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gitlab.xiph.org/xiph/opus.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
exp_dred_tuning1Initial DRED tuningJean-Marc Valin3 months
exp_multiframe_cleanup6-tuneCleanup previous commitsJean-Marc Valin3 months
exp_plc_fix1Improving PLCJean-Marc Valin3 months
exp_plc_fix2Remove run-time code for old TF2 modelsJean-Marc Valin3 months
exp_plc_fix5Remove run-time code for old TF2 modelsJean-Marc Valin3 months
icassp2024Add pitch_demoJean-Marc Valin4 months
opus-ngfixes in osce python codeJan Buethe3 months
opus-ng-lace-integration2-quantizationupdated osce modelsJan Buethe3 months
opus-ng-osce-model-tuningclean-upJan Buethe3 months
opus-ng-osce-models-v2Updated LACE and NoLACE models to version 2Jan Buethe3 months
v1.4commit 82ac57d9f1...Jean-Marc Valin12 months
v1.3.1commit e85ed7726d...Jean-Marc Valin5 years
v1.3commit 83d5155f15...Jean-Marc Valin6 years
v1.3-rc2commit 4a643d98c3...Jean-Marc Valin6 years
v1.3-rccommit 693098f6ee...Jean-Marc Valin6 years
v1.3-betacommit ff6532c3be...Jean-Marc Valin6 years
v1.2.1commit defbc370ec...Jean-Marc Valin7 years
v1.2commit 5bb3cbc34c...Jean-Marc Valin7 years
v1.2-rc1commit 44d653003b...Jean-Marc Valin7 years
v1.2-betacommit 3609a2218e...Jean-Marc Valin7 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-11-04Match silenced overflow checks in the sse4.1 versionHEADmasterFelicia Lim
2023-10-24Silence some overflow checksFelicia Lim
2023-08-11Fixes stack overflow for some custom modesJean-Marc Valin
2023-06-14Fix Gitlab CIMarcus Asteborg
2023-05-28cmake instructionsMarcus Asteborg
2023-04-27ci: add ci-fairy linter to make sure commits are GPG signedTim-Philipp Müller
2023-04-26ci: add arm64 CITim-Philipp Müller
2023-04-26meson: fix build on arm64Tim-Philipp Müller
2023-04-21docs: replace fgrep with grep -FClaudio Saavedra
2023-04-19oops, avoid using a reserved identifierv1.4Jean-Marc Valin