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github.com/ArthurSonzogni/nlohmann_json_cmake_fetchcontent.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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authorGitHub Actions <action@github.com>2020-06-28 14:43:49 +0300
committerGitHub Actions <action@github.com>2020-06-28 14:43:49 +0300
commitfed50540e885003d14b6a070ea88f69277375751 (patch)
parent6993002c0c5b308ea0f2450399a55174eb639703 (diff)
Upstream release v2.1.1v2.1.1
2 files changed, 669 insertions, 363 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e5be5bb..ed08928 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ include(FetchContent)
GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/ArthurSonzogni/nlohman_json
- GIT_TAG v2.1.0)
+ GIT_TAG v2.1.1)
diff --git a/include/nlohmann/json.hpp b/include/nlohmann/json.hpp
index 5fdd83d..6dfc183 100644
--- a/include/nlohmann/json.hpp
+++ b/include/nlohmann/json.hpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
__ _____ _____ _____
__| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++
-| | |__ | | | | | | version 2.1.0
+| | |__ | | | | | | version 2.1.1
|_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json
Licensed under the MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.
@@ -29,22 +29,22 @@ SOFTWARE.
-#include <algorithm> // all_of, for_each, transform
+#include <algorithm> // all_of, copy, fill, find, for_each, none_of, remove, reverse, transform
#include <array> // array
#include <cassert> // assert
#include <cctype> // isdigit
#include <ciso646> // and, not, or
-#include <cmath> // isfinite, ldexp, signbit
+#include <cmath> // isfinite, labs, ldexp, signbit
#include <cstddef> // nullptr_t, ptrdiff_t, size_t
#include <cstdint> // int64_t, uint64_t
-#include <cstdlib> // strtod, strtof, strtold, strtoul
+#include <cstdlib> // abort, strtod, strtof, strtold, strtoul, strtoll, strtoull
#include <cstring> // strlen
#include <forward_list> // forward_list
#include <functional> // function, hash, less
#include <initializer_list> // initializer_list
#include <iomanip> // setw
#include <iostream> // istream, ostream
-#include <iterator> // advance, begin, bidirectional_iterator_tag, distance, end, inserter, iterator, iterator_traits, next, random_access_iterator_tag, reverse_iterator
+#include <iterator> // advance, begin, back_inserter, bidirectional_iterator_tag, distance, end, inserter, iterator, iterator_traits, next, random_access_iterator_tag, reverse_iterator
#include <limits> // numeric_limits
#include <locale> // locale
#include <map> // map
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ SOFTWARE.
#include <sstream> // stringstream
#include <stdexcept> // domain_error, invalid_argument, out_of_range
#include <string> // getline, stoi, string, to_string
-#include <type_traits> // add_pointer, enable_if, is_arithmetic, is_base_of, is_const, is_constructible, is_convertible, is_floating_point, is_integral, is_nothrow_move_assignable, std::is_nothrow_move_constructible, std::is_pointer, std::is_reference, std::is_same, remove_const, remove_pointer, remove_reference
+#include <type_traits> // add_pointer, conditional, decay, enable_if, false_type, integral_constant, is_arithmetic, is_base_of, is_const, is_constructible, is_convertible, is_default_constructible, is_enum, is_floating_point, is_integral, is_nothrow_move_assignable, is_nothrow_move_constructible, is_pointer, is_reference, is_same, is_scalar, is_signed, remove_const, remove_cv, remove_pointer, remove_reference, true_type, underlying_type
#include <utility> // declval, forward, make_pair, move, pair, swap
#include <vector> // vector
@@ -523,8 +523,9 @@ struct has_to_json
// to_json //
-template<typename BasicJsonType>
-void to_json(BasicJsonType& j, typename BasicJsonType::boolean_t b) noexcept
+template<typename BasicJsonType, typename T, enable_if_t<
+ std::is_same<T, typename BasicJsonType::boolean_t>::value, int> = 0>
+void to_json(BasicJsonType& j, T b) noexcept
external_constructor<value_t::boolean>::construct(j, b);
@@ -672,7 +673,7 @@ template<typename BasicJsonType, typename UnscopedEnumType,
enable_if_t<is_unscoped_enum<UnscopedEnumType>::value, int> = 0>
void from_json(const BasicJsonType& j, UnscopedEnumType& e)
- typename std::underlying_type<UnscopedEnumType>::type val = e;
+ typename std::underlying_type<UnscopedEnumType>::type val;
get_arithmetic_value(j, val);
e = static_cast<UnscopedEnumType>(val);
@@ -916,7 +917,7 @@ struct adl_serializer
@ref basic_json class (either explicit or via conversion operators).
@param[in] j JSON value to read from
- @param[in, out] val value to write to
+ @param[in,out] val value to write to
template<typename BasicJsonType, typename ValueType>
static void from_json(BasicJsonType&& j, ValueType& val) noexcept(
@@ -931,7 +932,7 @@ struct adl_serializer
This function is usually called by the constructors of the @ref basic_json
- @param[in, out] j JSON value to write to
+ @param[in,out] j JSON value to write to
@param[in] val value to read from
template<typename BasicJsonType, typename ValueType>
@@ -1106,7 +1107,7 @@ class basic_json
@brief returns version information on the library
- This function returns a JSON object with infiormation about the library,
+ This function returns a JSON object with information about the library,
including the version number and information on the platform and compiler.
@return JSON object holding version information
@@ -1135,10 +1136,10 @@ class basic_json
result["url"] = "https://github.com/nlohmann/json";
result["version"] =
- {"string", "2.1.0"},
+ {"string", "2.1.1"},
{"major", 2},
{"minor", 1},
- {"patch", 0},
+ {"patch", 1}
#ifdef _WIN32
@@ -1746,7 +1747,7 @@ class basic_json
if (t == value_t::null)
- JSON_THROW(std::domain_error("961c151d2e87f2686a955a9be24d316f1362bf21 2.1.0")); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ JSON_THROW(std::domain_error("961c151d2e87f2686a955a9be24d316f1362bf21 2.1.1")); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
@@ -2646,14 +2647,6 @@ class basic_json
string_t dump(const int indent = -1) const
std::stringstream ss;
- // fix locale problems
- ss.imbue(std::locale::classic());
- // 6, 15 or 16 digits of precision allows round-trip IEEE 754
- // string->float->string, string->double->string or string->long
- // double->string; to be safe, we read this value from
- // std::numeric_limits<number_float_t>::digits10
- ss.precision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10);
if (indent >= 0)
@@ -3036,10 +3029,8 @@ class basic_json
return m_value.boolean;
- else
- {
- JSON_THROW(std::domain_error("type must be boolean, but is " + type_name()));
- }
+ JSON_THROW(std::domain_error("type must be boolean, but is " + type_name()));
/// get a pointer to the value (object)
@@ -3151,8 +3142,8 @@ class basic_json
return *ptr;
- throw std::domain_error("incompatible ReferenceType for get_ref, actual type is " +
- obj.type_name());
+ JSON_THROW(std::domain_error("incompatible ReferenceType for get_ref, actual type is " +
+ obj.type_name()));
@@ -3419,7 +3410,7 @@ class basic_json
@brief get a reference value (implicit)
- Implict reference access to the internally stored JSON value. No copies
+ Implicit reference access to the internally stored JSON value. No copies
are made.
@warning Writing data to the referee of the result yields an undefined
@@ -3494,7 +3485,7 @@ class basic_json
template < typename ValueType, typename std::enable_if <
not std::is_pointer<ValueType>::value and
not std::is_same<ValueType, typename string_t::value_type>::value
-#ifndef _MSC_VER // fix for issue #167 operator<< abiguity under VS2015
+#ifndef _MSC_VER // fix for issue #167 operator<< ambiguity under VS2015
and not std::is_same<ValueType, std::initializer_list<typename string_t::value_type>>::value
, int >::type = 0 >
@@ -4287,7 +4278,7 @@ class basic_json
@complexity The complexity depends on the type:
- objects: amortized constant
- - arrays: linear in distance between pos and the end of the container
+ - arrays: linear in distance between @a pos and the end of the container
- strings: linear in the length of the string
- other types: constant
@@ -5539,7 +5530,7 @@ class basic_json
@throw std::domain_error if @a pos is not an iterator of *this; example:
`"iterator does not fit current value"`
- @complexity Constant plus linear in the distance between pos and end of
+ @complexity Constant plus linear in the distance between @a pos and end of
the container.
@liveexample{The example shows how `insert()` is used.,insert}
@@ -5965,34 +5956,24 @@ class basic_json
@brief comparison: equal
- The functions compares the given JSON value against a null pointer. As the
- null pointer can be used to initialize a JSON value to null, a comparison
- of JSON value @a v with a null pointer should be equivalent to call
- `v.is_null()`.
- @param[in] v JSON value to consider
- @return whether @a v is null
- @complexity Constant.
- @liveexample{The example compares several JSON types to the null pointer.
- ,operator__equal__nullptr_t}
- @since version 1.0.0
+ @copydoc operator==(const_reference, const_reference)
- friend bool operator==(const_reference v, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
+ template<typename ScalarType, typename std::enable_if<
+ std::is_scalar<ScalarType>::value, int>::type = 0>
+ friend bool operator==(const_reference lhs, const ScalarType rhs) noexcept
- return v.is_null();
+ return (lhs == basic_json(rhs));
@brief comparison: equal
- @copydoc operator==(const_reference, std::nullptr_t)
+ @copydoc operator==(const_reference, const_reference)
- friend bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const_reference v) noexcept
+ template<typename ScalarType, typename std::enable_if<
+ std::is_scalar<ScalarType>::value, int>::type = 0>
+ friend bool operator==(const ScalarType lhs, const_reference rhs) noexcept
- return v.is_null();
+ return (basic_json(lhs) == rhs);
@@ -6018,34 +5999,24 @@ class basic_json
@brief comparison: not equal
- The functions compares the given JSON value against a null pointer. As the
- null pointer can be used to initialize a JSON value to null, a comparison
- of JSON value @a v with a null pointer should be equivalent to call
- `not v.is_null()`.
- @param[in] v JSON value to consider
- @return whether @a v is not null
- @complexity Constant.
- @liveexample{The example compares several JSON types to the null pointer.
- ,operator__notequal__nullptr_t}
- @since version 1.0.0
+ @copydoc operator!=(const_reference, const_reference)
- friend bool operator!=(const_reference v, std::nullptr_t) noexcept
+ template<typename ScalarType, typename std::enable_if<
+ std::is_scalar<ScalarType>::value, int>::type = 0>
+ friend bool operator!=(const_reference lhs, const ScalarType rhs) noexcept
- return not v.is_null();
+ return (lhs != basic_json(rhs));
@brief comparison: not equal
- @copydoc operator!=(const_reference, std::nullptr_t)
+ @copydoc operator!=(const_reference, const_reference)
- friend bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const_reference v) noexcept
+ template<typename ScalarType, typename std::enable_if<
+ std::is_scalar<ScalarType>::value, int>::type = 0>
+ friend bool operator!=(const ScalarType lhs, const_reference rhs) noexcept
- return not v.is_null();
+ return (basic_json(lhs) != rhs);
@@ -6236,10 +6207,6 @@ class basic_json
`std::setw(4)` on @a o sets the indentation level to `4` and the
serialization result is the same as calling `dump(4)`.
- @note During serializaion, the locale and the precision of the output
- stream @a o are changed. The original values are restored when the
- function returns.
@param[in,out] o stream to serialize to
@param[in] j JSON value to serialize
@@ -6261,22 +6228,9 @@ class basic_json
// reset width to 0 for subsequent calls to this stream
- // fix locale problems
- const auto old_locale = o.imbue(std::locale::classic());
- // set precision
- // 6, 15 or 16 digits of precision allows round-trip IEEE 754
- // string->float->string, string->double->string or string->long
- // double->string; to be safe, we read this value from
- // std::numeric_limits<number_float_t>::digits10
- const auto old_precision = o.precision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10);
// do the actual serialization
j.dump(o, pretty_print, static_cast<unsigned int>(indentation));
- // reset locale and precision
- o.imbue(old_locale);
- o.precision(old_precision);
return o;
@@ -6583,6 +6537,11 @@ class basic_json
/// @{
+ /*!
+ @note Some code in the switch cases has been copied, because otherwise
+ copilers would complain about implicit fallthrough and there is no
+ portable attribute to mute such warnings.
+ */
template<typename T>
static void add_to_vector(std::vector<uint8_t>& vec, size_t bytes, const T number)
@@ -6592,24 +6551,31 @@ class basic_json
case 8:
- vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((number >> 070) & 0xff));
- vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((number >> 060) & 0xff));
- vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((number >> 050) & 0xff));
- vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((number >> 040) & 0xff));
- // intentional fall-through
+ vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((static_cast<uint64_t>(number) >> 070) & 0xff));
+ vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((static_cast<uint64_t>(number) >> 060) & 0xff));
+ vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((static_cast<uint64_t>(number) >> 050) & 0xff));
+ vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((static_cast<uint64_t>(number) >> 040) & 0xff));
+ vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((number >> 030) & 0xff));
+ vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((number >> 020) & 0xff));
+ vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((number >> 010) & 0xff));
+ vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(number & 0xff));
+ break;
case 4:
vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((number >> 030) & 0xff));
vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((number >> 020) & 0xff));
- // intentional fall-through
+ vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((number >> 010) & 0xff));
+ vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(number & 0xff));
+ break;
case 2:
vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((number >> 010) & 0xff));
- // intentional fall-through
+ vec.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(number & 0xff));
+ break;
case 1:
@@ -6714,25 +6680,25 @@ class basic_json
// positive fixnum
add_to_vector(v, 1, j.m_value.number_unsigned);
- else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= UINT8_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max())
// uint 8
add_to_vector(v, 1, j.m_value.number_unsigned);
- else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= UINT16_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max())
// uint 16
add_to_vector(v, 2, j.m_value.number_unsigned);
- else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= UINT32_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
// uint 32
add_to_vector(v, 4, j.m_value.number_unsigned);
- else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= UINT64_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max())
// uint 64
@@ -6746,25 +6712,25 @@ class basic_json
// negative fixnum
add_to_vector(v, 1, j.m_value.number_integer);
- else if (j.m_value.number_integer >= INT8_MIN and j.m_value.number_integer <= INT8_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_integer >= std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::min() and j.m_value.number_integer <= std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max())
// int 8
add_to_vector(v, 1, j.m_value.number_integer);
- else if (j.m_value.number_integer >= INT16_MIN and j.m_value.number_integer <= INT16_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_integer >= std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min() and j.m_value.number_integer <= std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max())
// int 16
add_to_vector(v, 2, j.m_value.number_integer);
- else if (j.m_value.number_integer >= INT32_MIN and j.m_value.number_integer <= INT32_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_integer >= std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min() and j.m_value.number_integer <= std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max())
// int 32
add_to_vector(v, 4, j.m_value.number_integer);
- else if (j.m_value.number_integer >= INT64_MIN and j.m_value.number_integer <= INT64_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_integer >= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min() and j.m_value.number_integer <= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())
// int 64
@@ -6781,25 +6747,25 @@ class basic_json
// positive fixnum
add_to_vector(v, 1, j.m_value.number_unsigned);
- else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= UINT8_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max())
// uint 8
add_to_vector(v, 1, j.m_value.number_unsigned);
- else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= UINT16_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max())
// uint 16
add_to_vector(v, 2, j.m_value.number_unsigned);
- else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= UINT32_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
// uint 32
add_to_vector(v, 4, j.m_value.number_unsigned);
- else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= UINT64_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_unsigned <= std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max())
// uint 64
@@ -6956,19 +6922,19 @@ class basic_json
add_to_vector(v, 1, j.m_value.number_integer);
- else if (j.m_value.number_integer <= UINT8_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_integer <= std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max())
// one-byte uint8_t
add_to_vector(v, 1, j.m_value.number_integer);
- else if (j.m_value.number_integer <= UINT16_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_integer <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max())
// two-byte uint16_t
add_to_vector(v, 2, j.m_value.number_integer);
- else if (j.m_value.number_integer <= UINT32_MAX)
+ else if (j.m_value.number_integer <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
// four-byte uint32_t
@@ -6990,19 +6956,19 @@ class basic_json
v.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(0x20 + positive_number));
- else if (positive_number <= UINT8_MAX)
+ else if (positive_number <= std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max())
// int 8
add_to_vector(v, 1, positive_number);
- else if (positive_number <= UINT16_MAX)
+ else if (positive_number <= std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max())
// int 16
add_to_vector(v, 2, positive_number);
- else if (positive_number <= UINT32_MAX)
+ else if (positive_number <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
// int 32
@@ -7068,7 +7034,7 @@ class basic_json
const auto N = j.m_value.string->size();
if (N <= 0x17)
- v.push_back(0x60 + N); // 1 byte for string + size
+ v.push_back(0x60 + static_cast<uint8_t>(N)); // 1 byte for string + size
else if (N <= 0xff)
@@ -7104,7 +7070,7 @@ class basic_json
const auto N = j.m_value.array->size();
if (N <= 0x17)
- v.push_back(0x80 + N); // 1 byte for array + size
+ v.push_back(0x80 + static_cast<uint8_t>(N)); // 1 byte for array + size
else if (N <= 0xff)
@@ -7142,7 +7108,7 @@ class basic_json
const auto N = j.m_value.object->size();
if (N <= 0x17)
- v.push_back(0xa0 + N); // 1 byte for object + size
+ v.push_back(0xa0 + static_cast<uint8_t>(N)); // 1 byte for object + size
else if (N <= 0xff)
@@ -7911,7 +7877,9 @@ class basic_json
- val = mant == 0 ? INFINITY : NAN;
+ val = mant == 0
+ ? std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
+ : std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
return (half & 0x8000) != 0 ? -val : val;
@@ -7964,9 +7932,11 @@ class basic_json
vector in MessagePack format.,to_msgpack}
@sa http://msgpack.org
- @sa @ref from_msgpack(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) for the analogous
- deserialization
+ @sa @ref from_msgpack(const std::vector<uint8_t>&, const size_t) for the
+ analogous deserialization
@sa @ref to_cbor(const basic_json& for the related CBOR format
+ @since version 2.0.9
static std::vector<uint8_t> to_msgpack(const basic_json& j)
@@ -7982,6 +7952,7 @@ class basic_json
serialization format.
@param[in] v a byte vector in MessagePack format
+ @param[in] start_index the index to start reading from @a v (0 by default)
@return deserialized JSON value
@throw std::invalid_argument if unsupported features from MessagePack were
@@ -7995,11 +7966,15 @@ class basic_json
@sa http://msgpack.org
@sa @ref to_msgpack(const basic_json&) for the analogous serialization
- @sa @ref from_cbor(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) for the related CBOR format
+ @sa @ref from_cbor(const std::vector<uint8_t>&, const size_t) for the
+ related CBOR format
+ @since version 2.0.9, parameter @a start_index since 2.1.1
- static basic_json from_msgpack(const std::vector<uint8_t>& v)
+ static basic_json from_msgpack(const std::vector<uint8_t>& v,
+ const size_t start_index = 0)
- size_t i = 0;
+ size_t i = start_index;
return from_msgpack_internal(v, i);
@@ -8020,9 +7995,11 @@ class basic_json
vector in CBOR format.,to_cbor}
@sa http://cbor.io
- @sa @ref from_cbor(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) for the analogous
- deserialization
+ @sa @ref from_cbor(const std::vector<uint8_t>&, const size_t) for the
+ analogous deserialization
@sa @ref to_msgpack(const basic_json& for the related MessagePack format
+ @since version 2.0.9
static std::vector<uint8_t> to_cbor(const basic_json& j)
@@ -8038,6 +8015,7 @@ class basic_json
(Concise Binary Object Representation) serialization format.
@param[in] v a byte vector in CBOR format
+ @param[in] start_index the index to start reading from @a v (0 by default)
@return deserialized JSON value
@throw std::invalid_argument if unsupported features from CBOR were used in
@@ -8051,12 +8029,15 @@ class basic_json
@sa http://cbor.io
@sa @ref to_cbor(const basic_json&) for the analogous serialization
- @sa @ref from_msgpack(const std::vector<uint8_t>&) for the related
- MessagePack format
+ @sa @ref from_msgpack(const std::vector<uint8_t>&, const size_t) for the
+ related MessagePack format
+ @since version 2.0.9, parameter @a start_index since 2.1.1
- static basic_json from_cbor(const std::vector<uint8_t>& v)
+ static basic_json from_cbor(const std::vector<uint8_t>& v,
+ const size_t start_index = 0)
- size_t i = 0;
+ size_t i = start_index;
return from_cbor_internal(v, i);
@@ -8266,6 +8247,154 @@ class basic_json
return result;
+ /*!
+ @brief locale-independent serialization for built-in arithmetic types
+ */
+ struct numtostr
+ {
+ public:
+ template<typename NumberType>
+ numtostr(NumberType value)
+ {
+ x_write(value, std::is_integral<NumberType>());
+ }
+ const char* c_str() const
+ {
+ return m_buf.data();
+ }
+ private:
+ /// a (hopefully) large enough character buffer
+ std::array < char, 64 > m_buf{{}};
+ template<typename NumberType>
+ void x_write(NumberType x, /*is_integral=*/std::true_type)
+ {
+ // special case for "0"
+ if (x == 0)
+ {
+ m_buf[0] = '0';
+ return;
+ }
+ const bool is_negative = x < 0;
+ size_t i = 0;
+ // spare 1 byte for '\0'
+ while (x != 0 and i < m_buf.size() - 1)
+ {
+ const auto digit = std::labs(static_cast<long>(x % 10));
+ m_buf[i++] = static_cast<char>('0' + digit);
+ x /= 10;
+ }
+ // make sure the number has been processed completely
+ assert(x == 0);
+ if (is_negative)
+ {
+ // make sure there is capacity for the '-'
+ assert(i < m_buf.size() - 2);
+ m_buf[i++] = '-';
+ }
+ std::reverse(m_buf.begin(), m_buf.begin() + i);
+ }
+ template<typename NumberType>
+ void x_write(NumberType x, /*is_integral=*/std::false_type)
+ {
+ // special case for 0.0 and -0.0
+ if (x == 0)
+ {
+ size_t i = 0;
+ if (std::signbit(x))
+ {
+ m_buf[i++] = '-';
+ }
+ m_buf[i++] = '0';
+ m_buf[i++] = '.';
+ m_buf[i] = '0';
+ return;
+ }
+ // get number of digits for a text -> float -> text round-trip
+ static constexpr auto d = std::numeric_limits<NumberType>::digits10;
+ // the actual conversion
+ const auto written_bytes = snprintf(m_buf.data(), m_buf.size(), "%.*g", d, x);
+ // negative value indicates an error
+ assert(written_bytes > 0);
+ // check if buffer was large enough
+ assert(static_cast<size_t>(written_bytes) < m_buf.size());
+ // read information from locale
+ const auto loc = localeconv();
+ assert(loc != nullptr);
+ const char thousands_sep = !loc->thousands_sep ? '\0'
+ : loc->thousands_sep[0];
+ const char decimal_point = !loc->decimal_point ? '\0'
+ : loc->decimal_point[0];
+ // erase thousands separator
+ if (thousands_sep != '\0')
+ {
+ const auto end = std::remove(m_buf.begin(), m_buf.begin() + written_bytes, thousands_sep);
+ std::fill(end, m_buf.end(), '\0');
+ }
+ // convert decimal point to '.'
+ if (decimal_point != '\0' and decimal_point != '.')
+ {
+ for (auto& c : m_buf)
+ {
+ if (c == decimal_point)
+ {
+ c = '.';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // determine if need to append ".0"
+ size_t i = 0;
+ bool value_is_int_like = true;
+ for (i = 0; i < m_buf.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ // break when end of number is reached
+ if (m_buf[i] == '\0')
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ // check if we find non-int character
+ value_is_int_like = value_is_int_like and m_buf[i] != '.' and
+ m_buf[i] != 'e' and m_buf[i] != 'E';
+ }
+ if (value_is_int_like)
+ {
+ // there must be 2 bytes left for ".0"
+ assert((i + 2) < m_buf.size());
+ // we write to the end of the number
+ assert(m_buf[i] == '\0');
+ assert(m_buf[i - 1] != '\0');
+ // add ".0"
+ m_buf[i] = '.';
+ m_buf[i + 1] = '0';
+ // the resulting string is properly terminated
+ assert(m_buf[i + 2] == '\0');
+ }
+ }
+ };
@brief internal implementation of the serialization function
@@ -8385,27 +8514,19 @@ class basic_json
case value_t::number_integer:
- o << m_value.number_integer;
+ o << numtostr(m_value.number_integer).c_str();
case value_t::number_unsigned:
- o << m_value.number_unsigned;
+ o << numtostr(m_value.number_unsigned).c_str();
case value_t::number_float:
- if (m_value.number_float == 0)
- {
- // special case for zero to get "0.0"/"-0.0"
- o << (std::signbit(m_value.number_float) ? "-0.0" : "0.0");
- }
- else
- {
- o << m_value.number_float;
- }
+ o << numtostr(m_value.number_float).c_str();
@@ -8534,10 +8655,11 @@ class basic_json
return *this;
- primitive_iterator_t& operator++(int)
+ primitive_iterator_t operator++(int)
+ auto result = *this;
- return *this;
+ return result;
primitive_iterator_t& operator--()
@@ -8546,10 +8668,11 @@ class basic_json
return *this;
- primitive_iterator_t& operator--(int)
+ primitive_iterator_t operator--(int)
+ auto result = *this;
- return *this;
+ return result;
primitive_iterator_t& operator+=(difference_type n)
@@ -9444,7 +9567,9 @@ class basic_json
literal_false, ///< the `false` literal
literal_null, ///< the `null` literal
value_string, ///< a string -- use get_string() for actual value
- value_number, ///< a number -- use get_number() for actual value
+ value_unsigned, ///< an unsigned integer -- use get_number() for actual value
+ value_integer, ///< a signed integer -- use get_number() for actual value
+ value_float, ///< an floating point number -- use get_number() for actual value
begin_array, ///< the character for array begin `[`
begin_object, ///< the character for object begin `{`
end_array, ///< the character for array end `]`
@@ -9596,7 +9721,9 @@ class basic_json
return "null literal";
case token_type::value_string:
return "string literal";
- case token_type::value_number:
+ case lexer::token_type::value_unsigned:
+ case lexer::token_type::value_integer:
+ case lexer::token_type::value_float:
return "number literal";
case token_type::begin_array:
return "'['";
@@ -9869,37 +9996,47 @@ basic_json_parser_12:
if (yych <= '0')
- goto basic_json_parser_13;
+ goto basic_json_parser_43;
if (yych <= '9')
- goto basic_json_parser_15;
+ goto basic_json_parser_45;
goto basic_json_parser_5;
yyaccept = 1;
yych = *(m_marker = ++m_cursor);
- if (yych <= 'D')
+ if (yych <= '9')
if (yych == '.')
- goto basic_json_parser_43;
+ goto basic_json_parser_47;
+ }
+ if (yych >= '0')
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_48;
if (yych <= 'E')
- goto basic_json_parser_44;
+ if (yych >= 'E')
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_51;
+ }
- if (yych == 'e')
+ else
- goto basic_json_parser_44;
+ if (yych == 'e')
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_51;
+ }
- last_token_type = token_type::value_number;
+ last_token_type = token_type::value_unsigned;
@@ -9918,7 +10055,7 @@ basic_json_parser_15:
if (yych == '.')
- goto basic_json_parser_43;
+ goto basic_json_parser_47;
goto basic_json_parser_14;
@@ -9926,11 +10063,11 @@ basic_json_parser_15:
if (yych <= 'E')
- goto basic_json_parser_44;
+ goto basic_json_parser_51;
if (yych == 'e')
- goto basic_json_parser_44;
+ goto basic_json_parser_51;
goto basic_json_parser_14;
@@ -9957,7 +10094,7 @@ basic_json_parser_23:
yych = *(m_marker = ++m_cursor);
if (yych == 'a')
- goto basic_json_parser_45;
+ goto basic_json_parser_52;
goto basic_json_parser_5;
@@ -9965,7 +10102,7 @@ basic_json_parser_24:
yych = *(m_marker = ++m_cursor);
if (yych == 'u')
- goto basic_json_parser_46;
+ goto basic_json_parser_53;
goto basic_json_parser_5;
@@ -9973,7 +10110,7 @@ basic_json_parser_25:
yych = *(m_marker = ++m_cursor);
if (yych == 'r')
- goto basic_json_parser_47;
+ goto basic_json_parser_54;
goto basic_json_parser_5;
@@ -10055,13 +10192,27 @@ basic_json_parser_31:
m_cursor = m_marker;
- if (yyaccept == 0)
+ if (yyaccept <= 1)
- goto basic_json_parser_5;
+ if (yyaccept == 0)
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_14;
+ }
- goto basic_json_parser_14;
+ if (yyaccept == 2)
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_44;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_58;
+ }
@@ -10142,7 +10293,7 @@ basic_json_parser_35:
if (yych <= 'u')
- goto basic_json_parser_48;
+ goto basic_json_parser_55;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
@@ -10261,6 +10412,81 @@ basic_json_parser_42:
goto basic_json_parser_32;
+ yyaccept = 2;
+ yych = *(m_marker = ++m_cursor);
+ if (yych <= '9')
+ {
+ if (yych == '.')
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_47;
+ }
+ if (yych >= '0')
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_48;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (yych <= 'E')
+ {
+ if (yych >= 'E')
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_51;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (yych == 'e')
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_51;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ last_token_type = token_type::value_integer;
+ break;
+ }
+ yyaccept = 2;
+ m_marker = ++m_cursor;
+ if ((m_limit - m_cursor) < 3)
+ {
+ fill_line_buffer(3); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ yych = *m_cursor;
+ if (yych <= '9')
+ {
+ if (yych == '.')
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_47;
+ }
+ if (yych <= '/')
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_44;
+ }
+ goto basic_json_parser_45;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (yych <= 'E')
+ {
+ if (yych <= 'D')
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_44;
+ }
+ goto basic_json_parser_51;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (yych == 'e')
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_51;
+ }
+ goto basic_json_parser_44;
+ }
+ }
yych = *++m_cursor;
if (yych <= '/')
@@ -10268,16 +10494,36 @@ basic_json_parser_43:
if (yych <= '9')
- goto basic_json_parser_49;
+ goto basic_json_parser_56;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
+ ++m_cursor;
+ if (m_limit <= m_cursor)
+ {
+ fill_line_buffer(1); // LCOV_EXCL_LINE
+ }
+ yych = *m_cursor;
+ if (yych <= '/')
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_50;
+ }
+ if (yych <= '9')
+ {
+ goto basic_json_parser_48;
+ }
+ {
+ last_token_type = token_type::parse_error;
+ break;
+ }
yych = *++m_cursor;
if (yych <= ',')
if (yych == '+')
- goto basic_json_parser_51;
+ goto basic_json_parser_59;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
@@ -10285,7 +10531,7 @@ basic_json_parser_44:
if (yych <= '-')
- goto basic_json_parser_51;
+ goto basic_json_parser_59;
if (yych <= '/')
@@ -10293,32 +10539,32 @@ basic_json_parser_44:
if (yych <= '9')
- goto basic_json_parser_52;
+ goto basic_json_parser_60;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
yych = *++m_cursor;
if (yych == 'l')
- goto basic_json_parser_54;
+ goto basic_json_parser_62;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
yych = *++m_cursor;
if (yych == 'l')
- goto basic_json_parser_55;
+ goto basic_json_parser_63;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
yych = *++m_cursor;
if (yych == 'u')
- goto basic_json_parser_56;
+ goto basic_json_parser_64;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
if (m_limit <= m_cursor)
@@ -10333,7 +10579,7 @@ basic_json_parser_48:
if (yych <= '9')
- goto basic_json_parser_57;
+ goto basic_json_parser_65;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
@@ -10341,7 +10587,7 @@ basic_json_parser_48:
if (yych <= 'F')
- goto basic_json_parser_57;
+ goto basic_json_parser_65;
if (yych <= '`')
@@ -10349,12 +10595,12 @@ basic_json_parser_48:
if (yych <= 'f')
- goto basic_json_parser_57;
+ goto basic_json_parser_65;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
- yyaccept = 1;
+ yyaccept = 3;
m_marker = ++m_cursor;
if ((m_limit - m_cursor) < 3)
@@ -10365,27 +10611,30 @@ basic_json_parser_49:
if (yych <= '/')
- goto basic_json_parser_14;
+ goto basic_json_parser_58;
if (yych <= '9')
- goto basic_json_parser_49;
+ goto basic_json_parser_56;
- goto basic_json_parser_14;
if (yych <= 'E')
- goto basic_json_parser_44;
+ goto basic_json_parser_51;
if (yych == 'e')
- goto basic_json_parser_44;
+ goto basic_json_parser_51;
- goto basic_json_parser_14;
+ {
+ last_token_type = token_type::value_float;
+ break;
+ }
yych = *++m_cursor;
if (yych <= '/')
@@ -10395,7 +10644,7 @@ basic_json_parser_51:
goto basic_json_parser_32;
if (m_limit <= m_cursor)
@@ -10404,35 +10653,35 @@ basic_json_parser_52:
yych = *m_cursor;
if (yych <= '/')
- goto basic_json_parser_14;
+ goto basic_json_parser_58;
if (yych <= '9')
- goto basic_json_parser_52;
+ goto basic_json_parser_60;
- goto basic_json_parser_14;
+ goto basic_json_parser_58;
yych = *++m_cursor;
if (yych == 's')
- goto basic_json_parser_58;
+ goto basic_json_parser_66;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
yych = *++m_cursor;
if (yych == 'l')
- goto basic_json_parser_59;
+ goto basic_json_parser_67;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
yych = *++m_cursor;
if (yych == 'e')
- goto basic_json_parser_61;
+ goto basic_json_parser_69;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
if (m_limit <= m_cursor)
@@ -10447,7 +10696,7 @@ basic_json_parser_57:
if (yych <= '9')
- goto basic_json_parser_63;
+ goto basic_json_parser_71;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
@@ -10455,7 +10704,7 @@ basic_json_parser_57:
if (yych <= 'F')
- goto basic_json_parser_63;
+ goto basic_json_parser_71;
if (yych <= '`')
@@ -10463,30 +10712,30 @@ basic_json_parser_57:
if (yych <= 'f')
- goto basic_json_parser_63;
+ goto basic_json_parser_71;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
yych = *++m_cursor;
if (yych == 'e')
- goto basic_json_parser_64;
+ goto basic_json_parser_72;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
last_token_type = token_type::literal_null;
last_token_type = token_type::literal_true;
if (m_limit <= m_cursor)
@@ -10501,7 +10750,7 @@ basic_json_parser_63:
if (yych <= '9')
- goto basic_json_parser_66;
+ goto basic_json_parser_74;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
@@ -10509,7 +10758,7 @@ basic_json_parser_63:
if (yych <= 'F')
- goto basic_json_parser_66;
+ goto basic_json_parser_74;
if (yych <= '`')
@@ -10517,17 +10766,17 @@ basic_json_parser_63:
if (yych <= 'f')
- goto basic_json_parser_66;
+ goto basic_json_parser_74;
goto basic_json_parser_32;
last_token_type = token_type::literal_false;
if (m_limit <= m_cursor)
@@ -10624,7 +10873,7 @@ basic_json_parser_66:
if (m_stream == nullptr or m_stream->eof())
// m_start may or may not be pointing into m_line_buffer at
- // this point. We trust the standand library to do the right
+ // this point. We trust the standard library to do the right
// thing. See http://stackoverflow.com/q/28142011/266378
m_line_buffer.assign(m_start, m_limit);
@@ -10712,7 +10961,7 @@ basic_json_parser_66:
m_start + 1 + x < m_cursor - 1 must hold to loop indefinitely. This
can be rephrased to m_cursor - m_start - 2 > x. With the
precondition, we x <= 0, meaning that the loop condition holds
- indefinitly if i is always decreased. However, observe that the value
+ indefinitely if i is always decreased. However, observe that the value
of i is strictly increasing with each iteration, as it is incremented
by 1 in the iteration expression and never decremented inside the loop
body. Hence, the loop condition will eventually be false which
@@ -10838,186 +11087,241 @@ basic_json_parser_66:
return result;
- /*!
- @brief parse floating point number
- This function (and its overloads) serves to select the most approprate
- standard floating point number parsing function based on the type
- supplied via the first parameter. Set this to @a
- static_cast<number_float_t*>(nullptr).
+ /*!
+ @brief parse string into a built-in arithmetic type as if the current
+ locale is POSIX.
- @param[in,out] endptr recieves a pointer to the first character after
- the number
+ @note in floating-point case strtod may parse past the token's end -
+ this is not an error
- @return the floating point number
+ @note any leading blanks are not handled
- long double str_to_float_t(long double* /* type */, char** endptr) const
+ struct strtonum
- return std::strtold(reinterpret_cast<typename string_t::const_pointer>(m_start), endptr);
- }
+ public:
+ strtonum(const char* start, const char* end)
+ : m_start(start), m_end(end)
+ {}
- /*!
- @brief parse floating point number
+ /*!
+ @return true iff parsed successfully as number of type T
- This function (and its overloads) serves to select the most approprate
- standard floating point number parsing function based on the type
- supplied via the first parameter. Set this to @a
- static_cast<number_float_t*>(nullptr).
+ @param[in,out] val shall contain parsed value, or undefined value
+ if could not parse
+ */
+ template<typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>::type>
+ bool to(T& val) const
+ {
+ return parse(val, std::is_integral<T>());
+ }
- @param[in,out] endptr recieves a pointer to the first character after
- the number
+ private:
+ const char* const m_start = nullptr;
+ const char* const m_end = nullptr;
- @return the floating point number
- */
- double str_to_float_t(double* /* type */, char** endptr) const
- {
- return std::strtod(reinterpret_cast<typename string_t::const_pointer>(m_start), endptr);
- }
+ // floating-point conversion
- /*!
- @brief parse floating point number
+ // overloaded wrappers for strtod/strtof/strtold
+ // that will be called from parse<floating_point_t>
+ static void strtof(float& f, const char* str, char** endptr)
+ {
+ f = std::strtof(str, endptr);
+ }
- This function (and its overloads) serves to select the most approprate
- standard floating point number parsing function based on the type
- supplied via the first parameter. Set this to @a
- static_cast<number_float_t*>(nullptr).
+ static void strtof(double& f, const char* str, char** endptr)
+ {
+ f = std::strtod(str, endptr);
+ }
- @param[in,out] endptr recieves a pointer to the first character after
- the number
+ static void strtof(long double& f, const char* str, char** endptr)
+ {
+ f = std::strtold(str, endptr);
+ }
- @return the floating point number
- */
- float str_to_float_t(float* /* type */, char** endptr) const
- {
- return std::strtof(reinterpret_cast<typename string_t::const_pointer>(m_start), endptr);
- }
+ template<typename T>
+ bool parse(T& value, /*is_integral=*/std::false_type) const
+ {
+ // replace decimal separator with locale-specific version,
+ // when necessary; data will point to either the original
+ // string, or buf, or tempstr containing the fixed string.
+ std::string tempstr;
+ std::array<char, 64> buf;
+ const size_t len = static_cast<size_t>(m_end - m_start);
- /*!
- @brief return number value for number tokens
+ // lexer will reject empty numbers
+ assert(len > 0);
- This function translates the last token into the most appropriate
- number type (either integer, unsigned integer or floating point),
- which is passed back to the caller via the result parameter.
+ // since dealing with strtod family of functions, we're
+ // getting the decimal point char from the C locale facilities
+ // instead of C++'s numpunct facet of the current std::locale
+ const auto loc = localeconv();
+ assert(loc != nullptr);
+ const char decimal_point_char = (loc->decimal_point == nullptr) ? '.' : loc->decimal_point[0];
- This function parses the integer component up to the radix point or
- exponent while collecting information about the 'floating point
- representation', which it stores in the result parameter. If there is
- no radix point or exponent, and the number can fit into a @ref
- number_integer_t or @ref number_unsigned_t then it sets the result
- parameter accordingly.
+ const char* data = m_start;
- If the number is a floating point number the number is then parsed
- using @a std:strtod (or @a std:strtof or @a std::strtold).
+ if (decimal_point_char != '.')
+ {
+ const size_t ds_pos = static_cast<size_t>(std::find(m_start, m_end, '.') - m_start);
- @param[out] result @ref basic_json object to receive the number, or
- NAN if the conversion read past the current token. The latter case
- needs to be treated by the caller function.
- */
- void get_number(basic_json& result) const
- {
- assert(m_start != nullptr);
+ if (ds_pos != len)
+ {
+ // copy the data into the local buffer or tempstr, if
+ // buffer is too small; replace decimal separator, and
+ // update data to point to the modified bytes
+ if ((len + 1) < buf.size())
+ {
+ std::copy(m_start, m_end, buf.begin());
+ buf[len] = 0;
+ buf[ds_pos] = decimal_point_char;
+ data = buf.data();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tempstr.assign(m_start, m_end);
+ tempstr[ds_pos] = decimal_point_char;
+ data = tempstr.c_str();
+ }
+ }
+ }
- const lexer::lexer_char_t* curptr = m_start;
+ char* endptr = nullptr;
+ value = 0;
+ // this calls appropriate overload depending on T
+ strtof(value, data, &endptr);
- // accumulate the integer conversion result (unsigned for now)
- number_unsigned_t value = 0;
+ // parsing was successful iff strtof parsed exactly the number
+ // of characters determined by the lexer (len)
+ const bool ok = (endptr == (data + len));
- // maximum absolute value of the relevant integer type
- number_unsigned_t max;
+ if (ok and (value == static_cast<T>(0.0)) and (*data == '-'))
+ {
+ // some implementations forget to negate the zero
+ value = -0.0;
+ }
- // temporarily store the type to avoid unecessary bitfield access
- value_t type;
+ return ok;
+ }
+ // integral conversion
- // look for sign
- if (*curptr == '-')
+ signed long long parse_integral(char** endptr, /*is_signed*/std::true_type) const
- type = value_t::number_integer;
- max = static_cast<uint64_t>((std::numeric_limits<number_integer_t>::max)()) + 1;
- curptr++;
+ return std::strtoll(m_start, endptr, 10);
- else
+ unsigned long long parse_integral(char** endptr, /*is_signed*/std::false_type) const
- type = value_t::number_unsigned;
- max = static_cast<uint64_t>((std::numeric_limits<number_unsigned_t>::max)());
+ return std::strtoull(m_start, endptr, 10);
- // count the significant figures
- for (; curptr < m_cursor; curptr++)
+ template<typename T>
+ bool parse(T& value, /*is_integral=*/std::true_type) const
- // quickly skip tests if a digit
- if (*curptr < '0' or* curptr > '9')
+ char* endptr = nullptr;
+ errno = 0; // these are thread-local
+ const auto x = parse_integral(&endptr, std::is_signed<T>());
+ // called right overload?
+ static_assert(std::is_signed<T>() == std::is_signed<decltype(x)>(), "");
+ value = static_cast<T>(x);
+ return (x == static_cast<decltype(x)>(value)) // x fits into destination T
+ and (x < 0) == (value < 0) // preserved sign
+ //and ((x != 0) or is_integral()) // strto[u]ll did nto fail
+ and (errno == 0) // strto[u]ll did not overflow
+ and (m_start < m_end) // token was not empty
+ and (endptr == m_end); // parsed entire token exactly
+ }
+ };
+ /*!
+ @brief return number value for number tokens
+ This function translates the last token into the most appropriate
+ number type (either integer, unsigned integer or floating point),
+ which is passed back to the caller via the result parameter.
+ integral numbers that don't fit into the the range of the respective
+ type are parsed as number_float_t
+ floating-point values do not satisfy std::isfinite predicate
+ are converted to value_t::null
+ throws if the entire string [m_start .. m_cursor) cannot be
+ interpreted as a number
+ @param[out] result @ref basic_json object to receive the number.
+ @param[in] token the type of the number token
+ */
+ bool get_number(basic_json& result, const token_type token) const
+ {
+ assert(m_start != nullptr);
+ assert(m_start < m_cursor);
+ assert((token == token_type::value_unsigned) or
+ (token == token_type::value_integer) or
+ (token == token_type::value_float));
+ strtonum num_converter(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(m_start),
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(m_cursor));
+ switch (token)
+ {
+ case lexer::token_type::value_unsigned:
- if (*curptr == '.')
+ number_unsigned_t val;
+ if (num_converter.to(val))
- // don't count '.' but change to float
- type = value_t::number_float;
- continue;
+ // parsing successful
+ result.m_type = value_t::number_unsigned;
+ result.m_value = val;
+ return true;
- // assume exponent (if not then will fail parse): change to
- // float, stop counting and record exponent details
- type = value_t::number_float;
- // skip if definitely not an integer
- if (type != value_t::number_float)
+ case lexer::token_type::value_integer:
- auto digit = static_cast<number_unsigned_t>(*curptr - '0');
- // overflow if value * 10 + digit > max, move terms around
- // to avoid overflow in intermediate values
- if (value > (max - digit) / 10)
+ number_integer_t val;
+ if (num_converter.to(val))
- // overflow
- type = value_t::number_float;
- }
- else
- {
- // no overflow
- value = value * 10 + digit;
+ // parsing successful
+ result.m_type = value_t::number_integer;
+ result.m_value = val;
+ return true;
+ break;
- }
- // save the value (if not a float)
- if (type == value_t::number_unsigned)
- {
- result.m_value.number_unsigned = value;
- }
- else if (type == value_t::number_integer)
- {
- // invariant: if we parsed a '-', the absolute value is between
- // 0 (we allow -0) and max == -INT64_MIN
- assert(value >= 0);
- assert(value <= max);
- if (value == max)
- {
- // we cannot simply negate value (== max == -INT64_MIN),
- // see https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/389
- result.m_value.number_integer = static_cast<number_integer_t>(INT64_MIN);
- }
- else
+ default:
- // all other values can be negated safely
- result.m_value.number_integer = -static_cast<number_integer_t>(value);
+ break;
- else
+ // parse float (either explicitly or because a previous conversion
+ // failed)
+ number_float_t val;
+ if (num_converter.to(val))
- // parse with strtod
- result.m_value.number_float = str_to_float_t(static_cast<number_float_t*>(nullptr), nullptr);
+ // parsing successful
+ result.m_type = value_t::number_float;
+ result.m_value = val;
// replace infinity and NAN by null
if (not std::isfinite(result.m_value.number_float))
- type = value_t::null;
+ result.m_type = value_t::null;
result.m_value = basic_json::json_value();
+ return true;
- // save the type
- result.m_type = type;
+ // couldn't parse number in any format
+ return false;
@@ -11261,9 +11565,11 @@ basic_json_parser_66:
- case lexer::token_type::value_number:
+ case lexer::token_type::value_unsigned:
+ case lexer::token_type::value_integer:
+ case lexer::token_type::value_float:
- m_lexer.get_number(result);
+ m_lexer.get_number(result, last_token);
@@ -11558,7 +11864,7 @@ basic_json_parser_66:
if (reference_token == "-")
- // explicityly treat "-" as index beyond the end
+ // explicitly treat "-" as index beyond the end
ptr = &ptr->operator[](ptr->m_value.array->size());
@@ -11597,9 +11903,9 @@ basic_json_parser_66:
if (reference_token == "-")
// "-" always fails the range check
- throw std::out_of_range("array index '-' (" +
- std::to_string(ptr->m_value.array->size()) +
- ") is out of range");
+ JSON_THROW(std::out_of_range("array index '-' (" +
+ std::to_string(ptr->m_value.array->size()) +
+ ") is out of range"));
// error condition (cf. RFC 6901, Sect. 4)
@@ -11649,9 +11955,9 @@ basic_json_parser_66:
if (reference_token == "-")
// "-" cannot be used for const access
- throw std::out_of_range("array index '-' (" +
- std::to_string(ptr->m_value.array->size()) +
- ") is out of range");
+ JSON_THROW(std::out_of_range("array index '-' (" +
+ std::to_string(ptr->m_value.array->size()) +
+ ") is out of range"));
// error condition (cf. RFC 6901, Sect. 4)
@@ -11693,9 +11999,9 @@ basic_json_parser_66:
if (reference_token == "-")
// "-" always fails the range check
- throw std::out_of_range("array index '-' (" +
- std::to_string(ptr->m_value.array->size()) +
- ") is out of range");
+ JSON_THROW(std::out_of_range("array index '-' (" +
+ std::to_string(ptr->m_value.array->size()) +
+ ") is out of range"));
// error condition (cf. RFC 6901, Sect. 4)
@@ -12065,7 +12371,7 @@ basic_json_parser_66:
primitive. The original JSON value can be restored using the @ref
unflatten() function.
- @return an object that maps JSON pointers to primitve values
+ @return an object that maps JSON pointers to primitive values
@note Empty objects and arrays are flattened to `null` and will not be
reconstructed correctly by the @ref unflatten() function.
@@ -12132,7 +12438,7 @@ basic_json_parser_66:
[JSON Patch](http://jsonpatch.com) defines a JSON document structure for
expressing a sequence of operations to apply to a JSON) document. With
- this funcion, a JSON Patch is applied to the current JSON value by
+ this function, a JSON Patch is applied to the current JSON value by
executing all operations from the patch.
@param[in] json_patch JSON patch document
@@ -12300,7 +12606,7 @@ basic_json_parser_66:
JSON_THROW(std::invalid_argument("JSON patch must be an array of objects"));
- // iterate and apply th eoperations
+ // iterate and apply the operations
for (const auto& val : json_patch)
// wrapper to get a value for an operation
@@ -12439,8 +12745,8 @@ basic_json_parser_66:
@note Currently, only `remove`, `add`, and `replace` operations are
- @param[in] source JSON value to copare from
- @param[in] target JSON value to copare against
+ @param[in] source JSON value to compare from
+ @param[in] target JSON value to compare against
@param[in] path helper value to create JSON pointers
@return a JSON patch to convert the @a source to @a target
@@ -12689,9 +12995,9 @@ inline nlohmann::json::json_pointer operator "" _json_pointer(const char* s, std
// clean up
-#undef JSON_THROW
-#undef JSON_TRY
+#undef JSON_THROW
+#undef JSON_TRY