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gitlab.com/toryanderson/hugo-icarus.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterreadme.mdTory S. Anderson4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-07-01readme.mdHEADmasterTory S. Anderson
2020-07-01Merge branch 'submission' into 'master'Tory S. Anderson
2020-06-23Update metadata in theme.tomlDigitalcraftsman
2020-06-23Make example config file's content more neutralDigitalcraftsman
2020-06-23Remove outdated CHANGELOG.mdDigitalcraftsman
2020-06-23Fix deprecated variables in templatesDigitalcraftsman
2020-06-17license updTory S. Anderson
2020-04-29Order recents newest -> oldestTory S. Anderson
2020-04-29typoTory S. Anderson
2020-04-29updated fixesTory S. Anderson