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gitlab.com/VincentTam/huginn.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-08-17Replaced ".Site.BaseURL" with "absURL"HEADmasterVincent Tam
2019-08-11Removed Staticman form action URL from HTMLVincent Tam
2019-08-10Improved CSS with normal reply arrowVincent Tam
2019-08-10Fixed quotes typo for loading pygmentVincent Tam
2019-08-02Remove all references to Framagit except @staticmanlab1Vincent Tam
2019-08-02Corrected theme link and index listVincent Tam
2019-08-02Improved JS code for Staticman POST URLVincent Tam
2019-08-02Added back call for reCAPTCHA scriptVincent Tam
2019-08-01Removed unused variableVincent Tam
2019-08-01Revert changes in example site baseURL in HEAD~Vincent Tam
2019-08-01Neutral site titleVincent Tam
2019-08-01Left alignment of headings in comments sectionVincent Tam
2019-08-01Added screenshots and updated theme.tomlVincent Tam
2019-08-01Fixed image URL in READMEVincent Tam
2019-08-01Site footer incorporatedVincent Tam
2019-08-01Refactor Page param "song"Vincent Tam
2019-08-01Updated screen cap links with Framagit URLVincent Tam
2019-08-01i18n framework with WRONG translation for "song"Vincent Tam
2019-08-01Fixed paginator labels' alignement & cat. visibilityVincent Tam
2019-08-01Updated taxonomy template with Hugo v0.55 syntaxVincent Tam
2019-08-01i18n of "prev" and "next" in paginatorVincent Tam
2019-08-01Enlarged max width of TOC to 60%Vincent Tam
2019-08-01Applied @user501254's fixVincent Tam
2019-08-01I18n of two strings: seeAlso & TOCVincent Tam
2019-07-31Added Isso to config.tomlVincent Tam
2019-07-31Improved CSS and replaced avator with Hugo iconVincent Tam
2019-07-31Added locale str "page", corrected "seeMorePost"Vincent Tam
2019-07-31Added translation for French tag belowVincent Tam
2019-07-30Fixed Staticman param in config.tomlVincent Tam
2019-07-30Fixed indentation for a CSS blockVincent Tam
2019-07-27Remove repo specific infoVincent Tam
2019-07-27Remove comments and GitLab CI fileVincent Tam
2019-07-27Added comment form info for email & required fieldVincent Tam
2019-07-27Added generated reosourcesVincent Tam
2019-07-27Replaced by relative links and adopted SRIVincent Tam
2019-07-26Dynamically set form action URLVincent Tam
2019-07-26Added avatar and close button in reply noticeVincent Tam
2019-07-26Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/patch-1'Vincent Tam
2019-07-26Update theme.tomlfixQVincent Tam
2019-07-13Merge branch 'staticman_e1cf0120-a574-11e9-a7bc-818bbb0029f8' into 'master'Vincent Tam
2019-07-13New comment from Vin100 TamStaticman Lab
2019-06-29Mise à jour de la licenseVincent Tam
2019-06-26Merge branch 'staticman_e9a413a0-97e5-11e9-a98f-15c662648461' into 'master'Vincent Tam
2019-06-26New comment from Vin100 TamStaticman Lab
2019-06-25Merge branch 'staticman_070b7e30-94a1-11e9-b3ac-e1b6a35f9e02' into 'master'Vincent Tam
2019-06-22New comment from TestStaticman Lab
2019-05-21New comment from Internaute curieuxStaticman Lab
2019-05-21New comment from Tester encoreStaticman Lab
2019-05-21Corrigé grammatique du sous-titre du siteVincent Tam
2019-05-21Fixé le bouton "Reset"Vincent Tam