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gitlab.com/quite/mumla.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
builditFix for null, apparentlyDaniel Lublin2 years
ch-editsi18n: revise simplified chineseDaniel Lublin4 years
echocWIPDaniel Lublin4 years
masterChange example chat item contents and cruftDaniel Lublin3 months
merge-requests/84Revise dialogDaniel Lublin2 years
3.6.6commit 12684b5eb0...Daniel Lublin3 months
3.6.5commit 8ba3e22025...Daniel Lublin8 months
3.6.4commit 759fbe6509...Daniel Lublin8 months
3.6.3commit 81d03f7171...Daniel Lublin22 months
3.6.2commit 77ba8267e7...Daniel Lublin22 months
3.6.1commit 1ffac0879f...Daniel Lublin2 years
3.6.0commit bdde87931c...Daniel Lublin2 years
3.5.10commit 62c4e22a02...Daniel Lublin2 years
3.5.9commit 431119daee...Daniel Lublin2 years
3.5.9-beta1commit 355b0a458f...Daniel Lublin2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-01-17Change example chat item contents and cruftHEADmasterDaniel Lublin
2024-01-17Tag a new version3.6.6Daniel Lublin
2024-01-16Correct typoDaniel Lublin
2024-01-16Move to correct dirDaniel Lublin
2024-01-16Add changelog for next releaseDaniel Lublin
2024-01-16Send explicit intent, required on Android 14Daniel Lublin
2024-01-16Bump humla, picking up testsDaniel Lublin
2024-01-16Translated using Weblate (Spanish)gallegonovato
2024-01-16Translated using Weblate (Spanish)gallegonovato
2024-01-16Set foreground service type, required on SDK 34/UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE/Android 14Daniel Lublin