 +12173,13 @@ ROW |18216 |({21670}=1 and {21671}<>"online")
ROW |18217 |({21672}=1 and {21673}<>"online") |{#LUNNAME}: LUN of the SVM "{#SVMNAME}" has abnormal state | |0 |3 |Normal states for a LUN are online and offline. Other states indicate errors. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({21672}=1 and {21673}="online") |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18218 |{21674}=1 and {21675}>0 |{#NODENAME}: Version has changed (new version: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 |{#NODENAME} version has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18219 |({21676}<>"normal") |{#NODENAME}: Node has over temperature | |0 |3 |The hardware shuts down if the temperature exceeds critical thresholds(item's value is "over"). |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |18220 |({21677}<>"up") |{#NODENAME}: Node state is abnormal | |0 |3 |The state of the node is different from up:&eol;booting - Node is booting up.&eol;down - Node has stopped or is dumping core.&eol;taken_over - Node has been taken over by its HA partner and is not yet waiting for giveback.&eol;waiting_for_giveback - Node has been taken over by its HA partner and is waiting for the HA partner to giveback disks.&eol;degraded - Node has one or more critical services offline.&eol;unknown - Node or its HA partner cannot be contacted and there is no information on the node’s state. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |18220 |({21677}<>"up") |{#NODENAME}: Node state is abnormal | |0 |3 |The state of the node is different from up:&eol;booting - Node is booting up.&eol;down - Node has stopped or is dumping core.&eol;taken_over - Node has been taken over by its HA partner and is not yet waiting for giveback.&eol;waiting_for_giveback - Node has been taken over by its HA partner and is waiting for the HA partner to giveback disks.&eol;degraded - Node has one or more critical services offline.&eol;unknown - Node or its HA partner cannot be contacted and there is no information on the node's state. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |18221 |{21678}<10m |{#NODENAME}: Node has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |1 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18222 |({21679}=1 and {21680}="down") |{#ETHPORTNAME}: Ethernet port of the Node "{#NODENAME}" is down | |0 |3 |Something is wrong with the ethernet port. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({21679}=1 and {21680}="up") |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18223 |({21681}=1 and {21682}<>"online") |{#FCPORTNAME}: FC port of the Node "{#NODENAME}" has state different from "online" | |0 |3 |Something is wrong with the FC port. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({21681}=1 and {21682}="online") |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18224 |({21683}=1 and {21684}<>"running") |{#SVMNAME}: SVM state is abnormal | |0 |3 |Something is wrong with the SVM. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({21683}=1 and {21684}="running") |0 | |1 | |0 |
-ROW |18225 |({21685}=1 and {21686}<>"online") |{#VOLUMENAME}: Volume state is abnormal | |0 |3 |A volume can only be brought online if it is offline. Taking a volume offline removes its junction path. The ‘mixed’ state applies to FlexGroup volumes only and cannot be specified as a target state. An ‘error’ state implies that the volume is not in a state to serve data. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({21685}=1 and {21686}="online") |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |18225 |({21685}=1 and {21686}<>"online") |{#VOLUMENAME}: Volume state is abnormal | |0 |3 |A volume can only be brought online if it is offline. Taking a volume offline removes its junction path. The 'mixed' state applies to FlexGroup volumes only and cannot be specified as a target state. An 'error' state implies that the volume is not in a state to serve data. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({21685}=1 and {21686}="online") |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |18226 |{21687}>{21688} |{#JMXBROKERNAME}: {#JMXDESTINATIONTYPE} {#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}: Message enqueue rate is higher than dequeue rate for {$ACTIVEMQ.MSG.RATE.WARN.TIME:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"} | |0 |3 |Enqueue rate is higher than dequeue rate. It may indicate performance problems. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |18227 |{21689}>{$ACTIVEMQ.EXPIRIED.WARN:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"} |{#JMXBROKERNAME}: {#JMXDESTINATIONTYPE} {#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}: Expired messages count higher than {$ACTIVEMQ.EXPIRIED.WARN:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"} | |0 |3 |This metric represents the number of messages that expired before they could be delivered. If you expect all messages to be delivered and acknowledged within a certain amount of time, you can set an expiration for each message, and investigate if your ExpiredCount metric rises above zero. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |18228 |{21690}>{$ACTIVEMQ.QUEUE.WARN:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"} and {$ACTIVEMQ.QUEUE.ENABLED:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"}=1 |{#JMXBROKERNAME}: {#JMXDESTINATIONTYPE} {#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}: Queue size higher than {$ACTIVEMQ.QUEUE.WARN:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"} for {$ACTIVEMQ.QUEUE.TIME:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"} | |0 |3 |Queue size is higher than threshold. It may indicate performance problems. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |18229 |{21691}>{21691} |Broker {#JMXBROKERNAME}: Message enqueue rate is higher than dequeue rate for {$ACTIVEMQ.MSG.RATE.WARN.TIME:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"} | |0 |3 |Enqueue rate is higher than dequeue rate. It may indicate performance problems. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |18230 |{21692}>{21693}/100*{$SQUID.PAGE.FAULT.WARN} |Squid: High sys page faults rate (>{$SQUID.PAGE.FAULT.WARN}% of received HTTP requests) | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -13140,9 +13165,7 @@ ROW |19392 |{23057}=0
ROW |19393 |{23058} > {$GRIDGAIN.THREAD.QUEUE.MAX.WARN:"{#JMXNAME}"} |Thread pool [{#JMXNAME}]: Too many messages in queue (over {$GRIDGAIN.THREAD.QUEUE.MAX.WARN:"{#JMXNAME}"} for 5 min) | |0 |3 |Number of messages in queue more than {$GRIDGAIN.THREAD.QUEUE.MAX.WARN:"{#JMXNAME}"}. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19394 |{23059}/{23060}*100>{$GRIDGAIN.CHECKPOINT.PUSED.MAX.HIGH} |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Checkpoint buffer utilization is too high (over {$GRIDGAIN.CHECKPOINT.PUSED.MAX.HIGH} in 5m) | |0 |4 |Checkpoint buffer utilization is high. Threads will be throttled to avoid buffer overflow. It can be caused by high disk utilization. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19395 |{23061}/{23062}*100>{$GRIDGAIN.CHECKPOINT.PUSED.MAX.WARN} |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Checkpoint buffer utilization is too high (over {$GRIDGAIN.CHECKPOINT.PUSED.MAX.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |2 |Checkpoint buffer utilization is high. Threads will be throttled to avoid buffer overflow. It can be caused by high disk utilization. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19396 |{23063}/{23064}*100>{$GRIDGAIN.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.HIGH} |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Data region utilisation is too high (over {$GRIDGAIN.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.HIGH} in 5m) | |0 |4 |Data region utilization is high. Increase data region size or delete any data. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19397 |{23065}/{23066}*100>{$GRIDGAIN.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.WARN} |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Data region utilisation is too high (over {$GRIDGAIN.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |2 |Data region utilization is high. Increase data region size or delete any data. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19398 |{23067}>0 |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Node started to evict pages | |0 |1 |You store more data then region can accommodate. Data started to move to disk it can make requests work slower. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |19398 |{23067}>0 |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Node started to evict pages | |0 |1 |You store more data than region can accommodate. Data started to move to disk it can make requests work slower. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |19399 |{23068}>0 |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Pages replace rate more than 0 | |0 |2 |There is more data than DataRegionMaxSize. Cluster started to replace pages in memory. Page replacement can slow down operations. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19400 |{23069} > {$GRIDGAIN.PME.DURATION.MAX.WARN} |GridGain [{#JMXIGNITEINSTANCENAME}]: PME duration is too long (over {$GRIDGAIN.PME.DURATION.MAX.WARN} for 5 min) | |0 |2 |PME duration is over {$GRIDGAIN.PME.DURATION.MAX.WARN}ms. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19401 |{23070} > {$GRIDGAIN.PME.DURATION.MAX.HIGH} |GridGain [{#JMXIGNITEINSTANCENAME}]: PME duration is too long (over {$GRIDGAIN.PME.DURATION.MAX.HIGH} for 5 min) | |0 |4 |PME duration is over {$GRIDGAIN.PME.DURATION.MAX.HIGH}ms. Looks like PME is hung. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -13176,7 +13199,7 @@ ROW |19432 |{23119}>{$HAPROXY.BACK_RTIME.MAX.WARN}
ROW |19433 |{23120}=5 |HAProxy backend {#PXNAME}: Server is DOWN | |0 |3 |Backend is not available. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |19434 |{23121}>{$HAPROXY.FRONT_DREQ.MAX.WARN} |HAProxy frontend {#PXNAME}: Number of requests denied is more than {$HAPROXY.FRONT_DREQ.MAX.WARN} for 5m | |0 |2 |Number of requests denied due to security concerns (ACL-restricted) is more than {$HAPROXY.FRONT_DREQ.MAX.WARN}. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19435 |{23122}>{$HAPROXY.FRONT_EREQ.MAX.WARN} |HAProxy frontend {#PXNAME}: Number of request errors is more than {$HAPROXY.FRONT_EREQ.MAX.WARN} for 5m | |0 |2 |Number of request errors is more than {$HAPROXY.FRONT_EREQ.MAX.WARN}. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19436 |{23123}>{$HAPROXY.FRONT_SUTIL.MAX.WARN} |HAProxy frontend {#PXNAME}: Session utilization is more than {$HAPROXY.FRONT_SUTIL.MAX.WARN}% for 5m | |0 |2 |Alerting on this metric is essential to ensure your server has sufficient capacity to handle all concurrent sessions. Unlike requests, upon reaching the session limit HAProxy will deny additional clients until resource consumption drops. Furthermore, if you find your session usage percentage to be hovering above 80%, it could be time to either modify HAProxy’s configuration to allow more sessions, or migrate your HAProxy server to a bigger box. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19436 |{23123}>{$HAPROXY.FRONT_SUTIL.MAX.WARN} |HAProxy frontend {#PXNAME}: Session utilization is more than {$HAPROXY.FRONT_SUTIL.MAX.WARN}% for 5m | |0 |2 |Alerting on this metric is essential to ensure your server has sufficient capacity to handle all concurrent sessions. Unlike requests, upon reaching the session limit HAProxy will deny additional clients until resource consumption drops. Furthermore, if you find your session usage percentage to be hovering above 80%, it could be time to either modify HAProxy's configuration to allow more sessions, or migrate your HAProxy server to a bigger box. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19437 |{23124} = 0 |HAProxy {#PXNAME} {#SVNAME}: Health check error | |0 |2 |Please check the server for faults. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |19438 |{23125}>{$HAPROXY.SERVER_ERESP.MAX.WARN} |HAProxy {#PXNAME} {#SVNAME}: Number of responses with error is more than {$HAPROXY.SERVER_ERESP.MAX.WARN} for 5m | |0 |2 |Number of requests on server, whose responses yielded an error, is more than {$HAPROXY.SERVER_ERESP.MAX.WARN}. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19439 |{23126}>{$HAPROXY.SERVER_QCUR.MAX.WARN} |HAProxy {#PXNAME} {#SVNAME}: Current number of requests unassigned in queue is more than {$HAPROXY.SERVER_QCUR.MAX.WARN} for 5m | |0 |2 |Current number of requests unassigned in queue is more than {$HAPROXY.SERVER_QCUR.MAX.WARN}. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -13190,7 +13213,7 @@ ROW |19446 |{23133}>{$HAPROXY.BACK_RTIME.MAX.WARN}
ROW |19447 |{23134}=5 |HAProxy backend {#PXNAME}: Server is DOWN | |0 |3 |Backend is not available. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |19448 |{23135}>{$HAPROXY.FRONT_DREQ.MAX.WARN} |HAProxy frontend {#PXNAME}: Number of requests denied is more than {$HAPROXY.FRONT_DREQ.MAX.WARN} for 5m | |0 |2 |Number of requests denied due to security concerns (ACL-restricted) is more than {$HAPROXY.FRONT_DREQ.MAX.WARN}. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19449 |{23136}>{$HAPROXY.FRONT_EREQ.MAX.WARN} |HAProxy frontend {#PXNAME}: Number of request errors is more than {$HAPROXY.FRONT_EREQ.MAX.WARN} for 5m | |0 |2 |Number of request errors is more than {$HAPROXY.FRONT_EREQ.MAX.WARN}. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19450 |{23137}>{$HAPROXY.FRONT_SUTIL.MAX.WARN} |HAProxy frontend {#PXNAME}: Session utilization is more than {$HAPROXY.FRONT_SUTIL.MAX.WARN}% for 5m | |0 |2 |Alerting on this metric is essential to ensure your server has sufficient capacity to handle all concurrent sessions. Unlike requests, upon reaching the session limit HAProxy will deny additional clients until resource consumption drops. Furthermore, if you find your session usage percentage to be hovering above 80%, it could be time to either modify HAProxy’s configuration to allow more sessions, or migrate your HAProxy server to a bigger box. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19450 |{23137}>{$HAPROXY.FRONT_SUTIL.MAX.WARN} |HAProxy frontend {#PXNAME}: Session utilization is more than {$HAPROXY.FRONT_SUTIL.MAX.WARN}% for 5m | |0 |2 |Alerting on this metric is essential to ensure your server has sufficient capacity to handle all concurrent sessions. Unlike requests, upon reaching the session limit HAProxy will deny additional clients until resource consumption drops. Furthermore, if you find your session usage percentage to be hovering above 80%, it could be time to either modify HAProxy's configuration to allow more sessions, or migrate your HAProxy server to a bigger box. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19451 |{23138} = 0 |HAProxy {#PXNAME} {#SVNAME}: Health check error | |0 |2 |Please check the server for faults. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |19452 |{23139}>{$HAPROXY.SERVER_ERESP.MAX.WARN} |HAProxy {#PXNAME} {#SVNAME}: Number of responses with error is more than {$HAPROXY.SERVER_ERESP.MAX.WARN} for 5m | |0 |2 |Number of requests on server, whose responses yielded an error, is more than {$HAPROXY.SERVER_ERESP.MAX.WARN}. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19453 |{23140}>{$HAPROXY.SERVER_QCUR.MAX.WARN} |HAProxy {#PXNAME} {#SVNAME}: Current number of requests unassigned in queue is more than {$HAPROXY.SERVER_QCUR.MAX.WARN} for 5m | |0 |2 |Current number of requests unassigned in queue is more than {$HAPROXY.SERVER_QCUR.MAX.WARN}. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -13440,22 +13463,6 @@ ROW |19710 |({23520}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23521} or&eol;{23522
ROW |19711 |{23523}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23524}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23525}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23526}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
ROW |19712 |{23527}>{$VFS.DEV.UTIL.MAX.WARN} |{#DEVNAME}: Disk is overloaded (util > {$VFS.DEV.UTIL.MAX.WARN}% for 15m) | |0 |2 |The disk appears to be under heavy load |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |19714 |{23529}>{$VFS.DEV.UTIL.MAX.WARN} |{#DEVNAME}: Disk is overloaded (util > {$VFS.DEV.UTIL.MAX.WARN}% for 15m) | |0 |2 |The disk appears to be under heavy load |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
-ROW |19716 |{23531} > {$PG.CHECKPOINTS_REQ.MAX.WARN} |PostgreSQL: Required checkpoints occurs too frequently (over {$PG.CHECKPOINTS_REQ.MAX.WARN}) | |0 |3 |Checkpoints are points in the sequence of transactions at which it is guaranteed that the heap and index data files have been updated with all information written before that checkpoint. At checkpoint time, all dirty data pages are flushed to disk and a special checkpoint record is written to the log file.&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/wal-configuration.html |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19717 |{23532} = 1 |PostgreSQL: Failed to get items (no data for 30m) | |0 |2 |Zabbix has not received data for items for the last 30 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19718 |{23533} < {$PG.CACHE_HITRATIO.MIN.WARN} |PostgreSQL: Cache hit ratio too low (under {$PG.CACHE_HITRATIO.MIN.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19719 |{23534}=1 and {23535}>0 |PostgreSQL: Configuration has changed | |0 |1 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19720 |{23536} > {$PG.CONN_TOTAL_PCT.MAX.WARN} |PostgreSQL: Total number of connections is too high (over {$PG.CONN_TOTAL_PCT.MAX.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19721 |{23537} > {$PG.PING_TIME.MAX.WARN} |PostgreSQL: Response too long (over {$PG.PING_TIME.MAX.WARN}) | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19722 |{23538} = 0 |PostgreSQL: Service is down | |0 |4 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19723 |{23539} > {$PG.REPL_LAG.MAX.WARN} |PostgreSQL: Streaming lag with {#MASTER} is too high (over {$PG.REPL_LAG.MAX.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19724 |{23540}=0 |PostgreSQL: Replication is down | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19725 |{23541} < 10m |PostgreSQL: Service has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |1 |PostgreSQL uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19726 |{23542}=1 and {23543}>0 |PostgreSQL: Version has changed (new version value received: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19727 |{23544} > {$PG.CONFLICTS.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} |DB {#DBNAME}: Too many recovery conflicts (over {$PG.CONFLICTS.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} in 5m) | |0 |3 |The primary and standby servers are in many ways loosely connected. Actions on the primary will have an effect on the standby. As a result, there is potential for negative interactions or conflicts between them.&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/hot-standby.html#HOT-STANDBY-CONFLICT |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19728 |{23545} > {$PG.DEADLOCKS.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} |DB {#DBNAME}: Deadlock occurred (over {$PG.DEADLOCKS.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} in 5m) | |0 |4 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19729 |{23546}<{$PG.FROZENXID_PCT_STOP.MIN.HIGH:"{#DBNAME}"} |DB {#DBNAME}: VACUUM FREEZE is required to prevent wraparound (frozen XID less then {$PG.FROZENXID_PCT_STOP.MIN.HIGH:"{#DBNAME}"} %) | |0 |3 |Preventing Transaction ID Wraparound Failures&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/routine-vacuuming.html#VACUUM-FOR-WRAPAROUND |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19730 |{23547}>{$PG.LOCKS.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} |DB {#DBNAME}: Number of locks is too high (over {$PG.LOCKS.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} in 5m) | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |19731 |{23548}>{$PG.SLOW_QUERIES.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} |DB {#DBNAME}: Too many slow queries (over {$PG.SLOW_QUERIES.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} in 5m) | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19732 |{23549} > {$PG.CONN_TOTAL_PCT.MAX.WARN} |Connections sum: Total number of connections is too high (over {$PG.CONN_TOTAL_PCT.MAX.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19733 |{23550} > 18000000 |PostgreSQL: Oldest xid is too big | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19734 |{23551}=0 |PostgreSQL: Service is down | |0 |4 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -13466,6 +13473,141 @@ ROW |19738 |{23555} - 86400 * {$BIGIP.CERT.MIN} < {23556}
ROW |19739 |{23557}/{23558}*100>{$BIGIP.MEMORY.UTIL.WARN.MAX} |F5 BIG-IP: High memory utilization in host [{#HOST.ID}] (over {$BIGIP.MEMORY.UTIL.WARN.MAX}%) | |0 |2 |The system is running out of free memory. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23557}/{23558}*100<{$BIGIP.MEMORY.UTIL.WARN.MIN} |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19740 |{23559}/{23560}*100>{$BIGIP.SWAP.UTIL.WARN.MAX} |F5 BIG-IP: High swap utilization in host [{#HOST.ID}] (over {$BIGIP.SWAP.UTIL.WARN.MAX}%) | |0 |2 |The system is running out of free swap memory. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23559}/{23560}*100>{$BIGIP.SWAP.UTIL.WARN.MIN} |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |19741 |{23561}<{$MEMORY.AVAILABLE.MIN} and {23562}>0 |Lack of available memory (<{$MEMORY.AVAILABLE.MIN} of {ITEM.VALUE2}) | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Available: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, total: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19743 |{23565}>{$ACTIVEMQ.EXPIRED.WARN:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"} |{#JMXBROKERNAME}: {#JMXDESTINATIONTYPE} {#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}: Expired messages count higher than {$ACTIVEMQ.EXPIRED.WARN:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"} | |0 |3 |This metric represents the number of messages that expired before they could be delivered. If you expect all messages to be delivered and acknowledged within a certain amount of time, you can set an expiration for each message, and investigate if your ExpiredCount metric rises above zero. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19744 |{23566}<{$SWAP.PFREE.MIN.WARN} and {23567}>0 |PFSense: High swap space usage (less than {$SWAP.PFREE.MIN.WARN}% free) | |0 |2 |This trigger is ignored, if there is no swap configured |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Free: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, total: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19745 |{23568}<{$MEMORY.AVAILABLE.MIN} and {23569}>0 |PFSense: Lack of available memory (<{$MEMORY.AVAILABLE.MIN} of {ITEM.VALUE2}) | |0 |3 |The system is running out of memory |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Available: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, total: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19746 |{23570}/{23571}>{$LOAD_AVG_PER_CPU.MAX.WARN}&eol;and {23572}>0&eol;and {23573}>0 |PFSense: Load average is too high (per CPU load over {$LOAD_AVG_PER_CPU.MAX.WARN} for 5m) | |0 |3 |Per CPU load average is too high. Your system may be slow to respond. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Load averages(1m 5m 15m): ({ITEM.LASTVALUE1} {ITEM.LASTVALUE3} {ITEM.LASTVALUE4}), # of CPUs: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2}|0 |
+ROW |19747 |{23574}=0 |PFSense: Unavailable by ICMP ping | |0 |4 |Last three attempts returned timeout. Please check device connectivity. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19748 |{23575}>{$ICMP_LOSS_WARN} and {23575}<100 |PFSense: High ICMP ping loss | |0 |2 |ICMP packets loss detected |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Loss: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19749 |{23576}>{$ICMP_RESPONSE_TIME_WARN} |PFSense: High ICMP ping response time | |0 |2 |Average ICMP response time is too big. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Value: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19750 |{23577}=1 |PFSense: DHCP server is not running | |0 |3 |Please check DHCP server settings https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/services/dhcp/index.html |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19751 |{23578}=1 |PFSense: DNS server is not running | |0 |3 |Please check DNS server settings https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/services/dns/index.html |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19752 |{23579}=1 |PFSense: Web server is not running | |0 |3 |Please check nginx service status |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19753 |{23580}<>1 |PFSense: Packet filter is not running | |0 |4 |Please check PF status |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current running state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19754 |{23581}>{$SOURCE.TRACKING.TABLE.UTIL.MAX} |PFSense: Source tracking table usage more than {$SOURCE.TRACKING.TABLE.UTIL.MAX}. | |0 |2 |Please check the number of sticky connections https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/monitoring/status/firewall-states-sources.html |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current utilization: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19755 |{23582}>{$STATE.TABLE.UTIL.MAX} |PFSense: State table usage more than {$STATE.TABLE.UTIL.MAX}. | |0 |2 |Please check the number of connections https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/config/advanced-firewall-nat.html#config-advanced-firewall-maxstates |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current utilization: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19756 |{23583}=1 and {23584}>0 |PFSense: System name has changed (new name: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 |System name has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |19757 |{23585}<10m |PFSense: has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |1 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |19758 |{23586}>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX} |PFSense: High memory utilization (>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}% for 5m) | |0 |3 |The system is running out of free memory. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19759 |{23587}=0 |PFSense: No SNMP data collection | |0 |2 |SNMP is not available for polling. Please check device connectivity and SNMP settings. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19760 |{23588}>{$CPU.UTIL.CRIT} |PFSense: High CPU utilization (over {$CPU.UTIL.CRIT}% for 5m) | |0 |2 |CPU utilization is too high. The system might be slow to respond. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current utilization: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19761 |{23589}<0 and {23590}>0&eol;and (&eol;{23591}=6 or&eol;{23591}=7 or&eol;{23591}=11 or&eol;{23591}=62 or&eol;{23591}=69 or&eol;{23591}=117&eol;)&eol;and&eol;{23592}<>2 |PFSense: Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before | |0 |1 |This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({23589}>0 and {23593}>0) or&eol;{23592}=2 |0 | |0 |Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19762 |({23594}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23595}) and&eol;{23595}>0 |PFSense: High inbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23594}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23595} |0 | |0 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19763 |({23596}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23597}) and&eol;{23597}>0 |PFSense: High outbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23596}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23597} |0 | |0 |Out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19764 |{23598}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |PFSense: High input error rate ( > {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23599}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |0 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19765 |{23600}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |PFSense: High output error rate ( > {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23601}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |0 |errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19766 |{$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 and {23602}=2 |PFSense: Link down | |0 |3 |This trigger expression works as follows:&eol;1. Can be triggered if operations status is down.&eol;2. {$IFCONTROL:"{#IFNAME}"}=1 - user can redefine Context macro to value - 0. That marks this interface as not important. No new trigger will be fired if this interface is down. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19767 |{23603}>{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"{#FSNAME}"} and&eol;(({23604}-{23605})<5G or {23606}<1d) |PFSense: Disk space is critically low (used > {$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"PFSense"}%) | |0 |3 |Two conditions should match: First, space utilization should be above {$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT:"PFSense"}.&eol; Second condition should be one of the following:&eol; - The disk free space is less than 5G.&eol; - The disk will be full in less than 24 hours. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 |Space used: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3} of {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} ({ITEM.LASTVALUE1}) |0 |
+ROW |19768 |{23607}>{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"} and&eol;(({23608}-{23609})<10G or {23610}<1d) |PFSense: Disk space is low (used > {$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN:"PFSense"}%) | |0 |2 |Two conditions should match: First, space utilization should be above {$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN:"PFSense"}.&eol; Second condition should be one of the following:&eol; - The disk free space is less than 10G.&eol; - The disk will be full in less than 24 hours. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 |Space used: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3} of {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} ({ITEM.LASTVALUE1}) |0 |
+ROW |19769 |{23611}<{$VFS.FS.INODE.PFREE.MIN.CRIT:"{#FSNAME}"} |PFSense: {#FSNAME}: Running out of free inodes (free < {$VFS.FS.INODE.PFREE.MIN.CRIT:"{#FSNAME}"}%) | |0 |3 |It may become impossible to write to disk if there are no index nodes left.&eol;As symptoms, 'No space left on device' or 'Disk is full' errors may be seen even though free space is available. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Free inodes: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19770 |{23612}<{$VFS.FS.INODE.PFREE.MIN.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"} |PFSense: {#FSNAME}: Running out of free inodes (free < {$VFS.FS.INODE.PFREE.MIN.WARN:"{#FSNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |It may become impossible to write to disk if there are no index nodes left.&eol;As symptoms, 'No space left on device' or 'Disk is full' errors may be seen even though free space is available. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Free inodes: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19771 |{23613}=0 |VMware: Hypervisor is down | |0 |3 |The service is unavailable or does not accept ICMP ping. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |19772 |{23614}<10m |VMware: Hypervisor has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |2 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |19773 |{23615}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"configuration syncer"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of configuration syncer processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"configuration syncer"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23615}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"configuration syncer"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19774 |{23616}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"data sender"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of data sender processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"data sender"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23616}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"data sender"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19775 |{23617}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"discoverer"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of discoverer processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"discoverer"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23617}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"discoverer"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19776 |{23618}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"heartbeat sender"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of heartbeat sender processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"heartbeat sender"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23618}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"heartbeat sender"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19777 |{23619}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"history syncer"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of history syncer processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"history syncer"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23619}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"history syncer"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19778 |{23620}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"housekeeper"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of housekeeper processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"housekeeper"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23620}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"housekeeper"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19779 |{23621}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"http poller"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of http poller processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"http poller"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23621}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"http poller"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19780 |{23622}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"icmp pinger"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of icmp pinger processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"icmp pinger"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23622}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"icmp pinger"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19781 |{23623}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"ipmi manager"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of ipmi manager processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"ipmi manager"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23623}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"ipmi manager"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19782 |{23624}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"ipmi poller"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of ipmi poller processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"ipmi poller"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23624}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"ipmi poller"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19783 |{23625}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"java poller"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of java poller processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"java poller"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23625}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"java poller"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19784 |{23626}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"poller"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of poller processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"poller"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23626}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"poller"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19785 |{23627}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"preprocessing manager"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of preprocessing manager processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"preprocessing manager"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23627}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"preprocessing manager"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19786 |{23628}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"preprocessing worker"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of preprocessing worker processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"preprocessing worker"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23628}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"preprocessing worker"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19787 |{23629}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"self-monitoring"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of self-monitoring processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"self-monitoring"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23629}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"self-monitoring"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19788 |{23630}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"snmp trapper"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of snmp trapper processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"snmp trapper"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23630}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"snmp trapper"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19789 |{23631}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"task manager"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of task manager processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"task manager"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23631}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"task manager"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19790 |{23632}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"trapper"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of trapper processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"trapper"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23632}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"trapper"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19791 |{23633}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"unreachable poller"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of unreachable poller processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"unreachable poller"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23633}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"unreachable poller"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19792 |{23634}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"vmware collector"} |Zabbix proxy: Utilization of vmware collector processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"vmware collector"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23634}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"vmware collector"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19793 |{23635}>100 |Zabbix proxy: More than 100 items having missing data for more than 10 minutes | |0 |2 |zabbix[stats,{$IP},{$PORT},queue,10m] item is collecting data about how many items are missing data for more than 10 minutes. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19794 |{23636}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX} |Zabbix proxy: More than {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX}% used in the configuration cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing CacheSize in the zabbix_proxy.conf configuration file. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19795 |{23637}<10m |Zabbix proxy: has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |1 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |19796 |{23638}=1 and {23639}>0 |Zabbix proxy: Version has changed (new version: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 |Zabbix proxy version has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |19797 |{23640}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX} |Zabbix proxy: More than {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX}% used in the vmware cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing VMwareCacheSize in the zabbix_proxy.conf configuration file. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19798 |{23641}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX} |Zabbix proxy: More than {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX}% used in the history cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing HistoryCacheSize in the zabbix_proxy.conf configuration file. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19799 |{23642}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX} |Zabbix proxy: More than {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX}% used in the history index cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing HistoryIndexCacheSize in the zabbix_proxy.conf configuration file. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19800 |{23643}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"configuration syncer"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of configuration syncer processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"configuration syncer"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23643}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"configuration syncer"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19801 |{23644}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"data sender"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of data sender processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"data sender"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23644}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"data sender"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19802 |{23645}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"discoverer"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of discoverer processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"discoverer"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23645}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"discoverer"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19803 |{23646}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"heartbeat sender"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of heartbeat sender processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"heartbeat sender"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23646}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"heartbeat sender"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19804 |{23647}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"history syncer"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of history syncer processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"history syncer"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23647}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"history syncer"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19805 |{23648}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"housekeeper"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of housekeeper processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"housekeeper"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23648}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"housekeeper"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19806 |{23649}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"http poller"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of http poller processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"http poller"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23649}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"http poller"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19807 |{23650}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"icmp pinger"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of icmp pinger processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"icmp pinger"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23650}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"icmp pinger"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19808 |{23651}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"ipmi manager"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of ipmi manager processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"ipmi manager"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23651}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"ipmi manager"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19809 |{23652}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"ipmi poller"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of ipmi poller processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"ipmi poller"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23652}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"ipmi poller"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19810 |{23653}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"java poller"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of java poller processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"java poller"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23653}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"java poller"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19811 |{23654}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"poller"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of poller processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"poller"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23654}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"poller"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19812 |{23655}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"preprocessing manager"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of preprocessing manager processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"preprocessing manager"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23655}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"preprocessing manager"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19813 |{23656}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"preprocessing worker"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of preprocessing worker processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"preprocessing worker"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23656}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"preprocessing worker"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19814 |{23657}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"self-monitoring"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of self-monitoring processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"self-monitoring"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23657}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"self-monitoring"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19815 |{23658}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"snmp trapper"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of snmp trapper processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"snmp trapper"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23658}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"snmp trapper"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19816 |{23659}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"task manager"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of task manager processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"task manager"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23659}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"task manager"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19817 |{23660}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"trapper"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of trapper processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"trapper"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23660}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"trapper"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19818 |{23661}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"unreachable poller"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of unreachable poller processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"unreachable poller"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23661}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"unreachable poller"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19819 |{23662}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"vmware collector"} |Remote Zabbix proxy: Utilization of vmware collector processes over {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX:"vmware collector"}% | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |1 |{23662}<{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN:"vmware collector"} |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19820 |{23663}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX} |Remote Zabbix proxy: More than {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX}% used in the configuration cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing CacheSize in the zabbix_server.conf configuration file. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19821 |{23664}<10m |Remote Zabbix proxy: has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |1 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |19822 |{23665}=1 and {23666}>0 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Version has changed (new version: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 |Remote Zabbix proxy version has changed. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |19823 |{23667}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX} |Remote Zabbix proxy: More than {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX}% used in the vmware cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing VMwareCacheSize in the zabbix_server.conf configuration file. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19824 |{23668}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX} |Remote Zabbix proxy: More than {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX}% used in the history cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing HistoryCacheSize in the zabbix_server.conf configuration file. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19825 |{23669}>{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX} |Remote Zabbix proxy: More than {$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX}% used in the history index cache | |0 |3 |Consider increasing HistoryIndexCacheSize in the zabbix_server.conf configuration file. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19826 |{23670}>100 |Remote Zabbix proxy: More than 100 items having missing data for more than 10 minutes | |0 |2 |zabbix[stats,{$ZABBIX.PROXY.ADDRESS},{$ZABBIX.PROXY.PORT},queue,10m] item is collecting data about how many items are missing data for more than 10 minutes. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19827 |{23671}=0 |ClickHouse: Port {$CLICKHOUSE.PORT} is unavailable | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
+ROW |19828 |{23672}/{23673}*100>{$GRIDGAIN.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.HIGH} |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Data region utilization is too high (over {$GRIDGAIN.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.HIGH} in 5m) | |0 |4 |Data region utilization is high. Increase data region size or delete any data. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19829 |{23674}/{23675}*100>{$GRIDGAIN.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.WARN} |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Data region utilization is too high (over {$GRIDGAIN.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |2 |Data region utilization is high. Increase data region size or delete any data. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19830 |{23676}/{23677}*100>{$IGNITE.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.HIGH} |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Data region utilization is too high (over {$IGNITE.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.HIGH} in 5m) | |0 |4 |Data region utilization is high. Increase data region size or delete any data. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19831 |{23678}/{23679}*100>{$IGNITE.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.WARN} |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Data region utilization is too high (over {$IGNITE.DATA.REGION.PUSED.MAX.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |2 |Data region utilization is high. Increase data region size or delete any data. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19832 |{23680}<{$MONGODB.WIRED_TIGER.TICKETS.AVAILABLE.MIN.WARN} |MongoDB: Available WiredTiger read tickets less than {$MONGODB.WIRED_TIGER.TICKETS.AVAILABLE.MIN.WARN} | |0 |2 |"Too few available read tickets.&eol;When the number of available read tickets remaining reaches zero, new read requests will be queued until a new read ticket is available." |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19833 |{23681}<{$MONGODB.WIRED_TIGER.TICKETS.AVAILABLE.MIN.WARN} |MongoDB: Available WiredTiger write tickets less than {$MONGODB.WIRED_TIGER.TICKETS.AVAILABLE.MIN.WARN} | |0 |2 |"Too few available write tickets.&eol;When the number of available write tickets remaining reaches zero, new write requests will be queued until a new write ticket is available." |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19834 |{23682} * 100 > 10 * {23683} |MSSQL: Too frequently using pointers | |0 |2 |Rows with varchar columns can experience expansion when varchar values are updated with a longer string. In the case where the row cannot fit in the existing page, the row migrates and access to the row will traverse a pointer. This only happens on heaps (tables without clustered indexes). Evaluate clustered index for heap tables. In cases where clustered indexes cannot be used, drop non-clustered indexes, build a clustered index to reorg pages and rows, drop the clustered index, then recreate non-clustered indexes. |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19835 |{23684}=2 |Oracle TBS '{#TABLESPACE}': Tablespace is OFFLINE | |0 |2 |The tablespace is in the offline state. |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19836 |{23685} > {$PG.CHECKPOINTS_REQ.MAX.WARN} |PostgreSQL: Required checkpoints occurs too frequently (over {$PG.CHECKPOINTS_REQ.MAX.WARN}) | |0 |3 |Checkpoints are points in the sequence of transactions at which it is guaranteed that the heap and index data files have been updated with all information written before that checkpoint. At checkpoint time, all dirty data pages are flushed to disk and a special checkpoint record is written to the log file.&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/wal-configuration.html |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19837 |{23686} = 1 |PostgreSQL: Failed to get items (no data for 30m) | |0 |2 |Zabbix has not received data for items for the last 30 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19838 |{23687} < {$PG.CACHE_HITRATIO.MIN.WARN} |PostgreSQL: Cache hit ratio too low (under {$PG.CACHE_HITRATIO.MIN.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19839 |{23688}=1 and {23689}>0 |PostgreSQL: Configuration has changed | |0 |1 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19840 |{23690} > {$PG.CONN_TOTAL_PCT.MAX.WARN} |PostgreSQL: Total number of connections is too high (over {$PG.CONN_TOTAL_PCT.MAX.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19841 |{23691} > {$PG.PING_TIME.MAX.WARN} |PostgreSQL: Response too long (over {$PG.PING_TIME.MAX.WARN}) | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19842 |{23692} = 0 |PostgreSQL: Service is down | |0 |4 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19843 |{23693} > {$PG.REPL_LAG.MAX.WARN} |PostgreSQL: Streaming lag with {#MASTER} is too high (over {$PG.REPL_LAG.MAX.WARN} in 5m) | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19844 |{23694}=0 |PostgreSQL: Replication is down | |0 |3 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19845 |{23695} < 10m |PostgreSQL: Service has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |1 |PostgreSQL uptime is less than 10 minutes |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19846 |{23696}=1 and {23697}>0 |PostgreSQL: Version has changed (new version value received: {ITEM.VALUE}) | |0 |1 | |NULL |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19847 |{23698} > {$PG.CONFLICTS.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} |DB {#DBNAME}: Too many recovery conflicts (over {$PG.CONFLICTS.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} in 5m) | |0 |3 |The primary and standby servers are in many ways loosely connected. Actions on the primary will have an effect on the standby. As a result, there is potential for negative interactions or conflicts between them.&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/hot-standby.html#HOT-STANDBY-CONFLICT |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19848 |{23699} > {$PG.DEADLOCKS.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} |DB {#DBNAME}: Deadlock occurred (over {$PG.DEADLOCKS.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} in 5m) | |0 |4 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19849 |{23700}<{$PG.FROZENXID_PCT_STOP.MIN.HIGH:"{#DBNAME}"} |DB {#DBNAME}: VACUUM FREEZE is required to prevent wraparound (frozen XID less than {$PG.FROZENXID_PCT_STOP.MIN.HIGH:"{#DBNAME}"} %) | |0 |3 |Preventing Transaction ID Wraparound Failures&eol;https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/routine-vacuuming.html#VACUUM-FOR-WRAPAROUND |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19850 |{23701}>{$PG.LOCKS.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} |DB {#DBNAME}: Number of locks is too high (over {$PG.LOCKS.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} in 5m) | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19851 |{23702}>{$PG.SLOW_QUERIES.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} |DB {#DBNAME}: Too many slow queries (over {$PG.SLOW_QUERIES.MAX.WARN:"{#DBNAME}"} in 5m) | |0 |2 | |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
+ROW |19852 |({23703}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23704} or&eol;{23705}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23704}) and&eol;{23704}>0 |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23703}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23704} and&eol;{23705}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23704}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19853 |{23706}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23707}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23708}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23709}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19860 |({23731}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23732} or&eol;{23733}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23732}) and&eol;{23732}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23731}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23732} and&eol;{23733}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23732}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19861 |{23734}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23735}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23736}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23737}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19902 |({23878}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23879} or&eol;{23880}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23879}) and&eol;{23879}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23878}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23879} and&eol;{23880}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23879}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19903 |{23881}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23882}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23883}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23884}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19906 |{23892}<0 and {23893}>0&eol;and (&eol;{23894}=6 or&eol;{23894}=7 or&eol;{23894}=11 or&eol;{23894}=62 or&eol;{23894}=69 or&eol;{23894}=117&eol;)&eol;and&eol;({23895}<>2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before | |0 |1 |This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({23892}>0 and {23896}>0) or&eol;({23895}=2) |0 | |0 |Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19907 |({23897}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23898}) and&eol;{23898}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High inbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23897}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23898} |0 | |0 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19908 |({23899}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23900}) and&eol;{23900}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High outbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23899}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23900} |0 | |0 |Out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19909 |{23901}=3 or {23901}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19910 |{23902}<0 and {23903}>0&eol;and (&eol;{23904}=6 or&eol;{23904}=7 or&eol;{23904}=11 or&eol;{23904}=62 or&eol;{23904}=69 or&eol;{23904}=117&eol;)&eol;and&eol;({23905}<>2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before | |0 |1 |This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({23902}>0 and {23906}>0) or&eol;({23905}=2) |0 | |0 |Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19911 |({23907}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23908}) and&eol;{23908}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High inbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23907}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23908} |0 | |0 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19912 |({23909}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23910}) and&eol;{23910}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High outbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23909}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23910} |0 | |0 |Out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19913 |{23911}=3 or {23911}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19914 |{23912}<0 and {23913}>0&eol;and (&eol;{23914}=6 or&eol;{23914}=7 or&eol;{23914}=11 or&eol;{23914}=62 or&eol;{23914}=69 or&eol;{23914}=117&eol;)&eol;and&eol;({23915}<>2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before | |0 |1 |This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({23912}>0 and {23916}>0) or&eol;({23915}=2) |0 | |0 |Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19915 |({23917}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23918}) and&eol;{23918}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High inbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23917}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23918} |0 | |0 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19916 |({23919}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23920}) and&eol;{23920}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High outbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23919}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23920} |0 | |0 |Out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19917 |{23921}=3 or {23921}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19918 |{23922}<0 and {23923}>0&eol;and (&eol;{23924}=6 or&eol;{23924}=7 or&eol;{23924}=11 or&eol;{23924}=62 or&eol;{23924}=69 or&eol;{23924}=117&eol;)&eol;and&eol;({23925}<>2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before | |0 |1 |This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({23922}>0 and {23926}>0) or&eol;({23925}=2) |0 | |0 |Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19919 |({23927}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23928}) and&eol;{23928}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High inbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23927}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23928} |0 | |0 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19920 |({23929}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23930}) and&eol;{23930}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High outbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23929}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23930} |0 | |0 |Out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19921 |{23931}=3 or {23931}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19922 |{23932}<0 and {23933}>0&eol;and (&eol;{23934}=6 or&eol;{23934}=7 or&eol;{23934}=11 or&eol;{23934}=62 or&eol;{23934}=69 or&eol;{23934}=117&eol;)&eol;and&eol;({23935}<>2) |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Ethernet has changed to lower speed than it was before | |0 |1 |This Ethernet connection has transitioned down from its known maximum speed. This might be a sign of autonegotiation issues. Ack to close. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |({23932}>0 and {23936}>0) or&eol;({23935}=2) |0 | |0 |Current reported speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
+ROW |19923 |({23937}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23938}) and&eol;{23938}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High inbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23937}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23938} |0 | |0 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19924 |({23939}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23940}) and&eol;{23940}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High outbound bandwidth usage ( > {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |NULL |0 |2 |1 |{23939}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23940} |0 | |0 |Out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19925 |{23941}=3 or {23941}=4 |{#SNMPVALUE}: Power supply is in critical state | |0 |3 |Please check the power supply unit for errors |NULL |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
TABLE |triggers
FIELDS|triggerid|expression |description |url |status|priority|comments |templateid|type|flags|recovery_mode|recovery_expression |correlation_mode|correlation_tag|manual_close|opdata |discover|
@@ -13743,54 +13885,6 @@ ROW |17723 |{20824}=1 and {20825}>0
ROW |17724 |{20826}<10m |{HOST.NAME} has been restarted (uptime < 10m) | |0 |2 |Uptime is less than 10 minutes |16287 |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |17725 |{20827}=0 |No SNMP data collection | |0 |2 |SNMP is not available for polling. Please check device connectivity and SNMP settings. |16289 |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Current state: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1} |0 |
ROW |17794 |{20921}>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX} |{#MEMNAME}: High memory utilization (>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}% for 5m) | |0 |3 |The system is running out of free memory. |17793 |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
-ROW |17800 |({20932}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20933} or&eol;{20934}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20933}) and&eol;{20933}>0 |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17798 |0 |2 |1 |{20932}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20933} and&eol;{20934}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20933}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17801 |({20935}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20936} or&eol;{20937}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20936}) and&eol;{20936}>0 |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17798 |0 |2 |1 |{20935}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20936} and&eol;{20937}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20936}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17802 |({20938}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20939} or&eol;{20940}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20939}) and&eol;{20939}>0 |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17798 |0 |2 |1 |{20938}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20939} and&eol;{20940}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20939}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17803 |{20941}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {20942}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17799 |0 |2 |1 |{20943}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {20944}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17804 |{20945}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {20946}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17799 |0 |2 |1 |{20947}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {20948}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17805 |{20949}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {20950}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17799 |0 |2 |1 |{20951}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {20952}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17808 |({20960}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20961} or&eol;{20962}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20961}) and&eol;{20961}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{20960}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20961} and&eol;{20962}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20961}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17809 |({20963}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20964} or&eol;{20965}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20964}) and&eol;{20964}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{20963}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20964} and&eol;{20965}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20964}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17810 |({20966}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20967} or&eol;{20968}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20967}) and&eol;{20967}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{20966}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20967} and&eol;{20968}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20967}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17811 |({20969}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20970} or&eol;{20971}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20970}) and&eol;{20970}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{20969}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20970} and&eol;{20971}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20970}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17812 |({20972}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20973} or&eol;{20974}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20973}) and&eol;{20973}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{20972}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20973} and&eol;{20974}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20973}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17813 |({20975}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20976} or&eol;{20977}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20976}) and&eol;{20976}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{20975}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20976} and&eol;{20977}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20976}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17814 |({20978}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20979} or&eol;{20980}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20979}) and&eol;{20979}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{20978}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20979} and&eol;{20980}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20979}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17815 |({20981}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20982} or&eol;{20983}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20982}) and&eol;{20982}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{20981}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20982} and&eol;{20983}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20982}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17816 |({20984}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20985} or&eol;{20986}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20985}) and&eol;{20985}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{20984}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20985} and&eol;{20986}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20985}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17817 |({20987}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20988} or&eol;{20989}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20988}) and&eol;{20988}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{20987}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20988} and&eol;{20989}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20988}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17818 |({20990}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20991} or&eol;{20992}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20991}) and&eol;{20991}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{20990}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20991} and&eol;{20992}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20991}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17819 |({20993}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20994} or&eol;{20995}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20994}) and&eol;{20994}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{20993}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20994} and&eol;{20995}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20994}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17820 |({20996}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20997} or&eol;{20998}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{20997}) and&eol;{20997}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{20996}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20997} and&eol;{20998}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{20997}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17821 |({20999}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21000} or&eol;{21001}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21000}) and&eol;{21000}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{20999}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21000} and&eol;{21001}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21000}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17822 |({21002}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21003} or&eol;{21004}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21003}) and&eol;{21003}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{21002}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21003} and&eol;{21004}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21003}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17823 |({21005}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21006} or&eol;{21007}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21006}) and&eol;{21006}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{21005}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21006} and&eol;{21007}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21006}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17824 |({21008}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21009} or&eol;{21010}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21009}) and&eol;{21009}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{21008}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21009} and&eol;{21010}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21009}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17826 |({21014}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21015} or&eol;{21016}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21015}) and&eol;{21015}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{21014}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21015} and&eol;{21016}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21015}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17827 |({21017}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21018} or&eol;{21019}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21018}) and&eol;{21018}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{21017}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21018} and&eol;{21019}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21018}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17828 |({21020}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21021} or&eol;{21022}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21021}) and&eol;{21021}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17806 |0 |2 |1 |{21020}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21021} and&eol;{21022}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21021}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17829 |{21023}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21024}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21025}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21026}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17830 |{21027}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21028}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21029}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21030}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17831 |{21031}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21032}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21033}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21034}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17832 |{21035}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21036}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21037}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21038}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17833 |{21039}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21040}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21041}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21042}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17834 |{21043}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21044}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21045}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21046}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17835 |{21047}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21048}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21049}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21050}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17836 |{21051}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21052}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21053}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21054}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17837 |{21055}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21056}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21057}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21058}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17838 |{21059}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21060}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21061}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21062}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17839 |{21063}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21064}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21065}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21066}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17840 |{21067}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21068}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21069}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21070}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17841 |{21071}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21072}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21073}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21074}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17842 |{21075}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21076}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21077}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21078}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17843 |{21079}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21080}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21081}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21082}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17844 |{21083}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21084}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21085}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21086}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17845 |{21087}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21088}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21089}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21090}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17847 |{21095}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21096}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21097}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21098}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17848 |{21099}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21100}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21101}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21102}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17849 |{21103}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21104}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17807 |0 |2 |1 |{21105}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21106}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17852 |({21114}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21115} or&eol;{21116}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{21115}) and&eol;{21115}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (> {$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}% ) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |17850 |0 |2 |1 |{21114}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21115} and&eol;{21116}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{21115}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
-ROW |17853 |{21117}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {21118}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (> {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |17851 |0 |2 |1 |{21119}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {21120}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
ROW |17869 |{21138}>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX} |High memory utilization (>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}% for 5m) | |0 |3 |The system is running out of free memory. |17868 |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17870 |{21139}>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX} |High memory utilization (>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}% for 5m) | |0 |3 |The system is running out of free memory. |17868 |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
ROW |17872 |{21141}>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX} |{#SNMPVALUE}: High memory utilization (>{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX}% for 5m) | |0 |3 |The system is running out of free memory. |17871 |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |0 | |0 |
@@ -13859,6 +13953,54 @@ ROW |19708 |{23514}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23515}>{$IF.ERROR
ROW |19713 |{23528}>{$VFS.DEV.UTIL.MAX.WARN} |{#DEVNAME}: Disk is overloaded (util > {$VFS.DEV.UTIL.MAX.WARN}% for 15m) | |0 |2 |The disk appears to be under heavy load |19712 |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |19715 |{23530}>{$VFS.DEV.UTIL.MAX.WARN} |{#DEVNAME}: Disk is overloaded (util > {$VFS.DEV.UTIL.MAX.WARN}% for 15m) | |0 |2 |The disk appears to be under heavy load |19714 |0 |2 |0 | |0 | |1 | |0 |
ROW |19742 |{23563}<{$MEMORY.AVAILABLE.MIN} and {23564}>0 |Lack of available memory (<{$MEMORY.AVAILABLE.MIN} of {ITEM.VALUE2}) | |0 |3 | |19741 |0 |0 |0 | |0 | |0 |Available: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, total: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19854 |({23710}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23711} or&eol;{23712}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23711}) and&eol;{23711}>0 |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19852 |0 |2 |1 |{23710}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23711} and&eol;{23712}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23711}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19855 |({23713}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23714} or&eol;{23715}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23714}) and&eol;{23714}>0 |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19852 |0 |2 |1 |{23713}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23714} and&eol;{23715}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23714}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19856 |({23716}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23717} or&eol;{23718}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23717}) and&eol;{23717}>0 |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19852 |0 |2 |1 |{23716}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23717} and&eol;{23718}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23717}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19857 |{23719}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23720}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19853 |0 |2 |1 |{23721}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23722}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19858 |{23723}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23724}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19853 |0 |2 |1 |{23725}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23726}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19859 |{23727}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23728}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFDESCR}: High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19853 |0 |2 |1 |{23729}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23730}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19862 |({23738}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23739} or&eol;{23740}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23739}) and&eol;{23739}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23738}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23739} and&eol;{23740}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23739}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19863 |({23741}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23742} or&eol;{23743}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23742}) and&eol;{23742}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23741}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23742} and&eol;{23743}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23742}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19864 |({23744}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23745} or&eol;{23746}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23745}) and&eol;{23745}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23744}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23745} and&eol;{23746}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23745}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19865 |({23747}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23748} or&eol;{23749}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23748}) and&eol;{23748}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23747}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23748} and&eol;{23749}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23748}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19866 |({23750}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23751} or&eol;{23752}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23751}) and&eol;{23751}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23750}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23751} and&eol;{23752}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23751}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19867 |({23753}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23754} or&eol;{23755}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23754}) and&eol;{23754}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23753}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23754} and&eol;{23755}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23754}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19868 |({23756}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23757} or&eol;{23758}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23757}) and&eol;{23757}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23756}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23757} and&eol;{23758}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23757}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19869 |({23759}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23760} or&eol;{23761}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23760}) and&eol;{23760}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23759}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23760} and&eol;{23761}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23760}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19870 |({23762}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23763} or&eol;{23764}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23763}) and&eol;{23763}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23762}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23763} and&eol;{23764}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23763}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19871 |({23765}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23766} or&eol;{23767}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23766}) and&eol;{23766}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23765}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23766} and&eol;{23767}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23766}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19872 |({23768}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23769} or&eol;{23770}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23769}) and&eol;{23769}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23768}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23769} and&eol;{23770}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23769}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19873 |({23771}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23772} or&eol;{23773}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23772}) and&eol;{23772}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23771}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23772} and&eol;{23773}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23772}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19874 |({23774}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23775} or&eol;{23776}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23775}) and&eol;{23775}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23774}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23775} and&eol;{23776}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23775}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19875 |({23777}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23778} or&eol;{23779}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23778}) and&eol;{23778}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23777}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23778} and&eol;{23779}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23778}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19876 |({23780}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23781} or&eol;{23782}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23781}) and&eol;{23781}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23780}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23781} and&eol;{23782}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23781}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19877 |({23783}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23784} or&eol;{23785}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23784}) and&eol;{23784}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23783}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23784} and&eol;{23785}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23784}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19878 |({23786}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23787} or&eol;{23788}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23787}) and&eol;{23787}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23786}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23787} and&eol;{23788}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23787}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19879 |({23789}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23790} or&eol;{23791}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23790}) and&eol;{23790}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23789}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23790} and&eol;{23791}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23790}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19880 |({23792}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23793} or&eol;{23794}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23793}) and&eol;{23793}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23792}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23793} and&eol;{23794}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23793}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19881 |({23795}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23796} or&eol;{23797}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23796}) and&eol;{23796}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19860 |0 |2 |1 |{23795}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23796} and&eol;{23797}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23796}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19882 |{23798}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23799}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23800}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23801}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19883 |{23802}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23803}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23804}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23805}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19884 |{23806}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23807}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23808}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23809}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19885 |{23810}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23811}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23812}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23813}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19886 |{23814}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23815}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23816}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23817}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19887 |{23818}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23819}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23820}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23821}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19888 |{23822}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23823}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23824}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23825}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19889 |{23826}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23827}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23828}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23829}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19890 |{23830}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23831}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23832}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23833}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19891 |{23834}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23835}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23836}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23837}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19892 |{23838}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23839}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23840}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23841}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19893 |{23842}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23843}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23844}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23845}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19894 |{23846}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23847}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23848}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23849}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19895 |{23850}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23851}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23852}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23853}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19896 |{23854}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23855}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23856}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23857}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19897 |{23858}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23859}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23860}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23861}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19898 |{23862}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23863}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23864}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23865}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19899 |{23866}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23867}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23868}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23869}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19900 |{23870}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23871}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23872}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23873}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19901 |{23874}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23875}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19861 |0 |2 |1 |{23876}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23877}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19904 |({23885}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23886} or&eol;{23887}>({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}/100)*{23886}) and&eol;{23886}>0 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High bandwidth usage (>{$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}%) | |0 |2 |The network interface utilization is close to its estimated maximum bandwidth. |19902 |0 |2 |1 |{23885}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23886} and&eol;{23887}<(({$IF.UTIL.MAX:"{#IFNAME}"}-3)/100)*{23886}|0 | |1 |In: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE3}, speed: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
+ROW |19905 |{23888}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}&eol;or {23889}>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): High error rate (>{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} for 5m) | |0 |2 |Recovers when below 80% of {$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"} threshold |19903 |0 |2 |1 |{23890}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8&eol;and {23891}<{$IF.ERRORS.WARN:"{#IFNAME}"}*0.8 |0 | |1 |errors in: {ITEM.LASTVALUE1}, errors out: {ITEM.LASTVALUE2} |0 |
TABLE |triggers
FIELDS|triggerid|expression |description |url |status|priority|comments |templateid|type|flags|recovery_mode|recovery_expression |correlation_mode|correlation_tag|manual_close|opdata |discover|
@@ -14007,904 +14149,911 @@ ROW |21345 |16448 |16269 |
ROW |21346 |16265 |16269 |
ROW |30559 |15928 |15933 |
ROW |30560 |15931 |15933 |
-ROW |32215 |17682 |17683 |
-ROW |32216 |17684 |17685 |
-ROW |32217 |17686 |17687 |
-ROW |32218 |15944 |15947 |
-ROW |32219 |15944 |15943 |
-ROW |32220 |15943 |15947 |
-ROW |32221 |16888 |15947 |
-ROW |32222 |16888 |15943 |
-ROW |32223 |15948 |15949 |
-ROW |32224 |15950 |15949 |
-ROW |32225 |17219 |17218 |
-ROW |32226 |17222 |17221 |
-ROW |32227 |19426 |19428 |
-ROW |32228 |16743 |16744 |
-ROW |32229 |16784 |16785 |
-ROW |32230 |16790 |16791 |
-ROW |32231 |16892 |16900 |
-ROW |32232 |16894 |16900 |
-ROW |32233 |17267 |17275 |
-ROW |32234 |17272 |17276 |
-ROW |32235 |17273 |17275 |
-ROW |32236 |17274 |17276 |
-ROW |32237 |17279 |17277 |
-ROW |32238 |17282 |17280 |
-ROW |32239 |16646 |16647 |
-ROW |32240 |19437 |19442 |
-ROW |32241 |16809 |16810 |
-ROW |32242 |19451 |19456 |
-ROW |32243 |16902 |16904 |
-ROW |32244 |16904 |16905 |
-ROW |32245 |16909 |16906 |
-ROW |32246 |16910 |16912 |
-ROW |32247 |16912 |16913 |
-ROW |32248 |16917 |16914 |
-ROW |32249 |16752 |16753 |
-ROW |32250 |15955 |15957 |
-ROW |32251 |15955 |15954 |
-ROW |32252 |15954 |15957 |
-ROW |32253 |15956 |15957 |
-ROW |32254 |15956 |15954 |
-ROW |32255 |16678 |15957 |
-ROW |32256 |16678 |15954 |
-ROW |32257 |15961 |15960 |
-ROW |32258 |15962 |15960 |
-ROW |32259 |16679 |15960 |
-ROW |32260 |17225 |17231 |
-ROW |32261 |17228 |17231 |
-ROW |32262 |17236 |17233 |
-ROW |32263 |17966 |17968 |
-ROW |32264 |17966 |17967 |
-ROW |32265 |17967 |17968 |
-ROW |32266 |17973 |17968 |
-ROW |32267 |17973 |17967 |
-ROW |32268 |17975 |17968 |
-ROW |32269 |17975 |17967 |
-ROW |32270 |17985 |17986 |
-ROW |32271 |17987 |17986 |
-ROW |32272 |17992 |17986 |
-ROW |32273 |17081 |17083 |
-ROW |32274 |17082 |17081 |
-ROW |32275 |17082 |17083 |
-ROW |32276 |17082 |17084 |
-ROW |32277 |17084 |17083 |
-ROW |32278 |18615 |18614 |
-ROW |32279 |17117 |17127 |
-ROW |32280 |17118 |17117 |
-ROW |32281 |17118 |17127 |
-ROW |32282 |17119 |17127 |
-ROW |32283 |17120 |17119 |
-ROW |32284 |17120 |17127 |
-ROW |32285 |17122 |17121 |
-ROW |32286 |17123 |17127 |
-ROW |32287 |17124 |17123 |
-ROW |32288 |17124 |17127 |
-ROW |32289 |17126 |17125 |
-ROW |32290 |17128 |17144 |
-ROW |32291 |17129 |17128 |
-ROW |32292 |17129 |17144 |
-ROW |32293 |17130 |17144 |
-ROW |32294 |17131 |17130 |
-ROW |32295 |17131 |17144 |
-ROW |32296 |17132 |17144 |
-ROW |32297 |17133 |17132 |
-ROW |32298 |17133 |17144 |
-ROW |32299 |17134 |17144 |
-ROW |32300 |17135 |17134 |
-ROW |32301 |17135 |17144 |
-ROW |32302 |17136 |17144 |
-ROW |32303 |17137 |17136 |
-ROW |32304 |17137 |17144 |
-ROW |32305 |17139 |17138 |
-ROW |32306 |17140 |17144 |
-ROW |32307 |17141 |17140 |
-ROW |32308 |17141 |17144 |
-ROW |32309 |17142 |17144 |
-ROW |32310 |17143 |17142 |
-ROW |32311 |17143 |17144 |
-ROW |32312 |17145 |17144 |
-ROW |32313 |17146 |17144 |
-ROW |32314 |17146 |17145 |
-ROW |32315 |17147 |17144 |
-ROW |32316 |17148 |17144 |
-ROW |32317 |17148 |17147 |
-ROW |32318 |17306 |17307 |
-ROW |32319 |16920 |16921 |
-ROW |32320 |16833 |16920 |
-ROW |32321 |19395 |19394 |
-ROW |32322 |19397 |19396 |
-ROW |32323 |19400 |19401 |
-ROW |32324 |19402 |19401 |
-ROW |32325 |19412 |19413 |
-ROW |32326 |17748 |17747 |
-ROW |32327 |17750 |17749 |
-ROW |32328 |17753 |17754 |
-ROW |32329 |17755 |17754 |
-ROW |32330 |17765 |17766 |
-ROW |32331 |18007 |18005 |
-ROW |32332 |18019 |18017 |
-ROW |32333 |16929 |16928 |
-ROW |32334 |16940 |17153 |
-ROW |32335 |18627 |18626 |
-ROW |32336 |18629 |18628 |
-ROW |32337 |18631 |18630 |
-ROW |32338 |16719 |16721 |
-ROW |32339 |16975 |16723 |
-ROW |32340 |16729 |16728 |
-ROW |32341 |16730 |16728 |
-ROW |32342 |16756 |16758 |
-ROW |32343 |16979 |16759 |
-ROW |32344 |16765 |16764 |
-ROW |32345 |16766 |16764 |
-ROW |32346 |16734 |16736 |
-ROW |32347 |16983 |16732 |
-ROW |32348 |16741 |16740 |
-ROW |32349 |16742 |16740 |
-ROW |32350 |17173 |17172 |
-ROW |32351 |17175 |17176 |
-ROW |32352 |17180 |17179 |
-ROW |32353 |17711 |17712 |
-ROW |32354 |17713 |17714 |
-ROW |32355 |19717 |19722 |
-ROW |32356 |19721 |19722 |
-ROW |32357 |16683 |16687 |
-ROW |32358 |14252 |14251 |
-ROW |32359 |14294 |14293 |
-ROW |32360 |14312 |14311 |
-ROW |32361 |14328 |14327 |
-ROW |32362 |14348 |14347 |
-ROW |32363 |14357 |14356 |
-ROW |32364 |14390 |14389 |
-ROW |32365 |14404 |14403 |
-ROW |32366 |14452 |14451 |
-ROW |32367 |14469 |14468 |
-ROW |32368 |14487 |14486 |
-ROW |32369 |14506 |14505 |
-ROW |32370 |14535 |14534 |
-ROW |32371 |14545 |14544 |
-ROW |32372 |14583 |14582 |
-ROW |32373 |14599 |14598 |
-ROW |32374 |14616 |14615 |
-ROW |32375 |14653 |14652 |
-ROW |32376 |14674 |14673 |
-ROW |32377 |14692 |14691 |
-ROW |32378 |14705 |14704 |
-ROW |32379 |14718 |14717 |
-ROW |32380 |14907 |14906 |
-ROW |32381 |15221 |15220 |
-ROW |32382 |15702 |15701 |
-ROW |32383 |15724 |15723 |
-ROW |32384 |15756 |15755 |
-ROW |32385 |15820 |15819 |
-ROW |32386 |15841 |15840 |
-ROW |32387 |15991 |15990 |
-ROW |32388 |16018 |16017 |
-ROW |32389 |16454 |16453 |
-ROW |32390 |17721 |17720 |
-ROW |32391 |17936 |17935 |
-ROW |32392 |14253 |14252 |
-ROW |32393 |14295 |14294 |
-ROW |32394 |14313 |14312 |
-ROW |32395 |14329 |14328 |
-ROW |32396 |14349 |14348 |
-ROW |32397 |14358 |14357 |
-ROW |32398 |14391 |14390 |
-ROW |32399 |14405 |14404 |
-ROW |32400 |14453 |14452 |
-ROW |32401 |14470 |14469 |
-ROW |32402 |14488 |14487 |
-ROW |32403 |14507 |14506 |
-ROW |32404 |14536 |14535 |
-ROW |32405 |14546 |14545 |
-ROW |32406 |14584 |14583 |
-ROW |32407 |14600 |14599 |
-ROW |32408 |14617 |14616 |
-ROW |32409 |14654 |14653 |
-ROW |32410 |14675 |14674 |
-ROW |32411 |14693 |14692 |
-ROW |32412 |14706 |14705 |
-ROW |32413 |14719 |14718 |
-ROW |32414 |14908 |14907 |
-ROW |32415 |15222 |15221 |
-ROW |32416 |15703 |15702 |
-ROW |32417 |15725 |15724 |
-ROW |32418 |15757 |15756 |
-ROW |32419 |15821 |15820 |
-ROW |32420 |15842 |15841 |
-ROW |32421 |15992 |15991 |
-ROW |32422 |16019 |16018 |
-ROW |32423 |16455 |16454 |
-ROW |32424 |17722 |17721 |
-ROW |32425 |17937 |17936 |
-ROW |32426 |14253 |14251 |
-ROW |32427 |14295 |14293 |
-ROW |32428 |14313 |14311 |
-ROW |32429 |14329 |14327 |
-ROW |32430 |14349 |14347 |
-ROW |32431 |14358 |14356 |
-ROW |32432 |14391 |14389 |
-ROW |32433 |14405 |14403 |
-ROW |32434 |14453 |14451 |
-ROW |32435 |14470 |14468 |
-ROW |32436 |14488 |14486 |
-ROW |32437 |14507 |14505 |
-ROW |32438 |14536 |14534 |
-ROW |32439 |14546 |14544 |
-ROW |32440 |14584 |14582 |
-ROW |32441 |14600 |14598 |
-ROW |32442 |14617 |14615 |
-ROW |32443 |14654 |14652 |
-ROW |32444 |14675 |14673 |
-ROW |32445 |14693 |14691 |
-ROW |32446 |14706 |14704 |
-ROW |32447 |14719 |14717 |
-ROW |32448 |14908 |14906 |
-ROW |32449 |15222 |15220 |
-ROW |32450 |15703 |15701 |
-ROW |32451 |15725 |15723 |
-ROW |32452 |15757 |15755 |
-ROW |32453 |15821 |15819 |
-ROW |32454 |15842 |15840 |
-ROW |32455 |15992 |15990 |
-ROW |32456 |16019 |16017 |
-ROW |32457 |16455 |16453 |
-ROW |32458 |17722 |17720 |
-ROW |32459 |17937 |17935 |
-ROW |32460 |16287 |16289 |
-ROW |32461 |16279 |16285 |
-ROW |32462 |16290 |16348 |
-ROW |32463 |16291 |16349 |
-ROW |32464 |16292 |16350 |
-ROW |32465 |16293 |16351 |
-ROW |32466 |16294 |16352 |
-ROW |32467 |16295 |16353 |
-ROW |32468 |16296 |16354 |
-ROW |32469 |16297 |16355 |
-ROW |32470 |16298 |16356 |
-ROW |32471 |16299 |16357 |
-ROW |32472 |16300 |16358 |
-ROW |32473 |16301 |16359 |
-ROW |32474 |16302 |16360 |
-ROW |32475 |16303 |16361 |
-ROW |32476 |16304 |16362 |
-ROW |32477 |16305 |16363 |
-ROW |32478 |16306 |16364 |
-ROW |32479 |16307 |16365 |
-ROW |32480 |16308 |16366 |
-ROW |32481 |16309 |16367 |
-ROW |32482 |16311 |16369 |
-ROW |32483 |16312 |16370 |
-ROW |32484 |16313 |16371 |
-ROW |32485 |16314 |16372 |
-ROW |32486 |16315 |16373 |
-ROW |32487 |16316 |16374 |
-ROW |32488 |16317 |16375 |
-ROW |32489 |16318 |16376 |
-ROW |32490 |16457 |16458 |
-ROW |32491 |17724 |17725 |
-ROW |32492 |17939 |17940 |
-ROW |32493 |16289 |14293 |
-ROW |32494 |16285 |14717 |
-ROW |32495 |16348 |14311 |
-ROW |32496 |16349 |14327 |
-ROW |32497 |16350 |14347 |
-ROW |32498 |16351 |14356 |
-ROW |32499 |16352 |14389 |
-ROW |32500 |16353 |14403 |
-ROW |32501 |16354 |14451 |
-ROW |32502 |16355 |14468 |
-ROW |32503 |16356 |14486 |
-ROW |32504 |16357 |14505 |
-ROW |32505 |16358 |14534 |
-ROW |32506 |16359 |14544 |
-ROW |32507 |16360 |14582 |
-ROW |32508 |16361 |14598 |
-ROW |32509 |16362 |14615 |
-ROW |32510 |16363 |14652 |
-ROW |32511 |16364 |14673 |
-ROW |32512 |16365 |14691 |
-ROW |32513 |16366 |14704 |
-ROW |32514 |16367 |14906 |
-ROW |32515 |16369 |15220 |
-ROW |32516 |16370 |15701 |
-ROW |32517 |16371 |15723 |
-ROW |32518 |16372 |15755 |
-ROW |32519 |16373 |15819 |
-ROW |32520 |16374 |15840 |
-ROW |32521 |16375 |15990 |
-ROW |32522 |16376 |16017 |
-ROW |32523 |16458 |16453 |
-ROW |32524 |17725 |17720 |
-ROW |32525 |17940 |17935 |
-ROW |32526 |16631 |16630 |
-ROW |32527 |16640 |16636 |
-ROW |32528 |16642 |16638 |
-ROW |32529 |16643 |16639 |
-ROW |32530 |15695 |16863 |
-ROW |32531 |17798 |16863 |
-ROW |32532 |17799 |16863 |
-ROW |32533 |15694 |16868 |
-ROW |32534 |15696 |16864 |
-ROW |32535 |15697 |16865 |
-ROW |32536 |17800 |16864 |
-ROW |32537 |17801 |16865 |
-ROW |32538 |17802 |16868 |
-ROW |32539 |17803 |16864 |
-ROW |32540 |17804 |16865 |
-ROW |32541 |17805 |16868 |
-ROW |32542 |15671 |16841 |
-ROW |32543 |17806 |16841 |
-ROW |32544 |17807 |16841 |
-ROW |32545 |15672 |16842 |
-ROW |32546 |15673 |16843 |
-ROW |32547 |15674 |16844 |
-ROW |32548 |15675 |16845 |
-ROW |32549 |15676 |16846 |
-ROW |32550 |15677 |16847 |
-ROW |32551 |15678 |16848 |
-ROW |32552 |15679 |16849 |
-ROW |32553 |15680 |16850 |
-ROW |32554 |15681 |16851 |
-ROW |32555 |15682 |16852 |
-ROW |32556 |15683 |16853 |
-ROW |32557 |15684 |16854 |
-ROW |32558 |15685 |16855 |
-ROW |32559 |15686 |16856 |
-ROW |32560 |15687 |16857 |
-ROW |32561 |15689 |16858 |
-ROW |32562 |15691 |16860 |
-ROW |32563 |15708 |16861 |
-ROW |32564 |15997 |16862 |
-ROW |32565 |17808 |16842 |
-ROW |32566 |17809 |16843 |
-ROW |32567 |17810 |16844 |
-ROW |32568 |17811 |16845 |
-ROW |32569 |17812 |16846 |
-ROW |32570 |17813 |16847 |
-ROW |32571 |17814 |16848 |
-ROW |32572 |17815 |16849 |
-ROW |32573 |17816 |16850 |
-ROW |32574 |17817 |16851 |
-ROW |32575 |17818 |16852 |
-ROW |32576 |17819 |16853 |
-ROW |32577 |17820 |16854 |
-ROW |32578 |17821 |16855 |
-ROW |32579 |17822 |16856 |
-ROW |32580 |17823 |16857 |
-ROW |32581 |17824 |16858 |
-ROW |32582 |17826 |16860 |
-ROW |32583 |17827 |16861 |
-ROW |32584 |17828 |16862 |
-ROW |32585 |17829 |16842 |
-ROW |32586 |17830 |16843 |
-ROW |32587 |17831 |16844 |
-ROW |32588 |17832 |16845 |
-ROW |32589 |17833 |16846 |
-ROW |32590 |17834 |16847 |
-ROW |32591 |17835 |16848 |
-ROW |32592 |17836 |16849 |
-ROW |32593 |17837 |16850 |
-ROW |32594 |17838 |16851 |
-ROW |32595 |17839 |16852 |
-ROW |32596 |17840 |16853 |
-ROW |32597 |17841 |16854 |
-ROW |32598 |17842 |16855 |
-ROW |32599 |17843 |16856 |
-ROW |32600 |17844 |16857 |
-ROW |32601 |17845 |16858 |
-ROW |32602 |17847 |16860 |
-ROW |32603 |17848 |16861 |
-ROW |32604 |17849 |16862 |
-ROW |32605 |15698 |16866 |
-ROW |32606 |17850 |16866 |
-ROW |32607 |17851 |16866 |
-ROW |32608 |16028 |16867 |
-ROW |32609 |17852 |16867 |
-ROW |32610 |17853 |16867 |
-ROW |32611 |17857 |17858 |
-ROW |32612 |17863 |17864 |
-ROW |32613 |14318 |14319 |
-ROW |32614 |17311 |15717 |
-ROW |32615 |17311 |17312 |
-ROW |32616 |17312 |15717 |
-ROW |32617 |17313 |15717 |
-ROW |32618 |17313 |17314 |
-ROW |32619 |17314 |15717 |
-ROW |32620 |17315 |17316 |
-ROW |32621 |17317 |17318 |
-ROW |32622 |17319 |17320 |
-ROW |32623 |17321 |17322 |
-ROW |32624 |15721 |15720 |
-ROW |32625 |15394 |15393 |
-ROW |32626 |15392 |15391 |
-ROW |32627 |17194 |14339 |
-ROW |32628 |15382 |15381 |
-ROW |32629 |15380 |15379 |
-ROW |32630 |16504 |16505 |
-ROW |32631 |14372 |14373 |
-ROW |32632 |15386 |15385 |
-ROW |32633 |15384 |15383 |
-ROW |32634 |14380 |14381 |
-ROW |32635 |18024 |18023 |
-ROW |32636 |18025 |18024 |
-ROW |32637 |18025 |18023 |
-ROW |32638 |18028 |18027 |
-ROW |32639 |18034 |18033 |
-ROW |32640 |18036 |18041 |
-ROW |32641 |18037 |18041 |
-ROW |32642 |18038 |18041 |
-ROW |32643 |18039 |18041 |
-ROW |32644 |18040 |18041 |
-ROW |32645 |18044 |18043 |
-ROW |32646 |18046 |18045 |
-ROW |32647 |18048 |18047 |
-ROW |32648 |18051 |18050 |
-ROW |32649 |18052 |18051 |
-ROW |32650 |18052 |18050 |
-ROW |32651 |18055 |18054 |
-ROW |32652 |18061 |18060 |
-ROW |32653 |18063 |18068 |
-ROW |32654 |18064 |18068 |
-ROW |32655 |18065 |18068 |
-ROW |32656 |18066 |18068 |
-ROW |32657 |18067 |18068 |
-ROW |32658 |18071 |18070 |
-ROW |32659 |18073 |18072 |
-ROW |32660 |18075 |18074 |
-ROW |32661 |18078 |18077 |
-ROW |32662 |18079 |18078 |
-ROW |32663 |18079 |18077 |
-ROW |32664 |18082 |18081 |
-ROW |32665 |18088 |18087 |
-ROW |32666 |18090 |18095 |
-ROW |32667 |18091 |18095 |
-ROW |32668 |18092 |18095 |
-ROW |32669 |18093 |18095 |
-ROW |32670 |18094 |18095 |
-ROW |32671 |18098 |18097 |
-ROW |32672 |18100 |18099 |
-ROW |32673 |18102 |18101 |
-ROW |32674 |18105 |18104 |
-ROW |32675 |18106 |18105 |
-ROW |32676 |18106 |18104 |
-ROW |32677 |18109 |18108 |
-ROW |32678 |18115 |18114 |
-ROW |32679 |18117 |18122 |
-ROW |32680 |18118 |18122 |
-ROW |32681 |18119 |18122 |
-ROW |32682 |18120 |18122 |
-ROW |32683 |18121 |18122 |
-ROW |32684 |18125 |18124 |
-ROW |32685 |18127 |18126 |
-ROW |32686 |18129 |18128 |
-ROW |32687 |18132 |18131 |
-ROW |32688 |18133 |18132 |
-ROW |32689 |18133 |18131 |
-ROW |32690 |18136 |18135 |
-ROW |32691 |18142 |18141 |
-ROW |32692 |18144 |18149 |
-ROW |32693 |18145 |18149 |
-ROW |32694 |18146 |18149 |
-ROW |32695 |18147 |18149 |
-ROW |32696 |18148 |18149 |
-ROW |32697 |18152 |18151 |
-ROW |32698 |18154 |18153 |
-ROW |32699 |18156 |18155 |
-ROW |32700 |15347 |15346 |
-ROW |32701 |15345 |15344 |
-ROW |32702 |17196 |17195 |
-ROW |32703 |15363 |15360 |
-ROW |32704 |15364 |15361 |
-ROW |32705 |15365 |15362 |
-ROW |32706 |15357 |15354 |
-ROW |32707 |15358 |15355 |
-ROW |32708 |15359 |15356 |
-ROW |32709 |17200 |17197 |
-ROW |32710 |17201 |17198 |
-ROW |32711 |17202 |17199 |
-ROW |32712 |15334 |15333 |
-ROW |32713 |15332 |15331 |
-ROW |32714 |14460 |14461 |
-ROW |32715 |14476 |14477 |
-ROW |32716 |14495 |14496 |
-ROW |32717 |14511 |17203 |
-ROW |32718 |19692 |19691 |
-ROW |32719 |19694 |19695 |
-ROW |32720 |14551 |14552 |
-ROW |32721 |15374 |15373 |
-ROW |32722 |15376 |15375 |
-ROW |32723 |14914 |14915 |
-ROW |32724 |14589 |14590 |
-ROW |32725 |15338 |15337 |
-ROW |32726 |17205 |17204 |
-ROW |32727 |14624 |14625 |
-ROW |32728 |18159 |18158 |
-ROW |32729 |18160 |18159 |
-ROW |32730 |18160 |18158 |
-ROW |32731 |18163 |18164 |
-ROW |32732 |18164 |18158 |
-ROW |32733 |18166 |18169 |
-ROW |32734 |19696 |18169 |
-ROW |32735 |19697 |18169 |
-ROW |32736 |18171 |18172 |
-ROW |32737 |18175 |18174 |
-ROW |32738 |14664 |14665 |
-ROW |32739 |17207 |17208 |
-ROW |32740 |16547 |16546 |
-ROW |32741 |17323 |17324 |
-ROW |32742 |17325 |17326 |
-ROW |32743 |17374 |17375 |
-ROW |32744 |17376 |17377 |
-ROW |32745 |17378 |17379 |
-ROW |32746 |17380 |17381 |
-ROW |32747 |17382 |17383 |
-ROW |32748 |17384 |17385 |
-ROW |32749 |17432 |17433 |
-ROW |32750 |17434 |17435 |
-ROW |32751 |17436 |17437 |
-ROW |32752 |17438 |17439 |
-ROW |32753 |17440 |17441 |
-ROW |32754 |17442 |17443 |
-ROW |32755 |17476 |17477 |
-ROW |32756 |17478 |17479 |
-ROW |32757 |17480 |17481 |
-ROW |32758 |17482 |17483 |
-ROW |32759 |17484 |17485 |
-ROW |32760 |17500 |17501 |
-ROW |32761 |17502 |17503 |
-ROW |32762 |17504 |17505 |
-ROW |32763 |17565 |17566 |
-ROW |32764 |17567 |17568 |
-ROW |32765 |17569 |17570 |
-ROW |32766 |17571 |17572 |
-ROW |32767 |17573 |17574 |
-ROW |32768 |17606 |17607 |
-ROW |32769 |17608 |17609 |
-ROW |32770 |17610 |17611 |
-ROW |32771 |17612 |17613 |
-ROW |32772 |17645 |17646 |
-ROW |32773 |17647 |17648 |
-ROW |32774 |17649 |17650 |
-ROW |32775 |17651 |17652 |
-ROW |32776 |17653 |17654 |
-ROW |32777 |17655 |17656 |
-ROW |32778 |17212 |17211 |
-ROW |32779 |16551 |16552 |
-ROW |32780 |17888 |17890 |
-ROW |32781 |17891 |17893 |
-ROW |32782 |17894 |17896 |
-ROW |32783 |17888 |19699 |
-ROW |32784 |17891 |19700 |
-ROW |32785 |17894 |19701 |
-ROW |32786 |16031 |16563 |
-ROW |32787 |16045 |16564 |
-ROW |32788 |16046 |16565 |
-ROW |32789 |16039 |16040 |
-ROW |32790 |16061 |16063 |
-ROW |32791 |16062 |16064 |
-ROW |32792 |16042 |16579 |
-ROW |32793 |16067 |16580 |
-ROW |32794 |16068 |16581 |
-ROW |32795 |16041 |16042 |
-ROW |32796 |16065 |16067 |
-ROW |32797 |16066 |16068 |
-ROW |32798 |16041 |16579 |
-ROW |32799 |16065 |16580 |
-ROW |32800 |16066 |16581 |
-ROW |32801 |17890 |19699 |
-ROW |32802 |17893 |19700 |
-ROW |32803 |17896 |19701 |
-ROW |32804 |16070 |16069 |
-ROW |32805 |16072 |16071 |
-ROW |32806 |16076 |16994 |
-ROW |32807 |19702 |16994 |
-ROW |32808 |16079 |16077 |
-ROW |32809 |16080 |16078 |
-ROW |32810 |16083 |16081 |
-ROW |32811 |16084 |16082 |
-ROW |32812 |16091 |16997 |
-ROW |32813 |16092 |16998 |
-ROW |32814 |19703 |16997 |
-ROW |32815 |19704 |16998 |
-ROW |32816 |17900 |17902 |
-ROW |32817 |17903 |17905 |
-ROW |32818 |17900 |19705 |
-ROW |32819 |17903 |19706 |
-ROW |32820 |16097 |16569 |
-ROW |32821 |16110 |16570 |
-ROW |32822 |16105 |16106 |
-ROW |32823 |16118 |16119 |
-ROW |32824 |16108 |16582 |
-ROW |32825 |16121 |16583 |
-ROW |32826 |16107 |16108 |
-ROW |32827 |16120 |16121 |
-ROW |32828 |16107 |16582 |
-ROW |32829 |16120 |16583 |
-ROW |32830 |17902 |19705 |
-ROW |32831 |17905 |19706 |
-ROW |32832 |16123 |16122 |
-ROW |32833 |16125 |16124 |
-ROW |32834 |16129 |17002 |
-ROW |32835 |19707 |17002 |
-ROW |32836 |16131 |16130 |
-ROW |32837 |16133 |16132 |
-ROW |32838 |16137 |17004 |
-ROW |32839 |19708 |17004 |
-ROW |32840 |17908 |17910 |
-ROW |32841 |17908 |19709 |
-ROW |32842 |16141 |16142 |
-ROW |32843 |16146 |16573 |
-ROW |32844 |16143 |16584 |
-ROW |32845 |17910 |19709 |
-ROW |32846 |16152 |16883 |
-ROW |32847 |16153 |16883 |
-ROW |32848 |19710 |16883 |
-ROW |32849 |19711 |16883 |
-ROW |32850 |16156 |16155 |
-ROW |32851 |16158 |16157 |
-ROW |32852 |17913 |17915 |
-ROW |32853 |17916 |17918 |
-ROW |32854 |17913 |19741 |
-ROW |32855 |17916 |19742 |
-ROW |32856 |17915 |19741 |
-ROW |32857 |17918 |19742 |
-ROW |32858 |16009 |16008 |
-ROW |32859 |16011 |16010 |
-ROW |32860 |16014 |16013 |
-ROW |32861 |16016 |16015 |
-ROW |32862 |17005 |16160 |
-ROW |32863 |17007 |16171 |
-ROW |32864 |17919 |17920 |
-ROW |32865 |17921 |17922 |
-ROW |32866 |16161 |16160 |
-ROW |32867 |16172 |16171 |
-ROW |32868 |16162 |16161 |
-ROW |32869 |16173 |16172 |
-ROW |32870 |16162 |16160 |
-ROW |32871 |16173 |16171 |
-ROW |32872 |16166 |17920 |
-ROW |32873 |16177 |17922 |
-ROW |32874 |16167 |17920 |
-ROW |32875 |16178 |17922 |
-ROW |32876 |16183 |16182 |
-ROW |32877 |19663 |19666 |
-ROW |32878 |19664 |19666 |
-ROW |32879 |19665 |19666 |
-ROW |32880 |19712 |17662 |
-ROW |32881 |19712 |17661 |
-ROW |32882 |16190 |16189 |
-ROW |32883 |19667 |19670 |
-ROW |32884 |19668 |19670 |
-ROW |32885 |19669 |19670 |
-ROW |32886 |19713 |17664 |
-ROW |32887 |19713 |17663 |
-ROW |32888 |17011 |16209 |
-ROW |32889 |17013 |16220 |
-ROW |32890 |17927 |17928 |
-ROW |32891 |17929 |17930 |
-ROW |32892 |16210 |16209 |
-ROW |32893 |16221 |16220 |
-ROW |32894 |16211 |16210 |
-ROW |32895 |16222 |16221 |
-ROW |32896 |16211 |16209 |
-ROW |32897 |16222 |16220 |
-ROW |32898 |16215 |17928 |
-ROW |32899 |16226 |17930 |
-ROW |32900 |16216 |17928 |
-ROW |32901 |16227 |17930 |
-ROW |32902 |16232 |16231 |
-ROW |32903 |19671 |19674 |
-ROW |32904 |19672 |19674 |
-ROW |32905 |19673 |19674 |
-ROW |32906 |19714 |17666 |
-ROW |32907 |19714 |17665 |
-ROW |32908 |16239 |16238 |
-ROW |32909 |19675 |19678 |
-ROW |32910 |19676 |19678 |
-ROW |32911 |19677 |19678 |
-ROW |32912 |19715 |17668 |
-ROW |32913 |19715 |17667 |
-ROW |32914 |18256 |18257 |
-ROW |32915 |18292 |18293 |
-ROW |32916 |18328 |18329 |
-ROW |32917 |18364 |18365 |
-ROW |32918 |18400 |18401 |
-ROW |32919 |18436 |18437 |
-ROW |32920 |18472 |18473 |
-ROW |32921 |18199 |18200 |
-ROW |32922 |18511 |18512 |
-ROW |32923 |18547 |18548 |
-ROW |32924 |18583 |18584 |
-ROW |32925 |16768 |16769 |
-ROW |32926 |16768 |16770 |
-ROW |32927 |16769 |16770 |
-ROW |32928 |16771 |16772 |
-ROW |32929 |16771 |16773 |
-ROW |32930 |16772 |16773 |
-ROW |32931 |18966 |18967 |
-ROW |32932 |18969 |18968 |
-ROW |32933 |18971 |18970 |
-ROW |32934 |18972 |18970 |
-ROW |32935 |18972 |18971 |
-ROW |32936 |18974 |18973 |
-ROW |32937 |18975 |18976 |
-ROW |32938 |18979 |18978 |
-ROW |32939 |18981 |18980 |
-ROW |32940 |18982 |18983 |
-ROW |32941 |18984 |18987 |
-ROW |32942 |18984 |18989 |
-ROW |32943 |18984 |18985 |
-ROW |32944 |18984 |18991 |
-ROW |32945 |18986 |18987 |
-ROW |32946 |18986 |18989 |
-ROW |32947 |18986 |18985 |
-ROW |32948 |18986 |18991 |
-ROW |32949 |18988 |18987 |
-ROW |32950 |18988 |18989 |
-ROW |32951 |18988 |18985 |
-ROW |32952 |18988 |18991 |
-ROW |32953 |18990 |18987 |
-ROW |32954 |18990 |18989 |
-ROW |32955 |18990 |18985 |
-ROW |32956 |18990 |18991 |
-ROW |32957 |18994 |18993 |
-ROW |32958 |16488 |16487 |
-ROW |32959 |16485 |16484 |
-ROW |32960 |16486 |16484 |
-ROW |32961 |16486 |16485 |
-ROW |32962 |16480 |16479 |
-ROW |32963 |16482 |16481 |
-ROW |32964 |16475 |16474 |
-ROW |32965 |16471 |16472 |
-ROW |32966 |16468 |16469 |
-ROW |32967 |16459 |16460 |
-ROW |32968 |16462 |16463 |
-ROW |32969 |16465 |16466 |
-ROW |32970 |16477 |16476 |
-ROW |32971 |19024 |19023 |
-ROW |32972 |19029 |19028 |
-ROW |32973 |19030 |19028 |
-ROW |32974 |19030 |19029 |
-ROW |32975 |19032 |19031 |
-ROW |32976 |19033 |19032 |
-ROW |32977 |19033 |19031 |
-ROW |32978 |19035 |19034 |
-ROW |32979 |19037 |19038 |
-ROW |32980 |19039 |19038 |
-ROW |32981 |19041 |19040 |
-ROW |32982 |19043 |19042 |
-ROW |32983 |19044 |19042 |
-ROW |32984 |19044 |19043 |
-ROW |32985 |19046 |19045 |
-ROW |32986 |19075 |19074 |
-ROW |32987 |19080 |19079 |
-ROW |32988 |19081 |19079 |
-ROW |32989 |19081 |19080 |
-ROW |32990 |19083 |19082 |
-ROW |32991 |19084 |19083 |
-ROW |32992 |19084 |19082 |
-ROW |32993 |19086 |19085 |
-ROW |32994 |19088 |19089 |
-ROW |32995 |19090 |19089 |
-ROW |32996 |19092 |19091 |
-ROW |32997 |19094 |19093 |
-ROW |32998 |19095 |19093 |
-ROW |32999 |19095 |19094 |
-ROW |33000 |19097 |19096 |
-ROW |33001 |19126 |19125 |
-ROW |33002 |19131 |19130 |
-ROW |33003 |19132 |19130 |
-ROW |33004 |19132 |19131 |
-ROW |33005 |19134 |19133 |
-ROW |33006 |19135 |19134 |
-ROW |33007 |19135 |19133 |
-ROW |33008 |19137 |19136 |
-ROW |33009 |19139 |19140 |
-ROW |33010 |19141 |19140 |
-ROW |33011 |19143 |19142 |
-ROW |33012 |19145 |19144 |
-ROW |33013 |19146 |19144 |
-ROW |33014 |19146 |19145 |
-ROW |33015 |19148 |19147 |
-ROW |33016 |19177 |19176 |
-ROW |33017 |19182 |19181 |
-ROW |33018 |19183 |19181 |
-ROW |33019 |19183 |19182 |
-ROW |33020 |19185 |19184 |
-ROW |33021 |19186 |19185 |
-ROW |33022 |19186 |19184 |
-ROW |33023 |19188 |19187 |
-ROW |33024 |19190 |19191 |
-ROW |33025 |19192 |19191 |
-ROW |33026 |19194 |19193 |
-ROW |33027 |19196 |19195 |
-ROW |33028 |19197 |19195 |
-ROW |33029 |19197 |19196 |
-ROW |33030 |19199 |19198 |
-ROW |33031 |15729 |15728 |
-ROW |33032 |15730 |15728 |
-ROW |33033 |15730 |15729 |
-ROW |33034 |15752 |15754 |
-ROW |33035 |15753 |15754 |
-ROW |33036 |15753 |15752 |
-ROW |33037 |15742 |15741 |
-ROW |33038 |15750 |15749 |
-ROW |33039 |15751 |15750 |
-ROW |33040 |15751 |15749 |
-ROW |33041 |15746 |15743 |
-ROW |33042 |15744 |15743 |
-ROW |33043 |15740 |15739 |
-ROW |33044 |17214 |17213 |
-ROW |33045 |17216 |17215 |
-ROW |33046 |15748 |15747 |
-ROW |33047 |19203 |19202 |
-ROW |33048 |19207 |19206 |
-ROW |33049 |19209 |19208 |
-ROW |33050 |19210 |19208 |
-ROW |33051 |19210 |19209 |
-ROW |33052 |19212 |19211 |
-ROW |33053 |19214 |19213 |
-ROW |33054 |19216 |19215 |
-ROW |33055 |19218 |19219 |
-ROW |33056 |19220 |19219 |
-ROW |33057 |19222 |19221 |
-ROW |33058 |19245 |19244 |
-ROW |33059 |19249 |19248 |
-ROW |33060 |19253 |19252 |
-ROW |33061 |19255 |19254 |
-ROW |33062 |19256 |19254 |
-ROW |33063 |19256 |19255 |
-ROW |33064 |19258 |19257 |
-ROW |33065 |19260 |19259 |
-ROW |33066 |19262 |19261 |
-ROW |33067 |19264 |19265 |
-ROW |33068 |19266 |19265 |
-ROW |33069 |19268 |19267 |
-ROW |33070 |19291 |19290 |
-ROW |33071 |19295 |19294 |
-ROW |33072 |19299 |19298 |
-ROW |33073 |19301 |19300 |
-ROW |33074 |19302 |19300 |
-ROW |33075 |19302 |19301 |
-ROW |33076 |19304 |19303 |
-ROW |33077 |19306 |19305 |
-ROW |33078 |19308 |19307 |
-ROW |33079 |19310 |19311 |
-ROW |33080 |19312 |19311 |
-ROW |33081 |19314 |19313 |
-ROW |33082 |19337 |19336 |
-ROW |33083 |19341 |19340 |
-ROW |33084 |19345 |19344 |
-ROW |33085 |19347 |19346 |
-ROW |33086 |19348 |19346 |
-ROW |33087 |19348 |19347 |
-ROW |33088 |19350 |19349 |
-ROW |33089 |19352 |19351 |
-ROW |33090 |19354 |19353 |
-ROW |33091 |19356 |19357 |
-ROW |33092 |19358 |19357 |
-ROW |33093 |19360 |19359 |
-ROW |33094 |19383 |19382 |
-ROW |33095 |16440 |16439 |
-ROW |33096 |17768 |15790 |
-ROW |33097 |17769 |15787 |
-ROW |33098 |17770 |15787 |
-ROW |33099 |17770 |17769 |
-ROW |33100 |15786 |15785 |
-ROW |33101 |15784 |15783 |
-ROW |33102 |15794 |15792 |
-ROW |33103 |15793 |15792 |
-ROW |33104 |15782 |15781 |
-ROW |33105 |15797 |15796 |
-ROW |33106 |15825 |15824 |
-ROW |33107 |15826 |15824 |
-ROW |33108 |15826 |15825 |
-ROW |33109 |15828 |15829 |
-ROW |33110 |15831 |15832 |
-ROW |33111 |15834 |15835 |
-ROW |33112 |15845 |15846 |
+ROW |33113 |17682 |17683 |
+ROW |33114 |17684 |17685 |
+ROW |33115 |17686 |17687 |
+ROW |33116 |15944 |15947 |
+ROW |33117 |15944 |15943 |
+ROW |33118 |15943 |15947 |
+ROW |33119 |16888 |15947 |
+ROW |33120 |16888 |15943 |
+ROW |33121 |15948 |15949 |
+ROW |33122 |15950 |15949 |
+ROW |33123 |17219 |17218 |
+ROW |33124 |17222 |17221 |
+ROW |33125 |19426 |19428 |
+ROW |33126 |16743 |16744 |
+ROW |33127 |16784 |16785 |
+ROW |33128 |16790 |16791 |
+ROW |33129 |16892 |16900 |
+ROW |33130 |16894 |16900 |
+ROW |33131 |17267 |17275 |
+ROW |33132 |17272 |17276 |
+ROW |33133 |17273 |17275 |
+ROW |33134 |17274 |17276 |
+ROW |33135 |17279 |17277 |
+ROW |33136 |17282 |17280 |
+ROW |33137 |16646 |16647 |
+ROW |33138 |19437 |19442 |
+ROW |33139 |16809 |16810 |
+ROW |33140 |19451 |19456 |
+ROW |33141 |16902 |16904 |
+ROW |33142 |16904 |16905 |
+ROW |33143 |16909 |16906 |
+ROW |33144 |16910 |16912 |
+ROW |33145 |16912 |16913 |
+ROW |33146 |16917 |16914 |
+ROW |33147 |16752 |16753 |
+ROW |33148 |15955 |15957 |
+ROW |33149 |15955 |15954 |
+ROW |33150 |15954 |15957 |
+ROW |33151 |15956 |15957 |
+ROW |33152 |15956 |15954 |
+ROW |33153 |16678 |15957 |
+ROW |33154 |16678 |15954 |
+ROW |33155 |15961 |15960 |
+ROW |33156 |15962 |15960 |
+ROW |33157 |16679 |15960 |
+ROW |33158 |19744 |19758 |
+ROW |33159 |19744 |19745 |
+ROW |33160 |19748 |19747 |
+ROW |33161 |19749 |19747 |
+ROW |33162 |19750 |19759 |
+ROW |33163 |19750 |19747 |
+ROW |33164 |19751 |19759 |
+ROW |33165 |19751 |19747 |
+ROW |33166 |19752 |19759 |
+ROW |33167 |19752 |19747 |
+ROW |33168 |19758 |19745 |
+ROW |33169 |19759 |19747 |
+ROW |33170 |19761 |19766 |
+ROW |33171 |19762 |19766 |
+ROW |33172 |19763 |19766 |
+ROW |33173 |19764 |19766 |
+ROW |33174 |19765 |19766 |
+ROW |33175 |19768 |19767 |
+ROW |33176 |19770 |19769 |
+ROW |33177 |17225 |17231 |
+ROW |33178 |17228 |17231 |
+ROW |33179 |17236 |17233 |
+ROW |33180 |17966 |17968 |
+ROW |33181 |17966 |17967 |
+ROW |33182 |17967 |17968 |
+ROW |33183 |17973 |17968 |
+ROW |33184 |17973 |17967 |
+ROW |33185 |17975 |17968 |
+ROW |33186 |17975 |17967 |
+ROW |33187 |17985 |17986 |
+ROW |33188 |17987 |17986 |
+ROW |33189 |17992 |17986 |
+ROW |33190 |17081 |17083 |
+ROW |33191 |17082 |17081 |
+ROW |33192 |17082 |17083 |
+ROW |33193 |17082 |17084 |
+ROW |33194 |17084 |17083 |
+ROW |33195 |18615 |18614 |
+ROW |33196 |17117 |17127 |
+ROW |33197 |17118 |17117 |
+ROW |33198 |17118 |17127 |
+ROW |33199 |17119 |17127 |
+ROW |33200 |17120 |17119 |
+ROW |33201 |17120 |17127 |
+ROW |33202 |17122 |17121 |
+ROW |33203 |17123 |17127 |
+ROW |33204 |17124 |17123 |
+ROW |33205 |17124 |17127 |
+ROW |33206 |17126 |17125 |
+ROW |33207 |17128 |17144 |
+ROW |33208 |17129 |17128 |
+ROW |33209 |17129 |17144 |
+ROW |33210 |17130 |17144 |
+ROW |33211 |17131 |17130 |
+ROW |33212 |17131 |17144 |
+ROW |33213 |17132 |17144 |
+ROW |33214 |17133 |17132 |
+ROW |33215 |17133 |17144 |
+ROW |33216 |17134 |17144 |
+ROW |33217 |17135 |17134 |
+ROW |33218 |17135 |17144 |
+ROW |33219 |17136 |17144 |
+ROW |33220 |17137 |17136 |
+ROW |33221 |17137 |17144 |
+ROW |33222 |17139 |17138 |
+ROW |33223 |17140 |17144 |
+ROW |33224 |17141 |17140 |
+ROW |33225 |17141 |17144 |
+ROW |33226 |17142 |17144 |
+ROW |33227 |17143 |17142 |
+ROW |33228 |17143 |17144 |
+ROW |33229 |17145 |17144 |
+ROW |33230 |17146 |17144 |
+ROW |33231 |17146 |17145 |
+ROW |33232 |17147 |17144 |
+ROW |33233 |17148 |17144 |
+ROW |33234 |17148 |17147 |
+ROW |33235 |17306 |17307 |
+ROW |33236 |16920 |19827 |
+ROW |33237 |16833 |16920 |
+ROW |33238 |19395 |19394 |
+ROW |33239 |19829 |19828 |
+ROW |33240 |19400 |19401 |
+ROW |33241 |19402 |19401 |
+ROW |33242 |19412 |19413 |
+ROW |33243 |17748 |17747 |
+ROW |33244 |19831 |19830 |
+ROW |33245 |17753 |17754 |
+ROW |33246 |17755 |17754 |
+ROW |33247 |17765 |17766 |
+ROW |33248 |18007 |18005 |
+ROW |33249 |18019 |18017 |
+ROW |33250 |16929 |16928 |
+ROW |33251 |16940 |17153 |
+ROW |33252 |18627 |18626 |
+ROW |33253 |18629 |18628 |
+ROW |33254 |18631 |18630 |
+ROW |33255 |16719 |16721 |
+ROW |33256 |16975 |16723 |
+ROW |33257 |16729 |16728 |
+ROW |33258 |16730 |16728 |
+ROW |33259 |16756 |16758 |
+ROW |33260 |16979 |16759 |
+ROW |33261 |16765 |16764 |
+ROW |33262 |16766 |16764 |
+ROW |33263 |16734 |16736 |
+ROW |33264 |16983 |16732 |
+ROW |33265 |16741 |16740 |
+ROW |33266 |16742 |16740 |
+ROW |33267 |17173 |17172 |
+ROW |33268 |17175 |17176 |
+ROW |33269 |17180 |19835 |
+ROW |33270 |17711 |17712 |
+ROW |33271 |17713 |17714 |
+ROW |33272 |19837 |19842 |
+ROW |33273 |19841 |19842 |
+ROW |33274 |16683 |16687 |
+ROW |33275 |14252 |14251 |
+ROW |33276 |14294 |14293 |
+ROW |33277 |14312 |14311 |
+ROW |33278 |14328 |14327 |
+ROW |33279 |14348 |14347 |
+ROW |33280 |14357 |14356 |
+ROW |33281 |14390 |14389 |
+ROW |33282 |14404 |14403 |
+ROW |33283 |14452 |14451 |
+ROW |33284 |14469 |14468 |
+ROW |33285 |14487 |14486 |
+ROW |33286 |14506 |14505 |
+ROW |33287 |14535 |14534 |
+ROW |33288 |14545 |14544 |
+ROW |33289 |14583 |14582 |
+ROW |33290 |14599 |14598 |
+ROW |33291 |14616 |14615 |
+ROW |33292 |14653 |14652 |
+ROW |33293 |14674 |14673 |
+ROW |33294 |14692 |14691 |
+ROW |33295 |14705 |14704 |
+ROW |33296 |14718 |14717 |
+ROW |33297 |14907 |14906 |
+ROW |33298 |15221 |15220 |
+ROW |33299 |15702 |15701 |
+ROW |33300 |15724 |15723 |
+ROW |33301 |15756 |15755 |
+ROW |33302 |15820 |15819 |
+ROW |33303 |15841 |15840 |
+ROW |33304 |15991 |15990 |
+ROW |33305 |16018 |16017 |
+ROW |33306 |16454 |16453 |
+ROW |33307 |17721 |17720 |
+ROW |33308 |17936 |17935 |
+ROW |33309 |14253 |14252 |
+ROW |33310 |14295 |14294 |
+ROW |33311 |14313 |14312 |
+ROW |33312 |14329 |14328 |
+ROW |33313 |14349 |14348 |
+ROW |33314 |14358 |14357 |
+ROW |33315 |14391 |14390 |
+ROW |33316 |14405 |14404 |
+ROW |33317 |14453 |14452 |
+ROW |33318 |14470 |14469 |
+ROW |33319 |14488 |14487 |
+ROW |33320 |14507 |14506 |
+ROW |33321 |14536 |14535 |
+ROW |33322 |14546 |14545 |
+ROW |33323 |14584 |14583 |
+ROW |33324 |14600 |14599 |
+ROW |33325 |14617 |14616 |
+ROW |33326 |14654 |14653 |
+ROW |33327 |14675 |14674 |
+ROW |33328 |14693 |14692 |
+ROW |33329 |14706 |14705 |
+ROW |33330 |14719 |14718 |
+ROW |33331 |14908 |14907 |
+ROW |33332 |15222 |15221 |
+ROW |33333 |15703 |15702 |
+ROW |33334 |15725 |15724 |
+ROW |33335 |15757 |15756 |
+ROW |33336 |15821 |15820 |
+ROW |33337 |15842 |15841 |
+ROW |33338 |15992 |15991 |
+ROW |33339 |16019 |16018 |
+ROW |33340 |16455 |16454 |
+ROW |33341 |17722 |17721 |
+ROW |33342 |17937 |17936 |
+ROW |33343 |14253 |14251 |
+ROW |33344 |14295 |14293 |
+ROW |33345 |14313 |14311 |
+ROW |33346 |14329 |14327 |
+ROW |33347 |14349 |14347 |
+ROW |33348 |14358 |14356 |
+ROW |33349 |14391 |14389 |
+ROW |33350 |14405 |14403 |
+ROW |33351 |14453 |14451 |
+ROW |33352 |14470 |14468 |
+ROW |33353 |14488 |14486 |
+ROW |33354 |14507 |14505 |
+ROW |33355 |14536 |14534 |
+ROW |33356 |14546 |14544 |
+ROW |33357 |14584 |14582 |
+ROW |33358 |14600 |14598 |
+ROW |33359 |14617 |14615 |
+ROW |33360 |14654 |14652 |
+ROW |33361 |14675 |14673 |
+ROW |33362 |14693 |14691 |
+ROW |33363 |14706 |14704 |
+ROW |33364 |14719 |14717 |
+ROW |33365 |14908 |14906 |
+ROW |33366 |15222 |15220 |
+ROW |33367 |15703 |15701 |
+ROW |33368 |15725 |15723 |
+ROW |33369 |15757 |15755 |
+ROW |33370 |15821 |15819 |
+ROW |33371 |15842 |15840 |
+ROW |33372 |15992 |15990 |
+ROW |33373 |16019 |16017 |
+ROW |33374 |16455 |16453 |
+ROW |33375 |17722 |17720 |
+ROW |33376 |17937 |17935 |
+ROW |33377 |16287 |16289 |
+ROW |33378 |16279 |16285 |
+ROW |33379 |16290 |16348 |
+ROW |33380 |16291 |16349 |
+ROW |33381 |16292 |16350 |
+ROW |33382 |16293 |16351 |
+ROW |33383 |16294 |16352 |
+ROW |33384 |16295 |16353 |
+ROW |33385 |16296 |16354 |
+ROW |33386 |16297 |16355 |
+ROW |33387 |16298 |16356 |
+ROW |33388 |16299 |16357 |
+ROW |33389 |16300 |16358 |
+ROW |33390 |16301 |16359 |
+ROW |33391 |16302 |16360 |
+ROW |33392 |16303 |16361 |
+ROW |33393 |16304 |16362 |
+ROW |33394 |16305 |16363 |
+ROW |33395 |16306 |16364 |
+ROW |33396 |16307 |16365 |
+ROW |33397 |16308 |16366 |
+ROW |33398 |16309 |16367 |
+ROW |33399 |16311 |16369 |
+ROW |33400 |16312 |16370 |
+ROW |33401 |16313 |16371 |
+ROW |33402 |16314 |16372 |
+ROW |33403 |16315 |16373 |
+ROW |33404 |16316 |16374 |
+ROW |33405 |16317 |16375 |
+ROW |33406 |16318 |16376 |
+ROW |33407 |16457 |16458 |
+ROW |33408 |17724 |17725 |
+ROW |33409 |17939 |17940 |
+ROW |33410 |16289 |14293 |
+ROW |33411 |16285 |14717 |
+ROW |33412 |16348 |14311 |
+ROW |33413 |16349 |14327 |
+ROW |33414 |16350 |14347 |
+ROW |33415 |16351 |14356 |
+ROW |33416 |16352 |14389 |
+ROW |33417 |16353 |14403 |
+ROW |33418 |16354 |14451 |
+ROW |33419 |16355 |14468 |
+ROW |33420 |16356 |14486 |
+ROW |33421 |16357 |14505 |
+ROW |33422 |16358 |14534 |
+ROW |33423 |16359 |14544 |
+ROW |33424 |16360 |14582 |
+ROW |33425 |16361 |14598 |
+ROW |33426 |16362 |14615 |
+ROW |33427 |16363 |14652 |
+ROW |33428 |16364 |14673 |
+ROW |33429 |16365 |14691 |
+ROW |33430 |16366 |14704 |
+ROW |33431 |16367 |14906 |
+ROW |33432 |16369 |15220 |
+ROW |33433 |16370 |15701 |
+ROW |33434 |16371 |15723 |
+ROW |33435 |16372 |15755 |
+ROW |33436 |16373 |15819 |
+ROW |33437 |16374 |15840 |
+ROW |33438 |16375 |15990 |
+ROW |33439 |16376 |16017 |
+ROW |33440 |16458 |16453 |
+ROW |33441 |17725 |17720 |
+ROW |33442 |17940 |17935 |
+ROW |33443 |16631 |16630 |
+ROW |33444 |16640 |16636 |
+ROW |33445 |16642 |16638 |
+ROW |33446 |16643 |16639 |
+ROW |33447 |15695 |16863 |
+ROW |33448 |19852 |16863 |
+ROW |33449 |19853 |16863 |
+ROW |33450 |15694 |16868 |
+ROW |33451 |15696 |16864 |
+ROW |33452 |15697 |16865 |
+ROW |33453 |19854 |16864 |
+ROW |33454 |19855 |16865 |
+ROW |33455 |19856 |16868 |
+ROW |33456 |19857 |16864 |
+ROW |33457 |19858 |16865 |
+ROW |33458 |19859 |16868 |
+ROW |33459 |15671 |16841 |
+ROW |33460 |19860 |16841 |
+ROW |33461 |19861 |16841 |
+ROW |33462 |15672 |16842 |
+ROW |33463 |15673 |16843 |
+ROW |33464 |15674 |16844 |
+ROW |33465 |15675 |16845 |
+ROW |33466 |15676 |16846 |
+ROW |33467 |15677 |16847 |
+ROW |33468 |15678 |16848 |
+ROW |33469 |15679 |16849 |
+ROW |33470 |15680 |16850 |
+ROW |33471 |15681 |16851 |
+ROW |33472 |15682 |16852 |
+ROW |33473 |15683 |16853 |
+ROW |33474 |15684 |16854 |
+ROW |33475 |15685 |16855 |
+ROW |33476 |15686 |16856 |
+ROW |33477 |15687 |16857 |
+ROW |33478 |15689 |16858 |
+ROW |33479 |15691 |16860 |
+ROW |33480 |15708 |16861 |
+ROW |33481 |15997 |16862 |
+ROW |33482 |19862 |16842 |
+ROW |33483 |19863 |16843 |
+ROW |33484 |19864 |16844 |
+ROW |33485 |19865 |16845 |
+ROW |33486 |19866 |16846 |
+ROW |33487 |19867 |16847 |
+ROW |33488 |19868 |16848 |
+ROW |33489 |19869 |16849 |
+ROW |33490 |19870 |16850 |
+ROW |33491 |19871 |16851 |
+ROW |33492 |19872 |16852 |
+ROW |33493 |19873 |16853 |
+ROW |33494 |19874 |16854 |
+ROW |33495 |19875 |16855 |
+ROW |33496 |19876 |16856 |
+ROW |33497 |19877 |16857 |
+ROW |33498 |19878 |16858 |
+ROW |33499 |19879 |16860 |
+ROW |33500 |19880 |16861 |
+ROW |33501 |19881 |16862 |
+ROW |33502 |19882 |16842 |
+ROW |33503 |19883 |16843 |
+ROW |33504 |19884 |16844 |
+ROW |33505 |19885 |16845 |
+ROW |33506 |19886 |16846 |
+ROW |33507 |19887 |16847 |
+ROW |33508 |19888 |16848 |
+ROW |33509 |19889 |16849 |
+ROW |33510 |19890 |16850 |
+ROW |33511 |19891 |16851 |
+ROW |33512 |19892 |16852 |
+ROW |33513 |19893 |16853 |
+ROW |33514 |19894 |16854 |
+ROW |33515 |19895 |16855 |
+ROW |33516 |19896 |16856 |
+ROW |33517 |19897 |16857 |
+ROW |33518 |19898 |16858 |
+ROW |33519 |19899 |16860 |
+ROW |33520 |19900 |16861 |
+ROW |33521 |19901 |16862 |
+ROW |33522 |15698 |16866 |
+ROW |33523 |19902 |16866 |
+ROW |33524 |19903 |16866 |
+ROW |33525 |16028 |16867 |
+ROW |33526 |19904 |16867 |
+ROW |33527 |19905 |16867 |
+ROW |33528 |17857 |17858 |
+ROW |33529 |17863 |17864 |
+ROW |33530 |14318 |14319 |
+ROW |33531 |17314 |15717 |
+ROW |33532 |17313 |15717 |
+ROW |33533 |17313 |17314 |
+ROW |33534 |17312 |15717 |
+ROW |33535 |17311 |15717 |
+ROW |33536 |17311 |17312 |
+ROW |33537 |17317 |17318 |
+ROW |33538 |17315 |17316 |
+ROW |33539 |17321 |17322 |
+ROW |33540 |17319 |17320 |
+ROW |33541 |15721 |15720 |
+ROW |33542 |15394 |15393 |
+ROW |33543 |15392 |15391 |
+ROW |33544 |17194 |14339 |
+ROW |33545 |15382 |15381 |
+ROW |33546 |15380 |15379 |
+ROW |33547 |16504 |16505 |
+ROW |33548 |14372 |14373 |
+ROW |33549 |15386 |15385 |
+ROW |33550 |15384 |15383 |
+ROW |33551 |14380 |14381 |
+ROW |33552 |18024 |18023 |
+ROW |33553 |18025 |18024 |
+ROW |33554 |18025 |18023 |
+ROW |33555 |18028 |18027 |
+ROW |33556 |18034 |18033 |
+ROW |33557 |19906 |18041 |
+ROW |33558 |19907 |18041 |
+ROW |33559 |19908 |18041 |
+ROW |33560 |18039 |18041 |
+ROW |33561 |18040 |18041 |
+ROW |33562 |18044 |19909 |
+ROW |33563 |18046 |18045 |
+ROW |33564 |18048 |18047 |
+ROW |33565 |18051 |18050 |
+ROW |33566 |18052 |18051 |
+ROW |33567 |18052 |18050 |
+ROW |33568 |18055 |18054 |
+ROW |33569 |18061 |18060 |
+ROW |33570 |19910 |18068 |
+ROW |33571 |19911 |18068 |
+ROW |33572 |19912 |18068 |
+ROW |33573 |18066 |18068 |
+ROW |33574 |18067 |18068 |
+ROW |33575 |18071 |19913 |
+ROW |33576 |18073 |18072 |
+ROW |33577 |18075 |18074 |
+ROW |33578 |18078 |18077 |
+ROW |33579 |18079 |18078 |
+ROW |33580 |18079 |18077 |
+ROW |33581 |18082 |18081 |
+ROW |33582 |18088 |18087 |
+ROW |33583 |19914 |18095 |
+ROW |33584 |19915 |18095 |
+ROW |33585 |19916 |18095 |
+ROW |33586 |18093 |18095 |
+ROW |33587 |18094 |18095 |
+ROW |33588 |18098 |19917 |
+ROW |33589 |18100 |18099 |
+ROW |33590 |18102 |18101 |
+ROW |33591 |18105 |18104 |
+ROW |33592 |18106 |18105 |
+ROW |33593 |18106 |18104 |
+ROW |33594 |18109 |18108 |
+ROW |33595 |18115 |18114 |
+ROW |33596 |19918 |18122 |
+ROW |33597 |19919 |18122 |
+ROW |33598 |19920 |18122 |
+ROW |33599 |18120 |18122 |
+ROW |33600 |18121 |18122 |
+ROW |33601 |18125 |19921 |
+ROW |33602 |18127 |18126 |
+ROW |33603 |18129 |18128 |
+ROW |33604 |18132 |18131 |
+ROW |33605 |18133 |18132 |
+ROW |33606 |18133 |18131 |
+ROW |33607 |18136 |18135 |
+ROW |33608 |18142 |18141 |
+ROW |33609 |19922 |18149 |
+ROW |33610 |19923 |18149 |
+ROW |33611 |19924 |18149 |
+ROW |33612 |18147 |18149 |
+ROW |33613 |18148 |18149 |
+ROW |33614 |18152 |19925 |
+ROW |33615 |18154 |18153 |
+ROW |33616 |18156 |18155 |
+ROW |33617 |15347 |15346 |
+ROW |33618 |15345 |15344 |
+ROW |33619 |17196 |17195 |
+ROW |33620 |15363 |15360 |
+ROW |33621 |15364 |15361 |
+ROW |33622 |15365 |15362 |
+ROW |33623 |15357 |15354 |
+ROW |33624 |15358 |15355 |
+ROW |33625 |15359 |15356 |
+ROW |33626 |17200 |17197 |
+ROW |33627 |17201 |17198 |
+ROW |33628 |17202 |17199 |
+ROW |33629 |15334 |15333 |
+ROW |33630 |15332 |15331 |
+ROW |33631 |14460 |14461 |
+ROW |33632 |14476 |14477 |
+ROW |33633 |14495 |14496 |
+ROW |33634 |14511 |17203 |
+ROW |33635 |19692 |19691 |
+ROW |33636 |19694 |19695 |
+ROW |33637 |14551 |14552 |
+ROW |33638 |15374 |15373 |
+ROW |33639 |15376 |15375 |
+ROW |33640 |14914 |14915 |
+ROW |33641 |14589 |14590 |
+ROW |33642 |15338 |15337 |
+ROW |33643 |17205 |17204 |
+ROW |33644 |14624 |14625 |
+ROW |33645 |18159 |18158 |
+ROW |33646 |18160 |18159 |
+ROW |33647 |18160 |18158 |
+ROW |33648 |18163 |18164 |
+ROW |33649 |18164 |18158 |
+ROW |33650 |18166 |18169 |
+ROW |33651 |19696 |18169 |
+ROW |33652 |19697 |18169 |
+ROW |33653 |18171 |18172 |
+ROW |33654 |18175 |18174 |
+ROW |33655 |14664 |14665 |
+ROW |33656 |17207 |17208 |
+ROW |33657 |16547 |16546 |
+ROW |33658 |17323 |17324 |
+ROW |33659 |17325 |17326 |
+ROW |33660 |17376 |17377 |
+ROW |33661 |17374 |17375 |
+ROW |33662 |17380 |17381 |
+ROW |33663 |17378 |17379 |
+ROW |33664 |17382 |17383 |
+ROW |33665 |17384 |17385 |
+ROW |33666 |17434 |17435 |
+ROW |33667 |17432 |17433 |
+ROW |33668 |17438 |17439 |
+ROW |33669 |17436 |17437 |
+ROW |33670 |17440 |17441 |
+ROW |33671 |17442 |17443 |
+ROW |33672 |17478 |17479 |
+ROW |33673 |17476 |17477 |
+ROW |33674 |17482 |17483 |
+ROW |33675 |17480 |17481 |
+ROW |33676 |17484 |17485 |
+ROW |33677 |17502 |17503 |
+ROW |33678 |17500 |17501 |
+ROW |33679 |17504 |17505 |
+ROW |33680 |17567 |17568 |
+ROW |33681 |17565 |17566 |
+ROW |33682 |17571 |17572 |
+ROW |33683 |17569 |17570 |
+ROW |33684 |17573 |17574 |
+ROW |33685 |17608 |17609 |
+ROW |33686 |17606 |17607 |
+ROW |33687 |17612 |17613 |
+ROW |33688 |17610 |17611 |
+ROW |33689 |17647 |17648 |
+ROW |33690 |17645 |17646 |
+ROW |33691 |17651 |17652 |
+ROW |33692 |17649 |17650 |
+ROW |33693 |17653 |17654 |
+ROW |33694 |17655 |17656 |
+ROW |33695 |17212 |17211 |
+ROW |33696 |16551 |16552 |
+ROW |33697 |17888 |17890 |
+ROW |33698 |17891 |17893 |
+ROW |33699 |17894 |17896 |
+ROW |33700 |17888 |19699 |
+ROW |33701 |17891 |19700 |
+ROW |33702 |17894 |19701 |
+ROW |33703 |16031 |16563 |
+ROW |33704 |16045 |16564 |
+ROW |33705 |16046 |16565 |
+ROW |33706 |16039 |16040 |
+ROW |33707 |16061 |16063 |
+ROW |33708 |16062 |16064 |
+ROW |33709 |16042 |16579 |
+ROW |33710 |16067 |16580 |
+ROW |33711 |16068 |16581 |
+ROW |33712 |16041 |16042 |
+ROW |33713 |16065 |16067 |
+ROW |33714 |16066 |16068 |
+ROW |33715 |16041 |16579 |
+ROW |33716 |16065 |16580 |
+ROW |33717 |16066 |16581 |
+ROW |33718 |17890 |19699 |
+ROW |33719 |17893 |19700 |
+ROW |33720 |17896 |19701 |
+ROW |33721 |16070 |16069 |
+ROW |33722 |16072 |16071 |
+ROW |33723 |16076 |16994 |
+ROW |33724 |19702 |16994 |
+ROW |33725 |16079 |16077 |
+ROW |33726 |16080 |16078 |
+ROW |33727 |16083 |16081 |
+ROW |33728 |16084 |16082 |
+ROW |33729 |16091 |16997 |
+ROW |33730 |16092 |16998 |
+ROW |33731 |19703 |16997 |
+ROW |33732 |19704 |16998 |
+ROW |33733 |17900 |17902 |
+ROW |33734 |17903 |17905 |
+ROW |33735 |17900 |19705 |
+ROW |33736 |17903 |19706 |
+ROW |33737 |16097 |16569 |
+ROW |33738 |16110 |16570 |
+ROW |33739 |16105 |16106 |
+ROW |33740 |16118 |16119 |
+ROW |33741 |16108 |16582 |
+ROW |33742 |16121 |16583 |
+ROW |33743 |16107 |16108 |
+ROW |33744 |16120 |16121 |
+ROW |33745 |16107 |16582 |
+ROW |33746 |16120 |16583 |
+ROW |33747 |17902 |19705 |
+ROW |33748 |17905 |19706 |
+ROW |33749 |16123 |16122 |
+ROW |33750 |16125 |16124 |
+ROW |33751 |16129 |17002 |
+ROW |33752 |19707 |17002 |
+ROW |33753 |16131 |16130 |
+ROW |33754 |16133 |16132 |
+ROW |33755 |16137 |17004 |
+ROW |33756 |19708 |17004 |
+ROW |33757 |17908 |17910 |
+ROW |33758 |17908 |19709 |
+ROW |33759 |16141 |16142 |
+ROW |33760 |16146 |16573 |
+ROW |33761 |16143 |16584 |
+ROW |33762 |17910 |19709 |
+ROW |33763 |16152 |16883 |
+ROW |33764 |16153 |16883 |
+ROW |33765 |19710 |16883 |
+ROW |33766 |19711 |16883 |
+ROW |33767 |16156 |16155 |
+ROW |33768 |16158 |16157 |
+ROW |33769 |17913 |17915 |
+ROW |33770 |17916 |17918 |
+ROW |33771 |17913 |19741 |
+ROW |33772 |17916 |19742 |
+ROW |33773 |17915 |19741 |
+ROW |33774 |17918 |19742 |
+ROW |33775 |16009 |16008 |
+ROW |33776 |16011 |16010 |
+ROW |33777 |16014 |16013 |
+ROW |33778 |16016 |16015 |
+ROW |33779 |17005 |16160 |
+ROW |33780 |17007 |16171 |
+ROW |33781 |17919 |17920 |
+ROW |33782 |17921 |17922 |
+ROW |33783 |16161 |16160 |
+ROW |33784 |16172 |16171 |
+ROW |33785 |16162 |16161 |
+ROW |33786 |16173 |16172 |
+ROW |33787 |16162 |16160 |
+ROW |33788 |16173 |16171 |
+ROW |33789 |16166 |17920 |
+ROW |33790 |16177 |17922 |
+ROW |33791 |16167 |17920 |
+ROW |33792 |16178 |17922 |
+ROW |33793 |16183 |16182 |
+ROW |33794 |19663 |19666 |
+ROW |33795 |19664 |19666 |
+ROW |33796 |19665 |19666 |
+ROW |33797 |19712 |17662 |
+ROW |33798 |19712 |17661 |
+ROW |33799 |16190 |16189 |
+ROW |33800 |19667 |19670 |
+ROW |33801 |19668 |19670 |
+ROW |33802 |19669 |19670 |
+ROW |33803 |19713 |17664 |
+ROW |33804 |19713 |17663 |
+ROW |33805 |17011 |16209 |
+ROW |33806 |17013 |16220 |
+ROW |33807 |17927 |17928 |
+ROW |33808 |17929 |17930 |
+ROW |33809 |16210 |16209 |
+ROW |33810 |16221 |16220 |
+ROW |33811 |16211 |16210 |
+ROW |33812 |16222 |16221 |
+ROW |33813 |16211 |16209 |
+ROW |33814 |16222 |16220 |
+ROW |33815 |16215 |17928 |
+ROW |33816 |16226 |17930 |
+ROW |33817 |16216 |17928 |
+ROW |33818 |16227 |17930 |
+ROW |33819 |16232 |16231 |
+ROW |33820 |19671 |19674 |
+ROW |33821 |19672 |19674 |
+ROW |33822 |19673 |19674 |
+ROW |33823 |19714 |17666 |
+ROW |33824 |19714 |17665 |
+ROW |33825 |16239 |16238 |
+ROW |33826 |19675 |19678 |
+ROW |33827 |19676 |19678 |
+ROW |33828 |19677 |19678 |
+ROW |33829 |19715 |17668 |
+ROW |33830 |19715 |17667 |
+ROW |33831 |18256 |18257 |
+ROW |33832 |18292 |18293 |
+ROW |33833 |18328 |18329 |
+ROW |33834 |18364 |18365 |
+ROW |33835 |18400 |18401 |
+ROW |33836 |18436 |18437 |
+ROW |33837 |18472 |18473 |
+ROW |33838 |18199 |18200 |
+ROW |33839 |18511 |18512 |
+ROW |33840 |18547 |18548 |
+ROW |33841 |18583 |18584 |
+ROW |33842 |16772 |16773 |
+ROW |33843 |16771 |16772 |
+ROW |33844 |16771 |16773 |
+ROW |33845 |16769 |16770 |
+ROW |33846 |16768 |16769 |
+ROW |33847 |16768 |16770 |
+ROW |33848 |18966 |18967 |
+ROW |33849 |18969 |18968 |
+ROW |33850 |18971 |18970 |
+ROW |33851 |18972 |18970 |
+ROW |33852 |18972 |18971 |
+ROW |33853 |18974 |18973 |
+ROW |33854 |18975 |18976 |
+ROW |33855 |18979 |18978 |
+ROW |33856 |18981 |18980 |
+ROW |33857 |18982 |18983 |
+ROW |33858 |18984 |18985 |
+ROW |33859 |18986 |18987 |
+ROW |33860 |18988 |18989 |
+ROW |33861 |18990 |18991 |
+ROW |33862 |18994 |18993 |
+ROW |33863 |16488 |16487 |
+ROW |33864 |16485 |16484 |
+ROW |33865 |16486 |16484 |
+ROW |33866 |16486 |16485 |
+ROW |33867 |16480 |16479 |
+ROW |33868 |16482 |16481 |
+ROW |33869 |16475 |16474 |
+ROW |33870 |16471 |16472 |
+ROW |33871 |16468 |16469 |
+ROW |33872 |16459 |16460 |
+ROW |33873 |16462 |16463 |
+ROW |33874 |16465 |16466 |
+ROW |33875 |16477 |16476 |
+ROW |33876 |19024 |19023 |
+ROW |33877 |19029 |19028 |
+ROW |33878 |19030 |19028 |
+ROW |33879 |19030 |19029 |
+ROW |33880 |19032 |19031 |
+ROW |33881 |19033 |19032 |
+ROW |33882 |19033 |19031 |
+ROW |33883 |19035 |19034 |
+ROW |33884 |19037 |19038 |
+ROW |33885 |19039 |19038 |
+ROW |33886 |19041 |19040 |
+ROW |33887 |19043 |19042 |
+ROW |33888 |19044 |19042 |
+ROW |33889 |19044 |19043 |
+ROW |33890 |19046 |19045 |
+ROW |33891 |19075 |19074 |
+ROW |33892 |19080 |19079 |
+ROW |33893 |19081 |19079 |
+ROW |33894 |19081 |19080 |
+ROW |33895 |19083 |19082 |
+ROW |33896 |19084 |19083 |
+ROW |33897 |19084 |19082 |
+ROW |33898 |19086 |19085 |
+ROW |33899 |19088 |19089 |
+ROW |33900 |19090 |19089 |
+ROW |33901 |19092 |19091 |
+ROW |33902 |19094 |19093 |
+ROW |33903 |19095 |19093 |
+ROW |33904 |19095 |19094 |
+ROW |33905 |19097 |19096 |
+ROW |33906 |19126 |19125 |
+ROW |33907 |19131 |19130 |
+ROW |33908 |19132 |19130 |
+ROW |33909 |19132 |19131 |
+ROW |33910 |19134 |19133 |
+ROW |33911 |19135 |19134 |
+ROW |33912 |19135 |19133 |
+ROW |33913 |19137 |19136 |
+ROW |33914 |19139 |19140 |
+ROW |33915 |19141 |19140 |
+ROW |33916 |19143 |19142 |
+ROW |33917 |19145 |19144 |
+ROW |33918 |19146 |19144 |
+ROW |33919 |19146 |19145 |
+ROW |33920 |19148 |19147 |
+ROW |33921 |19177 |19176 |
+ROW |33922 |19182 |19181 |
+ROW |33923 |19183 |19181 |
+ROW |33924 |19183 |19182 |
+ROW |33925 |19185 |19184 |
+ROW |33926 |19186 |19185 |
+ROW |33927 |19186 |19184 |
+ROW |33928 |19188 |19187 |
+ROW |33929 |19190 |19191 |
+ROW |33930 |19192 |19191 |
+ROW |33931 |19194 |19193 |
+ROW |33932 |19196 |19195 |
+ROW |33933 |19197 |19195 |
+ROW |33934 |19197 |19196 |
+ROW |33935 |19199 |19198 |
+ROW |33936 |15729 |15728 |
+ROW |33937 |15730 |15728 |
+ROW |33938 |15730 |15729 |
+ROW |33939 |15752 |15754 |
+ROW |33940 |15753 |15754 |
+ROW |33941 |15753 |15752 |
+ROW |33942 |15742 |15741 |
+ROW |33943 |15750 |15749 |
+ROW |33944 |15751 |15750 |
+ROW |33945 |15751 |15749 |
+ROW |33946 |15746 |15743 |
+ROW |33947 |15744 |15743 |
+ROW |33948 |15740 |15739 |
+ROW |33949 |17214 |17213 |
+ROW |33950 |17216 |17215 |
+ROW |33951 |15748 |15747 |
+ROW |33952 |19203 |19202 |
+ROW |33953 |19207 |19206 |
+ROW |33954 |19209 |19208 |
+ROW |33955 |19210 |19208 |
+ROW |33956 |19210 |19209 |
+ROW |33957 |19212 |19211 |
+ROW |33958 |19214 |19213 |
+ROW |33959 |19216 |19215 |
+ROW |33960 |19218 |19219 |
+ROW |33961 |19220 |19219 |
+ROW |33962 |19222 |19221 |
+ROW |33963 |19245 |19244 |
+ROW |33964 |19249 |19248 |
+ROW |33965 |19253 |19252 |
+ROW |33966 |19255 |19254 |
+ROW |33967 |19256 |19254 |
+ROW |33968 |19256 |19255 |
+ROW |33969 |19258 |19257 |
+ROW |33970 |19260 |19259 |
+ROW |33971 |19262 |19261 |
+ROW |33972 |19264 |19265 |
+ROW |33973 |19266 |19265 |
+ROW |33974 |19268 |19267 |
+ROW |33975 |19291 |19290 |
+ROW |33976 |19295 |19294 |
+ROW |33977 |19299 |19298 |
+ROW |33978 |19301 |19300 |
+ROW |33979 |19302 |19300 |
+ROW |33980 |19302 |19301 |
+ROW |33981 |19304 |19303 |
+ROW |33982 |19306 |19305 |
+ROW |33983 |19308 |19307 |
+ROW |33984 |19310 |19311 |
+ROW |33985 |19312 |19311 |
+ROW |33986 |19314 |19313 |
+ROW |33987 |19337 |19336 |
+ROW |33988 |19341 |19340 |
+ROW |33989 |19345 |19344 |
+ROW |33990 |19347 |19346 |
+ROW |33991 |19348 |19346 |
+ROW |33992 |19348 |19347 |
+ROW |33993 |19350 |19349 |
+ROW |33994 |19352 |19351 |
+ROW |33995 |19354 |19353 |
+ROW |33996 |19356 |19357 |
+ROW |33997 |19358 |19357 |
+ROW |33998 |19360 |19359 |
+ROW |33999 |19383 |19382 |
+ROW |34000 |16440 |16439 |
+ROW |34001 |17768 |15790 |
+ROW |34002 |17769 |15787 |
+ROW |34003 |17770 |15787 |
+ROW |34004 |17770 |17769 |
+ROW |34005 |15786 |15785 |
+ROW |34006 |15784 |15783 |
+ROW |34007 |15794 |15792 |
+ROW |34008 |15793 |15792 |
+ROW |34009 |15782 |15781 |
+ROW |34010 |15797 |15796 |
+ROW |34011 |15825 |15824 |
+ROW |34012 |15826 |15824 |
+ROW |34013 |15826 |15825 |
+ROW |34014 |15828 |15829 |
+ROW |34015 |15831 |15832 |
+ROW |34016 |15834 |15835 |
+ROW |34017 |15845 |15846 |
TABLE |functions
FIELDS|functionid|itemid|triggerid|name |parameter |
@@ -14931,10 +15080,6 @@ ROW |12803 |23053 |13416 |diff |0
ROW |12805 |23058 |13418 |diff |0 |
ROW |12806 |23059 |13419 |change |0 |
ROW |12807 |23061 |13420 |diff |0 |
-ROW |12946 |23357 |13517 |max |10m |
-ROW |12947 |23342 |13518 |max |10m |
-ROW |12948 |23341 |13519 |max |10m |
-ROW |12949 |23359 |13520 |min |10m |
ROW |12994 |23644 |13544 |max |#3 |
ROW |12995 |23645 |13545 |max |#3 |
ROW |12996 |23646 |13546 |max |#3 |
@@ -14962,23 +15107,6 @@ ROW |13156 |23650 |13550 |max |#3
ROW |13157 |23652 |13552 |max |#3 |
ROW |13158 |23653 |13553 |max |#3 |
ROW |13159 |23654 |13285 |max |#3 |
-ROW |13206 |23347 |13521 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13207 |23360 |13534 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13208 |23352 |13522 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13209 |23351 |13535 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13210 |23350 |13523 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13211 |23353 |13524 |avg |30m |
-ROW |13212 |23354 |13525 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13213 |23356 |13526 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13214 |23355 |13527 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13215 |23349 |13528 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13216 |23348 |13529 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13217 |23343 |13530 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13218 |23344 |13531 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13219 |23345 |13532 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13220 |23346 |13533 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13224 |25368 |13564 |avg |10m |
-ROW |13225 |25369 |13565 |avg |10m |
ROW |14378 |27067 |14251 |max |#3 |
ROW |14379 |27066 |14252 |min |5m |
ROW |14380 |27065 |14253 |avg |5m |
@@ -15291,8 +15419,6 @@ ROW |16935 |27942 |15398 |count |#1,{$FAN_CRIT_STATUS:"failed"},eq
ROW |16936 |27943 |15399 |count |#1,{$PSU_CRIT_STATUS:"failed"},eq |
ROW |17243 |28013 |15493 |last | |
ROW |17244 |28013 |15493 |diff | |
-ROW |17657 |28251 |15640 |max |10m |
-ROW |17658 |28250 |15641 |avg |10m |
ROW |17692 |27101 |15671 |change | |
ROW |17693 |27101 |15671 |last | |
ROW |17694 |27100 |15671 |last | |
@@ -15528,31 +15654,6 @@ ROW |18064 |28495 |15846 |avg |5m
ROW |18065 |28495 |15846 |max |5m |
ROW |18066 |28495 |15847 |avg |5m |
ROW |18067 |28495 |15847 |min |5m |
-ROW |18113 |28599 |15890 |max |10m |
-ROW |18114 |28597 |15891 |max |10m |
-ROW |18115 |28596 |15892 |max |10m |
-ROW |18116 |28598 |15893 |max |10m |
-ROW |18117 |28587 |15894 |min |10m |
-ROW |18118 |28600 |15895 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18119 |28601 |15896 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18120 |28615 |15897 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18121 |28614 |15898 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18122 |28613 |15899 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18123 |28612 |15900 |avg |30m |
-ROW |18124 |28611 |15901 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18125 |28610 |15902 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18126 |28609 |15903 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18127 |28608 |15904 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18128 |28607 |15905 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18129 |28606 |15906 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18130 |28605 |15907 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18131 |28604 |15908 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18132 |28603 |15909 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18133 |28602 |15910 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18134 |28616 |15911 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18135 |28588 |15912 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18136 |28618 |15913 |avg |10m |
-ROW |18137 |28619 |15914 |avg |10m |
ROW |18150 |28681 |15926 |max |5m |
ROW |18151 |28680 |15927 |diff | |
ROW |18152 |28680 |15927 |strlen | |
@@ -16475,13 +16576,8 @@ ROW |19824 |31048 |16914 |last |
ROW |19825 |31049 |16915 |last | |
ROW |19826 |31050 |16916 |diff | |
ROW |19827 |31051 |16917 |min |{$IIS.QUEUE.MAX.TIME} |
-ROW |19828 |31052 |16918 |diff | |
-ROW |19829 |31052 |16918 |strlen | |
ROW |19832 |30821 |16920 |last | |
ROW |19833 |31054 |16920 |last | |
-ROW |19834 |31054 |16921 |last | |
-ROW |19841 |31092 |16925 |last | |
-ROW |19842 |31095 |16925 |last | |
ROW |19845 |31056 |16927 |min |5m |
ROW |19846 |31096 |16928 |max |5m |
ROW |19847 |31096 |16929 |max |5m |
@@ -16601,7 +16697,6 @@ ROW |20085 |31581 |17081 |last |
ROW |20086 |31581 |17082 |last | |
ROW |20087 |31580 |17083 |last | |
ROW |20088 |31580 |17084 |last | |
-ROW |20089 |31579 |17085 |last | |
ROW |20096 |22942 |17089 |last | |
ROW |20097 |22952 |17090 |last | |
ROW |20098 |22949 |17091 |last | |
@@ -16699,7 +16794,6 @@ ROW |20191 |31720 |17175 |min |5m
ROW |20192 |31720 |17176 |min |5m |
ROW |20193 |31721 |17177 |last | |
ROW |20194 |31721 |17178 |diff | |
-ROW |20195 |31725 |17179 |last | |
ROW |20196 |31725 |17180 |diff | |
ROW |20216 |27247 |17194 |avg |5m |
ROW |20217 |27246 |17194 |last | |
@@ -17297,10 +17391,6 @@ ROW |20859 |32686 |17747 |min |5m
ROW |20860 |32677 |17747 |last | |
ROW |20861 |32686 |17748 |min |5m |
ROW |20862 |32677 |17748 |last | |
-ROW |20863 |32682 |17749 |min |5m |
-ROW |20864 |32681 |17749 |last | |
-ROW |20865 |32682 |17750 |min |5m |
-ROW |20866 |32681 |17750 |last | |
ROW |20867 |32679 |17751 |min |5m |
ROW |20868 |32684 |17752 |min |5m |
ROW |20869 |32689 |17753 |min |5m |
@@ -17358,195 +17448,6 @@ ROW |20920 |30159 |17793 |min |5m
ROW |20921 |30165 |17794 |min |5m |
ROW |20923 |30177 |17796 |min |5m |
ROW |20924 |30183 |17797 |min |5m |
-ROW |20925 |27084 |17798 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20926 |27081 |17798 |last | |
-ROW |20927 |27085 |17798 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20928 |27086 |17799 |min |5m |
-ROW |20929 |27083 |17799 |min |5m |
-ROW |20930 |27086 |17799 |max |5m |
-ROW |20931 |27083 |17799 |max |5m |
-ROW |20932 |27622 |17800 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20933 |27626 |17800 |last | |
-ROW |20934 |27625 |17800 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20935 |27979 |17801 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20936 |27983 |17801 |last | |
-ROW |20937 |27982 |17801 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20938 |28008 |17802 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20939 |28012 |17802 |last | |
-ROW |20940 |28011 |17802 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20941 |27621 |17803 |min |5m |
-ROW |20942 |27624 |17803 |min |5m |
-ROW |20943 |27621 |17803 |max |5m |
-ROW |20944 |27624 |17803 |max |5m |
-ROW |20945 |27978 |17804 |min |5m |
-ROW |20946 |27981 |17804 |min |5m |
-ROW |20947 |27978 |17804 |max |5m |
-ROW |20948 |27981 |17804 |max |5m |
-ROW |20949 |28007 |17805 |min |5m |
-ROW |20950 |28010 |17805 |min |5m |
-ROW |20951 |28007 |17805 |max |5m |
-ROW |20952 |28010 |17805 |max |5m |
-ROW |20953 |27104 |17806 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20954 |27101 |17806 |last | |
-ROW |20955 |27105 |17806 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20956 |27106 |17807 |min |5m |
-ROW |20957 |27103 |17807 |min |5m |
-ROW |20958 |27106 |17807 |max |5m |
-ROW |20959 |27103 |17807 |max |5m |
-ROW |20960 |27183 |17808 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20961 |27187 |17808 |last | |
-ROW |20962 |27186 |17808 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20963 |27218 |17809 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20964 |27222 |17809 |last | |
-ROW |20965 |27221 |17809 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20966 |27254 |17810 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20967 |27258 |17810 |last | |
-ROW |20968 |27257 |17810 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20969 |27275 |17811 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20970 |27279 |17811 |last | |
-ROW |20971 |27278 |17811 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20972 |27324 |17812 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20973 |27328 |17812 |last | |
-ROW |20974 |27327 |17812 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20975 |27453 |17813 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20976 |27457 |17813 |last | |
-ROW |20977 |27456 |17813 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20978 |27489 |17814 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20979 |27493 |17814 |last | |
-ROW |20980 |27492 |17814 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20981 |27523 |17815 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20982 |27527 |17815 |last | |
-ROW |20983 |27526 |17815 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20984 |27559 |17816 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20985 |27563 |17816 |last | |
-ROW |20986 |27562 |17816 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20987 |27645 |17817 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20988 |27649 |17817 |last | |
-ROW |20989 |27648 |17817 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20990 |27725 |17818 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20991 |27729 |17818 |last | |
-ROW |20992 |27728 |17818 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20993 |27759 |17819 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20994 |27763 |17819 |last | |
-ROW |20995 |27762 |17819 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20996 |27791 |17820 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20997 |27795 |17820 |last | |
-ROW |20998 |27794 |17820 |avg |15m |
-ROW |20999 |27875 |17821 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21000 |27879 |17821 |last | |
-ROW |21001 |27878 |17821 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21002 |27912 |17822 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21003 |27916 |17822 |last | |
-ROW |21004 |27915 |17822 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21005 |27947 |17823 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21006 |27951 |17823 |last | |
-ROW |21007 |27950 |17823 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21008 |28121 |17824 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21009 |28125 |17824 |last | |
-ROW |21010 |28124 |17824 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21014 |28226 |17826 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21015 |28230 |17826 |last | |
-ROW |21016 |28229 |17826 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21017 |28296 |17827 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21018 |28300 |17827 |last | |
-ROW |21019 |28299 |17827 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21020 |28971 |17828 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21021 |28975 |17828 |last | |
-ROW |21022 |28974 |17828 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21023 |27182 |17829 |min |5m |
-ROW |21024 |27185 |17829 |min |5m |
-ROW |21025 |27182 |17829 |max |5m |
-ROW |21026 |27185 |17829 |max |5m |
-ROW |21027 |27217 |17830 |min |5m |
-ROW |21028 |27220 |17830 |min |5m |
-ROW |21029 |27217 |17830 |max |5m |
-ROW |21030 |27220 |17830 |max |5m |
-ROW |21031 |27253 |17831 |min |5m |
-ROW |21032 |27256 |17831 |min |5m |
-ROW |21033 |27253 |17831 |max |5m |
-ROW |21034 |27256 |17831 |max |5m |
-ROW |21035 |27274 |17832 |min |5m |
-ROW |21036 |27277 |17832 |min |5m |
-ROW |21037 |27274 |17832 |max |5m |
-ROW |21038 |27277 |17832 |max |5m |
-ROW |21039 |27323 |17833 |min |5m |
-ROW |21040 |27326 |17833 |min |5m |
-ROW |21041 |27323 |17833 |max |5m |
-ROW |21042 |27326 |17833 |max |5m |
-ROW |21043 |27452 |17834 |min |5m |
-ROW |21044 |27455 |17834 |min |5m |
-ROW |21045 |27452 |17834 |max |5m |
-ROW |21046 |27455 |17834 |max |5m |
-ROW |21047 |27488 |17835 |min |5m |
-ROW |21048 |27491 |17835 |min |5m |
-ROW |21049 |27488 |17835 |max |5m |
-ROW |21050 |27491 |17835 |max |5m |
-ROW |21051 |27522 |17836 |min |5m |
-ROW |21052 |27525 |17836 |min |5m |
-ROW |21053 |27522 |17836 |max |5m |
-ROW |21054 |27525 |17836 |max |5m |
-ROW |21055 |27558 |17837 |min |5m |
-ROW |21056 |27561 |17837 |min |5m |
-ROW |21057 |27558 |17837 |max |5m |
-ROW |21058 |27561 |17837 |max |5m |
-ROW |21059 |27644 |17838 |min |5m |
-ROW |21060 |27647 |17838 |min |5m |
-ROW |21061 |27644 |17838 |max |5m |
-ROW |21062 |27647 |17838 |max |5m |
-ROW |21063 |27724 |17839 |min |5m |
-ROW |21064 |27727 |17839 |min |5m |
-ROW |21065 |27724 |17839 |max |5m |
-ROW |21066 |27727 |17839 |max |5m |
-ROW |21067 |27758 |17840 |min |5m |
-ROW |21068 |27761 |17840 |min |5m |
-ROW |21069 |27758 |17840 |max |5m |
-ROW |21070 |27761 |17840 |max |5m |
-ROW |21071 |27790 |17841 |min |5m |
-ROW |21072 |27793 |17841 |min |5m |
-ROW |21073 |27790 |17841 |max |5m |
-ROW |21074 |27793 |17841 |max |5m |
-ROW |21075 |27874 |17842 |min |5m |
-ROW |21076 |27877 |17842 |min |5m |
-ROW |21077 |27874 |17842 |max |5m |
-ROW |21078 |27877 |17842 |max |5m |
-ROW |21079 |27911 |17843 |min |5m |
-ROW |21080 |27914 |17843 |min |5m |
-ROW |21081 |27911 |17843 |max |5m |
-ROW |21082 |27914 |17843 |max |5m |
-ROW |21083 |27946 |17844 |min |5m |
-ROW |21084 |27949 |17844 |min |5m |
-ROW |21085 |27946 |17844 |max |5m |
-ROW |21086 |27949 |17844 |max |5m |
-ROW |21087 |28120 |17845 |min |5m |
-ROW |21088 |28123 |17845 |min |5m |
-ROW |21089 |28120 |17845 |max |5m |
-ROW |21090 |28123 |17845 |max |5m |
-ROW |21095 |28225 |17847 |min |5m |
-ROW |21096 |28228 |17847 |min |5m |
-ROW |21097 |28225 |17847 |max |5m |
-ROW |21098 |28228 |17847 |max |5m |
-ROW |21099 |28295 |17848 |min |5m |
-ROW |21100 |28298 |17848 |min |5m |
-ROW |21101 |28295 |17848 |max |5m |
-ROW |21102 |28298 |17848 |max |5m |
-ROW |21103 |28970 |17849 |min |5m |
-ROW |21104 |28973 |17849 |min |5m |
-ROW |21105 |28970 |17849 |max |5m |
-ROW |21106 |28973 |17849 |max |5m |
-ROW |21107 |27124 |17850 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21108 |27121 |17850 |last | |
-ROW |21109 |27125 |17850 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21110 |27126 |17851 |min |5m |
-ROW |21111 |27123 |17851 |min |5m |
-ROW |21112 |27126 |17851 |max |5m |
-ROW |21113 |27123 |17851 |max |5m |
-ROW |21114 |29080 |17852 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21115 |29084 |17852 |last | |
-ROW |21116 |29083 |17852 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21117 |29079 |17853 |min |5m |
-ROW |21118 |29082 |17853 |min |5m |
-ROW |21119 |29079 |17853 |max |5m |
-ROW |21120 |29082 |17853 |max |5m |
ROW |21121 |32744 |17854 |last | |
ROW |21122 |32749 |17855 |last | |
ROW |21123 |32750 |17856 |diff | |
@@ -17702,8 +17603,6 @@ ROW |21347 |33060 |18008 |strlen |
ROW |21348 |33103 |18009 |last | |
ROW |21349 |33121 |18009 |strlen | |
ROW |21350 |33116 |18010 |min |5m |
-ROW |21352 |33128 |18012 |max |5m |
-ROW |21353 |33125 |18013 |max |5m |
ROW |21354 |33165 |18014 |max |5m |
ROW |21355 |33161 |18015 |min |5m |
ROW |21356 |33160 |18016 |min |5m |
@@ -17735,23 +17634,12 @@ ROW |21381 |33220 |18032 |strlen |
ROW |21382 |33221 |18033 |last | |
ROW |21383 |33221 |18034 |last | |
ROW |21384 |33224 |18035 |min |5m |
-ROW |21385 |33231 |18036 |change | |
-ROW |21386 |33231 |18036 |last | |
-ROW |21387 |33233 |18036 |last | |
-ROW |21388 |33232 |18036 |last | |
-ROW |21389 |33231 |18036 |prev | |
-ROW |21390 |33227 |18037 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21391 |33231 |18037 |last | |
-ROW |21392 |33230 |18038 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21393 |33231 |18038 |last | |
ROW |21394 |33226 |18039 |min |5m |
ROW |21395 |33226 |18039 |max |5m |
ROW |21396 |33229 |18040 |min |5m |
ROW |21397 |33229 |18040 |max |5m |
ROW |21398 |33232 |18041 |last | |
ROW |21399 |33234 |18042 |last | |
-ROW |21400 |33235 |18043 |last | |
-ROW |21401 |33235 |18043 |last |4 |
ROW |21402 |33235 |18044 |last | |
ROW |21403 |33236 |18045 |last | |
ROW |21404 |33236 |18046 |last | |
@@ -17778,23 +17666,12 @@ ROW |21424 |33261 |18059 |strlen |
ROW |21425 |33262 |18060 |last | |
ROW |21426 |33262 |18061 |last | |
ROW |21427 |33265 |18062 |min |5m |
-ROW |21428 |33272 |18063 |change | |
-ROW |21429 |33272 |18063 |last | |
-ROW |21430 |33274 |18063 |last | |
-ROW |21431 |33273 |18063 |last | |
-ROW |21432 |33272 |18063 |prev | |
-ROW |21433 |33268 |18064 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21434 |33272 |18064 |last | |
-ROW |21435 |33271 |18065 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21436 |33272 |18065 |last | |
ROW |21437 |33267 |18066 |min |5m |
ROW |21438 |33267 |18066 |max |5m |
ROW |21439 |33270 |18067 |min |5m |
ROW |21440 |33270 |18067 |max |5m |
ROW |21441 |33273 |18068 |last | |
ROW |21442 |33275 |18069 |last | |
-ROW |21443 |33276 |18070 |last | |
-ROW |21444 |33276 |18070 |last |4 |
ROW |21445 |33276 |18071 |last | |
ROW |21446 |33277 |18072 |last | |
ROW |21447 |33277 |18073 |last | |
@@ -17821,23 +17698,12 @@ ROW |21467 |33302 |18086 |strlen |
ROW |21468 |33303 |18087 |last | |
ROW |21469 |33303 |18088 |last | |
ROW |21470 |33306 |18089 |min |5m |
-ROW |21471 |33313 |18090 |change | |
-ROW |21472 |33313 |18090 |last | |
-ROW |21473 |33315 |18090 |last | |
-ROW |21474 |33314 |18090 |last | |
-ROW |21475 |33313 |18090 |prev | |
-ROW |21476 |33309 |18091 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21477 |33313 |18091 |last | |
-ROW |21478 |33312 |18092 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21479 |33313 |18092 |last | |
ROW |21480 |33308 |18093 |min |5m |
ROW |21481 |33308 |18093 |max |5m |
ROW |21482 |33311 |18094 |min |5m |
ROW |21483 |33311 |18094 |max |5m |
ROW |21484 |33314 |18095 |last | |
ROW |21485 |33316 |18096 |last | |
-ROW |21486 |33317 |18097 |last | |
-ROW |21487 |33317 |18097 |last |4 |
ROW |21488 |33317 |18098 |last | |
ROW |21489 |33318 |18099 |last | |
ROW |21490 |33318 |18100 |last | |
@@ -17864,23 +17730,12 @@ ROW |21510 |33343 |18113 |strlen |
ROW |21511 |33344 |18114 |last | |
ROW |21512 |33344 |18115 |last | |
ROW |21513 |33347 |18116 |min |5m |
-ROW |21514 |33354 |18117 |change | |
-ROW |21515 |33354 |18117 |last | |
-ROW |21516 |33356 |18117 |last | |
-ROW |21517 |33355 |18117 |last | |
-ROW |21518 |33354 |18117 |prev | |
-ROW |21519 |33350 |18118 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21520 |33354 |18118 |last | |
-ROW |21521 |33353 |18119 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21522 |33354 |18119 |last | |
ROW |21523 |33349 |18120 |min |5m |
ROW |21524 |33349 |18120 |max |5m |
ROW |21525 |33352 |18121 |min |5m |
ROW |21526 |33352 |18121 |max |5m |
ROW |21527 |33355 |18122 |last | |
ROW |21528 |33357 |18123 |last | |
-ROW |21529 |33358 |18124 |last | |
-ROW |21530 |33358 |18124 |last |4 |
ROW |21531 |33358 |18125 |last | |
ROW |21532 |33359 |18126 |last | |
ROW |21533 |33359 |18127 |last | |
@@ -17907,23 +17762,12 @@ ROW |21553 |33384 |18140 |strlen |
ROW |21554 |33385 |18141 |last | |
ROW |21555 |33385 |18142 |last | |
ROW |21556 |33388 |18143 |min |5m |
-ROW |21557 |33395 |18144 |change | |
-ROW |21558 |33395 |18144 |last | |
-ROW |21559 |33397 |18144 |last | |
-ROW |21560 |33396 |18144 |last | |
-ROW |21561 |33395 |18144 |prev | |
-ROW |21562 |33391 |18145 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21563 |33395 |18145 |last | |
-ROW |21564 |33394 |18146 |avg |15m |
-ROW |21565 |33395 |18146 |last | |
ROW |21566 |33390 |18147 |min |5m |
ROW |21567 |33390 |18147 |max |5m |
ROW |21568 |33393 |18148 |min |5m |
ROW |21569 |33393 |18148 |max |5m |
ROW |21570 |33396 |18149 |last | |
ROW |21571 |33398 |18150 |last | |
-ROW |21572 |33399 |18151 |last | |
-ROW |21573 |33399 |18151 |last |4 |
ROW |21574 |33399 |18152 |last | |
ROW |21575 |33400 |18153 |last | |
ROW |21576 |33400 |18154 |last | |
@@ -18025,7 +17869,6 @@ ROW |21685 |33563 |18225 |diff |
ROW |21686 |33563 |18225 |last | |
-ROW |21689 |32470 |18227 |last | |
ROW |21690 |32473 |18228 |min |{$ACTIVEMQ.QUEUE.TIME:"{#JMXDESTINATIONNAME}"} |
ROW |21691 |32483 |18229 |avg |{$ACTIVEMQ.MSG.RATE.WARN.TIME:"{#JMXBROKERNAME}"} |
ROW |21692 |31933 |18230 |avg |5m |
@@ -19225,10 +19068,6 @@ ROW |23059 |35601 |19394 |min |5m
ROW |23060 |35592 |19394 |last | |
ROW |23061 |35601 |19395 |min |5m |
ROW |23062 |35592 |19395 |last | |
-ROW |23063 |35597 |19396 |min |5m |
-ROW |23064 |35596 |19396 |last | |
-ROW |23065 |35597 |19397 |min |5m |
-ROW |23066 |35596 |19397 |last | |
ROW |23067 |35594 |19398 |min |5m |
ROW |23068 |35599 |19399 |min |5m |
ROW |23069 |35604 |19400 |min |5m |
@@ -19685,24 +19524,6 @@ ROW |23527 |36630 |19712 |min |15m
ROW |23528 |36631 |19713 |min |15m |
ROW |23529 |36632 |19714 |min |15m |
ROW |23530 |36633 |19715 |min |15m |
-ROW |23531 |36664 |19716 |last | |
-ROW |23532 |36645 |19717 |nodata |30m |
-ROW |23533 |36644 |19718 |max |5m |
-ROW |23534 |36643 |19719 |diff | |
-ROW |23535 |36643 |19719 |strlen | |
-ROW |23536 |36672 |19720 |min |5m |
-ROW |23537 |36636 |19721 |min |5m |
-ROW |23538 |36637 |19722 |last | |
-ROW |23539 |36640 |19723 |min |5m |
-ROW |23540 |36642 |19724 |max |5m |
-ROW |23541 |36647 |19725 |last | |
-ROW |23542 |36648 |19726 |diff | |
-ROW |23543 |36648 |19726 |strlen | |
-ROW |23544 |36678 |19727 |min |5m |
-ROW |23545 |36692 |19728 |min |5m |
-ROW |23546 |36704 |19729 |last | |
-ROW |23547 |36679 |19730 |min |5m |
-ROW |23548 |36687 |19731 |min |5m |
ROW |23549 |36762 |19732 |min |5m |
ROW |23550 |36713 |19733 |last | |
ROW |23551 |36714 |19734 |last | |
@@ -19719,6 +19540,383 @@ ROW |23561 |28983 |19741 |min |5m
ROW |23562 |28982 |19741 |last | |
ROW |23563 |28998 |19742 |min |5m |
ROW |23564 |28997 |19742 |last | |
+ROW |23565 |32470 |19743 |last | |
+ROW |23566 |36811 |19744 |min |5m |
+ROW |23567 |36813 |19744 |last | |
+ROW |23568 |36815 |19745 |min |5m |
+ROW |23569 |36819 |19745 |last | |
+ROW |23570 |36812 |19746 |min |5m |
+ROW |23571 |36805 |19746 |last | |
+ROW |23572 |36804 |19746 |last | |
+ROW |23573 |36821 |19746 |last | |
+ROW |23574 |36802 |19747 |max |#3 |
+ROW |23575 |36823 |19748 |min |5m |
+ROW |23576 |36825 |19749 |avg |5m |
+ROW |23577 |36826 |19750 |nodata |5m |
+ROW |23578 |36827 |19751 |nodata |5m |
+ROW |23579 |36828 |19752 |nodata |5m |
+ROW |23580 |36835 |19753 |last | |
+ROW |23581 |36839 |19754 |min |#3 |
+ROW |23582 |36842 |19755 |min |#3 |
+ROW |23583 |36809 |19756 |diff | |
+ROW |23584 |36809 |19756 |strlen | |
+ROW |23585 |36814 |19757 |last | |
+ROW |23586 |36820 |19758 |min |5m |
+ROW |23587 |36843 |19759 |max |{$SNMP.TIMEOUT} |
+ROW |23588 |36887 |19760 |min |5m |
+ROW |23589 |36857 |19761 |change | |
+ROW |23590 |36857 |19761 |last | |
+ROW |23591 |36879 |19761 |last | |
+ROW |23592 |36856 |19761 |last | |
+ROW |23593 |36857 |19761 |last |#2 |
+ROW |23594 |36870 |19762 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23595 |36857 |19762 |last | |
+ROW |23596 |36859 |19763 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23597 |36857 |19763 |last | |
+ROW |23598 |36875 |19764 |min |5m |
+ROW |23599 |36875 |19764 |max |5m |
+ROW |23600 |36864 |19765 |min |5m |
+ROW |23601 |36864 |19765 |max |5m |
+ROW |23602 |36856 |19766 |last | |
+ROW |23603 |36884 |19767 |last | |
+ROW |23604 |36885 |19767 |last | |
+ROW |23605 |36886 |19767 |last | |
+ROW |23606 |36884 |19767 |timeleft |1h,,100 |
+ROW |23607 |36884 |19768 |last | |
+ROW |23608 |36885 |19768 |last | |
+ROW |23609 |36886 |19768 |last | |
+ROW |23610 |36884 |19768 |timeleft |1h,,100 |
+ROW |23611 |36883 |19769 |min |5m |
+ROW |23612 |36883 |19770 |min |5m |
+ROW |23613 |36888 |19771 |last | |
+ROW |23614 |31579 |19772 |last | |
+ROW |23615 |23347 |19773 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23616 |23360 |19774 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23617 |23352 |19775 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23618 |23351 |19776 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23619 |23350 |19777 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23620 |23353 |19778 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23621 |23354 |19779 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23622 |23356 |19780 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23623 |25368 |19781 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23624 |23355 |19782 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23625 |23349 |19783 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23626 |23348 |19784 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23627 |28618 |19785 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23628 |28619 |19786 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23629 |23343 |19787 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23630 |23344 |19788 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23631 |25369 |19789 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23632 |23345 |19790 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23633 |23346 |19791 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23634 |28250 |19792 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23635 |23359 |19793 |min |10m |
+ROW |23636 |23357 |19794 |max |10m |
+ROW |23637 |36890 |19795 |last | |
+ROW |23638 |36891 |19796 |diff | |
+ROW |23639 |36891 |19796 |strlen | |
+ROW |23640 |28251 |19797 |max |10m |
+ROW |23641 |23342 |19798 |max |10m |
+ROW |23642 |23341 |19799 |max |10m |
+ROW |23643 |36912 |19800 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23644 |36914 |19801 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23645 |36915 |19802 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23646 |36916 |19803 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23647 |36917 |19804 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23648 |36918 |19805 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23649 |36919 |19806 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23650 |36920 |19807 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23651 |36913 |19808 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23652 |36921 |19809 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23653 |36923 |19810 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23654 |36924 |19811 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23655 |36925 |19812 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23656 |36926 |19813 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23657 |36927 |19814 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23658 |36928 |19815 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23659 |36929 |19816 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23660 |36922 |19817 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23661 |36930 |19818 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23662 |36904 |19819 |avg |10m |
+ROW |23663 |36910 |19820 |max |10m |
+ROW |23664 |36898 |19821 |last | |
+ROW |23665 |36899 |19822 |diff | |
+ROW |23666 |36899 |19822 |strlen | |
+ROW |23667 |36900 |19823 |max |10m |
+ROW |23668 |36901 |19824 |max |10m |
+ROW |23669 |36896 |19825 |max |10m |
+ROW |23670 |36895 |19826 |min |10m |
+ROW |23671 |31054 |19827 |last | |
+ROW |23672 |35597 |19828 |min |5m |
+ROW |23673 |35596 |19828 |last | |
+ROW |23674 |35597 |19829 |min |5m |
+ROW |23675 |35596 |19829 |last | |
+ROW |23676 |32682 |19830 |min |5m |
+ROW |23677 |32681 |19830 |last | |
+ROW |23678 |32682 |19831 |min |5m |
+ROW |23679 |32681 |19831 |last | |
+ROW |23680 |33128 |19832 |max |5m |
+ROW |23681 |33125 |19833 |max |5m |
+ROW |23682 |31092 |19834 |last | |
+ROW |23683 |31095 |19834 |last | |
+ROW |23684 |31725 |19835 |last | |
+ROW |23685 |36964 |19836 |last | |
+ROW |23686 |36945 |19837 |nodata |30m |
+ROW |23687 |36944 |19838 |max |5m |
+ROW |23688 |36943 |19839 |diff | |
+ROW |23689 |36943 |19839 |strlen | |
+ROW |23690 |36972 |19840 |min |5m |
+ROW |23691 |36936 |19841 |min |5m |
+ROW |23692 |36937 |19842 |last | |
+ROW |23693 |36940 |19843 |min |5m |
+ROW |23694 |36942 |19844 |max |5m |
+ROW |23695 |36947 |19845 |last | |
+ROW |23696 |36948 |19846 |diff | |
+ROW |23697 |36948 |19846 |strlen | |
+ROW |23698 |36978 |19847 |min |5m |
+ROW |23699 |36992 |19848 |min |5m |
+ROW |23700 |37004 |19849 |last | |
+ROW |23701 |36979 |19850 |min |5m |
+ROW |23702 |36987 |19851 |min |5m |
+ROW |23703 |27084 |19852 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23704 |27081 |19852 |last | |
+ROW |23705 |27085 |19852 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23706 |27086 |19853 |min |5m |
+ROW |23707 |27083 |19853 |min |5m |
+ROW |23708 |27086 |19853 |max |5m |
+ROW |23709 |27083 |19853 |max |5m |
+ROW |23710 |27622 |19854 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23711 |27626 |19854 |last | |
+ROW |23712 |27625 |19854 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23713 |27979 |19855 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23714 |27983 |19855 |last | |
+ROW |23715 |27982 |19855 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23716 |28008 |19856 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23717 |28012 |19856 |last | |
+ROW |23718 |28011 |19856 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23719 |27621 |19857 |min |5m |
+ROW |23720 |27624 |19857 |min |5m |
+ROW |23721 |27621 |19857 |max |5m |
+ROW |23722 |27624 |19857 |max |5m |
+ROW |23723 |27978 |19858 |min |5m |
+ROW |23724 |27981 |19858 |min |5m |
+ROW |23725 |27978 |19858 |max |5m |
+ROW |23726 |27981 |19858 |max |5m |
+ROW |23727 |28007 |19859 |min |5m |
+ROW |23728 |28010 |19859 |min |5m |
+ROW |23729 |28007 |19859 |max |5m |
+ROW |23730 |28010 |19859 |max |5m |
+ROW |23731 |27104 |19860 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23732 |27101 |19860 |last | |
+ROW |23733 |27105 |19860 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23734 |27106 |19861 |min |5m |
+ROW |23735 |27103 |19861 |min |5m |
+ROW |23736 |27106 |19861 |max |5m |
+ROW |23737 |27103 |19861 |max |5m |
+ROW |23738 |27183 |19862 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23739 |27187 |19862 |last | |
+ROW |23740 |27186 |19862 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23741 |27218 |19863 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23742 |27222 |19863 |last | |
+ROW |23743 |27221 |19863 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23744 |27254 |19864 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23745 |27258 |19864 |last | |
+ROW |23746 |27257 |19864 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23747 |27275 |19865 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23748 |27279 |19865 |last | |
+ROW |23749 |27278 |19865 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23750 |27324 |19866 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23751 |27328 |19866 |last | |
+ROW |23752 |27327 |19866 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23753 |27453 |19867 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23754 |27457 |19867 |last | |
+ROW |23755 |27456 |19867 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23756 |27489 |19868 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23757 |27493 |19868 |last | |
+ROW |23758 |27492 |19868 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23759 |27523 |19869 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23760 |27527 |19869 |last | |
+ROW |23761 |27526 |19869 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23762 |27559 |19870 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23763 |27563 |19870 |last | |
+ROW |23764 |27562 |19870 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23765 |27645 |19871 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23766 |27649 |19871 |last | |
+ROW |23767 |27648 |19871 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23768 |27725 |19872 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23769 |27729 |19872 |last | |
+ROW |23770 |27728 |19872 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23771 |27759 |19873 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23772 |27763 |19873 |last | |
+ROW |23773 |27762 |19873 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23774 |27791 |19874 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23775 |27795 |19874 |last | |
+ROW |23776 |27794 |19874 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23777 |27875 |19875 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23778 |27879 |19875 |last | |
+ROW |23779 |27878 |19875 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23780 |27912 |19876 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23781 |27916 |19876 |last | |
+ROW |23782 |27915 |19876 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23783 |27947 |19877 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23784 |27951 |19877 |last | |
+ROW |23785 |27950 |19877 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23786 |28121 |19878 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23787 |28125 |19878 |last | |
+ROW |23788 |28124 |19878 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23789 |28226 |19879 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23790 |28230 |19879 |last | |
+ROW |23791 |28229 |19879 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23792 |28296 |19880 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23793 |28300 |19880 |last | |
+ROW |23794 |28299 |19880 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23795 |28971 |19881 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23796 |28975 |19881 |last | |
+ROW |23797 |28974 |19881 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23798 |27182 |19882 |min |5m |
+ROW |23799 |27185 |19882 |min |5m |
+ROW |23800 |27182 |19882 |max |5m |
+ROW |23801 |27185 |19882 |max |5m |
+ROW |23802 |27217 |19883 |min |5m |
+ROW |23803 |27220 |19883 |min |5m |
+ROW |23804 |27217 |19883 |max |5m |
+ROW |23805 |27220 |19883 |max |5m |
+ROW |23806 |27253 |19884 |min |5m |
+ROW |23807 |27256 |19884 |min |5m |
+ROW |23808 |27253 |19884 |max |5m |
+ROW |23809 |27256 |19884 |max |5m |
+ROW |23810 |27274 |19885 |min |5m |
+ROW |23811 |27277 |19885 |min |5m |
+ROW |23812 |27274 |19885 |max |5m |
+ROW |23813 |27277 |19885 |max |5m |
+ROW |23814 |27323 |19886 |min |5m |
+ROW |23815 |27326 |19886 |min |5m |
+ROW |23816 |27323 |19886 |max |5m |
+ROW |23817 |27326 |19886 |max |5m |
+ROW |23818 |27452 |19887 |min |5m |
+ROW |23819 |27455 |19887 |min |5m |
+ROW |23820 |27452 |19887 |max |5m |
+ROW |23821 |27455 |19887 |max |5m |
+ROW |23822 |27488 |19888 |min |5m |
+ROW |23823 |27491 |19888 |min |5m |
+ROW |23824 |27488 |19888 |max |5m |
+ROW |23825 |27491 |19888 |max |5m |
+ROW |23826 |27522 |19889 |min |5m |
+ROW |23827 |27525 |19889 |min |5m |
+ROW |23828 |27522 |19889 |max |5m |
+ROW |23829 |27525 |19889 |max |5m |
+ROW |23830 |27558 |19890 |min |5m |
+ROW |23831 |27561 |19890 |min |5m |
+ROW |23832 |27558 |19890 |max |5m |
+ROW |23833 |27561 |19890 |max |5m |
+ROW |23834 |27644 |19891 |min |5m |
+ROW |23835 |27647 |19891 |min |5m |
+ROW |23836 |27644 |19891 |max |5m |
+ROW |23837 |27647 |19891 |max |5m |
+ROW |23838 |27724 |19892 |min |5m |
+ROW |23839 |27727 |19892 |min |5m |
+ROW |23840 |27724 |19892 |max |5m |
+ROW |23841 |27727 |19892 |max |5m |
+ROW |23842 |27758 |19893 |min |5m |
+ROW |23843 |27761 |19893 |min |5m |
+ROW |23844 |27758 |19893 |max |5m |
+ROW |23845 |27761 |19893 |max |5m |
+ROW |23846 |27790 |19894 |min |5m |
+ROW |23847 |27793 |19894 |min |5m |
+ROW |23848 |27790 |19894 |max |5m |
+ROW |23849 |27793 |19894 |max |5m |
+ROW |23850 |27874 |19895 |min |5m |
+ROW |23851 |27877 |19895 |min |5m |
+ROW |23852 |27874 |19895 |max |5m |
+ROW |23853 |27877 |19895 |max |5m |
+ROW |23854 |27911 |19896 |min |5m |
+ROW |23855 |27914 |19896 |min |5m |
+ROW |23856 |27911 |19896 |max |5m |
+ROW |23857 |27914 |19896 |max |5m |
+ROW |23858 |27946 |19897 |min |5m |
+ROW |23859 |27949 |19897 |min |5m |
+ROW |23860 |27946 |19897 |max |5m |
+ROW |23861 |27949 |19897 |max |5m |
+ROW |23862 |28120 |19898 |min |5m |
+ROW |23863 |28123 |19898 |min |5m |
+ROW |23864 |28120 |19898 |max |5m |
+ROW |23865 |28123 |19898 |max |5m |
+ROW |23866 |28225 |19899 |min |5m |
+ROW |23867 |28228 |19899 |min |5m |
+ROW |23868 |28225 |19899 |max |5m |
+ROW |23869 |28228 |19899 |max |5m |
+ROW |23870 |28295 |19900 |min |5m |
+ROW |23871 |28298 |19900 |min |5m |
+ROW |23872 |28295 |19900 |max |5m |
+ROW |23873 |28298 |19900 |max |5m |
+ROW |23874 |28970 |19901 |min |5m |
+ROW |23875 |28973 |19901 |min |5m |
+ROW |23876 |28970 |19901 |max |5m |
+ROW |23877 |28973 |19901 |max |5m |
+ROW |23878 |27124 |19902 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23879 |27121 |19902 |last | |
+ROW |23880 |27125 |19902 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23881 |27126 |19903 |min |5m |
+ROW |23882 |27123 |19903 |min |5m |
+ROW |23883 |27126 |19903 |max |5m |
+ROW |23884 |27123 |19903 |max |5m |
+ROW |23885 |29080 |19904 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23886 |29084 |19904 |last | |
+ROW |23887 |29083 |19904 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23888 |29079 |19905 |min |5m |
+ROW |23889 |29082 |19905 |min |5m |
+ROW |23890 |29079 |19905 |max |5m |
+ROW |23891 |29082 |19905 |max |5m |
+ROW |23892 |33231 |19906 |change | |
+ROW |23893 |33231 |19906 |last | |
+ROW |23894 |33233 |19906 |last | |
+ROW |23895 |33232 |19906 |last | |
+ROW |23896 |33231 |19906 |prev | |
+ROW |23897 |33227 |19907 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23898 |33231 |19907 |last | |
+ROW |23899 |33230 |19908 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23900 |33231 |19908 |last | |
+ROW |23901 |33235 |19909 |last | |
+ROW |23902 |33272 |19910 |change | |
+ROW |23903 |33272 |19910 |last | |
+ROW |23904 |33274 |19910 |last | |
+ROW |23905 |33273 |19910 |last | |
+ROW |23906 |33272 |19910 |prev | |
+ROW |23907 |33268 |19911 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23908 |33272 |19911 |last | |
+ROW |23909 |33271 |19912 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23910 |33272 |19912 |last | |
+ROW |23911 |33276 |19913 |last | |
+ROW |23912 |33313 |19914 |change | |
+ROW |23913 |33313 |19914 |last | |
+ROW |23914 |33315 |19914 |last | |
+ROW |23915 |33314 |19914 |last | |
+ROW |23916 |33313 |19914 |prev | |
+ROW |23917 |33309 |19915 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23918 |33313 |19915 |last | |
+ROW |23919 |33312 |19916 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23920 |33313 |19916 |last | |
+ROW |23921 |33317 |19917 |last | |
+ROW |23922 |33354 |19918 |change | |
+ROW |23923 |33354 |19918 |last | |
+ROW |23924 |33356 |19918 |last | |
+ROW |23925 |33355 |19918 |last | |
+ROW |23926 |33354 |19918 |prev | |
+ROW |23927 |33350 |19919 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23928 |33354 |19919 |last | |
+ROW |23929 |33353 |19920 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23930 |33354 |19920 |last | |
+ROW |23931 |33358 |19921 |last | |
+ROW |23932 |33395 |19922 |change | |
+ROW |23933 |33395 |19922 |last | |
+ROW |23934 |33397 |19922 |last | |
+ROW |23935 |33396 |19922 |last | |
+ROW |23936 |33395 |19922 |prev | |
+ROW |23937 |33391 |19923 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23938 |33395 |19923 |last | |
+ROW |23939 |33394 |19924 |avg |15m |
+ROW |23940 |33395 |19924 |last | |
+ROW |23941 |33399 |19925 |last | |
TABLE |graphs
FIELDS|graphid|name |width|height|yaxismin|yaxismax|templateid|show_work_period|show_triggers|graphtype|show_legend|show_3d|percent_left|percent_right|ymin_type|ymax_type|ymin_itemid|ymax_itemid|flags|discover|
@@ -19752,10 +19950,6 @@ ROW |492 |Network traffic on {#IFNAME}
ROW |493 |Network traffic on {#IFNAME} |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |494 |Network traffic on en0 |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
ROW |498 |CPU utilization |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |529 |Zabbix cache usage, % used |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |530 |Zabbix data gathering process busy % |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |531 |Zabbix internal process busy % |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |532 |Zabbix proxy performance |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
ROW |540 |Memory usage |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |2 |NULL |22943 |0 |0 |
ROW |541 |Memory usage |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |2 |NULL |22903 |0 |0 |
ROW |542 |Memory usage |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |2 |NULL |22983 |0 |0 |
@@ -19787,11 +19981,6 @@ ROW |745 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Network traffic
ROW |766 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Network traffic |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |775 |CPU utilization |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
ROW |786 |{#SNMPVALUE}: CPU utilization |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
-ROW |803 |Zabbix cache usage, % free |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |804 |Zabbix data gathering process busy % |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |805 |Zabbix internal process busy % |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |806 |Zabbix proxy performance |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |807 |Zabbix internal queues |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
ROW |814 |DB {#DBNAME}: Block hit/read |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |815 |DB {#DBNAME}: Database size |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |816 |DB {#DBNAME}: Events |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
@@ -20085,7 +20274,6 @@ ROW |1288 |PHP-FPM: Queue
ROW |1289 |PHP-FPM: Process |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
ROW |1290 |PHP-FPM: Queue |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
ROW |1291 |Squid: DNS lookup statistics |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |1292 |Squid: Domain name (FQDN) cache ctatistics |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
ROW |1293 |Squid: File descriptor usage |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
ROW |1294 |Squid: HTTP Traffic |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
ROW |1295 |Squid: IP address cache statistics |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
@@ -20099,7 +20287,6 @@ ROW |1306 |Ceph: [{#POOLNAME}] Pool Usage
ROW |1307 |{#HOSTNAME}: DataNode {#HOSTNAME} DFS size |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1308 |Kafka: Broker throughput |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
ROW |1309 |Kafka: ISR shrinks/expands rate |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |1310 |Kafka: Leader electoin rate |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
ROW |1311 |Kafka: Pending deletes |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
ROW |1312 |Kafka: Purgatory size |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
ROW |1313 |Kafka: Requests failed rate |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
@@ -20178,7 +20365,6 @@ ROW |1389 |Node {#NODE}: port {#IFNAME} ({#TYPE}): Network traffic
ROW |1390 |Cache group [{#JMXNAME}]: Partitions |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1391 |Thread pool [{#JMXNAME}]: Thread pool size |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1392 |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Checkpoint buffer utilization |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
-ROW |1393 |Data region {#JMXNAME}: DataRegion utilisation |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1394 |Ignite [{#JMXIGNITEINSTANCENAME}]: Jobs current state |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1395 |Ignite [{#JMXIGNITEINSTANCENAME}]: Jobs rate |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1396 |Ignite [{#JMXIGNITEINSTANCENAME}]: Communication messages rate |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
@@ -20451,7 +20637,6 @@ ROW |1676 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Network traffic
ROW |1677 |Cache group [{#JMXNAME}]: Partitions |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1678 |Thread pool [{#JMXNAME}]: Thread pool size |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1679 |Data region {#JMXNAME}: Checkpoint buffer utilization |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
-ROW |1680 |Data region {#JMXNAME}: DataRegion utilisation |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1681 |GridGain [{#JMXIGNITEINSTANCENAME}]: Jobs current state |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1682 |GridGain [{#JMXIGNITEINSTANCENAME}]: Jobs rate |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1683 |GridGain [{#JMXIGNITEINSTANCENAME}]: Communication messages rate |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
@@ -20612,27 +20797,54 @@ ROW |1839 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Network traffic
ROW |1841 |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Network traffic |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1843 |F5 BIG-IP: Virtual server [{#VSERVER.NAME}] network |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1844 |F5 BIG-IP: Virtual server [{#VSERVER.NAME}] usage ratio |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
-ROW |1845 |DB {#DBNAME}: Block hit/read |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
-ROW |1846 |DB {#DBNAME}: Database size |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
-ROW |1847 |DB {#DBNAME}: Events |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
-ROW |1848 |DB {#DBNAME}: Locks |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
-ROW |1849 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
-ROW |1850 |DB {#DBNAME}: Slow queries |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
-ROW |1851 |DB {#DBNAME}: Temp files |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
-ROW |1852 |DB {#DBNAME}: Tuples |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
-ROW |1853 |PostgreSQL bgwriter |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |1854 |PostgreSQL checkpoints |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |1855 |PostgreSQL connections |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |1856 |PostgreSQL ping |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |1857 |PostgreSQL replication lag |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |1858 |PostgreSQL transactions |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |1859 |PostgreSQL uptime |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
-ROW |1860 |PostgreSQL WAL |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
ROW |1861 |DB {#DBNAME}: Locks |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1862 |DB {#DBNAME}: Number of bloating tables |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1863 |DB {#DBNAME}: pg_stat_database metrics |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1864 |DB {#DBNAME}: Size |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
ROW |1865 |Application {#APPLICATION_NAME}: Replication lag |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1866 |Kafka: Leader election rate |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1867 |PFSense: CPU usage{#SINGLETON} |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1868 |PFSense: CPU utilization{#SINGLETON} |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1869 |PFSense: Inbound packet filter traffic interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})] |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1870 |PFSense: Network traffic interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})] |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1871 |PFSense: Outbound packet filter traffic interface [{#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS})] |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1872 |PFSense: Disk [{#DEVNAME}] read/write rates |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1873 |PFSense: Disk [{#FSNAME}] space usage |600 |340 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1874 |PFSense: CPU jumps |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1875 |PFSense: Memory usage |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1876 |PFSense: Memory utilization |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1877 |PFSense: Packet filter reason codes |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1878 |PFSense: Swap usage |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1879 |PFSense: System load |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1880 |Squid: Domain name (FQDN) cache statistics |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1881 |Zabbix proxy: Zabbix cache usage, % used |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1882 |Zabbix proxy: Zabbix data gathering process busy % |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1883 |Zabbix proxy: Zabbix internal process busy % |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1884 |Zabbix proxy: Zabbix internal queues |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1885 |Zabbix proxy: Zabbix proxy performance |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1886 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Zabbix cache usage, % used |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1887 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Zabbix data gathering process busy % |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1888 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Zabbix internal process busy % |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1889 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Zabbix internal queues |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1890 |Remote Zabbix proxy: Zabbix proxy performance |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1891 |Data region {#JMXNAME}: DataRegion utilization |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1892 |Data region {#JMXNAME}: DataRegion utilization |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1893 |DB {#DBNAME}: Block hit/read |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1894 |DB {#DBNAME}: Database size |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1895 |DB {#DBNAME}: Events |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1896 |DB {#DBNAME}: Locks |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1897 |DB {#DBNAME}: Queries |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1898 |DB {#DBNAME}: Slow queries |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1899 |DB {#DBNAME}: Temp files |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1900 |DB {#DBNAME}: Tuples |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |2 |0 |
+ROW |1901 |PostgreSQL bgwriter |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1902 |PostgreSQL checkpoints |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1903 |PostgreSQL connections |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1904 |PostgreSQL ping |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1905 |PostgreSQL replication lag |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1906 |PostgreSQL transactions |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1907 |PostgreSQL uptime |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
+ROW |1908 |PostgreSQL WAL |900 |200 |0 |100 |NULL |1 |1 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |0 |0 |
TABLE |graphs
FIELDS|graphid|name |width|height|yaxismin|yaxismax|templateid|show_work_period|show_triggers|graphtype|show_legend|show_3d|percent_left|percent_right|ymin_type|ymax_type|ymin_itemid|ymax_itemid|flags|discover|
@@ -21170,2518 +21382,2570 @@ ROW |71198 |1213 |31242 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
ROW |71199 |1386 |32598 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
ROW |71200 |1386 |32599 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
ROW |71201 |1386 |32600 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74847 |1374 |32471 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74848 |1375 |32469 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74849 |1375 |32468 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74850 |1376 |32472 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74851 |1376 |32467 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74852 |1377 |32483 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74853 |1377 |32482 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74854 |1378 |32484 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74855 |1378 |32481 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74856 |1379 |32476 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74857 |1379 |32478 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74858 |1379 |32480 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74859 |1172 |30918 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74860 |1172 |30919 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74861 |1172 |30920 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74862 |1172 |30921 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74863 |1173 |30922 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74864 |835 |28744 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74865 |835 |28745 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74866 |1174 |30913 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74867 |1175 |30906 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74868 |1175 |30908 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74869 |1175 |30915 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74870 |1175 |30897 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74871 |1175 |30901 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74872 |1175 |30899 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74873 |1175 |30907 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74874 |1175 |30905 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74875 |1175 |30904 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74876 |1175 |30900 |0 |9 |FFAD40|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74877 |1175 |30898 |0 |10 |40CDFF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74878 |1176 |30910 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74879 |1176 |30909 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74880 |836 |28798 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74881 |836 |28799 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74882 |836 |28800 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74883 |836 |28801 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74884 |837 |28803 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74885 |838 |28793 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74886 |840 |28787 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74887 |840 |28784 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74888 |840 |28782 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74889 |840 |28781 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74890 |840 |28780 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74891 |840 |28778 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74892 |840 |28786 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74893 |840 |28785 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74894 |840 |28783 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74895 |840 |28779 |0 |9 |FFAD40|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74896 |840 |28796 |0 |10 |40CDFF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74897 |839 |28789 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74898 |839 |28788 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74899 |1278 |31855 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74900 |1278 |31856 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74901 |1304 |32007 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74902 |1304 |32010 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74903 |1305 |32008 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74904 |1305 |32011 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74905 |1306 |32003 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74906 |1306 |32004 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74907 |1306 |32009 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74908 |1282 |31818 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74909 |1282 |31825 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74910 |1283 |31850 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74911 |1283 |31819 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74912 |1284 |31824 |1 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74913 |1284 |31821 |1 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74914 |1285 |31839 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74915 |1285 |31841 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74916 |1285 |31842 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74917 |1285 |31837 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74918 |1285 |31838 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74919 |1285 |31829 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74920 |1286 |31833 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74921 |1286 |31834 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74922 |1286 |31835 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74923 |1121 |30606 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74924 |1121 |30590 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74925 |1121 |30582 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74926 |1122 |30580 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74927 |1122 |30578 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74928 |1123 |30586 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74929 |1123 |30608 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74930 |1123 |30585 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74931 |1123 |30589 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74932 |1123 |30584 |2 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74933 |1123 |30588 |2 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74934 |1124 |30583 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74935 |1124 |30587 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74936 |1125 |30555 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74937 |1125 |30554 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74938 |1125 |30556 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74939 |1125 |30557 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74940 |1126 |30565 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74941 |1127 |30567 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74942 |1127 |30568 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74943 |1128 |30536 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74944 |1129 |30566 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74945 |1129 |30549 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74946 |1129 |30553 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74947 |1129 |30570 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74948 |1143 |30714 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74949 |1143 |30716 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74950 |1143 |30717 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74951 |1143 |30715 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74952 |1144 |30753 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74953 |1144 |30738 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74954 |1145 |30718 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74955 |1145 |30737 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74956 |1145 |30727 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74957 |1145 |30729 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74958 |1146 |30730 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74959 |1146 |30732 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74960 |1146 |30731 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74961 |1146 |30733 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74962 |1147 |30734 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74963 |1147 |30736 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74964 |1147 |30735 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74965 |1147 |30758 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74966 |1148 |30711 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74967 |1148 |30706 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74968 |1148 |30710 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74969 |1148 |30712 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74970 |1148 |30702 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74971 |1148 |30707 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74972 |1148 |30704 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74973 |1177 |30927 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74974 |1177 |30944 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74975 |1178 |30935 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74976 |1178 |30942 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74977 |1179 |30949 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74978 |1179 |30950 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74979 |1179 |30951 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74980 |1180 |30952 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74981 |1180 |30954 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74982 |1180 |30955 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74983 |1181 |30936 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74984 |1181 |30940 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74985 |1182 |30930 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74986 |1182 |30929 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74987 |1182 |30928 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74988 |1182 |30931 |2 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74989 |1183 |30934 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74990 |1183 |30941 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74991 |1380 |32498 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74992 |1380 |32499 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74993 |1381 |32505 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74994 |1381 |32508 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74995 |1381 |32506 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74996 |1381 |32507 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74997 |1381 |32509 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74998 |1381 |32510 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |74999 |1382 |32488 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75000 |1382 |32491 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75001 |1382 |32493 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75002 |1382 |32494 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75003 |1383 |32528 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75004 |1383 |32529 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75005 |1384 |32535 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75006 |1384 |32538 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75007 |1384 |32536 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75008 |1384 |32537 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75009 |1384 |32539 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75010 |1384 |32540 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75011 |1385 |32518 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75012 |1385 |32521 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75013 |1385 |32523 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75014 |1385 |32524 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75015 |1250 |31527 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75016 |1250 |31529 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75017 |1250 |31499 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75018 |1251 |31532 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75019 |1251 |31534 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75020 |1251 |31538 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75021 |1251 |31536 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75022 |1251 |31528 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75023 |1251 |31542 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75024 |1252 |31552 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75025 |1252 |31551 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75026 |1252 |31541 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75027 |1253 |31513 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75028 |1253 |31526 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75029 |1253 |31525 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75030 |1254 |31502 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75031 |1254 |31501 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75032 |1254 |31503 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75033 |1255 |31505 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75034 |1255 |31504 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75035 |1255 |31506 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75036 |1256 |31508 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75037 |1256 |31507 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75038 |1256 |31509 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75039 |1257 |31511 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75040 |1257 |31510 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75041 |1257 |31500 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75042 |1258 |31514 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75043 |1258 |31512 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75044 |1258 |31515 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75045 |1259 |31516 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75046 |1259 |31517 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75047 |1260 |31523 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75048 |1260 |31522 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75049 |1260 |31524 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75050 |1307 |32051 |1 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75051 |1307 |32057 |1 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75052 |1709 |35805 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75053 |1709 |35804 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75054 |1710 |35789 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75055 |1710 |35806 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75056 |1711 |35800 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75057 |1711 |35799 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75058 |1711 |35798 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75059 |1711 |35796 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75060 |1711 |35788 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75061 |1712 |35810 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75062 |1712 |35809 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75063 |1713 |35807 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75064 |1713 |35808 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75065 |1714 |35817 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75066 |1714 |35816 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75067 |1715 |35811 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75068 |1715 |35812 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75069 |1715 |35813 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75070 |1715 |35814 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75071 |1715 |35815 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75072 |1716 |35842 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75073 |1716 |35841 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75074 |1717 |35836 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75075 |1717 |35835 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75076 |1717 |35834 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75077 |1717 |35832 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75078 |1717 |35822 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75079 |1718 |35827 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75080 |1718 |35828 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75081 |1719 |35864 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75082 |1719 |35863 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75083 |1720 |35848 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75084 |1720 |35865 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75085 |1721 |35859 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75086 |1721 |35858 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75087 |1721 |35857 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75088 |1721 |35855 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75089 |1721 |35847 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75090 |1722 |35869 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75091 |1722 |35868 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75092 |1723 |35866 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75093 |1723 |35867 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75094 |1724 |35876 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75095 |1724 |35875 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75096 |1725 |35870 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75097 |1725 |35871 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75098 |1725 |35872 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75099 |1725 |35873 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75100 |1725 |35874 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75101 |1726 |35901 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75102 |1726 |35900 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75103 |1727 |35895 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75104 |1727 |35894 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75105 |1727 |35893 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75106 |1727 |35891 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75107 |1727 |35881 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75108 |1728 |35886 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75109 |1728 |35887 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75110 |1184 |30982 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75111 |1184 |30980 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75112 |1185 |30983 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75113 |1185 |30981 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75114 |1186 |30976 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75115 |1186 |30985 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75116 |1186 |30997 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75117 |1186 |30970 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75118 |1186 |30973 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75119 |1186 |30995 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75120 |1186 |30998 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75121 |1186 |30978 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75122 |1187 |31024 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75123 |1187 |31022 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75124 |1188 |31025 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75125 |1188 |31023 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75126 |1189 |31018 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75127 |1189 |31027 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75128 |1189 |31039 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75129 |1189 |31012 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75130 |1189 |31015 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75131 |1189 |31037 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75132 |1189 |31040 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75133 |1189 |31020 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75134 |1308 |32078 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75135 |1308 |32077 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75136 |1309 |32088 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75137 |1309 |32087 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75138 |1310 |32071 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75139 |1310 |32102 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75140 |1311 |32108 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75141 |1311 |32109 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75142 |1311 |32106 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75143 |1311 |32107 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75144 |1312 |32083 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75145 |1312 |32084 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75146 |1313 |32080 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75147 |1313 |32081 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75148 |1314 |32086 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75149 |1314 |32100 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75150 |1314 |32073 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75151 |1314 |32131 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75152 |1314 |32118 |2 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75153 |1314 |32101 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75154 |1314 |32125 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75155 |1314 |32126 |2 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75156 |1314 |32127 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75157 |1314 |32128 |0 |9 |FFAD40|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75158 |1314 |32129 |2 |10 |40CDFF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75159 |1314 |32130 |0 |11 |40FFA0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75160 |1315 |32124 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75161 |1315 |32123 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75162 |1315 |32122 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75163 |1315 |32121 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75164 |1315 |32121 |2 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75165 |1315 |32120 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75166 |1316 |32098 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75167 |1316 |32099 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75168 |1316 |32097 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75169 |1316 |32096 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75170 |1130 |30613 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75171 |1130 |30635 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75172 |1130 |30625 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75173 |1131 |30632 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75174 |1131 |30633 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75175 |1131 |30629 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75176 |1132 |30630 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75177 |1132 |30628 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75178 |1132 |30631 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75179 |1133 |30619 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75180 |1133 |30618 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75181 |1134 |30623 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75182 |1134 |30622 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75183 |1135 |30615 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75184 |841 |28813 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75185 |841 |28811 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75186 |841 |28812 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75187 |841 |28814 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75188 |842 |28817 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75189 |842 |28815 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75190 |842 |28816 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75191 |844 |28808 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75192 |844 |28807 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75193 |843 |28818 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75194 |845 |28829 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75195 |845 |28831 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75196 |845 |28832 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75197 |845 |28830 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75198 |846 |28826 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75199 |846 |28828 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75200 |846 |28827 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75201 |847 |28825 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75202 |1662 |34869 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75203 |1663 |34871 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75204 |1663 |34870 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75205 |1663 |34872 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75206 |1663 |34873 |5 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75207 |1663 |34874 |5 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75208 |1664 |34880 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75209 |1665 |34882 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75210 |1665 |34881 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75211 |1665 |34883 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75212 |1665 |34884 |5 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75213 |1665 |34885 |5 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75214 |1666 |34903 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75215 |1666 |34902 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75216 |1666 |34901 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75217 |1667 |34889 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75218 |1667 |34896 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75219 |1667 |34895 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75220 |1667 |34894 |5 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75221 |1667 |34893 |5 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75222 |1668 |34910 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75223 |1668 |34911 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75224 |1668 |34909 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75225 |1669 |34913 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75226 |1669 |34912 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75227 |1669 |34917 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75228 |1669 |34915 |5 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75229 |1669 |34914 |5 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75230 |1669 |34916 |5 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75231 |1669 |34918 |5 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75232 |1669 |34919 |5 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75233 |1670 |34925 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75234 |1670 |34926 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75235 |1670 |34927 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75236 |1671 |34934 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75237 |1671 |34935 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75238 |1671 |34936 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75239 |1672 |34854 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75240 |1672 |34850 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75241 |1672 |34846 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75242 |1672 |34845 |5 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75243 |1673 |34852 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75244 |1674 |34848 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75245 |1674 |34849 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75246 |1674 |34847 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75247 |1675 |34858 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75248 |1287 |31890 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75249 |1287 |31882 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75250 |1287 |31880 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75251 |1287 |31883 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75252 |1288 |31889 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75253 |1288 |31881 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75254 |1288 |31888 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75255 |1289 |31900 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75256 |1289 |31895 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75257 |1289 |31899 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75258 |1289 |31902 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75259 |1290 |31907 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75260 |1290 |31908 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75261 |1290 |31906 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75262 |1412 |32908 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75263 |1412 |32923 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75264 |1412 |32921 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75265 |1412 |32919 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75266 |1412 |32917 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75267 |1412 |32911 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75268 |1412 |32914 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75269 |1412 |32909 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75270 |1413 |32912 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75271 |1413 |32922 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75272 |1413 |32920 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75273 |1413 |32918 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75274 |1413 |32915 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75275 |1413 |32910 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75276 |1413 |32913 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75277 |1413 |32924 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75278 |1414 |32847 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75279 |1414 |32848 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75280 |1414 |32846 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75281 |1415 |32871 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75282 |1415 |32876 |2 |1 |FF0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75283 |1416 |32875 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75284 |1417 |32839 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75285 |1417 |32838 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75286 |1418 |32878 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75287 |1418 |32873 |2 |1 |FF0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75288 |1419 |32843 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75289 |1419 |32842 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75290 |1419 |32841 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75291 |1420 |32857 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75292 |1420 |32851 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75293 |1420 |32861 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75294 |1420 |32859 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75295 |1420 |32855 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75296 |1420 |32853 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75297 |1420 |32863 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75298 |1420 |32849 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75299 |1421 |32858 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75300 |1421 |32850 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75301 |1421 |32862 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75302 |1421 |32860 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75303 |1421 |32856 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75304 |1421 |32854 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75305 |1421 |32852 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75306 |1421 |32840 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75307 |1422 |32864 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75308 |1423 |32844 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75309 |1424 |32866 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75310 |1424 |32867 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75311 |1425 |32865 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75312 |1426 |33000 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75313 |1426 |33015 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75314 |1426 |33013 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75315 |1426 |33011 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75316 |1426 |33009 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75317 |1426 |33003 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75318 |1426 |33006 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75319 |1426 |33001 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75320 |1427 |33004 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75321 |1427 |33014 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75322 |1427 |33012 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75323 |1427 |33010 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75324 |1427 |33007 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75325 |1427 |33002 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75326 |1427 |33005 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75327 |1427 |33016 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75328 |1428 |32937 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75329 |1428 |32938 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75330 |1428 |32936 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75331 |1429 |32969 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75332 |1429 |32967 |2 |1 |FF0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75333 |1430 |32966 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75334 |1431 |32964 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75335 |1431 |32962 |2 |1 |FF0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75336 |1432 |32933 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75337 |1432 |32932 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75338 |1432 |32955 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75339 |1433 |32947 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75340 |1433 |32953 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75341 |1433 |32951 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75342 |1433 |32949 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75343 |1433 |32945 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75344 |1433 |32943 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75345 |1433 |32941 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75346 |1433 |32939 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75347 |1434 |32948 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75348 |1434 |32954 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75349 |1434 |32952 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75350 |1434 |32950 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75351 |1434 |32946 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75352 |1434 |32944 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75353 |1434 |32942 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75354 |1434 |32940 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75355 |1435 |32960 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75356 |1436 |32934 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75357 |1437 |32957 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75358 |1437 |32958 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75359 |1438 |32970 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75360 |1291 |31947 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75361 |1291 |31946 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75362 |1292 |31952 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75363 |1292 |31938 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75364 |1292 |31950 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75365 |1293 |31939 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75366 |1293 |31945 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75367 |1293 |31942 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75368 |1294 |31959 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75369 |1294 |31962 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75370 |1295 |31918 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75371 |1295 |31916 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75372 |1295 |31917 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75373 |1296 |31919 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75374 |1296 |31920 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75375 |1296 |31921 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75376 |1297 |31911 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75377 |1297 |31944 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75378 |1298 |31953 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75379 |1298 |31954 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75380 |1298 |31960 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75381 |1298 |31961 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75382 |1298 |31957 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75383 |1298 |31958 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75384 |1298 |31912 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75385 |1298 |31913 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75386 |1298 |31914 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75387 |1298 |31915 |0 |9 |FFAD40|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75388 |1298 |31948 |0 |10 |40CDFF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75389 |1298 |31949 |0 |11 |40FFA0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75390 |1317 |32146 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75391 |1317 |32145 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75392 |1318 |32151 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75393 |1318 |32150 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75394 |1318 |32153 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75395 |1318 |32152 |5 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75396 |1319 |32157 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75397 |1319 |32155 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75398 |1319 |32156 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75399 |1520 |34128 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75400 |1520 |34127 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75401 |1520 |34130 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75402 |1520 |34131 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75403 |1520 |34132 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75404 |1521 |34134 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75405 |1521 |34149 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75406 |1521 |34153 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75407 |1521 |34152 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75408 |1521 |34150 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75409 |1521 |34148 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75410 |1522 |34167 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75411 |1522 |34166 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75412 |1523 |34164 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75413 |1523 |34165 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75414 |1524 |34108 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75415 |1524 |34109 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75416 |1524 |34110 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75417 |1524 |34111 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75418 |1524 |34113 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75419 |1524 |34107 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75420 |1524 |34114 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75421 |1524 |34116 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75422 |1524 |34122 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75423 |1525 |22404 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75424 |1525 |22399 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75425 |1525 |22416 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75426 |1525 |25366 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75427 |1525 |22418 |0 |4 |009600|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75428 |1525 |22402 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75429 |1525 |22400 |0 |6 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75430 |1525 |22689 |0 |7 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75431 |1525 |23171 |0 |8 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75432 |1525 |22401 |0 |9 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75433 |1526 |23269 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75434 |1526 |23264 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75435 |1526 |23261 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75436 |1526 |25367 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75437 |1526 |23260 |0 |4 |009600|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75438 |1526 |23259 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75439 |1526 |23270 |0 |6 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75440 |1526 |23262 |0 |7 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75441 |1526 |23267 |0 |8 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75442 |1526 |23328 |0 |9 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75443 |1527 |22406 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75444 |1527 |25665 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75445 |1527 |25666 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75446 |1527 |28537 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75447 |1527 |28535 |0 |4 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75448 |1528 |23257 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75449 |1528 |25667 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75450 |1528 |25668 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75451 |1528 |28538 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75452 |1528 |28536 |0 |4 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75453 |1529 |22426 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75454 |1529 |22408 |0 |1 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75455 |1529 |22412 |0 |2 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75456 |1529 |22414 |0 |3 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75457 |1529 |23663 |0 |4 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75458 |1529 |22430 |0 |6 |8048B4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75459 |1529 |22420 |0 |7 |FD5434|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75460 |1530 |23268 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75461 |1530 |23258 |0 |1 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75462 |1530 |23253 |0 |2 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75463 |1530 |23266 |0 |3 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75464 |1530 |23664 |0 |4 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75465 |1530 |23255 |0 |6 |8048B4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75466 |1530 |23265 |0 |7 |FD5434|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75467 |1531 |22422 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75468 |1531 |22424 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75469 |1531 |25370 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75470 |1531 |29822 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75471 |1532 |23256 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75472 |1532 |23252 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75473 |1532 |25371 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75474 |1532 |29823 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75475 |1535 |22199 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75476 |1535 |22196 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75477 |1536 |23628 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75478 |1536 |23625 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75479 |1537 |22185 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75480 |1537 |22189 |0 |1 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75481 |1537 |22396 |0 |2 |00DDDD|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75482 |1537 |22183 |0 |3 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75483 |1537 |22191 |0 |4 |999900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75484 |1537 |23634 |0 |5 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75485 |1538 |23276 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75486 |1538 |23273 |0 |1 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75487 |1538 |23275 |0 |2 |00DDDD|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75488 |1538 |23274 |0 |3 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75489 |1538 |23620 |0 |4 |999900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75490 |1538 |23635 |0 |5 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75491 |1539 |22404 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75492 |1539 |22399 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75493 |1539 |22416 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75494 |1539 |22430 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75495 |1539 |22418 |0 |4 |009600|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75496 |1539 |22402 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75497 |1539 |22420 |0 |6 |CCCC00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75498 |1539 |22400 |0 |7 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75499 |1539 |22689 |0 |8 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75500 |1539 |23171 |0 |9 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75501 |1539 |22401 |0 |10 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75502 |1540 |23269 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75503 |1540 |23264 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75504 |1540 |23261 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75505 |1540 |23255 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75506 |1540 |23260 |0 |4 |009600|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75507 |1540 |23259 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75508 |1540 |23265 |0 |6 |CCCC00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75509 |1540 |23270 |0 |7 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75510 |1540 |23262 |0 |8 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75511 |1540 |23267 |0 |9 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75512 |1540 |23328 |0 |10 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75513 |1541 |22426 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75514 |1541 |22422 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75515 |1541 |22408 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75516 |1541 |22424 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75517 |1541 |22412 |0 |4 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75518 |1541 |22406 |0 |5 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75519 |1541 |22414 |0 |6 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75520 |1541 |23663 |0 |7 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75521 |1541 |25366 |0 |8 |BBBB00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75522 |1541 |25370 |0 |9 |AA0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75523 |1541 |25665 |0 |10 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75524 |1541 |25666 |0 |11 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75525 |1541 |28535 |0 |12 |80B0E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75526 |1541 |28537 |0 |13 |4080B0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75527 |1541 |29822 |0 |14 |8000FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75528 |1542 |23268 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75529 |1542 |23256 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75530 |1542 |23258 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75531 |1542 |23252 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75532 |1542 |23253 |0 |4 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75533 |1542 |23257 |0 |5 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75534 |1542 |23266 |0 |6 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75535 |1542 |23664 |0 |7 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75536 |1542 |25367 |0 |8 |BBBB00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75537 |1542 |25371 |0 |9 |AA0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75538 |1542 |25667 |0 |10 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75539 |1542 |25668 |0 |11 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75540 |1542 |28536 |0 |12 |80B0E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75541 |1542 |28538 |0 |13 |4080B0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75542 |1542 |29823 |0 |14 |8000FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75543 |1543 |28248 |0 |0 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75544 |1543 |28533 |0 |1 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75545 |1544 |28249 |0 |0 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75546 |1544 |28534 |0 |1 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75547 |1545 |22187 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75548 |1545 |23251 |0 |1 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75549 |1546 |23277 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75550 |1546 |23272 |0 |1 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75551 |1547 |28581 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75552 |1547 |28574 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75553 |1547 |28571 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75554 |1547 |28562 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75555 |1547 |28570 |0 |4 |009600|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75556 |1547 |28569 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75557 |1547 |28552 |0 |6 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75558 |1547 |28573 |0 |7 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75559 |1547 |28579 |0 |8 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75560 |1547 |28559 |0 |9 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75561 |1548 |28567 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75562 |1548 |28575 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75563 |1548 |28576 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75564 |1548 |28583 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75565 |1548 |28582 |0 |4 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75566 |1549 |28572 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75567 |1549 |28568 |0 |1 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75568 |1549 |28564 |0 |2 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75569 |1549 |28578 |0 |3 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75570 |1549 |28580 |0 |4 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75571 |1549 |28565 |0 |6 |8048B4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75572 |1549 |28577 |0 |7 |FD5434|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75573 |1550 |28566 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75574 |1550 |28561 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75575 |1550 |28563 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75576 |1550 |29821 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75577 |1552 |28546 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75578 |1552 |28545 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75579 |1553 |28551 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75580 |1553 |28543 |0 |1 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75581 |1553 |28542 |0 |2 |00DDDD|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75582 |1553 |28549 |0 |3 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75583 |1553 |28544 |0 |4 |999900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75584 |1553 |28548 |0 |5 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75585 |1554 |28581 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75586 |1554 |28574 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75587 |1554 |28571 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75588 |1554 |28565 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75589 |1554 |28570 |0 |4 |009600|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75590 |1554 |28569 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75591 |1554 |28577 |0 |6 |CCCC00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75592 |1554 |28552 |0 |7 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75593 |1554 |28573 |0 |8 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75594 |1554 |28579 |0 |9 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75595 |1554 |28559 |0 |10 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75596 |1555 |28572 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75597 |1555 |28566 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75598 |1555 |28568 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75599 |1555 |28561 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75600 |1555 |28564 |0 |4 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75601 |1555 |28567 |0 |5 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75602 |1555 |28578 |0 |6 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75603 |1555 |28580 |0 |7 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75604 |1555 |28562 |0 |8 |BBBB00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75605 |1555 |28563 |0 |9 |AA0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75606 |1555 |28575 |0 |10 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75607 |1555 |28576 |0 |11 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75608 |1555 |28582 |0 |12 |80B0E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75609 |1555 |28583 |0 |13 |4080B0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75610 |1555 |29821 |0 |14 |8000FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75611 |1556 |28560 |0 |0 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75612 |1556 |28584 |0 |1 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75613 |1557 |28550 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75614 |1557 |28540 |0 |1 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75615 |1320 |32196 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75616 |1320 |32197 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75617 |1320 |32195 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75618 |1321 |32200 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75619 |1321 |32199 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75620 |1322 |32175 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75621 |1322 |32165 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75622 |1323 |32162 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75623 |1323 |32163 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75624 |1323 |32190 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75625 |1324 |32192 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75626 |1324 |32179 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75627 |1325 |32168 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75628 |1325 |32166 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75629 |803 |28599 |0 |0 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75630 |803 |28596 |0 |1 |00DDDD|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75631 |803 |28597 |0 |2 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75632 |803 |28598 |0 |3 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75633 |804 |28602 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75634 |804 |28606 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75635 |804 |28608 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75636 |804 |28615 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75637 |804 |28610 |0 |4 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75638 |804 |28611 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75639 |804 |28616 |0 |6 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75640 |804 |28607 |0 |7 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75641 |804 |28604 |0 |8 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75642 |804 |28588 |0 |9 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75643 |805 |28612 |0 |0 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75644 |805 |28600 |0 |1 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75645 |805 |28613 |0 |2 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75646 |805 |28605 |0 |3 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75647 |805 |28614 |0 |4 |960000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75648 |805 |28601 |0 |5 |009600|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75649 |805 |28603 |0 |6 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75650 |805 |28609 |0 |7 |BBBB00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75651 |806 |28595 |0 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75652 |806 |28586 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75653 |529 |23357 |0 |0 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75654 |529 |23341 |0 |1 |00DDDD|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75655 |529 |23342 |0 |2 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75656 |529 |28251 |0 |3 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75657 |530 |23345 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75658 |530 |23348 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75659 |530 |23355 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75660 |530 |23352 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75661 |530 |23356 |0 |4 |007700|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75662 |530 |23354 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75663 |530 |23346 |0 |6 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75664 |530 |23349 |0 |7 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75665 |530 |23344 |0 |8 |000099|0 |7 |0 |
-ROW |75666 |530 |28250 |0 |9 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75667 |531 |23353 |0 |0 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75668 |531 |23347 |0 |1 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75669 |531 |23350 |0 |2 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75670 |531 |23343 |0 |3 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75671 |531 |23351 |0 |4 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75672 |531 |23360 |0 |5 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75673 |531 |25369 |0 |6 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75674 |531 |25368 |0 |7 |BBBB00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75675 |531 |28618 |0 |8 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75676 |531 |28619 |0 |9 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75677 |807 |28617 |0 |0 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75678 |532 |23340 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75679 |532 |23358 |5 |1 |C80000|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75680 |472 |22945 |5 |0 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75681 |472 |22946 |5 |1 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75682 |473 |22950 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |2 |
-ROW |75683 |473 |22948 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75684 |471 |22924 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75685 |471 |22920 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75686 |469 |22922 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75687 |469 |22923 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75688 |469 |22921 |0 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75689 |498 |23109 |0 |0 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75690 |498 |23112 |0 |1 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75691 |498 |23115 |0 |2 |999900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75692 |498 |23113 |0 |3 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75693 |498 |23114 |0 |4 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75694 |498 |23110 |0 |5 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75695 |540 |22942 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75696 |492 |23073 |5 |0 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75697 |492 |23074 |5 |1 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75698 |467 |22910 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |2 |
-ROW |75699 |467 |22908 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75700 |465 |22884 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75701 |465 |22880 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75702 |463 |22882 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75703 |463 |22883 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75704 |463 |22881 |0 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75705 |462 |22886 |1 |0 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75706 |462 |22888 |1 |1 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75707 |462 |22891 |1 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75708 |462 |22892 |1 |3 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75709 |462 |22885 |1 |4 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75710 |541 |22902 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75711 |464 |22897 |0 |0 |AA0000|0 |2 |2 |
-ROW |75712 |464 |22895 |0 |1 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75713 |478 |22985 |5 |0 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75714 |478 |22986 |5 |1 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75715 |479 |22990 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |2 |
-ROW |75716 |479 |22988 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75717 |475 |22962 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75718 |475 |22963 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75719 |475 |22961 |0 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75720 |474 |22968 |1 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75721 |474 |22971 |1 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75722 |474 |22972 |1 |2 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75723 |474 |22965 |1 |3 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75724 |542 |22982 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75725 |491 |23070 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |2 |
-ROW |75726 |491 |23068 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75727 |487 |23042 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75728 |487 |23043 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75729 |487 |23041 |0 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75730 |543 |23062 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75731 |494 |23077 |5 |0 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75732 |494 |23078 |5 |1 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75733 |493 |23075 |5 |0 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75734 |493 |23076 |5 |1 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75735 |461 |22870 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |2 |
-ROW |75736 |461 |22868 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75737 |459 |22844 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75738 |459 |22840 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75739 |457 |22842 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75740 |457 |22843 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75741 |457 |22841 |0 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75742 |456 |22846 |1 |0 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75743 |456 |22848 |1 |1 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75744 |456 |22851 |1 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75745 |456 |22852 |1 |3 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75746 |456 |22845 |1 |4 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75747 |544 |22862 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75748 |458 |22857 |0 |0 |AA0000|0 |2 |2 |
-ROW |75749 |458 |22855 |0 |1 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75750 |484 |23025 |5 |0 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75751 |484 |23026 |5 |1 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75752 |485 |23030 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |2 |
-ROW |75753 |485 |23028 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75754 |483 |23004 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75755 |483 |23000 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75756 |481 |23002 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75757 |481 |23003 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75758 |481 |23001 |0 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75759 |480 |23007 |1 |0 |999900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75760 |480 |23011 |1 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75761 |480 |23012 |1 |2 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75762 |480 |23005 |1 |3 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75763 |545 |23022 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75764 |482 |23017 |0 |0 |AA0000|0 |2 |2 |
-ROW |75765 |482 |23015 |0 |1 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75766 |651 |26928 |5 |0 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75767 |651 |26927 |0 |1 |000000|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75768 |652 |26925 |2 |0 |880000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75769 |652 |26932 |0 |1 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75770 |652 |26930 |0 |2 |00CCCC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75771 |652 |26931 |0 |3 |000000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75772 |652 |26929 |0 |4 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75773 |652 |26926 |0 |5 |777700|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75774 |653 |26933 |2 |0 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75775 |653 |26943 |2 |1 |EE00EE|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75776 |653 |26935 |0 |2 |000000|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75777 |653 |26936 |4 |3 |000000|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75778 |654 |26934 |2 |0 |880000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75779 |654 |26939 |0 |1 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75780 |654 |26942 |0 |2 |00CCCC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75781 |654 |26938 |0 |3 |000000|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75782 |654 |26937 |0 |4 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75783 |1326 |32292 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75784 |1326 |32291 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75785 |1326 |32278 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75786 |1326 |32277 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75787 |1327 |32304 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75788 |1327 |32289 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75789 |1328 |32259 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75790 |1328 |32260 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75791 |1329 |32268 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75792 |1329 |32264 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75793 |1330 |32261 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75794 |1330 |32265 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75795 |1330 |32262 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75796 |1330 |32263 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75797 |1330 |32266 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75798 |1330 |32267 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75799 |1331 |32272 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75800 |1331 |32271 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75801 |1332 |32256 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75802 |1332 |32242 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75803 |1333 |32273 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75804 |1333 |32238 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75805 |1334 |32245 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75806 |1334 |32250 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75807 |1334 |32246 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75808 |1334 |32247 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75809 |1334 |32251 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75810 |1334 |32252 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75811 |1159 |30886 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75812 |1159 |30887 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75813 |1160 |30888 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75814 |1160 |30882 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75815 |1160 |30890 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75816 |1160 |30881 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75817 |1160 |30889 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75818 |1161 |30847 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75819 |1161 |30872 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75820 |1162 |30853 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75821 |1162 |30849 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75822 |1162 |30852 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75823 |1162 |30851 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75824 |1162 |30848 |2 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75825 |1163 |30856 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75826 |1163 |30855 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75827 |1163 |30854 |2 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75828 |1164 |30859 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75829 |1164 |30870 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75830 |1165 |30860 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75831 |1165 |30871 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75832 |1166 |30868 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75833 |1166 |30869 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75834 |1166 |30867 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75835 |1166 |30866 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75836 |1166 |30865 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75837 |1167 |30850 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75838 |1167 |30863 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75839 |1167 |30861 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75840 |1168 |30833 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75841 |1168 |30841 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75842 |1168 |30857 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75843 |1169 |30834 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75844 |1169 |30831 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75845 |1170 |30846 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75846 |1488 |30840 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75847 |1488 |30845 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75848 |1488 |30842 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75849 |1488 |30873 |2 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75850 |1677 |35580 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75851 |1677 |35583 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75852 |1677 |35581 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75853 |1677 |35582 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75854 |1678 |35589 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75855 |1678 |35588 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75856 |1678 |35587 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75857 |1679 |35592 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75858 |1679 |35601 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75859 |1680 |35596 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75860 |1680 |35597 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75861 |1681 |35602 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75862 |1681 |35607 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75863 |1681 |35605 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75864 |1681 |35603 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75865 |1682 |35609 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75866 |1682 |35611 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75867 |1682 |35610 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75868 |1683 |35623 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75869 |1683 |35621 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75870 |1684 |35630 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75871 |1684 |35631 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75872 |1685 |35633 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75873 |1685 |35635 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75874 |1686 |35636 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75875 |1686 |35634 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75876 |1687 |35638 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75877 |1687 |35639 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75878 |1688 |35637 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75879 |1688 |35640 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75880 |1688 |35641 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75881 |1689 |35643 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75882 |1689 |35644 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75883 |1390 |32665 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75884 |1390 |32668 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75885 |1390 |32666 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75886 |1390 |32667 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75887 |1391 |32674 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75888 |1391 |32673 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75889 |1391 |32672 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75890 |1392 |32677 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75891 |1392 |32686 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75892 |1393 |32681 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75893 |1393 |32682 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75894 |1394 |32687 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75895 |1394 |32692 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75896 |1394 |32690 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75897 |1394 |32688 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75898 |1395 |32694 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75899 |1395 |32696 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75900 |1395 |32695 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75901 |1396 |32708 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75902 |1396 |32706 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75903 |1397 |32715 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75904 |1397 |32716 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75905 |1398 |32718 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75906 |1398 |32720 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75907 |1399 |32721 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75908 |1399 |32719 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75909 |1400 |32723 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75910 |1400 |32724 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75911 |1401 |32722 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75912 |1401 |32725 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75913 |1401 |32726 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75914 |1402 |32728 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75915 |1402 |32729 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75916 |1439 |33072 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75917 |1439 |33092 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75918 |1440 |33073 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75919 |1440 |33069 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75920 |1441 |33079 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75921 |1441 |33084 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75922 |1441 |33082 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75923 |1441 |33074 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75924 |1441 |33078 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75925 |1441 |33086 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75926 |1441 |33076 |2 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75927 |1442 |33081 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75928 |1442 |33085 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75929 |1442 |33083 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75930 |1442 |33075 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75931 |1442 |33068 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75932 |1442 |33087 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75933 |1442 |33077 |2 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75934 |1443 |33093 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75935 |1443 |33098 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75936 |1444 |33097 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75937 |1444 |33100 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75938 |1444 |33096 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75939 |1444 |33094 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75940 |1445 |33116 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75941 |1446 |33045 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75942 |1446 |33044 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75943 |1446 |33046 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75944 |1447 |33055 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75945 |1447 |33023 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75946 |1448 |33053 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75947 |1448 |33052 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75948 |1448 |33054 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75949 |1449 |33051 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75950 |1449 |33059 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75951 |1449 |33027 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75952 |1450 |33022 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75953 |1450 |33040 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75954 |1450 |33042 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75955 |1450 |33043 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75956 |1451 |33038 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75957 |1451 |33025 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75958 |1451 |33026 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75959 |1451 |33024 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75960 |1452 |33029 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75961 |1452 |33028 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75962 |1453 |33035 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75963 |1453 |33034 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75964 |1453 |33033 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75965 |1453 |33036 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75966 |1453 |33030 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75967 |1453 |33031 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75968 |1454 |33057 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75969 |1454 |33056 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75970 |1454 |33058 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75971 |1455 |33190 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75972 |1455 |33193 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75973 |1455 |33189 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75974 |1455 |33187 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75975 |1456 |33158 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75976 |1456 |33168 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75977 |1456 |33169 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75978 |1456 |33167 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75979 |1456 |33171 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75980 |1457 |33165 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75981 |1457 |33166 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75982 |1457 |33164 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75983 |1457 |33163 |2 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75984 |1458 |33161 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75985 |1458 |33162 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75986 |1458 |33155 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75987 |1459 |33146 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75988 |1459 |33145 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75989 |1460 |33152 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75990 |1460 |33151 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75991 |1460 |33148 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75992 |1460 |33153 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75993 |1460 |33149 |2 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75994 |1460 |33144 |2 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75995 |1190 |31140 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75996 |1190 |31141 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75997 |1261 |31145 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75998 |1261 |31146 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |75999 |1261 |31147 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76000 |1191 |31138 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76001 |1192 |31157 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76002 |1192 |31158 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76003 |1193 |31092 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76004 |1193 |31108 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76005 |1193 |31110 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76006 |1193 |31067 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76007 |1193 |31086 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76008 |1193 |31087 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76009 |1194 |31120 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76010 |1194 |31105 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76011 |1194 |31071 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76012 |1194 |31081 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76013 |1195 |31098 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76014 |1195 |31099 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76015 |1196 |31072 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76016 |1196 |31072 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76017 |1197 |31103 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76018 |1197 |31074 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76019 |1198 |31104 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76020 |1198 |31063 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76021 |1198 |31111 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76022 |1198 |31112 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76023 |1198 |31084 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76024 |1199 |31115 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76025 |1199 |31116 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76026 |1199 |31062 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76027 |1199 |31118 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76028 |1199 |31056 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76029 |1200 |31107 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76030 |1200 |31090 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76031 |1201 |31097 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76032 |1201 |31096 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76033 |1202 |31089 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76034 |1202 |31061 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76035 |1203 |31064 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76036 |1204 |31065 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76037 |1204 |31066 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76038 |1204 |31068 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76039 |1204 |31070 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76040 |1204 |31101 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76041 |1204 |31106 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76042 |1204 |31114 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76043 |1205 |31069 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76044 |1206 |31076 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76045 |1206 |31078 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76046 |1206 |31109 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76047 |1206 |31075 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76048 |1207 |31080 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76049 |1207 |31095 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76050 |1208 |31113 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76051 |1208 |31118 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76052 |1209 |31058 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76053 |1209 |31077 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76054 |1209 |31056 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76055 |1209 |31117 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76056 |1109 |30453 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76057 |1109 |30455 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76058 |1110 |30471 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76059 |1110 |30470 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76060 |1110 |30466 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76061 |1110 |30441 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76062 |1111 |30463 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76063 |1111 |30452 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76064 |1111 |30451 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76065 |1111 |30437 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76066 |1112 |30456 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76067 |1112 |30457 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76068 |1112 |30458 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76069 |1112 |30459 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76070 |1113 |30442 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76071 |1113 |30444 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76072 |1113 |30445 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76073 |1114 |30446 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76074 |1114 |30447 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76075 |1114 |31168 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76076 |1114 |30449 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76077 |1136 |30659 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76078 |1136 |30661 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76079 |1137 |30677 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76080 |1137 |30676 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76081 |1137 |30672 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76082 |1137 |30647 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76083 |1138 |30669 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76084 |1138 |30658 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76085 |1138 |30657 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76086 |1138 |30643 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76087 |1139 |30662 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76088 |1139 |30663 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76089 |1139 |30664 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76090 |1139 |30665 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76091 |1140 |30648 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76092 |1140 |30650 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76093 |1140 |30651 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76094 |1141 |30652 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76095 |1141 |30653 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76096 |1141 |31172 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76097 |1141 |30655 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76098 |1115 |30506 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76099 |1115 |30507 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76100 |1116 |30504 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76101 |1116 |30505 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76102 |1116 |30518 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76103 |1116 |30492 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76104 |1117 |30493 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76105 |1117 |30500 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76106 |1117 |30486 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76107 |1117 |30488 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76108 |1118 |30508 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76109 |1118 |30509 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76110 |1118 |30503 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76111 |1118 |30510 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76112 |1119 |30491 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76113 |1119 |30494 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76114 |1119 |30495 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76115 |1120 |30496 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76116 |1120 |30497 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76117 |1120 |31176 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76118 |1120 |30499 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76119 |1262 |31718 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76120 |1262 |31719 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76121 |1263 |31722 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76122 |1263 |31724 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76123 |1263 |32588 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76124 |1264 |31630 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76125 |1264 |31683 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76126 |1265 |31668 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76127 |1265 |31702 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76128 |1265 |31666 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76129 |1266 |31673 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76130 |1266 |31704 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76131 |1267 |31690 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76132 |1267 |31672 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76133 |1268 |31632 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76134 |1268 |31655 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76135 |1269 |31650 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76136 |1269 |31648 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76137 |1269 |31651 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76138 |1269 |31646 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76139 |1269 |31653 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76140 |1270 |31660 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76141 |1270 |31671 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76142 |1270 |31662 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76143 |1270 |31661 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76144 |1270 |31659 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76145 |1270 |31658 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76146 |1845 |36693 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76147 |1845 |36691 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76148 |1846 |36675 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76149 |1847 |36696 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76150 |1847 |36678 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76151 |1847 |36692 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76152 |1847 |36695 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76153 |1848 |36679 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76154 |1849 |36689 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76155 |1849 |36686 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76156 |1849 |36683 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76157 |1849 |36688 |5 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76158 |1849 |36685 |5 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76159 |1849 |36682 |5 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76160 |1850 |36690 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76161 |1850 |36687 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76162 |1850 |36684 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76163 |1851 |36703 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76164 |1851 |36702 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76165 |1852 |36701 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76166 |1852 |36700 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76167 |1852 |36699 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76168 |1852 |36698 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76169 |1852 |36697 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76170 |1853 |36656 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76171 |1853 |36661 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76172 |1853 |36659 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76173 |1853 |36660 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76174 |1853 |36665 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76175 |1853 |36657 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76176 |1854 |36658 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76177 |1854 |36664 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76178 |1854 |36662 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76179 |1854 |36663 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76180 |1855 |36671 |5 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76181 |1855 |36672 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76182 |1855 |36667 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76183 |1855 |36668 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76184 |1855 |36669 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76185 |1855 |36670 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76186 |1855 |36666 |0 |6 |AC8C14|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76187 |1856 |36637 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76188 |1856 |36636 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76189 |1857 |36640 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76190 |1858 |36652 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76191 |1858 |36651 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76192 |1858 |36653 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76193 |1858 |36654 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76194 |1859 |36647 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76195 |1859 |36644 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76196 |1860 |36673 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76197 |1860 |36655 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76198 |1861 |36798 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76199 |1861 |36781 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76200 |1861 |36780 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76201 |1861 |36779 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76202 |1861 |36778 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76203 |1861 |36777 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76204 |1861 |36775 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76205 |1861 |36774 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76206 |1861 |36776 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76207 |1861 |36776 |0 |9 |FFAD40|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76208 |1862 |36772 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76209 |1863 |36795 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76210 |1863 |36794 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76211 |1863 |36792 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76212 |1863 |36791 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76213 |1863 |36789 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76214 |1863 |36788 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76215 |1863 |36787 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76216 |1863 |36785 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76217 |1863 |36786 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76218 |1863 |36773 |0 |9 |FFAD40|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76219 |1863 |36784 |0 |10 |40CDFF|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76220 |1863 |36783 |0 |11 |40FFA0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76221 |1863 |36782 |0 |12 |AE4500|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76222 |1864 |36771 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76223 |1865 |36799 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76224 |1865 |36800 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76225 |1865 |36801 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76226 |1087 |30346 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76227 |1087 |30345 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76228 |1088 |30350 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76229 |1088 |30349 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76230 |1089 |30396 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76231 |1090 |30398 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76232 |1091 |30322 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76233 |1091 |30277 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76234 |1092 |30284 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76235 |1093 |30313 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76236 |1093 |30314 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76237 |1093 |30315 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76238 |1093 |30316 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76239 |1094 |30279 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76240 |1094 |30280 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76241 |1095 |30290 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76242 |1095 |30293 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76243 |1096 |30318 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76244 |1096 |30308 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76245 |1096 |30320 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76246 |1097 |30317 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76247 |1098 |30289 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76248 |1098 |30291 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76249 |1099 |30334 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76250 |1099 |30325 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76251 |1100 |30306 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76252 |1101 |30274 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76253 |1102 |30281 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76254 |1060 |30159 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76255 |1061 |30165 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76256 |1063 |30177 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76257 |1064 |30183 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76258 |1065 |30161 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |76259 |1065 |30162 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |76260 |1066 |30167 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |76261 |1066 |30168 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |76262 |1068 |30179 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |76263 |1068 |30180 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |76264 |1069 |30185 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |76265 |1069 |30186 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |76266 |1070 |30142 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76267 |1071 |30143 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76268 |1073 |30145 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76269 |1074 |30146 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76270 |741 |27084 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76271 |741 |27085 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76272 |741 |27083 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76273 |741 |27086 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76274 |741 |27082 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76275 |741 |27079 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76276 |742 |27622 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76277 |742 |27625 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76278 |742 |27624 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76279 |742 |27621 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76280 |742 |27623 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76281 |742 |27620 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76282 |743 |27979 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76283 |743 |27982 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76284 |743 |27981 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76285 |743 |27978 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76286 |743 |27980 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76287 |743 |27977 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76288 |740 |28008 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76289 |740 |28011 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76290 |740 |28010 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76291 |740 |28007 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76292 |740 |28009 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76293 |740 |28006 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76294 |745 |27104 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76295 |745 |27105 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76296 |745 |27103 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76297 |745 |27106 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76298 |745 |27102 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76299 |745 |27099 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76300 |746 |27183 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76301 |746 |27186 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76302 |746 |27185 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76303 |746 |27182 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76304 |746 |27184 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76305 |746 |27181 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76306 |747 |27218 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76307 |747 |27221 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76308 |747 |27220 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76309 |747 |27217 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76310 |747 |27219 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76311 |747 |27216 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76312 |748 |27254 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76313 |748 |27257 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76314 |748 |27256 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76315 |748 |27253 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76316 |748 |27255 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76317 |748 |27252 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76318 |749 |27275 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76319 |749 |27278 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76320 |749 |27277 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76321 |749 |27274 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76322 |749 |27276 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76323 |749 |27273 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76324 |750 |27324 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76325 |750 |27327 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76326 |750 |27326 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76327 |750 |27323 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76328 |750 |27325 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76329 |750 |27322 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76330 |752 |27453 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76331 |752 |27456 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76332 |752 |27455 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76333 |752 |27452 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76334 |752 |27454 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76335 |752 |27451 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76336 |753 |27489 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76337 |753 |27492 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76338 |753 |27491 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76339 |753 |27488 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76340 |753 |27490 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76341 |753 |27487 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76342 |754 |27523 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76343 |754 |27526 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76344 |754 |27525 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76345 |754 |27522 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76346 |754 |27524 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76347 |754 |27521 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76348 |755 |27559 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76349 |755 |27562 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76350 |755 |27561 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76351 |755 |27558 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76352 |755 |27560 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76353 |755 |27557 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76354 |756 |27645 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76355 |756 |27648 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76356 |756 |27647 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76357 |756 |27644 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76358 |756 |27646 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76359 |756 |27643 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76360 |758 |27725 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76361 |758 |27728 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76362 |758 |27727 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76363 |758 |27724 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76364 |758 |27726 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76365 |758 |27723 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76366 |759 |27759 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76367 |759 |27762 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76368 |759 |27761 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76369 |759 |27758 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76370 |759 |27760 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76371 |759 |27757 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76372 |760 |27791 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76373 |760 |27794 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76374 |760 |27793 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76375 |760 |27790 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76376 |760 |27792 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76377 |760 |27789 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76378 |762 |27875 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76379 |762 |27878 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76380 |762 |27877 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76381 |762 |27874 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76382 |762 |27876 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76383 |762 |27873 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76384 |763 |27912 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76385 |763 |27915 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76386 |763 |27914 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76387 |763 |27911 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76388 |763 |27913 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76389 |763 |27910 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76390 |764 |27947 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76391 |764 |27950 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76392 |764 |27949 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76393 |764 |27946 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76394 |764 |27948 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76395 |764 |27945 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76396 |773 |28121 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76397 |773 |28124 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76398 |773 |28123 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76399 |773 |28120 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76400 |773 |28122 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76401 |773 |28119 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76402 |785 |28226 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76403 |785 |28229 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76404 |785 |28228 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76405 |785 |28225 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76406 |785 |28227 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76407 |785 |28224 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76408 |790 |28296 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76409 |790 |28299 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76410 |790 |28298 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76411 |790 |28295 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76412 |790 |28297 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76413 |790 |28294 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76414 |865 |28971 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76415 |865 |28974 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76416 |865 |28973 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76417 |865 |28970 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76418 |865 |28972 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76419 |865 |28969 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76420 |766 |27124 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76421 |766 |27125 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76422 |766 |27123 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76423 |766 |27126 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76424 |766 |27122 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76425 |766 |27119 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76426 |886 |29080 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76427 |886 |29083 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76428 |886 |29082 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76429 |886 |29079 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76430 |886 |29081 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76431 |886 |29078 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76432 |668 |27208 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76433 |1032 |30088 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76434 |1032 |30087 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76435 |1033 |30089 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76436 |671 |27240 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76437 |1034 |30093 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76438 |675 |27294 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76439 |676 |27299 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76440 |677 |27301 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76441 |1035 |30094 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76442 |1036 |30095 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76443 |1037 |30096 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76444 |1729 |35914 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76445 |1730 |35917 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76446 |1731 |35924 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76447 |1731 |35931 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76448 |1731 |35922 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76449 |1731 |35929 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76450 |1731 |35921 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76451 |1731 |35928 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76452 |1732 |35932 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76453 |1732 |35925 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76454 |1733 |35923 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76455 |1733 |35930 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76456 |1734 |35948 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76457 |1734 |35949 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76458 |1461 |33219 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76459 |1462 |33224 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76460 |1463 |33227 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76461 |1463 |33230 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76462 |1463 |33229 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76463 |1463 |33226 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76464 |1463 |33228 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76465 |1463 |33225 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76466 |1464 |33260 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76467 |1465 |33265 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76468 |1466 |33268 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76469 |1466 |33271 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76470 |1466 |33270 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76471 |1466 |33267 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76472 |1466 |33269 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76473 |1466 |33266 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76474 |1467 |33301 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76475 |1468 |33306 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76476 |1469 |33309 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76477 |1469 |33312 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76478 |1469 |33311 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76479 |1469 |33308 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76480 |1469 |33310 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76481 |1469 |33307 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76482 |1470 |33342 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76483 |1471 |33347 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76484 |1472 |33350 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76485 |1472 |33353 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76486 |1472 |33352 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76487 |1472 |33349 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76488 |1472 |33351 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76489 |1472 |33348 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76490 |1473 |33383 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76491 |1474 |33388 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76492 |1475 |33391 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76493 |1475 |33394 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76494 |1475 |33393 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76495 |1475 |33390 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76496 |1475 |33392 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76497 |1475 |33389 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76498 |1038 |30101 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76499 |1039 |30102 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76500 |1040 |30103 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76501 |1041 |30104 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76502 |786 |28246 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76503 |787 |28247 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76504 |687 |27417 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76505 |688 |27427 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76506 |691 |27376 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76507 |692 |27380 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76508 |694 |27478 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76509 |1042 |30105 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76510 |1043 |30107 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76511 |698 |27511 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76512 |1044 |30108 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76513 |701 |27547 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76514 |1045 |27591 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76515 |1045 |30110 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76516 |1046 |30111 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76517 |704 |27586 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76518 |1690 |35679 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76519 |1691 |35681 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76520 |1692 |35683 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76521 |1693 |35686 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76522 |1694 |35690 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76523 |1694 |35705 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76524 |1694 |35696 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76525 |1694 |35687 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76526 |1694 |35708 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76527 |1694 |35711 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76528 |1694 |35699 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76529 |1695 |35689 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76530 |1695 |35704 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76531 |1695 |35695 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76532 |1695 |35701 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76533 |1695 |35707 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76534 |1695 |35710 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76535 |1695 |35697 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76536 |1696 |35713 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76537 |1696 |35703 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76538 |1696 |35694 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76539 |1696 |35712 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76540 |1696 |35706 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76541 |1696 |35709 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76542 |1696 |35698 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76543 |1697 |35714 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76544 |1698 |35716 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76545 |1699 |35718 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76546 |1699 |35720 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76547 |1700 |35727 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76548 |1700 |35724 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76549 |1701 |35726 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76550 |1701 |35723 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76551 |1702 |35730 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76552 |1702 |35728 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76553 |1702 |35729 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76554 |1703 |35737 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76555 |1703 |35733 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76556 |1703 |35743 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76557 |1703 |35739 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76558 |1703 |35736 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76559 |1703 |35742 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76560 |1704 |35748 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76561 |1704 |35747 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76562 |1704 |35750 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76563 |1704 |35749 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76564 |1705 |35756 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76565 |1705 |35755 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76566 |1705 |35758 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76567 |1705 |35757 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76568 |1843 |35764 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76569 |1843 |35763 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76570 |1843 |35766 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76571 |1843 |35765 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76572 |1844 |35771 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76573 |1844 |35769 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76574 |1844 |35770 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76575 |1708 |35651 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76576 |1708 |35649 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76577 |1708 |35647 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76578 |1708 |35653 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76579 |1708 |35652 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76580 |1708 |35650 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76581 |708 |27671 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76582 |1047 |30112 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76583 |1048 |30114 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76584 |1048 |30113 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76585 |1049 |30115 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76586 |775 |28143 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76587 |714 |27753 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76588 |1050 |30116 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76589 |856 |28894 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76590 |1051 |30118 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76591 |1476 |33419 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76592 |1476 |33422 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76593 |1476 |33421 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76594 |1476 |33418 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76595 |1476 |33420 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76596 |1476 |33417 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76597 |1477 |33427 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |76598 |1477 |33428 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |76599 |1478 |33431 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76600 |1479 |33407 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76601 |724 |27904 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76602 |1299 |31968 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76603 |1299 |31966 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76604 |1299 |31965 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76605 |1299 |31967 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76606 |1052 |27907 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |76607 |1052 |27908 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |76608 |1053 |30120 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76609 |1335 |32330 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76610 |1335 |32317 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76611 |1336 |32319 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76612 |1336 |32327 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76613 |1336 |32326 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76614 |1337 |32324 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76615 |1337 |32318 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76616 |1338 |32311 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76617 |1338 |32310 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76618 |1338 |32328 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76619 |1339 |32350 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76620 |1339 |32339 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76621 |1340 |32331 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76622 |1341 |32347 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76623 |1341 |32342 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76624 |1342 |32334 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76625 |1342 |32333 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76626 |1342 |32348 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76627 |1343 |32373 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76628 |1343 |32360 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76629 |1344 |32362 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76630 |1344 |32370 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76631 |1344 |32369 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76632 |1345 |32367 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76633 |1345 |32361 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76634 |1346 |32354 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76635 |1346 |32353 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76636 |1346 |32371 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76637 |1347 |32382 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76638 |1348 |32375 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76639 |1349 |32380 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76640 |1350 |32401 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76641 |1351 |32398 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76642 |1351 |32397 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76643 |1351 |32396 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76644 |1352 |32394 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76645 |1353 |32393 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76646 |1354 |32385 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76647 |1354 |32399 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76648 |1355 |32420 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76649 |1356 |32417 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76650 |1356 |32416 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76651 |1356 |32415 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76652 |1357 |32413 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76653 |1358 |32412 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76654 |1359 |32404 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76655 |1359 |32418 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76656 |1360 |32436 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76657 |1361 |32439 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76658 |1362 |32440 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76659 |1363 |32442 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76660 |1364 |32443 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76661 |1365 |32428 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76662 |1365 |32429 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76663 |727 |27936 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76664 |1054 |27935 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76665 |1054 |30122 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76666 |1055 |30123 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76667 |730 |27975 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76668 |1056 |30126 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76669 |733 |28003 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76670 |1057 |30131 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76671 |736 |28031 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76672 |1058 |30136 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76673 |1735 |35972 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76674 |1735 |35975 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76675 |1736 |35977 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76676 |1736 |35980 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76677 |1737 |35981 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76678 |1738 |35982 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76679 |1739 |36011 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76680 |1739 |36003 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76681 |1739 |36013 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76682 |1739 |36005 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76683 |1739 |36014 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76684 |1739 |36006 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76685 |1740 |36012 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76686 |1740 |36004 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76687 |1741 |36002 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76688 |1741 |36010 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76689 |1742 |36017 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76690 |1743 |36025 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76691 |1744 |36026 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76692 |1745 |35985 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76693 |1746 |36041 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76694 |1747 |36053 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76695 |1747 |36045 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76696 |1747 |36055 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76697 |1747 |36047 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76698 |1747 |36056 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76699 |1747 |36048 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76700 |1748 |36054 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76701 |1748 |36046 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76702 |1749 |36044 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76703 |1749 |36052 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76704 |1750 |36059 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76705 |1751 |36060 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76706 |1752 |36029 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76707 |1753 |36077 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76708 |1754 |36078 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76709 |1755 |36079 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76710 |1756 |36080 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76711 |1757 |36088 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76712 |1757 |36098 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76713 |1757 |36089 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76714 |1757 |36084 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76715 |1757 |36091 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76716 |1757 |36085 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76717 |1758 |36082 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76718 |1758 |36083 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76719 |1759 |36105 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76720 |1759 |36112 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76721 |1759 |36103 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76722 |1759 |36110 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76723 |1759 |36102 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76724 |1759 |36109 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76725 |1760 |36104 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76726 |1760 |36111 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76727 |1761 |36113 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76728 |1761 |36106 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76729 |1762 |36126 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76730 |1763 |36127 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76731 |1764 |36144 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76732 |1765 |36145 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76733 |1766 |36146 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76734 |1767 |36147 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76735 |1768 |36155 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76736 |1768 |36165 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76737 |1768 |36156 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76738 |1768 |36151 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76739 |1768 |36158 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76740 |1768 |36152 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76741 |1769 |36149 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76742 |1769 |36150 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76743 |1770 |36172 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76744 |1770 |36179 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76745 |1770 |36170 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76746 |1770 |36177 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76747 |1770 |36169 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76748 |1770 |36176 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76749 |1771 |36171 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76750 |1771 |36178 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76751 |1772 |36180 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76752 |1772 |36173 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76753 |1773 |36193 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76754 |1774 |36194 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76755 |1775 |36210 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76756 |1776 |36218 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76757 |1776 |36221 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76758 |1777 |36223 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76759 |1777 |36226 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76760 |1778 |36227 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76761 |1779 |36228 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76762 |1780 |36253 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76763 |1780 |36245 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76764 |1780 |36255 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76765 |1780 |36247 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76766 |1780 |36256 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76767 |1780 |36248 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76768 |1781 |36254 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76769 |1781 |36246 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76770 |1782 |36244 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76771 |1782 |36252 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76772 |1783 |36259 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76773 |1784 |36231 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76774 |1785 |36295 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76775 |1785 |36287 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76776 |1785 |36297 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76777 |1785 |36289 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76778 |1785 |36298 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76779 |1785 |36290 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76780 |1786 |36296 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76781 |1786 |36288 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76782 |1787 |36286 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76783 |1787 |36294 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76784 |1788 |36301 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76785 |1789 |36309 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76786 |1790 |36310 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76787 |1791 |36269 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76788 |1792 |36339 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76789 |1792 |36331 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76790 |1792 |36341 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76791 |1792 |36333 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76792 |1792 |36342 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76793 |1792 |36334 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76794 |1793 |36340 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76795 |1793 |36332 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76796 |1794 |36330 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76797 |1794 |36338 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76798 |1795 |36345 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76799 |1796 |36353 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76800 |1797 |36354 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76801 |1798 |36313 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76802 |1799 |36371 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76803 |1800 |36383 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76804 |1800 |36375 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76805 |1800 |36385 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76806 |1800 |36377 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76807 |1800 |36386 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76808 |1800 |36378 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76809 |1801 |36384 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76810 |1801 |36376 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76811 |1802 |36374 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76812 |1802 |36382 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76813 |1803 |36389 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76814 |1804 |36397 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76815 |1805 |36398 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76816 |1806 |36357 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76817 |1807 |36415 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76818 |1808 |36427 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76819 |1808 |36419 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76820 |1808 |36429 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76821 |1808 |36421 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76822 |1808 |36430 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76823 |1808 |36422 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76824 |1809 |36428 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76825 |1809 |36420 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76826 |1810 |36418 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76827 |1810 |36426 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76828 |1811 |36433 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76829 |1812 |36441 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76830 |1813 |36442 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76831 |1814 |36401 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76832 |1815 |36460 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76833 |1816 |36472 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76834 |1816 |36464 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76835 |1816 |36474 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76836 |1816 |36466 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76837 |1816 |36475 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76838 |1816 |36467 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76839 |1817 |36473 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76840 |1817 |36465 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76841 |1818 |36463 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76842 |1818 |36471 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76843 |1819 |36478 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76844 |1820 |36486 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76845 |1821 |36487 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76846 |1822 |36445 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76847 |1823 |36505 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76848 |1824 |36517 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76849 |1824 |36509 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76850 |1824 |36519 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76851 |1824 |36511 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76852 |1824 |36520 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76853 |1824 |36512 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76854 |1825 |36518 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76855 |1825 |36510 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76856 |1826 |36508 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76857 |1826 |36516 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76858 |1827 |36523 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76859 |1828 |36531 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76860 |1829 |36532 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76861 |1830 |36490 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76862 |1831 |36550 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76863 |1832 |36563 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76864 |1832 |36555 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76865 |1832 |36565 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76866 |1832 |36557 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76867 |1832 |36566 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76868 |1832 |36558 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76869 |1833 |36564 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76870 |1833 |36556 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76871 |1834 |36554 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76872 |1834 |36562 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76873 |1835 |36569 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76874 |1836 |36577 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76875 |1837 |36578 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76876 |1838 |36535 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76877 |1214 |31276 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76878 |1214 |31277 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76879 |1215 |31279 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76880 |1215 |31280 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76881 |1216 |31282 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76882 |1216 |31283 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76883 |1217 |31286 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76884 |1217 |31289 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76885 |1218 |31292 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76886 |1218 |31295 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76887 |1219 |31298 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76888 |1219 |31301 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76889 |1220 |31285 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76890 |1220 |31288 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76891 |1221 |31291 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76892 |1221 |31294 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76893 |1222 |31297 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76894 |1222 |31300 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76895 |887 |29211 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |76896 |887 |29210 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |76897 |888 |29225 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |76898 |888 |29224 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |76899 |889 |29239 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |76900 |889 |29238 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |76901 |899 |29216 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76902 |899 |29217 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76903 |899 |29218 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76904 |899 |29219 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76905 |899 |29220 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76906 |899 |29221 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76907 |900 |29230 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76908 |900 |29231 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76909 |900 |29232 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76910 |900 |29233 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76911 |900 |29234 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76912 |900 |29235 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76913 |901 |29244 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76914 |901 |29245 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76915 |901 |29246 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76916 |901 |29247 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76917 |901 |29248 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76918 |901 |29249 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76919 |911 |29089 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76920 |911 |29102 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76921 |912 |29126 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76922 |912 |29139 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76923 |913 |29163 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76924 |913 |29176 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76925 |908 |29098 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76926 |908 |29097 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76927 |908 |29095 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76928 |908 |29088 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76929 |908 |29094 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76930 |908 |29093 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76931 |908 |29092 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76932 |908 |29091 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76933 |908 |29090 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76934 |909 |29135 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76935 |909 |29134 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76936 |909 |29132 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76937 |909 |29125 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76938 |909 |29131 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76939 |909 |29130 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76940 |909 |29129 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76941 |909 |29128 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76942 |909 |29127 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76943 |910 |29172 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76944 |910 |29171 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76945 |910 |29169 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76946 |910 |29162 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76947 |910 |29168 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76948 |910 |29167 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76949 |910 |29166 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76950 |910 |29165 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76951 |910 |29164 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76952 |905 |29198 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76953 |906 |29199 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76954 |907 |29200 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76955 |917 |29104 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76956 |917 |29105 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76957 |918 |29141 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76958 |918 |29142 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76959 |919 |29178 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76960 |919 |29179 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76961 |914 |31270 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76962 |915 |31271 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76963 |916 |31272 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76964 |923 |29118 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76965 |923 |29119 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76966 |923 |29117 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76967 |924 |29155 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76968 |924 |29156 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76969 |924 |29154 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76970 |925 |29192 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76971 |925 |29193 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76972 |925 |29191 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76973 |920 |29107 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76974 |920 |29106 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76975 |921 |29144 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76976 |921 |29143 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76977 |922 |29181 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76978 |922 |29180 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76979 |902 |29096 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76980 |902 |29101 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76981 |902 |29100 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76982 |902 |29087 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76983 |903 |29133 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76984 |903 |29138 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76985 |903 |29137 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76986 |903 |29124 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76987 |904 |29170 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76988 |904 |29175 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76989 |904 |29174 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76990 |904 |29161 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76991 |1223 |31307 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76992 |1223 |31308 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76993 |1224 |31310 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76994 |1224 |31311 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76995 |1225 |31314 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76996 |1225 |31317 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76997 |1226 |31320 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76998 |1226 |31323 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |76999 |1227 |31313 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77000 |1227 |31316 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77001 |1228 |31319 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77002 |1228 |31322 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77003 |926 |29356 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |77004 |926 |29355 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |77005 |927 |29370 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |77006 |927 |29369 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |77007 |934 |29361 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77008 |934 |29362 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77009 |934 |29363 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77010 |934 |29364 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77011 |934 |29365 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77012 |934 |29366 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77013 |935 |29375 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77014 |935 |29376 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77015 |935 |29377 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77016 |935 |29378 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77017 |935 |29379 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77018 |935 |29380 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77019 |942 |29275 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77020 |942 |29288 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77021 |943 |29312 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77022 |943 |29325 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77023 |940 |29284 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77024 |940 |29283 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77025 |940 |29281 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77026 |940 |29274 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77027 |940 |29280 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77028 |940 |29279 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77029 |940 |29278 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77030 |940 |29277 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77031 |940 |29276 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77032 |941 |29321 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77033 |941 |29320 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77034 |941 |29318 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77035 |941 |29311 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77036 |941 |29317 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77037 |941 |29316 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77038 |941 |29315 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77039 |941 |29314 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77040 |941 |29313 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77041 |938 |29347 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77042 |939 |29348 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77043 |946 |29290 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77044 |946 |29291 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77045 |947 |29327 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77046 |947 |29328 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77047 |944 |31303 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77048 |945 |31304 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77049 |950 |29304 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77050 |950 |29305 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77051 |950 |29303 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77052 |951 |29341 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77053 |951 |29342 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77054 |951 |29340 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77055 |948 |29293 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77056 |948 |29292 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77057 |949 |29330 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77058 |949 |29329 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77059 |936 |29282 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77060 |936 |29287 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77061 |936 |29286 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77062 |936 |29273 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77063 |937 |29319 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77064 |937 |29324 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77065 |937 |29323 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77066 |937 |29310 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77067 |952 |29436 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77068 |952 |29437 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77069 |952 |29438 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77070 |952 |29439 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77071 |952 |29441 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77072 |952 |29440 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77073 |955 |29434 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77074 |955 |29435 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77075 |954 |29448 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77076 |954 |29449 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77077 |956 |29452 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77078 |956 |29453 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77079 |953 |29446 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |77080 |953 |29432 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |77081 |960 |29405 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77082 |960 |29406 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77083 |959 |29426 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77084 |959 |29413 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77085 |959 |29411 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77086 |959 |29410 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77087 |959 |29399 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77088 |959 |29409 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77089 |959 |29412 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77090 |959 |29408 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77091 |959 |29407 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77092 |958 |29427 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77093 |962 |29403 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77094 |962 |29402 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77095 |961 |29396 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77096 |963 |29400 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77097 |963 |29401 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77098 |957 |29420 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77099 |957 |29419 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77100 |957 |29418 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77101 |957 |29417 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77102 |866 |29014 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77103 |866 |29015 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77104 |867 |29031 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77105 |867 |29032 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77106 |868 |29018 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77107 |868 |29019 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77108 |868 |29022 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77109 |868 |29023 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77110 |868 |29020 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77111 |868 |29024 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77112 |868 |29021 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77113 |868 |29025 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77114 |868 |29026 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77115 |869 |29035 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77116 |869 |29036 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77117 |869 |29039 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77118 |869 |29040 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77119 |869 |29037 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77120 |869 |29041 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77121 |869 |29038 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77122 |869 |29042 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77123 |869 |29043 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77124 |870 |29048 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77125 |871 |29049 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77126 |872 |29028 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |77127 |872 |29027 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |77128 |873 |29045 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |77129 |873 |29044 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |77130 |882 |28992 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77131 |882 |28991 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77132 |883 |29007 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77133 |883 |29006 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77134 |876 |28982 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77135 |876 |28983 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77136 |877 |28997 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77137 |877 |28998 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77138 |874 |28978 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77139 |875 |28993 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77140 |878 |28985 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77141 |878 |28984 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77142 |879 |29000 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77143 |879 |28999 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77144 |880 |28987 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77145 |880 |28988 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77146 |880 |28989 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77147 |880 |28990 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77148 |881 |29002 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77149 |881 |29003 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77150 |881 |29004 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77151 |881 |29005 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77152 |964 |29513 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |77153 |964 |29512 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |77154 |965 |29522 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |77155 |965 |29521 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |77156 |1839 |36585 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77157 |1839 |36588 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77158 |1839 |36587 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77159 |1839 |36584 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77160 |1839 |36586 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77161 |1839 |36583 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77162 |1840 |36591 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77163 |1840 |36594 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77164 |1840 |36593 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77165 |1840 |36590 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77166 |1840 |36592 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77167 |1840 |36589 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77168 |1366 |32445 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77169 |1366 |32448 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77170 |1367 |32449 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77171 |1367 |32452 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77172 |1368 |32446 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77173 |1368 |32447 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77174 |1369 |32450 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77175 |1369 |32451 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77176 |1229 |31337 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77177 |1229 |31338 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77178 |1230 |31341 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77179 |1230 |31342 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77180 |1231 |31336 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77181 |1231 |36630 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77182 |1232 |31340 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77183 |1232 |36631 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77184 |974 |29456 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77185 |974 |29455 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77186 |975 |29482 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77187 |975 |29481 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77188 |976 |29458 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77189 |976 |29457 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77190 |977 |29484 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77191 |977 |29483 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77192 |972 |29454 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77193 |973 |29480 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77194 |978 |29462 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77195 |979 |29488 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77196 |980 |31327 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77197 |980 |29466 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77198 |981 |31330 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77199 |981 |29492 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77200 |982 |29620 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |77201 |982 |29619 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |77202 |983 |29629 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
-ROW |77203 |983 |29628 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
-ROW |77204 |1841 |36607 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77205 |1841 |36610 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77206 |1841 |36609 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77207 |1841 |36606 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77208 |1841 |36608 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77209 |1841 |36605 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77210 |1842 |36613 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77211 |1842 |36616 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77212 |1842 |36615 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77213 |1842 |36612 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77214 |1842 |36614 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77215 |1842 |36611 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77216 |1370 |32453 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77217 |1370 |32456 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77218 |1371 |32457 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77219 |1371 |32460 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77220 |1372 |32454 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77221 |1372 |32455 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77222 |1373 |32458 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77223 |1373 |32459 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77224 |1233 |31355 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77225 |1233 |31356 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77226 |1234 |31359 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77227 |1234 |31360 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77228 |1235 |31354 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77229 |1235 |36632 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77230 |1236 |31358 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77231 |1236 |36633 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77232 |992 |29563 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77233 |992 |29562 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77234 |993 |29589 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77235 |993 |29588 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77236 |994 |29565 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77237 |994 |29564 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77238 |995 |29591 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77239 |995 |29590 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77240 |990 |29561 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77241 |991 |29587 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77242 |996 |29569 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77243 |997 |29595 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77244 |998 |31345 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77245 |998 |29573 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77246 |999 |31348 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77247 |999 |29599 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77248 |1489 |33568 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77249 |1490 |33581 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77250 |1490 |33569 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77251 |1491 |33583 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77252 |1491 |33579 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77253 |1492 |33619 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77254 |1493 |33632 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77255 |1493 |33620 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77256 |1494 |33634 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77257 |1494 |33630 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77258 |1495 |33670 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77259 |1496 |33683 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77260 |1496 |33671 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77261 |1497 |33685 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77262 |1497 |33681 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77263 |1498 |33721 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77264 |1499 |33734 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77265 |1499 |33722 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77266 |1500 |33736 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77267 |1500 |33732 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77268 |1501 |33772 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77269 |1502 |33785 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77270 |1502 |33773 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77271 |1503 |33787 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77272 |1503 |33783 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77273 |1504 |33823 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77274 |1505 |33836 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77275 |1505 |33824 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77276 |1506 |33838 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77277 |1506 |33834 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77278 |1507 |33874 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77279 |1508 |33887 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77280 |1508 |33875 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77281 |1509 |33889 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77282 |1509 |33885 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77283 |1510 |33925 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77284 |1481 |33445 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77285 |1481 |33433 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77286 |1482 |33447 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77287 |1482 |33443 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77288 |1511 |33930 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77289 |1512 |33943 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77290 |1512 |33931 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77291 |1513 |33945 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77292 |1513 |33941 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77293 |1514 |33981 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77294 |1515 |33994 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77295 |1515 |33982 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77296 |1516 |33996 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77297 |1516 |33992 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77298 |1517 |34032 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77299 |1518 |34045 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77300 |1518 |34033 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77301 |1519 |34047 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77302 |1519 |34043 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77303 |1403 |32790 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77304 |1404 |32809 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77305 |1404 |32807 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77306 |1404 |32811 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77307 |1405 |32804 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77308 |1405 |32805 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77309 |1405 |32806 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77310 |1406 |32810 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77311 |1406 |32808 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77312 |1406 |32812 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77313 |1407 |32815 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77314 |1408 |32819 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77315 |1408 |32817 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77316 |1408 |32821 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77317 |1409 |32820 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77318 |1409 |32818 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77319 |1409 |32822 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77320 |1410 |32828 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77321 |1410 |32827 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77322 |1410 |32823 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77323 |1411 |32777 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77324 |1411 |32778 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77325 |1483 |33525 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77326 |1483 |33524 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77327 |1483 |33523 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77328 |1483 |33522 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77329 |1484 |33564 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77330 |1484 |33554 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77331 |1485 |33500 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77332 |1485 |33507 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77333 |1485 |33509 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77334 |1485 |33508 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77335 |1486 |33480 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77336 |1486 |33491 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77337 |1486 |33488 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77338 |1486 |33489 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77339 |1487 |33506 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77340 |1487 |33505 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77341 |1487 |33512 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77342 |1487 |33504 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77343 |1387 |32632 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77344 |1388 |32635 |1 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77345 |1388 |32635 |1 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77346 |1389 |32643 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77347 |1389 |32646 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77348 |1389 |32645 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77349 |1389 |32642 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77350 |1389 |32644 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77351 |1389 |32641 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77352 |1142 |30689 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77353 |1676 |34973 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77354 |1676 |34978 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77355 |1676 |34976 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77356 |1676 |34971 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77357 |1676 |34975 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
-ROW |77358 |1676 |34970 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77359 |1374 |32471 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77360 |1375 |32469 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77361 |1375 |32468 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77362 |1376 |32472 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77363 |1376 |32467 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77364 |1377 |32483 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77365 |1377 |32482 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77366 |1378 |32484 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77367 |1378 |32481 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77368 |1379 |32476 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77369 |1379 |32478 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77370 |1379 |32480 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77371 |1172 |30918 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77372 |1172 |30919 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77373 |1172 |30920 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77374 |1172 |30921 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77375 |1173 |30922 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77376 |835 |28744 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77377 |835 |28745 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77378 |1174 |30913 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77379 |1175 |30906 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77380 |1175 |30908 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77381 |1175 |30915 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77382 |1175 |30897 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77383 |1175 |30901 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77384 |1175 |30899 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77385 |1175 |30907 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77386 |1175 |30905 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77387 |1175 |30904 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77388 |1175 |30900 |0 |9 |FFAD40|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77389 |1175 |30898 |0 |10 |40CDFF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77390 |1176 |30910 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77391 |1176 |30909 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77392 |836 |28798 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77393 |836 |28799 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77394 |836 |28800 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77395 |836 |28801 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77396 |837 |28803 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77397 |838 |28793 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77398 |840 |28787 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77399 |840 |28784 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77400 |840 |28782 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77401 |840 |28781 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77402 |840 |28780 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77403 |840 |28778 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77404 |840 |28786 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77405 |840 |28785 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77406 |840 |28783 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77407 |840 |28779 |0 |9 |FFAD40|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77408 |840 |28796 |0 |10 |40CDFF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77409 |839 |28789 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77410 |839 |28788 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77411 |1278 |31855 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77412 |1278 |31856 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77413 |1304 |32007 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77414 |1304 |32010 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77415 |1305 |32008 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77416 |1305 |32011 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77417 |1306 |32003 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77418 |1306 |32004 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77419 |1306 |32009 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77420 |1282 |31818 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77421 |1282 |31825 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77422 |1283 |31850 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77423 |1283 |31819 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77424 |1284 |31824 |1 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77425 |1284 |31821 |1 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77426 |1285 |31839 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77427 |1285 |31841 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77428 |1285 |31842 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77429 |1285 |31837 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77430 |1285 |31838 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77431 |1285 |31829 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77432 |1286 |31833 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77433 |1286 |31834 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77434 |1286 |31835 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77435 |1121 |30606 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77436 |1121 |30590 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77437 |1121 |30582 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77438 |1122 |30580 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77439 |1122 |30578 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77440 |1123 |30586 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77441 |1123 |30608 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77442 |1123 |30585 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77443 |1123 |30589 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77444 |1123 |30584 |2 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77445 |1123 |30588 |2 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77446 |1124 |30583 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77447 |1124 |30587 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77448 |1125 |30555 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77449 |1125 |30554 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77450 |1125 |30556 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77451 |1125 |30557 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77452 |1126 |30565 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77453 |1127 |30567 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77454 |1127 |30568 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77455 |1128 |30536 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77456 |1129 |30566 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77457 |1129 |30549 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77458 |1129 |30553 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77459 |1129 |30570 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77460 |1143 |30714 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77461 |1143 |30716 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77462 |1143 |30717 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77463 |1143 |30715 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77464 |1144 |30753 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77465 |1144 |30738 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77466 |1145 |30718 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77467 |1145 |30737 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77468 |1145 |30727 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77469 |1145 |30729 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77470 |1146 |30730 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77471 |1146 |30732 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77472 |1146 |30731 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77473 |1146 |30733 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77474 |1147 |30734 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77475 |1147 |30736 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77476 |1147 |30735 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77477 |1147 |30758 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77478 |1148 |30711 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77479 |1148 |30706 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77480 |1148 |30710 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77481 |1148 |30712 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77482 |1148 |30702 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77483 |1148 |30707 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77484 |1148 |30704 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77485 |1177 |30927 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77486 |1177 |30944 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77487 |1178 |30935 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77488 |1178 |30942 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77489 |1179 |30949 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77490 |1179 |30950 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77491 |1179 |30951 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77492 |1180 |30952 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77493 |1180 |30954 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77494 |1180 |30955 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77495 |1181 |30936 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77496 |1181 |30940 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77497 |1182 |30930 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77498 |1182 |30929 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77499 |1182 |30928 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77500 |1182 |30931 |2 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77501 |1183 |30934 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77502 |1183 |30941 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77503 |1380 |32498 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77504 |1380 |32499 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77505 |1381 |32505 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77506 |1381 |32508 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77507 |1381 |32506 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77508 |1381 |32507 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77509 |1381 |32509 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77510 |1381 |32510 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77511 |1382 |32488 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77512 |1382 |32491 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77513 |1382 |32493 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77514 |1382 |32494 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77515 |1383 |32528 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77516 |1383 |32529 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77517 |1384 |32535 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77518 |1384 |32538 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77519 |1384 |32536 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77520 |1384 |32537 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77521 |1384 |32539 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77522 |1384 |32540 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77523 |1385 |32518 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77524 |1385 |32521 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77525 |1385 |32523 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77526 |1385 |32524 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77527 |1250 |31527 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77528 |1250 |31529 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77529 |1250 |31499 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77530 |1251 |31532 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77531 |1251 |31534 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77532 |1251 |31538 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77533 |1251 |31536 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77534 |1251 |31528 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77535 |1251 |31542 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77536 |1252 |31552 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77537 |1252 |31551 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77538 |1252 |31541 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77539 |1253 |31513 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77540 |1253 |31526 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77541 |1253 |31525 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77542 |1254 |31502 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77543 |1254 |31501 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77544 |1254 |31503 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77545 |1255 |31505 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77546 |1255 |31504 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77547 |1255 |31506 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77548 |1256 |31508 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77549 |1256 |31507 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77550 |1256 |31509 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77551 |1257 |31511 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77552 |1257 |31510 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77553 |1257 |31500 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77554 |1258 |31514 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77555 |1258 |31512 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77556 |1258 |31515 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77557 |1259 |31516 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77558 |1259 |31517 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77559 |1260 |31523 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77560 |1260 |31522 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77561 |1260 |31524 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77562 |1307 |32051 |1 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77563 |1307 |32057 |1 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77564 |1709 |35805 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77565 |1709 |35804 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77566 |1710 |35789 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77567 |1710 |35806 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77568 |1711 |35800 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77569 |1711 |35799 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77570 |1711 |35798 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77571 |1711 |35796 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77572 |1711 |35788 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77573 |1712 |35810 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77574 |1712 |35809 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77575 |1713 |35807 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77576 |1713 |35808 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77577 |1714 |35817 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77578 |1714 |35816 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77579 |1715 |35811 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77580 |1715 |35812 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77581 |1715 |35813 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77582 |1715 |35814 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77583 |1715 |35815 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77584 |1716 |35842 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77585 |1716 |35841 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77586 |1717 |35836 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77587 |1717 |35835 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77588 |1717 |35834 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77589 |1717 |35832 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77590 |1717 |35822 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77591 |1718 |35827 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77592 |1718 |35828 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77593 |1719 |35864 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77594 |1719 |35863 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77595 |1720 |35848 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77596 |1720 |35865 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77597 |1721 |35859 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77598 |1721 |35858 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77599 |1721 |35857 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77600 |1721 |35855 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77601 |1721 |35847 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77602 |1722 |35869 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77603 |1722 |35868 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77604 |1723 |35866 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77605 |1723 |35867 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77606 |1724 |35876 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77607 |1724 |35875 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77608 |1725 |35870 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77609 |1725 |35871 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77610 |1725 |35872 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77611 |1725 |35873 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77612 |1725 |35874 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77613 |1726 |35901 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77614 |1726 |35900 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77615 |1727 |35895 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77616 |1727 |35894 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77617 |1727 |35893 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77618 |1727 |35891 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77619 |1727 |35881 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77620 |1728 |35886 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77621 |1728 |35887 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77622 |1184 |30982 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77623 |1184 |30980 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77624 |1185 |30983 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77625 |1185 |30981 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77626 |1186 |30976 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77627 |1186 |30985 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77628 |1186 |30997 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77629 |1186 |30970 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77630 |1186 |30973 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77631 |1186 |30995 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77632 |1186 |30998 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77633 |1186 |30978 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77634 |1187 |31024 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77635 |1187 |31022 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77636 |1188 |31025 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77637 |1188 |31023 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77638 |1189 |31018 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77639 |1189 |31027 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77640 |1189 |31039 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77641 |1189 |31012 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77642 |1189 |31015 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77643 |1189 |31037 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77644 |1189 |31040 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77645 |1189 |31020 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77646 |1866 |32071 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77647 |1866 |32102 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77648 |1308 |32078 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77649 |1308 |32077 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77650 |1309 |32088 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77651 |1309 |32087 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77652 |1311 |32108 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77653 |1311 |32109 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77654 |1311 |32106 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77655 |1311 |32107 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77656 |1312 |32083 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77657 |1312 |32084 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77658 |1313 |32080 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77659 |1313 |32081 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77660 |1314 |32086 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77661 |1314 |32100 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77662 |1314 |32073 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77663 |1314 |32131 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77664 |1314 |32118 |2 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77665 |1314 |32101 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77666 |1314 |32125 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77667 |1314 |32126 |2 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77668 |1314 |32127 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77669 |1314 |32128 |0 |9 |FFAD40|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77670 |1314 |32129 |2 |10 |40CDFF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77671 |1314 |32130 |0 |11 |40FFA0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77672 |1315 |32124 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77673 |1315 |32123 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77674 |1315 |32122 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77675 |1315 |32121 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77676 |1315 |32121 |2 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77677 |1315 |32120 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77678 |1316 |32098 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77679 |1316 |32099 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77680 |1316 |32097 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77681 |1316 |32096 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77682 |1130 |30613 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77683 |1130 |30635 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77684 |1130 |30625 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77685 |1131 |30632 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77686 |1131 |30633 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77687 |1131 |30629 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77688 |1132 |30630 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77689 |1132 |30628 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77690 |1132 |30631 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77691 |1133 |30619 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77692 |1133 |30618 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77693 |1134 |30623 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77694 |1134 |30622 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77695 |1135 |30615 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77696 |841 |28813 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77697 |841 |28811 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77698 |841 |28812 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77699 |841 |28814 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77700 |842 |28817 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77701 |842 |28815 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77702 |842 |28816 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77703 |844 |28808 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77704 |844 |28807 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77705 |843 |28818 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77706 |845 |28829 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77707 |845 |28831 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77708 |845 |28832 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77709 |845 |28830 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77710 |846 |28826 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77711 |846 |28828 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77712 |846 |28827 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77713 |847 |28825 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77714 |1662 |34869 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77715 |1663 |34871 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77716 |1663 |34870 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77717 |1663 |34872 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77718 |1663 |34873 |5 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77719 |1663 |34874 |5 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77720 |1664 |34880 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77721 |1665 |34882 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77722 |1665 |34881 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77723 |1665 |34883 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77724 |1665 |34884 |5 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77725 |1665 |34885 |5 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77726 |1666 |34903 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77727 |1666 |34902 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77728 |1666 |34901 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77729 |1667 |34889 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77730 |1667 |34896 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77731 |1667 |34895 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77732 |1667 |34894 |5 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77733 |1667 |34893 |5 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77734 |1668 |34910 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77735 |1668 |34911 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77736 |1668 |34909 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77737 |1669 |34913 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77738 |1669 |34912 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77739 |1669 |34917 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77740 |1669 |34915 |5 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77741 |1669 |34914 |5 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77742 |1669 |34916 |5 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77743 |1669 |34918 |5 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77744 |1669 |34919 |5 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77745 |1670 |34925 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77746 |1670 |34926 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77747 |1670 |34927 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77748 |1671 |34934 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77749 |1671 |34935 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77750 |1671 |34936 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77751 |1672 |34854 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77752 |1672 |34850 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77753 |1672 |34846 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77754 |1672 |34845 |5 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77755 |1673 |34852 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77756 |1674 |34848 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77757 |1674 |34849 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77758 |1674 |34847 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77759 |1675 |34858 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77760 |1867 |36852 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77761 |1867 |36853 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77762 |1867 |36851 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77763 |1867 |36850 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77764 |1867 |36849 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77765 |1868 |36887 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77766 |1869 |36874 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77767 |1869 |36854 |0 |1 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77768 |1869 |36872 |0 |2 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77769 |1869 |36878 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77770 |1869 |36873 |0 |4 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77771 |1869 |36867 |0 |5 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77772 |1869 |36871 |0 |6 |AC8C14|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77773 |1869 |36877 |0 |7 |611F27|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77774 |1870 |36870 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77775 |1870 |36859 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77776 |1870 |36864 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77777 |1870 |36875 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77778 |1870 |36865 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77779 |1870 |36876 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77780 |1871 |36863 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77781 |1871 |36869 |0 |1 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77782 |1871 |36861 |0 |2 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77783 |1871 |36866 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77784 |1871 |36862 |0 |4 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77785 |1871 |36868 |0 |5 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77786 |1871 |36860 |0 |6 |AC8C14|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77787 |1871 |36855 |0 |7 |611F27|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77788 |1872 |36880 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77789 |1872 |36882 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77790 |1873 |36885 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |77791 |1873 |36886 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |77792 |1874 |36806 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77793 |1874 |36822 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77794 |1875 |36819 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77795 |1875 |36815 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77796 |1876 |36820 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77797 |1877 |36831 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77798 |1877 |36829 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77799 |1877 |36830 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77800 |1877 |36833 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77801 |1877 |36824 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77802 |1877 |36832 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77803 |1878 |36803 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77804 |1878 |36813 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77805 |1879 |36812 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77806 |1879 |36804 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77807 |1879 |36821 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77808 |1879 |36805 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77809 |1287 |31890 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77810 |1287 |31882 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77811 |1287 |31880 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77812 |1287 |31883 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77813 |1288 |31889 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77814 |1288 |31881 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77815 |1288 |31888 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77816 |1289 |31900 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77817 |1289 |31895 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77818 |1289 |31899 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77819 |1289 |31902 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77820 |1290 |31907 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77821 |1290 |31908 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77822 |1290 |31906 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77823 |1412 |32908 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77824 |1412 |32923 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77825 |1412 |32921 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77826 |1412 |32919 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77827 |1412 |32917 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77828 |1412 |32911 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77829 |1412 |32914 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77830 |1412 |32909 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77831 |1413 |32912 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77832 |1413 |32922 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77833 |1413 |32920 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77834 |1413 |32918 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77835 |1413 |32915 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77836 |1413 |32910 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77837 |1413 |32913 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77838 |1413 |32924 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77839 |1414 |32847 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77840 |1414 |32848 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77841 |1414 |32846 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77842 |1415 |32871 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77843 |1415 |32876 |2 |1 |FF0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77844 |1416 |32875 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77845 |1417 |32839 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77846 |1417 |32838 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77847 |1418 |32878 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77848 |1418 |32873 |2 |1 |FF0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77849 |1419 |32843 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77850 |1419 |32842 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77851 |1419 |32841 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77852 |1420 |32857 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77853 |1420 |32851 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77854 |1420 |32861 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77855 |1420 |32859 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77856 |1420 |32855 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77857 |1420 |32853 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77858 |1420 |32863 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77859 |1420 |32849 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77860 |1421 |32858 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77861 |1421 |32850 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77862 |1421 |32862 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77863 |1421 |32860 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77864 |1421 |32856 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77865 |1421 |32854 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77866 |1421 |32852 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77867 |1421 |32840 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77868 |1422 |32864 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77869 |1423 |32844 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77870 |1424 |32866 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77871 |1424 |32867 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77872 |1425 |32865 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77873 |1426 |33000 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77874 |1426 |33015 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77875 |1426 |33013 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77876 |1426 |33011 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77877 |1426 |33009 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77878 |1426 |33003 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77879 |1426 |33006 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77880 |1426 |33001 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77881 |1427 |33004 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77882 |1427 |33014 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77883 |1427 |33012 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77884 |1427 |33010 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77885 |1427 |33007 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77886 |1427 |33002 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77887 |1427 |33005 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77888 |1427 |33016 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77889 |1428 |32937 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77890 |1428 |32938 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77891 |1428 |32936 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77892 |1429 |32969 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77893 |1429 |32967 |2 |1 |FF0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77894 |1430 |32966 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77895 |1431 |32964 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77896 |1431 |32962 |2 |1 |FF0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77897 |1432 |32933 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77898 |1432 |32932 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77899 |1432 |32955 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77900 |1433 |32947 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77901 |1433 |32953 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77902 |1433 |32951 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77903 |1433 |32949 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77904 |1433 |32945 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77905 |1433 |32943 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77906 |1433 |32941 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77907 |1433 |32939 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77908 |1434 |32948 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77909 |1434 |32954 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77910 |1434 |32952 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77911 |1434 |32950 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77912 |1434 |32946 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77913 |1434 |32944 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77914 |1434 |32942 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77915 |1434 |32940 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77916 |1435 |32960 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77917 |1436 |32934 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77918 |1437 |32957 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77919 |1437 |32958 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77920 |1438 |32970 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77921 |1880 |31952 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77922 |1880 |31938 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77923 |1880 |31950 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77924 |1291 |31947 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77925 |1291 |31946 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77926 |1293 |31939 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77927 |1293 |31945 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77928 |1293 |31942 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77929 |1294 |31959 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77930 |1294 |31962 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77931 |1295 |31918 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77932 |1295 |31916 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77933 |1295 |31917 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77934 |1296 |31919 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77935 |1296 |31920 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77936 |1296 |31921 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77937 |1297 |31911 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77938 |1297 |31944 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77939 |1298 |31953 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77940 |1298 |31954 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77941 |1298 |31960 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77942 |1298 |31961 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77943 |1298 |31957 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77944 |1298 |31958 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77945 |1298 |31912 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77946 |1298 |31913 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77947 |1298 |31914 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77948 |1298 |31915 |0 |9 |FFAD40|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77949 |1298 |31948 |0 |10 |40CDFF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77950 |1298 |31949 |0 |11 |40FFA0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77951 |1317 |32146 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77952 |1317 |32145 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77953 |1318 |32151 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77954 |1318 |32150 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77955 |1318 |32153 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77956 |1318 |32152 |5 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77957 |1319 |32157 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77958 |1319 |32155 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77959 |1319 |32156 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77960 |1520 |34128 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77961 |1520 |34127 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77962 |1520 |34130 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77963 |1520 |34131 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77964 |1520 |34132 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77965 |1521 |34134 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77966 |1521 |34149 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77967 |1521 |34153 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77968 |1521 |34152 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77969 |1521 |34150 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77970 |1521 |34148 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77971 |1522 |34167 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77972 |1522 |34166 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77973 |1523 |34164 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77974 |1523 |34165 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77975 |1524 |34108 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77976 |1524 |34109 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77977 |1524 |34110 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77978 |1524 |34111 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77979 |1524 |34113 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77980 |1524 |34107 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77981 |1524 |34114 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77982 |1524 |34116 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77983 |1524 |34122 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77984 |1881 |23357 |0 |0 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77985 |1881 |23341 |0 |1 |00DDDD|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77986 |1881 |23342 |0 |2 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77987 |1881 |28251 |0 |3 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77988 |1882 |23345 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77989 |1882 |23348 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77990 |1882 |23355 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77991 |1882 |23352 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77992 |1882 |23356 |0 |4 |007700|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77993 |1882 |23354 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77994 |1882 |23346 |0 |6 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77995 |1882 |23349 |0 |7 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77996 |1882 |23344 |0 |8 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77997 |1882 |28250 |0 |9 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77998 |1883 |23353 |0 |0 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |77999 |1883 |23347 |0 |1 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78000 |1883 |23350 |0 |2 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78001 |1883 |23343 |0 |3 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78002 |1883 |23351 |0 |4 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78003 |1883 |23360 |0 |5 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78004 |1883 |25369 |0 |6 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78005 |1883 |25368 |0 |7 |BBBB00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78006 |1883 |28618 |0 |8 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78007 |1883 |28619 |0 |9 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78008 |1884 |28617 |0 |0 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78009 |1885 |23340 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78010 |1885 |23358 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78011 |1886 |36910 |0 |0 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78012 |1886 |36896 |0 |1 |00DDDD|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78013 |1886 |36901 |0 |2 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78014 |1886 |36900 |0 |3 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78015 |1887 |36922 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78016 |1887 |36924 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78017 |1887 |36921 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78018 |1887 |36915 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78019 |1887 |36920 |0 |4 |007700|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78020 |1887 |36919 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78021 |1887 |36930 |0 |6 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78022 |1887 |36923 |0 |7 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78023 |1887 |36928 |0 |8 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78024 |1887 |36904 |0 |9 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78025 |1888 |36918 |0 |0 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78026 |1888 |36912 |0 |1 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78027 |1888 |36917 |0 |2 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78028 |1888 |36927 |0 |3 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78029 |1888 |36916 |0 |4 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78030 |1888 |36914 |0 |5 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78031 |1888 |36929 |0 |6 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78032 |1888 |36913 |0 |7 |BBBB00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78033 |1888 |36925 |0 |8 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78034 |1888 |36926 |0 |9 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78035 |1889 |36911 |0 |0 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78036 |1890 |36903 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78037 |1890 |36894 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78038 |1525 |22404 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78039 |1525 |22399 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78040 |1525 |22416 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78041 |1525 |25366 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78042 |1525 |22418 |0 |4 |009600|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78043 |1525 |22402 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78044 |1525 |22400 |0 |6 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78045 |1525 |22689 |0 |7 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78046 |1525 |23171 |0 |8 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78047 |1525 |22401 |0 |9 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78048 |1526 |23269 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78049 |1526 |23264 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78050 |1526 |23261 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78051 |1526 |25367 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78052 |1526 |23260 |0 |4 |009600|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78053 |1526 |23259 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78054 |1526 |23270 |0 |6 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78055 |1526 |23262 |0 |7 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78056 |1526 |23267 |0 |8 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78057 |1526 |23328 |0 |9 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78058 |1527 |22406 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78059 |1527 |25665 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78060 |1527 |25666 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78061 |1527 |28537 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78062 |1527 |28535 |0 |4 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78063 |1528 |23257 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78064 |1528 |25667 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78065 |1528 |25668 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78066 |1528 |28538 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78067 |1528 |28536 |0 |4 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78068 |1529 |22426 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78069 |1529 |22408 |0 |1 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78070 |1529 |22412 |0 |2 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78071 |1529 |22414 |0 |3 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78072 |1529 |23663 |0 |4 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78073 |1529 |22430 |0 |5 |8048B4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78074 |1529 |22420 |0 |6 |FD5434|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78075 |1530 |23268 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78076 |1530 |23258 |0 |1 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78077 |1530 |23253 |0 |2 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78078 |1530 |23266 |0 |3 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78079 |1530 |23664 |0 |4 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78080 |1530 |23255 |0 |5 |8048B4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78081 |1530 |23265 |0 |6 |FD5434|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78082 |1531 |22422 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78083 |1531 |22424 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78084 |1531 |25370 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78085 |1531 |29822 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78086 |1532 |23256 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78087 |1532 |23252 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78088 |1532 |25371 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78089 |1532 |29823 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78090 |1535 |22199 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78091 |1535 |22196 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78092 |1536 |23628 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78093 |1536 |23625 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78094 |1537 |22185 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78095 |1537 |22189 |0 |1 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78096 |1537 |22396 |0 |2 |00DDDD|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78097 |1537 |22183 |0 |3 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78098 |1537 |22191 |0 |4 |999900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78099 |1537 |23634 |0 |5 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78100 |1538 |23276 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78101 |1538 |23273 |0 |1 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78102 |1538 |23275 |0 |2 |00DDDD|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78103 |1538 |23274 |0 |3 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78104 |1538 |23620 |0 |4 |999900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78105 |1538 |23635 |0 |5 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78106 |1539 |22404 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78107 |1539 |22399 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78108 |1539 |22416 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78109 |1539 |22430 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78110 |1539 |22418 |0 |4 |009600|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78111 |1539 |22402 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78112 |1539 |22420 |0 |6 |CCCC00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78113 |1539 |22400 |0 |7 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78114 |1539 |22689 |0 |8 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78115 |1539 |23171 |0 |9 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78116 |1539 |22401 |0 |10 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78117 |1540 |23269 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78118 |1540 |23264 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78119 |1540 |23261 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78120 |1540 |23255 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78121 |1540 |23260 |0 |4 |009600|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78122 |1540 |23259 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78123 |1540 |23265 |0 |6 |CCCC00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78124 |1540 |23270 |0 |7 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78125 |1540 |23262 |0 |8 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78126 |1540 |23267 |0 |9 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78127 |1540 |23328 |0 |10 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78128 |1541 |22426 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78129 |1541 |22422 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78130 |1541 |22408 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78131 |1541 |22424 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78132 |1541 |22412 |0 |4 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78133 |1541 |22406 |0 |5 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78134 |1541 |22414 |0 |6 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78135 |1541 |23663 |0 |7 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78136 |1541 |25366 |0 |8 |BBBB00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78137 |1541 |25370 |0 |9 |AA0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78138 |1541 |25665 |0 |10 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78139 |1541 |25666 |0 |11 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78140 |1541 |28535 |0 |12 |80B0E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78141 |1541 |28537 |0 |13 |4080B0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78142 |1541 |29822 |0 |14 |8000FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78143 |1542 |23268 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78144 |1542 |23256 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78145 |1542 |23258 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78146 |1542 |23252 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78147 |1542 |23253 |0 |4 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78148 |1542 |23257 |0 |5 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78149 |1542 |23266 |0 |6 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78150 |1542 |23664 |0 |7 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78151 |1542 |25367 |0 |8 |BBBB00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78152 |1542 |25371 |0 |9 |AA0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78153 |1542 |25667 |0 |10 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78154 |1542 |25668 |0 |11 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78155 |1542 |28536 |0 |12 |80B0E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78156 |1542 |28538 |0 |13 |4080B0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78157 |1542 |29823 |0 |14 |8000FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78158 |1543 |28248 |0 |0 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78159 |1543 |28533 |0 |1 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78160 |1544 |28249 |0 |0 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78161 |1544 |28534 |0 |1 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78162 |1545 |22187 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78163 |1545 |23251 |0 |1 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78164 |1546 |23277 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78165 |1546 |23272 |0 |1 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78166 |1547 |28581 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78167 |1547 |28574 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78168 |1547 |28571 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78169 |1547 |28562 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78170 |1547 |28570 |0 |4 |009600|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78171 |1547 |28569 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78172 |1547 |28552 |0 |6 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78173 |1547 |28573 |0 |7 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78174 |1547 |28579 |0 |8 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78175 |1547 |28559 |0 |9 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78176 |1548 |28567 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78177 |1548 |28575 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78178 |1548 |28576 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78179 |1548 |28583 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78180 |1548 |28582 |0 |4 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78181 |1549 |28572 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78182 |1549 |28568 |0 |1 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78183 |1549 |28564 |0 |2 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78184 |1549 |28578 |0 |3 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78185 |1549 |28580 |0 |4 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78186 |1549 |28565 |0 |5 |8048B4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78187 |1549 |28577 |0 |6 |FD5434|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78188 |1550 |28566 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78189 |1550 |28561 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78190 |1550 |28563 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78191 |1550 |29821 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78192 |1552 |28546 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78193 |1552 |28545 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78194 |1553 |28551 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78195 |1553 |28543 |0 |1 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78196 |1553 |28542 |0 |2 |00DDDD|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78197 |1553 |28549 |0 |3 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78198 |1553 |28544 |0 |4 |999900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78199 |1553 |28548 |0 |5 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78200 |1554 |28581 |0 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78201 |1554 |28574 |0 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78202 |1554 |28571 |0 |2 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78203 |1554 |28565 |0 |3 |FF33FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78204 |1554 |28570 |0 |4 |009600|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78205 |1554 |28569 |0 |5 |003300|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78206 |1554 |28577 |0 |6 |CCCC00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78207 |1554 |28552 |0 |7 |33FFFF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78208 |1554 |28573 |0 |8 |DD0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78209 |1554 |28579 |0 |9 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78210 |1554 |28559 |0 |10 |00FF00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78211 |1555 |28572 |0 |0 |00EE00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78212 |1555 |28566 |0 |1 |0000EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78213 |1555 |28568 |0 |2 |FFAA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78214 |1555 |28561 |0 |3 |00EEEE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78215 |1555 |28564 |0 |4 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78216 |1555 |28567 |0 |5 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78217 |1555 |28578 |0 |6 |FF66FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78218 |1555 |28580 |0 |7 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78219 |1555 |28562 |0 |8 |BBBB00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78220 |1555 |28563 |0 |9 |AA0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78221 |1555 |28575 |0 |10 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78222 |1555 |28576 |0 |11 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78223 |1555 |28582 |0 |12 |80B0E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78224 |1555 |28583 |0 |13 |4080B0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78225 |1555 |29821 |0 |14 |8000FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78226 |1556 |28560 |0 |0 |008800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78227 |1556 |28584 |0 |1 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78228 |1557 |28550 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78229 |1557 |28540 |0 |1 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78230 |1320 |32196 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78231 |1320 |32197 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78232 |1320 |32195 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78233 |1321 |32200 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78234 |1321 |32199 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78235 |1322 |32175 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78236 |1322 |32165 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78237 |1323 |32162 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78238 |1323 |32163 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78239 |1323 |32190 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78240 |1324 |32192 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78241 |1324 |32179 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78242 |1325 |32168 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78243 |1325 |32166 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78244 |472 |22945 |5 |0 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78245 |472 |22946 |5 |1 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78246 |473 |22950 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |2 |
+ROW |78247 |473 |22948 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78248 |471 |22924 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78249 |471 |22920 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78250 |469 |22922 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78251 |469 |22923 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78252 |469 |22921 |0 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78253 |498 |23109 |0 |0 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78254 |498 |23112 |0 |1 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78255 |498 |23115 |0 |2 |999900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78256 |498 |23113 |0 |3 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78257 |498 |23114 |0 |4 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78258 |498 |23110 |0 |5 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78259 |540 |22942 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78260 |492 |23073 |5 |0 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78261 |492 |23074 |5 |1 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78262 |467 |22910 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |2 |
+ROW |78263 |467 |22908 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78264 |465 |22884 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78265 |465 |22880 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78266 |463 |22882 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78267 |463 |22883 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78268 |463 |22881 |0 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78269 |462 |22886 |1 |0 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78270 |462 |22888 |1 |1 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78271 |462 |22891 |1 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78272 |462 |22892 |1 |3 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78273 |462 |22885 |1 |4 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78274 |541 |22902 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78275 |464 |22897 |0 |0 |AA0000|0 |2 |2 |
+ROW |78276 |464 |22895 |0 |1 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78277 |478 |22985 |5 |0 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78278 |478 |22986 |5 |1 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78279 |479 |22990 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |2 |
+ROW |78280 |479 |22988 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78281 |475 |22962 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78282 |475 |22963 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78283 |475 |22961 |0 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78284 |474 |22968 |1 |0 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78285 |474 |22971 |1 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78286 |474 |22972 |1 |2 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78287 |474 |22965 |1 |3 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78288 |542 |22982 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78289 |491 |23070 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |2 |
+ROW |78290 |491 |23068 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78291 |487 |23042 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78292 |487 |23043 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78293 |487 |23041 |0 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78294 |543 |23062 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78295 |494 |23077 |5 |0 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78296 |494 |23078 |5 |1 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78297 |493 |23075 |5 |0 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78298 |493 |23076 |5 |1 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78299 |461 |22870 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |2 |
+ROW |78300 |461 |22868 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78301 |459 |22844 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78302 |459 |22840 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78303 |457 |22842 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78304 |457 |22843 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78305 |457 |22841 |0 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78306 |456 |22846 |1 |0 |009999|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78307 |456 |22848 |1 |1 |990099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78308 |456 |22851 |1 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78309 |456 |22852 |1 |3 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78310 |456 |22845 |1 |4 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78311 |544 |22862 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78312 |458 |22857 |0 |0 |AA0000|0 |2 |2 |
+ROW |78313 |458 |22855 |0 |1 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78314 |484 |23025 |5 |0 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78315 |484 |23026 |5 |1 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78316 |485 |23030 |0 |0 |C80000|0 |2 |2 |
+ROW |78317 |485 |23028 |0 |1 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78318 |483 |23004 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78319 |483 |23000 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78320 |481 |23002 |0 |0 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78321 |481 |23003 |0 |1 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78322 |481 |23001 |0 |2 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78323 |480 |23007 |1 |0 |999900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78324 |480 |23011 |1 |1 |990000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78325 |480 |23012 |1 |2 |000099|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78326 |480 |23005 |1 |3 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78327 |545 |23022 |5 |0 |00C800|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78328 |482 |23017 |0 |0 |AA0000|0 |2 |2 |
+ROW |78329 |482 |23015 |0 |1 |00AA00|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78330 |651 |26928 |5 |0 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78331 |651 |26927 |0 |1 |000000|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78332 |652 |26925 |2 |0 |880000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78333 |652 |26932 |0 |1 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78334 |652 |26930 |0 |2 |00CCCC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78335 |652 |26931 |0 |3 |000000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78336 |652 |26929 |0 |4 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78337 |652 |26926 |0 |5 |777700|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78338 |653 |26933 |2 |0 |EE0000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78339 |653 |26943 |2 |1 |EE00EE|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78340 |653 |26935 |0 |2 |000000|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78341 |653 |26936 |4 |3 |000000|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78342 |654 |26934 |2 |0 |880000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78343 |654 |26939 |0 |1 |009900|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78344 |654 |26942 |0 |2 |00CCCC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78345 |654 |26938 |0 |3 |000000|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78346 |654 |26937 |0 |4 |3333FF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78347 |1326 |32292 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78348 |1326 |32291 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78349 |1326 |32278 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78350 |1326 |32277 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78351 |1327 |32304 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78352 |1327 |32289 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78353 |1328 |32259 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78354 |1328 |32260 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78355 |1329 |32268 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78356 |1329 |32264 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78357 |1330 |32261 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78358 |1330 |32265 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78359 |1330 |32262 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78360 |1330 |32263 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78361 |1330 |32266 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78362 |1330 |32267 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78363 |1331 |32272 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78364 |1331 |32271 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78365 |1332 |32256 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78366 |1332 |32242 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78367 |1333 |32273 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78368 |1333 |32238 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78369 |1334 |32245 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78370 |1334 |32250 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78371 |1334 |32246 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78372 |1334 |32247 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78373 |1334 |32251 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78374 |1334 |32252 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78375 |1159 |30886 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78376 |1159 |30887 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78377 |1160 |30888 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78378 |1160 |30882 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78379 |1160 |30890 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78380 |1160 |30881 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78381 |1160 |30889 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78382 |1161 |30847 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78383 |1161 |30872 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78384 |1162 |30853 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78385 |1162 |30849 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78386 |1162 |30852 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78387 |1162 |30851 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78388 |1162 |30848 |2 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78389 |1163 |30856 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78390 |1163 |30855 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78391 |1163 |30854 |2 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78392 |1164 |30859 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78393 |1164 |30870 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78394 |1165 |30860 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78395 |1165 |30871 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78396 |1166 |30868 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78397 |1166 |30869 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78398 |1166 |30867 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78399 |1166 |30866 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78400 |1166 |30865 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78401 |1167 |30850 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78402 |1167 |30863 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78403 |1167 |30861 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78404 |1168 |30833 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78405 |1168 |30841 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78406 |1168 |30857 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78407 |1169 |30834 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78408 |1169 |30831 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78409 |1170 |30846 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78410 |1488 |36931 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78411 |1488 |36932 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78412 |1488 |36933 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78413 |1488 |30873 |2 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78414 |1891 |35596 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78415 |1891 |35597 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78416 |1677 |35580 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78417 |1677 |35583 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78418 |1677 |35581 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78419 |1677 |35582 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78420 |1678 |35589 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78421 |1678 |35588 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78422 |1678 |35587 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78423 |1679 |35592 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78424 |1679 |35601 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78425 |1681 |35602 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78426 |1681 |35607 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78427 |1681 |35605 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78428 |1681 |35603 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78429 |1682 |35609 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78430 |1682 |35611 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78431 |1682 |35610 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78432 |1683 |35623 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78433 |1683 |35621 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78434 |1684 |35630 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78435 |1684 |35631 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78436 |1685 |35633 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78437 |1685 |35635 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78438 |1686 |35636 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78439 |1686 |35634 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78440 |1687 |35638 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78441 |1687 |35639 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78442 |1688 |35637 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78443 |1688 |35640 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78444 |1688 |35641 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78445 |1689 |35643 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78446 |1689 |35644 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78447 |1892 |32681 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78448 |1892 |32682 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78449 |1390 |32665 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78450 |1390 |32668 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78451 |1390 |32666 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78452 |1390 |32667 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78453 |1391 |32674 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78454 |1391 |32673 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78455 |1391 |32672 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78456 |1392 |32677 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78457 |1392 |32686 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78458 |1394 |32687 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78459 |1394 |32692 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78460 |1394 |32690 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78461 |1394 |32688 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78462 |1395 |32694 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78463 |1395 |32696 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78464 |1395 |32695 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78465 |1396 |32708 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78466 |1396 |32706 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78467 |1397 |32715 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78468 |1397 |32716 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78469 |1398 |32718 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78470 |1398 |32720 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78471 |1399 |32721 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78472 |1399 |32719 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78473 |1400 |32723 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78474 |1400 |32724 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78475 |1401 |32722 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78476 |1401 |32725 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78477 |1401 |32726 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78478 |1402 |32728 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78479 |1402 |32729 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78480 |1439 |33072 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78481 |1439 |33092 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78482 |1440 |33073 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78483 |1440 |33069 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78484 |1441 |33079 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78485 |1441 |33084 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78486 |1441 |33082 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78487 |1441 |33074 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78488 |1441 |33078 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78489 |1441 |33086 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78490 |1441 |33076 |2 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78491 |1442 |33081 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78492 |1442 |33085 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78493 |1442 |33083 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78494 |1442 |33075 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78495 |1442 |33068 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78496 |1442 |33087 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78497 |1442 |33077 |2 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78498 |1443 |33093 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78499 |1443 |33098 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78500 |1444 |33097 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78501 |1444 |33100 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78502 |1444 |33096 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78503 |1444 |33094 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78504 |1445 |33116 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78505 |1446 |33045 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78506 |1446 |33044 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78507 |1446 |33046 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78508 |1447 |33055 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78509 |1447 |33023 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78510 |1448 |33053 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78511 |1448 |33052 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78512 |1448 |33054 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78513 |1449 |33051 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78514 |1449 |33059 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78515 |1449 |33027 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78516 |1450 |33022 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78517 |1450 |33040 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78518 |1450 |33042 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78519 |1450 |33043 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78520 |1451 |33038 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78521 |1451 |33025 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78522 |1451 |33026 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78523 |1451 |33024 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78524 |1452 |33029 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78525 |1452 |33028 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78526 |1453 |33035 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78527 |1453 |33034 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78528 |1453 |33033 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78529 |1453 |33036 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78530 |1453 |33030 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78531 |1453 |33031 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78532 |1454 |33057 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78533 |1454 |33056 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78534 |1454 |33058 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78535 |1455 |33190 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78536 |1455 |33193 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78537 |1455 |33189 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78538 |1455 |33187 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78539 |1456 |33158 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78540 |1456 |33168 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78541 |1456 |33169 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78542 |1456 |33167 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78543 |1456 |33171 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78544 |1457 |33165 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78545 |1457 |33166 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78546 |1457 |33164 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78547 |1457 |33163 |2 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78548 |1458 |33161 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78549 |1458 |33162 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78550 |1458 |33155 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78551 |1459 |33146 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78552 |1459 |33145 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78553 |1460 |33152 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78554 |1460 |33151 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78555 |1460 |33148 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78556 |1460 |33153 |2 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78557 |1460 |33149 |2 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78558 |1460 |33144 |2 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78559 |1190 |31140 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78560 |1190 |31141 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78561 |1261 |31145 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78562 |1261 |31146 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78563 |1261 |31147 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78564 |1191 |31138 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78565 |1192 |31157 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78566 |1192 |31158 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78567 |1193 |31092 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78568 |1193 |31108 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78569 |1193 |31110 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78570 |1193 |31067 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78571 |1193 |31086 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78572 |1193 |31087 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78573 |1194 |31120 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78574 |1194 |31105 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78575 |1194 |31071 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78576 |1194 |31081 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78577 |1195 |31098 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78578 |1195 |31099 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78579 |1196 |31072 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78580 |1196 |31072 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78581 |1197 |31103 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78582 |1197 |31074 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78583 |1198 |31104 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78584 |1198 |31063 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78585 |1198 |31111 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78586 |1198 |31112 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78587 |1198 |31084 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78588 |1199 |31115 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78589 |1199 |31116 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78590 |1199 |31062 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78591 |1199 |31118 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78592 |1199 |31056 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78593 |1200 |31107 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78594 |1200 |31090 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78595 |1201 |31097 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78596 |1201 |31096 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78597 |1202 |31089 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78598 |1202 |31061 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78599 |1203 |31064 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78600 |1204 |31065 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78601 |1204 |31066 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78602 |1204 |31068 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78603 |1204 |31070 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78604 |1204 |31101 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78605 |1204 |31106 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78606 |1204 |31114 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78607 |1205 |31069 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78608 |1206 |31076 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78609 |1206 |31078 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78610 |1206 |31109 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78611 |1206 |31075 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78612 |1207 |31080 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78613 |1207 |31095 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78614 |1208 |31113 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78615 |1208 |31118 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78616 |1209 |31058 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78617 |1209 |31077 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78618 |1209 |31056 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78619 |1209 |31117 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78620 |1109 |30453 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78621 |1109 |30455 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78622 |1110 |30471 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78623 |1110 |30470 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78624 |1110 |30466 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78625 |1110 |30441 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78626 |1111 |30463 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78627 |1111 |30452 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78628 |1111 |30451 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78629 |1111 |30437 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78630 |1112 |30456 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78631 |1112 |30457 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78632 |1112 |30458 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78633 |1112 |30459 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78634 |1113 |30442 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78635 |1113 |30444 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78636 |1113 |30445 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78637 |1114 |30446 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78638 |1114 |30447 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78639 |1114 |31168 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78640 |1114 |30449 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78641 |1136 |30659 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78642 |1136 |30661 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78643 |1137 |30677 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78644 |1137 |30676 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78645 |1137 |30672 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78646 |1137 |30647 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78647 |1138 |30669 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78648 |1138 |30658 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78649 |1138 |30657 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78650 |1138 |30643 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78651 |1139 |30662 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78652 |1139 |30663 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78653 |1139 |30664 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78654 |1139 |30665 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78655 |1140 |30648 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78656 |1140 |30650 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78657 |1140 |30651 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78658 |1141 |30652 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78659 |1141 |30653 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78660 |1141 |31172 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78661 |1141 |30655 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78662 |1115 |30506 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78663 |1115 |30507 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78664 |1116 |30504 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78665 |1116 |30505 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78666 |1116 |30518 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78667 |1116 |30492 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78668 |1117 |30493 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78669 |1117 |30500 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78670 |1117 |30486 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78671 |1117 |30488 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78672 |1118 |30508 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78673 |1118 |30509 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78674 |1118 |30503 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78675 |1118 |30510 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78676 |1119 |30491 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78677 |1119 |30494 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78678 |1119 |30495 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78679 |1120 |30496 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78680 |1120 |30497 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78681 |1120 |31176 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78682 |1120 |30499 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78683 |1262 |31718 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78684 |1262 |31719 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78685 |1263 |31722 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78686 |1263 |31724 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78687 |1263 |32588 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78688 |1264 |31630 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78689 |1264 |31683 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78690 |1265 |31668 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78691 |1265 |31702 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78692 |1265 |31666 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78693 |1266 |31673 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78694 |1266 |31704 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78695 |1267 |31690 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78696 |1267 |31672 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78697 |1268 |31632 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78698 |1268 |31655 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78699 |1269 |31650 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78700 |1269 |31648 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78701 |1269 |31651 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78702 |1269 |31646 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78703 |1269 |31653 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78704 |1270 |31660 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78705 |1270 |31671 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78706 |1270 |31662 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78707 |1270 |31661 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78708 |1270 |31659 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78709 |1270 |31658 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78710 |1893 |36993 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78711 |1893 |36991 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78712 |1894 |36975 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78713 |1895 |36996 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78714 |1895 |36978 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78715 |1895 |36992 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78716 |1895 |36995 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78717 |1896 |36979 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78718 |1897 |36989 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78719 |1897 |36986 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78720 |1897 |36983 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78721 |1897 |36988 |5 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78722 |1897 |36985 |5 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78723 |1897 |36982 |5 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78724 |1898 |36990 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78725 |1898 |36987 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78726 |1898 |36984 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78727 |1899 |37003 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78728 |1899 |37002 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78729 |1900 |37001 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78730 |1900 |37000 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78731 |1900 |36999 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78732 |1900 |36998 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78733 |1900 |36997 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78734 |1901 |36956 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78735 |1901 |36961 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78736 |1901 |36959 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78737 |1901 |36960 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78738 |1901 |36965 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78739 |1901 |36957 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78740 |1902 |36958 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78741 |1902 |36964 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78742 |1902 |36962 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78743 |1902 |36963 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78744 |1903 |36971 |5 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78745 |1903 |36972 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78746 |1903 |36967 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78747 |1903 |36968 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78748 |1903 |36969 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78749 |1903 |36970 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78750 |1903 |36966 |0 |6 |AC8C14|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78751 |1904 |36937 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78752 |1904 |36936 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78753 |1905 |36940 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78754 |1906 |36952 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78755 |1906 |36951 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78756 |1906 |36953 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78757 |1906 |36954 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78758 |1907 |36947 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78759 |1907 |36944 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78760 |1908 |36973 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78761 |1908 |36955 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78762 |1861 |36798 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78763 |1861 |36781 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78764 |1861 |36780 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78765 |1861 |36779 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78766 |1861 |36778 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78767 |1861 |36777 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78768 |1861 |36775 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78769 |1861 |36774 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78770 |1861 |36776 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78771 |1861 |36776 |0 |9 |FFAD40|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78772 |1862 |36772 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78773 |1863 |36795 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78774 |1863 |36794 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78775 |1863 |36792 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78776 |1863 |36791 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78777 |1863 |36789 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78778 |1863 |36788 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78779 |1863 |36787 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78780 |1863 |36785 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78781 |1863 |36786 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78782 |1863 |36773 |0 |9 |FFAD40|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78783 |1863 |36784 |0 |10 |40CDFF|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78784 |1863 |36783 |0 |11 |40FFA0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78785 |1863 |36782 |0 |12 |AE4500|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78786 |1864 |36771 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78787 |1865 |36799 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78788 |1865 |36800 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78789 |1865 |36801 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78790 |1087 |30346 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78791 |1087 |30345 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78792 |1088 |30350 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78793 |1088 |30349 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78794 |1089 |30396 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78795 |1090 |30398 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78796 |1091 |30322 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78797 |1091 |30277 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78798 |1092 |30284 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78799 |1093 |30313 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78800 |1093 |30314 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78801 |1093 |30315 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78802 |1093 |30316 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78803 |1094 |30279 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78804 |1094 |30280 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78805 |1095 |30290 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78806 |1095 |30293 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78807 |1096 |30318 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78808 |1096 |30308 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78809 |1096 |30320 |2 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78810 |1097 |30317 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78811 |1098 |30289 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78812 |1098 |30291 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78813 |1099 |30334 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78814 |1099 |30325 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78815 |1100 |30306 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78816 |1101 |30274 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78817 |1102 |30281 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78818 |1060 |30159 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78819 |1061 |30165 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78820 |1063 |30177 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78821 |1064 |30183 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78822 |1065 |30161 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |78823 |1065 |30162 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |78824 |1066 |30167 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |78825 |1066 |30168 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |78826 |1068 |30179 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |78827 |1068 |30180 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |78828 |1069 |30185 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |78829 |1069 |30186 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |78830 |1070 |30142 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78831 |1071 |30143 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78832 |1073 |30145 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78833 |1074 |30146 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78834 |741 |27084 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78835 |741 |27085 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78836 |741 |27083 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78837 |741 |27086 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78838 |741 |27082 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78839 |741 |27079 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78840 |742 |27622 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78841 |742 |27625 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78842 |742 |27624 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78843 |742 |27621 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78844 |742 |27623 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78845 |742 |27620 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78846 |743 |27979 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78847 |743 |27982 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78848 |743 |27981 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78849 |743 |27978 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78850 |743 |27980 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78851 |743 |27977 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78852 |740 |28008 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78853 |740 |28011 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78854 |740 |28010 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78855 |740 |28007 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78856 |740 |28009 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78857 |740 |28006 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78858 |745 |27104 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78859 |745 |27105 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78860 |745 |27103 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78861 |745 |27106 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78862 |745 |27102 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78863 |745 |27099 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78864 |746 |27183 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78865 |746 |27186 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78866 |746 |27185 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78867 |746 |27182 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78868 |746 |27184 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78869 |746 |27181 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78870 |747 |27218 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78871 |747 |27221 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78872 |747 |27220 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78873 |747 |27217 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78874 |747 |27219 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78875 |747 |27216 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78876 |748 |27254 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78877 |748 |27257 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78878 |748 |27256 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78879 |748 |27253 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78880 |748 |27255 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78881 |748 |27252 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78882 |749 |27275 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78883 |749 |27278 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78884 |749 |27277 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78885 |749 |27274 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78886 |749 |27276 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78887 |749 |27273 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78888 |750 |27324 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78889 |750 |27327 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78890 |750 |27326 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78891 |750 |27323 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78892 |750 |27325 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78893 |750 |27322 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78894 |752 |27453 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78895 |752 |27456 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78896 |752 |27455 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78897 |752 |27452 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78898 |752 |27454 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78899 |752 |27451 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78900 |753 |27489 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78901 |753 |27492 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78902 |753 |27491 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78903 |753 |27488 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78904 |753 |27490 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78905 |753 |27487 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78906 |754 |27523 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78907 |754 |27526 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78908 |754 |27525 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78909 |754 |27522 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78910 |754 |27524 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78911 |754 |27521 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78912 |755 |27559 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78913 |755 |27562 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78914 |755 |27561 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78915 |755 |27558 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78916 |755 |27560 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78917 |755 |27557 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78918 |756 |27645 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78919 |756 |27648 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78920 |756 |27647 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78921 |756 |27644 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78922 |756 |27646 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78923 |756 |27643 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78924 |758 |27725 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78925 |758 |27728 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78926 |758 |27727 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78927 |758 |27724 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78928 |758 |27726 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78929 |758 |27723 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78930 |759 |27759 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78931 |759 |27762 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78932 |759 |27761 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78933 |759 |27758 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78934 |759 |27760 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78935 |759 |27757 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78936 |760 |27791 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78937 |760 |27794 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78938 |760 |27793 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78939 |760 |27790 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78940 |760 |27792 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78941 |760 |27789 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78942 |762 |27875 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78943 |762 |27878 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78944 |762 |27877 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78945 |762 |27874 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78946 |762 |27876 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78947 |762 |27873 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78948 |763 |27912 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78949 |763 |27915 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78950 |763 |27914 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78951 |763 |27911 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78952 |763 |27913 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78953 |763 |27910 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78954 |764 |27947 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78955 |764 |27950 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78956 |764 |27949 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78957 |764 |27946 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78958 |764 |27948 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78959 |764 |27945 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78960 |773 |28121 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78961 |773 |28124 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78962 |773 |28123 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78963 |773 |28120 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78964 |773 |28122 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78965 |773 |28119 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78966 |785 |28226 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78967 |785 |28229 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78968 |785 |28228 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78969 |785 |28225 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78970 |785 |28227 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78971 |785 |28224 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78972 |790 |28296 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78973 |790 |28299 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78974 |790 |28298 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78975 |790 |28295 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78976 |790 |28297 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78977 |790 |28294 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78978 |865 |28971 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78979 |865 |28974 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78980 |865 |28973 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78981 |865 |28970 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78982 |865 |28972 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78983 |865 |28969 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78984 |766 |27124 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78985 |766 |27125 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78986 |766 |27123 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78987 |766 |27126 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78988 |766 |27122 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78989 |766 |27119 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78990 |886 |29080 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78991 |886 |29083 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78992 |886 |29082 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78993 |886 |29079 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78994 |886 |29081 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78995 |886 |29078 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78996 |668 |27208 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78997 |1032 |30088 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78998 |1032 |30087 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |78999 |1033 |30089 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79000 |671 |27240 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79001 |1034 |30093 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79002 |675 |27294 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79003 |676 |27299 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79004 |677 |27301 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79005 |1035 |30094 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79006 |1036 |30095 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79007 |1037 |30096 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79008 |1729 |35914 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79009 |1730 |35917 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79010 |1731 |35924 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79011 |1731 |35931 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79012 |1731 |35922 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79013 |1731 |35929 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79014 |1731 |35921 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79015 |1731 |35928 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79016 |1732 |35932 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79017 |1732 |35925 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79018 |1733 |35923 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79019 |1733 |35930 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79020 |1734 |35948 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79021 |1734 |35949 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79022 |1461 |33219 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79023 |1462 |33224 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79024 |1463 |33227 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79025 |1463 |33230 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79026 |1463 |33229 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79027 |1463 |33226 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79028 |1463 |33228 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79029 |1463 |33225 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79030 |1464 |33260 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79031 |1465 |33265 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79032 |1466 |33268 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79033 |1466 |33271 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79034 |1466 |33270 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79035 |1466 |33267 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79036 |1466 |33269 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79037 |1466 |33266 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79038 |1467 |33301 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79039 |1468 |33306 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79040 |1469 |33309 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79041 |1469 |33312 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79042 |1469 |33311 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79043 |1469 |33308 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79044 |1469 |33310 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79045 |1469 |33307 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79046 |1470 |33342 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79047 |1471 |33347 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79048 |1472 |33350 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79049 |1472 |33353 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79050 |1472 |33352 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79051 |1472 |33349 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79052 |1472 |33351 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79053 |1472 |33348 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79054 |1473 |33383 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79055 |1474 |33388 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79056 |1475 |33391 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79057 |1475 |33394 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79058 |1475 |33393 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79059 |1475 |33390 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79060 |1475 |33392 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79061 |1475 |33389 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79062 |1038 |30101 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79063 |1039 |30102 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79064 |1040 |30103 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79065 |1041 |30104 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79066 |786 |28246 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79067 |787 |28247 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79068 |687 |27417 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79069 |688 |27427 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79070 |691 |27376 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79071 |692 |27380 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79072 |694 |27478 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79073 |1042 |30105 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79074 |1043 |30107 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79075 |698 |27511 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79076 |1044 |30108 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79077 |701 |27547 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79078 |1045 |27591 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79079 |1045 |30110 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79080 |1046 |30111 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79081 |704 |27586 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79082 |1690 |35679 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79083 |1691 |35681 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79084 |1692 |35683 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79085 |1693 |35686 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79086 |1694 |35690 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79087 |1694 |35705 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79088 |1694 |35696 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79089 |1694 |35687 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79090 |1694 |35708 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79091 |1694 |35711 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79092 |1694 |35699 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79093 |1695 |35689 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79094 |1695 |35704 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79095 |1695 |35695 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79096 |1695 |35701 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79097 |1695 |35707 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79098 |1695 |35710 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79099 |1695 |35697 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79100 |1696 |35713 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79101 |1696 |35703 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79102 |1696 |35694 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79103 |1696 |35712 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79104 |1696 |35706 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79105 |1696 |35709 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79106 |1696 |35698 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79107 |1697 |35714 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79108 |1698 |35716 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79109 |1699 |35718 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79110 |1699 |35720 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79111 |1700 |35727 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79112 |1700 |35724 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79113 |1701 |35726 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79114 |1701 |35723 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79115 |1702 |35730 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79116 |1702 |35728 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79117 |1702 |35729 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79118 |1703 |35737 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79119 |1703 |35733 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79120 |1703 |35743 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79121 |1703 |35739 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79122 |1703 |35736 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79123 |1703 |35742 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79124 |1704 |35748 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79125 |1704 |35747 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79126 |1704 |35750 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79127 |1704 |35749 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79128 |1705 |35756 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79129 |1705 |35755 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79130 |1705 |35758 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79131 |1705 |35757 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79132 |1843 |35764 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79133 |1843 |35763 |0 |1 |2774A4|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79134 |1843 |35766 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79135 |1843 |35765 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79136 |1844 |35771 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79137 |1844 |35769 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79138 |1844 |35770 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79139 |1708 |35651 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79140 |1708 |35649 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79141 |1708 |35647 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79142 |1708 |35653 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79143 |1708 |35652 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79144 |1708 |35650 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79145 |708 |27671 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79146 |1047 |30112 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79147 |1048 |30114 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79148 |1048 |30113 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79149 |1049 |30115 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79150 |775 |28143 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79151 |714 |27753 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79152 |1050 |30116 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79153 |856 |28894 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79154 |1051 |30118 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79155 |1476 |33419 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79156 |1476 |33422 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79157 |1476 |33421 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79158 |1476 |33418 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79159 |1476 |33420 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79160 |1476 |33417 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79161 |1477 |33427 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |79162 |1477 |33428 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |79163 |1478 |33431 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79164 |1479 |33407 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79165 |724 |27904 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79166 |1299 |31968 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79167 |1299 |31966 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79168 |1299 |31965 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79169 |1299 |31967 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79170 |1052 |27907 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |79171 |1052 |27908 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |79172 |1053 |30120 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79173 |1335 |32330 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79174 |1335 |32317 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79175 |1336 |32319 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79176 |1336 |32327 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79177 |1336 |32326 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79178 |1337 |32324 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79179 |1337 |32318 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79180 |1338 |32311 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79181 |1338 |32310 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79182 |1338 |32328 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79183 |1339 |32350 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79184 |1339 |32339 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79185 |1340 |32331 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79186 |1341 |32347 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79187 |1341 |32342 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79188 |1342 |32334 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79189 |1342 |32333 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79190 |1342 |32348 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79191 |1343 |32373 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79192 |1343 |32360 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79193 |1344 |32362 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79194 |1344 |32370 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79195 |1344 |32369 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79196 |1345 |32367 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79197 |1345 |32361 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79198 |1346 |32354 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79199 |1346 |32353 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79200 |1346 |32371 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79201 |1347 |32382 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79202 |1348 |32375 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79203 |1349 |32380 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79204 |1350 |32401 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79205 |1351 |32398 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79206 |1351 |32397 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79207 |1351 |32396 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79208 |1352 |32394 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79209 |1353 |32393 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79210 |1354 |32385 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79211 |1354 |32399 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79212 |1355 |32420 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79213 |1356 |32417 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79214 |1356 |32416 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79215 |1356 |32415 |5 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79216 |1357 |32413 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79217 |1358 |32412 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79218 |1359 |32404 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79219 |1359 |32418 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79220 |1360 |32436 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79221 |1361 |32439 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79222 |1362 |32440 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79223 |1363 |32442 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79224 |1364 |32443 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79225 |1365 |32428 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79226 |1365 |32429 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79227 |727 |27936 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79228 |1054 |27935 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79229 |1054 |30122 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79230 |1055 |30123 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79231 |730 |27975 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79232 |1056 |30126 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79233 |733 |28003 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79234 |1057 |30131 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79235 |736 |28031 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79236 |1058 |30136 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79237 |1735 |35972 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79238 |1735 |35975 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79239 |1736 |35977 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79240 |1736 |35980 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79241 |1737 |35981 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79242 |1738 |35982 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79243 |1739 |36011 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79244 |1739 |36003 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79245 |1739 |36013 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79246 |1739 |36005 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79247 |1739 |36014 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79248 |1739 |36006 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79249 |1740 |36012 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79250 |1740 |36004 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79251 |1741 |36002 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79252 |1741 |36010 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79253 |1742 |36017 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79254 |1743 |36025 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79255 |1744 |36026 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79256 |1745 |35985 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79257 |1746 |36041 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79258 |1747 |36053 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79259 |1747 |36045 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79260 |1747 |36055 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79261 |1747 |36047 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79262 |1747 |36056 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79263 |1747 |36048 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79264 |1748 |36054 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79265 |1748 |36046 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79266 |1749 |36044 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79267 |1749 |36052 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79268 |1750 |36059 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79269 |1751 |36060 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79270 |1752 |36029 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79271 |1753 |36077 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79272 |1754 |36078 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79273 |1755 |36079 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79274 |1756 |36080 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79275 |1757 |36088 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79276 |1757 |36098 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79277 |1757 |36089 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79278 |1757 |36084 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79279 |1757 |36091 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79280 |1757 |36085 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79281 |1758 |36082 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79282 |1758 |36083 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79283 |1759 |36105 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79284 |1759 |36112 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79285 |1759 |36103 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79286 |1759 |36110 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79287 |1759 |36102 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79288 |1759 |36109 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79289 |1760 |36104 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79290 |1760 |36111 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79291 |1761 |36113 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79292 |1761 |36106 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79293 |1762 |36126 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79294 |1763 |36127 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79295 |1764 |36144 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79296 |1765 |36145 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79297 |1766 |36146 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79298 |1767 |36147 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79299 |1768 |36155 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79300 |1768 |36165 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79301 |1768 |36156 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79302 |1768 |36151 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79303 |1768 |36158 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79304 |1768 |36152 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79305 |1769 |36149 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79306 |1769 |36150 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79307 |1770 |36172 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79308 |1770 |36179 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79309 |1770 |36170 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79310 |1770 |36177 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79311 |1770 |36169 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79312 |1770 |36176 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79313 |1771 |36171 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79314 |1771 |36178 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79315 |1772 |36180 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79316 |1772 |36173 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79317 |1773 |36193 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79318 |1774 |36194 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79319 |1775 |36210 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79320 |1776 |36218 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79321 |1776 |36221 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79322 |1777 |36223 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79323 |1777 |36226 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79324 |1778 |36227 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79325 |1779 |36228 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79326 |1780 |36253 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79327 |1780 |36245 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79328 |1780 |36255 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79329 |1780 |36247 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79330 |1780 |36256 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79331 |1780 |36248 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79332 |1781 |36254 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79333 |1781 |36246 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79334 |1782 |36244 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79335 |1782 |36252 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79336 |1783 |36259 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79337 |1784 |36231 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79338 |1785 |36295 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79339 |1785 |36287 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79340 |1785 |36297 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79341 |1785 |36289 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79342 |1785 |36298 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79343 |1785 |36290 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79344 |1786 |36296 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79345 |1786 |36288 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79346 |1787 |36286 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79347 |1787 |36294 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79348 |1788 |36301 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79349 |1789 |36309 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79350 |1790 |36310 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79351 |1791 |36269 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79352 |1792 |36339 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79353 |1792 |36331 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79354 |1792 |36341 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79355 |1792 |36333 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79356 |1792 |36342 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79357 |1792 |36334 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79358 |1793 |36340 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79359 |1793 |36332 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79360 |1794 |36330 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79361 |1794 |36338 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79362 |1795 |36345 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79363 |1796 |36353 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79364 |1797 |36354 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79365 |1798 |36313 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79366 |1799 |36371 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79367 |1800 |36383 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79368 |1800 |36375 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79369 |1800 |36385 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79370 |1800 |36377 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79371 |1800 |36386 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79372 |1800 |36378 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79373 |1801 |36384 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79374 |1801 |36376 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79375 |1802 |36374 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79376 |1802 |36382 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79377 |1803 |36389 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79378 |1804 |36397 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79379 |1805 |36398 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79380 |1806 |36357 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79381 |1807 |36415 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79382 |1808 |36427 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79383 |1808 |36419 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79384 |1808 |36429 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79385 |1808 |36421 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79386 |1808 |36430 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79387 |1808 |36422 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79388 |1809 |36428 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79389 |1809 |36420 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79390 |1810 |36418 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79391 |1810 |36426 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79392 |1811 |36433 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79393 |1812 |36441 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79394 |1813 |36442 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79395 |1814 |36401 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79396 |1815 |36460 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79397 |1816 |36472 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79398 |1816 |36464 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79399 |1816 |36474 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79400 |1816 |36466 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79401 |1816 |36475 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79402 |1816 |36467 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79403 |1817 |36473 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79404 |1817 |36465 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79405 |1818 |36463 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79406 |1818 |36471 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79407 |1819 |36478 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79408 |1820 |36486 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79409 |1821 |36487 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79410 |1822 |36445 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79411 |1823 |36505 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79412 |1824 |36517 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79413 |1824 |36509 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79414 |1824 |36519 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79415 |1824 |36511 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79416 |1824 |36520 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79417 |1824 |36512 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79418 |1825 |36518 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79419 |1825 |36510 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79420 |1826 |36508 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79421 |1826 |36516 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79422 |1827 |36523 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79423 |1828 |36531 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79424 |1829 |36532 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79425 |1830 |36490 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79426 |1831 |36550 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79427 |1832 |36563 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79428 |1832 |36555 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79429 |1832 |36565 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79430 |1832 |36557 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79431 |1832 |36566 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79432 |1832 |36558 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79433 |1833 |36564 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79434 |1833 |36556 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79435 |1834 |36554 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79436 |1834 |36562 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79437 |1835 |36569 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79438 |1836 |36577 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79439 |1837 |36578 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79440 |1838 |36535 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79441 |1214 |31276 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79442 |1214 |31277 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79443 |1215 |31279 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79444 |1215 |31280 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79445 |1216 |31282 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79446 |1216 |31283 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79447 |1217 |31286 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79448 |1217 |31289 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79449 |1218 |31292 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79450 |1218 |31295 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79451 |1219 |31298 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79452 |1219 |31301 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79453 |1220 |31285 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79454 |1220 |31288 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79455 |1221 |31291 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79456 |1221 |31294 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79457 |1222 |31297 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79458 |1222 |31300 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79459 |887 |29211 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |79460 |887 |29210 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |79461 |888 |29225 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |79462 |888 |29224 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |79463 |889 |29239 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |79464 |889 |29238 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |79465 |899 |29216 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79466 |899 |29217 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79467 |899 |29218 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79468 |899 |29219 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79469 |899 |29220 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79470 |899 |29221 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79471 |900 |29230 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79472 |900 |29231 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79473 |900 |29232 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79474 |900 |29233 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79475 |900 |29234 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79476 |900 |29235 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79477 |901 |29244 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79478 |901 |29245 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79479 |901 |29246 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79480 |901 |29247 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79481 |901 |29248 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79482 |901 |29249 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79483 |911 |29089 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79484 |911 |29102 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79485 |912 |29126 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79486 |912 |29139 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79487 |913 |29163 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79488 |913 |29176 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79489 |908 |29098 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79490 |908 |29097 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79491 |908 |29095 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79492 |908 |29088 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79493 |908 |29094 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79494 |908 |29093 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79495 |908 |29092 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79496 |908 |29091 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79497 |908 |29090 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79498 |909 |29135 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79499 |909 |29134 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79500 |909 |29132 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79501 |909 |29125 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79502 |909 |29131 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79503 |909 |29130 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79504 |909 |29129 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79505 |909 |29128 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79506 |909 |29127 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79507 |910 |29172 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79508 |910 |29171 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79509 |910 |29169 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79510 |910 |29162 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79511 |910 |29168 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79512 |910 |29167 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79513 |910 |29166 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79514 |910 |29165 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79515 |910 |29164 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79516 |905 |29198 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79517 |906 |29199 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79518 |907 |29200 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79519 |917 |29104 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79520 |917 |29105 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79521 |918 |29141 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79522 |918 |29142 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79523 |919 |29178 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79524 |919 |29179 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79525 |914 |31270 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79526 |915 |31271 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79527 |916 |31272 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79528 |923 |29118 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79529 |923 |29119 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79530 |923 |29117 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79531 |924 |29155 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79532 |924 |29156 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79533 |924 |29154 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79534 |925 |29192 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79535 |925 |29193 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79536 |925 |29191 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79537 |920 |29107 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79538 |920 |29106 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79539 |921 |29144 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79540 |921 |29143 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79541 |922 |29181 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79542 |922 |29180 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79543 |902 |29096 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79544 |902 |29101 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79545 |902 |29100 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79546 |902 |29087 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79547 |903 |29133 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79548 |903 |29138 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79549 |903 |29137 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79550 |903 |29124 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79551 |904 |29170 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79552 |904 |29175 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79553 |904 |29174 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79554 |904 |29161 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79555 |1223 |31307 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79556 |1223 |31308 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79557 |1224 |31310 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79558 |1224 |31311 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79559 |1225 |31314 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79560 |1225 |31317 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79561 |1226 |31320 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79562 |1226 |31323 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79563 |1227 |31313 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79564 |1227 |31316 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79565 |1228 |31319 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79566 |1228 |31322 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79567 |926 |29356 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |79568 |926 |29355 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |79569 |927 |29370 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |79570 |927 |29369 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |79571 |934 |29361 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79572 |934 |29362 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79573 |934 |29363 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79574 |934 |29364 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79575 |934 |29365 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79576 |934 |29366 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79577 |935 |29375 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79578 |935 |29376 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79579 |935 |29377 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79580 |935 |29378 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79581 |935 |29379 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79582 |935 |29380 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79583 |942 |29275 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79584 |942 |29288 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79585 |943 |29312 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79586 |943 |29325 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79587 |940 |29284 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79588 |940 |29283 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79589 |940 |29281 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79590 |940 |29274 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79591 |940 |29280 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79592 |940 |29279 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79593 |940 |29278 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79594 |940 |29277 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79595 |940 |29276 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79596 |941 |29321 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79597 |941 |29320 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79598 |941 |29318 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79599 |941 |29311 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79600 |941 |29317 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79601 |941 |29316 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79602 |941 |29315 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79603 |941 |29314 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79604 |941 |29313 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79605 |938 |29347 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79606 |939 |29348 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79607 |946 |29290 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79608 |946 |29291 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79609 |947 |29327 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79610 |947 |29328 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79611 |944 |31303 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79612 |945 |31304 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79613 |950 |29304 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79614 |950 |29305 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79615 |950 |29303 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79616 |951 |29341 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79617 |951 |29342 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79618 |951 |29340 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79619 |948 |29293 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79620 |948 |29292 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79621 |949 |29330 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79622 |949 |29329 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79623 |936 |29282 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79624 |936 |29287 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79625 |936 |29286 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79626 |936 |29273 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79627 |937 |29319 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79628 |937 |29324 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79629 |937 |29323 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79630 |937 |29310 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79631 |952 |29436 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79632 |952 |29437 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79633 |952 |29438 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79634 |952 |29439 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79635 |952 |29441 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79636 |952 |29440 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79637 |955 |29434 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79638 |955 |29435 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79639 |954 |29448 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79640 |954 |29449 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79641 |956 |29452 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79642 |956 |29453 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79643 |953 |29446 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |79644 |953 |29432 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |79645 |960 |29405 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79646 |960 |29406 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79647 |959 |29426 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79648 |959 |29413 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79649 |959 |29411 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79650 |959 |29410 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79651 |959 |29399 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79652 |959 |29409 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79653 |959 |29412 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79654 |959 |29408 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79655 |959 |29407 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79656 |958 |29427 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79657 |962 |29403 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79658 |962 |29402 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79659 |961 |29396 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79660 |963 |29400 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79661 |963 |29401 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79662 |957 |29420 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79663 |957 |29419 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79664 |957 |29418 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79665 |957 |29417 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79666 |866 |29014 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79667 |866 |29015 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79668 |867 |29031 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79669 |867 |29032 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79670 |868 |29018 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79671 |868 |29019 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79672 |868 |29022 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79673 |868 |29023 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79674 |868 |29020 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79675 |868 |29024 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79676 |868 |29021 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79677 |868 |29025 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79678 |868 |29026 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79679 |869 |29035 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79680 |869 |29036 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79681 |869 |29039 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79682 |869 |29040 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79683 |869 |29037 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79684 |869 |29041 |0 |5 |6C59DC|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79685 |869 |29038 |0 |6 |AC8C14|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79686 |869 |29042 |0 |7 |611F27|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79687 |869 |29043 |0 |8 |F230E0|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79688 |870 |29048 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79689 |871 |29049 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79690 |872 |29028 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |79691 |872 |29027 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |79692 |873 |29045 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |79693 |873 |29044 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |79694 |882 |28992 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79695 |882 |28991 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79696 |883 |29007 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79697 |883 |29006 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79698 |876 |28982 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79699 |876 |28983 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79700 |877 |28997 |2 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79701 |877 |28998 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79702 |874 |28978 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79703 |875 |28993 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79704 |878 |28985 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79705 |878 |28984 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79706 |879 |29000 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79707 |879 |28999 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79708 |880 |28987 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79709 |880 |28988 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79710 |880 |28989 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79711 |880 |28990 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79712 |881 |29002 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79713 |881 |29003 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79714 |881 |29004 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79715 |881 |29005 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79716 |964 |29513 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |79717 |964 |29512 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |79718 |965 |29522 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |79719 |965 |29521 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |79720 |1839 |36585 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79721 |1839 |36588 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79722 |1839 |36587 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79723 |1839 |36584 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79724 |1839 |36586 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79725 |1839 |36583 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79726 |1840 |36591 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79727 |1840 |36594 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79728 |1840 |36593 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79729 |1840 |36590 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79730 |1840 |36592 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79731 |1840 |36589 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79732 |1366 |32445 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79733 |1366 |32448 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79734 |1367 |32449 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79735 |1367 |32452 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79736 |1368 |32446 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79737 |1368 |32447 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79738 |1369 |32450 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79739 |1369 |32451 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79740 |1229 |31337 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79741 |1229 |31338 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79742 |1230 |31341 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79743 |1230 |31342 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79744 |1231 |31336 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79745 |1231 |36630 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79746 |1232 |31340 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79747 |1232 |36631 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79748 |974 |29456 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79749 |974 |29455 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79750 |975 |29482 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79751 |975 |29481 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79752 |976 |29458 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79753 |976 |29457 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79754 |977 |29484 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79755 |977 |29483 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79756 |972 |29454 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79757 |973 |29480 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79758 |978 |29462 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79759 |979 |29488 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79760 |980 |31327 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79761 |980 |29466 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79762 |981 |31330 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79763 |981 |29492 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79764 |982 |29620 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |79765 |982 |29619 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |79766 |983 |29629 |0 |0 |969696|0 |9 |2 |
+ROW |79767 |983 |29628 |0 |1 |C80000|0 |9 |0 |
+ROW |79768 |1841 |36607 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79769 |1841 |36610 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79770 |1841 |36609 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79771 |1841 |36606 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79772 |1841 |36608 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79773 |1841 |36605 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79774 |1842 |36613 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79775 |1842 |36616 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79776 |1842 |36615 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79777 |1842 |36612 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79778 |1842 |36614 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79779 |1842 |36611 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79780 |1370 |32453 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79781 |1370 |32456 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79782 |1371 |32457 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79783 |1371 |32460 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79784 |1372 |32454 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79785 |1372 |32455 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79786 |1373 |32458 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79787 |1373 |32459 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79788 |1233 |31355 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79789 |1233 |31356 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79790 |1234 |31359 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79791 |1234 |31360 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79792 |1235 |31354 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79793 |1235 |36632 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79794 |1236 |31358 |0 |0 |1A7C11|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79795 |1236 |36633 |5 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79796 |992 |29563 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79797 |992 |29562 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79798 |993 |29589 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79799 |993 |29588 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79800 |994 |29565 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79801 |994 |29564 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79802 |995 |29591 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79803 |995 |29590 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79804 |990 |29561 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79805 |991 |29587 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79806 |996 |29569 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79807 |997 |29595 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79808 |998 |31345 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79809 |998 |29573 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79810 |999 |31348 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79811 |999 |29599 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79812 |1489 |33568 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79813 |1490 |33581 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79814 |1490 |33569 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79815 |1491 |33583 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79816 |1491 |33579 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79817 |1492 |33619 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79818 |1493 |33632 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79819 |1493 |33620 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79820 |1494 |33634 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79821 |1494 |33630 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79822 |1495 |33670 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79823 |1496 |33683 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79824 |1496 |33671 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79825 |1497 |33685 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79826 |1497 |33681 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79827 |1498 |33721 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79828 |1499 |33734 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79829 |1499 |33722 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79830 |1500 |33736 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79831 |1500 |33732 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79832 |1501 |33772 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79833 |1502 |33785 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79834 |1502 |33773 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79835 |1503 |33787 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79836 |1503 |33783 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79837 |1504 |33823 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79838 |1505 |33836 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79839 |1505 |33824 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79840 |1506 |33838 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79841 |1506 |33834 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79842 |1507 |33874 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79843 |1508 |33887 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79844 |1508 |33875 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79845 |1509 |33889 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79846 |1509 |33885 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79847 |1510 |33925 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79848 |1481 |33445 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79849 |1481 |33433 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79850 |1482 |33447 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79851 |1482 |33443 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79852 |1511 |33930 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79853 |1512 |33943 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79854 |1512 |33931 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79855 |1513 |33945 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79856 |1513 |33941 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79857 |1514 |33981 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79858 |1515 |33994 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79859 |1515 |33982 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79860 |1516 |33996 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79861 |1516 |33992 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79862 |1517 |34032 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79863 |1518 |34045 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79864 |1518 |34033 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79865 |1519 |34047 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79866 |1519 |34043 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79867 |1403 |32790 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79868 |1404 |32809 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79869 |1404 |32807 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79870 |1404 |32811 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79871 |1405 |32804 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79872 |1405 |32805 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79873 |1405 |32806 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79874 |1406 |32810 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79875 |1406 |32808 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79876 |1406 |32812 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79877 |1407 |32815 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79878 |1408 |32819 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79879 |1408 |32817 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79880 |1408 |32821 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79881 |1409 |32820 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79882 |1409 |32818 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79883 |1409 |32822 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79884 |1410 |32828 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79885 |1410 |32827 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79886 |1410 |32823 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79887 |1411 |32777 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79888 |1411 |32778 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79889 |1483 |33525 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79890 |1483 |33524 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79891 |1483 |33523 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79892 |1483 |33522 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79893 |1484 |33564 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79894 |1484 |33554 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79895 |1485 |33500 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79896 |1485 |33507 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79897 |1485 |33509 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79898 |1485 |33508 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79899 |1486 |33480 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79900 |1486 |33491 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79901 |1486 |33488 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79902 |1486 |33489 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79903 |1487 |33506 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79904 |1487 |33505 |0 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79905 |1487 |33512 |0 |2 |F63100|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79906 |1487 |33504 |0 |3 |A54F10|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79907 |1387 |32632 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79908 |1388 |32635 |1 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79909 |1388 |32635 |1 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79910 |1389 |32643 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79911 |1389 |32646 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79912 |1389 |32645 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79913 |1389 |32642 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79914 |1389 |32644 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79915 |1389 |32641 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79916 |1142 |30689 |0 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79917 |1676 |34973 |5 |0 |1A7C11|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79918 |1676 |34978 |2 |1 |2774A4|0 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79919 |1676 |34976 |0 |2 |F63100|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79920 |1676 |34971 |0 |3 |A54F10|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79921 |1676 |34975 |0 |4 |FC6EA3|1 |2 |0 |
+ROW |79922 |1676 |34970 |0 |5 |6C59DC|1 |2 |0 |
TABLE |hostmacro
FIELDS|hostmacroid|hostid|macro |value |description |type|
@@ -23887,8 +24151,6 @@ ROW |764 |10259 |{$TEMP_CRIT}
ROW |765 |10259 |{$TEMP_WARN} |50 | |0 |
ROW |769 |10261 |{$ADDRESS} | | |0 |
ROW |770 |10261 |{$PORT} | | |0 |
-ROW |771 |10262 |{$ADDRESS} | | |0 |
-ROW |772 |10262 |{$PORT} | | |0 |
ROW |787 |10263 |{$PG.CACHE_HITRATIO.MIN.WARN} |90 | |0 |
ROW |788 |10263 |{$PG.CHECKPOINTS_REQ.MAX.WARN} |5 | |0 |
ROW |789 |10263 |{$PG.CONFLICTS.MAX.WARN} |0 | |0 |
@@ -24448,8 +24710,8 @@ ROW |1420 |10333 |{$ORACLE.PGA.USE.MAX.WARN}
ROW |1421 |10333 |{$ORACLE.PROCESSES.MAX.WARN} |80 |Maximum percentage of active processes alert threshold (for trigger expression). |0 |
ROW |1422 |10333 |{$ORACLE.REDO.MIN.WARN} |3 |Minimum number of REDO logs alert threshold (for trigger expression). |0 |
ROW |1423 |10333 |{$ORACLE.SERVICE} |ORA |Oracle Service Name |0 |
-ROW |1424 |10333 |{$ORACLE.SESSION.LOCK.MAX.TIME} |600 |Maximum session lock duration in seconds for count the session as a prolongely locked query. |0 |
-ROW |1425 |10333 |{$ORACLE.SESSION.LONG.LOCK.MAX.WARN} |3 |Maximum number of the prolongely locked sessions alert threshold (for trigger expression). |0 |
+ROW |1424 |10333 |{$ORACLE.SESSION.LOCK.MAX.TIME} |600 |Maximum session lock duration in seconds for count the session as a prolongedly locked query. |0 |
+ROW |1425 |10333 |{$ORACLE.SESSION.LONG.LOCK.MAX.WARN} |3 |Maximum number of the prolongedly locked sessions alert threshold (for trigger expression). |0 |
ROW |1426 |10333 |{$ORACLE.SESSIONS.LOCK.MAX.WARN} |20 |Maximum percentage of locked sessions alert threshold (for trigger expression). |0 |
ROW |1427 |10333 |{$ORACLE.SESSIONS.MAX.WARN} |80 |Maximum percentage of active sessions alert threshold (for trigger expression). |0 |
ROW |1428 |10333 |{$ORACLE.SHARED.FREE.MIN.WARN} |5 |Minimum percentage of free shared pool alert threshold (for trigger expression). |0 |
@@ -24634,7 +24896,6 @@ ROW |1614 |10350 |{$ACTIVEMQ.DESTINATION.CONSUMERS.MIN.HIGH}
ROW |1615 |10350 |{$ACTIVEMQ.DESTINATION.CONSUMERS.MIN.TIME} |10m |Time during which there may be no consumers in destination. Can be used with destination name as context. |0 |
ROW |1616 |10350 |{$ACTIVEMQ.DESTINATION.PRODUCERS.MIN.HIGH} |1 |Minimum amount of producers for destination. Can be used with destination name as context. |0 |
ROW |1617 |10350 |{$ACTIVEMQ.DESTINATION.PRODUCERS.MIN.TIME} |10m |Time during which there may be no producers on destination. Can be used with destination name as context. |0 |
-ROW |1618 |10350 |{$ACTIVEMQ.EXPIRIED.WARN} |0 |Threshold for expiried messages count. Can be used with destination name as context. |0 |
ROW |1619 |10350 |{$ACTIVEMQ.LLD.FILTER.BROKER.MATCHES} |.* |Filter of discoverable discovered brokers |0 |
ROW |1620 |10350 |{$ACTIVEMQ.LLD.FILTER.BROKER.NOT_MATCHES} |CHANGE IF NEEDED |Filter to exclude discovered brokers |0 |
ROW |1621 |10350 |{$ACTIVEMQ.LLD.FILTER.DESTINATION.MATCHES} |.* |Filter of discoverable discovered destinations |0 |
@@ -25769,6 +26030,50 @@ ROW |2792 |10433 |{$PG.LLD.FILTER.DBNAME}
ROW |2793 |10433 |{$PG.PASSWORD} |postgres | |0 |
ROW |2794 |10433 |{$PG.URI} |tcp://localhost:5432 | |0 |
ROW |2795 |10433 |{$PG.USER} |postgres | |0 |
+ROW |2796 |10350 |{$ACTIVEMQ.EXPIRED.WARN} |0 |Threshold for expired messages count. Can be used with destination name as context. |0 |
+ROW |2797 |10434 |{$CPU.UTIL.CRIT} |90 |Threshold of CPU utilization for warning trigger in %. |0 |
+ROW |2798 |10434 |{$ICMP_LOSS_WARN} |20 |Threshold of ICMP packets loss for warning trigger in %. |0 |
+ROW |2799 |10434 |{$ICMP_RESPONSE_TIME_WARN} |0.15 |Threshold of average ICMP response time for warning trigger in seconds. |0 |
+ROW |2800 |10434 |{$IF.ERRORS.WARN} |2 |Threshold of error packets rate for warning trigger. Can be used with interface name as context. |0 |
+ROW |2801 |10434 |{$IF.UTIL.MAX} |90 |Threshold of interface bandwidth utilization for warning trigger in %. Can be used with interface name as context. |0 |
+ROW |2802 |10434 |{$IFCONTROL} |1 |Macro for operational state of the interface for link down trigger. Can be used with interface name as context. |0 |
+ROW |2803 |10434 |{$LOAD_AVG_PER_CPU.MAX.WARN} |1.5 |Load per CPU considered sustainable. Tune if needed. |0 |
+ROW |2804 |10434 |{$MEMORY.AVAILABLE.MIN} |20M |Threshold of available memory for trigger in bytes. |0 |
+ROW |2805 |10434 |{$MEMORY.UTIL.MAX} |90 |Threshold of memory utilization for trigger in % |0 |
+ROW |2806 |10434 |{$NET.IF.IFADMINSTATUS.MATCHES} |^.* |This macro is used in filters of network interfaces discovery rule. |0 |
+ROW |2807 |10434 |{$NET.IF.IFADMINSTATUS.NOT_MATCHES} |^2$ |Ignore down(2) administrative status |0 |
+ROW |2808 |10434 |{$NET.IF.IFALIAS.MATCHES} |.* |This macro is used in filters of network interfaces discovery rule. |0 |
+ROW |2809 |10434 |{$NET.IF.IFALIAS.NOT_MATCHES} |CHANGE_IF_NEEDED |This macro is used in filters of network interfaces discovery rule. |0 |
+ROW |2810 |10434 |{$NET.IF.IFDESCR.MATCHES} |.* |This macro used in filters of network interfaces discovery rule. |0 |
+ROW |2811 |10434 |{$NET.IF.IFDESCR.NOT_MATCHES} |CHANGE_IF_NEEDED |This macro used in filters of network interfaces discovery rule. |0 |
+ROW |2812 |10434 |{$NET.IF.IFNAME.MATCHES} |^em[0-9]+$ |This macro used in filters of network interfaces discovery rule. |0 |
+ROW |2813 |10434 |{$NET.IF.IFNAME.NOT_MATCHES} |^$ |This macro used in filters of network interfaces discovery rule. |0 |
+ROW |2814 |10434 |{$NET.IF.IFOPERSTATUS.MATCHES} |^.*$ |This macro used in filters of network interfaces discovery rule. |0 |
+ROW |2815 |10434 |{$NET.IF.IFOPERSTATUS.NOT_MATCHES} |^6$ |Ignore notPresent(6) |0 |
+ROW |2816 |10434 |{$NET.IF.IFTYPE.MATCHES} |.* |This macro used in filters of network interfaces discovery rule. |0 |
+ROW |2817 |10434 |{$NET.IF.IFTYPE.NOT_MATCHES} |CHANGE_IF_NEEDED |This macro used in filters of network interfaces discovery rule. |0 |
+ROW |2818 |10434 |{$SNMP.TIMEOUT} |5m |The time interval for SNMP availability trigger. |0 |
+ROW |2819 |10434 |{$SOURCE.TRACKING.TABLE.UTIL.MAX} |90 |Threshold of source tracking table utilization trigger in %. |0 |
+ROW |2820 |10434 |{$STATE.TABLE.UTIL.MAX} |90 |Threshold of state table utilization trigger in %. |0 |
+ROW |2821 |10434 |{$SWAP.PFREE.MIN.WARN} |50 |Threshold of free swap space for warning trigger in %. |0 |
+ROW |2822 |10434 |{$VFS.DEV.DEVNAME.MATCHES} |.+ |This macro is used in block devices discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level |0 |
+ROW |2823 |10434 |{$VFS.DEV.DEVNAME.NOT_MATCHES} |^(loop[0-9]*&pipe;sd[a-z][0-9]+&pipe;nbd[0-9]+&pipe;sr[0-9]+&pipe;fd[0-9]+&pipe;dm-[0-9]+&pipe;ram[0-9]+&pipe;ploop[a-z0-9]+&pipe;md[0-9]*&pipe;hcp[0-9]*&pipe;cd[0-9]*&pipe;pass[0-9]*&pipe;zram[0-9]*) |This macro is used in block devices discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level |0 |
+ROW |2824 |10434 |{$VFS.FS.FSNAME.MATCHES} |.+ |This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level |0 |
+ROW |2825 |10434 |{$VFS.FS.FSNAME.NOT_MATCHES} |^(/dev&pipe;/sys&pipe;/run&pipe;/var/run&pipe;/proc&pipe;.+/shm$) |This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level |0 |
+ROW |2826 |10434 |{$VFS.FS.FSTYPE.MATCHES} |.*(9.3&pipe;hrFSBerkeleyFFS)$ |This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level |0 |
+ROW |2827 |10434 |{$VFS.FS.FSTYPE.NOT_MATCHES} |^\s$ |This macro is used in filesystems discovery. Can be overridden on the host or linked template level |0 |
+ROW |2828 |10434 |{$VFS.FS.INODE.PFREE.MIN.CRIT} |10 |Threshold of inodes usage for average severity trigger in %. Can be used with filesystem name as context. |0 |
+ROW |2829 |10434 |{$VFS.FS.INODE.PFREE.MIN.WARN} |20 |Threshold of inodes usage for warning trigger in %. Can be used with filesystem name as context. |0 |
+ROW |2830 |10434 |{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.CRIT} |90 |Threshold of filesystem used space for average severity trigger in %. Can be used with filesystem name as context. |0 |
+ROW |2831 |10434 |{$VFS.FS.PUSED.MAX.WARN} |80 |Threshold of used filesystem space for warning trigger in %. Can be used with filesystem name as context. |0 |
+ROW |2832 |10048 |{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX} |75 |Maximum average percentage of time processes busy in the last minute (default is 75). |0 |
+ROW |2833 |10048 |{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN} |65 |Minimum average percentage of time processes busy in the last minute (default is 65). |0 |
+ROW |2834 |10262 |{$ZABBIX.PROXY.ADDRESS} | |IP/DNS/network mask list of proxies to be remotely queried (default is |0 |
+ROW |2835 |10262 |{$ZABBIX.PROXY.PORT} |10051 |Port of proxy to be remotely queried (default is 10051). |0 |
+ROW |2836 |10262 |{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MAX} |75 |Maximum average percentage of time processes busy in the last minute (default is 75). |0 |
+ROW |2837 |10262 |{$ZABBIX.PROXY.UTIL.MIN} |65 |Minimum average percentage of time processes busy in the last minute (default is 65). |0 |
+ROW |2838 |10432 |{$PG.PASSWORD} | |Please set user's password in this macro. |0 |
+ROW |2839 |10417 |{$IFCONTROL} |1 | |0 |
TABLE |hosts_groups
@@ -25943,11 +26248,6 @@ ROW |387 |10360 |12 |
ROW |388 |10361 |12 |
ROW |389 |10362 |13 |
ROW |390 |10363 |13 |
-ROW |391 |10366 |8 |
-ROW |392 |10367 |8 |
-ROW |393 |10368 |8 |
-ROW |394 |10369 |8 |
-ROW |395 |10370 |8 |
ROW |396 |10371 |17 |
ROW |397 |10372 |16 |
ROW |398 |10373 |17 |
@@ -26007,6 +26307,12 @@ ROW |455 |10430 |9 |
ROW |456 |10431 |9 |
ROW |457 |10432 |13 |
ROW |458 |10433 |13 |
+ROW |459 |10434 |12 |
+ROW |460 |10366 |9 |
+ROW |461 |10367 |9 |
+ROW |462 |10368 |9 |
+ROW |463 |10369 |9 |
+ROW |464 |10370 |9 |
TABLE |hosts_templates
@@ -26567,4753 +26873,4845 @@ ROW |145529 |1337 |31237 |
ROW |145530 |1337 |31238 |
ROW |145531 |1337 |31239 |
ROW |145532 |1337 |32596 |
-ROW |152932 |1116 |28743 |
-ROW |152933 |1116 |28744 |
-ROW |152934 |1116 |28745 |
-ROW |152935 |1116 |28746 |
-ROW |152936 |1116 |28747 |
-ROW |152937 |1116 |28748 |
-ROW |152938 |1117 |30896 |
-ROW |152939 |1116 |30897 |
-ROW |152940 |1116 |30898 |
-ROW |152941 |1116 |30899 |
-ROW |152942 |1116 |30900 |
-ROW |152943 |1116 |30901 |
-ROW |152944 |1116 |30902 |
-ROW |152945 |1116 |30903 |
-ROW |152946 |1116 |30904 |
-ROW |152947 |1116 |30905 |
-ROW |152948 |1116 |30906 |
-ROW |152949 |1116 |30907 |
-ROW |152950 |1116 |30908 |
-ROW |152951 |1116 |30909 |
-ROW |152952 |1116 |30910 |
-ROW |152953 |1116 |30911 |
-ROW |152954 |1116 |30912 |
-ROW |152955 |1116 |30913 |
-ROW |152956 |1116 |30914 |
-ROW |152957 |1116 |30915 |
-ROW |152958 |1116 |30917 |
-ROW |152959 |1116 |30918 |
-ROW |152960 |1116 |30919 |
-ROW |152961 |1116 |30920 |
-ROW |152962 |1116 |30921 |
-ROW |152963 |1116 |30922 |
-ROW |152964 |1119 |28775 |
-ROW |152965 |1118 |28776 |
-ROW |152966 |1118 |28777 |
-ROW |152967 |1118 |28778 |
-ROW |152968 |1118 |28779 |
-ROW |152969 |1118 |28780 |
-ROW |152970 |1118 |28781 |
-ROW |152971 |1118 |28782 |
-ROW |152972 |1118 |28783 |
-ROW |152973 |1118 |28784 |
-ROW |152974 |1118 |28785 |
-ROW |152975 |1118 |28786 |
-ROW |152976 |1118 |28787 |
-ROW |152977 |1118 |28788 |
-ROW |152978 |1118 |28789 |
-ROW |152979 |1118 |28790 |
-ROW |152980 |1118 |28791 |
-ROW |152981 |1118 |28792 |
-ROW |152982 |1118 |28793 |
-ROW |152983 |1118 |28794 |
-ROW |152984 |1118 |28795 |
-ROW |152985 |1118 |28796 |
-ROW |152986 |1118 |28798 |
-ROW |152987 |1118 |28799 |
-ROW |152988 |1118 |28800 |
-ROW |152989 |1118 |28801 |
-ROW |152990 |1118 |28802 |
-ROW |152991 |1118 |28803 |
-ROW |152992 |1349 |31800 |
-ROW |152993 |1349 |31801 |
-ROW |152994 |1349 |31802 |
-ROW |152995 |1348 |31803 |
-ROW |152996 |1349 |31804 |
-ROW |152997 |1348 |31805 |
-ROW |152998 |1348 |31806 |
-ROW |152999 |1348 |31807 |
-ROW |153000 |1348 |31808 |
-ROW |153001 |1348 |31809 |
-ROW |153002 |1348 |31810 |
-ROW |153003 |1348 |31811 |
-ROW |153004 |1348 |31812 |
-ROW |153005 |1348 |31813 |
-ROW |153006 |1348 |31814 |
-ROW |153007 |1348 |31815 |
-ROW |153008 |1348 |31816 |
-ROW |153009 |1348 |31817 |
-ROW |153010 |1348 |31818 |
-ROW |153011 |1348 |31819 |
-ROW |153012 |1348 |31820 |
-ROW |153013 |1348 |31821 |
-ROW |153014 |1348 |31822 |
-ROW |153015 |1348 |31823 |
-ROW |153016 |1348 |31824 |
-ROW |153017 |1348 |31825 |
-ROW |153018 |1348 |31826 |
-ROW |153019 |1348 |31827 |
-ROW |153020 |1348 |31828 |
-ROW |153021 |1348 |31829 |
-ROW |153022 |1348 |31830 |
-ROW |153023 |1348 |31831 |
-ROW |153024 |1348 |31832 |
-ROW |153025 |1348 |31833 |
-ROW |153026 |1348 |31834 |
-ROW |153027 |1348 |31835 |
-ROW |153028 |1348 |31836 |
-ROW |153029 |1348 |31837 |
-ROW |153030 |1348 |31838 |
-ROW |153031 |1348 |31839 |
-ROW |153032 |1348 |31840 |
-ROW |153033 |1348 |31841 |
-ROW |153034 |1348 |31842 |
-ROW |153035 |1348 |31843 |
-ROW |153036 |1348 |31844 |
-ROW |153037 |1348 |31845 |
-ROW |153038 |1348 |31846 |
-ROW |153039 |1348 |31847 |
-ROW |153040 |1348 |31848 |
-ROW |153041 |1348 |31849 |
-ROW |153042 |1348 |31850 |
-ROW |153043 |1753 |35772 |
-ROW |153044 |1752 |35773 |
-ROW |153045 |1752 |35774 |
-ROW |153046 |1752 |35775 |
-ROW |153047 |1752 |35776 |
-ROW |153048 |1752 |35777 |
-ROW |153049 |1752 |35778 |
-ROW |153050 |1752 |35779 |
-ROW |153051 |1752 |35780 |
-ROW |153052 |1752 |35781 |
-ROW |153053 |1752 |35782 |
-ROW |153054 |1752 |35783 |
-ROW |153055 |1752 |35784 |
-ROW |153056 |1319 |30527 |
-ROW |153057 |1319 |30528 |
-ROW |153058 |1319 |30529 |
-ROW |153059 |1318 |30530 |
-ROW |153060 |1319 |30531 |
-ROW |153061 |1318 |30532 |
-ROW |153062 |1318 |30533 |
-ROW |153063 |1318 |30534 |
-ROW |153064 |1318 |30535 |
-ROW |153065 |1318 |30536 |
-ROW |153066 |1318 |30537 |
-ROW |153067 |1318 |30538 |
-ROW |153068 |1318 |30539 |
-ROW |153069 |1318 |30540 |
-ROW |153070 |1318 |30541 |
-ROW |153071 |1318 |30542 |
-ROW |153072 |1318 |30543 |
-ROW |153073 |1318 |30544 |
-ROW |153074 |1318 |30545 |
-ROW |153075 |1318 |30546 |
-ROW |153076 |1318 |30547 |
-ROW |153077 |1318 |30548 |
-ROW |153078 |1318 |30549 |
-ROW |153079 |1318 |30550 |
-ROW |153080 |1318 |30551 |
-ROW |153081 |1318 |30552 |
-ROW |153082 |1318 |30553 |
-ROW |153083 |1318 |30554 |
-ROW |153084 |1318 |30555 |
-ROW |153085 |1318 |30556 |
-ROW |153086 |1318 |30557 |
-ROW |153087 |1318 |30558 |
-ROW |153088 |1318 |30559 |
-ROW |153089 |1318 |30560 |
-ROW |153090 |1318 |30561 |
-ROW |153091 |1318 |30562 |
-ROW |153092 |1318 |30563 |
-ROW |153093 |1318 |30564 |
-ROW |153094 |1318 |30565 |
-ROW |153095 |1318 |30566 |
-ROW |153096 |1318 |30567 |
-ROW |153097 |1318 |30568 |
-ROW |153098 |1318 |30569 |
-ROW |153099 |1318 |30570 |
-ROW |153100 |1326 |30690 |
-ROW |153101 |1327 |30691 |
-ROW |153102 |1326 |30692 |
-ROW |153103 |1327 |30693 |
-ROW |153104 |1327 |30694 |
-ROW |153105 |1326 |30695 |
-ROW |153106 |1326 |30696 |
-ROW |153107 |1326 |30697 |
-ROW |153108 |1326 |30698 |
-ROW |153109 |1326 |30699 |
-ROW |153110 |1326 |30700 |
-ROW |153111 |1326 |30701 |
-ROW |153112 |1326 |30702 |
-ROW |153113 |1326 |30703 |
-ROW |153114 |1326 |30704 |
-ROW |153115 |1326 |30705 |
-ROW |153116 |1326 |30706 |
-ROW |153117 |1326 |30707 |
-ROW |153118 |1326 |30708 |
-ROW |153119 |1326 |30709 |
-ROW |153120 |1326 |30710 |
-ROW |153121 |1326 |30711 |
-ROW |153122 |1326 |30712 |
-ROW |153123 |1327 |30719 |
-ROW |153124 |1327 |30739 |
-ROW |153125 |1327 |30743 |
-ROW |153126 |1327 |30744 |
-ROW |153127 |1327 |30746 |
-ROW |153128 |1327 |30747 |
-ROW |153129 |1327 |30754 |
-ROW |153130 |1327 |30756 |
-ROW |153131 |1331 |30923 |
-ROW |153132 |1331 |30924 |
-ROW |153133 |1332 |30925 |
-ROW |153134 |1332 |30926 |
-ROW |153135 |1331 |30927 |
-ROW |153136 |1331 |30928 |
-ROW |153137 |1331 |30929 |
-ROW |153138 |1331 |30930 |
-ROW |153139 |1331 |30931 |
-ROW |153140 |1331 |30932 |
-ROW |153141 |1331 |30933 |
-ROW |153142 |1331 |30934 |
-ROW |153143 |1331 |30935 |
-ROW |153144 |1331 |30936 |
-ROW |153145 |1331 |30937 |
-ROW |153146 |1331 |30938 |
-ROW |153147 |1331 |30939 |
-ROW |153148 |1331 |30940 |
-ROW |153149 |1331 |30941 |
-ROW |153150 |1331 |30942 |
-ROW |153151 |1331 |30943 |
-ROW |153152 |1331 |30944 |
-ROW |153153 |1331 |30945 |
-ROW |153154 |1331 |30946 |
-ROW |153155 |1331 |30947 |
-ROW |153156 |1331 |30948 |
-ROW |153157 |1331 |30949 |
-ROW |153158 |1331 |30950 |
-ROW |153159 |1331 |30951 |
-ROW |153160 |1331 |30952 |
-ROW |153161 |1331 |30953 |
-ROW |153162 |1331 |30954 |
-ROW |153163 |1331 |30955 |
-ROW |153164 |1331 |30956 |
-ROW |153165 |1331 |30957 |
-ROW |153166 |1331 |30958 |
-ROW |153167 |1331 |30959 |
-ROW |153168 |1331 |30960 |
-ROW |153169 |1331 |30963 |
-ROW |153170 |1411 |32486 |
-ROW |153171 |1411 |32487 |
-ROW |153172 |1411 |32488 |
-ROW |153173 |1411 |32489 |
-ROW |153174 |1411 |32490 |
-ROW |153175 |1411 |32491 |
-ROW |153176 |1411 |32492 |
-ROW |153177 |1411 |32493 |
-ROW |153178 |1411 |32494 |
-ROW |153179 |1411 |32498 |
-ROW |153180 |1411 |32499 |
-ROW |153181 |1411 |32500 |
-ROW |153182 |1412 |32516 |
-ROW |153183 |1412 |32517 |
-ROW |153184 |1412 |32518 |
-ROW |153185 |1412 |32519 |
-ROW |153186 |1412 |32520 |
-ROW |153187 |1412 |32521 |
-ROW |153188 |1412 |32522 |
-ROW |153189 |1412 |32523 |
-ROW |153190 |1412 |32524 |
-ROW |153191 |1412 |32528 |
-ROW |153192 |1412 |32529 |
-ROW |153193 |1412 |32530 |
-ROW |153194 |1341 |31499 |
-ROW |153195 |1341 |31500 |
-ROW |153196 |1341 |31501 |
-ROW |153197 |1341 |31502 |
-ROW |153198 |1341 |31503 |
-ROW |153199 |1341 |31504 |
-ROW |153200 |1341 |31505 |
-ROW |153201 |1341 |31506 |
-ROW |153202 |1341 |31507 |
-ROW |153203 |1341 |31508 |
-ROW |153204 |1341 |31509 |
-ROW |153205 |1341 |31510 |
-ROW |153206 |1341 |31511 |
-ROW |153207 |1341 |31512 |
-ROW |153208 |1341 |31513 |
-ROW |153209 |1341 |31514 |
-ROW |153210 |1341 |31515 |
-ROW |153211 |1341 |31516 |
-ROW |153212 |1341 |31517 |
-ROW |153213 |1341 |31518 |
-ROW |153214 |1341 |31519 |
-ROW |153215 |1341 |31520 |
-ROW |153216 |1341 |31521 |
-ROW |153217 |1341 |31522 |
-ROW |153218 |1341 |31523 |
-ROW |153219 |1341 |31524 |
-ROW |153220 |1341 |31525 |
-ROW |153221 |1341 |31526 |
-ROW |153222 |1341 |31527 |
-ROW |153223 |1341 |31528 |
-ROW |153224 |1341 |31529 |
-ROW |153225 |1341 |31530 |
-ROW |153226 |1341 |31531 |
-ROW |153227 |1341 |31532 |
-ROW |153228 |1341 |31533 |
-ROW |153229 |1341 |31534 |
-ROW |153230 |1341 |31535 |
-ROW |153231 |1341 |31536 |
-ROW |153232 |1341 |31537 |
-ROW |153233 |1341 |31538 |
-ROW |153234 |1341 |31539 |
-ROW |153235 |1341 |31540 |
-ROW |153236 |1341 |31541 |
-ROW |153237 |1341 |31542 |
-ROW |153238 |1341 |31543 |
-ROW |153239 |1341 |31544 |
-ROW |153240 |1341 |31545 |
-ROW |153241 |1341 |31546 |
-ROW |153242 |1341 |31547 |
-ROW |153243 |1341 |31548 |
-ROW |153244 |1341 |31549 |
-ROW |153245 |1341 |31550 |
-ROW |153246 |1341 |31551 |
-ROW |153247 |1341 |31552 |
-ROW |153248 |1341 |31553 |
-ROW |153249 |1358 |32012 |
-ROW |153250 |1358 |32013 |
-ROW |153251 |1357 |32014 |
-ROW |153252 |1357 |32015 |
-ROW |153253 |1357 |32016 |
-ROW |153254 |1358 |32017 |
-ROW |153255 |1357 |32018 |
-ROW |153256 |1358 |32019 |
-ROW |153257 |1357 |32020 |
-ROW |153258 |1357 |32021 |
-ROW |153259 |1357 |32022 |
-ROW |153260 |1357 |32023 |
-ROW |153261 |1357 |32024 |
-ROW |153262 |1357 |32025 |
-ROW |153263 |1357 |32026 |
-ROW |153264 |1357 |32027 |
-ROW |153265 |1357 |32028 |
-ROW |153266 |1357 |32029 |
-ROW |153267 |1357 |32030 |
-ROW |153268 |1357 |32031 |
-ROW |153269 |1357 |32032 |
-ROW |153270 |1357 |32033 |
-ROW |153271 |1357 |32034 |
-ROW |153272 |1357 |32035 |
-ROW |153273 |1357 |32036 |
-ROW |153274 |1357 |32037 |
-ROW |153275 |1357 |32038 |
-ROW |153276 |1357 |32039 |
-ROW |153277 |1357 |32040 |
-ROW |153278 |1357 |32041 |
-ROW |153279 |1357 |32042 |
-ROW |153280 |1357 |32043 |
-ROW |153281 |1357 |32044 |
-ROW |153282 |1357 |32045 |
-ROW |153283 |1358 |32048 |
-ROW |153284 |1358 |32049 |
-ROW |153285 |1298 |30187 |
-ROW |153286 |1298 |30188 |
-ROW |153287 |1299 |30189 |
-ROW |153288 |1299 |30190 |
-ROW |153289 |1298 |30191 |
-ROW |153290 |1298 |30192 |
-ROW |153291 |1299 |35785 |
-ROW |153292 |1301 |30230 |
-ROW |153293 |1301 |30231 |
-ROW |153294 |1300 |30789 |
-ROW |153295 |1300 |30790 |
-ROW |153296 |1300 |30234 |
-ROW |153297 |1300 |30235 |
-ROW |153298 |1301 |35844 |
-ROW |153299 |1333 |30968 |
-ROW |153300 |1333 |30969 |
-ROW |153301 |1333 |30970 |
-ROW |153302 |1333 |30971 |
-ROW |153303 |1333 |30972 |
-ROW |153304 |1333 |30973 |
-ROW |153305 |1333 |30974 |
-ROW |153306 |1333 |30975 |
-ROW |153307 |1333 |30976 |
-ROW |153308 |1333 |30977 |
-ROW |153309 |1333 |30978 |
-ROW |153310 |1333 |30979 |
-ROW |153311 |1333 |30980 |
-ROW |153312 |1333 |30981 |
-ROW |153313 |1333 |30982 |
-ROW |153314 |1333 |30983 |
-ROW |153315 |1333 |30984 |
-ROW |153316 |1333 |30985 |
-ROW |153317 |1333 |30986 |
-ROW |153318 |1333 |30987 |
-ROW |153319 |1333 |30988 |
-ROW |153320 |1333 |30989 |
-ROW |153321 |1333 |30990 |
-ROW |153322 |1333 |30991 |
-ROW |153323 |1333 |30992 |
-ROW |153324 |1333 |30993 |
-ROW |153325 |1333 |30994 |
-ROW |153326 |1333 |30995 |
-ROW |153327 |1333 |30996 |
-ROW |153328 |1333 |30997 |
-ROW |153329 |1333 |30998 |
-ROW |153330 |1333 |30999 |
-ROW |153331 |1333 |31000 |
-ROW |153332 |1333 |31001 |
-ROW |153333 |1333 |31002 |
-ROW |153334 |1333 |31003 |
-ROW |153335 |1333 |31004 |
-ROW |153336 |1334 |31010 |
-ROW |153337 |1334 |31011 |
-ROW |153338 |1334 |31012 |
-ROW |153339 |1334 |31013 |
-ROW |153340 |1334 |31014 |
-ROW |153341 |1334 |31015 |
-ROW |153342 |1334 |31016 |
-ROW |153343 |1334 |31017 |
-ROW |153344 |1334 |31018 |
-ROW |153345 |1334 |31019 |
-ROW |153346 |1334 |31020 |
-ROW |153347 |1334 |31021 |
-ROW |153348 |1334 |31022 |
-ROW |153349 |1334 |31023 |
-ROW |153350 |1334 |31024 |
-ROW |153351 |1334 |31025 |
-ROW |153352 |1334 |31026 |
-ROW |153353 |1334 |31027 |
-ROW |153354 |1334 |31028 |
-ROW |153355 |1334 |31029 |
-ROW |153356 |1334 |31030 |
-ROW |153357 |1334 |31031 |
-ROW |153358 |1334 |31032 |
-ROW |153359 |1334 |31033 |
-ROW |153360 |1334 |31034 |
-ROW |153361 |1334 |31035 |
-ROW |153362 |1334 |31036 |
-ROW |153363 |1334 |31037 |
-ROW |153364 |1334 |31038 |
-ROW |153365 |1334 |31039 |
-ROW |153366 |1334 |31040 |
-ROW |153367 |1334 |31041 |
-ROW |153368 |1334 |31042 |
-ROW |153369 |1334 |31043 |
-ROW |153370 |1334 |31044 |
-ROW |153371 |1334 |31045 |
-ROW |153372 |1334 |31046 |
-ROW |153373 |1359 |32071 |
-ROW |153374 |1359 |32072 |
-ROW |153375 |1359 |32073 |
-ROW |153376 |1359 |32074 |
-ROW |153377 |1359 |32075 |
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-ROW |153399 |1359 |32097 |
-ROW |153400 |1359 |32098 |
-ROW |153401 |1359 |32099 |
-ROW |153402 |1359 |32100 |
-ROW |153403 |1359 |32101 |
-ROW |153404 |1359 |32102 |
-ROW |153405 |1359 |32103 |
-ROW |153406 |1359 |32104 |
-ROW |153407 |1359 |32105 |
-ROW |153408 |1359 |32106 |
-ROW |153409 |1359 |32107 |
-ROW |153410 |1359 |32108 |
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-ROW |153432 |1359 |32130 |
-ROW |153433 |1359 |32131 |
-ROW |153434 |1359 |32132 |
-ROW |153435 |1320 |30611 |
-ROW |153436 |1321 |30612 |
-ROW |153437 |1320 |30613 |
-ROW |153438 |1320 |30614 |
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-ROW |153456 |1320 |30632 |
-ROW |153457 |1320 |30633 |
-ROW |153458 |1320 |30634 |
-ROW |153459 |1320 |30635 |
-ROW |153460 |1320 |30636 |
-ROW |153461 |1121 |28804 |
-ROW |153462 |1120 |28805 |
-ROW |153463 |1120 |28806 |
-ROW |153464 |1120 |28807 |
-ROW |153465 |1120 |28808 |
-ROW |153466 |1120 |28809 |
-ROW |153467 |1120 |28810 |
-ROW |153468 |1120 |28811 |
-ROW |153469 |1120 |28812 |
-ROW |153470 |1120 |28813 |
-ROW |153471 |1120 |28814 |
-ROW |153472 |1120 |28815 |
-ROW |153473 |1120 |28816 |
-ROW |153474 |1120 |28817 |
-ROW |153475 |1120 |28818 |
-ROW |153476 |1120 |28819 |
-ROW |153477 |1120 |28820 |
-ROW |153478 |1123 |28821 |
-ROW |153479 |1122 |28822 |
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-ROW |153481 |1122 |28824 |
-ROW |153482 |1122 |28825 |
-ROW |153483 |1122 |28826 |
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-ROW |153488 |1122 |28831 |
-ROW |153489 |1122 |28832 |
-ROW |153490 |1122 |28833 |
-ROW |153491 |1613 |34835 |
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-ROW |153496 |1613 |34840 |
-ROW |153497 |1613 |34841 |
-ROW |153498 |1613 |34842 |
-ROW |153499 |1613 |34843 |
-ROW |153500 |1613 |34844 |
-ROW |153501 |1612 |34845 |
-ROW |153502 |1612 |34846 |
-ROW |153503 |1612 |34847 |
-ROW |153504 |1612 |34848 |
-ROW |153505 |1612 |34849 |
-ROW |153506 |1612 |34850 |
-ROW |153507 |1612 |34851 |
-ROW |153508 |1612 |34852 |
-ROW |153509 |1612 |34853 |
-ROW |153510 |1612 |34854 |
-ROW |153511 |1612 |34855 |
-ROW |153512 |1612 |34856 |
-ROW |153513 |1612 |34857 |
-ROW |153514 |1612 |34858 |
-ROW |153515 |1351 |31868 |
-ROW |153516 |1351 |31869 |
-ROW |153517 |1350 |31870 |
-ROW |153518 |1350 |31871 |
-ROW |153519 |1350 |31872 |
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-ROW |153537 |1350 |31890 |
-ROW |153538 |1352 |31891 |
-ROW |153539 |1353 |31892 |
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-ROW |153543 |1352 |31896 |
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-ROW |153553 |1352 |31906 |
-ROW |153554 |1352 |31907 |
-ROW |153555 |1352 |31908 |
-ROW |153556 |1352 |31909 |
-ROW |153557 |1426 |32829 |
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-ROW |153567 |1427 |32839 |
-ROW |153568 |1425 |32840 |
-ROW |153569 |1425 |32841 |
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-ROW |153571 |1425 |32843 |
-ROW |153572 |1425 |32844 |
-ROW |153573 |1425 |32845 |
-ROW |153574 |1425 |32846 |
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-ROW |153576 |1425 |32848 |
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-ROW |153581 |1425 |32853 |
-ROW |153582 |1425 |32854 |
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-ROW |153588 |1425 |32860 |
-ROW |153589 |1425 |32861 |
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-ROW |153591 |1425 |32863 |
-ROW |153592 |1427 |32864 |
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-ROW |153596 |1427 |32868 |
-ROW |153597 |1427 |32869 |
-ROW |153598 |1427 |32870 |
-ROW |153599 |1427 |32871 |
-ROW |153600 |1427 |32872 |
-ROW |153601 |1427 |32873 |
-ROW |153602 |1427 |32874 |
-ROW |153603 |1427 |32875 |
-ROW |153604 |1427 |32876 |
-ROW |153605 |1427 |32877 |
-ROW |153606 |1427 |32878 |
-ROW |153607 |1425 |32884 |
-ROW |153608 |1427 |32885 |
-ROW |153609 |1427 |32886 |
-ROW |153610 |1427 |32887 |
-ROW |153611 |1427 |32888 |
-ROW |153612 |1427 |32889 |
-ROW |153613 |1427 |32890 |
-ROW |153614 |1430 |32925 |
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-ROW |153617 |1432 |32928 |
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-ROW |153639 |1429 |32950 |
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-ROW |153641 |1429 |32952 |
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-ROW |153647 |1431 |32958 |
-ROW |153648 |1431 |32959 |
-ROW |153649 |1431 |32960 |
-ROW |153650 |1431 |32961 |
-ROW |153651 |1431 |32962 |
-ROW |153652 |1431 |32963 |
-ROW |153653 |1431 |32964 |
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-ROW |153655 |1431 |32966 |
-ROW |153656 |1431 |32967 |
-ROW |153657 |1431 |32968 |
-ROW |153658 |1431 |32969 |
-ROW |153659 |1431 |32970 |
-ROW |153660 |1429 |32976 |
-ROW |153661 |1431 |32977 |
-ROW |153662 |1431 |32978 |
-ROW |153663 |1431 |32979 |
-ROW |153664 |1431 |32980 |
-ROW |153665 |1431 |32981 |
-ROW |153666 |1431 |32982 |
-ROW |153667 |1354 |31910 |
-ROW |153668 |1354 |31911 |
-ROW |153669 |1354 |31912 |
-ROW |153670 |1354 |31913 |
-ROW |153671 |1354 |31914 |
-ROW |153672 |1354 |31915 |
-ROW |153673 |1354 |31916 |
-ROW |153674 |1354 |31917 |
-ROW |153675 |1354 |31918 |
-ROW |153676 |1354 |31919 |
-ROW |153677 |1354 |31920 |
-ROW |153678 |1354 |31921 |
-ROW |153679 |1354 |31922 |
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-ROW |153681 |1354 |31924 |
-ROW |153682 |1354 |31925 |
-ROW |153683 |1354 |31926 |
-ROW |153684 |1354 |31927 |
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-ROW |153700 |1354 |31943 |
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-ROW |153704 |1354 |31947 |
-ROW |153705 |1354 |31948 |
-ROW |153706 |1354 |31949 |
-ROW |153707 |1354 |31950 |
-ROW |153708 |1354 |31951 |
-ROW |153709 |1354 |31952 |
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-ROW |153711 |1354 |31954 |
-ROW |153712 |1354 |31955 |
-ROW |153713 |1354 |31956 |
-ROW |153714 |1354 |31957 |
-ROW |153715 |1354 |31958 |
-ROW |153716 |1354 |31959 |
-ROW |153717 |1354 |31960 |
-ROW |153718 |1354 |31961 |
-ROW |153719 |1354 |31962 |
-ROW |153720 |1354 |31963 |
-ROW |153721 |1737 |35560 |
-ROW |153722 |1737 |35561 |
-ROW |153723 |1109 |28511 |
-ROW |153724 |1342 |31554 |
-ROW |153725 |1342 |31555 |
-ROW |153726 |1342 |31556 |
-ROW |153727 |1343 |31557 |
-ROW |153728 |1343 |31558 |
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-ROW |153736 |1343 |31566 |
-ROW |153737 |1343 |31567 |
-ROW |153738 |1343 |31568 |
-ROW |153739 |1343 |31569 |
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-ROW |153742 |1343 |31572 |
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-ROW |153764 |1344 |31594 |
-ROW |153765 |1344 |31595 |
-ROW |153766 |1344 |31596 |
-ROW |153767 |1342 |31605 |
-ROW |153768 |1342 |31606 |
-ROW |153769 |1342 |31607 |
-ROW |153770 |1342 |31608 |
-ROW |153771 |1342 |31609 |
-ROW |153772 |1343 |31610 |
-ROW |153773 |1343 |31611 |
-ROW |153774 |1343 |31612 |
-ROW |153775 |1343 |31613 |
-ROW |153776 |1343 |31614 |
-ROW |153777 |1343 |31615 |
-ROW |153778 |1343 |31616 |
-ROW |153779 |1343 |31617 |
-ROW |153780 |1343 |31618 |
-ROW |153781 |1343 |31619 |
-ROW |153782 |1343 |31620 |
-ROW |153783 |1343 |31621 |
-ROW |153784 |1344 |31622 |
-ROW |153785 |1344 |31623 |
-ROW |153786 |1344 |31624 |
-ROW |153787 |1344 |31625 |
-ROW |153788 |1512 |34094 |
-ROW |153789 |1512 |34095 |
-ROW |153790 |1512 |34096 |
-ROW |153791 |1512 |34097 |
-ROW |153792 |1512 |34098 |
-ROW |153793 |1513 |34106 |
-ROW |153794 |1513 |34107 |
-ROW |153795 |1513 |34108 |
-ROW |153796 |1513 |34109 |
-ROW |153797 |1513 |34110 |
-ROW |153798 |1513 |34111 |
-ROW |153799 |1513 |34112 |
-ROW |153800 |1513 |34113 |
-ROW |153801 |1513 |34114 |
-ROW |153802 |1513 |34115 |
-ROW |153803 |1513 |34116 |
-ROW |153804 |1513 |34117 |
-ROW |153805 |1513 |34118 |
-ROW |153806 |1513 |34119 |
-ROW |153807 |1513 |34120 |
-ROW |153808 |1513 |34121 |
-ROW |153809 |1513 |34122 |
-ROW |153810 |179 |10061 |
-ROW |153811 |179 |10062 |
-ROW |153812 |179 |10063 |
-ROW |153813 |179 |10064 |
-ROW |153814 |179 |10065 |
-ROW |153815 |179 |10066 |
-ROW |153816 |179 |22183 |
-ROW |153817 |179 |22185 |
-ROW |153818 |179 |22187 |
-ROW |153819 |179 |22189 |
-ROW |153820 |179 |22191 |
-ROW |153821 |179 |22196 |
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-ROW |153823 |179 |22219 |
-ROW |153824 |179 |22396 |
-ROW |153825 |179 |22399 |
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-ROW |153836 |179 |22420 |
-ROW |153837 |179 |22422 |
-ROW |153838 |179 |22424 |
-ROW |153839 |179 |22426 |
-ROW |153840 |179 |22430 |
-ROW |153841 |179 |22689 |
-ROW |153842 |179 |23171 |
-ROW |153843 |179 |23251 |
-ROW |153844 |179 |23634 |
-ROW |153845 |179 |23661 |
-ROW |153846 |179 |23663 |
-ROW |153847 |179 |25366 |
-ROW |153848 |179 |25370 |
-ROW |153849 |179 |25665 |
-ROW |153850 |179 |25666 |
-ROW |153851 |179 |28248 |
-ROW |153852 |179 |28533 |
-ROW |153853 |179 |28535 |
-ROW |153854 |179 |28537 |
-ROW |153855 |179 |29822 |
-ROW |153856 |179 |34189 |
-ROW |153857 |345 |10073 |
-ROW |153858 |345 |10074 |
-ROW |153859 |345 |10075 |
-ROW |153860 |345 |10076 |
-ROW |153861 |345 |10077 |
-ROW |153862 |345 |10078 |
-ROW |153863 |345 |23252 |
-ROW |153864 |345 |23253 |
-ROW |153865 |345 |23255 |
-ROW |153866 |345 |23256 |
-ROW |153867 |345 |23257 |
-ROW |153868 |345 |23258 |
-ROW |153869 |345 |23259 |
-ROW |153870 |345 |23260 |
-ROW |153871 |345 |23261 |
-ROW |153872 |345 |23262 |
-ROW |153873 |345 |23264 |
-ROW |153874 |345 |23265 |
-ROW |153875 |345 |23266 |
-ROW |153876 |345 |23267 |
-ROW |153877 |345 |23268 |
-ROW |153878 |345 |23269 |
-ROW |153879 |345 |23270 |
-ROW |153880 |345 |23271 |
-ROW |153881 |345 |23272 |
-ROW |153882 |345 |23273 |
-ROW |153883 |345 |23274 |
-ROW |153884 |345 |23275 |
-ROW |153885 |345 |23276 |
-ROW |153886 |345 |23277 |
-ROW |153887 |345 |23328 |
-ROW |153888 |345 |23620 |
-ROW |153889 |345 |23625 |
-ROW |153890 |345 |23628 |
-ROW |153891 |345 |23635 |
-ROW |153892 |345 |23662 |
-ROW |153893 |345 |23664 |
-ROW |153894 |345 |25367 |
-ROW |153895 |345 |25371 |
-ROW |153896 |345 |25667 |
-ROW |153897 |345 |25668 |
-ROW |153898 |345 |28249 |
-ROW |153899 |345 |28534 |
-ROW |153900 |345 |28536 |
-ROW |153901 |345 |28538 |
-ROW |153902 |345 |29823 |
-ROW |153903 |345 |34196 |
-ROW |153904 |1514 |28539 |
-ROW |153905 |1110 |28540 |
-ROW |153906 |1110 |28541 |
-ROW |153907 |1110 |28542 |
-ROW |153908 |1110 |28543 |
-ROW |153909 |1110 |28544 |
-ROW |153910 |1110 |28545 |
-ROW |153911 |1110 |28546 |
-ROW |153912 |1110 |28547 |
-ROW |153913 |1110 |28548 |
-ROW |153914 |1110 |28549 |
-ROW |153915 |1110 |28550 |
-ROW |153916 |1110 |28551 |
-ROW |153917 |1110 |28552 |
-ROW |153918 |1110 |28553 |
-ROW |153919 |1110 |28554 |
-ROW |153920 |1110 |28555 |
-ROW |153921 |1110 |28556 |
-ROW |153922 |1110 |28557 |
-ROW |153923 |1110 |28558 |
-ROW |153924 |1110 |28559 |
-ROW |153925 |1110 |28560 |
-ROW |153926 |1110 |28561 |
-ROW |153927 |1110 |28562 |
-ROW |153928 |1110 |28563 |
-ROW |153929 |1110 |28564 |
-ROW |153930 |1110 |28565 |
-ROW |153931 |1110 |28566 |
-ROW |153932 |1110 |28567 |
-ROW |153933 |1110 |28568 |
-ROW |153934 |1110 |28569 |
-ROW |153935 |1110 |28570 |
-ROW |153936 |1110 |28571 |
-ROW |153937 |1110 |28572 |
-ROW |153938 |1110 |28573 |
-ROW |153939 |1110 |28574 |
-ROW |153940 |1110 |28575 |
-ROW |153941 |1110 |28576 |
-ROW |153942 |1110 |28577 |
-ROW |153943 |1110 |28578 |
-ROW |153944 |1110 |28579 |
-ROW |153945 |1110 |28580 |
-ROW |153946 |1110 |28581 |
-ROW |153947 |1110 |28582 |
-ROW |153948 |1110 |28583 |
-ROW |153949 |1110 |28584 |
-ROW |153950 |1110 |29821 |
-ROW |153951 |1110 |31053 |
-ROW |153952 |1360 |32158 |
-ROW |153953 |1360 |32159 |
-ROW |153954 |1361 |32160 |
-ROW |153955 |1361 |32161 |
-ROW |153956 |1361 |32162 |
-ROW |153957 |1361 |32163 |
-ROW |153958 |1361 |32164 |
-ROW |153959 |1361 |32165 |
-ROW |153960 |1361 |32166 |
-ROW |153961 |1361 |32167 |
-ROW |153962 |1361 |32168 |
-ROW |153963 |1361 |32169 |
-ROW |153964 |1361 |32170 |
-ROW |153965 |1361 |32171 |
-ROW |153966 |1361 |32172 |
-ROW |153967 |1361 |32173 |
-ROW |153968 |1361 |32174 |
-ROW |153969 |1361 |32175 |
-ROW |153970 |1361 |32176 |
-ROW |153971 |1361 |32177 |
-ROW |153972 |1361 |32178 |
-ROW |153973 |1361 |32179 |
-ROW |153974 |1361 |32180 |
-ROW |153975 |1361 |32181 |
-ROW |153976 |1361 |32182 |
-ROW |153977 |1361 |32183 |
-ROW |153978 |1361 |32184 |
-ROW |153979 |1361 |32185 |
-ROW |153980 |1361 |32186 |
-ROW |153981 |1361 |32187 |
-ROW |153982 |1361 |32188 |
-ROW |153983 |1361 |32189 |
-ROW |153984 |1361 |32190 |
-ROW |153985 |1361 |32191 |
-ROW |153986 |1361 |32192 |
-ROW |153987 |1361 |32201 |
-ROW |153988 |1361 |32202 |
-ROW |153989 |1361 |32203 |
-ROW |153990 |1361 |32204 |
-ROW |153991 |1361 |32205 |
-ROW |153992 |1361 |32206 |
-ROW |153993 |446 |23644 |
-ROW |153994 |447 |23645 |
-ROW |153995 |448 |23646 |
-ROW |153996 |449 |23647 |
-ROW |153997 |450 |23648 |
-ROW |153998 |451 |23649 |
-ROW |153999 |452 |23650 |
-ROW |154000 |453 |23651 |
-ROW |154001 |1111 |28585 |
-ROW |154002 |1111 |28586 |
-ROW |154003 |1111 |28587 |
-ROW |154004 |1111 |28588 |
-ROW |154005 |1111 |28589 |
-ROW |154006 |1111 |28590 |
-ROW |154007 |1111 |28591 |
-ROW |154008 |1111 |28592 |
-ROW |154009 |1111 |28593 |
-ROW |154010 |1111 |28594 |
-ROW |154011 |1111 |28595 |
-ROW |154012 |1111 |28596 |
-ROW |154013 |1111 |28597 |
-ROW |154014 |1111 |28598 |
-ROW |154015 |1111 |28599 |
-ROW |154016 |1111 |28600 |
-ROW |154017 |1111 |28601 |
-ROW |154018 |1111 |28602 |
-ROW |154019 |1111 |28603 |
-ROW |154020 |1111 |28604 |
-ROW |154021 |1111 |28605 |
-ROW |154022 |1111 |28606 |
-ROW |154023 |1111 |28607 |
-ROW |154024 |1111 |28608 |
-ROW |154025 |1111 |28609 |
-ROW |154026 |1111 |28610 |
-ROW |154027 |1111 |28611 |
-ROW |154028 |1111 |28612 |
-ROW |154029 |1111 |28613 |
-ROW |154030 |1111 |28614 |
-ROW |154031 |1111 |28615 |
-ROW |154032 |1111 |28616 |
-ROW |154033 |1111 |31052 |
-ROW |154034 |454 |23652 |
-ROW |154035 |455 |23653 |
-ROW |154036 |456 |23654 |
-ROW |154037 |356 |10067 |
-ROW |154038 |356 |10068 |
-ROW |154039 |356 |10069 |
-ROW |154040 |356 |10070 |
-ROW |154041 |356 |10071 |
-ROW |154042 |356 |10072 |
-ROW |154043 |356 |23340 |
-ROW |154044 |356 |23341 |
-ROW |154045 |356 |23342 |
-ROW |154046 |356 |23343 |
-ROW |154047 |356 |23344 |
-ROW |154048 |356 |23345 |
-ROW |154049 |356 |23346 |
-ROW |154050 |356 |23347 |
-ROW |154051 |356 |23348 |
-ROW |154052 |356 |23349 |
-ROW |154053 |356 |23350 |
-ROW |154054 |356 |23351 |
-ROW |154055 |356 |23352 |
-ROW |154056 |356 |23353 |
-ROW |154057 |356 |23354 |
-ROW |154058 |356 |23355 |
-ROW |154059 |356 |23356 |
-ROW |154060 |356 |23357 |
-ROW |154061 |356 |23358 |
-ROW |154062 |356 |23359 |
-ROW |154063 |356 |23360 |
-ROW |154064 |356 |25368 |
-ROW |154065 |356 |25369 |
-ROW |154066 |356 |28250 |
-ROW |154067 |356 |28251 |
-ROW |154068 |356 |28617 |
-ROW |154069 |356 |28618 |
-ROW |154070 |356 |28619 |
-ROW |154071 |280 |22917 |
-ROW |154072 |280 |22918 |
-ROW |154073 |273 |22920 |
-ROW |154074 |279 |22920 |
-ROW |154075 |273 |22921 |
-ROW |154076 |279 |22921 |
-ROW |154077 |273 |22922 |
-ROW |154078 |279 |22922 |
-ROW |154079 |273 |22923 |
-ROW |154080 |279 |22923 |
-ROW |154081 |273 |22924 |
-ROW |154082 |279 |22924 |
-ROW |154083 |275 |22933 |
-ROW |154084 |278 |22933 |
-ROW |154085 |275 |22934 |
-ROW |154086 |278 |22934 |
-ROW |154087 |275 |22938 |
-ROW |154088 |278 |22938 |
-ROW |154089 |275 |22939 |
-ROW |154090 |278 |22939 |
-ROW |154091 |278 |22940 |
-ROW |154092 |281 |22940 |
-ROW |154093 |281 |22941 |
-ROW |154094 |276 |22942 |
-ROW |154095 |276 |22943 |
-ROW |154096 |273 |23108 |
-ROW |154097 |331 |23108 |
-ROW |154098 |279 |23108 |
-ROW |154099 |273 |23109 |
-ROW |154100 |331 |23109 |
-ROW |154101 |279 |23109 |
-ROW |154102 |273 |23110 |
-ROW |154103 |279 |23110 |
-ROW |154104 |273 |23111 |
-ROW |154105 |331 |23111 |
-ROW |154106 |279 |23111 |
-ROW |154107 |273 |23112 |
-ROW |154108 |331 |23112 |
-ROW |154109 |279 |23112 |
-ROW |154110 |273 |23113 |
-ROW |154111 |279 |23113 |
-ROW |154112 |273 |23114 |
-ROW |154113 |279 |23114 |
-ROW |154114 |273 |23115 |
-ROW |154115 |279 |23115 |
-ROW |154116 |274 |23116 |
-ROW |154117 |279 |23116 |
-ROW |154118 |274 |23117 |
-ROW |154119 |279 |23117 |
-ROW |154120 |273 |23118 |
-ROW |154121 |331 |23118 |
-ROW |154122 |273 |23119 |
-ROW |154123 |279 |23119 |
-ROW |154124 |273 |23120 |
-ROW |154125 |279 |23120 |
-ROW |154126 |273 |23121 |
-ROW |154127 |279 |23121 |
-ROW |154128 |276 |23122 |
-ROW |154129 |279 |23122 |
-ROW |154130 |273 |23123 |
-ROW |154131 |279 |23123 |
-ROW |154132 |276 |23124 |
-ROW |154133 |276 |23125 |
-ROW |154134 |276 |23126 |
-ROW |154135 |276 |23127 |
-ROW |154136 |276 |23128 |
-ROW |154137 |276 |23129 |
-ROW |154138 |276 |23130 |
-ROW |154139 |276 |23131 |
-ROW |154140 |277 |22945 |
-ROW |154141 |277 |22946 |
-ROW |154142 |274 |22948 |
-ROW |154143 |274 |22949 |
-ROW |154144 |274 |22950 |
-ROW |154145 |274 |22951 |
-ROW |154146 |274 |22952 |
-ROW |154147 |268 |22875 |
-ROW |154148 |268 |22876 |
-ROW |154149 |270 |22877 |
-ROW |154150 |270 |22878 |
-ROW |154151 |265 |22879 |
-ROW |154152 |268 |22879 |
-ROW |154153 |263 |22880 |
-ROW |154154 |269 |22880 |
-ROW |154155 |263 |22881 |
-ROW |154156 |269 |22881 |
-ROW |154157 |263 |22882 |
-ROW |154158 |269 |22882 |
-ROW |154159 |263 |22883 |
-ROW |154160 |269 |22883 |
-ROW |154161 |263 |22884 |
-ROW |154162 |269 |22884 |
-ROW |154163 |263 |22885 |
-ROW |154164 |269 |22885 |
-ROW |154165 |263 |22886 |
-ROW |154166 |269 |22886 |
-ROW |154167 |263 |22888 |
-ROW |154168 |269 |22888 |
-ROW |154169 |263 |22891 |
-ROW |154170 |269 |22891 |
-ROW |154171 |263 |22892 |
-ROW |154172 |269 |22892 |
-ROW |154173 |265 |22893 |
-ROW |154174 |268 |22893 |
-ROW |154175 |265 |22894 |
-ROW |154176 |268 |22894 |
-ROW |154177 |266 |22895 |
-ROW |154178 |266 |22896 |
-ROW |154179 |266 |22897 |
-ROW |154180 |265 |22898 |
-ROW |154181 |268 |22898 |
-ROW |154182 |265 |22899 |
-ROW |154183 |268 |22899 |
-ROW |154184 |268 |22900 |
-ROW |154185 |271 |22900 |
-ROW |154186 |271 |22901 |
-ROW |154187 |266 |22902 |
-ROW |154188 |266 |22903 |
-ROW |154189 |264 |22908 |
-ROW |154190 |264 |22909 |
-ROW |154191 |264 |22910 |
-ROW |154192 |264 |22911 |
-ROW |154193 |264 |22912 |
-ROW |154194 |267 |23073 |
-ROW |154195 |267 |23074 |
-ROW |154196 |283 |22961 |
-ROW |154197 |289 |22961 |
-ROW |154198 |283 |22962 |
-ROW |154199 |289 |22962 |
-ROW |154200 |283 |22963 |
-ROW |154201 |289 |22963 |
-ROW |154202 |283 |22965 |
-ROW |154203 |289 |22965 |
-ROW |154204 |283 |22968 |
-ROW |154205 |289 |22968 |
-ROW |154206 |283 |22971 |
-ROW |154207 |289 |22971 |
-ROW |154208 |283 |22972 |
-ROW |154209 |289 |22972 |
-ROW |154210 |285 |22973 |
-ROW |154211 |288 |22973 |
-ROW |154212 |285 |22974 |
-ROW |154213 |288 |22974 |
-ROW |154214 |285 |22978 |
-ROW |154215 |288 |22978 |
-ROW |154216 |288 |22980 |
-ROW |154217 |291 |22980 |
-ROW |154218 |291 |22981 |
-ROW |154219 |286 |22982 |
-ROW |154220 |286 |22983 |
-ROW |154221 |287 |22985 |
-ROW |154222 |287 |22986 |
-ROW |154223 |284 |22988 |
-ROW |154224 |284 |22989 |
-ROW |154225 |284 |22990 |
-ROW |154226 |284 |22991 |
-ROW |154227 |284 |22992 |
-ROW |154228 |308 |23035 |
-ROW |154229 |308 |23036 |
-ROW |154230 |305 |23039 |
-ROW |154231 |308 |23039 |
-ROW |154232 |303 |23041 |
-ROW |154233 |309 |23041 |
-ROW |154234 |303 |23042 |
-ROW |154235 |309 |23042 |
-ROW |154236 |303 |23043 |
-ROW |154237 |309 |23043 |
-ROW |154238 |305 |23053 |
-ROW |154239 |308 |23053 |
-ROW |154240 |305 |23054 |
-ROW |154241 |308 |23054 |
-ROW |154242 |305 |23058 |
-ROW |154243 |308 |23058 |
-ROW |154244 |305 |23059 |
-ROW |154245 |308 |23059 |
-ROW |154246 |308 |23060 |
-ROW |154247 |311 |23060 |
-ROW |154248 |311 |23061 |
-ROW |154249 |306 |23062 |
-ROW |154250 |306 |23063 |
-ROW |154251 |307 |23077 |
-ROW |154252 |307 |23078 |
-ROW |154253 |304 |23068 |
-ROW |154254 |304 |23069 |
-ROW |154255 |304 |23070 |
-ROW |154256 |304 |23071 |
-ROW |154257 |304 |23072 |
-ROW |154258 |258 |22835 |
-ROW |154259 |258 |22836 |
-ROW |154260 |260 |22837 |
-ROW |154261 |260 |22838 |
-ROW |154262 |255 |22839 |
-ROW |154263 |258 |22839 |
-ROW |154264 |253 |22840 |
-ROW |154265 |259 |22840 |
-ROW |154266 |253 |22841 |
-ROW |154267 |259 |22841 |
-ROW |154268 |253 |22842 |
-ROW |154269 |259 |22842 |
-ROW |154270 |253 |22843 |
-ROW |154271 |259 |22843 |
-ROW |154272 |253 |22844 |
-ROW |154273 |259 |22844 |
-ROW |154274 |253 |22845 |
-ROW |154275 |259 |22845 |
-ROW |154276 |253 |22846 |
-ROW |154277 |259 |22846 |
-ROW |154278 |253 |22848 |
-ROW |154279 |259 |22848 |
-ROW |154280 |253 |22851 |
-ROW |154281 |259 |22851 |
-ROW |154282 |253 |22852 |
-ROW |154283 |259 |22852 |
-ROW |154284 |255 |22853 |
-ROW |154285 |258 |22853 |
-ROW |154286 |255 |22854 |
-ROW |154287 |258 |22854 |
-ROW |154288 |256 |22855 |
-ROW |154289 |256 |22856 |
-ROW |154290 |256 |22857 |
-ROW |154291 |255 |22858 |
-ROW |154292 |258 |22858 |
-ROW |154293 |255 |22859 |
-ROW |154294 |258 |22859 |
-ROW |154295 |258 |22860 |
-ROW |154296 |261 |22860 |
-ROW |154297 |261 |22861 |
-ROW |154298 |256 |22862 |
-ROW |154299 |256 |22863 |
-ROW |154300 |254 |22868 |
-ROW |154301 |254 |22869 |
-ROW |154302 |254 |22870 |
-ROW |154303 |254 |22871 |
-ROW |154304 |254 |22872 |
-ROW |154305 |257 |23075 |
-ROW |154306 |257 |23076 |
-ROW |154307 |298 |22996 |
-ROW |154308 |300 |22997 |
-ROW |154309 |300 |22998 |
-ROW |154310 |295 |22999 |
-ROW |154311 |298 |22999 |
-ROW |154312 |293 |23000 |
-ROW |154313 |299 |23000 |
-ROW |154314 |293 |23001 |
-ROW |154315 |299 |23001 |
-ROW |154316 |293 |23002 |
-ROW |154317 |299 |23002 |
-ROW |154318 |293 |23003 |
-ROW |154319 |299 |23003 |
-ROW |154320 |293 |23004 |
-ROW |154321 |299 |23004 |
-ROW |154322 |293 |23005 |
-ROW |154323 |299 |23005 |
-ROW |154324 |293 |23007 |
-ROW |154325 |299 |23007 |
-ROW |154326 |293 |23011 |
-ROW |154327 |299 |23011 |
-ROW |154328 |293 |23012 |
-ROW |154329 |299 |23012 |
-ROW |154330 |295 |23013 |
-ROW |154331 |298 |23013 |
-ROW |154332 |295 |23014 |
-ROW |154333 |298 |23014 |
-ROW |154334 |296 |23015 |
-ROW |154335 |296 |23016 |
-ROW |154336 |296 |23017 |
-ROW |154337 |295 |23018 |
-ROW |154338 |298 |23018 |
-ROW |154339 |295 |23019 |
-ROW |154340 |298 |23019 |
-ROW |154341 |298 |23020 |
-ROW |154342 |301 |23020 |
-ROW |154343 |301 |23021 |
-ROW |154344 |296 |23022 |
-ROW |154345 |296 |23023 |
-ROW |154346 |297 |23025 |
-ROW |154347 |297 |23026 |
-ROW |154348 |294 |23028 |
-ROW |154349 |294 |23029 |
-ROW |154350 |294 |23030 |
-ROW |154351 |294 |23031 |
-ROW |154352 |294 |23032 |
-ROW |154353 |743 |26925 |
-ROW |154354 |743 |26926 |
-ROW |154355 |741 |26927 |
-ROW |154356 |742 |26928 |
-ROW |154357 |743 |26929 |
-ROW |154358 |743 |26930 |
-ROW |154359 |743 |26931 |
-ROW |154360 |743 |26932 |
-ROW |154361 |745 |26933 |
-ROW |154362 |746 |26934 |
-ROW |154363 |744 |26935 |
-ROW |154364 |744 |26936 |
-ROW |154365 |746 |26937 |
-ROW |154366 |746 |26938 |
-ROW |154367 |746 |26939 |
-ROW |154368 |746 |26940 |
-ROW |154369 |746 |26941 |
-ROW |154370 |746 |26942 |
-ROW |154371 |745 |26943 |
-ROW |154372 |1362 |32207 |
-ROW |154373 |1362 |32208 |
-ROW |154374 |1362 |32209 |
-ROW |154375 |1362 |32210 |
-ROW |154376 |1362 |32211 |
-ROW |154377 |1362 |32212 |
-ROW |154378 |1362 |32213 |
-ROW |154379 |1362 |32214 |
-ROW |154380 |1362 |32215 |
-ROW |154381 |1362 |32216 |
-ROW |154382 |1362 |32217 |
-ROW |154383 |1362 |32218 |
-ROW |154384 |1362 |32219 |
-ROW |154385 |1362 |32220 |
-ROW |154386 |1362 |32221 |
-ROW |154387 |1362 |32222 |
-ROW |154388 |1362 |32223 |
-ROW |154389 |1362 |32224 |
-ROW |154390 |1362 |32225 |
-ROW |154391 |1362 |32226 |
-ROW |154392 |1362 |32227 |
-ROW |154393 |1362 |32228 |
-ROW |154394 |1362 |32229 |
-ROW |154395 |1362 |32230 |
-ROW |154396 |1362 |32231 |
-ROW |154397 |1362 |32232 |
-ROW |154398 |1362 |32233 |
-ROW |154399 |1362 |32234 |
-ROW |154400 |1362 |32235 |
-ROW |154401 |1362 |32236 |
-ROW |154402 |1362 |32237 |
-ROW |154403 |1362 |32238 |
-ROW |154404 |1362 |32239 |
-ROW |154405 |1362 |32240 |
-ROW |154406 |1362 |32241 |
-ROW |154407 |1362 |32242 |
-ROW |154408 |1362 |32243 |
-ROW |154409 |1362 |32244 |
-ROW |154410 |1362 |32245 |
-ROW |154411 |1362 |32246 |
-ROW |154412 |1362 |32247 |
-ROW |154413 |1362 |32248 |
-ROW |154414 |1362 |32249 |
-ROW |154415 |1362 |32250 |
-ROW |154416 |1362 |32251 |
-ROW |154417 |1362 |32252 |
-ROW |154418 |1362 |32253 |
-ROW |154419 |1362 |32254 |
-ROW |154420 |1362 |32255 |
-ROW |154421 |1362 |32256 |
-ROW |154422 |1362 |32257 |
-ROW |154423 |1362 |32258 |
-ROW |154424 |1362 |32259 |
-ROW |154425 |1362 |32260 |
-ROW |154426 |1362 |32261 |
-ROW |154427 |1362 |32262 |
-ROW |154428 |1362 |32263 |
-ROW |154429 |1362 |32264 |
-ROW |154430 |1362 |32265 |
-ROW |154431 |1362 |32266 |
-ROW |154432 |1362 |32267 |
-ROW |154433 |1362 |32268 |
-ROW |154434 |1362 |32269 |
-ROW |154435 |1362 |32270 |
-ROW |154436 |1362 |32271 |
-ROW |154437 |1362 |32272 |
-ROW |154438 |1362 |32273 |
-ROW |154439 |1328 |30821 |
-ROW |154440 |1328 |30822 |
-ROW |154441 |1330 |30823 |
-ROW |154442 |1330 |30824 |
-ROW |154443 |1330 |30825 |
-ROW |154444 |1330 |30826 |
-ROW |154445 |1328 |30827 |
-ROW |154446 |1330 |30828 |
-ROW |154447 |1330 |30829 |
-ROW |154448 |1330 |30830 |
-ROW |154449 |1328 |31054 |
-ROW |154450 |1328 |30831 |
-ROW |154451 |1328 |30832 |
-ROW |154452 |1328 |30833 |
-ROW |154453 |1328 |30834 |
-ROW |154454 |1328 |30835 |
-ROW |154455 |1329 |30836 |
-ROW |154456 |1328 |30837 |
-ROW |154457 |1328 |30838 |
-ROW |154458 |1328 |30839 |
-ROW |154459 |1329 |30840 |
-ROW |154460 |1328 |30841 |
-ROW |154461 |1329 |30842 |
-ROW |154462 |1329 |30843 |
-ROW |154463 |1329 |30844 |
-ROW |154464 |1329 |30845 |
-ROW |154465 |1328 |30846 |
-ROW |154466 |1328 |30847 |
-ROW |154467 |1328 |30848 |
-ROW |154468 |1328 |30849 |
-ROW |154469 |1328 |30850 |
-ROW |154470 |1328 |30851 |
-ROW |154471 |1328 |30852 |
-ROW |154472 |1328 |30853 |
-ROW |154473 |1328 |30854 |
-ROW |154474 |1328 |30855 |
-ROW |154475 |1328 |30856 |
-ROW |154476 |1328 |30857 |
-ROW |154477 |1328 |30858 |
-ROW |154478 |1328 |30859 |
-ROW |154479 |1328 |30860 |
-ROW |154480 |1328 |30861 |
-ROW |154481 |1328 |30862 |
-ROW |154482 |1328 |30863 |
-ROW |154483 |1328 |30864 |
-ROW |154484 |1328 |30865 |
-ROW |154485 |1328 |30866 |
-ROW |154486 |1328 |30867 |
-ROW |154487 |1328 |30868 |
-ROW |154488 |1328 |30869 |
-ROW |154489 |1328 |30870 |
-ROW |154490 |1328 |30871 |
-ROW |154491 |1328 |30872 |
-ROW |154492 |1329 |30873 |
-ROW |154493 |1434 |33017 |
-ROW |154494 |1434 |33018 |
-ROW |154495 |1433 |33019 |
-ROW |154496 |1434 |33020 |
-ROW |154497 |1434 |33021 |
-ROW |154498 |1433 |33022 |
-ROW |154499 |1433 |33023 |
-ROW |154500 |1433 |33024 |
-ROW |154501 |1433 |33025 |
-ROW |154502 |1433 |33026 |
-ROW |154503 |1433 |33027 |
-ROW |154504 |1433 |33028 |
-ROW |154505 |1433 |33029 |
-ROW |154506 |1433 |33030 |
-ROW |154507 |1433 |33031 |
-ROW |154508 |1433 |33032 |
-ROW |154509 |1433 |33033 |
-ROW |154510 |1433 |33034 |
-ROW |154511 |1433 |33035 |
-ROW |154512 |1433 |33036 |
-ROW |154513 |1433 |33037 |
-ROW |154514 |1433 |33038 |
-ROW |154515 |1433 |33039 |
-ROW |154516 |1433 |33040 |
-ROW |154517 |1433 |33041 |
-ROW |154518 |1433 |33042 |
-ROW |154519 |1433 |33043 |
-ROW |154520 |1433 |33044 |
-ROW |154521 |1433 |33045 |
-ROW |154522 |1433 |33046 |
-ROW |154523 |1433 |33047 |
-ROW |154524 |1433 |33048 |
-ROW |154525 |1433 |33049 |
-ROW |154526 |1433 |33050 |
-ROW |154527 |1433 |33051 |
-ROW |154528 |1433 |33052 |
-ROW |154529 |1433 |33053 |
-ROW |154530 |1433 |33054 |
-ROW |154531 |1433 |33055 |
-ROW |154532 |1433 |33056 |
-ROW |154533 |1433 |33057 |
-ROW |154534 |1433 |33058 |
-ROW |154535 |1433 |33059 |
-ROW |154536 |1433 |33060 |
-ROW |154537 |1434 |33065 |
-ROW |154538 |1434 |33066 |
-ROW |154539 |1433 |33122 |
-ROW |154540 |1433 |33123 |
-ROW |154541 |1433 |33124 |
-ROW |154542 |1433 |33125 |
-ROW |154543 |1433 |33126 |
-ROW |154544 |1433 |33127 |
-ROW |154545 |1433 |33128 |
-ROW |154546 |1433 |33129 |
-ROW |154547 |1433 |33130 |
-ROW |154548 |1433 |33131 |
-ROW |154549 |1433 |33132 |
-ROW |154550 |1433 |33133 |
-ROW |154551 |1433 |33134 |
-ROW |154552 |1433 |33135 |
-ROW |154553 |1433 |33136 |
-ROW |154554 |1433 |33137 |
-ROW |154555 |1433 |33138 |
-ROW |154556 |1435 |33139 |
-ROW |154557 |1436 |33140 |
-ROW |154558 |1435 |33141 |
-ROW |154559 |1436 |33142 |
-ROW |154560 |1435 |33144 |
-ROW |154561 |1435 |33145 |
-ROW |154562 |1435 |33146 |
-ROW |154563 |1435 |33147 |
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-ROW |154565 |1435 |33149 |
-ROW |154566 |1435 |33150 |
-ROW |154567 |1435 |33151 |
-ROW |154568 |1435 |33152 |
-ROW |154569 |1435 |33153 |
-ROW |154570 |1435 |33154 |
-ROW |154571 |1435 |33155 |
-ROW |154572 |1435 |33156 |
-ROW |154573 |1435 |33157 |
-ROW |154574 |1435 |33158 |
-ROW |154575 |1435 |33159 |
-ROW |154576 |1435 |33160 |
-ROW |154577 |1435 |33161 |
-ROW |154578 |1435 |33162 |
-ROW |154579 |1435 |33163 |
-ROW |154580 |1435 |33164 |
-ROW |154581 |1435 |33165 |
-ROW |154582 |1435 |33166 |
-ROW |154583 |1435 |33167 |
-ROW |154584 |1435 |33168 |
-ROW |154585 |1435 |33169 |
-ROW |154586 |1435 |33170 |
-ROW |154587 |1435 |33171 |
-ROW |154588 |1435 |33172 |
-ROW |154589 |1435 |33567 |
-ROW |154590 |1436 |33177 |
-ROW |154591 |1436 |33178 |
-ROW |154592 |1336 |31055 |
-ROW |154593 |1335 |31056 |
-ROW |154594 |1335 |31057 |
-ROW |154595 |1335 |31058 |
-ROW |154596 |1335 |31626 |
-ROW |154597 |1335 |31627 |
-ROW |154598 |1335 |31628 |
-ROW |154599 |1336 |34173 |
-ROW |154600 |1336 |34174 |
-ROW |154601 |1336 |31059 |
-ROW |154602 |1335 |31060 |
-ROW |154603 |1335 |31061 |
-ROW |154604 |1335 |31062 |
-ROW |154605 |1335 |31063 |
-ROW |154606 |1335 |31064 |
-ROW |154607 |1335 |31065 |
-ROW |154608 |1335 |31066 |
-ROW |154609 |1335 |31067 |
-ROW |154610 |1335 |31068 |
-ROW |154611 |1335 |31069 |
-ROW |154612 |1335 |31070 |
-ROW |154613 |1335 |31071 |
-ROW |154614 |1335 |31072 |
-ROW |154615 |1335 |31073 |
-ROW |154616 |1335 |31074 |
-ROW |154617 |1335 |31075 |
-ROW |154618 |1335 |31076 |
-ROW |154619 |1335 |31077 |
-ROW |154620 |1335 |31078 |
-ROW |154621 |1335 |31079 |
-ROW |154622 |1335 |31080 |
-ROW |154623 |1335 |31081 |
-ROW |154624 |1335 |31082 |
-ROW |154625 |1335 |31083 |
-ROW |154626 |1335 |31084 |
-ROW |154627 |1335 |31085 |
-ROW |154628 |1335 |31086 |
-ROW |154629 |1335 |31087 |
-ROW |154630 |1335 |31088 |
-ROW |154631 |1335 |31089 |
-ROW |154632 |1335 |31090 |
-ROW |154633 |1336 |31091 |
-ROW |154634 |1335 |31092 |
-ROW |154635 |1336 |31093 |
-ROW |154636 |1336 |31094 |
-ROW |154637 |1335 |31095 |
-ROW |154638 |1335 |31096 |
-ROW |154639 |1335 |31097 |
-ROW |154640 |1335 |31098 |
-ROW |154641 |1335 |31099 |
-ROW |154642 |1335 |31100 |
-ROW |154643 |1335 |31101 |
-ROW |154644 |1335 |31102 |
-ROW |154645 |1335 |31103 |
-ROW |154646 |1335 |31104 |
-ROW |154647 |1335 |31105 |
-ROW |154648 |1335 |31106 |
-ROW |154649 |1335 |31107 |
-ROW |154650 |1335 |31108 |
-ROW |154651 |1335 |31109 |
-ROW |154652 |1335 |31110 |
-ROW |154653 |1335 |31111 |
-ROW |154654 |1335 |31112 |
-ROW |154655 |1335 |31113 |
-ROW |154656 |1335 |31114 |
-ROW |154657 |1335 |31115 |
-ROW |154658 |1335 |31116 |
-ROW |154659 |1335 |31117 |
-ROW |154660 |1335 |31118 |
-ROW |154661 |1335 |31119 |
-ROW |154662 |1335 |31120 |
-ROW |154663 |1335 |31121 |
-ROW |154664 |1336 |31128 |
-ROW |154665 |1336 |31129 |
-ROW |154666 |1336 |31130 |
-ROW |154667 |1336 |31132 |
-ROW |154668 |1336 |33194 |
-ROW |154669 |1314 |30431 |
-ROW |154670 |1314 |30432 |
-ROW |154671 |1315 |30433 |
-ROW |154672 |1314 |30434 |
-ROW |154673 |1314 |30435 |
-ROW |154674 |1314 |32546 |
-ROW |154675 |1315 |30436 |
-ROW |154676 |1314 |30437 |
-ROW |154677 |1314 |30438 |
-ROW |154678 |1314 |30439 |
-ROW |154679 |1314 |30440 |
-ROW |154680 |1314 |30441 |
-ROW |154681 |1314 |30442 |
-ROW |154682 |1315 |30443 |
-ROW |154683 |1314 |30444 |
-ROW |154684 |1314 |30445 |
-ROW |154685 |1314 |30446 |
-ROW |154686 |1314 |30447 |
-ROW |154687 |1314 |30449 |
-ROW |154688 |1314 |30450 |
-ROW |154689 |1314 |30451 |
-ROW |154690 |1314 |30452 |
-ROW |154691 |1314 |30453 |
-ROW |154692 |1314 |30454 |
-ROW |154693 |1314 |30455 |
-ROW |154694 |1314 |30456 |
-ROW |154695 |1314 |30457 |
-ROW |154696 |1314 |30458 |
-ROW |154697 |1314 |30459 |
-ROW |154698 |1314 |30460 |
-ROW |154699 |1314 |30461 |
-ROW |154700 |1314 |30462 |
-ROW |154701 |1314 |30463 |
-ROW |154702 |1314 |30464 |
-ROW |154703 |1314 |30465 |
-ROW |154704 |1314 |30466 |
-ROW |154705 |1314 |30470 |
-ROW |154706 |1314 |30471 |
-ROW |154707 |1314 |31168 |
-ROW |154708 |1314 |31169 |
-ROW |154709 |1314 |31170 |
-ROW |154710 |1314 |31171 |
-ROW |154711 |1314 |32547 |
-ROW |154712 |1314 |32548 |
-ROW |154713 |1314 |32549 |
-ROW |154714 |1314 |32550 |
-ROW |154715 |1314 |32551 |
-ROW |154716 |1314 |32552 |
-ROW |154717 |1314 |30474 |
-ROW |154718 |1315 |30475 |
-ROW |154719 |1314 |30476 |
-ROW |154720 |1314 |30477 |
-ROW |154721 |1314 |30478 |
-ROW |154722 |1314 |32554 |
-ROW |154723 |1314 |32555 |
-ROW |154724 |1314 |32556 |
-ROW |154725 |1314 |32557 |
-ROW |154726 |1314 |32558 |
-ROW |154727 |1314 |32559 |
-ROW |154728 |1322 |30637 |
-ROW |154729 |1322 |30638 |
-ROW |154730 |1323 |30639 |
-ROW |154731 |1322 |30640 |
-ROW |154732 |1322 |30641 |
-ROW |154733 |1322 |32560 |
-ROW |154734 |1323 |30642 |
-ROW |154735 |1322 |30643 |
-ROW |154736 |1322 |30644 |
-ROW |154737 |1322 |30645 |
-ROW |154738 |1322 |30646 |
-ROW |154739 |1322 |30647 |
-ROW |154740 |1322 |30648 |
-ROW |154741 |1323 |30649 |
-ROW |154742 |1322 |30650 |
-ROW |154743 |1322 |30651 |
-ROW |154744 |1322 |30652 |
-ROW |154745 |1322 |30653 |
-ROW |154746 |1322 |30655 |
-ROW |154747 |1322 |30656 |
-ROW |154748 |1322 |30657 |
-ROW |154749 |1322 |30658 |
-ROW |154750 |1322 |30659 |
-ROW |154751 |1322 |30660 |
-ROW |154752 |1322 |30661 |
-ROW |154753 |1322 |30662 |
-ROW |154754 |1322 |30663 |
-ROW |154755 |1322 |30664 |
-ROW |154756 |1322 |30665 |
-ROW |154757 |1322 |30666 |
-ROW |154758 |1322 |30667 |
-ROW |154759 |1322 |30668 |
-ROW |154760 |1322 |30669 |
-ROW |154761 |1322 |30670 |
-ROW |154762 |1322 |30671 |
-ROW |154763 |1322 |30672 |
-ROW |154764 |1322 |30676 |
-ROW |154765 |1322 |30677 |
-ROW |154766 |1322 |31172 |
-ROW |154767 |1322 |31173 |
-ROW |154768 |1322 |31174 |
-ROW |154769 |1322 |31175 |
-ROW |154770 |1322 |32561 |
-ROW |154771 |1322 |32562 |
-ROW |154772 |1322 |32563 |
-ROW |154773 |1322 |32564 |
-ROW |154774 |1322 |32565 |
-ROW |154775 |1322 |32566 |
-ROW |154776 |1322 |30680 |
-ROW |154777 |1323 |30681 |
-ROW |154778 |1322 |30682 |
-ROW |154779 |1322 |30683 |
-ROW |154780 |1322 |30684 |
-ROW |154781 |1322 |32568 |
-ROW |154782 |1322 |32569 |
-ROW |154783 |1322 |32570 |
-ROW |154784 |1322 |32571 |
-ROW |154785 |1322 |32572 |
-ROW |154786 |1322 |32573 |
-ROW |154787 |1317 |30479 |
-ROW |154788 |1316 |30480 |
-ROW |154789 |1316 |30481 |
-ROW |154790 |1316 |30482 |
-ROW |154791 |1316 |30483 |
-ROW |154792 |1316 |32574 |
-ROW |154793 |1316 |30484 |
-ROW |154794 |1317 |30485 |
-ROW |154795 |1316 |30486 |
-ROW |154796 |1317 |30487 |
-ROW |154797 |1316 |30488 |
-ROW |154798 |1316 |30489 |
-ROW |154799 |1316 |30490 |
-ROW |154800 |1316 |30491 |
-ROW |154801 |1316 |30492 |
-ROW |154802 |1316 |30493 |
-ROW |154803 |1316 |30494 |
-ROW |154804 |1316 |30495 |
-ROW |154805 |1316 |30496 |
-ROW |154806 |1316 |30497 |
-ROW |154807 |1316 |30499 |
-ROW |154808 |1316 |30500 |
-ROW |154809 |1316 |30503 |
-ROW |154810 |1316 |30504 |
-ROW |154811 |1316 |30505 |
-ROW |154812 |1316 |30506 |
-ROW |154813 |1316 |30507 |
-ROW |154814 |1316 |30508 |
-ROW |154815 |1316 |30509 |
-ROW |154816 |1316 |30510 |
-ROW |154817 |1316 |30512 |
-ROW |154818 |1316 |30513 |
-ROW |154819 |1316 |30514 |
-ROW |154820 |1316 |30515 |
-ROW |154821 |1316 |30516 |
-ROW |154822 |1316 |30517 |
-ROW |154823 |1316 |30518 |
-ROW |154824 |1316 |30519 |
-ROW |154825 |1316 |31176 |
-ROW |154826 |1316 |31177 |
-ROW |154827 |1316 |31178 |
-ROW |154828 |1316 |31179 |
-ROW |154829 |1316 |32575 |
-ROW |154830 |1316 |32576 |
-ROW |154831 |1316 |32577 |
-ROW |154832 |1316 |32578 |
-ROW |154833 |1316 |32579 |
-ROW |154834 |1316 |32580 |
-ROW |154835 |1316 |30522 |
-ROW |154836 |1317 |30523 |
-ROW |154837 |1316 |30524 |
-ROW |154838 |1316 |30525 |
-ROW |154839 |1316 |30526 |
-ROW |154840 |1316 |32582 |
-ROW |154841 |1316 |32583 |
-ROW |154842 |1316 |32584 |
-ROW |154843 |1316 |32585 |
-ROW |154844 |1316 |32586 |
-ROW |154845 |1316 |32587 |
-ROW |154846 |1345 |31629 |
-ROW |154847 |1345 |31630 |
-ROW |154848 |1346 |31631 |
-ROW |154849 |1345 |31632 |
-ROW |154850 |1346 |31633 |
-ROW |154851 |1346 |31634 |
-ROW |154852 |1346 |31635 |
-ROW |154853 |1346 |31636 |
-ROW |154854 |1346 |31637 |
-ROW |154855 |1346 |31638 |
-ROW |154856 |1346 |31639 |
-ROW |154857 |1345 |31640 |
-ROW |154858 |1345 |31641 |
-ROW |154859 |1346 |31642 |
-ROW |154860 |1346 |31643 |
-ROW |154861 |1346 |31644 |
-ROW |154862 |1346 |31645 |
-ROW |154863 |1345 |31646 |
-ROW |154864 |1345 |31647 |
-ROW |154865 |1345 |31648 |
-ROW |154866 |1345 |31649 |
-ROW |154867 |1345 |31650 |
-ROW |154868 |1345 |31651 |
-ROW |154869 |1345 |31652 |
-ROW |154870 |1345 |31653 |
-ROW |154871 |1345 |31654 |
-ROW |154872 |1345 |31655 |
-ROW |154873 |1345 |31656 |
-ROW |154874 |1345 |31657 |
-ROW |154875 |1345 |31658 |
-ROW |154876 |1345 |31659 |
-ROW |154877 |1345 |31660 |
-ROW |154878 |1345 |31661 |
-ROW |154879 |1345 |31662 |
-ROW |154880 |1345 |31663 |
-ROW |154881 |1345 |31664 |
-ROW |154882 |1345 |31665 |
-ROW |154883 |1345 |31666 |
-ROW |154884 |1345 |31667 |
-ROW |154885 |1345 |31668 |
-ROW |154886 |1345 |31669 |
-ROW |154887 |1345 |31670 |
-ROW |154888 |1345 |31671 |
-ROW |154889 |1345 |31672 |
-ROW |154890 |1345 |31673 |
-ROW |154891 |1345 |31674 |
-ROW |154892 |1345 |31675 |
-ROW |154893 |1345 |31676 |
-ROW |154894 |1345 |31677 |
-ROW |154895 |1345 |31678 |
-ROW |154896 |1345 |31679 |
-ROW |154897 |1345 |31680 |
-ROW |154898 |1345 |31681 |
-ROW |154899 |1345 |31682 |
-ROW |154900 |1345 |31683 |
-ROW |154901 |1345 |31684 |
-ROW |154902 |1345 |31685 |
-ROW |154903 |1345 |31686 |
-ROW |154904 |1345 |31687 |
-ROW |154905 |1345 |31688 |
-ROW |154906 |1345 |31689 |
-ROW |154907 |1345 |31690 |
-ROW |154908 |1345 |31691 |
-ROW |154909 |1345 |31692 |
-ROW |154910 |1345 |31693 |
-ROW |154911 |1345 |31694 |
-ROW |154912 |1345 |31695 |
-ROW |154913 |1345 |31696 |
-ROW |154914 |1345 |31697 |
-ROW |154915 |1345 |31698 |
-ROW |154916 |1345 |31699 |
-ROW |154917 |1345 |31700 |
-ROW |154918 |1345 |31701 |
-ROW |154919 |1345 |31702 |
-ROW |154920 |1345 |31703 |
-ROW |154921 |1345 |31704 |
-ROW |154922 |1345 |31705 |
-ROW |154923 |1857 |36634 |
-ROW |154924 |1857 |36635 |
-ROW |154925 |1856 |36636 |
-ROW |154926 |1856 |36637 |
-ROW |154927 |1857 |36638 |
-ROW |154928 |1856 |36639 |
-ROW |154929 |1856 |36640 |
-ROW |154930 |1856 |36641 |
-ROW |154931 |1856 |36642 |
-ROW |154932 |1856 |36643 |
-ROW |154933 |1856 |36644 |
-ROW |154934 |1857 |36645 |
-ROW |154935 |1857 |36646 |
-ROW |154936 |1856 |36647 |
-ROW |154937 |1856 |36648 |
-ROW |154938 |1857 |36649 |
-ROW |154939 |1857 |36650 |
-ROW |154940 |1856 |36651 |
-ROW |154941 |1856 |36652 |
-ROW |154942 |1856 |36653 |
-ROW |154943 |1856 |36654 |
-ROW |154944 |1856 |36655 |
-ROW |154945 |1856 |36656 |
-ROW |154946 |1856 |36657 |
-ROW |154947 |1856 |36658 |
-ROW |154948 |1856 |36659 |
-ROW |154949 |1856 |36660 |
-ROW |154950 |1856 |36661 |
-ROW |154951 |1856 |36662 |
-ROW |154952 |1856 |36663 |
-ROW |154953 |1856 |36664 |
-ROW |154954 |1856 |36665 |
-ROW |154955 |1856 |36666 |
-ROW |154956 |1856 |36667 |
-ROW |154957 |1856 |36668 |
-ROW |154958 |1856 |36669 |
-ROW |154959 |1856 |36670 |
-ROW |154960 |1856 |36671 |
-ROW |154961 |1856 |36672 |
-ROW |154962 |1856 |36673 |
-ROW |154963 |1857 |36676 |
-ROW |154964 |1857 |36677 |
-ROW |154965 |1858 |36705 |
-ROW |154966 |1858 |36706 |
-ROW |154967 |1859 |36707 |
-ROW |154968 |1858 |36708 |
-ROW |154969 |1859 |36709 |
-ROW |154970 |1859 |36710 |
-ROW |154971 |1859 |36711 |
-ROW |154972 |1859 |36712 |
-ROW |154973 |1858 |36713 |
-ROW |154974 |1858 |36714 |
-ROW |154975 |1858 |36715 |
-ROW |154976 |1858 |36716 |
-ROW |154977 |1859 |36717 |
-ROW |154978 |1858 |36718 |
-ROW |154979 |1858 |36719 |
-ROW |154980 |1858 |36720 |
-ROW |154981 |1858 |36721 |
-ROW |154982 |1859 |36722 |
-ROW |154983 |1859 |36723 |
-ROW |154984 |1858 |36724 |
-ROW |154985 |1858 |36725 |
-ROW |154986 |1858 |36726 |
-ROW |154987 |1858 |36728 |
-ROW |154988 |1858 |36729 |
-ROW |154989 |1858 |36730 |
-ROW |154990 |1858 |36731 |
-ROW |154991 |1858 |36732 |
-ROW |154992 |1858 |36733 |
-ROW |154993 |1858 |36734 |
-ROW |154994 |1858 |36735 |
-ROW |154995 |1858 |36736 |
-ROW |154996 |1858 |36737 |
-ROW |154997 |1858 |36738 |
-ROW |154998 |1858 |36739 |
-ROW |154999 |1858 |36740 |
-ROW |155000 |1858 |36741 |
-ROW |155001 |1858 |36742 |
-ROW |155002 |1858 |36743 |
-ROW |155003 |1858 |36744 |
-ROW |155004 |1858 |36745 |
-ROW |155005 |1858 |36746 |
-ROW |155006 |1858 |36747 |
-ROW |155007 |1858 |36748 |
-ROW |155008 |1858 |36749 |
-ROW |155009 |1858 |36750 |
-ROW |155010 |1858 |36751 |
-ROW |155011 |1858 |36752 |
-ROW |155012 |1858 |36753 |
-ROW |155013 |1858 |36754 |
-ROW |155014 |1858 |36755 |
-ROW |155015 |1858 |36756 |
-ROW |155016 |1858 |36757 |
-ROW |155017 |1858 |36758 |
-ROW |155018 |1858 |36759 |
-ROW |155019 |1858 |36760 |
-ROW |155020 |1858 |36761 |
-ROW |155021 |1858 |36762 |
-ROW |155022 |1858 |36763 |
-ROW |155023 |1858 |36764 |
-ROW |155024 |1858 |36765 |
-ROW |155025 |1858 |36766 |
-ROW |155026 |1858 |36767 |
-ROW |155027 |1302 |30273 |
-ROW |155028 |1302 |30274 |
-ROW |155029 |1303 |30275 |
-ROW |155030 |1303 |30276 |
-ROW |155031 |1302 |30277 |
-ROW |155032 |1302 |30278 |
-ROW |155033 |1302 |30279 |
-ROW |155034 |1302 |30280 |
-ROW |155035 |1302 |30281 |
-ROW |155036 |1302 |30282 |
-ROW |155037 |1302 |30283 |
-ROW |155038 |1302 |30284 |
-ROW |155039 |1302 |30285 |
-ROW |155040 |1302 |30286 |
-ROW |155041 |1302 |30287 |
-ROW |155042 |1302 |30288 |
-ROW |155043 |1302 |30289 |
-ROW |155044 |1302 |30290 |
-ROW |155045 |1302 |30291 |
-ROW |155046 |1302 |30292 |
-ROW |155047 |1302 |30293 |
-ROW |155048 |1302 |30294 |
-ROW |155049 |1302 |30295 |
-ROW |155050 |1302 |30296 |
-ROW |155051 |1302 |30297 |
-ROW |155052 |1302 |30298 |
-ROW |155053 |1302 |30299 |
-ROW |155054 |1302 |30300 |
-ROW |155055 |1302 |30301 |
-ROW |155056 |1302 |30302 |
-ROW |155057 |1302 |30303 |
-ROW |155058 |1302 |30304 |
-ROW |155059 |1302 |30305 |
-ROW |155060 |1302 |30306 |
-ROW |155061 |1302 |30307 |
-ROW |155062 |1302 |30308 |
-ROW |155063 |1302 |30309 |
-ROW |155064 |1302 |30310 |
-ROW |155065 |1302 |30311 |
-ROW |155066 |1302 |30312 |
-ROW |155067 |1302 |30313 |
-ROW |155068 |1302 |30314 |
-ROW |155069 |1302 |30315 |
-ROW |155070 |1302 |30316 |
-ROW |155071 |1302 |30317 |
-ROW |155072 |1302 |30318 |
-ROW |155073 |1302 |30319 |
-ROW |155074 |1302 |30320 |
-ROW |155075 |1302 |30321 |
-ROW |155076 |1302 |30322 |
-ROW |155077 |1302 |30323 |
-ROW |155078 |1302 |30324 |
-ROW |155079 |1302 |30325 |
-ROW |155080 |1302 |30326 |
-ROW |155081 |1302 |30327 |
-ROW |155082 |1302 |30328 |
-ROW |155083 |1302 |30329 |
-ROW |155084 |1302 |30330 |
-ROW |155085 |1302 |30331 |
-ROW |155086 |1302 |30332 |
-ROW |155087 |1302 |30333 |
-ROW |155088 |1302 |30334 |
-ROW |155089 |1302 |30335 |
-ROW |155090 |1302 |30336 |
-ROW |155091 |1302 |30344 |
-ROW |155092 |1302 |30345 |
-ROW |155093 |1302 |30346 |
-ROW |155094 |1302 |30347 |
-ROW |155095 |1302 |30351 |
-ROW |155096 |1302 |30352 |
-ROW |155097 |1302 |30353 |
-ROW |155098 |1302 |30354 |
-ROW |155099 |1302 |30355 |
-ROW |155100 |1302 |30356 |
-ROW |155101 |1302 |30357 |
-ROW |155102 |1302 |30358 |
-ROW |155103 |1302 |30359 |
-ROW |155104 |1302 |30360 |
-ROW |155105 |1302 |30361 |
-ROW |155106 |1302 |30362 |
-ROW |155107 |1302 |30363 |
-ROW |155108 |1302 |30364 |
-ROW |155109 |1302 |30365 |
-ROW |155110 |1302 |30366 |
-ROW |155111 |1302 |30367 |
-ROW |155112 |1302 |30368 |
-ROW |155113 |1302 |30369 |
-ROW |155114 |1302 |30370 |
-ROW |155115 |1302 |30371 |
-ROW |155116 |1302 |30372 |
-ROW |155117 |1302 |30373 |
-ROW |155118 |1302 |30374 |
-ROW |155119 |1302 |30375 |
-ROW |155120 |1302 |30376 |
-ROW |155121 |1302 |30377 |
-ROW |155122 |1302 |30378 |
-ROW |155123 |1302 |30379 |
-ROW |155124 |1302 |30380 |
-ROW |155125 |1302 |30381 |
-ROW |155126 |1302 |30382 |
-ROW |155127 |1302 |30383 |
-ROW |155128 |1302 |30384 |
-ROW |155129 |1302 |30385 |
-ROW |155130 |1302 |30386 |
-ROW |155131 |1302 |30387 |
-ROW |155132 |1302 |30388 |
-ROW |155133 |1302 |30389 |
-ROW |155134 |1302 |30390 |
-ROW |155135 |1302 |30391 |
-ROW |155136 |1302 |30392 |
-ROW |155137 |1302 |30393 |
-ROW |155138 |1302 |30394 |
-ROW |155139 |1302 |30395 |
-ROW |155140 |1302 |30397 |
-ROW |155141 |1302 |30398 |
-ROW |155142 |1302 |30399 |
-ROW |155143 |1302 |30400 |
-ROW |155144 |1302 |30401 |
-ROW |155145 |1302 |30402 |
-ROW |155146 |1302 |30403 |
-ROW |155147 |1302 |30404 |
-ROW |155148 |780 |27065 |
-ROW |155149 |780 |27066 |
-ROW |155150 |780 |27067 |
-ROW |155151 |799 |27149 |
-ROW |155152 |799 |27150 |
-ROW |155153 |799 |27151 |
-ROW |155154 |805 |27192 |
-ROW |155155 |805 |27193 |
-ROW |155156 |805 |27194 |
-ROW |155157 |813 |27225 |
-ROW |155158 |813 |27226 |
-ROW |155159 |813 |27227 |
-ROW |155160 |822 |27261 |
-ROW |155161 |822 |27262 |
-ROW |155162 |822 |27263 |
-ROW |155163 |825 |27282 |
-ROW |155164 |825 |27283 |
-ROW |155165 |825 |27284 |
-ROW |155166 |842 |27333 |
-ROW |155167 |842 |27334 |
-ROW |155168 |842 |27335 |
-ROW |155169 |847 |27365 |
-ROW |155170 |847 |27366 |
-ROW |155171 |847 |27367 |
-ROW |155172 |876 |27462 |
-ROW |155173 |876 |27463 |
-ROW |155174 |876 |27464 |
-ROW |155175 |885 |27496 |
-ROW |155176 |885 |27497 |
-ROW |155177 |885 |27498 |
-ROW |155178 |894 |27532 |
-ROW |155179 |894 |27533 |
-ROW |155180 |894 |27534 |
-ROW |155181 |903 |27568 |
-ROW |155182 |903 |27569 |
-ROW |155183 |903 |27570 |
-ROW |155184 |915 |27631 |
-ROW |155185 |915 |27632 |
-ROW |155186 |915 |27633 |
-ROW |155187 |918 |27654 |
-ROW |155188 |918 |27655 |
-ROW |155189 |918 |27656 |
-ROW |155190 |936 |27734 |
-ROW |155191 |936 |27735 |
-ROW |155192 |936 |27736 |
-ROW |155193 |944 |27766 |
-ROW |155194 |944 |27767 |
-ROW |155195 |944 |27768 |
-ROW |155196 |951 |27800 |
-ROW |155197 |951 |27801 |
-ROW |155198 |951 |27802 |
-ROW |155199 |971 |27882 |
-ROW |155200 |971 |27883 |
-ROW |155201 |971 |27884 |
-ROW |155202 |979 |27919 |
-ROW |155203 |979 |27920 |
-ROW |155204 |979 |27921 |
-ROW |155205 |988 |27956 |
-ROW |155206 |988 |27957 |
-ROW |155207 |988 |27958 |
-ROW |155208 |994 |27986 |
-ROW |155209 |994 |27987 |
-ROW |155210 |994 |27988 |
-ROW |155211 |1000 |28015 |
-ROW |155212 |1000 |28016 |
-ROW |155213 |1000 |28017 |
-ROW |155214 |1030 |28130 |
-ROW |155215 |1030 |28131 |
-ROW |155216 |1030 |28132 |
-ROW |155217 |1055 |28233 |
-ROW |155218 |1055 |28234 |
-ROW |155219 |1055 |28235 |
-ROW |155220 |1060 |28282 |
-ROW |155221 |1060 |28283 |
-ROW |155222 |1060 |28284 |
-ROW |155223 |1070 |28330 |
-ROW |155224 |1070 |28331 |
-ROW |155225 |1070 |28332 |
-ROW |155226 |1079 |28377 |
-ROW |155227 |1079 |28378 |
-ROW |155228 |1079 |28379 |
-ROW |155229 |1095 |28454 |
-ROW |155230 |1095 |28455 |
-ROW |155231 |1095 |28456 |
-ROW |155232 |1102 |28482 |
-ROW |155233 |1102 |28483 |
-ROW |155234 |1102 |28484 |
-ROW |155235 |1127 |28957 |
-ROW |155236 |1127 |28958 |
-ROW |155237 |1127 |28959 |
-ROW |155238 |1136 |29050 |
-ROW |155239 |1136 |29051 |
-ROW |155240 |1136 |29052 |
-ROW |155241 |1271 |30046 |
-ROW |155242 |1271 |30047 |
-ROW |155243 |1271 |30048 |
-ROW |155244 |1414 |32601 |
-ROW |155245 |1414 |32602 |
-ROW |155246 |1414 |32603 |
-ROW |155247 |1422 |32765 |
-ROW |155248 |1422 |32766 |
-ROW |155249 |1422 |32767 |
-ROW |155250 |800 |27152 |
-ROW |155251 |799 |27154 |
-ROW |155252 |800 |27157 |
-ROW |155253 |799 |29844 |
-ROW |155254 |800 |29845 |
-ROW |155255 |800 |29846 |
-ROW |155256 |800 |29847 |
-ROW |155257 |800 |29848 |
-ROW |155258 |804 |27195 |
-ROW |155259 |804 |27199 |
-ROW |155260 |805 |27202 |
-ROW |155261 |812 |27228 |
-ROW |155262 |812 |27232 |
-ROW |155263 |813 |27235 |
-ROW |155264 |821 |27264 |
-ROW |155265 |821 |27268 |
-ROW |155266 |822 |27271 |
-ROW |155267 |824 |27285 |
-ROW |155268 |824 |27289 |
-ROW |155269 |825 |27292 |
-ROW |155270 |841 |27336 |
-ROW |155271 |841 |27340 |
-ROW |155272 |842 |27343 |
-ROW |155273 |846 |27368 |
-ROW |155274 |846 |27372 |
-ROW |155275 |847 |27375 |
-ROW |155276 |875 |27465 |
-ROW |155277 |875 |27469 |
-ROW |155278 |876 |27472 |
-ROW |155279 |884 |27499 |
-ROW |155280 |884 |27503 |
-ROW |155281 |885 |27506 |
-ROW |155282 |893 |27535 |
-ROW |155283 |893 |27539 |
-ROW |155284 |894 |27542 |
-ROW |155285 |902 |27571 |
-ROW |155286 |902 |27575 |
-ROW |155287 |903 |27578 |
-ROW |155288 |914 |27634 |
-ROW |155289 |914 |27638 |
-ROW |155290 |915 |27641 |
-ROW |155291 |917 |27657 |
-ROW |155292 |917 |27661 |
-ROW |155293 |918 |27664 |
-ROW |155294 |935 |27737 |
-ROW |155295 |935 |27741 |
-ROW |155296 |936 |27744 |
-ROW |155297 |943 |27769 |
-ROW |155298 |943 |27773 |
-ROW |155299 |944 |27776 |
-ROW |155300 |950 |27803 |
-ROW |155301 |950 |27807 |
-ROW |155302 |951 |27810 |
-ROW |155303 |970 |27885 |
-ROW |155304 |970 |27889 |
-ROW |155305 |971 |27892 |
-ROW |155306 |978 |27922 |
-ROW |155307 |978 |27926 |
-ROW |155308 |979 |27929 |
-ROW |155309 |987 |27959 |
-ROW |155310 |987 |27963 |
-ROW |155311 |988 |27966 |
-ROW |155312 |993 |27989 |
-ROW |155313 |993 |27993 |
-ROW |155314 |994 |27996 |
-ROW |155315 |999 |28018 |
-ROW |155316 |999 |28022 |
-ROW |155317 |1000 |28025 |
-ROW |155318 |1029 |28133 |
-ROW |155319 |1029 |28137 |
-ROW |155320 |1030 |28140 |
-ROW |155321 |1054 |28236 |
-ROW |155322 |1054 |28240 |
-ROW |155323 |1055 |28243 |
-ROW |155324 |1059 |28285 |
-ROW |155325 |1059 |28289 |
-ROW |155326 |1060 |28292 |
-ROW |155327 |1069 |28333 |
-ROW |155328 |1069 |28337 |
-ROW |155329 |1070 |28340 |
-ROW |155330 |1078 |28380 |
-ROW |155331 |1078 |28384 |
-ROW |155332 |1079 |28387 |
-ROW |155333 |1094 |28457 |
-ROW |155334 |1094 |28461 |
-ROW |155335 |1095 |28464 |
-ROW |155336 |1101 |28485 |
-ROW |155337 |1101 |28489 |
-ROW |155338 |1102 |28492 |
-ROW |155339 |1126 |28960 |
-ROW |155340 |1126 |28964 |
-ROW |155341 |1127 |28967 |
-ROW |155342 |1135 |29053 |
-ROW |155343 |1135 |29057 |
-ROW |155344 |1136 |29060 |
-ROW |155345 |1000 |29834 |
-ROW |155346 |999 |29835 |
-ROW |155347 |999 |29836 |
-ROW |155348 |999 |29837 |
-ROW |155349 |999 |29838 |
-ROW |155350 |805 |29849 |
-ROW |155351 |804 |29850 |
-ROW |155352 |804 |29851 |
-ROW |155353 |804 |29852 |
-ROW |155354 |804 |29853 |
-ROW |155355 |813 |29854 |
-ROW |155356 |812 |29855 |
-ROW |155357 |812 |29856 |
-ROW |155358 |812 |29857 |
-ROW |155359 |812 |29858 |
-ROW |155360 |822 |29859 |
-ROW |155361 |821 |29860 |
-ROW |155362 |821 |29861 |
-ROW |155363 |821 |29862 |
-ROW |155364 |821 |29863 |
-ROW |155365 |825 |29864 |
-ROW |155366 |824 |29865 |
-ROW |155367 |824 |29866 |
-ROW |155368 |824 |29867 |
-ROW |155369 |824 |29868 |
-ROW |155370 |842 |29869 |
-ROW |155371 |841 |29870 |
-ROW |155372 |841 |29871 |
-ROW |155373 |841 |29872 |
-ROW |155374 |841 |29873 |
-ROW |155375 |847 |29874 |
-ROW |155376 |846 |29875 |
-ROW |155377 |846 |29876 |
-ROW |155378 |846 |29877 |
-ROW |155379 |846 |29878 |
-ROW |155380 |876 |29879 |
-ROW |155381 |875 |29880 |
-ROW |155382 |875 |29881 |
-ROW |155383 |875 |29882 |
-ROW |155384 |875 |29883 |
-ROW |155385 |885 |29884 |
-ROW |155386 |884 |29885 |
-ROW |155387 |884 |29886 |
-ROW |155388 |884 |29887 |
-ROW |155389 |884 |29888 |
-ROW |155390 |894 |29889 |
-ROW |155391 |893 |29890 |
-ROW |155392 |893 |29891 |
-ROW |155393 |893 |29892 |
-ROW |155394 |893 |29893 |
-ROW |155395 |903 |29894 |
-ROW |155396 |902 |29895 |
-ROW |155397 |902 |29896 |
-ROW |155398 |902 |29897 |
-ROW |155399 |902 |29898 |
-ROW |155400 |915 |29899 |
-ROW |155401 |914 |29900 |
-ROW |155402 |914 |29901 |
-ROW |155403 |914 |29902 |
-ROW |155404 |914 |29903 |
-ROW |155405 |918 |29904 |
-ROW |155406 |917 |29905 |
-ROW |155407 |917 |29906 |
-ROW |155408 |917 |29907 |
-ROW |155409 |917 |29908 |
-ROW |155410 |936 |29909 |
-ROW |155411 |935 |29910 |
-ROW |155412 |935 |29911 |
-ROW |155413 |935 |29912 |
-ROW |155414 |935 |29913 |
-ROW |155415 |944 |29914 |
-ROW |155416 |943 |29915 |
-ROW |155417 |943 |29916 |
-ROW |155418 |943 |29917 |
-ROW |155419 |943 |29918 |
-ROW |155420 |951 |29919 |
-ROW |155421 |950 |29920 |
-ROW |155422 |950 |29921 |
-ROW |155423 |950 |29922 |
-ROW |155424 |950 |29923 |
-ROW |155425 |971 |29924 |
-ROW |155426 |970 |29925 |
-ROW |155427 |970 |29926 |
-ROW |155428 |970 |29927 |
-ROW |155429 |970 |29928 |
-ROW |155430 |979 |29929 |
-ROW |155431 |978 |29930 |
-ROW |155432 |978 |29931 |
-ROW |155433 |978 |29932 |
-ROW |155434 |978 |29933 |
-ROW |155435 |988 |29934 |
-ROW |155436 |987 |29935 |
-ROW |155437 |987 |29936 |
-ROW |155438 |987 |29937 |
-ROW |155439 |987 |29938 |
-ROW |155440 |994 |29939 |
-ROW |155441 |993 |29940 |
-ROW |155442 |993 |29941 |
-ROW |155443 |993 |29942 |
-ROW |155444 |993 |29943 |
-ROW |155445 |1030 |29944 |
-ROW |155446 |1029 |29945 |
-ROW |155447 |1029 |29946 |
-ROW |155448 |1029 |29947 |
-ROW |155449 |1029 |29948 |
-ROW |155450 |1055 |29954 |
-ROW |155451 |1054 |29955 |
-ROW |155452 |1054 |29956 |
-ROW |155453 |1054 |29957 |
-ROW |155454 |1054 |29958 |
-ROW |155455 |1060 |29959 |
-ROW |155456 |1059 |29960 |
-ROW |155457 |1059 |29961 |
-ROW |155458 |1059 |29962 |
-ROW |155459 |1059 |29963 |
-ROW |155460 |1070 |29964 |
-ROW |155461 |1069 |29965 |
-ROW |155462 |1069 |29966 |
-ROW |155463 |1069 |29967 |
-ROW |155464 |1069 |29968 |
-ROW |155465 |1079 |29969 |
-ROW |155466 |1078 |29970 |
-ROW |155467 |1078 |29971 |
-ROW |155468 |1078 |29972 |
-ROW |155469 |1078 |29973 |
-ROW |155470 |1095 |29974 |
-ROW |155471 |1094 |29975 |
-ROW |155472 |1094 |29976 |
-ROW |155473 |1094 |29977 |
-ROW |155474 |1094 |29978 |
-ROW |155475 |1102 |29979 |
-ROW |155476 |1101 |29980 |
-ROW |155477 |1101 |29981 |
-ROW |155478 |1101 |29982 |
-ROW |155479 |1101 |29983 |
-ROW |155480 |1127 |29984 |
-ROW |155481 |1126 |29985 |
-ROW |155482 |1126 |29986 |
-ROW |155483 |1126 |29987 |
-ROW |155484 |1126 |29988 |
-ROW |155485 |1136 |29989 |
-ROW |155486 |1135 |29990 |
-ROW |155487 |1135 |29991 |
-ROW |155488 |1135 |29992 |
-ROW |155489 |1135 |29993 |
-ROW |155490 |1270 |30049 |
-ROW |155491 |1270 |30050 |
-ROW |155492 |1270 |30051 |
-ROW |155493 |1270 |30052 |
-ROW |155494 |1270 |30053 |
-ROW |155495 |1270 |30054 |
-ROW |155496 |1271 |30055 |
-ROW |155497 |1271 |30056 |
-ROW |155498 |1413 |32604 |
-ROW |155499 |1413 |32605 |
-ROW |155500 |1413 |32606 |
-ROW |155501 |1413 |32607 |
-ROW |155502 |1413 |32608 |
-ROW |155503 |1413 |32609 |
-ROW |155504 |1414 |32610 |
-ROW |155505 |1414 |32611 |
-ROW |155506 |1421 |32768 |
-ROW |155507 |1421 |32769 |
-ROW |155508 |1421 |32770 |
-ROW |155509 |1421 |32771 |
-ROW |155510 |1421 |32772 |
-ROW |155511 |1421 |32773 |
-ROW |155512 |1422 |32774 |
-ROW |155513 |1422 |32775 |
-ROW |155514 |1283 |30142 |
-ROW |155515 |1286 |30143 |
-ROW |155516 |1292 |30145 |
-ROW |155517 |1295 |30146 |
-ROW |155518 |1284 |30157 |
-ROW |155519 |1284 |30158 |
-ROW |155520 |1284 |30159 |
-ROW |155521 |1287 |30163 |
-ROW |155522 |1287 |30164 |
-ROW |155523 |1287 |30165 |
-ROW |155524 |1293 |30175 |
-ROW |155525 |1293 |30176 |
-ROW |155526 |1293 |30177 |
-ROW |155527 |1296 |30181 |
-ROW |155528 |1296 |30182 |
-ROW |155529 |1296 |30183 |
-ROW |155530 |1419 |32741 |
-ROW |155531 |1420 |32753 |
-ROW |155532 |1221 |22231 |
-ROW |155533 |1221 |22232 |
-ROW |155534 |1221 |23318 |
-ROW |155535 |1222 |29544 |
-ROW |155536 |1223 |29545 |
-ROW |155537 |1223 |29546 |
-ROW |155538 |1224 |29547 |
-ROW |155539 |1225 |10020 |
-ROW |155540 |1225 |10059 |
-ROW |155541 |1226 |22833 |
-ROW |155542 |1226 |22834 |
-ROW |155543 |1228 |22873 |
-ROW |155544 |1228 |22874 |
-ROW |155545 |1230 |22913 |
-ROW |155546 |1230 |22914 |
-ROW |155547 |1232 |22953 |
-ROW |155548 |1232 |22954 |
-ROW |155549 |1234 |22993 |
-ROW |155550 |1234 |22994 |
-ROW |155551 |1236 |23033 |
-ROW |155552 |1236 |23034 |
-ROW |155553 |1238 |23160 |
-ROW |155554 |1238 |23161 |
-ROW |155555 |1225 |23319 |
-ROW |155556 |1226 |23320 |
-ROW |155557 |1228 |23321 |
-ROW |155558 |1230 |23322 |
-ROW |155559 |1232 |23323 |
-ROW |155560 |1234 |23324 |
-ROW |155561 |1236 |23325 |
-ROW |155562 |1238 |23326 |
-ROW |155563 |1161 |29548 |
-ROW |155564 |1227 |29549 |
-ROW |155565 |1229 |29550 |
-ROW |155566 |1231 |29551 |
-ROW |155567 |1233 |29552 |
-ROW |155568 |1235 |29553 |
-ROW |155569 |1237 |29554 |
-ROW |155570 |1219 |29555 |
-ROW |155571 |1241 |29558 |
-ROW |155572 |1242 |29559 |
-ROW |155573 |1241 |29560 |
-ROW |155574 |1269 |29995 |
-ROW |155575 |1192 |29996 |
-ROW |155576 |1269 |29997 |
-ROW |155577 |1240 |23287 |
-ROW |155578 |1240 |23288 |
-ROW |155579 |1240 |23327 |
-ROW |155580 |1171 |29557 |
-ROW |155581 |810 |27203 |
-ROW |155582 |807 |27207 |
-ROW |155583 |806 |27208 |
-ROW |155584 |810 |30086 |
-ROW |155585 |807 |30087 |
-ROW |155586 |807 |30088 |
-ROW |155587 |807 |30089 |
-ROW |155588 |808 |27212 |
-ROW |155589 |809 |27213 |
-ROW |155590 |810 |27214 |
-ROW |155591 |1279 |30091 |
-ROW |155592 |1279 |30092 |
-ROW |155593 |1364 |28305 |
-ROW |155594 |1068 |28323 |
-ROW |155595 |1068 |28324 |
-ROW |155596 |1062 |28325 |
-ROW |155597 |1062 |28326 |
-ROW |155598 |1064 |28327 |
-ROW |155599 |1064 |28328 |
-ROW |155600 |1066 |28329 |
-ROW |155601 |1363 |32307 |
-ROW |155602 |819 |27236 |
-ROW |155603 |819 |27237 |
-ROW |155604 |813 |27238 |
-ROW |155605 |814 |27240 |
-ROW |155606 |815 |30093 |
-ROW |155607 |816 |27246 |
-ROW |155608 |816 |27247 |
-ROW |155609 |817 |27248 |
-ROW |155610 |818 |27249 |
-ROW |155611 |818 |27250 |
-ROW |155612 |826 |27294 |
-ROW |155613 |831 |27295 |
-ROW |155614 |831 |27296 |
-ROW |155615 |835 |27297 |
-ROW |155616 |827 |30094 |
-ROW |155617 |836 |27299 |
-ROW |155618 |838 |27301 |
-ROW |155619 |837 |30095 |
-ROW |155620 |839 |30096 |
-ROW |155621 |829 |27312 |
-ROW |155622 |830 |27313 |
-ROW |155623 |828 |27314 |
-ROW |155624 |828 |27315 |
-ROW |155625 |833 |27316 |
-ROW |155626 |834 |27317 |
-ROW |155627 |832 |27318 |
-ROW |155628 |835 |27319 |
-ROW |155629 |835 |27320 |
-ROW |155630 |1755 |35903 |
-ROW |155631 |1755 |35904 |
-ROW |155632 |1755 |35905 |
-ROW |155633 |1755 |35906 |
-ROW |155634 |1757 |35907 |
-ROW |155635 |1757 |35908 |
-ROW |155636 |1754 |35914 |
-ROW |155637 |1756 |35915 |
-ROW |155638 |1756 |35916 |
-ROW |155639 |1756 |35917 |
-ROW |155640 |1444 |33197 |
-ROW |155641 |1444 |33198 |
-ROW |155642 |1444 |33199 |
-ROW |155643 |1439 |33200 |
-ROW |155644 |1439 |33201 |
-ROW |155645 |1439 |33202 |
-ROW |155646 |1440 |33203 |
-ROW |155647 |1440 |33204 |
-ROW |155648 |1439 |33205 |
-ROW |155649 |1439 |33206 |
-ROW |155650 |1439 |33207 |
-ROW |155651 |1440 |33208 |
-ROW |155652 |1444 |33209 |
-ROW |155653 |1444 |33210 |
-ROW |155654 |1437 |33219 |
-ROW |155655 |1440 |33220 |
-ROW |155656 |1438 |33221 |
-ROW |155657 |1441 |33222 |
-ROW |155658 |1441 |33223 |
-ROW |155659 |1441 |33224 |
-ROW |155660 |1443 |33235 |
-ROW |155661 |1445 |33236 |
-ROW |155662 |1445 |33237 |
-ROW |155663 |1453 |33238 |
-ROW |155664 |1453 |33239 |
-ROW |155665 |1453 |33240 |
-ROW |155666 |1448 |33241 |
-ROW |155667 |1448 |33242 |
-ROW |155668 |1448 |33243 |
-ROW |155669 |1449 |33244 |
-ROW |155670 |1449 |33245 |
-ROW |155671 |1448 |33246 |
-ROW |155672 |1448 |33247 |
-ROW |155673 |1448 |33248 |
-ROW |155674 |1449 |33249 |
-ROW |155675 |1453 |33250 |
-ROW |155676 |1453 |33251 |
-ROW |155677 |1446 |33260 |
-ROW |155678 |1449 |33261 |
-ROW |155679 |1447 |33262 |
-ROW |155680 |1450 |33263 |
-ROW |155681 |1450 |33264 |
-ROW |155682 |1450 |33265 |
-ROW |155683 |1452 |33276 |
-ROW |155684 |1454 |33277 |
-ROW |155685 |1454 |33278 |
-ROW |155686 |1462 |33279 |
-ROW |155687 |1462 |33280 |
-ROW |155688 |1462 |33281 |
-ROW |155689 |1457 |33282 |
-ROW |155690 |1457 |33283 |
-ROW |155691 |1457 |33284 |
-ROW |155692 |1458 |33285 |
-ROW |155693 |1458 |33286 |
-ROW |155694 |1457 |33287 |
-ROW |155695 |1457 |33288 |
-ROW |155696 |1457 |33289 |
-ROW |155697 |1458 |33290 |
-ROW |155698 |1462 |33291 |
-ROW |155699 |1462 |33292 |
-ROW |155700 |1455 |33301 |
-ROW |155701 |1458 |33302 |
-ROW |155702 |1456 |33303 |
-ROW |155703 |1459 |33304 |
-ROW |155704 |1459 |33305 |
-ROW |155705 |1459 |33306 |
-ROW |155706 |1461 |33317 |
-ROW |155707 |1463 |33318 |
-ROW |155708 |1463 |33319 |
-ROW |155709 |1471 |33320 |
-ROW |155710 |1471 |33321 |
-ROW |155711 |1471 |33322 |
-ROW |155712 |1466 |33323 |
-ROW |155713 |1466 |33324 |
-ROW |155714 |1466 |33325 |
-ROW |155715 |1467 |33326 |
-ROW |155716 |1467 |33327 |
-ROW |155717 |1466 |33328 |
-ROW |155718 |1466 |33329 |
-ROW |155719 |1466 |33330 |
-ROW |155720 |1467 |33331 |
-ROW |155721 |1471 |33332 |
-ROW |155722 |1471 |33333 |
-ROW |155723 |1464 |33342 |
-ROW |155724 |1467 |33343 |
-ROW |155725 |1465 |33344 |
-ROW |155726 |1468 |33345 |
-ROW |155727 |1468 |33346 |
-ROW |155728 |1468 |33347 |
-ROW |155729 |1470 |33358 |
-ROW |155730 |1472 |33359 |
-ROW |155731 |1472 |33360 |
-ROW |155732 |1480 |33361 |
-ROW |155733 |1480 |33362 |
-ROW |155734 |1480 |33363 |
-ROW |155735 |1475 |33364 |
-ROW |155736 |1475 |33365 |
-ROW |155737 |1475 |33366 |
-ROW |155738 |1476 |33367 |
-ROW |155739 |1476 |33368 |
-ROW |155740 |1475 |33369 |
-ROW |155741 |1475 |33370 |
-ROW |155742 |1475 |33371 |
-ROW |155743 |1476 |33372 |
-ROW |155744 |1480 |33373 |
-ROW |155745 |1480 |33374 |
-ROW |155746 |1473 |33383 |
-ROW |155747 |1476 |33384 |
-ROW |155748 |1474 |33385 |
-ROW |155749 |1477 |33386 |
-ROW |155750 |1477 |33387 |
-ROW |155751 |1477 |33388 |
-ROW |155752 |1479 |33399 |
-ROW |155753 |1481 |33400 |
-ROW |155754 |1481 |33401 |
-ROW |155755 |851 |27376 |
-ROW |155756 |852 |27378 |
-ROW |155757 |852 |27379 |
-ROW |155758 |852 |30097 |
-ROW |155759 |869 |27380 |
-ROW |155760 |870 |27382 |
-ROW |155761 |870 |27383 |
-ROW |155762 |858 |27385 |
-ROW |155763 |858 |27386 |
-ROW |155764 |1048 |28209 |
-ROW |155765 |1048 |28210 |
-ROW |155766 |858 |30098 |
-ROW |155767 |870 |30099 |
-ROW |155768 |1048 |30100 |
-ROW |155769 |848 |27415 |
-ROW |155770 |848 |27416 |
-ROW |155771 |849 |27417 |
-ROW |155772 |852 |27419 |
-ROW |155773 |853 |27420 |
-ROW |155774 |853 |27421 |
-ROW |155775 |854 |27422 |
-ROW |155776 |855 |27423 |
-ROW |155777 |1056 |28246 |
-ROW |155778 |848 |30101 |
-ROW |155779 |856 |27425 |
-ROW |155780 |856 |27426 |
-ROW |155781 |857 |27427 |
-ROW |155782 |858 |27428 |
-ROW |155783 |859 |27429 |
-ROW |155784 |859 |27430 |
-ROW |155785 |860 |27431 |
-ROW |155786 |861 |27432 |
-ROW |155787 |868 |27443 |
-ROW |155788 |868 |27444 |
-ROW |155789 |870 |27445 |
-ROW |155790 |871 |27446 |
-ROW |155791 |871 |27447 |
-ROW |155792 |872 |27448 |
-ROW |155793 |873 |27449 |
-ROW |155794 |1048 |28208 |
-ROW |155795 |1049 |28215 |
-ROW |155796 |1050 |28216 |
-ROW |155797 |1051 |28217 |
-ROW |155798 |1051 |28218 |
-ROW |155799 |1052 |28220 |
-ROW |155800 |1052 |28222 |
-ROW |155801 |1057 |28247 |
-ROW |155802 |856 |30102 |
-ROW |155803 |868 |30103 |
-ROW |155804 |1052 |30104 |
-ROW |155805 |877 |27478 |
-ROW |155806 |880 |27479 |
-ROW |155807 |881 |27480 |
-ROW |155808 |882 |27481 |
-ROW |155809 |882 |27482 |
-ROW |155810 |882 |27483 |
-ROW |155811 |882 |27484 |
-ROW |155812 |879 |27485 |
-ROW |155813 |878 |30105 |
-ROW |155814 |891 |27508 |
-ROW |155815 |891 |27509 |
-ROW |155816 |891 |27510 |
-ROW |155817 |886 |27511 |
-ROW |155818 |891 |30106 |
-ROW |155819 |888 |27517 |
-ROW |155820 |890 |27518 |
-ROW |155821 |889 |27519 |
-ROW |155822 |887 |30107 |
-ROW |155823 |900 |27543 |
-ROW |155824 |900 |27544 |
-ROW |155825 |900 |27545 |
-ROW |155826 |900 |27546 |
-ROW |155827 |895 |27547 |
-ROW |155828 |897 |27553 |
-ROW |155829 |899 |27554 |
-ROW |155830 |898 |27555 |
-ROW |155831 |896 |30108 |
-ROW |155832 |909 |27579 |
-ROW |155833 |909 |27580 |
-ROW |155834 |909 |27582 |
-ROW |155835 |909 |27583 |
-ROW |155836 |906 |27584 |
-ROW |155837 |906 |27585 |
-ROW |155838 |904 |27586 |
-ROW |155839 |909 |30109 |
-ROW |155840 |905 |27591 |
-ROW |155841 |907 |27593 |
-ROW |155842 |908 |27594 |
-ROW |155843 |908 |27595 |
-ROW |155844 |905 |30110 |
-ROW |155845 |905 |30111 |
-ROW |155846 |1742 |35646 |
-ROW |155847 |1749 |35647 |
-ROW |155848 |1748 |35648 |
-ROW |155849 |1749 |35649 |
-ROW |155850 |1749 |35650 |
-ROW |155851 |1749 |35651 |
-ROW |155852 |1749 |35652 |
-ROW |155853 |1749 |35653 |
-ROW |155854 |1742 |35654 |
-ROW |155855 |1742 |35655 |
-ROW |155856 |1742 |35656 |
-ROW |155857 |1742 |35657 |
-ROW |155858 |1742 |35658 |
-ROW |155859 |1742 |35659 |
-ROW |155860 |1742 |35660 |
-ROW |155861 |1742 |35661 |
-ROW |155862 |1742 |35662 |
-ROW |155863 |1748 |35663 |
-ROW |155864 |1855 |36626 |
-ROW |155865 |1855 |36627 |
-ROW |155866 |1750 |35679 |
-ROW |155867 |1751 |35680 |
-ROW |155868 |1751 |35681 |
-ROW |155869 |1747 |35682 |
-ROW |155870 |1740 |35683 |
-ROW |155871 |1740 |35684 |
-ROW |155872 |1746 |35685 |
-ROW |155873 |1750 |35686 |
-ROW |155874 |1739 |35687 |
-ROW |155875 |1739 |35688 |
-ROW |155876 |1739 |35689 |
-ROW |155877 |1739 |35690 |
-ROW |155878 |1739 |35691 |
-ROW |155879 |1739 |35692 |
-ROW |155880 |1739 |35693 |
-ROW |155881 |1739 |35694 |
-ROW |155882 |1739 |35695 |
-ROW |155883 |1739 |35696 |
-ROW |155884 |1739 |35697 |
-ROW |155885 |1739 |35698 |
-ROW |155886 |1739 |35699 |
-ROW |155887 |1739 |35700 |
-ROW |155888 |1739 |35701 |
-ROW |155889 |1739 |35702 |
-ROW |155890 |1739 |35703 |
-ROW |155891 |1739 |35704 |
-ROW |155892 |1739 |35705 |
-ROW |155893 |1739 |35706 |
-ROW |155894 |1739 |35707 |
-ROW |155895 |1739 |35708 |
-ROW |155896 |1739 |35709 |
-ROW |155897 |1739 |35710 |
-ROW |155898 |1739 |35711 |
-ROW |155899 |1739 |35712 |
-ROW |155900 |1739 |35713 |
-ROW |155901 |1739 |35714 |
-ROW |155902 |1739 |35715 |
-ROW |155903 |1739 |35716 |
-ROW |155904 |1743 |35722 |
-ROW |155905 |1743 |35723 |
-ROW |155906 |1743 |35724 |
-ROW |155907 |1743 |35725 |
-ROW |155908 |1743 |35726 |
-ROW |155909 |1743 |35727 |
-ROW |155910 |1744 |35728 |
-ROW |155911 |1744 |35729 |
-ROW |155912 |1744 |35730 |
-ROW |155913 |1744 |35731 |
-ROW |155914 |919 |27671 |
-ROW |155915 |921 |27672 |
-ROW |155916 |922 |27673 |
-ROW |155917 |923 |27674 |
-ROW |155918 |924 |27675 |
-ROW |155919 |924 |27676 |
-ROW |155920 |924 |27677 |
-ROW |155921 |924 |27678 |
-ROW |155922 |924 |27679 |
-ROW |155923 |920 |30112 |
-ROW |155924 |1036 |28141 |
-ROW |155925 |1036 |28142 |
-ROW |155926 |1031 |28143 |
-ROW |155927 |1033 |28150 |
-ROW |155928 |1032 |28153 |
-ROW |155929 |1034 |28154 |
-ROW |155930 |1035 |28155 |
-ROW |155931 |1033 |28156 |
-ROW |155932 |1036 |28157 |
-ROW |155933 |1036 |28158 |
-ROW |155934 |1032 |30113 |
-ROW |155935 |1032 |30114 |
-ROW |155936 |1032 |30115 |
-ROW |155937 |941 |27748 |
-ROW |155938 |941 |27749 |
-ROW |155939 |941 |27750 |
-ROW |155940 |939 |27751 |
-ROW |155941 |937 |27753 |
-ROW |155942 |941 |27754 |
-ROW |155943 |940 |27755 |
-ROW |155944 |938 |30116 |
-ROW |155945 |948 |27777 |
-ROW |155946 |948 |27778 |
-ROW |155947 |945 |27783 |
-ROW |155948 |945 |27784 |
-ROW |155949 |948 |27785 |
-ROW |155950 |946 |27786 |
-ROW |155951 |947 |27787 |
-ROW |155952 |957 |27812 |
-ROW |155953 |957 |27813 |
-ROW |155954 |951 |27814 |
-ROW |155955 |957 |30117 |
-ROW |155956 |954 |27821 |
-ROW |155957 |956 |27822 |
-ROW |155958 |955 |27823 |
-ROW |155959 |952 |28894 |
-ROW |155960 |953 |30118 |
-ROW |155961 |1486 |33402 |
-ROW |155962 |1486 |33403 |
-ROW |155963 |1486 |33404 |
-ROW |155964 |1483 |33405 |
-ROW |155965 |1483 |33406 |
-ROW |155966 |1482 |33407 |
-ROW |155967 |1483 |33408 |
-ROW |155968 |1483 |33409 |
-ROW |155969 |1483 |33410 |
-ROW |155970 |1483 |33411 |
-ROW |155971 |1486 |33412 |
-ROW |155972 |1486 |33413 |
-ROW |155973 |1044 |28200 |
-ROW |155974 |1044 |28201 |
-ROW |155975 |1045 |28202 |
-ROW |155976 |1045 |28203 |
-ROW |155977 |1047 |28204 |
-ROW |155978 |1047 |28205 |
-ROW |155979 |1046 |28206 |
-ROW |155980 |1484 |33429 |
-ROW |155981 |1484 |33430 |
-ROW |155982 |1484 |33431 |
-ROW |155983 |976 |27893 |
-ROW |155984 |976 |27894 |
-ROW |155985 |976 |27895 |
-ROW |155986 |973 |27898 |
-ROW |155987 |973 |27900 |
-ROW |155988 |976 |30119 |
-ROW |155989 |973 |30120 |
-ROW |155990 |972 |27904 |
-ROW |155991 |974 |27905 |
-ROW |155992 |975 |27906 |
-ROW |155993 |975 |27907 |
-ROW |155994 |975 |27908 |
-ROW |155995 |974 |31790 |
-ROW |155996 |1365 |32308 |
-ROW |155997 |1368 |32309 |
-ROW |155998 |1370 |32310 |
-ROW |155999 |1370 |32311 |
-ROW |156000 |1366 |32312 |
-ROW |156001 |1369 |32313 |
-ROW |156002 |1369 |32314 |
-ROW |156003 |1369 |32315 |
-ROW |156004 |1369 |32316 |
-ROW |156005 |1368 |32317 |
-ROW |156006 |1368 |32318 |
-ROW |156007 |1365 |32319 |
-ROW |156008 |1367 |32320 |
-ROW |156009 |1367 |32321 |
-ROW |156010 |1367 |32322 |
-ROW |156011 |1366 |32323 |
-ROW |156012 |1366 |32324 |
-ROW |156013 |1371 |32325 |
-ROW |156014 |1365 |32326 |
-ROW |156015 |1365 |32327 |
-ROW |156016 |1370 |32328 |
-ROW |156017 |1366 |32330 |
-ROW |156018 |1372 |32331 |
-ROW |156019 |1376 |32332 |
-ROW |156020 |1377 |32333 |
-ROW |156021 |1377 |32334 |
-ROW |156022 |1373 |32335 |
-ROW |156023 |1376 |32336 |
-ROW |156024 |1376 |32337 |
-ROW |156025 |1376 |32338 |
-ROW |156026 |1375 |32339 |
-ROW |156027 |1378 |32340 |
-ROW |156028 |1375 |32341 |
-ROW |156029 |1375 |32342 |
-ROW |156030 |1374 |32343 |
-ROW |156031 |1374 |32344 |
-ROW |156032 |1374 |32345 |
-ROW |156033 |1373 |32346 |
-ROW |156034 |1373 |32347 |
-ROW |156035 |1377 |32348 |
-ROW |156036 |1373 |32350 |
-ROW |156037 |1379 |32351 |
-ROW |156038 |1382 |32352 |
-ROW |156039 |1384 |32353 |
-ROW |156040 |1384 |32354 |
-ROW |156041 |1380 |32355 |
-ROW |156042 |1383 |32356 |
-ROW |156043 |1383 |32357 |
-ROW |156044 |1383 |32358 |
-ROW |156045 |1383 |32359 |
-ROW |156046 |1382 |32360 |
-ROW |156047 |1382 |32361 |
-ROW |156048 |1379 |32362 |
-ROW |156049 |1381 |32363 |
-ROW |156050 |1381 |32364 |
-ROW |156051 |1381 |32365 |
-ROW |156052 |1380 |32366 |
-ROW |156053 |1380 |32367 |
-ROW |156054 |1385 |32368 |
-ROW |156055 |1379 |32369 |
-ROW |156056 |1379 |32370 |
-ROW |156057 |1384 |32371 |
-ROW |156058 |1380 |32373 |
-ROW |156059 |1390 |32374 |
-ROW |156060 |1387 |32375 |
-ROW |156061 |1387 |32376 |
-ROW |156062 |1388 |32377 |
-ROW |156063 |1388 |32378 |
-ROW |156064 |1388 |32379 |
-ROW |156065 |1389 |32380 |
-ROW |156066 |1386 |32382 |
-ROW |156067 |1391 |32383 |
-ROW |156068 |1393 |32384 |
-ROW |156069 |1395 |32385 |
-ROW |156070 |1392 |32386 |
-ROW |156071 |1394 |32387 |
-ROW |156072 |1394 |32388 |
-ROW |156073 |1394 |32389 |
-ROW |156074 |1393 |32390 |
-ROW |156075 |1392 |32391 |
-ROW |156076 |1391 |32392 |
-ROW |156077 |1392 |32393 |
-ROW |156078 |1392 |32394 |
-ROW |156079 |1396 |32395 |
-ROW |156080 |1391 |32396 |
-ROW |156081 |1391 |32397 |
-ROW |156082 |1391 |32398 |
-ROW |156083 |1395 |32399 |
-ROW |156084 |1392 |32401 |
-ROW |156085 |1397 |32402 |
-ROW |156086 |1399 |32403 |
-ROW |156087 |1401 |32404 |
-ROW |156088 |1398 |32405 |
-ROW |156089 |1400 |32406 |
-ROW |156090 |1400 |32407 |
-ROW |156091 |1400 |32408 |
-ROW |156092 |1399 |32409 |
-ROW |156093 |1398 |32410 |
-ROW |156094 |1397 |32411 |
-ROW |156095 |1398 |32412 |
-ROW |156096 |1398 |32413 |
-ROW |156097 |1402 |32414 |
-ROW |156098 |1397 |32415 |
-ROW |156099 |1397 |32416 |
-ROW |156100 |1397 |32417 |
-ROW |156101 |1401 |32418 |
-ROW |156102 |1398 |32420 |
-ROW |156103 |1409 |32421 |
-ROW |156104 |1407 |32422 |
-ROW |156105 |1405 |32423 |
-ROW |156106 |1405 |32424 |
-ROW |156107 |1407 |32425 |
-ROW |156108 |1407 |32426 |
-ROW |156109 |1407 |32427 |
-ROW |156110 |1408 |32428 |
-ROW |156111 |1408 |32429 |
-ROW |156112 |1404 |32436 |
-ROW |156113 |1404 |32437 |
-ROW |156114 |1404 |32438 |
-ROW |156115 |1403 |32439 |
-ROW |156116 |1404 |32440 |
-ROW |156117 |1406 |32441 |
-ROW |156118 |1406 |32442 |
-ROW |156119 |1406 |32443 |
-ROW |156120 |1406 |32444 |
-ROW |156121 |985 |27930 |
-ROW |156122 |985 |27931 |
-ROW |156123 |981 |27935 |
-ROW |156124 |980 |27936 |
-ROW |156125 |985 |30121 |
-ROW |156126 |981 |30122 |
-ROW |156127 |981 |30123 |
-ROW |156128 |982 |27940 |
-ROW |156129 |982 |27941 |
-ROW |156130 |984 |27942 |
-ROW |156131 |983 |27943 |
-ROW |156132 |991 |27967 |
-ROW |156133 |991 |27968 |
-ROW |156134 |991 |27970 |
-ROW |156135 |991 |27971 |
-ROW |156136 |990 |27972 |
-ROW |156137 |990 |27973 |
-ROW |156138 |989 |27975 |
-ROW |156139 |1282 |30124 |
-ROW |156140 |991 |30125 |
-ROW |156141 |990 |30126 |
-ROW |156142 |1280 |30129 |
-ROW |156143 |1281 |30130 |
-ROW |156144 |997 |27997 |
-ROW |156145 |997 |27998 |
-ROW |156146 |997 |27999 |
-ROW |156147 |997 |28000 |
-ROW |156148 |995 |28003 |
-ROW |156149 |996 |30131 |
-ROW |156150 |1003 |28026 |
-ROW |156151 |1003 |28027 |
-ROW |156152 |1001 |28031 |
-ROW |156153 |1002 |30132 |
-ROW |156154 |1002 |30133 |
-ROW |156155 |1002 |30134 |
-ROW |156156 |1002 |30135 |
-ROW |156157 |1002 |30136 |
-ROW |156158 |1761 |35951 |
-ROW |156159 |1758 |35952 |
-ROW |156160 |1758 |35953 |
-ROW |156161 |1758 |35954 |
-ROW |156162 |1758 |35955 |
-ROW |156163 |1758 |35956 |
-ROW |156164 |1758 |35957 |
-ROW |156165 |1758 |35958 |
-ROW |156166 |1761 |35959 |
-ROW |156167 |1761 |35960 |
-ROW |156168 |1762 |35981 |
-ROW |156169 |1760 |35982 |
-ROW |156170 |1768 |35983 |
-ROW |156171 |1764 |35984 |
-ROW |156172 |1763 |35985 |
-ROW |156173 |1764 |35986 |
-ROW |156174 |1764 |35987 |
-ROW |156175 |1764 |35988 |
-ROW |156176 |1764 |35989 |
-ROW |156177 |1764 |35990 |
-ROW |156178 |1764 |35991 |
-ROW |156179 |1768 |35992 |
-ROW |156180 |1765 |35999 |
-ROW |156181 |1769 |36025 |
-ROW |156182 |1767 |36026 |
-ROW |156183 |1775 |36027 |
-ROW |156184 |1772 |36028 |
-ROW |156185 |1770 |36029 |
-ROW |156186 |1772 |36030 |
-ROW |156187 |1772 |36031 |
-ROW |156188 |1772 |36032 |
-ROW |156189 |1772 |36033 |
-ROW |156190 |1772 |36034 |
-ROW |156191 |1772 |36035 |
-ROW |156192 |1775 |36036 |
-ROW |156193 |1771 |36041 |
-ROW |156194 |1776 |36059 |
-ROW |156195 |1774 |36060 |
-ROW |156196 |1783 |36061 |
-ROW |156197 |1779 |36062 |
-ROW |156198 |1779 |36063 |
-ROW |156199 |1779 |36064 |
-ROW |156200 |1779 |36065 |
-ROW |156201 |1779 |36066 |
-ROW |156202 |1783 |36067 |
-ROW |156203 |1778 |36079 |
-ROW |156204 |1791 |36128 |
-ROW |156205 |1787 |36129 |
-ROW |156206 |1787 |36130 |
-ROW |156207 |1787 |36131 |
-ROW |156208 |1787 |36132 |
-ROW |156209 |1787 |36133 |
-ROW |156210 |1791 |36134 |
-ROW |156211 |1786 |36146 |
-ROW |156212 |1797 |36195 |
-ROW |156213 |1794 |36196 |
-ROW |156214 |1794 |36197 |
-ROW |156215 |1794 |36198 |
-ROW |156216 |1794 |36199 |
-ROW |156217 |1794 |36200 |
-ROW |156218 |1794 |36201 |
-ROW |156219 |1794 |36202 |
-ROW |156220 |1797 |36203 |
-ROW |156221 |1797 |36204 |
-ROW |156222 |1793 |36210 |
-ROW |156223 |1798 |36227 |
-ROW |156224 |1796 |36228 |
-ROW |156225 |1802 |36229 |
-ROW |156226 |1800 |36230 |
-ROW |156227 |1799 |36231 |
-ROW |156228 |1800 |36232 |
-ROW |156229 |1800 |36233 |
-ROW |156230 |1800 |36234 |
-ROW |156231 |1800 |36235 |
-ROW |156232 |1800 |36236 |
-ROW |156233 |1800 |36237 |
-ROW |156234 |1802 |36238 |
-ROW |156235 |1808 |36267 |
-ROW |156236 |1804 |36268 |
-ROW |156237 |1803 |36269 |
-ROW |156238 |1804 |36270 |
-ROW |156239 |1804 |36271 |
-ROW |156240 |1804 |36272 |
-ROW |156241 |1804 |36273 |
-ROW |156242 |1804 |36274 |
-ROW |156243 |1804 |36275 |
-ROW |156244 |1808 |36276 |
-ROW |156245 |1805 |36283 |
-ROW |156246 |1809 |36309 |
-ROW |156247 |1807 |36310 |
-ROW |156248 |1815 |36311 |
-ROW |156249 |1811 |36312 |
-ROW |156250 |1810 |36313 |
-ROW |156251 |1811 |36314 |
-ROW |156252 |1811 |36315 |
-ROW |156253 |1811 |36316 |
-ROW |156254 |1811 |36317 |
-ROW |156255 |1811 |36318 |
-ROW |156256 |1811 |36319 |
-ROW |156257 |1815 |36320 |
-ROW |156258 |1812 |36327 |
-ROW |156259 |1816 |36353 |
-ROW |156260 |1814 |36354 |
-ROW |156261 |1822 |36355 |
-ROW |156262 |1819 |36356 |
-ROW |156263 |1817 |36357 |
-ROW |156264 |1819 |36358 |
-ROW |156265 |1819 |36359 |
-ROW |156266 |1819 |36360 |
-ROW |156267 |1819 |36361 |
-ROW |156268 |1819 |36362 |
-ROW |156269 |1819 |36363 |
-ROW |156270 |1822 |36364 |
-ROW |156271 |1818 |36371 |
-ROW |156272 |1823 |36397 |
-ROW |156273 |1821 |36398 |
-ROW |156274 |1829 |36399 |
-ROW |156275 |1826 |36400 |
-ROW |156276 |1824 |36401 |
-ROW |156277 |1826 |36402 |
-ROW |156278 |1826 |36403 |
-ROW |156279 |1826 |36404 |
-ROW |156280 |1826 |36405 |
-ROW |156281 |1826 |36406 |
-ROW |156282 |1826 |36407 |
-ROW |156283 |1829 |36408 |
-ROW |156284 |1825 |36415 |
-ROW |156285 |1830 |36441 |
-ROW |156286 |1828 |36442 |
-ROW |156287 |1837 |36443 |
-ROW |156288 |1833 |36444 |
-ROW |156289 |1831 |36445 |
-ROW |156290 |1833 |36446 |
-ROW |156291 |1833 |36447 |
-ROW |156292 |1833 |36448 |
-ROW |156293 |1834 |36449 |
-ROW |156294 |1833 |36450 |
-ROW |156295 |1833 |36451 |
-ROW |156296 |1833 |36452 |
-ROW |156297 |1837 |36453 |
-ROW |156298 |1832 |36460 |
-ROW |156299 |1838 |36486 |
-ROW |156300 |1836 |36487 |
-ROW |156301 |1845 |36488 |
-ROW |156302 |1841 |36489 |
-ROW |156303 |1839 |36490 |
-ROW |156304 |1841 |36491 |
-ROW |156305 |1841 |36492 |
-ROW |156306 |1841 |36493 |
-ROW |156307 |1842 |36494 |
-ROW |156308 |1841 |36495 |
-ROW |156309 |1841 |36496 |
-ROW |156310 |1841 |36497 |
-ROW |156311 |1845 |36498 |
-ROW |156312 |1840 |36505 |
-ROW |156313 |1846 |36531 |
-ROW |156314 |1844 |36532 |
-ROW |156315 |1853 |36533 |
-ROW |156316 |1849 |36534 |
-ROW |156317 |1847 |36535 |
-ROW |156318 |1849 |36536 |
-ROW |156319 |1849 |36537 |
-ROW |156320 |1849 |36538 |
-ROW |156321 |1849 |36539 |
-ROW |156322 |1849 |36540 |
-ROW |156323 |1849 |36541 |
-ROW |156324 |1853 |36542 |
-ROW |156325 |1848 |36550 |
-ROW |156326 |1850 |36551 |
-ROW |156327 |1854 |36577 |
-ROW |156328 |1852 |36578 |
-ROW |156329 |1142 |29087 |
-ROW |156330 |1142 |29088 |
-ROW |156331 |1142 |29089 |
-ROW |156332 |1142 |29090 |
-ROW |156333 |1142 |29091 |
-ROW |156334 |1142 |29092 |
-ROW |156335 |1142 |29093 |
-ROW |156336 |1142 |29094 |
-ROW |156337 |1142 |29095 |
-ROW |156338 |1142 |29096 |
-ROW |156339 |1142 |29097 |
-ROW |156340 |1142 |29098 |
-ROW |156341 |1142 |29099 |
-ROW |156342 |1142 |29100 |
-ROW |156343 |1142 |29101 |
-ROW |156344 |1142 |29102 |
-ROW |156345 |1144 |29103 |
-ROW |156346 |1144 |29104 |
-ROW |156347 |1144 |29105 |
-ROW |156348 |1144 |29106 |
-ROW |156349 |1144 |29107 |
-ROW |156350 |1144 |29108 |
-ROW |156351 |1151 |29110 |
-ROW |156352 |1148 |29111 |
-ROW |156353 |1148 |29112 |
-ROW |156354 |1148 |29113 |
-ROW |156355 |1148 |29114 |
-ROW |156356 |1148 |29115 |
-ROW |156357 |1148 |29116 |
-ROW |156358 |1148 |29117 |
-ROW |156359 |1148 |29118 |
-ROW |156360 |1148 |29119 |
-ROW |156361 |1150 |29120 |
-ROW |156362 |1149 |29121 |
-ROW |156363 |1149 |29122 |
-ROW |156364 |1149 |29123 |
-ROW |156365 |1152 |29124 |
-ROW |156366 |1152 |29125 |
-ROW |156367 |1152 |29126 |
-ROW |156368 |1152 |29127 |
-ROW |156369 |1152 |29128 |
-ROW |156370 |1152 |29129 |
-ROW |156371 |1152 |29130 |
-ROW |156372 |1152 |29131 |
-ROW |156373 |1152 |29132 |
-ROW |156374 |1152 |29133 |
-ROW |156375 |1152 |29134 |
-ROW |156376 |1152 |29135 |
-ROW |156377 |1152 |29136 |
-ROW |156378 |1152 |29137 |
-ROW |156379 |1152 |29138 |
-ROW |156380 |1152 |29139 |
-ROW |156381 |1154 |29140 |
-ROW |156382 |1154 |29141 |
-ROW |156383 |1154 |29142 |
-ROW |156384 |1154 |29143 |
-ROW |156385 |1154 |29144 |
-ROW |156386 |1154 |29145 |
-ROW |156387 |1161 |29147 |
-ROW |156388 |1158 |29148 |
-ROW |156389 |1158 |29149 |
-ROW |156390 |1158 |29150 |
-ROW |156391 |1158 |29151 |
-ROW |156392 |1158 |29152 |
-ROW |156393 |1158 |29153 |
-ROW |156394 |1158 |29154 |
-ROW |156395 |1158 |29155 |
-ROW |156396 |1158 |29156 |
-ROW |156397 |1160 |29157 |
-ROW |156398 |1159 |29158 |
-ROW |156399 |1159 |29159 |
-ROW |156400 |1159 |29160 |
-ROW |156401 |1162 |29161 |
-ROW |156402 |1162 |29162 |
-ROW |156403 |1162 |29163 |
-ROW |156404 |1162 |29164 |
-ROW |156405 |1162 |29165 |
-ROW |156406 |1162 |29166 |
-ROW |156407 |1162 |29167 |
-ROW |156408 |1162 |29168 |
-ROW |156409 |1162 |29169 |
-ROW |156410 |1162 |29170 |
-ROW |156411 |1162 |29171 |
-ROW |156412 |1162 |29172 |
-ROW |156413 |1162 |29173 |
-ROW |156414 |1162 |29174 |
-ROW |156415 |1162 |29175 |
-ROW |156416 |1162 |29176 |
-ROW |156417 |1164 |29177 |
-ROW |156418 |1164 |29178 |
-ROW |156419 |1164 |29179 |
-ROW |156420 |1164 |29180 |
-ROW |156421 |1164 |29181 |
-ROW |156422 |1164 |29182 |
-ROW |156423 |1171 |29184 |
-ROW |156424 |1168 |29185 |
-ROW |156425 |1168 |29186 |
-ROW |156426 |1168 |29187 |
-ROW |156427 |1168 |29188 |
-ROW |156428 |1168 |29189 |
-ROW |156429 |1168 |29190 |
-ROW |156430 |1168 |29191 |
-ROW |156431 |1168 |29192 |
-ROW |156432 |1168 |29193 |
-ROW |156433 |1170 |29194 |
-ROW |156434 |1169 |29195 |
-ROW |156435 |1169 |29196 |
-ROW |156436 |1169 |29197 |
-ROW |156437 |1142 |29198 |
-ROW |156438 |1144 |31270 |
-ROW |156439 |1152 |29199 |
-ROW |156440 |1154 |31271 |
-ROW |156441 |1162 |29200 |
-ROW |156442 |1164 |31272 |
-ROW |156443 |1146 |31278 |
-ROW |156444 |1156 |31281 |
-ROW |156445 |1166 |31284 |
-ROW |156446 |1146 |31287 |
-ROW |156447 |1146 |31290 |
-ROW |156448 |1156 |31293 |
-ROW |156449 |1156 |31296 |
-ROW |156450 |1166 |31299 |
-ROW |156451 |1166 |31302 |
-ROW |156452 |1173 |29273 |
-ROW |156453 |1173 |29274 |
-ROW |156454 |1173 |29275 |
-ROW |156455 |1173 |29276 |
-ROW |156456 |1173 |29277 |
-ROW |156457 |1173 |29278 |
-ROW |156458 |1173 |29279 |
-ROW |156459 |1173 |29280 |
-ROW |156460 |1173 |29281 |
-ROW |156461 |1173 |29282 |
-ROW |156462 |1173 |29283 |
-ROW |156463 |1173 |29284 |
-ROW |156464 |1173 |29285 |
-ROW |156465 |1173 |29286 |
-ROW |156466 |1173 |29287 |
-ROW |156467 |1173 |29288 |
-ROW |156468 |1175 |29289 |
-ROW |156469 |1175 |29290 |
-ROW |156470 |1175 |29291 |
-ROW |156471 |1175 |29292 |
-ROW |156472 |1175 |29293 |
-ROW |156473 |1175 |29294 |
-ROW |156474 |1182 |29296 |
-ROW |156475 |1179 |29297 |
-ROW |156476 |1179 |29298 |
-ROW |156477 |1179 |29299 |
-ROW |156478 |1179 |29300 |
-ROW |156479 |1179 |29301 |
-ROW |156480 |1179 |29302 |
-ROW |156481 |1179 |29303 |
-ROW |156482 |1179 |29304 |
-ROW |156483 |1179 |29305 |
-ROW |156484 |1181 |29306 |
-ROW |156485 |1180 |29307 |
-ROW |156486 |1180 |29308 |
-ROW |156487 |1180 |29309 |
-ROW |156488 |1183 |29310 |
-ROW |156489 |1183 |29311 |
-ROW |156490 |1183 |29312 |
-ROW |156491 |1183 |29313 |
-ROW |156492 |1183 |29314 |
-ROW |156493 |1183 |29315 |
-ROW |156494 |1183 |29316 |
-ROW |156495 |1183 |29317 |
-ROW |156496 |1183 |29318 |
-ROW |156497 |1183 |29319 |
-ROW |156498 |1183 |29320 |
-ROW |156499 |1183 |29321 |
-ROW |156500 |1183 |29322 |
-ROW |156501 |1183 |29323 |
-ROW |156502 |1183 |29324 |
-ROW |156503 |1183 |29325 |
-ROW |156504 |1185 |29326 |
-ROW |156505 |1185 |29327 |
-ROW |156506 |1185 |29328 |
-ROW |156507 |1185 |29329 |
-ROW |156508 |1185 |29330 |
-ROW |156509 |1185 |29331 |
-ROW |156510 |1192 |29333 |
-ROW |156511 |1189 |29334 |
-ROW |156512 |1189 |29335 |
-ROW |156513 |1189 |29336 |
-ROW |156514 |1189 |29337 |
-ROW |156515 |1189 |29338 |
-ROW |156516 |1189 |29339 |
-ROW |156517 |1189 |29340 |
-ROW |156518 |1189 |29341 |
-ROW |156519 |1189 |29342 |
-ROW |156520 |1191 |29343 |
-ROW |156521 |1190 |29344 |
-ROW |156522 |1190 |29345 |
-ROW |156523 |1190 |29346 |
-ROW |156524 |1173 |29347 |
-ROW |156525 |1175 |31303 |
-ROW |156526 |1183 |29348 |
-ROW |156527 |1185 |31304 |
-ROW |156528 |1177 |31309 |
-ROW |156529 |1187 |31312 |
-ROW |156530 |1177 |31315 |
-ROW |156531 |1177 |31318 |
-ROW |156532 |1187 |31321 |
-ROW |156533 |1187 |31324 |
-ROW |156534 |1201 |29395 |
-ROW |156535 |1196 |29396 |
-ROW |156536 |1196 |29397 |
-ROW |156537 |1194 |29398 |
-ROW |156538 |1193 |29399 |
-ROW |156539 |1196 |29400 |
-ROW |156540 |1196 |29401 |
-ROW |156541 |1196 |29402 |
-ROW |156542 |1196 |29403 |
-ROW |156543 |1194 |29404 |
-ROW |156544 |1193 |29405 |
-ROW |156545 |1193 |29406 |
-ROW |156546 |1193 |29407 |
-ROW |156547 |1193 |29408 |
-ROW |156548 |1193 |29409 |
-ROW |156549 |1193 |29410 |
-ROW |156550 |1193 |29411 |
-ROW |156551 |1193 |29412 |
-ROW |156552 |1193 |29413 |
-ROW |156553 |1194 |29414 |
-ROW |156554 |1197 |29415 |
-ROW |156555 |1193 |29416 |
-ROW |156556 |1193 |29417 |
-ROW |156557 |1193 |29418 |
-ROW |156558 |1193 |29419 |
-ROW |156559 |1193 |29420 |
-ROW |156560 |1199 |29421 |
-ROW |156561 |1195 |29422 |
-ROW |156562 |1194 |29423 |
-ROW |156563 |1194 |29424 |
-ROW |156564 |1194 |29425 |
-ROW |156565 |1193 |29426 |
-ROW |156566 |1193 |29427 |
-ROW |156567 |1195 |29428 |
-ROW |156568 |1201 |29450 |
-ROW |156569 |1201 |29451 |
-ROW |156570 |1128 |28978 |
-ROW |156571 |1128 |28979 |
-ROW |156572 |1128 |28980 |
-ROW |156573 |1128 |28981 |
-ROW |156574 |1128 |28982 |
-ROW |156575 |1128 |28983 |
-ROW |156576 |1128 |28984 |
-ROW |156577 |1128 |28985 |
-ROW |156578 |1128 |28986 |
-ROW |156579 |1130 |28987 |
-ROW |156580 |1130 |28988 |
-ROW |156581 |1130 |28989 |
-ROW |156582 |1130 |28990 |
-ROW |156583 |1130 |28991 |
-ROW |156584 |1130 |28992 |
-ROW |156585 |1132 |28993 |
-ROW |156586 |1132 |28994 |
-ROW |156587 |1132 |28995 |
-ROW |156588 |1132 |28996 |
-ROW |156589 |1132 |28997 |
-ROW |156590 |1132 |28998 |
-ROW |156591 |1132 |28999 |
-ROW |156592 |1132 |29000 |
-ROW |156593 |1132 |29001 |
-ROW |156594 |1134 |29002 |
-ROW |156595 |1134 |29003 |
-ROW |156596 |1134 |29004 |
-ROW |156597 |1134 |29005 |
-ROW |156598 |1134 |29006 |
-ROW |156599 |1134 |29007 |
-ROW |156600 |1130 |29017 |
-ROW |156601 |1130 |29018 |
-ROW |156602 |1130 |29019 |
-ROW |156603 |1130 |29020 |
-ROW |156604 |1130 |29021 |
-ROW |156605 |1130 |29022 |
-ROW |156606 |1130 |29023 |
-ROW |156607 |1130 |29024 |
-ROW |156608 |1130 |29025 |
-ROW |156609 |1130 |29026 |
-ROW |156610 |1134 |29034 |
-ROW |156611 |1134 |29035 |
-ROW |156612 |1134 |29036 |
-ROW |156613 |1134 |29037 |
-ROW |156614 |1134 |29038 |
-ROW |156615 |1134 |29039 |
-ROW |156616 |1134 |29040 |
-ROW |156617 |1134 |29041 |
-ROW |156618 |1134 |29042 |
-ROW |156619 |1134 |29043 |
-ROW |156620 |1130 |29048 |
-ROW |156621 |1134 |29049 |
-ROW |156622 |1202 |29454 |
-ROW |156623 |1202 |29455 |
-ROW |156624 |1202 |29456 |
-ROW |156625 |1202 |29457 |
-ROW |156626 |1202 |29458 |
-ROW |156627 |1202 |29459 |
-ROW |156628 |1203 |29460 |
-ROW |156629 |1203 |29461 |
-ROW |156630 |1203 |29462 |
-ROW |156631 |1203 |29463 |
-ROW |156632 |1203 |29466 |
-ROW |156633 |1203 |29467 |
-ROW |156634 |1203 |29468 |
-ROW |156635 |1203 |29469 |
-ROW |156636 |1203 |29470 |
-ROW |156637 |1209 |29472 |
-ROW |156638 |1207 |29473 |
-ROW |156639 |1207 |29474 |
-ROW |156640 |1207 |29475 |
-ROW |156641 |1207 |29476 |
-ROW |156642 |1207 |29477 |
-ROW |156643 |1208 |29478 |
-ROW |156644 |1202 |30137 |
-ROW |156645 |1202 |31325 |
-ROW |156646 |1203 |31326 |
-ROW |156647 |1203 |31327 |
-ROW |156648 |1211 |36579 |
-ROW |156649 |1212 |29480 |
-ROW |156650 |1212 |29481 |
-ROW |156651 |1212 |29482 |
-ROW |156652 |1212 |29483 |
-ROW |156653 |1212 |29484 |
-ROW |156654 |1212 |29485 |
-ROW |156655 |1213 |29486 |
-ROW |156656 |1213 |29487 |
-ROW |156657 |1213 |29488 |
-ROW |156658 |1213 |29489 |
-ROW |156659 |1213 |29492 |
-ROW |156660 |1213 |29493 |
-ROW |156661 |1213 |29494 |
-ROW |156662 |1213 |29495 |
-ROW |156663 |1213 |29496 |
-ROW |156664 |1219 |29498 |
-ROW |156665 |1217 |29499 |
-ROW |156666 |1217 |29500 |
-ROW |156667 |1217 |29501 |
-ROW |156668 |1217 |29502 |
-ROW |156669 |1217 |29503 |
-ROW |156670 |1218 |29504 |
-ROW |156671 |1212 |30138 |
-ROW |156672 |1212 |31328 |
-ROW |156673 |1213 |31329 |
-ROW |156674 |1213 |31330 |
-ROW |156675 |1216 |36580 |
-ROW |156676 |1203 |31331 |
-ROW |156677 |1213 |31332 |
-ROW |156678 |1310 |30425 |
-ROW |156679 |1311 |30426 |
-ROW |156680 |1243 |29561 |
-ROW |156681 |1243 |29562 |
-ROW |156682 |1243 |29563 |
-ROW |156683 |1243 |29564 |
-ROW |156684 |1243 |29565 |
-ROW |156685 |1243 |29566 |
-ROW |156686 |1244 |29567 |
-ROW |156687 |1244 |29568 |
-ROW |156688 |1244 |29569 |
-ROW |156689 |1244 |29570 |
-ROW |156690 |1244 |29573 |
-ROW |156691 |1244 |29574 |
-ROW |156692 |1244 |29575 |
-ROW |156693 |1244 |29576 |
-ROW |156694 |1244 |29577 |
-ROW |156695 |1250 |29579 |
-ROW |156696 |1248 |29580 |
-ROW |156697 |1248 |29581 |
-ROW |156698 |1248 |29582 |
-ROW |156699 |1248 |29583 |
-ROW |156700 |1248 |29584 |
-ROW |156701 |1249 |29585 |
-ROW |156702 |1243 |30139 |
-ROW |156703 |1243 |31343 |
-ROW |156704 |1244 |31344 |
-ROW |156705 |1244 |31345 |
-ROW |156706 |1252 |36601 |
-ROW |156707 |1253 |29587 |
-ROW |156708 |1253 |29588 |
-ROW |156709 |1253 |29589 |
-ROW |156710 |1253 |29590 |
-ROW |156711 |1253 |29591 |
-ROW |156712 |1253 |29592 |
-ROW |156713 |1254 |29593 |
-ROW |156714 |1254 |29594 |
-ROW |156715 |1254 |29595 |
-ROW |156716 |1254 |29596 |
-ROW |156717 |1254 |29599 |
-ROW |156718 |1254 |29600 |
-ROW |156719 |1254 |29601 |
-ROW |156720 |1254 |29602 |
-ROW |156721 |1254 |29603 |
-ROW |156722 |1242 |29605 |
-ROW |156723 |1258 |29606 |
-ROW |156724 |1258 |29607 |
-ROW |156725 |1258 |29608 |
-ROW |156726 |1258 |29609 |
-ROW |156727 |1258 |29610 |
-ROW |156728 |1259 |29611 |
-ROW |156729 |1253 |30140 |
-ROW |156730 |1253 |31346 |
-ROW |156731 |1254 |31347 |
-ROW |156732 |1254 |31348 |
-ROW |156733 |1257 |36602 |
-ROW |156734 |1244 |31349 |
-ROW |156735 |1254 |31350 |
-ROW |156736 |1312 |30429 |
-ROW |156737 |1313 |30430 |
-ROW |156738 |1493 |33568 |
-ROW |156739 |1493 |33569 |
-ROW |156740 |1493 |33570 |
-ROW |156741 |1492 |33571 |
-ROW |156742 |1492 |33572 |
-ROW |156743 |1492 |33574 |
-ROW |156744 |1492 |33575 |
-ROW |156745 |1492 |33576 |
-ROW |156746 |1492 |33577 |
-ROW |156747 |1492 |33578 |
-ROW |156748 |1493 |33579 |
-ROW |156749 |1493 |33580 |
-ROW |156750 |1493 |33581 |
-ROW |156751 |1493 |33582 |
-ROW |156752 |1493 |33583 |
-ROW |156753 |1493 |33584 |
-ROW |156754 |1493 |33585 |
-ROW |156755 |1493 |33589 |
-ROW |156756 |1493 |33590 |
-ROW |156757 |1493 |33591 |
-ROW |156758 |1493 |33592 |
-ROW |156759 |1493 |33593 |
-ROW |156760 |1493 |33594 |
-ROW |156761 |1493 |33595 |
-ROW |156762 |1492 |34083 |
-ROW |156763 |1493 |33602 |
-ROW |156764 |1493 |33603 |
-ROW |156765 |1493 |33604 |
-ROW |156766 |1493 |33605 |
-ROW |156767 |1493 |33606 |
-ROW |156768 |1492 |33607 |
-ROW |156769 |1493 |33608 |
-ROW |156770 |1493 |33609 |
-ROW |156771 |1493 |33610 |
-ROW |156772 |1493 |33611 |
-ROW |156773 |1493 |33612 |
-ROW |156774 |1493 |33613 |
-ROW |156775 |1493 |33614 |
-ROW |156776 |1493 |33615 |
-ROW |156777 |1493 |33616 |
-ROW |156778 |1493 |33617 |
-ROW |156779 |1493 |33618 |
-ROW |156780 |1495 |33619 |
-ROW |156781 |1495 |33620 |
-ROW |156782 |1495 |33621 |
-ROW |156783 |1494 |33622 |
-ROW |156784 |1494 |33623 |
-ROW |156785 |1494 |33625 |
-ROW |156786 |1494 |33626 |
-ROW |156787 |1494 |33627 |
-ROW |156788 |1494 |33628 |
-ROW |156789 |1494 |33629 |
-ROW |156790 |1495 |33630 |
-ROW |156791 |1495 |33631 |
-ROW |156792 |1495 |33632 |
-ROW |156793 |1495 |33633 |
-ROW |156794 |1495 |33634 |
-ROW |156795 |1495 |33635 |
-ROW |156796 |1495 |33636 |
-ROW |156797 |1495 |33640 |
-ROW |156798 |1495 |33641 |
-ROW |156799 |1495 |33642 |
-ROW |156800 |1495 |33643 |
-ROW |156801 |1495 |33644 |
-ROW |156802 |1495 |33645 |
-ROW |156803 |1495 |33646 |
-ROW |156804 |1494 |34084 |
-ROW |156805 |1495 |33653 |
-ROW |156806 |1495 |33654 |
-ROW |156807 |1495 |33655 |
-ROW |156808 |1495 |33656 |
-ROW |156809 |1495 |33657 |
-ROW |156810 |1494 |33658 |
-ROW |156811 |1495 |33659 |
-ROW |156812 |1495 |33660 |
-ROW |156813 |1495 |33661 |
-ROW |156814 |1495 |33662 |
-ROW |156815 |1495 |33663 |
-ROW |156816 |1495 |33664 |
-ROW |156817 |1495 |33665 |
-ROW |156818 |1495 |33666 |
-ROW |156819 |1495 |33667 |
-ROW |156820 |1495 |33668 |
-ROW |156821 |1495 |33669 |
-ROW |156822 |1497 |33670 |
-ROW |156823 |1497 |33671 |
-ROW |156824 |1497 |33672 |
-ROW |156825 |1496 |33673 |
-ROW |156826 |1496 |33674 |
-ROW |156827 |1496 |33676 |
-ROW |156828 |1496 |33677 |
-ROW |156829 |1496 |33678 |
-ROW |156830 |1496 |33679 |
-ROW |156831 |1496 |33680 |
-ROW |156832 |1497 |33681 |
-ROW |156833 |1497 |33682 |
-ROW |156834 |1497 |33683 |
-ROW |156835 |1497 |33684 |
-ROW |156836 |1497 |33685 |
-ROW |156837 |1497 |33686 |
-ROW |156838 |1497 |33687 |
-ROW |156839 |1497 |33691 |
-ROW |156840 |1497 |33692 |
-ROW |156841 |1497 |33693 |
-ROW |156842 |1497 |33694 |
-ROW |156843 |1497 |33695 |
-ROW |156844 |1497 |33696 |
-ROW |156845 |1497 |33697 |
-ROW |156846 |1496 |34085 |
-ROW |156847 |1497 |33704 |
-ROW |156848 |1497 |33705 |
-ROW |156849 |1497 |33706 |
-ROW |156850 |1497 |33707 |
-ROW |156851 |1497 |33708 |
-ROW |156852 |1496 |33709 |
-ROW |156853 |1497 |33710 |
-ROW |156854 |1497 |33711 |
-ROW |156855 |1497 |33712 |
-ROW |156856 |1497 |33713 |
-ROW |156857 |1497 |33714 |
-ROW |156858 |1497 |33715 |
-ROW |156859 |1497 |33716 |
-ROW |156860 |1497 |33717 |
-ROW |156861 |1497 |33718 |
-ROW |156862 |1497 |33719 |
-ROW |156863 |1497 |33720 |
-ROW |156864 |1499 |33721 |
-ROW |156865 |1499 |33722 |
-ROW |156866 |1499 |33723 |
-ROW |156867 |1498 |33724 |
-ROW |156868 |1498 |33725 |
-ROW |156869 |1498 |33727 |
-ROW |156870 |1498 |33728 |
-ROW |156871 |1498 |33729 |
-ROW |156872 |1498 |33730 |
-ROW |156873 |1498 |33731 |
-ROW |156874 |1499 |33732 |
-ROW |156875 |1499 |33733 |
-ROW |156876 |1499 |33734 |
-ROW |156877 |1499 |33735 |
-ROW |156878 |1499 |33736 |
-ROW |156879 |1499 |33737 |
-ROW |156880 |1499 |33738 |
-ROW |156881 |1499 |33742 |
-ROW |156882 |1499 |33743 |
-ROW |156883 |1499 |33744 |
-ROW |156884 |1499 |33745 |
-ROW |156885 |1499 |33746 |
-ROW |156886 |1499 |33747 |
-ROW |156887 |1499 |33748 |
-ROW |156888 |1498 |34086 |
-ROW |156889 |1499 |33755 |
-ROW |156890 |1499 |33756 |
-ROW |156891 |1499 |33757 |
-ROW |156892 |1499 |33758 |
-ROW |156893 |1499 |33759 |
-ROW |156894 |1498 |33760 |
-ROW |156895 |1499 |33761 |
-ROW |156896 |1499 |33762 |
-ROW |156897 |1499 |33763 |
-ROW |156898 |1499 |33764 |
-ROW |156899 |1499 |33765 |
-ROW |156900 |1499 |33766 |
-ROW |156901 |1499 |33767 |
-ROW |156902 |1499 |33768 |
-ROW |156903 |1499 |33769 |
-ROW |156904 |1499 |33770 |
-ROW |156905 |1499 |33771 |
-ROW |156906 |1501 |33772 |
-ROW |156907 |1501 |33773 |
-ROW |156908 |1501 |33774 |
-ROW |156909 |1500 |33775 |
-ROW |156910 |1500 |33776 |
-ROW |156911 |1500 |33778 |
-ROW |156912 |1500 |33779 |
-ROW |156913 |1500 |33780 |
-ROW |156914 |1500 |33781 |
-ROW |156915 |1500 |33782 |
-ROW |156916 |1501 |33783 |
-ROW |156917 |1501 |33784 |
-ROW |156918 |1501 |33785 |
-ROW |156919 |1501 |33786 |
-ROW |156920 |1501 |33787 |
-ROW |156921 |1501 |33788 |
-ROW |156922 |1501 |33789 |
-ROW |156923 |1501 |33793 |
-ROW |156924 |1501 |33794 |
-ROW |156925 |1501 |33795 |
-ROW |156926 |1501 |33796 |
-ROW |156927 |1501 |33797 |
-ROW |156928 |1501 |33798 |
-ROW |156929 |1501 |33799 |
-ROW |156930 |1500 |34087 |
-ROW |156931 |1501 |33806 |
-ROW |156932 |1501 |33807 |
-ROW |156933 |1501 |33808 |
-ROW |156934 |1501 |33809 |
-ROW |156935 |1501 |33810 |
-ROW |156936 |1500 |33811 |
-ROW |156937 |1501 |33812 |
-ROW |156938 |1501 |33813 |
-ROW |156939 |1501 |33814 |
-ROW |156940 |1501 |33815 |
-ROW |156941 |1501 |33816 |
-ROW |156942 |1501 |33817 |
-ROW |156943 |1501 |33818 |
-ROW |156944 |1501 |33819 |
-ROW |156945 |1501 |33820 |
-ROW |156946 |1501 |33821 |
-ROW |156947 |1501 |33822 |
-ROW |156948 |1503 |33823 |
-ROW |156949 |1503 |33824 |
-ROW |156950 |1503 |33825 |
-ROW |156951 |1502 |33826 |
-ROW |156952 |1502 |33827 |
-ROW |156953 |1502 |33829 |
-ROW |156954 |1502 |33830 |
-ROW |156955 |1502 |33831 |
-ROW |156956 |1502 |33832 |
-ROW |156957 |1502 |33833 |
-ROW |156958 |1503 |33834 |
-ROW |156959 |1503 |33835 |
-ROW |156960 |1503 |33836 |
-ROW |156961 |1503 |33837 |
-ROW |156962 |1503 |33838 |
-ROW |156963 |1503 |33839 |
-ROW |156964 |1503 |33840 |
-ROW |156965 |1503 |33844 |
-ROW |156966 |1503 |33845 |
-ROW |156967 |1503 |33846 |
-ROW |156968 |1503 |33847 |
-ROW |156969 |1503 |33848 |
-ROW |156970 |1503 |33849 |
-ROW |156971 |1503 |33850 |
-ROW |156972 |1502 |34088 |
-ROW |156973 |1503 |33857 |
-ROW |156974 |1503 |33858 |
-ROW |156975 |1503 |33859 |
-ROW |156976 |1503 |33860 |
-ROW |156977 |1503 |33861 |
-ROW |156978 |1502 |33862 |
-ROW |156979 |1503 |33863 |
-ROW |156980 |1503 |33864 |
-ROW |156981 |1503 |33865 |
-ROW |156982 |1503 |33866 |
-ROW |156983 |1503 |33867 |
-ROW |156984 |1503 |33868 |
-ROW |156985 |1503 |33869 |
-ROW |156986 |1503 |33870 |
-ROW |156987 |1503 |33871 |
-ROW |156988 |1503 |33872 |
-ROW |156989 |1503 |33873 |
-ROW |156990 |1505 |33874 |
-ROW |156991 |1505 |33875 |
-ROW |156992 |1505 |33876 |
-ROW |156993 |1504 |33877 |
-ROW |156994 |1504 |33878 |
-ROW |156995 |1504 |33880 |
-ROW |156996 |1504 |33881 |
-ROW |156997 |1504 |33882 |
-ROW |156998 |1504 |33883 |
-ROW |156999 |1504 |33884 |
-ROW |157000 |1505 |33885 |
-ROW |157001 |1505 |33886 |
-ROW |157002 |1505 |33887 |
-ROW |157003 |1505 |33888 |
-ROW |157004 |1505 |33889 |
-ROW |157005 |1505 |33890 |
-ROW |157006 |1505 |33891 |
-ROW |157007 |1505 |33895 |
-ROW |157008 |1505 |33896 |
-ROW |157009 |1505 |33897 |
-ROW |157010 |1505 |33898 |
-ROW |157011 |1505 |33899 |
-ROW |157012 |1505 |33900 |
-ROW |157013 |1505 |33901 |
-ROW |157014 |1504 |34089 |
-ROW |157015 |1505 |33908 |
-ROW |157016 |1505 |33909 |
-ROW |157017 |1505 |33910 |
-ROW |157018 |1505 |33911 |
-ROW |157019 |1505 |33912 |
-ROW |157020 |1504 |33913 |
-ROW |157021 |1505 |33914 |
-ROW |157022 |1505 |33915 |
-ROW |157023 |1505 |33916 |
-ROW |157024 |1505 |33917 |
-ROW |157025 |1505 |33918 |
-ROW |157026 |1505 |33919 |
-ROW |157027 |1505 |33920 |
-ROW |157028 |1505 |33921 |
-ROW |157029 |1505 |33922 |
-ROW |157030 |1505 |33923 |
-ROW |157031 |1505 |33924 |
-ROW |157032 |1489 |33433 |
-ROW |157033 |1489 |33434 |
-ROW |157034 |1488 |33435 |
-ROW |157035 |1488 |33436 |
-ROW |157036 |1488 |33438 |
-ROW |157037 |1488 |33439 |
-ROW |157038 |1488 |33440 |
-ROW |157039 |1488 |33441 |
-ROW |157040 |1488 |33442 |
-ROW |157041 |1489 |33443 |
-ROW |157042 |1489 |33444 |
-ROW |157043 |1489 |33445 |
-ROW |157044 |1489 |33446 |
-ROW |157045 |1489 |33447 |
-ROW |157046 |1489 |33448 |
-ROW |157047 |1489 |33449 |
-ROW |157048 |1489 |33453 |
-ROW |157049 |1489 |33454 |
-ROW |157050 |1489 |33455 |
-ROW |157051 |1489 |33456 |
-ROW |157052 |1489 |33457 |
-ROW |157053 |1489 |33458 |
-ROW |157054 |1489 |33459 |
-ROW |157055 |1489 |33925 |
-ROW |157056 |1488 |34090 |
-ROW |157057 |1489 |33465 |
-ROW |157058 |1489 |33466 |
-ROW |157059 |1489 |33467 |
-ROW |157060 |1489 |33468 |
-ROW |157061 |1489 |33469 |
-ROW |157062 |1488 |33470 |
-ROW |157063 |1489 |33471 |
-ROW |157064 |1489 |33472 |
-ROW |157065 |1489 |33473 |
-ROW |157066 |1489 |33474 |
-ROW |157067 |1489 |33475 |
-ROW |157068 |1489 |33476 |
-ROW |157069 |1489 |33477 |
-ROW |157070 |1489 |33478 |
-ROW |157071 |1489 |33927 |
-ROW |157072 |1489 |33928 |
-ROW |157073 |1489 |33929 |
-ROW |157074 |1507 |33930 |
-ROW |157075 |1507 |33931 |
-ROW |157076 |1507 |33932 |
-ROW |157077 |1506 |33933 |
-ROW |157078 |1506 |33934 |
-ROW |157079 |1506 |33936 |
-ROW |157080 |1506 |33937 |
-ROW |157081 |1506 |33938 |
-ROW |157082 |1506 |33939 |
-ROW |157083 |1506 |33940 |
-ROW |157084 |1507 |33941 |
-ROW |157085 |1507 |33942 |
-ROW |157086 |1507 |33943 |
-ROW |157087 |1507 |33944 |
-ROW |157088 |1507 |33945 |
-ROW |157089 |1507 |33946 |
-ROW |157090 |1507 |33947 |
-ROW |157091 |1507 |33951 |
-ROW |157092 |1507 |33952 |
-ROW |157093 |1507 |33953 |
-ROW |157094 |1507 |33954 |
-ROW |157095 |1507 |33955 |
-ROW |157096 |1507 |33956 |
-ROW |157097 |1507 |33957 |
-ROW |157098 |1506 |34091 |
-ROW |157099 |1507 |33964 |
-ROW |157100 |1507 |33965 |
-ROW |157101 |1507 |33966 |
-ROW |157102 |1507 |33967 |
-ROW |157103 |1507 |33968 |
-ROW |157104 |1506 |33969 |
-ROW |157105 |1507 |33970 |
-ROW |157106 |1507 |33971 |
-ROW |157107 |1507 |33972 |
-ROW |157108 |1507 |33973 |
-ROW |157109 |1507 |33974 |
-ROW |157110 |1507 |33975 |
-ROW |157111 |1507 |33976 |
-ROW |157112 |1507 |33977 |
-ROW |157113 |1507 |33978 |
-ROW |157114 |1507 |33979 |
-ROW |157115 |1507 |33980 |
-ROW |157116 |1509 |33981 |
-ROW |157117 |1509 |33982 |
-ROW |157118 |1509 |33983 |
-ROW |157119 |1508 |33984 |
-ROW |157120 |1508 |33985 |
-ROW |157121 |1508 |33987 |
-ROW |157122 |1508 |33988 |
-ROW |157123 |1508 |33989 |
-ROW |157124 |1508 |33990 |
-ROW |157125 |1508 |33991 |
-ROW |157126 |1509 |33992 |
-ROW |157127 |1509 |33993 |
-ROW |157128 |1509 |33994 |
-ROW |157129 |1509 |33995 |
-ROW |157130 |1509 |33996 |
-ROW |157131 |1509 |33997 |
-ROW |157132 |1509 |33998 |
-ROW |157133 |1509 |34002 |
-ROW |157134 |1509 |34003 |
-ROW |157135 |1509 |34004 |
-ROW |157136 |1509 |34005 |
-ROW |157137 |1509 |34006 |
-ROW |157138 |1509 |34007 |
-ROW |157139 |1509 |34008 |
-ROW |157140 |1508 |34092 |
-ROW |157141 |1509 |34015 |
-ROW |157142 |1509 |34016 |
-ROW |157143 |1509 |34017 |
-ROW |157144 |1509 |34018 |
-ROW |157145 |1509 |34019 |
-ROW |157146 |1508 |34020 |
-ROW |157147 |1509 |34021 |
-ROW |157148 |1509 |34022 |
-ROW |157149 |1509 |34023 |
-ROW |157150 |1509 |34024 |
-ROW |157151 |1509 |34025 |
-ROW |157152 |1509 |34026 |
-ROW |157153 |1509 |34027 |
-ROW |157154 |1509 |34028 |
-ROW |157155 |1509 |34029 |
-ROW |157156 |1509 |34030 |
-ROW |157157 |1509 |34031 |
-ROW |157158 |1511 |34032 |
-ROW |157159 |1511 |34033 |
-ROW |157160 |1511 |34034 |
-ROW |157161 |1510 |34035 |
-ROW |157162 |1510 |34036 |
-ROW |157163 |1510 |34038 |
-ROW |157164 |1510 |34039 |
-ROW |157165 |1510 |34040 |
-ROW |157166 |1510 |34041 |
-ROW |157167 |1510 |34042 |
-ROW |157168 |1511 |34043 |
-ROW |157169 |1511 |34044 |
-ROW |157170 |1511 |34045 |
-ROW |157171 |1511 |34046 |
-ROW |157172 |1511 |34047 |
-ROW |157173 |1511 |34048 |
-ROW |157174 |1511 |34049 |
-ROW |157175 |1511 |34053 |
-ROW |157176 |1511 |34054 |
-ROW |157177 |1511 |34055 |
-ROW |157178 |1511 |34056 |
-ROW |157179 |1511 |34057 |
-ROW |157180 |1511 |34058 |
-ROW |157181 |1511 |34059 |
-ROW |157182 |1510 |34093 |
-ROW |157183 |1511 |34066 |
-ROW |157184 |1511 |34067 |
-ROW |157185 |1511 |34068 |
-ROW |157186 |1511 |34069 |
-ROW |157187 |1511 |34070 |
-ROW |157188 |1510 |34071 |
-ROW |157189 |1511 |34072 |
-ROW |157190 |1511 |34073 |
-ROW |157191 |1511 |34074 |
-ROW |157192 |1511 |34075 |
-ROW |157193 |1511 |34076 |
-ROW |157194 |1511 |34077 |
-ROW |157195 |1511 |34078 |
-ROW |157196 |1511 |34079 |
-ROW |157197 |1511 |34080 |
-ROW |157198 |1511 |34081 |
-ROW |157199 |1511 |34082 |
-ROW |157200 |1424 |32776 |
-ROW |157201 |1424 |32777 |
-ROW |157202 |1424 |32778 |
-ROW |157203 |1424 |32779 |
-ROW |157204 |1491 |33479 |
-ROW |157205 |1490 |33480 |
-ROW |157206 |1491 |33481 |
-ROW |157207 |1491 |33482 |
-ROW |157208 |1491 |33483 |
-ROW |157209 |1491 |33484 |
-ROW |157210 |1491 |33485 |
-ROW |157211 |1491 |33486 |
-ROW |157212 |1491 |33487 |
-ROW |157213 |1490 |33488 |
-ROW |157214 |1490 |33489 |
-ROW |157215 |1491 |33490 |
-ROW |157216 |1490 |33491 |
-ROW |157217 |1491 |33492 |
-ROW |157218 |1490 |33493 |
-ROW |157219 |1490 |33494 |
-ROW |157220 |1490 |33495 |
-ROW |157221 |1491 |33496 |
-ROW |157222 |1491 |33497 |
-ROW |157223 |1491 |33498 |
-ROW |157224 |1491 |33499 |
-ROW |157225 |1490 |33500 |
-ROW |157226 |1490 |33501 |
-ROW |157227 |1491 |33502 |
-ROW |157228 |1491 |33503 |
-ROW |157229 |1490 |33504 |
-ROW |157230 |1490 |33505 |
-ROW |157231 |1490 |33506 |
-ROW |157232 |1490 |33507 |
-ROW |157233 |1490 |33508 |
-ROW |157234 |1490 |33509 |
-ROW |157235 |1491 |33510 |
-ROW |157236 |1491 |33511 |
-ROW |157237 |1490 |33512 |
-ROW |157238 |1491 |33545 |
-ROW |157239 |1491 |33551 |
-ROW |157240 |1491 |33552 |
-ROW |157241 |1491 |33553 |
-ROW |157242 |1491 |33559 |
-ROW |157243 |1491 |33560 |
-ROW |157244 |1491 |33561 |
-ROW |157245 |1491 |33562 |
-ROW |157246 |1416 |32612 |
-ROW |157247 |1416 |32613 |
-ROW |157248 |1416 |32614 |
-ROW |157249 |1416 |32615 |
-ROW |157250 |1325 |30685 |
-ROW |157251 |1616 |34946 |
-ROW |157252 |1616 |34947 |
-ROW |157253 |1616 |34948 |
-ROW |157254 |1616 |34949 |
-ROW |157255 |1616 |34950 |
-ROW |157256 |1621 |34951 |
-ROW |157257 |1616 |34952 |
-ROW |157258 |1621 |34953 |
-ROW |157259 |1614 |34964 |
-ROW |157260 |1614 |34965 |
-ROW |157261 |1614 |34966 |
-ROW |157262 |1615 |34967 |
-ROW |157263 |1619 |34982 |
-ROW |157264 |1619 |34983 |
-ROW |157265 |1619 |34984 |
-ROW |157266 |1619 |34985 |
-ROW |157267 |1619 |34986 |
-ROW |157268 |1620 |34987 |
-ROW |157269 |1622 |34988 |
-ROW |157270 |1622 |34989 |
-ROW |157271 |1622 |34990 |
-ROW |157272 |1622 |34991 |
-ROW |157273 |1622 |34992 |
-ROW |157274 |1617 |34993 |
-ROW |157275 |1617 |34994 |
-ROW |157276 |1621 |34995 |
-ROW |157277 |1623 |34996 |
-ROW |157278 |1623 |34997 |
-ROW |157279 |1623 |34998 |
-ROW |157280 |1277 |30066 |
-ROW |157281 |1277 |30067 |
-ROW |157282 |1277 |30068 |
-ROW |157283 |1277 |30069 |
-ROW |157284 |1277 |30070 |
-ROW |157285 |1276 |30071 |
-ROW |157286 |1271 |30072 |
-ROW |157287 |1274 |30073 |
-ROW |157288 |1274 |30074 |
-ROW |157289 |1273 |30075 |
-ROW |157290 |1275 |30076 |
-ROW |157291 |1275 |30077 |
-ROW |157292 |1275 |30078 |
-ROW |157293 |1275 |30079 |
-ROW |157294 |1278 |30080 |
-ROW |157295 |1278 |30081 |
-ROW |157296 |1278 |30082 |
-ROW |157297 |1272 |30083 |
-ROW |157298 |1272 |30084 |
-ROW |157299 |1272 |30085 |
-ROW |157300 |1635 |35041 |
-ROW |157301 |1635 |35042 |
-ROW |157302 |1636 |35043 |
-ROW |157303 |1636 |35044 |
-ROW |157304 |1636 |35045 |
-ROW |157305 |1635 |35046 |
-ROW |157306 |1635 |35047 |
-ROW |157307 |1635 |35048 |
-ROW |157308 |1639 |35049 |
-ROW |157309 |1636 |35050 |
-ROW |157310 |1639 |35051 |
-ROW |157311 |1635 |35052 |
-ROW |157312 |1639 |35053 |
-ROW |157313 |1633 |35061 |
-ROW |157314 |1633 |35062 |
-ROW |157315 |1633 |35063 |
-ROW |157316 |1634 |35064 |
-ROW |157317 |1634 |35065 |
-ROW |157318 |1637 |35066 |
-ROW |157319 |1637 |35067 |
-ROW |157320 |1637 |35068 |
-ROW |157321 |1637 |35069 |
-ROW |157322 |1637 |35070 |
-ROW |157323 |1637 |35071 |
-ROW |157324 |1638 |35072 |
-ROW |157325 |1640 |35073 |
-ROW |157326 |1640 |35074 |
-ROW |157327 |1641 |35075 |
-ROW |157328 |1641 |35076 |
-ROW |157329 |1641 |35077 |
-ROW |157330 |1641 |35078 |
-ROW |157331 |1641 |35079 |
-ROW |157332 |1641 |35080 |
-ROW |157333 |1653 |35123 |
-ROW |157334 |1653 |35124 |
-ROW |157335 |1654 |35125 |
-ROW |157336 |1654 |35126 |
-ROW |157337 |1654 |35127 |
-ROW |157338 |1653 |35128 |
-ROW |157339 |1653 |35129 |
-ROW |157340 |1653 |35130 |
-ROW |157341 |1657 |35131 |
-ROW |157342 |1654 |35132 |
-ROW |157343 |1657 |35133 |
-ROW |157344 |1653 |35134 |
-ROW |157345 |1657 |35135 |
-ROW |157346 |1651 |35143 |
-ROW |157347 |1651 |35144 |
-ROW |157348 |1651 |35145 |
-ROW |157349 |1652 |35146 |
-ROW |157350 |1652 |35147 |
-ROW |157351 |1655 |35148 |
-ROW |157352 |1655 |35149 |
-ROW |157353 |1655 |35150 |
-ROW |157354 |1655 |35151 |
-ROW |157355 |1655 |35152 |
-ROW |157356 |1655 |35153 |
-ROW |157357 |1656 |35154 |
-ROW |157358 |1658 |35155 |
-ROW |157359 |1658 |35156 |
-ROW |157360 |1659 |35157 |
-ROW |157361 |1659 |35158 |
-ROW |157362 |1659 |35159 |
-ROW |157363 |1659 |35160 |
-ROW |157364 |1659 |35161 |
-ROW |157365 |1659 |35162 |
-ROW |157366 |1671 |35205 |
-ROW |157367 |1671 |35206 |
-ROW |157368 |1672 |35207 |
-ROW |157369 |1672 |35208 |
-ROW |157370 |1672 |35209 |
-ROW |157371 |1671 |35210 |
-ROW |157372 |1671 |35211 |
-ROW |157373 |1671 |35212 |
-ROW |157374 |1675 |35213 |
-ROW |157375 |1672 |35214 |
-ROW |157376 |1675 |35215 |
-ROW |157377 |1671 |35216 |
-ROW |157378 |1675 |35217 |
-ROW |157379 |1669 |35225 |
-ROW |157380 |1669 |35226 |
-ROW |157381 |1669 |35227 |
-ROW |157382 |1670 |35228 |
-ROW |157383 |1670 |35229 |
-ROW |157384 |1673 |35230 |
-ROW |157385 |1673 |35231 |
-ROW |157386 |1673 |35232 |
-ROW |157387 |1673 |35233 |
-ROW |157388 |1673 |35234 |
-ROW |157389 |1673 |35235 |
-ROW |157390 |1674 |35236 |
-ROW |157391 |1676 |35237 |
-ROW |157392 |1676 |35238 |
-ROW |157393 |1677 |35239 |
-ROW |157394 |1677 |35240 |
-ROW |157395 |1677 |35241 |
-ROW |157396 |1677 |35242 |
-ROW |157397 |1677 |35243 |
-ROW |157398 |1677 |35244 |
-ROW |157399 |1689 |35287 |
-ROW |157400 |1689 |35288 |
-ROW |157401 |1690 |35289 |
-ROW |157402 |1690 |35290 |
-ROW |157403 |1690 |35291 |
-ROW |157404 |1689 |35292 |
-ROW |157405 |1689 |35293 |
-ROW |157406 |1689 |35294 |
-ROW |157407 |1693 |35295 |
-ROW |157408 |1690 |35296 |
-ROW |157409 |1693 |35297 |
-ROW |157410 |1689 |35298 |
-ROW |157411 |1693 |35299 |
-ROW |157412 |1687 |35307 |
-ROW |157413 |1687 |35308 |
-ROW |157414 |1687 |35309 |
-ROW |157415 |1688 |35310 |
-ROW |157416 |1688 |35311 |
-ROW |157417 |1691 |35312 |
-ROW |157418 |1691 |35313 |
-ROW |157419 |1691 |35314 |
-ROW |157420 |1691 |35315 |
-ROW |157421 |1691 |35316 |
-ROW |157422 |1691 |35317 |
-ROW |157423 |1692 |35318 |
-ROW |157424 |1694 |35319 |
-ROW |157425 |1694 |35320 |
-ROW |157426 |1695 |35321 |
-ROW |157427 |1695 |35322 |
-ROW |157428 |1695 |35323 |
-ROW |157429 |1695 |35324 |
-ROW |157430 |1695 |35325 |
-ROW |157431 |1695 |35326 |
-ROW |157432 |1070 |28341 |
-ROW |157433 |1073 |28342 |
-ROW |157434 |1073 |28344 |
-ROW |157435 |1073 |28345 |
-ROW |157436 |1073 |30141 |
-ROW |157437 |1076 |28354 |
-ROW |157438 |1076 |28355 |
-ROW |157439 |1076 |28356 |
-ROW |157440 |1076 |28357 |
-ROW |157441 |1075 |28358 |
-ROW |157442 |1072 |28359 |
-ROW |157443 |1072 |28360 |
-ROW |157444 |1074 |28361 |
-ROW |157445 |1074 |28362 |
-ROW |157446 |1074 |28363 |
-ROW |157447 |1074 |28364 |
-ROW |157448 |1074 |28365 |
-ROW |157449 |1074 |28366 |
-ROW |157450 |1074 |28367 |
-ROW |157451 |1077 |28368 |
-ROW |157452 |1077 |28369 |
-ROW |157453 |1077 |28370 |
-ROW |157454 |1077 |28371 |
-ROW |157455 |1077 |28372 |
-ROW |157456 |1077 |28373 |
-ROW |157457 |1071 |28374 |
-ROW |157458 |1071 |28375 |
-ROW |157459 |1071 |28376 |
-ROW |157460 |1698 |35327 |
-ROW |157461 |1698 |35328 |
-ROW |157462 |1699 |35329 |
-ROW |157463 |1699 |35330 |
-ROW |157464 |1698 |35331 |
-ROW |157465 |1698 |35332 |
-ROW |157466 |1698 |35333 |
-ROW |157467 |1704 |35334 |
-ROW |157468 |1703 |35335 |
-ROW |157469 |1703 |35336 |
-ROW |157470 |1698 |35337 |
-ROW |157471 |1703 |35338 |
-ROW |157472 |1696 |35353 |
-ROW |157473 |1696 |35354 |
-ROW |157474 |1696 |35355 |
-ROW |157475 |1696 |35356 |
-ROW |157476 |1697 |35357 |
-ROW |157477 |1700 |35358 |
-ROW |157478 |1701 |35359 |
-ROW |157479 |1701 |35360 |
-ROW |157480 |1701 |35361 |
-ROW |157481 |1701 |35362 |
-ROW |157482 |1701 |35363 |
-ROW |157483 |1701 |35364 |
-ROW |157484 |1702 |35365 |
-ROW |157485 |1704 |35366 |
-ROW |157486 |1704 |35367 |
-ROW |157487 |1704 |35368 |
-ROW |157488 |1704 |35369 |
-ROW |157489 |1704 |35370 |
-ROW |157490 |1704 |35371 |
-ROW |157491 |1704 |35372 |
-ROW |157492 |1704 |35373 |
-ROW |157493 |1704 |35374 |
-ROW |157494 |1704 |35375 |
-ROW |157495 |1704 |35376 |
-ROW |157496 |1704 |35377 |
-ROW |157497 |1704 |35378 |
-ROW |157498 |1704 |35379 |
-ROW |157499 |1704 |35380 |
-ROW |157500 |1705 |35381 |
-ROW |157501 |1705 |35382 |
-ROW |157502 |1705 |35383 |
-ROW |157503 |1708 |35384 |
-ROW |157504 |1708 |35385 |
-ROW |157505 |1709 |35386 |
-ROW |157506 |1709 |35387 |
-ROW |157507 |1708 |35388 |
-ROW |157508 |1708 |35389 |
-ROW |157509 |1708 |35390 |
-ROW |157510 |1714 |35391 |
-ROW |157511 |1713 |35392 |
-ROW |157512 |1713 |35393 |
-ROW |157513 |1708 |35394 |
-ROW |157514 |1713 |35395 |
-ROW |157515 |1706 |35410 |
-ROW |157516 |1706 |35411 |
-ROW |157517 |1706 |35412 |
-ROW |157518 |1706 |35413 |
-ROW |157519 |1707 |35414 |
-ROW |157520 |1710 |35415 |
-ROW |157521 |1711 |35416 |
-ROW |157522 |1711 |35417 |
-ROW |157523 |1711 |35418 |
-ROW |157524 |1711 |35419 |
-ROW |157525 |1711 |35420 |
-ROW |157526 |1711 |35421 |
-ROW |157527 |1712 |35422 |
-ROW |157528 |1714 |35423 |
-ROW |157529 |1714 |35424 |
-ROW |157530 |1714 |35425 |
-ROW |157531 |1714 |35426 |
-ROW |157532 |1714 |35427 |
-ROW |157533 |1714 |35428 |
-ROW |157534 |1714 |35429 |
-ROW |157535 |1714 |35430 |
-ROW |157536 |1714 |35431 |
-ROW |157537 |1714 |35432 |
-ROW |157538 |1714 |35433 |
-ROW |157539 |1714 |35434 |
-ROW |157540 |1714 |35435 |
-ROW |157541 |1714 |35436 |
-ROW |157542 |1714 |35437 |
-ROW |157543 |1715 |35438 |
-ROW |157544 |1715 |35439 |
-ROW |157545 |1715 |35440 |
-ROW |157546 |1718 |35441 |
-ROW |157547 |1718 |35442 |
-ROW |157548 |1719 |35443 |
-ROW |157549 |1719 |35444 |
-ROW |157550 |1718 |35445 |
-ROW |157551 |1718 |35446 |
-ROW |157552 |1718 |35447 |
-ROW |157553 |1724 |35448 |
-ROW |157554 |1723 |35449 |
-ROW |157555 |1723 |35450 |
-ROW |157556 |1718 |35451 |
-ROW |157557 |1723 |35452 |
-ROW |157558 |1716 |35467 |
-ROW |157559 |1716 |35468 |
-ROW |157560 |1716 |35469 |
-ROW |157561 |1716 |35470 |
-ROW |157562 |1717 |35471 |
-ROW |157563 |1720 |35472 |
-ROW |157564 |1721 |35473 |
-ROW |157565 |1721 |35474 |
-ROW |157566 |1721 |35475 |
-ROW |157567 |1721 |35476 |
-ROW |157568 |1721 |35477 |
-ROW |157569 |1721 |35478 |
-ROW |157570 |1722 |35479 |
-ROW |157571 |1724 |35480 |
-ROW |157572 |1724 |35481 |
-ROW |157573 |1724 |35482 |
-ROW |157574 |1724 |35483 |
-ROW |157575 |1724 |35484 |
-ROW |157576 |1724 |35485 |
-ROW |157577 |1724 |35486 |
-ROW |157578 |1724 |35487 |
-ROW |157579 |1724 |35488 |
-ROW |157580 |1724 |35489 |
-ROW |157581 |1724 |35490 |
-ROW |157582 |1724 |35491 |
-ROW |157583 |1724 |35492 |
-ROW |157584 |1724 |35493 |
-ROW |157585 |1724 |35494 |
-ROW |157586 |1725 |35495 |
-ROW |157587 |1725 |35496 |
-ROW |157588 |1725 |35497 |
-ROW |157589 |1728 |35498 |
-ROW |157590 |1728 |35499 |
-ROW |157591 |1729 |35500 |
-ROW |157592 |1729 |35501 |
-ROW |157593 |1728 |35502 |
-ROW |157594 |1728 |35503 |
-ROW |157595 |1728 |35504 |
-ROW |157596 |1734 |35505 |
-ROW |157597 |1733 |35506 |
-ROW |157598 |1733 |35507 |
-ROW |157599 |1728 |35508 |
-ROW |157600 |1733 |35509 |
-ROW |157601 |1726 |35524 |
-ROW |157602 |1726 |35525 |
-ROW |157603 |1726 |35526 |
-ROW |157604 |1726 |35527 |
-ROW |157605 |1727 |35528 |
-ROW |157606 |1730 |35529 |
-ROW |157607 |1731 |35530 |
-ROW |157608 |1731 |35531 |
-ROW |157609 |1731 |35532 |
-ROW |157610 |1731 |35533 |
-ROW |157611 |1731 |35534 |
-ROW |157612 |1731 |35535 |
-ROW |157613 |1732 |35536 |
-ROW |157614 |1734 |35537 |
-ROW |157615 |1734 |35538 |
-ROW |157616 |1734 |35539 |
-ROW |157617 |1734 |35540 |
-ROW |157618 |1734 |35541 |
-ROW |157619 |1734 |35542 |
-ROW |157620 |1734 |35543 |
-ROW |157621 |1734 |35544 |
-ROW |157622 |1734 |35545 |
-ROW |157623 |1734 |35546 |
-ROW |157624 |1734 |35547 |
-ROW |157625 |1734 |35548 |
-ROW |157626 |1734 |35549 |
-ROW |157627 |1734 |35550 |
-ROW |157628 |1734 |35551 |
-ROW |157629 |1735 |35552 |
-ROW |157630 |1735 |35553 |
-ROW |157631 |1735 |35554 |
-ROW |157632 |1085 |28388 |
-ROW |157633 |1082 |28390 |
-ROW |157634 |1082 |28391 |
-ROW |157635 |1079 |29994 |
-ROW |157636 |1085 |28404 |
-ROW |157637 |1085 |28405 |
-ROW |157638 |1085 |28406 |
-ROW |157639 |1085 |28407 |
-ROW |157640 |1085 |28408 |
-ROW |157641 |1085 |28409 |
-ROW |157642 |1084 |28411 |
-ROW |157643 |1081 |28412 |
-ROW |157644 |1080 |28413 |
-ROW |157645 |1080 |28414 |
-ROW |157646 |1080 |28415 |
-ROW |157647 |1080 |28416 |
-ROW |157648 |1083 |28417 |
-ROW |157649 |1083 |28418 |
-ROW |157650 |1083 |28419 |
-ROW |157651 |1083 |28420 |
-ROW |157652 |1083 |28421 |
-ROW |157653 |1083 |28422 |
-ROW |157654 |1086 |28423 |
-ROW |157655 |1086 |28424 |
-ROW |157656 |1086 |28425 |
-ROW |157657 |1085 |32732 |
-ROW |157658 |1085 |32733 |
-ROW |157659 |1085 |32734 |
-ROW |157660 |1085 |32735 |
-ROW |157661 |1085 |32736 |
-ROW |157662 |1085 |32737 |
-ROW |157663 |1085 |32738 |
-ROW |157664 |1085 |32739 |
-ROW |157665 |1085 |32740 |
-ROW |157666 |1095 |28465 |
-ROW |157667 |1097 |28466 |
-ROW |157668 |1097 |28467 |
-ROW |157669 |1100 |28474 |
-ROW |157670 |1100 |28475 |
-ROW |157671 |1100 |28476 |
-ROW |157672 |1099 |28477 |
-ROW |157673 |1096 |28478 |
-ROW |157674 |1096 |28479 |
-ROW |157675 |1098 |28480 |
-ROW |157676 |1098 |28481 |
-ROW |157677 |1104 |28495 |
-ROW |157678 |1103 |28496 |
+ROW |157679 |1116 |28743 |
+ROW |157680 |1116 |28744 |
+ROW |157681 |1116 |28745 |
+ROW |157682 |1116 |28746 |
+ROW |157683 |1116 |28747 |
+ROW |157684 |1116 |28748 |
+ROW |157685 |1117 |30896 |
+ROW |157686 |1116 |30897 |
+ROW |157687 |1116 |30898 |
+ROW |157688 |1116 |30899 |
+ROW |157689 |1116 |30900 |
+ROW |157690 |1116 |30901 |
+ROW |157691 |1116 |30902 |
+ROW |157692 |1116 |30903 |
+ROW |157693 |1116 |30904 |
+ROW |157694 |1116 |30905 |
+ROW |157695 |1116 |30906 |
+ROW |157696 |1116 |30907 |
+ROW |157697 |1116 |30908 |
+ROW |157698 |1116 |30909 |
+ROW |157699 |1116 |30910 |
+ROW |157700 |1116 |30911 |
+ROW |157701 |1116 |30912 |
+ROW |157702 |1116 |30913 |
+ROW |157703 |1116 |30914 |
+ROW |157704 |1116 |30915 |
+ROW |157705 |1116 |30917 |
+ROW |157706 |1116 |30918 |
+ROW |157707 |1116 |30919 |
+ROW |157708 |1116 |30920 |
+ROW |157709 |1116 |30921 |
+ROW |157710 |1116 |30922 |
+ROW |157711 |1119 |28775 |
+ROW |157712 |1118 |28776 |
+ROW |157713 |1118 |28777 |
+ROW |157714 |1118 |28778 |
+ROW |157715 |1118 |28779 |
+ROW |157716 |1118 |28780 |
+ROW |157717 |1118 |28781 |
+ROW |157718 |1118 |28782 |
+ROW |157719 |1118 |28783 |
+ROW |157720 |1118 |28784 |
+ROW |157721 |1118 |28785 |
+ROW |157722 |1118 |28786 |
+ROW |157723 |1118 |28787 |
+ROW |157724 |1118 |28788 |
+ROW |157725 |1118 |28789 |
+ROW |157726 |1118 |28790 |
+ROW |157727 |1118 |28791 |
+ROW |157728 |1118 |28792 |
+ROW |157729 |1118 |28793 |
+ROW |157730 |1118 |28794 |
+ROW |157731 |1118 |28795 |
+ROW |157732 |1118 |28796 |
+ROW |157733 |1118 |28798 |
+ROW |157734 |1118 |28799 |
+ROW |157735 |1118 |28800 |
+ROW |157736 |1118 |28801 |
+ROW |157737 |1118 |28802 |
+ROW |157738 |1118 |28803 |
+ROW |157739 |1349 |31800 |
+ROW |157740 |1349 |31801 |
+ROW |157741 |1349 |31802 |
+ROW |157742 |1348 |31803 |
+ROW |157743 |1349 |31804 |
+ROW |157744 |1348 |31805 |
+ROW |157745 |1348 |31806 |
+ROW |157746 |1348 |31807 |
+ROW |157747 |1348 |31808 |
+ROW |157748 |1348 |31809 |
+ROW |157749 |1348 |31810 |
+ROW |157750 |1348 |31811 |
+ROW |157751 |1348 |31812 |
+ROW |157752 |1348 |31813 |
+ROW |157753 |1348 |31814 |
+ROW |157754 |1348 |31815 |
+ROW |157755 |1348 |31816 |
+ROW |157756 |1348 |31817 |
+ROW |157757 |1348 |31818 |
+ROW |157758 |1348 |31819 |
+ROW |157759 |1348 |31820 |
+ROW |157760 |1348 |31821 |
+ROW |157761 |1348 |31822 |
+ROW |157762 |1348 |31823 |
+ROW |157763 |1348 |31824 |
+ROW |157764 |1348 |31825 |
+ROW |157765 |1348 |31826 |
+ROW |157766 |1348 |31827 |
+ROW |157767 |1348 |31828 |
+ROW |157768 |1348 |31829 |
+ROW |157769 |1348 |31830 |
+ROW |157770 |1348 |31831 |
+ROW |157771 |1348 |31832 |
+ROW |157772 |1348 |31833 |
+ROW |157773 |1348 |31834 |
+ROW |157774 |1348 |31835 |
+ROW |157775 |1348 |31836 |
+ROW |157776 |1348 |31837 |
+ROW |157777 |1348 |31838 |
+ROW |157778 |1348 |31839 |
+ROW |157779 |1348 |31840 |
+ROW |157780 |1348 |31841 |
+ROW |157781 |1348 |31842 |
+ROW |157782 |1348 |31843 |
+ROW |157783 |1348 |31844 |
+ROW |157784 |1348 |31845 |
+ROW |157785 |1348 |31846 |
+ROW |157786 |1348 |31847 |
+ROW |157787 |1348 |31848 |
+ROW |157788 |1348 |31849 |
+ROW |157789 |1348 |31850 |
+ROW |157790 |1753 |35772 |
+ROW |157791 |1752 |35773 |
+ROW |157792 |1752 |35774 |
+ROW |157793 |1752 |35775 |
+ROW |157794 |1752 |35776 |
+ROW |157795 |1752 |35777 |
+ROW |157796 |1752 |35778 |
+ROW |157797 |1752 |35779 |
+ROW |157798 |1752 |35780 |
+ROW |157799 |1752 |35781 |
+ROW |157800 |1752 |35782 |
+ROW |157801 |1752 |35783 |
+ROW |157802 |1752 |35784 |
+ROW |157803 |1319 |30527 |
+ROW |157804 |1319 |30528 |
+ROW |157805 |1319 |30529 |
+ROW |157806 |1318 |30530 |
+ROW |157807 |1319 |30531 |
+ROW |157808 |1318 |30532 |
+ROW |157809 |1318 |30533 |
+ROW |157810 |1318 |30534 |
+ROW |157811 |1318 |30535 |
+ROW |157812 |1318 |30536 |
+ROW |157813 |1318 |30537 |
+ROW |157814 |1318 |30538 |
+ROW |157815 |1318 |30539 |
+ROW |157816 |1318 |30540 |
+ROW |157817 |1318 |30541 |
+ROW |157818 |1318 |30542 |
+ROW |157819 |1318 |30543 |
+ROW |157820 |1318 |30544 |
+ROW |157821 |1318 |30545 |
+ROW |157822 |1318 |30546 |
+ROW |157823 |1318 |30547 |
+ROW |157824 |1318 |30548 |
+ROW |157825 |1318 |30549 |
+ROW |157826 |1318 |30550 |
+ROW |157827 |1318 |30551 |
+ROW |157828 |1318 |30552 |
+ROW |157829 |1318 |30553 |
+ROW |157830 |1318 |30554 |
+ROW |157831 |1318 |30555 |
+ROW |157832 |1318 |30556 |
+ROW |157833 |1318 |30557 |
+ROW |157834 |1318 |30558 |
+ROW |157835 |1318 |30559 |
+ROW |157836 |1318 |30560 |
+ROW |157837 |1318 |30561 |
+ROW |157838 |1318 |30562 |
+ROW |157839 |1318 |30563 |
+ROW |157840 |1318 |30564 |
+ROW |157841 |1318 |30565 |
+ROW |157842 |1318 |30566 |
+ROW |157843 |1318 |30567 |
+ROW |157844 |1318 |30568 |
+ROW |157845 |1318 |30569 |
+ROW |157846 |1318 |30570 |
+ROW |157847 |1326 |30690 |
+ROW |157848 |1327 |30691 |
+ROW |157849 |1326 |30692 |
+ROW |157850 |1327 |30693 |
+ROW |157851 |1327 |30694 |
+ROW |157852 |1326 |30695 |
+ROW |157853 |1326 |30696 |
+ROW |157854 |1326 |30697 |
+ROW |157855 |1326 |30698 |
+ROW |157856 |1326 |30699 |
+ROW |157857 |1326 |30700 |
+ROW |157858 |1326 |30701 |
+ROW |157859 |1326 |30702 |
+ROW |157860 |1326 |30703 |
+ROW |157861 |1326 |30704 |
+ROW |157862 |1326 |30705 |
+ROW |157863 |1326 |30706 |
+ROW |157864 |1326 |30707 |
+ROW |157865 |1326 |30708 |
+ROW |157866 |1326 |30709 |
+ROW |157867 |1326 |30710 |
+ROW |157868 |1326 |30711 |
+ROW |157869 |1326 |30712 |
+ROW |157870 |1327 |30719 |
+ROW |157871 |1327 |30739 |
+ROW |157872 |1327 |30743 |
+ROW |157873 |1327 |30744 |
+ROW |157874 |1327 |30746 |
+ROW |157875 |1327 |30747 |
+ROW |157876 |1327 |30754 |
+ROW |157877 |1327 |30756 |
+ROW |157878 |1331 |30923 |
+ROW |157879 |1331 |30924 |
+ROW |157880 |1332 |30925 |
+ROW |157881 |1332 |30926 |
+ROW |157882 |1331 |30927 |
+ROW |157883 |1331 |30928 |
+ROW |157884 |1331 |30929 |
+ROW |157885 |1331 |30930 |
+ROW |157886 |1331 |30931 |
+ROW |157887 |1331 |30932 |
+ROW |157888 |1331 |30933 |
+ROW |157889 |1331 |30934 |
+ROW |157890 |1331 |30935 |
+ROW |157891 |1331 |30936 |
+ROW |157892 |1331 |30937 |
+ROW |157893 |1331 |30938 |
+ROW |157894 |1331 |30939 |
+ROW |157895 |1331 |30940 |
+ROW |157896 |1331 |30941 |
+ROW |157897 |1331 |30942 |
+ROW |157898 |1331 |30943 |
+ROW |157899 |1331 |30944 |
+ROW |157900 |1331 |30945 |
+ROW |157901 |1331 |30946 |
+ROW |157902 |1331 |30947 |
+ROW |157903 |1331 |30948 |
+ROW |157904 |1331 |30949 |
+ROW |157905 |1331 |30950 |
+ROW |157906 |1331 |30951 |
+ROW |157907 |1331 |30952 |
+ROW |157908 |1331 |30953 |
+ROW |157909 |1331 |30954 |
+ROW |157910 |1331 |30955 |
+ROW |157911 |1331 |30956 |
+ROW |157912 |1331 |30957 |
+ROW |157913 |1331 |30958 |
+ROW |157914 |1331 |30959 |
+ROW |157915 |1331 |30960 |
+ROW |157916 |1331 |30963 |
+ROW |157917 |1411 |32486 |
+ROW |157918 |1411 |32487 |
+ROW |157919 |1411 |32488 |
+ROW |157920 |1411 |32489 |
+ROW |157921 |1411 |32490 |
+ROW |157922 |1411 |32491 |
+ROW |157923 |1411 |32492 |
+ROW |157924 |1411 |32493 |
+ROW |157925 |1411 |32494 |
+ROW |157926 |1411 |32498 |
+ROW |157927 |1411 |32499 |
+ROW |157928 |1411 |32500 |
+ROW |157929 |1412 |32516 |
+ROW |157930 |1412 |32517 |
+ROW |157931 |1412 |32518 |
+ROW |157932 |1412 |32519 |
+ROW |157933 |1412 |32520 |
+ROW |157934 |1412 |32521 |
+ROW |157935 |1412 |32522 |
+ROW |157936 |1412 |32523 |
+ROW |157937 |1412 |32524 |
+ROW |157938 |1412 |32528 |
+ROW |157939 |1412 |32529 |
+ROW |157940 |1412 |32530 |
+ROW |157941 |1341 |31499 |
+ROW |157942 |1341 |31500 |
+ROW |157943 |1341 |31501 |
+ROW |157944 |1341 |31502 |
+ROW |157945 |1341 |31503 |
+ROW |157946 |1341 |31504 |
+ROW |157947 |1341 |31505 |
+ROW |157948 |1341 |31506 |
+ROW |157949 |1341 |31507 |
+ROW |157950 |1341 |31508 |
+ROW |157951 |1341 |31509 |
+ROW |157952 |1341 |31510 |
+ROW |157953 |1341 |31511 |
+ROW |157954 |1341 |31512 |
+ROW |157955 |1341 |31513 |
+ROW |157956 |1341 |31514 |
+ROW |157957 |1341 |31515 |
+ROW |157958 |1341 |31516 |
+ROW |157959 |1341 |31517 |
+ROW |157960 |1341 |31518 |
+ROW |157961 |1341 |31519 |
+ROW |157962 |1341 |31520 |
+ROW |157963 |1341 |31521 |
+ROW |157964 |1341 |31522 |
+ROW |157965 |1341 |31523 |
+ROW |157966 |1341 |31524 |
+ROW |157967 |1341 |31525 |
+ROW |157968 |1341 |31526 |
+ROW |157969 |1341 |31527 |
+ROW |157970 |1341 |31528 |
+ROW |157971 |1341 |31529 |
+ROW |157972 |1341 |31530 |
+ROW |157973 |1341 |31531 |
+ROW |157974 |1341 |31532 |
+ROW |157975 |1341 |31533 |
+ROW |157976 |1341 |31534 |
+ROW |157977 |1341 |31535 |
+ROW |157978 |1341 |31536 |
+ROW |157979 |1341 |31537 |
+ROW |157980 |1341 |31538 |
+ROW |157981 |1341 |31539 |
+ROW |157982 |1341 |31540 |
+ROW |157983 |1341 |31541 |
+ROW |157984 |1341 |31542 |
+ROW |157985 |1341 |31543 |
+ROW |157986 |1341 |31544 |
+ROW |157987 |1341 |31545 |
+ROW |157988 |1341 |31546 |
+ROW |157989 |1341 |31547 |
+ROW |157990 |1341 |31548 |
+ROW |157991 |1341 |31549 |
+ROW |157992 |1341 |31550 |
+ROW |157993 |1341 |31551 |
+ROW |157994 |1341 |31552 |
+ROW |157995 |1341 |31553 |
+ROW |157996 |1358 |32012 |
+ROW |157997 |1358 |32013 |
+ROW |157998 |1357 |32014 |
+ROW |157999 |1357 |32015 |
+ROW |158000 |1357 |32016 |
+ROW |158001 |1358 |32017 |
+ROW |158002 |1357 |32018 |
+ROW |158003 |1358 |32019 |
+ROW |158004 |1357 |32020 |
+ROW |158005 |1357 |32021 |
+ROW |158006 |1357 |32022 |
+ROW |158007 |1357 |32023 |
+ROW |158008 |1357 |32024 |
+ROW |158009 |1357 |32025 |
+ROW |158010 |1357 |32026 |
+ROW |158011 |1357 |32027 |
+ROW |158012 |1357 |32028 |
+ROW |158013 |1357 |32029 |
+ROW |158014 |1357 |32030 |
+ROW |158015 |1357 |32031 |
+ROW |158016 |1357 |32032 |
+ROW |158017 |1357 |32033 |
+ROW |158018 |1357 |32034 |
+ROW |158019 |1357 |32035 |
+ROW |158020 |1357 |32036 |
+ROW |158021 |1357 |32037 |
+ROW |158022 |1357 |32038 |
+ROW |158023 |1357 |32039 |
+ROW |158024 |1357 |32040 |
+ROW |158025 |1357 |32041 |
+ROW |158026 |1357 |32042 |
+ROW |158027 |1357 |32043 |
+ROW |158028 |1357 |32044 |
+ROW |158029 |1357 |32045 |
+ROW |158030 |1358 |32048 |
+ROW |158031 |1358 |32049 |
+ROW |158032 |1298 |30187 |
+ROW |158033 |1298 |30188 |
+ROW |158034 |1299 |30189 |
+ROW |158035 |1299 |30190 |
+ROW |158036 |1298 |30191 |
+ROW |158037 |1298 |30192 |
+ROW |158038 |1299 |35785 |
+ROW |158039 |1301 |30230 |
+ROW |158040 |1301 |30231 |
+ROW |158041 |1300 |30789 |
+ROW |158042 |1300 |30790 |
+ROW |158043 |1300 |30234 |
+ROW |158044 |1300 |30235 |
+ROW |158045 |1301 |35844 |
+ROW |158046 |1333 |30968 |
+ROW |158047 |1333 |30969 |
+ROW |158048 |1333 |30970 |
+ROW |158049 |1333 |30971 |
+ROW |158050 |1333 |30972 |
+ROW |158051 |1333 |30973 |
+ROW |158052 |1333 |30974 |
+ROW |158053 |1333 |30975 |
+ROW |158054 |1333 |30976 |
+ROW |158055 |1333 |30977 |
+ROW |158056 |1333 |30978 |
+ROW |158057 |1333 |30979 |
+ROW |158058 |1333 |30980 |
+ROW |158059 |1333 |30981 |
+ROW |158060 |1333 |30982 |
+ROW |158061 |1333 |30983 |
+ROW |158062 |1333 |30984 |
+ROW |158063 |1333 |30985 |
+ROW |158064 |1333 |30986 |
+ROW |158065 |1333 |30987 |
+ROW |158066 |1333 |30988 |
+ROW |158067 |1333 |30989 |
+ROW |158068 |1333 |30990 |
+ROW |158069 |1333 |30991 |
+ROW |158070 |1333 |30992 |
+ROW |158071 |1333 |30993 |
+ROW |158072 |1333 |30994 |
+ROW |158073 |1333 |30995 |
+ROW |158074 |1333 |30996 |
+ROW |158075 |1333 |30997 |
+ROW |158076 |1333 |30998 |
+ROW |158077 |1333 |30999 |
+ROW |158078 |1333 |31000 |
+ROW |158079 |1333 |31001 |
+ROW |158080 |1333 |31002 |
+ROW |158081 |1333 |31003 |
+ROW |158082 |1333 |31004 |
+ROW |158083 |1334 |31010 |
+ROW |158084 |1334 |31011 |
+ROW |158085 |1334 |31012 |
+ROW |158086 |1334 |31013 |
+ROW |158087 |1334 |31014 |
+ROW |158088 |1334 |31015 |
+ROW |158089 |1334 |31016 |
+ROW |158090 |1334 |31017 |
+ROW |158091 |1334 |31018 |
+ROW |158092 |1334 |31019 |
+ROW |158093 |1334 |31020 |
+ROW |158094 |1334 |31021 |
+ROW |158095 |1334 |31022 |
+ROW |158096 |1334 |31023 |
+ROW |158097 |1334 |31024 |
+ROW |158098 |1334 |31025 |
+ROW |158099 |1334 |31026 |
+ROW |158100 |1334 |31027 |
+ROW |158101 |1334 |31028 |
+ROW |158102 |1334 |31029 |
+ROW |158103 |1334 |31030 |
+ROW |158104 |1334 |31031 |
+ROW |158105 |1334 |31032 |
+ROW |158106 |1334 |31033 |
+ROW |158107 |1334 |31034 |
+ROW |158108 |1334 |31035 |
+ROW |158109 |1334 |31036 |
+ROW |158110 |1334 |31037 |
+ROW |158111 |1334 |31038 |
+ROW |158112 |1334 |31039 |
+ROW |158113 |1334 |31040 |
+ROW |158114 |1334 |31041 |
+ROW |158115 |1334 |31042 |
+ROW |158116 |1334 |31043 |
+ROW |158117 |1334 |31044 |
+ROW |158118 |1334 |31045 |
+ROW |158119 |1334 |31046 |
+ROW |158120 |1359 |32071 |
+ROW |158121 |1359 |32072 |
+ROW |158122 |1359 |32073 |
+ROW |158123 |1359 |32074 |
+ROW |158124 |1359 |32075 |
+ROW |158125 |1359 |32076 |
+ROW |158126 |1359 |32077 |
+ROW |158127 |1359 |32078 |
+ROW |158128 |1359 |32079 |
+ROW |158129 |1359 |32080 |
+ROW |158130 |1359 |32081 |
+ROW |158131 |1359 |32082 |
+ROW |158132 |1359 |32083 |
+ROW |158133 |1359 |32084 |
+ROW |158134 |1359 |32085 |
+ROW |158135 |1359 |32086 |
+ROW |158136 |1359 |32087 |
+ROW |158137 |1359 |32088 |
+ROW |158138 |1359 |32089 |
+ROW |158139 |1359 |32090 |
+ROW |158140 |1359 |32091 |
+ROW |158141 |1359 |32092 |
+ROW |158142 |1359 |32093 |
+ROW |158143 |1359 |32094 |
+ROW |158144 |1359 |32095 |
+ROW |158145 |1359 |32096 |
+ROW |158146 |1359 |32097 |
+ROW |158147 |1359 |32098 |
+ROW |158148 |1359 |32099 |
+ROW |158149 |1359 |32100 |
+ROW |158150 |1359 |32101 |
+ROW |158151 |1359 |32102 |
+ROW |158152 |1359 |32103 |
+ROW |158153 |1359 |32104 |
+ROW |158154 |1359 |32105 |
+ROW |158155 |1359 |32106 |
+ROW |158156 |1359 |32107 |
+ROW |158157 |1359 |32108 |
+ROW |158158 |1359 |32109 |
+ROW |158159 |1359 |32110 |
+ROW |158160 |1359 |32111 |
+ROW |158161 |1359 |32112 |
+ROW |158162 |1359 |32113 |
+ROW |158163 |1359 |32114 |
+ROW |158164 |1359 |32115 |
+ROW |158165 |1359 |32116 |
+ROW |158166 |1359 |32117 |
+ROW |158167 |1359 |32118 |
+ROW |158168 |1359 |32119 |
+ROW |158169 |1359 |32120 |
+ROW |158170 |1359 |32121 |
+ROW |158171 |1359 |32122 |
+ROW |158172 |1359 |32123 |
+ROW |158173 |1359 |32124 |
+ROW |158174 |1359 |32125 |
+ROW |158175 |1359 |32126 |
+ROW |158176 |1359 |32127 |
+ROW |158177 |1359 |32128 |
+ROW |158178 |1359 |32129 |
+ROW |158179 |1359 |32130 |
+ROW |158180 |1359 |32131 |
+ROW |158181 |1359 |32132 |
+ROW |158182 |1320 |30611 |
+ROW |158183 |1321 |30612 |
+ROW |158184 |1320 |30613 |
+ROW |158185 |1320 |30614 |
+ROW |158186 |1320 |30615 |
+ROW |158187 |1320 |30616 |
+ROW |158188 |1320 |30617 |
+ROW |158189 |1320 |30618 |
+ROW |158190 |1320 |30619 |
+ROW |158191 |1320 |30620 |
+ROW |158192 |1320 |30621 |
+ROW |158193 |1320 |30622 |
+ROW |158194 |1320 |30623 |
+ROW |158195 |1320 |30624 |
+ROW |158196 |1320 |30625 |
+ROW |158197 |1320 |30626 |
+ROW |158198 |1320 |30627 |
+ROW |158199 |1320 |30628 |
+ROW |158200 |1320 |30629 |
+ROW |158201 |1320 |30630 |
+ROW |158202 |1320 |30631 |
+ROW |158203 |1320 |30632 |
+ROW |158204 |1320 |30633 |
+ROW |158205 |1320 |30634 |
+ROW |158206 |1320 |30635 |
+ROW |158207 |1320 |30636 |
+ROW |158208 |1121 |28804 |
+ROW |158209 |1120 |28805 |
+ROW |158210 |1120 |28806 |
+ROW |158211 |1120 |28807 |
+ROW |158212 |1120 |28808 |
+ROW |158213 |1120 |28809 |
+ROW |158214 |1120 |28810 |
+ROW |158215 |1120 |28811 |
+ROW |158216 |1120 |28812 |
+ROW |158217 |1120 |28813 |
+ROW |158218 |1120 |28814 |
+ROW |158219 |1120 |28815 |
+ROW |158220 |1120 |28816 |
+ROW |158221 |1120 |28817 |
+ROW |158222 |1120 |28818 |
+ROW |158223 |1120 |28819 |
+ROW |158224 |1120 |28820 |
+ROW |158225 |1123 |28821 |
+ROW |158226 |1122 |28822 |
+ROW |158227 |1122 |28823 |
+ROW |158228 |1122 |28824 |
+ROW |158229 |1122 |28825 |
+ROW |158230 |1122 |28826 |
+ROW |158231 |1122 |28827 |
+ROW |158232 |1122 |28828 |
+ROW |158233 |1122 |28829 |
+ROW |158234 |1122 |28830 |
+ROW |158235 |1122 |28831 |
+ROW |158236 |1122 |28832 |
+ROW |158237 |1122 |28833 |
+ROW |158238 |1613 |34835 |
+ROW |158239 |1613 |34836 |
+ROW |158240 |1613 |34837 |
+ROW |158241 |1613 |34838 |
+ROW |158242 |1613 |34839 |
+ROW |158243 |1613 |34840 |
+ROW |158244 |1613 |34841 |
+ROW |158245 |1613 |34842 |
+ROW |158246 |1613 |34843 |
+ROW |158247 |1613 |34844 |
+ROW |158248 |1612 |34845 |
+ROW |158249 |1612 |34846 |
+ROW |158250 |1612 |34847 |
+ROW |158251 |1612 |34848 |
+ROW |158252 |1612 |34849 |
+ROW |158253 |1612 |34850 |
+ROW |158254 |1612 |34851 |
+ROW |158255 |1612 |34852 |
+ROW |158256 |1612 |34853 |
+ROW |158257 |1612 |34854 |
+ROW |158258 |1612 |34855 |
+ROW |158259 |1612 |34856 |
+ROW |158260 |1612 |34857 |
+ROW |158261 |1612 |34858 |
+ROW |158262 |1865 |36802 |
+ROW |158263 |1862 |36803 |
+ROW |158264 |1860 |36804 |
+ROW |158265 |1860 |36805 |
+ROW |158266 |1860 |36806 |
+ROW |158267 |1861 |36807 |
+ROW |158268 |1861 |36808 |
+ROW |158269 |1861 |36809 |
+ROW |158270 |1861 |36810 |
+ROW |158271 |1862 |36811 |
+ROW |158272 |1860 |36812 |
+ROW |158273 |1862 |36813 |
+ROW |158274 |1865 |36814 |
+ROW |158275 |1862 |36815 |
+ROW |158276 |1862 |36816 |
+ROW |158277 |1862 |36817 |
+ROW |158278 |1862 |36818 |
+ROW |158279 |1862 |36819 |
+ROW |158280 |1862 |36820 |
+ROW |158281 |1860 |36821 |
+ROW |158282 |1860 |36822 |
+ROW |158283 |1865 |36823 |
+ROW |158284 |1864 |36824 |
+ROW |158285 |1865 |36825 |
+ROW |158286 |1864 |36826 |
+ROW |158287 |1864 |36827 |
+ROW |158288 |1864 |36828 |
+ROW |158289 |1864 |36829 |
+ROW |158290 |1864 |36830 |
+ROW |158291 |1864 |36831 |
+ROW |158292 |1864 |36832 |
+ROW |158293 |1864 |36833 |
+ROW |158294 |1861 |36834 |
+ROW |158295 |1864 |36835 |
+ROW |158296 |1864 |36836 |
+ROW |158297 |1864 |36837 |
+ROW |158298 |1864 |36838 |
+ROW |158299 |1864 |36839 |
+ROW |158300 |1864 |36840 |
+ROW |158301 |1864 |36841 |
+ROW |158302 |1864 |36842 |
+ROW |158303 |1865 |36843 |
+ROW |158304 |1860 |36848 |
+ROW |158305 |1860 |36849 |
+ROW |158306 |1860 |36850 |
+ROW |158307 |1860 |36851 |
+ROW |158308 |1860 |36852 |
+ROW |158309 |1860 |36853 |
+ROW |158310 |1863 |36854 |
+ROW |158311 |1863 |36855 |
+ROW |158312 |1863 |36856 |
+ROW |158313 |1863 |36857 |
+ROW |158314 |1863 |36858 |
+ROW |158315 |1863 |36859 |
+ROW |158316 |1863 |36860 |
+ROW |158317 |1863 |36861 |
+ROW |158318 |1863 |36862 |
+ROW |158319 |1863 |36863 |
+ROW |158320 |1863 |36864 |
+ROW |158321 |1863 |36865 |
+ROW |158322 |1863 |36866 |
+ROW |158323 |1863 |36867 |
+ROW |158324 |1863 |36868 |
+ROW |158325 |1863 |36869 |
+ROW |158326 |1863 |36870 |
+ROW |158327 |1863 |36871 |
+ROW |158328 |1863 |36872 |
+ROW |158329 |1863 |36873 |
+ROW |158330 |1863 |36874 |
+ROW |158331 |1863 |36875 |
+ROW |158332 |1863 |36876 |
+ROW |158333 |1863 |36877 |
+ROW |158334 |1863 |36878 |
+ROW |158335 |1863 |36879 |
+ROW |158336 |1866 |36880 |
+ROW |158337 |1866 |36881 |
+ROW |158338 |1866 |36882 |
+ROW |158339 |1866 |36883 |
+ROW |158340 |1866 |36884 |
+ROW |158341 |1866 |36885 |
+ROW |158342 |1866 |36886 |
+ROW |158343 |1860 |36887 |
+ROW |158344 |1351 |31868 |
+ROW |158345 |1351 |31869 |
+ROW |158346 |1350 |31870 |
+ROW |158347 |1350 |31871 |
+ROW |158348 |1350 |31872 |
+ROW |158349 |1350 |31873 |
+ROW |158350 |1350 |31874 |
+ROW |158351 |1350 |31875 |
+ROW |158352 |1350 |31876 |
+ROW |158353 |1350 |31877 |
+ROW |158354 |1350 |31878 |
+ROW |158355 |1350 |31879 |
+ROW |158356 |1350 |31880 |
+ROW |158357 |1350 |31881 |
+ROW |158358 |1350 |31882 |
+ROW |158359 |1350 |31883 |
+ROW |158360 |1350 |31884 |
+ROW |158361 |1350 |31885 |
+ROW |158362 |1350 |31886 |
+ROW |158363 |1350 |31887 |
+ROW |158364 |1350 |31888 |
+ROW |158365 |1350 |31889 |
+ROW |158366 |1350 |31890 |
+ROW |158367 |1352 |31891 |
+ROW |158368 |1353 |31892 |
+ROW |158369 |1353 |31893 |
+ROW |158370 |1352 |31894 |
+ROW |158371 |1352 |31895 |
+ROW |158372 |1352 |31896 |
+ROW |158373 |1352 |31897 |
+ROW |158374 |1352 |31898 |
+ROW |158375 |1352 |31899 |
+ROW |158376 |1352 |31900 |
+ROW |158377 |1352 |31901 |
+ROW |158378 |1352 |31902 |
+ROW |158379 |1352 |31903 |
+ROW |158380 |1352 |31904 |
+ROW |158381 |1352 |31905 |
+ROW |158382 |1352 |31906 |
+ROW |158383 |1352 |31907 |
+ROW |158384 |1352 |31908 |
+ROW |158385 |1352 |31909 |
+ROW |158386 |1426 |32829 |
+ROW |158387 |1426 |32830 |
+ROW |158388 |1427 |32831 |
+ROW |158389 |1427 |32832 |
+ROW |158390 |1428 |32833 |
+ROW |158391 |1428 |32834 |
+ROW |158392 |1428 |32835 |
+ROW |158393 |1427 |32836 |
+ROW |158394 |1427 |32837 |
+ROW |158395 |1427 |32838 |
+ROW |158396 |1427 |32839 |
+ROW |158397 |1425 |32840 |
+ROW |158398 |1425 |32841 |
+ROW |158399 |1425 |32842 |
+ROW |158400 |1425 |32843 |
+ROW |158401 |1425 |32844 |
+ROW |158402 |1425 |32845 |
+ROW |158403 |1425 |32846 |
+ROW |158404 |1425 |32847 |
+ROW |158405 |1425 |32848 |
+ROW |158406 |1425 |32849 |
+ROW |158407 |1425 |32850 |
+ROW |158408 |1425 |32851 |
+ROW |158409 |1425 |32852 |
+ROW |158410 |1425 |32853 |
+ROW |158411 |1425 |32854 |
+ROW |158412 |1425 |32855 |
+ROW |158413 |1425 |32856 |
+ROW |158414 |1425 |32857 |
+ROW |158415 |1425 |32858 |
+ROW |158416 |1425 |32859 |
+ROW |158417 |1425 |32860 |
+ROW |158418 |1425 |32861 |
+ROW |158419 |1425 |32862 |
+ROW |158420 |1425 |32863 |
+ROW |158421 |1427 |32864 |
+ROW |158422 |1427 |32865 |
+ROW |158423 |1427 |32866 |
+ROW |158424 |1427 |32867 |
+ROW |158425 |1427 |32868 |
+ROW |158426 |1427 |32869 |
+ROW |158427 |1427 |32870 |
+ROW |158428 |1427 |32871 |
+ROW |158429 |1427 |32872 |
+ROW |158430 |1427 |32873 |
+ROW |158431 |1427 |32874 |
+ROW |158432 |1427 |32875 |
+ROW |158433 |1427 |32876 |
+ROW |158434 |1427 |32877 |
+ROW |158435 |1427 |32878 |
+ROW |158436 |1425 |32884 |
+ROW |158437 |1427 |32885 |
+ROW |158438 |1427 |32886 |
+ROW |158439 |1427 |32887 |
+ROW |158440 |1427 |32888 |
+ROW |158441 |1427 |32889 |
+ROW |158442 |1427 |32890 |
+ROW |158443 |1430 |32925 |
+ROW |158444 |1430 |32926 |
+ROW |158445 |1431 |32927 |
+ROW |158446 |1432 |32928 |
+ROW |158447 |1432 |32929 |
+ROW |158448 |1432 |32930 |
+ROW |158449 |1431 |32931 |
+ROW |158450 |1429 |32932 |
+ROW |158451 |1429 |32933 |
+ROW |158452 |1429 |32934 |
+ROW |158453 |1429 |32935 |
+ROW |158454 |1429 |32936 |
+ROW |158455 |1429 |32937 |
+ROW |158456 |1429 |32938 |
+ROW |158457 |1429 |32939 |
+ROW |158458 |1429 |32940 |
+ROW |158459 |1429 |32941 |
+ROW |158460 |1429 |32942 |
+ROW |158461 |1429 |32943 |
+ROW |158462 |1429 |32944 |
+ROW |158463 |1429 |32945 |
+ROW |158464 |1429 |32946 |
+ROW |158465 |1429 |32947 |
+ROW |158466 |1429 |32948 |
+ROW |158467 |1429 |32949 |
+ROW |158468 |1429 |32950 |
+ROW |158469 |1429 |32951 |
+ROW |158470 |1429 |32952 |
+ROW |158471 |1429 |32953 |
+ROW |158472 |1429 |32954 |
+ROW |158473 |1429 |32955 |
+ROW |158474 |1431 |32956 |
+ROW |158475 |1431 |32957 |
+ROW |158476 |1431 |32958 |
+ROW |158477 |1431 |32959 |
+ROW |158478 |1431 |32960 |
+ROW |158479 |1431 |32961 |
+ROW |158480 |1431 |32962 |
+ROW |158481 |1431 |32963 |
+ROW |158482 |1431 |32964 |
+ROW |158483 |1431 |32965 |
+ROW |158484 |1431 |32966 |
+ROW |158485 |1431 |32967 |
+ROW |158486 |1431 |32968 |
+ROW |158487 |1431 |32969 |
+ROW |158488 |1431 |32970 |
+ROW |158489 |1429 |32976 |
+ROW |158490 |1431 |32977 |
+ROW |158491 |1431 |32978 |
+ROW |158492 |1431 |32979 |
+ROW |158493 |1431 |32980 |
+ROW |158494 |1431 |32981 |
+ROW |158495 |1431 |32982 |
+ROW |158496 |1354 |31910 |
+ROW |158497 |1354 |31911 |
+ROW |158498 |1354 |31912 |
+ROW |158499 |1354 |31913 |
+ROW |158500 |1354 |31914 |
+ROW |158501 |1354 |31915 |
+ROW |158502 |1354 |31916 |
+ROW |158503 |1354 |31917 |
+ROW |158504 |1354 |31918 |
+ROW |158505 |1354 |31919 |
+ROW |158506 |1354 |31920 |
+ROW |158507 |1354 |31921 |
+ROW |158508 |1354 |31922 |
+ROW |158509 |1354 |31923 |
+ROW |158510 |1354 |31924 |
+ROW |158511 |1354 |31925 |
+ROW |158512 |1354 |31926 |
+ROW |158513 |1354 |31927 |
+ROW |158514 |1354 |31928 |
+ROW |158515 |1354 |31929 |
+ROW |158516 |1354 |31930 |
+ROW |158517 |1354 |31931 |
+ROW |158518 |1354 |31932 |
+ROW |158519 |1354 |31933 |
+ROW |158520 |1354 |31934 |
+ROW |158521 |1354 |31935 |
+ROW |158522 |1354 |31936 |
+ROW |158523 |1354 |31937 |
+ROW |158524 |1354 |31938 |
+ROW |158525 |1354 |31939 |
+ROW |158526 |1354 |31940 |
+ROW |158527 |1354 |31941 |
+ROW |158528 |1354 |31942 |
+ROW |158529 |1354 |31943 |
+ROW |158530 |1354 |31944 |
+ROW |158531 |1354 |31945 |
+ROW |158532 |1354 |31946 |
+ROW |158533 |1354 |31947 |
+ROW |158534 |1354 |31948 |
+ROW |158535 |1354 |31949 |
+ROW |158536 |1354 |31950 |
+ROW |158537 |1354 |31951 |
+ROW |158538 |1354 |31952 |
+ROW |158539 |1354 |31953 |
+ROW |158540 |1354 |31954 |
+ROW |158541 |1354 |31955 |
+ROW |158542 |1354 |31956 |
+ROW |158543 |1354 |31957 |
+ROW |158544 |1354 |31958 |
+ROW |158545 |1354 |31959 |
+ROW |158546 |1354 |31960 |
+ROW |158547 |1354 |31961 |
+ROW |158548 |1354 |31962 |
+ROW |158549 |1354 |31963 |
+ROW |158550 |1737 |35560 |
+ROW |158551 |1737 |35561 |
+ROW |158552 |1109 |28511 |
+ROW |158553 |1344 |36888 |
+ROW |158554 |1342 |31554 |
+ROW |158555 |1342 |31555 |
+ROW |158556 |1342 |31556 |
+ROW |158557 |1343 |31557 |
+ROW |158558 |1343 |31558 |
+ROW |158559 |1343 |31559 |
+ROW |158560 |1343 |31560 |
+ROW |158561 |1343 |31561 |
+ROW |158562 |1343 |31562 |
+ROW |158563 |1343 |31563 |
+ROW |158564 |1343 |31564 |
+ROW |158565 |1343 |31565 |
+ROW |158566 |1343 |31566 |
+ROW |158567 |1343 |31567 |
+ROW |158568 |1343 |31568 |
+ROW |158569 |1343 |31569 |
+ROW |158570 |1343 |31570 |
+ROW |158571 |1343 |31571 |
+ROW |158572 |1343 |31572 |
+ROW |158573 |1343 |31573 |
+ROW |158574 |1343 |31574 |
+ROW |158575 |1343 |31575 |
+ROW |158576 |1344 |31576 |
+ROW |158577 |1344 |31577 |
+ROW |158578 |1344 |31578 |
+ROW |158579 |1344 |31579 |
+ROW |158580 |1344 |31580 |
+ROW |158581 |1344 |31581 |
+ROW |158582 |1344 |31582 |
+ROW |158583 |1344 |31583 |
+ROW |158584 |1344 |31584 |
+ROW |158585 |1344 |31585 |
+ROW |158586 |1344 |31586 |
+ROW |158587 |1344 |31587 |
+ROW |158588 |1344 |31588 |
+ROW |158589 |1344 |31589 |
+ROW |158590 |1344 |31590 |
+ROW |158591 |1344 |31591 |
+ROW |158592 |1344 |31592 |
+ROW |158593 |1344 |31593 |
+ROW |158594 |1344 |31594 |
+ROW |158595 |1344 |31595 |
+ROW |158596 |1344 |31596 |
+ROW |158597 |1342 |31605 |
+ROW |158598 |1342 |31606 |
+ROW |158599 |1342 |31607 |
+ROW |158600 |1342 |31608 |
+ROW |158601 |1342 |31609 |
+ROW |158602 |1343 |31610 |
+ROW |158603 |1343 |31611 |
+ROW |158604 |1343 |31612 |
+ROW |158605 |1343 |31613 |
+ROW |158606 |1343 |31614 |
+ROW |158607 |1343 |31615 |
+ROW |158608 |1343 |31616 |
+ROW |158609 |1343 |31617 |
+ROW |158610 |1343 |31618 |
+ROW |158611 |1343 |31619 |
+ROW |158612 |1343 |31620 |
+ROW |158613 |1343 |31621 |
+ROW |158614 |1344 |31622 |
+ROW |158615 |1344 |31623 |
+ROW |158616 |1344 |31624 |
+ROW |158617 |1344 |31625 |
+ROW |158618 |1512 |34094 |
+ROW |158619 |1512 |34095 |
+ROW |158620 |1512 |34096 |
+ROW |158621 |1512 |34097 |
+ROW |158622 |1512 |34098 |
+ROW |158623 |1513 |34106 |
+ROW |158624 |1513 |34107 |
+ROW |158625 |1513 |34108 |
+ROW |158626 |1513 |34109 |
+ROW |158627 |1513 |34110 |
+ROW |158628 |1513 |34111 |
+ROW |158629 |1513 |34112 |
+ROW |158630 |1513 |34113 |
+ROW |158631 |1513 |34114 |
+ROW |158632 |1513 |34115 |
+ROW |158633 |1513 |34116 |
+ROW |158634 |1513 |34117 |
+ROW |158635 |1513 |34118 |
+ROW |158636 |1513 |34119 |
+ROW |158637 |1513 |34120 |
+ROW |158638 |1513 |34121 |
+ROW |158639 |1513 |34122 |
+ROW |158640 |356 |36889 |
+ROW |158641 |356 |36890 |
+ROW |158642 |356 |36891 |
+ROW |158643 |356 |36892 |
+ROW |158644 |356 |10067 |
+ROW |158645 |356 |10068 |
+ROW |158646 |356 |10069 |
+ROW |158647 |356 |10070 |
+ROW |158648 |356 |10071 |
+ROW |158649 |356 |10072 |
+ROW |158650 |356 |23340 |
+ROW |158651 |356 |23341 |
+ROW |158652 |356 |23342 |
+ROW |158653 |356 |23343 |
+ROW |158654 |356 |23344 |
+ROW |158655 |356 |23345 |
+ROW |158656 |356 |23346 |
+ROW |158657 |356 |23347 |
+ROW |158658 |356 |23348 |
+ROW |158659 |356 |23349 |
+ROW |158660 |356 |23350 |
+ROW |158661 |356 |23351 |
+ROW |158662 |356 |23352 |
+ROW |158663 |356 |23353 |
+ROW |158664 |356 |23354 |
+ROW |158665 |356 |23355 |
+ROW |158666 |356 |23356 |
+ROW |158667 |356 |23357 |
+ROW |158668 |356 |23358 |
+ROW |158669 |356 |23359 |
+ROW |158670 |356 |23360 |
+ROW |158671 |356 |25368 |
+ROW |158672 |356 |25369 |
+ROW |158673 |356 |28250 |
+ROW |158674 |356 |28251 |
+ROW |158675 |356 |28617 |
+ROW |158676 |356 |28618 |
+ROW |158677 |356 |28619 |
+ROW |158678 |1867 |36893 |
+ROW |158679 |1111 |36894 |
+ROW |158680 |1111 |36895 |
+ROW |158681 |1111 |36896 |
+ROW |158682 |1111 |36897 |
+ROW |158683 |1111 |36898 |
+ROW |158684 |1111 |36899 |
+ROW |158685 |1111 |36900 |
+ROW |158686 |1111 |36901 |
+ROW |158687 |1111 |36902 |
+ROW |158688 |1111 |36903 |
+ROW |158689 |1111 |36904 |
+ROW |158690 |1111 |36905 |
+ROW |158691 |1111 |36906 |
+ROW |158692 |1111 |36907 |
+ROW |158693 |1111 |36908 |
+ROW |158694 |1111 |36909 |
+ROW |158695 |1111 |36910 |
+ROW |158696 |1111 |36911 |
+ROW |158697 |1111 |36912 |
+ROW |158698 |1111 |36913 |
+ROW |158699 |1111 |36914 |
+ROW |158700 |1111 |36915 |
+ROW |158701 |1111 |36916 |
+ROW |158702 |1111 |36917 |
+ROW |158703 |1111 |36918 |
+ROW |158704 |1111 |36919 |
+ROW |158705 |1111 |36920 |
+ROW |158706 |1111 |36921 |
+ROW |158707 |1111 |36922 |
+ROW |158708 |1111 |36923 |
+ROW |158709 |1111 |36924 |
+ROW |158710 |1111 |36925 |
+ROW |158711 |1111 |36926 |
+ROW |158712 |1111 |36927 |
+ROW |158713 |1111 |36928 |
+ROW |158714 |1111 |36929 |
+ROW |158715 |1111 |36930 |
+ROW |158716 |179 |10061 |
+ROW |158717 |179 |10062 |
+ROW |158718 |179 |10063 |
+ROW |158719 |179 |10064 |
+ROW |158720 |179 |10065 |
+ROW |158721 |179 |10066 |
+ROW |158722 |179 |22183 |
+ROW |158723 |179 |22185 |
+ROW |158724 |179 |22187 |
+ROW |158725 |179 |22189 |
+ROW |158726 |179 |22191 |
+ROW |158727 |179 |22196 |
+ROW |158728 |179 |22199 |
+ROW |158729 |179 |22219 |
+ROW |158730 |179 |22396 |
+ROW |158731 |179 |22399 |
+ROW |158732 |179 |22400 |
+ROW |158733 |179 |22401 |
+ROW |158734 |179 |22402 |
+ROW |158735 |179 |22404 |
+ROW |158736 |179 |22406 |
+ROW |158737 |179 |22408 |
+ROW |158738 |179 |22412 |
+ROW |158739 |179 |22414 |
+ROW |158740 |179 |22416 |
+ROW |158741 |179 |22418 |
+ROW |158742 |179 |22420 |
+ROW |158743 |179 |22422 |
+ROW |158744 |179 |22424 |
+ROW |158745 |179 |22426 |
+ROW |158746 |179 |22430 |
+ROW |158747 |179 |22689 |
+ROW |158748 |179 |23171 |
+ROW |158749 |179 |23251 |
+ROW |158750 |179 |23634 |
+ROW |158751 |179 |23661 |
+ROW |158752 |179 |23663 |
+ROW |158753 |179 |25366 |
+ROW |158754 |179 |25370 |
+ROW |158755 |179 |25665 |
+ROW |158756 |179 |25666 |
+ROW |158757 |179 |28248 |
+ROW |158758 |179 |28533 |
+ROW |158759 |179 |28535 |
+ROW |158760 |179 |28537 |
+ROW |158761 |179 |29822 |
+ROW |158762 |179 |34189 |
+ROW |158763 |345 |10073 |
+ROW |158764 |345 |10074 |
+ROW |158765 |345 |10075 |
+ROW |158766 |345 |10076 |
+ROW |158767 |345 |10077 |
+ROW |158768 |345 |10078 |
+ROW |158769 |345 |23252 |
+ROW |158770 |345 |23253 |
+ROW |158771 |345 |23255 |
+ROW |158772 |345 |23256 |
+ROW |158773 |345 |23257 |
+ROW |158774 |345 |23258 |
+ROW |158775 |345 |23259 |
+ROW |158776 |345 |23260 |
+ROW |158777 |345 |23261 |
+ROW |158778 |345 |23262 |
+ROW |158779 |345 |23264 |
+ROW |158780 |345 |23265 |
+ROW |158781 |345 |23266 |
+ROW |158782 |345 |23267 |
+ROW |158783 |345 |23268 |
+ROW |158784 |345 |23269 |
+ROW |158785 |345 |23270 |
+ROW |158786 |345 |23271 |
+ROW |158787 |345 |23272 |
+ROW |158788 |345 |23273 |
+ROW |158789 |345 |23274 |
+ROW |158790 |345 |23275 |
+ROW |158791 |345 |23276 |
+ROW |158792 |345 |23277 |
+ROW |158793 |345 |23328 |
+ROW |158794 |345 |23620 |
+ROW |158795 |345 |23625 |
+ROW |158796 |345 |23628 |
+ROW |158797 |345 |23635 |
+ROW |158798 |345 |23662 |
+ROW |158799 |345 |23664 |
+ROW |158800 |345 |25367 |
+ROW |158801 |345 |25371 |
+ROW |158802 |345 |25667 |
+ROW |158803 |345 |25668 |
+ROW |158804 |345 |28249 |
+ROW |158805 |345 |28534 |
+ROW |158806 |345 |28536 |
+ROW |158807 |345 |28538 |
+ROW |158808 |345 |29823 |
+ROW |158809 |345 |34196 |
+ROW |158810 |1514 |28539 |
+ROW |158811 |1110 |28540 |
+ROW |158812 |1110 |28541 |
+ROW |158813 |1110 |28542 |
+ROW |158814 |1110 |28543 |
+ROW |158815 |1110 |28544 |
+ROW |158816 |1110 |28545 |
+ROW |158817 |1110 |28546 |
+ROW |158818 |1110 |28547 |
+ROW |158819 |1110 |28548 |
+ROW |158820 |1110 |28549 |
+ROW |158821 |1110 |28550 |
+ROW |158822 |1110 |28551 |
+ROW |158823 |1110 |28552 |
+ROW |158824 |1110 |28553 |
+ROW |158825 |1110 |28554 |
+ROW |158826 |1110 |28555 |
+ROW |158827 |1110 |28556 |
+ROW |158828 |1110 |28557 |
+ROW |158829 |1110 |28558 |
+ROW |158830 |1110 |28559 |
+ROW |158831 |1110 |28560 |
+ROW |158832 |1110 |28561 |
+ROW |158833 |1110 |28562 |
+ROW |158834 |1110 |28563 |
+ROW |158835 |1110 |28564 |
+ROW |158836 |1110 |28565 |
+ROW |158837 |1110 |28566 |
+ROW |158838 |1110 |28567 |
+ROW |158839 |1110 |28568 |
+ROW |158840 |1110 |28569 |
+ROW |158841 |1110 |28570 |
+ROW |158842 |1110 |28571 |
+ROW |158843 |1110 |28572 |
+ROW |158844 |1110 |28573 |
+ROW |158845 |1110 |28574 |
+ROW |158846 |1110 |28575 |
+ROW |158847 |1110 |28576 |
+ROW |158848 |1110 |28577 |
+ROW |158849 |1110 |28578 |
+ROW |158850 |1110 |28579 |
+ROW |158851 |1110 |28580 |
+ROW |158852 |1110 |28581 |
+ROW |158853 |1110 |28582 |
+ROW |158854 |1110 |28583 |
+ROW |158855 |1110 |28584 |
+ROW |158856 |1110 |29821 |
+ROW |158857 |1110 |31053 |
+ROW |158858 |1360 |32158 |
+ROW |158859 |1360 |32159 |
+ROW |158860 |1361 |32160 |
+ROW |158861 |1361 |32161 |
+ROW |158862 |1361 |32162 |
+ROW |158863 |1361 |32163 |
+ROW |158864 |1361 |32164 |
+ROW |158865 |1361 |32165 |
+ROW |158866 |1361 |32166 |
+ROW |158867 |1361 |32167 |
+ROW |158868 |1361 |32168 |
+ROW |158869 |1361 |32169 |
+ROW |158870 |1361 |32170 |
+ROW |158871 |1361 |32171 |
+ROW |158872 |1361 |32172 |
+ROW |158873 |1361 |32173 |
+ROW |158874 |1361 |32174 |
+ROW |158875 |1361 |32175 |
+ROW |158876 |1361 |32176 |
+ROW |158877 |1361 |32177 |
+ROW |158878 |1361 |32178 |
+ROW |158879 |1361 |32179 |
+ROW |158880 |1361 |32180 |
+ROW |158881 |1361 |32181 |
+ROW |158882 |1361 |32182 |
+ROW |158883 |1361 |32183 |
+ROW |158884 |1361 |32184 |
+ROW |158885 |1361 |32185 |
+ROW |158886 |1361 |32186 |
+ROW |158887 |1361 |32187 |
+ROW |158888 |1361 |32188 |
+ROW |158889 |1361 |32189 |
+ROW |158890 |1361 |32190 |
+ROW |158891 |1361 |32191 |
+ROW |158892 |1361 |32192 |
+ROW |158893 |1361 |32201 |
+ROW |158894 |1361 |32202 |
+ROW |158895 |1361 |32203 |
+ROW |158896 |1361 |32204 |
+ROW |158897 |1361 |32205 |
+ROW |158898 |1361 |32206 |
+ROW |158899 |446 |23644 |
+ROW |158900 |447 |23645 |
+ROW |158901 |448 |23646 |
+ROW |158902 |449 |23647 |
+ROW |158903 |450 |23648 |
+ROW |158904 |451 |23649 |
+ROW |158905 |452 |23650 |
+ROW |158906 |453 |23651 |
+ROW |158907 |454 |23652 |
+ROW |158908 |455 |23653 |
+ROW |158909 |456 |23654 |
+ROW |158910 |280 |22917 |
+ROW |158911 |280 |22918 |
+ROW |158912 |273 |22920 |
+ROW |158913 |279 |22920 |
+ROW |158914 |273 |22921 |
+ROW |158915 |279 |22921 |
+ROW |158916 |273 |22922 |
+ROW |158917 |279 |22922 |
+ROW |158918 |273 |22923 |
+ROW |158919 |279 |22923 |
+ROW |158920 |273 |22924 |
+ROW |158921 |279 |22924 |
+ROW |158922 |275 |22933 |
+ROW |158923 |278 |22933 |
+ROW |158924 |275 |22934 |
+ROW |158925 |278 |22934 |
+ROW |158926 |275 |22938 |
+ROW |158927 |278 |22938 |
+ROW |158928 |275 |22939 |
+ROW |158929 |278 |22939 |
+ROW |158930 |278 |22940 |
+ROW |158931 |281 |22940 |
+ROW |158932 |281 |22941 |
+ROW |158933 |276 |22942 |
+ROW |158934 |276 |22943 |
+ROW |158935 |273 |23108 |
+ROW |158936 |331 |23108 |
+ROW |158937 |279 |23108 |
+ROW |158938 |273 |23109 |
+ROW |158939 |331 |23109 |
+ROW |158940 |279 |23109 |
+ROW |158941 |273 |23110 |
+ROW |158942 |279 |23110 |
+ROW |158943 |273 |23111 |
+ROW |158944 |331 |23111 |
+ROW |158945 |279 |23111 |
+ROW |158946 |273 |23112 |
+ROW |158947 |331 |23112 |
+ROW |158948 |279 |23112 |
+ROW |158949 |273 |23113 |
+ROW |158950 |279 |23113 |
+ROW |158951 |273 |23114 |
+ROW |158952 |279 |23114 |
+ROW |158953 |273 |23115 |
+ROW |158954 |279 |23115 |
+ROW |158955 |274 |23116 |
+ROW |158956 |279 |23116 |
+ROW |158957 |274 |23117 |
+ROW |158958 |279 |23117 |
+ROW |158959 |273 |23118 |
+ROW |158960 |331 |23118 |
+ROW |158961 |273 |23119 |
+ROW |158962 |279 |23119 |
+ROW |158963 |273 |23120 |
+ROW |158964 |279 |23120 |
+ROW |158965 |273 |23121 |
+ROW |158966 |279 |23121 |
+ROW |158967 |276 |23122 |
+ROW |158968 |279 |23122 |
+ROW |158969 |273 |23123 |
+ROW |158970 |279 |23123 |
+ROW |158971 |276 |23124 |
+ROW |158972 |276 |23125 |
+ROW |158973 |276 |23126 |
+ROW |158974 |276 |23127 |
+ROW |158975 |276 |23128 |
+ROW |158976 |276 |23129 |
+ROW |158977 |276 |23130 |
+ROW |158978 |276 |23131 |
+ROW |158979 |277 |22945 |
+ROW |158980 |277 |22946 |
+ROW |158981 |274 |22948 |
+ROW |158982 |274 |22949 |
+ROW |158983 |274 |22950 |
+ROW |158984 |274 |22951 |
+ROW |158985 |274 |22952 |
+ROW |158986 |268 |22875 |
+ROW |158987 |268 |22876 |
+ROW |158988 |270 |22877 |
+ROW |158989 |270 |22878 |
+ROW |158990 |265 |22879 |
+ROW |158991 |268 |22879 |
+ROW |158992 |263 |22880 |
+ROW |158993 |269 |22880 |
+ROW |158994 |263 |22881 |
+ROW |158995 |269 |22881 |
+ROW |158996 |263 |22882 |
+ROW |158997 |269 |22882 |
+ROW |158998 |263 |22883 |
+ROW |158999 |269 |22883 |
+ROW |159000 |263 |22884 |
+ROW |159001 |269 |22884 |
+ROW |159002 |263 |22885 |
+ROW |159003 |269 |22885 |
+ROW |159004 |263 |22886 |
+ROW |159005 |269 |22886 |
+ROW |159006 |263 |22888 |
+ROW |159007 |269 |22888 |
+ROW |159008 |263 |22891 |
+ROW |159009 |269 |22891 |
+ROW |159010 |263 |22892 |
+ROW |159011 |269 |22892 |
+ROW |159012 |265 |22893 |
+ROW |159013 |268 |22893 |
+ROW |159014 |265 |22894 |
+ROW |159015 |268 |22894 |
+ROW |159016 |266 |22895 |
+ROW |159017 |266 |22896 |
+ROW |159018 |266 |22897 |
+ROW |159019 |265 |22898 |
+ROW |159020 |268 |22898 |
+ROW |159021 |265 |22899 |
+ROW |159022 |268 |22899 |
+ROW |159023 |268 |22900 |
+ROW |159024 |271 |22900 |
+ROW |159025 |271 |22901 |
+ROW |159026 |266 |22902 |
+ROW |159027 |266 |22903 |
+ROW |159028 |264 |22908 |
+ROW |159029 |264 |22909 |
+ROW |159030 |264 |22910 |
+ROW |159031 |264 |22911 |
+ROW |159032 |264 |22912 |
+ROW |159033 |267 |23073 |
+ROW |159034 |267 |23074 |
+ROW |159035 |283 |22961 |
+ROW |159036 |289 |22961 |
+ROW |159037 |283 |22962 |
+ROW |159038 |289 |22962 |
+ROW |159039 |283 |22963 |
+ROW |159040 |289 |22963 |
+ROW |159041 |283 |22965 |
+ROW |159042 |289 |22965 |
+ROW |159043 |283 |22968 |
+ROW |159044 |289 |22968 |
+ROW |159045 |283 |22971 |
+ROW |159046 |289 |22971 |
+ROW |159047 |283 |22972 |
+ROW |159048 |289 |22972 |
+ROW |159049 |285 |22973 |
+ROW |159050 |288 |22973 |
+ROW |159051 |285 |22974 |
+ROW |159052 |288 |22974 |
+ROW |159053 |285 |22978 |
+ROW |159054 |288 |22978 |
+ROW |159055 |288 |22980 |
+ROW |159056 |291 |22980 |
+ROW |159057 |291 |22981 |
+ROW |159058 |286 |22982 |
+ROW |159059 |286 |22983 |
+ROW |159060 |287 |22985 |
+ROW |159061 |287 |22986 |
+ROW |159062 |284 |22988 |
+ROW |159063 |284 |22989 |
+ROW |159064 |284 |22990 |
+ROW |159065 |284 |22991 |
+ROW |159066 |284 |22992 |
+ROW |159067 |308 |23035 |
+ROW |159068 |308 |23036 |
+ROW |159069 |305 |23039 |
+ROW |159070 |308 |23039 |
+ROW |159071 |303 |23041 |
+ROW |159072 |309 |23041 |
+ROW |159073 |303 |23042 |
+ROW |159074 |309 |23042 |
+ROW |159075 |303 |23043 |
+ROW |159076 |309 |23043 |
+ROW |159077 |305 |23053 |
+ROW |159078 |308 |23053 |
+ROW |159079 |305 |23054 |
+ROW |159080 |308 |23054 |
+ROW |159081 |305 |23058 |
+ROW |159082 |308 |23058 |
+ROW |159083 |305 |23059 |
+ROW |159084 |308 |23059 |
+ROW |159085 |308 |23060 |
+ROW |159086 |311 |23060 |
+ROW |159087 |311 |23061 |
+ROW |159088 |306 |23062 |
+ROW |159089 |306 |23063 |
+ROW |159090 |307 |23077 |
+ROW |159091 |307 |23078 |
+ROW |159092 |304 |23068 |
+ROW |159093 |304 |23069 |
+ROW |159094 |304 |23070 |
+ROW |159095 |304 |23071 |
+ROW |159096 |304 |23072 |
+ROW |159097 |258 |22835 |
+ROW |159098 |258 |22836 |
+ROW |159099 |260 |22837 |
+ROW |159100 |260 |22838 |
+ROW |159101 |255 |22839 |
+ROW |159102 |258 |22839 |
+ROW |159103 |253 |22840 |
+ROW |159104 |259 |22840 |
+ROW |159105 |253 |22841 |
+ROW |159106 |259 |22841 |
+ROW |159107 |253 |22842 |
+ROW |159108 |259 |22842 |
+ROW |159109 |253 |22843 |
+ROW |159110 |259 |22843 |
+ROW |159111 |253 |22844 |
+ROW |159112 |259 |22844 |
+ROW |159113 |253 |22845 |
+ROW |159114 |259 |22845 |
+ROW |159115 |253 |22846 |
+ROW |159116 |259 |22846 |
+ROW |159117 |253 |22848 |
+ROW |159118 |259 |22848 |
+ROW |159119 |253 |22851 |
+ROW |159120 |259 |22851 |
+ROW |159121 |253 |22852 |
+ROW |159122 |259 |22852 |
+ROW |159123 |255 |22853 |
+ROW |159124 |258 |22853 |
+ROW |159125 |255 |22854 |
+ROW |159126 |258 |22854 |
+ROW |159127 |256 |22855 |
+ROW |159128 |256 |22856 |
+ROW |159129 |256 |22857 |
+ROW |159130 |255 |22858 |
+ROW |159131 |258 |22858 |
+ROW |159132 |255 |22859 |
+ROW |159133 |258 |22859 |
+ROW |159134 |258 |22860 |
+ROW |159135 |261 |22860 |
+ROW |159136 |261 |22861 |
+ROW |159137 |256 |22862 |
+ROW |159138 |256 |22863 |
+ROW |159139 |254 |22868 |
+ROW |159140 |254 |22869 |
+ROW |159141 |254 |22870 |
+ROW |159142 |254 |22871 |
+ROW |159143 |254 |22872 |
+ROW |159144 |257 |23075 |
+ROW |159145 |257 |23076 |
+ROW |159146 |298 |22996 |
+ROW |159147 |300 |22997 |
+ROW |159148 |300 |22998 |
+ROW |159149 |295 |22999 |
+ROW |159150 |298 |22999 |
+ROW |159151 |293 |23000 |
+ROW |159152 |299 |23000 |
+ROW |159153 |293 |23001 |
+ROW |159154 |299 |23001 |
+ROW |159155 |293 |23002 |
+ROW |159156 |299 |23002 |
+ROW |159157 |293 |23003 |
+ROW |159158 |299 |23003 |
+ROW |159159 |293 |23004 |
+ROW |159160 |299 |23004 |
+ROW |159161 |293 |23005 |
+ROW |159162 |299 |23005 |
+ROW |159163 |293 |23007 |
+ROW |159164 |299 |23007 |
+ROW |159165 |293 |23011 |
+ROW |159166 |299 |23011 |
+ROW |159167 |293 |23012 |
+ROW |159168 |299 |23012 |
+ROW |159169 |295 |23013 |
+ROW |159170 |298 |23013 |
+ROW |159171 |295 |23014 |
+ROW |159172 |298 |23014 |
+ROW |159173 |296 |23015 |
+ROW |159174 |296 |23016 |
+ROW |159175 |296 |23017 |
+ROW |159176 |295 |23018 |
+ROW |159177 |298 |23018 |
+ROW |159178 |295 |23019 |
+ROW |159179 |298 |23019 |
+ROW |159180 |298 |23020 |
+ROW |159181 |301 |23020 |
+ROW |159182 |301 |23021 |
+ROW |159183 |296 |23022 |
+ROW |159184 |296 |23023 |
+ROW |159185 |297 |23025 |
+ROW |159186 |297 |23026 |
+ROW |159187 |294 |23028 |
+ROW |159188 |294 |23029 |
+ROW |159189 |294 |23030 |
+ROW |159190 |294 |23031 |
+ROW |159191 |294 |23032 |
+ROW |159192 |743 |26925 |
+ROW |159193 |743 |26926 |
+ROW |159194 |741 |26927 |
+ROW |159195 |742 |26928 |
+ROW |159196 |743 |26929 |
+ROW |159197 |743 |26930 |
+ROW |159198 |743 |26931 |
+ROW |159199 |743 |26932 |
+ROW |159200 |745 |26933 |
+ROW |159201 |746 |26934 |
+ROW |159202 |744 |26935 |
+ROW |159203 |744 |26936 |
+ROW |159204 |746 |26937 |
+ROW |159205 |746 |26938 |
+ROW |159206 |746 |26939 |
+ROW |159207 |746 |26940 |
+ROW |159208 |746 |26941 |
+ROW |159209 |746 |26942 |
+ROW |159210 |745 |26943 |
+ROW |159211 |1362 |32207 |
+ROW |159212 |1362 |32208 |
+ROW |159213 |1362 |32209 |
+ROW |159214 |1362 |32210 |
+ROW |159215 |1362 |32211 |
+ROW |159216 |1362 |32212 |
+ROW |159217 |1362 |32213 |
+ROW |159218 |1362 |32214 |
+ROW |159219 |1362 |32215 |
+ROW |159220 |1362 |32216 |
+ROW |159221 |1362 |32217 |
+ROW |159222 |1362 |32218 |
+ROW |159223 |1362 |32219 |
+ROW |159224 |1362 |32220 |
+ROW |159225 |1362 |32221 |
+ROW |159226 |1362 |32222 |
+ROW |159227 |1362 |32223 |
+ROW |159228 |1362 |32224 |
+ROW |159229 |1362 |32225 |
+ROW |159230 |1362 |32226 |
+ROW |159231 |1362 |32227 |
+ROW |159232 |1362 |32228 |
+ROW |159233 |1362 |32229 |
+ROW |159234 |1362 |32230 |
+ROW |159235 |1362 |32231 |
+ROW |159236 |1362 |32232 |
+ROW |159237 |1362 |32233 |
+ROW |159238 |1362 |32234 |
+ROW |159239 |1362 |32235 |
+ROW |159240 |1362 |32236 |
+ROW |159241 |1362 |32237 |
+ROW |159242 |1362 |32238 |
+ROW |159243 |1362 |32239 |
+ROW |159244 |1362 |32240 |
+ROW |159245 |1362 |32241 |
+ROW |159246 |1362 |32242 |
+ROW |159247 |1362 |32243 |
+ROW |159248 |1362 |32244 |
+ROW |159249 |1362 |32245 |
+ROW |159250 |1362 |32246 |
+ROW |159251 |1362 |32247 |
+ROW |159252 |1362 |32248 |
+ROW |159253 |1362 |32249 |
+ROW |159254 |1362 |32250 |
+ROW |159255 |1362 |32251 |
+ROW |159256 |1362 |32252 |
+ROW |159257 |1362 |32253 |
+ROW |159258 |1362 |32254 |
+ROW |159259 |1362 |32255 |
+ROW |159260 |1362 |32256 |
+ROW |159261 |1362 |32257 |
+ROW |159262 |1362 |32258 |
+ROW |159263 |1362 |32259 |
+ROW |159264 |1362 |32260 |
+ROW |159265 |1362 |32261 |
+ROW |159266 |1362 |32262 |
+ROW |159267 |1362 |32263 |
+ROW |159268 |1362 |32264 |
+ROW |159269 |1362 |32265 |
+ROW |159270 |1362 |32266 |
+ROW |159271 |1362 |32267 |
+ROW |159272 |1362 |32268 |
+ROW |159273 |1362 |32269 |
+ROW |159274 |1362 |32270 |
+ROW |159275 |1362 |32271 |
+ROW |159276 |1362 |32272 |
+ROW |159277 |1362 |32273 |
+ROW |159278 |1329 |36931 |
+ROW |159279 |1329 |36932 |
+ROW |159280 |1329 |36933 |
+ROW |159281 |1328 |30821 |
+ROW |159282 |1328 |30822 |
+ROW |159283 |1330 |30823 |
+ROW |159284 |1330 |30824 |
+ROW |159285 |1330 |30825 |
+ROW |159286 |1330 |30826 |
+ROW |159287 |1328 |30827 |
+ROW |159288 |1330 |30828 |
+ROW |159289 |1330 |30829 |
+ROW |159290 |1330 |30830 |
+ROW |159291 |1328 |31054 |
+ROW |159292 |1328 |30831 |
+ROW |159293 |1328 |30832 |
+ROW |159294 |1328 |30833 |
+ROW |159295 |1328 |30834 |
+ROW |159296 |1328 |30835 |
+ROW |159297 |1329 |30836 |
+ROW |159298 |1328 |30837 |
+ROW |159299 |1328 |30838 |
+ROW |159300 |1328 |30839 |
+ROW |159301 |1328 |30841 |
+ROW |159302 |1329 |30843 |
+ROW |159303 |1329 |30844 |
+ROW |159304 |1328 |30846 |
+ROW |159305 |1328 |30847 |
+ROW |159306 |1328 |30848 |
+ROW |159307 |1328 |30849 |
+ROW |159308 |1328 |30850 |
+ROW |159309 |1328 |30851 |
+ROW |159310 |1328 |30852 |
+ROW |159311 |1328 |30853 |
+ROW |159312 |1328 |30854 |
+ROW |159313 |1328 |30855 |
+ROW |159314 |1328 |30856 |
+ROW |159315 |1328 |30857 |
+ROW |159316 |1328 |30858 |
+ROW |159317 |1328 |30859 |
+ROW |159318 |1328 |30860 |
+ROW |159319 |1328 |30861 |
+ROW |159320 |1328 |30862 |
+ROW |159321 |1328 |30863 |
+ROW |159322 |1328 |30864 |
+ROW |159323 |1328 |30865 |
+ROW |159324 |1328 |30866 |
+ROW |159325 |1328 |30867 |
+ROW |159326 |1328 |30868 |
+ROW |159327 |1328 |30869 |
+ROW |159328 |1328 |30870 |
+ROW |159329 |1328 |30871 |
+ROW |159330 |1328 |30872 |
+ROW |159331 |1329 |30873 |
+ROW |159332 |1434 |33017 |
+ROW |159333 |1434 |33018 |
+ROW |159334 |1433 |33019 |
+ROW |159335 |1434 |33020 |
+ROW |159336 |1434 |33021 |
+ROW |159337 |1433 |33022 |
+ROW |159338 |1433 |33023 |
+ROW |159339 |1433 |33024 |
+ROW |159340 |1433 |33025 |
+ROW |159341 |1433 |33026 |
+ROW |159342 |1433 |33027 |
+ROW |159343 |1433 |33028 |
+ROW |159344 |1433 |33029 |
+ROW |159345 |1433 |33030 |
+ROW |159346 |1433 |33031 |
+ROW |159347 |1433 |33032 |
+ROW |159348 |1433 |33033 |
+ROW |159349 |1433 |33034 |
+ROW |159350 |1433 |33035 |
+ROW |159351 |1433 |33036 |
+ROW |159352 |1433 |33037 |
+ROW |159353 |1433 |33038 |
+ROW |159354 |1433 |33039 |
+ROW |159355 |1433 |33040 |
+ROW |159356 |1433 |33041 |
+ROW |159357 |1433 |33042 |
+ROW |159358 |1433 |33043 |
+ROW |159359 |1433 |33044 |
+ROW |159360 |1433 |33045 |
+ROW |159361 |1433 |33046 |
+ROW |159362 |1433 |33047 |
+ROW |159363 |1433 |33048 |
+ROW |159364 |1433 |33049 |
+ROW |159365 |1433 |33050 |
+ROW |159366 |1433 |33051 |
+ROW |159367 |1433 |33052 |
+ROW |159368 |1433 |33053 |
+ROW |159369 |1433 |33054 |
+ROW |159370 |1433 |33055 |
+ROW |159371 |1433 |33056 |
+ROW |159372 |1433 |33057 |
+ROW |159373 |1433 |33058 |
+ROW |159374 |1433 |33059 |
+ROW |159375 |1433 |33060 |
+ROW |159376 |1434 |33065 |
+ROW |159377 |1434 |33066 |
+ROW |159378 |1433 |33122 |
+ROW |159379 |1433 |33123 |
+ROW |159380 |1433 |33124 |
+ROW |159381 |1433 |33125 |
+ROW |159382 |1433 |33126 |
+ROW |159383 |1433 |33127 |
+ROW |159384 |1433 |33128 |
+ROW |159385 |1433 |33129 |
+ROW |159386 |1433 |33130 |
+ROW |159387 |1433 |33131 |
+ROW |159388 |1433 |33132 |
+ROW |159389 |1433 |33133 |
+ROW |159390 |1433 |33134 |
+ROW |159391 |1433 |33135 |
+ROW |159392 |1433 |33136 |
+ROW |159393 |1433 |33137 |
+ROW |159394 |1433 |33138 |
+ROW |159395 |1435 |33139 |
+ROW |159396 |1436 |33140 |
+ROW |159397 |1435 |33141 |
+ROW |159398 |1436 |33142 |
+ROW |159399 |1435 |33144 |
+ROW |159400 |1435 |33145 |
+ROW |159401 |1435 |33146 |
+ROW |159402 |1435 |33147 |
+ROW |159403 |1435 |33148 |
+ROW |159404 |1435 |33149 |
+ROW |159405 |1435 |33150 |
+ROW |159406 |1435 |33151 |
+ROW |159407 |1435 |33152 |
+ROW |159408 |1435 |33153 |
+ROW |159409 |1435 |33154 |
+ROW |159410 |1435 |33155 |
+ROW |159411 |1435 |33156 |
+ROW |159412 |1435 |33157 |
+ROW |159413 |1435 |33158 |
+ROW |159414 |1435 |33159 |
+ROW |159415 |1435 |33160 |
+ROW |159416 |1435 |33161 |
+ROW |159417 |1435 |33162 |
+ROW |159418 |1435 |33163 |
+ROW |159419 |1435 |33164 |
+ROW |159420 |1435 |33165 |
+ROW |159421 |1435 |33166 |
+ROW |159422 |1435 |33167 |
+ROW |159423 |1435 |33168 |
+ROW |159424 |1435 |33169 |
+ROW |159425 |1435 |33170 |
+ROW |159426 |1435 |33171 |
+ROW |159427 |1435 |33172 |
+ROW |159428 |1435 |33567 |
+ROW |159429 |1436 |33177 |
+ROW |159430 |1436 |33178 |
+ROW |159431 |1336 |31055 |
+ROW |159432 |1335 |31056 |
+ROW |159433 |1335 |31057 |
+ROW |159434 |1335 |31058 |
+ROW |159435 |1335 |31626 |
+ROW |159436 |1335 |31627 |
+ROW |159437 |1335 |31628 |
+ROW |159438 |1336 |34173 |
+ROW |159439 |1336 |34174 |
+ROW |159440 |1336 |31059 |
+ROW |159441 |1335 |31060 |
+ROW |159442 |1335 |31061 |
+ROW |159443 |1335 |31062 |
+ROW |159444 |1335 |31063 |
+ROW |159445 |1335 |31064 |
+ROW |159446 |1335 |31065 |
+ROW |159447 |1335 |31066 |
+ROW |159448 |1335 |31067 |
+ROW |159449 |1335 |31068 |
+ROW |159450 |1335 |31069 |
+ROW |159451 |1335 |31070 |
+ROW |159452 |1335 |31071 |
+ROW |159453 |1335 |31072 |
+ROW |159454 |1335 |31073 |
+ROW |159455 |1335 |31074 |
+ROW |159456 |1335 |31075 |
+ROW |159457 |1335 |31076 |
+ROW |159458 |1335 |31077 |
+ROW |159459 |1335 |31078 |
+ROW |159460 |1335 |31079 |
+ROW |159461 |1335 |31080 |
+ROW |159462 |1335 |31081 |
+ROW |159463 |1335 |31082 |
+ROW |159464 |1335 |31083 |
+ROW |159465 |1335 |31084 |
+ROW |159466 |1335 |31085 |
+ROW |159467 |1335 |31086 |
+ROW |159468 |1335 |31087 |
+ROW |159469 |1335 |31088 |
+ROW |159470 |1335 |31089 |
+ROW |159471 |1335 |31090 |
+ROW |159472 |1336 |31091 |
+ROW |159473 |1335 |31092 |
+ROW |159474 |1336 |31093 |
+ROW |159475 |1336 |31094 |
+ROW |159476 |1335 |31095 |
+ROW |159477 |1335 |31096 |
+ROW |159478 |1335 |31097 |
+ROW |159479 |1335 |31098 |
+ROW |159480 |1335 |31099 |
+ROW |159481 |1335 |31100 |
+ROW |159482 |1335 |31101 |
+ROW |159483 |1335 |31102 |
+ROW |159484 |1335 |31103 |
+ROW |159485 |1335 |31104 |
+ROW |159486 |1335 |31105 |
+ROW |159487 |1335 |31106 |
+ROW |159488 |1335 |31107 |
+ROW |159489 |1335 |31108 |
+ROW |159490 |1335 |31109 |
+ROW |159491 |1335 |31110 |
+ROW |159492 |1335 |31111 |
+ROW |159493 |1335 |31112 |
+ROW |159494 |1335 |31113 |
+ROW |159495 |1335 |31114 |
+ROW |159496 |1335 |31115 |
+ROW |159497 |1335 |31116 |
+ROW |159498 |1335 |31117 |
+ROW |159499 |1335 |31118 |
+ROW |159500 |1335 |31119 |
+ROW |159501 |1335 |31120 |
+ROW |159502 |1335 |31121 |
+ROW |159503 |1336 |31128 |
+ROW |159504 |1336 |31129 |
+ROW |159505 |1336 |31130 |
+ROW |159506 |1336 |31132 |
+ROW |159507 |1336 |33194 |
+ROW |159508 |1314 |30431 |
+ROW |159509 |1314 |30432 |
+ROW |159510 |1315 |30433 |
+ROW |159511 |1314 |30434 |
+ROW |159512 |1314 |30435 |
+ROW |159513 |1314 |32546 |
+ROW |159514 |1315 |30436 |
+ROW |159515 |1314 |30437 |
+ROW |159516 |1314 |30438 |
+ROW |159517 |1314 |30439 |
+ROW |159518 |1314 |30440 |
+ROW |159519 |1314 |30441 |
+ROW |159520 |1314 |30442 |
+ROW |159521 |1315 |30443 |
+ROW |159522 |1314 |30444 |
+ROW |159523 |1314 |30445 |
+ROW |159524 |1314 |30446 |
+ROW |159525 |1314 |30447 |
+ROW |159526 |1314 |30449 |
+ROW |159527 |1314 |30450 |
+ROW |159528 |1314 |30451 |
+ROW |159529 |1314 |30452 |
+ROW |159530 |1314 |30453 |
+ROW |159531 |1314 |30454 |
+ROW |159532 |1314 |30455 |
+ROW |159533 |1314 |30456 |
+ROW |159534 |1314 |30457 |
+ROW |159535 |1314 |30458 |
+ROW |159536 |1314 |30459 |
+ROW |159537 |1314 |30460 |
+ROW |159538 |1314 |30461 |
+ROW |159539 |1314 |30462 |
+ROW |159540 |1314 |30463 |
+ROW |159541 |1314 |30464 |
+ROW |159542 |1314 |30465 |
+ROW |159543 |1314 |30466 |
+ROW |159544 |1314 |30470 |
+ROW |159545 |1314 |30471 |
+ROW |159546 |1314 |31168 |
+ROW |159547 |1314 |31169 |
+ROW |159548 |1314 |31170 |
+ROW |159549 |1314 |31171 |
+ROW |159550 |1314 |32547 |
+ROW |159551 |1314 |32548 |
+ROW |159552 |1314 |32549 |
+ROW |159553 |1314 |32550 |
+ROW |159554 |1314 |32551 |
+ROW |159555 |1314 |32552 |
+ROW |159556 |1314 |30474 |
+ROW |159557 |1315 |30475 |
+ROW |159558 |1314 |30476 |
+ROW |159559 |1314 |30477 |
+ROW |159560 |1314 |30478 |
+ROW |159561 |1314 |32554 |
+ROW |159562 |1314 |32555 |
+ROW |159563 |1314 |32556 |
+ROW |159564 |1314 |32557 |
+ROW |159565 |1314 |32558 |
+ROW |159566 |1314 |32559 |
+ROW |159567 |1322 |30637 |
+ROW |159568 |1322 |30638 |
+ROW |159569 |1323 |30639 |
+ROW |159570 |1322 |30640 |
+ROW |159571 |1322 |30641 |
+ROW |159572 |1322 |32560 |
+ROW |159573 |1323 |30642 |
+ROW |159574 |1322 |30643 |
+ROW |159575 |1322 |30644 |
+ROW |159576 |1322 |30645 |
+ROW |159577 |1322 |30646 |
+ROW |159578 |1322 |30647 |
+ROW |159579 |1322 |30648 |
+ROW |159580 |1323 |30649 |
+ROW |159581 |1322 |30650 |
+ROW |159582 |1322 |30651 |
+ROW |159583 |1322 |30652 |
+ROW |159584 |1322 |30653 |
+ROW |159585 |1322 |30655 |
+ROW |159586 |1322 |30656 |
+ROW |159587 |1322 |30657 |
+ROW |159588 |1322 |30658 |
+ROW |159589 |1322 |30659 |
+ROW |159590 |1322 |30660 |
+ROW |159591 |1322 |30661 |
+ROW |159592 |1322 |30662 |
+ROW |159593 |1322 |30663 |
+ROW |159594 |1322 |30664 |
+ROW |159595 |1322 |30665 |
+ROW |159596 |1322 |30666 |
+ROW |159597 |1322 |30667 |
+ROW |159598 |1322 |30668 |
+ROW |159599 |1322 |30669 |
+ROW |159600 |1322 |30670 |
+ROW |159601 |1322 |30671 |
+ROW |159602 |1322 |30672 |
+ROW |159603 |1322 |30676 |
+ROW |159604 |1322 |30677 |
+ROW |159605 |1322 |31172 |
+ROW |159606 |1322 |31173 |
+ROW |159607 |1322 |31174 |
+ROW |159608 |1322 |31175 |
+ROW |159609 |1322 |32561 |
+ROW |159610 |1322 |32562 |
+ROW |159611 |1322 |32563 |
+ROW |159612 |1322 |32564 |
+ROW |159613 |1322 |32565 |
+ROW |159614 |1322 |32566 |
+ROW |159615 |1322 |30680 |
+ROW |159616 |1323 |30681 |
+ROW |159617 |1322 |30682 |
+ROW |159618 |1322 |30683 |
+ROW |159619 |1322 |30684 |
+ROW |159620 |1322 |32568 |
+ROW |159621 |1322 |32569 |
+ROW |159622 |1322 |32570 |
+ROW |159623 |1322 |32571 |
+ROW |159624 |1322 |32572 |
+ROW |159625 |1322 |32573 |
+ROW |159626 |1317 |30479 |
+ROW |159627 |1316 |30480 |
+ROW |159628 |1316 |30481 |
+ROW |159629 |1316 |30482 |
+ROW |159630 |1316 |30483 |
+ROW |159631 |1316 |32574 |
+ROW |159632 |1316 |30484 |
+ROW |159633 |1317 |30485 |
+ROW |159634 |1316 |30486 |
+ROW |159635 |1317 |30487 |
+ROW |159636 |1316 |30488 |
+ROW |159637 |1316 |30489 |
+ROW |159638 |1316 |30490 |
+ROW |159639 |1316 |30491 |
+ROW |159640 |1316 |30492 |
+ROW |159641 |1316 |30493 |
+ROW |159642 |1316 |30494 |
+ROW |159643 |1316 |30495 |
+ROW |159644 |1316 |30496 |
+ROW |159645 |1316 |30497 |
+ROW |159646 |1316 |30499 |
+ROW |159647 |1316 |30500 |
+ROW |159648 |1316 |30503 |
+ROW |159649 |1316 |30504 |
+ROW |159650 |1316 |30505 |
+ROW |159651 |1316 |30506 |
+ROW |159652 |1316 |30507 |
+ROW |159653 |1316 |30508 |
+ROW |159654 |1316 |30509 |
+ROW |159655 |1316 |30510 |
+ROW |159656 |1316 |30512 |
+ROW |159657 |1316 |30513 |
+ROW |159658 |1316 |30514 |
+ROW |159659 |1316 |30515 |
+ROW |159660 |1316 |30516 |
+ROW |159661 |1316 |30517 |
+ROW |159662 |1316 |30518 |
+ROW |159663 |1316 |30519 |
+ROW |159664 |1316 |31176 |
+ROW |159665 |1316 |31177 |
+ROW |159666 |1316 |31178 |
+ROW |159667 |1316 |31179 |
+ROW |159668 |1316 |32575 |
+ROW |159669 |1316 |32576 |
+ROW |159670 |1316 |32577 |
+ROW |159671 |1316 |32578 |
+ROW |159672 |1316 |32579 |
+ROW |159673 |1316 |32580 |
+ROW |159674 |1316 |30522 |
+ROW |159675 |1317 |30523 |
+ROW |159676 |1316 |30524 |
+ROW |159677 |1316 |30525 |
+ROW |159678 |1316 |30526 |
+ROW |159679 |1316 |32582 |
+ROW |159680 |1316 |32583 |
+ROW |159681 |1316 |32584 |
+ROW |159682 |1316 |32585 |
+ROW |159683 |1316 |32586 |
+ROW |159684 |1316 |32587 |
+ROW |159685 |1345 |31629 |
+ROW |159686 |1345 |31630 |
+ROW |159687 |1346 |31631 |
+ROW |159688 |1345 |31632 |
+ROW |159689 |1346 |31633 |
+ROW |159690 |1346 |31634 |
+ROW |159691 |1346 |31635 |
+ROW |159692 |1346 |31636 |
+ROW |159693 |1346 |31637 |
+ROW |159694 |1346 |31638 |
+ROW |159695 |1346 |31639 |
+ROW |159696 |1345 |31640 |
+ROW |159697 |1345 |31641 |
+ROW |159698 |1346 |31642 |
+ROW |159699 |1346 |31643 |
+ROW |159700 |1346 |31644 |
+ROW |159701 |1346 |31645 |
+ROW |159702 |1345 |31646 |
+ROW |159703 |1345 |31647 |
+ROW |159704 |1345 |31648 |
+ROW |159705 |1345 |31649 |
+ROW |159706 |1345 |31650 |
+ROW |159707 |1345 |31651 |
+ROW |159708 |1345 |31652 |
+ROW |159709 |1345 |31653 |
+ROW |159710 |1345 |31654 |
+ROW |159711 |1345 |31655 |
+ROW |159712 |1345 |31656 |
+ROW |159713 |1345 |31657 |
+ROW |159714 |1345 |31658 |
+ROW |159715 |1345 |31659 |
+ROW |159716 |1345 |31660 |
+ROW |159717 |1345 |31661 |
+ROW |159718 |1345 |31662 |
+ROW |159719 |1345 |31663 |
+ROW |159720 |1345 |31664 |
+ROW |159721 |1345 |31665 |
+ROW |159722 |1345 |31666 |
+ROW |159723 |1345 |31667 |
+ROW |159724 |1345 |31668 |
+ROW |159725 |1345 |31669 |
+ROW |159726 |1345 |31670 |
+ROW |159727 |1345 |31671 |
+ROW |159728 |1345 |31672 |
+ROW |159729 |1345 |31673 |
+ROW |159730 |1345 |31674 |
+ROW |159731 |1345 |31675 |
+ROW |159732 |1345 |31676 |
+ROW |159733 |1345 |31677 |
+ROW |159734 |1345 |31678 |
+ROW |159735 |1345 |31679 |
+ROW |159736 |1345 |31680 |
+ROW |159737 |1345 |31681 |
+ROW |159738 |1345 |31682 |
+ROW |159739 |1345 |31683 |
+ROW |159740 |1345 |31684 |
+ROW |159741 |1345 |31685 |
+ROW |159742 |1345 |31686 |
+ROW |159743 |1345 |31687 |
+ROW |159744 |1345 |31688 |
+ROW |159745 |1345 |31689 |
+ROW |159746 |1345 |31690 |
+ROW |159747 |1345 |31691 |
+ROW |159748 |1345 |31692 |
+ROW |159749 |1345 |31693 |
+ROW |159750 |1345 |31694 |
+ROW |159751 |1345 |31695 |
+ROW |159752 |1345 |31696 |
+ROW |159753 |1345 |31697 |
+ROW |159754 |1345 |31698 |
+ROW |159755 |1345 |31699 |
+ROW |159756 |1345 |31700 |
+ROW |159757 |1345 |31701 |
+ROW |159758 |1345 |31702 |
+ROW |159759 |1345 |31703 |
+ROW |159760 |1345 |31704 |
+ROW |159761 |1345 |31705 |
+ROW |159762 |1857 |36934 |
+ROW |159763 |1857 |36935 |
+ROW |159764 |1856 |36936 |
+ROW |159765 |1856 |36937 |
+ROW |159766 |1857 |36938 |
+ROW |159767 |1856 |36939 |
+ROW |159768 |1856 |36940 |
+ROW |159769 |1856 |36941 |
+ROW |159770 |1856 |36942 |
+ROW |159771 |1856 |36943 |
+ROW |159772 |1856 |36944 |
+ROW |159773 |1857 |36945 |
+ROW |159774 |1857 |36946 |
+ROW |159775 |1856 |36947 |
+ROW |159776 |1856 |36948 |
+ROW |159777 |1857 |36949 |
+ROW |159778 |1857 |36950 |
+ROW |159779 |1856 |36951 |
+ROW |159780 |1856 |36952 |
+ROW |159781 |1856 |36953 |
+ROW |159782 |1856 |36954 |
+ROW |159783 |1856 |36955 |
+ROW |159784 |1856 |36956 |
+ROW |159785 |1856 |36957 |
+ROW |159786 |1856 |36958 |
+ROW |159787 |1856 |36959 |
+ROW |159788 |1856 |36960 |
+ROW |159789 |1856 |36961 |
+ROW |159790 |1856 |36962 |
+ROW |159791 |1856 |36963 |
+ROW |159792 |1856 |36964 |
+ROW |159793 |1856 |36965 |
+ROW |159794 |1856 |36966 |
+ROW |159795 |1856 |36967 |
+ROW |159796 |1856 |36968 |
+ROW |159797 |1856 |36969 |
+ROW |159798 |1856 |36970 |
+ROW |159799 |1856 |36971 |
+ROW |159800 |1856 |36972 |
+ROW |159801 |1856 |36973 |
+ROW |159802 |1857 |36976 |
+ROW |159803 |1857 |36977 |
+ROW |159804 |1858 |36705 |
+ROW |159805 |1858 |36706 |
+ROW |159806 |1859 |36707 |
+ROW |159807 |1858 |36708 |
+ROW |159808 |1859 |36709 |
+ROW |159809 |1859 |36710 |
+ROW |159810 |1859 |36711 |
+ROW |159811 |1859 |36712 |
+ROW |159812 |1858 |36713 |
+ROW |159813 |1858 |36714 |
+ROW |159814 |1858 |36715 |
+ROW |159815 |1858 |36716 |
+ROW |159816 |1859 |36717 |
+ROW |159817 |1858 |36718 |
+ROW |159818 |1858 |36719 |
+ROW |159819 |1858 |36720 |
+ROW |159820 |1858 |36721 |
+ROW |159821 |1859 |36722 |
+ROW |159822 |1859 |36723 |
+ROW |159823 |1858 |36724 |
+ROW |159824 |1858 |36725 |
+ROW |159825 |1858 |36726 |
+ROW |159826 |1858 |36728 |
+ROW |159827 |1858 |36729 |
+ROW |159828 |1858 |36730 |
+ROW |159829 |1858 |36731 |
+ROW |159830 |1858 |36732 |
+ROW |159831 |1858 |36733 |
+ROW |159832 |1858 |36734 |
+ROW |159833 |1858 |36735 |
+ROW |159834 |1858 |36736 |
+ROW |159835 |1858 |36737 |
+ROW |159836 |1858 |36738 |
+ROW |159837 |1858 |36739 |
+ROW |159838 |1858 |36740 |
+ROW |159839 |1858 |36741 |
+ROW |159840 |1858 |36742 |
+ROW |159841 |1858 |36743 |
+ROW |159842 |1858 |36744 |
+ROW |159843 |1858 |36745 |
+ROW |159844 |1858 |36746 |
+ROW |159845 |1858 |36747 |
+ROW |159846 |1858 |36748 |
+ROW |159847 |1858 |36749 |
+ROW |159848 |1858 |36750 |
+ROW |159849 |1858 |36751 |
+ROW |159850 |1858 |36752 |
+ROW |159851 |1858 |36753 |
+ROW |159852 |1858 |36754 |
+ROW |159853 |1858 |36755 |
+ROW |159854 |1858 |36756 |
+ROW |159855 |1858 |36757 |
+ROW |159856 |1858 |36758 |
+ROW |159857 |1858 |36759 |
+ROW |159858 |1858 |36760 |
+ROW |159859 |1858 |36761 |
+ROW |159860 |1858 |36762 |
+ROW |159861 |1858 |36763 |
+ROW |159862 |1858 |36764 |
+ROW |159863 |1858 |36765 |
+ROW |159864 |1858 |36766 |
+ROW |159865 |1858 |36767 |
+ROW |159866 |1302 |30273 |
+ROW |159867 |1302 |30274 |
+ROW |159868 |1303 |30275 |
+ROW |159869 |1303 |30276 |
+ROW |159870 |1302 |30277 |
+ROW |159871 |1302 |30278 |
+ROW |159872 |1302 |30279 |
+ROW |159873 |1302 |30280 |
+ROW |159874 |1302 |30281 |
+ROW |159875 |1302 |30282 |
+ROW |159876 |1302 |30283 |
+ROW |159877 |1302 |30284 |
+ROW |159878 |1302 |30285 |
+ROW |159879 |1302 |30286 |
+ROW |159880 |1302 |30287 |
+ROW |159881 |1302 |30288 |
+ROW |159882 |1302 |30289 |
+ROW |159883 |1302 |30290 |
+ROW |159884 |1302 |30291 |
+ROW |159885 |1302 |30292 |
+ROW |159886 |1302 |30293 |
+ROW |159887 |1302 |30294 |
+ROW |159888 |1302 |30295 |
+ROW |159889 |1302 |30296 |
+ROW |159890 |1302 |30297 |
+ROW |159891 |1302 |30298 |
+ROW |159892 |1302 |30299 |
+ROW |159893 |1302 |30300 |
+ROW |159894 |1302 |30301 |
+ROW |159895 |1302 |30302 |
+ROW |159896 |1302 |30303 |
+ROW |159897 |1302 |30304 |
+ROW |159898 |1302 |30305 |
+ROW |159899 |1302 |30306 |
+ROW |159900 |1302 |30307 |
+ROW |159901 |1302 |30308 |
+ROW |159902 |1302 |30309 |
+ROW |159903 |1302 |30310 |
+ROW |159904 |1302 |30311 |
+ROW |159905 |1302 |30312 |
+ROW |159906 |1302 |30313 |
+ROW |159907 |1302 |30314 |
+ROW |159908 |1302 |30315 |
+ROW |159909 |1302 |30316 |
+ROW |159910 |1302 |30317 |
+ROW |159911 |1302 |30318 |
+ROW |159912 |1302 |30319 |
+ROW |159913 |1302 |30320 |
+ROW |159914 |1302 |30321 |
+ROW |159915 |1302 |30322 |
+ROW |159916 |1302 |30323 |
+ROW |159917 |1302 |30324 |
+ROW |159918 |1302 |30325 |
+ROW |159919 |1302 |30326 |
+ROW |159920 |1302 |30327 |
+ROW |159921 |1302 |30328 |
+ROW |159922 |1302 |30329 |
+ROW |159923 |1302 |30330 |
+ROW |159924 |1302 |30331 |
+ROW |159925 |1302 |30332 |
+ROW |159926 |1302 |30333 |
+ROW |159927 |1302 |30334 |
+ROW |159928 |1302 |30335 |
+ROW |159929 |1302 |30336 |
+ROW |159930 |1302 |30344 |
+ROW |159931 |1302 |30345 |
+ROW |159932 |1302 |30346 |
+ROW |159933 |1302 |30347 |
+ROW |159934 |1302 |30351 |
+ROW |159935 |1302 |30352 |
+ROW |159936 |1302 |30353 |
+ROW |159937 |1302 |30354 |
+ROW |159938 |1302 |30355 |
+ROW |159939 |1302 |30356 |
+ROW |159940 |1302 |30357 |
+ROW |159941 |1302 |30358 |
+ROW |159942 |1302 |30359 |
+ROW |159943 |1302 |30360 |
+ROW |159944 |1302 |30361 |
+ROW |159945 |1302 |30362 |
+ROW |159946 |1302 |30363 |
+ROW |159947 |1302 |30364 |
+ROW |159948 |1302 |30365 |
+ROW |159949 |1302 |30366 |
+ROW |159950 |1302 |30367 |
+ROW |159951 |1302 |30368 |
+ROW |159952 |1302 |30369 |
+ROW |159953 |1302 |30370 |
+ROW |159954 |1302 |30371 |
+ROW |159955 |1302 |30372 |
+ROW |159956 |1302 |30373 |
+ROW |159957 |1302 |30374 |
+ROW |159958 |1302 |30375 |
+ROW |159959 |1302 |30376 |
+ROW |159960 |1302 |30377 |
+ROW |159961 |1302 |30378 |
+ROW |159962 |1302 |30379 |
+ROW |159963 |1302 |30380 |
+ROW |159964 |1302 |30381 |
+ROW |159965 |1302 |30382 |
+ROW |159966 |1302 |30383 |
+ROW |159967 |1302 |30384 |
+ROW |159968 |1302 |30385 |
+ROW |159969 |1302 |30386 |
+ROW |159970 |1302 |30387 |
+ROW |159971 |1302 |30388 |
+ROW |159972 |1302 |30389 |
+ROW |159973 |1302 |30390 |
+ROW |159974 |1302 |30391 |
+ROW |159975 |1302 |30392 |
+ROW |159976 |1302 |30393 |
+ROW |159977 |1302 |30394 |
+ROW |159978 |1302 |30395 |
+ROW |159979 |1302 |30397 |
+ROW |159980 |1302 |30398 |
+ROW |159981 |1302 |30399 |
+ROW |159982 |1302 |30400 |
+ROW |159983 |1302 |30401 |
+ROW |159984 |1302 |30402 |
+ROW |159985 |1302 |30403 |
+ROW |159986 |1302 |30404 |
+ROW |159987 |780 |27065 |
+ROW |159988 |780 |27066 |
+ROW |159989 |780 |27067 |
+ROW |159990 |799 |27149 |
+ROW |159991 |799 |27150 |
+ROW |159992 |799 |27151 |
+ROW |159993 |805 |27192 |
+ROW |159994 |805 |27193 |
+ROW |159995 |805 |27194 |
+ROW |159996 |813 |27225 |
+ROW |159997 |813 |27226 |
+ROW |159998 |813 |27227 |
+ROW |159999 |822 |27261 |
+ROW |160000 |822 |27262 |
+ROW |160001 |822 |27263 |
+ROW |160002 |825 |27282 |
+ROW |160003 |825 |27283 |
+ROW |160004 |825 |27284 |
+ROW |160005 |842 |27333 |
+ROW |160006 |842 |27334 |
+ROW |160007 |842 |27335 |
+ROW |160008 |847 |27365 |
+ROW |160009 |847 |27366 |
+ROW |160010 |847 |27367 |
+ROW |160011 |876 |27462 |
+ROW |160012 |876 |27463 |
+ROW |160013 |876 |27464 |
+ROW |160014 |885 |27496 |
+ROW |160015 |885 |27497 |
+ROW |160016 |885 |27498 |
+ROW |160017 |894 |27532 |
+ROW |160018 |894 |27533 |
+ROW |160019 |894 |27534 |
+ROW |160020 |903 |27568 |
+ROW |160021 |903 |27569 |
+ROW |160022 |903 |27570 |
+ROW |160023 |915 |27631 |
+ROW |160024 |915 |27632 |
+ROW |160025 |915 |27633 |
+ROW |160026 |918 |27654 |
+ROW |160027 |918 |27655 |
+ROW |160028 |918 |27656 |
+ROW |160029 |936 |27734 |
+ROW |160030 |936 |27735 |
+ROW |160031 |936 |27736 |
+ROW |160032 |944 |27766 |
+ROW |160033 |944 |27767 |
+ROW |160034 |944 |27768 |
+ROW |160035 |951 |27800 |
+ROW |160036 |951 |27801 |
+ROW |160037 |951 |27802 |
+ROW |160038 |971 |27882 |
+ROW |160039 |971 |27883 |
+ROW |160040 |971 |27884 |
+ROW |160041 |979 |27919 |
+ROW |160042 |979 |27920 |
+ROW |160043 |979 |27921 |
+ROW |160044 |988 |27956 |
+ROW |160045 |988 |27957 |
+ROW |160046 |988 |27958 |
+ROW |160047 |994 |27986 |
+ROW |160048 |994 |27987 |
+ROW |160049 |994 |27988 |
+ROW |160050 |1000 |28015 |
+ROW |160051 |1000 |28016 |
+ROW |160052 |1000 |28017 |
+ROW |160053 |1030 |28130 |
+ROW |160054 |1030 |28131 |
+ROW |160055 |1030 |28132 |
+ROW |160056 |1055 |28233 |
+ROW |160057 |1055 |28234 |
+ROW |160058 |1055 |28235 |
+ROW |160059 |1060 |28282 |
+ROW |160060 |1060 |28283 |
+ROW |160061 |1060 |28284 |
+ROW |160062 |1070 |28330 |
+ROW |160063 |1070 |28331 |
+ROW |160064 |1070 |28332 |
+ROW |160065 |1079 |28377 |
+ROW |160066 |1079 |28378 |
+ROW |160067 |1079 |28379 |
+ROW |160068 |1095 |28454 |
+ROW |160069 |1095 |28455 |
+ROW |160070 |1095 |28456 |
+ROW |160071 |1102 |28482 |
+ROW |160072 |1102 |28483 |
+ROW |160073 |1102 |28484 |
+ROW |160074 |1127 |28957 |
+ROW |160075 |1127 |28958 |
+ROW |160076 |1127 |28959 |
+ROW |160077 |1136 |29050 |
+ROW |160078 |1136 |29051 |
+ROW |160079 |1136 |29052 |
+ROW |160080 |1271 |30046 |
+ROW |160081 |1271 |30047 |
+ROW |160082 |1271 |30048 |
+ROW |160083 |1414 |32601 |
+ROW |160084 |1414 |32602 |
+ROW |160085 |1414 |32603 |
+ROW |160086 |1422 |32765 |
+ROW |160087 |1422 |32766 |
+ROW |160088 |1422 |32767 |
+ROW |160089 |800 |27152 |
+ROW |160090 |799 |27154 |
+ROW |160091 |800 |27157 |
+ROW |160092 |799 |29844 |
+ROW |160093 |800 |29845 |
+ROW |160094 |800 |29846 |
+ROW |160095 |800 |29847 |
+ROW |160096 |800 |29848 |
+ROW |160097 |804 |27195 |
+ROW |160098 |804 |27199 |
+ROW |160099 |805 |27202 |
+ROW |160100 |812 |27228 |
+ROW |160101 |812 |27232 |
+ROW |160102 |813 |27235 |
+ROW |160103 |821 |27264 |
+ROW |160104 |821 |27268 |
+ROW |160105 |822 |27271 |
+ROW |160106 |824 |27285 |
+ROW |160107 |824 |27289 |
+ROW |160108 |825 |27292 |
+ROW |160109 |841 |27336 |
+ROW |160110 |841 |27340 |
+ROW |160111 |842 |27343 |
+ROW |160112 |846 |27368 |
+ROW |160113 |846 |27372 |
+ROW |160114 |847 |27375 |
+ROW |160115 |875 |27465 |
+ROW |160116 |875 |27469 |
+ROW |160117 |876 |27472 |
+ROW |160118 |884 |27499 |
+ROW |160119 |884 |27503 |
+ROW |160120 |885 |27506 |
+ROW |160121 |893 |27535 |
+ROW |160122 |893 |27539 |
+ROW |160123 |894 |27542 |
+ROW |160124 |902 |27571 |
+ROW |160125 |902 |27575 |
+ROW |160126 |903 |27578 |
+ROW |160127 |914 |27634 |
+ROW |160128 |914 |27638 |
+ROW |160129 |915 |27641 |
+ROW |160130 |917 |27657 |
+ROW |160131 |917 |27661 |
+ROW |160132 |918 |27664 |
+ROW |160133 |935 |27737 |
+ROW |160134 |935 |27741 |
+ROW |160135 |936 |27744 |
+ROW |160136 |943 |27769 |
+ROW |160137 |943 |27773 |
+ROW |160138 |944 |27776 |
+ROW |160139 |950 |27803 |
+ROW |160140 |950 |27807 |
+ROW |160141 |951 |27810 |
+ROW |160142 |970 |27885 |
+ROW |160143 |970 |27889 |
+ROW |160144 |971 |27892 |
+ROW |160145 |978 |27922 |
+ROW |160146 |978 |27926 |
+ROW |160147 |979 |27929 |
+ROW |160148 |987 |27959 |
+ROW |160149 |987 |27963 |
+ROW |160150 |988 |27966 |
+ROW |160151 |993 |27989 |
+ROW |160152 |993 |27993 |
+ROW |160153 |994 |27996 |
+ROW |160154 |999 |28018 |
+ROW |160155 |999 |28022 |
+ROW |160156 |1000 |28025 |
+ROW |160157 |1029 |28133 |
+ROW |160158 |1029 |28137 |
+ROW |160159 |1030 |28140 |
+ROW |160160 |1054 |28236 |
+ROW |160161 |1054 |28240 |
+ROW |160162 |1055 |28243 |
+ROW |160163 |1059 |28285 |
+ROW |160164 |1059 |28289 |
+ROW |160165 |1060 |28292 |
+ROW |160166 |1069 |28333 |
+ROW |160167 |1069 |28337 |
+ROW |160168 |1070 |28340 |
+ROW |160169 |1078 |28380 |
+ROW |160170 |1078 |28384 |
+ROW |160171 |1079 |28387 |
+ROW |160172 |1094 |28457 |
+ROW |160173 |1094 |28461 |
+ROW |160174 |1095 |28464 |
+ROW |160175 |1101 |28485 |
+ROW |160176 |1101 |28489 |
+ROW |160177 |1102 |28492 |
+ROW |160178 |1126 |28960 |
+ROW |160179 |1126 |28964 |
+ROW |160180 |1127 |28967 |
+ROW |160181 |1135 |29053 |
+ROW |160182 |1135 |29057 |
+ROW |160183 |1136 |29060 |
+ROW |160184 |1000 |29834 |
+ROW |160185 |999 |29835 |
+ROW |160186 |999 |29836 |
+ROW |160187 |999 |29837 |
+ROW |160188 |999 |29838 |
+ROW |160189 |805 |29849 |
+ROW |160190 |804 |29850 |
+ROW |160191 |804 |29851 |
+ROW |160192 |804 |29852 |
+ROW |160193 |804 |29853 |
+ROW |160194 |813 |29854 |
+ROW |160195 |812 |29855 |
+ROW |160196 |812 |29856 |
+ROW |160197 |812 |29857 |
+ROW |160198 |812 |29858 |
+ROW |160199 |822 |29859 |
+ROW |160200 |821 |29860 |
+ROW |160201 |821 |29861 |
+ROW |160202 |821 |29862 |
+ROW |160203 |821 |29863 |
+ROW |160204 |825 |29864 |
+ROW |160205 |824 |29865 |
+ROW |160206 |824 |29866 |
+ROW |160207 |824 |29867 |
+ROW |160208 |824 |29868 |
+ROW |160209 |842 |29869 |
+ROW |160210 |841 |29870 |
+ROW |160211 |841 |29871 |
+ROW |160212 |841 |29872 |
+ROW |160213 |841 |29873 |
+ROW |160214 |847 |29874 |
+ROW |160215 |846 |29875 |
+ROW |160216 |846 |29876 |
+ROW |160217 |846 |29877 |
+ROW |160218 |846 |29878 |
+ROW |160219 |876 |29879 |
+ROW |160220 |875 |29880 |
+ROW |160221 |875 |29881 |
+ROW |160222 |875 |29882 |
+ROW |160223 |875 |29883 |
+ROW |160224 |885 |29884 |
+ROW |160225 |884 |29885 |
+ROW |160226 |884 |29886 |
+ROW |160227 |884 |29887 |
+ROW |160228 |884 |29888 |
+ROW |160229 |894 |29889 |
+ROW |160230 |893 |29890 |
+ROW |160231 |893 |29891 |
+ROW |160232 |893 |29892 |
+ROW |160233 |893 |29893 |
+ROW |160234 |903 |29894 |
+ROW |160235 |902 |29895 |
+ROW |160236 |902 |29896 |
+ROW |160237 |902 |29897 |
+ROW |160238 |902 |29898 |
+ROW |160239 |915 |29899 |
+ROW |160240 |914 |29900 |
+ROW |160241 |914 |29901 |
+ROW |160242 |914 |29902 |
+ROW |160243 |914 |29903 |
+ROW |160244 |918 |29904 |
+ROW |160245 |917 |29905 |
+ROW |160246 |917 |29906 |
+ROW |160247 |917 |29907 |
+ROW |160248 |917 |29908 |
+ROW |160249 |936 |29909 |
+ROW |160250 |935 |29910 |
+ROW |160251 |935 |29911 |
+ROW |160252 |935 |29912 |
+ROW |160253 |935 |29913 |
+ROW |160254 |944 |29914 |
+ROW |160255 |943 |29915 |
+ROW |160256 |943 |29916 |
+ROW |160257 |943 |29917 |
+ROW |160258 |943 |29918 |
+ROW |160259 |951 |29919 |
+ROW |160260 |950 |29920 |
+ROW |160261 |950 |29921 |
+ROW |160262 |950 |29922 |
+ROW |160263 |950 |29923 |
+ROW |160264 |971 |29924 |
+ROW |160265 |970 |29925 |
+ROW |160266 |970 |29926 |
+ROW |160267 |970 |29927 |
+ROW |160268 |970 |29928 |
+ROW |160269 |979 |29929 |
+ROW |160270 |978 |29930 |
+ROW |160271 |978 |29931 |
+ROW |160272 |978 |29932 |
+ROW |160273 |978 |29933 |
+ROW |160274 |988 |29934 |
+ROW |160275 |987 |29935 |
+ROW |160276 |987 |29936 |
+ROW |160277 |987 |29937 |
+ROW |160278 |987 |29938 |
+ROW |160279 |994 |29939 |
+ROW |160280 |993 |29940 |
+ROW |160281 |993 |29941 |
+ROW |160282 |993 |29942 |
+ROW |160283 |993 |29943 |
+ROW |160284 |1030 |29944 |
+ROW |160285 |1029 |29945 |
+ROW |160286 |1029 |29946 |
+ROW |160287 |1029 |29947 |
+ROW |160288 |1029 |29948 |
+ROW |160289 |1055 |29954 |
+ROW |160290 |1054 |29955 |
+ROW |160291 |1054 |29956 |
+ROW |160292 |1054 |29957 |
+ROW |160293 |1054 |29958 |
+ROW |160294 |1060 |29959 |
+ROW |160295 |1059 |29960 |
+ROW |160296 |1059 |29961 |
+ROW |160297 |1059 |29962 |
+ROW |160298 |1059 |29963 |
+ROW |160299 |1070 |29964 |
+ROW |160300 |1069 |29965 |
+ROW |160301 |1069 |29966 |
+ROW |160302 |1069 |29967 |
+ROW |160303 |1069 |29968 |
+ROW |160304 |1079 |29969 |
+ROW |160305 |1078 |29970 |
+ROW |160306 |1078 |29971 |
+ROW |160307 |1078 |29972 |
+ROW |160308 |1078 |29973 |
+ROW |160309 |1095 |29974 |
+ROW |160310 |1094 |29975 |
+ROW |160311 |1094 |29976 |
+ROW |160312 |1094 |29977 |
+ROW |160313 |1094 |29978 |
+ROW |160314 |1102 |29979 |
+ROW |160315 |1101 |29980 |
+ROW |160316 |1101 |29981 |
+ROW |160317 |1101 |29982 |
+ROW |160318 |1101 |29983 |
+ROW |160319 |1127 |29984 |
+ROW |160320 |1126 |29985 |
+ROW |160321 |1126 |29986 |
+ROW |160322 |1126 |29987 |
+ROW |160323 |1126 |29988 |
+ROW |160324 |1136 |29989 |
+ROW |160325 |1135 |29990 |
+ROW |160326 |1135 |29991 |
+ROW |160327 |1135 |29992 |
+ROW |160328 |1135 |29993 |
+ROW |160329 |1270 |30049 |
+ROW |160330 |1270 |30050 |
+ROW |160331 |1270 |30051 |
+ROW |160332 |1270 |30052 |
+ROW |160333 |1270 |30053 |
+ROW |160334 |1270 |30054 |
+ROW |160335 |1271 |30055 |
+ROW |160336 |1271 |30056 |
+ROW |160337 |1413 |32604 |
+ROW |160338 |1413 |32605 |
+ROW |160339 |1413 |32606 |
+ROW |160340 |1413 |32607 |
+ROW |160341 |1413 |32608 |
+ROW |160342 |1413 |32609 |
+ROW |160343 |1414 |32610 |
+ROW |160344 |1414 |32611 |
+ROW |160345 |1421 |32768 |
+ROW |160346 |1421 |32769 |
+ROW |160347 |1421 |32770 |
+ROW |160348 |1421 |32771 |
+ROW |160349 |1421 |32772 |
+ROW |160350 |1421 |32773 |
+ROW |160351 |1422 |32774 |
+ROW |160352 |1422 |32775 |
+ROW |160353 |1283 |30142 |
+ROW |160354 |1286 |30143 |
+ROW |160355 |1292 |30145 |
+ROW |160356 |1295 |30146 |
+ROW |160357 |1284 |30157 |
+ROW |160358 |1284 |30158 |
+ROW |160359 |1284 |30159 |
+ROW |160360 |1287 |30163 |
+ROW |160361 |1287 |30164 |
+ROW |160362 |1287 |30165 |
+ROW |160363 |1293 |30175 |
+ROW |160364 |1293 |30176 |
+ROW |160365 |1293 |30177 |
+ROW |160366 |1296 |30181 |
+ROW |160367 |1296 |30182 |
+ROW |160368 |1296 |30183 |
+ROW |160369 |1419 |32741 |
+ROW |160370 |1420 |32753 |
+ROW |160371 |1221 |22231 |
+ROW |160372 |1221 |22232 |
+ROW |160373 |1221 |23318 |
+ROW |160374 |1222 |29544 |
+ROW |160375 |1223 |29545 |
+ROW |160376 |1223 |29546 |
+ROW |160377 |1224 |29547 |
+ROW |160378 |1225 |10020 |
+ROW |160379 |1225 |10059 |
+ROW |160380 |1226 |22833 |
+ROW |160381 |1226 |22834 |
+ROW |160382 |1228 |22873 |
+ROW |160383 |1228 |22874 |
+ROW |160384 |1230 |22913 |
+ROW |160385 |1230 |22914 |
+ROW |160386 |1232 |22953 |
+ROW |160387 |1232 |22954 |
+ROW |160388 |1234 |22993 |
+ROW |160389 |1234 |22994 |
+ROW |160390 |1236 |23033 |
+ROW |160391 |1236 |23034 |
+ROW |160392 |1238 |23160 |
+ROW |160393 |1238 |23161 |
+ROW |160394 |1225 |23319 |
+ROW |160395 |1226 |23320 |
+ROW |160396 |1228 |23321 |
+ROW |160397 |1230 |23322 |
+ROW |160398 |1232 |23323 |
+ROW |160399 |1234 |23324 |
+ROW |160400 |1236 |23325 |
+ROW |160401 |1238 |23326 |
+ROW |160402 |1161 |29548 |
+ROW |160403 |1227 |29549 |
+ROW |160404 |1229 |29550 |
+ROW |160405 |1231 |29551 |
+ROW |160406 |1233 |29552 |
+ROW |160407 |1235 |29553 |
+ROW |160408 |1237 |29554 |
+ROW |160409 |1219 |29555 |
+ROW |160410 |1241 |29558 |
+ROW |160411 |1242 |29559 |
+ROW |160412 |1241 |29560 |
+ROW |160413 |1269 |29995 |
+ROW |160414 |1192 |29996 |
+ROW |160415 |1269 |29997 |
+ROW |160416 |1240 |23287 |
+ROW |160417 |1240 |23288 |
+ROW |160418 |1240 |23327 |
+ROW |160419 |1171 |29557 |
+ROW |160420 |810 |27203 |
+ROW |160421 |807 |27207 |
+ROW |160422 |806 |27208 |
+ROW |160423 |810 |30086 |
+ROW |160424 |807 |30087 |
+ROW |160425 |807 |30088 |
+ROW |160426 |807 |30089 |
+ROW |160427 |808 |27212 |
+ROW |160428 |809 |27213 |
+ROW |160429 |810 |27214 |
+ROW |160430 |1279 |30091 |
+ROW |160431 |1279 |30092 |
+ROW |160432 |1364 |28305 |
+ROW |160433 |1068 |28323 |
+ROW |160434 |1068 |28324 |
+ROW |160435 |1062 |28325 |
+ROW |160436 |1062 |28326 |
+ROW |160437 |1064 |28327 |
+ROW |160438 |1064 |28328 |
+ROW |160439 |1066 |28329 |
+ROW |160440 |1363 |32307 |
+ROW |160441 |819 |27236 |
+ROW |160442 |819 |27237 |
+ROW |160443 |813 |27238 |
+ROW |160444 |814 |27240 |
+ROW |160445 |815 |30093 |
+ROW |160446 |816 |27246 |
+ROW |160447 |816 |27247 |
+ROW |160448 |817 |27248 |
+ROW |160449 |818 |27249 |
+ROW |160450 |818 |27250 |
+ROW |160451 |826 |27294 |
+ROW |160452 |831 |27295 |
+ROW |160453 |831 |27296 |
+ROW |160454 |835 |27297 |
+ROW |160455 |827 |30094 |
+ROW |160456 |836 |27299 |
+ROW |160457 |838 |27301 |
+ROW |160458 |837 |30095 |
+ROW |160459 |839 |30096 |
+ROW |160460 |829 |27312 |
+ROW |160461 |830 |27313 |
+ROW |160462 |828 |27314 |
+ROW |160463 |828 |27315 |
+ROW |160464 |833 |27316 |
+ROW |160465 |834 |27317 |
+ROW |160466 |832 |27318 |
+ROW |160467 |835 |27319 |
+ROW |160468 |835 |27320 |
+ROW |160469 |1755 |35903 |
+ROW |160470 |1755 |35904 |
+ROW |160471 |1755 |35905 |
+ROW |160472 |1755 |35906 |
+ROW |160473 |1757 |35907 |
+ROW |160474 |1757 |35908 |
+ROW |160475 |1754 |35914 |
+ROW |160476 |1756 |35915 |
+ROW |160477 |1756 |35916 |
+ROW |160478 |1756 |35917 |
+ROW |160479 |1444 |33197 |
+ROW |160480 |1444 |33198 |
+ROW |160481 |1444 |33199 |
+ROW |160482 |1439 |33200 |
+ROW |160483 |1439 |33201 |
+ROW |160484 |1439 |33202 |
+ROW |160485 |1440 |33203 |
+ROW |160486 |1440 |33204 |
+ROW |160487 |1439 |33205 |
+ROW |160488 |1439 |33206 |
+ROW |160489 |1439 |33207 |
+ROW |160490 |1440 |33208 |
+ROW |160491 |1444 |33209 |
+ROW |160492 |1444 |33210 |
+ROW |160493 |1437 |33219 |
+ROW |160494 |1440 |33220 |
+ROW |160495 |1438 |33221 |
+ROW |160496 |1441 |33222 |
+ROW |160497 |1441 |33223 |
+ROW |160498 |1441 |33224 |
+ROW |160499 |1443 |33235 |
+ROW |160500 |1445 |33236 |
+ROW |160501 |1445 |33237 |
+ROW |160502 |1453 |33238 |
+ROW |160503 |1453 |33239 |
+ROW |160504 |1453 |33240 |
+ROW |160505 |1448 |33241 |
+ROW |160506 |1448 |33242 |
+ROW |160507 |1448 |33243 |
+ROW |160508 |1449 |33244 |
+ROW |160509 |1449 |33245 |
+ROW |160510 |1448 |33246 |
+ROW |160511 |1448 |33247 |
+ROW |160512 |1448 |33248 |
+ROW |160513 |1449 |33249 |
+ROW |160514 |1453 |33250 |
+ROW |160515 |1453 |33251 |
+ROW |160516 |1446 |33260 |
+ROW |160517 |1449 |33261 |
+ROW |160518 |1447 |33262 |
+ROW |160519 |1450 |33263 |
+ROW |160520 |1450 |33264 |
+ROW |160521 |1450 |33265 |
+ROW |160522 |1452 |33276 |
+ROW |160523 |1454 |33277 |
+ROW |160524 |1454 |33278 |
+ROW |160525 |1462 |33279 |
+ROW |160526 |1462 |33280 |
+ROW |160527 |1462 |33281 |
+ROW |160528 |1457 |33282 |
+ROW |160529 |1457 |33283 |
+ROW |160530 |1457 |33284 |
+ROW |160531 |1458 |33285 |
+ROW |160532 |1458 |33286 |
+ROW |160533 |1457 |33287 |
+ROW |160534 |1457 |33288 |
+ROW |160535 |1457 |33289 |
+ROW |160536 |1458 |33290 |
+ROW |160537 |1462 |33291 |
+ROW |160538 |1462 |33292 |
+ROW |160539 |1455 |33301 |
+ROW |160540 |1458 |33302 |
+ROW |160541 |1456 |33303 |
+ROW |160542 |1459 |33304 |
+ROW |160543 |1459 |33305 |
+ROW |160544 |1459 |33306 |
+ROW |160545 |1461 |33317 |
+ROW |160546 |1463 |33318 |
+ROW |160547 |1463 |33319 |
+ROW |160548 |1471 |33320 |
+ROW |160549 |1471 |33321 |
+ROW |160550 |1471 |33322 |
+ROW |160551 |1466 |33323 |
+ROW |160552 |1466 |33324 |
+ROW |160553 |1466 |33325 |
+ROW |160554 |1467 |33326 |
+ROW |160555 |1467 |33327 |
+ROW |160556 |1466 |33328 |
+ROW |160557 |1466 |33329 |
+ROW |160558 |1466 |33330 |
+ROW |160559 |1467 |33331 |
+ROW |160560 |1471 |33332 |
+ROW |160561 |1471 |33333 |
+ROW |160562 |1464 |33342 |
+ROW |160563 |1467 |33343 |
+ROW |160564 |1465 |33344 |
+ROW |160565 |1468 |33345 |
+ROW |160566 |1468 |33346 |
+ROW |160567 |1468 |33347 |
+ROW |160568 |1470 |33358 |
+ROW |160569 |1472 |33359 |
+ROW |160570 |1472 |33360 |
+ROW |160571 |1480 |33361 |
+ROW |160572 |1480 |33362 |
+ROW |160573 |1480 |33363 |
+ROW |160574 |1475 |33364 |
+ROW |160575 |1475 |33365 |
+ROW |160576 |1475 |33366 |
+ROW |160577 |1476 |33367 |
+ROW |160578 |1476 |33368 |
+ROW |160579 |1475 |33369 |
+ROW |160580 |1475 |33370 |
+ROW |160581 |1475 |33371 |
+ROW |160582 |1476 |33372 |
+ROW |160583 |1480 |33373 |
+ROW |160584 |1480 |33374 |
+ROW |160585 |1473 |33383 |
+ROW |160586 |1476 |33384 |
+ROW |160587 |1474 |33385 |
+ROW |160588 |1477 |33386 |
+ROW |160589 |1477 |33387 |
+ROW |160590 |1477 |33388 |
+ROW |160591 |1479 |33399 |
+ROW |160592 |1481 |33400 |
+ROW |160593 |1481 |33401 |
+ROW |160594 |851 |27376 |
+ROW |160595 |852 |27378 |
+ROW |160596 |852 |27379 |
+ROW |160597 |852 |30097 |
+ROW |160598 |869 |27380 |
+ROW |160599 |870 |27382 |
+ROW |160600 |870 |27383 |
+ROW |160601 |858 |27385 |
+ROW |160602 |858 |27386 |
+ROW |160603 |1048 |28209 |
+ROW |160604 |1048 |28210 |
+ROW |160605 |858 |30098 |
+ROW |160606 |870 |30099 |
+ROW |160607 |1048 |30100 |
+ROW |160608 |848 |27415 |
+ROW |160609 |848 |27416 |
+ROW |160610 |849 |27417 |
+ROW |160611 |852 |27419 |
+ROW |160612 |853 |27420 |
+ROW |160613 |853 |27421 |
+ROW |160614 |854 |27422 |
+ROW |160615 |855 |27423 |
+ROW |160616 |1056 |28246 |
+ROW |160617 |848 |30101 |
+ROW |160618 |856 |27425 |
+ROW |160619 |856 |27426 |
+ROW |160620 |857 |27427 |
+ROW |160621 |858 |27428 |
+ROW |160622 |859 |27429 |
+ROW |160623 |859 |27430 |
+ROW |160624 |860 |27431 |
+ROW |160625 |861 |27432 |
+ROW |160626 |868 |27443 |
+ROW |160627 |868 |27444 |
+ROW |160628 |870 |27445 |
+ROW |160629 |871 |27446 |
+ROW |160630 |871 |27447 |
+ROW |160631 |872 |27448 |
+ROW |160632 |873 |27449 |
+ROW |160633 |1048 |28208 |
+ROW |160634 |1049 |28215 |
+ROW |160635 |1050 |28216 |
+ROW |160636 |1051 |28217 |
+ROW |160637 |1051 |28218 |
+ROW |160638 |1052 |28220 |
+ROW |160639 |1052 |28222 |
+ROW |160640 |1057 |28247 |
+ROW |160641 |856 |30102 |
+ROW |160642 |868 |30103 |
+ROW |160643 |1052 |30104 |
+ROW |160644 |877 |27478 |
+ROW |160645 |880 |27479 |
+ROW |160646 |881 |27480 |
+ROW |160647 |882 |27481 |
+ROW |160648 |882 |27482 |
+ROW |160649 |882 |27483 |
+ROW |160650 |882 |27484 |
+ROW |160651 |879 |27485 |
+ROW |160652 |878 |30105 |
+ROW |160653 |891 |27508 |
+ROW |160654 |891 |27509 |
+ROW |160655 |891 |27510 |
+ROW |160656 |886 |27511 |
+ROW |160657 |891 |30106 |
+ROW |160658 |888 |27517 |
+ROW |160659 |890 |27518 |
+ROW |160660 |889 |27519 |
+ROW |160661 |887 |30107 |
+ROW |160662 |900 |27543 |
+ROW |160663 |900 |27544 |
+ROW |160664 |900 |27545 |
+ROW |160665 |900 |27546 |
+ROW |160666 |895 |27547 |
+ROW |160667 |897 |27553 |
+ROW |160668 |899 |27554 |
+ROW |160669 |898 |27555 |
+ROW |160670 |896 |30108 |
+ROW |160671 |909 |27579 |
+ROW |160672 |909 |27580 |
+ROW |160673 |909 |27582 |
+ROW |160674 |909 |27583 |
+ROW |160675 |906 |27584 |
+ROW |160676 |906 |27585 |
+ROW |160677 |904 |27586 |
+ROW |160678 |909 |30109 |
+ROW |160679 |905 |27591 |
+ROW |160680 |907 |27593 |
+ROW |160681 |908 |27594 |
+ROW |160682 |908 |27595 |
+ROW |160683 |905 |30110 |
+ROW |160684 |905 |30111 |
+ROW |160685 |1742 |35646 |
+ROW |160686 |1749 |35647 |
+ROW |160687 |1748 |35648 |
+ROW |160688 |1749 |35649 |
+ROW |160689 |1749 |35650 |
+ROW |160690 |1749 |35651 |
+ROW |160691 |1749 |35652 |
+ROW |160692 |1749 |35653 |
+ROW |160693 |1742 |35654 |
+ROW |160694 |1742 |35655 |
+ROW |160695 |1742 |35656 |
+ROW |160696 |1742 |35657 |
+ROW |160697 |1742 |35658 |
+ROW |160698 |1742 |35659 |
+ROW |160699 |1742 |35660 |
+ROW |160700 |1742 |35661 |
+ROW |160701 |1742 |35662 |
+ROW |160702 |1748 |35663 |
+ROW |160703 |1855 |36626 |
+ROW |160704 |1855 |36627 |
+ROW |160705 |1750 |35679 |
+ROW |160706 |1751 |35680 |
+ROW |160707 |1751 |35681 |
+ROW |160708 |1747 |35682 |
+ROW |160709 |1740 |35683 |
+ROW |160710 |1740 |35684 |
+ROW |160711 |1746 |35685 |
+ROW |160712 |1750 |35686 |
+ROW |160713 |1739 |35687 |
+ROW |160714 |1739 |35688 |
+ROW |160715 |1739 |35689 |
+ROW |160716 |1739 |35690 |
+ROW |160717 |1739 |35691 |
+ROW |160718 |1739 |35692 |
+ROW |160719 |1739 |35693 |
+ROW |160720 |1739 |35694 |
+ROW |160721 |1739 |35695 |
+ROW |160722 |1739 |35696 |
+ROW |160723 |1739 |35697 |
+ROW |160724 |1739 |35698 |
+ROW |160725 |1739 |35699 |
+ROW |160726 |1739 |35700 |
+ROW |160727 |1739 |35701 |
+ROW |160728 |1739 |35702 |
+ROW |160729 |1739 |35703 |
+ROW |160730 |1739 |35704 |
+ROW |160731 |1739 |35705 |
+ROW |160732 |1739 |35706 |
+ROW |160733 |1739 |35707 |
+ROW |160734 |1739 |35708 |
+ROW |160735 |1739 |35709 |
+ROW |160736 |1739 |35710 |
+ROW |160737 |1739 |35711 |
+ROW |160738 |1739 |35712 |
+ROW |160739 |1739 |35713 |
+ROW |160740 |1739 |35714 |
+ROW |160741 |1739 |35715 |
+ROW |160742 |1739 |35716 |
+ROW |160743 |1743 |35722 |
+ROW |160744 |1743 |35723 |
+ROW |160745 |1743 |35724 |
+ROW |160746 |1743 |35725 |
+ROW |160747 |1743 |35726 |
+ROW |160748 |1743 |35727 |
+ROW |160749 |1744 |35728 |
+ROW |160750 |1744 |35729 |
+ROW |160751 |1744 |35730 |
+ROW |160752 |1744 |35731 |
+ROW |160753 |919 |27671 |
+ROW |160754 |921 |27672 |
+ROW |160755 |922 |27673 |
+ROW |160756 |923 |27674 |
+ROW |160757 |924 |27675 |
+ROW |160758 |924 |27676 |
+ROW |160759 |924 |27677 |
+ROW |160760 |924 |27678 |
+ROW |160761 |924 |27679 |
+ROW |160762 |920 |30112 |
+ROW |160763 |1036 |28141 |
+ROW |160764 |1036 |28142 |
+ROW |160765 |1031 |28143 |
+ROW |160766 |1033 |28150 |
+ROW |160767 |1032 |28153 |
+ROW |160768 |1034 |28154 |
+ROW |160769 |1035 |28155 |
+ROW |160770 |1033 |28156 |
+ROW |160771 |1036 |28157 |
+ROW |160772 |1036 |28158 |
+ROW |160773 |1032 |30113 |
+ROW |160774 |1032 |30114 |
+ROW |160775 |1032 |30115 |
+ROW |160776 |941 |27748 |
+ROW |160777 |941 |27749 |
+ROW |160778 |941 |27750 |
+ROW |160779 |939 |27751 |
+ROW |160780 |937 |27753 |
+ROW |160781 |941 |27754 |
+ROW |160782 |940 |27755 |
+ROW |160783 |938 |30116 |
+ROW |160784 |948 |27777 |
+ROW |160785 |948 |27778 |
+ROW |160786 |945 |27783 |
+ROW |160787 |945 |27784 |
+ROW |160788 |948 |27785 |
+ROW |160789 |946 |27786 |
+ROW |160790 |947 |27787 |
+ROW |160791 |957 |27812 |
+ROW |160792 |957 |27813 |
+ROW |160793 |951 |27814 |
+ROW |160794 |957 |30117 |
+ROW |160795 |954 |27821 |
+ROW |160796 |956 |27822 |
+ROW |160797 |955 |27823 |
+ROW |160798 |952 |28894 |
+ROW |160799 |953 |30118 |
+ROW |160800 |1486 |33402 |
+ROW |160801 |1486 |33403 |
+ROW |160802 |1486 |33404 |
+ROW |160803 |1483 |33405 |
+ROW |160804 |1483 |33406 |
+ROW |160805 |1482 |33407 |
+ROW |160806 |1483 |33408 |
+ROW |160807 |1483 |33409 |
+ROW |160808 |1483 |33410 |
+ROW |160809 |1483 |33411 |
+ROW |160810 |1486 |33412 |
+ROW |160811 |1486 |33413 |
+ROW |160812 |1044 |28200 |
+ROW |160813 |1044 |28201 |
+ROW |160814 |1045 |28202 |
+ROW |160815 |1045 |28203 |
+ROW |160816 |1047 |28204 |
+ROW |160817 |1047 |28205 |
+ROW |160818 |1046 |28206 |
+ROW |160819 |1484 |33429 |
+ROW |160820 |1484 |33430 |
+ROW |160821 |1484 |33431 |
+ROW |160822 |976 |27893 |
+ROW |160823 |976 |27894 |
+ROW |160824 |976 |27895 |
+ROW |160825 |973 |27898 |
+ROW |160826 |973 |27900 |
+ROW |160827 |976 |30119 |
+ROW |160828 |973 |30120 |
+ROW |160829 |972 |27904 |
+ROW |160830 |974 |27905 |
+ROW |160831 |975 |27906 |
+ROW |160832 |975 |27907 |
+ROW |160833 |975 |27908 |
+ROW |160834 |974 |31790 |
+ROW |160835 |1365 |32308 |
+ROW |160836 |1368 |32309 |
+ROW |160837 |1370 |32310 |
+ROW |160838 |1370 |32311 |
+ROW |160839 |1366 |32312 |
+ROW |160840 |1369 |32313 |
+ROW |160841 |1369 |32314 |
+ROW |160842 |1369 |32315 |
+ROW |160843 |1369 |32316 |
+ROW |160844 |1368 |32317 |
+ROW |160845 |1368 |32318 |
+ROW |160846 |1365 |32319 |
+ROW |160847 |1367 |32320 |
+ROW |160848 |1367 |32321 |
+ROW |160849 |1367 |32322 |
+ROW |160850 |1366 |32323 |
+ROW |160851 |1366 |32324 |
+ROW |160852 |1371 |32325 |
+ROW |160853 |1365 |32326 |
+ROW |160854 |1365 |32327 |
+ROW |160855 |1370 |32328 |
+ROW |160856 |1366 |32330 |
+ROW |160857 |1372 |32331 |
+ROW |160858 |1376 |32332 |
+ROW |160859 |1377 |32333 |
+ROW |160860 |1377 |32334 |
+ROW |160861 |1373 |32335 |
+ROW |160862 |1376 |32336 |
+ROW |160863 |1376 |32337 |
+ROW |160864 |1376 |32338 |
+ROW |160865 |1375 |32339 |
+ROW |160866 |1378 |32340 |
+ROW |160867 |1375 |32341 |
+ROW |160868 |1375 |32342 |
+ROW |160869 |1374 |32343 |
+ROW |160870 |1374 |32344 |
+ROW |160871 |1374 |32345 |
+ROW |160872 |1373 |32346 |
+ROW |160873 |1373 |32347 |
+ROW |160874 |1377 |32348 |
+ROW |160875 |1373 |32350 |
+ROW |160876 |1379 |32351 |
+ROW |160877 |1382 |32352 |
+ROW |160878 |1384 |32353 |
+ROW |160879 |1384 |32354 |
+ROW |160880 |1380 |32355 |
+ROW |160881 |1383 |32356 |
+ROW |160882 |1383 |32357 |
+ROW |160883 |1383 |32358 |
+ROW |160884 |1383 |32359 |
+ROW |160885 |1382 |32360 |
+ROW |160886 |1382 |32361 |
+ROW |160887 |1379 |32362 |
+ROW |160888 |1381 |32363 |
+ROW |160889 |1381 |32364 |
+ROW |160890 |1381 |32365 |
+ROW |160891 |1380 |32366 |
+ROW |160892 |1380 |32367 |
+ROW |160893 |1385 |32368 |
+ROW |160894 |1379 |32369 |
+ROW |160895 |1379 |32370 |
+ROW |160896 |1384 |32371 |
+ROW |160897 |1380 |32373 |
+ROW |160898 |1390 |32374 |
+ROW |160899 |1387 |32375 |
+ROW |160900 |1387 |32376 |
+ROW |160901 |1388 |32377 |
+ROW |160902 |1388 |32378 |
+ROW |160903 |1388 |32379 |
+ROW |160904 |1389 |32380 |
+ROW |160905 |1386 |32382 |
+ROW |160906 |1391 |32383 |
+ROW |160907 |1393 |32384 |
+ROW |160908 |1395 |32385 |
+ROW |160909 |1392 |32386 |
+ROW |160910 |1394 |32387 |
+ROW |160911 |1394 |32388 |
+ROW |160912 |1394 |32389 |
+ROW |160913 |1393 |32390 |
+ROW |160914 |1392 |32391 |
+ROW |160915 |1391 |32392 |
+ROW |160916 |1392 |32393 |
+ROW |160917 |1392 |32394 |
+ROW |160918 |1396 |32395 |
+ROW |160919 |1391 |32396 |
+ROW |160920 |1391 |32397 |
+ROW |160921 |1391 |32398 |
+ROW |160922 |1395 |32399 |
+ROW |160923 |1392 |32401 |
+ROW |160924 |1397 |32402 |
+ROW |160925 |1399 |32403 |
+ROW |160926 |1401 |32404 |
+ROW |160927 |1398 |32405 |
+ROW |160928 |1400 |32406 |
+ROW |160929 |1400 |32407 |
+ROW |160930 |1400 |32408 |
+ROW |160931 |1399 |32409 |
+ROW |160932 |1398 |32410 |
+ROW |160933 |1397 |32411 |
+ROW |160934 |1398 |32412 |
+ROW |160935 |1398 |32413 |
+ROW |160936 |1402 |32414 |
+ROW |160937 |1397 |32415 |
+ROW |160938 |1397 |32416 |
+ROW |160939 |1397 |32417 |
+ROW |160940 |1401 |32418 |
+ROW |160941 |1398 |32420 |
+ROW |160942 |1409 |32421 |
+ROW |160943 |1407 |32422 |
+ROW |160944 |1405 |32423 |
+ROW |160945 |1405 |32424 |
+ROW |160946 |1407 |32425 |
+ROW |160947 |1407 |32426 |
+ROW |160948 |1407 |32427 |
+ROW |160949 |1408 |32428 |
+ROW |160950 |1408 |32429 |
+ROW |160951 |1404 |32436 |
+ROW |160952 |1404 |32437 |
+ROW |160953 |1404 |32438 |
+ROW |160954 |1403 |32439 |
+ROW |160955 |1404 |32440 |
+ROW |160956 |1406 |32441 |
+ROW |160957 |1406 |32442 |
+ROW |160958 |1406 |32443 |
+ROW |160959 |1406 |32444 |
+ROW |160960 |985 |27930 |
+ROW |160961 |985 |27931 |
+ROW |160962 |981 |27935 |
+ROW |160963 |980 |27936 |
+ROW |160964 |985 |30121 |
+ROW |160965 |981 |30122 |
+ROW |160966 |981 |30123 |
+ROW |160967 |982 |27940 |
+ROW |160968 |982 |27941 |
+ROW |160969 |984 |27942 |
+ROW |160970 |983 |27943 |
+ROW |160971 |991 |27967 |
+ROW |160972 |991 |27968 |
+ROW |160973 |991 |27970 |
+ROW |160974 |991 |27971 |
+ROW |160975 |990 |27972 |
+ROW |160976 |990 |27973 |
+ROW |160977 |989 |27975 |
+ROW |160978 |1282 |30124 |
+ROW |160979 |991 |30125 |
+ROW |160980 |990 |30126 |
+ROW |160981 |1280 |30129 |
+ROW |160982 |1281 |30130 |
+ROW |160983 |997 |27997 |
+ROW |160984 |997 |27998 |
+ROW |160985 |997 |27999 |
+ROW |160986 |997 |28000 |
+ROW |160987 |995 |28003 |
+ROW |160988 |996 |30131 |
+ROW |160989 |1003 |28026 |
+ROW |160990 |1003 |28027 |
+ROW |160991 |1001 |28031 |
+ROW |160992 |1002 |30132 |
+ROW |160993 |1002 |30133 |
+ROW |160994 |1002 |30134 |
+ROW |160995 |1002 |30135 |
+ROW |160996 |1002 |30136 |
+ROW |160997 |1761 |35951 |
+ROW |160998 |1758 |35952 |
+ROW |160999 |1758 |35953 |
+ROW |161000 |1758 |35954 |
+ROW |161001 |1758 |35955 |
+ROW |161002 |1758 |35956 |
+ROW |161003 |1758 |35957 |
+ROW |161004 |1758 |35958 |
+ROW |161005 |1761 |35959 |
+ROW |161006 |1761 |35960 |
+ROW |161007 |1762 |35981 |
+ROW |161008 |1760 |35982 |
+ROW |161009 |1768 |35983 |
+ROW |161010 |1764 |35984 |
+ROW |161011 |1763 |35985 |
+ROW |161012 |1764 |35986 |
+ROW |161013 |1764 |35987 |
+ROW |161014 |1764 |35988 |
+ROW |161015 |1764 |35989 |
+ROW |161016 |1764 |35990 |
+ROW |161017 |1764 |35991 |
+ROW |161018 |1768 |35992 |
+ROW |161019 |1765 |35999 |
+ROW |161020 |1769 |36025 |
+ROW |161021 |1767 |36026 |
+ROW |161022 |1775 |36027 |
+ROW |161023 |1772 |36028 |
+ROW |161024 |1770 |36029 |
+ROW |161025 |1772 |36030 |
+ROW |161026 |1772 |36031 |
+ROW |161027 |1772 |36032 |
+ROW |161028 |1772 |36033 |
+ROW |161029 |1772 |36034 |
+ROW |161030 |1772 |36035 |
+ROW |161031 |1775 |36036 |
+ROW |161032 |1771 |36041 |
+ROW |161033 |1776 |36059 |
+ROW |161034 |1774 |36060 |
+ROW |161035 |1783 |36061 |
+ROW |161036 |1779 |36062 |
+ROW |161037 |1779 |36063 |
+ROW |161038 |1779 |36064 |
+ROW |161039 |1779 |36065 |
+ROW |161040 |1779 |36066 |
+ROW |161041 |1783 |36067 |
+ROW |161042 |1778 |36079 |
+ROW |161043 |1791 |36128 |
+ROW |161044 |1787 |36129 |
+ROW |161045 |1787 |36130 |
+ROW |161046 |1787 |36131 |
+ROW |161047 |1787 |36132 |
+ROW |161048 |1787 |36133 |
+ROW |161049 |1791 |36134 |
+ROW |161050 |1786 |36146 |
+ROW |161051 |1797 |36195 |
+ROW |161052 |1794 |36196 |
+ROW |161053 |1794 |36197 |
+ROW |161054 |1794 |36198 |
+ROW |161055 |1794 |36199 |
+ROW |161056 |1794 |36200 |
+ROW |161057 |1794 |36201 |
+ROW |161058 |1794 |36202 |
+ROW |161059 |1797 |36203 |
+ROW |161060 |1797 |36204 |
+ROW |161061 |1793 |36210 |
+ROW |161062 |1798 |36227 |
+ROW |161063 |1796 |36228 |
+ROW |161064 |1802 |36229 |
+ROW |161065 |1800 |36230 |
+ROW |161066 |1799 |36231 |
+ROW |161067 |1800 |36232 |
+ROW |161068 |1800 |36233 |
+ROW |161069 |1800 |36234 |
+ROW |161070 |1800 |36235 |
+ROW |161071 |1800 |36236 |
+ROW |161072 |1800 |36237 |
+ROW |161073 |1802 |36238 |
+ROW |161074 |1808 |36267 |
+ROW |161075 |1804 |36268 |
+ROW |161076 |1803 |36269 |
+ROW |161077 |1804 |36270 |
+ROW |161078 |1804 |36271 |
+ROW |161079 |1804 |36272 |
+ROW |161080 |1804 |36273 |
+ROW |161081 |1804 |36274 |
+ROW |161082 |1804 |36275 |
+ROW |161083 |1808 |36276 |
+ROW |161084 |1805 |36283 |
+ROW |161085 |1809 |36309 |
+ROW |161086 |1807 |36310 |
+ROW |161087 |1815 |36311 |
+ROW |161088 |1811 |36312 |
+ROW |161089 |1810 |36313 |
+ROW |161090 |1811 |36314 |
+ROW |161091 |1811 |36315 |
+ROW |161092 |1811 |36316 |
+ROW |161093 |1811 |36317 |
+ROW |161094 |1811 |36318 |
+ROW |161095 |1811 |36319 |
+ROW |161096 |1815 |36320 |
+ROW |161097 |1812 |36327 |
+ROW |161098 |1816 |36353 |
+ROW |161099 |1814 |36354 |
+ROW |161100 |1822 |36355 |
+ROW |161101 |1819 |36356 |
+ROW |161102 |1817 |36357 |
+ROW |161103 |1819 |36358 |
+ROW |161104 |1819 |36359 |
+ROW |161105 |1819 |36360 |
+ROW |161106 |1819 |36361 |
+ROW |161107 |1819 |36362 |
+ROW |161108 |1819 |36363 |
+ROW |161109 |1822 |36364 |
+ROW |161110 |1818 |36371 |
+ROW |161111 |1823 |36397 |
+ROW |161112 |1821 |36398 |
+ROW |161113 |1829 |36399 |
+ROW |161114 |1826 |36400 |
+ROW |161115 |1824 |36401 |
+ROW |161116 |1826 |36402 |
+ROW |161117 |1826 |36403 |
+ROW |161118 |1826 |36404 |
+ROW |161119 |1826 |36405 |
+ROW |161120 |1826 |36406 |
+ROW |161121 |1826 |36407 |
+ROW |161122 |1829 |36408 |
+ROW |161123 |1825 |36415 |
+ROW |161124 |1830 |36441 |
+ROW |161125 |1828 |36442 |
+ROW |161126 |1837 |36443 |
+ROW |161127 |1833 |36444 |
+ROW |161128 |1831 |36445 |
+ROW |161129 |1833 |36446 |
+ROW |161130 |1833 |36447 |
+ROW |161131 |1833 |36448 |
+ROW |161132 |1834 |36449 |
+ROW |161133 |1833 |36450 |
+ROW |161134 |1833 |36451 |
+ROW |161135 |1833 |36452 |
+ROW |161136 |1837 |36453 |
+ROW |161137 |1832 |36460 |
+ROW |161138 |1838 |36486 |
+ROW |161139 |1836 |36487 |
+ROW |161140 |1845 |36488 |
+ROW |161141 |1841 |36489 |
+ROW |161142 |1839 |36490 |
+ROW |161143 |1841 |36491 |
+ROW |161144 |1841 |36492 |
+ROW |161145 |1841 |36493 |
+ROW |161146 |1842 |36494 |
+ROW |161147 |1841 |36495 |
+ROW |161148 |1841 |36496 |
+ROW |161149 |1841 |36497 |
+ROW |161150 |1845 |36498 |
+ROW |161151 |1840 |36505 |
+ROW |161152 |1846 |36531 |
+ROW |161153 |1844 |36532 |
+ROW |161154 |1853 |36533 |
+ROW |161155 |1849 |36534 |
+ROW |161156 |1847 |36535 |
+ROW |161157 |1849 |36536 |
+ROW |161158 |1849 |36537 |
+ROW |161159 |1849 |36538 |
+ROW |161160 |1849 |36539 |
+ROW |161161 |1849 |36540 |
+ROW |161162 |1849 |36541 |
+ROW |161163 |1853 |36542 |
+ROW |161164 |1848 |36550 |
+ROW |161165 |1850 |36551 |
+ROW |161166 |1854 |36577 |
+ROW |161167 |1852 |36578 |
+ROW |161168 |1142 |29087 |
+ROW |161169 |1142 |29088 |
+ROW |161170 |1142 |29089 |
+ROW |161171 |1142 |29090 |
+ROW |161172 |1142 |29091 |
+ROW |161173 |1142 |29092 |
+ROW |161174 |1142 |29093 |
+ROW |161175 |1142 |29094 |
+ROW |161176 |1142 |29095 |
+ROW |161177 |1142 |29096 |
+ROW |161178 |1142 |29097 |
+ROW |161179 |1142 |29098 |
+ROW |161180 |1142 |29099 |
+ROW |161181 |1142 |29100 |
+ROW |161182 |1142 |29101 |
+ROW |161183 |1142 |29102 |
+ROW |161184 |1144 |29103 |
+ROW |161185 |1144 |29104 |
+ROW |161186 |1144 |29105 |
+ROW |161187 |1144 |29106 |
+ROW |161188 |1144 |29107 |
+ROW |161189 |1144 |29108 |
+ROW |161190 |1151 |29110 |
+ROW |161191 |1148 |29111 |
+ROW |161192 |1148 |29112 |
+ROW |161193 |1148 |29113 |
+ROW |161194 |1148 |29114 |
+ROW |161195 |1148 |29115 |
+ROW |161196 |1148 |29116 |
+ROW |161197 |1148 |29117 |
+ROW |161198 |1148 |29118 |
+ROW |161199 |1148 |29119 |
+ROW |161200 |1150 |29120 |
+ROW |161201 |1149 |29121 |
+ROW |161202 |1149 |29122 |
+ROW |161203 |1149 |29123 |
+ROW |161204 |1152 |29124 |
+ROW |161205 |1152 |29125 |
+ROW |161206 |1152 |29126 |
+ROW |161207 |1152 |29127 |
+ROW |161208 |1152 |29128 |
+ROW |161209 |1152 |29129 |
+ROW |161210 |1152 |29130 |
+ROW |161211 |1152 |29131 |
+ROW |161212 |1152 |29132 |
+ROW |161213 |1152 |29133 |
+ROW |161214 |1152 |29134 |
+ROW |161215 |1152 |29135 |
+ROW |161216 |1152 |29136 |
+ROW |161217 |1152 |29137 |
+ROW |161218 |1152 |29138 |
+ROW |161219 |1152 |29139 |
+ROW |161220 |1154 |29140 |
+ROW |161221 |1154 |29141 |
+ROW |161222 |1154 |29142 |
+ROW |161223 |1154 |29143 |
+ROW |161224 |1154 |29144 |
+ROW |161225 |1154 |29145 |
+ROW |161226 |1161 |29147 |
+ROW |161227 |1158 |29148 |
+ROW |161228 |1158 |29149 |
+ROW |161229 |1158 |29150 |
+ROW |161230 |1158 |29151 |
+ROW |161231 |1158 |29152 |
+ROW |161232 |1158 |29153 |
+ROW |161233 |1158 |29154 |
+ROW |161234 |1158 |29155 |
+ROW |161235 |1158 |29156 |
+ROW |161236 |1160 |29157 |
+ROW |161237 |1159 |29158 |
+ROW |161238 |1159 |29159 |
+ROW |161239 |1159 |29160 |
+ROW |161240 |1162 |29161 |
+ROW |161241 |1162 |29162 |
+ROW |161242 |1162 |29163 |
+ROW |161243 |1162 |29164 |
+ROW |161244 |1162 |29165 |
+ROW |161245 |1162 |29166 |
+ROW |161246 |1162 |29167 |
+ROW |161247 |1162 |29168 |
+ROW |161248 |1162 |29169 |
+ROW |161249 |1162 |29170 |
+ROW |161250 |1162 |29171 |
+ROW |161251 |1162 |29172 |
+ROW |161252 |1162 |29173 |
+ROW |161253 |1162 |29174 |
+ROW |161254 |1162 |29175 |
+ROW |161255 |1162 |29176 |
+ROW |161256 |1164 |29177 |
+ROW |161257 |1164 |29178 |
+ROW |161258 |1164 |29179 |
+ROW |161259 |1164 |29180 |
+ROW |161260 |1164 |29181 |
+ROW |161261 |1164 |29182 |
+ROW |161262 |1171 |29184 |
+ROW |161263 |1168 |29185 |
+ROW |161264 |1168 |29186 |
+ROW |161265 |1168 |29187 |
+ROW |161266 |1168 |29188 |
+ROW |161267 |1168 |29189 |
+ROW |161268 |1168 |29190 |
+ROW |161269 |1168 |29191 |
+ROW |161270 |1168 |29192 |
+ROW |161271 |1168 |29193 |
+ROW |161272 |1170 |29194 |
+ROW |161273 |1169 |29195 |
+ROW |161274 |1169 |29196 |
+ROW |161275 |1169 |29197 |
+ROW |161276 |1142 |29198 |
+ROW |161277 |1144 |31270 |
+ROW |161278 |1152 |29199 |
+ROW |161279 |1154 |31271 |
+ROW |161280 |1162 |29200 |
+ROW |161281 |1164 |31272 |
+ROW |161282 |1146 |31278 |
+ROW |161283 |1156 |31281 |
+ROW |161284 |1166 |31284 |
+ROW |161285 |1146 |31287 |
+ROW |161286 |1146 |31290 |
+ROW |161287 |1156 |31293 |
+ROW |161288 |1156 |31296 |
+ROW |161289 |1166 |31299 |
+ROW |161290 |1166 |31302 |
+ROW |161291 |1173 |29273 |
+ROW |161292 |1173 |29274 |
+ROW |161293 |1173 |29275 |
+ROW |161294 |1173 |29276 |
+ROW |161295 |1173 |29277 |
+ROW |161296 |1173 |29278 |
+ROW |161297 |1173 |29279 |
+ROW |161298 |1173 |29280 |
+ROW |161299 |1173 |29281 |
+ROW |161300 |1173 |29282 |
+ROW |161301 |1173 |29283 |
+ROW |161302 |1173 |29284 |
+ROW |161303 |1173 |29285 |
+ROW |161304 |1173 |29286 |
+ROW |161305 |1173 |29287 |
+ROW |161306 |1173 |29288 |
+ROW |161307 |1175 |29289 |
+ROW |161308 |1175 |29290 |
+ROW |161309 |1175 |29291 |
+ROW |161310 |1175 |29292 |
+ROW |161311 |1175 |29293 |
+ROW |161312 |1175 |29294 |
+ROW |161313 |1182 |29296 |
+ROW |161314 |1179 |29297 |
+ROW |161315 |1179 |29298 |
+ROW |161316 |1179 |29299 |
+ROW |161317 |1179 |29300 |
+ROW |161318 |1179 |29301 |
+ROW |161319 |1179 |29302 |
+ROW |161320 |1179 |29303 |
+ROW |161321 |1179 |29304 |
+ROW |161322 |1179 |29305 |
+ROW |161323 |1181 |29306 |
+ROW |161324 |1180 |29307 |
+ROW |161325 |1180 |29308 |
+ROW |161326 |1180 |29309 |
+ROW |161327 |1183 |29310 |
+ROW |161328 |1183 |29311 |
+ROW |161329 |1183 |29312 |
+ROW |161330 |1183 |29313 |
+ROW |161331 |1183 |29314 |
+ROW |161332 |1183 |29315 |
+ROW |161333 |1183 |29316 |
+ROW |161334 |1183 |29317 |
+ROW |161335 |1183 |29318 |
+ROW |161336 |1183 |29319 |
+ROW |161337 |1183 |29320 |
+ROW |161338 |1183 |29321 |
+ROW |161339 |1183 |29322 |
+ROW |161340 |1183 |29323 |
+ROW |161341 |1183 |29324 |
+ROW |161342 |1183 |29325 |
+ROW |161343 |1185 |29326 |
+ROW |161344 |1185 |29327 |
+ROW |161345 |1185 |29328 |
+ROW |161346 |1185 |29329 |
+ROW |161347 |1185 |29330 |
+ROW |161348 |1185 |29331 |
+ROW |161349 |1192 |29333 |
+ROW |161350 |1189 |29334 |
+ROW |161351 |1189 |29335 |
+ROW |161352 |1189 |29336 |
+ROW |161353 |1189 |29337 |
+ROW |161354 |1189 |29338 |
+ROW |161355 |1189 |29339 |
+ROW |161356 |1189 |29340 |
+ROW |161357 |1189 |29341 |
+ROW |161358 |1189 |29342 |
+ROW |161359 |1191 |29343 |
+ROW |161360 |1190 |29344 |
+ROW |161361 |1190 |29345 |
+ROW |161362 |1190 |29346 |
+ROW |161363 |1173 |29347 |
+ROW |161364 |1175 |31303 |
+ROW |161365 |1183 |29348 |
+ROW |161366 |1185 |31304 |
+ROW |161367 |1177 |31309 |
+ROW |161368 |1187 |31312 |
+ROW |161369 |1177 |31315 |
+ROW |161370 |1177 |31318 |
+ROW |161371 |1187 |31321 |
+ROW |161372 |1187 |31324 |
+ROW |161373 |1201 |29395 |
+ROW |161374 |1196 |29396 |
+ROW |161375 |1196 |29397 |
+ROW |161376 |1194 |29398 |
+ROW |161377 |1193 |29399 |
+ROW |161378 |1196 |29400 |
+ROW |161379 |1196 |29401 |
+ROW |161380 |1196 |29402 |
+ROW |161381 |1196 |29403 |
+ROW |161382 |1194 |29404 |
+ROW |161383 |1193 |29405 |
+ROW |161384 |1193 |29406 |
+ROW |161385 |1193 |29407 |
+ROW |161386 |1193 |29408 |
+ROW |161387 |1193 |29409 |
+ROW |161388 |1193 |29410 |
+ROW |161389 |1193 |29411 |
+ROW |161390 |1193 |29412 |
+ROW |161391 |1193 |29413 |
+ROW |161392 |1194 |29414 |
+ROW |161393 |1197 |29415 |
+ROW |161394 |1193 |29416 |
+ROW |161395 |1193 |29417 |
+ROW |161396 |1193 |29418 |
+ROW |161397 |1193 |29419 |
+ROW |161398 |1193 |29420 |
+ROW |161399 |1199 |29421 |
+ROW |161400 |1195 |29422 |
+ROW |161401 |1194 |29423 |
+ROW |161402 |1194 |29424 |
+ROW |161403 |1194 |29425 |
+ROW |161404 |1193 |29426 |
+ROW |161405 |1193 |29427 |
+ROW |161406 |1195 |29428 |
+ROW |161407 |1201 |29450 |
+ROW |161408 |1201 |29451 |
+ROW |161409 |1128 |28978 |
+ROW |161410 |1128 |28979 |
+ROW |161411 |1128 |28980 |
+ROW |161412 |1128 |28981 |
+ROW |161413 |1128 |28982 |
+ROW |161414 |1128 |28983 |
+ROW |161415 |1128 |28984 |
+ROW |161416 |1128 |28985 |
+ROW |161417 |1128 |28986 |
+ROW |161418 |1130 |28987 |
+ROW |161419 |1130 |28988 |
+ROW |161420 |1130 |28989 |
+ROW |161421 |1130 |28990 |
+ROW |161422 |1130 |28991 |
+ROW |161423 |1130 |28992 |
+ROW |161424 |1132 |28993 |
+ROW |161425 |1132 |28994 |
+ROW |161426 |1132 |28995 |
+ROW |161427 |1132 |28996 |
+ROW |161428 |1132 |28997 |
+ROW |161429 |1132 |28998 |
+ROW |161430 |1132 |28999 |
+ROW |161431 |1132 |29000 |
+ROW |161432 |1132 |29001 |
+ROW |161433 |1134 |29002 |
+ROW |161434 |1134 |29003 |
+ROW |161435 |1134 |29004 |
+ROW |161436 |1134 |29005 |
+ROW |161437 |1134 |29006 |
+ROW |161438 |1134 |29007 |
+ROW |161439 |1130 |29017 |
+ROW |161440 |1130 |29018 |
+ROW |161441 |1130 |29019 |
+ROW |161442 |1130 |29020 |
+ROW |161443 |1130 |29021 |
+ROW |161444 |1130 |29022 |
+ROW |161445 |1130 |29023 |
+ROW |161446 |1130 |29024 |
+ROW |161447 |1130 |29025 |
+ROW |161448 |1130 |29026 |
+ROW |161449 |1134 |29034 |
+ROW |161450 |1134 |29035 |
+ROW |161451 |1134 |29036 |
+ROW |161452 |1134 |29037 |
+ROW |161453 |1134 |29038 |
+ROW |161454 |1134 |29039 |
+ROW |161455 |1134 |29040 |
+ROW |161456 |1134 |29041 |
+ROW |161457 |1134 |29042 |
+ROW |161458 |1134 |29043 |
+ROW |161459 |1130 |29048 |
+ROW |161460 |1134 |29049 |
+ROW |161461 |1202 |29454 |
+ROW |161462 |1202 |29455 |
+ROW |161463 |1202 |29456 |
+ROW |161464 |1202 |29457 |
+ROW |161465 |1202 |29458 |
+ROW |161466 |1202 |29459 |
+ROW |161467 |1203 |29460 |
+ROW |161468 |1203 |29461 |
+ROW |161469 |1203 |29462 |
+ROW |161470 |1203 |29463 |
+ROW |161471 |1203 |29466 |
+ROW |161472 |1203 |29467 |
+ROW |161473 |1203 |29468 |
+ROW |161474 |1203 |29469 |
+ROW |161475 |1203 |29470 |
+ROW |161476 |1209 |29472 |
+ROW |161477 |1207 |29473 |
+ROW |161478 |1207 |29474 |
+ROW |161479 |1207 |29475 |
+ROW |161480 |1207 |29476 |
+ROW |161481 |1207 |29477 |
+ROW |161482 |1208 |29478 |
+ROW |161483 |1202 |30137 |
+ROW |161484 |1202 |31325 |
+ROW |161485 |1203 |31326 |
+ROW |161486 |1203 |31327 |
+ROW |161487 |1211 |36579 |
+ROW |161488 |1212 |29480 |
+ROW |161489 |1212 |29481 |
+ROW |161490 |1212 |29482 |
+ROW |161491 |1212 |29483 |
+ROW |161492 |1212 |29484 |
+ROW |161493 |1212 |29485 |
+ROW |161494 |1213 |29486 |
+ROW |161495 |1213 |29487 |
+ROW |161496 |1213 |29488 |
+ROW |161497 |1213 |29489 |
+ROW |161498 |1213 |29492 |
+ROW |161499 |1213 |29493 |
+ROW |161500 |1213 |29494 |
+ROW |161501 |1213 |29495 |
+ROW |161502 |1213 |29496 |
+ROW |161503 |1219 |29498 |
+ROW |161504 |1217 |29499 |
+ROW |161505 |1217 |29500 |
+ROW |161506 |1217 |29501 |
+ROW |161507 |1217 |29502 |
+ROW |161508 |1217 |29503 |
+ROW |161509 |1218 |29504 |
+ROW |161510 |1212 |30138 |
+ROW |161511 |1212 |31328 |
+ROW |161512 |1213 |31329 |
+ROW |161513 |1213 |31330 |
+ROW |161514 |1216 |36580 |
+ROW |161515 |1203 |31331 |
+ROW |161516 |1213 |31332 |
+ROW |161517 |1310 |30425 |
+ROW |161518 |1311 |30426 |
+ROW |161519 |1243 |29561 |
+ROW |161520 |1243 |29562 |
+ROW |161521 |1243 |29563 |
+ROW |161522 |1243 |29564 |
+ROW |161523 |1243 |29565 |
+ROW |161524 |1243 |29566 |
+ROW |161525 |1244 |29567 |
+ROW |161526 |1244 |29568 |
+ROW |161527 |1244 |29569 |
+ROW |161528 |1244 |29570 |
+ROW |161529 |1244 |29573 |
+ROW |161530 |1244 |29574 |
+ROW |161531 |1244 |29575 |
+ROW |161532 |1244 |29576 |
+ROW |161533 |1244 |29577 |
+ROW |161534 |1250 |29579 |
+ROW |161535 |1248 |29580 |
+ROW |161536 |1248 |29581 |
+ROW |161537 |1248 |29582 |
+ROW |161538 |1248 |29583 |
+ROW |161539 |1248 |29584 |
+ROW |161540 |1249 |29585 |
+ROW |161541 |1243 |30139 |
+ROW |161542 |1243 |31343 |
+ROW |161543 |1244 |31344 |
+ROW |161544 |1244 |31345 |
+ROW |161545 |1252 |36601 |
+ROW |161546 |1253 |29587 |
+ROW |161547 |1253 |29588 |
+ROW |161548 |1253 |29589 |
+ROW |161549 |1253 |29590 |
+ROW |161550 |1253 |29591 |
+ROW |161551 |1253 |29592 |
+ROW |161552 |1254 |29593 |
+ROW |161553 |1254 |29594 |
+ROW |161554 |1254 |29595 |
+ROW |161555 |1254 |29596 |
+ROW |161556 |1254 |29599 |
+ROW |161557 |1254 |29600 |
+ROW |161558 |1254 |29601 |
+ROW |161559 |1254 |29602 |
+ROW |161560 |1254 |29603 |
+ROW |161561 |1242 |29605 |
+ROW |161562 |1258 |29606 |
+ROW |161563 |1258 |29607 |
+ROW |161564 |1258 |29608 |
+ROW |161565 |1258 |29609 |
+ROW |161566 |1258 |29610 |
+ROW |161567 |1259 |29611 |
+ROW |161568 |1253 |30140 |
+ROW |161569 |1253 |31346 |
+ROW |161570 |1254 |31347 |
+ROW |161571 |1254 |31348 |
+ROW |161572 |1257 |36602 |
+ROW |161573 |1244 |31349 |
+ROW |161574 |1254 |31350 |
+ROW |161575 |1312 |30429 |
+ROW |161576 |1313 |30430 |
+ROW |161577 |1493 |33568 |
+ROW |161578 |1493 |33569 |
+ROW |161579 |1493 |33570 |
+ROW |161580 |1492 |33571 |
+ROW |161581 |1492 |33572 |
+ROW |161582 |1492 |33574 |
+ROW |161583 |1492 |33575 |
+ROW |161584 |1492 |33576 |
+ROW |161585 |1492 |33577 |
+ROW |161586 |1492 |33578 |
+ROW |161587 |1493 |33579 |
+ROW |161588 |1493 |33580 |
+ROW |161589 |1493 |33581 |
+ROW |161590 |1493 |33582 |
+ROW |161591 |1493 |33583 |
+ROW |161592 |1493 |33584 |
+ROW |161593 |1493 |33585 |
+ROW |161594 |1493 |33589 |
+ROW |161595 |1493 |33590 |
+ROW |161596 |1493 |33591 |
+ROW |161597 |1493 |33592 |
+ROW |161598 |1493 |33593 |
+ROW |161599 |1493 |33594 |
+ROW |161600 |1493 |33595 |
+ROW |161601 |1492 |34083 |
+ROW |161602 |1493 |33602 |
+ROW |161603 |1493 |33603 |
+ROW |161604 |1493 |33604 |
+ROW |161605 |1493 |33605 |
+ROW |161606 |1493 |33606 |
+ROW |161607 |1492 |33607 |
+ROW |161608 |1493 |33608 |
+ROW |161609 |1493 |33609 |
+ROW |161610 |1493 |33610 |
+ROW |161611 |1493 |33611 |
+ROW |161612 |1493 |33612 |
+ROW |161613 |1493 |33613 |
+ROW |161614 |1493 |33614 |
+ROW |161615 |1493 |33615 |
+ROW |161616 |1493 |33616 |
+ROW |161617 |1493 |33617 |
+ROW |161618 |1493 |33618 |
+ROW |161619 |1495 |33619 |
+ROW |161620 |1495 |33620 |
+ROW |161621 |1495 |33621 |
+ROW |161622 |1494 |33622 |
+ROW |161623 |1494 |33623 |
+ROW |161624 |1494 |33625 |
+ROW |161625 |1494 |33626 |
+ROW |161626 |1494 |33627 |
+ROW |161627 |1494 |33628 |
+ROW |161628 |1494 |33629 |
+ROW |161629 |1495 |33630 |
+ROW |161630 |1495 |33631 |
+ROW |161631 |1495 |33632 |
+ROW |161632 |1495 |33633 |
+ROW |161633 |1495 |33634 |
+ROW |161634 |1495 |33635 |
+ROW |161635 |1495 |33636 |
+ROW |161636 |1495 |33640 |
+ROW |161637 |1495 |33641 |
+ROW |161638 |1495 |33642 |
+ROW |161639 |1495 |33643 |
+ROW |161640 |1495 |33644 |
+ROW |161641 |1495 |33645 |
+ROW |161642 |1495 |33646 |
+ROW |161643 |1494 |34084 |
+ROW |161644 |1495 |33653 |
+ROW |161645 |1495 |33654 |
+ROW |161646 |1495 |33655 |
+ROW |161647 |1495 |33656 |
+ROW |161648 |1495 |33657 |
+ROW |161649 |1494 |33658 |
+ROW |161650 |1495 |33659 |
+ROW |161651 |1495 |33660 |
+ROW |161652 |1495 |33661 |
+ROW |161653 |1495 |33662 |
+ROW |161654 |1495 |33663 |
+ROW |161655 |1495 |33664 |
+ROW |161656 |1495 |33665 |
+ROW |161657 |1495 |33666 |
+ROW |161658 |1495 |33667 |
+ROW |161659 |1495 |33668 |
+ROW |161660 |1495 |33669 |
+ROW |161661 |1497 |33670 |
+ROW |161662 |1497 |33671 |
+ROW |161663 |1497 |33672 |
+ROW |161664 |1496 |33673 |
+ROW |161665 |1496 |33674 |
+ROW |161666 |1496 |33676 |
+ROW |161667 |1496 |33677 |
+ROW |161668 |1496 |33678 |
+ROW |161669 |1496 |33679 |
+ROW |161670 |1496 |33680 |
+ROW |161671 |1497 |33681 |
+ROW |161672 |1497 |33682 |
+ROW |161673 |1497 |33683 |
+ROW |161674 |1497 |33684 |
+ROW |161675 |1497 |33685 |
+ROW |161676 |1497 |33686 |
+ROW |161677 |1497 |33687 |
+ROW |161678 |1497 |33691 |
+ROW |161679 |1497 |33692 |
+ROW |161680 |1497 |33693 |
+ROW |161681 |1497 |33694 |
+ROW |161682 |1497 |33695 |
+ROW |161683 |1497 |33696 |
+ROW |161684 |1497 |33697 |
+ROW |161685 |1496 |34085 |
+ROW |161686 |1497 |33704 |
+ROW |161687 |1497 |33705 |
+ROW |161688 |1497 |33706 |
+ROW |161689 |1497 |33707 |
+ROW |161690 |1497 |33708 |
+ROW |161691 |1496 |33709 |
+ROW |161692 |1497 |33710 |
+ROW |161693 |1497 |33711 |
+ROW |161694 |1497 |33712 |
+ROW |161695 |1497 |33713 |
+ROW |161696 |1497 |33714 |
+ROW |161697 |1497 |33715 |
+ROW |161698 |1497 |33716 |
+ROW |161699 |1497 |33717 |
+ROW |161700 |1497 |33718 |
+ROW |161701 |1497 |33719 |
+ROW |161702 |1497 |33720 |
+ROW |161703 |1499 |33721 |
+ROW |161704 |1499 |33722 |
+ROW |161705 |1499 |33723 |
+ROW |161706 |1498 |33724 |
+ROW |161707 |1498 |33725 |
+ROW |161708 |1498 |33727 |
+ROW |161709 |1498 |33728 |
+ROW |161710 |1498 |33729 |
+ROW |161711 |1498 |33730 |
+ROW |161712 |1498 |33731 |
+ROW |161713 |1499 |33732 |
+ROW |161714 |1499 |33733 |
+ROW |161715 |1499 |33734 |
+ROW |161716 |1499 |33735 |
+ROW |161717 |1499 |33736 |
+ROW |161718 |1499 |33737 |
+ROW |161719 |1499 |33738 |
+ROW |161720 |1499 |33742 |
+ROW |161721 |1499 |33743 |
+ROW |161722 |1499 |33744 |
+ROW |161723 |1499 |33745 |
+ROW |161724 |1499 |33746 |
+ROW |161725 |1499 |33747 |
+ROW |161726 |1499 |33748 |
+ROW |161727 |1498 |34086 |
+ROW |161728 |1499 |33755 |
+ROW |161729 |1499 |33756 |
+ROW |161730 |1499 |33757 |
+ROW |161731 |1499 |33758 |
+ROW |161732 |1499 |33759 |
+ROW |161733 |1498 |33760 |
+ROW |161734 |1499 |33761 |
+ROW |161735 |1499 |33762 |
+ROW |161736 |1499 |33763 |
+ROW |161737 |1499 |33764 |
+ROW |161738 |1499 |33765 |
+ROW |161739 |1499 |33766 |
+ROW |161740 |1499 |33767 |
+ROW |161741 |1499 |33768 |
+ROW |161742 |1499 |33769 |
+ROW |161743 |1499 |33770 |
+ROW |161744 |1499 |33771 |
+ROW |161745 |1501 |33772 |
+ROW |161746 |1501 |33773 |
+ROW |161747 |1501 |33774 |
+ROW |161748 |1500 |33775 |
+ROW |161749 |1500 |33776 |
+ROW |161750 |1500 |33778 |
+ROW |161751 |1500 |33779 |
+ROW |161752 |1500 |33780 |
+ROW |161753 |1500 |33781 |
+ROW |161754 |1500 |33782 |
+ROW |161755 |1501 |33783 |
+ROW |161756 |1501 |33784 |
+ROW |161757 |1501 |33785 |
+ROW |161758 |1501 |33786 |
+ROW |161759 |1501 |33787 |
+ROW |161760 |1501 |33788 |
+ROW |161761 |1501 |33789 |
+ROW |161762 |1501 |33793 |
+ROW |161763 |1501 |33794 |
+ROW |161764 |1501 |33795 |
+ROW |161765 |1501 |33796 |
+ROW |161766 |1501 |33797 |
+ROW |161767 |1501 |33798 |
+ROW |161768 |1501 |33799 |
+ROW |161769 |1500 |34087 |
+ROW |161770 |1501 |33806 |
+ROW |161771 |1501 |33807 |
+ROW |161772 |1501 |33808 |
+ROW |161773 |1501 |33809 |
+ROW |161774 |1501 |33810 |
+ROW |161775 |1500 |33811 |
+ROW |161776 |1501 |33812 |
+ROW |161777 |1501 |33813 |
+ROW |161778 |1501 |33814 |
+ROW |161779 |1501 |33815 |
+ROW |161780 |1501 |33816 |
+ROW |161781 |1501 |33817 |
+ROW |161782 |1501 |33818 |
+ROW |161783 |1501 |33819 |
+ROW |161784 |1501 |33820 |
+ROW |161785 |1501 |33821 |
+ROW |161786 |1501 |33822 |
+ROW |161787 |1503 |33823 |
+ROW |161788 |1503 |33824 |
+ROW |161789 |1503 |33825 |
+ROW |161790 |1502 |33826 |
+ROW |161791 |1502 |33827 |
+ROW |161792 |1502 |33829 |
+ROW |161793 |1502 |33830 |
+ROW |161794 |1502 |33831 |
+ROW |161795 |1502 |33832 |
+ROW |161796 |1502 |33833 |
+ROW |161797 |1503 |33834 |
+ROW |161798 |1503 |33835 |
+ROW |161799 |1503 |33836 |
+ROW |161800 |1503 |33837 |
+ROW |161801 |1503 |33838 |
+ROW |161802 |1503 |33839 |
+ROW |161803 |1503 |33840 |
+ROW |161804 |1503 |33844 |
+ROW |161805 |1503 |33845 |
+ROW |161806 |1503 |33846 |
+ROW |161807 |1503 |33847 |
+ROW |161808 |1503 |33848 |
+ROW |161809 |1503 |33849 |
+ROW |161810 |1503 |33850 |
+ROW |161811 |1502 |34088 |
+ROW |161812 |1503 |33857 |
+ROW |161813 |1503 |33858 |
+ROW |161814 |1503 |33859 |
+ROW |161815 |1503 |33860 |
+ROW |161816 |1503 |33861 |
+ROW |161817 |1502 |33862 |
+ROW |161818 |1503 |33863 |
+ROW |161819 |1503 |33864 |
+ROW |161820 |1503 |33865 |
+ROW |161821 |1503 |33866 |
+ROW |161822 |1503 |33867 |
+ROW |161823 |1503 |33868 |
+ROW |161824 |1503 |33869 |
+ROW |161825 |1503 |33870 |
+ROW |161826 |1503 |33871 |
+ROW |161827 |1503 |33872 |
+ROW |161828 |1503 |33873 |
+ROW |161829 |1505 |33874 |
+ROW |161830 |1505 |33875 |
+ROW |161831 |1505 |33876 |
+ROW |161832 |1504 |33877 |
+ROW |161833 |1504 |33878 |
+ROW |161834 |1504 |33880 |
+ROW |161835 |1504 |33881 |
+ROW |161836 |1504 |33882 |
+ROW |161837 |1504 |33883 |
+ROW |161838 |1504 |33884 |
+ROW |161839 |1505 |33885 |
+ROW |161840 |1505 |33886 |
+ROW |161841 |1505 |33887 |
+ROW |161842 |1505 |33888 |
+ROW |161843 |1505 |33889 |
+ROW |161844 |1505 |33890 |
+ROW |161845 |1505 |33891 |
+ROW |161846 |1505 |33895 |
+ROW |161847 |1505 |33896 |
+ROW |161848 |1505 |33897 |
+ROW |161849 |1505 |33898 |
+ROW |161850 |1505 |33899 |
+ROW |161851 |1505 |33900 |
+ROW |161852 |1505 |33901 |
+ROW |161853 |1504 |34089 |
+ROW |161854 |1505 |33908 |
+ROW |161855 |1505 |33909 |
+ROW |161856 |1505 |33910 |
+ROW |161857 |1505 |33911 |
+ROW |161858 |1505 |33912 |
+ROW |161859 |1504 |33913 |
+ROW |161860 |1505 |33914 |
+ROW |161861 |1505 |33915 |
+ROW |161862 |1505 |33916 |
+ROW |161863 |1505 |33917 |
+ROW |161864 |1505 |33918 |
+ROW |161865 |1505 |33919 |
+ROW |161866 |1505 |33920 |
+ROW |161867 |1505 |33921 |
+ROW |161868 |1505 |33922 |
+ROW |161869 |1505 |33923 |
+ROW |161870 |1505 |33924 |
+ROW |161871 |1489 |33433 |
+ROW |161872 |1489 |33434 |
+ROW |161873 |1488 |33435 |
+ROW |161874 |1488 |33436 |
+ROW |161875 |1488 |33438 |
+ROW |161876 |1488 |33439 |
+ROW |161877 |1488 |33440 |
+ROW |161878 |1488 |33441 |
+ROW |161879 |1488 |33442 |
+ROW |161880 |1489 |33443 |
+ROW |161881 |1489 |33444 |
+ROW |161882 |1489 |33445 |
+ROW |161883 |1489 |33446 |
+ROW |161884 |1489 |33447 |
+ROW |161885 |1489 |33448 |
+ROW |161886 |1489 |33449 |
+ROW |161887 |1489 |33453 |
+ROW |161888 |1489 |33454 |
+ROW |161889 |1489 |33455 |
+ROW |161890 |1489 |33456 |
+ROW |161891 |1489 |33457 |
+ROW |161892 |1489 |33458 |
+ROW |161893 |1489 |33459 |
+ROW |161894 |1489 |33925 |
+ROW |161895 |1488 |34090 |
+ROW |161896 |1489 |33465 |
+ROW |161897 |1489 |33466 |
+ROW |161898 |1489 |33467 |
+ROW |161899 |1489 |33468 |
+ROW |161900 |1489 |33469 |
+ROW |161901 |1488 |33470 |
+ROW |161902 |1489 |33471 |
+ROW |161903 |1489 |33472 |
+ROW |161904 |1489 |33473 |
+ROW |161905 |1489 |33474 |
+ROW |161906 |1489 |33475 |
+ROW |161907 |1489 |33476 |
+ROW |161908 |1489 |33477 |
+ROW |161909 |1489 |33478 |
+ROW |161910 |1489 |33927 |
+ROW |161911 |1489 |33928 |
+ROW |161912 |1489 |33929 |
+ROW |161913 |1507 |33930 |
+ROW |161914 |1507 |33931 |
+ROW |161915 |1507 |33932 |
+ROW |161916 |1506 |33933 |
+ROW |161917 |1506 |33934 |
+ROW |161918 |1506 |33936 |
+ROW |161919 |1506 |33937 |
+ROW |161920 |1506 |33938 |
+ROW |161921 |1506 |33939 |
+ROW |161922 |1506 |33940 |
+ROW |161923 |1507 |33941 |
+ROW |161924 |1507 |33942 |
+ROW |161925 |1507 |33943 |
+ROW |161926 |1507 |33944 |
+ROW |161927 |1507 |33945 |
+ROW |161928 |1507 |33946 |
+ROW |161929 |1507 |33947 |
+ROW |161930 |1507 |33951 |
+ROW |161931 |1507 |33952 |
+ROW |161932 |1507 |33953 |
+ROW |161933 |1507 |33954 |
+ROW |161934 |1507 |33955 |
+ROW |161935 |1507 |33956 |
+ROW |161936 |1507 |33957 |
+ROW |161937 |1506 |34091 |
+ROW |161938 |1507 |33964 |
+ROW |161939 |1507 |33965 |
+ROW |161940 |1507 |33966 |
+ROW |161941 |1507 |33967 |
+ROW |161942 |1507 |33968 |
+ROW |161943 |1506 |33969 |
+ROW |161944 |1507 |33970 |
+ROW |161945 |1507 |33971 |
+ROW |161946 |1507 |33972 |
+ROW |161947 |1507 |33973 |
+ROW |161948 |1507 |33974 |
+ROW |161949 |1507 |33975 |
+ROW |161950 |1507 |33976 |
+ROW |161951 |1507 |33977 |
+ROW |161952 |1507 |33978 |
+ROW |161953 |1507 |33979 |
+ROW |161954 |1507 |33980 |
+ROW |161955 |1509 |33981 |
+ROW |161956 |1509 |33982 |
+ROW |161957 |1509 |33983 |
+ROW |161958 |1508 |33984 |
+ROW |161959 |1508 |33985 |
+ROW |161960 |1508 |33987 |
+ROW |161961 |1508 |33988 |
+ROW |161962 |1508 |33989 |
+ROW |161963 |1508 |33990 |
+ROW |161964 |1508 |33991 |
+ROW |161965 |1509 |33992 |
+ROW |161966 |1509 |33993 |
+ROW |161967 |1509 |33994 |
+ROW |161968 |1509 |33995 |
+ROW |161969 |1509 |33996 |
+ROW |161970 |1509 |33997 |
+ROW |161971 |1509 |33998 |
+ROW |161972 |1509 |34002 |
+ROW |161973 |1509 |34003 |
+ROW |161974 |1509 |34004 |
+ROW |161975 |1509 |34005 |
+ROW |161976 |1509 |34006 |
+ROW |161977 |1509 |34007 |
+ROW |161978 |1509 |34008 |
+ROW |161979 |1508 |34092 |
+ROW |161980 |1509 |34015 |
+ROW |161981 |1509 |34016 |
+ROW |161982 |1509 |34017 |
+ROW |161983 |1509 |34018 |
+ROW |161984 |1509 |34019 |
+ROW |161985 |1508 |34020 |
+ROW |161986 |1509 |34021 |
+ROW |161987 |1509 |34022 |
+ROW |161988 |1509 |34023 |
+ROW |161989 |1509 |34024 |
+ROW |161990 |1509 |34025 |
+ROW |161991 |1509 |34026 |
+ROW |161992 |1509 |34027 |
+ROW |161993 |1509 |34028 |
+ROW |161994 |1509 |34029 |
+ROW |161995 |1509 |34030 |
+ROW |161996 |1509 |34031 |
+ROW |161997 |1511 |34032 |
+ROW |161998 |1511 |34033 |
+ROW |161999 |1511 |34034 |
+ROW |162000 |1510 |34035 |
+ROW |162001 |1510 |34036 |
+ROW |162002 |1510 |34038 |
+ROW |162003 |1510 |34039 |
+ROW |162004 |1510 |34040 |
+ROW |162005 |1510 |34041 |
+ROW |162006 |1510 |34042 |
+ROW |162007 |1511 |34043 |
+ROW |162008 |1511 |34044 |
+ROW |162009 |1511 |34045 |
+ROW |162010 |1511 |34046 |
+ROW |162011 |1511 |34047 |
+ROW |162012 |1511 |34048 |
+ROW |162013 |1511 |34049 |
+ROW |162014 |1511 |34053 |
+ROW |162015 |1511 |34054 |
+ROW |162016 |1511 |34055 |
+ROW |162017 |1511 |34056 |
+ROW |162018 |1511 |34057 |
+ROW |162019 |1511 |34058 |
+ROW |162020 |1511 |34059 |
+ROW |162021 |1510 |34093 |
+ROW |162022 |1511 |34066 |
+ROW |162023 |1511 |34067 |
+ROW |162024 |1511 |34068 |
+ROW |162025 |1511 |34069 |
+ROW |162026 |1511 |34070 |
+ROW |162027 |1510 |34071 |
+ROW |162028 |1511 |34072 |
+ROW |162029 |1511 |34073 |
+ROW |162030 |1511 |34074 |
+ROW |162031 |1511 |34075 |
+ROW |162032 |1511 |34076 |
+ROW |162033 |1511 |34077 |
+ROW |162034 |1511 |34078 |
+ROW |162035 |1511 |34079 |
+ROW |162036 |1511 |34080 |
+ROW |162037 |1511 |34081 |
+ROW |162038 |1511 |34082 |
+ROW |162039 |1424 |32776 |
+ROW |162040 |1424 |32777 |
+ROW |162041 |1424 |32778 |
+ROW |162042 |1424 |32779 |
+ROW |162043 |1491 |33479 |
+ROW |162044 |1490 |33480 |
+ROW |162045 |1491 |33481 |
+ROW |162046 |1491 |33482 |
+ROW |162047 |1491 |33483 |
+ROW |162048 |1491 |33484 |
+ROW |162049 |1491 |33485 |
+ROW |162050 |1491 |33486 |
+ROW |162051 |1491 |33487 |
+ROW |162052 |1490 |33488 |
+ROW |162053 |1490 |33489 |
+ROW |162054 |1491 |33490 |
+ROW |162055 |1490 |33491 |
+ROW |162056 |1491 |33492 |
+ROW |162057 |1490 |33493 |
+ROW |162058 |1490 |33494 |
+ROW |162059 |1490 |33495 |
+ROW |162060 |1491 |33496 |
+ROW |162061 |1491 |33497 |
+ROW |162062 |1491 |33498 |
+ROW |162063 |1491 |33499 |
+ROW |162064 |1490 |33500 |
+ROW |162065 |1490 |33501 |
+ROW |162066 |1491 |33502 |
+ROW |162067 |1491 |33503 |
+ROW |162068 |1490 |33504 |
+ROW |162069 |1490 |33505 |
+ROW |162070 |1490 |33506 |
+ROW |162071 |1490 |33507 |
+ROW |162072 |1490 |33508 |
+ROW |162073 |1490 |33509 |
+ROW |162074 |1491 |33510 |
+ROW |162075 |1491 |33511 |
+ROW |162076 |1490 |33512 |
+ROW |162077 |1491 |33545 |
+ROW |162078 |1491 |33551 |
+ROW |162079 |1491 |33552 |
+ROW |162080 |1491 |33553 |
+ROW |162081 |1491 |33559 |
+ROW |162082 |1491 |33560 |
+ROW |162083 |1491 |33561 |
+ROW |162084 |1491 |33562 |
+ROW |162085 |1416 |32612 |
+ROW |162086 |1416 |32613 |
+ROW |162087 |1416 |32614 |
+ROW |162088 |1416 |32615 |
+ROW |162089 |1325 |30685 |
+ROW |162090 |1616 |34946 |
+ROW |162091 |1616 |34947 |
+ROW |162092 |1616 |34948 |
+ROW |162093 |1616 |34949 |
+ROW |162094 |1616 |34950 |
+ROW |162095 |1621 |34951 |
+ROW |162096 |1616 |34952 |
+ROW |162097 |1621 |34953 |
+ROW |162098 |1614 |34964 |
+ROW |162099 |1614 |34965 |
+ROW |162100 |1614 |34966 |
+ROW |162101 |1615 |34967 |
+ROW |162102 |1619 |34982 |
+ROW |162103 |1619 |34983 |
+ROW |162104 |1619 |34984 |
+ROW |162105 |1619 |34985 |
+ROW |162106 |1619 |34986 |
+ROW |162107 |1620 |34987 |
+ROW |162108 |1622 |34988 |
+ROW |162109 |1622 |34989 |
+ROW |162110 |1622 |34990 |
+ROW |162111 |1622 |34991 |
+ROW |162112 |1622 |34992 |
+ROW |162113 |1617 |34993 |
+ROW |162114 |1617 |34994 |
+ROW |162115 |1621 |34995 |
+ROW |162116 |1623 |34996 |
+ROW |162117 |1623 |34997 |
+ROW |162118 |1623 |34998 |
+ROW |162119 |1277 |30066 |
+ROW |162120 |1277 |30067 |
+ROW |162121 |1277 |30068 |
+ROW |162122 |1277 |30069 |
+ROW |162123 |1277 |30070 |
+ROW |162124 |1276 |30071 |
+ROW |162125 |1271 |30072 |
+ROW |162126 |1274 |30073 |
+ROW |162127 |1274 |30074 |
+ROW |162128 |1273 |30075 |
+ROW |162129 |1275 |30076 |
+ROW |162130 |1275 |30077 |
+ROW |162131 |1275 |30078 |
+ROW |162132 |1275 |30079 |
+ROW |162133 |1278 |30080 |
+ROW |162134 |1278 |30081 |
+ROW |162135 |1278 |30082 |
+ROW |162136 |1272 |30083 |
+ROW |162137 |1272 |30084 |
+ROW |162138 |1272 |30085 |
+ROW |162139 |1635 |35041 |
+ROW |162140 |1635 |35042 |
+ROW |162141 |1636 |35043 |
+ROW |162142 |1636 |35044 |
+ROW |162143 |1636 |35045 |
+ROW |162144 |1635 |35046 |
+ROW |162145 |1635 |35047 |
+ROW |162146 |1635 |35048 |
+ROW |162147 |1639 |35049 |
+ROW |162148 |1636 |35050 |
+ROW |162149 |1639 |35051 |
+ROW |162150 |1635 |35052 |
+ROW |162151 |1639 |35053 |
+ROW |162152 |1633 |35061 |
+ROW |162153 |1633 |35062 |
+ROW |162154 |1633 |35063 |
+ROW |162155 |1634 |35064 |
+ROW |162156 |1634 |35065 |
+ROW |162157 |1637 |35066 |
+ROW |162158 |1637 |35067 |
+ROW |162159 |1637 |35068 |
+ROW |162160 |1637 |35069 |
+ROW |162161 |1637 |35070 |
+ROW |162162 |1637 |35071 |
+ROW |162163 |1638 |35072 |
+ROW |162164 |1640 |35073 |
+ROW |162165 |1640 |35074 |
+ROW |162166 |1641 |35075 |
+ROW |162167 |1641 |35076 |
+ROW |162168 |1641 |35077 |
+ROW |162169 |1641 |35078 |
+ROW |162170 |1641 |35079 |
+ROW |162171 |1641 |35080 |
+ROW |162172 |1653 |35123 |
+ROW |162173 |1653 |35124 |
+ROW |162174 |1654 |35125 |
+ROW |162175 |1654 |35126 |
+ROW |162176 |1654 |35127 |
+ROW |162177 |1653 |35128 |
+ROW |162178 |1653 |35129 |
+ROW |162179 |1653 |35130 |
+ROW |162180 |1657 |35131 |
+ROW |162181 |1654 |35132 |
+ROW |162182 |1657 |35133 |
+ROW |162183 |1653 |35134 |
+ROW |162184 |1657 |35135 |
+ROW |162185 |1651 |35143 |
+ROW |162186 |1651 |35144 |
+ROW |162187 |1651 |35145 |
+ROW |162188 |1652 |35146 |
+ROW |162189 |1652 |35147 |
+ROW |162190 |1655 |35148 |
+ROW |162191 |1655 |35149 |
+ROW |162192 |1655 |35150 |
+ROW |162193 |1655 |35151 |
+ROW |162194 |1655 |35152 |
+ROW |162195 |1655 |35153 |
+ROW |162196 |1656 |35154 |
+ROW |162197 |1658 |35155 |
+ROW |162198 |1658 |35156 |
+ROW |162199 |1659 |35157 |
+ROW |162200 |1659 |35158 |
+ROW |162201 |1659 |35159 |
+ROW |162202 |1659 |35160 |
+ROW |162203 |1659 |35161 |
+ROW |162204 |1659 |35162 |
+ROW |162205 |1671 |35205 |
+ROW |162206 |1671 |35206 |
+ROW |162207 |1672 |35207 |
+ROW |162208 |1672 |35208 |
+ROW |162209 |1672 |35209 |
+ROW |162210 |1671 |35210 |
+ROW |162211 |1671 |35211 |
+ROW |162212 |1671 |35212 |
+ROW |162213 |1675 |35213 |
+ROW |162214 |1672 |35214 |
+ROW |162215 |1675 |35215 |
+ROW |162216 |1671 |35216 |
+ROW |162217 |1675 |35217 |
+ROW |162218 |1669 |35225 |
+ROW |162219 |1669 |35226 |
+ROW |162220 |1669 |35227 |
+ROW |162221 |1670 |35228 |
+ROW |162222 |1670 |35229 |
+ROW |162223 |1673 |35230 |
+ROW |162224 |1673 |35231 |
+ROW |162225 |1673 |35232 |
+ROW |162226 |1673 |35233 |
+ROW |162227 |1673 |35234 |
+ROW |162228 |1673 |35235 |
+ROW |162229 |1674 |35236 |
+ROW |162230 |1676 |35237 |
+ROW |162231 |1676 |35238 |
+ROW |162232 |1677 |35239 |
+ROW |162233 |1677 |35240 |
+ROW |162234 |1677 |35241 |
+ROW |162235 |1677 |35242 |
+ROW |162236 |1677 |35243 |
+ROW |162237 |1677 |35244 |
+ROW |162238 |1689 |35287 |
+ROW |162239 |1689 |35288 |
+ROW |162240 |1690 |35289 |
+ROW |162241 |1690 |35290 |
+ROW |162242 |1690 |35291 |
+ROW |162243 |1689 |35292 |
+ROW |162244 |1689 |35293 |
+ROW |162245 |1689 |35294 |
+ROW |162246 |1693 |35295 |
+ROW |162247 |1690 |35296 |
+ROW |162248 |1693 |35297 |
+ROW |162249 |1689 |35298 |
+ROW |162250 |1693 |35299 |
+ROW |162251 |1687 |35307 |
+ROW |162252 |1687 |35308 |
+ROW |162253 |1687 |35309 |
+ROW |162254 |1688 |35310 |
+ROW |162255 |1688 |35311 |
+ROW |162256 |1691 |35312 |
+ROW |162257 |1691 |35313 |
+ROW |162258 |1691 |35314 |
+ROW |162259 |1691 |35315 |
+ROW |162260 |1691 |35316 |
+ROW |162261 |1691 |35317 |
+ROW |162262 |1692 |35318 |
+ROW |162263 |1694 |35319 |
+ROW |162264 |1694 |35320 |
+ROW |162265 |1695 |35321 |
+ROW |162266 |1695 |35322 |
+ROW |162267 |1695 |35323 |
+ROW |162268 |1695 |35324 |
+ROW |162269 |1695 |35325 |
+ROW |162270 |1695 |35326 |
+ROW |162271 |1070 |28341 |
+ROW |162272 |1073 |28342 |
+ROW |162273 |1073 |28344 |
+ROW |162274 |1073 |28345 |
+ROW |162275 |1073 |30141 |
+ROW |162276 |1076 |28354 |
+ROW |162277 |1076 |28355 |
+ROW |162278 |1076 |28356 |
+ROW |162279 |1076 |28357 |
+ROW |162280 |1075 |28358 |
+ROW |162281 |1072 |28359 |
+ROW |162282 |1072 |28360 |
+ROW |162283 |1074 |28361 |
+ROW |162284 |1074 |28362 |
+ROW |162285 |1074 |28363 |
+ROW |162286 |1074 |28364 |
+ROW |162287 |1074 |28365 |
+ROW |162288 |1074 |28366 |
+ROW |162289 |1074 |28367 |
+ROW |162290 |1077 |28368 |
+ROW |162291 |1077 |28369 |
+ROW |162292 |1077 |28370 |
+ROW |162293 |1077 |28371 |
+ROW |162294 |1077 |28372 |
+ROW |162295 |1077 |28373 |
+ROW |162296 |1071 |28374 |
+ROW |162297 |1071 |28375 |
+ROW |162298 |1071 |28376 |
+ROW |162299 |1698 |35327 |
+ROW |162300 |1698 |35328 |
+ROW |162301 |1699 |35329 |
+ROW |162302 |1699 |35330 |
+ROW |162303 |1698 |35331 |
+ROW |162304 |1698 |35332 |
+ROW |162305 |1698 |35333 |
+ROW |162306 |1704 |35334 |
+ROW |162307 |1703 |35335 |
+ROW |162308 |1703 |35336 |
+ROW |162309 |1698 |35337 |
+ROW |162310 |1703 |35338 |
+ROW |162311 |1696 |35353 |
+ROW |162312 |1696 |35354 |
+ROW |162313 |1696 |35355 |
+ROW |162314 |1696 |35356 |
+ROW |162315 |1697 |35357 |
+ROW |162316 |1700 |35358 |
+ROW |162317 |1701 |35359 |
+ROW |162318 |1701 |35360 |
+ROW |162319 |1701 |35361 |
+ROW |162320 |1701 |35362 |
+ROW |162321 |1701 |35363 |
+ROW |162322 |1701 |35364 |
+ROW |162323 |1702 |35365 |
+ROW |162324 |1704 |35366 |
+ROW |162325 |1704 |35367 |
+ROW |162326 |1704 |35368 |
+ROW |162327 |1704 |35369 |
+ROW |162328 |1704 |35370 |
+ROW |162329 |1704 |35371 |
+ROW |162330 |1704 |35372 |
+ROW |162331 |1704 |35373 |
+ROW |162332 |1704 |35374 |
+ROW |162333 |1704 |35375 |
+ROW |162334 |1704 |35376 |
+ROW |162335 |1704 |35377 |
+ROW |162336 |1704 |35378 |
+ROW |162337 |1704 |35379 |
+ROW |162338 |1704 |35380 |
+ROW |162339 |1705 |35381 |
+ROW |162340 |1705 |35382 |
+ROW |162341 |1705 |35383 |
+ROW |162342 |1708 |35384 |
+ROW |162343 |1708 |35385 |
+ROW |162344 |1709 |35386 |
+ROW |162345 |1709 |35387 |
+ROW |162346 |1708 |35388 |
+ROW |162347 |1708 |35389 |
+ROW |162348 |1708 |35390 |
+ROW |162349 |1714 |35391 |
+ROW |162350 |1713 |35392 |
+ROW |162351 |1713 |35393 |
+ROW |162352 |1708 |35394 |
+ROW |162353 |1713 |35395 |
+ROW |162354 |1706 |35410 |
+ROW |162355 |1706 |35411 |
+ROW |162356 |1706 |35412 |
+ROW |162357 |1706 |35413 |
+ROW |162358 |1707 |35414 |
+ROW |162359 |1710 |35415 |
+ROW |162360 |1711 |35416 |
+ROW |162361 |1711 |35417 |
+ROW |162362 |1711 |35418 |
+ROW |162363 |1711 |35419 |
+ROW |162364 |1711 |35420 |
+ROW |162365 |1711 |35421 |
+ROW |162366 |1712 |35422 |
+ROW |162367 |1714 |35423 |
+ROW |162368 |1714 |35424 |
+ROW |162369 |1714 |35425 |
+ROW |162370 |1714 |35426 |
+ROW |162371 |1714 |35427 |
+ROW |162372 |1714 |35428 |
+ROW |162373 |1714 |35429 |
+ROW |162374 |1714 |35430 |
+ROW |162375 |1714 |35431 |
+ROW |162376 |1714 |35432 |
+ROW |162377 |1714 |35433 |
+ROW |162378 |1714 |35434 |
+ROW |162379 |1714 |35435 |
+ROW |162380 |1714 |35436 |
+ROW |162381 |1714 |35437 |
+ROW |162382 |1715 |35438 |
+ROW |162383 |1715 |35439 |
+ROW |162384 |1715 |35440 |
+ROW |162385 |1718 |35441 |
+ROW |162386 |1718 |35442 |
+ROW |162387 |1719 |35443 |
+ROW |162388 |1719 |35444 |
+ROW |162389 |1718 |35445 |
+ROW |162390 |1718 |35446 |
+ROW |162391 |1718 |35447 |
+ROW |162392 |1724 |35448 |
+ROW |162393 |1723 |35449 |
+ROW |162394 |1723 |35450 |
+ROW |162395 |1718 |35451 |
+ROW |162396 |1723 |35452 |
+ROW |162397 |1716 |35467 |
+ROW |162398 |1716 |35468 |
+ROW |162399 |1716 |35469 |
+ROW |162400 |1716 |35470 |
+ROW |162401 |1717 |35471 |
+ROW |162402 |1720 |35472 |
+ROW |162403 |1721 |35473 |
+ROW |162404 |1721 |35474 |
+ROW |162405 |1721 |35475 |
+ROW |162406 |1721 |35476 |
+ROW |162407 |1721 |35477 |
+ROW |162408 |1721 |35478 |
+ROW |162409 |1722 |35479 |
+ROW |162410 |1724 |35480 |
+ROW |162411 |1724 |35481 |
+ROW |162412 |1724 |35482 |
+ROW |162413 |1724 |35483 |
+ROW |162414 |1724 |35484 |
+ROW |162415 |1724 |35485 |
+ROW |162416 |1724 |35486 |
+ROW |162417 |1724 |35487 |
+ROW |162418 |1724 |35488 |
+ROW |162419 |1724 |35489 |
+ROW |162420 |1724 |35490 |
+ROW |162421 |1724 |35491 |
+ROW |162422 |1724 |35492 |
+ROW |162423 |1724 |35493 |
+ROW |162424 |1724 |35494 |
+ROW |162425 |1725 |35495 |
+ROW |162426 |1725 |35496 |
+ROW |162427 |1725 |35497 |
+ROW |162428 |1728 |35498 |
+ROW |162429 |1728 |35499 |
+ROW |162430 |1729 |35500 |
+ROW |162431 |1729 |35501 |
+ROW |162432 |1728 |35502 |
+ROW |162433 |1728 |35503 |
+ROW |162434 |1728 |35504 |
+ROW |162435 |1734 |35505 |
+ROW |162436 |1733 |35506 |
+ROW |162437 |1733 |35507 |
+ROW |162438 |1728 |35508 |
+ROW |162439 |1733 |35509 |
+ROW |162440 |1726 |35524 |
+ROW |162441 |1726 |35525 |
+ROW |162442 |1726 |35526 |
+ROW |162443 |1726 |35527 |
+ROW |162444 |1727 |35528 |
+ROW |162445 |1730 |35529 |
+ROW |162446 |1731 |35530 |
+ROW |162447 |1731 |35531 |
+ROW |162448 |1731 |35532 |
+ROW |162449 |1731 |35533 |
+ROW |162450 |1731 |35534 |
+ROW |162451 |1731 |35535 |
+ROW |162452 |1732 |35536 |
+ROW |162453 |1734 |35537 |
+ROW |162454 |1734 |35538 |
+ROW |162455 |1734 |35539 |
+ROW |162456 |1734 |35540 |
+ROW |162457 |1734 |35541 |
+ROW |162458 |1734 |35542 |
+ROW |162459 |1734 |35543 |
+ROW |162460 |1734 |35544 |
+ROW |162461 |1734 |35545 |
+ROW |162462 |1734 |35546 |
+ROW |162463 |1734 |35547 |
+ROW |162464 |1734 |35548 |
+ROW |162465 |1734 |35549 |
+ROW |162466 |1734 |35550 |
+ROW |162467 |1734 |35551 |
+ROW |162468 |1735 |35552 |
+ROW |162469 |1735 |35553 |
+ROW |162470 |1735 |35554 |
+ROW |162471 |1085 |28388 |
+ROW |162472 |1082 |28390 |
+ROW |162473 |1082 |28391 |
+ROW |162474 |1079 |29994 |
+ROW |162475 |1085 |28404 |
+ROW |162476 |1085 |28405 |
+ROW |162477 |1085 |28406 |
+ROW |162478 |1085 |28407 |
+ROW |162479 |1085 |28408 |
+ROW |162480 |1085 |28409 |
+ROW |162481 |1084 |28411 |
+ROW |162482 |1081 |28412 |
+ROW |162483 |1080 |28413 |
+ROW |162484 |1080 |28414 |
+ROW |162485 |1080 |28415 |
+ROW |162486 |1080 |28416 |
+ROW |162487 |1083 |28417 |
+ROW |162488 |1083 |28418 |
+ROW |162489 |1083 |28419 |
+ROW |162490 |1083 |28420 |
+ROW |162491 |1083 |28421 |
+ROW |162492 |1083 |28422 |
+ROW |162493 |1086 |28423 |
+ROW |162494 |1086 |28424 |
+ROW |162495 |1086 |28425 |
+ROW |162496 |1085 |32732 |
+ROW |162497 |1085 |32733 |
+ROW |162498 |1085 |32734 |
+ROW |162499 |1085 |32735 |
+ROW |162500 |1085 |32736 |
+ROW |162501 |1085 |32737 |
+ROW |162502 |1085 |32738 |
+ROW |162503 |1085 |32739 |
+ROW |162504 |1085 |32740 |
+ROW |162505 |1095 |28465 |
+ROW |162506 |1097 |28466 |
+ROW |162507 |1097 |28467 |
+ROW |162508 |1100 |28474 |
+ROW |162509 |1100 |28475 |
+ROW |162510 |1100 |28476 |
+ROW |162511 |1099 |28477 |
+ROW |162512 |1096 |28478 |
+ROW |162513 |1096 |28479 |
+ROW |162514 |1098 |28480 |
+ROW |162515 |1098 |28481 |
+ROW |162516 |1104 |28495 |
+ROW |162517 |1103 |28496 |
TABLE |mappings
FIELDS|mappingid|valuemapid|value|newvalue |
@@ -33377,6 +33775,10 @@ ROW |2111 |255 |3 |lowerlayerdown
ROW |2112 |255 |4 |testing |
ROW |2113 |255 |5 |dormant |
ROW |2114 |255 |6 |up |
+ROW |2115 |256 |0 |not running |
+ROW |2116 |256 |2 |running |
+ROW |2117 |257 |1 |true |
+ROW |2118 |257 |2 |false |
TABLE |sysmaps
FIELDS|sysmapid|name |width|height|backgroundid|label_type|label_location|highlight|expandproblem|markelements|show_unack|grid_size|grid_show|grid_align|label_format|label_type_host|label_type_hostgroup|label_type_trigger|label_type_map|label_type_image|label_string_host|label_string_hostgroup|label_string_trigger|label_string_map|label_string_image|iconmapid|expand_macros|severity_min|userid|private|show_suppressed|
@@ -36998,36 +37400,6 @@ ROW |5073 |36630 |31333 |
ROW |5074 |36631 |31334 |
ROW |5075 |36632 |31351 |
ROW |5076 |36633 |31352 |
-ROW |5077 |36675 |36674 |
-ROW |5078 |36676 |36674 |
-ROW |5079 |36677 |36674 |
-ROW |5080 |36678 |36674 |
-ROW |5081 |36679 |36674 |
-ROW |5082 |36680 |36674 |
-ROW |5083 |36681 |36674 |
-ROW |5084 |36682 |36674 |
-ROW |5085 |36683 |36674 |
-ROW |5086 |36684 |36674 |
-ROW |5087 |36685 |36674 |
-ROW |5088 |36686 |36674 |
-ROW |5089 |36687 |36674 |
-ROW |5090 |36688 |36674 |
-ROW |5091 |36689 |36674 |
-ROW |5092 |36690 |36674 |
-ROW |5093 |36691 |36674 |
-ROW |5094 |36692 |36674 |
-ROW |5095 |36693 |36674 |
-ROW |5096 |36694 |36674 |
-ROW |5097 |36695 |36674 |
-ROW |5098 |36696 |36674 |
-ROW |5099 |36697 |36674 |
-ROW |5100 |36698 |36674 |
-ROW |5101 |36699 |36674 |
-ROW |5102 |36700 |36674 |
-ROW |5103 |36701 |36674 |
-ROW |5104 |36702 |36674 |
-ROW |5105 |36703 |36674 |
-ROW |5106 |36704 |36674 |
ROW |5107 |36770 |36768 |
ROW |5108 |36771 |36768 |
ROW |5109 |36772 |36768 |
@@ -37060,6 +37432,76 @@ ROW |5135 |36798 |36768 |
ROW |5136 |36799 |36769 |
ROW |5137 |36800 |36769 |
ROW |5138 |36801 |36769 |
+ROW |5139 |36848 |36844 |
+ROW |5140 |36849 |36844 |
+ROW |5141 |36850 |36844 |
+ROW |5142 |36851 |36844 |
+ROW |5143 |36852 |36844 |
+ROW |5144 |36853 |36844 |
+ROW |5145 |36854 |36845 |
+ROW |5146 |36855 |36845 |
+ROW |5147 |36856 |36845 |
+ROW |5148 |36857 |36845 |
+ROW |5149 |36858 |36845 |
+ROW |5150 |36859 |36845 |
+ROW |5151 |36860 |36845 |
+ROW |5152 |36861 |36845 |
+ROW |5153 |36862 |36845 |
+ROW |5154 |36863 |36845 |
+ROW |5155 |36864 |36845 |
+ROW |5156 |36865 |36845 |
+ROW |5157 |36866 |36845 |
+ROW |5158 |36867 |36845 |
+ROW |5159 |36868 |36845 |
+ROW |5160 |36869 |36845 |
+ROW |5161 |36870 |36845 |
+ROW |5162 |36871 |36845 |
+ROW |5163 |36872 |36845 |
+ROW |5164 |36873 |36845 |
+ROW |5165 |36874 |36845 |
+ROW |5166 |36875 |36845 |
+ROW |5167 |36876 |36845 |
+ROW |5168 |36877 |36845 |
+ROW |5169 |36878 |36845 |
+ROW |5170 |36879 |36845 |
+ROW |5171 |36880 |36846 |
+ROW |5172 |36881 |36846 |
+ROW |5173 |36882 |36846 |
+ROW |5174 |36883 |36847 |
+ROW |5175 |36884 |36847 |
+ROW |5176 |36885 |36847 |
+ROW |5177 |36886 |36847 |
+ROW |5178 |36887 |36844 |
+ROW |5179 |36975 |36974 |
+ROW |5180 |36976 |36974 |
+ROW |5181 |36977 |36974 |
+ROW |5182 |36978 |36974 |
+ROW |5183 |36979 |36974 |
+ROW |5184 |36980 |36974 |
+ROW |5185 |36981 |36974 |
+ROW |5186 |36982 |36974 |
+ROW |5187 |36983 |36974 |
+ROW |5188 |36984 |36974 |
+ROW |5189 |36985 |36974 |
+ROW |5190 |36986 |36974 |
+ROW |5191 |36987 |36974 |
+ROW |5192 |36988 |36974 |
+ROW |5193 |36989 |36974 |
+ROW |5194 |36990 |36974 |
+ROW |5195 |36991 |36974 |
+ROW |5196 |36992 |36974 |
+ROW |5197 |36993 |36974 |
+ROW |5198 |36994 |36974 |
+ROW |5199 |36995 |36974 |
+ROW |5200 |36996 |36974 |
+ROW |5201 |36997 |36974 |
+ROW |5202 |36998 |36974 |
+ROW |5203 |36999 |36974 |
+ROW |5204 |37000 |36974 |
+ROW |5205 |37001 |36974 |
+ROW |5206 |37002 |36974 |
+ROW |5207 |37003 |36974 |
+ROW |5208 |37004 |36974 |
TABLE |host_discovery
@@ -38443,9 +38885,27 @@ ROW |1613 |36604 |8 |{#IFDESCR} |{$NET.IF.IFDESC
ROW |1614 |36604 |9 |{#IFDESCR} |{$NET.IF.IFDESCR.NOT_MATCHES} |
ROW |1615 |36604 |8 |{#IFALIAS} |{$NET.IF.IFALIAS.MATCHES} |
ROW |1616 |36604 |9 |{#IFALIAS} |{$NET.IF.IFALIAS.NOT_MATCHES} |
-ROW |1617 |36674 |8 |{#DBNAME} |{$PG.LLD.FILTER.DBNAME} |
ROW |1618 |36768 |8 |{#DBNAME} |{$PG.LLD.FILTER.DBNAME} |
+ROW |1624 |36845 |8 |{#IFNAME} |{$NET.IF.IFNAME.MATCHES} |
+ROW |1625 |36845 |9 |{#IFNAME} |{$NET.IF.IFNAME.NOT_MATCHES} |
+ROW |1626 |36845 |8 |{#IFDESCR} |{$NET.IF.IFDESCR.MATCHES} |
+ROW |1627 |36845 |9 |{#IFDESCR} |{$NET.IF.IFDESCR.NOT_MATCHES} |
+ROW |1628 |36845 |8 |{#IFALIAS} |{$NET.IF.IFALIAS.MATCHES} |
+ROW |1629 |36845 |9 |{#IFALIAS} |{$NET.IF.IFALIAS.NOT_MATCHES} |
+ROW |1630 |36845 |8 |{#IFTYPE} |{$NET.IF.IFTYPE.MATCHES} |
+ROW |1631 |36845 |9 |{#IFTYPE} |{$NET.IF.IFTYPE.NOT_MATCHES} |
+ROW |1632 |36846 |8 |{#DEVNAME} |{$VFS.DEV.DEVNAME.MATCHES} |
+ROW |1633 |36846 |9 |{#DEVNAME} |{$VFS.DEV.DEVNAME.NOT_MATCHES} |
+ROW |1634 |36847 |8 |{#FSTYPE} |{$VFS.FS.FSTYPE.MATCHES} |
+ROW |1635 |36847 |9 |{#FSTYPE} |{$VFS.FS.FSTYPE.NOT_MATCHES} |
+ROW |1636 |36847 |8 |{#FSNAME} |{$VFS.FS.FSNAME.MATCHES} |
+ROW |1637 |36847 |9 |{#FSNAME} |{$VFS.FS.FSNAME.NOT_MATCHES} |
+ROW |1638 |36974 |8 |{#DBNAME} |{$PG.LLD.FILTER.DBNAME} |
TABLE |item_rtdata
@@ -38816,9 +39276,9 @@ ROW |377 |36546 |NULL |Port {#ZYXEL.SFP.PORT}
ROW |378 |36547 |NULL |Port {#SNMPINDEX} |
ROW |379 |36581 |NULL |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}) |
ROW |381 |36603 |NULL |Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}) |
-ROW |383 |36674 |NULL |PostgreSQL: DB {#DBNAME} |
ROW |384 |36768 |NULL |PostgreSQL: DB {#DBNAME} |
ROW |385 |36769 |NULL |PostgreSQL: Application {#APPLICATION_NAME} |
+ROW |386 |36974 |NULL |PostgreSQL: DB {#DBNAME} |
TABLE |application_prototype
FIELDS|application_prototypeid|itemid|templateid|name |
@@ -41372,34 +41832,6 @@ ROW |2841 |134 |36630 |
ROW |2842 |135 |36631 |
ROW |2843 |136 |36632 |
ROW |2844 |137 |36633 |
-ROW |2845 |383 |36675 |
-ROW |2846 |383 |36678 |
-ROW |2847 |383 |36679 |
-ROW |2848 |383 |36680 |
-ROW |2849 |383 |36681 |
-ROW |2850 |383 |36682 |
-ROW |2851 |383 |36683 |
-ROW |2852 |383 |36684 |
-ROW |2853 |383 |36685 |
-ROW |2854 |383 |36686 |
-ROW |2855 |383 |36687 |
-ROW |2856 |383 |36688 |
-ROW |2857 |383 |36689 |
-ROW |2858 |383 |36690 |
-ROW |2859 |383 |36691 |
-ROW |2860 |383 |36692 |
-ROW |2861 |383 |36693 |
-ROW |2862 |383 |36694 |
-ROW |2863 |383 |36695 |
-ROW |2864 |383 |36696 |
-ROW |2865 |383 |36697 |
-ROW |2866 |383 |36698 |
-ROW |2867 |383 |36699 |
-ROW |2868 |383 |36700 |
-ROW |2869 |383 |36701 |
-ROW |2870 |383 |36702 |
-ROW |2871 |383 |36703 |
-ROW |2872 |383 |36704 |
ROW |2873 |384 |36770 |
ROW |2874 |384 |36771 |
ROW |2875 |384 |36772 |
@@ -41432,6 +41864,34 @@ ROW |2901 |384 |36798 |
ROW |2902 |385 |36799 |
ROW |2903 |385 |36800 |
ROW |2904 |385 |36801 |
+ROW |2905 |386 |36975 |
+ROW |2906 |386 |36978 |
+ROW |2907 |386 |36979 |
+ROW |2908 |386 |36980 |
+ROW |2909 |386 |36981 |
+ROW |2910 |386 |36982 |
+ROW |2911 |386 |36983 |
+ROW |2912 |386 |36984 |
+ROW |2913 |386 |36985 |
+ROW |2914 |386 |36986 |
+ROW |2915 |386 |36987 |
+ROW |2916 |386 |36988 |
+ROW |2917 |386 |36989 |
+ROW |2918 |386 |36990 |
+ROW |2919 |386 |36991 |
+ROW |2920 |386 |36992 |
+ROW |2921 |386 |36993 |
+ROW |2922 |386 |36994 |
+ROW |2923 |386 |36995 |
+ROW |2924 |386 |36996 |
+ROW |2925 |386 |36997 |
+ROW |2926 |386 |36998 |
+ROW |2927 |386 |36999 |
+ROW |2928 |386 |37000 |
+ROW |2929 |386 |37001 |
+ROW |2930 |386 |37002 |
+ROW |2931 |386 |37003 |
+ROW |2932 |386 |37004 |
TABLE |item_preproc
FIELDS|item_preprocid|itemid|step|type|params |error_handler|error_handler_params |
@@ -42633,46 +43093,6 @@ ROW |62570 |32203 |1 |12 |$.quorum_size
ROW |62571 |32204 |1 |12 |$.synced_followers |0 | |
ROW |62572 |32205 |1 |12 |$.synced_non_voting_followers |0 | |
ROW |62573 |32206 |1 |12 |$.synced_observers |0 | |
-ROW |62574 |28586 |1 |12 |$.queue |0 | |
-ROW |62575 |28587 |1 |12 |$.queue |0 | |
-ROW |62576 |28588 |1 |12 |$.data.process['vmware collector'].busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62577 |28589 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.values.uint |0 | |
-ROW |62578 |28589 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |62579 |28590 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.values.text |0 | |
-ROW |62580 |28590 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |62581 |28591 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.values.str |0 | |
-ROW |62582 |28591 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |62583 |28592 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.values['not supported'] |0 | |
-ROW |62584 |28592 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |62585 |28593 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.values.log |0 | |
-ROW |62586 |28593 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |62587 |28594 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.values.float |0 | |
-ROW |62588 |28594 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |62589 |28595 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.values.all |0 | |
-ROW |62590 |28595 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |62591 |28596 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.index.pused |0 | |
-ROW |62592 |28597 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.history.pused |0 | |
-ROW |62593 |28598 |1 |12 |$.data.vmware.pused |0 | |
-ROW |62594 |28599 |1 |12 |$.data.rcache.pused |0 | |
-ROW |62595 |28600 |1 |12 |$.data.process['configuration syncer'].busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62596 |28601 |1 |12 |$.data.process['data sender'].busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62597 |28602 |1 |12 |$.data.process.trapper.busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62598 |28603 |1 |12 |$.data.process['task manager'].busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62599 |28604 |1 |12 |$.data.process['snmp trapper'].busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62600 |28605 |1 |12 |$.data.process['self-monitoring'].busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62601 |28606 |1 |12 |$.data.process.poller.busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62602 |28607 |1 |12 |$.data.process['java poller'].busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62603 |28608 |1 |12 |$.data.process['ipmi poller'].busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62604 |28609 |1 |12 |$.data.process['ipmi manager'].busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62605 |28610 |1 |12 |$.data.process['icmp pinger'].busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62606 |28611 |1 |12 |$.data.process['http poller'].busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62607 |28612 |1 |12 |$.data.process.housekeeper.busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62608 |28613 |1 |12 |$.data.process['history syncer'].busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62609 |28614 |1 |12 |$.data.process['heartbeat sender'].busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62610 |28615 |1 |12 |$.data.process.discoverer.busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62611 |28616 |1 |12 |$.data.process['unreachable poller'].busy.avg |0 | |
-ROW |62612 |31052 |1 |12 |$.data.version |0 | |
-ROW |62613 |31052 |2 |20 |1d |0 | |
ROW |62614 |28540 |1 |12 |$.queue |0 | |
ROW |62615 |28541 |1 |12 |$.queue |0 | |
ROW |62616 |28542 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.index.pused |0 | |
@@ -42844,16 +43264,10 @@ ROW |62781 |30836 |3 |10 |
ROW |62782 |30837 |1 |12 |$[?(@.metric == "ReplicasMaxAbsoluteDelay")].value.first() |0 | |
ROW |62783 |30838 |1 |12 |$[?(@.metric == "ReadonlyReplica")].value.first() |0 | |
ROW |62784 |30839 |1 |12 |$[?(@.metric == "Revision")].value.first() |0 | |
-ROW |62785 |30840 |1 |12 |$[?(@.event == "ZooKeeperOtherExceptions")].value.first() |2 |0 |
-ROW |62786 |30840 |2 |10 | |0 | |
ROW |62787 |30841 |1 |12 |$[?(@.event == "SelectQuery")].value.first() |2 |0 |
ROW |62788 |30841 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |62789 |30842 |1 |12 |$[?(@.event == "ZooKeeperUserExceptions")].value.first() |2 |0 |
-ROW |62790 |30842 |2 |10 | |0 | |
ROW |62791 |30843 |1 |12 |$[?(@.metric == "ZooKeeperSession")].value.first() |0 | |
ROW |62792 |30844 |1 |12 |$[?(@.metric == "ZooKeeperRequest")].value.first() |0 | |
-ROW |62793 |30845 |1 |12 |$[?(@.event == "ZooKeeperHardwareExceptions")].value.first() |2 |0 |
-ROW |62794 |30845 |2 |10 | |0 | |
ROW |62795 |30846 |1 |12 |$[?(@.metric == "Uptime")].value.first() |0 | |
ROW |62796 |30847 |1 |12 |$[?(@.metric == "Query")].value.first() |0 | |
ROW |62797 |30848 |1 |12 |$[?(@.metric == "DistributedSend")].value.first() |0 | |
@@ -44602,7 +45016,7 @@ ROW |64660 |29218 |1 |10 |
ROW |64661 |29219 |1 |10 | |0 | |
ROW |64662 |29220 |1 |10 | |0 | |
ROW |64663 |29221 |1 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |64664 |29222 |1 |21 |var newvalue;&bsn;switch(value) {&bsn; case "unkonwn":&bsn; newvalue = 0;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "notpresent":&bsn; newvalue = 1;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "down":&bsn; newvalue = 2;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "lowerlayerdown":&bsn; newvalue = 3;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "testing":&bsn; newvalue = 4;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "dormant":&bsn; newvalue = 5;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "up":&bsn; newvalue = 6;&bsn; break; default:&bsn; newvalue = "Problem parsing interface operstate in JS";&bsn;}&bsn;return newvalue; |0 | |
+ROW |64664 |29222 |1 |21 |var newvalue;&bsn;switch(value) {&bsn; case "unknown":&bsn; newvalue = 0;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "notpresent":&bsn; newvalue = 1;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "down":&bsn; newvalue = 2;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "lowerlayerdown":&bsn; newvalue = 3;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "testing":&bsn; newvalue = 4;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "dormant":&bsn; newvalue = 5;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "up":&bsn; newvalue = 6;&bsn; break; default:&bsn; newvalue = "Problem parsing interface operstate in JS";&bsn;}&bsn;return newvalue; |0 | |
ROW |64665 |29223 |1 |20 |1d |0 | |
ROW |64666 |31278 |1 |21 |return JSON.stringify(value.trim().split(/ +/)); |0 | |
ROW |64667 |29230 |1 |10 | |0 | |
@@ -44613,7 +45027,7 @@ ROW |64671 |29232 |1 |10 |
ROW |64672 |29233 |1 |10 | |0 | |
ROW |64673 |29234 |1 |10 | |0 | |
ROW |64674 |29235 |1 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |64675 |29236 |1 |21 |var newvalue;&bsn;switch(value) {&bsn; case "unkonwn":&bsn; newvalue = 0;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "notpresent":&bsn; newvalue = 1;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "down":&bsn; newvalue = 2;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "lowerlayerdown":&bsn; newvalue = 3;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "testing":&bsn; newvalue = 4;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "dormant":&bsn; newvalue = 5;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "up":&bsn; newvalue = 6;&bsn; break; default:&bsn; newvalue = "Problem parsing interface operstate in JS";&bsn;}&bsn;return newvalue; |0 | |
+ROW |64675 |29236 |1 |21 |var newvalue;&bsn;switch(value) {&bsn; case "unknown":&bsn; newvalue = 0;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "notpresent":&bsn; newvalue = 1;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "down":&bsn; newvalue = 2;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "lowerlayerdown":&bsn; newvalue = 3;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "testing":&bsn; newvalue = 4;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "dormant":&bsn; newvalue = 5;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "up":&bsn; newvalue = 6;&bsn; break; default:&bsn; newvalue = "Problem parsing interface operstate in JS";&bsn;}&bsn;return newvalue; |0 | |
ROW |64676 |29237 |1 |20 |1d |0 | |
ROW |64677 |31281 |1 |21 |return JSON.stringify(value.trim().split(/ +/)); |0 | |
ROW |64678 |29244 |1 |10 | |0 | |
@@ -44624,7 +45038,7 @@ ROW |64682 |29246 |1 |10 |
ROW |64683 |29247 |1 |10 | |0 | |
ROW |64684 |29248 |1 |10 | |0 | |
ROW |64685 |29249 |1 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |64686 |29250 |1 |21 |var newvalue;&bsn;switch(value) {&bsn; case "unkonwn":&bsn; newvalue = 0;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "notpresent":&bsn; newvalue = 1;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "down":&bsn; newvalue = 2;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "lowerlayerdown":&bsn; newvalue = 3;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "testing":&bsn; newvalue = 4;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "dormant":&bsn; newvalue = 5;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "up":&bsn; newvalue = 6;&bsn; break; default:&bsn; newvalue = "Problem parsing interface operstate in JS";&bsn;}&bsn;return newvalue; |0 | |
+ROW |64686 |29250 |1 |21 |var newvalue;&bsn;switch(value) {&bsn; case "unknown":&bsn; newvalue = 0;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "notpresent":&bsn; newvalue = 1;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "down":&bsn; newvalue = 2;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "lowerlayerdown":&bsn; newvalue = 3;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "testing":&bsn; newvalue = 4;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "dormant":&bsn; newvalue = 5;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "up":&bsn; newvalue = 6;&bsn; break; default:&bsn; newvalue = "Problem parsing interface operstate in JS";&bsn;}&bsn;return newvalue; |0 | |
ROW |64687 |29251 |1 |20 |1d |0 | |
ROW |64688 |31284 |1 |21 |return JSON.stringify(value.trim().split(/ +/)); |0 | |
ROW |64689 |31285 |1 |12 |$[10] |0 | |
@@ -44713,7 +45127,7 @@ ROW |64771 |29363 |1 |10 |
ROW |64772 |29364 |1 |10 | |0 | |
ROW |64773 |29365 |1 |10 | |0 | |
ROW |64774 |29366 |1 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |64775 |29367 |1 |21 |var newvalue;&bsn;switch(value) {&bsn; case "unkonwn":&bsn; newvalue = 0;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "notpresent":&bsn; newvalue = 1;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "down":&bsn; newvalue = 2;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "lowerlayerdown":&bsn; newvalue = 3;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "testing":&bsn; newvalue = 4;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "dormant":&bsn; newvalue = 5;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "up":&bsn; newvalue = 6;&bsn; break; default:&bsn; newvalue = "Problem parsing interface operstate in JS";&bsn;}&bsn;return newvalue; |0 | |
+ROW |64775 |29367 |1 |21 |var newvalue;&bsn;switch(value) {&bsn; case "unknown":&bsn; newvalue = 0;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "notpresent":&bsn; newvalue = 1;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "down":&bsn; newvalue = 2;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "lowerlayerdown":&bsn; newvalue = 3;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "testing":&bsn; newvalue = 4;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "dormant":&bsn; newvalue = 5;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "up":&bsn; newvalue = 6;&bsn; break; default:&bsn; newvalue = "Problem parsing interface operstate in JS";&bsn;}&bsn;return newvalue; |0 | |
ROW |64776 |29368 |1 |20 |1d |0 | |
ROW |64777 |31309 |1 |21 |return JSON.stringify(value.trim().split(/ +/)); |0 | |
ROW |64778 |29375 |1 |10 | |0 | |
@@ -44724,7 +45138,7 @@ ROW |64782 |29377 |1 |10 |
ROW |64783 |29378 |1 |10 | |0 | |
ROW |64784 |29379 |1 |10 | |0 | |
ROW |64785 |29380 |1 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |64786 |29381 |1 |21 |var newvalue;&bsn;switch(value) {&bsn; case "unkonwn":&bsn; newvalue = 0;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "notpresent":&bsn; newvalue = 1;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "down":&bsn; newvalue = 2;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "lowerlayerdown":&bsn; newvalue = 3;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "testing":&bsn; newvalue = 4;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "dormant":&bsn; newvalue = 5;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "up":&bsn; newvalue = 6;&bsn; break; default:&bsn; newvalue = "Problem parsing interface operstate in JS";&bsn;}&bsn;return newvalue; |0 | |
+ROW |64786 |29381 |1 |21 |var newvalue;&bsn;switch(value) {&bsn; case "unknown":&bsn; newvalue = 0;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "notpresent":&bsn; newvalue = 1;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "down":&bsn; newvalue = 2;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "lowerlayerdown":&bsn; newvalue = 3;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "testing":&bsn; newvalue = 4;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "dormant":&bsn; newvalue = 5;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "up":&bsn; newvalue = 6;&bsn; break; default:&bsn; newvalue = "Problem parsing interface operstate in JS";&bsn;}&bsn;return newvalue; |0 | |
ROW |64787 |29382 |1 |20 |1d |0 | |
ROW |64788 |31312 |1 |21 |return JSON.stringify(value.trim().split(/ +/)); |0 | |
ROW |64789 |31313 |1 |12 |$[10] |0 | |
@@ -44851,7 +45265,7 @@ ROW |64909 |29442 |1 |22 |node_network_speed_bytes{device="{#IFNAME
ROW |64910 |29442 |2 |1 |8 |0 | |
ROW |64911 |29443 |1 |22 |node_network_protocol_type{device="{#IFNAME}"}&bsn; |0 | |
ROW |64912 |29444 |1 |22 |node_network_info{device="{#IFNAME}"}&bsn;operstate |0 | |
-ROW |64913 |29444 |2 |21 |var newvalue;&bsn;switch(value) {&bsn; case "unkonwn":&bsn; newvalue = 0;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "notpresent":&bsn; newvalue = 1;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "down":&bsn; newvalue = 2;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "lowerlayerdown":&bsn; newvalue = 3;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "testing":&bsn; newvalue = 4;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "dormant":&bsn; newvalue = 5;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "up":&bsn; newvalue = 6;&bsn; break; default:&bsn; newvalue = "Problem parsing interface operstate in JS";&bsn;}&bsn;return newvalue; |0 | |
+ROW |64913 |29444 |2 |21 |var newvalue;&bsn;switch(value) {&bsn; case "unknown":&bsn; newvalue = 0;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "notpresent":&bsn; newvalue = 1;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "down":&bsn; newvalue = 2;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "lowerlayerdown":&bsn; newvalue = 3;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "testing":&bsn; newvalue = 4;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "dormant":&bsn; newvalue = 5;&bsn; break;&bsn; case "up":&bsn; newvalue = 6;&bsn; break; default:&bsn; newvalue = "Problem parsing interface operstate in JS";&bsn;}&bsn;return newvalue; |0 | |
ROW |64914 |29445 |1 |22 |{__name__=~"^node_filesystem_avail(?:_bytes)?$", mountpoint="{#FSNAME}"}&bsn; |0 | |
ROW |64915 |29446 |1 |22 |{__name__=~"^node_filesystem_size(?:_bytes)?$", mountpoint="{#FSNAME}"}&bsn; |0 | |
ROW |64916 |29447 |1 |23 |{__name__=~"node_filesystem_files.*",mountpoint="{#FSNAME}"} |0 | |
@@ -49203,90 +49617,6 @@ ROW |69679 |36630 |1 |21 |return 100 - value
ROW |69680 |36631 |1 |21 |return 100 - value |0 | |
ROW |69681 |36632 |1 |21 |return 100 - value |0 | |
ROW |69682 |36633 |1 |21 |return 100 - value |0 | |
-ROW |69683 |36636 |1 |5 |Time:\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+ms&bsn;\1 |0 | |
-ROW |69684 |36636 |2 |1 |0.001 |0 | |
-ROW |69685 |36637 |1 |21 |return value.search(/accepting connections/)>0 ? 1 : 0 |0 | |
-ROW |69686 |36637 |2 |20 |1h |0 | |
-ROW |69687 |36643 |1 |20 |1h |0 | |
-ROW |69688 |36648 |1 |20 |1d |0 | |
-ROW |69689 |36651 |1 |12 |$.idle |0 | |
-ROW |69690 |36652 |1 |12 |$.active |0 | |
-ROW |69691 |36653 |1 |12 |$.prepared |0 | |
-ROW |69692 |36654 |1 |12 |$.waiting |0 | |
-ROW |69693 |36655 |1 |12 |$.count |0 | |
-ROW |69694 |36656 |1 |12 |$.buffers_alloc |0 | |
-ROW |69695 |36656 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69696 |36657 |1 |12 |$.buffers_backend_fsync |0 | |
-ROW |69697 |36657 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69698 |36658 |1 |12 |$.checkpoints_timed |0 | |
-ROW |69699 |36658 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69700 |36659 |1 |12 |$.buffers_backend |0 | |
-ROW |69701 |36659 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69702 |36660 |1 |12 |$.buffers_checkpoint |0 | |
-ROW |69703 |36660 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69704 |36661 |1 |12 |$.buffers_clean |0 | |
-ROW |69705 |36661 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69706 |36662 |1 |12 |$.checkpoint_sync_time |0 | |
-ROW |69707 |36662 |2 |1 |0.001 |0 | |
-ROW |69708 |36662 |3 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69709 |36663 |1 |12 |$.checkpoint_write_time |0 | |
-ROW |69710 |36663 |2 |1 |0.001 |0 | |
-ROW |69711 |36663 |3 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69712 |36664 |1 |12 |$.checkpoints_req |0 | |
-ROW |69713 |36664 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69714 |36665 |1 |12 |$.maxwritten_clean |0 | |
-ROW |69715 |36665 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69716 |36666 |1 |12 |$.waiting |0 | |
-ROW |69717 |36667 |1 |12 |$.active |0 | |
-ROW |69718 |36668 |1 |12 |$.idle |0 | |
-ROW |69719 |36669 |1 |12 |$.idle_in_transaction |0 | |
-ROW |69720 |36670 |1 |12 |$.prepared |0 | |
-ROW |69721 |36671 |1 |12 |$.total |0 | |
-ROW |69722 |36672 |1 |12 |$.total_pct |0 | |
-ROW |69723 |36673 |1 |12 |$.write |0 | |
-ROW |69724 |36673 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69725 |36678 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].conflicts |0 | |
-ROW |69726 |36678 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69727 |36679 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].total |0 | |
-ROW |69728 |36680 |1 |12 |$.seq |0 | |
-ROW |69729 |36680 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69730 |36681 |1 |12 |$.idx |0 | |
-ROW |69731 |36681 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69732 |36682 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tx_time_sum |0 | |
-ROW |69733 |36683 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tx_time_max |0 | |
-ROW |69734 |36684 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tx_slow_count |0 | |
-ROW |69735 |36685 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].query_time_sum |0 | |
-ROW |69736 |36686 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].query_time_max |0 | |
-ROW |69737 |36687 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].query_slow_count |0 | |
-ROW |69738 |36688 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].mro_time_sum |0 | |
-ROW |69739 |36689 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].mro_time_max |0 | |
-ROW |69740 |36690 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].mro_slow_count |0 | |
-ROW |69741 |36691 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].blks_read |0 | |
-ROW |69742 |36691 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69743 |36692 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].deadlocks |0 | |
-ROW |69744 |36692 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69745 |36693 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].blks_hit |0 | |
-ROW |69746 |36693 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69747 |36694 |1 |12 |$.prc_before_av |0 | |
-ROW |69748 |36695 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].xact_rollback |0 | |
-ROW |69749 |36695 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69750 |36696 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].xact_commit |0 | |
-ROW |69751 |36696 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69752 |36697 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tup_updated |0 | |
-ROW |69753 |36697 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69754 |36698 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tup_returned |0 | |
-ROW |69755 |36698 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69756 |36699 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tup_inserted |0 | |
-ROW |69757 |36699 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69758 |36700 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tup_fetched |0 | |
-ROW |69759 |36700 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69760 |36701 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tup_deleted |0 | |
-ROW |69761 |36701 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69762 |36702 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].temp_files |0 | |
-ROW |69763 |36702 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69764 |36703 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].temp_bytes |0 | |
-ROW |69765 |36703 |2 |10 | |0 | |
-ROW |69766 |36704 |1 |12 |$.prc_before_stop |0 | |
ROW |69767 |36714 |1 |20 |1h |0 | |
ROW |69768 |36724 |1 |12 |$.tup_fetched |0 | |
ROW |69769 |36724 |2 |10 | |0 | |
@@ -49411,6 +49741,217 @@ ROW |69887 |36798 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].total
ROW |69888 |36799 |1 |12 |$['{#APPLICATION_NAME}'].flush_lag |0 | |
ROW |69889 |36800 |1 |12 |$['{#APPLICATION_NAME}'].replay_lag |0 | |
ROW |69890 |36801 |1 |12 |$['{#APPLICATION_NAME}'].write_lag |0 | |
+ROW |69891 |36803 |1 |1 |1024 |0 | |
+ROW |69892 |36805 |1 |21 |//count the number of cores&bsn;return JSON.parse(value).length;&bsn; |0 | |
+ROW |69893 |36806 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69894 |36807 |1 |20 |6h |0 | |
+ROW |69895 |36808 |1 |20 |6h |0 | |
+ROW |69896 |36809 |1 |20 |6h |0 | |
+ROW |69897 |36810 |1 |20 |6h |0 | |
+ROW |69898 |36813 |1 |1 |1024 |0 | |
+ROW |69899 |36814 |1 |1 |0.01 |0 | |
+ROW |69900 |36816 |1 |1 |1024 |0 | |
+ROW |69901 |36817 |1 |1 |1024 |0 | |
+ROW |69902 |36818 |1 |1 |1024 |0 | |
+ROW |69903 |36819 |1 |1 |1024 |0 | |
+ROW |69904 |36822 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69905 |36824 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69906 |36829 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69907 |36830 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69908 |36831 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69909 |36832 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69910 |36833 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69911 |36834 |1 |20 |6h |0 | |
+ROW |69912 |36844 |1 |21 |//count the number of CPU cores&bsn;return JSON.stringify([{"{#CPU.COUNT}": value, "{#SNMPINDEX}": 0, "{#SINGLETON}":""}])&bsn; |0 | |
+ROW |69913 |36849 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69914 |36849 |2 |21 |//to get utilization in %, divide by N, where N is number of cores.&bsn;return value/{#CPU.COUNT}&bsn; |0 | |
+ROW |69915 |36850 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69916 |36850 |2 |21 |//to get utilization in %, divide by N, where N is number of cores.&bsn;return value/{#CPU.COUNT}&bsn; |0 | |
+ROW |69917 |36851 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69918 |36851 |2 |21 |//to get utilization in %, divide by N, where N is number of cores.&bsn;return value/{#CPU.COUNT}&bsn; |0 | |
+ROW |69919 |36852 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69920 |36852 |2 |21 |//to get utilization in %, divide by N, where N is number of cores.&bsn;return value/{#CPU.COUNT}&bsn; |0 | |
+ROW |69921 |36853 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69922 |36853 |2 |21 |//to get utilization in %, divide by N, where N is number of cores.&bsn;return value/{#CPU.COUNT}&bsn; |0 | |
+ROW |69923 |36854 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69924 |36854 |2 |1 |8 |0 | |
+ROW |69925 |36855 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69926 |36856 |1 |20 |6h |0 | |
+ROW |69927 |36857 |1 |1 |1000000 |0 | |
+ROW |69928 |36857 |2 |20 |1h |0 | |
+ROW |69929 |36859 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69930 |36859 |2 |1 |8 |0 | |
+ROW |69931 |36860 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69932 |36861 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69933 |36861 |2 |1 |8 |0 | |
+ROW |69934 |36862 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69935 |36863 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69936 |36863 |2 |1 |8 |0 | |
+ROW |69937 |36864 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69938 |36865 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69939 |36866 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69940 |36866 |2 |1 |8 |0 | |
+ROW |69941 |36867 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69942 |36868 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69943 |36869 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69944 |36869 |2 |1 |8 |0 | |
+ROW |69945 |36870 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69946 |36870 |2 |1 |8 |0 | |
+ROW |69947 |36871 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69948 |36872 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69949 |36872 |2 |1 |8 |0 | |
+ROW |69950 |36873 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69951 |36874 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69952 |36874 |2 |1 |8 |0 | |
+ROW |69953 |36875 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69954 |36876 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69955 |36877 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69956 |36878 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69957 |36878 |2 |1 |8 |0 | |
+ROW |69958 |36879 |1 |20 |6h |0 | |
+ROW |69959 |36880 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69960 |36882 |1 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69961 |36883 |1 |21 |return (100-value); |0 | |
+ROW |69962 |36885 |1 |1 |1024 |0 | |
+ROW |69963 |36886 |1 |1 |1024 |0 | |
+ROW |69964 |36887 |1 |21 |//Calculate utilization&bsn;return (100 - value)&bsn; |0 | |
+ROW |69965 |36888 |1 |20 |10m |0 | |
+ROW |69966 |36891 |1 |20 |1d |0 | |
+ROW |69967 |36894 |1 |12 |$.queue |0 | |
+ROW |69968 |36895 |1 |12 |$.queue |0 | |
+ROW |69969 |36896 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.index.pused |0 | |
+ROW |69970 |36897 |1 |12 |$.data.requiredperformance |0 | |
+ROW |69971 |36898 |1 |12 |$.data.uptime |0 | |
+ROW |69972 |36899 |1 |12 |$.data.version |0 | |
+ROW |69973 |36899 |2 |20 |1d |0 | |
+ROW |69974 |36900 |1 |12 |$.data.vmware.pused |3 |No vmware collector processes started |
+ROW |69975 |36901 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.history.pused |0 | |
+ROW |69976 |36902 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.values.float |0 | |
+ROW |69977 |36902 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69978 |36903 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.values.all |0 | |
+ROW |69979 |36903 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69980 |36904 |1 |12 |$.data.process['vmware collector'].busy.avg |3 |Processes vmware collector not started |
+ROW |69981 |36905 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.values.log |0 | |
+ROW |69982 |36905 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69983 |36906 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.values['not supported'] |0 | |
+ROW |69984 |36906 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69985 |36907 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.values.str |0 | |
+ROW |69986 |36907 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69987 |36908 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.values.text |0 | |
+ROW |69988 |36908 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69989 |36909 |1 |12 |$.data.wcache.values.uint |0 | |
+ROW |69990 |36909 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |69991 |36910 |1 |12 |$.data.rcache.pused |0 | |
+ROW |69992 |36911 |1 |12 |$.data.preprocessing_queue |0 | |
+ROW |69993 |36912 |1 |12 |$.data.process['configuration syncer'].busy.avg |3 |Processes configuration syncer not started |
+ROW |69994 |36913 |1 |12 |$.data.process['ipmi manager'].busy.avg |3 |Processes ipmi manager not started |
+ROW |69995 |36914 |1 |12 |$.data.process['data sender'].busy.avg |3 |Processes data sender not started |
+ROW |69996 |36915 |1 |12 |$.data.process['discoverer'].busy.avg |3 |Processes discoverer not started |
+ROW |69997 |36916 |1 |12 |$.data.process['heartbeat sender'].busy.avg |3 |Processes heartbeat sender not started |
+ROW |69998 |36917 |1 |12 |$.data.process['history syncer'].busy.avg |3 |Processes history syncer not started |
+ROW |69999 |36918 |1 |12 |$.data.process['housekeeper'].busy.avg |3 |Processes housekeeper not started |
+ROW |70000 |36919 |1 |12 |$.data.process['http poller'].busy.avg |3 |Processes http poller not started |
+ROW |70001 |36920 |1 |12 |$.data.process['icmp pinger'].busy.avg |3 |Processes icmp pinger not started |
+ROW |70002 |36921 |1 |12 |$.data.process['ipmi poller'].busy.avg |3 |Processes ipmi poller not started |
+ROW |70003 |36922 |1 |12 |$.data.process['trapper'].busy.avg |3 |Processes trapper not started |
+ROW |70004 |36923 |1 |12 |$.data.process['java poller'].busy.avg |3 |Processes java poller not started |
+ROW |70005 |36924 |1 |12 |$.data.process['poller'].busy.avg |3 |Processes poller not started |
+ROW |70006 |36925 |1 |12 |$.data.process['preprocessing manager'].busy.avg |3 |Processes preprocessing manager not started|
+ROW |70007 |36926 |1 |12 |$.data.process['preprocessing worker'].busy.avg |3 |Processes preprocessing worker not started |
+ROW |70008 |36927 |1 |12 |$.data.process['self-monitoring'].busy.avg |3 |Processes self-monitoring not started |
+ROW |70009 |36928 |1 |12 |$.data.process['snmp trapper'].busy.avg |3 |Processes snmp trapper not started |
+ROW |70010 |36929 |1 |12 |$.data.process['task manager'].busy.avg |3 |Processes task manager not started |
+ROW |70011 |36930 |1 |12 |$.data.process['unreachable poller'].busy.avg |3 |Processes unreachable poller not started |
+ROW |70012 |36931 |1 |12 |$[?(@.event == "ZooKeeperOtherExceptions")].value.first() |2 |0 |
+ROW |70013 |36931 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70014 |36932 |1 |12 |$[?(@.event == "ZooKeeperHardwareExceptions")].value.first() |2 |0 |
+ROW |70015 |36932 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70016 |36933 |1 |12 |$[?(@.event == "ZooKeeperUserExceptions")].value.first() |2 |0 |
+ROW |70017 |36933 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70018 |36936 |1 |5 |Time:\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+ms&bsn;\1 |0 | |
+ROW |70019 |36936 |2 |1 |0.001 |0 | |
+ROW |70020 |36937 |1 |21 |return value.search(/accepting connections/)>0 ? 1 : 0 |0 | |
+ROW |70021 |36937 |2 |20 |1h |0 | |
+ROW |70022 |36943 |1 |20 |1h |0 | |
+ROW |70023 |36948 |1 |20 |1d |0 | |
+ROW |70024 |36951 |1 |12 |$.idle |0 | |
+ROW |70025 |36952 |1 |12 |$.active |0 | |
+ROW |70026 |36953 |1 |12 |$.prepared |0 | |
+ROW |70027 |36954 |1 |12 |$.waiting |0 | |
+ROW |70028 |36955 |1 |12 |$.count |0 | |
+ROW |70029 |36956 |1 |12 |$.buffers_alloc |0 | |
+ROW |70030 |36956 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70031 |36957 |1 |12 |$.buffers_backend_fsync |0 | |
+ROW |70032 |36957 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70033 |36958 |1 |12 |$.checkpoints_timed |0 | |
+ROW |70034 |36958 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70035 |36959 |1 |12 |$.buffers_backend |0 | |
+ROW |70036 |36959 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70037 |36960 |1 |12 |$.buffers_checkpoint |0 | |
+ROW |70038 |36960 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70039 |36961 |1 |12 |$.buffers_clean |0 | |
+ROW |70040 |36961 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70041 |36962 |1 |12 |$.checkpoint_sync_time |0 | |
+ROW |70042 |36962 |2 |1 |0.001 |0 | |
+ROW |70043 |36962 |3 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70044 |36963 |1 |12 |$.checkpoint_write_time |0 | |
+ROW |70045 |36963 |2 |1 |0.001 |0 | |
+ROW |70046 |36963 |3 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70047 |36964 |1 |12 |$.checkpoints_req |0 | |
+ROW |70048 |36964 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70049 |36965 |1 |12 |$.maxwritten_clean |0 | |
+ROW |70050 |36965 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70051 |36966 |1 |12 |$.waiting |0 | |
+ROW |70052 |36967 |1 |12 |$.active |0 | |
+ROW |70053 |36968 |1 |12 |$.idle |0 | |
+ROW |70054 |36969 |1 |12 |$.idle_in_transaction |0 | |
+ROW |70055 |36970 |1 |12 |$.prepared |0 | |
+ROW |70056 |36971 |1 |12 |$.total |0 | |
+ROW |70057 |36972 |1 |12 |$.total_pct |0 | |
+ROW |70058 |36973 |1 |12 |$.write |0 | |
+ROW |70059 |36973 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70060 |36978 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].conflicts |0 | |
+ROW |70061 |36978 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70062 |36979 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].total |0 | |
+ROW |70063 |36980 |1 |12 |$.seq |0 | |
+ROW |70064 |36980 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70065 |36981 |1 |12 |$.idx |0 | |
+ROW |70066 |36981 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70067 |36982 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tx_time_sum |0 | |
+ROW |70068 |36983 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tx_time_max |0 | |
+ROW |70069 |36984 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tx_slow_count |0 | |
+ROW |70070 |36985 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].query_time_sum |0 | |
+ROW |70071 |36986 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].query_time_max |0 | |
+ROW |70072 |36987 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].query_slow_count |0 | |
+ROW |70073 |36988 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].mro_time_sum |0 | |
+ROW |70074 |36989 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].mro_time_max |0 | |
+ROW |70075 |36990 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].mro_slow_count |0 | |
+ROW |70076 |36991 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].blks_read |0 | |
+ROW |70077 |36991 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70078 |36992 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].deadlocks |0 | |
+ROW |70079 |36992 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70080 |36993 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].blks_hit |0 | |
+ROW |70081 |36993 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70082 |36994 |1 |12 |$.prc_before_av |0 | |
+ROW |70083 |36995 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].xact_rollback |0 | |
+ROW |70084 |36995 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70085 |36996 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].xact_commit |0 | |
+ROW |70086 |36996 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70087 |36997 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tup_updated |0 | |
+ROW |70088 |36997 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70089 |36998 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tup_returned |0 | |
+ROW |70090 |36998 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70091 |36999 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tup_inserted |0 | |
+ROW |70092 |36999 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70093 |37000 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tup_fetched |0 | |
+ROW |70094 |37000 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70095 |37001 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].tup_deleted |0 | |
+ROW |70096 |37001 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70097 |37002 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].temp_files |0 | |
+ROW |70098 |37002 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70099 |37003 |1 |12 |$['{#DBNAME}'].temp_bytes |0 | |
+ROW |70100 |37003 |2 |10 | |0 | |
+ROW |70101 |37004 |1 |12 |$.prc_before_stop |0 | |
TABLE |sysmap_shape
FIELDS|sysmap_shapeid|sysmapid|type|x |y |width|height|text |font|font_size|font_color|text_halign|text_valign|border_type|border_width|border_color|background_color|zindex|
@@ -49548,82 +50089,82 @@ ROW |543 |34756 |Trigger disabled |1 |0
ROW |544 |34756 |Trigger enabled |2 |0 | |0 |
ROW |545 |34801 |Trigger disabled |1 |0 | |0 |
ROW |546 |34801 |Trigger enabled |2 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |956 |30961 |trigger |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |957 |30193 |Discard HTTP status codes |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |958 |30194 |Discard HTTP status codes |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |959 |30195 |Discard HTTP status codes |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |960 |30236 |Discard HTTP status codes |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |961 |30237 |Discard HTTP status codes |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |962 |30238 |Discard HTTP status codes |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |963 |33063 |Primary metrics |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |964 |33063 |Arbiter metrics |2 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |965 |32742 |ID filter |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |966 |32743 |Self-test |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |967 |32743 |Not NVMe |2 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |968 |32754 |ID filter |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |969 |32755 |Self-test |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |970 |32755 |Not NVMe |2 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |971 |28306 |trigger THRESHOLD_LO_WARN |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |972 |28306 |trigger THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT |2 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |973 |28306 |trigger THRESHOLD_HI_WARN |3 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |974 |28306 |trigger THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT |4 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |975 |28307 |trigger THRESHOLD_LO_WARN |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |976 |28307 |trigger THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT |2 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |977 |28307 |trigger THRESHOLD_HI_WARN |3 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |978 |28307 |trigger THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT |4 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |979 |32306 |trigger THRESHOLD_LO_WARN |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |980 |32306 |trigger THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT |2 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |981 |32306 |trigger THRESHOLD_HI_WARN |3 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |982 |32306 |trigger THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT |4 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |983 |35911 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |984 |35961 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |985 |35962 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |986 |35994 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |987 |36038 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |988 |36072 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |989 |36073 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |990 |36139 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |991 |36140 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |992 |36206 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |993 |36207 |Trigger disabled |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |994 |36207 |Trigger enabled |2 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |995 |36239 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |996 |36278 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |997 |36322 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |998 |36366 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |999 |36410 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1000 |36455 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1001 |36500 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1002 |36545 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1003 |33598 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1004 |33599 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1005 |33649 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1006 |33650 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1007 |33700 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1008 |33701 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1009 |33751 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1010 |33752 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1011 |33802 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1012 |33803 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1013 |33853 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1014 |33854 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1015 |33904 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1016 |33905 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1017 |33462 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1018 |33463 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1019 |33960 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1020 |33961 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1021 |34011 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1022 |34012 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1023 |34062 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1024 |34063 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1025 |32618 |Do not discover aggregate metrics |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1026 |30687 |trigger SENSOR_LO_WARN |1 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1027 |30687 |trigger SENSOR_LO_CRIT |2 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1028 |30687 |trigger SENSOR_LO_DISAST |3 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1029 |30687 |trigger SENSOR_HI_WARN |4 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1030 |30687 |trigger SENSOR_HI_CRIT |5 |0 | |0 |
-ROW |1031 |30687 |trigger SENSOR_HI_DISAST |6 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1032 |30961 |trigger |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1033 |30193 |Discard HTTP status codes |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1034 |30194 |Discard HTTP status codes |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1035 |30195 |Discard HTTP status codes |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1036 |30236 |Discard HTTP status codes |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1037 |30237 |Discard HTTP status codes |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1038 |30238 |Discard HTTP status codes |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1039 |33063 |Primary metrics |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1040 |33063 |Arbiter metrics |2 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1041 |32742 |ID filter |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1042 |32743 |Self-test |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1043 |32743 |Not NVMe |2 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1044 |32754 |ID filter |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1045 |32755 |Self-test |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1046 |32755 |Not NVMe |2 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1047 |28306 |trigger THRESHOLD_LO_WARN |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1048 |28306 |trigger THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT |2 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1049 |28306 |trigger THRESHOLD_HI_WARN |3 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1050 |28306 |trigger THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT |4 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1051 |28307 |trigger THRESHOLD_LO_WARN |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1052 |28307 |trigger THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT |2 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1053 |28307 |trigger THRESHOLD_HI_WARN |3 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1054 |28307 |trigger THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT |4 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1055 |32306 |trigger THRESHOLD_LO_WARN |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1056 |32306 |trigger THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT |2 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1057 |32306 |trigger THRESHOLD_HI_WARN |3 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1058 |32306 |trigger THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT |4 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1059 |35911 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1060 |35961 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1061 |35962 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1062 |35994 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1063 |36038 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1064 |36072 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1065 |36073 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1066 |36139 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1067 |36140 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1068 |36206 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1069 |36207 |Trigger disabled |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1070 |36207 |Trigger enabled |2 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1071 |36239 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1072 |36278 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1073 |36322 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1074 |36366 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1075 |36410 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1076 |36455 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1077 |36500 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1078 |36545 |Don't create triggers for matching interface|1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1079 |33598 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1080 |33599 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1081 |33649 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1082 |33650 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1083 |33700 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1084 |33701 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1085 |33751 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1086 |33752 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1087 |33802 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1088 |33803 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1089 |33853 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1090 |33854 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1091 |33904 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1092 |33905 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1093 |33462 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1094 |33463 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1095 |33960 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1096 |33961 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1097 |34011 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1098 |34012 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1099 |34062 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1100 |34063 |Temp |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1101 |32618 |Do not discover aggregate metrics |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1102 |30687 |trigger SENSOR_LO_WARN |1 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1103 |30687 |trigger SENSOR_LO_CRIT |2 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1104 |30687 |trigger SENSOR_LO_DISAST |3 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1105 |30687 |trigger SENSOR_HI_WARN |4 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1106 |30687 |trigger SENSOR_HI_CRIT |5 |0 | |0 |
+ROW |1107 |30687 |trigger SENSOR_HI_DISAST |6 |0 | |0 |
TABLE |lld_override_condition
FIELDS|lld_override_conditionid|lld_overrideid|operator|macro |value |
@@ -49663,78 +50204,78 @@ ROW |473 |543 |8 |{#ZYXEL.IF.NAME}
ROW |475 |545 |8 |{#ZYXEL.IF.NAME} |.* |
-ROW |861 |957 |8 |{#MODE} |tcp |
-ROW |862 |958 |8 |{#MODE} |tcp |
-ROW |863 |959 |8 |{#MODE} |tcp |
-ROW |864 |960 |8 |{#MODE} |tcp |
-ROW |865 |961 |8 |{#MODE} |tcp |
-ROW |866 |962 |8 |{#MODE} |tcp |
-ROW |867 |963 |8 |{#NODE_STATE} |1 |
-ROW |868 |964 |8 |{#NODE_STATE} |7 |
-ROW |869 |965 |8 |{#ID} |{$SMART.ATTRIBUTE.ID.MATCHES} |
-ROW |870 |965 |8 |{#NAME} |{$SMART.DISK.NAME.MATCHES} |
-ROW |871 |966 |8 |{#DISKTYPE} |nvme |
-ROW |872 |967 |9 |{#DISKTYPE} |nvme |
-ROW |873 |968 |8 |{#ID} |{$SMART.ATTRIBUTE.ID.MATCHES} |
-ROW |874 |968 |8 |{#NAME} |{$SMART.DISK.NAME.MATCHES} |
-ROW |875 |969 |8 |{#DISKTYPE} |nvme |
-ROW |876 |970 |9 |{#DISKTYPE} |nvme |
-ROW |877 |971 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN} |^$ |
-ROW |878 |972 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT} |^$ |
-ROW |879 |973 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN} |^$ |
-ROW |880 |974 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT} |^$ |
-ROW |881 |975 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN} |^$ |
-ROW |882 |976 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT} |^$ |
-ROW |883 |977 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN} |^$ |
-ROW |884 |978 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT} |^$ |
-ROW |885 |979 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN} |^$ |
-ROW |886 |980 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT} |^$ |
-ROW |887 |981 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN} |^$ |
-ROW |888 |982 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT} |^$ |
-ROW |899 |993 |8 |{#ZYXEL.IF.NAME} |.* |
-ROW |909 |1003 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |910 |1004 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |911 |1005 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |912 |1006 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |913 |1007 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |914 |1008 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |915 |1009 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |916 |1010 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |917 |1011 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |918 |1012 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |919 |1013 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |920 |1014 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |921 |1015 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |922 |1016 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |923 |1017 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |924 |1018 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |925 |1019 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |926 |1020 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |927 |1021 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |928 |1022 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |929 |1023 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |930 |1024 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
-ROW |931 |1025 |8 |{#FSTYPE} |3&pipe;4 |
+ROW |933 |1033 |8 |{#MODE} |tcp |
+ROW |934 |1034 |8 |{#MODE} |tcp |
+ROW |935 |1035 |8 |{#MODE} |tcp |
+ROW |936 |1036 |8 |{#MODE} |tcp |
+ROW |937 |1037 |8 |{#MODE} |tcp |
+ROW |938 |1038 |8 |{#MODE} |tcp |
+ROW |939 |1039 |8 |{#NODE_STATE} |1 |
+ROW |940 |1040 |8 |{#NODE_STATE} |7 |
+ROW |941 |1041 |8 |{#ID} |{$SMART.ATTRIBUTE.ID.MATCHES} |
+ROW |942 |1041 |8 |{#NAME} |{$SMART.DISK.NAME.MATCHES} |
+ROW |943 |1042 |8 |{#DISKTYPE} |nvme |
+ROW |944 |1043 |9 |{#DISKTYPE} |nvme |
+ROW |945 |1044 |8 |{#ID} |{$SMART.ATTRIBUTE.ID.MATCHES} |
+ROW |946 |1044 |8 |{#NAME} |{$SMART.DISK.NAME.MATCHES} |
+ROW |947 |1045 |8 |{#DISKTYPE} |nvme |
+ROW |948 |1046 |9 |{#DISKTYPE} |nvme |
+ROW |949 |1047 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN} |^$ |
+ROW |950 |1048 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT} |^$ |
+ROW |951 |1049 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN} |^$ |
+ROW |952 |1050 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT} |^$ |
+ROW |953 |1051 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN} |^$ |
+ROW |954 |1052 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT} |^$ |
+ROW |955 |1053 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN} |^$ |
+ROW |956 |1054 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT} |^$ |
+ROW |957 |1055 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_LO_WARN} |^$ |
+ROW |958 |1056 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_LO_CRIT} |^$ |
+ROW |959 |1057 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_HI_WARN} |^$ |
+ROW |960 |1058 |8 |{#THRESHOLD_HI_CRIT} |^$ |
+ROW |971 |1069 |8 |{#ZYXEL.IF.NAME} |.* |
+ROW |981 |1079 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |982 |1080 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |983 |1081 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |984 |1082 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |985 |1083 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |986 |1084 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |987 |1085 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |988 |1086 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |989 |1087 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |990 |1088 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |991 |1089 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |992 |1090 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |993 |1091 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |994 |1092 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |995 |1093 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |996 |1094 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |997 |1095 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |998 |1096 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |999 |1097 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |1000 |1098 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |1001 |1099 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |1002 |1100 |8 |{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}|Temp |
+ROW |1003 |1101 |8 |{#FSTYPE} |3&pipe;4 |
TABLE |lld_override_operation
FIELDS|lld_override_operationid|lld_overrideid|operationobject|operator|value |
@@ -49774,85 +50315,85 @@ ROW |564 |543 |1 |8 |.*
ROW |565 |544 |1 |8 |.* |
ROW |566 |545 |1 |8 |.* |
ROW |567 |546 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |992 |956 |1 |2 |Too many failed gRPC requests |
-ROW |993 |957 |0 |2 |Number of responses with codes |
-ROW |994 |958 |0 |2 |Number of responses with codes |
-ROW |995 |959 |0 |2 |Number of responses with codes |
-ROW |996 |960 |0 |2 |Number of responses with codes |
-ROW |997 |961 |0 |2 |Number of responses with codes |
-ROW |998 |962 |0 |2 |Number of responses with codes |
-ROW |999 |963 |0 |2 |Number of replicas |
-ROW |1000 |963 |0 |2 |Unhealthy replicas |
-ROW |1001 |963 |0 |2 |Number of unhealthy replicas |
-ROW |1002 |963 |0 |2 |Replication lag |
-ROW |1003 |964 |0 |2 |Replication lag |
-ROW |1004 |965 |0 |8 | |
-ROW |1005 |966 |0 |2 |Self-test |
-ROW |1006 |967 |0 |8 |Media&pipe;Percentage&pipe;Critical |
-ROW |1007 |968 |0 |8 | |
-ROW |1008 |969 |0 |2 |Self-test |
-ROW |1009 |970 |0 |8 |Media&pipe;Percentage&pipe;Critical |
-ROW |1010 |971 |1 |8 |Temperature is below the warning threshold |
-ROW |1011 |972 |1 |8 |Temperature is below the critical threshold|
-ROW |1012 |973 |1 |8 |Temperature is above the warning threshold |
-ROW |1013 |974 |1 |8 |Temperature is above the critical threshold|
-ROW |1014 |975 |1 |8 |Fan speed is below the warning threshold |
-ROW |1015 |976 |1 |8 |Fan speed is below the critical threshold |
-ROW |1016 |977 |1 |8 |Fan speed is above the warning threshold |
-ROW |1017 |978 |1 |8 |Fan speed is above the critical threshold |
-ROW |1018 |979 |1 |8 |Voltage is below the warning threshold |
-ROW |1019 |980 |1 |8 |Voltage is below the critical threshold |
-ROW |1020 |981 |1 |8 |Voltage is above the warning threshold |
-ROW |1021 |982 |1 |8 |Voltage is above the critical threshold |
-ROW |1022 |983 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1023 |984 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1024 |985 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1025 |986 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1026 |987 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1027 |988 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1028 |989 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1029 |990 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1030 |991 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1031 |992 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1032 |993 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1033 |994 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1034 |995 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1035 |996 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1036 |997 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1037 |998 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1038 |999 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1039 |1000 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1040 |1001 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1041 |1002 |1 |8 |.* |
-ROW |1042 |1003 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1043 |1004 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1044 |1005 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1045 |1006 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1046 |1007 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1047 |1008 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1048 |1009 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1049 |1010 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1050 |1011 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1051 |1012 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1052 |1013 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1053 |1014 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1054 |1015 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1055 |1016 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1056 |1017 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1057 |1018 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1058 |1019 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1059 |1020 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1060 |1021 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1061 |1022 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1062 |1023 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1063 |1024 |0 |2 |Humidity |
-ROW |1064 |1025 |0 |2 |Saved |
-ROW |1065 |1026 |1 |2 |{#SENSOR_LO_WARN} |
-ROW |1066 |1027 |1 |2 |{#SENSOR_LO_CRIT} |
-ROW |1067 |1028 |1 |2 |{#SENSOR_LO_DISAST} |
-ROW |1068 |1029 |1 |2 |{#SENSOR_HI_WARN} |
-ROW |1069 |1030 |1 |2 |{#SENSOR_HI_CRIT} |
-ROW |1070 |1031 |1 |2 |{#SENSOR_HI_DISAST} |
+ROW |1071 |1032 |1 |2 |Too many failed gRPC requests |
+ROW |1072 |1033 |0 |2 |Number of responses with codes |
+ROW |1073 |1034 |0 |2 |Number of responses with codes |
+ROW |1074 |1035 |0 |2 |Number of responses with codes |
+ROW |1075 |1036 |0 |2 |Number of responses with codes |
+ROW |1076 |1037 |0 |2 |Number of responses with codes |
+ROW |1077 |1038 |0 |2 |Number of responses with codes |
+ROW |1078 |1039 |0 |2 |Number of replicas |
+ROW |1079 |1039 |0 |2 |Unhealthy replicas |
+ROW |1080 |1039 |0 |2 |Number of unhealthy replicas |
+ROW |1081 |1039 |0 |2 |Replication lag |
+ROW |1082 |1040 |0 |2 |Replication lag |
+ROW |1083 |1041 |0 |8 | |
+ROW |1084 |1042 |0 |2 |Self-test |
+ROW |1085 |1043 |0 |8 |Media&pipe;Percentage&pipe;Critical |
+ROW |1086 |1044 |0 |8 | |
+ROW |1087 |1045 |0 |2 |Self-test |
+ROW |1088 |1046 |0 |8 |Media&pipe;Percentage&pipe;Critical |
+ROW |1089 |1047 |1 |8 |Temperature is below the warning threshold |
+ROW |1090 |1048 |1 |8 |Temperature is below the critical threshold|
+ROW |1091 |1049 |1 |8 |Temperature is above the warning threshold |
+ROW |1092 |1050 |1 |8 |Temperature is above the critical threshold|
+ROW |1093 |1051 |1 |8 |Fan speed is below the warning threshold |
+ROW |1094 |1052 |1 |8 |Fan speed is below the critical threshold |
+ROW |1095 |1053 |1 |8 |Fan speed is above the warning threshold |
+ROW |1096 |1054 |1 |8 |Fan speed is above the critical threshold |
+ROW |1097 |1055 |1 |8 |Voltage is below the warning threshold |
+ROW |1098 |1056 |1 |8 |Voltage is below the critical threshold |
+ROW |1099 |1057 |1 |8 |Voltage is above the warning threshold |
+ROW |1100 |1058 |1 |8 |Voltage is above the critical threshold |
+ROW |1101 |1059 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1102 |1060 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1103 |1061 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1104 |1062 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1105 |1063 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1106 |1064 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1107 |1065 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1108 |1066 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1109 |1067 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1110 |1068 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1111 |1069 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1112 |1070 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1113 |1071 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1114 |1072 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1115 |1073 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1116 |1074 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1117 |1075 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1118 |1076 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1119 |1077 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1120 |1078 |1 |8 |.* |
+ROW |1121 |1079 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1122 |1080 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1123 |1081 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1124 |1082 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1125 |1083 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1126 |1084 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1127 |1085 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1128 |1086 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1129 |1087 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1130 |1088 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1131 |1089 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1132 |1090 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1133 |1091 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1134 |1092 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1135 |1093 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1136 |1094 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1137 |1095 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1138 |1096 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1139 |1097 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1140 |1098 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1141 |1099 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1142 |1100 |0 |2 |Humidity |
+ROW |1143 |1101 |0 |2 |Saved |
+ROW |1144 |1102 |1 |2 |{#SENSOR_LO_WARN} |
+ROW |1145 |1103 |1 |2 |{#SENSOR_LO_CRIT} |
+ROW |1146 |1104 |1 |2 |{#SENSOR_LO_DISAST} |
+ROW |1147 |1105 |1 |2 |{#SENSOR_HI_WARN} |
+ROW |1148 |1106 |1 |2 |{#SENSOR_HI_CRIT} |
+ROW |1149 |1107 |1 |2 |{#SENSOR_HI_DISAST} |
TABLE |lld_override_opstatus
@@ -49892,85 +50433,85 @@ ROW |564 |0 |
ROW |565 |0 |
ROW |566 |0 |
ROW |567 |0 |
-ROW |992 |0 |
-ROW |993 |0 |
-ROW |994 |0 |
-ROW |995 |0 |
-ROW |996 |0 |
-ROW |997 |0 |
-ROW |998 |0 |
-ROW |999 |0 |
-ROW |1000 |0 |
-ROW |1001 |0 |
-ROW |1002 |0 |
-ROW |1003 |0 |
-ROW |1004 |0 |
-ROW |1005 |0 |
-ROW |1006 |0 |
-ROW |1007 |0 |
-ROW |1008 |0 |
-ROW |1009 |0 |
-ROW |1010 |0 |
-ROW |1011 |0 |
-ROW |1012 |0 |
-ROW |1013 |0 |
-ROW |1014 |0 |
-ROW |1015 |0 |
-ROW |1016 |0 |
-ROW |1017 |0 |
-ROW |1018 |0 |
-ROW |1019 |0 |
-ROW |1020 |0 |
-ROW |1021 |0 |
-ROW |1022 |0 |
-ROW |1023 |0 |
-ROW |1024 |0 |
-ROW |1025 |0 |
-ROW |1026 |0 |
-ROW |1027 |0 |
-ROW |1028 |0 |
-ROW |1029 |0 |
-ROW |1030 |0 |
-ROW |1031 |0 |
-ROW |1032 |0 |
-ROW |1033 |0 |
-ROW |1034 |0 |
-ROW |1035 |0 |
-ROW |1036 |0 |
-ROW |1037 |0 |
-ROW |1038 |0 |
-ROW |1039 |0 |
-ROW |1040 |0 |
-ROW |1041 |0 |
-ROW |1042 |0 |
-ROW |1043 |0 |
-ROW |1044 |0 |
-ROW |1045 |0 |
-ROW |1046 |0 |
-ROW |1047 |0 |
-ROW |1048 |0 |
-ROW |1049 |0 |
-ROW |1050 |0 |
-ROW |1051 |0 |
-ROW |1052 |0 |
-ROW |1053 |0 |
-ROW |1054 |0 |
-ROW |1055 |0 |
-ROW |1056 |0 |
-ROW |1057 |0 |
-ROW |1058 |0 |
-ROW |1059 |0 |
-ROW |1060 |0 |
-ROW |1061 |0 |
-ROW |1062 |0 |
-ROW |1063 |0 |
-ROW |1064 |0 |
-ROW |1065 |0 |
-ROW |1066 |0 |
-ROW |1067 |0 |
-ROW |1068 |0 |
-ROW |1069 |0 |
-ROW |1070 |0 |
+ROW |1071 |0 |
+ROW |1072 |0 |
+ROW |1073 |0 |
+ROW |1074 |0 |
+ROW |1075 |0 |
+ROW |1076 |0 |
+ROW |1077 |0 |
+ROW |1078 |0 |
+ROW |1079 |0 |
+ROW |1080 |0 |
+ROW |1081 |0 |
+ROW |1082 |0 |
+ROW |1083 |0 |
+ROW |1084 |0 |
+ROW |1085 |0 |
+ROW |1086 |0 |
+ROW |1087 |0 |
+ROW |1088 |0 |
+ROW |1089 |0 |
+ROW |1090 |0 |
+ROW |1091 |0 |
+ROW |1092 |0 |
+ROW |1093 |0 |
+ROW |1094 |0 |
+ROW |1095 |0 |
+ROW |1096 |0 |
+ROW |1097 |0 |
+ROW |1098 |0 |
+ROW |1099 |0 |
+ROW |1100 |0 |
+ROW |1101 |0 |
+ROW |1102 |0 |
+ROW |1103 |0 |
+ROW |1104 |0 |
+ROW |1105 |0 |
+ROW |1106 |0 |
+ROW |1107 |0 |
+ROW |1108 |0 |
+ROW |1109 |0 |
+ROW |1110 |0 |
+ROW |1111 |0 |
+ROW |1112 |0 |
+ROW |1113 |0 |
+ROW |1114 |0 |
+ROW |1115 |0 |
+ROW |1116 |0 |
+ROW |1117 |0 |
+ROW |1118 |0 |
+ROW |1119 |0 |
+ROW |1120 |0 |
+ROW |1121 |0 |
+ROW |1122 |0 |
+ROW |1123 |0 |
+ROW |1124 |0 |
+ROW |1125 |0 |
+ROW |1126 |0 |
+ROW |1127 |0 |
+ROW |1128 |0 |
+ROW |1129 |0 |
+ROW |1130 |0 |
+ROW |1131 |0 |
+ROW |1132 |0 |
+ROW |1133 |0 |
+ROW |1134 |0 |
+ROW |1135 |0 |
+ROW |1136 |0 |
+ROW |1137 |0 |
+ROW |1138 |0 |
+ROW |1139 |0 |
+ROW |1140 |0 |
+ROW |1141 |0 |
+ROW |1142 |0 |
+ROW |1143 |0 |
+ROW |1144 |0 |
+ROW |1145 |0 |
+ROW |1146 |0 |
+ROW |1147 |0 |
+ROW |1148 |0 |
+ROW |1149 |0 |
TABLE |lld_override_opdiscover
@@ -50010,83 +50551,83 @@ ROW |564 |1 |
ROW |565 |0 |
ROW |566 |1 |
ROW |567 |0 |
-ROW |992 |0 |
-ROW |993 |1 |
-ROW |994 |1 |
-ROW |995 |1 |
-ROW |996 |1 |
-ROW |997 |1 |
-ROW |998 |1 |
-ROW |999 |0 |
-ROW |1000 |0 |
-ROW |1001 |0 |
-ROW |1002 |1 |
-ROW |1003 |1 |
-ROW |1004 |1 |
-ROW |1005 |1 |
-ROW |1006 |1 |
-ROW |1007 |1 |
-ROW |1008 |1 |
-ROW |1009 |1 |
-ROW |1010 |1 |
-ROW |1011 |1 |
-ROW |1012 |1 |
-ROW |1013 |1 |
-ROW |1014 |1 |
-ROW |1015 |1 |
-ROW |1016 |1 |
-ROW |1017 |1 |
-ROW |1018 |1 |
-ROW |1019 |1 |
-ROW |1020 |1 |
-ROW |1021 |1 |
-ROW |1022 |1 |
-ROW |1023 |1 |
-ROW |1024 |1 |
-ROW |1025 |1 |
-ROW |1026 |1 |
-ROW |1027 |1 |
-ROW |1028 |1 |
-ROW |1029 |1 |
-ROW |1030 |1 |
-ROW |1031 |1 |
-ROW |1032 |1 |
-ROW |1033 |0 |
-ROW |1034 |1 |
-ROW |1035 |1 |
-ROW |1036 |1 |
-ROW |1037 |1 |
-ROW |1038 |1 |
-ROW |1039 |1 |
-ROW |1040 |1 |
-ROW |1041 |1 |
-ROW |1042 |1 |
-ROW |1043 |1 |
-ROW |1044 |1 |
-ROW |1045 |1 |
-ROW |1046 |1 |
-ROW |1047 |1 |
-ROW |1048 |1 |
-ROW |1049 |1 |
-ROW |1050 |1 |
-ROW |1051 |1 |
-ROW |1052 |1 |
-ROW |1053 |1 |
-ROW |1054 |1 |
-ROW |1055 |1 |
-ROW |1056 |1 |
-ROW |1057 |1 |
-ROW |1058 |1 |
-ROW |1059 |1 |
-ROW |1060 |1 |
-ROW |1061 |1 |
-ROW |1062 |1 |
-ROW |1063 |1 |
-ROW |1064 |1 |
-ROW |1065 |1 |
-ROW |1066 |1 |
-ROW |1067 |1 |
-ROW |1068 |1 |
-ROW |1069 |1 |
-ROW |1070 |1 |
+ROW |1071 |0 |
+ROW |1072 |1 |
+ROW |1073 |1 |
+ROW |1074 |1 |
+ROW |1075 |1 |
+ROW |1076 |1 |
+ROW |1077 |1 |
+ROW |1078 |0 |
+ROW |1079 |0 |
+ROW |1080 |0 |
+ROW |1081 |1 |
+ROW |1082 |1 |
+ROW |1083 |1 |
+ROW |1084 |1 |
+ROW |1085 |1 |
+ROW |1086 |1 |
+ROW |1087 |1 |
+ROW |1088 |1 |
+ROW |1089 |1 |
+ROW |1090 |1 |
+ROW |1091 |1 |
+ROW |1092 |1 |
+ROW |1093 |1 |
+ROW |1094 |1 |
+ROW |1095 |1 |
+ROW |1096 |1 |
+ROW |1097 |1 |
+ROW |1098 |1 |
+ROW |1099 |1 |
+ROW |1100 |1 |
+ROW |1101 |1 |
+ROW |1102 |1 |
+ROW |1103 |1 |
+ROW |1104 |1 |
+ROW |1105 |1 |
+ROW |1106 |1 |
+ROW |1107 |1 |
+ROW |1108 |1 |
+ROW |1109 |1 |
+ROW |1110 |1 |
+ROW |1111 |1 |
+ROW |1112 |0 |
+ROW |1113 |1 |
+ROW |1114 |1 |
+ROW |1115 |1 |
+ROW |1116 |1 |
+ROW |1117 |1 |
+ROW |1118 |1 |
+ROW |1119 |1 |
+ROW |1120 |1 |
+ROW |1121 |1 |
+ROW |1122 |1 |
+ROW |1123 |1 |
+ROW |1124 |1 |
+ROW |1125 |1 |
+ROW |1126 |1 |
+ROW |1127 |1 |
+ROW |1128 |1 |
+ROW |1129 |1 |
+ROW |1130 |1 |
+ROW |1131 |1 |
+ROW |1132 |1 |
+ROW |1133 |1 |
+ROW |1134 |1 |
+ROW |1135 |1 |
+ROW |1136 |1 |
+ROW |1137 |1 |
+ROW |1138 |1 |
+ROW |1139 |1 |
+ROW |1140 |1 |
+ROW |1141 |1 |
+ROW |1142 |1 |
+ROW |1143 |1 |
+ROW |1144 |1 |
+ROW |1145 |1 |
+ROW |1146 |1 |
+ROW |1147 |1 |
+ROW |1148 |1 |
+ROW |1149 |1 |