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gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
authorBalasankar "Balu" C <balasankarc@autistici.org>2021-02-17 10:56:11 +0300
committerBalasankar "Balu" C <balasankarc@autistici.org>2021-03-01 08:35:57 +0300
commitb7e2085b76c11212ac41f80672d5c5f9b0287fee (patch)
tree92bb6e221257aeea9da8986c6f1e2a297b9c089c /main.go
parent01da18ea5717658eb98f539f921ed02fd35bd3d1 (diff)
Move configuration parsing to Config package
Changelog: changed Signed-off-by: Balasankar "Balu" C <balasankarc@autistici.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'main.go')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 306 deletions
diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index 6f758244..94cc597f 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -1,23 +1,18 @@
package main
import (
- "encoding/base64"
- "net/url"
- "strings"
- "github.com/namsral/flag"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
+ cfg "gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages/internal/config"
- "gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages/internal/request"
- "gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages/internal/tlsconfig"
@@ -28,229 +23,6 @@ var VERSION = "dev"
// REVISION stores the information about the git revision of application
-func init() {
- // TODO: move all flags to config pkg https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages/-/issues/507
- flag.Var(&listenHTTP, "listen-http", "The address(es) to listen on for HTTP requests")
- flag.Var(&listenHTTPS, "listen-https", "The address(es) to listen on for HTTPS requests")
- flag.Var(&listenProxy, "listen-proxy", "The address(es) to listen on for proxy requests")
- flag.Var(&listenHTTPSProxyv2, "listen-https-proxyv2", "The address(es) to listen on for HTTPS PROXYv2 requests (https://www.haproxy.org/download/1.8/doc/proxy-protocol.txt)")
- flag.Var(&header, "header", "The additional http header(s) that should be send to the client")
-var (
- // TODO: move all flags to config pkg https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages/-/issues/507
- pagesRootCert = flag.String("root-cert", "", "The default path to file certificate to serve static pages")
- pagesRootKey = flag.String("root-key", "", "The default path to file certificate to serve static pages")
- redirectHTTP = flag.Bool("redirect-http", false, "Redirect pages from HTTP to HTTPS")
- useHTTP2 = flag.Bool("use-http2", true, "Enable HTTP2 support")
- pagesRoot = flag.String("pages-root", "shared/pages", "The directory where pages are stored")
- pagesDomain = flag.String("pages-domain", "gitlab-example.com", "The domain to serve static pages")
- artifactsServer = flag.String("artifacts-server", "", "API URL to proxy artifact requests to, e.g.: 'https://gitlab.com/api/v4'")
- artifactsServerTimeout = flag.Int("artifacts-server-timeout", 10, "Timeout (in seconds) for a proxied request to the artifacts server")
- pagesStatus = flag.String("pages-status", "", "The url path for a status page, e.g., /@status")
- metricsAddress = flag.String("metrics-address", "", "The address to listen on for metrics requests")
- sentryDSN = flag.String("sentry-dsn", "", "The address for sending sentry crash reporting to")
- sentryEnvironment = flag.String("sentry-environment", "", "The environment for sentry crash reporting")
- daemonUID = flag.Uint("daemon-uid", 0, "Drop privileges to this user")
- daemonGID = flag.Uint("daemon-gid", 0, "Drop privileges to this group")
- daemonInplaceChroot = flag.Bool("daemon-inplace-chroot", false, "Fall back to a non-bind-mount chroot of -pages-root when daemonizing")
- propagateCorrelationID = flag.Bool("propagate-correlation-id", false, "Reuse existing Correlation-ID from the incoming request header `X-Request-ID` if present")
- logFormat = flag.String("log-format", "text", "The log output format: 'text' or 'json'")
- logVerbose = flag.Bool("log-verbose", false, "Verbose logging")
- _ = flag.String("admin-secret-path", "", "DEPRECATED")
- _ = flag.String("admin-unix-listener", "", "DEPRECATED")
- _ = flag.String("admin-https-listener", "", "DEPRECATED")
- _ = flag.String("admin-https-cert", "", "DEPRECATED")
- _ = flag.String("admin-https-key", "", "DEPRECATED")
- secret = flag.String("auth-secret", "", "Cookie store hash key, should be at least 32 bytes long")
- gitLabAuthServer = flag.String("auth-server", "", "DEPRECATED, use gitlab-server instead. GitLab server, for example https://www.gitlab.com")
- gitLabServer = flag.String("gitlab-server", "", "GitLab server, for example https://www.gitlab.com")
- internalGitLabServer = flag.String("internal-gitlab-server", "", "Internal GitLab server used for API requests, useful if you want to send that traffic over an internal load balancer, example value https://www.gitlab.com (defaults to value of gitlab-server)")
- gitLabAPISecretKey = flag.String("api-secret-key", "", "File with secret key used to authenticate with the GitLab API")
- gitlabClientHTTPTimeout = flag.Duration("gitlab-client-http-timeout", 10*time.Second, "GitLab API HTTP client connection timeout in seconds (default: 10s)")
- gitlabClientJWTExpiry = flag.Duration("gitlab-client-jwt-expiry", 30*time.Second, "JWT Token expiry time in seconds (default: 30s)")
- // TODO: implement functionality for disk, auto and gitlab https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/217912
- domainConfigSource = flag.String("domain-config-source", "auto", "Domain configuration source 'disk', 'auto' or 'gitlab' (default: 'auto'). DEPRECATED: gitlab-pages will use the API-based configuration starting from 14.0 see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages/-/issues/382")
- clientID = flag.String("auth-client-id", "", "GitLab application Client ID")
- clientSecret = flag.String("auth-client-secret", "", "GitLab application Client Secret")
- redirectURI = flag.String("auth-redirect-uri", "", "GitLab application redirect URI")
- authScope = flag.String("auth-scope", "api", "Scope to be used for authentication (must match GitLab Pages OAuth application settings)")
- maxConns = flag.Uint("max-conns", 5000, "Limit on the number of concurrent connections to the HTTP, HTTPS or proxy listeners")
- insecureCiphers = flag.Bool("insecure-ciphers", false, "Use default list of cipher suites, may contain insecure ones like 3DES and RC4")
- tlsMinVersion = flag.String("tls-min-version", "tls1.2", tlsconfig.FlagUsage("min"))
- tlsMaxVersion = flag.String("tls-max-version", "", tlsconfig.FlagUsage("max"))
- // TODO: move all flags to config pkg https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages/-/issues/507
- zipCacheExpiration = flag.Duration("zip-cache-expiration", 60*time.Second, "Zip serving archive cache expiration interval")
- zipCacheCleanup = flag.Duration("zip-cache-cleanup", 30*time.Second, "Zip serving archive cache cleanup interval")
- zipCacheRefresh = flag.Duration("zip-cache-refresh", 30*time.Second, "Zip serving archive cache refresh interval")
- zipOpenTimeout = flag.Duration("zip-open-timeout", 30*time.Second, "Zip archive open timeout")
- disableCrossOriginRequests = flag.Bool("disable-cross-origin-requests", false, "Disable cross-origin requests")
- // See init()
- listenHTTP = MultiStringFlag{separator: ","}
- listenHTTPS = MultiStringFlag{separator: ","}
- listenProxy = MultiStringFlag{separator: ","}
- listenHTTPSProxyv2 = MultiStringFlag{separator: ","}
- header = MultiStringFlag{separator: ";;"}
-func gitlabServerFromFlags() string {
- if *gitLabServer != "" {
- return *gitLabServer
- }
- if *gitLabAuthServer != "" {
- log.Warn("auth-server parameter is deprecated, use gitlab-server instead")
- return *gitLabAuthServer
- }
- u, err := url.Parse(*artifactsServer)
- if err != nil {
- return ""
- }
- u.Path = ""
- return u.String()
-func internalGitLabServerFromFlags() string {
- if *internalGitLabServer != "" {
- return *internalGitLabServer
- }
- return gitlabServerFromFlags()
-func setArtifactsServer(artifactsServer string, artifactsServerTimeout int, config *appConfig) {
- u, err := url.Parse(artifactsServer)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
- }
- // url.Parse ensures that the Scheme attribute is always lower case.
- if u.Scheme != request.SchemeHTTP && u.Scheme != request.SchemeHTTPS {
- errortracking.Capture(err)
- log.Fatal("artifacts-server scheme must be either http:// or https://")
- }
- if artifactsServerTimeout < 1 {
- errortracking.Capture(err)
- log.Fatal("artifacts-server-timeout must be greater than or equal to 1")
- }
- config.ArtifactsServerTimeout = artifactsServerTimeout
- config.ArtifactsServer = artifactsServer
-func setGitLabAPISecretKey(secretFile string, config *appConfig) {
- encoded := readFile(secretFile)
- decoded := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(encoded)))
- secretLength, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(decoded, encoded)
- if err != nil {
- log.WithError(err).Fatal("Failed to decode GitLab API secret")
- }
- if secretLength != 32 {
- log.WithError(fmt.Errorf("expected 32 bytes GitLab API secret but got %d bytes", secretLength)).Fatal("Failed to decode GitLab API secret")
- }
- config.GitLabAPISecretKey = decoded
-func configFromFlags() appConfig {
- var config appConfig
- config.PagesRoot = *pagesRoot
- config.Domain = strings.ToLower(*pagesDomain)
- config.RedirectHTTP = *redirectHTTP
- config.HTTP2 = *useHTTP2
- config.DisableCrossOriginRequests = *disableCrossOriginRequests
- config.PropagateCorrelationID = *propagateCorrelationID
- config.StatusPath = *pagesStatus
- config.LogFormat = *logFormat
- config.LogVerbose = *logVerbose
- config.MaxConns = int(*maxConns)
- config.InsecureCiphers = *insecureCiphers
- // tlsMinVersion and tlsMaxVersion are validated in appMain
- config.TLSMinVersion = tlsconfig.AllTLSVersions[*tlsMinVersion]
- config.TLSMaxVersion = tlsconfig.AllTLSVersions[*tlsMaxVersion]
- config.CustomHeaders = header.Split()
- for _, file := range []struct {
- contents *[]byte
- path string
- }{
- {&config.RootCertificate, *pagesRootCert},
- {&config.RootKey, *pagesRootKey},
- } {
- if file.path != "" {
- *file.contents = readFile(file.path)
- }
- }
- if *gitLabAPISecretKey != "" {
- setGitLabAPISecretKey(*gitLabAPISecretKey, &config)
- }
- if *artifactsServer != "" {
- setArtifactsServer(*artifactsServer, *artifactsServerTimeout, &config)
- }
- config.GitLabServer = gitlabServerFromFlags()
- config.InternalGitLabServer = internalGitLabServerFromFlags()
- config.GitlabClientHTTPTimeout = *gitlabClientHTTPTimeout
- config.GitlabJWTTokenExpiration = *gitlabClientJWTExpiry
- config.DomainConfigurationSource = *domainConfigSource
- config.StoreSecret = *secret
- config.ClientID = *clientID
- config.ClientSecret = *clientSecret
- config.RedirectURI = *redirectURI
- config.AuthScope = *authScope
- config.SentryDSN = *sentryDSN
- config.SentryEnvironment = *sentryEnvironment
- config.ZipCacheExpiry = *zipCacheExpiration
- config.ZipCacheCleanup = *zipCacheCleanup
- config.ZipCacheRefresh = *zipCacheRefresh
- config.ZipeOpenTimeout = *zipOpenTimeout
- checkAuthenticationConfig(config)
- return config
-func checkAuthenticationConfig(config appConfig) {
- if config.StoreSecret == "" && config.ClientID == "" &&
- config.ClientSecret == "" && config.RedirectURI == "" {
- return
- }
- assertAuthConfig(config)
-func assertAuthConfig(config appConfig) {
- if config.StoreSecret == "" {
- log.Fatal("auth-secret must be defined if authentication is supported")
- }
- if config.ClientID == "" {
- log.Fatal("auth-client-id must be defined if authentication is supported")
- }
- if config.ClientSecret == "" {
- log.Fatal("auth-client-secret must be defined if authentication is supported")
- }
- if config.GitLabServer == "" {
- log.Fatal("gitlab-server must be defined if authentication is supported")
- }
- if config.RedirectURI == "" {
- log.Fatal("auth-redirect-uri must be defined if authentication is supported")
- }
- if config.AuthScope == "" {
- log.Fatal("auth-scope must be defined if authentication is supported")
- }
func initErrorReporting(sentryDSN, sentryEnvironment string) {
@@ -259,7 +31,7 @@ func initErrorReporting(sentryDSN, sentryEnvironment string) {
-func loadConfig() appConfig {
+func appMain() {
if err := validateargs.NotAllowed(os.Args[1:]); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("Using invalid arguments, use -config=gitlab-pages-config file instead")
@@ -268,93 +40,40 @@ func loadConfig() appConfig {
log.WithError(err).Warn("Using deprecated arguments")
- config := configFromFlags()
- if config.SentryDSN != "" {
- initErrorReporting(config.SentryDSN, config.SentryEnvironment)
- }
+ config := cfg.LoadConfig()
- log.WithFields(log.Fields{
- "artifacts-server": *artifactsServer,
- "artifacts-server-timeout": *artifactsServerTimeout,
- "daemon-gid": *daemonGID,
- "daemon-uid": *daemonUID,
- "daemon-inplace-chroot": *daemonInplaceChroot,
- "default-config-filename": flag.DefaultConfigFlagname,
- "disable-cross-origin-requests": *disableCrossOriginRequests,
- "domain": config.Domain,
- "insecure-ciphers": config.InsecureCiphers,
- "listen-http": listenHTTP,
- "listen-https": listenHTTPS,
- "listen-proxy": listenProxy,
- "listen-https-proxyv2": listenHTTPSProxyv2,
- "log-format": *logFormat,
- "metrics-address": *metricsAddress,
- "pages-domain": *pagesDomain,
- "pages-root": *pagesRoot,
- "pages-status": *pagesStatus,
- "propagate-correlation-id": *propagateCorrelationID,
- "redirect-http": config.RedirectHTTP,
- "root-cert": *pagesRootKey,
- "root-key": *pagesRootCert,
- "status_path": config.StatusPath,
- "tls-min-version": *tlsMinVersion,
- "tls-max-version": *tlsMaxVersion,
- "use-http-2": config.HTTP2,
- "gitlab-server": config.GitLabServer,
- "internal-gitlab-server": config.InternalGitLabServer,
- "api-secret-key": *gitLabAPISecretKey,
- "domain-config-source": config.DomainConfigurationSource,
- "auth-redirect-uri": config.RedirectURI,
- "auth-scope": config.AuthScope,
- "zip-cache-expiration": config.ZipCacheExpiry,
- "zip-cache-cleanup": config.ZipCacheCleanup,
- "zip-cache-refresh": config.ZipCacheRefresh,
- "zip-open-timeout": config.ZipeOpenTimeout,
- }).Debug("Start daemon with configuration")
- return config
+ printVersion(config.General.ShowVersion, VERSION)
-func appMain() {
- var showVersion = flag.Bool("version", false, "Show version")
- // read from -config=/path/to/gitlab-pages-config
- flag.String(flag.DefaultConfigFlagname, "", "path to config file")
- flag.Parse()
- if err := tlsconfig.ValidateTLSVersions(*tlsMinVersion, *tlsMaxVersion); err != nil {
- fatal(err, "invalid TLS version")
+ if config.Sentry.DSN != "" {
+ initErrorReporting(config.Sentry.DSN, config.Sentry.Environment)
- printVersion(*showVersion, VERSION)
- err := logging.ConfigureLogging(*logFormat, *logVerbose)
+ err := logging.ConfigureLogging(config.Log.Format, config.Log.Verbose)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("Failed to initialize logging")
+ cfg.LogConfig(config)
"version": VERSION,
"revision": REVISION,
}).Print("GitLab Pages Daemon")
log.Printf("URL: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages")
- if err := os.Chdir(*pagesRoot); err != nil {
+ if err := os.Chdir(config.General.RootDir); err != nil {
fatal(err, "could not change directory into pagesRoot")
- config := loadConfig()
for _, cs := range [][]io.Closer{
- createAppListeners(&config),
- createMetricsListener(&config),
+ createAppListeners(config),
+ createMetricsListener(config),
} {
defer closeAll(cs)
- if *daemonUID != 0 || *daemonGID != 0 {
- if err := daemonize(config, *daemonUID, *daemonGID, *daemonInplaceChroot, config.PagesRoot); err != nil {
+ if config.Daemon.UID != 0 || config.Daemon.GID != 0 {
+ if err := daemonize(config); err != nil {
fatal(err, "could not create pages daemon")
@@ -374,10 +93,14 @@ func closeAll(cs []io.Closer) {
// createAppListeners returns net.Listener and *os.File instances. The
// caller must ensure they don't get closed or garbage-collected (which
// implies closing) too soon.
-func createAppListeners(config *appConfig) []io.Closer {
+func createAppListeners(config *cfg.Config) []io.Closer {
var closers []io.Closer
+ var httpListeners []uintptr
+ var httpsListeners []uintptr
+ var proxyListeners []uintptr
+ var httpsProxyv2Listeners []uintptr
- for _, addr := range listenHTTP.Split() {
+ for _, addr := range config.ListenHTTPStrings.Split() {
l, f := createSocket(addr)
closers = append(closers, l, f)
@@ -385,10 +108,10 @@ func createAppListeners(config *appConfig) []io.Closer {
"listener": addr,
}).Debug("Set up HTTP listener")
- config.ListenHTTP = append(config.ListenHTTP, f.Fd())
+ httpListeners = append(httpListeners, f.Fd())
- for _, addr := range listenHTTPS.Split() {
+ for _, addr := range config.ListenHTTPSStrings.Split() {
l, f := createSocket(addr)
closers = append(closers, l, f)
@@ -396,10 +119,10 @@ func createAppListeners(config *appConfig) []io.Closer {
"listener": addr,
}).Debug("Set up HTTPS listener")
- config.ListenHTTPS = append(config.ListenHTTPS, f.Fd())
+ httpsListeners = append(httpsListeners, f.Fd())
- for _, addr := range listenProxy.Split() {
+ for _, addr := range config.ListenProxyStrings.Split() {
l, f := createSocket(addr)
closers = append(closers, l, f)
@@ -407,10 +130,10 @@ func createAppListeners(config *appConfig) []io.Closer {
"listener": addr,
}).Debug("Set up proxy listener")
- config.ListenProxy = append(config.ListenProxy, f.Fd())
+ proxyListeners = append(proxyListeners, f.Fd())
- for _, addr := range listenHTTPSProxyv2.Split() {
+ for _, addr := range config.ListenHTTPSProxyv2Strings.Split() {
l, f := createSocket(addr)
closers = append(closers, l, f)
@@ -418,7 +141,14 @@ func createAppListeners(config *appConfig) []io.Closer {
"listener": addr,
}).Debug("Set up https proxyv2 listener")
- config.ListenHTTPSProxyv2 = append(config.ListenHTTPSProxyv2, f.Fd())
+ httpsProxyv2Listeners = append(httpsProxyv2Listeners, f.Fd())
+ }
+ config.Listeners = &cfg.Listeners{
+ HTTP: httpListeners,
+ HTTPS: httpsListeners,
+ Proxy: proxyListeners,
+ HTTPSProxyv2: httpsProxyv2Listeners,
return closers
@@ -427,8 +157,8 @@ func createAppListeners(config *appConfig) []io.Closer {
// createMetricsListener returns net.Listener and *os.File instances. The
// caller must ensure they don't get closed or garbage-collected (which
// implies closing) too soon.
-func createMetricsListener(config *appConfig) []io.Closer {
- addr := *metricsAddress
+func createMetricsListener(config *cfg.Config) []io.Closer {
+ addr := config.General.MetricsAddress
if addr == "" {
return nil