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github.com/zwbetz-gh/cayman-hugo-theme.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-05-25update min hugo versionHEADmasterzwbetz
2021-05-20update hugo version to 0.83.1zwbetz
2021-05-20meta descriptionzwbetz
2021-01-11script to servezwbetz
2020-11-25Update netlify.tomlzwbetz-gh
2020-04-23Update README.mdzwbetz-gh
2019-09-25bump hugo version to 0.58.3zwbetz
2019-08-24fix list templatezwbetz
2019-08-20bump netlify hugo versionzwbetz
2019-08-17fix issue per https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoThemes/issues/682zwbetz
2019-08-16fix issue per https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoThemes/issues/682zwbetz
2019-06-11Merge branch 'master' of github.com:zwbetz-gh/cayman-hugo-themezwbetz
2019-06-11Fix katex inline math with mmarkzwbetz
2019-06-11Bump katex versionzwbetz
2019-04-30Merge pull request #1 from yaegashi/patch-1zwbetz-gh
2019-04-29Color hex codes need quotes in config.yamlYAEGASHI Takeshi
2019-04-11Add screenshotszwbetz
2019-04-11Edit theme tags & featureszwbetz
2019-04-11Garbage collectzwbetz
2019-04-11Use global hugo funczwbetz
2019-04-03Fix cayman spellingzwbetz
2019-04-03Address theme.toml todos. Change post datezwbetz
2019-04-03Add Katex support. Various other fixeszwbetz
2019-04-03More mobile-friendly nav buttonszwbetz
2019-04-03Clarify when extended version of hugo is neededzwbetz
2019-04-02Uncomment project_namezwbetz
2019-04-02Add config.yamlzwbetz
2019-04-02Add hugo extended version note in readmezwbetz
2019-04-02Add faviconszwbetz
2019-04-02Add figure shortcode & a post to show it offzwbetz
2019-04-02Don't show disqus comments if shortname has not been changedzwbetz
2019-04-02Font size of inline code to be emzwbetz
2019-04-02Add new blog postszwbetz
2019-04-02Make styles configurable. Add google analytics. Add disqus comments. Comment ...zwbetz
2019-04-02Specify min hugo versionzwbetz
2019-04-02Tweak posts and terms layoutszwbetz
2019-04-01Convert pages to page bundleszwbetz
2019-04-01Delete .scss-lint.ymlzwbetz-gh
2019-03-29Convert typography post to markdownzwbetz
2019-03-29Add .gitignore filezwbetz
2019-03-29Update issue templateszwbetz-gh
2019-03-29Update readme demo link, netlify status badge, example site linkzwbetz
2019-03-29Delete unused files. Add example site. Add layoutszwbetz
2019-03-28Initial layoutszwbetz
2017-04-21Update compositor.jsonJason Long
2017-01-10Merge pull request #23 from jakezatecky/patch-1Jason Long
2017-01-10Make variables defaultJake Zatecky
2017-01-05Merge pull request #22 from heiso/patch-1Jason Long
2017-01-02Fix package.jsonAlexandre Moatty
2016-12-13Remove author and linkJason Long