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github.com/zhe/hugo-theme-slim.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-09-20Should fix problem with https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoThemes/issues/682:HEADmasterOlivier DOSSMANN
2018-11-03Https link to GitHubChristian Oliff
2017-07-12Custom FooterMSG not workingMarkus Bukowski
2017-04-08Updated demo link and screenshotZhe Zhang
2016-11-23Merge pull request #12 from bep/rssZhe Zhang
2016-11-17Rename RSSlink to RSSLinkBjørn Erik Pedersen
2016-06-20Merge pull request #8 from jostyee/patch-1Zhe Zhang
2016-06-20Allow FooterMsg to use HTMLJosta Yee
2016-06-05Merge pull request #4 from inexist3nce/masterZhe Zhang
2016-06-05remove trailing slash from baseurlinex
2016-06-04removed extra `/` in the css/js linksZhe Zhang
2016-03-05Merge pull request #1 from camconn/masterinexist3nce
2016-03-05Make tag links respect site BaseURLCameron Conn
2016-02-25Allow custom footerinexist3nce
2016-02-25Allow custom footer messagesinexist3nce
2016-01-31integrate DisqusZhe Zhang
2016-01-20update font and font-weightZhe Zhang
2015-12-30update code mono fontZhe Zhang
2015-12-28fix navZhe Zhang
2015-12-26new fontsZhe Zhang
2015-08-17init gulp workflow for building assetsZhe Zhang
2015-08-15Merge pull request #1 from Bunker/masterZhe Zhang
2015-06-18margin above imgBunker
2015-06-07updated variables + fixed small bugBunker
2015-06-07Added 1 standard english fontBunker
2015-06-07Added taxonomy pageBunker
2015-06-07added tags, summary or content to home pageBunker
2015-05-05add code highlighting function using highlight.jsZhe Zhang
2015-05-04fixed a bug including partial footer.htmlZhe Zhang
2015-05-04update READMEZhe Zhang
2015-05-04add screenshot and thumbnail imagesZhe Zhang
2015-05-02add pagination & remove normalize.cssZhe Zhang
2015-04-30update README and theme.tomlZhe Zhang
2015-04-30add custom variables to config and template filesZhe
2015-04-28Update theme.tomlZhe
2015-04-26massive updates, but still in beta.Zhe
2015-04-25Initial commitZhe